#runner you rich boy i know there are more pictures of you somewhere
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flyingfortress1 · 2 months ago
Reading Helmet for My Pillow thoughts part 3:
Leckie' squad's best buds! they're all stocky and short under 5'10" (leckie,hoosier,chuckler- not sure on runner) cause it's the best fit for carrying guns/mortars
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William J. "Bill" "Hoosier" Smith was apparently actually blonde and blue eyed, broad, stocky- he was the runner for their co in training, so he and Leckie didn't like each other at first because Hoosier came off as stuck-up from his runner position. He and Leckie were clowns; could not sing but they tried as loud as possible. had contentment towards officers. This is apparently a post from a lady way back- he was apparently her great uncle to (Smith married her grandfather's sister. Leckie is the other old guy, probably....they must have kept in touch?) Either way, just some pics of him. There's not a whole lot out there sadly. Also a old article with another (not great) pic of him as an older man.
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Lewis Reuben "Lew" or "Chuckler" Juergens became friends with Leckie on the first day at marine training- chuckler carries the tripod, Leckie as asst. gunner, the gun itself. He swore a lot, was really competitive, but had a unique chuckle I guess, and always in a good mood. Stocky- "rugged handsomeness"- Hoosier couldn't match him apparently lol, but he was fair like Hoosier. He became the leader (runner defers to him always) even if Leckie/Hoosier never admit. He had a "rough and tumble" childhood in St. Louis- probably didn't come from money.
Wilbur Nevin "Runner" Conley, Leckie met on their first field thing- "dark-haired" boy from Buffalo, who had a hero worship thing of Chuckler- Chuckler very nicely put that to right lol. He also had huge calves cause he was a sprinter (in prep school) and walked really fast. Apparently came from money. This is sadly the best picture I can find of him- it's from find a grave, so I assume it's him. I do wish we had a better one- I need to see these calves lol- how noticeable was this. He may have sold cars after the war? Maybe?
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signetxego · 5 years ago
Okay so. I was thinking about things. Things being the flintseol dorm story. And idk now i’m Dying To Talk About It so here is a very detailed crash course on the Boys PLEASE talk to me abt it im begging you hit up my dms i’ll marry you
Under the cut for obscenely long post for smth with no actual writing.
When Ace loses his alchemy homework, Epel advices he goes to his classmate Blaise for help, who can find anything if he gets a good description of it. Ace, Epel, Deuce, Yuu and Grim find Blaise, who uses his unique magic to locate the lost homework.
Deuce is really impressed, and tells Blaise that a magic like that is super valuable, but Blaise becomes downcast and explains that he can’t find things unless he has a clear idea of what he’s looking for in his minds eye, so it only really helps him retrieve small things that he’s already seen. It never works for the thinks he’s looking for.
Blaise goes on to say that the dorm he is in, Flintseol, has a long-standing legend, one that has puzzled students since the founding of the dorm. The first dorm leader, before he left the school, hid a stash of treasure somewhere on the grounds, and a trail of clues to locate it. Over the years, nobody has been able to solve the puzzles and locate the treasure.
Grim and Ace her excited at the prospect of treasure, and ask Blaise if they can help him look for it, and split it between them, however Blaise gets annoyed and says that a true pirate doesn’t accept help, and he can do it by himself. He storms off, but Ace isn’t willing to give up on a legendary stash of treasure hidden, and suggests that they try and find it without Blaise’s help.
After school, they go to the library, to do some research and see if they can find any hints on where the first clue is. As they talk, they are overheard by a strange boy with a mechanical eye, who joins their conversation, and tells them it’s been years since students from another dorm have tried to find Flintseol’s hidden treasure vault. Yuu mentions that it’s odd, since surely students from other dorms, like Azul or Ruggie, would want to get their hands on something so valuable. The cyborg laughs, and tells them that the first clue is hidden in the Flintseol dorms, and it’s protected fiercely. An unseemly fate awaited all students who tried to break in and steal it, and so eventually they all gave up.
He says that over years, clues have been found and lost, their whereabouts gone forever. Pirates can’t be expected to work together, especially when treasure is involved. He encourages them to do their best finding the treasure, but once he leaves Yuu decides he sounded quite patronising.
The next day, the gang decide to sneak into the Flintseol dormitory, having stolen some uniforms from Vil’s stash in the pomefiore dorm. However, as soon as they set foot inside they find that it’s nothing like any other dorm, and they struggle to find their way around the complicated layout without disrupting any students. They’re saved from a run-in with some delinquents by Blaise, who pulls them aside after a time limit fight and asks them what they’re doing at his dormitory.
Blaise tries to convince them to leave, but Ace and Grim are determined to find the clue for the treasure. Blaise is torn, but eventually decides to sneak them up to the port, an area at the top of the dorm where most of the ships are docked. At the end of the largest of the rope bridges, is a single mirror carved into the floor, the first clue.
After looking around the mirrors on campus, Blaise thinks they should sneak into the dorm leaders room, since a mirror hangs in there. Blaise picks the lock and he and Yuu sneak in whilst the others stand guard.
They find nothing around the mirror, but Blaise’s attention is drawn to a folder slightly open. Going through it, he and Yuu find some old photos, moving back into sketches and portraits from the past at NRC. it seems to be the dorm leaders personal investigations into the treasure stash. They go from very old to very recent, and there are some of the current flintseol students.
Meanwhile, outside, Deuce and Epel are spotted by Inigo, who they mistakenly believe to be the dorm leader due to his strict way of speaking to them. They try to stall him, but he quickly realises they’re not members of his dorm, and drags them by the ears down the corridor, where he sees Blaise and Yuu leave Finnian’s room. He says that as much as he can’t stand finnian, he has to turn them in for breaking the key rule of the dorm, respect the captain above all else.
Inigo drags the group into the common room, and loudly announces that there are intruders in the dorm, and the dorm leader needs to deal with them. The commotion draws a huge crowd, and inigo uses his unique magic to trap the perpetrators in front of a portrait of a pirate holding out his hand, after Grim tries to make a runner.
Finnian appears, and Yuu is like ‘oh i thought i recognised u st the library it’s bc ur the dorm leader and were at the entrance ceremony. He laughs and seems pleased to see Yuu and the idiot gang, he gives them a lecture abt going through his stuff, although blaise retorts that he shouldn’t have left it lying around so carelessly. Importantly, he tells them that trying to follow the trail of clues will be pointless, since over the years students have taken clues for themselves and hidden them.
This angers a lot of the spectators, saying that the treasure must exist somewhere and they can definitely find it. Finnian laughs at their optimism, and tells them that their mindless enthusiasm is worthless without the drive to use your brain. It’s why none of them have overthrown him as dorm leader. At least Blaise was able to find the best hint there is left in the school.
He touches the threads binding them, and they shimmer and melt. He then tells them to start running, and not to drop the picture folder. Theres a rhythmic thingy where the idiots run away from the rest of the dorm, chasing them to try and get the folder for themselves.
They get split up as they run, and Yuu ends up with Grim and Blaise. After settling down, Yuu contemplates on how Finnian seemed totally different to when they met him in the library yesterday. Blaise says that his mood is pretty unpredictable, and he doesn’t take anything seriously. Grim asks what finnian meant when he said ‘none of you have managed to replace me as dorm leader’ and Blaise explains unique way Flintseol dork choses it’s leader. Apparently, the treasure hidden in the dorm was the puzzle set by the first dorm leader, so technically it’s the ultimate test to be ‘worthy’ of the dorm, but nobody really cares abt that, they just want that sweet gold.
Grim agrees that he just wants the gold, and prompts the other two to go through the folder from finnian’s room, to see if they can find out what he meant by ‘the biggest clue’ being hidden in there. They find an annotated excerpt from a diary, written by the first leader of the dorm. What catches their attention most is the annotation ‘surrender your physical riches to the spirit of adventure’.
At this point, Inigo finds them, and tells Blaise he always hides in this cupboard when he wants to get out of chores. Since they’re not technically breaking rules anymore, since Finnian let them go, he’s not going to fight them. Blaise shows him the excerpt from inside the folder, and explains that he’s not going to give up, and that he doesn’t think finding the treasure is impossible at all. If the dorm leader thinks that, then he’s not fit to uphold the spirit of this dorm at all.
Inigo starts to say something, but bites his tongue, and sighs, saying it’s not really any of his business as long as the day to day life of the dorm is ticking over smoothly. He explains the meaning behind the ‘adventurous spirit’ that Flintseol is founded on. The one-eyed cyborg who they follow the example of was a legendary pirate who followed a treasure map to the greatest stash of treasure in the galaxy, but in the end he gave it up to save a young shipmate who was travelling with him. Afterwards, he stopped seeking treasure, and traveled the universe alone, not bound by materialistic possessions, and instead basking in the wonders of the galaxy. Contrary to the popular image they portray, Flintseol aren’t pirates, they’re supposed to be explorers. Although, that ideal has been lost over time, as the dorms obsession with finding the rumoured stash of treasure has shown.
Blaise finds it upsetting that Inigo is so disillusioned with the other students in the dorm, and says that he never thought Finnian would turn out to be that type of person.
Inigo tells Blaise that Finnian isn’t someone he should look up to, he’s someone who can be pretty terrifying and toys with people to get what he wants from them. He’s clever, and Inigo gets the feeling he intended to leave that folder lying on his bed for someone to find, but he’s not sure why. Knowing Finnian, if there was a clue in there, he’d be able to crack it himself.
Suddenly, there’s a huge commotion outside, and the four rush over to the nearest window to see the rest of the idiots getting into a fight outside. Inigo rolls his eyes and says that they’re totally on track to getting killed, and instructs Blaise, Yuu and Grim to stay put whilst he goes and gets them.
Once he leaves, Blaise notices how quiet it is inside. It seems the commotion caused is so large that almost all of the Flintseol students have gone to watch. Yuu thinks it’s unnerving how bloodthirsty they are, and Blaise admits that things can be a bit rowdy at times. He looks down at the folder again, and reiterates how determined he is to find the treasure, and explains to Yuu why he was so eager to join Flintseol after Finnian overthrew his older brother as dorm leader. He wants more than anything to prove his worth, and puts his determination into his unique magic to locate ‘the spirit of adventure’ mentioned in the journal. To his shock, a green thread does appear at the end of his finger.
