#restraining myself from mentioning old games
quamaii · 4 months
I am very normal, so I decided to assign all of the Our Wonderland main cast a Jack Off Jill song, as well as some duo songs. These are my personal interpretations of the songs and characters, however if I did get something blatantly wrong, please let me know. Admittedly I am not the most confident in some of these, but I think they work for the most part.
Spoilers as well as TW for self harm, suicide, abuse, and other dark topics under the cut!
Iggy — Strawberry Gashes:
Blaming yourself for the death of a friend due to suicide. Though that exact thing never happens with him (though getting quite close with Orlam), Iggy does often blame himself for the way his friends have turned out which is only exacerbated in Wonderland. The "her" in this song is meant to represent one person, but it honestly works with all of Iggy's friendships.
Turn her over
A candle is lit, I see through her
Blow it out and
Save all her ashes for me
Curse me, sold her
The poison that runs its course through her
Pale white skin with
Strawberry gashes all over, all over
Watch me lose her
It's almost like losing myself
Give her my soul
And let them take somebody else, get away from me
Watch me fault her
"You're living like a disaster"
She said, "kill me faster"
With strawberry gashes all over, all over me!
Genzou — Underjoyed:
Depression and all the self-deprecating thoughts and behaviors that come with it. Very representative of Genzou's mindset throughout a majority of the game. Also mentions alcohol as a coping mechanism.
An old friend convinced me that he was underjoyed
He never caused friction, his ego, he destroyed
He made a decision, he jumped into the void
Or maybe
Drown your fears in alcohol, everybody spills and falls
Choke on every dream you ever had
Drown yourself in alcohol, everybody slips and falls
Choke on every dream you ever had
Keep yourself in six degrees, no one ever comforts me
Why should they bother when I'm alone?
Orlam — When I Am Queen:
Someone with self-harming/suicidal tendencies fantasizing about when they will be crowned royalty and worshipped. They dream about being in control, getting revenge on everyone who wronged them, and seemingly try to romanticize their self harm.
When I am queen, I will insist
With perfect scars upon my wrists
That everything you once held dear
Is taken away from you
But until then, I'll have to
Drown, drown, drown myself!
Drown, drown, drown myself!
Drown, drown, drown myself!
Gidget — Cinnamon Spider:
Feelings of guilt and inadequacy. I'm not entirely sure what the song is about, but there is a theme about breaking free from expectations and reclaiming what is yours. Also, spider motif.
Consumed by hate and guilt, she'll never retire
Too old to fix, too dead to ever acquire
Slit wrists, talk shit but she will never inspire
A plan to save herself, the cinnamon spider
I, I, I, I, I won't try, I, I!
And I every time I tell that lie, I live without guilt
And I, I, I, I, I won't cry, I, I!
And I hope you love your life and live with your guilt
Bucks — Horrible:
Hatred. Both for yourself and the world. Bucks seems to be a very nice and genuine person at heart, but people's expectations of her cause her to turn into a hateful and angry person, both consciously (her joking about how she's a monster and playing up how tough she is) and unintentionally (developing restrained anger at being forced into a lifestyle she didn't want).
Fade into yesterday, searching for my youth
Trying to digest it all, searching for the truth
Self centered devil spawn, this makes me durable
Or am I criminal? I'm fucking horrible
And everything's horrible
Cecil — Vivica:
Looking into a friend's toxic relationship. Lyrics are very reassuring, talking about how you'll always be there for Vivica (who's Gidget in this case), and that she is very much beautiful and worthy of love and he (never given a name) is simply unaware. This song is mostly representative of Cecil's relationship with Gidget to me, however since they are so connected I feel like it's okay to put it as a solo song. The "he" represents a lot of different people to be homest, I feel like Iggy is the most obvious but it could also be Gidget's mom or generally anyone who's unaccepting of them.
He'll never change, he's just too vague
He'll never say you're beautiful
Oh, Vivica, I wish you well
I really do, I really do
The apple falls far from the tree
She's rotting and so beautiful
I'd like to keep her here with me
And tell her that she's beautiful
She takes the pills to fall asleep
And dream that she's invisible
Tormented dreams, she stays awake
Recalls when she was capable
Genzou/Iggy — Love Song:
Exactly what the title says. Has to be the most wholesome of JOJ's songs, hence I have assigned it to the healthiest relationship in the game.
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again
However far away
I will always love you
However long I stay
I will always love you
Whatever words I say
I will always love you
I will always love you!
Genzou/Orlam — Cockroach Waltz:
A toxic and codependent relationship. I already mentioned this song in relation to them, but it really does just fit them so well.
We hide in the cupboards
And under the stairs
We poison each other, but we know
That nobody cares
We look at each other
With a compound eye
See something that's nothing
And then start to cry
I am a part of you (oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)
You made me want (oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)
I am a part of you (oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)
I liked you once (oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)
Gidget/Iggy — Surgery:
Wanting to change yourself to try and mend a broken relationship. Themes of surgery and cutting, believing you are diseased and must be cured by the other person. Interesting in that the lyrics fit both Gidget and Iggy's POV: with Gidget trying to change their entire personality and identity to be more appealing to Iggy, and Iggy forcing himself to go along with Gidget's advances, believing it's something he has to do.
I can change, I can cut it open
Look at me the way you did before
I can change, diagnose the symptom
Buy the antidote but not the cure
Hold me under
Cut away this empty
Hold me under
Change the way I feel about you
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tezzbot · 10 months
2, 3, n 23 with the chaotix for the ask game?
AGH you picked hard ones GHJFH
2. Favourite canon thing about them. how much time do we have lmfao. Okay I'll pick like. one random canon fact each, restrain myself dfgdsf
Charmy, uhhh. OH I saw in one of the most recent comics he seems to have a very black and white strict internal moral code which is so six year old of him I love you Charmy
Espio, just the fact that he can read minds. GJFHDG I always always forget that fact and it makes me laugh every time he whips it out because it's clear that the other characters also always forget too. It's just a very funny fact about him<3
Vector, one of his attacks is just yelling. I'm obsessed wiyth him. Screams at you so bad your eardrums burst. He's the one causing the brain damage they mention in the song
3. Least favourite canon thing about them. See this ones hard because they're literally almost always well written, they haven't gone wrong ever . Well. In the mainline continuity
In I think it was sonic the comic Charmy was fucking HAAATED by like. every character like even Sonic beat him up for nothing and that upsets me to hell and back I'm forever and always on the Charmy defence team. Also the fact that in Archie he's never retconned from being 16. That's not a 16 year old literally blow up GJFH
SPEAKING OF ARCHIE Vector isn't Australian. I think it's one of those facts that I found out, disagreed with and now I'll die on the Vector Isn't Australian Hill just because it's a funny hill to die on GHJFH
And in the Archie timeskip arc Espio grows a goatee in the future. How. Ma'am that is a lizard don't put hair on that.
It is mostly just. I disagree with a lot of Archie on a fundamental level in Most Things LOL
23. Favourite image
THIS!!! It encapsulates the three of them very perfectly I think (and their living situation lmao) its actually my homescreen right now ^_^
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Although for Espio these crack me up a lot
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Now? Warp Ring.👍
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This one as well actually. Girl get up. BDJDBDHG and Charmy looks so LITTLEE I just really love them and their designs they're so unique and fun and cute Team Chaotix I Love Yo
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tildeathiwillwrite · 4 months
Fire Emblem: Rescue for the Gunblade Duo? 👀
-- @whumperofworlds
(in response to this prompt game)
Considering the last oneshot had Octavian rescuing Draven, I've decided that this time Draven must return the favor. Octavian might be magic-resistant but he's not immune to good old-fashioned chains.
June of Doom Day 8: "This is your last chance / Drowning / Chair / Prisoner Trade
Prompts List | Event Masterpost
Tales from Valaria Masterpost
Fandom: Original Work
Words: 1100
Taglist: @juneofdoom @fourwingedsnake @whumperofworlds @pigeonwhumps @mr-orion
CW: stealth, arguing, mentioned dissection, torture, rescue, passing out, chains, threats, pistol-whipping, implied drugging
A/N: I had to restrain myself from going crazy on the worldbuilding again like I did with the poison ficlet, but I think this turned out pretty well regardless! (even though this ask was from *checks notes* almost a month ago)
Draven had been inside the facility for a grand total of five minutes, and the incessant buzzing was already driving him insane. He didn’t quite believe Zel’s insistence that shutting off the source of the noise would make things worse. So what if the damned lights were emitting the buzzing? He had pretty good night vision, and if anything, making the whole place dark would work to their advantage.
Unfortunately, Zel knew her way around the facility and Draven didn’t, so he wasn’t allowed to argue with her, only grumble to himself as they snuck through the brightly-lit hallways, the buzzing noise echoing in his ears.
“Can you shut up!” She snapped, peering around a corner.
Draven fiddled with his pistol, clicking the safety on and off. “There’s no one around, Zel, it’s the middle of the night.”
She turned and glared back at him, her own weapon, an energy blade of some sort, raised as if debating if she wanted to stab him with it instead of the soldiers guarding the facility. “Yeah,” she hissed, “they’re all sleeping, and unless you want to wake them up and bring the whole place down on our heads, you’ll shut your damn mouth!”
Fair point. But Draven wasn’t in the mood to be logical. “Sure,” he muttered, “bring the guy who’s got a loud weapon on the stealth mission. Because that makes sense.”
If Zel heard him, she ignored him, instead darting into the open corridor, moving quickly and quietly. Draven followed, his own footsteps nearly as silent as hers. He’d run a fair few stealth missions in his time with the Guild, enough to know that her words and caution had merit. 
But he was getting antsy from all this waiting and watching and hiding. The longer they were in there, the more likely they were to get discovered.
And he couldn’t rescue Octavian if they got captured themselves.
Zel stopped abruptly and put a hand up, staring blankly into space. She did that sometimes, Draven didn’t really understand why, even after it had been explained to him. Some tech she’d somehow got connected to her head that allowed her to see a map of the facility. It was weird, but no weirder than some of the stuff he’d seen on other planets.
She pointed to a nearby door made out of reinforced metal. “There. That’s the cell block where they’re keeping him.”
“It’s locked, gimme a second to bypass it… done.”
The door clicked, and she quickly moved over and opened it, waving him inside. She quickly shut the door behind them, leaving it unlocked. Putting a finger to her lips, she raised her energy blade and crept along the hallway, lined with empty cells.
A voice echoed down the hallway, bouncing off the cream-colored tile floor. “Look,” the voice said, “this is your last chance.”
Draven made eye contact with Zel and waved with his pistol. She frowned, but let him take point. He crept down the corridor, careful not to make any sound.
“After your blood tests came back,” the voice continued, “the labs have been hounding me to let me have at you. Whatever information you’re protecting, it’s going to die with you on that operating table.”
Draven reached the source of the voice and paused, just out of sight from the cell interior. He peered between the bars, noting two people. One was a man in a sterile white coat, holding a clipboard and facing away from him. The other was Octavian, chained to a metal chair and staring blankly at the floor, an odd expression on his face. Next to the man in the white coat was a table covered with a variety of medical equipment and, Draven noted, Octavian’s knives, stained from his partner’s own blood and corresponding to a few deep scratches on his arms.
The cell door was open. This was almost too easy.
“Do you even understand the gravity of the situation?” The man in the white coat burst out as Draven slipped in through the open door. “I—!”
“I’d shut your damn mouth if I were you,” Draven said, clicking the safety off his pistol as he leveled it at the man’s head. The scientist froze, the clipboard dropping to the floor, and slowly raised his hands. “Turn around,” Draven commanded. He complied.
Zel moved around Draven and poked through his pockets, finding a small ring of keys. She raised it in front of the man’s face. “Which one goes to the chains?”
His jaw tightened, but he didn’t respond.
Draven pressed his pistol underneath the scientist’s jaw, positioned so that if fired, the bullet would pass through his throat on the way to his brain. “I suggest you answer the question.”
“I… hand me the keys. I’ll… I’ll show you the right ones.”
Zel frowned but handed back the key ring. His hands shook as he thumbed through the keys until he stopped on one with a rounded head. “This… this one…”
Draven slowly pulled the gun away from his throat as Zel took the ring and tested it on the chain cuffed around one of Octavian’s wrists. It fit.
As she moved to undo the rest of the chains, Draven turned back to the scientist. He bowed mockingly. “Thank you… for your cooperation.” With those words, he spun the gun around and struck the man across the face with the butt of the pistol. 
He crumpled to the ground, and Draven stepped over him as Zel helped Octavian to his feet. “You okay?”
Octavian’s eyes flicked between him and Zel. “I think…” he mumbled, listing to the side, “I think I’m going to….”
All the color drained out of his face and he slumped, Zel barely managing to catch him before he hit the floor. She swore under her breath as Draven came to their aid. “Damn interrogation techniques,” she muttered, staring into space and blinking rapidly. “We gotta get out of here. Can you carry him?”
Draven rolled his eyes before holstering his weapon and easily draping Octavian’s body across his shoulders. “He’s lighter than a feather. Just make sure you grab his knives, he’ll be pissed if we leave them.”
Zel sighed but did as he said, dismissing her energy blade to wield his partner’s weapons instead. “His blood’s… pink?”
“Do we really have time to discuss Valarian elf physiology?”
“No, we don’t.” She peeked out through the cell door. “Okay, coast is clear. Let’s split.”
