#results: it's cringy af
lowkeyclueless5137 · 10 months
I 100% bet Mrs Shroud knew the exact different between givers and normal cats hence. Obviously figuring out Orpheus(or human Ortho) right away(He aren’t getting away from Mama Shroud that easily). But I have another interesting plot twist, remember Rollo? What if his younger brother also get magically isekai to Yuuki’s world cause of a certain accident, and also gains magical boy powers(imagine if a certain goat a “giver” too) is the rival and one of the greatest foil to both Yuuki and Orpheus(like those rival characters protagonists deal with) but unlike them his identity is hidden to them(he has a eye mask that covers his upper half of his face as no one can figure out who this guy really is[bonus if this mask also changes said hair color too], plus also somehow also gets transported Twisted Wonderland but in the Fleur City and protects said city from the goons in the shadows[possibly attend Noble Bell College under a fake name, that mask can disguise him right?]. Until well Glorious Masquerade). Only during Glorious Masquerade when at the top of the bell tower he reveals his true identity to Rollo(plus a certain trio, and maybe magical hero and fire cat mascot duo if they are there too) as what is supposed to be Rollo’s dead younger brother after Rollo asks. “HOW WOULD YOU KNOW HOW HE FELT OR IF HE EVEN CARES ABOUT WHAT I’M DOING! MY YOUNGER BROTHER ISN’T HERE ANYMORE!!!” And than the mysterious magical boy grabs his mask and removes it. “Because he is here, I’M RIGHT HERE BIG BROTHER” and then more drama(you can figure out how more dramatic this gets). :D(plus there’s also the aftermath of how this entire truth drop gonna go, such as well, these brothers need a long talk with one another, second on how glorious masquerade will and if maybe the younger brother can still stay with Rollo once more be brothers again. On a lighter note hey Rollo has something in common with Idia[not sure how both will like that idea though :|])
:0 that would be something...
BUT! but but but! Technically I wouldn't really be on with it, mostly for another reason: Grim's magical girl team and Orpheus with Yuuki don't know about each other, which results in this rivalry in between them. Even worse when Giddel joins the ranks and Idia with his super secret magical warrior. So it's basically a team of 5 magical girls with weak af powers and cringy speeches, all directed by a cat. And a team made out of 3 dysfunctional magical girls who can't work together to save their asses without their mascots guiding them. :'3
Maybe if Rollo's brother will join(which is a no still, but HYPOTHETICALLY speaking), he would fall in the side with Orpheus and Yuuki, cuz 'hey, we have a comune cause and at least I know you 2 bitches are less worse than those 5 mfs'.
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dalissy · 4 years
Hey this is purplellamanator on my main 🙄 can you do “I don’t recall asking for your opinion on the matter.” For KaiAo please 😊💜
DJDJKSWN I’m so sorry it took so much time and it’s so poorly done BUT at least it’s here. And that’s what matters. Right? (´;ω;`)Thank you so much for the request anyway, it was lots of fun to write it!
“GET! OUT!!”
If he hadn’t covered his ears in time, Kaito was pretty sure he would have gone deaf from the screech that escaped Aoko’s lungs. In a finger snap, she pushed him out of the room so hard and well he almost hit his head on the corridor’s wall. Thank God, his reflexes were good and he stopped his impulse in time.
“Oh, come on, Aoko! Don’t tell me you seriously believe in stuff like that!”
She shut the door in his face and locked it -but Kaito was convinced that if she could turn the key more than three times, she would to give him more than a harsh time trying to pick it up. She knew him as well as the back of her hand, after all. On the other hand, one smart man would easily understand that she was determined to be left alone. Unfortunately, whenever it was about Aoko, his own IQ drastically lowered, perhaps enough to reach Hell underneath.
He puffed up his chest and knocked three times.“Come on. Just how long are you going to stay in? They’re waiting for us, Ahoko.”
Her tongue went silent, but he knew she still was right behind the door. He could still hear her stamping feet right behind.
“That’s very much like you.” She suddenly interrupted him, in a more bitter yet calm tone than an angry one. “Not even an apology -not even a sorry. Just how rude can you be?!”
“I don’t recall you apologizing for being late either, princess!” He gibed.
“Why didn’t you ask dad to come for me?! He would have understood.”
The image of inspector Nakamori stuffing his mouth with canapés while almost crying flashed through his mind. Damn, if they didn’t hurry, the party would be over before it even started, and the man would have another whole new reason to cry.
“He’s, huh, busy”, he stuttered scratching his hair, “And mom won’t stop blabbering with everyone. Keiko was the one who told me to go. She said you would just use her to gain some more time, so I had to do it.”
“What a fantastic idea. And now everything’s ruined when I’ve been hiding it from you for months. This is just perfect. Fine. Just fine.”
It wasn’t fine at all.
“I don’t know what holds me back from cancelling– whatever. Forget that.”
It was just a thought that came out of her mouth without her wanting to, a stupid thought that she did not mean in any way, they both knew it, but it shook him to the core. The wrath in her voice had faded away. She sounded sadder than she had any rights to be today.
Fuck.This time, he fucked up really, really badly.
“Y-You’re not serious, are you?” Kaito sputtered, before remembering the Poker Face did not only apply to magic shows. “Fine. Suit yourself then. If you’re calling it off for such an insignificant thing… I suppose you didn’t really want to do it in the first way anyway.”
Why did he have to say this out loud? Why did this one stupid brain-cell of his always had to manifest itself to say the exact opposite of what he wanted to say? He wasn’t a teenager anymore. Why couldn’t he be honest with himself, even now? Today? Right this instant? He waited for it literal years, and he managed to ruin everything in a second, just as she said.
Great job, Kaito Kuroba. Great job. He couldn’t wait to put it in golden letters on his resume: I perfectly fucked up my wedding before it could even begin.
“That’s not true, Kaito. And you know it.”
Kaito’s former frown disappeared immediately, but when he opened his mouth to replicate, no sound came out. He gulped, watching his feet lightly tap against the door frame a second, thoughts accumulating one after another.If he couldn’t be honest even with himself, there was no point in all of this in the first place.
He rested his back against the door, arms folded.She remained perfectly silent behind the door. He could feel his guts knotting inside.
She could insult him. She could yell at him. She could even open this door right now and throw a porcelain vase in his face -he’d accept it all with open arms. It’d be more than a relief. On the other hand, a silent Aoko was the worst thing that could be, especially when these last words of her still resonated within his skull.His mouth stayed agape, his tongue paralyzed, his fists clenched.
He was so, so stupid and too damn proud. He knew it. But if he had to be honest with her, just one time in his life, it had to be today. It couldn’t be any other day but this one.
He turned around and put his fist between his forehead and the wooden door.“Aoko, tell me to shut up or something. Because if I say one more word, I’m not going to stop. Alright?”
No answer -but the soft sound of her back snuggling up to the door was enough. He inspired deeply as if to give himself courage.
“You- You look absolutely stunning. Is this what you want to hear? Listen, I didn’t know the ‘no-peeking-before-ceremony’ was important to you, okay? But I get it now- and I’m sorry. But whether I see before or after doesn’t really matter, you know. I-I’d have thought of how beautiful you look regardless.”
Blood invaded his face as he kept talking, making his cheeks a whole new kind of red. He always thought this kind of lovey-dovey speeches in Hollywood movies was so forced and embarrassing, yet now, as shameful as it was, it’s exactly how he felt.
He saw it for no more than a split second, this blue and white satin dress that fell down to her feet, large and fluttering at her every movements. He saw it, this insane amount of blue roses sew on the edges of the embroidered fabric that covered her chest. He saw them, the resplendent flowers on both sides of her tied hair, their stems intertwined within the braids that maintained her haircut perfect and safe, and her gleaming bridal veil dancing on her white shoulders. He saw them, the white azaleas arranged in the nicest bouquet that could ever be, dearly held in her gloved hands. And he saw the joy in her cerulean eyes- or at least he did until she spotted him in the corner of the looking glass she was admiring herself in.
And in that pathetic split second, it was like his heart was mercilessly squeezed to no end.
Aoko was so beautiful, and it was really happening. It was no dream, or fantasy, or even a future nightmare in disguise. He said yes when she asked him, and soon enough they would be getting married, and no more than thirty minutes later she would be his wife. All of that was just so surreal. He could barely stand it. Quite literally too, because he turned around and pressed his back to the door again, letting himself slide down to the ground.
“If you decide to stop everything now”, he breathed painfully, “The next time -if there’s a next time but, I mean- the next time you ask me to marry you, I won’t peek on your dress before the ceremony, or be rude, or whatever things you don’t want me to do. I promise, okay? I promise.”
There was a faint silence, during which he held his breath, waited, then exhaled when he told himself it was already too late. Now he probably was talking to the emptiness of the room, and Aoko had escaped through the window like some heroine of a telenovela and-
“You never keep your promises, stupid. But I suppose it’s alright if you stay that way. And if you peek up on my dresses or even wear some. And I guess I can allow you to be rude, but only a little. Okay?”
The groom blinked twice at the faint whisper he swore he heard, but before he could answer anything, Aoko spoke again, soft and emotional.“You know I’m never going to cancel the wedding for that, silly. But it’s just so frustrating…”
He anxiously licked his lips.
“What is frustrating?”
“It’s so frustrating not to be able to surprise you, not even once.” She muttered. “You always pull up flowers or fancy dresses or doves out of nowhere and I never know how you do that. Not sure if I want to know, either.”
“Hey, you surprised me when you bought this hideous talking fish from the flea market the other day and dared to shove it in my face like some kind of savage!!”
“That doesn’t count. Beside, you totally deserved it.” She said, articulating each one of her words. “But once, even just once, I just wanted to surprise you in a good way, because you’re always seem so indifferent to everything sometimes. I- I want to make you happy, Kaito. But if I can’t even do that right now, how will it be once we’ll be married? I know I was the one who proposed, but I’m- I’m so scared. And afterward I thought: What if you accepted because you didn’t to hurt my feelings? What if I can’t make you happy? What if you don’t really like me-”
“I don’t recall asking for your opinion on the matter.”
For the first time, there was no hesitation in his voice. There simply couldn’t be one.
“What matter?”
“Whether I love you or not. Because you may torture yourself all day long, you can’t come up with the truth unless you ask me, and your own opinion can change nothing about.”
He could doubt on a lot of things. Whether becoming a phantom thief ever was a good idea. Whether a legendary jewel could really grant immortality. Whether Hakuba really was that hard of a bastard until the end, or if perhaps there was a small, little amount of decency in him (however he brought a really nice gift today, so he guessed in the end there was an extremely tiny bit).
But him loving Aoko wasn’t one of them.
“…Do you love me?”
There was an adorable trembling in her voice, as if his answer wasn’t obvious enough and she expected the worst.
“Yes. Yes I love you, Aoko. I know I don’t say it that often, but damn, for you to doubt that….” He laughed, embarrassed more than ever. “It’s a bit of an important part when you’re marrying someone. I thought it was obvious.”
“Even if I can’t surprise you?”
“Geez, woman, I’m not some animal which chooses a mate on whether their nuptial dance had me having a heart attack or not.”
Oops, perhaps he already broke the ‘only a bit rude’ rule. The light grumble that came through the door proved it.
“Then what made you say yes when I proposed, Mr. Civilized-gentleman?”
He looked up the ceiling, lost in thoughts. Gosh, there was so many stuff -they shared almost their whole life together. He lived longer with her than without. He couldn’t exactly choose only one.
So he said each one that passed through his head, perfectly knowing he could never enumerate them all unless he was given eternity or something.For once, Pandora would be pretty useful.
“Because you were my first magic enthusiast fan. Because if I asked you to come to Shibuya without even explaining why, you would. Because you’re always so noisy and expressive like the rest of the world isn’t even here. Your cooking is so bad but you never give up and hope one day you’ll come up managing the same recipes your mother used to make. Whenever I take you on a bike ride, your face’s like it’s Christmas early, or something. The fact that you’re always cheering on the one you love even when it means fighting the entire world, too. Or these little skips you make when you’re bubbly, like I know I said you looked stupid doing these, that- that’s cute actually. And that one time where you made all these teru teru bōzu, for me, so it wouldn’t rain the day after because if it did my shows would have been cancelled. Also your boobs are damn fine-”
“You hate my small breasts!” Aoko argued suddenly. “You made that point very clear ever since we made a half-step into puberty!”
“I lied. You know I lie well.”
“Not really.”
This toneless answer left a bit speechless. He could hear in her voice both the flustered, shy smile she probably was displayed right now, and a bitterness that did not have the same taste of the precedent one.What did she mean by that?
“…And, if, hypothetically, I knew that you were KID, would you still have said yes?”
His hands fell down on his knees in utter astonishment, his mouth agape.
She surprised him, but he didn’t have the time to be, and he knew it.
“Yes. Yes, yes I would have but- Aoko I swear I wanted to tell-”
“It was hypothetical, Kaito.” She finally let out a laugh after insisting on the word as if she wanted to say something and its opposite at the same time. “We’ll talk about it later, okay? I’ll come out, now. But first, I want to ask you something.”
Slowly, he stood up, a long drop of sweat zig-zagging between his shoulder blades.
“…Go ahead.”
“When I open the door, can you smile for me?”
A bizarre demand, no need to say. He raised an eyebrow but his lips stayed sealed.
“I don’t care if it’s a fake smile, but… If you ever make that awfully neutral face of yours, like you’re dead inside or something, I’ll rip it off myself!”
Hey, that wasn’t exactly his fault. Mastering the Poker Face as KID over the years had its pros and cons, and one of them was that he had occasional occupational hazards, if being a phantom thief counted as an ‘occupation’.
“Can you make that for me?” She asked again. “As a reverse dowry, let’s say?”
The stupidity of the thought that a smile of his was as pricey as a dowry distorted his lips in an amused smirk.
“Come out and find out yourself.”
Shortly after, he heard the key turn in the hole three times. The faint metallic sound of the handle turning, and the light squeak of the hinges.
Aoko appeared, and she looked as gorgeous as the split second view he had told him. Wait, now. In fact, the more he looked at her, the more she shined.
“Ah!!” Aoko gasped, suddenly pointing at him in the most ungraceful way that could be. “That’s not a happy smile! You’re looking like a mischievous fly or something!”
Urgh. Moment ruined. Let’s say at least he would have something memorable to tell when he’ll show the photo of his wife in his wallet to whoever wanted to see. Like : “when I married your mother, I was thinking of how beautiful she looked and she called me a filthy bug as a reward”. ...But perhaps in the end it was better that way.
“Jesus Christ, girl, why must you always be so picky about everything!”
He approached and without even asking for her opinion, scooped her in his arms much to her surprise. He had to hurry -if they lingered on again, Kaito knew that his soon-to-be father-in-law would finish all the macaroons and he expressively ordered more chocolate ones so he could at least have some, then Hakuba would make all the bridesmaids crowd around him by bragging about some criminal he arrested and make them forget the actual bride, and Akako would have found a way to either charm or poison the entire church for the fun of it, somehow.
