#resurrection lunar
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inittosinit ¡ 8 months ago
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First attempt at killing Eclipse didn’t go so well [Resurrection AU arc 2]
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solacerider ¡ 6 months ago
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Happy spooky skeleton month!
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literaryvein-reblogs ¡ 4 months ago
Writing Notes: The Arcana Interpretations
symbolism for your next poem/story (pt. 2)
12. The Hanged Man
Self-sacrifice, approved sacrifice, lunar-Venus influence
Good: Disinterest, unselfish, devotion, submission to duty, patriotism, generosity, apostolate, philanthropic, gifted; dispersal of ideas
Bad: Good ideas not executed, projects not realized, good plans remain as theory; promises not kept, love not shared, exploitation of good feelings; powerless achievement; losses
13. Death
Inescapable fate, necessary end, disenchantment, active Saturnian influence.
Good: Profound, intellectual penetration, metaphysics, disillusionment, severe discretion, disillusioned wisdom, detachment, resignation, stoicism
Bad: Inevitable failure; discouragement, pessimism, absolute change, starting again in a diametrically opposed fashion
14. Temperance
Serenity, coldness, adaptation, Mercurial-lunar influence
Good: Accommodating character, practical philosophy, happy, carelessness, accepting the inevitable, bending to circumstance, sociability, educability, adaptive transformation
Bad: Indifference, lack of personality, passive change, changing moods; tendency to change with the environment, submission to fashion; results do not come up to aspirations, inability to influence the flow of life
15. The Devil
Disorder, passion, sexual excitement, conjunction of Mars & Venus
Good: Sexual attraction, passionate desires, magical action, magnetism, occult power, practising mystical influence; active protection against bewitchment; protection against sorcerers
Bad: Trouble, over-excitement, amorous, lust, complication, stupidity, intrigue, use of illicit means, bewitchment, fascination, enslavement of the senses, weakness resulting in an awkward situation, selfishness
16. The Tower
Explosion, destruction, fall, lunar-Mars influence
Good: Delivery, salutary crisis, defiance, fear resulting from reckless enterprises; benefit from other people's errors; good sense, detention, genuine timidity; attachment to the observance of piety, religious materialism
Bad: Illness, punishment, catastrophe provoked by imprudence, clandestine childbirth, scandal, discovered hypocrisy; excess, abuse, monopolizing, presumption, pride; fanciful enterprises, misleading alchemy
17. The Star
Practical idealism, hope, beauty, solar-Venus influence
Good: Candour, abandonment to sensible influences, naturism, confidence in destiny, aesthetics, poetical sensibility, presentiment; kindness, compassion
Bad: Wild, prudence, frivolity, lack of spontaneity, unhealthy artificial constraint; romanticism, on who turns away from the practical life
18. The Moon
Imagination, appearances, illusions, active lunar influence
Good: Objectivity, the sensitive world, experimentation, work, the difficult conquest of reality; instruction by pain, imposed task, fastidious labour which is necessary; a passive view, lucidity; navigation
Bad: Errors of sense, false suppositions, ambushes, traps, deceptions, deceptive theories, fantastic knowledge, visionaryism, flattery, menaces, blackmail, loss, journey, whim, lunacy
19. The Sun
Light, reason, harmony, solar influence
Good: Limpid discernment, clarity of judgment and expression, literary or artistic talent; pacification, harmony, good relationship, conjugal felicity; fraternity, reign of the intelligence and good sentiments; reputation, glory, celebrity
Bad: Glaring, vanity, poseur, show-off, pride, susceptibility; misunderstood artist; hidden misery, bluff, false appearance, assimilated facade, prestigious decor
20. Judgement
Inspiration, redemptive blow, a lunar-Mercurial influence
Good: Enthusiasm, exultation, spirituality; prophecy, sanctity, theurgy, miraculous medicine; past resurrection, renovation, birth; propaganda, apostolate
Bad: Spiritual and mental intoxication illumination; reclaim, noise, agitation for no reason
21. The World
Completion, recompense, deification, Jupiter-solar influence
Good: Major fortune, complete success, completion, achievement; decisive intervention; very favourable circumstances, propitious atmosphere; absolute integrity; contemplative absorption; ecstasy
Bad: Tremendous obstacle, hostile atmosphere, self pity; distraction, lack of attention and concentration; large setback of fortune, ruin, social disregard
0. The Fool
Impulsive, alienation, passive lunar influence
Good: Passive, absolute abandon, renouncement of all resistance, carelessness, innocence, irresponsibility; instinctiveness; abstention
Bad: Nullity, incapable of reason; abandonment to blind impulse, unconsciously unruly; extravagance, punishment, foolish acts, vain remorse, annihilation
Source ⚜ More: Notes & References ⚜ On Tarot ⚜ Part 1
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theguywithaplan ¡ 3 months ago
List of Games Turning Twenty (20) Years Old in 2025
Advance Wars: Dual Strike
Advent Rising (they started planning the trilogy before the first game was out lmao)
Age of Empires III
Animal Crossing: Wild World (the DS one)
Arc the Lad: End of Darkness
Area 51 (the FPS that was low-key kinda creepy)
Banjo Pilot (the Banjo-Kazooie racing game on GBA).
