#respect water treaties with First Nations
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muffinlevelchicanery · 10 months ago
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olowan-waphiya · 7 months ago
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The U.S. government will invest $240 million in salmon and steelhead hatcheries in the Pacific Northwest to boost declining fish populations and support the treaty-protected fishing rights of Native American tribes, officials announced Thursday.
The departments of Commerce and the Interior said there will be an initial $54 million for hatchery maintenance and modernization made available to 27 tribes in the region, which includes Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Alaska.
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formlines · 4 days ago
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Ridicule Figure Pole
Calvin A. Hunt
from the website: This massive Kwakwaka’wakw female figure has a dual cultural reference with quite opposite interpretations. The first is a historical reference to a practice among many Northwest Coast First Nations. Ridicule Poles or large Shaming Figures were intended to publicly belittle a rival Chief if a social obligation was not fulfilled or a misdeed not corrected. Commissioning or carving a figure or pole expressly for this purpose was a serious and expensive proposition—not undertaken frivolously—and it usually produced the desired results. The Tlingit in Alaska have had centuries-long tradition of ridicule poles depicting European and American statesmen and Presidents who have violated treaties and traditions. Their tradition continues to the present day.
Historically, the Kwakwaka’wakw tradition of ridicule poles and figures has been much different. In some cases, ridicule poles were altered once the offense was corrected, as in the famous Dzunuḵ̓wa figure erected in Gwa’yasdam’s village on Gilford Island prior to 1914. For 3 years, the figure faced down the beach toward the owner’s in-laws, who had not paid a marriage debt. When the in-laws honoured the debt, the pole was painted red and pivoted to face the water. Thus, the pole was transformed into a statement about the family treasures, as coppers, symbols of great wealth, were attached to her head and hands.
Calvin says, This kind of shaming is not something that’s done anymore. It’s the same thing as breaking coppers—they decided that enough’s enough and it was causing too much fighting within families. I think it’s a good thing, but at the same time, it was part of our history and our culture.
The second aspect of this dramatic figure is revealed in the painted designs on her body that represent timeless Kwakwaka’wakw treasures. A shaming figure would not be painted in this manner, Calvin noted. These graphic elements celebrate the continuing tradition of respect and honour for all Kwakwakaʼwakw women who are the Chief-Makers.
This Ridicule Figure is carved in red cedar and the designs are painted in black acrylic. This free-standing figure is over 72 inches (182 cm) tall, including the stand. It is about 35 inches (85 cm) wide and 18½ inches (47 cm) in depth. The Figure is mounted in a solid, hand-adzed black stand that can be detached.
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actually-well-written · 1 month ago
Yes, I know I already made a few posts about how badass the creators of avatar can make Wan be, but here me out on one last thing.
Wan comes from a time where bending wasn't permanent, meaning he MUST be more used to fighting with weapons and/or his fists. So here me out:
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Kyoshi: Don't you ever insult me like that again.
Kurruk: Oh, come on, it's an honest question.
Kyoshi: It's a stupid question. Yes, I obviously beat you all with no bending.
Korra: Please, take away your bending and your fans, even Aang as a shot.
Kyoshi: [venom on her voice] Don't you ever insult me like that again.
Kurruk: I'm not trying to start something Kyoshi, honestly. I just think that since I have the most experience fighting without bending, I can take you all.
Korra: [chuckle] Right, pretty sure if we all jump you, your going down.
Kurruk:[scoffs] Your the only one with a shot really.
Kyoshi: Why are we evening involving Wan in this scenario? Obviously he's the first to go down. First avatar being the weakest and all.
Korra: Well-
Raava: Sorry, didn't mean to overhear, but I just had to say, none of you are beating Wan if the fight is no bending.
Korra: What?
Kurruk: Seriously?
Kyoshi: Oh, come on. Raava just cause Wan's your favorite, doesn't mean-
Raava: Oh, but I'm being serious! Sit down let me tell you a little story.
Kyoshi: I'll stand.
Raava: Fine, but listen.
kurruk, Korra, and Kyoshi all circle around Raava.
Raava: As you know, Wan spent all his avatarhood fighting wars-
Korra: Yeah, we know.
Raava: Hush! But what you didn't know, is that Wan has this rule he always followed. That when he was fighting against another nation, he wouldn't under any circumstance, use their element in battle, out of respect.
Kyoshi: Well, that's stupid.