“Wait- Kaito! You’re going to flatten my petticoat! P-Put me down!”
“Sorry, dear, I’m not taking anymore complain until you get a certain ring on your finger, Aoko Kuroba.”
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mgg-81 · 3 years
Of Torn Ropes [O.SH]
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A/N’s NOTE: I found this playlist in Youtube concerning the likes of Amy and Laurie from Little Women and I got hit immediately with the feels. I've also thought about Ga-on and Soo-hyun from The Devil Judge (go watch it if you haven't!) in their final moments together and thought why not combine the two and this was the result. Hugest of thank you's to @bookishcatto for reading this. This one-shot is dedicated to ma'am @enaasteria because her stories are absolutely gorgeous and link to her masterlist can be found in my fiction recommends here.
ANOTHER NOTE: I think I'll write my stories based on which seems fitting for the story which is either "You", "She/Her", "GN! Reader" or "OC" and it's not always going to be a "You" or "Y/N" version. Also, throw a tomato at me if this one-shot is cringy AF or something LMAO.
Genre: Angst
Ratings and Warnings: PG
Characters: Oh Sehun X Hwang Yoori (Cop!OC)
Word Count: 1,636
Date of Publication: 31-12-2021
The thin line of agony and anger snapped at the thunderous slamming of her hands as boiling silence engulfed the two of them. They were at the meeting of their eyes, never swerving to the left nor the right. Those orbs of hers, those lovely visions of expression of hers were now like extinguished flames while he was of a deer caught in the headlights. The air surrounding them was so dry it might have probably cracked everything in them.
Or furthermore fissured her already lacerated heart.
Glassy eyes scrunched eyebrows, and almost bleeding lip from too much biting in holding back, the aching pound of Hwang Yoori’s heart against her chest was beginning to be taken over by fear. The danger was not evident in their zone yet her veins were almost made out of cement from the tension. She let out a controlled yet shaking breath as she refined the words that emanated from Oh Sehun’s mouth before she might explode in tiredness.
“You heard me,” his voice was firm yet at the end was pleading like a child’s.
She sat back from her chair, a scoff passing her lips as her fingers kept brushing on her short disheveled hair. This was at the moment and it was truly happening as if it was a novel of her favorite that came to life and relayed its message in this chapter of her being. Sehun…loves her?
Yoori looked back into Sehun’s features again; face hoping, lips pursing whilst waiting. This was the man she adoringly gave her heart for so long, the cause of her sadness and happiness, the cause of her downfalls and uprisings, and now, the cause of her topical heartache. Wasn’t this what she wanted all along? To hear those three words she never thought would be aimed at her at him?
But alas, dreams, while they are sweet, some are bitter.
And they must end as she wakes up.
“Fuck you,” she said sternly.
Sehun’s eyebrows raised at the confusion in her words. He was about to retaliate and support his statement but she raised a hand to halt him.
“Fuck you, Oh Sehun,” Yoori repeated. “Do you think this is all a bluff?”
“Please, listen—”
“I’ve been listening!” she clenched her fists to keep herself from repeating on hitting the table. “At all times! I always listen to you; your rants, your dreams, your thoughts and ideas, and most especially your love for her! But this? THIS? Sehun…you’re mean.”
“Yoori,” Sehun tried to reach for her hand, but she quickly slipped it away. “I love you, always have been. You were always—”
“If you love me,” she gritted between her teeth. “You shouldn’t have always come to me about her."
Yoori saw Sehun’s jaw shut tight, which she saw as a cue for her to continue. “Have you ever thought what I’ve felt all these years? I had to keep on carrying you despite the growing pain in me. That yes, I may be here with you but your focus…is on her.”
“And I’m tired,” tears were threatening to spill from her eyes. “I’m sick of picking you up in ungodly hours, drinking away. I’m tired of how you came to meet me only because of your heartaches. And I'm wary of the fact that you're so unfair. That out of nowhere, my best friend just told me he loved me just because he didn't get her.”
Sehun quickly stood from where he sat, his long lower limbs taking two steps before kneeling in front of Yoori like he was praying for some miracle to happen between them as his warm hands cupped her delicate face, their foreheads touching each other.
“I’m sorry,” Sehun’s eyes were watery as he sniffled. “I’m so sorry. Please…forgive me. Please, let me make it up to you. Please, don’t disappear from my life. Please.”
Please. It was one word yet it made Yoori feel weak again for him, but the daggers that were plunged in her chest made her realize it was now the time for her to pull it all out, letting her heart slowly heal from the pain.
“I love you, Sehun,” Yoori finally muttered while feeling Sehun’s thumbs caressing her cheeks. “I love you always but…I’m done. As much as I’ve been waiting to hear those three words from you, it all seems so…dull.”
Dull indeed.
That’s what Oh Sehun felt right now.
Nothing was making sense to him as if his head was reaching for something he could not comprehend. It all happened too quickly in the blink of an eye like a stream that swiftly passed by him. Blasts of sirens here and there that were rounded up like loose animals were muffled away from his hearing while his surroundings were faded into nothing but black and white.
Along with all he could ever see right now was crimson as thick pools of the color were sticking to the ground, to his shirt, and his hands.
And to her.
He stared dumbfounded. His hands trembled while looking all over Hwang Yoori, desperate to where he should place his palms just to stop the bleeding, to stop everything, to stop the horror that grew before his eyes. Eventually, he placed it where the actual gunshot wound was, hovering over her hand. The shock was not the word that fit what he was experiencing. He was ashen, lips trembling.
“Y-Yoori…” he stuttered. She can only gaze at him as she lay in his arms like a doll.
“Shh….” Yoori gasped and winced. “Y-you…are…o-okay.”
“N-no…” Sehun looked up and down her body. “Yoori…”
Sehun’s manner was disoriented; he kept holding back his sobs while glancing at her face and up around their environment; almost nobody was there except the two of them, save for a few who were held in their frozen states.
How the hell did they end up to this?
A presidential event where EXO was invited.
Turned into a horrific attempted assassination incident with a bomb on the loose.
Her clasping his hand, her sole concern was him.
Just the two of them.
Away from aid and surrounded by perpetrators.
Sudden running…
Guns firing…
Her pushing him to the ground…
Bullets flying…
Yoori suddenly falling to her knees.
Clutching her right side and chest.
Him shouting at her.
More guns erupting from afar…
Him reaching her….
Sehun immediately looked down at the fading body he held; Yuri's eyes fluttered up at him, trying to see him. Her form shook in pain as if a thousand syringes were plummeted in her skin, her hand pressing against where the blood continued to ooze out of her while she breathed heavily in panic.
Yoori hazily lifted her shaking hand, steadily brushing her fingers against his cheek which received a cut from the glasses that spread throughout the vicinity.
“F-Fuck…” she still managed to laugh. “Y-you…got a c-cut here...ah.”
She shut her eyes and grimaced as Sehun clasp her soaked shirt, and he felt like shit; his best friend was in the line between life and death, still having the audacity to save him despite everything that conspired to the two of them.
And he felt nothing but remorseful as he’s incapable of providing anything to her at the moment.
“P-please,” Sehun choked. “W-we…we h-have to stop the b-bleeding. S-stay…s-stay with m-me baby, please.”
Tears flooded Sehun’s eyes as he tried to keep himself together for her sake. His heart felt like it was twisted and crushed to a pulp, wishing he had been the one shot instead of her. His body flew from stiff to mere actions and having more blood of hers in his hands got him to nowhere. Sehun knew that this was an almost everyday scenario for Yoori on account of the fact she became a woman of law and order. What he wasn’t prepared for was to have this kind of scenario happen right in front of him.
“W-why…” Yoori started. “S-stop...don’t c-cry…”
Sehun pay heed to her as she inhaled and exhaled deeply, her eyes threatening to shut down. The coldness of the night was creeping up to her as blood continued to rush out as Sehun tried to talk to her to keep her awake. He frantically hoisted his head to check the encircling, surveying for anyone possible to help them as he hauled Yoori in his arms more properly.
“Yoori…” Sehun whispered her name, attempting to keep a smile. “W-we’re going to…b-be o-okay, y-yes? P-paramedics may b-be here s-soon…”
Despite his aim to put up a brave front for Yoori, it soon faltered as her eyes were only halfway from open, and she eye him intently. Sehun took ahold of her hand gently moving towards his hand, firmly grasping it.
“Sehun…” Yoori wheezed. “I…I c-can’t hold…any l-longer…”
“No!” Sehun yelled as he shook his head. “H-help will b-be h-here! T-they’ll….they’ll c-come soon! P-please! We’ll b-be a-alright! Yoori—”
“I-I…love y-you.”
He froze.
“S-Sehun…” Yoori panted as if her breathing had already amounted to a small-sized helium balloon about to pop. “I love you.”
His world frailly crumbled as Yoori’s hand lost its seize of his fist as her head tilted backward in his arms.
With her eyes now closed.
Moments later, shouts and footsteps were heard coming, revealing members of the Seoul Metropolitan Agency and the Special Operations Unit, their guns and other aid holding out. They ceased and halted their steps at the scene that unfolded before them. Blood was everywhere that came from its root which was Yoori’s now lifeless form. One of the men who entered stepped up, his expression glum as he raised his walkie-talkie.
"Commander," he said "Lieutenant Hwang Yoori...she's now gone."
And it was followed by the gut-wrenching wails of Sehun who lost someone so dear.
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aalinaaaaaa · 3 years
Obligatory Introduction Post
Hello there, the name's Alina and I'm just your bog-standard eighteen-year-old female (from Ireland)
Anything you should know about my blog? Here's the rundown:
I reblog writing (or otherwise) stuff that I think is nice, along with hopefully posting my own writing when I get the chance
Asks and submissions are open, my only request is that the following topics are forbidden from any/all asks:
- 1. Discourse of any kind.
And this includes LGBT+ issues, BLM, etc.
- 2. Asking for money.
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- 3. Chain posts ('Blah, blah, blah, only 3% repost/repost or you're a *bleep*' type posts)
Those are cringy af. Moving on
- 4. (If anything else crops up, I'll place it here)
I can't draw for the life of me, so if you see any art on this blog it ain't mine
Fun fact, I also have a side blog where I post random stuff that doesn't fit here. (It's called ce-blog-est-pris)
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For one week per year, this blog may get co-opted by Eurovision posts :D
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Obsidian Sapphires
Flamebearer (updated intro here!)
The Lady's Lament
Flash Fiction Friday Masterlist
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Req: fluff + smut with Kyungsoo by @johnniverse​ Pairing: actor!Kyungsoo x baker!reader Words: 10,609k Genre: fluff, friends to lovers, smut Warning: cursing, smut, mature Summary: Your close friendship with Korea’s favourite actor is suddenly strained when he begins acting strange after returning home. Three nights of disappointment and several drinks later, the memory of a rhubarb Eton mess lingers in the air as you find yourself finally seeing your best friend in a different light. Tags: actor!Soo, slightly chef!Soo, baker!reader, cursing, flirting, sexual tension and fluffy smut A/N: To the req, I hope you like it and it isnt too cringy lol, I always struggle with fluff. Also P.S, I’m never doing the fake texting image thing ever again, I had to use both my phone and laptop to edit/upload the pics in order and it was a pain in the ass especially for a fic this long (and on a side-note, props to all the text-message fic authors, this sHIT IS HARD JFC SERIOUSLY Y’ALL ARE AMAZING AND DEDICATED AF, I APPRECIATE THE EFFORT)
The smell of butter and dough that surrounded you usually helped calm your nerves but tonight could perhaps be the first time that was an exception. After all, it had been months since you last saw your best friend, Kyungsoo.
There weren’t many people around at this late hour of the night and you were thankful for the silence, for the peaceful atmosphere that was usually a rare occurrence at the bakery’s kitchen. Only when your nerves had crept into your worried thoughts as the silence prolonged had you finally scrolling to the playlist of soft instrumentals that you usually had playing at the bakery during work hours, letting the music fill the empty kitchen while you worked.
You hum softly to Billie Eilish and Khalid’s ‘lovely' as you place the tiny specks of edible gold foil atop the chocolate tart. Kyungsoo didn’t love the gold foil—he called it “too bougie”—but you knew that he didn’t hate it either. Besides, you couldn’t help the dramatic flair that you always brought to your desserts; it was what you were popular for, after all.
You’d met Kyungsoo as a customer at your artisan café almost three years ago when he’d dropped by late in the night to ask for a full-sized cake. You’d heard your co-worker Yixing apologetically inform him that there weren’t any such cakes readily available just a few minutes short to closing hours and that customers usually pre-ordered them in advance but you’d stepped out of the back-kitchen then to ask the desperate-sounding customer whether a red velvet cheesecake was fine with him.
You can still recall how you’d stumbled over your own words as your eyes finally fell on the late-night customer—Do Kyungsoo, the upcoming handsome actor who had swept over the nation with his popularity after his latest movie. Your first thought had immediately been, ‘Holy hell, he looks more beautiful than he does on the screen’.
It was only much later that you’d revealed to him that the original recipient of the cake was a little girl turning eight the next day. Kyungsoo had been stunned at the revelation and even to the present day, he still wondered why you hadn’t turned him away to find another bakery instead of going to the hassle of giving away a pre-baked cake that resulted in you pulling an all-nighter to bake another for the actual customer.
But how could you have refused? With his warm earnest brown eyes that reminded you of the pools of dark chocolate batter that you’d been whisking back in the kitchen, his cheeks that shone like freshly glazed pastries with the sheepish heart-shaped smile that put even the sun to shame, you couldn’t help but relent and give him the red velvet cheesecake that you’d been preparing for a client to pick up the next morning.
Although Kyungsoo had left in a hurry after accepting the box that night, he had visited the bakery around brunch hour the next day to thank you personally—and “properly”.  Both of you had introduced yourselves and you’d been surprised at how down-to-earth and friendly he’d been, taken aback by his genuine interest in your bakery and all the desserts that you’d had. After conversing, there grew a mutual admiration—you’d never imagined that such a famous actor was also an incredible cook with an intense passion for food while having such an avid interest and genuine fascination towards your baking.
It had been the initial blossoming of a beautiful delectable friendship. You’d never thought you’d grow as close to him as you did but there was an instant connection after that first conversation at the kitchen of your bakery, a way in which both your personalities perfectly complemented each other and fit together just right. Of course, your mutual interest for food only fuelled the friendship further.
That was three years ago. Back then, it had started as a friendship but slowly bloomed to an unhealthy crush on your part. And who could blame you? Kyungsoo was unbelievably perfect—with his charming smile, his friendly and kind nature, his heart of gold and just by being an absolute sweetheart, you struggled to keep your emotions at bay as you got closer to him. He set the standard entirely too high and there was a small part of you that even blamed him for never being able to find a boyfriend. Every blind date and man that your friends introduced you to all paled in comparison to Kyungsoo, multiple meals and walks spent with them feeling extremely dreary when you spent the entire time drawing analyses of them in your mind based off of Kyungsoo as the yardstick.
