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The era of advertising when nonsense ingredients were a selling point
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Lmao. Job what job?
#i don't wanna talk about it but jfc#howwwww do you retsin employees when you expect the world from them#don't train#oh and treat (some) of them like shit#tbd#ooc;
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Drv3 Monsters au
much easier to say then Oumota/Drv3 undead monsters au idk what tf i was thinking on that post
my friend csme up with an idea
diffrent type of were animals
so like wearcat, wearbat ect
so i decided to make tenko a wearcat bc i can
speaking of i wanted to talk about tenko x himiko x angie and there dynamic
i want to keep there cannon dynamic atlest for the start of there realastionship
but less of tenko has an unhealthy obsession with himiko more of himiko is one of my first friends and shes great and i just want to keep talking to her and wait a second i think im in love
which seems similar but her attitude twords himiko will he diffrent and more respectful of himikos boundriers
bc the idea is no one tenko meets reallt wants to be around her bc wearcat and she hurts ppl bc of rhat but himikos a ghost soooo tenko doesnt hurt himiko and then himiko still wants to be around tenko which tenko isnt used to so she does everything she can to make himiko stay
but when himiko starts hanging around angie tenko doesnt know how to take it and starts getting anxious that Himiko is gonna leave her bc well everyone does bc tenko is a bit loud and can hurt ppl on accident
angie on the other hand is a littel less pushy on her religion i think out of the three of them im gonna chsnhe angie the most bc now angies dead and this isnt whay she was promised by her god or otherwise the cult she was in (i need to rearche more on atua beffore i use Atua bc i dont esnt to disrespect that culture so for now im just gonna say Angies god)
Angie was apart of a cult and brainwashed to become the perfect beliver and in life she was simlisr to her in game personality which i belive was a sort of escapism mechanism for her as well especially in the killing game that i also think is possible she retsins in a different way now i think angie belives theres somthing more after this which is fair for her to belive
the reason himiko latchs onto angie and tenko is because Angie has somthing to belive and Tenko is stronger then Himiko, himiko has nothing to latch onto in death shes a follower and wants to belive theres somthing for her in a way idk quite yet still flushing himikos character out but i know she latche onto those two for slightly unhealthy reasons which is okay and i did bc i think these characters are unhealthy and problematic and im trying to take out the offensive bits but keep some of that unhealthy stuff bc death isnt the best thing for you and they wont have the best coping mechanisms
but there all going to have character development and communication evantully and its gonna be a bit angsty a bit slow burny but there gonna get there
all three of rhem have there own complexes theyll need to work through and i love that about these three but they'll eventually find comfort in eachother and itll all end up okay
#danganronpa art#danganronpa au#danganronpa#danganronpa v3#danganronpa characters#danganronpa drv3#drv3#drv3 au#danganronpa v3: killing harmony#dr killing harmony#danganronpa killing harmony#tenko chabashira#angie yonaga#toga himiko#tenko x himiko#tenko x angie#himiko x angie#himko x angie x tenko#danganronpa rant#au rants#my au#drv3 monsters#pleade reblog
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Unto Us a Child is Born
1 But there is no gloom upon her who is distressed, as when at first He humbled the land of Zeḇulun and the land of Naphtali, and afterward more heavily oppressed her, by the way of the sea, beyond the Yardĕn, in Galil of the nations.
2 The people who were walking in darkness have seen a great light; upon those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death a light has shone.
3 You shall increase the nation; You shall make its joy great. They shall rejoice before You, as in the joy of harvest, as men rejoice when they divide the spoil.
4 For You shall break the yoke of his burden and the staff of his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, as in the day of Miḏyan.
5 For every boot of one trampling in tumult, and coat rolled in blood, shall be used for burning and fuel of fire.
6 For a Child shall be born unto us, a Son shall be given unto us, and the rule is on His shoulder. And His Name is called Wonder, Counsellor, Strong Ěl, Father of Continuity, Prince of Peace.
