#boomer keane
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simplysedusa · 2 months ago
The Powerpuff Girls 🤝 The Rowdyruff Boys
Hating Cops
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daikenkki · 2 months ago
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woopershy · 1 year ago
Boomer - Brick - Butch - Buttercup - Blossom - Bubbles - Prof. Utonium - Ms. Keane - Mrs. Morbucks
Robin - Princess - Mitch - Harry - Mike - Lloyd - Floyd - Kim - Mary
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ppg dump
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lemoncandybats33 · 5 months ago
RowdyRuff boys new parent head canon
So I hate the 2016 reboot but some of the characters have potential, including Silico. He'd have been a good villain if given the chance or a better series.
So instead I've decided to rewrite him in my Au as the RowdyRuff boys new adopted parent after both HIM and Mojo abandon them, as I have a hard time seeing either truly take in the boys (plus if everyone and their mom can have the boys be adopted by miss Keane, or Miss Bellum, I can do the same)
basically what happened is that after Mojo is sent to prison and the boys have been left alone again, Silico (Mojo and Dick hardy's hidden benefactor) finds the boys and adopts them as his own. Figuring they can be useful to his plot (and deep down he does come to love the trio. But deeeep down).
He allows Mojo to sometimes looks over the boys to keep his scent clear but overall he's the father figure to the boys.
Individually he's closest to Brick, tends to scold Butch the most and has a soft spot for Boomer.
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ppgppzaustory · 2 days ago
PPZ Bubbles' profile!
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First name: Bubbles Nickname(s): Bubs, Bluey, Blue, Big Sis. Last name: Utonium Gender: Female Nationality: American Birth Date: November 18, 2000 Age: 10 Birth place: Townsville Star Sign: Scorpio
Occupation: Super Heroine Education: 5th Grade Hobby(ies): Drawing/Painting, Sewing, Dancing, Signing, baking, pet sitting, baby sitting, teaching, acting, filming, photographing, Religious Beliefs: Christian Hero/Villain/Neutral: Hero Family: Professor Utonium, Ms Keane, Bliss, Blossom, Buttercup, Bunny, Rhythm, Beatrix, Britney and Bones. Best Friend: Octi and Britney
Special Power: She can scream loud enough to shatter glass or buildings and stun opponents. Bubbles can also speak multiple languages including English, Japanese, Spanish, Squirrel and so much more. Weakness: Stray and hurt animals. Phobia(s): Nyctophobia, Fear of the dark and Thanatophobia, Fear of Death.
Allergies: None Sexuality: Heterosexual Pronoun(s): She, Her
Likes: Bubbles likes Her sisters, Blossom and Buttercup, Playing with her friends, Her hair, Boomer, Blossom's hair Brushing, cleaning, combing, drying, rinsing, shampooing and washing Buttercup's hair, Octi, Professor Utonium, Chalk, Crayons, Drawing, Coloring, Learning, Flowers, Being cute, adorable and child-like, Ice cream, Animals, Blowing bubbles, Playing dress-up, Pop music/Disco, Movies, Any kind of looks, Sewing and Art contests.
Dislikes: Bubbles dislikes Bullies, Villains, Snakes, Crime, Animal abuse, Animals dying The dark (after time passed on for her to prove she's hardcore when her sisters told her), Spiders, Cockroaches, Liver and Onions, Arguments (Mainly Blossom and Buttercup arguing), Being treated like a baby, Bad things happening to Octi, Her hair getting messy, Silent movies, Bad attitudes (although she uses it when it's time to get business taken care of), Shrimp, Being seen as weak, Her feelings getting hurt, Scary movies and People not taking her seriously when she's angry.
General I.Q.: Average Values: Family, Friendship, Love, Peace, Life, Kindness, Happiness and Art.