However, it was a secret that you were certain you’d carry to your grave. He already had hordes of fangirls and half the country pining for him, he didn’t need to worry about you shooting heart-eyes at him too.
Besides, you cherished your relationship with Kyungsoo entirely far too much to risk losing all of it with a silly confession. You were close with his mother who called you more often than she even called him sometimes to chat with you idly about recipes, you knew how he hated parsley a lot more than he let on, how he’d admitted that your lemon meringue pies were his favourite dessert in the entire world and how he hated early morning shoots the most and could never get used to them no matter how many times he did it.
It wasn’t one-sided—he knew you like the back of his hand too. Kyungsoo knew about your coffee addiction that he always called unhealthy, how much you loved crafting recipes in your kitchen late into the night until you got it perfect, how you absolutely hated thunderstorms and could even tell whenever you were upset even from a mere text, prompting him to call you as soon as he could to talk about it.
It was too much to risk such a great friendship for a stupid crush. He meant too much to you which is exactly why you’d settled for never ever confessing to him.
You hum softly as you finally pulled your face away from the table, a satisfied smile coming upon your face as the finished tart lay atop the marble counter, gold flecks glinting in the yellow lights of the kitchen.
You picked up your phone then, frowning as you noticed the lack of texts. Kyungsoo had finally completed the premiere and tour for his latest movie, arriving back home early today morning for a well-deserved break, albeit short. You knew that his friends would most probably throw him a party—as per their tradition—but he’d texted you earlier that he would definitely drop by the bakery around midnight, at the latest.
Which was your tradition. He’d visit his mother, have a meal with his parents and then come straight to you, loudly yelling that you’d better have his favourite pies waiting for him, “or else”.
You stare at your phone, contemplating if you should send a picture of the tart and fully utilise his weakness for sweet treats against him but the screen suddenly lights up with an incoming message.
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You sigh as you place your phone back on the counter and glance dejectedly down at the tarts. Pursuing your lips, you wondered if there was something wrong and if Kyungsoo was okay—it was the first time that he’d cancelled on your tradition of meeting you on the day that he got back itself.
He’s at home, probably well-fed, pampered and completely spoiled rotten by his mother so you decided to not dwell further on it. You place the tarts into airtight containers and placed them in the fridge then, yawning softly as you decided to call it a day and head home.
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You were positive that you could see the colour red as you glanced at the clock hanging over the paintings on your wall, feeling more livid than you’d ever been.
It had been three days. Three days since Kyungsoo had arrived and your stupid “tradition” was in shreds—the both of you hadn’t met at all.
The day after the night he spent at his parents’ place, you waited for him all morning at the bakery before texting him. He’d called you immediately and apologised profusely, saying that he had to meet his manager at the company and that something urgent had come up. You’d let it go again but he hadn’t contacted you at all after that and you’d waited all day until finally calling him right before bed.
The conversation had been short, his words muted and seeming tired so you’d hung up without pressing too much.
But then you’d went over directly to his parents’ place yesterday. You’d been stunned to find that he wasn’t there, his mother cheerfully mentioning that he had left early in the morning “because of some work” and you didn’t have the heart to tell her that you’d lost your appetite. After stuffing yourself full with an entire lunch that his mother had not let you leave without, you’d called him. He’d apologised again, “another work thing” and finally ended the call after mutually agreeing that he’d come over to your place early the next morning, eat breakfast with him and heading back to the bakery later in the afternoon.
It was the next morning, the pancakes you’d made were cold and soggy now, the clock read 10:19AM and Kyungsoo was nowhere in sight.
“I’m going to fucking kill him,” you hissed murderously, grabbing your phone and pulling up your messages to text him.
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You shoved your phone away in fury, grabbing the plate of pancakes and hurriedly storing them back in the oven before grabbing the keys to your car and heading out of your apartment. You had half-a-mind to drive over to the company and ask his manager which goddamn hotel he was staying at before taking a deep breath, muttering a string of curses lowly to clear your head and pulling out of the parking space.
The entire day was a mess. Chanyeol, your commis baker, was surprised to see you head in earlier than you said you would, all of the kitchen crew and bakers flinching as you glared and yelled at them to get their shit together. You busied yourself in the kitchen, feeling Johnny’s wary eyes on you as you punched the dough like a possessed madwoman. Perhaps you weren't as good at masking your emotions as you thought you were, the entire staff catching onto the fact that their usually-cheerful patisserie chef was perhaps not seeing dough for fresh bread but instead visualising the mochi cheeks of the man whom Korea had lovingly dubbed as the actor with the most perfect heart-shaped smile.
Perfect, my ass, you thought derisively.
The day passed in phases. By 4PM, you’d baked way more puff pastries than necessary, waving off Chanyeol who meekly suggested to stop making so many since there was already a piling excess which would most probably be wasted if not sold by tonight. You told them all to just take some home, that there were your treat and involuntarily, your hands started to slow down as evening dawned, your upper arms beginning to ache slightly because you didn’t pace yourself in your rage.
You sighed as you headed to the back of the kitchen, walking through the smaller door that was alongside the pantry—a smaller space that was solely for you, a place that you lovingly called your own and was the birth of many of your sweet creations.
The anger shifted to the second phase in the evening, one that infuriated you more because at least you were productive with your fury. Now, you just slumped at the marble countertop while staring at the small fridge in the corner that still held the gold-leafed chocolate tart from two nights ago.
You sighed as you buried your face in your flour-stained palms. This has never happened and it was stressing you out in levels that you had never expected it to—because you’d never had a fight with Kyungsoo. Petty arguments, sure, but nothing that couldn’t be solved with his spaghetti or your macaroons.
Then again, he’d never been like this. Never had he avoided you, never had he cancelled multiple times on you repeatedly, never had he broke the sacred tradition of meeting you as soon as he was back. It had been too many times now to be a mere coincidence, he was definitely avoiding you. You could tell that he was lying and your anger from today morning had subsided to just an intense worry that felt like cramps in your lower abdomen, sighs falling from your lips as you wondered what was wrong.
You thought about calling his mother for a brief moment but you could already guess that she was just as oblivious as you, maybe even more. She hadn’t seemed fazed when you’d went over yesterday, hadn’t noticed the distress on your face as you realised that you’d missed him yet again.
The rest of the day seemed to drag on forever. Your limbs were sore and you knew your bed would be nothing short of welcoming right now but you didn’t want to go back home in a state like this where your thoughts would be louder than ever.
Around 9PM, you decided to call it a day and closed up early. You could see the relief in everyone’s faces, especially Chanyeol who looked like he wanted nothing more than to go home and pass out. Once the entire crew had left the bakery with a box of all your rage-fuelled treats—Chanyeol had been right, there had been way too many puff pastries, cake pops and enough cookies for the entire neighbourhood—you sat alone in your workspace with nothing but silence echoing around you.
Sighing softly, you stood up and connected your phone to the small Bluetooth speakers placed at the corner of the room, putting on your Coldplay playlist. You washed your hands in the sink before setting out to make the lemon meringue pie.
There was a reason why Kyungsoo loved it the most amongst every other dessert you made—it was your go-to dessert whenever you were upset. Although the recipe wasn’t challenging nor was it particularly difficult to make, it does require a lot of patience and dedication to get a flawless pie every time. Kyungsoo loved watching you create it; you’d lost count of the number of times he’d walked in to see you furiously whipping the cream filling for the pie. The amount of concentration it took at each step usually helped calm your nerves, distracting your noisy thoughts enough to focus on the dessert at hand.
Initially, you’d thought he called it his favourite only because he’d seen first-hand how much effort it took to bake it but then Kyungsoo had explained that he could taste the effort, that the tarty tanginess of the lemon filling which would first wash over his tongue slowly morphs into the subtle sweet aftertaste of the creamy meringue which was addicting enough to make you crave for more.
There was a small part of you that didn’t believe him when he’d said that and an even smaller part that had been too flattered to believe it, unable to even form a coherent response to it but baking the pie now made your chest ache as it occurred to you that it’d probably join the tarts in the fridge from two nights ago.
The lemon meringue pies tasted best when eaten immediately and he knew it—which was exactly why he often sat around to watch you make it.
You decided not to dwell on it. Once you were done with the pie, you’d call him one last time to ask if he could meet you wherever possible tonight itself. You’d use the pies as an extra leverage, perhaps as a ruse to just lure him out. Just so you could yell at him for being an idiot right at his face instead of at the phone.
You’d just lined the pastry base into the pan and chilled it for an hour before baking it in the oven while you whisked the lemon filling. The humming of the oven had involuntarily made your shoulders loosen up as you lost yourself in making the lemon filling and you were softly singing along to Yellow as it echoed around the small kitchen space.  
The song suddenly stopped and your hands froze reflexively as you turned around to see your phone lighting up with an incoming call.
You dropped the whisk immediately and grabbed the dishcloth, wiping your hands hastily as you strode around the counter. You threw the cloth aside, hands still feeling slightly sticky as you grabbed your phone and disconnected the Bluetooth connection.
Your voice was slightly breathless as you finally answered, “Soo? Hello? Kyungsoo?”
There was dull music faintly thumping in the background but at a distance, as if muted. You frowned as the pause on the other side of the call lasted for almost three seconds before finally hearing an unfamiliar male voice.
“Hello? Y/N? Is this Y/N?”
“Yes, yes, it’s me,” you said loudly, furrowing your eyebrows as you felt a sense of dread creep into you. “Who is this? Where’s—?”
“You were the first on his emergency contact list,” the man interrupted, making your heart drop to your feet.
“What’s going on?” You asked hurriedly in a panic, your eyes widening as you felt your stomach twist. “Where’s Kyungsoo? Is he okay?”
“Ma’am, my name is Woo Shik and I’m the bartender at Club Exodus. Your friend is really really drunk,” the man replied, sounding slightly exasperated. “He came in around 7PM and got a room alone although we told him that he can’t do that singly but he insisted and said he’d even pay more for it. And now-now he’s just really drunk. He’s been yelling your name for the past half hour and crying something about rhu.. rhu something? Itaewon mess?”
“Rhubarb Eton mess,” you deadpanned, sighing. “I’m… I’ll be there as soon as I can. Could you just text me the address of the club, to this number?”
“Yes, ma’am, I’ll send the location right now.”
“Okay, thank you, I’ll be there.”
You hang up quickly and your limbs feel like they’re frozen, uncoordinated from your brain as you will yourself to move. You feel disoriented, a thousand thoughts flying through your head as you quickly pull off your messy apron and grab your phone. You don’t bother fixing yourself much, knowing that you probably smelled like fresh dough and lemons as you hurriedly shut off the oven. You pause as you notice the halfway baked pie shell, wondering if you should call Chanyeol and ask him if he could clean up in here as a favour.
The large grandfather clock in the main lounge area of the bakery suddenly sounded, echoing softly in the back-kitchen and you glanced down at your phone.
He’s been drinking by himself for three hours.
“Fuck it,” you mutter, snatching the oven mitts and not even bothering to put it on as you use it just to shield your hand whilst grabbing the hot pie tray.
Your legs seem to move faster than your brain then, your body moving almost robotically as you threw the half-whisked lemon filling in its large glass bowl, the pastry shell and the cream for the meringue into the small fridge. It only held a few failed recipes and a couple of disfigured-looking pastries that you usually snacked on, along with Soo’s dark chocolate gold tart from two nights ago that you hadn’t had the heart to throw away, having expected him to walk into the bakery at some godforsaken hour and claim the dessert.
You felt a slight ache now as you stashed everything into the fridge, knowing how many ingredients that you’d just wasted because there was no way even you could resurrect or save this disaster after leaving this kitchen now.
Knowing that there was no time to regret it, you quickly cleaned up the counters and the rest of the workspace, grabbing your car keys and the lock to the bakery. You closed up the store and hurriedly got into the car, pulling up the location that the bartender had just sent you as you started driving to the club.
Your worry finally had a chance to fully materialise through the drive, your anxiety not allowing you to even play the radio as you raced to Club Exodus. It briefly occurred to you that there probably was a huge problem, something big that was worrying Kyungsoo if he was willing to go to the extent of booking a hotel room away from his parents and even avoiding you.
If there was anyone besides his mother who could read and see through him as well as she did, it was you.
God, Kyungsoo, what is going on?
You pulled up to the front of the club in almost half an hour, quickly jumping out and hurriedly gesturing to the car at the valet service guy standing at the entrance before heading in.
You approached the woman at the reception, your voice low as you asked, “I’m looking for Woo Shik? He’s with a friend of mine…”
“Oh yes, ma’am, hold on.” You weren’t even looking around the place, your senses almost numbed with tension as you followed the uniformed man to whom she gestured, one step behind him as he lead you away from what sounded like the main hall with its booming music that you could feel reverberating through the walls.
He showed you to a door and you could already hear Kyungsoo’s deep laughter even before entering. You pushed open the door and your eyes immediately fell on your best friend, his cheeks appearing redder than you’d ever seen them as he laid back on the black leather couches. A man in the dark burgundy uniform of the club who you assumed to be Woo Shik was trying to clear the table alongside the couch in a desperate attempt to save the bottles and glasses of alcohol from falling onto the floor.  
“Kyungsoo,” you said flatly and Woo Shik looked up from the couch towards you, wide eyes filled with exasperation.
“Y/N?” He asked hopefully and you nodded, sighing.
“Did he drink more after we called?” You asked, stepping into the room fully and scrunching your nose in disgust at the way the place was reeking with alcohol.
“No, but he’d been chugging for a while and they’re all settling in now, I think,” Woo Shik explained tiredly, stepping away to let you walk around the table towards your drunk best friend.
You forgot what to even say as you looked at Kyungsoo who was giggling giddily on the couch, his eyes closed as his hands flailed mindlessly. He looked almost smaller in the way that he was curled up on the leather seats and you could see that he’d grown thinner since the last time you’d seen him. His cheeks were very flushed and that’s when you realised that this was the first time you’d seen him so shit-faced drunk. Of the both of you, he was the one with the higher tolerance and he’d seen you blackout drunk more times than you’d seen him in the past three years and it occurred to you that he must have definitely had way too much than usual tonight to be like this.
“Soo,” you heard yourself mumble, your hands reaching for his that were still blindly reaching for something in the air. His eyes snap open when he feels your hands clasp around his, dark shining gaze shifting towards you. You watch as his eyes widen and even before you can react, his grip tightens fiercely around your hand as he yanks you to him with a high-pitched squeal of your name.
You curse as you almost collapse on top of him on the couch, feeling his body beneath yours that was radiating so much warmth that you would have mistaken him to have a fever if it weren’t for all the alcohol lying around.
“Hiiiiiiiiiiii,” Kyungsoo slurred, smiling happily up at you as he wrapped his arms snugly around your middle while staring down at you. You felt your heart slightly melt at his elated expression, your anger and worry momentarily dissipating as you gazed back into his shining eyes.
“Hi,” you replied softly, feeling almost shy from the way he was looking at you as you realised that Woo Shik was still in the room and probably waiting for you to collect the mess that you had in your arms who had caused him enough trouble.