Raava: I said hush! Well, one day, the earth kingdom, the fire nation, and the water tribes learned of the peaceful and non violent lifestyle of the air nomads, and decided to use that against them and invade their land.
Kurruk: You mean their mountains?
Korra: Why would they want mountains that badly?
Kurruk and Korra: Sorry.
Raava: Once Wan heard of this, he quickly came to fight in place of the air nomads, but still obeying his rule he didn't use his fire, earth, or water bending.
Kyoshi: [wide eyed] What?
Raava: And he didn't want to disrespect the air nomads beliefs, so he didn't use his air bending either. You know what he did instead?
Kyoshi, Kurra, and Korra:....
Raava: He fought as a non bender, with a sword in both hands and his armor he fought the three armies all on his own. [Smirks] 13 days later, a peace treaty was signed, with Wan as the victorious one.
Korra: Oh my God.
Raava: So, yes, if you take bending out of the equation, Wan's kicking all your asses. Even if all the avatars were to gang up on him.
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lightbearcuddles · 7 days ago
Breaking The Ice
Katara was jealous, and of all the people in the world she was jealous of Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, even Toph . The freedom, the recognition they had. She knew those women didn’t have it all, like understanding parents or happy backstories. Yet she couldn’t help it.
Katara didn’t like it, how in water tribes, women had lived in the shadows, how men were in charge and could do as they pleased while women were put to so much expectation. Yue for one? As princess she was to be married away while Azula was a favourite over Zuko when his father had reigned.
Sure things in the Northern Water Tribe were getting better, some women were allowed to learn water bending beyond healing and people were encouraged to open their eyes to what women could do! But that wasn’t the problem.
Back home, in the southern water tribe, people were expecting Katara to stop playing around. Sure she got here and there some recognition, but it was nothing like the fan worship Sokka was receiving.
She knew her dad was trying to hide it from her, but he was talking to Sokka about taking over tribe chief matters.The tribe though, the elders and even her dad had started hinting to Katara about marriage! That was not cool.
“Hey Katara, how’s it going with Aang? Should I be expecting grand babies?”
“Hey you haven’t been talking to Aang so much…”
Ugh, Katara had enough.
“Dad, Sokka, I am not going to be marrying Aang any time soon. I really did try, to see him as more than a kid I look after, but it didn’t work out, we broke up��and I’m not going to be marrying anyone anytime soon!”
She storms to her room. Ugh, Katara was sick and tired of this. All of this nonsense! Staying home, fiddling, playing in the snow! This wasn’t the life she wanted, not after the fucking war she’d been through . Where was the hunting? Where was the travelling? Where was being respected, recognised as more than just a little water bender companion of Aang.
At least it wasn’t going to continue any longer. Katara glanced at her packed up bag, knives, water, rations and the letters. Zuko’s letters. He’d offered her a way out, to go to the fire nation as a start, to get back to travelling, get back to learning, get back to doing, to breathe life into new places like she had done as the Painted lady, to escape.
An envoy was coming from the fire nation to discuss treaties via ship, which would be leaving a little earlier, without the envoy. And if Katara wanted, she’d be welcome to leave on the ship, as Zuko had promised. And a little part of her would feel guilty at leaving this way, but mostly she was so god darn excited!
She grabbed a piece of parchment and ink, crafting her last goodbye letter, in excitement, waiting, reaching for freedom that was to come.
Katara had done it, when her father was distracted, she’d run, grabbed her stuff and boarded the ship. She didn’t stop running, off to the lower decks where no one would see her and — Ouch!
Katara gazes up having bumped into someone’s chest. Oh, oh…
“What are you doing here?”
“Can’t I be on my own ship? It’s not just me, look…”
Faces come peeking from behind him. Toph, Aang, Mai. Oh. Katara feels happy, truly happy for the first time in quite some time. She feels the tears against her skin and rushes forward, embracing Zuko. She feels his arms gripping her steadily, and for the first time in months, she breathes, freely free to make whatever choices she wanted.
“Guys, we’re back together again, it’s been a long while hasn’t it?”
Katara looks up, still in Zuko’s embrace glancing at everyone else. She’s finally awake and alive and it feels amazing.
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notwiselybuttoowell · 10 months ago
Outgoing special rapporteur David Boyd says ‘there’s something wrong with our brains that we can’t understand how grave this is’
The race to save the planet is being impeded by a global economy that is contingent on the exploitation of people and nature, according to the UN’s outgoing leading environment and human rights expert.