7 Of the increase of His rule and peace there is no end, upon the throne of Dawiḏ and over His reigna, to establish it and sustain it with right-ruling and with righteousness from now on, even forever. The ardour of יהוה of hosts does this.
8 יהוה sent a word against Ya‛aqoḇ, and it has fallen on Yisra’ĕl.
9 And the people shall know, all of them, Ephrayim and the inhabitant of Shomeron, who say in pride and greatness of heart:
10 “The bricks have fallen down, but we rebuild with hewn stones; the sycamores are cut down, but we replace them with cedars.”
11 And יהוה set up the adversaries of Retsin against him, and stirred up his enemies,
12 the Arameans before and the Philistines behind. And they devour Yisra’ĕl with an open mouth. With all this His displeasure has not turned back, and His hand is still stretched out.
13 And the people have not turned back to Him who smites them, nor have they sought יהוה of hosts.
14 And יהוה cuts off head and tail from Yisra’ĕl, palm branch and reed in one day.
15 Elder and highly respected, he is the head; the prophet who teaches falsehood, he is the tail.
16 For the leaders of this people lead them astraya, and those who are guided by them are swallowed up.
17 Therefore יהוה does not rejoice over their young men, and has no compassion on their fatherless and widows; for everyone is defiled and evil, and every mouth speaks foolishness. With all this His displeasure has not turned back, and His hand is still stretched out.
18 For wrongness burns as the fire; it consumes thornbushes and weeds, and sets the bushes of the forest ablaze, and they roll up like rising smoke.
19 The land shall be burned up by the wrath of יהוה of hosts, and the people be as fuel for the fire. A man shall not spare his brother,
20 and cut down on the right hand, but shall be hungry; and he devours on the left hand, but shall not be satisfied; each one devouring the flesh of his own arm:
21 Menashsheh Ephrayim, and Ephrayim Menashsheh; together they are against Yehuḏah. With all this His displeasure has not turned back, and His hand is still stretched out. — Isaiah 9 | The Scriptures 1998 (ISR 1998) The Scriptures 1998 Copyright © 1998 Institute for Scripture Research. All Rights reserved. Cross References: Judges 7:25; 1 Samuel 30:16; 2 Chronicles 28:6; 2 Chronicles 28:18; Psalm 46:9; Psalm 68:2; Ecclesiastes 4:5; Isaiah 1:31; Isaiah 7:1-2; Isaiah 7:8-9; Isaiah 31:1; Matthew 1:1; Matthew 1:23; Matthew 4:15-16; Matthew 12:34; Matthew 15:14; Matthew 24:24: Luke 1:32; Luke 1:79; Luke 19:4; Revelation 18:8
#prophecy#virgin birth#Christ#judgment#Israel's pride#Israel's unrepentance#Isaiah 9#Book of Isaiah#Old Testament#The Scriptures 1998#ISR 1998#Holy Bible#Institute for Scripture Research
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👉Ésaïe 17:1-14 ; 18:1-7
Au chapitre 7 verset 1, nous avons vu Retsin, roi de Syrie attaquer Juda avec la complicité de Pékach fils de Remalia. 2 Rois 16 verset 5 à 9 complète ce récit par son dénouement : la prise de Damas par Tiglath-Piléser et la mort de Retsin.
Cependant « l'oracle touchant Damas » se rapporte à l'avenir tout comme les jugements précédents. La Syrie moderne fera apparemment partie de cette « multitude de peuples nombreux » (verset 12; Apocalypse 17:15), laquelle, comme une mer tumultueuse tentera de submerger Israël… mais, « avant le matin », elle ne sera plus (Psaume 37:36).
En contraste, le chapitre 18 nous présente un pays maritime étendant sa puissance protectrice (l'ombre de ses ailes) pour venir en aide au peuple élu. Ainsi Dieu distingue entre les nations du monde selon qu'elles sont ou non favorables à Israël. Et voyez ce qu'Il pense de son pauvre peuple terrestre pendant que le monde le méprise et le foule aux pieds.