“Okay, can you sit up?” You ask slowly like you’re talking to a child as you pull away enough to help him sit upright. He’s still gripping one of your hands tightly and you let him use your other arm as a support to pull him upwards slowly so as not to make him dizzy.
You look up at Woo Shik then, your tone apologetic as you ask, “How much is all of this?”
“He already paid, ma’am,” Woo Shik replied, shaking his head at you.
“Okay, I’ll just take him away then, I’m so sorry for the trouble,” You quickly say as you grab Kyungsoo’s arm and throw it around your neck. You put your own arm around his waist, holding him to your side while trying not to inhale the alcohol-stench reeking off of him. Woo Shik offers help but you shake your head at him as you help Kyungsoo out of the club. He suggests the back entrance then, mentioning that it’d be safer because of his actor status and quickly hurries to tell the valet to bring your car.
You manage, with much difficulty, to finally seat Kyungsoo inside your car and strap him in safely. Once he is settled, you sincerely thank Woo Shik for all his help and make a mental note to send him some treats tomorrow and finally get back into your car. After driving away from the club, you slow down at a secluded alley and turn to Kyungsoo whose head is turned to face the window.
You gently shake his shoulder, wondering if he’s asleep as you softly call out, “Soo? Kyungsoo?”
His eyes blink open slowly and he turns to you, appearing almost woozy. You watch then as his eyes widen and the same elated expression from earlier washes over his face, his arms reaching out to wrap tightly around your frame as he again exclaims, “Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii.”
“Yeah, yeah, hi, hi,” you mutter, rolling your eyes in exasperation as you try to pull away from his death-grip. Any other time, you’d have been taking videos of him like this to use as precious blackmail later.
“Soo,” you call out his name again as you try to get his attention on you. Once he is blinking at you while still grinning like an idiot, you enunciate slowly, “Your hotel. Where is it? Which hotel are you staying at?”
Kyungsoo blinks incomprehensibly and you see his grin widen, mouth opening excitedly to squeal your name again and you manage to grab his arms, stopping him from hugging you yet again.
“Kyungsoo!” You call out loudly, watching him flinch and you instantly lower your tone as you slump back in your seat while staring at him helplessly. There was no way you could take him back to his parents’ place when he was like this and you knew that his mother didn’t know the hotel that he was staying at either since she hadn’t mentioned it the last time.
Sighing, you turn with resignation towards the steering wheel and start up the car again, deciding to just take him home.
It wasn’t like he’d never been to your place before—he’d slept over on your couch multiple times but this would be the first time that he’d be doing it when absolutely wasted.
Kyungsoo hums softly beneath his breath as you drive and you’re quiet, listening to him as you chew on your lip nervously while wondering if you should talk to him. You knew he was drunk as hell and by the state that he was in, you guessed that his chances of remembering any of this tomorrow morning would probably be extremely low.
You decided to risk it.
“Soo,” you started tentatively and you were surprised when the humming stopped, knowing his attention was on you. You clear your throat before asking slowly, “Why didn’t you meet me?”
He frowns and you can hear the pout in his voice as he slurs, “Because you’re an idiot.”
You turn to look at him in amazement, eyes wide at the stupid response. “What?”
You turn back to the road as he continues, “It’s true. My mother says so too.”
“Your-your mother?” You sputtered, feeling more confused by the second. What the hell is he talking about? “She said not to meet me because I’m an idiot?”
“Nooooooooo,” Kyungsoo whined and you noticed him shift in his seat slightly from your peripheral as he explained, “I decided not to meet you. Mom told me that I’m an idiot. I think you’re the idiot but Mom says it’s me.”
You should just pull over and leave him on the roadside.
You take a deep breath, forcing yourself to remain calm as you reminded yourself to treat him like a child. He is a child and you need information so you tried again, slowly asking, “Why are we idiots?”
There’s a pause then and Kyungsoo mumbles something in reply, incoherent again.
You slow to a stop at the red light as you turn to face him fully now, squinting at him. “What? Why are we idiots, Kyungsoo?”
“Because I like you,” Kyungsoo sighs loudly and your eyes widen then, heart jumping to your throat.
Everything freezes around you and you stare at him, certain that you’d heard wrong as he leans back against the headrest, sighing dramatically again as he softly explains, “I’ve liked you for a long time but you’re an idiot to never see it. Mom told me I’m the idiot for never telling you but you’re the idiot for never seeing the signs.”
“S-signs?” You repeated, your voice cracking in your throat. Your heart is pounding in your ears as you ask quietly, “What signs?”
Kyungsoo sighs again, longer this time and you’re almost tempted to grab him by his shoulders and shake him angrily to get him to speak faster. You felt like you were going to be sick and this idiot was putting on the show of his life, acting dramatically like his rent was due the next morning.
“Sooooooo many signs, Y/N,” he slurs your name, dragging his words tiredly as he turns to you. He faces you and pouts childishly as he asks, “You think I run to all my friends’ arms whenever I come home on break? You think I cook with parsley which I hate with all my heart for anyone else? It’s only for you, because of how much you love it on your spaghetti. Most of my friends don’t even know I cook. I never even had a thing for sweets until you and I told you that but you’re an idiot. You thought its cause I love everything you make that much but that’s only a part of it. You idiot.”
You stare at him speechlessly and jump when you hear a loud honk behind you. Dazed, you look ahead and realise the traffic lights had changed to green, slowly prompting you to shift the gear and start driving again as the cars continued honking noisily behind.
You swallowed loudly, hearing an internal screaming in your head as you tried to gather your thoughts and process the words you’d just heard. You’re about to ask more, you don’t even know what, when you hear him murmuring softly again. You catch the word ‘rhubarb’ and start to ask why he kept ranting about your Rhubarb Eton mess custard and that’s when it suddenly hits you.
The last time that he’d come home for break, the time that he’d spent with you before leaving for the movie that he’d just finished shooting, you’d made him the Rhubarb Eton mess custard. The call to travel to Japan had been abrupt, causing him to have to leave on short notice and he’d spent the night before his flight with you at the bakery. It was after working hours, close to midnight and you’d been experimenting and crafting desserts with rhubarbs since they were in-season and had whipped up the Rhubarb Eton mess custard quickly just for him.
He’d watched you in his usual seat opposite the counter as you made it and after having his first spoon, he’d scooped a spoonful of the creamy custard and fed it to you. After taking the bite, however, the blood-red juice of the rhubarb had stained your lips with a bit of the whipped cream at the edge of your mouth.
Kyungsoo had reached out almost reflexively, his thumb swiping against your lip and you’d gone still, both of your gazes locking as you’d felt the atmosphere shift. You thought it had only been in your head, that it had only been you wondering what the expression on his face would be if you leaned forward and sucked the cream from his thumb, if his eyes would dilate watching your lips wrap around his digit the way that you were sure your eyes had when his hand had reached towards your mouth.
You could still recall how terse the silence had been then, both of you in a silent stare-off as you waited for the other to make a move and Kyungsoo had finally broken the moment by retrieving his hand, flashing you an innocent grin as he licked the cream from his thumb and quietly finished the rest of the dessert.
Your heart had been hammering in your chest that whole night and you’d never even known.
“Oh god,” you breathed out involuntarily as understanding finally dawned over you. Kyungsoo had been humming beside you again but at your words, he went quiet and you continued, “The rhubarb custard. You’re talking about—”
Kyungsoo groaned loudly then, confirming your suspicions as he huffed in annoyance.
“I wanted to kiss you so bad that night,” he almost whined and you felt your cheeks reddening at his confession as he continues ranting, “You were just standing there with your lips looking all glossy and red from the syrup and that stupid whipped cream on your upper lip! I was already upset cause I had to leave you so soon and you were just standing there like an idiot and I just wanted to eat you instead of that damn custard.”
Holy fucking hell. “Kyung—”
“I’ve been whipped for you forever, Y/N,” Kyungsoo admitted, shutting you up abruptly. “I’m whipped for you like your whipped cream. Like your Eton mess. Like your perfect custard. Like your pies. Like—”
“Okay, okay, I get it, I get it,” you quickly interrupt him, desperately wanting him to shut up because you were certain that you’d cause an accident with the way your heart was pounding right now, your entire body feeling like it was on fire as your thoughts were disorienting. You were driving mindlessly, taking longer routes because you didn’t how much longer this conversation would go, if it would last all the way to your apartment or if he’d sober up once he got home. You felt like you were dreaming, like this conversation was unreal and wondered briefly if you’d gotten drunk with him too back at the club and this was just some cruel dream.
“Why…” you croak and you clear your throat before trying again. “Why didn’t you meet me?”
“Because you’re an idiot.”
“I swear to god, I’m going to—” You loudly inhale through your mouth, knuckles almost turning white around the steering wheel as you grit out, “Did. You. Avoid. Me. Because you like me?”
“Min Ah…”
He trailed off and you frowned in confusion, pausing as you faintly recognised the name. “‘Min Ah’? Jung Min Ah? Isn’t that your co-star for the movie you just did?”
Kyungsoo nods and he mumbles sleepily, “She said she likes me during the wrap-up party but I could only think of you. I didn’t want to see you until I got my shit together and sorted out my feelings because I didn’t want to accidentally confess to you.” He pauses then and you’re surprised when he lets out a loud humourless laugh. “Maybe I am the idiot.”  
You hesitate before asking, “Why don’t you want to confess to me?”
Kyungsoo is quiet for a while after that and you glance at him, wondering if he’d fallen asleep but he appears to be deep in thought. His words are almost unheard as he finally mumbles, “Because I don’t want to lose you.”
You fall silent at his heavy words, the intensity of the underlying meaning getting to you as you feel something break inside of you.
You don’t say anything for the rest of the ride then and Kyungsoo dozes off, falling asleep cutely with his mouth hanging open as he lays his head back against the seat while you drown in your thoughts.
Regardless of your feelings and how much you liked him too, the words that Kyungsoo had just uttered terrified you. Friendships were stable, they endured even the ugliest of fights and lasted longer while relationships were fragile; one slip and you could lose Kyungsoo. He didn’t confess to you because he didn’t know about your feelings but now that you knew that he felt the same, you didn’t know if you were brave enough to take the risk.
It could be the end to something beautiful.
But it could also be the beginning to something more beautiful, a small voice in your head reminded you.
Or it could be the beginning to something even more beautiful that would soon reach its untimely but inevitable end and leave you with only heartache and the absence of a best friend that you’d have to burden forever.
You sighed softly as you finally parked your car in front of your apartment. You glanced at Kyungsoo and realised he was sleeping soundly, looking so warm and comfortable that it made you hesitate in awakening him. You got out of the car and walked to his side, throwing his arm around your shoulder while softly calling his name. He woke up enough to step out of the car and you helped him up to your apartment, panting by the time you finally reached your door.
You lead him straight to your bedroom, resigning to spend the night on your couch since you knew he could definitely use the entire bed in the state that he was in. You help him out of the thickly-lined trench coat that he was wearing, holding your breath to not inhale the stench of the alcohol as you decided to just throw them all with the laundry tomorrow morning.
You remove his shoes and pull off his socks but your hands hesitate mid-air before reaching for his pants. It’s not like you hadn’t seen his legs before or anything—god knows he’d helped undress you from uncomfortable clothes on multiple nights when you’d gotten too drunk—but your stomach was twisting now as if he was a whole new person who you were stripping.
God, stop overthinking it.
You force yourself to help him out of his pants, purposefully not letting your eyes go astray as you decided to leave him in the thin black sweater that he was wearing and his boxers. You grabbed your blankets and tucked it around him, smiling slightly when you notice Kyungsoo immediately snuggle to the warm sheets like a child, making himself comfortable as he closed his eyes.
You went to the kitchen then, grabbing a tall glass of water and some aspirin pills before heading back to your room. You’d just placed them on the small bedside table and was turning to leave when you felt a fierce grip on your wrist.
Your breath stopped in your throat as you looked down to see Kyungsoo holding onto you, half-lidded eyes gazing up at you as he whispered one word.
You step towards the bed then, getting on your knees on the floor so that your face would be at the same level as his. You raised the hand that he wasn’t holding to stroke his cheek gently as you murmured, “Sleep, Soo.”
He was quiet, his eyes still dark and intense as they remained locked with yours. Your heart thudded as you briefly wondered if he’d come to his senses and if he remembered everything that he’d just revealed to you but then he opens his mouth again.
“Do you know something?” His voice is hushed, like he’s telling you a secret and you shake your head quietly.
“You always smell like the bakery,” he whispers, smiling softly in a way that made your heart ache. “You smell like fresh bread and sweet vanilla and strong coffee. You smell like happiness. Like home.”
A soft sigh of disbelief escapes your parted lips at his words, his eyes having closed off while he spoke as he slowly fell into deep slumber.
You were so goddamn blind.
“We’re both idiots,” you snort quietly as you gently loosen his grip around your wrist and walk out of the room.
But you decided to be the bigger idiot.
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You heard Kyungsoo shuffling inside your room around noon the next day, making you glance at your bedroom door from where you sat on the couch.
The night had seemed to last forever. After putting Kyungsoo to bed, you’d spent the entire night tossing and turning on the couch restlessly. You briefly considered waking up and baking something or even heading to the bakery so that you could angrily complete that lemon meringue pie you’d left half-baked but your body was extremely exhausted and refused to even move. All the activities of the strenuous day yesterday had completely worn you out yet your brain refused to cooperate, unwilling to grant you the bliss of sleep as your thoughts grew louder with each passing hour of the night. Kyungsoo’s words, his drunken confession all echoed like a haunting melody within your head, forcing you to reminisce and reassess every moment that you’d spent together, viewing it in a light that you’d assumed to only be exclusive to you but had perhaps been the same light that he’d been seeing you in as well.
You didn’t know what to do anymore. You felt more conflicted than you did when he had stood you up and you began to wonder if it had even been a good idea to even go to the club last night.
Should you have even brought him back to your place?
You could hear the shower in your room then and you knew he was probably washing off the events from last night, the stench of all the drinks that he’d downed. You sighed as you grabbed his chopsticks for the Chinese take-out that you’d just ordered—both of your go-to hangover food—since you knew he’d probably be hungry. You hadn’t bothered with breakfast because you knew that he wouldn’t wake up by then so you’d just settled on brunch.
The door opens and your heart jumps as you look up, eyes locking with Kyungsoo. He’d found one of his tees that he’d given you—“you stole it,” he insisted—and sweatpants that he’d left here from a previous sleepover. He looked better than he did last night and you cleared your throat, ignoring the nervous flutter in your chest as you asked blankly, “How’s your head?”
Kyungsoo nodded, stepping forward into the room. “It’s a lot better now. I woke up in the night with a headache and had the aspirin before sleeping again.” He hesitated before murmuring, “Thanks.”
You rolled your eyes. “Why’d you drink so much then, idiot?” You snort as you start to stand up, grabbing your phone.
You gesture to the food on the table. “I ordered Chinese. Have lunch and take another aspirin before you head back… home. Or to the hotel. Or wherever.”