He and the ramshackle duo follow it to the main lounge where they had spoken to Finnian earlier, where it connects to the outstretched hand of the pirate in the portrait they had seen earlier. Blaise realises this pirate isn’t actually a pirate, he’s supposed to be the young shiphand who the cyborg gave up the stash of treasure to protect.
After thinking it over, Blaise solves the puzzle. As the cyborg achieved happiness through surrendering his ‘treasure’ to this boy, they must do the same to find the hidden treasure.
But what constitutes a treasure? Blaise admits that even though he is very wealthy, he doesn’t have anything that could be considered treasure. He tries handing money to the portrait, but nothing happens. Yuu suggests that maybe you need to give up a personal treasure, something that it hurts to part with. Blaise thinks of what it might hurt him to part with, and finally settles on an old, rusty compass. He explains that it was a gift from his grandfather, and was supposed to always point him back home, so he could explore to his hearts content without worrying about getting lost. He places it in the portraits hand, and the portrait moves to grip the compass. Blaise jumps away and the portrait stretches and turns into a huge door on the wall.
Going through the door and down some steps, they find a huge chamber filled to the brim with gold and jewels. Truly, a legendary stash of treasure. They take a moment to be happy, until the rest of the idiots come down the stairs and O.O at the treasure as well.
Grim asks why they went and got in such a huge fight, and Ace explains that it wasn’t their fault. They ran right into that creepy robotic dorm leader, who used wind magic exactly like his to attack some nearby students, and vanished as soon as the fighting started.
As if on cue, Finnian comes down the stairs behind the idiots, waving happily. He congratulated Blaise on solving the puzzle, even if he did need an awful lot of help from his dear dorm leader. Finnian says that he had discovered the secret to finding the treasure at the end of last year, and had debated over his to get a hold of it. The last puzzle was really unfair. The point of the trail of puzzles was to hammer in the belief that experiences are worth far more than material possessions. To achieve the ‘spirit of adventure’ and uncover the most sacred mystery of the dorm, you’d have to give up something physically important to you.
Of course, it was probably stupid of the first dorm leader to expect a pirate to change their ways. He didn’t care about the experience of a treasure hunt, or the reputation it would give him, he wanted the treasure! He wasn’t going to play along with the puzzle, and give something up, so he tricked Blaise into doing it for him. From telling Yuu and the others where to find the first clue, to leaving his folder out and hinting at the clues hidden inside, and finally to clearing out the dorm by starting a fight, so that when Blaise opened up the treasure vault, nobody else would be around to intrude as he snuck in after him.
Blaise is understandably quite angry, and says that was a horrible thing to give up his compass for. Besides, what does Finnian hope to achieve with this treasure? If everyone knows that he wasn’t the one that found it, what does he get from it?
Finnian doesn’t answer, as a loud rumbling sound behind in the background. Shouts can be heard above them. Finnian guesses that the first lot of students got bored of Inigo’s lectures and returned to the lounge, to see the newfound door. Sadly for them, they can’t get in, since his unique magic is holding the door shut. However, Blaise notes that a few students couldn’t be making such a noise by themselves, and when rocks start clattering down from the ceiling he realises the treasure room must be about to collapse down. They try to get through the door, but it’s been turned into a wall of silver. Blaise shouts through, and manages to communicate to Inigo on the other side what’s happening. Inigo tells them that if they break Finnian’s concentration, his unique magic will reverse.
They fight Finnian and get the door back to normal, and Inigo and the rest of Flintseol pour in. Finnian is trying to gather the treasure, and Inigo urges him to leave because theres no way he can take all the treasure before the room collapses. Finnian uses his unique magic to turn the walls of the chamber to silver, and try to forcibly keep it upright. As he expands his magic, the silver begins to cover the floor and grow up some students feet, pinning them in place. After exerting all this magical power and arguing with Inigo, Finnian overblots, and the squad have to fight him before he runs out of magic and the chamber fully collapses.
After the overblot we unlock Finnian’s Tragic Backstory TM, which starts with him as a tiny little kid helping his father care for his ailing mother, in a very run down, poor area of the city. His father promises that even though things are hard, as long as they all stay together, things will be okay, and gives Finnian a tiny, hand-knitted teddy bear to accompany him as he cares for his mother. Later, his mother dies, and as Finnian sits with her in her last moments, his father gets up and walks away. Finnian tries to run after him, but can’t find him, and when he returns his mother has passed away. He decides that whatever his father said was false, clearly ‘staying together’ and ‘family’ were not all that mattered. He left because they were not enough for him, and because all humans are selfish and want material goods to prove themselves. Finnian took to growing up on the streets, amassing as much wealth as he could through gambling and stealing, getting richer and richer every time he betrayed someone’s trust and took what they had for his own. The only way to be happy had to be through selfishness, right? But still, he didn’t feel any happier than he had when his mother was alive. So, he must be doing something wrong. He obviously didn’t have enough yet. Not enough money, not enough possessions. Not enough rare trinkets collected from across the land. He must not have been selfish enough yet, for simply no amount of treasure in the world could make him feel any happier.
When he wakes up, Blaise, Inigo and the idiots have dragged him out of the chamber, which has completely collapsed. Inigo scolds him for being so stupid and losing control, when he’s supposed to be the one who always has *everything* under control. Finnian comments that on retrospect, he should’ve predicted the chamber being set to self destruct. Why would a quest about giving up material possessions give you a huge hoard of treasure at the end?
He apologises to Blaise for losing his compass, and admits that the real reason he didn’t open the portrait himself was because he doesn’t have anything of value to give away, nothing he’s tried has worked. Blaise thinks back to when he was in Finnian’s room, and remembers seeing an old, knitted bear lying by the bed, and asks why he didn’t try something like that. Finnian says he only kept the bear to remind him not to get too comfortable around people, but realises that the real reason he hung onto it was because it reminded him of the happy times when he had a family, and all this time, it had really been his most valued possession. It’s enough to make him laugh, which causes him to fall backwards again, and get dragged off by Inigo to the infirmary.
As Blaise goes to follow, he catches a glint of gold in the corner of the room. The portrait on the floor is broken, and behind the frame sits his compass, untouched, and with a note behind it, old and worn, reading ‘congratulations for solving the puzzle. continue to search for adventure and happiness in the skies, and stay true to yourself.’ he pockets the message, and decides to show it to Finnian once he’s better.
A few days later, the idiots are invited back to Flintseol by Finnian, who has made a full recovery, and is as lively as ever before. Grim grumbles about how he’s hardly changed following his overblot, and is still a bit of a weirdo, and Inigo sighs and says that’s just his personality. Finnian invites them out, and the group fly on their brooms/hoverboard to the top of a huge cliff, where the view of the starts is completely beautiful, and Inigo informs them that hopefully they’ll be able to come and visit the dorm more often now that students have no need to protect the clues to the treasure. Although, he decides, looking over at Finnian, that whilst someone so unpredictable is dorm leader, they and he as well would probably be safer keeping themselves at arms length.
And tadaaah everything is fixed and the mystery has been solved!!!
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michellemagic · 5 years ago
WMMAP Prompts: Volleyball
Once again, written for @athy-n-lucas and their weekly prompt event! Big thanks to @nights-of-fire who inspired the ending :)
SUMMARY: Lucas is grumpy and doesn’t know how to talk to people, Jennette has a giant crush and freaks out. This leads to getting hit by volleyballs for some reason.
WARNING: SLIGHT LANGUAGE AND I HAVE NO ACTUALLY KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE OLYMPICS SO PLEASE KEEP THAT IN MIND (Also the ships are definitely Athy x Kiel and Lucas x Jenny, you've been warned)
It started, of course, due to Lucas’ own sour personality. 
After finishing his marathon practice- and thoroughly crushing the other swimmers- he had walked by olympic runner, Jennette Margaritta on his way back to the Olympic Village. She was a kind girl, known for being as graceful in her running as she was fast. He noted dully that she seemed to be coming back from a training set herself as he walked by her. She then waved and smiled sweetly at some unknown who was standing somewhere in his general direction and the three time gold medal swimming champion already in an awful mood walked straight past her without a second thought. 
This would turn out to be a major mistake. 
Athanasia de Alger Obelia, Obelian volleyball champion, Jennette’s cousin and Lucas’ best friend texted him later that night. She sent him the link to an article boldly titled “The Drama Brewing Between Olympic Athletes Lucas and Jennette!” which had a picture of him walked by Jennette with a sour look on his face and talked about how he had deliberately ignored his fellow athlete, she also sent several question marks and an inquiry about why he hated her cousin. 
He texted back dryly that he didn’t even know her cousin and that this was all a misunderstanding before throwing he phone hazardously to his bedside table, missing Athanasia’s string of laughing emojis. Cursing the media and their rather amazing ability to ignore any sense, he elected to ignore the entire situation until it eventually just died down. 
But of course his luck sucked and one gutsy journalist decided to ask Athanasia for her opinion on the rumors surrounding her cousin and friend. The blue eyed girl, born and raised by a literal king, gave a vague answer that went along the lines of it was really none of the media’s business what was happening between Jenny and Lucas, the two didn’t know each other for that matter. 
In every article published the next day, the press quickly twisted them not knowing each other to them calling bad blood between each other. The world now believes that Lucas hated Jennette. 
Lucas dejectedly resigned himself to the idea that life was against him.
Jennette had a crush.  Actually, it was worse than that, Jennette had a CrushTM.
She’s always been surrounded by attractive people, even from a young age. Her cousin was probably the prettiest person on the face of the planet and Ezekiel, fellow runner and her best friend, has eyes that could melt the heart of anyone who saw him. She was honestly under the impression that the two of them together would create the most powerful power couple known to man. She knew what pretty people looked like, and she honestly liked looking at them. So it was honestly only a matter of time before she became smitten with the aloof swimmer that was dominating his scene. 
She first saw him years before, warming up for his first meet of the season. He had a towel slung over his shoulders and was still dripping with water. She’s not ashamed to admit that her first thought when she saw him was Lord he’s hot 
Yes, technically it didn’t fit her typically stereotypical personality, but she knew beauty when she saw it.  