Personality: Bubbles does have a tendency to be overemotional, despite having a habit to be ditzy, naïve and sensitive, leading to her sometimes being regarded as the group's weakest link, by friends and foes alike. She can be quite prone to tears. However, she can become very independent and aggressive, let alone extremely mad when tempted. Out of all the Powerpuff Girls, she is the most feared by Mojo Jojo after having single-handedly taken him down in a fit of rage. At one point, Bubbles gets severely hit on her head and dresses up as Mojo to fight her sisters. Being the joy and the laughter, Bubbles opens up to the Professor by giggling. Bubbles has the most friends at Pokey Oaks and Elementary School, and even the ex-bully (Mitch) at the school shows some respect to her, such as apologizing when he accidentally erased her chalk drawings. Bubbles wins the award for being the happiest citizen of Townsville for the tenth year in a row. She is not afraid to show her emotions. She is also generally shown to be very caring of her sisters and the Professor as well as others.
Bio: Bubbles was created 6 years after her sister Bliss, along with her sisters Blossom and Buttercup. After about a week or two, Professor Utonium signed all three of them up for their first day of School at Pokey Oaks Kindergarten. Their first day went great, until they learned how to play tag for the first time. Their game resulted in the destruction of Townsville, which made the entire City turn against them, making them exile themselves to some debris in the stratosphere. This gave the evil monkey, Mojo Jojo, an opening to take over the City with him as the King. Unfortunately for him, the girls could not stand the screams and agony of the people, and especially not their father, as they returned to the City, defeated Mojo and became the protectors of Townsville. Since then, they have always defeated any evil monsters who threaten to irradicate the population of Townsville(This is a resume as their story is way too long). But their story is not over yet!
Ingredient(s):Sugar, everything nice, spice and Chemical X. Ingredient Trait: Bubbles is as sweet as Sugar
Flying Trail: Baby Blue
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silverkittenx9 · 9 months ago
Ages Of Every Significant Powerpuff Girls Character (In My Opinion)
The Powerpuff Girls (Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup): 5-6yo (chronologically one)
Professor Utonium: late 30s-early 40s (I'd say anywhere between 38-42yo is likely)
The Mayor Of Townsville: late 60s-mid 70s (possibly about 70-72yo)
Ms. Bellum: late 30s-early 40s (according to "Get Back Jojo", she and Ms. Keane are the same age as The Professor).
Ms. Keane: late 30s-early 40s
Talking Dog: 7yo (mid-late 40s in human years)
Mitch Mitchelson: 5yo
Robin Synder: 5yo
Princess Morbucks: 5-6yo
The Pokey Oaks Kindergarten Students in general: 5-6yo (a few may be as young as 4 though, but we don't exactly know that)
Mojo Jojo: I honestly don't really know; I'm guessing 18-19 in chimpanzee years? The way he sounds and looks makes me think he'd be in his early 50s if he were a human.
Fuzzy Lumpkins: 63-64yo
HIM: 1000yo+ (he looks like he could be in his mid-late 30s though)
The Gangreen Gang (Ace, Snake, Lil' Arturo, Grubber, and Big Billy): Ace is the oldest member at about 17-18yo; Snake, Grubber, and Big Billy are all 15yo, and Lil' Arturo is the youngest member at about 13-14yo. For the longest time, I thought Ace was in his early 20s.
The Amoeba Boys (Bossman, Junior, and Slim): all of them are probably in their late 40s-mid 50s.
Sedusa: roughly the same age as Ms. Keane, Ms. Bellum, and The Professor, so late 30s-early 40s.
The Rowdyruff Boys (Brick, Boomer, and Butch): 5-6yo (chronologically several months old)
The Smiths (Harold Smith, Marianne Smith, Julie Smith, and Bud Smith): Judging by his male pattern baldness, I'd guess Harold is probably in his early-mid 40s. Marianne is roughly the same age. Bud is definitely 11-12yo; his behavior screams stereotypical angsty preteen boy. Meanwhile, Julie is the same age as The Powerpuff Girls, being about 5yo.
The Narrator: I don't know about him either... I'd assume probably 40s judging by his voice.