Kyungsoo frowned at you as you searched for your bag. “Wait, what? You’re leaving?”
“I have a bakery to run, Kyungsoo,” you snort, finding your bag and grabbing your car keys as you head for the door while muttering, “I can’t keep coming in late because of you—”
“Y/N, I remember last night.”
You stop, hand freezing on the doorknob as your entire body goes still. Your back is facing him but you can feel his gaze on your back, feel the weight of it.
Kyungsoo’s usual deadpan tone sounds more wry than you’d ever heard it then as he says, “I remember last night so you can stop faking it and talk to me.”
Shit, shit, shit.
You take a breath, forcing yourself to slowly turn around and face him. You relent, throwing the keys and bag aside, crossing your arms in an effort to not reveal the way that your hands are slightly trembling as you nonchalantly reply, “I’m not faking anything, Kyungsoo, I am very mad at you.”
He rolls his eyes, opening his mouth to answer but you cut him off by asking, “How much?”
His gaze shifts to you and you clarify, “How much do you remember?”
“Enough,” Kyungsoo replies, carefully watching you now. When you don’t falter, he concedes, “Enough to know that I confessed to you.”
You close your eyes, taking a deep breath as you uncross your arms. “Look, it doesn’t have to be—”
“Is this your answer?”
You stop then, looking up at him with wide eyes. You frown at the shift in tone, noticing the despair that he was trying to hide in his expression as you ask, “What do you mean?”
“The fact that you’re pretending that nothing happened,” he answered, stepping forward as he spoke. “The fact that you’re ignoring everything I told you last night. Does it mean that this is never happening? That you’ve never liked me the way I’ve liked you?”
Your eyes are wide, back pressed to the door as he stood in front of you. The words that you wished to respond—even though you had no idea what they even were—were stuck in your throat as you gazed up at him, your breath growing shorter as you felt him raise his arm beside you to place it on the door as if to cage you in.
“Y/N,” he whispered your name, his close proximity and husky voice making your head feel like it was going to spin. Your lips parted of their own accord, head slightly arching back to look up at him as his plush lips hovered over your own. His face was close enough that his warm breath was mingling with yours and you could smell the minty toothpaste—your minty toothpaste.
Your heart was hammering so loudly in your chest that you could hear it, your eyes greedily drinking in the close proximity as they ran over his face with enough scrutiny to commit every detail to memory—the way his long lashes looked against his pale cheek, the tiny almost invisible mole right over his upper lip and the way his eyes looked like they were shining from within as they gazed at you.
Your breath audibly hitched in your throat as he leaned his head slightly to the side, angling his lips to yours until there was only a fraction of space between your mouths. You held your breath as he murmured, the words brushing against your parted lips, “Stop me, Y/N.”
And then Kyungsoo was kissing you.
Your eyes seemed to refuse to close, your body frozen like a statue and your arms were immobile at your sides as you felt his plush lips press against yours. It was light, hesitant and tentative like he was waiting for you to shove him off any second but you could feel the blood pounding through your head and coursing within every vein at that moment.
Fuck it.
You raised your hands tentatively, closing your eyes and almost collapsed back into the door as you started kissing him back. You felt Kyungsoo move his hand from the door then to gingerly place it on your hip and his other hand took your raised one that was hovering between your bodies to place it on his shoulder.
You made a soft sound of approval as you finally melted into the kiss, closing your eyes and digging your fingers into his shoulder to kiss him harder. Kyungsoo grabbed you by your hip then, holding you flush against him as he started kissing you more passionately while you dropped cupped his face with both your hands. You traced your tongue over his lower lip slowly and he was instantly parting his lips, slipping his own tongue into your mouth. Your guess was right earlier, you could taste the mint and as corny as it was, it had never tasted sweeter.
The kiss grew tender as he realised how breathless you seemed to be getting, both of your pulling away slightly while smiling against each other’s lips. Your eyes fluttered open to see Kyungsoo was smiling so hard that his eyes had become little crescents as they looked at you.
“You didn’t stop me,” Kyungsoo breathed out, sounding incredulous enough that you let out a soft laugh.
“You’re an idiot,” you repeated his words from last night, thumb stroking his cheek affectionately before correcting, “Well, we both are. I wouldn’t have stopped you ever, Soo.”
He pauses, gaze shifting from both your eyes as he asks quietly, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“For the same reasons you didn’t,” you replied with a sheepish smile. You suddenly grin with the memory of last night as you say, “If only you told me earlier, I could have said that I’m whipped for you too.”
Kyungsoo’s eyebrows furrowed at that, nose scrunching cutely in confusion as he repeats, “Too?”
“You said last night that you’re whipped for me like whipped cream. That you’re whipped like my Eton mess, like my pies, like my custard—”
“Oh my god, stop!” Kyungsoo buried his face in the crook of your neck in embarrassment, making you burst out laughing aloud as you fully wrapped your arms around his back and held him to you. His voice was muffled as he mumbled, “Most of those things aren’t even whipped.”
“I know!” You laughed again and pulled him away enough from you to look at his face. His cheeks were faintly rosy and it reminded you of last night again.
His voice is grumpy as he asks, “What else did I say last night?”
“A lot of things,” you teased, grinning as you kissed the corner of his mouth. “Enough to torture you for at least a decade.” You gasp exaggeratedly, raising your voice dramatically as you wonder aloud, “Who would have ever thought that Korea’s favourite actor Do Kyungsoo who has an internal breakdown every time he has to do aegyo and act cute was actually so cheesy and corny? That he would look me in the eyes, with his chest out while proudly saying that he is whipped for me like my whipped cream, that he would rather eat me than my custard—”
Kyungsoo grabbed your face then and shutting you up by kissing you again. You grinned against his mouth as he wrapped his arms fully around your waist, lifting you up against the door so that your legs curl around his lean hips.
“Aren’t you hungry?” You murmured into the kiss.
“Yeah, for you,” he countered, kissing your jawline. His husky voice right in your ear made the small hairs on the back of your neck rise as he groaned, “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to do this?”
“Mm, show me,” you hummed, taking his face into your hands again as you kissed him harder. You thought Kyungsoo would lead you to the couch but he carries you to your bedroom instead, laying you down on the edge so that your legs are hanging off the edge of the bed. You blink up at him, pouting slightly as you clutch the front of your shirt—his shirt. Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow then, smirking slightly as he asks, “In a hurry, are we?”
“You think you’re the only one who’s been waiting forever?” You retort, using your elbows to push yourself back further up the mattress. You grab his hand and yank him harshly towards you, making him stumble slightly as he almost fell over your body while you started lifting his shirt off of him.
Kyungsoo raises his arms, helping you pull off the thin shirt and you immediately grab his shoulders, pushing him onto the bed beneath you. He blinks up at you in surprise as you throw your leg over his waist to straddle him, his gaze questioning as he looks at the blouse that you still had on.
“I’m going to be so late for work,” you muttered, pulling the blouse off your neck and throwing it across the room as Kyungsoo rolls his eyes at you.
“Chanyeol can hold the fort down for one day, Y/N,” he snorts as he sits upright against the headboard to grab your hips and seat you on his lap properly. You feel the growing bulge beneath his sweatpants brush against your clothed core and your lips part open of their own accord, making him smirk almost dangerously at you as he murmurs, “Has anyone told you that you’re a workaholic, babygirl?”
The word is so foreign from his lips, his expression so foreign yet familiar as he gripped your hips tightly to adjust you right over the tent in his pants. He leans forward and kisses you with an almost vehement fervour, trailing his hungry mouth over your cheeks, jawline and down the curve of your neck. You sigh softly, eyes closing and head arching back as you feel his plush mouth suck on the sensitive soft spot on your throat, his tongue licking incessantly.
Kyungsoo’s hands move almost unnoticeably, curving around your back to unclasp your bra as he marks up your neck. There’s a fire coursing through your body, making you feel as if you’d been plugged into a circuit—every place on your body that he was touching; his lips, his fingers, his firm thighs spread beneath your own, his warm breath were all sending crackles and tingles of electricity through your veins.
You could feel the outline of his hardness against your thin shorts now, your wet heat pressed right up against him and his fingers expertly pull the bra off your body. His cool fingers are cupping your breasts then, thumbs stroking your nipples experimentally as he teasingly thrusts his hips up into you.
A loud moan leaves your lips unintentionally at the sparks of arousal ignited by his touch and your eyes snap open as you hear yourself, feeling Kyungsoo still slightly beneath you at the very porn-star-like noise that you’d just made.
He pulls away from your neck to look up at your wide eyes and you’re already opening your mouth to apologise, feeling the embarrassment swallowing you but he grabs the side of your neck then, kissing you fiercely.
“You sound so fucking beautiful,” he groaned huskily, closing his eyes as he leaned his forehead against yours, his voice a breathy whisper as he said, “To think that I could have been hearing those moans all this time.”
Your heart swells with an emotion that you can’t quite describe, an overwhelming need to feel as much of him taking over your senses as you crash your lips to his heatedly. Kyungsoo responds immediately, kissing you back just as hard as his fingers continue playing with your breasts and tweaking the nipples while you moan just for him.
Your own hand that had been on his chest lowers down his torso and slips underneath the elastic band of his sweatpants. Your fingers immediately wrap around his length, eliciting a groan at the back of his throat as you smile into the kiss while stroking him up and down.
Lips latching onto the spot beneath his ear, you kiss and suck at the skin gently while pressing him back against the headboard. Teasingly, you explore his length leisurely with your hand and feel the way that it is already slick with pre-cum, using your thumb to spread the fluid around the slit.
You gasp against his neck when his hands tighten harshly around your breasts, fingers squeezing your nipple roughly enough that you felt it all the way in your throbbing pussy. Quickening the pace of your wrist, you continue circling the soft bulbous head of his dick with your thumb while he gropes your breasts. You pull away then to look at him, watching the way his chest heaves with the movement of your hand and his eyes flutter dazedly at you.
His gaze is unfocused and you lean forward then, kissing him as you start stroking his length with repeated up-and-down motions. Kyungsoo grabs your wrist then, stopping you and he pulls away from your mouth enough to say, “You’re going to make me cum like this.”
Kyungsoo’s hands find your hips then, tugging at the black shorts that you had on and you let him slip his hands beneath the waistband, pulling both your shorts and panties down your bare thighs. You raise your ass off his lap and yank the material from around your ankles hurriedly before straddling him again.
You grab his erection then, holding your breath and watch Kyungsoo’s face, noticing the awe on his face as you rub his head over your slit that was glistening with arousal.
“Oh fuck,” he curses lowly as you guide his dick inside you, the head parting open your dripping slit and your eyes were already fluttering at the immense pleasure you felt with just his tip inside you. You didn’t even realise the way you’d been whimpering until Kyungsoo shifts his gaze higher to watch your face, staring at you as you arched your head back while slowly pushing yourself down onto his length.
Your free hand is on his shoulder, his own wrapped around your wrist as you whimpered his name breathily when you feel his thick length stretching your tight walls open in the most pleasurable way. Kyungsoo’s arms wrap around your waist then as you begin moving up and down on his lap, riding his dick at an already speedy pace while you felt your lower abdomen tighten with arousal.
His plush lips latched onto your breast then and you moaned loudly, grabbing the back of his head and holding it to your chest as he sucked your nipple into his warm mouth. The wet warmth of his tongue and lips, along with the way his dick felt inside you as the tip brushed against your clit with every movement you made all had you soon trembling on his lap as you tried to reach both your highs.
Growing impatient, Kyungsoo grabs your hips then and pulls you off of his length, making you gasp at the sudden feeling of emptiness, your walls desperately clenching around nothing. He shifts you around so that you’re lying back on the mattress, hands quickly removing the sweatpants that he still had on before crawling back atop you and spreading your legs wide.
His eyes are dark and heavy as they watch your face clearer then, memorising the way your lids flutter when he pushes his dick into your throbbing wetness again. You mewl softly as he fills you up again, already addicted to the way he feels inside you as you wrap your arms around his back.  
You don’t get a moment longer to relish in the feeling as Kyungsoo immediately starts moving his hips at a quick and snappy pace against you, thrusting into you roughly enough that you can hear the echoes of skin slapping against skin. The wet squelching noises of your core become louder with every thrust, your walls tightening with the looming orgasm as he fucks you and you don’t realise how loud you are until he lowers his face to your chest.
Walls clenching around him tightly as if to suck him inside you, he groans at how utterly tight you feel as he thrusts faster. Your pussy convulses as his teeth sinks into your sore breast, Kyungsoo realising how sensitive you are over there by the way your body instantly reacts to him as you feel yourself finally fall off the edge.
Your nails are digging into his back and you groan as Kyungsoo’s hips stutter against yours, the rapid way that your pussy clenches and unclenches around him as you cum setting off his own orgasm. You gasp as you feel his warm heat flood into your slickness, filling you up as he continues sloppily thrusting to draw out both your orgasms.
You’re whining his name into his flushed neck as you slowly come down from your high, hand lowering to the small of his back as he collapses on top of you. He buries his face in your shoulder, breathing hard as you wrap your other hand around the back of his head while trying to catch your own breath. Feeling him soften inside you, he begins to pull away slightly but you wrap your leg around him and push him to his side so that he is still inside you with your body still pressed up against him.
You’d always thought Kyungsoo looked beautiful but you don’t think you’d ever seen him as radiant as he was right now, basking in a post-orgasm glow as he smiles at you. His gaze is filled with so much warmth and affection, the same expression that he’d had yesterday at the club when he’d first seen you and you feel shy all over again.
“Hi,” you mutter embarrassedly and Kyungsoo laughs softly, nudging your nose with his own.
“Hi,” he teases back, grinning.  
He wraps his arm around your waist then, pulling you to his chest and you snuggle in that familiar warmth, smiling when you feel him bury his nose in your hair and inhale, remembering his drunken words from earlier.
‘You smell like happiness. Like home’.
You tightened your arms around Kyungsoo then, finally being able to realise the emotions that you always felt around him, that you always felt with him and that you felt now when you held him. The way that your heart had always swelled with every touch and gaze of his, that indescribable happiness that took over your entire body every time that he came back from a shoot and you had your arms around him again.
Best friend or boyfriend, Kyungsoo was your happiness.
He was your home.
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First time with Yandere Kasamatsu pleasase even if it's cringy af
“well i don't write ns/fw and you said it could be cringy so ...
kasamatsu rammed into you again. his eyes were blood red with anger and Lust (more lust than anger because he had been saving himself for his one true love... you .. nahit’sactuallycausehe’stooawkwardtogetlaid) .. 
“you are mine!” growled the 5′10 guy who has really short person energy? [a/n: someone explain that] “i will never let you go!! !! “
“aaaa,” you moaned, “aaaaa,” you then whimpered
kasamatsu was grinding his hips into your AbUsEd body, your perfect [s/c] skin red from when he had Smacked you for being a naughty girl and looking at someone (actually you’re blind but that’s a separate issue) .. .you shrieked with the pain,, but actually the pain brought pleasure ;) ,, of his massive shaft, his ginormous gong [a/n: that’s a typo but it’s really fucking funny] 
but kasamatsu didn’t care about going at your pace... he had been away from you too long.. this was the fruits of his labour,, the result of his steady progress, rapid advance ... 
