#retro hoodie dress
mekyrdesign · 9 days
Step back in time with our Vintage 90s Hoodie Dress, a perfect blend of nostalgia and comfort. This dress features a cozy hoodie, soft fabric, and a relaxed fit that captures the essence of 90s streetwear. Whether you're lounging at home or out with friends, the Vintage 90s Hoodie Dress offers effortless style and versatility. Pair it with your favorite sneakers or layer it with trendy accessories for a throwback look that's both chic and comfy. Embrace the retro vibe today!
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Part Two
The Great Conversation: A Historical Introduction to Philosophy sat on a circular table within the study hall of the dorm building. Erik was dressed down in a red graphic hoodie that read Lost Tribe in black letters with the map of Africa on the back. He paired it with grey joggers and Jordan retro 11’s. He checked his I-watch for the fifth time. It was going on 5:20 pm and Valencia hadn’t shown up yet. Erik wished he’d gotten her number.
Two minutes later, Valencia came rushing over, carrying her books in the crook of her arm and a flustered expression on her face. Erik sat up straighter in his seat and his eyes couldn’t help but scan her body. She was still wearing the same curve-hugging dress she’d worn earlier that day. Her braids were now up in a ponytail with a few hanging in front of her face.
She sat her bag down beside the table and before she could even pull out her own seat, Erik was behind her in a flash. Valencia’s back stiffened and she gasped. Erik gripped the back of the chair and slid it out across the carpet. Valencia couldn’t help but notice how Erik towered over her. He was standing at 6’3. She looked up at him with a faint smile and bashful eyes.
“Thank you, Erik.” She says with a light voice.
“You’re welcome.”
They each took their respective seats. Valencia opened her bag to retrieve her book and her notes. Erik waited patiently, staring at her with a slight, dimpled smirk.
“I’m so sorry, I’m all over the place.”
“No worries, Valencia.”
She finally had everything in order. Valencia exhaled and sat her palms down on the table to calm herself. She giggled and Erik couldn’t help but to laugh himself.
“I’m not always late, you know.” Valencia said to her defense.
“Can’t always expect to be on time every single time.” Erik replied with a smirk.
“I knowww,” Valencia tucked a braid behind her ear, “But you’re a TA. This isn’t a great first impression.”
Erik folded his arms against the table and leaned in. He quirked a brow up at Valencia, staring her down through his gold-rimmed glasses.
“You have a point,” Erik swiped the bottom of his lip with his tongue, “Prove to me that you know your shit, and I won’t hold it against you.”
Valencia turned away because she couldn’t stare him in the eyes.
“You have a deal,” her eyes darted towards his face then down towards her lap.
Erik’s eyes burned with mischief. He loved that she was shy and he wanted to push her limits. See how far Miss Valencia could go.
“Aight, let’s get started.”
Erik opened his textbook.
“Where exactly are you in class?” Erik asked.
“Free will,” Valencia sorted out her notes, “Yes, Free will.”
Erik combed through the textbook until he found where he needed to be.
“What do Philosophers believe about free will?”
“Don’t look at your notes, tell me.”
Valencia was startled by Erik’s command. She cleared her throat and started playing in her hair.
“Uh—well I know that it’s a requirement for agency, rationality, creativity…”
“Okay, that’s good. So, as far as accounts of Free Will, what exactly is the Faculties Model of Will?”
Erik glanced over at Valencia. She was pondering his question.
“…It’s the dominant view of the will for much of medieval and modern philosophy…their possession of certain powers or capacities…”
“Very good. They also possess the capacities for intellection and volition. Another way of saying this is that free agents alone have the faculties of intellect and will.”
Valencia clicked her pin and scribbled down what Erik said like a good pupil. Erik continued to throw questions and topics at her, challenging Valencia. It was the way he did it that helped her retain the information.
“I’m so used to just…reading from my notes over and over.” Valencia said.
“It’s the active recall. Don’t get me wrong, using notecards is okay, but all that time you spend creating fifty cards, you can use this study technique by asking questions about the subject you want to learn after reading the subject, which will help you retrieve information deeper. You want it to go deeper, right?”
Valencia stared at Erik with a dazed look.
“Valencia? Did you hear me?”
“I said, deeper, right?”
Valencia chewed on her bottom lip. Erik wanted to chew on it himself…
“I do. I want to remember the information better. The method helps me out a lot.”
Erik smiles at Valencia and she glanced up at the ceiling with a blush. He couldn’t visibly see the heat creeping up her face, but her cheekbones and half-smile was enough to tell. They went on to cover one last topic, Epistemology. After another thirty minutes, their study session was complete.
“You got it, just a little more practice and you’ll be set.” Erik encouraged.
“I hope so. How did you get so good at everything?”
Erik laughed, “Everything?”
Valencia giggled into her hand. She couldn’t stop smiling. It was the most adorable thing Erik had ever seen. Her giggling and smiling was infectious. This is probably the most Erik has ever smiled and laughed in one sitting.
“I mean—what I’m saying is—I saw your achievements and you’re pretty impressive. I aspire to be like that.”
“…Thank you. What are you studying again?”
“Psychology. I want to branch off into Neuropsychology. I plan to go back to school for my PhD.”
“There’s so much you can do in psychology. Believe it or not, I wanted to major in psychology at one point but engineering just stuck to me.”
“Why engineering?”
Erik gave Valencia a lopsided grin that showed off a glint of confidence. She focused on his plump lips, porcelain teeth, and gold slugs.
“There’s so much you can do. You can choose to work on projects that benefit society, help clean the environment, develop prosthetic aids, create clean and efficient transportation systems, find new sources of energy, alleviate the world's hunger problems, and increase the standard of living in underdeveloped countries. The possibilities are endless. And on top of all that, you make a lot of money…”
Valencia couldn’t tell you everything he was saying honestly. This man was too fine. The way his voice sounded to her ears felt like asmr.
“…job security and excellent job prospects—”
“You’re like, very attractive.”
Erik rested his hands in his lap and cocked his head. Valencia jerked her head in the direction of the window and shook her head.
“That came out unexpectedly,” Valencia laughed with embarrassment, “But you are—”
“Thank you.” He drew in a long breath, “Coming from someone as beautiful as you…”
Valencia held her breath. She hung her head and smiled. Internally, she was jumping up and down.
“Thanks,” Valencia fidgeted.
“Anytime, beautiful,” Erik continued to stare at her while his fingers tapped on the table.
“Are you from Houston?” Valencia questioned with a timid voice.
“Nah. I’m from California. That’s where I live currently but I decided to come back here for my doctorate.”
Valencia nodded her head. She crossed her right leg over her left thigh and leaned in with her elbow on the desk. That gesture showed that she was warming up to him.
“I love California. I have an aunt and a few cousins that live there currently. They’re in San Francisco.”
“That’s where I’m from. Oakland. I’m staying in LA right now though. Are you from here?”
“Yes. Born and raised in Houston.” Valencia replied.
Erik stretched his arms above his head.
“Tired?” Valencia asked.
“A little. I worked out really early this morning and I had to deal with that party.”
Valencia giggled, “I’m sorry.”
“Not your fault. I didn’t see you there.” Erik said.
“Rochelle used to let us get away with a lot…”
Valencia looked over at Erik.
“I know. Which is why she’s no longer your RA…”
Her body shivered slightly. The air was too cold in the building. She thrust her chest out unknowingly and Erik could see the outlines of her erect nipples through her dress. He leaned back in his chair to admire her fully.
“I’m not an uptight motherfucker but I’m not gonna let these students walk all over me. I have a great rep here at TSU and I wanna keep it that way.”
“Oh, no, I totally understand,” Valencia reassured him, “I love that you follow the rules. Rochelle acted as more of a friend and she really didn’t know how to discipline…”
Hm,” Erik licked his lips, “I’m really good with discipline.”
“Oh?” Valencia says. She felt her body tremble.
“I’m very assertive. I tend to…take the lead in situations. It can come off as aggressive…sometimes I have to work on that.”
Valencia rubbed her arms.
“A little—”
Erik stood up and proceeded to take off his hoodie. Valencia paused, staring at Erik’s torso. He had on a white T-shirt underneath that clung to his biceps and chest. The muscles put her in a daze. He handed her his hoodie from across the table. Valencia accepted it and pulled it over her. It fit her like a dress. She fixed her braids and smoothed down the wrinkles in the hoodie. It smelled like him. She fought to press her nose into it.
“It looks good on you.”
“You think so?” Valencia wasn’t so sure.
“Yeah. So Valencia, do you mind if I have your number?”
She was not expecting that. Her eyes went wide with surprise.
“Is that okay?” Erik asked with furrowed brows.
She covered her mouth with her hand. She didn’t expect to scream it. Erik was cracking up.
“Yes, it’s okay. I’m sorry I don’t know why I yelled like that.” Valencia toyed with one of her braids, “Yes you can.”
She retrieved her phone and unlocked it. Erik did the same. They exchanged numbers and switched back.
“That way, you know how to get in touch with me if you have any questions about philosophy or just…anything in general really.”
“Definitely. Thanks so much, Erik. I really appreciate you.”
“Anytime. And you know you can always knock on my door…”
Oh, yes. He does have a dorm on the same floor as hers. She beamed at him and he smiled back.
“Sure…I can do that.”
They both stood up and gathered their things.
“Well, this is goodbye for now. I have to get ready to meet some friends tonight.”
“I hope I didn’t hold you up,” Erik tucked his textbook inside his bag.
“No, no.”