Stanley Whitfield: mid 50s-early 60s
Townsville in general (background characters): A majority of the background children we see on this show look like they could be aged between 4-7yo, so about preschool through second grade. They're not toddlers, but they're not older kids either. And of course, the citizens of Townsville are all of varying ages... because it's a society! The citizens range from newborn babies to elderly people.
EDIT (5/27/24): I figured Lil' Arturo would've been slightly older than 12, so he's about 13-14yo instead. It makes more sense considering all of The Gangreen Gang are teenagers.
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weathermanpolls · 1 year ago
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pumpkinpuffgirls · 11 months ago
What are you're prefered PPG ships??
I don't have any ships within the canon of the Powerpuff girls show. Mostly because it doesn't fit.
It WOULD be nice if the Professor had a love interest that actually stuck and wasn't forced or hamfisted like in the 2016 cartoon, but I don't feel like Ms. Keane or even Ms. Bellum is the right fit for him.
I additionally do NOT ship the Powerpuff Girls with the Rowdyruff boys. I did when I was younger, since that's what I saw everyone doing I assumed that was "correct." But as I grew older I realized that was largely just opinion and really, it just doesn't fit. The only one I see remotely working as they grow older is Boomer x Bubbles, but even then I feel like the RRB and the PPG would just not be interested in each other like that. If the boys ever got redeemed it wouldn't be anything more than just a mutual understanding/respect of each other.
My only real "legitimate" ships are PibbBlossom and I plan to ship an OC with Mr. Green, because Mr. Green is heckin' cute af. Additionally with the help of my friend @the-oc-nebula we were gonna rework Sapna into a possible love interest for the Professor so the girls can finally get a mom.
TL;DR - Nothing in canon, only completely fanon ships. I hope that doesn't disappoint you, but that IS my opinion!
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yaraaltrospace · 2 years ago
Powerpuff Girls: Growing Gains
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Since the reboot isn’t good enough for us who watched the original Powerpuff Girls, why not bringing up grown-up versions of the originals?
Okay, it’s an established idea many people around this website pondered and fanart-ed about,  there’s even TweenAnimation Studios’s videos relating to this, but my idea is something beyond just the grown-up girls: it brings relatable issues, and a more mature tone to this universe. 
This idea could either become a movie or a Netflix series. I’d watch either way.
Blossom is literally the first who blossoms into a woman, having her period first, taking more mature issues to her studies, and aiming to college, while also having to deal with saving the day. This last issue however isn’t as constant as it used to be in childhood, because things change and times as well.
Bubbles is still a happy, kind soul; she has gained a little weight with time, which although she doesn’t find much of a issue at first, is the beginning of worries about the future, like what choices of career to pick, how people would react by finding she still have childish interests
Buttercup starts wearing glasses as she grows up, and unlike Bubbles, it’s for life. She first hates her glasses for making her look like a nerd, but is able to stand out in high school as one of the toughest students… but she might be losing a bit of sight about how far fighting for what’s right can go again, especially for Blossom.
Mrs. Keane is a dean at Townsville High School and tries to help Professor Utonium with his girls’ changes, and them to stick together. Utonium is starting to accept how fast his children grow and wonders if the way he educated them is good enough for them to face the future ahead.
The villains aren’t all active: some moved on, others found redemption and in some cases, jobs. Example: Sedusa runs a fashion business with Mask Scara, and in fact, was the one that helped the girls find new outfits since the dresses were getting too small and predictable for them.
Princess Morbucks stays in line enough to not be sent to jail, but promoves a coup’d etat against her own father to rule supreme the Morbucks hierarchy, with the help of her associate, Mojo Jojo.
The Rowdyruff Boys also grew up, but Boomer starts feeling even more out of place and even performs acts of kindness when nobody’s looking, pointing his possibility to change. however, when Bubbles is unable to keep defending herself, he has enough and turns against Brick and Butch, leaving the group and becoming Bubbles’s friend.
Him is always watching the girls, waiting for a chance to bring up the big guns. He starts off by officially turning Blossom and Buttercup against each other in a bloody battle, when Buttercup not only defeats but also almost kills her sister. Horrified and enraged at herself, she flies away to somewhere.