À ses yeux Israël est « merveilleux » dès ce temps et au delà… N'est-il pas le peuple de Celui qui est appelé : « Merveilleux »… (Ésaïe 9:6; Bible version Darby) ? — Une nation qui attend, attend…
Et nous, amis croyants, l'attendons-nous, celui qui n'est pas seulement notre Roi, mais l'Époux céleste de l'Église ?
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Acmi Acten Aftênre Alnas Ammisniftôn Anat Anfasê Anottenuân Ansosna Antaslatnat Antâres Antêôl Anên Anôn Arhôntati Arit Arsessa Artaer Arâlænsac Ascôæn Asônsinla Athso Atlun Atme Atmethusœn Attet Attôn Atut Atên Atœr Cartât Cersi Cocam Cottean Ecrat Eftat Enlecâl Entêl Erec Esas Eshic Eshœrar Etlit Etom Etsonimanœt Etti Faselœrhos Fertot Ficneœtôtsêr Fioth Fotfintantiset Fêtoan Gerhoftestatrê Haantatot Halnôs Hamta Hamtôl Hanên Harnan Hathêl Haôr Hece Heennat Hennat Heos Hertan Hesas Heteânte Hetin Hetêrta Hineêl Hintac Hinustânham Hishsiôlnunæn Hisôrsac Hithet Hitlâ Hone Hothil Huse Huslôp Hutân Hâhat Hânæl Hâttat Hênu Hôrsa Infettec Inno Inrôntæl Inta Inân Irtasæc Isan Ishne Isna Istaæn Itet Ithsêlnet Ittitrot Lahither Laltêr Lantas Latanetrim Leatninholha Lelreth Lenanshân Lensentochhær Lethinhâ Linsê Litrarte Littasnafes Liôn Lâncim Lâno Lârâl Lætalta Lætver Lêrtâmthôn Lêrærhæeltet Lœrsêrtofnutœl Maen Mainsâltanên Manno Mintaetôn Mireten Mirnin Monton Mottântênlâs Mânthestâ Mêlcôlên Mêtarnuhe Naltottusis Nannair Nanos Nansettan Nanurnêrrane Nanus Nanær Naonântop Narannis Narnânotêr Narraran Narut Nashânti Nassêt Natar Natashintât Natrul Natsiat Necun Nehetotin Nelôtsaêt Nerhrœr Neten Netlê Netnashnic Netot Neâl Neênterhse Nilhes Nimânthe Ninatnæs Ninôn Niom Nipet Nirhu Nithat Nitnosâttif Nitnêl Niutâr Niêr Nonres Norhelæntet Norpo Nosranacnul Notsirtumom Noêr Nulri Nulsar Nuræl Nusnêl Nutênramtamtes Nâifânthelen Nâlta Nâlôr Nânnanri Nâtte Nærettafâraf Nêas Nênitce Nêrân Nôlsên Nônôlnas Nônônir Nônœc Nôsar Nœlfenænlân Nœnsosên Nœsthistêm Ocet Onra Onrœn Optathôn Oræn Osên Otnil Otnœr Otsan Paen Pahet Pocasatta Pottâr Pôncât Pôæn Rafan Raltic Ranar Rani Rannônsoas Ranœt Rarut Rasânonlultat Rasæn Relersam Rertotran Retisatnæn Retsin Rirhetet Rirtehatut Risnat Ritân Ritær Riær Roleetrhâr Ronhânren Rulinat Rânnilre Rârêronhun Râstisat Rêrsisnê Rôsuc Rœmo Sacot Sacuchafotar Sain Salittœl Saltæc Sampanamat Sannan Sannasaner Santu Santus Sanun Saot Sapetassâl Sartâs Sase Sasrega Satan Satef Satis Satœtœnrisis Saut Sear Secuc Senel Senhêr Sera Sesfit Seshcâ Sesnoân Setattœrtash Sethi Setnêr Setutsush Sheesleman Siat Sihac Sipantu Sitshetanhet Sitên Soip Sonasat Soret Sutêr Sâlca Sântâr Sârcer Sênâlâl Sêrta Sôlærnes Sôrtôrsœrsorti Taentor Tahe Talra Tanash Tanshanâl