“you’re soaking for me,” yelled kasamatsu passionately, “i hope that’s not pee!”
“pee’s yellow...” you sighed softly, as you clenched around him and his Massive Dingaling which was now smacking against your appendix.. but you weren’t thinking seriously for long because the pain/pleasure (y’all think kasamatsu has the guts to buy lube?) was so great :O
“say my name!!” kasamatsu Commanded with a smirk, “and take my load!!” 
you both came all over each other.
“aaa!! yukia!!” in the moan, you misspoke.
suddenly kasamatsu snapped. his eyes went even redder,... 
“who is yukia??” he screamed,” you should only love me!! how dare you say another man’s name !!”
then yukio/yukia slapped you so hard your neck broke lol you died
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cavernopolis · 3 years
Cavernopolis Dating Headcannons (BOYS EDITION)
-He would be very cuddly 24/7
- (but also horny af)
-He likes to share oranges and tangerines with you
-He'd walk in while you are getting dressed and be like all blushy and also would putearte because you didn't tell him that you're dressing and he got an erection from seeing you almost naked
-He'd also text you "I miss your ass so much, please come here y/n, let's go to the SEMENterio"
-He would make you watch the River Partido with him and will fuck you after it ends, depending on the result he would go soft or rough
-Literally will dominate you and spank you if you're naughty enough
-He would make you give him a blowjob while he's playing Valorant in your account for carring your rank
-"y/n, sos una pelotuda la típica manca de mierda hija de puta, dea"
-He would cuddle with you while watching the Spiderman trilogy and ask you to shut up when the important parts show up
-He'd fuck you in a Spiderman costume from a cotillón
-He keeps making cute edits from Mi Imaginación y yo and other cringy artists for you
-You'd keep matching icons of Gaturro 24/7
-He listens to Spinetta with you while you're baking medialunas de manteca
-He loves to get his dick caressed while playing your favorite song with his piano
Haber La Pelicula Cogeme Ahora
-You get high with him while playing Persona 5
-You cook fried eggs above his PC
-He likes to get hugged while he's pissed off about his PC getting burnt
-He's very cuddly but very sweaty and that makes him embarassed
-He likes to get his belly rubbed like a doggy
-He'd teach you how to armar un porrito
-He would take cute pictures of you with a camera from Parque Centenario
L eandroid
-He'd find every single doujin you show to him in matter of seconds with no mistakes
-Although he likes to be dominated, he's very good at pleasing every single demand from you
-He's completely clueless about your womany things but curious either way
-He likes to cook puré de papas for you and laugh if you don't know how to cook
-He wants to dress up as Joker and Harley Quinn for Halloween every single year
-Le pican las bolas se las va a tener que cortar
-Y si boludo una solución rápida
-He'd be very supportive with your cosplay ideas, specially if it's a fursuit
-He would commission other artists for buying art of your oc/fursona
-He loves to see you in his legendaria camisa violeta
-He'd love to try a Bad Dragon with you and share it together (he wouldn't clean it after using it though so it would be full of shit)
-His ass is so hairy that he can knit a scarf out of his hair for when it's cold and making you wear it
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Not that I know much about K-Drama, but 2019 sure has been a fun one for a bromance lover like me.
This one gives a slightly similar vibe to Strangers From Hell, albeit it’s a comedy. The ‘bromance’ is hilariously portrayed too.
Presenting you a very recent show with a pretty unique premise and a highly refreshing plot. An outstanding blend of fun and thrill!
Psychopath Diary (K-Drama)
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Genre: Comedy, Detective, Thriller, Drama
Synopsis (taken & modified from MyDramaList):
Yook Dong Sik is a 34-year-old office worker who is so weak and timid that he is used by everybody around him. After a corporate incident, he becomes the scapegoat of his company. Facing the prospect of losing the job and his family turning their back on him, he decides to commit suicide. While doing so, he unexpectedly stumbles across a murder scene, but gets into an accident while running from the murderer. He wakes up with amnesia with the psychopath’s diary in his possession. With no other clues to his true nature than the diary and his fragmented memory lining up with the diary entry, he begins to believe that he is in fact a psychopath serial killer.
Follow Yook Dong Sik on a hilarious, full-of-mishap journey to get back his memory while helping the police to track down the actual killer!
Length: Completed - 16 episodes, 70 minutes each
Personal review:
+ The bromance.
A great thing about this show: You get two bromances in 1 package.
The CEO and Male Lead
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A wise one once said, “A picture speaks a thousand words”. So, yeah, you get the idea ( ̄▽ ̄).
Also another precious scene:
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Don’t you hear the wedding bell already ringing in the background?
The Gangster Sidekick and Male Lead
This one is super adorable. The sidekick is also a major element of humour in the show. He supports the Male Lead wholeheartedly and is always there for him. Truly the kind of friend that we all secretly wish for.
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Bonus (subject to personal preference): Female Lead and Male Lead
Well, this isn’t bromance per se. Also, you could tell that this pairing is meant to be non-platonic (very subtle though). Not that I mind them developing a romantic relationship post-finale, but as far as the show progresses, I’d like to think of them as my BrOTP. Both of them are so cuteeeeee, and they work amazingly well together. Also, the fact that a full-blown romance between these two isn’t awkwardly shoehorned into the ending is great, because don’t we all have enough of under-developed, forceful relationship that pops out of nowhere? ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯
+ The plot. As said above: Very unique, very refreshing. Our Male Lead witnesses a murder, happens to pick up the murderer’s diary, gets hit by a car and thus loses his memory, ends up thinking up that the diary was his, resulting in him getting convinced that he IS the murderer. Like, what again?
The first 4-5 episodes are real fun, with lots of ridiculous situations taking place and the CEO trying desperately to win over Male Lead’s heart. Toward the second half, the tone shifts slightly as the show starts diving deeper into the actual drama/murder mystery. That being said, it maintains a light-hearted, comedic feel throughout. Even the final showdown between Male Lead & the Villain is hilarious AF.
+ The acting. I think I’ve been abusing the word “cute”, but honestly most characters in this show are so cute, including the murderer (I know that sounds kinda wrong, but don’t forget that this is a comedy, so they make fun of everything). Also the Male Lead is impossibly likable. And full of nonsense.
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Look at him eating A BLOCK OF TOFU. You can’t get cuter than this.
In general, once again, (I seem to say this for all the Korean shows I review) you can’t spot a single actor/actress that is doing a bad job. Granted, this is a comedy - but no character is annoyingly over-the-top, obviously trying-too-hard or downright cringy. I’m so thankful.
- Sure, the show isn’t perfect. Say, I’m not particularly impressed by Female Lead’s “deduction” ability - it’s too far-fetched to be believable. Certain elements are illogical considering the plot revolves around crime and solving crime. But then again, it’s a K-Drama, and a comedy at that. I think if you watch enough K-Drama (that isn’t a full blown thriller/investigation/mystery) you will soon learn that they sometimes brush off logic to move the plot forward.
Honestly, I’d like to believe that everyone (including the creators/actors of the show) has lots of fun with this. I read somewhere that “this show has one brain cell” - and I agree completely. Just sit back, grab a drink, laugh out loud a have a hella good time. After all, an evil serial murderer writes diary and a soft-and-pure dimwit deludes that he is a murderer - how serious do you think it will get? (。-ᴗ-)✧
With this, I’d also like to officially declare The Guest, Strangers From Hell and Psychopath Diary as my Holy Trinity of Korean ‘Bromantic’ Thriller Series (as if there exists such a genre, but oh well). Thank you for being such amazing dramas, for crossing my path, and for satisfying this thriller fanatic’s never-ending thirst for some good ol’ bromance.
Thank you for a great 2019. Here’s to the hope that more series of similar nature continue to be produced. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
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baronessblixen · 4 years
Why bitch on Gillian 😂 she participated, she could have said no but she didn’t, and the result is super cute. Oh and the song is cringy af, but it was super sweet of them to do this.
That's exactly how I see it. I feel really soft today and I can't deal with the negativity. If people don't like the video, fine. But it was a sweet thing to do and it must have taken a lot of time and effort to get all these people to participate.
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ao3feed-genrex · 5 years
Who Are You?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Rfn3aX
by Black_daffodil16
Danny was on patrol when he felt a prick on his side. Later on, he wakes up in a cell where a boy is thrown in by mysterious men in black and white uniforms. The two of them becomes friends when another boy their age enters their cell to do his job. The results was unsatisfactory for everyone. What will happen to the three boys?
 Chapter length becomes consistant after chapter 15
Words: 5277, Chapters: 6/90, Language: English
Fandoms: Danny Phantom, Generator Rex, Ben 10 Series
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Other
Characters: Rex Salazar, Ben Tennyson, Danny Fenton, Gwen Tennyson, Kevin Levin, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Caesar Salazar, Agent Six (Generator Rex), Dr. Holiday, White Knight (Generator Rex), Guys in White (Danny Phantom), grandpa max, Fright Knight (Danny Phantom), Clockwork (Danny Phantom), Mrs. Tennyson, Mr. Tennyson, Azmuth (Ben 10 Series)
Additional Tags: long af, kinda cringy but im determined to finish it
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Rfn3aX
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paperclipninja · 5 years
Younger post-ep ramble 6x09
After the very public outing of Liza’s real age last week, it was no surprise that this week’s Younger episode, ‘Millennial’s Next Top Model’, was all about the fallout. In true Younger style we were treated to some unexpected twists and turns, saw Kelsey take control at work and in her personal life and welcomed back my #1 mega-villain who I hate-love fiercely, Quinn Tyler.  This ep was written by Grant Sloss, who is responsible for a number of my favourite episodes and lot of my fave moments in the series and one thing I am always blown away by is his ability to craft character interactions in which the sentiment and emotion are really palpable (plus the one-liners are always top of the game) and we certainly saw a number of those this week.  Even though Liza is 100% responsible for the position she now finds herself in, my heart went out to her this whole episode and Kelsey, Charles and Diana’s show of solidarity right from the get-go pretty much sums up everything I love about this show. 
I need to say upfront that while I know this episode is all about Liza, it is hands down my favourite episode of Kelsey’s in the series. In a time of real pressure and stress, we see Kelsey step up in the role of publisher, starting with the damage control team meeting in her office. I have big feelings about this opening moment, in which Diana proves why she is an actual Queen who rises above past grievances and now offers unwavering support of Liza while continuing to have zero time for Zane’s bullshit (the ‘well mercifully they have a paywall now’ to Zane’s New York Magazine tidbit was all of the yes). We learn of the deal with Infinitely 21 (was it just me or did anyone else get heart flutters at the thought of Kelsey, Diana and Liza being their brilliant selves and brokering that arrangement? Just me? Cool) and I have spoken of my love for the way this show parodies real life things but this might take the cake. Alexa, what are synonyms for ‘forever’? I just adore that it is very clear that Kelsey is in charge and that Charles and Diana are offering up potential solutions (Diana’s ‘rest her a bit’ is so in character I cannot. Between that and Charles’ thoroughbred thighs from season 4 I fully expect her to have a couple of horses upstate somewhere called Charles and Liza by the end of this series), meanwhile Zane clearly still hasn’t caught on to the fact that these three are not going to throw Liza under a bus.
Enter Liza as he’s ending his tirade about her poisoning the company (and lbh, what he is saying isn’t actually ridiculous from a business p.o.v but he’s talking about the best friend, girlfriend and (old) maid of honour of the people in the room) and it’s awkward af and pretty awful and I want to climb through my screen, wrap Liza in a blanket and tell her it’s all going to be ok. Zane’s extreme over-estimation of his importance in Liza’s life continues when he tells her that what he’s saying can’t be personal because ‘I don’t know who you are’ (worth it for Charles’ ‘Zane’ reprimand though amirite) and as I said after last week’s episode, I can’t even count on one hand the number of interactions Zane and Liza have had so yes Zane, that is accurate and nothing to do with her age reveal. At least once he discovered that Kelsey has known about the lie he FINALLY has a reason to be hurt (maybe? Still a little fuzzy on this one) and look Zane saying they’re all insane might be somewhat accurate but everyone in that room loves Liza and I love all of them so I felt personally attacked tbh.
Keeping with the stellar guest star casting this season, Shelly Rozansky (played by Annaleigh Ashford) is every kind of irritating as brand rep of Infinitely 21. Kelsey and Liza’s meeting with her, in which Shelly explains that 'the tea’ is that their authentic brand cannot be associated with Millennial’s inauthentic one (I love the moral high ground re: brand but I’m pretty sure Millennial doesn’t have factory workers making less than a living wage so…) and this very real ramification of Liza’s lie paves the way for one of Liza’s best moments on the show to date.
Taking that tea of Shelly’s and throwing it in her face, Liza’s monologue that 'everyone is pretending to be younger’ reaches it’s climax with the zinger, 'Millennial is not an age, it’s an attitude and if you can’t sell that, we’ll go somewhere else’, and Kelsey’s look of pride, same girl SAME. One thing I have commented on in the past is that as a '26 year old’ Liza rarely, if ever, really stood up for herself. The few times we’ve seen her do so have been as the forty year old who takes no crap from anyone (David, Charles, Don) so I am here times a million for strong ass Liza to finally shed that guilt, know her worth and be able to show this side of herself now that the lie is no longer in play (I feel like Diana will dig this very much).
Turns out Shelly was quite into Liza’s feisty outburst too ('what you screamed at me today, justifiably, we’re still friends promise…it resonated’ = award winning line/delivery combo), as she calls to let Liza know they’re going to unfreeze the partnership and asks Liza to be the face (and legs) of Infinitely 21’s Spring campaign. This phone call takes place in a very delicious looking cupcake shop where Liza and Charles are playing cards with his daughters in an all round delightful family situation that gives us a glimpse of the Miller-Brooks dynamic and makes the point that after a pretty terrible day, Liza is grateful to have this in her life to counter all the drama. I am also pleased to see that Bianca and Nicole have been located (meanwhile Caitlin, Beth and all of Josh’s friends remain stuck in the Upside Down or have become bunker people or something equally ominous I fear).
I am very into a number of aspects of this entire scene: a) Charles eating candy just up and gets me for some reason. I don’t know why, I can’t explain it, but it’s akin to seeing him walking round barefoot, it confuses my brain but I’m pretty sure I like it; b) Bianca is clearly the fave child with her cute little, 'I won’t take your last bag of candy Liza’ (lol at Charles’ 'wow’ when Liza offers that up for the taking btw, he knows that’s a serious gamble) though I was 100% Nicole as a kid; c) those kids are so not sleeping after all that sugar so I hope they’re staying at Pauline’s, while Charles’ dad game is strong with the breakfast cupcakes and; d) Charles kissing Liza on the cheek as she takes Shelly’s call is so damn sweet (pun intended) and supportive and I love that Liza suggesting he go stand with the girls in case she starts crying again indicates she has been an open mess around him. It’s writing like this that I really appreciate when there is so much to fit into an episode, because it provides insight into the kind of relationship Liza and Charles have when there simply isn’t time to show it.