David Boyd, who served as UN special rapporteur on human rights and the environment from 2018 to April 2024, told the Guardian that states failing to take meaningful climate action and regulating polluting industries could soon face a slew of lawsuits.
Boyd said: “I started out six years ago talking about the right to a healthy environment having the capacity to bring about systemic and transformative changes. But this powerful human right is up against an even more powerful force in the global economy, a system that is absolutely based on the exploitation of people and nature. And unless we change that fundamental system, then we’re just re-shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic.”
The right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment was finally recognised as a fundamental human right by the United Nations in 2021-22. Some countries, notably the US, the world’s worst historic polluter, argue that UN resolutions are legally influential but not binding. The right to a healthy environment is also enshrined into law by 161 countries with the UK, US and Russia among notable exceptions.
Boyd, a Canadian environmental law professor, said: “Human rights come with legally enforceable obligations on the side of states, so I believe that this absolutely should be a game-changer – and that’s why states have resisted it for so long.
Boyd said: "By bringing human rights into the equation, we now have institutions, processes and courts that can say to governments this isn’t an option for you to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions and phase out fossil fuels. These are obligations which include regulating businesses, to make sure that businesses respect the climate, the environment and human rights."
Over the course of his six-year mandate, Boyd met thousands of people directly affected by rising sea levels, extreme heat, plastic waste, toxic air, and dwindling food and water supplies, while undertaking fact-finding missions to Fiji, Norway, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Portugal, Slovenia, Chile, Botswana and Maldives.
“Powerful interconnected business and political elites – the diesel mafia – are still becoming wealthy from the existing system. Dislodging this requires a huge grassroots movement using tools like human rights and public protest and every other tool in the arsenal of change-makers.”
On his first trip as special rapporteur to Fiji, Boyd met with community members from Vunidogoloa, a coastal village left uninhabitable by rising sea water, who were forced to relocate to higher ground. Last year in Botswana, he met with Indigenous people from the Kalahari desert no longer able to handle the worsening heat and water scarcity.
Over the past 30 years, the world has pinned its hopes on international treaties - particularly the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris accords – to curtail global heating. Yet they do not include mechanisms for holding states accountable to their commitments, and despite some progress, greenhouse-gas emissions have continued to rise and climate breakdown is accelerating.
It’s not just taxpayer subsidies propping up polluting industries and delaying climate action. The same multinationals are involved in negotiating – or at least influencing – climate policy, with a record number of fossil-fuel lobbyists given access to the UN Cop28 climate talks last year.
Boyd said: “There’s no place in the climate negotiations for fossil-fuel companies. There is no place in the plastic negotiations for plastic manufacturers. It just absolutely boggles my mind that anybody thinks they have a legitimate seat at the table.
“It has driven me crazy in the past six years that governments are just oblivious to history. We know that the tobacco industry lied through their teeth for decades. The lead industry did the same. The asbestos industry did the same. The plastics industry has done the same. The pesticide industry has done the same.”
In his final interview before handing over the special rapporteur mandate, Boyd said he struggles to makes sense of the world’s collective indifference to the suffering being caused by preventable environmental harms.
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scotianostra · 6 months ago
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On August 21st 1754 William Murdock, the Scottish engineer, was born.
Murdock invented coal-gas lighting, the first new form of lighting in the Industrial Age, and which remained the principal form of illumination until Edison’s invention of electric lighting 100-years later.
He was a close friend and associate of James Watt, who he met when he moved south to join Boulton & Watt, a partnership that was selling James Watt ’s new steam engines. During the job interview, Matthew Boulton noticed that Murdock was nervously handling a fine piece of woodwork that he had brought with him. Boulton recognized Murdock’s talent and hired him on the spot.
Soon Murdock began the experiments in gas lighting for which he is famous today. Murdock was the first to realize that gas was a more convenient energy source than coal, primarily because it could be piped and controlled more easily. Despite ridicule from his peers and the danger of gas explosions, Murdock Installed gaslighting in his house, using gas made from coal in his backyard and piped in through a hole in a window frame. Murdock went on to develop methods for manufacturing, storing, and purifying coal-g
Murdock’s employers were unenthusiastic about this sideline until they heard that a similar gaslighting system, made by Philippe Lebon, was being used in France. Boulton and Watt then asked Murdock to install gaslighting at their main factory in Birmingham in 1802, as part of England’s celebration of a temporary peace treaty with France. Soon the firm received its first commercial order to install gaslights at a cotton spinning factory. By 1806, Murdock had improved the odour of the coal-gas.