Tanshæn Tanuhœfnot Tanôn Tanœl Tapoântalnoth Taris Tase Taseattanna Tashânhem Tasmi Tasnærênmasus Tatsêr Tatâcsâtasnit Taêlnôt Tecoltê Teltê Tenarli Teni Tenœsas Ternis Teslet Tespor Tesârtis Tetesfêrma Tetnoctirsenen Tetsepet Tettiri Teôn Thesnal Tiafâs Tichnoôn Tillotitâr Tilta Tinten Tinâr Tita Tititsitnira Tittalên Titân Tiuthrêr Tiâl Toræs Tosa Tosmit Totetcunottem Tunas Tunho Tunnetat Tuntotâl Tusæn Tutennâs Tutinha Tutêr Tutêrnên Tâlassi Tâlier Tâlsencôr Târse Târsâr Târte Tâset Tâtam Tænsa Tænshetenif Têlas Tênnân Tênrat Têtze Tôcnan Tôcutran Tôlnatlepil Tôntô Tôontan Tôrhif Tôrhnet Tôrim Tôtbopan Tœnlenor Tœnlê Tœrâltuthânlan Tœsônet Ulti Uphol Ussacârtæl Utnu Uttœn Âccatât Âlet Âlnaesêl Âltâltu Ânet Ânrattasênri Ânseltan Ânset Ântê Ânâlter Ânên Ânœn Ârcelnâlhæ Ârcucâas Ârhênental Ârit Ârmishanêf Ârtalæp Ârêl Âsarrasta Âtrin Âttahâtes Âtênchartœntun Âtêrlassemtar Ælnat Ælsosentunsi Ænenti Ænsa Ænsem Ênhan Ênnirôs Ênnât Ênratarlâ Ênsôlce Êntentettac Êntêltat Êrasec Êrlisnâctôn Êrot Êrrian Êrsôrsat Êtra Êtsânrenatnu Ôlan Ôlet Ôlsuc Ôltinnêth Ôltit Ônop Ôntan Ôntêl Ônônlætnœlân Ôrsimserhâl Ôrsêr Ôsmiârti Œchseœr Œnœrha Œrlen Œrnœn Œrti
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Esaïe 7
La prophétie d’Emmanuel Ésaïe et Achaz, prophétie de la naissance d’Emmanuel.
1 Il arriva du temps d’Achaz, fils de Jotham, fils d’Ozias, roi de Juda, que Retsin, roi de Syrie, monta avec Pékach, fils de Rémalia, roi d’Israël, contre Jérusalem pour l’attaquer ; mais il ne put l’attaquer. 2 Et on apporta à la maison de David cette nouvelle : La Syrie s’est appuyée sur Éphraïm. Alors le cœur du roi et le cœur de son peuple fut agité comme les arbres de la forêt sont agités par le vent. 3 Et l’Éternel dit à Ésaïe : Sors à la rencontre d’Achaz, toi et Schéarjaschub, ton fils, vers l’extrémité de l’aqueduc de l’étang supérieur, sur le chemin du champ des blanchisseurs ; 4 et dis-lui : Prends garde, tiens-toi tranquille ; ne crains point, et que ton cœur ne défaille point, à cause de ces deux bouts de tisons fumants, à cause de la fureur de Retsin et de la Syrie et du fils de Rémalia, 5 parce que la Syrie, Éphraïm et le fils de Rémalia se sont concertés pour te perdre, disant : 6 Montons contre Juda, surprenons-le, envahissons-le, et établissons-y pour roi le fils de Tabéal ! 7 Ainsi a dit le Seigneur, l’Éternel : Cela n’aura point d’effet, cela ne sera pas ! 8 Car la tête de la Syrie, c’est Damas, et la tête de Damas, c’est Retsin ; et encore soixante-cinq ans, Éphraïm sera rayé du nombre des peuples ; 9 et la tête d’Éphraïm, c’est Samarie, et la tête de Samarie, c’est le fils de Rémalia. Si vous ne croyez pas, vous ne subsisterez pas !