They stood there for a moment, staring at each other. Valencia broke eye contact first and turned away to leave. She glanced back at Erik, giving him a final wave goodbye before heading towards the elevators. Erik returned the wave with a smirk, his eyes never leaving Valencia.
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Cindy, Skai, and Brielle were sitting in a booth nursing mixed tequila cocktails. Skai was sitting next to Brielle and Cindy was third-wheeling. She rolled her eyes every time Skai and Brielle would eye-fuck each other. Valencia texted Cindy’s phone that she just parked and is on her way in.
The Poetry Party Live is a college hotspot. They’re known for playing great music, having tasty food, and drinks that sneak up on you. It was definitely a more romantic vibe that Friday evening. So many couples were on dates. Cindy spotted two professors in the booth in front of them. Professor Boyd and Professor Parham.
Valencia came in and she searched the throng of people until she recognized Brielle’s ginger coils. She changed into an orange dress that compliments her mocha skin. Cindy looked up and over her shoulder, waving Valencia over with pleading eyes.
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“What took you so long?! I’m dying over here!”
“My bad. I had a tutoring session that ran a little late.”
“They’ve been torturing me,” Cindy cringed, “And Dior isn’t here yet.”
Valencia frowned.
“Who invited Dior?”
Cindy pointed to Skai. Skai sipped her drink with a guilty look.
“I’m sorry! She really wanted to come. You still don’t like her?”
“No, I don’t, Skai. She’s weird.”
Skai rolled her eyes. Brielle laughed.
“Is she drunk already?” Valencia asked.
“You know she is. This is her third one.”
“It’s a Friday night and I passed my lab practical!”
Skai bounced up and down in her seat. Valencia squealed, reaching over to shake her friend excitedly.
“YES BITCH!—oh shit, I’m loud as fuck.”
Andrea looked up from her seat in the booth over and noticed Valencia. They locked eyes and waved to each other. Brielle glanced over her shoulder at Andrea. James turned around with a smirk on his face and a glass in his hand with dark liquor.
“Oooh! Ya’ll on a date?!” Cindy teases.
“Yes, we are,” James replied with a chuckle, “Hope you’re ready for that test on Monday, Cindy.”
Cindy shot James a playful glare that had everyone laughing.
“I’m kidding! Enjoy!”
James turned back to his date and the girls snickered.
A waiter brushed past Valencia and Brielle shouted to get her attention. She halted her footsteps, long ombré braids swaying against her back. She smiled and made her way over to them.
“Need anything else ladies?”
“Our friend just showed up! Can you get her a—”
“Long Island Iced Tea please.”
“Okay! Can I see your ID?”
Valencia opened her small white Telfar bag and plucked her license from her wallet. She showed the waiter and she put a thumbs up.
“Almost your birthday!” The waiter said.
“Yeah! Twenty-two.”
The waiter sauntered off and then a round of applause erupted around them. A full-figured woman with sister locs made her way on stage. She stopped in front of the mic, testing it to make sure it was on. She scanned the crowd with a warm smile before introducing herself. The instrumental to Floetry Say Yes started playing. She was blanketed in spotlights and the rest of the club was shrouded in low ambience.
“This one is called Enticing Night…”
whisper light, a sigh so deep,
In tangled sheets, secrets keep.
Your touch ignites a fevered glow,
As fingertips trace paths below.
On velvet skin, my hands explore,
Each curve, each line, I yearn for
She paused, appreciative hums making her words all the more real.
Breath mingles in the heated air,
A rhythm builds, we're lost in where.
Our pulses race, in sync they beat,
In this embrace, our worlds complete.
“Thank you…”
Snaps filled the room.
“That was good,” Valencia accepted her drink.
Skai stood up to get her attention.
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Valencia looked up at Dior fighting the urge to roll her eyes. She didn’t understand what Dior didn’t like about her, maybe it was because of Isaiah? As far as Valencia knew they weren’t together. And she didn’t want him anyway. Dior scooted next to Skai, directly across from Valencia.
“Brie, Cindy, Val…”
“Hello,” Valencia waved.
“Why ya’ll chose this place? Ya’ll don’t wanna shake some ass?”
“Girl, we did that last weekend. It’s okay to switch it up,” Skai argued.
“I feel like I need whatever Brie sippin’ on because she is lit!”
“Peach Tequila!” Brielle shouted.
“Okurrrr. I’ll have that then…who the waiter?”
Cindy pointed at the young girl who was currently clearing off a booth.
“She got a phat ass butt,” Dior bit down on a long acrylic french nail, “She can have all my monies…”
“You’re such a whore for some booty, Dior.” Skai jokes.
Valencia giggled. She swirled her straw around her drink before taking another sip. Cindy rocked back and forth in her seat, singing along to Beyoncé Check Up On It.
“Hi! I’m Chanel…”
“Hi, Chanel, I’m Dior. I wanted to order what she had.”
“Okay, ID?”
Dior flashed her ID at Chanel while giving her a seductive look. Valencia and Cindy share a look before laughing into their drinks.
“you fine. You like girls?”
Skai slapped Dior on her arm. Chanel laughed at Dior.
“I have a man, but thank you.”
It was so cringe.
Chanel walked away and Dior’s eyes were glued to her ass like flies on shit.
“You need to chill. What’s up with you and Brooke?”
“That bitch? Girl…”
Dior and Skai talked about her drama while Valencia excused herself to the restroom. Brielle ended up following her. They entered the bathroom and Valencia let Brielle go first since she was on the verge of pissing herself.
“You never told me who you tutored with!!!!” Brielle yelled.
“My crush,” Valencia smiled.
“For real?! What does he even tutor?”
“A lot of shit but it was for philosophy. He asked for my number.”
Brielle flushed and damn near shoved the door open. She gawked at Valencia before they switched places. Meanwhile, Andrea exited the stall next to theirs and she walked over to the sink to wash her hands.
“So basically that means he’s into you? So the HBCU blog was the right thing to do, huh?”
“Yep! If it wasn’t for the advice the owner of the blog gave me, I wouldn’t have made it this far!”
Andrea slowly dried her hands while hanging onto their every word. Valencia flushed and left the stall. Andrea tossed her paper towel and stood within the mirror to fix her ponytail. Valencia caught her eye in the mirror and smiled.
“How’s everything going this semester, Valencia?”
“It’s going good. A little harder than last semester but I’m close to graduating so that’s good.”
Andrea nodded her head with a bright smile.
“You got this girl. And good luck with your crush…”
Valencia giggled. Andrea left the restroom, holding the door open for a woman to enter.
Back at the table, Andrea scooted into the booth to find another drink. She gave James a look and he chuckled.
“You know I have a lot of work to do tomorrow, James.”
“That’s why you need this drink. Take a damn break.”
Andrea rolled her eyes sassily before grabbing her drink. She toasted with James before taking a sip.
“What took you so long to ask me out?”
Andrea peeked at James from the top of her glass.
“I didn’t want to cross any boundaries. I didn’t wanna look like that guy friend who only wants one thing. That’s not what it is with you.”
“I get it,” Andrea sat her drink down, “I’ve crushed on you hard since undergrad…”
“Same. I always thought you had a thing for Daka though.”
“Seriously?” Andre laughs, “Everyone says that.”
“I see now it’s like a brother and sister thing.” James said.
“I used to sit back and watch you run after all these chicks…Thinking back to that Kappa party, my Delta sistas kept hassling me to tell you how I felt…”
Andrea traced the rim of her glass with her finger. James watched her intently.
“I’m just happy both of us get to sit here and express how we really feel.” James said.
“Me too.”
James cracked a smile before reaching over to grip Andrea’s soft hand. He stroked the top of her hand with his thumb.
Valencia and Brielle walked past their booth and settled into theirs.
“…That D9 party is gonna be lit tomorrow night!”
“I’m tryna go. Took y’all long enough!”
Brielle slipped past Dior and Skai to take her seat. Valencia sat down and pulled out her phone.
“You still talking to Isaiah?”
Valencia looked up at Dior.
“No. I’m over him.”
“Oh wow, what happened?”
“He wasted my time and he’s annoying as hell.”
Dior let out an obnoxious laugh, “YEAH. I could have told you that.”
Valencia looked towards the ceiling.
-I know it’s late, you’re probably not up. I just wanted to thank you again for your help 🥰 he asked for my number today! I don’t think it was because he’s interested but it’s a step, right?
Valencia sat alone in her dorm room wearing Erik’s hoodie and some panties with her braids tied down with a satin scarf. She sat at their desk with the television on in the background.
-I’m here ☺️ I’m happy I could help. If he asked for your number, I’d think it’s because he’s interested. It’s a big step actually.
Valencia typed a reply.
-You think so? I mean, he did flirt a little today. I just get so nervous around him.
Erik was in the middle of sprucing up his gold boots. He’s wearing a pair of red briefs with no shirt. It felt weird staying in the dorms when he has his own room at the Omega Psi Phi house. He picked up his phone to see the message that Valencia sent him.
-Don’t be. Try to be more open with him. See where it goes 😏 did you do anything special tonight?
-I went to this poetry club with some friends. Had two drinks and I’m a little tipsy now. It was an okay experience.
-...Is there anything that could have made it even better?
-yes 😭 if I was spending it with Erik. I wonder what he’s doing right now.
-you should text him. See what happens.
Valencia looked over at her phone next to her.
Fuck it. She had a little liquid courage.
Valencia: Hi ☺️
She made her way back to the blog
-I did it! 😭
Erik fell back against his bed. He typed a reply.