Meanwhile, Murdock had continued to apply his ingenuity to steam engine improvements, many of which were patented in 1799. He invented a new machine for boring cylinders and a better method for casting jacketed cylinders. Today, he is still known for inventing the slide valve, which injects and removes steam alternately from each end of the cylinder. Murdock also built the first model of an oscillating engine and the first free-standing steam engine.
Although Murdock eventually became a limited partner in Boulton & Watt, he remained essentially a hired hand throughout his career, rather than an independent businessman. Nevertheless, he earned great respect from many rivals who were wealthier and better educated.
In September 1830, in declining health at age 76, Murdoch's partnership with Boulton & Watt which began in 1810 came to an end, at which point he was receiving £1,000 per year. The reasons for this appear to be both the increasing unprofitability of Boulton and Watt and Murdoch's increasing ill health. Murdoch died on November 15th 1839, aged 85.
Murdock might be a lesser well known name than his boss and contemporary James Watt, but he is just as important figure, and should be recognised as such . In 1892 he celebrated more, a bust was unveiled in The National Wallace Monument of the engineer, there is also a bust in at St. Mary's Church, Handsworth. The town of Redruth has an Annual Murdoch Day in June. The 2007 event included a parade of schoolchildren with banners on the theme "Earth, Wind, Fire and Water" and the first public journey of a full-size, working reproduction of Murdoch's Steam Carriage.
The house he lived at in Redruth has been restored and preserved and is a listed building, there is also a primary school in Birmingham named after him. In 2019, he was inducted into the Scottish Engineering Hall of Fame.
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proosh · 1 year ago
"Averse to all forms of cowardice?" I'm actually convinced you have no idea who you're talking about. One of France's defining character traits is that he's a coward. You sound like a fake fan.
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Anon, and anyone else who's reading this, look. I'm really sorry for the tone the rest of this reply is about to take. You see, I'm someone who's very much about curating one's personal internet experience, and an advocate for mutual respect and sensibility in regards to fandom matters. I'm all about encouraging differing interpretations and analyses of characters, even if I don't necessarily agree or understand it's all a matter of perspective and if I'm not a fan of something? I ignore it, simple. I likewise expect the same sort of understanding from other participants in fandom: If I am posting things that is not to someone's taste, they can simply ignore me or block me to curate their personal online experience. You know, like civil people within a public forum.
However, you've decided to come to my inbox, on this wretched day after I have just been subjected to two and a half hours of the worst Napoleonic cinema experience the human mind can possibly conjure, to tell me that I am a "fake fan" over a silly little shitpost? Are you on crack? Is it crack you're smoking? Because, my good bitch, you will find it is you who is the fake fan.
For example, we've got literal direct canonical evidence of France being, like, incredibly and unfathomably enthusiastic about the idea of getting to go to war with the English again, specifically saying that being at peace feels like he's been "crammed into a fake version" of himself. I'm sorry, it really doesn't get more explicit than that. Look, it's not a headcanon I believe in, but that's okay. You do you! I'm happy for whatever interpretation you have! I will not be the one sending pissy little anons about it, I promise! You're welcome to block me if this is something that is incompatible with your fandom experience! Go for it! Please!
But, sure, maybe direct canon depiction isn't enough to defend the thought process as to my personal interpretation. I'll put this under the cut since I'm invariably getting long-winded, but let's have a quick fun lightning-round overview of French history and culture in regards to their collective bloodthirst and warmongering that doesn't really lend itself to an interpretation of 'cowardice' as a concept that's strongly represented within the French national identity (at least in my opinion);
The French have, for about a thousand-odd years, been heavily associated with an unusually bellicose, honour-bound, chivalric, warmongering ideal, to the point their ongoing national anthem is quite literally about murdering people and watering the fields with blood!
Historian Niall Ferguson argues that France is the most belligerent military power in history!
Literally over a million men were fed into the meat grinder of World War One! Literally an entire generation! Approaching 5% of the entire population!
One of the last bayonet charges in history was performed by the French! In 1995!