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While Liza is drowning her sorrows in candy and cupcakes, Maggie is at the brilliantly cringy art exhibit, 'Masculinity Detox: A Softer Male Gaze’. Look I have to be honest, I was really happy to see Oded Fehr because he can play a skeeze with charm like no other, but I don’t know how I feel about this entire plot. I can only comment on it from a straight perspective, so I am aware that I’m not really in a position to express an opinion in relation to the impact of showing a gay character thinking it’s a good idea to sample a penis every ten years or so, but I certainly feel like it’s problematic. In relation to this character though, it is consistent with Maggie sleeping with Tommy Minetti (and his sister Tammy) as a result of Berlin’s 'Take my Breath Away’ (I don’t know why I remember that, I can’t remember what month it is yet this stuff is right there) and there is no denying that there were actual sparks between Maggie and Rafael in the loft, the palpable chemistry that Grant Sloss’ eps seem to draw out on full display. 
Another dimension of Maggie that I love seeing emerge in this ep is that while she is usually a total badass in absolute control, every now and then we see that her judgement of character is just way off. There was Montana, those weirdo art collectors who actually collect artists and now this guy. I love that there’s a side of her that gets a bit blinded by flattery so she thinks 'what the hell?’ and the inevitable 'oh I CAN-NOT with this bullshit’ that follows, usually very publicly - Exhibit A: Maggie countering dirtbag Rafael’s, 'I’ll change you mind, I’m a flipper’ with a literal flip of the restaurant table once she realises she was simply another conquest. She seems so unflappable that these reminders that she’s fallible (I legit sometimes forget she’s not an actual super hero) are really great and maintains the 'flawed human’ aspect this show does so well. Honestly, other than Liza in a full tracksuit (sweat clothes?? I don’t know what it is in American but that cute pink sweat top and sweatpants combo) thinking they were being robbed and very confused by what had happened (so were we all lbh and Kinsey 9 LOL), it was Maggie equating sex with a man to being suffocated by a damp rug that was the highlight of this entire storyline for me. So damn funny.
Diana continues to have Liza’s back as she heads to the photo-shoot to steer her away from anything pleather (I may need a spin off of these two or some kind of one off special episode that’s just an elaborate Diana/Liza adventure, maybe rescuing Caitlin and co. from the bunker??), but not before we catch Kelsey still slaying it as a boss as she leaves a voicemail for the increasingly petulant Zane. Hearing her so firm and sure of herself is brilliant and the friendship vibe between Diana and Kelsey is peaking and I am loving every bit of it. I am so glad we heard Diana asking Kelsey how she took the lie, while Diana was able to forgive and move forward it would have been strange if we didn’t see her still processing some of it this week. Plus it’s Diana who points out that Zane’s tantrum is not because Liza is who he is upset with (and THANK YOU Kelsey for pointing out that Liza and Zane hardly know each other). 
Rather than letting the whole Zane thing fester away, Kelsey continues to impressively show initiative by going to Zane’s and offering to cook dinner (which Zane knows is a lol and it’s not long before he’s cooking, so well played Kels) to give him the opportunity to ask anything he wants and she will answer honestly. Once a proper explanation of why Liza lied and why Kelsey kept it from him is given, Zane suddenly reverts back to being a rational human being which is a relief because he was fast becoming the worst (though his comment that they were all bad liars, what now?? Yes they be cray but their lying game is strong friend). I am not particularly invested in Kelsey and Zane as a pairing but I always appreciate good storytelling and writing, and revisiting the fact Zane told her he loved her in past tense was an example of both of these. In order for any kind of relationship between these two to progress believably this needed to be addressed and hearing Kelsey call Zane out on his shitty and manipulative behaviour was great, but even greater was seeing Kelsey drop her guard.
Opening up about being mad at herself too and that maybe if they were both more open about their feelings they wouldn’t have wasted so much time denying how they really felt; that she felt, no, feels, the same way, present tense; the resetting of the timer so she can finish what she was going to say instead of taking the option of backing out; the honest conversation…you know what all this is? Growth. Kelsey Lorraine Peters, I am just so damn proud of you because I am the first to admit that I was not sure this character could be redeemed for me after last season but here we are. The emotion for this whole scene, you could feel it and Zane’s, 'oh that timer was for food’ was fab, before he just casually drops in, ’ I love you, but stay out of my kitchen’. OK.  Smitten mode activated.
Meanwhile, Diana is no doubt enjoying Shelly’s disbelief that she and Liza are almost the same age about as much as a root canal and Lauren appears with a 'bowflex for your face’ to combat the 5 o'clock jowls. Side note: Lauren and Liza really need to have a convo asap because I definitely feel like Lauren is not ok with the lie since it’s been revealed. Scene of the ep goes to Charles walking into the trailer (with flowers for Liza *swoon*) while Diana is flapping that contraption, before he slowly backs away and I tell you, I was howling so hard I almost ruptured something. Liza’s hideous romper/scooter combo is just no on many levels, she clearly feels super unnatural and the photographer snapping Charles and Liza, who are not expecting to be photographed while her being made up to look so young obviously makes them look very far apart in age and a bit awks means that yes, the daddy/daughter dance vibe is strong, though that line made me vom in my mouth a little bit.
Between shoots our extremely excellent villain Quinn pays Liza a visit to show her support and her well-polling glasses. Her real talk that the good news about the publishing reaction to Liza’s lie is that 'eight blocks outside of midtown, nobody cares’, is what we were all thinking and is def to be filed under 'G’ for Gold. So naturally Quinn drags her into a completely self-serving NY1 interview (bless Liza for thinking they wanted to interview her) and I freaking love Quinn, she’s such a delicious character coz she’s awful and funny and pretty and a total smart ass. I stan.
Before we jump to the second part of the photo-shoot I have to say that the very obvious ploy to try and juxtapose Liza’s relationships with Charles and Josh felt like it was trying too hard and was mostly disappointing to me because it felt so forced. I want to be very clear that it has nothing to do with who I like Liza with romantically, it would have felt contrived regardless and was the only aspect of the episode that I felt could have been crafted with a little more nuance. Or maybe that was the point? Perhaps the obviousness was part of the humour of it *shrug emoji* 
Either way, Liza is looking pretty exhausted when Josh turns up at the bar photo-shoot for reasons (whose name I am betting is Lauren Heller because there is no way he would just turn up and it is 100% in her wheelhouse to send him along after seeing the expressions on her face at the earlier shoot. I feel like this will def come out at some point and that really this whole shoot is serving to bring about stuff in future eps) and he doesn’t get to explain why he is there because he’s teasing Liza about being a model and I really do love their banter. Shelly has no idea what’s happening but she likes it and is thirsting pretty hard as she shakes his hand and I enjoyed hearing Liza talk about Josh as patient zero, her 'would you correct him?’ as she squeezed his cheeks made me smile. I know there have been a LOT of feelings about this scene expressed on social media, but I found the reminiscing, as Josh talked about how when he first met Liza he thought she was smart and sexy and he wanted to keep talking to her, really sweet (and quickly countered by his joking about being really drunk and it being dark).  
I actually love this dynamic so much and if this show had moved these two properly into the friendzone I would be celebrating this as a pin-up example of how to show romantic-platonic relationship transition. I still may, because at this stage there is nothing to indicate that Liza is anything but committed to Charles and Josh gave no impression of pining for her IMO, but as an experienced TV connoisseur (aka obsessive tv show watcher) I am not naive enough to think that this interaction mightn’t be setting in motion a resurgence of the triangle. By the same token, I do not see any triangle in play at the moment and one thing this show does excel at is surprising us, so time will tell, but I am going to keep my faith in the writers to tell good, compelling stories that stay true to all the excellent characters and narratives they have in front of them, as they have done up until now.
While Liza’s colleagues aren’t going to throw her under a bus, Quinn is not only more than happy to, I’m pretty sure she’d drive the bus herself if it served her own self interest.  Quinn saying that she found out about Liza’s lie the week before in The New Yorker article, ooomph, did you feel that? It was the wind being knocked out of all of us, along with poor Liza, as Quinn counters Liza’s suggestion that she knew the truth before she invested on live TV. It was evident fairly quickly that Quinn was using the interview as a campaign platform and Liza’s expression as Quinn betrays her so publicly is yet another credit to Sutton Foster’s incredible talent.
My Kelsey love was brought home this week when she met Quinn following the NY1 interview. She is unrelenting in her backing of Liza and unwavering in her stance to Quinn when she is asks her to fire Liza. From the moment she arrives Kelsey is so kick ass, she sees every one of Quinn’s attempts to bully her into getting what she wants and Kelsey’s, 'please don’t minimise the strength I bring to this meeting’ was such a hell yes moment. There is something so satisfying about seeing Quinn in a position where she needs something from Kelsey and Kelsey standing so firm. Kelsey’s 'are we done here?’ before walking away was such a power move and the transition into her own office the next day, with Charles reassuring her that she did the right thing, was wonderful. Seeing these two as equals, talking business with a bit of a mentor/mentee dynamic is a dream. It was on my season 6 wish list and I can’t wait to see more of it.
It is upon discovering that Audrey Colbert’s manuscript delivery cheque bounced and that Diana just heard one of the Jennifer’s, the sloppy one from publicity (this line, I swear and also I need to meet her), say her direct deposit didn’t go through that we discover Quinn has thrown the ultimate tantrum and pulled her funding and Mercurennial is broke.
Poor Liza feels that it’s all her fault, I’m sure partly because of the way her colleagues turn and look at her when she walks in the office and partly because it is, but Charles continues to play the role of ultimate supportive partner as they stroll down the street after work, pointing out that Liza attracted Quinn to the company in the first place (and we ALL know it was not the company she was attracted to). I am simple folk and Charles saying he’s spoken for as he put his arm around her made me melt into a puddle and if anyone is feeling concerned about Liza’s level of besotted, watch this final scene as Charles reassures her that, 'you know what’s great about the worst thing happening? There’s no place to go but up. Only good things ahead’. I may have actually died from the sweetness of the entire thing and Liza does exactly what any self respecting person would in that situation and kisses him before they walk off hand in hand. To live happily ever after…jokes LOL I mean it’s television and it turns out Infinitely 21 has the most efficient marketing team on the planet because their campaign is launched and whattya know, it looks as though Liza and her ex will be plastered all over the city. 
File under 'O’ for OF COURSE.
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theyearoftheking · 5 years
Book 2: ‘Salem’s Lot
Success is my only motherfuckin' option, failure’s not Mom, I love you, but this trail has got to go, I cannot grow old in Salem's lot So here I go is my shot Feet fail me not 'cause maybe the only opportunity that I got
-Eminem, Lose Yourself
The mere mention of ‘Salem’s Lot has had my brain playing this song on repeat for weeks. And after reading ‘Salem’s Lot, I’d like to point out to Eminem that it’s actually quite difficult to grow old in ‘Salem’s Lot. You’re more likely to be turned into a creepy vampire than grow old and die of natural causes in The Lot. But I feel like if I were to ever address this with one Marshall Mathers, he’d punch me in the face. So I guess I’ll just rest comfortably with my superior Stephen King knowledge. 
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This was my first reading of ‘Salem’s Lot, and while I enjoyed Carrie; I feel this was the book that made the Stephen King “style” a thing fans are all familiar with. I’m not going to dive into the entire plot and every character, but the format of the book, and the relationships the characters form will be familiar to all King fans. Let me explain.
Part One: The Introduction 
The book is divided into three parts. In Part One: Marsten House, we learn about the lovely little town of Jerusalem’s Lot, and start feeling a creeping sense of dread every time the Marsten House is mentioned. We don’t know why we feel creepy dread quite yet, but the feeling is lurking in our stomach like a slimy gas station burrito. We also experience a meet cute between Ben Mears and Susan Norton. Ben is a writer, hanging out at the park, trying to forget all the negativity and bad juju he experienced the first time he lived in ‘Salem’s Lot. But now he’s back, living at Eva Miller’s boarding house, working on his next novel. Susan sees him in the park, and just so happens to be reading one of his books. She asks for an autograph, and he inscribes it, “For Susan Norton, the prettiest girl in the park...” The rest is history. Well, vampire, bloodshed history. But romantic history none the less. 
Later on, Ben Mears references The Haunting of Hill House, which was an inspiration for this novel. He tells Susan the subject of his newest novel is,          ”...it’s about the recurrent power of evil...” Art imitating life, ammiright, Steve??? 
Part one also gives us our first (of three!) Wisconsin references. Ben decides to hit up the local watering hole, Dell’s, where he runs into fellow boarding house resident, Weasel Craig. To hear Ben describe it, “...his breath alone could have made Milwaukee famous.” I mean... we do love and brew a lot of beer in this city. But you can imagine my disappointment when in the next paragraph, Weasel orders a pitcher of Budweiser. Gross, Weasel, You deserve to be taken out by those vampires. 
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Part one continues to give us plenty of local color, and describes the residents of the town (spoiler: don’t get too attached to any of them). Part one ends with some creepy goings-on at the cemetery, and some children disappearing, and later re-appearing in slightly alarming form. Oh, and a lot of bodies at the morgue start disappearing. Never a good sign. 
Part Two: The Dread Explained, and the Start of Shit Going Sideways 
Part Two: The Emperor of Ice Cream is when the beat drops. But before all of that, we have our final two Wisconsin references. King twice mentions a Packers Patriots game everyone in town is anxious to watch. Ok. I have questions. So many questions. How did Steve decide on this particular football match-up? We’re not division rivals, we don’t even play in the same division. The Packers and Patriots play each other once in a blue moon. Wouldn’t the Bills or the Jets have been a more sensible selection? Maybe the Dolphins? Maybe they were good back in 1975? I don’t know. I do know I personally love Packers/Patriots games because I love seeing Tom Brady pout like a little bitch on the sidelines when our inconsistent defense shows up and decides to tackle him. Repeatedly. It’s a miracle Brady doesn’t trip over that lower lip more.
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But I digress. Part two is where shit really starts to go wrong, and we understand the problems plaguing ‘Salem’s Lot are the result of a powerful vampire, Mr. Barlow and his keeper, Mr Straker, moving into Marsten House. That’s right... it’s a vampire book, kids. These two keep a low profile by buying a creepy old murder house, and running an antique store full of old junk in town. As you do. 
King holds true to a lot of the traditional vampire stereotypes: they only come out at night, they are burned by sunshine, they sleep in coffins or boxes, they need to be invited in, and they can be repelled by a crucifix or some holy water. No glittery, pretty vamps here. Sorry, Twilight fans. This probs isn’t the book for you.
Part two of the book is filled with creepy passages full of suspense. You know, those parts when you find yourself cringing and chanting, “No! No! Don’t crawl into the creepy old murder house during the day! I don’t care if you think the vampires are sleeping! This isn’t going to end well!” I know most people have those moments when watching movies... but this book (and King in general) usually brings out all the creepy, cringy feels for me.