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princesseevee06 · 1 year
i NEED to know what sei and kai think about shin and sou trying to act like each other. does sei look at sou attempting to act nice and go "he would NOT fucking say that"??? does kai look at shin attempting to act like his totally not ex and go "he would NOT fucking say that"?????? DO SOU AND SHIN LOOK AT EACH OTHER AND GO "I WOULD NOT FUCKING SAY THAT"?!?!?!?? it must be so awkward trying to steal your besties identity while he and your estranged childhood acquaintances watch...but the comedic potential... 😏
anon i need you to know the way you phrased this is SO goddamn funny i keep cackling whenever i look at it. omg.
i think the all time funniest part of this exchange is shin has NO IDEA who kai and sei are. and he certainly doesn’t know that THEY know sou. the thing about shin’s plan (yeah, i have to keep reminding myself that the identity swap was all shin’s idea) is that 1. he did not account for the fact that some of these people would know who sou is and 2. did not account for the fact that sou has ties to asunaro because HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO KNOW 😭 but all this ends up culminating in is kai and sei looking at shin with eyebrows raised like “🤨 what did sou coerce this poor boy into doing???”
i think i mentioned it before, but kai sei and sou have kind of a silent agreement of “well. i mean. i won’t tell anyone if you don’t tell anyone” because they all realize they’ll be high priority targets if they’re figured out, what with having ties to the organization that kidnapped everyone in the first place. so they play nice, and the satous internally cringe whenever they have to call sou “shin” and shin “sou” in front of everyone, and shin is completely oblivious to this entire conundrum 😭
IM SO GLAD you brought up the thing of if sou and shin thinks it’s weird that they’re acting like each other because they ABSOLUTELY DO. i need to preface with the fact that prior to death game it’s been ~3-ish years since they last saw each other? so shin and sou are very much still attached to the “old version” of each other, and that shines through in how they try to emulate each other as well. it’s really like….both of them are just like “is that. is that how he really thinks of me?” and for sou that statement is more accompanied with amusement whereas for shin it’s more like abject horror.
they would both chew each other out over it too. like “goddamnit you’re gonna get our cover blown” sou definitely looks at the way shin acts in the first main game and also his absolutely BIZARRE decision to whack himself over the head and pretend to have amnesia and is just like “i would not say that. i would not do that. what are you DOING” and yet he also has no way to defend himself because sou is TERRIBLE at acting like shin. shin will be like “ok i need you to do this and this and this” and sou will be like “uh huh uh huh [goes and does something completely different and ten times worse]” they’re so goddamn stupid
chapter 1 is definitely the funniest for this because sei has to watch sou act shy and timid and physically restrain themself from attacking him like a dog. it’s very much a scenario of the satou siblings looking at each other like “are you seeing this shit???” (i think that genuinely though kai would be somewhat worried about both shin and sou— and probably figure out before anyone else that what sou is doing for shin is similar to what he tried to do for sara. i think shin&sou and kai&sara actually do have a lot of parallels tbh)
anyways yeah. they’re all a mess. every single one of them
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pen-and-umbra · 1 year
Had to restrain myself from squirming on the edge of my seat during the latest FFVII Rebirth SGF 2023 trailer. It's stunning to see an open world and what appears to be traversing it.
Similarly, it's exhilarating to see the devs' new take on the old story. I like how the trailer emphasises the differences between Cloud's and Tifa's perspectives on the Nibelheim story. Instead of making Cloud doubt his memory integrity and, ultimately, himself, Jenovaroth now sows seeds of conflict between Cloud and Tifa, the only person in OG who could validate his identity. At first, Sephiroth's wording – which bears uncanny similarities to the way Ifalna described "the calamity from the skies" – led me to believe that the entire speech was a ruse; that despite the shown footage, his remarks concerned Aerith and Cloud's "memories from the future" of her death. Nonetheless, after rewatching the FFVII Rebirth first look trailer and viewing the SGF Japanese trailer, it became clear that Sephiroth was referring to Tifa. It's worth noting that in the remake, Tifa expresses much more dissatisfaction with the inconsistencies in Cloud's story than she did in the original. Furthermore, she asserts her hesitations to Aerith. I appreciate that the developers appear to have put a lot more effort into creating a genuine bond between the heroines; in the remake, it actually looks and feels like a solid, fully-fledged friendship, as opposed to a more situational thing in the original. This is a great touch.
But let us return to the conflict between Cloud and Tifa. Jenovaroth employs a divide and conquer strategy, seeding discord among allies. And, based on Tifa's reaction in the first look trailer, he may have succeeded in planting doubts in Cloud's mind, making him susceptible to manipulation. A flashforward/vision of Cloud as one of the robed men converging at the Northern Crater adds to the idea. And, as ridiculous as it sounds, I must begrudgingly admit that this twist on Cloud's identity plotline may lend credence to THAT theory. The theory in question is one in which Sephiroth pursues Tifa rather than Aerith.
Indeed, assuming this new, never-before-seen Sephiroth has knowledge of the future and is pursuing the OG's goal, it makes no sense for him to kill Aerith. In the OG, it was her spirit in the Lifestream that thwarted his plans and in the end prevented him from succeeding through Geostigma later in Advent Children. As a result, killing Aerith again is detrimental to his schemes and will lead him down the same path. Not to mention that it weakens the theme of changing the future. Nonetheless, it has been widely reported that the developers intend to stick to the OG general outline. This is where the question arises: what constitutes adhering to OG's course? If the details were omitted, the bare bones of THAT scene would be as follows: Sephiroth murders someone close to Cloud, someone who has influence over his psyche. It could very well be Tifa this time, given the circumstances depicted in the remake. Killing her or otherwise removing her from Cloud's trusted circle would eventually result in Cloud's personality fragmenting as a result of Sephiroth's manipulation – and turning him into a useful tool at length . Looking at the remake materials from this perspective, the fact that the developers spent extra time fleshing out the bond between Aerith and Tifa becomes a little more unsettling. Tifa, not Cloud, rushed to Aerith's aid in both the sewers and the ShinRA labs, a minor detail that Aerith even makes fun of in-game. Could this pattern be a foreshadowing? Is it possible that Tifa rushes to Aerith during THAT scene and ends up taking the ill-fated hit instead?.. Questions, questions, questions.
Such a deviation without a doubt has repercussions that effectively change the state of affairs in-game. But who's to say Jenovaroth sticks to his original plans?
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hunterxmilo · 2 years
Thank you for answering my ask....if you don't mind me, can I ask something (again) from Kuroko no Basket? What do you think are Kuroko and Kagami’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic? Sorry if you've answered these questions before.....Thanks....
No problem at all! I took some time to figure out exactly what I wanted to write while at work so I think I have a clear enough answer 😅
Strengths and Weaknesses:
Starting off with Kagami’s weakness I’d have to say it’s how he can get fired up TOO much over things that get him angry and ultimately hinder his performance on the court. It’s one thing to get fired up and use that passion to get stronger but it’s another thing if you go to far that it hurts your performance instead.
His strengths lie in how much drive and passion he has for basketball. He knows he wants to be the best in Japan and even though he’s told this or that about how he plays or that he’s weak or whatever, but nothing stops him from pushing himself further and solely focuses on getting stronger himself to and to help his team.
Kuroko’s weakness was tough to boil down to one thing but it comes down to himself being too reserved about himself and his self doubt at times. Although seeming calm and collected can help not cause any concern for others, letting things that bother him and letting his mind jump to conclusions isn’t healthy. This is especially seen when he mistook Kagami’s words saying they couldn’t work together anymore. Instead of having him explain and find out what Kagami meant by this, he kept quiet and his mind went straight back to Aomine abandoning him and thinking Kagami and him were saying the same thing. (Thankfully this gets resolved and Kagami being blunt saying he’s always meant for them both to get stronger and then come back stronger together is such a happy moment.
Now for his strength is similar to Kagami’s being determined and passionate for basketball. No matter how many times he’s told his style of playing or what makes someone the best gets shot down by his old teammates, he still never gave up or submitted to their way of thinking. He always has strong hope and belief in Kagami and Serin to help them and him reach their goals.
Their Dynamic:
They keep surprising each other. When one begins to fall the other is there to push them forward or take the lead. Earlier mentioned even when it seems Kagami is giving up on them acting as a team, it’s Kagami that surprises Kuroko showing his mind set isn’t like the rest of his ex teammates/friends and that he never has given up on him believing Kuroko will lead his team to being #1. Kuroko on the other hand also surprises Kagami (not just with cute jump scares) with his own strength and personal growth.
There’s so many other moments that show how strong the bond these two share, along with how much they care for each other. It’s seeing Kuroko defeated/frustrated tears and him starting to lose hope during their second game against Aomine that Kagami admits that Kuroko has always been the one to save him and that it was finally time for him to save Kuroko. That moment plus entering The Zone just gives me chills.
Lastly (cause this is turning into an essay 😅) is that off the court they are literally like an old couple who loves bickering when they’re not sharing a heart to heart. Kuroko’s cool and composed personality is such a great balance to Kagami’s fiery temper. Kuroko has such great monotone sass that next to anyone would seem boring but when Kagami overreacts over his simple jabs even that makes Kuroko seem a bit badass for riling up the tiger.
Thanks again for this ask! It was really fun to take time to think about it this and put it into words even though I felt I could write a short book about them but I had to restrain myself for mine and everyone’s sake 😅.
(Just look at this precious child)
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svartalfhild · 1 year
What’s your favorite High Fantasy Story?
Oh boy. What a big question. Buckle in; this is going to take a minute.
Okay, so as you might expect, it's very hard for me to say one particular story is my absolute favourite, especially considering how I engage with the genre across many different types of media, so let me talk about a few different stories arranged by medium.
Obviously the works of Tolkien are high on my list of favourites. LOTR is the ur-story of Western high fantasy.
I've mentioned it many times before, but the Starlight & Shadows trilogy by Elaine Cunningham has always been a big favourite of mine and a very formative read for me when I was a preteen. If you like DnD, elves (esp. dark elves), and/or morally complicated female protagonists, this one is for you. It also has a romance between a wizard and a barbarian and incorporates lots of aspects of Forgotten Realms lore that take inspiration from Norse and Slavic mythology.
Film and TV
LOTR defs makes this list again. I am the Spiders Georg for Times Watched LOTR Movies.
The Witcher. "But Svar, why did you list this here and not under books?" Because the books are full of misogyny. Don't get me wrong, the books have good stuff, but the Netflix series got rid of a lot of the misogyny that I greatly dislike about the books (and games). I also just really enjoy the show in its own right. The Blood Origin miniseries spinoff is super good too and I'm sad it got no attention. Are there flaws? Yes. But I really like the story they're trying to tell and Slavic folklore doesn't get nearly enough interest in Western media.
The Mythica Films. This is a series of five indie fantasy films that are clearly inspired by DnD and they are the best indie fantasy movies I've ever seen. They tell the story of a young disabled woman talented with magic who finds out she's got dark powers and has to run for her life. Matt Mercer plays the main villain and weirdly enough, these movies were the first time I ever saw him, and I was actually wary of Critical Role at first because those movies gave me the odd impression that he's an edgelord, even though he's a very sweet person irl lol.
Honor Among Thieves is brand new, but it instantly won my heart as a favourite. How can it not? It's set in DnD's Forgotten Realms and is about platonic friends raising a child together while also being about whacky heist shit. A story after my silly aspec heart.
Okay, I'mma have to restrain myself and give you top five here, because otherwise we're gonna be here all day.
The Baldur's Gate Saga. Fucking old but truly great. The OG. The 90's graphics might turn a lot of people off these days, which is unfortunate, because they are amazing games, especially with the Enhanced Editions and the new Siege of Dragonspear expansions. It's the story of an unwitting child of the God of Murder, and you can either embrace what you are, struggle against it, or try to ride the line. I personally find the struggle against one's blood and supernatural urges a much more compelling story. It's the struggle to become something other than what you were made to be while also being pulled towards your destiny and have to choose what to do with the power that is given to you. It is the struggle for your soul and the souls of those you love. It is a journey to the Hells and a rise from its ashes, and you have to choose what the phoenix looks like. Also there's a man who carries a miniature giant space hamster everywhere with him and a gnome obsessed with turnips, to name just a few of the incredibly silly aspects of the story.
The Elder Scrolls series. The worldbuilding in TES is amazing for the specific reason that it's such a fucking mess. The folks at Bethesda and Zenimax have taken the unique approach of building the lore like historians collecting a bunch of conflicting primary sources. That's fucking fascinating because it makes the world feel more realistic. The real world is full of conflicting information, especially regarding history, and we all have to decide what we think is true based on the information given to us. Also TES III: Morrowind in particular is the most game of all time. You can tell it was made by a bunch of freaks and it's creatively braver than many of the major RPGs that have come out since. Bethesda just went "what if we did a game about the land of the dark elves, and that land is full of mushroom trees and all the fauna is either some sort of unique reptile, insect, or jellyfish- no it's not underground- anyway, here's an epic story about destiny, revenge, cultural conflict, and the gods being deeply flawed- also there's a bit where you have to kill a giant jellyfish with a fork you got from a lizard man called Big Head".
The Dragon Age series. All things considered, DA is a pretty conventional high dark fantasy story, but it has enough of its own unique twists and interesting writing/worldbuilding to be special to me. Each game has a different protagonist and a different type of story, but there's some themes that are consistent across the series. I would say the central theme of DA is finding the strength to do what must be done, even though you never asked for the responsibility and by rights shouldn't even be here. I think that's really compelling if you're the kind of person who has dealt with a lot of imposter syndrome in your life.
The Pillars of Eternity games. I don't think PoE gets nearly enough love. It has rich, carefully crafted lore that gets into things that other series tend to half-ass, like the linguistic aspects of the worldbuilding. Across the two games, Obsidian really delves deep into difficult discussions about mental illness, the relationship between gods and mortals, the cycle of life and death, ethics in magic, the effects of imperialism, and trying to make huge decisions when the right answer isn't clear. Also the visual style of these games is impeccable, as is the music.
Neverwinter Nights. This is where my love of DnD began. I watched my uncle play this game when I was a kid and I instantly fell in love with its whole vibe. The main campaign might hit different these days, because the story involves a deadly plague and the protag has to recover the pieces of a potential cure while also uncovering cult shit. There's a whole betrayal/scapegoat thing going on that's super tragic. Anyway, pile this one on the list of reasons I grew up to be a DnD obsessed goth.
If you follow me, you're probably familiar with how much I love the DnD actual play show Critical Role. I've been watching since 2016 and I'm forever amazed at the compelling stories the cast and the dice rolls have built across three campaigns now.