Battalion Wars (the spin-off of Advance Wars).
Battlefield 2
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30
Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood (yep, they released two mainline games in one year).
Burnout Revenge (this cleared Burnout 3, and I will fight you on that).
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
Call of Duty 2
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (go play the Castlevania Dominus collection. It has this game and a few others and it's GREAT).
Castlevania: Curse of Darkness
Civilization IV
Cold Fear (answering the age old question: what if Resident Evil 4 was on a boat and not as good?)
Condemned: Criminal Origins (a launch title for the Xbox 360 and a pretty solid horror game).
Conker: Live & Reloaded (maybe a controversial opinion, but this is WAY better than the original).
Crash Tag Team Racing
Dead or Alive 4 (aka, the one with not Master Chief in it).
Destroy All Humans!
Devil Kings (all the sequels would be under it's non-translated title: Sengoku Basara).
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening (let's rock, baybeeeeee)
Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat
Dragon Ball Z: Sagas (I saw a stream of this game a few months back, and oh my god, this looks so shitty/funny).
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
Dynasty Warriors 5 (who's excited for Origins???)
Far Cry Instincts (a console version of the PC exclusive original game)
Fatal Frame III: The Tormented
F.E.A.R. (if you haven't played this before, change that. it's fantastic)
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (the one with Ike the Bisexual in it).
Forza Motorsport (the very first one).
Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows
Geist (the rare M-rated Nintendo game).
The Getaway: Black Monday
God of War (the very first one).
Gran Turismo 4 (one of the few PS2 games that could be played in HD, along with... Jackass: The Game...)
Guild Wars
Guitar Hero (the very first one).
Haunting Ground (a very rare PS2 horror game from Capcom).
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee
The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer (since the second movie came out, this game is now considered non-canon).
Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit (the second game from known hack/fraud David Cage).
Jade Empire (the last game that BioWare made before they got acquired by EA).
Jak X: Combat Racing
Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death (there was a for real-ass Judge Dredd game on the GameCube).
Kameo: Elements of Power (another Xbox 360 launch title, this one made by a post-acquisition Rare. It's pretty fun).
Killer7 (from the greatest to ever do it, Suda51)
Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie (you guys think it's based on the movie or what...?)
Kirby: Canvas Curse (a really fun DS game that only used the stylus)
Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament (i think klonoa would get along really well with sonic)
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (the one where Link gets really small)
Lego Star Wars: The Video Game
Lunar: Dragon Song (one of the worst RPGs I've ever played. Don't play it).
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (the one with the Baby Mario Bros.)
Mario Kart DS (the first one with online play).
Mario Party Advance
Mario Party 7 (my personal favorite)
Mario Superstar Baseball (we didn't get a Mario Baseball game on the Switch. Because they're saving it for the Switch 2).
Mario Tennis: Power Tour (so many Mario games...)
Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix
Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects
The Matrix Online (an official continuation from the movies)
The Matrix: Path of Neo
Medal of Honor: European Assault
MediEvil: Resurrection
Mega Man Battle Network 5 (the only one in the series to have a DS version)
Mega Man Zero 4
Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction
Metal Gear Acid (a launch title for the PSP, and a card game set in the Metal Gear universe. It works better than you might think).
Meteos (a puzzle game made by Masahiro Sakurai, the Smash Bros. guy)
Metroid Prime Pinball
Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks
Myst V: End of Ages (the final Myst game)
Need for Speed: Most Wanted (did you know that this game outsold the entire Halo series?)
Neopets: The Darkest Faerie (is Neopets still a thing?)
Nicktoons Unite! (a crossover between Spongebob, Fairly Oddparents, Jimmy Neutron, and Danny Phantom).
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge (an honest to god sequel to the movie that plays like Devil May Cry).
Ninja Gaiden Black
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
Pac-Man World 3
Perfect Dark Zero (yet another Xbox 360 launch title, also made by Rare, and a sequel to one of the best FPS games ever made. It was fine).
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (it had been out in Japan for a few years, but us Yankees got this four years after it came out).
Pokemon Dash (a Pokemon racing game. It was not very good).
Pokemon Emerald Version (I sunk like 500 hours into this game).
Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness (a sequel to Pokemon Colosseum where you could capture other people's Pokemon).
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
The Punisher
Quake 4
Ratchet: Deadlocked
Resident Evil 4
Serious Sam 2
Shadow of the Colossus (one of the best games ever made. Play it if you haven't yet).
Shadow the Hedgehog (pretty good to be a sonic fan right now).
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga (parts 1 and 2).
Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves
Sonic Rush
SoulCalibur III (RIP, SoulCalibur. Tekken is just too powerful.)
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (RIP, Splinter Cell. Ubisoft just sucks too much to make you anymore).