Bubbles and Boomer’s friendship is refreshing and adorable, as she supports him being kind and he helps her face some remaining fears. Shippers ahoy. *wink*
Buttercup finds shelter where once used to be the temple where the Monk helped her once. Now, empty and filled with cobwebs, Buttercup decides to find herself again, following all he taught her and recalling previous battles lived with her sisters.
As Blossom recovers, she refuses to accept she misses Buttercup, but can’t deny how the balance between the team has been broken. Eventually, she blames herself for not being able to keep the team together, which Bubbles disagress with, pointing that independent of how they grow up, they’ll always be sisters. And they’ve been through worse things.
Him then reunites with Morbucks and Mojo Jojo, proclaiming he’ll promove a triumphant return of the Beat-Alls, and of course Mojo points out Fuzzy Lumpkins is out of their plans for family issues. Soon enough, Him’s true plan is revealed, as he assumes the Powerpuff Girls cannot recover from their falling apart.
Chaos rains down as Him, powered by the negative energy acquired due to the infamous over-the-top attacks that drive the town to paranoia and panic, open up portals, bringing criminals and monsters from all eras. More than ever, the girls realize they have to come back together, and Boomer decides to convince his brothers to ally with the girls, the Townsville resistance starting to assemble itself.
Buttercup comes back right when things look beyond ugly. Mojo and Princess crawl out of Him’s sight, humiliated and defeated. The girls are back again and with the resigned Rowdyruff Boys, formulate a plan to not noly defeat Him, but stop his tyranny once and for all. But how to cease paranoia and fear? With hope.
As they bring out the big guns to put Him on his place and finish him for good, the Powerpuff Girls fully make up and the city’s happy to see their main hero team together again. Brick and Butch consider a truce for a while, needing to find themselves. Boomer remains in Townsville and admits his crush on Bubbles.
Townsville goes back to its normal course, and the girls stop the most recent problem: a group of meteors heading to Earth.
Additions by @iron-confederate:
Fuzzy Lumpkins finds reformation by finding love in his life and forms a family. A big factor in his reformation is utilizing his variety of experiences during his time as a criminal by taking the path of becoming an independent contractor. Fuzzy always plays a positive role in not just strengthening the friendship between Bubbles and Boomee, but also help Blossom make amends with Buttercup.
Mayor Bellum gets into a pickle when new heroes started appearing in Townsville. While some of these heroes have their hearts in the right place, their proper method of enforcing justice is much to be desired. This can be a good way of introducing civics education.
The Gangrene Gang had almost completely faded into obscurity, leading many of the members to experience an existential crisis.
Sedusa originally reformed, not out of genuine desire and an epiphany, it was out necessity. EVERYONE in Townsville knows who Sedusa is, so much so that just about anyone can see through her charm. Sedusa contemplates and struggles on what to do with her life before she got into fashion design.
The Bunny Memorial Foundation; An Institute to help those who were created through artificial means but we’re used for malicious intent against their will and/or abandoned because of defects.
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forgottenfriendshiprpg · 6 months ago
Most wanted from the RPG's members, please?