Black Dice Society is my other favourite DnD actual play show. It's Ravenloft, so it's a gothic horror/high fantasy fushion. It has two seasons and tells such a beautiful story about the struggle for love and power.
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HELLOOO ask game trade!
11 + keith, 15, 21 + do you find writing is more a stressor or a stress relief? do you do it when you're bored or is it something you have to Commit(TM) to?
I LIVE!! It's finally my day off so please enjoy 11+Keith: so in Possessive! there's a sequence where in Keith, a man who needs to have a lie down if he drinks more than a cup of coffee a day, slams a redbull and tries to do a show without passing out. He tries to fight one of his hecklers and has to be restrained by Mickey who's running around trying to keep Keith show on track and also track down James who is incredibly delirious and loose in the building. Somehow makes Keith's top ten performances I write cause I'll wanna read something and it doesn't exist but the ideas just Sitting There so I grab it and run like an overzealous walmart shoplifter does a bulk box of ritz crackers (worth it, would do again), and fling it into existence. I regrettably have rather niche tastes so my writing is a constant mantra of 'don't you dare sacrifice creativity for marketability, such is the death of originality' and 'irony is the death of sincerity'. I have the object permanence of a four year old so to have writing that i like (and usually have no memory of writing) as a testament to my own skill and passion is a delightful ego boost when imposter syndrome curb stomps me. I hate writing for the fear of how it reflects upon myself and my own worth; which is precisely why I write. I will beat perfectionism to death with a sledge hammer to live a happier life and by god if writing elaborate stories about magicians is how I gotta do that then I'm Gonna. All of the above. I write when I'm bored, my brain is constantly working on character dev, jokes, plotlines so my default is dumping stuff into notes app to be used later. Some recent excerpts; * If you were to ask them what they thought James was doing in that precise moment the answers would've been along the lines of 'crying over spilt milk.' They would be incorrect; it was actually a 12oz tub of Greek Yoghurt he dropped. *Indicate Kathy's evil by her eating one of those fucked up leech hoovers (IMPORTANT: WE LIKE THE LEECHES, THEY ARE OUR FUCKED UP CREATURES) * Glorpy. To the same end I will Commit to some projects like TGI (which is not dead I just had a wrist injury and wasn't able to take the 4 hours of inking to do safely rip). Some of those don't see the light of day (Death with[out] Dignity) but nevertheless. It is a stress relief to Create but stressful to be an Artist. Most of the stress is either from internal failures in the writing I'm bending over backwards to fix OR the above mentioned psychological torture I inflict upon myself. Either way I write things, good or otherwise :]
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thesummerstorms · 11 months
Anyway, I'm still revising this character as I explore the game and learn the lore. I started with a Mystra/Sage background for this cleric, knowing only minor spoilers about Mystra and Gale and because I myself love the whole magic librarian lore seeker thing.
But through play, I think she actually fits better as a cleric of Elistraee with an Acolyte or Folk Hero background.
(I still want to keep her a Tempest Domain Cleric despite Elistraee being typically light/life/nature. But I can probably spin something thematic about her finding beauty/the representation of freedom in lightning and a good storm.)
Her name is still Sylereth for now, even though I really want to change it.
I probably will keep her with Wyll as she's come out pretty Ace, so his slow, romance-focused relationship works.
The background I've developed: She's dramatically less traumatized than most of her companions.
Sylereth's relationship with her mother is messed up. Her mother being Malthenes Thalwest, high Priestess of Corellon, a 600 something year old elf who has come to see the shorter lived races as dismissively, and has some background Rhea-from-Fire-Emblem scheming/social domination/manipulation going on.
But her mother left a good portion of her actual raising to two of the Temple retainers, Pelingail Gilroch, a former mercenary (Eldritch Knight), and her platonic husband, Faelon Dinalagos, a grumpy clerk with a penchant for music and cantrips. Their support sheltered and nurtured Sylereth where her mother wouldn't, and she's relatively well adjusted because of it.
Her mother absolutely has some scheming plan involving her, and was coldly furious when she ran off from the Temple of Corellon with a member of Pelingail's old crew and eventually became a cleric of Elistraee. But she's biding her time because elves are so long lived and she sees Sylereth as basically a rebellious young adult in her mid/late 200s. So far, Sylereth hasn't actually had to confront whatever is going on there, though she still gets weirdly passive and restrained at the mere mention of her mother
Prior to the game she had just landed in Baldur's Gate at the request of another cleric, and was rooming in the lower city in the spare room of a sweet, elderly half-elven land lady. She loathed the smells of the city, but her land lady kept chickens and quilted and baked on the regular, and it was all very homey.
Pelingail absolutely shows up looking for her in Act 3, scimitar in hand and shouting a very long lecture in Elvish that has Jaheira cackling. Sylereth is mortified, even though the other companions with her don't speak Elvish. The tone is enough, and Gale won't stop smirking.
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onewomancitadel · 3 years
self-indulgent question because it's what I'm totally into lately, have you played Disco Elysium at all? It's got a lot of meaty literary thematics going on it feels like you'd be interested in.
Self-indulgence is always welcomed on my blog!!! That’s the whole point of it.
I have heard good things about Disco Elysium and I feel like (not checking duckduckgo) didn't a bloke who worked on the original Deus Ex work on it? (Melikes that one).
I like games that embrace game genre and cultivate their own literary conventions, and apparently DE does that, so it sounds interesting. I'm a big neo-noir/cyberpunk fan and I think that's probably where its peers are found. (I think some of my favourite games writing is anything Mr. Solas Dragonage-related, but he's a) extremely divisive and b) a very thin slice of the Inquisition experience, so he's not the whole game, though he may be for DA4... I think there's a lot of clever stuff they've done with him literarily and intertextually with trickster gods, as well as how he radically shifts as a character based on empathy and character decision).
On the other hand I think I was initially put off because I wasn't sure how much I felt like investing in a detective noir story at the time that has lots of themes of mental illness/dereality.
Generally I'm kind of behind on game releases, I play oldish games like Sims 2 and recently the original PC Black and White, also did a few playthroughs of Fable TLC, though these are all games I played way back when XDD (*sigh* sad mental illness time, it takes a lot for me to let myself do things that bring me joy (e.g. play video games) because I feel guilty about it so that's partly why I avoid games, that and I used to play with Dad a lot and I live very far away from home, so new releases would be more funner if he were around. Last game we played together was Breath of the Wild and the last time I was home around two years ago we sat on the couch with Mum and that was how my last afternoon before I left was spent XD).
I think my boyfriend would probably like DE actually... you just gave me a present idea :D thanks for that :D (he's the one who made me watch True Detective, so go figure his taste!) then I can make him play it and I can watch him play it (ahhh I miss doing that as a kid - I'm sure that's why I like watching speedrunners).
Okay even if I don't end up playing it I'm very pleased now XD thanks anon! Hope you're having a good day!
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Corpse Husband x Bimbo!Reader (Female)
Warnings: Mentions of Slut Shaming, Swearing
Genre: Fluff, Tiniest bit of Angst, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: When some rumors start floating around, every content creator does their best to either ignore them or defuse the situation. However, sometimes, the fans attempt to do the defusing themselves which only leads to a worse disaster. That’s the case for Corpse whose fans were quick to jump to his protection of some ‘false’ rumors.
Requested by Anon. Hi dear! Thank you so much for your request, it was a joy to write. I’m sorry for how long it has taken me to complete and post the fic but here it finally is and I hope you enjoy reading it at least half as much as I enjoyed writing it! Love, Vy ❤
Corpse cracks his knuckles, then his shoulders, then his collarbone, then the his neck. He clenches his jaw as he breathes steadily and rhythmically, trying to control an overwhelming wave of anger that he has never felt before. This is a situation he’s never had to deal with nor did he ever think he’d have to deal with and address on a fucking livestream on top of all, but here he is now, doing his best to count to ten and not go on a Twitter responding spree, calling people out on their bullshit. He wanted to do so, he still wants to, but he was stopped in his intentions and brought to a calm mindset where he was swayed into dealing with this the civil way and not by roasting the fuck out of any and every foul-mouthed person he’s seen on his Twitter timeline.
He can’t really guarantee and civility during the stream either, he’s aware his tolerance is as thin as a stretched out, old rubber band and is a slight tug away from snapping and allowing him to unleash hell on these people because of who he’s been seeing red these past few days. 
Let’s not risk a misunderstanding here - Corpse absolutely loves and adores his fans, but seeing this behavior from them is quite upsetting and disappointing. When he uses the terms like ‘assholes’, ‘jerks’ and ‘rude motherfuckers’ he isn’t referring to them. He knows they are good people, but are using the completely wrong tactic of defending him, not to mention he doesn’t even need defending. Even if he did, he’s more than capable of doing it on his own and not getting other people involved.
“Hello everyone, hope you’re doing well.“ He finally settles on saying, officially kicking off the stream. If there’s any indicator of the serious nature of this stream, it’s probably the lack of lo-fi and the lack of even attempted playfulness and cheeriness in his voice. That’s how you know shit isn’t to be messed around about. “I just realized I didn’t specify what I’ll be doing in the Tweet, but I’ll tell you now, so those who aren’t interested in the subject or want to steer clear of the drama can leave. However, I wouldn’t advise clicking off considering this will be an overall, how do I say this, rant, of sorts? It’s meant to knock some sense in the people who have been spreading hate for a specific person on all social media platforms she’s active on.“
The majority of the viewers are already familiar with the subject, some even guilty of spreading the hate Corpse mentioned, but there are a few that are completely clueless - the ones actually not interested in online drama, not just saying they ‘hate drama’. With those people in mind, Corpse takes to addressing the issue from its very beginning.
“So, for a month now, me and this streamer, who’s also a TikTok star, by the name of Y/N have been interacting a lot on social media. She’s an incredibly sweet girl that a lot of people have prejudice towards. She’s very misjudged and misunderstood because people see he solely as her content, if that makes sense. They only know she’s that streamer who wears revealing clothes on her streams and posts risqué pictures on her Instagram. Like, no.“ Corpse cannot even fully believe he has to address this and that slut-shaming people is still a thing in the twenty-first century. He closes his eyes for a moment, fist tightening and his knuckles turning white, “I don’t understand how so many people can be so shallow and just plain jerks towards her in general, but then again - this is especially for my fans, the members of my fandom - I don’t understand the need you guys feel to put Y/N down to defend me from some ridiculous rumors as if it’s the first time I’ve had to deal with people talking shit for attention or to get someone canceled.“ He sighs, reminding himself to slow his roll as to not confuse any viewers who still don’t know the full story, “Anyway, back to the timeline of events. So, considering we’ve never interacted before, all the replying to comments, retweeting, liking posts and whatever sparked some dating rumors. Isn’t that just fucking hilarious - you see two people interacting on social media and the first thing that comes to mind is that they’re in a romantic relationship. Where did the friendship go? Does no one value or consider friendships to be a valid type of human relation anymore?“ He runs a hand through his hair, making another pause to clear his mind and prevent his frustration from overflowing. He promised he wouldn’t lose his cool and would remain calm and collected, but the more he talks about it the tighter he clenches his fist and the faster his heartrate is. His neck and ears are red from the tension he feels all over, almost like he’s physically restraining a raging wild animal and not just his own thoughts and emotions.
There’s layers to his anger, the lower ones - aka the ones he’s yet to get to - will be a nightmarish test of his self-control, he already knows it. Judging by how much of a toll this rant has already taken on him, his patience and control growing thinner and thinner, he’s not sure how he’ll power through the last layers without his voice raising awfully high in volume and his fists searching for some object to punch. To an ignorant eye, his reaction would seem exaggerated and overboard, but little does that ignorant eye know...
“When some of my fans saw those rumors, they reacted very badly. It was quite disappointing to see. Guys, I appreciate you standing up for me even though you shouldn’t do that - I can defend myself, not that this was a matter I needed defending from to begin with. But just the way some of you went about it was horrifically wrong and quite upsetting, to me but especially to Y/N herself.“ He can feel it, the aggravation growing, bubbling up in his chest, “What I saw disgusted me, I’m not gonna sugarcoat it. The things some of you were saying...I couldn’t believe you are in fact the same people who are my fans, my lovely fans who I’ve always thought so highly of. Never did I think you could be able of slut-shaming so vulgarly and grossly, I couldn’t believe what I was reading.“
He has every right to be upset - the things being said about Y/N were truly awful and a lot of things being said were meant to defend Corpse and defuse the rumors, doing so while stomping all over Y/N and her content. Rightfully so, many of her fans were outraged and quick to jump to her defense but were unfortunately outnumbered, leading Corpse to believe not many of her fans are actually real or as dedicated as his which only fueled his fury further.
Anyway, let’s take a look at Y/N’s point of view. Being a content creator for as long as she has, refusing to change her style no matter how many people disagreed and insulted her about it, she’s grown quite used to people spitting insults at her on every social media possible. It’s sad how throughout the majority of her content creating career she’s only had haters, creeps and fake fans watching her videos and streams. Rare are those in her fandom who’d actually stick up for her and defend her in ‘scandals’ such as this one. However, no amount of experience with dealing with hate could have prepared her for this outpour of some of the meanest shit she’s ever heard and been called in her life.
Y/N likes the content she makes, she’s comfortable in her skin and loves her body. She loves showing it off too and nor she nor anyone who wants that deserves to be shamed for who they are and what they do, especially when they aren’t hurting anyone and their content is still appropriate. People have always bashed her for all elements of who she is: her appearance, her clothing style, her streams, her gaming skills, her voice on occasion. She can count the instances when she’s received positive feedback on the fingers of her hands which would depress anyone else but not her. She’s always created content for her own amusement and entertainment so people’s opinions never really bothered her. Until now, until this very drama that has hit a specific nerve, an insecurity of hers she’s never talked about. The comments such as:
(Vy Speaking: Comments containing slut-shaming ahead, go to ### if you want to skip)
“Corpse would never date a slut like her“
“Corpse dating this thot? Please internet stop being ridiculous“
“Corpse ain’t a pimp, y’all need to chill“
“Even if they datin they gon break up soon - whore stays a whore“
bothered her far more than she’d like to admit. She has no one to open up about it either, she knows what she’ll get in response if she does - she’ll be told it’s her fault. Her fault because of the way she dresses, the way she talks and acts, because she chose this career to begin with. All her fault. The only person she can turn to she refuses to because she doesn’t want to be a bother - not after so many people confirmed her worries that she’s not good enough for him already anyway, the least she can do is avoid bothering him the best she can.