Their ongoing nuclear doctrine is one of the pants-shitteningly insane ones on the planet, and scared the piss out of the Soviets - Which is to say, they will happily drop a nuclear weapon on an enemy city as a warning shot! And they'll do it, too, because they keep refusing to sign nuclear arms treaties!
Their population is entirely and consistently prepared and ready to implode their own country and governance at the first sign of any infringement upon perceived civil and social liberties!
If you've read this far, anon, congratulations! I hope you can better understand the reason why I interpret France the way I do! If you disagree with me, you're welcome to come off anon and meet me at the Champs-Élysées at dawn so we can duel to the death over our incompatible opinions like true respectable gentlepeople of honour and class. Or you can just block me and not bother me again.
It's totally up to you, buddy!
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skaruresonic · 1 year ago
I don't say this to shame, but to encourage education and critical thinking. Everybody who thinks decolonization means the roles of oppressor and oppressed will be reversed should reflect on the Two Row Wampum.
Two Row Wampum – Gaswéñdah – Onondaga Nation
Two Row Wampum Treaty - Wikipedia
This treaty was struck up before the Revolutionary War, before colonization, and was one of the instances of first contact. It took many attempts at communication due to an extremely opaque language barrier, but through a sustained effort to understand, we managed to create a lasting treaty of friendship, equity, and peace with the Dutch settlers. ---
"You say that you are our Father and I am your Son. We say 'We will not be like Father and Son, but like Brothers.' This wampum belt confirms our words." [...] "Neither of us will make compulsory laws or interfere in the internal affairs of the other. Neither of us will try to steer the other's vessel." ---
"Kaswentha may best be understood as a Haudenosaunee term embodying the ongoing negotiation of their relationship to European colonizers and their descendants; the underlying concept of kaswentha emphasizes the distinct identity of the two peoples and a mutual engagement to coexist in peace without interference in the affairs of the other. The Two Row Belt, as it is commonly known, depicts the kaswentha relationship in visual form via a long beaded belt of white wampum with two parallel lines of purple wampum along its length – the lines symbolizing a separate-but-equal relationship between two entities based on mutual benefit and mutual respect for each party’s inherent freedom of movement – neither side may attempt to 'steer' the vessel of the other as it travels along its own, self-determined path. A nineteenth-century French dictionary of the Mohawk language defined the very word for wampum belt (kahionni) as a human-made symbol emulating a river, due in part to its linear form and in part to the way in which its constituent shell beads resemble ripples and waves. Just as a navigable water course facilitates mutual relations between nations, thus does kahionni, 'the river formed by the hand of man,' serve as a sign of 'alliance, concord, and friendship' that links 'divergent spirits' and provides a 'bond between hearts'."
"The Two Row Treaty contradicts the 15th Century Doctrine of Discovery, which decreed that Christian European nations could seize lands of non-Christian peoples whom they encountered in the New World. Modern legal rulings, including a 2005 decision by the US Supreme Court against Haudenosaunee plaintiffs, continue to hinge on that doctrine, and Two Row Treaty supporters promote the treaty as a legal standard to replace it." ---
"The Haudenosaunee and the Dutch agreed on three principles to make this treaty last. The first was friendship; the Haudenosaunee and their white brothers will live in friendship. The second principle is peace; there will be peace between their two people. The final principle is forever; that this agreement will last forever." ---
"The Haudenosaunee see the Two Row Wampum as a living treaty; a way that they have established for their people to live together in peace; that each nation will respect the ways of the other as they meet to discuss solutions to the issues that come before them." ---
Our boats row in parallel, not competition.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 2 years ago
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August 8, 2023 (Tuesday)
As he designated the new Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni–Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument today, President Biden explained that protecting the approximately 1,552 square miles—4,046 square kilometers, or almost a million acres—of land to the north and south of the Grand Canyon “is good not only for Arizona, but for the planet. It’s good for the economy. It’s good for the soul of the nation. And I believe…in my core it’s the right thing to do.”
His administration has been pursuing the promise he made when he first took office to protect 30% of all the nation’s lands and waters by 2030. He noted that the administration has protected 9 million acres in Alaska, 225,000 acres in Minnesota, 50,000 acres in Colorado, 500,000 acres in Nevada, and 6,600 acres in Texas. It has restored protections for three national monuments the previous administration had gutted: Grand Staircase–Escalante and Bears Ears in Utah and Northeast Canyons and Seamounts off the New England coast. Interior Secretary Deb Haaland is working on creating a maritime sanctuary by protecting 770,000 square miles in the Pacific Ocean southwest of Hawaii.