I'm not actually familiar with all of the fandoms that wouldn't be banned in this RPG, but some most wanted characters from our RPG's members are : Dexter, Mandark Astronomonov, Mrs. Dexter's and Dee Dee's mother, and Mr. Dexter's and Dee Dee's father from Dexter’s Laboratory™ ; Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup, Ms. Sara Bellum, Ms. Keane, Mitch Mitchelson, Mojo Jojo, Fuzzy Lumpkins, H.I.M., Princess Morbucks, Mr. Professor Utonium, Brick, Boomer, Butch, and Blisstina 'Bliss' from The Powerpuff Girls™ ; Lara Jean Song-Covey, Peter Kavinsky, John Ambrose McClaren, Margot Song-Covey, Christine 'Chris' Donati, Genevieve 'Gen' Mitchell, and Emily Nussbaum from To All The Boys I've Loved Before ; Avatar Aang, Sokka, Prince Zuko, General Iroh, Admiral Zhao, Fire Lord Ozai, General Fong, Monk Gyatso, Lieutenant Jee, Lieutenant Dang, King Bumi, Princess Azula, Mai, Princess Yue, Avatar Kyoshi, Avatar Korra, Mako, Bolin, Kuvira Beifong, Mrs. Suyin Beifong, Mr. Baatar, Sr., Baatar, Jr., Huan Beifong, Wei Beifong, Wing Beifong, Kai, Meelo, Ikki, Jinora, Mrs. Pema, Mr. Tenzin, Princess Eska, Prince Desna, Ms. Kya, Princess Ursa, Prince Lu Ten, Prince Wu, Earth Queen Hou-Ting, and Heiress Asami Sato from Avatar: The Last Airbender™ / The Legend Of Korra™ ; Adrien Agreste, Tikki, Plagg, Mr. Gabriel Agreste, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Chloé Bourgeois, Mr. Tom Dupain, Mrs. Sabine Dupain-Cheng, Luka Couffaine, Félix Fathom, Socqueline Wang, Lê Chiến Kim, Alix Kubdel, Max Kanté, Mylène Haprèle, Ivan Bruel, Sabrina Raincomprix, Rose Lavillant, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Marc Anciel, and Aurore Beauréal from Miraculous™: Tales Of Ladybug & Cat Noir™ ; Regina George, Janis ʻImiʻike, Damian Hubbard, and Aaron Samuels from Mean Girls !! If there are any other fandoms that you would like to see a list of, please feel free to send us another ask with the FULL name of the fandom ( without any no abbreviations or nicknames of the fandom name ), and we will be more than happy to answer your M.W. questions !! Thank you !!
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simplysedusa · 3 months ago
Hii so idk if you've done this already but what are your hc on the boy's relationship between each other?
I actually haven't made a post on this. To be honest, there was this clip of their losing animation from Multiversus that I haven't stopped thinking about and I was eventually gonna post my thoughts on that, or just post my general takes on who I think the Rowdyruff Boys are (and grow up to be). But, this will scratch that itch momentarily (and help me better characterize them and flesh them out).
Once again, just give me a minute to collect and organize my thoughts lmao.
The Rowdyruff Boys:
There's the typical, rather popular headcanon that Boomer's the "odd one out" of the three because he's not as evil as his brothers, and how he's often teased and bullied by Brick and Butch. But that's baloney, Brick teases both of his brothers, it's just that Boomer's reactions are more entertaining. (Also, Boomer can be as bad as his brothers, at times, he might be worse...)
And it's not like Brick gets off scot free either, both Boomer and Butch know how to dish it back when needed, Butch is just less likely to on his own and will just simply laugh at Brick's antics.
Butch is the glue of the group, the foundation, the rock. He's the one they feel the most comfortable venting to and are able to express themselves with freely (lmao I mean look at their options, who else would Brick and Boomer turn to, EACH OTHER?!). I find him to be the most emotionally intelligent out of the three, in contrast to Buttercup, who's probably the least emotionally intelligent out of her sisters (but she's still better than Butch, she's a superhero after all). Without him, Brick and Boomer would've spent most of their childhood youth fighting each other instead of the girls.
Brick's the direction, the determination, the focus. While he may not be as uptight as his counterpart, he's unfortunately the brother that has to keep them on track.
Boomer, on the other hand, is the relaxation, the relief, the destress-er of sorts. Even if they tease him, they find Boomer to have a rather calming presence that's needed for the group. He's usually the one to suggest alternatives to some of the crazy antics of his brothers.
"Let's get the girls!"
"–but I wanna go to the arcade..."
"So you can lose again?"
"You'll never beat my high score, Boom."
And sure enough, they're at the arcade.
While the general dynamic between the three isn't exactly toxic, they come to realize the dysfunction amongst themselves as they befriend the girls. The Powerpuff Girls are all so different from one another and have their own internal conflicts within the group but still manage to be each other's best friends, and witnessing that starts causing the boys to be mindful of who they are as brothers.