And that is exactly why this has upset Corpse so much.
“Here’s a little message specifically meant for those who claimed I’d never date someone like Y/N or specifically Y/N. You better listen carefully: Don’t you ever, and I mean EVER slut-shame my girlfriend or any other person ever. I cannot believe I have to explicitly remind you that your behavior isn’t ok. You should fucking know that your behavior isn’t right and that you’re a massive piece of shit for saying those awful things about others you judge solely on appearance and clothing. Does it surprise you that I am, in fact, dating Y/N? If you say yes for the reason you think she’s not good enough for me or that I deserve better, please get the fuck out of my fandom. No one disrespects my girl and gets away with it. That’s final!“
Though still under the influence of a flurry of negative emotions, overhearing Corpse literally telling people to exclude themselves from his fandom for being mean to her, Y/N’s taking a step towards emotional recovery knowing her boyfriend will always have her back. He’ll always be there to prove people wrong, defend her and stand by her. He’ll be there to catch her when the hate knocks her off her feet.
But most importantly: he’ll never ask her to change. Not her style, not her clothes, not her personality, nothing. He fell for her the way she is and for who she is, and he will never allow anyone to try to change her either. For someone who’s never had much support all her life, a single speck of support overpowers all the hate within the blink of an eye. Corpse will always be her knight in shining armor, the knight who defeated all the hateful demons by just entering her life. And though she’s still struggling with the ‘Am I good enough for someone so wonderful?’ and ‘He deserves better, doesn’t he?’ questions, with his hand holding hers, she’ll never let those doubts and insecurities overpower her.
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @hisokaslefttiti
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mrsmaybank · 4 years
My Little Sun - Spencer Reid x Reader
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 It could not be heaven because her actions, her sounds and her intentions were the opposite of sanctity and purity: they were sinful. So bad and so good that you could get the two confused.
A/N: Shiiit!!! Sorry this mediocrity took so long!!! Anyway, let me know if you want me to clear anything up and please let me know if you like it. Kisses <3
I had the right to be upset, but I knew I shouldn’t be. Hotch was right, I could not work the case nor was I in the state to. It was for my own good and maybe the sanity of the rest of the team. I was a mess. He “ordered” me to go get some sleep in the breakroom, knowing I would never agree to go home. But like always, I couldn’t sleep. That wasn’t unusual and my brain began me to torture me with a movie of my most recent memories. 
9 Days Ago 
Friday - 8:49 PM
“I waannt Thaiiii foooood!” Only she could make my heart melt while simultaneously whining and disagreeing with me. She tightened her grip on my hand, “Pretty, pretty please?”
“We had Thai last week.” I looked down at her as we continued walking down the streets. “And plus, you love the Greek place.” She pouted and continued to ramble about why Thai was so much better. Even complaining, her company was so comforting and calming that I was genuinely relaxed, despite the roars of taxi cabs and the indistinct chatter of drunk city goers. 
“Oh my god! Don’t look! Do not look left!” She skipped to my right, “Look-look at me!” I watched her skip around me and cling to my right arm before her little hands grabbed my face and pressed her mouth to mine. 
“Sweetheart,” I tried to get out of her grip but she cut me off by pressing her body to mine and continuing the frenzied kiss. As soon as she needed a breath, I spun in the other direction. “You’re a monster.” I grabbed her hand and we ran to it immediately. A life-size and functioning chess board under an array of colorful lanterns and vines. It was probably a contemporary art piece and I silently thanked whoever created it. I wrapped my arms around her as I excitedly admired it. “Why didn’t you want me to see this?” I whispered into the small of her neck. “Is it because I always beat you at chess?” 
She backed up from me offended, “You don’t always beat me!” 
I grabbed her once more, not liking the space between us. “If you took all of our games, looked at my wins and your losses, I’ve won 98% of the time.” 
“Yeah well…” she tiptoed and grazed her lips against mine, “I win 100% of the time.” I was confused, “At this.” She pressed her entire body to mine and finally kissed me.
“Don’t know,” 
“What you’re,”
“Starting little,”
She grabbed my hand and twirled herself around just to fall back onto me. I caught her, just like she knew I would. I trusted her and she trusted me, and that was the best feeling in the world. “I love you.” I said, still supporting all her weight. 
She stood upright and gave me a light kiss. “I love you so much Spencer.” 
I couldn’t see anything in the world but her. “I would do anything for you.” 
She perked up with a sneaky glint in her eye, “Would you eat Thai two weeks in a row?” She grinned. 
I sighed. She won. “Yeah,” I pushed the hair out of her face, “I would. Let’s go get some.” 
“If..” she rolled her eyes, “We play on the walk back.” I motioned to the board. “I’ll go easy on you.” 
“You’re on Dr. Reid.” she snarked back. 
8 Days Ago
Saturday - 2:31 PM
Saturday was one of those stereotypical rainy days where the world seemed slowed. The pitter patter of the raindrops and the light music of her favorite record created a symphony of other-worldly peace for me. I left our room, and there she was, my perfect girl sitting criss crossed at my desk. I perched over her, laying a sweet kiss on her cheek. 
“So..I was thinking macaroons…” she scrolled through different catering sites, “But cupcakes are a must too.” I watched her plan in adoration. Never in my life had I been so sure of anything. But I wanted to marry this girl and spend every last day of my life like this one and there was no question about it. It was that simple. 
“Spence?” she broke me out of my lovelorn daydreams of growing old together.
“Yeah?” I answered. 
“Chocolate or red velvet? There is one right answer.” her eyes narrowed. 
“Oh,” I knew exactly what she wanted me to say, “Red velvet. All the way.” 
“You really are a genius.” She teased and began to scribble ‘Red Velvet’ on the small notebook next to her. I looked at the list of random little things she’d written down in preparation for the day. It assured me she was just as infatuated with the idea of a future together as I was. I sighed, “Even your handwriting is cute.” 
“Duh..” she retorted and I rolled my eyes, “Can I read you the food list?” I gently lifted her off the desk seat, “You can read it to me on the couch maybe?” 
She nodded and grabbed her notebook. I sat first, and she took the opportunity to crawl in my lap. It’s like our bodies were made for each other because she just fit so perfectly there. 
“For the dessert table, hazelnut, pistachio and vanilla macaroons. From the French bakery in downtown. Obviously.  Red velvet cupcakes from that bakery JJ told me about. Remember the ones she ordered for her baby shower?” I nodded. “Those.”
“White chocolate macadamia nut cookies, and if I get my way..”
“You always do.” I teased. “Yeah, and don’t forget it.” she smiled, “Tiny little cheesecake squares.” 
“I’m glad we’re on the same page.” I said. “Of course! A lot of tiny desserts are waaay better than one big cake.” 
“And more sanitary.” It was her turn to sigh.
“Yes yes, and more sanitary.” She laid her head in my chest and closed her eyes.
 “I told Penelope we’d meet her at the restaurant at 3.” 
“But it’s raining!” I complained. Truthfully, I just didn’t want this moment to end. She gave me a look and I stopped my protests. “Y’know if we order an Uber instead of taking the metro, we might have time to take a nice…” her words purposely trailed, “Long...hot shower.” She didn’t really have to say much else, batting her eyelashes to give this heart wrenching illusion of innocence. I wasn't buying it. Then, being way too coy for her age, she ran her hands up my chest and flashed me a coquettish grin. It was textbook but, goddd. Her smile alone turned me on to an extent it shouldn’t. 
I let her off my lap and stood up instantly, grabbing her hand and leading her to our bathroom. “Now.”
7 Days Ago 
Sunday - 9:22 AM 
The view convinced me I had died and arrived in heaven. I had to be. Where else but heaven does an angel perch themselves on your lap? No, though. It wasn’t heaven. It could not be heaven because her actions, her sounds and her intentions were the opposite of sanctity and purity: they were sinful. So bad and so good that you could get the two confused. 
She kissed down my neck and I swore my heart would burst out of my chest. She paused and sat up to say “When was the last time we got a whole weekend together like this?” 
I rubbed her arms up and down, “I can’t even remember.” 
“Me neither.” She kind of sounded like she wanted to say something else, but I didn’t really care, kissing her open mouth and rocking my hips up to hers. She was panting by the time my hands met her chest. “Please,” she whined, “Daddy, please.” 
She had no idea what she was asking for but I did. So I gave it to her. 
I would give her anything. 
6 Days Ago 
Monday 7:02 AM 
“Bye baby.” I kissed her still bed-headed hair. 
“NOooo!” she tried to pull my satchel back into her mess of sheets. 
“I’m sorry.” I sat down on the edge of the bed next to her. She curled her head into my lap and I caressed her forehead. 
“You have class today.” I felt her twitch, “An important one. You should eat a good breakfast.” 
“I know.” she said sadly. I registered that the sadness was less about class, and more about the fact we both knew this was goodbye for at least a couple days. Time spent together was bliss and days apart were agonizing, regardless of how important both of our responsibilities were. 
“Hey, think about what a good weekend we had.” I gently reminded her. 
“I know but now you’re gonna be gone.” The pain in her voice brought me the kind of sorrow that you didn’t wish upon your worst enemy. 
“Not for too long, little girl.” I kissed her forehead again, “I promise.” 
She got up and sighed, “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” 
I wish she wouldn’t do that, but I couldn’t blame her either. 
“I’m sorry.” She just shook her head. 
“Don’t be. Go save some lives Dr. Reid.” there was a gentle smile on her face as she said the words, “I’ll be right here when you get back.” I enveloped her in a hug with nothing but love, and she still couldn't resist teasing me, “Or maybe drunk at a Frat house, I don’t know.” 
My eyes went wide and the thought immediately gave me anxiety, “Please, do not. Do you know-” She shut me up with a kiss and I silently thanked her for it. “I love you Spencer. I’ll see you soon.” “I love you more.” I got up and headed for the door, “Sooner than later, okay?” 
She nodded, “Okay.” 
3 Days Ago 
Wednesday 2:10 AM 
I silently stepped through the apartment, relishing in the stillness that meant just maybe, my begging Y/N not to waste sleep over me had worked, but I still doubted it. Her listening to my instructions was like a solar eclipse: disappointingly rare. 
As soon as I made it to the bedroom though, I was pleasantly surprised. She was asleep, but not yet under the covers. Poor thing had tried to stay up, but couldn’t. As much as I wanted to instantly smother her in affection, I restrained myself only to admire the sight of her in nothing but underwear and a grey cardigan of mine. She’d only done a single button too, obscuring the direct view so her figure was just barely covered. It was incredibly attractive and she knew it.
I began to undress, trying to remain silent as I exchanged my tie and vest for pajama pants and the Caltech sweater on the dresser. I didn’t wear it much before she did. In fact, I’d only started wearing it because despite it being 5 sizes too big for her, she adored it. For the first couple months of knowing her, it was the only thing she slept in. And because of that, it smelled like her perfume. Nestling myself into bed next to her, I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her close, while trying to gently pull the sheets out from under her. 
“Get under the covers.” Her eyes fluttered open, “Spence...Spencer?” She smiled, “Spencer!” 
She buried herself impossibly closer to my chest, arms and legs wrapping around me like a…
“You’re like a panda.” I laughed. She giggled, “You’re bamboo.”
“Are you calling me a stick-skinny? That’s hurtful, y/n.” We laughed harder until I couldn’t stop myself from kissing her. The kisses were long and sweet as we both savored the reunion. She tugged on the sweater I wore, “Why are you wearing my sweatshirt?” I brushed some hair out of her face. “It was mine first.” She rolled her eyes, “Pff...did you even go to Caltech?” She was trying so hard to control laughter, “Poser.” 
She laughed as I’m sure despite silence from me she could hear my internal screaming. 
Her laughter finally ceased when my grip on her got looser and my eyes hung a little lower. “Sleepy?” she asked. 
I nodded and so did she, “Me too.” We got under the covers together. 
“Hold me.” she hummed. “Hotch give you guys the day off tomorrow?”
“Yeah, recuperation. The case was...rough.” 
“You guys catch the guy?” she asked. 
I nodded, “Yeah.” “That’s amazing Spence. You’re so amazing.” I held her tighter. 
“I love you.” I said. 
“I love you too. Now go to sleep.” And so I did. 
2 Days Ago 
Thursday 6:30 PM
“It did indeed. You’ve become my solnyshko moyo.”
“Tell me that’s Russian dirty talk.” She said with a grin.
“It’s better. It’s a term of endearment you’ve become the epitome of.”
“And what’s that Dr. Reid?” she giggled.
“My little sun. You’ve become my little sun. Following me around and bringing light and warmth.” She snuggled herself impossibly closer into my chest, wrapping one of her legs over mine.
“Except for your feet!” I shrieked at her freezing toes meeting mine.
“They’re not that cold you big baby!” she shouted.
I laughed and kissed her sweetly, “I am not the baby here.” I said.  
“Please,” she started until I interrupted her with a kiss, “If you’re not the baby,” I kissed her again, “That implies I’M the baby,” Kiss, “And I’m not a” Kiss.
“Shush baby.” I told her, but like always, she didn’t listen, instead sitting up to straddle me. My appreciation for her beauty was like how a prisoner appreciates freedom, and yet it was miniscule into what I found in her character. It blew my mind that a girl so perfect existed.
“Rarely do great virtue and beauty dwell together. Francesco Petrarch.” I started, my hands making their way onto her hips, “That makes you a rarity.”
“You’re spoiling me with nice words today Spencer.” “You’ve spoiled me. My frontal lobe is spoiled milk.” She laughed, wondering how I was going to manage to make this one romantic.
“That’s the part of the brain responsible for sensibility and logical thinking, and you, little girl, have positively ruined it. You make me stupid.”