Erik: Hello 😌
Valencia: I hope I didn’t wake you.
Erik: I’m up. How was your night?
Valencia: it was alright. You?
Valencia nibbled on her nails anxiously.
Erik: Hazy. Had a little smoke session.
Valencia returned to the blog.
-Is it too late for a dare?
-Definitely not lol. This is fun. What’s the dare?
-I dare you to send a risky text. However you want to.
-How risky though?
Erik waited to see what she would do. He wanted to see how far she would go. The fact that she would have preferred to spend the evening with him made him wonder what they would have gotten into.
Erik: Did you crash on me?
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She couldn’t believe she sent that picture. She tossed her phone on the bed and stood up from the desk. Valencia paced back and forth. Hands covering her face, heart racing, stomach in knots. Did she do the right thing?
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god…
That picture was meant for Isaiah and boy was she happy she sent it to Erik instead. She’d heard her phone vibrate minutes ago but she was too scared to see what he said. Valencia walked over to the bed and picked up her phone. She pressed it against her chest, scared out of her mind. Overthinking per usual. Finally, she looked at his text and boy was she glad that she did.
Erik: Shit girl 😍
Erik: 😍😍😍😍
Erik: I can’t stop staring 😩
He didn’t expect that at all. That was the furthest thing from what he expected. He sat up in bed and drooled over that picture. That ass up and that beautiful arch. He wondered what other pictures she was hiding. He loved her body so much. He knew exactly what to do with all of that. Play into his size kink. His dick was brick hard. No pussy in almost a year. The longest he’d ever gone without sex. He could have easily linked with his ex girlfriend on campus but he pictured himself digging Valencia’s guts out whenever the fuck he pleased.
Valencia: 😛
Erik: You tryna tell me something? 👀
Erik: I see you do like it deep…That tutoring session was necessary after all 😍
Valencia was over the moon thrilled at Erik’s reaction to her pic. So much that she was jittery. Back on the blog, Valencia quickly typed.
-I can’t believe I sent him a risky photo. I thought he wouldn’t have liked it but I was wrong 😂
Erik went back to the blog messages. Wouldn’t like them? Was she crazy! He loved them! Boy was he happy that he found out about Valencia when he did. He wanted to put her in that position. Arch that pretty back over the edge of his bed, slip her panties to the side, and slide his dick in deep and slow. He wanted her to feel his length. He had a big toy dangling between his legs. Girls with that type of body can take dick. Girls who arch their backs like that need the dick.
-No. if the feeling is mutual, why would you think that?
-IDK. I’m always overthinking shit. 😭
Valencia had to take a second to rethink what she was doing. Sure, she wanted to do unspeakable things with Erik. Nasty things. But she felt she was coming on too strong. Maybe she should dial it back a little…make him …yearn for more? Tease him. He’s older and definitely has more experience. He’s probably used to woman throwing themselves at him. No. Valencia was going to do the opposite. Who said she couldn’t be shy and purposely excite and sexually arouse while withholding gratification?
She left him on read.
Valencia logged out of the blog and shut off the light for bed. She pulled her duvet back and just then, Brielle came in. She had her curly, ginger hair up in a puff. Her pleated skirt was situated higher around her waist, showing some of her ass. Her cropped shirt was dangling from her shoulder and she looked freshly fucked.
Brielle noticed Valencia was still awake and she gave her an enigmatic smile.
“I’m surprised you’re still awake.” Brielle whispered.
“I’m surprised you’re still walking,” Valencia laughs.
It was 6 am and Erik stood on the race track and stretched his quadriceps. Flexing his toes in his green Nike running shoes, he took off running. He liked to go for a run around the track before he did any strength training. AirPod Max Pro’s over his ears, shirtless, and black running shorts on, Erik was a mission. In the zone, the heavy bass from the rap song he was listening to fueled him.
Erik made it around the track once before stopping to take a sip of water he’d left at the bleachers. He jogged over to grab a drink and when he looked up he saw his ex girlfriend from undergrad, Jeanette, stretching her hip flexors. She glanced up at Erik and waved to him. Erik returned the gesture. She stood tall and made her way towards him. She’s wearing a track and field outfit, similar to what she wore back then when she ran.
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“Stevens. It’s been a while. How are you?”
“Good. You?”
“Great. Have you been avoiding me?”
Erik arched a brow.
“Why would you think that?”
“I don’t know…you’ve been back for a minute now and I haven’t had the chance to catch up with you. It feels like you’re dodging me.”
“Nah, Jeanette. I’ve been busy. What happened to that dude? The one that keep running his mouth?”
Jeanette broke out in a fit of laughter. Erik was dead serious. That nigga better be lucky he don’t go to TSU. That nigga better be lucky Erik didn’t find him yet.
“Erik, relax okay?”
Jeanette caressed Erik’s sweaty bicep. Erik eyed her down with a stony expression.
“What do you really want, Jeanette?”
“Whatchu think?”
Erik carefully moved Jeanette’s hand away from his arm. She kissed her teeth at him.
“I haven’t seen you in years. You look good…real good.”
“I know,” Erik smirked cockily.
“Still got that big ass ego…”
Erik glanced down at his I-watch. He needed to finish his run.
“Well, it was nice seeing you, Jeanette. I gotta finish my run…”
“Mhm, am I gonna see you at the D9 party tonight?”
“Of course I’ll be there.”
Erik backed away towards the track. Jeanette placed her hands on her hips, eye-fucking Erik while continuing her stretches.
“Ima put this AKA ass on you tonight, Daka!”
Erik sprinted off with a shake of his head.
Some time later, Valencia had finished swimming laps and doing a bit of water aerobics with weights. Her body was sore and drenched. After taking a shower, she gathered her things and walked out of the gymnasium. On her way back to her dorm, Valencia wasn’t paying attention and she almost collided with someone as she was leaving.
She didn’t have the best workout today because her mind continued to wander. She still hadn’t replied to Erik. The thought made her smile to herself. She shouldered her gym bag and took sips from her water bottle. As she approached her dorms, the man that distracted her was busy texting on his phone while listening to music. His head popped up and he paused in his tracks, staring Valencia down hard.
Valencia spotted Erik opening the door for her and she automatically grew timid. She tucked her chin and gave him a shy wave. Seeing him in person was completely different from texting him last night. The recollection of what she sent him hit her like a freight train. Her heart was practically rattling around in her chest cavity. The closer she got, the more his penetrating stare commanded her.
“After you.”
“Thank you…”
Valencia felt so exposed in her little gym shorts. He was directly behind her. She could smell his natural musk and it sent shivers throughout her body.
She couldn’t contain her shaky exhale. He was probably picturing himself bending her over right there…
“Sleep well?”
Valencia blinked her eyes up at Erik.
“…sleep? Did you get some rest?”
“Yeah! Sorry…”
“I figured you went to sleep since you left me on read and shit…”
Erik pressed the button for them to get on the elevator. Valencia avoided his gaze, her eyes looking around her.
She snapped her head in his direction. He was already on the elevator. She could tell he was fighting a laugh. Embarrassed, she walked in.
“You’re hella distracted…I’m the one that should be acting like that after what you sent me last night, girl...”
Valencia took in a breath. He did things to her body she couldn’t control. The trembling, the uneven breathing, the wetness that drenched her panties. She was in lust for this man and she needed him to fuck her. She wouldn’t say that to his face though.
“I…I have a lot of work to catch up on…and I’m really hungry…”
They left the elevator and Erik walked slowly so Valencia could catch up with him. She spotted Skai and Cindy sitting in the lounge studying and when they noticed her they gave her a weird look. Erik looked down at Valencia, biting his bottom lip openly so she knew that he was feeling her. Valencia slowed down her footsteps in front of her dorm room door. Her eyes discreetly roamed Erik’s body. His russet skin glistened with sweat and his muscles looked defined and sculpted. His locs were messy and resting against his forehead. He looked so fucking edible.
“This is me,” Valencia pointed to her door, giving Erik a quick glance with a smile, “I guess I’ll see you later…”
“You guess?” Erik cocked his head back.
“I—I didn’t mean it like that.” She spoke with a barely audible tone.
Erik startled her by reaching out to caress her arm. His hand stroked from the back of her upper arm, past her elbow, and down her forearm until he was holding her hand in his firm grip.
“You know you have a lot of explaining to do, girl.” Erik whispered.
He smelled so fucking amazing. His natural scent crowded her. She wanted to press her nose against whatever area that had exposed flesh. Lick his skin to see what his sweat tasted like—
“Do you know about the D9 party tonight?”
Valencia twisted her lips to fight a smile.
“I do. Are you asking me to go?”
Her eyes dropped down to her hand in his. She swayed from side to side.
“I am. I wanna see you there.” Erik said.
Valencia’s cheeks hurt from how hard she was smiling. She tried to hide her face so Erik took it upon himself to lift her chin.
“You gonna be there, Valencia. I want to see you there.”
She blinked at Erik slowly. His eyes dropped down to her juicy lips. He wanted to taste them…
“I’ll be there….”
“You better.”
Erik stroked her chin with his thumb. It sent shockwaves throughout her body. Straight to her pussy. It was such a small gesture that held so much dominance. Erik finally let go and backed away, his eyes dancing up and down her frame while he drew his plump bottom lip into his mouth. His eyes were low and almost sleepy-like and it made him look dreamy. Valencia giggled and looked away, unable to hold his gaze.
“We should get lunch later.” Erik said raising his brows.
“I’d like that.” Valencia replied.