She doesn’t know how long she stood there staring at Lucas (she knew it was longer than what was considered socially acceptable) but when she snapped out of it she immediately went looking for her best friend. 
“Kiel! Kiel!” 
 Ezekiel Alpheus, Jeanettes best friend and fellow runner, was smart.  More than just book smart, he was people smart. Coming from a rich family meant he needed to know who everyone was, which was perfect for Jeanette at the moment. 
After some search, Jennette was able to find her best friend doing some light jogging at a nearby park.
“Kiel!” Jennette called once more, causing him to turn to her. Taking out his earbuds, he inquired, “Jenny?”
Jennette went straight to the point, “ Do you know this guy with black hair and red eyes? He is one of the swimming athletes, or maybe water polo- I’m not really sure.”
Used to Jeanette’s loud personality Ezekiel was quick to answer, ” Black hair and red eyes?”
Jennette nodded in response. Ezekiel looked thoughtful,” You’re probably talking about Lucas.”
“So you know him?” Ezekiel hummed his agreement. 
“Well yeah,” he paused to pull out his phone, swiping through the small divide before turning it to her. “He has a pretty decent social media following and we swim together sometimes.”
Jennette zero’d in on the picture Ezekiel was showing her. Good lord that man was beautiful, “This picture, I want it.”
Her friend blanched, “I’m sorry, what.”
“I want it.”
“What do you want for it,” Ezekiel watched baffled as a fire lit in Jennette. There was no stopping her now, he’s known her long enough to know that. Well, if she was going to push anyways….
“I mean…”
After leaving Ezekiel, Jennette was able to find Athanasia quickly. It honestly wasn’t hard, her cousin was almost always at one of the gyms close to the olympic village practicing her sets or serves. There was a small crowd watching her, mostly die hard fans but there were a few journalists as well. Perfect for her. 
Athanasia turned, breathing heavily but happily surprised at the appearance of her cousin. “Jenny! Hi, what are you doing here.”
“I needed to make a confession to you, and I couldn’t wait.”
Her cousin blinked,” Uh- Ok? What’s up?”
“Ezekiel is not just my very attentive best friend. He’s the best male runner in the competition," Jennette spoke to her cousin, her words loud and clear for the paparazzi that she knew was following them. “His abilities are truly unmatchable and you two would made beautiful babies together.”
Athanasia dropped her volleyball.
Later that night Ezekiel texted her. Going into a long rant about how he wanted her to tell Athanasia that he was interested in her and maybe brag about his skills a little bit not tell her that he wanted to have her kids. Oh well, his fault for not being more clear. 
Athanasia has also texted her, her cousin’s message much shorter than Ezekiel’s. Jenny, I don’t know what you sold your soul for, but I hope it was worth it, she followed the message using no less then five nauseous emojis. It was better than her reaction that afternoon considering she turned bright red, threw her volleyball (at Jennette! Her cousin! The nerve!), and ran away.
Blushing lightly at the picture of a smirking, bathing suit wearing Lucas, Jennette decided that, yes, it was worth it. 
Lucas blamed Athanasia for all of this. He knew, realistically, that it wasn’t her fault the media sucked, but he was told he couldn’t call bs on the media so ignoring his best friend was the next best option.
That didn’t deter Athanasia at all, she lovingly told him to stop sulking (he wasn’t sulking!) and sent him the link to one of her cousin’s more popular fan cites claiming that if he wanted to fix the situation the best place to start was learning more about Jennette … and he spent more time on the page than he cared to admit. 
The homepage was actually really well designed if too cutesy and bright for his taste. Lucas quickly learned that Jennette lived with Athanasia’s family most of her life (due to her parents walking out on her), her average running and qual times, her (rather decorated) track record, and that she was apparently the most adorable thing know to man - the last item didn’t actually come from an interview or study but several highly detailed fan posts that had numorous pictures and clips of Jennette doing things deemed “adorable”, all the posts ended with a comment along the lines of “BABY!” “WE MUST PROTECT THE CHILD” “PROTECT MY BABY AT ALL COSTS!!!!!” Lucas quickly realized that this was an expression of affection, not the girl’s mother under several different pseudonyms. Apparently, Jennette attracted the cute and adorable in this brutal world.
Well, Lucas wasn’t cute or adorable, but he was definitely attracted. 
Jennette was having a crisis. 
She made a major mistake and now the boy she had a crush on hated her. She was just trying to be nice to a fan! That was it! She didn’t know the press would catch the exact moment her eyes zero’d in on Lucas’ instead, or that they would take picture, she didn’t look that long! Afterwards, her cousin told her that of course they noticed Jenny, you’re so obvious when you stare. Cute, but obvious. (She was not!) Of course Athanasia also said it was all a big misunderstanding and that Lucas didn’t actually hate her, but Athanasia always ended to baby things down for her. Protecting her unconsciously like when they were little kids and Jennette would cry over anything and everything. 
But… her cousin wouldn’t lie to her.  Yeah, she seemed in a rush, something about practicing some sets with Ezekiel. They’ve been dating for several months now- and for the record, she did that thank you very much- and Athanasia’s head always went buzzy when she was thinking about Ezekiel. So maybe her cousin just wasn’t thinking when she told Jennette that the boy she had a massive crush on didn’t walk straight past her without a second thought and then proceed to hate Jennette for the rest of her miserable life to the point where the shame would make her have to change her name and disappear to some godforsaken place-
Jennette groaned, stopping her mental torture, and went to check her who texted her. It was her cousin, of course.
Heads up, I think Lucas wants to meet with you. If you wanna hid out you can come join Kiel and me at the volleyball court :)))))
That was it. Jennette was going to change her name and move to Greenland. She could probably hid from her shame in Greenland.
Lucas had no idea where to start. He isn’t known as a loner among his group for no reason- Hell, he was only friends with Athanasia because she was a force of nature- but other than that… he has acquaintances, not friends.
How did Athanasia socialize? She threw volleyballs at people, and that helped him not at all. He could throw water at Jennette maybe, but that would probably only make things worse. Dang it, why was his only friend a damn volleyball player. Why did that volleyball player have to be his only example of how to interact with humanity. Fuck, he was getting ahead of himself. He needed to find the girl first, thinking about volleyball and Athanasia wasn’t helping.
So of course he found Jennette at the volleyball court with Athanasia. Why volleyball? Why did everything in his life always come back to volleyball. She was sitting next to Ezekiel, spinning a volleyball and chatting absentmindedly with the fellow athlete as they watched Athanasia practice.
He turned away from the two runners at Athanasia’s call. His blonde best friend was waving cheekily from where she was practicing her serves. “Go sit will Kiel and Jenny! I’m almost done!”
Yes, Opening! Lucas nodded at his friend before walking over where Ezekiel and Jennette were sitting.
 Ezekiel nodded at him, as charming and sociable as usual. “Lucas.”
“Ezekiel.” Thank god for acquaintances. He’d have no idea what people startedd conversations with without them. He then zero’d in on the jewel eyed girl sitting next to him, she looked slightly petrified. 
“You’re Jennette right? I’m Lucas.” Introductions. You were supposed to start with introductions. He took a deep breath before he continued,” Guess we’ve been a popular subject in the paper recently huh?”
“I’m sorry,” She suddenly blurted out, looking like she could burst into tears, “I know you probably hate me but I promise-“
Lucas suddenly felt a migraine coming on. How did he mess up introductions? This is why he didn’t talk to people he couldn’t help but think as he interrupted the trembling girl. “I don’t hate you”
“The press thinks you hate me.” The press also thought Lucas hated Athanasia when they first became friends, it didn’t make that true.
“I don’t.”
“But-“ Lord did this girl like to press on issues.
“If you’re so worried about the damn rumor,” Lucas stated dryly,” How about I take you out for lunch and we give the paparazzi a reason to stop thinking we hate each other.” 
Jennette, absolutely fluster by this boy -who is definitely hotter when he’s a few feet in front of her-, completely panicked at the implications of his offer. Impulsively, she threw the volleyball in her hands straight at him. Her aim rang true and the ball smacked him right in his forehead. 
Somewhere in the court, the bright sound of Athanasia’s laughter rang out and next to them Ezekiel gave a panicked yelp. That didn’t matter though as the only thing ringing in Lucas’ head was the sound of Jennette’s stuttering apology and the fact that he got hit by a damned volleyball again.
The next day, Athanasia sent an article titled Jennette vs Lucas: Assault with Volleyballs? to Jennette, Ezekiel sent her numerous texts questioning her on her mental help, and the young runner’s main coach was definitely setting off her phone of with inquiries on what in the world is happening Jennette. Jennette, shyly sitting across from Lucas in a quaint cafe ignored all of them.
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lisbonsteresa · 6 years ago
Just Like Titanic, Only No One Dies
Hey, remember like a year ago when I said I wanted to do a chelenor Legally Blonde AU? No? Well here you go anyway.
This boutique was one of the nicest in Phoenix. It was the kind of place where sales attendants followed you around to ask if you needed something every five minutes; where the music alternated between soft indie covers of classic rock songs and softer jazz covers of the songs currently on the radio; a place that claimed children were ‘always welcome’ but never carried anything even slightly for kids other than a table of adult coloring books with a standee sign next to it: ‘for display only’. 
Bearing all of this in mind, Eleanor Shellstrop was fairly certain that the women working on this particular Thursday afternoon did not appreciate her shouting “Are you bitches ready?!” while she threw open the fitting room door. 
(Luckily, she was also fairly certain that she didn’t care.) 
“It’s perfect, right?” she asked the two women lounging in the waiting area of the fitting room, giving a little spin before turning back to the mirror to admire her selection. 
“Mhmm, I dunno babe,” Madison began, finally pushing her ‘three-vodka-cranberries-too-many-last-night-now-daytime-hurts’ sunglasses to the top of her head to take a proper look. “Is white really the best way to go? I mean, Chris isn’t a….super genius, but that might be too obvious for even him to miss.” 