“I ruined the genius Dr. Reid with the 187 IQ? Makes sense. I’m like, way smarter.”
“You are. So, so much smarter.”
“I want that in writing.” she poked my chest.
I pulled her down and kissed her forehead to whisper in her ear. “Not a chance.”
She pushed herself away and rolled her eyes at me like a bratty child does her nanny, and I continued, “ You’re smarter, but I’m more educated. I have more doctorates than you have years in university.”
I brushed the hair away from her perfect face, “You tired baby?”
She sighed and laid down, splaying herself on my chest, laying on me like I was the duvet. “Very.”
I held her impossibly close, breathing in her scent and counting every time her heart thumped, her bpm said she was relaxed. Oh god, I wanted her like this forever. Relaxed in my arms, where nothing could touch us but each other.
Present Day 
Sunday 11:45 PM
How did it all seem so incredibly long ago? The BAU break room couch was definitely not made for sleeping, and yet Hotch had insisted I come try to get some rest. What was the use? How was I supposed to rest knowing that Y/N was out there in so much danger? I couldn’t rest until we found her, everybody knew that. 
Morgan came rushing into the tiny room, “Garcia’s got a hit. Her father left her 3 of his commercial properties, one of which is an abandoned mall.” 
I wasn’t allowed to work on the profile, but this was, for lack of a better word, a clear trap. “Morgan, it can’t be that easy. We both know that.” 
“Kid, she’s having a psychotic break. Everything about this is disorganized. It wasn’t planned at all. It’s not that much of a stretch to say she’d go to a secluded place she figured we’d never find.”
“Was there a second stressor? JJ and I thought it might’ve been the proposal but…” 
“Reid, I’ll brief you in the car. Get your shit together and let’s go get Y/N.” 
Taglist: @slaterskaterslaterboi @frickin-bats @bxtchboy69​  @reidsbbg
@sassy-hades @jackiehollanderr @k-k0129 @spenceoffense​
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
Title: Babysitter
Pairing: Yandere!Atsumu/Reader & Yandere!Kita/Reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Synopsis: You don’t like Atsumu at the best of times. When he has to go out of town and you’re shoved into the arms of a man as ruthless as your captor and only half as loving, you find out you like his friends even less.
TW: Non-Con, AFAB!Reader, Infantilization, Graphic Violence, Water-Boarding, Drowning, Implied Kidnapping, Mentions of Past Non-Con, Bondage, and Troubling Implications.
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The water was too hot.
There’d still been steam rising off the surface when Kita called you into the bathroom, barely sparing you a second glance before telling you to strip. Atsumu preferred cold showers. Utilitarian, freezing, and more often than not, rushed though when he was already late for practice or dead-tired, barely dragging himself through the end of a long day. Sometimes, when he had time to catch his breath, he’d throw you over his shoulder and force you to tolerate the frigid temperatures he preferred. Those were the worst days, when you had to huddle against his chest and let him hold you just to fight off the urge to shudder, to shiver, to give him an excuse to think of you as any more weak and any more needy than you usually were. He’d laugh and call you sensitive, and if he really wasn’t in a rush, he’d offer to warm you up. ‘Offer’ might’ve been the wrong word for it, actually. That’d imply you could refuse, and you knew better than to try anything that out-right, by now.
“I can take care of myself,” You’d said, lingering in the doorway, hoping beyond hope that he’d leave. “‘tsumu doesn’t mind, when I do.”
“Miya’s not here,” He’d responded, never looking towards you. “Get in.”
So you had, lowering yourself into the scalping water with a white-knuckle grip on the edge of the tub and a small, almost inaudible hiss. It should’ve come as a relief to feel warm, after so many weeks spent in Atsumu’s pervasive chill, but whatever comforting effect it might’ve had was negated by Kita’s stare, the feeling of his eyes prying into you, the way he touched you so casually as he rubbed body wash into your shoulders and combed his fingers through your hair, after slapping away your hand when you tried to reach for the bottle yourself.
That was what bothered you the most about Kita. This wasn’t Atsumu’s first away-game, and he’d left you alone for far longer than a week before, but it’d always been his twin watching over you. Osamu’s approach was hands-off, at best. He’d come over for an hour every night, make sure you still had food and that you hadn’t found a way to break through the half-dozen locks on every exit, then he’d leave, rarely saying so much as a word in your direction. It was simple. It was quiet. You could tell yourself he only did it because he as Atsumu’s twin, because they were family, and you were just some stranger who’d been too stubborn to give Atsumu what he wanted and too stupid to keep him any further than arm’s length.
Kita didn’t have the same excuse. Kita was an old friend, but just a friend. He should’ve called the police. He should’ve been disgusted when he saw the tattered state of your thighs, when he let himself acknowledge the trail of bruises Atsumu’d carved along your collarbone before he left. He should’ve done something, anything other than stare at you with that neutral, impassive expression and nod, as Atsumu chuckled and told him to take good care of you. It made you think about what Atsumu’s other friends must’ve been like.
It made you wonder how open he’d be to sharing, if one ever brought it up.
Just the thought had you curling into yourself, pulling your knees to your chest as Kita straightened his back, pushing himself to his feet. “I haven’t seen your room,” He started, pulling a towel off the nearest rack. There was a slight wave, a signal for you to stand, and hesitantly, you obeyed, crossing your arms over your chest. “What do you usually wear to bed?”
That was a good sign. A blessing, really, in the scope of things. You didn’t have to tell him about the lingerie, or the jerseys, or the nights where Atsumu decided you were being ungrateful and didn’t deserve to sleep in anything but the thinnest sheet he could find. “I… I don’t really have anything,” You managed, focusing on the cloudy water, soap suds still gathering around your legs. “He’s not really big on routine, you know? I can pick something out for myself.”
You cringed as he raised a brow. “Do you actually think I’m going to buy that?”
“Well...“ You had to remind yourself to smile, to stay on his good side. You didn’t know why he was doing this. There was still a chance he saw you as a person, and you couldn’t afford to ruin that. “I’m really, really hoping you will.”
There was a breath of a laugh, something between a smirk and a grimace, and without further indulgence, Kita took you by the arm, forcing you to stumble out of the tub entirely as he reached towards something on the other side of the bathroom, a plastic bag with a non-descript logo. You hadn’t noticed it before, not when every room in Atsumu’s apartment was just big enough to be disorienting, but you recognized the panic the moment it came flooding in, the anxiety that came with being at the mercy of someone you’d known for less than a day, someone you were sure you couldn’t trust. When the grey plastic fell away and something pink and sheer emerged, that sourceless dread was swiftly replaced with founded, familiar fear.
It was gratifying, in a way. A suspicion confirmed. A question answered.
That’s why he was here.
The bathroom door wasn’t locked. You’d checked once, when you first came in and again, during your bath. Kita was bigger than you, but you tried to dart past him anyway, aiming to catch him off-guard and lock yourself away somewhere dark and safe before he realized you’d ran for it. Your rebellion was short-lived, though. All Kita had to do was reach out, catching you by the waist and pulling you into his side, ignoring your efforts to claw at his forearm as he used his other hand to pull out whatever abomination he wanted you to wear. It looked like a nightgown, from what you could see, soft and pink with a white bow positioned at the dip of the collar and lace gathered around the hems. Something made for someone who wanted to feel helpless. Something made for a child.
“Miya said you were moody. You looked sweet, though, so I didn’t want to take him seriously.” The dress was slung over his shoulder, the plastic bag forgotten on the countertop, and you were left to scratch and scream and struggle, your efforts earning an annoyed grunt in return. If anything, he only dragged you closer, pulling your back against his chest as he went on. “Quit it. This is supposed to be simple, but you’re being difficult.”
“Fuck off!” It was the kind of blunt, blatant thing that’d make Atsumu roll his eyes and leave you alone, but Kita didn’t drop you, only gritting his teeth as you continued to seethe. “I should’ve known he’d invite one of his fucked up friends over,” You snapped, Kita’s arm beginning to dig into your stomach. He was stronger than he looked, but you were used to that, by now. You had to be, with a captor like yours. “I’m not wearing anything for you. I don’t care what Atsumu said, I’m not a fucking doll--”
Finally, he let you go, but you barely had time to catch yourself before his hand was on your shoulder, shoving you onto your knees and sending a sudden, shuddering crack, making you wince before he’d even tightened his grip. You managed to shut your eyes, to muffle a shriek into a low, pained growl, but if Kita was trying not to hurt you, it would’ve been impossible to tell. He didn’t hesitate to tangle his fingers in your hair, forcing you to keep your posture straight and your chest against something cool and porcelain - the edge of the tub, you realized, a second too late. Reflexively, you reached out to support yourself, but your wrists were already restrained, pressed into the small of your back with a strict severity. With the apathetic sternness of a guard restraining a prisoner, while the executioner loaded his gun.
You heard it before you felt it. There was a splash, the sound of water hitting tile, and then you felt it dripping down your chest, still too hot not to jerk away from. Cold acrylic bit into your chest, and all too abruptly, your head was submerged, forced just deep enough to let the air escape from your lungs when you instinctually tries to scream, just deep enough to make all your fighting useless. Atsumu’d never done this, before. He’d lost his temper plenty of times, caught you trying to use his phone or sneak a note into the pocket of his jacket and made sure you had the scars to pay for it by the next day, but he wasn’t creative, he wasn’t composed. Kita’s resolve didn’t waver. When you started to go limp, your vision dimming at the corners and your mind doing everything in its power to convince you to breathe, he didn’t even flinch. He didn’t move, not until you were genuinely slumping forward, not until you were convinced you were going to die, and he was going to be the one to kill you.
You were shaking, when he finally pulled you up, trembling so violently, you almost thought Kita might be concerned. He might’ve been. He let you gasp for air until your lungs stopped throbbing in your chest and your pulse began to slow, but that was where his kindness seemed to end. “Want to try that again?” It was a question, but your answer was lost somewhere beneath a blend of panting, blood rushing past your ears, and Kita’s tone, so calm, so measured. It made you sick. “I brought you a gift. What do we say when someone is nice enough to bring us presents?”
It took you a second to remember how to open your mouth. It took you another to realize you actually needed to speak. “I… I d-don’t--” You had to stop. Your voice was weak, as uneven as the hasty breaths you were still trying to rush. If you’d been more aware, you would’ve just told him what he wanted to hear, but your skull was stuffed with cotton and your tongue felt too heavy to lie with. “It isn’t… It’s not my gift if you’re the one having fun.”
To his credit, Kita didn’t try to deny it. He only forced your head back down, and you lost your chance to sputter out an apology.
You couldn’t be sure how long it lasted. You lost the ability to tell time after he pulled you back up, barely allowing half a hitched sob before deciding you hadn’t learned your lesson quite yet. It was a cycle - a relentless, constant, agonizing cycle, one that left you begging away what little oxygen you could’ve retained, muttering incoherent pleas into uncaring water, dripping with sweat and tears and blood, from where his nails cut into your scalp every time you tried to squirm. By the time he stopped, actually stopped, the process had sapped your energy, your strength, leaving you frail and malleable and unable to do so much as get up, when Kita let go of your wrists. All you could do was cross your arms over the wall of the bathtub, burying your face in the self-made nest. Part of you hoped you would make it just a little harder to tell you were crying, that it’d make it just a little easier to meet his eyes tomorrow. The rest of you just wanted this to be over.
Kita didn’t seem to like that idea as much as you did, unfortunately.
“See? It’s not that hard to behave.” You felt him tap your cheek in approval before he shifted, moving behind you. There was a rustle of fabric, a foot between your knees, edging your legs apart. You hesitated, but you relented. You couldn’t fight back, not like this, and running wouldn’t work. All you could do was hope and pray he’d be satisfied with the dress.
Luckily, he was kind enough to smother that delusion before you could really put your faith in it.
“Has Miya fucked you, yet?”
You stiffened, but you managed to shake your head. It was a pathetic lie, an obvious lie, but Kita only clicked his tongue, moving to crouch behind you. For a moment, you almost wished he’d taken the time to dress you, to put you in something pastel and immature that might’ve served as a barrier between you and him, however flimsy. But, then you imagined what it’d feel like to have that soft fabric pooling around your waist, where his touch might drift as he pushed the skirt out of the way, and you decided there wasn’t a better option. You were already on display for him. It couldn’t get worse. It couldn’t get worse.
That’s what you thought, at least, before his hand wrapped around your thigh, keeping you still as his fingers swiped over your cunt, barely bothering to play with the idea of decency. “You should be honest with me,” He explained, half-heartedly. Still dedicated to lecturing you, but distracted, now, his mind having moved on to other, less-verbal form of punishment. “But… your boyfriend probably wouldn’t like it if I gave you something to whine about when he came back. We’ll compromise.”
You were beginning to see why he and Atsumu got along so well.
The shame was more potent than the pleasure, at first. It was a gnawing anxiety, a constant spark that kept your nerves on-edge and your senses unpleasantly alert, only made worse by the moan you had to fight back as he moved to your clit, two fingers drawing harsh, practiced circles into every sensitive spot you didn’t want him to find.
His fingers were calloused. You noticed his palm was, too, as he tightened his hold on the flesh of your thigh, holding you up in spite of your shaking legs, but it was different from the harshness Atsumu tried so hard to fight off, tried so hard to mask with soft words and praises and the stubborn belief that you could enjoy it, if you let yourself. Kita didn’t seem to care. He did whatever he had to, whatever turned breath sobs into little, pitiful whines. Whatever dampened the shame and replaced it with guilty satisfaction, with the admission that this wasn’t nearly as bad as what he’d already done. Whatever made your pussy drool, the slick soon building up and staining his fingers and becoming impossible to ignore. For you and for Kita, both.