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Twistbot is one of @bartlett_b_pro RC4 housing with automation projects, looking at a co-living and robotic assembly of simple prefabricated timber box modules. Project by Shuting Guo, Junming Huo, Jiangwen Fu and Jiaqi Wu. Taught by @gillesretsin @jg.manuel and @visose . . . #discretedesign #discrete #architecture #design #gillesretsin #retsin #superarchitects #archilovers #startarchitects#architecturelovers#architecture_hunter#next_top_architects#designboom#architizer #arqsketch#arc_only#archdaily #archilovers #architecturestudent#architecturemodel #architectureschool#arquitectura #art #drawing #iarchitectures#imadethat #imadethis #instaarchitecture @parametric.architecture @critday @bartlettarchucl @botherzine @synarchitecture @suckerpunchdaily @the_best_new_architects ⠀ (at Bartlett School of Architecture UCL) https://www.instagram.com/p/B70oASfJ2Vr/?igshid=173ddzcip5f0
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It's time for Beginnings, the podcast where writer and performer Andy Beckerman talks to the comedians, writers, filmmakers and musicians he admires about their earliest creative experiences and the numerous ways in which a creative life can unfold.
On today's episode, I talk to artist and musician Tara Jane O'Neil. Tara cut her teeth in the 1990s Louisville music scene as the bassist of the influential post-punk group Rodan. After their breakup in 1994, she moved to New York, where she performed in a number of fantastic bands including Retsin, Ida Retsin Family, The Sonora Pine, and The Naysayer. She's also released over a dozen albums and EPs under her own name on labels like Kranky and K, and as a visual artist, she's been exhibited all over the world. In early November, The Sonora Pine's second album II will be reissued on Ryley Walker's label Husky Pants Records, and I can't recommend it enough!
I'm on Twitter here and you can get the show with:
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#beginnings#tjo#tara jane o'neil#retsin#sonora pine#rodan#louisville#indie rock#ryley walker#husky pants
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bodega, retsin
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retsIn, my man!
#homestuck#hs#retsin nyseus#fantrolls#MBs fantrolls#MBs doodles#art#behold! the world’s youngest ( and most frustrated) theater director!
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Ήσυχα βράδια, καλή μουσική και φίλοι.
Θεσσαλονίκη, 7/2/2020.
#friends#thessaloniki#greek tumblr#night out#greek posts#Θεσσαλονίκη#φιλοι#having fun#retsines#ρετσινες#thessaloniki nights#φοιτητικη ζωη#ομορφες στιγμες#ροτοντα#ελληνικά ποστ#ελληνικό tumblr#entexno#έντεχνο#ήσυχα βράδια#greek post#greek uni life#tumblr photography#γρεεκζ#γρεεκ ταμπλρ
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Invisible Landscapes installations explore how virtual reality will change architecture
Gilles Retsin used plywood modules to create a geometric structure.
Photo by NAARO
#invisible landscapes#virtual reality#architecture#royal academy of arts#augmented reality#gilles retsin
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please tag ur teeth post i didnt want to read that :'0
What do you want it tsgged as. And my name is Hyperdontia so you should get a good understanding of what I'm about
#also do know i have no memory retsining so i cant remember trigger tags#so its better to just unfollow me if you want smthn consistently tagged
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