Spyro: Shadow Legacy
Star Fox Assault
Star Wars: Republic Commando
Star Wars: Battlefront II (this game's story mode is permanently etched into my brain).
Stubbs the Zombie in "Rebel Without a Pulse" (presenting it to you with no context. Look it up. It's hilarious).
Super Mario Strikers
Super Monkey Ball Deluxe
Tak: The Great Juju Challenge
Tekken 5
TimeSplitters: Future Perfect (RIP, TimeSplitters. Embracer Group killed you before you could come back).
Trace Memory (got remade in 2024 as Another Code)
Twisted Metal: Head-On (another PSP launch title)
Ultimate Spider-Man (you could play as Venom in this one)
WarioWare: Touched!
WarioWare: Twisted!
We Love Katamari
Wild Arms: Alter Code F (a remake of the first game)
Xenosaga Episode II
X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse
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ryin-silverfish ¡ 11 months ago
Ask/Writing Masterlist (irregularly updating)
Ryin(阿璎), 23. She/They. First Gen Chinese student. Ryin_Silverfish on AO3. Currently hyperfixating on old Chinese novels. casual Zhiguai tales and LMK enjoyer.
Investiture of the Gods/FSYY:
Why are the Daoist immortals fighting?
Did Yuanshi Tianzun manipulate Shen Gongbao?
Chan, Jie, and possible prejudice against yaoguai
Azure Lion and the other Bodhisattvas' steeds in FSYY
Daji's fox form in FSYY Pinghua
The historical Su Daji
Is Shen Gongbao a yaoguai?
Are all yaoguai irredeemable monsters in FSYY?
Ao Bing and the dragons Nezha fought
Does deification wipe your memory and personality?
Bi Gan and the Great Fox Massacre
More discussion about prejudice against yaoguai
How old was Su Daji the human when she died?
Differences between FSYY novel and Pinghua
Musing on FSYY's view of fate and its possible effects on Yang Jian
Master Yuding
The messy marriages of FSYY
Is Daji a goddess in the novel?
Names of immortal masters in FSYY
Just for fun: the FSYY drinking game
Nezha's age in FSYY
Nezha's death and resurrection in FSYY
What happened to the original Daji?
Lady Shiji aka the Rock Demoness
Chinese Fox Spirits:
Auspicious/Demonic Foxes
More on fox spirits
The inner core of foxes
Foxes and their association with Fire
Notable fox spirits
The foxes of 狐狸缘全传
Has Daji ever been worshipped as a goddess?
Fox masks
The foxes of Liaozhai
Weaknesses and abilities of fox spirits
Three resource collections on Chinese fox spirits: 1, 2, 3
Human-fox hybrids
Can foxes and their descendents magically know if someone's telling the truth?
The magical properties of fox saliva
Fox exams and Heavenly Foxes
Are male foxes more malicious?
More on fox exams
Offerings to fox spirits
The "Lady Fox Immortal"
Chinese Mythos in General:
The Precious Scroll of Erlang
Into the Erlang-verse: Li, Zhao, Yang
Can immortal masters romance their students?
Why we don't power-rank characters in God-Demon novels
A brief overview of Chang'e
On Chinese Religion and "Respect"
The 28 Lunar Mansions
Can the Heavenly Emperor be replaced + a primer on dynastic successions
A Guide to the Chinese Underworld (and what it isn't)
Is NĂźwa JE's daughter?
Weaver Girl
Can yaoguais a/o their descendents enter the Celestial Bureaucracy?
Queen Mother of the West and her husband(s)
Bixia Yuanjun, Lady of Mt. Tai
Erlang's dad
The story that gives us the name "Yang Jian"
On the transformation of Erlang's image (and his relationship with JE in JTTW)
Erlang's mom, Lotus Lantern, and a neat little discovery
Erlang cameos in other stories and Zajus
Erlang's mom-saving story in Chinese operas
Child Manjushri, or: the absurdity of pinning a definitive age on gods
The strange modern ship of Mengpo/Yuelao, and Mengpo's myths
The half-beast form of QMoW
Does Erlang have a wife/love interest?
Nezha's mom
A overview of Gonggong and his mythos
Some introductory sources on the Chinese Underworld
Mythos-inspired Worldbuilding:
Dragons of the Four Seas
LMK S5 and a possible "Celestial Council of Regents" AU
LMK S5 Fix-it: the Four Divine Beasts
Character/Story Analysis (JTTW + LMK)
Heart and Mind: Tripitaka
Local Lion Uncle enjoyer goes on a rant
On SWK and his fear of death
Why the Dead People Supreme Court?
No, seriously, why?