“Aight, I’ll see you then, beautiful.”
He turned and strolled down the hall with a gait.
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cowboyjen68 · 9 months
Do you have any tips on how to dress & like.. BE as butch as you can whilst living under a household that expects you to be feminine and dress feminine? Sorry if this is a difficult question..
Start with boxers or boxer briefs. (boy shorts in the girls section). These can be passed off as sleeping shorts, summer PJ's etc so when they are in the laundry you can just call them that.
Wearing boxers was a game changer for me before I really started to go back (like when I was a kid) to wearing what I really wanted to wear.
T shirts, Hoodies, jeans and canvas high tops are pretty gender neutral and so are flannel shirts. Most of these things are seen as casual teen or young adult wear. Leaving the house in a flannel over a a t shirt can look very different if tucked in with a nice leather belt. Add a cool buckle and suddenly BUTCH.
They make "women's cut flannel" that is a bit more of a fitted look but getting one a little large and tucking it in takes some of the feminine look from it. Wrangler and Eddie Bauer both carry a women's line.
Wrangler has a women's dressier button down (snap if their retro version) shirt line that is decent and getting it a bit larger and tucking it in or worn open over a T shirt can give you a bit of a butch look but "look mom, it's a woman's shirt". The think about Cowboy fashion it the men's and women's shirts are equally as bold and colorful and flashy.
Columbia sells decent walking and hiking boots that are very similar from men's to women's. I think most farm stores and wilderness outfitters are going to sell clothing for either gender that is very similar.
I hope this helps a bit. (thrift stores and estate sales, even garage sales are great places to get a lot of variety).
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mirakurutaimu · 1 year
have you ever talked about the origins of your sona/her design inspirations before? ive always really loved her design and i like hearing about how nice character designs come to be
here is the full tale
she started off as a mere picrew years ago
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and then people drew fanart of that design whenever i started streaming (like this retro mimi model @catastrothy made)
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and then at some point i thought "hm wouldn't it be cool if i paid an artist to make her design better" and then i approached noted good local artist @cnmchn and we went back and forth on some stuff and She were born proper
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here is some other behind the scenez
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hair accessories were considered at one point but then we thought of the ミ earrings and i just colored in one of her streaks black lmao
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final design ended up using a combination of outfit elements from our two examples, rip to alt universe skirt spats and kneesocks short braid loose hoodie long shirt ribs mimi (she will be missed) (i should draw that sometime)
anyways thats all. thats da mimi roundup. sure hope read mores function on this site
edit: i forgot to mention design inspirations.
uh. riamu failgirl, kumbhira granblue, we almost stole astolfo's haircut sans hair vents (though I think it was actually edward elric who made me think 'braid'), vampy granblue. as for the tenets of her design i just wanted a cute, colorful, energetic, annoying, smug, punchable little beast to match my vibe. her fashion sense is like the complete opposite of mine tho lmao this little freak dresses in this skimpy summery crop top and short shorts getup and shit meanwhile i'm a jeans-all-year and longsleeves/hoodie at all times kinda bitch. at least she still melts in the heat like i do
anyways i figure i may as well dump some silly canon stuff here too:
she's a being from what she says is 'the hell that froze over' (because it sounds cool), in actuality it's probably something more like a frozen-over planet with some level of aquatic life under the ice.
at a base level, she's kinda like... if a slimegirl was a crab? like, she's not made out of slime it's still Meat Stuff but it's definitely amorphous and should usually be contained within a thick carapace on the exterior (so when fully shelled, lookin like some kinda scary lookin pointy bone demon). she claims to have lost hers or that it hasn't grown in yet or some such (hence she only has the horn covering)
anyways. her inside meat being amorphous = limited shapeshifting ability, so she somehow ended up on Earth and is posing as a humanoid and having a ton of fun eating and smoking and breaking stuff. but she still fuckin' hates the sun and heat
other fun facts:
loves meat, milk, sweet stuff, clothes, sleeping, swimming, video james (bad at them), money
hates spicy stuff, hot weather, working, people as stubborn as she is, waiting
i'm torn on when her birthday should be. officially it's technically 5/21, but 3/3 would be cute...
believes drinking milk will help grow her shell in
has a strong sixth sense due to having similar organic function to ampullae of lorenzini
durable. if you punch her it caves in like some monkey d luffy shit
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redesigningxmen · 6 months
Welcome to Limbo! Our group chose Illyana Rasputina, the marvelous Magik for this round! Introduced as the younger sister of Colossus, Magik joined the 80s New Mutants team as a young teen and has since flourished into an A-Lister in her own right. She's been a member of the Phoenix Five, Cyclops' renegade X-Men squad, the Krakoan New Mutants, and the 2022 X-Men team.
She has several inspiration points for artists and redesigners to pull from. She's most well-known for her all-black 2012 look but has also sported demonic and fantasy influences as someone connected to the hellish Limbo and her malevolent alter ego, the Darkchylde.
See what our enthusiastic and talented team of artists did this round, and make sure to follow them on social media for more fantastic art!
(The handles presented after artists names are their Twitter handles, but many use the same name on other platforms!)
Léa Dupic | @/kimodraw
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"I went full speed ahead into medieval land and dressed Illyana in a full metal shiny armour, putting emphasis on her sword bearing arm with a biiiig spiky shoulder pad. Gave her a punk lesbian haircut while keeping her iconic bangs, because I think she should be allowed to be more of a punk lesbian. And I couldn't resist adding a touch of demon form with the horns. She's gloomy she's menacing she's spiky and shiny she's the girl of my dreams."
Giovanni Saroldi | @/RaulGiova 
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"Just like matter, let’s give ‘Yana three states! Solid, liquid, gas? Kinda, not quite! From angelic to demonic, with her main form being the in-between totality of herself, where she can draw whichever power she needs.
It’s geometric, it’s chic, it’s retro-futuristic Terry Moore with the Horns of Galaxy The Prettiest Star meets Ludmilla from Bartok mid-transformation."
John Caden | @/johncaden64 
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"I've always felt the Bachalo design was great, but could get very male-gazey.  I tried to make it more comfortable, while also keeping the same goth feel.  I do feel she needs to just go all-in goth, so let's shave her head, get some thick black mascara and commit to the bit! "
John Marsh | @/pastelrake
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"What if Illyana had been a Russian figure skater?"
Joe Pryde | @/joeprydecosplay
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"My inspiration for this design came from the idea of “what if Magik was an elder emo” complete with Kristen Stewart fem mullet, high waist buckled tights, and sleeveless crop top hoodie. I also wanted to pay homage to previous designs."
Haydn | @/ThatsSoHaydn 
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"I had but one simple thought: What if the Soul Sword was a rapier? And thus fencing Magik was born. I wanted the geometric shapes of the dark bodysuit to contrast with the curves of the golden armor, whilst still adding a little magic and mystery with her cloak and mask. "
Dale Yaddow | @/DaleYaddow
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Version 1 "The Savage Magik". Having been stripped of her magical knowledge, Illyana Rasputin hunts down various enchanted artifacts to replace what she's lost. Becoming desperate she seems to be willing to steal and sometimes kill to get these talismans. Among these are the Soul Dagger of Pixie, the medallion of Daimon Hellstrom, Holy bands from "Heven" and a cursed skull from an alternate version of Lockheed.
Version 2 "Mistress Magik" This is an older more seductive Magik that's been corrupted by the influence of Selene and embraced her sensuality, opening up a whole new avenue of mystical arts that she hadn't dared explore before. She now uses her SoulSword to capture the essences of her foes and much like Selene feeds on them keeping her young and vital.
Version 3 "Magik, Queen of Hell" Many questioned the logic of Magik giving Limbo to Madelyne Prior but the end game has been revealed. Illyana allowed Madelyne to tether her magic to Limbo, knowing eventually "Maddie" would get greedy and begin bringing more power to that dimension. With a carefully hidden clause in the Limbo transference spell Magik takes back Limbo and all the power within it and successfully overthrows all the Hell Lords, unifying the many dreaded dimensions under one fearsome rule, hers.
Anthony Ruiz | @/thwwipstickers
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"Almost as soon as Magik was decided on for this design challenges I had two ideas strike me simultaneously ... The first of those ideas was the image of Illyana as a 90's Riot(ish) on the cover of a Magazine. I wanted to give her an edgy grungy vibe but still pay homage to her Demonic nature.
Shortly after Finishing my first Design I just knew I had to make my second idea come to life.
What if Illyana was an Anime Mech Pilot and Wore a Plugsuit... thats it... thats the idea. I really wanted to strike the Balance between Anime Plugsuit but still being noticeably Magik and X-men.
I kept the Bright yellow Color scheme with hints of black and red and chose to interpret her Armored arm into a Mechanized oversize cybernetic arm that helps fuel her Plasma Powered Soul sword that springs forth from her Gauntlet."
Isaiah Cox | @/isaiahbeenlost
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"When designing my Magik look, I wanted to expand on ideas I had when drawing her a couple years ago by keeping her look sleek, yet scary stylish! So, I referenced a lot of Castlevania and Yoshiaki Kawajiri designs to get that cool anime look for her down! I plucked some fashion inspirations for the costume from places like: Mugler, Alexander McQueen, LaQuan Smith, JRPG rogues and medieval accessories! And for her new soul sword, I decided to give her an Odachi because since she already lived her Cloud Strife fantasy starting from the Bendis-era, I thought it was time for her to live her Sephiroth moment with this giant Japanese sword!"