Brick and Boomer:
The two argued often in their younger years. While Brick may not be/was not as stern of a leader as Blossom, it still drives him up the wall that Boomer tends to be so carefree.
They've only ever actually fought each other three times max. Even though they're the two brothers to most likely fight each other, they're not that serious compared to fights Boomer had to intervene in when Brick and Butch went at it.
A part of Brick feels bad for how hard he was on Boomer, but the other part of Brick is...well, Brick.
Brick will occasionally extend an olive branch, and tries to be nice to Boomer in a very subtle, low-key way.
But unfortunately, Boomer plays dumb to mess with him as payback.
I'm going to the mall...you coming?
I don't have any money.
You don't need any.
If the girls catch us shoplifting again–
We're not–I'm—ugh, ARE YOU COMING OR NOT?
*rolls his eyes despite the smirk on his face and the fact that he's completely aware of what Brick's trying to do*
They're the type of brothers who could marathon some cheesy sitcom together in silence (or as silent as possible for Boomer, he'll make a few funny remarks about the show throughout and get a good chuckle out of Brick) and be completely okay with that, even though everyone else (sans Butch) thinks otherwise.
While Brick and Boomer might have their moments, if you're not Butch (or maybe the Puffs), never disrespect one in front of the other, unless you're in need of a black eye and a broken rib.
Boomer and Butch
When left alone, both of these two assume they're the one with the braincell, but in actuality, it's with Brick (not that he always uses it, he just likes to hold it sometimes).
While Brick and Boomer can sit in silence, Boomer and Butch are headbanging and playing air guitar to whatever music they're blasting out of the boombox they definitely didn't steal.
And that's on a peaceful day. Mojo and HIM had another custody battle over the three, and HIM suggested they split the boys and take turns. Mojo assumed he got the better end of the deal when HIM gave him Boomer and Butch. His entire lair was destroyed in half an hour. They agree to never split the boys up after that day.
These two definitely talk shit about Brick behind his back whenever Brick's pushing their buttons.
Boomer's the instigator and idea man in their pranking misadventures. And Butch is down for anything if he's bored. Their "pranks" can be surprisingly more cruel without Brick (which explains why Brick wakes up to a whole pack of chewed chewing gum in his hair one morning, luckily Ms. Keane has a knack for removing sticky stuff out of hair).
Much like their respective counterparts, they're the night party, club partaking, fun-having, social duo in crime. The only difference is Brick tends to join the two on their night out more often than Blossom will join her sisters (and their nights may or may not end in some sort of illegal activity).
Boomer and Butch's fights/arguments tend to be over rather petty, material things (i.e lost sports game bets, eating the last cookie, 'borrowing' one's clothes or belongings, etc.) but Brick's great at squashing it while it's small.
Without Brick, the two would have been too distracted to fight the girls back in the day.
These two were forced to share a room during their school years thanks to Brick's constant demand of having his own room. Neither of the two seem to particularly mind.
Drama kings! Whenever one of the two has a juicy bit of gossip, the other's the first to know. Brick doesn't usually care unless it's something BIG.
Brick and Butch
I used to be subscribed to the notion that Butch was Brick's yes man. I was wrong, Butch is Brick's (and occasionally also Boomer's) HYPE man.
Brick doesn't usually mind, but sometimes Butch can go a little overboard and now Brick has to be the impulse control and that's no fun when Brick just wanted to kick back and chill.
If you see these two in an alley or hallway and they're suspiciously quiet, RUN THE OTHER WAY. They're not necessarily after you but whatever the fuck they're up to, it's BIG and you don't wanna be caught in the crossfire.
When these two are rarely at odds, it lasts for days. It starts with verbal insults, until eventually a day or two later, one (usually Butch) gives in to the intrusive thoughts of beating the other into a pulp. Boomer has to damn near taze the two to pull them off one another, and pray to whoever's listening that Townsville's still standing so the girls don't get invovled. By the end of the day, the two act as if it never happened.