Her comment drew a loud snort of laughter from Brittany, who was studying Eleanor’s outfit while sprawled across the plush white couch, her head resting in Madison’s lap. “Plus like….sleeves? Long sleeves?” her nose scrunched up in distaste. “Don’t you maybe want to try something a little more fun? Maybe sleeveless, and tighter, oh and a little bit shorter too.” 
“She’s getting proposed to, not partying at a strip club Britt.” 
Brittany tilted her head to look up at Madison, mock-offended. “Hey I was proposed to at a strip club once! It was very romantic.” 
“Yeah, I know.” Madison responded, rolling her eyes even as her lips curled into a soft smile “I was the one proposing.” 
“No I’m fine, thanks so much for asking!” Eleanor snarled as she spun on her heel and stomped back to the dressing room, slamming the door loudly enough to draw the disapproving eyes of every employee - and most of the customers - in the store. 
Brittany groaned, sitting up and digging through her purse. “Oh my god you seriously need to chill out. I know I’ve got some Xanax in here somewhere….”
“I’ll take one.” Madison said before calling out in the direction of the closed fitting room door: “Besides, you’ve got nothing to worry about – Chris is nutso for you, plus you’ve looked smoking hot in everything you’ve tried on.” 
“I still can’t believe that in a few hours you’re gonna be the future ‘Mrs. Chris Baker’”. Brittany’s voice sounded dreamy as she paused her search, likely already picturing the Save the Date cards. “Do you think you guys’ll have an open bar at the reception?” 
“With all that Baker money, they better.” Madison grumbled, leaning forward and in one swift motion grabbing Brittany’s purse from her, fishing out a small pill, swallowing it, and dropping the bag back onto the seat between them.
 There was a huff from behind the fitting room door before it cracked open and Eleanor’s annoyed face poked out. “There isn’t going to be a wedding at all if you asshats don’t help me decide on a dress!” 
“Excuse me,” came a bright, perky voice to her left. 
“JES-eez louise, you scared me lady!” Eleanor was suddenly very thankful she was still behind the fitting room door - it hid how high she had jumped at the sales attendant’s greeting from Brittany and Madison. 
“Oh I’m terribly sorry for the scare.” the woman continued - her tone suggesting she was nothing of the sort - “But I couldn’t help but overhear the conversation you ladies were having, and I thought I might give you another option”. 
The look on the woman’s face reminded her of a schoolteacher trying to bribe a problem student into behaving, but Eleanor had to admit the dress she was holding was gorgeous. It looked short (but not short enough to risk any wardrobe malfunctions), tight (but not clingy), and bright, bright red. “Well I guess it wouldn’t kill me to try it. Thanks…..” 
“Courtney.” the woman supplied cheerily.
Eleanor bit her lip to stop her natural impulse to mockingly repeat ‘Courtney’ and instead took the dress from her hand with what she hoped passed as a smile. After a moment or two of shuffling noises and the sound of a zipper being pulled up, the fitting room door burst open again and Eleanor stepped out, looking slightly shocked. “Guys….holy shit.” 
Courtney’s smile dropped slightly. 
Madison and Brittany’s mouths fell open. “Holy shit.” 
Courtney looked pained. “I hope that…..language means you like it”. she said, her voice weary. 
“It’s perfect!” Brittany exclaimed. 
“Damn, if Chris doesn’t propose, I will”. Madison agreed, still staring at Eleanor. “Not really” she murmured to Brittany. 
“….it’s a front runner.” Eleanor sniffed, hoping she seemed as unaffected as she was trying to appear. 
Courtney - who had apparently remembered her commission goal - bounced up and down and clapped her hands. “Oh I’m so delighted! And of course it comes with the Friends and Family Discount!” Seeing the confusion on the other’s faces, she leaned in close and whispered conspiratorially to Eleanor “Any ‘friend’ of the Baker family is a friend of ours”. 
“Right…..” Eleanor trailed off. She really didn’t like the way this woman was looking at her, like she had suddenly become a hot commodity. Of course now that she had connections to the ‘right’ people, she deserved Courtney’s full attention. Now that she might have money, she was worth the time and effort. God, what bull. 
“So with the discount added on, the total comes to only…..$784.” Courtney continued cheerily. “And just so you know, we take cash, check, and any major credit card….even American Express”. 
Eleanor resisted the urge to roll her eyes and plastered a grin on her face. “Wow, that is just amazing Courtney”. This time she didn’t try to hide the nasal, mocking tone in her voice. “But I think someone over there really needs you attention”. 
Courtney turned to look in the direction Eleanor was pointing and found that there actually was an older woman waving at her from the register. “Oh, I, um,” she dithered, clearly not wanting to lose the sales momentum she had built up, “I will just run over and see what Melissa needs. You take this time to think over your choice – I’ll be back before you know it. With drinks! Champagne for everyone, yeah?” she looked anxiously from one girl to another, the bright smile still fixed on her face before turning and dashing away. 
The moment she left the smile fell away from Eleanor’s lips. “Oh, so now that you’ve got a rich boyfriend, suddenly we deserve champagne and sweet talk service, huh?” Madison muttered, dropping back down onto the couch with a huff. 
“Boy is she gonna be surprised when you tell her the most you’ve got to spend is sixty bucks” Brittany chuckled as she settled back down next to Madison. 
“I don’t know,” Eleanor could feel the corners of her mouth curving up again, although this time it was most definitely in a smirk. “maybe there’s another kind of discount we can work out”. 
Both Madison and Brittany perked up, sharing a knowing look before focusing on Eleanor. “A discount of the five-finger variety, maybe?” Brittany asked with a grin. 
“Just follow my lead.” Eleanor instructed as she stepped back into the fitting room. A moment later, she reemerged in her jeans and sweatshirt (which looked slightly less baggy than it had when she first arrived). Her friends stood up from the couch and started to move with her towards the exit. 
“No security clips?” Madison whispered. 
“None. I even double-checked”. 
“Tags?” Brittany asked. 
“Pulled them off, threw them in the corner”. 
Satisfied, both girls nodded and pulled out their phones, trying to appear as casual as possible. “Courtney!” Eleanor called over to the sales woman still deep in conversation with her coworker. “I’ve decided I really just need a little more time to think, but I left the dress in the fitting room for you – thanks!” 
Courtney looked more than a little put out and started moving towards her, but Eleanor turned and continued towards the door, cutting off any further conversation. “Almost there girls,” she murmured “just keep walking, nice and casual”. 
“Excuse me, miss?” a voice floated out from the fitting room area. “There’s no dress in here…..” 
“Ok, now run!” Eleanor exclaimed as, ignoring the shouts of the sales women and sounds of footsteps following them, the three of them ran, laughing and whooping, out of the store and into the bright sunshine.
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dilfhakyeon-moved · 5 years ago
yO i was abt to write to you abt the new modc ep (what's going on with the weird cuts at the beginning jcbjfbjb im crying) but i saw your post so!!!! tell me abt your dream bro i wanna hear abt it!!!!!! -✨
OH I HAVENT SEEN IT YET RIGHT I FORGOT IT CAME OUT TODAY!!! Let me watch it then we can talk abt it !!
And well my dream is pp long so bear w me 😔 i don't have the 'read more' function on mobile so i apologise in advance for everyone who comes across this !! I'll edit the 'read more' into it when I can 😊 ( i hav edited it hehehehe )
SO . actually there are several parts to this dream and I woke up between the first two parts but ... YEA.
At first I was home but a cat had gotten inside my house, I already had two cats ( my current cat and the one that will have died one year ago exactly tomorrow... yes five days after my birthday december is a cursed month for me. but if u wanna know abt him just search 'tchoupi' on my blog ) and I don't think my girl was okay w that new cat ? also new cat looked wonky sjhsjsh ? I wasn't sure abt its behaviour bc it seemed like it cld get irritated fast. In the end my mother told me to throw it out so I did against my will but when I saw it walk away... it had a missing leg.... I was like oh shit dude no come back... so I went and opened the front door and it came back running !!! I couldn't leave it like that w/o food if it already was incapacitated in a way. so that was my new cat. everything ends well ( I'm pp sure I forgot a part of that part but it's not the one I'm interested in )
SECOND PART... THE CÅSTLË. i was in a castle that was more medieval than renaissance styled or whatever the fuck i didnt study architecture but yes this. it had a courtyard with a fountain and that courtyard had a beautiful view on The Unknown ( aka fields and forests and stuff yknow just. The view ) but there were also bridges ( not the rock kind the "we use it in movies to make a character dramatically fall after the villain cut the rope" kind ) and little paths to go to The Unknown. there was a built-in church ( not a christian but i guess that was a smart choice given most attendees were fire emblem characters and they were definitely christians ) and also stables i guess ? but the front stables were empty and i didn't get to see the actual stables. the front stables had a pathway going around them ( there was a front stable on the left and on the right, with the courtyard being a little pushed back ? like if you left the end of the stable pathway you were already past the courtyard )
so now picture all ot this but suddenly the sky is super dark and everything is grim and gloomy. like a typical halloween movie. everything that was neat feels now worn out and the pathways are definitely scary, nobody wants to go there !
i was looking for my friends ( aka mercedes from fire emblem three houses ) but somehow couldn't find them, a fight broke out between ingrid and annette ( also fire emblem three houses ) and i don't like rich horse girls nor do i like racists so i was about to beat ingrid's ass. this big dude comes in and threatens me so i scold him and he and ingrid both go away. i win. i talk to more people but they're all acting weird except annette i guess. whatever weirdos i'm out
next i keep looking, but now i'm not alone - i'm not sure of whether it's a real presence or just a spirit until the end of this sequence where this boy tells me where to go and what to do to fix things a little, so i go into both stable pathways and end up being possessed twice ( demonic possession isn't as bad as they tell you i turned out fine ) so when the boy tells me where to go next i'm like "are we getting possessed a third time ?" he chuckles. ( i am gay so that was cute )
but we don't get any time to do that third thing ! we get out of the pathways and everyone is planning to go fight whatever is beyond The Unknown ! i look at the boy and awake me now pictures him as kraam from the stranded. cool i have a nice partner in crime i'm okay with that. the others leave, there's a lot of them but a second group is getting ready ! so kraam-but-not-quite grabs my arm firmly but like he doesn't hurt me or anything and we start going into The Unknown as well. im like hey wtf do we do now. and he tells me oh these two groups are going mad that couldn't be us let's go find the stray kids ( awake me now realises this is ~cringe~ but dream me was like whoa a solitary group of ppl who fight bigger evils ! BC YES THAT WAS WHAT SKZ WERE DOING IN THIS DREAM but i never met them ) so we can join forces w them and defeat these ppl. i look back. i see the second group from afar bc they have torches. im like wow this is like beauty and the beast.