David J Hughes | @/0ddeity
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"I think with Magik I started out pretty traditional for her. Then I got to thinking our Russian Queen deserves a Mugler-esque fit. I wanted to go down the knight or warrior route, but then I thought ‘What If’ this was an AU Illyana raised by Patch and she got all of Logan’s training rather than Kitty and Jubilee, or, alongside them. So, bham, Oni-demon menpo mask and samurai elements on top of the Mugler flair."
Fleshmonk | @/fleshmonk
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"Went through a bunch of design iterations, but settled on this cool plasticky vinyl plugsuit like version of Magik. I gave her a bob to mature her a bit and to move her towards a new silhouette."
Joshua Bruckner | @/joshingtonbear
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"I took a bit from Magik's more armored designs, which I've always liked the most, and her goth jock aesthetic, and blended them. I rejected the Bachalo booty shorts in favor of a skirt, which gives her a bit of a 'cheerleader from hell' look."
Seye Sanyaolu | @/seye_art
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"My intention for this redesign was Magik in a very dystopian future and so I imagined a 3/4 darkchylde Illyana that is in control of her self and powers (although almost lost it). In this future, most of the X-Men are gone and Illyana keeps a worn and frayed X-jacket on for the nostalgia :’)"
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amberryxo · 1 year
missing the late 2010s fashion. everyone was dressing like 80s, it was stranger things szn, “sunset season” EP, frank ocean, chill lofi pop, retro vibes, vintage brand prints on hoodies/ (t-)shirts, those angel icons on clothes, where everyone tried taking subliminal dreamy pictures, grainy photos, sunflowers and sunsets and where music was still good 🖤🌻✨🌅☁️
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miamochi-writes · 1 year
Daycare Snacks Vash AU Part 10
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A/n: Hi everyone! Thanks for being patient with me as always! Also it helps if you read Part 9 ! Without further ado, here's part 10! Read until the end for something sweet :)
Since that night, you've been listening more to Vash's songs that he shared with you. They brought so much joy and comfort, especially when you play a particular one before going to sleep. Lately, Vash would call you for late night talks and you loved it. The morning and goodnight texts were the cherry on top. Then one afternoon, you got an invite for a soft opening for a special event. Cora noticed the message too and nudged your shoulder.
“Oh you have to invite him to this! It's the perfect thing for him!” Cora said.
“I know! I just hope he's not doing anything that day,” you replied.
“Oh please Y/n, he would clear his whole day for you if you asked. The guy would do anything for you. Come on, call him,” she insisted as she handed you your phone.
Taking a deep breath, you called him and felt your heart race a bit. One ring, two rings,
“Hey Y/n!?”
“Hi Vash! How are you?” you replied.
“I'm good, how about you?” he asked but Cora loud whispered 'GET TO THE POINT!'
“I'm great, uh listen Vash. I called because I was wondering if you had any plans for tomorrow around 2pm?” you asked.
“Oh I don't have anything going on. Why?” he answered.
“Well...I got invited to this event. When I saw the details, I immediately thought about you and thought you might like it. I'm allowed to bring a guest, and was wondering if you wanted to go with me? Just think of it as my way of saying thanks to you the past couple of days,” you explained feeling your cheeks turn red.
“Oh really? Wow that's awfully kind of you to say. Sure, I'd like to go! Do I need to bring anything? What should I expect?” he asked as you smiled.
“Thanks Vash, just bring yourself and wear something comfortable. Meet me at front of the mall tomorrow. Think of it as another small surprise from me,” you smiled.
“Oh will it be nice like that last one?” he asked as you giggled.
“Maybe, you just gotta wait and see,” you replied.
“Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye Y/n,” he finished as you hung up.
“I told you so! Now come on, let's get you ready for tomorrow!” Cora cheered
You were dressed in a crop top hoodie with black comfortable joggers. You waited in front of the mall keeping patiently. You looked around until you saw a familiar face. Vash was wearing a black shirt with a red flannel button up hanging loose. He wore black pants and combat boots. He waved at you as you waved back!
“You made it!” You chimed as he smiled at you.
“Of course, you kinda hyped up things the other day so I won’t leave you hanging. So what’s the surprise?” He asked
“This way!” You said as you grabbed his hand and led him inside. You walked until you spotted the neon sign.
“Y/n, what is this?” He asked.
“You’ll see,” you sang as you knocked on the door. You then heard the door open to see a guy walk out.
“Did you get an invite?” He asked as you brought up your phone.
“I got it through Discord channel. Sean said I could come with a plus one,” you replied.
“Okay you’re both clear. Have fun and welcome to Round One,” the guy said as he led you inside. You smiled at Vash and brought him in. There was a whole entire arcade with lights flashing and retro/tech sounds coming from inside.
“Y/n? Did I hear that right. Round 1?!” Vash asked.
“Yes! This is the soft opening for it! I got invited and saw that I could bring a guest. I immediately thought of you, and ta-da!” You explained. Vash looked awestruck as you were still smiling at his reaction.
“Oh before I forget!” You mentioned as you took out a card and put it in Vash’s hands.
“This is your card. It’s already loaded with credits. Complimentary gift from me,” you added. Vash looked at you and then at the card.
“Y/n, I don’t know what to say. Thank you! Although you didn’t have to do all this for me,” he said with a sheepish smile.
“Oh but I wanted to! You’ve always treated me, so now it’s my turn! So let’s have fun! You pick first since you're the guest,” You told him looking fondly. Vash looked at you with a huge smile and gave you a tight hug while rocking side to side.
“How did I get so lucky with you?!” he said before leading you to a multiplayer fighting game.
You played a good 2 rounds with him having the highest score while you tried to keep up. But your score improved the second time feeling proud of yourself. When you ended up at a shooting game, Vash cheered you on each time as you managed to one shot some of the enemies. You kept walking around to find other games until the rhythm games popped up from the corner of your eye. You stopped following Vash and stared at one particular machine that someone was playing on. You debated on waiting but you snapped out of your thoughts.
“Hey you okay?” Vash asked.
“Yeah I’m good! Sorry about that, let’s keep looking!” You replied. Vash looked at the machine and then at you as you tried to wave it off.
“Y/n, do you want to play that game?” He asked.
“I’m fine! Don’t worry about it! You pick the next game!” You insisted. Vash grabbed your shoulders and got you to look in his eyes.
“Are you sure? You can play too if you want. It’s not just about me you know. I want you to have fun as well,” he questioned again. You bit your lip and looked at the machine as the person finished playing. You looked at Vash again and he gave you a soft smile and gestured his head at the machine.
“Okay, just a quick game,” you said as you scanned your card. You adjusted the settings. The game started to light up with the song as you got into position. A character popped up and then started dancing as you followed along, while touching the button prompts. The song kept going until the character posed once last time as you did the same. Your score came up to S rank as you smiled at your achievement.
“Woooo! Go Y/n!” You heard cheering and clapping as you looked behind you to see a small crowd was watching you. But most importantly, Vash was cheering the loudest for you.
“I didn’t know you were good at this! That was so cool how you danced there!” He complimented as you turned red.
“Thanks, you think so,” you sheepishly answered not feeling used to all these compliments.
“Yes! I didn't know you can dance like that! Can you reach me how to play this?” He asked as you looked at him.
“Sure! I’ll show you. We can actually play co-op in this game,” you answered as you led him to the other available machine. You let him go through the tutorial so he could understand the basics of the game. Once he was done, you let him pick a song that was at his level while you adjusted your settings to moderate. You both started dancing along as Vash was keeping up.
“Hey you’re not bad yourself! Look at you go!” You cheered as you kept checking in on him. Once the song ended, he got an A ranking as you cheered for him.
“That was great Vash! You’re a natural at this,” You complimented him.
“Thanks, but you’re really good! It looks a lot of fun when you do it. How long have you been playing this?” He asked.
“Long enough. Come on let’s check out what else they have,” you nudged.
As you played other games, you noticed there were crane games in another section. Some of them had figurines while others had plushies. Both of you were checking them out until you saw a certain plush. It was your favorite character that you've wanted for a long time. You debated, but then ran up to Vash and saw that he was trying to win a figurine of Ed from Full Metal Alchemist. He was close to getting it but missed slightly.
“Man these things are hard! How do those gaming streamers do it?” he asked. You then looked and saw that there might be a way to win it.
"I'll be right back. I need to refill my credits," Vash said before leaving. You then looked at the machine and figured you give it a shot. You managed to move the figurine a good amount on two tries before one of the workers came up to you.
“Oh, here let me help. If you keep going, it'll get stuck,” he said and readjusted the figurine to where it was actually in a better position to win it. You then tried one more time and the claw finally tipped the figurine into the hole. You thanked the worker, before taking out the figurine.
“Hey what did I miss?” Vash asked as you showed him the prize.
“Ta-da! One figurine for you!” you grinned as Vash gasped.
"No way, you? Really? For me?" he asked almost tearing up as you nodded.
"I'm so glad you invited me Y/n," Vash cried happy tears as you gave him a side hug.
You both kept playing more games for another hour until you started feeling tired.
“Okay, I think I’m tapped out for now. How about you?” You asked.
“Yeah, I think I’ve played enough. I need to sit down and rest,” Vash said.
“Me too, any ideas on where we should go?” You asked.
“We can rest at my place. I can order takeout and maybe we can watch something?” he offered.