He let out a low, long whistle as he slipped his ring finger into you, your cunt sloppy enough to make the stretch tolerable. To yourself, you wondered if he’d planned this, if he’d accepted Atsumu’s invitation and walked through that door knowing he was going to, or if your misbehavior had just been his lucky break. It felt planned. Everything he did felt planned, from the way he hardly waited for you to adjust before forcing another finger in, alongside the first, to how slow his pace was, any decent rhythm interrupted by pauses and twists and curls that left you arching your back and crying out, despite your attempts to muffle the sound. You almost thought about telling him to stop, but as soon as you opened your eyes, as soon as you saw the water that was still so close and must’ve been so cold, the air hitched in your throat and any denial was choked down, replaced with a more agreeable keen.
Kita seemed satisfied with your wordless submission. Finally, he fell into a decent tempo, letting you slump against the short wall and let waves of content warmth roll over you with every stroke of his fingers. “It’s easier this way, yeah?” He asked, his free hand moving towards your hip, rubbing gently as you failed to fight back. Rewarding you for good behavior. “Never thought I’d feel bad for the jerk, but he told me what you used to be like, how determined you are not to change. It’s a shame,” He rambled, his tone growing more affectionate as you bucked into his hand, letting him grind against the soft, spongey spot that had you seeing stars. You didn’t try to stop yourself from mewling as he pushed another finger into you, you didn’t want to try. Kita didn’t want you to, either. “If I took you home, you would’ve been good for me, right? Miya doesn’t know how to treat sweet, emotional little things like you.”
You might’ve nodded. You might’ve denied it. You might’ve offered no reaction at all, because by now, you were too busy chasing after that feeling, that high, the bait he’d been kind enough to kick just within your reach. Your knees buckled under the pressure, your legs finally giving in, but Kita was there to catch you, wrapping an arm around your waist as he coaxed you closer and closer and closer. You could feel yourself clenching down around him, and for once, you didn’t care about how embarrassing it’d be, you didn’t care that you were a prisoner of someone who’d once sworn up and down that he loved you - you didn’t care. You deserved this. You deserved to feel good. You deserved it, and…
And you weren’t going to get it.
Kita pulled away suddenly, leaving you whimpering and grinding against his palm as he chuckled, the sound throaty, careless, sobering. You didn’t want him to see your expression, the sincerity of it, the genuine hurt. As soon as he pulled you into his chest, one arm hooked under your knees and the other supporting your back, your face was buried in the crook of his neck, keeping you hidden away and safe, even if you were still in the arms of your temporary captor. If Kita minded, he didn’t make a show of it. He was grinning as he kissed the top of your head, and when he spoke, it was barely audible, but clearly happy. ‘Pleased’ might’ve been a better word for it, but you tried not to think about that. “Needy little thing,” He muttered, more for himself than for you. “Try not to get too mad at me, (Y/n).”
This time, when he reached for the nightgown, you didn’t try to run.
“We still have all week to ourselves.”
The house was quiet, when Atsumu got home.
It was almost unsettling, honestly. He’d gotten used to hushed cursing and metallic clicking, to scraped glass and you, smiling innocently, trying and failing to hide a paring knife behind your back. It was a routine, and the moment it was broken, the moment he undid the deadbolts on his apartment door and didn’t find you trying to pick the wrong lock on the other side, he couldn’t help but stop, close his eyes, and appreciate it. Just for a second. Just long enough to entertain the thought that Kita might’ve managed to train the brat out of you.
This peace was shattered by light footsteps, a mug settling onto a marble counter. “You’re early,” Kita said, by way of greeting. “I didn’t think you’d be back for another day.”
“Caught a flight,” He shrugged, dropping the dufflebag slung over his shoulder next to the door. Even if it’d been Osamu, he would’ve hesitated to spill his guts about how little he’d slept, how many times he’d thought about calling, how the anxiety ate away at his gut and his mind until it was all he could to do remember that he would come home, eventually, and you’d be waiting for him. You’d always be waiting for him. He’d made sure of that, after you made it clear how little interest you had in waiting for just him. “There somethin’ wrong with that, ‘suke? A man can’t be dyin’ to see his sweetheart?”
He was given a scoff, but Kita was already smiling, turning on his heel and waving for Atsumu to follow. That’s when he noticed the buzzing - light, at first, but it got louder as Kita led him towards your bedroom, more unignorable until they were outside your door and Atsumu could hear it clearly, a constant, electrical drum. He almost asked, but the door was already opening, and whatever he might’ve said instantly faded into a small, surprised ‘oh’.
The dress was a nice touch. Mint green, the kind of shade that might’ve passed as white in sunlight, with sleeves that clung to your arms and a neckline so high, he almost couldn’t make out the collar beneath, pink and lacy and adorned with a small, sweet bell that chimed every time you took a decent breath. Your socks, a complementary shade of grey, managed to reach your thighs before they tapered off, or… one of them did, at least, the other hastily wrapped around your ankles, keeping your legs clamped together as you laid on your side. Your wrists were bound, too, tied behind your back with the same pale fabric Kita’d used to cover your eyes and stuff into your mouth, keeping you quiet despite the little whines and whimpers he was starting to make out. The skirt was hiked up to your waist, wrinkled and folded underneath you, but Atsumu couldn’t complain, not when it gave him a perfect view of your soak panties, of the vibrating wand pressed against your cunt so snugly, you’d be able to convulse and writhe and complain all you wanted and it wouldn’t move an inch. Not until you were feeling more considerate of your boyfriend’s feelings
He was almost mad he didn’t think of that, first.
He didn’t say anything, stepping towards you with an expression of astonished, dumb-struck elation still painted across his face, but Kita was kind enough to take up the mantle. “Someone got a little overwhelmed while we were playing dress-up,” He explained, watching as Atsumu switched off the vibrator, spurring you to let out a relieved, cracked sigh. The restraints were next, your ankles before your wrists, then your blindfold, Kita’s makeshift rope left forgotten on your bed. You blinked a few times, but after your confusion faltered and reality began to settle in, your eyes darted towards Atsumu. Finally, finally, you wrapped your arms around him, using what was left of your energy to cling to him, to bury your face in his chest and refuse to let go. It was all he could do to laugh, to pull you into his lap and cup your chin, using his thumb to wipe away tears and drool and the other remnants of Kita’s work. You were still shaking, still twitching violently, but Atsumu couldn’t bring himself to be mad. Not at this. Not at you.
“I thought a couple hours in timeout might help,” Kita finished, as deadpan as ever. “It usually tires ‘em out, if the setting’s high enough.”
If you were going to defend yourself, you didn’t make a move to. All your attention was on Atsumu, just like it should be. “Please,” You mumbled, your voice heavy, your words slurring together. “Please, don’t leave again.”
“I missed you too, angel.” Despite his sympathetic tone, he couldn’t stop himself from smiling, from nodding towards Kita, still standing in the threshold, a satisfied grin pulling at the edges of his lips. Atsumu couldn’t blame him. He’d been skeptical, when Kita offered his all-too-needed services, but clearly, whatever lesson he’d beaten into your head had stuck.
He’d have to let Kita babysit again, next time he went away.
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Stalker X Stalker, Part 10
Perma tag: @nathleigh @peachmuses
Stalker x Stalker taglist: @aespades @jayjayspixiepop @blueslushgueen @fan-written @seraphichana @nerd-nowandforever @toodaloo-kangaroo
Marinette’s collection of vigilantes in her house was still growing, somehow. You’d think it would stop with just the ones that consistently lived in Gotham, but no.
Nightwing started dropping by whenever he was in town to try and teach her escrima. She wasn’t good with them because she wasn’t used to fighting people up close, but she didn’t really think that that was the reason why they were doing it.
Still, it was fun…
(Except for that one time they’d been heading back to her house and she dropped her phone down the drain and had to beg the rat-person -- she was pretty sure Nightwing had called them Ratcatcher? -- for help. It was very traumatizing. He’d given her a new phone but she was never going to recover emotionally from that day.)
And then, a few days before Thanksgiving, Flamebird had made an appearance.
The reason why was less fun, though.
She’d opened her blinds and stared at him for a few moments. He was leaning against her fire escape, hand pressed to his stomach.
“Hey, Robin, does Flamebird usually do the Napoleon pose?”
“The…? Oh, no, he does not.”
She sighed. “Yeah, I thought so.” She swung her window open. “Hi. Nice to meet you. What happened?”
“Got stabbed.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Okay, yeah, obviously, want to elaborate?”
“Got stabbed in the stomach,” he said, after a second’s thought.
So, no, then. She shrugged to herself and let him come inside.
“Right, Robin, go get the medkit out from under my sink,” she said, pulling a hairband from her wrist and tying her hair back.
Flamebird frowned. “Can’t you just undo everything with your magic?”
“Not magic,” supplied Tikki, popping her head out of Marinette’s pocket.
“FUCK,” yelped Flamebird.
Damian made the quiet clicking sound he made whenever he was about to say something rude but Marinette cut him off with a glare and pointed him towards the bathroom. Damian grumbled a little under his breath but obeyed for fear of being thrown out.
She turned back to Flamebird. “Also, that’s not how my ‘magic’ works. If I’m not involved in a fight…” She made a ‘poof’ motion with her hands. “No miracle cure.”
He nodded thoughtfully. “Man, if I’d known that I would’ve just dealt with this myself.”
“Well, it is too late for that,” said Damian, who had come back out with a medkit. “Now, sit down, we will tend to your wound.”
And they did.
(Or, rather, Marinette did. It didn’t matter if she knew, logically, that he already knew how wounds looked and how to treat them, she just didn’t feel comfortable making him help. She sent him off to play with the cat and worked on dressing it. She’d made a mistake here by doing the normal routine while stitching someone up: asking about things they liked to distract them. He said he was an ‘avid reader’, she’d laughed and said that she probably wouldn’t know any of the books he mentioned because she hardly ever read in English, and now she was apparently in a book club. That was on her, she supposed, but it was still a little irritating.)
And that was all the vigilantes. They all came over from time to time. Sometimes they’d see each other and give each other awkward smiles or actively ignore each other, but it became a constant part of her life.
But it all came to a head one seemingly regular day.
She had been walking up the stairs to her apartment with Tim, ten bags of groceries loaded onto her arms and five on his (he was to open the door), and had nearly bumped into him when he stopped suddenly.
“Cass?” He asked, confused.
She raised her eyebrows just slightly. She’d thought everyone knew about each other but, now that she thought about it, because of the scheduling Tim wouldn’t really be around when everyone else came by.
He took Cass’s arrival in stride, though, fishing his key out of his pocket and pushing the door open.
He did not take in stride the fact that Duke, Damian, and Nightwing were all inside her house already. Duke was sitting on her counter, wrapped in a blanket as he scrolled through his phone. Damian was playing with Vanelope. Nightwing was doing stretches on her floor.
“Hey, look, more people that don’t live here,” Marinette said with only a hint of bitterness.
Nightwing glanced up. “You’re out of chips.”
“Already --?!” She took a deep breath to steady herself. “Fine. Fine. I got more, anyways.”
Tim snapped out of it. He closed and locked the door quickly before sending Marinette a pout. “Alright, I can get you cheating on me with Cass, but come on,” he half joked.
Marinette rolled her eyes. “If one of the people I’m apparently cheating with is a five-year-old --.”
“-- then I think you have more things to worry about than my serial adultery, darling.”
“... guess that’s true.”
“Also, I only buy groceries with you, so you’re clearly my favorite concubine.”
Duke grinned. “Actually --.”
“Except for that one time I asked Signal to go find ricotta because I’d forgotten it,” she conceded. “I guess he's my second favorite.”
Cass pouted and raised her hand.
“She makes a good case for herself. You’ve both been demoted,” she joked.
Tim was still pouting. Probably has something to do with going from favorite to second favorite. Who knows.
She rolled her eyes. She had bigger problems. Like her food. There were frozens and she was not going to lose her food to something as stupid and useless as the air. She waved him along as much as she could with the bags digging into her arms and started putting things away.
She tipped her head back after a second to squint at everyone. They were awkwardly staring at each other, for some reason… oh, right, they technically didn’t know each other.
“Uh, introductions, I guess. Signal, Robin, and Nightwing, meet my friends. Tim, Cass, meet my annoyances.”
Tim perked up a little at being called a friend rather than an annoyance. Problem solved. Kind of.
He set down his bags and leaned close to her ear. “So, they don’t know you know?”
“Duke does,” she mumbled back. “I’m not going to tell them about it, though, I want to see how long it takes them to notice.”
He snickered. “I can get behind that.”
“Good. You didn’t have a choice in the matter,” she joked, leaning forward to press a kiss to his nose.
She could hear Cass groan a little at the obvious affection and both Duke and Damian cringed. She fought the urge to laugh. It was just a little kiss on the nose, they didn’t have to act like it was scandalous or gross.
But, apparently, it was gross enough for Damian to grab her arm to try and pull her attention away from Tim (and physically pull her away from him, she noted, as she was forced to take a half-step back from him).
“Did you get more of my gummy bears?”
She rolled her eyes. “Did you ask for them? Did you tell me you were out?”
He looked a little put out and she felt bad enough to give up the act quickly:
“Yes, kid, I got you your weird vegan gummy bears.”
He beamed and started sifting through her bags.
She smiled fondly and ruffled his hair, ignoring the knife that was sent her way for the action with practiced ease, then started putting things away.
Everyone except Damian made their way over to help. There were no ulterior motives, they insisted, even as she watched Nightwing slip a bag of chips into Damian’s hoodie for safekeeping and Duke pocket an apple.
At least Cass and Tim were reasonably well-behaved, she thought right before she watched him split an orange with her.
Tim squinted at the three people below him.
Jon had come to visit because a) the no metas in Gotham rule had more or less stopped being enforced due to constant complaints from the Justice League, b) Damian needed friends his age, and c) it was Christmas and Jon was so sure that this year was going to be the year that Damian finally understood the holiday.
And, because Jon had come to visit, so had Conner. The worst part of being an older brother that Tim understood all too well.
But, now, he looked down at the three people gathered at the bottom of the stairs.
They were apparently competing to see who could be the stupidest. Steph was standing on a banister, Marinette was trying to sit on a vertical bo staff, and Conner was doing a handstand on both of their heads. It was a little shaky, what with Steph’s barely restrained laughter and the fact that bos are not meant to be balanced on and Conner trying to do tricks, but they were clearly having fun.