something happens, idk what, but kraam starts running ! i'm a slow runner so i thought oh fuck not again but i ran after him anyway, the next bit is us running through a sort of jungle ( the sky is clear again ) and like its CRAZY i fucking loved that bit bc WOO ADVENTURE !! ( im a sagittarius )
then we slip between two trees' leaves and end up in a facility. we keep running bc if we stay there We Will Die. suddenly i am slowed down ( which leads me to believe before that he was holding my wrist but released my wrist when he slipped between the trees ) but he checks on me which i appreciate because that means he would rather die with me than survive without me, romance luv
his father ! the bastard. tries to kiss me in front of his mother. im like lmao dude thats disgusting die n go to catholic hell. i push him away and tell him off, he gets pissed but i cant go look for kraam bc his brothers r telling me abt how we're gonna go on a road trip. im like ? the world is abt to end tho ? but apparently my dream rly wanted a drama plot so fine.
his brothers have, allegedly, caught on to an alleged potential relationship between us. no im not gonna complain abt it im lonely and sad and gay so my dream fills in for me. theyre talking abt how theres not enough room for all of us in the van unless i sit on kraam for the trip but they ( specifically the one brother who oddly reminds me of dbk rain ) somehow make it into a sexual joke ? being me tho i didnt get it KSBSKDH... they were like talking abt legs ?? i remember it was abt how it wouldnt work with smth with four legs 'unless i could go with three' and like i dont even know what the hell that was supposed to mean we're talking abt a van not a horse ygwim ?
idk if i woke up after that but my brain did picture both me complaining to kraam abt his dad doing that and him getting quietly angry and just telling me to not come close to him again just in case hed try it again AND the beginning of the 'road trip' where i was indeed using kraam as a seat. and i was sleeping bc idk maybe i was tired from the running ! i hope my next dream is the continuation bc boy that was a whole drama episode
also i gave up and started calling him just kraam but it wasnt kraam ofc he just had kraams face from what i remember ! but he wasnt kraam at all
0 notes
legion1993 · 8 years ago
Soulmate at long last i found you
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A.N: this is for week 2 of Supernatural Hiatus Writing Challenge drawn up by @thing-you-do-with-that-thing  though for the purpose of this magnificant piece of work Danneel, Justice, Zepplin, & Arrow do not exist Jensen is single though we love Danneel and their little family.  this is a little longer than i imagined but it will be a good read none the less. give it some love if it made your day.
Prompt:  “Are we completely sure that’s how it’s supposed to look?”
Pairing: Jensen x Female Reader
Plot: set at a San Diego Comic Con you leave your best friend back home for the weekend to go to the convention but you enter the hall with not the intention of finding your soulmate, your world came tumbling in as you found and discovered your purpose in life by going through the convention like normal being constantly reminded by the burning mark ever present on your arm… YOUR SOULMATE WAS THERE BUT YOU NEVER GUESSED IN A MILLION YEARS WHO YOU WOULD HAVE ENDED UP WITH….
It felt like just yesterday, you met HIM the one your soulmate, but you didn`t expect it to be Jensen Ackles of all people. you met him at the San Diego comic con you felt it necessary to go that year not just because you wanted to but because you had a feeling that something good was about to happen.
--------------------- 4 years ago-------------------
you knew that this was gonna be an amazing weekend for you, as you got into your car and turned up your playlist you started towards the convention. of course, your heart did a little leap when you parked the car at the hotel. you booked your room but you ignored the thousands upon thousands of fan girls crowding you, yes you had been to a few of these big shows before but this was your first trip to the San Diego Comic Con.
you went to the elevator and up to the 8th floor and went to your room. the manager had been gracious enough to give you a suite with a balcony and a jacuzzi you were sure you would use it. you got into your Supernatural jewelry and your shirt change to a tank top, your long jeans had changed to your fave leather skirt and your runners stayed on cause you didn’t want blisters this weekend.
then you grabbed your all access pass and your key and your wallet cased phone leaving your hotel room you once again walked off to another convention. this time when you saw the convention center where it was being held your heart skipped a few beats your mouth went dry and a mark appeared on your arm.
you went into the center and found the washroom looking at your arm you pulled out your phone and called your best friend who unfortunately couldn’t attend the convention with you cause she had a huge exam coming up for her university course and elected to stay behind and study.
“dude we got a problem my soul mate he is here at the convention the mark that appeared the last time we were at a convention with supernatural stars in it the mark had appeared briefly but now it’s not leaving does this mean my soulmate is here”
you could hear your friend laughing at you,
“YN yes that is exactly what it means but don’t worry if you find him just make sure you bring him home first before you marry him... but I got to go my honey just got home. love you let me know when you find him...”
with that the call was done it was short and sweet and you loved her so much but you were worried what if he didn’t know you were here... then you felt a stinging from your mark, “omg he knows I’m in the building, well it’s time to face the music let’s do this...”
you pulled your courage, straightened your pass, and exited the bathroom with a purpose with a skip in your stride you felt your mark burn ever so slightly the closer you got to the main hall, you hoped your missing autographs would be there.
you walked into the hall and smiled seeing the hustle and bustle of everyone it made you happy. but you felt your heart stop causing you to stop in your tracks, your soulmate he was near but where was he, who was he... you bumped into someone and you turned around immediately only to find that you were now staring at Jared Padalecki.
you pulled back a bit and apologized, “omg Jared Padalecki, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to do that”
he laughed and then caught wind of the mark on your arm, “excuse me I don’t mean to be rude but you have the same mark on your arm as someone else I know umm I’m sorry what’s your name”
you giggled and smiled, “my name is Y/F&L/N what do you have in mind for an idea to get us both in the same room”
Jared just smiled at you, “come with me ill text him as we head to the back room he has been saying his soulmate has been here for the last few hours. now I know why cause you were.”
Jared took out his phone and hit call, “Jay meet me in the backroom I found your soulmate... I’m heading there with her now.”
you couldn’t hear anything but you kept tight grip of your merch bags as you followed Jared closely watching as the guards argued with Jared when they stopped him from bringing me thru but with some hard convincing you were let thru.
you knew your friend was never gonna believe you without some hard evidence, Jared Padalecki knows your soulmate.  you were for sure gonna have alot of explaining to do but it was only the first day of the convention. you were sure the rest of the weekend was gonna be just as good.
you and Jared arrived in the back room and about 5 minutes you waited, the door opened and you heard a voice a very familiar voice. “dude is that her well she looks good from the back...” you heard Jared laugh as he said, “dude don’t worry I’m not blind you know she is so much like you. hey YN come over here and meet my friend”
you turned around and smiled as your eyes connected with Jensen Ackles your eyes shone and Jensen approached you with a smile on his face, “I felt like I couldn’t breathe till now. I’m happy to be meeting you YN. Jared get Richard I think he should know before the fans find out.”
Jared left the room with a giddy smile on his face as he shut the door catching only a small glimpse of Jensen leaning in to kiss YN. Jared knew that when he got back they would either still be kissing or they would be cuddled up somewhere.
Jensen Ackles was kissing you, your brain was attempting to process what was currently happening. you were making out with Jensen Ackles it was amazing, your arm burned which made you yelp.
“sorry Jensen, it’s just my mark is burning... what does this mean.” Jensen smiled and moved to sit on the chair and moved you to sit on his lap, “it means you have found your other half and you are now whole.”
suddenly the door opened and in walked Jared with Richard Speight Jr, you kept your forehead attached to Jensen’s as he sighed, “well I think this means I am gonna need my own space boys…” Richard who now was as happy as could be, “Jay my man you did it your hooked for this young woman I’m sure this weekend wasn’t planning on finding her soulmate let alone finding out it was her biggest hero. Though I have to ask dear where r u from?”
All you could do was smile, you were so happy right now you weren’t even thinking about what you were about to say, “Y/H/T, I drove over here to see the convention because it was one of the only conventions I had never been too before plus I hoped this was my chance to get the autographs for all of/most of the supernatural cast.”
Jensen smiled as he planted a small kiss to your forehead, but Jared cleared his throat and said, “jay the panel will be starting soon, Richard is there anyway that jay and YN won’t have to be separated or what are you thinking?” Richard looked at you and Jensen and smiled ever so slightly, “I have an idea but it’s a longshot that it will even work… Jensen how would you like the fans to find out about this new found love you have found?”
Jensen got up holding onto you closely, he couldn’t bare risking anything happening to you. “Richard I think we need to let the fans know about this, but in a special way make your announcements rich I need to brief YN on a few things before we go out there. I mean I’m sure she knows how the panel works but she will need to understand what happens out there will change her life forever…”
Jensen smiled as you put your finger to his lips and said, “I knew that this weekend was gonna change my life from the moment I stepped into my car to get here don’t worry I can handle anything plus if someone take pictures I can send it to my best friend or jay and I can go back and she could see it for herself… I mean if you want…”
You said as you turned your gaze to Jensen who simply smiled, “guys I guess I’m taking a vacation with my girl and we will meet you guys back in Vancouver. But first let’s do this panel and make this announcement rich do your thing.”
Richard, Jared, Jensen and you all exited the room and while Richard went out to announce the panel there was a calm that washed over you and Jensen. Then after the crowd died down you guys all heard this, “good day ladies and gentlemen boys and girls I’m Richard Speight Jr and yes I will also be apart of this panel but today we not only have J2 and J2M but one of our lucky panel members has an announcement but that will be for him to announce to you all himself. Let’s give a big round of applause for Jared Padalecki and for Jensen Ackles.”
From the moment Jensen left your grasp you felt a little happier, but you weren’t far from him. “Misha will be joining us later but right now I turn it over to these guys as I too join the table.”