While Boomer might be Brick's favorite punching bag, Butch is more prone to Brick's verbal attacks (which may or may not have to do with the fact that Butch's specialty is force field generation).
Without Boomer, the two would have been too busy committing grand scale arson to fight the girls when they were younger.
Somehow, they're both the brother to encourage the other to leave their comfort zone. Brick's a loner by choice, while Butch usually sticks to Brick and Boomer like glue.
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daikenkki · 4 months ago
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TCX The Pruffy Bunch by Escarietson
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hunty627 · 2 years ago
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Coming up soon on The Powerpuff Girls: Adventures in Townsville and Beyond, Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup were excited. Ms. Keane has just told them that 3 new students have joined their class. But to the Bubbles, Buttercup and Blossom's surprise, it was the Rowdyruff boys! The sight of this made the girls remember when the Gangreen Gang were students in Ms. Keane's class until she expelled them. Brick, Boomer and Butch were sent to school since they're the same age as Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup. But the Powerpuff girls are oddly suspicious. But Ms. Keane told the three girls not to fight the three boys. Will this put their crime fighting career in danger? Find out in this upcoming episode of The Powerpuff Girls: Adventures in Townsville and Beyond, A super rowdy school day!
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sliceoflove · 5 months ago
I wouldn’t say the RRB are the opposites to the Girls but they’re just parallels and pretty much the toxic masculine versions of them
Brick is what happens if Blossom doesn’t have anyone to challenge and humble her (humility) but she’s still can be just as conceited and arrogant as Brick.
Blossom: “I’m smart, cute AND tough! I’m the whole package!”
Boomer is what happens if Bubbles doesn’t have any compassion and possibly a loving parent and we’ve seen Bubbles teases and poke fun of her sisters and other characters.
Example: “Wait! Your name is A-DUMB?!? HAHA!” (Multiversus when she’s talking to Black Adam)
Butch is what happened if Buttercup doesn’t have remorse, self control and empathy for others. Episode Makes Zen to Me is perfect in showcasing that Buttercup is not a total brute, and reacted in horror when she founds out that she went too far in beating Fuzzy. I also love how you pointed out how Buttercup challenges Blossom while Butch does not and just follows along with whatever Brick says/does. This connects to Brick/Blossom comparison again.
Edit: i also would like to add that Blossom is as smart as she is because she has Professor as a father and Ms Keane as her teacher and again with the whole humility vs arrogance thing. Knowing Brick he’s arrogant enough to think he’s too good for getting an education (Probably thinks books are for sissies lol) but also he doesn’t have a parent figure to encourage the love of learning, since Mojo is a mad genius, I can see it having an influence on Brick, had Mojo been a decent parent that is
Unpopular Opinion and Pet Peeves in the PPG Fandom
If you got anymore please tell me in the replies or ask
TW: Sexual Topics,Sexual Harassment
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I hope you agree with me byeeee🫶🏽🤭
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channydraws · 4 years ago
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The boys go to school (sadly)
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teacupballerina · 6 months ago
Aww thank you! I wish more people thought like you 🥲
Sedusa-Keane connection theory is oooooold, from early-mid 2000s fanfics. Not a lot of people know about it though because it's so old and the fandom doesn't really talk about either character. They do have the round head, big eyes and black hair going on for sure, especially for a series where every recurring character looks pretty unique!
Bellum already basically runs the city in the show, but secretly. With a more obviously competent Mayor openly running things I think lower-level criminals would be dissuaded. Or maybe Bellum only takes office after things quiet down in Townsville.
Instead of flanderization or poor writing I think it'd be interesting if Mayor was going senile in the later seasons or developed a kid-show-friendly version of dementia 🫠 The status quo is god in Townsville but if continuity changes happened Mayor Bellum is one in high demand based on how much I see it in the fandom
Bubbles is textbook bi/pan to me; she loves everything and everyone, it's a central part of her personality so it's natural to expand on that when she's older. Even kids can show innocent signs of later-life inclinations; if she can have a crush on Boomer, she can have a crush on Robin, right? And there's this loll
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PPG headcanons/plotbunnies townie and villain edition (non-crossover)
Mr. Green and Ms. Keane live in the same apartment complex. They meet after Keane's breakup in "Keen on Keane" when Green notices that Keane seems upset at the mail center. They start talking and--what a coincidence they both love kids!! A few episodes later Ms. Keane catches a nasty illness from amoeba-tainted oranges after "Divide and Conquer" and the only person she trusts to watch over her beloved class in "Substitute Creature" is Mr. Green. A few years later they get married and have halflings who help the new generation in Townsville stomach monster integration.