“Sounds good to me!” you smiled
Vash ordered takeout for the both of you as you left the arcade. He covered you as usual, and went to go pick it up before taking you to his apartment. He decided to show you one of his favorite TV series that happened to be an older show. You could tell from the way it was shot and how everyone dressed. The acting was comedy gold and some of the characters were really out there, and noticed why Vash liked this kind of show. You both laughed along at some of the corny moments, gasped at the main plot twist, and stifled a laugh at some of the characters.
“Soooo, what did you think?” he asked.
“I didn't know what to expect, but now I'm hooked thanks to you,” you answered.
“So does this mean you'll watch it with me if I bring the blu-ray to your place?” he asked looking excited.
“Yeah, I don't see why not. You like it a lot, and now you got me hooked,” you giggled as he cheered.
After eating your food for awhile, there was a bit of a comfortable silence until you heard Vash.
He cleared his throat as you looked at him to see if he was okay.
“Hey Y/n, I wanted to ask you something,” Vash spoke up as you turned towards him giving your full attention.
“Yeah, what's up?” you asked. He seemed like he was gathering his thoughts before continuing the conversation.
“I noticed whenever there’s something you like, you tend to stare or hesitate. I first picked up on it when we saw the photo booth the other day. You also did it a few other times we hung out, and today with that game. When I bring up those things you tend to dismiss it, until I insist. Is everything okay?” Vash began. You bit your lip and looked away.
“So you noticed, huh?” you answered feeling his eyes on you as you lowered your food on the table and grabbed your drink.
“It’s a long story,” you continued as you felt his hand on your shoulder.
“You don’t have to answer now but I’m here to listen. I won’t say anything until you’re done,” he offered as you gave him a small smile.
“No, you deserve to know. Growing up as an only child meant I didn’t really have anyone else to share what I liked at home. So when I started middle school I thought I could make friends and hope they shared the same interests as me. Turns out the music, games, and shows I liked was a bit too niche. People found it weird that I liked those things instead of something more mainstream. So I kept to myself and tried to enjoy what my other classmates liked. I figured I’d go with the flow,” you started as you tightened your grip on your drink.
“It wasn’t until one of my old crushes came up to me and asked me out. I was happy at the time, and he showed me his favorite things. I eventually got comfortable with our relationship and thought I show him some of the stuff I liked. Turned out the minute I shared with him my actual interests, he told me to stop being childish and act my age. He said I was weird for liking those things and that I should like whatever everyone else did at the time," you continued as you remembered that painful memory way back then.
"I ended up doing what he wanted so I could please him. I even forced myself to stop bringing up things that I enjoyed. It’s funny that the things I did for him to be comfortable ended up costing me my happiness. He then broke up with me and told everyone how weird I was for liking those things. I then kept my distance from people and just tried to keep appearances just so I could fit in,” you sighed as you took a quick sip from your drink.
“Then later in high school I found someone who had the same interests in me. I wanted to be their friend, but I guess all that happened in middle school still follows me to this this day. Even though I don’t talk to those people anymore, I still can’t get feel comfortable to like things openly with people. It’s ironic how I tell the kids to be proud of what they like when I can’t even follow that advice myself,” you chuckled dryly. You took another sip of your drink and waited for Vash to say something. But you only heard the minor background music coming from the DVD that played the show earlier.
“But yeah, that’s my story. I know it’s TMI, but-” before you could finish you felt two strong arms hold you. One arm held onto the small of your back while the other caressed the back of your head. Vash was hugging your back tightly to where your chin was on his shoulder. You didn’t know what to do until he spoke.
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that. No one should have to be told they can’t like the things that bring them joy. I hate that you had to give up liking stuff openly just so others could be comfortable,” Vash said as you felt your eyes starting to glossy.
“Y/n, I want you to know you that you can share the things you like with me. I want you to be comfortable and happy around me when you see those things like that. Because when you do, I can see your face light up. You look so happy when you do so and it makes me happy when I see that. What I’m trying to say is, it’s okay to share those with me. You don't have to pretend with me,” Vash finished.
You felt your lips quiver and the first few tears slide down your cheek. Slowly, you raised your arms to hug him back. Those words felt like a warm blanket wrapping around you and washing away all the fear and anxiety you had earlier. You could feel your inner child slowly healing from the emotional and mental pain it’s endured.
“Thank you Vash, that means so much to me. I promise these are happy tears,” you manage to choke out. Vash rubbed your back with small circles as he let you cry it out. When you finished, you noticed how damp his shirt was and felt embarassed.
“Oh my gosh, I'm sorry about your shirt,” you apologized.
“Don't be, I'm just glad I can be there for you,” he reassured as you softly smiled.
“Thank you Vash, I promise I'll work on being more open to you,” you said as he held both of your hands.
“I appreciate that, and just go at your own pace,” he commented while rubbing small circles on your hands.
“Actually, I noticed your Avatar poster. That's one of my favorite shows along with Fullmetal Alchemist. Oh and I like Pokemon too,” you commented as Vash's face lit up.
"YOU TOO?!" he asked as you smiled
“Yes! I love how well written the characters are, how they develop, and the world building in those shows!” you started going off on a small tangent. Your face lit up remembering all your favorite scenes as Vash joined in or listened during your conversation. The whole day you felt great sharing some of your favorite things to him before he took you home.
“Hey, thanks for today Y/n. It was great spending time with you today and getting to learn more about you,” Vash started.
“Aw Vash, I should be telling that to you. I had so much fun and I feel better after talking with you. Thanks for listening,” you answered.
“Of course, I like spending time with you,” he added as you felt your cheeks and ears turn red.
“Oh before I forget! Could you close your eyes real quick?” Vash asked as you gave him a confused look.
“Trust me, nothing bad I promise,” he insisted as you closed your eyes wondering what he was scheming.
“Okay and open them!” he called out. Once your eyes opened, you saw that he was holding the plushie you saw earlier in front of you while it covered his face.
“Vash, is that?” you pointed.
“I won it for you while I went to go reload my card. You didn't think I wouldn't notice?” he asked with a big grin. You hesitantly held the plushie and felt your heart soar at how thoughtful he was.
“Vash, this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me,” you choked out as Vash fondly smiled. You then gave him a tight hug while he rested his chin on top of your head.
“Hey it's the least I can do for you,” he said as his cheeks were turning pink. You reluctantly let go to smile at Vash as you started to adore him more and more.
“Thank you, I'll guess I see you again soon,” you asked. Before Vash answered, he moved some of your stray hairs away from your face and tucked them behind your ear. But he didn't let go and rested his palm and fingertips on your cheek.
“I'll see you again soon Y/n. Goodnight,” he finished and then left to his car. You watched him leave and waved before he drove off. You went inside to your apartment and held onto your plushie he gave you. You practically cuddled it once you were in bed and waited for his usual goodnight text. You replayed what happened earlier today in your mind as you held your plush tighter. You were falling deeper in love with Vash.
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nurseysbeanie · 1 year
Nursey heading to Barbenheimer with the SMH crew in a matching powder pink hoodie and sweat shorts set with retro pink Nike high tops and heart-shaped sunglasses. He's not dressed for Oppenheimer at all.
Dex is not dressed for either movie, he's in flannels as usual. He's only there because there's talk of jello shots being passed around in the theatre once the lights go down. (And because it's Nursey's turn to buy popcorn.)
Chowder is dressed in a white shirt and grey pants with a fedora, and he has a hot pink tie and pocket square.
Farmer is in a full 1940s mens outfit with suspenders, proper wingtips, an actual fedora (Chowder's is a trilby but she won't tell him that), cufflinks and a pipe. She's sweating so hard she might pass out.
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DS9 S3 E12 Part 1 and Part 2 "Past Tense"
So....I watched these episodes for the first time about one month ago. This is not a review of the episode, but a quick look at some things I enjoyed. I just realized the play on words of the episode title....past......tense.....Past.....Tense.....PAST TENSE. Got it. Good!
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Anyway, Jadzia looks professional and ready to mingle in the suit, very flattering, even the feather is great. It looks just different enough to feel unfamiliar to our 2020s, but similar to the point we recognize the potential trends humanity could have experienced and maybe still should.
I love the refined silly look! Hair is fantastic. Great job everyone! High fives all around.
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Look at that vest! Can there be too many stripes? NOPE. And before you ask, yes those stripes go ALL the way down girl. All the way. Whoever decided that our vests need to be tailored to be worn upside down is an innovative magician. The fabric beneath that is also wonderful. Looks paisley in design? Either way it is beautiful!
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Just look at that smile! No wonder Worf fell in love with Jadzia just like many others before him and all of us viewers! Magnificent molars!
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Geometric fashion was really cutting edge....heheheh....
However, art did was not done any favor by that odd Tron Crosshair throwback thing. Maybe it is the Bell Riot Era version of retro? it isn't terrible, but would you hang that on the wall of your 2020s AU penthouse suite? Would you though? I genuinely don't know if you would, so please tell me because I have to decorate in an hour.
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You might think that hot fashion would not be allowed in the slums and that the Sanctuary does not permit hotties to dress as provocateurs', but you would be wrong. Julian is sporting a lovely horizontal stripe vest that fits perfectly with his heavy hoodie. He looks VERY comfortable against the concrete.
Julian cannot steal the spotlight though. He might be Garak's main squeeze, but Ben Sisko steps aside for no one. Flannel is the future people.
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Perfect outdoor wear for a BBQ with the family or for saving timelines from suffering, Sisko stands front and center showing off a delicious cutoff flannel top with the breast pockets needed for snacks. His overalls also boast great maneuverability and certainly flatter his glutes.
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Commanding a room has never been so chic. But we still need to enjoy Kira and Miles.