So, Ben, Susan, and their ragtag band of friends begin to understand the vampire problem, and realize they need to address it before everyone in town either flees, or becomes part of Barlow’s vampire army. One member of their merry band of vampire killers is a little boy by the name of Mark Petrie. Mark lost two of his best friends in the initial round of vampire attacks, and feels guilt about this. If they weren’t on their way to his house to play with his models, maybe they wouldn’t have ended up as part of the un-dead. As a result of this guilt, Mark wants to help the grownups fight the vampires. He’s a bad ass kid. I hope my kid would behave the same way if we were fighting a vampire onslaught in Milwaukee. 
King best sums up their crew of vampire killers as, “An old teacher half-cracked with books, a writer obsessed with his childhood nightmares, a little boy who has taken a post-graduate course in vampire lore from the films and the modern prenny-dreadfuls...” 
Accurate af. 
Part Two ends with a passage I have to share... “The ordinary fellow isn’t half so leery of the superatural as the fiction writers like to make out. Most writers who deal in that particular subject, as a matter of fact, are more hardheaded about spirits and demons and boogies than your ordinary man in the street...” 
Part Three: The Real Action, All the Deaths & the Conclusion
Part Three: The Deserted Village wraps everything up. Almost all the residents of ‘Salem’s Lot are turned into vampires, including almost all of the vampire hunters with the exception of Ben and Mark. They ‘nope’ right on out of ‘Salem’s Lot and head for Mexico. Because they’ve seen some shit, and they need to live in perpetual sunshine where they never have to fight vampires again. Only, Ben can’t stop reading the Portland Press-Herald and realizes shit is getting real in Maine again, and they eventually need to go back. Poor Mark; it’s bad enough he lost his friends, had to stake both his parents, and killed the vampire’s keeper. But now he needs to go back? Ugh. 
Part three also gives us two coveted Dark Tower references (because, The Beam). 
“Ann Norton drew the .38 from the pockets of her wrapper like some creaky gunslinger from beyond time...” 
Oh snap. It’s coming. Da da chick, da da chum! 
I’ve also failed to mention much about Father Callahan. He was the Catholic priest of ‘Salem’s Lot who suffered a vampire bite despite his crucifix and holy water bath, and was last seen on a bus getting out of town, drinking cheap truck stop liquor. But we’ll see him again. ‘Tis ka. 
All and all, a very satisfying book, and I’m very glad I’ve finally gotten around to reading it.
In summation:
Total King Wisconsin Mentions: 4
Dark Tower References: 2
Book Grade: B+
Rebecca’s Definitive Ranking of Stephen King Books:
Salem’s Lot
Next up is The Shining; which is perfect since Wisconsin is expecting its first major snowfall this weekend. Fun times. 
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Until next time- long days and pleasant night, readers!
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girlygameofthrones · 5 years
Another Rant (This one longer)
Warning: LONG (also probably jumbled thoughts)
Probably spoilers below
I want to start this off by sending my condolences to the Dany fans/stans.  Now I know what you’re thinking.  Weren’t you complaining about her a few weeks ago?  I sure was.  Dany has bothered me since somewhere around season 4, or maybe starting with season 5.  I like the idea of mad Dany, but this execution is so bleeegghh it’s incredible.  What could have been a sympathetic, slow descent into madness, the transformation into a tragic Shakespearean villain, seems so rushed and stupid that even I am disgusted by it. Dany could have descended into villainy but still had a philosophy and a purpose, but nooo.  It feels like at this point that D&D are two little kids you told to clean up a mess in their room and their response was to throw a tantrum and just start throwing all their toys and ripping everything off the wall and then peeing on the pile on the floor.  Yes GOT has had some pretty dumb writing but this is so cringy.  So yes Dany stans, even if we may not see eye to eye, I grieve for you.  I really do.  You deserved so much better than this.
You know what grinds my gears though?  Weakening every feminine trait and acting like kindness is a weakness.  I’m a pretty big Sansa fan and I have not liked what they’ve done with her this season either.  She had some legitimate concerns about food when Dany brought her dragons, but I just feel like she’s been bitchy because D&D think strong women can’t be kind.  There are some scenes they almost get it though.  Her reaching out to Theon and mourning Theon seemed a glimpse into Sansa’s character.  All this dumb woman on woman drama makes me retch.  I guess kindness and compassion isn’t something we need in this world.  Instead of forming positive female relations, every woman is a bitch out for herself.  I’m not saying I think Dany and Sansa should be butt buddies.  Sansa’s got plenty reasons to not be a huge fan of Dany, but instead of actually exploring these, they’ve resorted to making Sansa a bitch and Dany a madwoman.  Also, I can’t even express how much I loathed when D&D referred to Sansa as the new Littlefinger.  Fuck you.
You want to know some examples of strong, kind, compassionate women?  Moana.  Moana of Motunui, who was passionate about helping her people and who saw the worth in Te Fiti where no one else could.  Hermione Granger.  Hermione who was the brightest witch of her age, Hermione who worked her butt off, Hermione who still had time to help Neville when he was struggling, Hermione who helped Hagrid create a defense for Buckbeak, Hermione who offered her advice to Ginny and helped her as a positive female influence, Hermione who was overcome by emotion when the spiders were tortured before Neville and she stood up for him.  You can have strong, KIND characters.  You can have characters go through terrible ordeals and failures and still retain their kindness.  (Sorry, sorry, I am going off here.  Back to GOT)
Where do I even begin with my sweet Jaime?  Every ounce of character development absolutely shat upon.  Jaime suddenly not caring about innocent lives.  Jaime leaving Brienne.  I don’t think that Missandei’s death leading Dany to madness is good writing, but the absolute assassination of Jaime’s character just might lead me to madness.  What a waste.  
And then there’s everyone else.  Jon is so boring now and has no balls.  Arya is an emotionless killer because that’s kewl. Also, her killing the Night King was dumb, just sayin’. Robot!Bran is just...a mess.  Theon got a cheap ending, though he was given some of the better treatment.  Tyrion has been dumb af the last few seasons.  I remember falling in love with snarky and political Tyrion.  Him in season 2 is when he was at his best in my opinion.  When people say they love Tyrion, that’s the Tyrion they mean.  At this point I don’t think there are any characters who haven’t suffered some sort of derailment in their arcs.  It just hurts.
Finally I have to say that I don’t think this is the result of just bad writing and stupidity on D&D’s part.  I think it is flat out trolling.  They have to know how awful this is, and I think it’s on purpose.  It’s like they heard our complaints and basically said: “You want bad?  We’ll give you bad.”  
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I will finish the series, but it will hurt, especially if the leaks are true, and they’re looking that way.  Such a tragedy.  Game of Thrones was such a wonderful show.  It was such a wonderful world to be engulfed in, and now it’s just not.
I will still read and write fanfiction and still love previous seasons and be around in this fandom though.
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hueylaforet · 5 years
Fruits Basket reminds me a good time in my life in which I used to be cringy af and roleplayed it with friends on msn (I don’t even remember which character I used to be, though) and would post the result of the mess on fanfiction websites. Also, all my fujo friends used to send me KyoxYuki yaoi fanfiction even though I never shipped it myself, lmao.
Oh yeah, I used to like Yuki x Tohru more so I was disappointed when I found out who she ended up with as well.
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aesjae · 7 years
Boyfriend! Jeno
#3 of Boyfriend! Series
Taeil | Johnny | Taeyong | Yuta | Kun | Doyoung | Ten | Jaehyun | WinWin | Jungwoo | Lucas | Mark | Xiao Jun | Hendery | Renjun | Jeno | Haechan | Jaemin | Yang Yang | Chen Le | Jisung
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Word Count: 1,675 Style/ Genre: Headcanon/ - Date Posted: 31/08/17
okay but i’m getting soft for this little boy
but seriously tho never thought of a day i’d be so soft for him
let’s continue :-D
this boy may be said to be the most boring member but honestly?
he’s definitely not boring
he’d be a complete sweetheart tbh
instead of being boring, he’d probably have cliche approaches in the relationship
probably those cliche plots you read in fiction books or watch in movies
all those cringy teenage plots
amusement park dates, cafe and ice cream dates,
lyou’ve seen it, you name it
jeno would be a young gentleman 
wow i live for manners man, some teenage guys nowadays are rude af
teenage blues
he would pick you up at your house before every date and would ensure that he brings you back home right to your doorstep before heading home
your safety was his priority 
during the date itself, his actions would give you countless butterflies in your stomach
yep cliche much but what do you expect from a fluff scenario
he may be quite shy and awkward at the start of the relationship 
believe it or not, it would probably be his first relationship
it’ll probably make you wonder how no one actually liked this cute adorable handsome talented fluffball
but that’s cause he liked you and thus didn’t give anybody else a chance hehe
so this sweet boy would be quite nervous, and would probably be quite hesitant doing the simplest things
like holding your hand or slinging his arm around your shoulder or waist
no matter how many times you assure him that it is fine,
his considerate ( and self-conscious ) self would always ask for your permission first
deeper into the relationship, he would become quite comfortable with you
smoothly taking your hand into his as soon as both of you meet
and every time he holds your hand
he would gently circle his thumb on the top of your hand 
which makes you feel relaxed and safe
and when he holds you close by the waist
his gentle touch at your waist would send tingles through your body
his hugs would feel like home tbh
no one else could probably give you the same feeling of comfort and solace
he was your getaway
yes there would definitely be the teenage feels and all
but sooner or later it wouldn't be just pure infatuation
both jeno and you would realise a few months into your relationship that both of you were absolutely in love with each other 
by the way that he thinks of you
the potential of living together
being together every night and day
learning more about each other and the other party's lifestyle habits
these thoughts rejuvenated him
whenever he was facing immense stress
from school
from work
from society in general
these thoughts would comfort him
and motivate him to not give up and strive for better
as for you
being a student
having to juggle studies and work
commitments and responsibilities
both in school and at home
the time being with jeno was as if a great load of burden was momentarily lifted off your shoulders
whenever you were with him, it seemed like only a world with you and him existed
and that all the troubles in the world were okay
that everything was going to be alright
just a little text message or smile from him could energize you for a long day
both of you would probably not really be up for the cheesy couple items
because you both knew that you didn't need such things to reaffirm your commitments in this relationship
to both of you, the trust in the relationship was a granted
having mutual trust and respect for each other only strengthened the relationship
even though you were already reassured of Jeno's loyalty 
he would constantly prove to you and others of it 
even when other girls try to flirt with him he would kindly turn them down
explicitly stating that he was already in a committed relationship
and that was what you loved about him
that he was respectful of the bond both of you shared
and that he would request for other people's respect for it as well
occasionally, both of you would have special dates either at yours or his house during the weekends
maybe an exciting and lively saturday when both of you experiment baking different confectionary and pastries
which may end up with both of you having a food fight
i can totally imagine a messy kitchen with egg yolks and egg shells splattered all over the counter and floor
and both of your faces painted with white flour and chocolate chips stuck in your hair
i have no idea how they got there but ok
or maybe a lazy sunday when both of you chillax on the couch and take a nap after a heartwarming movie
you guys would have study dates after school during the examination periods
both of you would usually head to your favourite cafe 
which was located a few streets away from the school
so that it would be nice and quiet and away from the speculation of the student body
( but tbh everybody in school knew of your relationship with Jeno, and you two were a famous couple in school )
he would be very generous and patient
helping you with topics that you were unsure about
and would give you that lovely eye smile and puppy smile whenever you finally solved a question that you mulled over for long
he would spend his own money to buy you food and drinks even without you asking
bringing you a cup of hot chocolate as you were pulling your hair out over a challenging math question
and as you sipped on the cup of hot chocolate, 
there was warmth spreading into your heart
but you know it was not necessarily the warmth from the drink
but the consideration and sweetness of your boyfriend
he knew that hot chocolate helped you alleviate some stress
he was starting to know you better than you knew yourself
as he observed your habits and likings, mentally taking note of all of them
enveloping him a tight bear hug out of gratefulness
and Jeno would be taken by surprise by your hug but returned it nonetheless while chuckling slightly at your cuteness
he was always gentlemanly
making sure that you were comfortable with everything he did 
if he did something that you weren’t exactly happy about, he would try to avoid it to his best potential
but of course, there would be times when avoidance was impossible
some stuff is inevitable
and this may result in some arguments between the both of you
arguments were very uncommon, but there would definitely be arguments in every relationship
they usually would not be anything very major or serious
maybe just unhappiness from both of your sides
this is where Jeno’s stubbornness being a Taurus would come out
he might be quite bull-headed regarding some stuff and insist that you do it his way
and sometimes you would not be very satisfied with his decision, resulting in both of you arguing 
maybe for the next few hours both of you would be rather cold to each other
but both of you still loved each other and cared for each other
and even when both of you were apart and still angry or annoyed at the other party
both of you would oh so frequently check your phones for any messages or missed calls from the other party
most of the time, it would be Jeno who gives in to you and resolves the disagreement
adding on to the fact that he’s a Taurus, he would be concerned about his relationships with other people, especially with those he really cared about
hence, he wouldn’t like to go on the relationship with both of you being cold to each other for long
even if he had an ego to uphold
he would make the first move and ensure that the argument was resolved by the end of the day
because he didn’t want you to go to sleep/ not be able to sleep being bothered by whatever dispute occurred between both of you in the day
Jeno would like taking you out for simple dates too
like an evening walk in your neighborhood park
both of your fingers intertwined
taking a relaxing stroll side by side 
oh yes have i mentioned
your family would absolutely love Jeno
because yo i mean he’s so considerate, respectful, the sweetest boy and boyfriend in the world
even your parents would favour Jeno to bits
as if he were their own son
parents low key supporting your marriage with Jeno
cutest campus couple
the cafeteria staff would be like
“Oh! Our favourite student couple is here~ Here, take more food~”
even outside school both of you would be known
both of you wouldn’t even know how people from other schools knew you because both of you weren’t exactly high-key with your relationship
both of you just doing your own things
but i guess the cutest teenage couple in town would go to both of you
honestly, Jeno is just the sweetest thing?
he’s not just looks
he’s not just about his dAMN SLICK side profile
or that talent of dancing
or that adorable eye smile
he is so much more than that
loving him wasn’t difficult
but knowing how to appreciate him inside out was not something everybody could easily do
a lot of people may think that you liked him mostly for his visuals
but little did they know, this boy here
gave you life
gave you the greatest amount of moral support you could have ever asked for
you loved him for everything that he was
you felt that it was a miracle that he loved you back
he was more than you could ever dream of
i am really soft for Jeno but I didn’t really know how to write this Boyfriend! Jeno :-( I’m so sorry if this wasnt good-
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tassaudra · 7 years
So I found my old shitty art. And as I saw it, it was SO cringy AF! If ya wanna know what it looks like well here it is
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Cringy IK
So I decided to "Re-Draw" that and here's the result
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I just look at it and I think I've improve a lot ^^
Critics would be nice :)
Undertale!Chara / Toby Fox
Art / Meh @tassaudra
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