You watched as Richard joined the table and then you smiled realizing Jensen was rubbing his mark to try and soothe you. But you smiled more feeling a little nervous, while you heard Jensen laugh as he said, “how’s everyone doing today?” the crowd just cheered making the room feel a lot louder than it should as Jensen laughed,
“alright so as Richard said something happened to one of us today and well that person was me see this morning when I entered this room to set up for the panel a mark appeared on my arm one that I could only tell was my soulmate, she is here today and I had the honor of spending some time with her already and right now I wish to present her to you for she is my other half, ladies and gentlemen give it up for YN…”
Jensen came over to you and held his hand towards you and from the moment you stepped foot on the panel floor your previous life was forgotten. Well sort of I mean you weren’t fully gonna forget it but you knew whatever happened next was gonna be epic. Jensen and you did a little mini Q/A during the panel discussing what you both wanted for this new adventure and being asked for a photo worthy kiss.
------------2 YEARs & 6 MONTHS LATER-----------
You forgot how hard it was to move, you forgot how much stuff you had accumulated while living between your parents’ home and with your best friend but now you had your soulmate and it was the final moving day for you and Jensen as you both along with most of the SPN cast & crew unloaded boxes furniture and more boxes but eventually it was all unloaded and it was time to sit and relax you guys had the bodyguards putting together the bed frame and headrest as you both agreed to get a new bed so it was entirely your own.
At this point after much consideration you both had ordered in Chinese with triple orders of chicken balls and dry ribs and rice, you couldn’t have been any happier. Then as you and Jensen ate you continued to unpack some boxes, you found a box that had a bunch of pictures and posters in it you knew that it was gonna feel right after putting them up so you and Jensen created a mural of the month and the day you met on the big wall above the fire place with a poster of your first public photographed kiss at that San Diego Comic Con.
You both centered it in the middle of the date and you both fell back on the couch and smiled, “Are we completely sure that’s how it’s supposed to look?” you said as Jensen pulled you to rest your head in his lap, “well it looks good like that I mean it would have still yet taken us weeks to find a good spot for that but making this mural was a wonderful idea babe… do you think we can have that talk now the one that you said we could have after we finished moving?”
You looked up at Jensen and smiled, “of course I mean we are just sitting here on OUR couch looking at OUR mural so yes we can have that talk now… what was it you wanted to discuss with me?”
Jensen moved to remove his shirt and you didn’t object cause it was something he did every single night and you loved it. “YN I love you I love everything about you I especially love the way your eyes sparkle. You couldn’t have picked a better time to come to the SDCC but now we have been together for 2 YEARS & 6 MONTHS and well I feel like it is the right time for another upgraded step.”
Jensen reached behind him on the table and placed in front of you a small black box with a 24k Diamond Ring with a silver band inside it, “YN will you make me even happier and marry me, I mean you have changed me in more ways than I can ever have hoped for but I know you feel something changing too… so will you marry me?”
You weren’t sure if your voice would betray you or not but you spoke anyway, “yes yes yes of course I will Jay I love you…” you started kissing him when all the sudden you heard the sound of clapping and cheering, you both turned around and saw everyone from the cast to the crew, you both knew it was gonna be a chaotic next year…
And man were you both right…
------- 4 MONTHS LATER-------
Jensen and you were taking a mini vacation like being told to take a rest from all the wedding planning and go on a mini road trip somewhere course you both choose LA cause why not… while there you both had some WILD moments things were heated and you both barely left your hotel room.
One morning around 2:30am you rushed to the bathroom and upchucked anything that would have been in your stomach was now gone. With that you pulled out your little toiletries bag and searched for the one thing you knew your best friend in the whole world had put in there… you held on to it and then waited for the results… after 2 minutes you looked at it…
You took the results and went in the bedroom you shoke Jensen lightly, “Jay Jay, wake up I think something happened and we have only been here a month…” Jensen now sort of awake turned on the lamp smiling when he saw the test and results in your hand, “YN is that what I think it is?” you nodded now slightly crying, “are we gonna be parents???” you nodded more cause your words weren’t coming out and Jensen took the test from you placing it on the table he cuddle you close and you bursted into tears, “we are gonna be parents YN we are gonna bring a baby into this world. But when should we tell the others…”
---------1 week later---------
You and Jensen arrived back home still keeping close the results and unloading the SUV you hummed. Jensen carried the suitcase while you carried in most of the groceries and stuff. “damn jay we brought back a lot of souvenirs…”
Within moments you both were greeted by your best friend running towards you in a giant hug with knocked you both onto the couch and you teared up again… “Y/F/N I can’t believe you would do such a thing… scaring me like that actually no I’m happy you’re here it will be so much easier to tell you the exciting news in person at dinner tonight I mean Jared and Gen are coming for dinner too so ya… umm Jay can you take our suitcase upstairs and unpack the toiletry bags and please. Y/F/N can you help me make dinner…”
She couldn’t believe what she was hearing as she followed you into the kitchen, “ok girl spill what’s so secretive I mean Jensen was moving like he didn’t want to leave your side I mean it’s like that with most soul mates but you and Jensen seem different…” you didn’t know what to say and you wanted to tell everyone together, “let’s just say for now girl that LA was definitely a time I will never forget..”
She gave you a look like she wanted to hear more but she knew you were stubborn and that you weren’t gonna say anything till everyone was here. She showed you what she had done per to the instructions you had given her to start on for dinner and for about half an hour you and your best friend wandered your kitchen spinning eachother at each turn and throwing the bird in the oven to slow cook for the next few hours.
Over time you both got emerced with wedding details sealing the invites your bestie offering to run them to the mail box when she and her beau went to get the drinks for tonight. Well that left you and Jensen alone for a few moments, you curled up to him on the couch, his hands stroking your belly with the future baby Ackles inside and you were in awe.
Once your friend got back, Jared and his family arrived as well, but it was still a little bit to dinner. Jensen had offered to help you with the bird giving Gen a chance to do clothing measurements for your Maid of Honor and Jared, Gen had offered to sew your wedding party dresses and then to help you pick yours online and do any alterations and such.
You felt connected to Gen from the moment you met her, Jensen came up behind you while you were cutting potatoes, wrapping his arms around your waist he smiles kissing your neck softly, “you know someone like you could really get someone like me all frisky…” he whispered in your ear making you smile, “babe you know heated you making me right now?” he only smiled answering your question as there it became apparent that everything was perfect.
Finally, it was time to sit and eat, you and Jensen sat at the head of the table, Jared and gen sat on the right, while your friend and her beau sat on the left Jensen grabbed you a soda out of the fridge when he grabbed his beer, everyone was curious why you weren’t drinking.
Jensen got up to speak, “we are all gathered today to celebrate not only the marriage between me and YN but the fact that we have our friends and family round us right now makes this the perfect moment to announce something. YN would you like to say it or would you like me to?”
All you could do was cling to Jensen’s hand as you got up,
“well as you all know we went for a little vacay to LA and we were amazed by how much fun we had it was mainly shopping. But we were entitled to everything. But while there we had a lot of wild fun and the week before we left, I got woken up from my sleep by what at the time I had perceived to be a bug of some kind, but when I got the idea to test the theory I tested it right away. After finding out the results I woke Jensen immediately and we couldn’t be more thrilled so I just have one question for both of the other ladies in this room: as my bridal party would you both also take up the role of God mother for our child…???”
Everyone’s eyes widened as Jensen said, “YN and I are gonna be parents, we are about 2 weeks along now… our first appointment with the doctor is next week.”  
Everyone hugged you both, they now understood why you weren’t drinking but they did cheers to you and Jensen anyway and thus so turned their attention back to the food that was now slowly becoming cooler but now everyone understood.
After a while it was decided to move the wedding date forward in order for you to be able to fit into your dress and yet still make you Mrs. Y/N Ackles. But it was gonna take a little bit of time so neither of your bridal party was really caring about anything else just intensely focusing on giving you and Jensen the best wedding ever.
-----------2 months later THE FIRST BIG DAY------------
“Gen I don’t know if I can do everything exactly as practiced I mean we had to as it is change the bust part for my dress which sucks but I guess its part of being pregnant my boobs grow too. But im like I don’t know nervous maybe…”
Gen spun me towards her as we stood in the mirror, “look ok I know one thing Jensen wont ever let anything happen to you. He loves you too much to let you be nervous. Now put a smile on your face and finish your vows so we can put you in your dress and get you out there.”
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You sighed looking at your dress still sitting on the mannequin, you finished writing your vows down. And Gen helped you into your dress. You spun round in it and smiled allowing no tears yet to fall from your eyes.
You took your phone and smiled, sticking it in your clutch and handing that to Gen who then texted Jared and Y/F/N that it was time and Jared said he and Jensen were already at the alter. You stopped at the door and became extremely nervous feeling your heart pulsing faster.
You had no idea what you were walking out into and yet you felt your mark burning it was nothing to be wronged of. You felt it heat up but little known to you Jensen was just as nervous as you. Yet Gen and Jared were surprisingly calm considering their best friends were getting married and yet they had not freaked out once.
---------Jensen view---------
“Damn jared and Gen went all out to turn their back yard into a ceremony/reception place it is gonna be so hard not to take Y/N to the bathroom and go wild but meh, we will do lots of that later right now I just need to remember what…”
At that moment Jensen was snapped out of his little thought span by Jared coming up behind him and patting him on the back, “so dude you ready for this I mean its gonna be amazing you and Y/N are really a beautiful couple plus this baby dude your gonna be a father im super stoked im gonna be an uncle.. its gonna be awesome. Anyway Gen says its time the minister is already here and the cast and crew are also here she will be coming down with Y/N in a few moments you need to get into position. Dude don’t worry everything will be fine.”
Jensen looked over at his best friend and smiled walking up the aisle with Jared leading the way he took their positions. Then the music started and it sounded through the entire property, with Gen and Y/F/N on either side of Y/N it was how Y/N had chosen to make her grand entrance but rehearsing this was a fun thing and her parents had suggested it since they couldn’t make it to the wedding they had asked Gen and Y/F/N  to take their places and that they would skype in while they were at their business meetings their supervisors were friends and so she actually had the entire boards of her parents works watching the wedding while they had their meetings. Which made Jensen smile he never dreamed he would have had this many people at his wedding at all.