Tim crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the entrance to the cave. Did he have a type?
Their comms crackled to life and all three went stock-still, grins wiped from their faces briefly as they listened to see what had happened.
“I am requesting the night off to have an outing with Superboy.”
Bruce gave the grunt that meant ‘fine’.
The three relaxed now that they knew that everything was okay, quickly going back to their game. Marinette had added a surfboard. Steph was struggling with an exercise ball. Conner was slowly taking off fingers.
Tim sighed to himself. Yep. Dumbasses who can only be serious for truly important things -- and, even then, only for a few seconds at a time. That was his type. Someone, please, save him.
It had been a while since Marinette had gone out on her own (with the intention of staying alone, leaving for patrols didn’t count). Really, she normally wouldn’t, but she needed to pick up a piece of fabric she’d forgotten to get the day before and it wasn’t even a meter’s worth. She didn’t need help for that.
Besides, going by herself was much quicker. She was able to go by rooftop as Ladybug.
Of course, going as Ladybug had a risk to it that she didn’t realize until it was too late: responsibilities.
She groaned to herself as she made to jump to the next roof and her eyes landed on a person getting mugged in the alleyway below her.
She looked down at the bag with her fabric inside it and wondered if it was even worth leaving it there while she got rid of the attacker. Most of the time the people mugging people in Gotham were using fake guns. Even if they weren’t, muggings were common enough that most people had little on them and were only slightly annoyed when people tried to rob them. The person below was no exception, it seemed. They scoffed when the gunman poked their back.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m going,” they said irritably.
Wait, shit, she knew that voice.
She squinted down into the darkness and, yep, she would recognize that almost unhealthily pale skin anywhere.
She dropped down into the alley between them and, to her slight surprise, it turned out the gun actually did have bullets in it. A shot rang out. She fell back a step, cradling her shoulder.
The gunman’s eyes widened. He hadn’t meant to shoot her. It had probably just been a split second reaction.
Unfortunately for him, getting shot really fucking hurts and she was going to take it out on him. Especially since he’d been trying to mug one of her friends. She glanced back at Tim, who was shaking and a little pale, and grit her teeth. Yeah, this guy was fucked.
Eventually, though, the pain in her shoulder, worsened by all the movement, got too unbearable and she rolled off of the mugger. She tied the man’s hands and feet behind his back with her yoyo and, after calling Miraculous Ladybug, called it a day. She’d get her yoyo back later.
For now, she pressed a hand to her ear. “Hey, Signal, I’ve got one for you.”
“You’re joining me for daytime patrols now?” He asked, his voice somehow brighter than the powers he had.
“Nah, just happened to come across…” She considered embarrassing Tim but decided against it when she saw her friend’s face. “... someone getting mugged while out today.”
He huffed a little but she ignored it in favor of relaying the address.
The perpetrator to be taken care of, she turned to the victim. She didn’t know whether the rules applied to people you knew, but she figured she might as well go through with the normal procedure. Tim liked procedure, it might help him.
So, step one: connect with the victim. She unzipped her hoodie and smiled brightly, making sure her eyes crinkled behind her mask.
Step two: check to make sure they aren’t going into shock.
Normally, she was able to skip this step. The miracle cure got rid of it if they had gone into it before the attack… but his eyes were somehow both fixed intensely on her like he was scared she’d disappear if he chanced a look away and extremely vacant.
She took slow, careful steps towards him, hand out to check his pulse.
Once she was close enough, he grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug. Marinette didn’t quite know what to do. The part of her brain still doing the normal procedure told her to hug back because this was a scared victim that wanted comfort, but the other part was tempted to push him off to check for a concussion… even though, logically, he shouldn’t have one because she had cast Miraculous Ladybug so her arm wouldn’t have a bullet in it anymore --.
Oh. She was stupid.
He’d watched his friend get shot and now he was freaking out. Like people are supposed to do.
She hugged him back, bringing a hand up to run through his hair.
“Would you like me to take you home?” She asked.
“My… my friend lives near here,” said Tim quietly, mindful of the fact that the mugger was still within earshot.
She nodded. “I’m going to pick you up, okay?”
He bit his lip so hard that she worried he’d break the skin and nodded.
She took him home and, with only a brief stop to keep Vanelope from escaping, set him down on the couch. She kept a hand touching him at all times as she gathered the blankets and pillows strewn about by all the visits the bats made. For once, she was glad she never really had time to clean, she didn’t want to let go of him when he was clearly so concerned about her.
Less than five minutes later she’d wrapped them both up as tightly as she could with as many blankets as she could reach. He rested his head against her shoulder, arms loosely draped around her under the blankets. Vanelope settled on their laps and started to purr; she made a mental note to give her a bunch of treats later.
But, for now…
She cupped his cheeks in her hands and waited patiently as he struggled to pull himself together enough to actually be present.
“Darling, I said I wouldn’t go anywhere. I’m not breaking that promise. Okay?”
He nodded slightly, finally releasing his lip to speak: “Okay.”
She pressed a kiss to his nose. A half smile made its way across his face.
“Now, how do you feel about Big Fish?”
He squeezed her a little tighter. “The circus scene is cute.”
She nodded her agreement. “I like the daffodil scene better, personally, but it is pretty cute.”
She turned the movie on.
Tim was sure he was overreacting. Of course he was. She hadn’t died, she wasn’t even hurt any more. It clearly didn’t bother her, he had ‘accidentally’ chosen that shoulder to rest his head on and she hadn’t so much as winced when he had. No, the only worry she had was about him.
So, he should be fine.
But he wasn’t.
She’d been shot and, for a second, he’d feared it would be another Darla situation. And he couldn’t deal with another Darla situation. He couldn’t. He had to believe that he was better than that high school Tim that had let all his friends die. Because if he wasn’t better than that meant he couldn’t have friends and he couldn’t deal with that either.
He didn’t want to be alone again.
No, he wouldn’t let that happen. He could think of a plan, surely. He was a planner, he found problems and he dealt with them. That had been his coping mechanism pretty much since birth and (if you ignore all the workaholic tendencies, independence issues, and General Trauma) it was working out pretty well for him. Can’t be sad if there’s work to do, after all.
Yeah. Work. He was good at work.
He bit his lip.
Alright, so the problem stemmed from his fear of being alone… which wasn’t going to be fixed anytime soon. Good coping mechanisms? In this family? Please. Next.
Alright, so the problem stemmed from his fear of her getting hurt.
Simple solution! Don’t let her get hurt!
… not as simple a solution as it sounded on paper.
She wasn’t going to stop vigilantism anytime soon. He wouldn’t make her, and she wasn’t going to do it on her own accord. Even if she decided to at some point Tim didn’t have much hope for it. Every person in the family had tried that already, it never worked. They’d say that it would be fine, that they were going to stop for their mental health or even just permanently end it… but family was family and how could someone sit back and watch family get hurt when they could do something about it?
So, that wasn’t going to happen. What other answers were there?
Well, he supposed that she had left on her own and that was the main problem. If she hadn’t left on her own then he wouldn’t have followed after her in secret and he wouldn’t have gotten attacked in the first place.
But he couldn’t be around much more without it being weird unless he…
He couldn’t…
Could he?
He figured it was worth a shot. And he should ask now. If she said no he wouldn’t have to worry about her thinking him weird, she’d just assume it was a request made while in the middle of shock and forget about it.
He hesitantly let go of his lip.
“Hey, Bean?”
She stopped pretending to watch Big Fish for the sake of giving him privacy. “Yeah?”
“Remember when… I…” He bit his lip, trying to think of a better way to phrase it, but he couldn’t. There really was no casual way to ask. He took a deep breath to steady himself. “Can I, maybe, move in with you?”
She stared at him for a moment, eyes wide, before quickly shaking her head.
He must have looked pretty put out, because she rushed to explain herself:
"You’re under emotional duress, darling, it wouldn’t be right to say yes.”
He nodded his understanding and it was silent for a bit before he eventually said: “But, if I asked tomorrow… would you say yes?”
She looked at him for a while, her face unreadable, before she gave him a hesitant smile.
“Well, I already said that you basically lived here. I suppose there wouldn’t be anything wrong with making it official.”
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goddessofmischief · 3 years
Blue Monday, Chapter Thirteen - Loki x Reader
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TW: Mention of the word ‘suicide.’ Not discussed in graphic terms.
Author’s Note: It’s been a long journey! There is still so much more story to tell, so please send me questions or feedback if you liked this chapter!
Previous Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
The last day of Amora Freyadottir’s life had begun like... well, almost any other.
Loki had woken up next to you. His Amora.
The pair had risen in synchronization, methodically buckling up armor after armor, sword after shield.
And when you were both ready, you’d descended down the stairs together, one perfect unit, marched down to the castle courtyard, where Odin and several other highly-trained soldiers were assembled. He’d instructed you on the mission-
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to escape the flood of memories that had suddenly fallen into your mind.
"I’m... I’m what?”
“You,” said Mobius. “You’re Amora. You always have been.”
“Loki, I don’t... I don’t understand,” you stammered. “You lied to me, you swore you knew I wasn't her, you swore it-”
“I didn’t,” Loki promises. “You aren’t. These lies are simply a diversion to distract us from Mobius’ misdeeds.”
“Oh, Loki,” said Mobius. “Poor, poor Loki - if only that were true.”
He gestures, and a T.V.A. guard rushes in, restraining you both.
“Our story begins in Asgard, I think,” Mobius spoke, sipping from a tumbler of whiskey that had magically appeared. “Yes, that’s the one. Asgard. You and Loki had just marched off to the battle of Vanaheim... a terrible, terrible battle. Oh, they found you in pieces, Y/N. You died a warrior’s death.”
“Not me,” you said, stubbornly. “Amora did.”
“Yes, well... Loki got kinda despondent after that... not all that surprising, since he obviously loved ya-”
You glanced at Loki. He paled.
“And, well, Loki usually gets what he wants... and he decides he wants you back. Only problem is, he wasn’t sure how to do it. You were about as dead as it gets, sweetheart. So he studies, right? He studies for months and weeks, until he finds the plan that works best for him... that he’s going to reincarnate you.”
“No,” you argue, stubbornly. “No. No, that’s not true, it’s not true, it can’t be-”
“Crazy, right? I thought so, too. But I saw potential, in his failures, cause, the thing was... I’d started to see where things were going, even then.
The Earth was on the verge of nuclear war. The stars, divided by piracy and battle. In the middle of all of it... the two of you. I’d been trying to leave this universe for a long, long time - only problem is, the Watchers have kept me here. Something truly cataclysmic would have had to happen in order to let me destroy it - and, well... this little Romeo and Juliet story was a pretty good disaster-in-the-making, if I do say so myself. I knew if I stoked the fires of it, Loki would find a way to make the universe burn.
Soon enough, our friend Loki here uses a considerable amount of dark magic to reincarnate your soul into that of a mortal. He’d thought... well, I imagined he thought that once you reached a suitable age, about the age you are now, he’d give you your old memories, and find a way to make you immortal again. But you just couldn’t stay away, could you, Loki?”
“What does he mean?” you asked.
“I don’t know,” Loki stammers, and Mobius snaps his fingers - and suddenly, Loki’s eyes glow bright green, and a single tear rolls down his cheek.
“I visited you,” Loki whispers, slowly. “In your dreams, I -”
He paused, removing his glove and resting his palm on your forehead. You couldn’t see everything, not just yet - so many of your memories were still blocked out.
But you saw him. You saw him... throughout your life. Long walks, chess games, dives into swimming pools. He’d appear in your dreams, even. You were never alone.
“You didn’t have any friends,” Loki said. “And... I didn’t want you to be alone.”
“But if you were there, for everything... why can’t I remember any of it? Why can’t you?”
“Well, you can’t remember much of anything, can you?” said Mobius. “Only... the moments without him. The moments with your father. And, of course... your would-be death. But you never could remember what drove you to make that choice, could you? Only that you did, that cold Monday morning, and that I saved you, and swept you away to a life with us. You have wondered, haven’t you?”
You had.
“That was my work. I needed you to get to a point of desperation, so that the T.V.A. would seem the perfect option for you, so that you’d feel you had nothing else left. The thing was, when I made Loki forget... I kinda altered his memory two years before yours. So I doomed you, you see. I left you for two years, without him. He abandoned you... or, so you thought. And without your protector, well, you were a mess, weren't you?”
You had been.
“And without him to stop you, you made the rashest decision you could. You made an attempt upon your own life - and thus, my plan fell into place.”
“So it’s my fault,” said Loki. “If I’d never visited you... none of it would have happened. You’d never have thought I left you. Mobius never would’ve been able to manipulate us. It’s my fault you... died. Or, almost did.”
This was almost too much for you to comprehend. You were Amora? Loki had known you all your life? His leaving caused your depression, and set Mobius’ plan into motion?
But something more important stood out, too -
You loved Loki.
And he loved you.
Somehow, that had to mean something.
With a growl, you kicked Mobius across the room.
Loki turned to you, and without wasting a moment -
The two of you ran.
“Loki!” you found yourself shouting, tempted to shake him and make him listen to you.
“We can’t just run!”
“Why ever not? I’ve used this strategy - it’s worked for me, many times.”
“Because your last enemy didn’t have access to every timeline in existence! We can’t hide - he’s just gonna follow us there!”
He considered this.
“Fine,” Loki said. “How about this - we’ll fetch some back-up.”
You had to admit, your heart began to pound a little faster about the idea, just imagining the heroes you and Loki could recruit.
Alternate Iron Man. Alternate Black Widow. Perhaps even Thor himself-
“I’m sure me, being me, would be more than willing to help.”
Just like that, all those hopes came crashing down, all at once.
“Uh... what?”
"Well, in this scenario, I can really only trust myself, darling. You of course can understand. We’ll simply locate a variant of me... and enlist their assistance.”
You shrugged, helplessly.
“I... I guess.”
By this point, you figured you were going to die, anyway. You may as well just give in to his flawed logic and see where it would lead you.