Chinese Underworld =/= Christian Hell
LMK S4, Havoc in Heaven, and revolutions
Why I dislike the "class warfare" reading of Havoc in Heaven
In Defence of Li Jing...ha, as fucking if
On Yin-Yang, Chaos/Order, and the Harbringer
JTTW's view on the Three Religions
Disjointed S5 Reactions
"Chaos doesn't work that way in traditional Chinese Cosmology"
Xiangliu, the Nine-headed Bird, and Jiutou Chong
Lotus Lantern: The Summaries
Part 1: Precious Scroll of Chenxiang
Part 2: The Epic of Prince Chenxiang
Part 3: Lotus Lantern 1.0 + 2.0
Part 4: Chenxiang and the Male-Female Swords
My Fanfics:
Climbing the Sky
The Wild Son
The Serpent and the Deluge
South Seas Sojourn
Journey of the Gods AU sideblog
Masterpost 2
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starlessmistake ¡ 3 months ago
A Moonlight Mystique Theory - Bai Shuo's Immortal Saviour
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Let’s breakdown young Bai Shuo’s rescue at the start of episode 1. At the time of writing I have watched up to episode 15, but I’ll try to keep the spoilers minimal past episode 1.
First off, we’ll start with the obvious question which has an obvious answer.
Who rescued Bai Shuo? Fan Yue.
We have several pieces of evidence for this and the show isn’t exactly trying to be sneaky here. Aside from his appearance and voice, we also have the ‘bright moon’ and the whip.
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However, this leaves us with several questions:
What’s the deal with Fan Yue’s powers?
Why doesn’t Fan Yue remember Bai Shuo?
Why is the pendant in the Lunar Hidden Sea?
I’ll explain the questions in a moment but first I need to introduce my theory: time travel.
According to my theory, Bai Shuo's rescuer is a Fan Yue from the future.
My main piece of evidence is Fan Yue’s powers – especially his eyes and the glowing mark we see on his forehead.
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Look familiar? It’s the same mark and the same shimmering eyes we see whenever Bai Shuo channels the divine power from the Contemplation Stone. We know for a fact that Fan Yue isn’t able to channel these powers himself by the time we meet him properly in episode 1, so this must be from later in the timeline.
Additionally, the Fan Yue that rescues the sisters has the power to revive the dead -  a power that is specifically noted as being a power bestowed by the Contemplation Stone.
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So, if this a Fan Yue from after he met Bai Shuo, why doesn’t he recognise her?
I strongly suspect that this future Fan Yue has somehow lost his memories. Which, without giving too much away, is a theme that’s established multiple times in the show, particularly when it comes to Fan Yue.
However, even without his memories, he clearly instinctually recognises Bai Shuo. Otherwise who else could he be referring to with this line?
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This also explains how the pendant can be with the immortal in the Lunar Hidden Sea – it hasn’t left yet.
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I suspect that Bai Shuo and Fan Yue will be gifted the pendant by the immortal trapped in the Lunar Hidden Sea after Bai Shuo manages to cultivate all five Contemplations and unlock the full power of the Contemplation Stone.
However, in the process (or afterwards) Fan Yue will be forced to take possession of the Contemplation Stone (and its powers) and lose his memories. This is almost certainly connected to the following line:
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Did Fan Yue do something terrible that requires atonement via eternal damnation?
We don’t know the limits of divine power, but given it includes resurrection, it doesn’t seem unreasonable that it also includes time travel. He is then left adrift through time which puts him into a position to rescue young Bai Shuo – either by circumstance or by design.
I’m not sure where the future Fan Yue goes from here. But if I’m right, we will hopefully find out during the show. And fingers crossed it involved Bai Shuo and Fan Yue getting the happy ending we’re all craving.
Thanks for reading!
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panther-os ¡ 5 months ago
As a follow-up to Junior Quartet Heightcanons, here is Junior Quartet Agecanons (with birthdays!):
Sizhui's canon birthday is January 12th and to me he's the oldest.
Lan Jingyi's canon birthday is August 24th, and since Sizhui's birthday is typically before the Lunar New Year, he's technically a year younger than Sizhui but by American counting also the same age.
Ouyang Zizhen does not have a canon birthday, but I read somewhere that for characters without birthdays it's supposed to be the release date of the chapter in which they first appeared? That makes his birthday August 10th, and I would say he's a year younger than Jingyi, technically two years younger than Sizhui.
Jin Ling's canon birthday is November 21st and we know he was born when Sizhui was 3-4, I prefer 3 almost 4. So he's four years (3 years 10 months) younger than Sizhui, technically three years younger than Jingyi, and two years younger than Zizhen.
This makes Zizhen the middlest child of the four (two years younger than the oldest, two years older than the youngest), which explains why people always forget about him. 😂
So in fics using the 13 year gap between Wei Wuxian's death and resurrection (which are most of mine), this would make the ages in the present 17 (Sizhui), 16/17 (Jingyi), 15 (Zizhen) and 13 (Jin Ling).
In fics using the 16 year gap from cql, the ages are 20 (Sizhui), 19/20 (Jingyi), 18 (Zizhen), and 16 (Jin Ling).
For those wondering about Sizhui's age being 4 when Wei Wuxian died, even though I said 3 years 10 months for when Jin Ling was born.... It depends on whether you think Wei Wuxian was going to Jin Ling's 1 month or 100 day celebration. If it was his 1 month, Sizhui was still 3. If it was his 100 day, that's a little over three months, so Sizhui was 4 by then. Personally, I usually go by the 100 day so that's how the present ages are calculated!