----------Y/N POV-----------
You were more nervous but happy your parents at least got to witness your wedding, although it was amazing having your friends walk you down the aisle. But you did as soon as the march started you all strolled down the aisle at a steady pace and your eyes locked with Jensen’s you were sure you would fall on your face but that wasn’t going to happen.
Finally, it was the end of the aisle your hand connected with Jensen’s and once more you felt like you were home. Your friends took their spots behind you as the minister spoke,
“honored and esteemed friends & family today we have gathered to bear witness to the union of Jensen Ackles and YF&LN these 2 souls may have lived within the darkness but yet stay now & forevermore in the light of eachother for by the holy grace of God we bare witness to their marks for these 2 souls have been pre destined to be together now if anyone objects to this union please speak up or forever hold your peace...”
Well the good news was that no one objected, “very well Jensen & Y/N its time for your vows…”
Jensen’s touch against your hands was calming as he spoke,
“Y/N stepping foot into a convention and not expecting something is all part of the fun and that day we both found something we could have only dreamed of. We found eachother we weren’t expecting to come out of the con with our soulmates but it happened and I’m so thankful for every precious day with you. I Jensen Ross Ackles promise on this day to love cherish and protect you for the rest of our lives for as long as we both shall live.”
You stroked the top of his hand after he placed the ring on your finger as you smiled and spoke,
“Jensen you have made me a very lucky lady I mean you took my breath away that first day and now I can’t even find the words to describe my love for you. All these years before finding you I thought I was alone that I didn’t have a soulmate and I know now that I have you now and forevermore as part of my love for the supernatural fandom I taught myself Latin and with that I have one thing to say, quod est vinculum amor coniungit nos meaning love is the bond that unites us. I YFMLN also promise on this day to love cherish and protect you for the rest of our lives as long as we both shall live.”
With that the preacher smiled as you placed the ring on Jensen’s finger and spoke, “with the power vested in me by the laws of the church and heaven and in the sight of God I now pronounce you husband and wife. Jensen you may now kiss your bride.”
Jensen dipped you towards your bridal party and kissed you passionately. You could see the flashes from all the cameras and the people cheering. Everyone was happy most of all you and Jensen were happy.
There was a party after but all you and Jensen wanted to do was sit nestled on the porch wearing still your wedding clothes. You didn’t have the faintest idea of what the future still held, but you and Jensen were gonna live life to the fullest you could and it would all be amazing cause you would be together.
Everyone was impressed what destination you and Jensen had chosen for your honeymoon you both had chosen an all inclusive no expense spared luxury trip for a month to Disney world only shopping and small rides that wouldn’t hurt you but it was still gonna be amazing.
You could only smile as the private jet took off but with Jensen sitting next to you it was awesome. You arrived and your month went nice and slow but you came back just after you started showing but when you guys returned it was time to travel to Vancouver for starting to shoot the next season.
-----------6 MONTHS LATER-----------
You and Jensen were coming back from Vancouver and all of the sudden it hit you the FIRST contraction. Driving back from the airport Jensen stopped the car pulling over as you screamed in pain.
“it is a contraction it’s the first one it hurts like a son of a bitch…  ug ahhhhhh”
You screamed again as the second one hit and Jensen undid your seatbelt slightly making it easier for you to breathe as he started the car again, “hang on sweetheart…. We will be at the hospital in about 10 minutes. Don’t worry honey it will be alright…”
You focused on your breathing and Jensen’s thumb stroking the back of your hand, you tried to smile through the pain. But it hurt so much and you were not sure how you would live through this…
You guys arrived at the hospital and Jensen helped get you inside immediately you were placed in a wheelchair and you could hear the nurses and Jensen talking around you as you let out another scream as your 3rd contraction hit.
Then this is all you heard,
Nurse: Jensen I assume you want to be in the room for the birth of your child
Jensen: yes of course but she keeps screaming in pain please tell me she is gonna only get the push system
Nurse: of course for as long as everything goes perfectly.
Jensen: don’t let my wife or my child die
Nurse: according to this mobile ultrasound its 2 children
Jensen: 2 children is that why it hurts so much…
You screamed once more and looked for Jensen, “it hurts everything hurts.”
Jensen who now held your hand as the nurses helped you on the bed but Jensen pulled out his phone and texts Jared who responds with he and Gen are on their way to the hospital but puts his phone down and stares right into your eyes, “babe breathe just breathe and push… sorry doc but I don’t think my wife will listen to you right now…”
You were calmed by the sound of Jensen’s voice and you felt the needle go into you and felt the pain subside slightly.
Jensen held your hand as the nurse looked at you, “ok Y/N I need you to push hun the first one is almost out I need one big push…”
You listened to the nurse nodding your head and squeezing Jensen’s hand tightly as you screamed pushing as hard as you could but felt relief when you heard the sound of crying,
“congratulations it’s a boy…”
You had a moment to breathe actually, you had like 15 minutes to breathe before the contractions started again…
The nurses had moved your son to get him cleaned up and stuff, “hun you need to push more this time and there should still be enough morphine in your system to last through this one… ok push….”
All you could do was scream there was a very high pain tolerance, you squeezed Jensen’s hand as tight as you could and screamed as the sound cut out and the voices rang in your ears.
You never wanted to feel such pain, but you didn’t mind you were bringing children into this world and you had every intention of staying in this world to raise them but with the sound having cut out you were only half there.
Jensen tried to get your attention but you were still screaming, Jensen watched your eyes fade to black and then back to brown once the nurses injected you with a sedative the last thing you hear is, “congratulations it’s a girl…”
You woke up 1 hour later and you see Jensen with some supernatural lore books and he turns to you, “babe your awake what happened back there?” you shrugged your shoulders not realizing what happened, “I don’t know jay I mean the last thing I remember is the sound cutting out after the nurse told me to push… you look frightened dear what else happened?”
Jared walked in at that moment, “jay none of the nurses noticed her eyes change and the scans of your children look normal… are you sure of what you saw man?” Jensen nodded his head, “im positive but if there was a demon here where did it go…” Jared only cleared his throat and looked at your shocked expression.
“hold on first of all children??? I remember the nurses saying a boy and a girl we have 2 but what is this about a demon and when do we kill it I want to do this no one possesses my body while I’m pregnant and gets away with it...”
Jensen and Jared only smiled at your eagerness for hunting but there was also a lot wrong with this, “but this life it isn’t supposed to be real, I mean all the books and everything are nothing compared to what I saw from you babe, as soon as I told Jared what I saw he took Gen home and is keeping her out of it for now… we will all need to work together which means Jared and Gen are moving in with us for the time being. I mean we would need help anyway but still what’s the modo???”
“SAVING PEOPLE, HUNTNG THINGS, THE FAMILY BUSINESS…” all of you said as the twins started crying wanting to be fed but a nurse came in and locked the door. 
But that is another tale for another time.
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floorman3 · 7 years ago
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Stephen Lovekin/Variety/REX/Shutterstock (9774278t) Spike Lee ‘BlacKkKlansman’ film premiere, Arrivals, New York, USA – 30 Jul 2018
Due to peer pressure the academy has decided to put the most popular Oscar category on hold until  further notice. I believe that more films should be nominated due to the fact that there are so many films coming out in theaters every year. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 350 films come out every year now. That’s way up from the 20’s, 30’s, 40’s or 50’s many years ago. We need to figure out a way to reward all the great films that come out every year and not bury so many great films. The awards aren’t enough anymore to just say well 10 nominees and one winner or five nominees and one winner we need to have different categories so we can show that there are more than just art house and indie films that are great. Just because a movie cost 150 or 200 million doesn’t mean it’s not a great film those film should be  rewarded for some of the things that are different than art house and indie films. Such as special effects and spectacle. As far as Black Panther goes I believe it’s not the best MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) film this year. I believe that honor goes to Avengers: Infinity War. There is so much going on in Infinity War so many characters and so many storylines for that film to look and have such an emotional impact it’s definitely the best MCU film of the year. Is the post credit scene in Ant-Man and the WASP great film? No that’s not a whole film. Black Panther I feel like is more like Captain America: Winter Soldier than it is its own movie. I understand the diversity in the black cast and the whole idea of having and all black  film and whatnot I just don’t think it’s one of the best films of the year I mean they’re easily 15 or 20 films in my opinion that are better than Black Panther. Other films like Black K Klansman come to mind that are trying to do something similar as Black Panther and they do it a better way in my opinion. So does the film I’m Sorry to Bother You and Eighth Grade and Leave No Trace and First reformed. I mean there is so many even Incredibles 2 does the superhero genre better than Black Panther in my opinion.
As far as trying to get diversity in the acting and directing and cinematography categories.  Some of these categories I feel like you know you can compare film and movies in a way to baseball. Where  Major League Baseball wanted to get more more black Americans people to play the game of baseball. There losing people  so what did they do they started academies in places like Cuba and Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic and Venezuela so they could become great prospects and baseball players in the future. This is what we need to do we’re not getting minority actors and actresses and people like this to do this kind of work cuz it’s not easy being a filmmaker in an actor in a cinematographer and a writer and so forth.  These jobs aren’t easy so I understand how having the Academy is having problems getting minorities to do this stuff is a difficult thing but force-feeding us minority films because you put a bunch of people into the academy so that’s going to change the type of films that get nominated I don’t think that’s the right way to go. We need to get the best people doing the this work you know people like Steve McQueen and Barry Jenkins as far as directors go they worked hard to get where they came up through the system made smaller movies.The same thing works  for Spike Lee he has worked his way up over the decades to become one of the great filmmakers there is. There was a time he didn’t just start out becoming a great filmmaker deserving Oscar nominations yet did he make a really good film in do the right thing sure. And then what did he do? He started out doing Nike commercials. and stuff like that. so the actors and the directors need to hone their craft to get to the point where they’re successful. For instance Amandla Stenberg she worked her way up through doing the Hunger Games then she did Everything,Everything then she did The Darkest Minds this summer which wasn’t the best movie and now she’s got the Hate You Give so little by little by little she has been doing the work and so she’s going to eventually get rewarded. For that you just can’t throw these people into Oscar consideration when they haven’t had a body of work that deserves it or performance that deserves it. I think that films such as Crazy Rich Asians are interesting and entertaining films but they’re not Oscar contenders the films that are coming out in the fall like First Man, Boy Erased, Old Man, and the Gun, Can You Ever Forgive Me, Bohemian Rhapsody, The Front Runner and Roma and so many other films like these are the kinds of films that deserve to be looked at if they turn out to be bad films then you forget them. Then put them to the wasteside but we’ve already got 15 or 20 and that to me is what should be celebrated not diversity in Asians Latinos and African-Americans and film in cinematography and directing. The grits and Aussie do it right. They have their children learn acting and filmmaking at a young age. It’s part of there school curriculum. So that’s why they are far ahead of other countries in learning to be actors, actresses and filmmakers.