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Do you know why Miles needs to wear such a HUGE belt? It is because he carries so many tools in his pockets. The man is a walking toolbox I swear. You might think that the two tone top is common place in Star trek, and you would be right. But wrapped around the unmatched muscle of O'Brien we get a sight that captured Keiko from day one. Manly magnificence on the bridge!!! Let's take a closer look at Kira. She is always worth it.
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No one else could pull off nose tape with such panache and flair! She is a beauty. I think I am smitten! Short hair has never looked better than it does right now. Her knitted vest draws out the color in her hair. The bag she wears proves that she totally snuck a disrupter to the past.....probably. She is always ready for action.
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Rest up you lovely man. You deserve it. The purple pjs just work. They make sense since Sisko is DS9 royalty.
OH THERE IT IS! My favorite mug! That thing shows up sometimes and I guarantee Sisko bought that from a gift shop on the promenade.
When all is said and done Star Trek is about fashion. This is a fashion show disguised as the best science fiction franchise ever made.
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mekyrdesign · 11 days
Step back in time with our Retro 1980s Hoodie Dress, a stylish blend of nostalgia and comfort. This eye-catching piece features vibrant colors and bold patterns that capture the essence of the iconic decade. Perfect for casual outings or a fun night out, the Retro 1980s Hoodie Dress promises to keep you looking chic while ensuring ultimate coziness. Complete your look with high-top sneakers for that perfect throwback vibe. Don’t miss out on adding the Retro 1980s Hoodie Dress to your wardrobe!
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simplysedusa · 11 months
How I imagine the Rowdyruff Boys would dress
(credit to Pinterest for all the pictures)
(tw: drug symbolism)
Brick Keane
Brick's style is usually minimalistic and layered, with a bit of a 90's inspired vibe as seen in his love for flannels, denim jackets, and those Hawaiian shirts he seems to make look cool. Between the girls and his brothers, he sticks to his respective color the most, there's almost always a hint of red on him somewhere. Any kind of designs on his clothes are either very simple and small, or rather unique and/or retro. He doesn't do clothes with brand labels plastered on the front, Brick believes he's too cool to wear popular brands that everyone else likes. He likes his clothes loosely fitted, not too tight or too baggy. Any kind of devil imagery is a huge plus for him, as to remind the citizens/peers/classmates who his creator is. I'd like to think that When Brick was middle school aged, he had started collecting a bunch of Boston Red Sox hats in a variety of colors such as black, red, white, beige, or some combo of the aforementioned, completely unaware that they were affiliated with a sports team. Once he found out, he went with the lie that he was a fan and now he watches their games reluctantly so he doesn't look like a poser. He still rocks with his original plain red cap proudly though.
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Boomer Keane
Boomer wouldn't admit it, and he probably doesn't know it, but a part of his style is a bit inspired by Brick's. Layered and simple at times, the key distinction between the two is coloring: lighter denim and brighter colors. Even the Hawaiian shirts are brighter in terms of theme and color as well. But usually, his style is rather athletic and preppy, like one of those boys in a fraternity, the ones who "had to do it to 'em". Unless it's snowing, there's a good chance you'll see Boomer in shorts (yes he's one of those). Boomer also has some rather random pieces of clothing such as an American flag hoodie (he thought it looked good on him, and tbh, what doesn't?), overalls, or pink baggy acid wash jeans (that Blossom, Bubbles, and surprisingly Buttercup all LOVE). I'd also like to think that subconsciously Boomer picks up clothes that have red, blue, and green in them as a way to convince himself that he fits in with his brother and is a part of the team. He's a whore for cardigans and letterman jackets as well.
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Butch Keane
Somehow, Butch has managed to take punk grunge and enfuse the style with his love for athletic brands and clothes (with a bit of Brick's influence as well occasionally, that what happens when the leader of the group is constantly telling the other two that they can't dress) and combine the two. His fits have a tendency to be LOUD! Chaotic. And either very baggy or perfectly fitted as if it were tailored to him. His closet makes Buttercup's dress code violations look like a slap on the wrist; one of his favorite hoodies portrays a guy with green fingers chopping cocaine (as pictured below). Occasionally, he might dawn a shirt that might reference sex in some way (he definitely has a "This is a very serious text post with no hidden meaning" shirt or hoodie in his closet somewhere). Butch probably owns the most leathered clothes between him and his brothers, and he has no problem with that. He's also the most proactively dressed between the three brothers with his love for sleeveless shirts, crop tops, tight tanks, and ripped jeans that might expose most of his legs (he gotta show off the gains somehow). While his female counterpart outgrew her obsession for camo print, Butch has yet to. He also loves utility jackets and any kind of coat with fur (he isn't sure/doesn't care if it's real or not, but he lies to Bubbles every time she asks just to get her off his back).
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berylgrace · 2 years
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won't find out until we grow (percabeth drabble)
i don't care that it's not halloween. shut up and let me be me
"Are you ready yet? Hurry up!"
Annabeth turned back to the mirror, satisfied with the precision of her eyeliner and dabbing a few final touches underneath. Everyone claimed girls took forever to get ready, but whoever had originally said that clearly hadn't met Percy, who had been in the bedroom for far too long. They were going to be late if they didn't leave in the next ten minutes, and the last time they were late, they'd endured hours of ridicule from their idiot friends, speculating on the reasons why.
Percy's voice emerged from behind the door, sounding extremely perturbed. "Annabeth... what is this?"
"Your costume!" She shouted back. "Come on, put it on already!"
"It's so ugly. This pattern is making my eyes bleed."
She rolled her eyes. "Okay, fashionista. This is what people wore before they had Thrasher hoodies and sweatpants, alright?"
It went quiet; presumably, he knew she'd won, and had given up and started getting dressed. She stepped back to get a better view of herself in the mirror, smoothing out her long, dark hair so it lay flat. Then Percy spoke up again, this time even less certain than before.
"...Even the mustache?"
"Especially the mustache," She insisted, double checking her purse. "No one will know who you are without it."
"I don't even know who this is!"
"He was big in the seventies!" She called out. "Now come on!"
He paused. "Is that... tell me that's not a wig."
Annabeth grinned, glad he couldn't see her. "Well, I didn't think you'd be up for growing your hair out. I'm wearing one too, what's the big deal?"
"The big deal is, you look stunning and I look like I should be in jail."
She stifled her laugh behind her fist. "Then it's right. Look, we have to nail this because I am not losing this costume contest to Hazel for the second year in a row. Piper let me know what she's doing, and we don't have a chance in hell unless we commit."
Percy went quiet. "What's she doing?"
"Fuck it," She heard him curse from the other room, "She's capitalising on how cute she is. She's an evil genius. Okay, I'll do it. We have to beat her."
"Thank you." Annabeth shot a quick text into the groupchat, letting everyone know they'd be leaving shortly. "And hey, if you're up for karaoke, we can score extra points with this one duet. Just trust me."
"I always trust you," He grumbled, "That's the problem. Alright. Don't laugh."
The bedroom door swung open. Annabeth bit her lip, hard.
It was better than she'd expected. The bell bottoms, the garish shirt, the pageboy haircut and fake mustache, and better still, Percy's unimpressed expression. A lesser person would've been intimidated, but Annabeth knew better than to buy into his looks - the fact that she'd gotten him into the costume in the first place was proof enough that he couldn't fight her on it.
He joined her by the mirror, sulking even as he wrapped an arm around her exposed waist. She beamed and posed, appraising them as a couple. True to character, almost her entire midriff was bare, with bright colours and stripes leading down to flared trousers that made her legs look a mile long. The long, dark, straight wig was the exact opposite of her natural hair, which she'd braided back and tucked into a low bun as best as she could, but she kinda liked it. The retro makeup she'd been practising certainly helped, and sure, she'd got the better end of the deal - Cher had been a fashion icon ever since she'd walked into Studio City - but in her opinion, Percy made an excellent Sonny.
Percy blinked. "The longer I look, the more I start to like it. Get me away from this mirror."
She laughed. "We look amazing! We have to take a pic for your mom."
"What? No." Percy looked horrified.
"I already promised! Look, smile!"
"Alright, alright," Percy's voice echoed through the room, the cheap micropphone giving it a tinny, muffled quality. "You guys are all sadists for enjoying this, so as a thank you for voting me and Annabeth the best costume of the night, we are now going to assault your ears with the cheesiest duet known to man."
"THAT'S MY BOY!" Jason yelled.
"YEAH, GET IT PERCY!" Frank added.
He slipped an arm around Annabeth's waist. "You know, Paul loves this song."
She kissed his cheek. "I know. Piper's recording it for him."
Percy blanched. "What? No!"
"Too late!" Annabeth beamed. "They say we're young and we don't know..."
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koreaguides · 2 years
8 Popular Men’s Fashion Styles Seen In K-Dramas
1. Kim Seon Ho 
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In Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, Kim Seon ho’s fashion is casual and practical. You will often see him wearing a t-shirt, plaid shirt, and jeans. 
The main point of his style is that he rarely buttons up his shirts. Because the checkered patterns are colorful and diverse, it never gets boring. 
2. Park Seo Joon 
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In Itaewon Class, Park Seo Joon often wears oversized items, especially bomber jackets in deep tones, that show his masculinity. 
He completes this edgy, street look by layering with dark hoodies and wearing combat boots. 
3. Park Seo Joon 
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Unlike the stubborn, hard Park Saeroyi, Park Seo Joon plays a seemingly narcisstic chairman with a luxurious, clean style in What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim. 