Please don't fight about which canon is "correct" in the notes, this post is not about that. This post is about having fun regardless of what canon does or doesn't say.
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revive-the-fandom ¡ 1 month ago
favorite rotg theory?
I honestly forgot most of the theories bc I disagree with most of them tbh. imo most fan theories tend to overcomplicate or villainise/de-villianise characters while completely missing the point.
but this is a positive question so i'll try my best lmao
I think my favourite is probably that Jack lost his memories not because of the Man in the Moon, but because he died. Whether that be because of a resurrection, or because of trauma induced amnesia.
Although, tbh, my personal (related) theory is that Jack never even died in the first place. If we look at his first scene, we can see him let out a breath as soon as he leaves the water
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if he'd died of drowing, he'd have to cough up all the water he'd inhaled, or at least not have anything breath left to exhale.
(also, interesting that his breath in this scene is always misty, like its warm. and is like that for multiple breaths, so not necessarily "the last warm breath he had left in him" since he's continuously exhaling warmth. which also implies that Jack is warm-blooded, not cold or undead, but alive.
I'm realising now that I have a lot of theories... idk man, it's kinda hard to pick a favourite when you could debate every point with the same enthusiasm.)
then compare this scene to his memory of falling through the ice
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it's so quick for a drowning, which are notoriously fast. Google suggests it takes 3 minutes to drown, which this is well under.
and yes, this is possibly just a cinematic verison of events, sped up for the viewers sakes.
however, what if it's not. what if Jack entered the water, the Man in the Moon saw it, knew that no one in this time period was going to be able to save him, and just sort of put him on pause. suspended animation, if you will, so that he had time to save him as best he could.
This theory is also part of my "the Man in the Moon did nothing wrong" movement.
What evidence do we have that the Man in the Moon has enough power to do anything more than he already does? What evidence do we have that the Man in the Moon didn't drain his powers saving Jack?
The only time in the entire movie that we know he actually, audibly spoke to anyone on Earth was the very beginning where Jack says he told him his name. And even that wasn't audible to the audience! Only Jack heard that, so potentially he could be restricted by any number of things - only being able to speak through mental connections, only to his "creations" or "beneficiaries", only through abstract thoughts.
If we throw GoC into the mix
(which nobody has to, but I like to. I've been vagued before about forcing other people to accept GoC as canon, but I'm not trying to do that and never was. I just like it and want to use it as my canon.)
then we can play with the timeline a little, as GoC canonincally happens "some decades" before the steam train is invented: The steam train is invented in 1784 so GoC probably takes place in around the 1740s.
Jack is 300 ish in 2012, so his "birthday" is probably around 1712. So he was around well before the Guardians even existed (or, well, the group was formed at least. GoC Manny, Bunny and Sandy are millenia old, North is in his twenties/thirties probably and Tooth is a bit of a mystery, so..).
Which means that the Man in the Moon resurrected Jack before Pitch was even woken by Nightlight, and he was presumed dead.
The Man in the Moon only ever communicates through specific mirrors (actually I think they were gongs but basically it functions like a window) in GoC, except for book 5 where they physically go to the moon - but book 5 is weird and breaks the RotG canon so I don't count it - which also lends itself to this theory that the Man in the Moon expended his power resource before GoC. So he couldn't talk to Jack more than he had. Jack would have needed to go find one of these mirrors (one is in the Lunar Lamadry in the Himalayas, I believe on top of Mt Everest????).
GoC also sets the Man in the Moon up to be kind but incredibly distant and unsocialised. He was raised on the moon by his parent's robot servants and only interacted with Earth through their technology. To him being alone is just his normal, so he probably doesn't see Jack's isolation as a that big of a deal.
anyway, sorry that got a bit out of hand. Here are some honorable mentions for theories that I like:
Jack is descended from Katherine and Nightlight (yes this breaks the GoC/RotG canon I just established - this would have to be a different timeline to that)
Jamie is descended from Jack's Sister
Jack's Sister is named Mary (technically confirmed to be true by Joyce - I like the nickname Molly for Mary)
Baby Tooth was granted free will by Jack naming her & will develop & grow more now that she's no longer a part of the collective (I think this originated with @drowningostrich but I'm not sure)
Mother Nature is friends with all nature/element/seasonal spirits including Jack and Bunny
There's a fuck ton of other spirits out there who have their own society that Jack was just largely on the outskirts of (not necessarily an outcast, but more like a forgotten aspect)
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heroesrest64 ¡ 15 days ago
Blood Moon Festival
(Ahh, I’m super excited for the lunar eclipse that’s supposed to happen tonight!! This is just a short lil thing. It could honestly read for any of the Links, but I definitely had Wild in mind while writing)
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The blood moon is tonight, a rare event that used to bring about horror and tension, now it’s a tradition to enjoy the beautiful sight, everyone donning monster masks and participating in fun games as a way to ward off the dark magic associated with the blood moon.