ALFONSO CUARîN DIRECTOR GRACE OF MONACO, PREMIERE. 67TH CANNES FILM FESTIVAL CANNES, , FRANCE 14 May 2014 DIR68683 (Newscom TagID: ptsphotoshottwo470796.jpg) [Photo via Newscom]
….February 7 2015, LA….Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu arriving at the 67th Annual Directors Guild Of America Awards at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza on February 7, 2015 in Century City, California…….By Line: Peter West/ACE Pictures……ACE Pictures, Inc…tel:Email: (Newscom TagID: acephotos455235.jpg) [Photo via Newscom]
88th Oscars Nominations Announcement Featuring: Guillermo del Toro Where: Academy Of Motion Picture Arts A, California, United States When: 14 Jan 2016 Credit: FayesVision/WENN.com (Newscom TagID: wennphotosfive585778.jpg) [Photo via Newscom]
For example we have three great directors from Mexico Alejandro, Gonzalez iInarritu Alfonso Curon and Guillermo del Toro. These guys work their way up they did small films they all had different paths to getting to where they are today but they’re all oscar-winning directors and they did it by working hard coming up through the system and they didn’t ask for anything they they went out and they did the work and then eventually they were rewarded for doing the work Curon for Gravity, Guillermo Del Toro for The Shape of Water, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu for Birdman and the Revenant. I mean these are all great films so once they build up their reputation then they were considered great filmmakers and the opportunities are out there but you have to go do the work and you have work hard at it and then you’ll eventually get rewarded. A lot of these categories I think people have to remember that when it comes to the Oscars you shouldn’t just be able to give all these Awards away to people just because they’re Asian or Black or Latino.
  By Dan Skip Allen
Most Popular Film Category Put on Hold Due to peer pressure the academy has decided to put the most popular Oscar category on hold until  further notice.
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ofcaerus · 7 years ago
Name: Asher ‘Ash’ Strike (they/them)  Affiliation: Old Olympus Occupation: Spy/Informant. Drug Dealer/Dancer for New Olympus. Faceclaim: Paulina Singer
You go by Ash now, but that is not the name you were christened with - and this isn’t the first time you’ve shed your identity, only to have it remade new. You are made of fleeting moments and running shoes, a creature to whom lying comes naturally, always inventing falsehoods. Where some might do such wicked things in the name of survival, you’ve never been one of those desperate phoenixes - rising from the ashes. Instead, you’re a chameleon, changing your spots to adapt to your habitat. You can’t deny that it’s fun either.
Your parents call you Jane. You learn to scowl at that name - much the way you scowl at everything in your childhood. Traditional, they say, with approving nods. Plain, old Jane, you reply, bitter. It’s not as if your upbringing is hard - your parents are perfectly nice people, if not a little dull - and they make enough so that you never worry about money. Your mother is a school teacher and your father works in insurance. Your home has a white picket fence and a tree you can swing from - but your world is only as big as the town you live, 10,000 apiece. Even now, you can still remember each one of their names. There was Muriel your next door neighbour and Jack the first friend you made in Elementary. But they, like your parents, are so small. Your entire world isn’t big enough to fathom, nor fit, your desires. Simply put, you want it all.
You never manage to pinpoint exactly what that means, preferring to focus on the wider concepts - places, people and things. You draw your inspiration from works of fiction, your only outlet in this black-and-white life - and picture yourself in the shoes of your pretend heroes, living their lives. You suppose that your talent for lying and irresistible charm stems from there, mimicking their sentences until you could stole their voices for your own. Next step? Their stories. Had you been born on the West Coast, you might have been a child actress - prone to stepping out of your own skin and into those of others. Bored with your life, you often played games - to your benefit - and at the expense of the town dwellers. You snuck into the local bar, dolled up to double your age and drank whiskey without flinching. You stole cigarettes from seedy men and smoked in the school bathroom, doe-eyed when you were caught. You stole lipstick from the local store and deliberately got caught, seeing the limits to which you could push people. Deploying a variety of tactics, you got away with each act of rebellion. With time, even that game grew tiring, too easy. You wanted to sink your teeth into something real, into a challenge. 
So, at seventeen, you tear your college applications to shreds - and months before you’re due to graduate high school, you buy a one way ticket to New York City - with no intention of ever coming back. You had always liked the charm of teenage runaways, the romance behind pursuing a dream and leaving it all behind. The logic of reality would dictate that it wouldn’t work out, that you return within three months with your tail between your leg, but things have always slotted into place for you. You’re fortunate like that. So within moments of arriving, you drop into The Stardust Diner just off Broadway and sell a story about being an aspirational musical star. You call yourself Maria - just like the one from West Side Story. Maria is innocent, naive and a little air-headed. But boy can she sing. They give you the job - and you sink your teeth into your new life. You don’t just play the role, you become it. You make friends, kiss your co-workers and live off leftover pancakes and fries. But being the ingeune grows tiring for a while, so after nine months, you claim you’ve been casted and leave without a goodbye to all those you have known. All that’s left is a name badge in a shoe box at the end of your bed.
You sublet your apartment and move in somewhere else, where they don’t ask too many questions. You’re Jean now, a chain-smoking Parisian native. Getting to grips with the grit of the city, you live in Queens, working in a dive bar to make ends meet. You spend most of your days pouring beers and acting as a sort of therapist, listening to the woes of your customers – but their stories too. Such magical ones, that set your heart alive. You feel a little like Jane then, captivated by a fairy tale. You don’t stay Jean for very long, but not because the accent is too hard or the hair dye begins to ruin your hair. You don’t mean Jean because the adventure isn’t enough. You need more than beer bottles and crumbled cigarette packets, hook-ups and half lived adventures. You need something better. You’re not asking to become a magnate of Wall Street (it’s too structured), but would it be so bad to have a little of something else?
The night your life changes, the night you meet Zeus, you’re nameless. You’ve always taken great pride in your identity choices, musing for a long time – so when they ask for your name, outside the Warehouse (you picked it because it’s like nowhere you’ve been before, very Carrie Bradshaw of you) you don’t give them one, tapping the ash of your cigarette like you’re playing them. (You can’t shake the last vestiges of Jean, after all). I’ve been watching you, she said. You’ve got the world wrapped around your fingers. It’s true, you’ve spent your evening flirting with random strangers and scoring free drinks, the eyes of the world beholding your charisma. That’s what I’m looking for. Do you like adventures? You tried not to look too curious, to hide the spark in your eyes. Tossing the cigarette away, your breath was mist on the damp night air. Depends on what they are. The woman laughed. And what they can give you? Well I can offer you a slice of the world, served up on soliver – riches and powers and meaning. You hated to admit that you were drawn in by the sound of that – of playing out your own rise, dipping your claws into something with meaning. I’m in the middle of a war – one I intend to win. But to do that, I need someone to be my eyes and ears on the other side, someone from outside the inner circle. Someone with an air of innocence. Someone who wants to be there. You paused, being a bond girl had never sounded very appealing, but 007 themselves? Perhaps a spy could be fun. Otherwise, why would fiction salivate about it so? What do you have in mind? The woman smiled, or snarled, it depended on your perspective. How do you feel about getting your hands dirty? You shrugged, indifferent. Morals had never mattered much – you never thought they would. You know, I’ll need your name. You laughed. I’ll give it to you tomorrow.  
 Sure enough, when you turned up at the cusp of dawn, you were armed. Your name was Ash, a lucky name – and you were from New Jersey, just up the road. It was the closest to Jane you had ever been, fulfilling long held hopes. From that moment on, you never looked back. 
Zeus taught you everything about the world you were about to possess. Both the flower and the serpent, the rose and the thorns, you became everything under their tuition, the best version of yourself that you had ever been. You words were intoxicating, your aura undeniable. You gave them – and Old Olympus – everything, all the parts of you – Ash and otherwise. In return, she let you into her world – darkness and shadows, daggers hidden in the dark, fine white powder. With her patronage, you blossomed. Without it, you were done – and after one tasted, you never wanted to leave. This truly was the role of a lifetime. You thought you knew better than Alice. You thought you wouldn’t fall into Wonderland. After two months of careful training, you made your move, haunting Club Nyra until they noticed you. At first a bartender and then a dancer, it was months until you were taken to the one they called Hades. You had your eyes set on him from the start. A distant creatures, he gave nothing away. But he let you in. That was enough.
Since then, you’ve spent every waking moment crawling your way in, a pest who won’t let go. It’s been longer than you thought – the longest you’ve spent as anyone (you may be losing yourself in the role) – and you’re only just beginning to gain their trust, to be allowed into the inner circle of the group. A low-level drug runner and part time Dancer for them, you’ve not gotten the ultimate pay-off yet, the one that will strike the final blow. Zeus circles impatiently, craving each nugget of information. You’ve given her everything you have, chipping at New Olympus piece by piece. In the process, however, you’ve discovered something beyond belief – completely unintentional. You’ve found a conscious. New Olympus aren’t the backstabbing monsters Zeus made them out to be – and Zeus isn’t the hallowed King she likes to parade as either. There’s weakness. New Olympus have been kind, even welcoming – and you’ve started to feel unconscious working against them. Had this been any other role, you long would have taken off – leaving everything else, even yourself, behind. Instinct urges you to do just that, knowing you can’t keep playing both sides forever and dread having to pick one of them. But something else urges you to stay. You’re just not sure which side to stay on. You’d better figure it out fast – before someone else does.
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