He often wears a full suit with a tie and completes the look with a very fancy pocket scarf. 
4. Lee Min Ho 
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Lee Min Ho often plays a chaebol, a word used to describe the super-rich in Korea. 
In The King Eternal Monarch, he completes this look by wearing a long coat or trench coat paired with a turtleneck sweater, creating a classic and luxurious style. 
5. Gong Yoo 
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In Goblin, Gong Yoo also dresses luxuriously in long coats and turtlenecks. 
Unlike Lee Min Ho, Gong Yoo is portrayed more warmly, and you will see many scenes of him wearing sweaters and cardigans to create a sweet, friendly look. 
6. Cha Eun Woo 
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Cha Eun woo’s image in My ID Is Gangnam Beauty is a gentle, sweet, and almost perfect guy. That’s why his fashion style in this drama is quite simple and causal. 
His most worn outfit is usually slacks and a button down shirt. The shirt is neatly tucked in, making him look and professional. 
7. Hwang In Yeop 
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Hwang In Yeop perfectly portrays the bad boy in True Beauty with his big leather jackets, chain necklace, and silver earrings. 
He looks extremely trendy and sets the standard for the bad boy style. 
8. Lee Do Hyun
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The drama Youth of May is set around an extremely important event in Korean history - the democratization of Gwangju in May 1980. Lee Do Hyun recreated the style of the youth at that time. 
The most typical of Lee Do Hyun’s retro outfits is jeans with a button down shirt and belt. 
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cacchieressa · 5 months
Shopping Urban by Jane Shore
Flip-flopped, noosed in puka beads, my daughter breezes through the store from headband to toe ring, shooing me away from the bongs, lace thongs, and studded dog collars. And I don't want to see her in that black muscle tee with SLUT stamped in gold glitter shrink-wrapped over her breasts, or those brown and chartreuse retro-plaid hip-huggers ripped at the crotch.
There's not a shopper here a day over twenty except me and another mother parked in chairs at the dressing room entrance beyond which we are forbidden to go. We're human clothes racks. Our daughters have trained us to tamp down the least flicker of enthusiasm for the nice dress with room to grow into, an item they regard with sullen, nauseated, eyeball-rolling disdain.
Waiting in the line for a dressing room, my daughter checks her cleavage. Her bellybutton's a Cyclops eye peeking at other girls' armloads of clothes. What if she's missed something— that faux leopard hoodie? those coffee-wash flares? Sinking under her stash of blouses, she's a Shiva of tangled sleeves.
And where did she dig up that new tie-dyed tank top I threw away in '69, and the purple wash 'n' wear psychedelic dress I washed and wore and lost on my Grand Tour of Europe, and my retired hippie Peace necklace now recycled, revived, re-hip?
I thought they were gone— like the tutus and tiaras and wands when she morphed from ballerina to fairy princess to mermaid to tomboy, refusing to wear dresses ever again. Gone, those pastel party dresses, the sleeves, puffed water wings buoying her up as she swam into waters over her head.
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orangetubor · 1 year
Please tell me about all the OCs Birthdays, Their Music Tastes, Fashion Sense and clubs!! (and their fav desserts if they have any LMAO)
All of them!
Martha- born on the 25th of duober, 1072183 AD. she's in the football club! The music she likes is upbeat pop, and calming jazz and r&b. Artists like Emily king, hot freaks, melody gardot, stuff like that. Things that make her feel happy, nostalgic, and calm. She likes retro futurism, lots of short plastic dresses with weird shapes, arm cuff things, weird hairstyles, and little boots! That's only if she can be bothered though, most of the time she's in shorts or short skirts, camisoles, and her mother's jacket. If she's going somewhere really fancy she may wear something metallic Ritz, or this other thing I haven't named yet, or have but didn't write it down. In case of winter, she has a lot of sweaters. Doesn't stop wearing short though. Just longer socks.
Tammy- born December fifth, she's in band and the cheer squad, she likes HEAVY metal, all that electric stuff, rock, anything with a good drum beat or baseline. Stuff like baby metal, in flames, etc. As for her style, what do you get when you combine an ero-goth and a leather jacket wearer? Tammy! She does a lot of DIY, and wears shorts, band tees, weird fucked up shirt she cut a lot of holes in, training bras, flip flops, and a studded up leather jacket she's had since she was 11. She doesn't really wear trousers. Her and Martha bond over only wears shortsness. (She also has a rabbit hoodie, she goes to the roller rink in it so she and Martha can be 'the tortoise and the hare')
Jenny- born the seventh of duodecimber, she's in the technology club! She likes... I don't actually know how to explain it but gorillaz, geisha girls, TV girl, that kinda funky, down-beat stuff you'd expect to hear in a video game. For the apparel she has one pair of shoes and she doesn't wear others, she likes putting yarn in her hair, tight sweaters, tennis skirt, stretchy jeans and polos, if she has to get fancy, she and Thomas have matching red dresses. She also has a lot of shirts that are variations of 'women want me, fish fear me'
Thomas- 3rd of October, he's in the football and gardening clubs, eventually the football team. As for music I don't think I fully fleshed him out... but dance music like neneh cherry and gothy/electronica like mareux, he also canonically listens to the artist 'vallicent' who is, of course, made up. His favourite song is red sands. In terms of clothes, most of the time he'll wear like... very small crop tops. This specific juniper green shirt that like crosses over like... idk it would have to be visual. Small skirts, baggy trousers, cool jackets, (the reason he joined the football team) he also owns a lot of band shirts, his favourite is his Phobos and Deimos shirt bcs it's got a picture of mars and it's two moons, I think nearly everyone owns one of those. He also quite likes astral outback. If he's getting fancy he'll just wear the red dress he has that matches with Jenny.
James/genji- born the 11th of undeviginber. Weird month. He's in the football club, and he's not in the band but he does like weird instruments like theramins and stuff. Subsequently, he likes weird music that has theramins and stuff. Stuff like TV girl as well, and talking heads, and... Earthbound soundtrack? He also like classical music. As for what classical means to someone a million years in the future, idk. For clothes, he wears a lot of layers, baggy shirt, flannel, leather jacket, and then. Shorts. He wears cargo shorts. Jorts. 😔. He also had a wack ass mullet but Tammy fixed it.
Sahrah- born. I actually didn't write it down so. Idk I'm feelin an autumn birthday? Maybe the 17th of something? M. I also don't think I gave her any clubs. °\_( :/ )_/°. Maybe eventually. I feel like she'd be in the photography club or something. As for her music, also vallicent. And Xiro. More made up bands/artists. Goth stuff, synth wave, also she does enjoy some softer stuff, easier on the ears. For her clothes, what are you supposed to do when you have white hair and blue skin? Be a goth! There's no other option. It is, however, quite hard to find clothes that accomadate six arms, so unless she's going somewhere she'll just wear some baggy trousers and a bra. If it gets cold, she has a poncho. But when she is going somewhere she wears very little in the way of shirts, or at least she does now, and she has a nice tight maxi skirt. She also has 'slug boots' which are boots with two spikes, that she stuck little balls on so they look like antennae. She also wears a lot of veils, sporty the... well I haven't decided what it's called but it's likely gonna be under 'frill'. She owns a lot of off shoulder stuff cuz. Yknow. Arms.
Aled- born 17th tredecimber, he's in the football and poetry club. I don't think. I gave him any sense of music. Idk he listens to something °\_( :\ )_/° bound to. In terms of clothes he has a wool lined denim jacket that he constantly wears. And camp trousers. And like, vests. He wears vests. He also wears a little headband :)
Georgie- born vigiduober 10th, she's in the tennis club, the poetry club, and she's in band, plays the tuba! As for music she likes astruca pop, classical, and the upbeat kind of goth like strawberry switchblade. She wears mostly ripped baggy jeans and tiny shirts, I don't think I've drawn her enough times to get a full gauge on her style. There's a lot of black and cobwebs though.
Dane- born the 1st of quinquber, he's. Still not really fleshed out. Tennis club, gardening club, whatever. Music I... didn't flesh out. However I now know his last name is newton! Huzzah! I've drawn him like once, and he wears fancy nail polish and sweaters. That's. That's all I've got.
I've gotta update all my posts now don't I. Also this took like two days cuz I kept messing around while doing it
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unicornery · 7 months
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As you know, as of last summer I'm doll people. I've posted Julie in her bootleg Yes tee before, but I just got the skirt off etsy and I thought they would coordinate well for some Bicentennial chic. Ever since I got Julie, I've thought about the sort of homemade stars 'n stripes stuff that kids would have worn (/been forced to wear!) back then and wanted something like that for her. The navy floral clogs are from ebay. They're not a perfect match for the blue but I think it's all in the mix. I might also try the hoodie and red flip flops from the 2-in-1 summer outfit with this skirt.
The yellow top and strawberry skirt came as a set, from the same etsy seller. My folks got married in the late '70s and their wedding album is a great snapshot of the time. Particularly I like seeing my cousins, who I knew as cool teens, when they were young kids. One wore a long dress with appliquéd pears, and another had a white pinafore with strawberries over her blue dress. So I also like to find doll outfits on etsy with fruit designs, particularly if they have a '70s-ish retro look. I tried it on my still unnamed* Truly Me 80 and of course she looks terrific in yellow, and the shiny red shoes dresses it up a little. I do think she needs a red beaded necklace or like a red hair scarf to add interest on the top. *I haven't named a doll as an adult, and I want to make sure I give her a good one.
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