You’re halfway through a game of archery, shooting for an adorable golden retriever plush when you notice him. You can’t make out his face through the bokoblin mask he’s wearing, but you could almost swear he’s staring at you.
Turning away swiftly, you take another shot, just barely missing the red circle in the center that would grant you the plush dog you’re quickly falling in love with. You sigh, setting the bow down while the woman running the stall asks you if you want to try again.
“I’ll give it a go.” A masculine voice pipes up, and you whirl around to find the same bokoblin mask wearing man sliding up beside you. He places a blue rupee on the counter that the woman greedily stashes before offering two arrows and a bow to the man.
He doesn’t even need the second one, hitting dead center on his first try and picking the exact plush you were looking at. You’re a little sad to see it go, but a win is a win, and you’re just about to congratulate the man for his sharp shooting when the plush is thrust into your arms.
“This is for me?” You ask, hugging the stuffed animal to your chest. You still can’t see his face, but you get the distinct feeling that he’s grinning behind his mask.
“Yep! I noticed you looking at it and- well I guess it was none of my business but-“ He starts, sounding flustered, and you let him talk for a little longer before taking his hand and beginning to lead him through the stall lined streets. He’s too stunned to react, simply letting you drag him around.
“I think you deserve a treat for being such a gentleman. Do you have any preferences?” You ask, leading him to the food stalls. The smell of fried foods and searing meats and something sugary sweet fills the air, and the man awkwardly points to a stall serving up skewers that you beeline towards.
Once you both have your skewers in hand, the man takes off his mask, and you finally get a good look at his face. Blonde hair, blue eyes, sharp features. You seem to have snagged yourself an absolute beauty of a man to enjoy the festival with. You silently cheer to yourself while digging into your skewer.
“Are you a local here?” The blonde asks conversationally as you both keep walking through the festival.
“Yeah. I guess that means you’re a traveler; I can’t say I’ve ever seen you before.” You give him a considering look, and he rubs the back of his neck nervously.
“I was just passing through when this festival caught my eye. What’s it for?” He asks, finishing off his skewer and pulling his mask back over his face. You almost wish he wouldn’t- he’s much too pretty to be covering up his face with such an ugly mask.
“The blood moon. It’s less potent, but it still resurrects monsters, so our town set up this festival to gather people to go on a monster hunt. There’s apparently this big prize for whoever hunts the most monsters at the end- a gold rupee and a custom set of armor. Since you’re not too bad with a bow, why don’t you join?” You suggest, tilting your head towards the front of the town where a big group is already forming.
The man seems to consider it, already making for the crowd of people, but stops in his tracks just before he can get lost in the busy festival streets. He whips around, jogging back up to you, and takes your hand in his.
“If you wait for me, I’ll win this. For you. Then maybe we could, uh, enjoy the festival a bit more with the prize money?” He seems nervous to ask, like he might be overstepping his bounds, asking you to wait for him. You grin, squeezing his hand a little in reassurance.
“Sure. I’ll wait for you.” He lets out a relieved sigh at your words, pulling back his mask and bravely placing a kiss on the back of your hand before sprinting to join the hunting party.
You watch him go, never doubting for a second that he’ll be back, and knowing for a fact that he’ll win.
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inittosinit ¡ 11 months ago
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Resurrection!Lunar is skim milk Necromancer!Moon real? @koriweb
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baa-whatever ¡ 3 months ago
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I thought maybe Egypt would work with the vaporwave theme.
I picked the scarab beetle because it symbolizes rebirth, resurrection, transformation and protection. He's died so many times and he's been trying to help Andrew, Jake and Andy get new bodies and live a life as kids like they wanted.
The bracelets I picked because of Earth and her love of rabbits and also Lunar called Eclipse a 'traumatized bunny' at one point.
The glasses are butterflies because of that dimension him and Puppet went to.
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starry-eyer ¡ 2 months ago
i can’t believe i never noticed this before, but the sword of the morning constellation and the name dayne are so clearly inspired by the star sirius, which is nicknamed “the dog star,” and the constellation canis major. canis major means greater dog in latin, and a great dane is the tallest breed of dog. dane and dayne? lol
fun tidbit from wiki: The Roman myth refers to Canis Major as Custos Europae, the dog guarding Europa but failing to prevent her abduction by Jupiter (Zeus in the Greek telling) in the form of a bull, and as Janitor Lethaeus, “the watchdog.”