“But I’m not dealing with another Lady Loki,” you insist, as Loki started to focus his energy on programming the tesseract with coordinates. “Not again.”
“No, no, of course not... then again, we would have gotten along, had I not possessed something she wanted. So, it seems to me... all I have to do is find a ‘me’ that hasn’t yet lost his Amora.”
“Okay, how do we do that?”
Loki focused on the tesseract.
“There,” he uttered, after a moment. “It’s... it’s programmed. It’ll take us somewhere, I know not where... to me. A me who has a version of Amora with him. That me will have no need for jealousy, and I’m sure I can reason some way to tempt them to aid us-”
“And... we’ll take her with us, too? The other Amora?”
“Jealous already, darling?”
“No,” you said, raising your gun to blast an approaching T.V.A. soldier. “Never.”
He grinned, and takes your hand.
And together, you both disappear into the icy-blue light of the Tesseract.
@bepo-is-sorry @the-obelisk @buckybarnes1982 gorgeourrific-nerd @suwupremeleader​​ @sserpente​ @tripleyeeet​ @kcd15 @rorybutnotgilmore 
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
Hello! I really like writing about Tobirama x uchiha!Reader. it could be possible with a request with them with promts 53. "It's funny that you think you can actually leave me."With the situation that he, before being Hokage, tried to confess his love but failed, he only insulted her for being a uchiha. Maybe she loved him.With sadness, she leaves Konoha and started to feel better.But tobirama became a Hokage, he finally found her ... If possible? I don't know if I explain it well 😅 Thank you!
Uchiha and Tobirama is indeed a funny thing to write about.
Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, manipulation, mentions of violence, degradation, mocking
Prompt 53: “It is funny that you think you can actually leave me.”
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“So you’re giving my clan the fault for what happened with Madara?! Our clan had nothing to do with that! We didn’t know that he would go to such great lengths!” You yelled angrily at the silver haired man sitting in front of him. You couldn’t believe him! What had gotten into him. Just a few moments ago the both of you had just taken a peaceful walking through the village with him bringing you to a more isolated area where he wanted to tell you something. And you had hoped that this something would be a confession. But the moment he had opened his mouth he had started wrong, telling you that your clan truly meant trouble for the village, especially with Madara betraying them. “But you could have stopped him, couldn’t you? But you did nothing! Do you even know that my brother could have died risking his life for all of you?!” “If you came here to just insult me you could have done it anywhere else! By the way, it isn’t like you did much to help him either! You just sat here and did nothing! When you were so suspicious of us, why did you let us join this village in the first place?! What would you have done if your brother would have died there all alone with you not doing anything?! Would you have executed us?!” The moment you said that you knew that you had hit a nerve. You knew that Tobirama, even though he often had told you that his brother was an idiot, deeply cared for him. For a moment he looked shocked before his expression hardened. “You Uchiha are all the same. You are damn traitors. I bet you planned this with him, didn’t you? You wanted to take revenge on us because we forced you into submission. Your pride must have been crushed when we stopped fighting and made this contract to finally bring peace between us. But I should have known that all of you are just thirsty for fighting. You are all the same. This village will go under because of your cursed clan! I should have killed more of you when I had the chance too!”
That hurt. He might as well just have kicked you in your stomach. He himself seemed a bit surprised about what he had just said. “Apologize. Now.” Your voice sounded firm and harsh, but under it’s surface you could feel how it threatened to crack at any moment. Both of you just glared at each other and the longer you stared at him, the more you felt the tears threatening to spill out of your eyes. But Tobirama didn’t say anything. He just watched you and for a short moment you imagined that you saw a flash of guilt and pain coloring his eyes. But it was quickly replaced by a coldness that shattered any hope in you. He just sneered and turned away from you, not looking like he gave a shit. “If you leave now I swear, I’ll never want to see you anywhere near me again!” This caused him to froze temporarily. You glared angrily at his back. You didn’t want him to go. To some degree you could understand him. He was angry because Madara Uchiha, the previous head of your clan, had nearly killed his brother in a fight. Your clan had been just as shocked as him. But that was no reason to let his anger and frustration out on you and your clan. You really hadn’t known about anything. “(y/n)...” You perked up when you heard his restrained voice, trying to not insult you even more than he already did. “Just leave me alone.” This was the last time you saw him for a long time. And to be honest, you wished your last memory with him would have been a more pretty one. Instead it consisted of him turning his back on you and leaving with you just staring behind him before deciding to turn around as well and not wasting a glance back.
Flashback End
“Seriously Tobirama? How pathetic are you? You come now to apologize to me after all this time? What did you expect to happen? That I would just forgive you and we could start acting like nothing has ever happened? Grow up and come back when you have learned how to make up for your mistakes.” You took uninterested a sip from your drink and threw a quick glance at the man who was sitting on the opposite from you. He didn’t say anything, it took him already enough power to try to apologize to you. But he really had nerves to suddenly show up at your front door. But who were you to deny the second Hokage the entry in your small and humble home? “How did you even find me? Did my family tell you? You know, I wanted to make sure to never see your face again. Brings back nasty memories.” His eyebrow twitched when hearing you talking so disrespectful to him. “(y/n), please be a bit more respectful. Just because you aren’t a citizen anymore and are close to me doesn’t mean you can just speak so disrespectful to me.”, he explained, trying to sound calm. “Oh! I’m sorry! I forgot that you are now the Hokage. My whole clan must have thrown a party when hearing this.” Your voice was basically dripping with sarcasm. “By the way, please don’t speak in the present tense. We were close. Now we aren’t. Shouldn’t the fact that I moved away signal you that I don’t want to have anything to do with you anymore? The only reason I let you in is because I wanted to show you that I hold, different from you, no terribly huge grudges like you.”
You knew how to pull his strings to tick him off. And by now he was damn close to letting his temper getting the better of him. “What do you want? Did you only came here to apologize? If yes then please leave. You should work on your apology a bit more. Why don’t you try it in one week again? Maybe then I can find it in my heart to-“ You didn’t get to finish your sentence because suddenly Tobirama stood swiftly up, the sudden impact causing the chair to bang on the ground and slammed his hands on the table, spilling all the tea in your cup over the table top. You should have expected that to happen, but his small outburst still caused you to flinch surprised. But that only lasted for a few seconds before you sighed annoyed. “Look at the mess you made. Now I have to clean that up. Your temper is still like it used to be. You should try to relax for once. You take things too serious. Try yoga or pilates. Maybe that helps your hothead cooling down a bit.” You were playing a dangerous game now. You knew that. But you still had after all those years the bruises from the hurtful he had said about you and your clan. And you could see that he was collecting his last bit of self-control now. He was clenching his fists tightly and took deep breaths to calm down. You didn’t interrupt or say anything to him. You knew that one more word would lead him to another outburst. Worse than the last one. In your opinion you had shot enough venomous arrows at him.
After a few moments Tobirama seemed to calm down. “I’m here because I want you to come back to the Leaf Village.” You blinked surprised. Did you just hear that right? “Excuse me?” “I want you to come back to the village.” Was here serious? For a few moments you just gave him a stunned look before you started to laugh out loudly as if you just had heard the most ridiculous thing in your life. It was probably even one of the most ridiculous things you had heard. “You can’t be serious. You do know that I left Konohagakure because I wanted too. And I like it here. It’s tranquil and peaceful. I know that my family isn’t the happiest with my decision, but they accepted it. And now that you’re officially the Hokage you think you can just drag me back. Hell no.” “But I already apologized. Look, I’m sorry. I really am. I shouldn’t have been so cruel to you back then. But now I want you to come back. I don’t ask this as the Hokage, but as your old friend.” You observed him closer. He seemed sincere about it. A heavy sigh escaped your lips. “I appreciate it that you try so hard to gain my forgiveness. I might consider forgiving you. But Tobirama, I’m happy here. At the beginning I only came here to calm down a bit. But this place has become my home. It isn’t like I abandon my old village. But I just like it here. And if you’re really my old friend you should accept that.”
That definitely wasn’t what he wanted to hear. You could see that he was about to protest, but you just silenced him by saying something before he could. “Nothing what you could say will change my mind. If you would be so polite and leave my home now. I can’t really say that it was nice having you here, but at least I got a long overdue apology.” You gestured told the door. “Please go. I wish you a save journey back. Greet my family for me and tell them I’m doing fine if you can.” But Tobirama didn’t move. He just stood there and gave you an intense look. “I think I didn’t make myself clear enough. I. Want. You. To. Come. With. Me.” You narrowed your eyes. His voice was strict and commanding. This wasn’t a friendly request anymore where you could just reject it you felt like it. This was a command where you had no other choice, but to obey. “Didn’t you just tell me a few minutes ago that you asked me as a good friend? Why do I have the feeling then that I don’t get to choose in here? Are you such a sore loser? Leave my house. Instantly.” “Or what?” He was challenging you, you saw that on his small smirk. “If you don’t want to leave my house, then I’ll do it. When I come back and you’re still in here I won’t care if you’re the Hokage or not. I’ll kick your ass out of here and will send you flying.”
“What if I would say that the house is surrounded from Anbu who will prevent you from running away?” Your hand froze on the doorknob. What? Was he joking? No. You knew him too well. The tone in his voice told you that he had meant every single word. You slowly turned around, activating your Sharingan. “What did you do?” Tobirama had by now sat down on the chair, watching you with an entertained look on his face. “Only making sure that you can’t escape me again?” Again? You didn’t have to ask for an explanation. He did it by himself. “You know what was the reason why I wanted to talk to you in the first a few years ago? Because I loved you. And I still do.” For the shortest of moments you felt your serious face dropping, being replaced by a confused and shocked expression. He was what?! “I thought you thought of me and my clan as traitors.”, you sneered at him. “I did. That was probably why I had such a hard time accepting it and why I insulted you so much.” You scoffed. “You are an idiot when it comes to expressing your feelings. Making someone believe that you hate them isn’t the best way to court someone. And you still don’t do it right. Don’t tell me that you’re here because you want me back. I admit that I might have loved you back then, but not anymore. You become from second to second more unbearable for me. Accept my rejection like a man instead of being a sore loser.” You angrily turned around and slammed the door open. “I don’t care that there are Anbu out there. I’ll finish them off. Just because I don’t work as a shinobi anymore doesn’t mean that I also can’t fight anymore.”
Just as you were about to step out you were suddenly yanked back by the asshole itself. “It is funny that you think you can actually leave me.” Right now he was just mocking you. “Bastard!” With one swift movement you grabbed his arm, turned around that you were suddenly standing behind him and slammed him in the ground, twisting his arm painfully around. “Out. Of. My. House. And. Life.” You spit each word slowly out so that the message would get through his thick skull. “You didn’t get rusty during your time here, did you?” His confident tone pissed you off. “However,” You noticed suddenly something glimmering in the last rays of sunlight. Something that came flying straight through your opened door. A kunai! Damn these Anbu guy. You hadn’t anything to dodge so the only option you had left was jumping away to not get stabbed by it. And this split second where you moved away from him was all Tobirama needed. If it wouldn’t have been for your Sharingan you wouldn’t have been able to process his movements. It wasn’t like you could react in time. In the next moment you were the one being pressed into the wooden floor, your back facing him.
“That wasn’t fair play!”, you yelled angrily, trying to free yourself from his tight grip. “Stop whining like this. You know that most fights are never fair.” You couldn’t shake him off. He had decreased your abilities to move highly so that you couldn’t do much and unless you could turn your head around like an owl did your Sharingan wouldn’t be from much use here either. “So what now? Are you going to drag me back to your village so I can become your little housewife? Sorry, not gonna happen. You should know that I don’t give up that easily. And if I have to claw my way through the whole Anbu, I promise I will escape again. If I’m at it I might also use the chance to ruin that handsome face of yours because your grin makes my guts churn.” Tobirama chuckled a bit. “You still have such a naughty little tongue. But I guess that’s normal in such a situation. But I know you won’t run away. Wanna know why?” You felt his weight shifting on top of you a bit and in the next moment you felt his warm breath tickling your earlobe. “Because you care for your family and don’t want anything to happen to them.” Your heart stopped beating for a short moment. Was he threatening your family now?
“You wouldn’t.” Your voice was slightly shaking. “As the Hokage it’s your job to make sure that the villagers are safe. By doing this you could risk losing your position as the Hokage as well as the trust and respect from pretty much everyone. Not to forget the fact that I would make you pay dearly if you should ever think of harming my family.” You couldn’t twist your head enough to see him, but you could almost picture the grin he had now on his face. “Who said that I’m gonna get caught? I can and I will and attacking me wouldn’t be very smart. You’re strong, but not even you can do much when you’re outnumbered. Not like I’m an easy opponent either. So let’s make a deal.” You were seething by now, wanting to scratch him, bite him, do something to him! “You come back to the village with me and will move into my house. You won’t tell anybody about what happened in here and if everything goes well we will announce our engagement very soon to the village.” He felt horrible all of your muscles tensed extremely up, signing him that you were about to start fighting him again. “Or you decide to be selfish and fight me. Then I think I might have to set the one or another rumor up and sign a few documents. And just like that your family could lose their jobs and houses. But you aren’t going to be that egotistic, are you? Plus all the troubles I would have to drag you back.”
You were shaking by now, you didn’t know if it was due to the storm of anger inside of you or due to the terror which caused you to break out in cold sweat. “So you basically give me the choice of coming willingly and giving up my life or deciding to fight where you’ll use my family against me and still drag me back? So it doesn’t even matter what I choose since the result will remain the same!” “But how much trouble you’ll give others and yourself can be avoided if you make the right choice.” It was so unfair. He had really calculated everything in, hadn’t he? You relaxed your body, a sign that you were giving up. “Fine. I’ll go with you. Asshole.” “I knew you would be smart enough to choose wisely. But I would appreciate it if you would stop calling your future fiancé such names. After all we’re going to spend the rest of our lifes together.” He traced your shoulders in an almost lovingly manner. Tobirama obviously enjoyed the thought of you and him together. You on the other hand could have thrown up.
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