Robin's parents divorce not long after Super Friends and she blames herself because they are verbally abusive. They have split custody so Robin is only the Utoniums' neighbor every other week. She has an emo phase in middle school and cuts her hair short. Inspiration: the couple her parents were based on divorced IRL and she knows she's "an accident".
Following from previous, in high school Bubbles and Robin become girlfriends, Bubbles is the one who confesses first.
Buttercup taught Ace how to play bass during some never-made episode where the girls teach them to play instruments as part of a rehabilitation effort after Aspirations. ("If you want to meet girls, why don't you guys start a band?") The gang goes on to form a ska band with Snake on guitar, Ace on bass, Billy on drums, Arturo on trumpet (which he already knew how to play somehow) and Grubber on mic. They eventually split when Ace gets the call from Gorillaz.
Sedusa is Ms. Keane's elder sister. This is the reason Ms. Keane is more sympathetic to monsters and mutants. She doesn't have a lot of time between grading homework to keep up with supervillain activity, so she doesn't know half of what Sedusa has done. At some point they meet again and catch up, Sedusa goes low profile after "Aspirations" and leans more into civilian life. The girls don't find out the relation until after leaving Pokey Oaks Kindergarten, at Ms. Keane's wedding to Mr. Green.
Bubbles stays in touch with Wuzzy after "Roughin' It Up" and learns more about the forest and the Lumpkins clan from him. She even dates Wuzzy for a while and has a farmgirl phase, buying vegan leather cowboy boots that she wears into adulthood. This all helps her connect with and befriend Fuzzy himself, who learns to be more accepting through her. LOOK HOW CUTE THO:
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Mojo Jojo ages very slowly due to his Chemical X mutation. His specific fixation on Blossom culminates in his focus shifting to either converting or dating her rather than destroying her (something he comes to understand as impossible). Even he doesn't know what he wants and has a lot of anguish over how he feels about her. Blossom's willing to be friends if he stops busting the city up, but she's never telling him that.
The Rowdyruff boys grow into manchildren and start "The Ruffcast", a manosphere podcast/youtube where they do nothing but play videogames, pump iron and complain about the Powerpuff Girls being too smart, too fat, and not feminine enough. Mitch Mitchelson gets roped in as the camera guy and occasional participant, which makes Buttercup dump him.
Princess Morbucks goes from wanting to be a Powerpuff Girl to just wanting to be a team leader. She recruits/buys her own team of girls to suit up and boss around, and this becomes a high-turnover job position for desperate people. Every other time the girls meet Princess, her lackeys are different. Daddy eventually disowns her not for being a villain but for being a tabloid magnet in college, forcing her to start over with nothing. One last ditch effort leads her to public records, and searching for any extended family to appeal to, she discovers her birth mother is Sara Bellum [A lesbian who used to be Morbucks' secretary--she loves Mayor because he's a harmless decent man who helped her escape that situation by hiring her]. Bellum takes her in, reluctantly, but she is totally immune to manipulation and sets her straight.
Ms. Bellum eventually runs for Mayor of Townsville and wins. Mayor Mayor retires to Pokey Oaks senior center. The girls visit him often and occasionally consult him for info about Townsville's history if needed--it's much easier for him to remember things from a long time ago, he's not so good with the day-to-day stuff. Bubbles volunteers there with Bullet, who opens Mayor's pickle jars when the nurses can't.
Harry Pitt running gag: Getting referenced as being in juvie and then prison, but it's never stated what he did. We know what he's in for, but the other characters never say.
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