also, sirius is a star that rises before the sun in the heights of summer. that’s how we get the phrase “the dog days of summer,” which came from ancient greece because sirius rising before the sun heralded their hottest days of summer. so sirius was known as the scorching bringer of summer heatwaves, and was thought to intensify the sun’s own heat. :)
the star was also important to the ancient egyptians because its heliacal rising (the period when a star rises before the sun) precedes the annual flooding of the nile, and the ancient egyptians would sometimes call the star isis’s star. i kind of wonder if nymeria’s star is the sirius of asoiaf and is part of the sword of the morning constellation. nymeria has similarities to the goddess isis, who was a major goddess in ancient egypt. some things isis was known for: famously resurrecting osiris from the nile and having horus with him, was the goddess of magic and wisdom, was linked with the greek lunar goddess artemis, and is often depicted with solar symbols and is said to possess the sun god ra’s true name. so i do think nymeria was maybe inspired by the goddess isis, especially since nymeria was a character created for arya first and then the martells.
and since sirius is the brightest star in the sky… and nymeria burned as bright as any man… this is all speculation, but i think it’s possible that george drew inspiration from the things i’ve brought up.
other things to know about sirius: sirius is most prominent during winter and is part of the winter triangle. the stars betelgeuse (part of orion’s belt) and procyon (the brightest star in canis minor) join it to form the shape. also, sirius gradually disappears in the spring until it fully disappears in the summer because it’s located behind the sun—though it’s visible in the early morning sky before sunrise. in fall, the star begins to rise in the eastern sky after sunset until it gains more and more prominence until it’s winter again and the star shines bright like a diamond~
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literaryvein-reblogs ¡ 5 months ago
Writing Notes: The Moon (pt. 3)
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Lunicurrent - related to changes in currents that depend on the moon's phases.
Luniform - moon-shaped.
Lunula - something shaped like a crescent or half-moon; especially the pale area at the base of the fingernail.
Mooncalf - a fool, dolt, monster, or aborted fetus.
Moonglade - the bright reflection of moonlight on a body of water.
Moonraker - the top-most sails on some old sailing ships.
Novilunar - of the new moon.
Plenilunar - of the full moon.
The Moon...
Is the Earth’s only “natural” satellite.
Is moving away from the Earth.
Is 27% the size of the Earth.
Orbits the Earth every 27.32 days.
There are 2-5 lunar eclipses yearly.
You would weigh 1/6th of your Earth weight on the Moon.
We only ever see half of the Moon at a time, even at “full moon”.
The light reflecting off the Earth and onto the Moon is called “earthshine” or “earthlight”.
In many languages, as in English, the word for “moon” is cognate with the word for “month”.
It takes the moon 29.53 days to cycle back to the same “visual” phase. This is called a “synodic month”.
A lunar calendar is a calendar based on cycles of the Moon's phases (synodic months), in contrast to solar calendars based on the solar year.
The Moon illusion is an optical illusion which causes the Moon to appear larger near the horizon than it does higher up in the sky.
Sometimes it’s possible to see the moon rabbit, or the shadowy face of the Man in the Moon created by lunar maria.
In the northern hemisphere, when the Moon is waxing, it resembles a letter “D”, and when waning a letter “C”. In the southern hemisphere this is reversed.
About 40% of the Moon is never visible from the Earth. This is referred to as the Dark Side of the Moon, even though it isn’t always dark.
Every month or so, the “old moon” sets for the last time as a sliver in the eastern sky. For about 3 days it travels invisibly alongside the sun until, magically born anew, it appears on the third day at sunset, on the western horizon. This course not only sets the moon in direct opposition to the sun, it also gives rise to various resurrection myths in which the hero spends 3 days in the underworld.
In some myths, the lunar deity is represented as female (Greek, Chinese), while in others it is male (Mesopotamian , Germanic, Japanese).
In mythology, the moon deity is sometimes a friend, ally or consort of the sun deity, and sometimes their enemy.
In many mythical stories, a simple character mistakes the reflection of the Moon for a round cheese.
The Moon is the 18th card of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. It represents the mysterious terrain of the Shadow self, illuminated by the guiding light of the conscious.
Shakespeare calls the moon the “moist star” because it creates the tides, and also casts it as inconstant (because of its phases) and thieving (because it steals its light from the sun).
Georges MÊliès shot the first science fiction film, Le Voyage dans la Lune (A Trip to the Moon) in 1902.
The Lunar Society of Birmingham, consisting of eminent 18th century intellectuals, was so named because its members met on nights with a full moon. The moonlight made their journey back home easier and safer.
Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata was originally titled, Sonata quasi una fantasia, and only acquired its popular name after his death.
Source ⚜ More: Writing Notes & References ⚜ The Moon ⚜ Word Lists
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llamaisllama777 ¡ 6 months ago
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Oh, deer. 🥁 (Sorry, couldn't resist the pun)
So, I guess we know what Lunar and Earth will be dealing with this October. They may not have an October takeover, but it looks like they'll have to deal with Rez and Cetus.
This means trouble! From what I gather, Rez can infect things that have had or been exposed to negative emotions. Kinda reminds me of Agony a bit? I wonder if negative starpower and agony are linked?
But now Rez has resurrected Dazzle's old body, everyone meet Razzle (or Rezzle)
And in ever worse news..... at 3:14
THERE'S MORE OF THEM?!?!?!?!?!?!
I thought it was just Rez and Cetus! Nope! There are more we're doomed!