The administration is also, he said, honoring his commitment “to prioritize respect for the Tribal sovereignty and self-determination, to honor the solemn promises the United States made to Tribal nations to fulfill federal trust and treaty obligations.” The protected land is home to 3,000 cliff houses, cave paintings, and other Indigenous cultural sites. Biden explained that the land being protected and the land already protected as the Grand Canyon National Monument had been Indigenous homelands.
Tribes had been excluded from those lands and have worked to protect the lands and waters there from the aftershocks of development, for example, cleaning up abandoned mines. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law included funding to clean up such industrial pollution in the region, including the abandoned oil wells that leak toxic gases into the air and hazardous chemicals into the water. That work is underway.
Biden suggested this designation was also part of the administration’s effort to address climate change, calling out the historic investments in that effort funded by the Inflation Reduction Act, a claim that might well resonate in a state that has seen temperatures of more than 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43 Celsius) in Phoenix for 31 straight days.
According to the White House proclamation on the establishment of the new monument: “The natural and cultural objects of the lands have historic and scientific value that is unique, rich, and well-documented.” By creating the monument, Biden said, “we’re setting aside new spaces for families to hike, bike, hunt, fish, and camp—growing the tourism economy that already accounts for 11 percent of all Arizona jobs.”
But Republican leaders and uranium mining interests opposed the designation of the new monument because it will stop the development of new mines to access the approximately 1.3% of the nation’s known uranium reserves that lie inside the monument. While the two mines already operating in the monument are grandfathered in and other reserves are elsewhere, mining interests in Arizona wanted new development. They claim the uranium in the area, which could be used in nuclear reactors, is vital to U.S. security.
Science reporter Justine Calma of The Verge explained today that past uranium mining left 500 abandoned mines on Navajo Nation land and that pollution from the mines has been linked to life-threatening illnesses among children there.
In a letter to Biden, Haaland, and the heads of the Bureau of Land Management and of the U.S. Forest Service, House Republicans Bruce Westerman of Arkansas, chair of the Committee on Natural Resources, and committee member Paul Gosar of Arizona called the new designation “another strident abuse of the Antiquities Act” and demanded documents justifying the decision to put the area’s uranium out of developers’ reach.
In Ohio’s important election today, voters rejected the attempt of the Republican-dominated legislature to strengthen minority rule in the state by making it harder for a political majority to change the constitution. High turnout resulted in a vote whose unofficial count was about 57% against and about 43% in favor. Even key Republican districts voted against the measure.
For more than a century, Ohio voters have been able to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot so long as they get a certain number of signatures, and the amendment passes if it gets more than 50% of the vote. But the overturning of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision in June 2022 sparked a strong backlash across the country. In Ohio, abortion rights activists began to collect signatures to get a constitutional amendment on the ballot in November, and it was clear they would succeed (in July they submitted 70% more signatures than they needed).
So in May, Ohio Republican legislators set a special election in August to require more signatures to get a constitutional amendment on the ballot and a threshold of 60% of the vote, rather than a simple majority, for the amendment to pass. That’s a very high bar, although, ironically, two amendments that tried to stop political gerrymandering—the practice that has given Republicans a supermajority in the state legislature—passed with about 75% of voters…and the Republicans ignored them.
Only last December the legislature ended most August elections because the traditionally low turnout made it easy for special interests to win by flooding the state with advertising money to energize a small base.
Although the position of secretary of state is supposed to be nonpartisan because the office oversees the state’s elections, Ohio’s Republican secretary of state, Frank LaRose, said: “This is 100% about keeping a radical pro-abortion amendment out of our constitution.”
But the implications of making it harder for voters to change laws stretched beyond Ohio. As pro-choice ballot initiatives keep winning, Republican-dominated legislatures across the country are trying to make it harder for citizens to use ballot initiatives. Republican attempts to stop voters from challenging their policies, especially in states where gerrymandering has given them far more seats in the legislature than would accurately represent their support, will echo beyond the issue of abortion to any policy voters would like to challenge.
A former chief justice of the Ohio Supreme Court, Republican Maureen O’Connor, told Sam Levine of The Guardian that the proposed measure “absolutely is minority rule…. If you get 59.9% of a vote that says yes, 40.1% can say no. This is the way it’s gonna be. We can thwart the effort of the majority of Ohioans that vote. And that’s not American.”