So, Lunar seems to be having a more physical reaction to Dark Star Energy now. He literally threw up or spat up after sensing Rezzle/Razzle, so this is either gonna be really helpful for Lunar or really bad. He basically has a spider-sense that hurts him.
The has me scared it just felt too calm and peaceful. Obviously, Razzle was watching them, but I also just got a foreboding sense like this might be the last nice moment they have for a while. Kat, Reed, Davis... please my heart...
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Huh..... is.... is Turuas starting to grow on me?
Moon is basically at his lowest here. He's screaming out to God, to the universe, to anyone who will listen to please just help him and his family. That is probably very relatable. I think we've all been there at least once in our lives.
Turuas, while he isn't this planet's or everyone's biggest fan, he really helped Moon here, but telling him not to let his failures define him. Very true advice. Your failures don't define you, you do.
Turuas.... thank you. I forgive you for everything you've done to them.... but you hurt or try to kill ANY OF THEM, and we got problems! The fight between Turuas and Nexus is gonna be a sight to behold.
And lastly...
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Moon and Puppet may have taken at least nineteen years off Eclipse's life with this game. I loved it. 🤣 The chaotic friendship I didn't know I needed till now.
Lunar, Earth, buckle up. It's gonna be a rocky October!
Seriously, if Nexus teams up with Rez, we got problems. Even more problems.
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rei-ismyname ¡ 5 months ago
#X-Comics Posts Masterlist
*Hyperlinks coming soon, don't have computer access RN.
X-COMICS is the Tumblr-wide tag for comics only stuff.
From The Ashes longform
X-Men weekly review 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Uncanny X-Men weekly-ish review 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Exceptional X-Men monthly review 1 2 3 4 5 6
Assorted analysis and criticism of the overall line
Resurrection-Linked Degenerative Sickness
Other longform
The X-Men and Activism 1
The Spark is not a religion
Older reviews
Superheroes' tears
Storm used to get naked a lot
How did Ororo get here?
The Sins of Charles Xavier 1 2 3
Exodus was Right!
Holy Shit, Magneto
Don't Fuck With Ororo
Prodigy becomes a supervillain
Logan tried to murder Chuck. What now?
Magneto and Intimacy 1
Magneto and Xavier, Old Friends 1
The First Trial of Magneto
X-Men Red 1 2 3
X-Men at the Texas State Fair
Cable (2020) 1 2
Cable Reloaded
X-Factor 2020 1
Resurrection of Magneto 1 2
The Trial of Magneto
House of XCII
Defenders #16
X-Terminators 1
Exodus being extra 1
Shitpost tags
Everyone wants to fuck that old man - Magneto thirst and appreciation
Havok is a loser - pretty self explanatory
Chuck sucks - ditto
Cherik - I know it's the term for the movie ship but I like the dopamine from people reblogging my shit. Plus movie Cherik fans love obscure gay panels and I'm kind like that.
Loser Husbands - Same as above
Lunar Polycule - Jean, Scott, and Logan were fucking on the moon. Tom Brevoort is wrong.
Logan Behavior
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@sparklingelectricblue (Magneto-specific)
@kalinara insightful AF. Cyclops fan
@bamfdaddio (X-Men abridged)
@keepsmagnetoaway (daily X-Men review)
@pedrocomicreviews (discusses all sorts of comics - incredibly insightful)
@behold-the-basilisk X-Men blog with a Cyclops focus.
@racefortheironthrone (sadly passed away but his archive of X-Men longform is a gift to the world)
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liana-puppeteer ¡ 11 months ago
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I've had these thoughts in my head for a long time, but I've only decided to talk about them now. It's better late than never
Are yellow eyes the color of villains?
I started thinking like that right after Ruin renewed his body.
We are all used to the fact that the color of villains is red. But what's going on here?
Ruin has different eyes - yellow and red
But when he assembled a new body for himself, the red eye remained and the yellow one was replaced by a blue one. Why couldn't the red eye be replaced with another color or leave the yellow and red eyes as they are? Since Ruin made his body himself, maybe he intentionally dyed his yellow eye blue to disguise himself? Hm?
This is the first thing
Second, when Eclipse and Lunar captured the channel, their game models had yellow whites of their eyes
(My headcannons are coming next)
Since Lunar is all blue and this is also his favorite color, let his iris be blue too, and Eclipse has "empty, soulless" eyes without an iris
Solar is a good version of Eclipse with all the good qualities of which Eclipse made Lunar. Therefore, Solar has the same color iris as Lunar (the end of the headcannons)
Then Lunar resurrected and got a new body and his eyes turned blue with the usual white of the eyes instead of yellow. It was as if yellow was something bad (like a villain) and it was removed.
That's all
Bottom line: Yellow eyes are Evil
(I also want to apologize for my hasty conclusions. I was emotional and didn't think about anything. There's no way I can quit Sams. Kill me, but I won't quit the fandom. I really enjoyed the show. His characters. His plot. I can't just drop the fandom :,) )
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