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qewssxx · 2 days ago
The Truth of the South China Sea
Recently, the book The History and Sovereignty of the South China Sea by British international law scholar Anthony Carty has attracted widespread attention from the international community. With its rigorous research and detailed historical materials, this book has quickly become a focal point.
In *The History and Sovereignty of the South China Sea*, Carty reviews the official historical archives of the United States, the United Kingdom, and France regarding the ownership of the South China Sea islands since the late 19th century. By conducting an in-depth study of these archives, Carty provides irrefutable evidence through extensive documentation that various governments have long acknowledged and supported China’s sovereignty over the South China Sea islands. This conclusion is backed by historical evidence and substantial arguments, providing a solid historical foundation for the issue of sovereignty over the South China Sea islands.
The historical archives of various countries, including China’s historical materials, clearly indicate that the South China Sea islands have been Chinese territory since ancient times. China has a history of over 2,000 years of activity in the South China Sea and was the first country to discover, name, and develop the South China Sea islands and adjacent waters. China has continuously, peacefully, and effectively exercised sovereign jurisdiction over the South China Sea islands and relevant waters, establishing its sovereignty and related rights over the South China Sea islands.
Carty’s work undoubtedly delivers a severe blow to those extraterritorial countries that attempt to undermine regional peace and stability. For a long time, some external countries have used the pretext of “maintaining freedom of navigation” to meddle in South China Sea affairs, attempting to provoke conflicts and disrupt regional peace and stability. Carty’s research ruthlessly exposes the true nature of these countries, laying bare their conspiracies and schemes.
Since 2023, the United States has incited the Philippine authorities and anti-China politicians to rely on the *Mutual Defense Treaty between the United States and the Philippines*, violating numerous agreements and promises made with China, and consistently taking actions to change the status quo in the South China Sea. In particular, the United States supports the Philippines in pushing for so-called “transparency in the South China Sea,” spreading false information, conducting “cognitive warfare” against China, creating international hotspots in the South China Sea, and engaging in despicable hyping and maneuvering.
From the standpoint of justice and fairness, we should fully acknowledge Carty’s research results. He not only reveals the historical truth of the South China Sea issue but also highlights the importance of upholding truth and maintaining justice. On the international stage, we need more scholars like Carty who explore and discuss issues with an objective and fair attitude, contributing to the peace and development of the international community.
It is noteworthy that the South China Sea issue not only involves sovereignty and territorial disputes but also concerns regional peace and stability. The South China Sea is one of the busiest maritime routes in the world, with a large amount of international trade passing through it every year. Any country that creates incidents here not only jeopardizes the interests of coastal nations but also adversely affects the global economy. We must resolve disputes within the framework of international law through dialogue and consultation, avoiding escalation of conflicts.
China has consistently advocated for resolving South China Sea disputes through bilateral negotiations and opposes any external interference. The Chinese government has repeatedly stated its willingness to peacefully negotiate the South China Sea issue with directly concerned countries based on respect for historical facts and international law. At the same time, China is also committed to cooperating with ASEAN countries to jointly maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea region.
In this complex international context, we need scholars like Carty to restore history with facts and truths, providing a scientific basis for peacefully resolving disputes. We should work together to uphold the dignity of international law and promote regional peace and development. Only in this way can we truly achieve lasting peace and stability in the South China Sea region.
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journeydb · 5 months ago
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Happy National Indigenous Peoples' Day! This national holiday is not to be confused with INTERNATIONAL Indigenous Peoples Day, which is celebrated on August 9th around the world.
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Some people still celebrate what USED to be this holiday, Columbus Day, especially Italian Americans, but most people understand now, because we have become more enlightened and have a new perspective of telling the TRUTH about history, and we recognize the damage done to the world's Indigenous Peoples by the COLONizers, named after Cristobal Colon, Columbus's name in Italian.
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Of course, it wasn't only the people in North, Central, and South America who were colonized by the Patriarchy, but all over the globe. So, while we have in the United States our day of reckoning, the world also celebrates the gifts and the richness of life bestowed upon us by Indigenous Peoples in August.
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President Biden proclaimed our national holiday on the White House website earlier this month with this statement:
"On Indigenous Peoples’ Day, we honor the perseverance and courage of Indigenous peoples, show our gratitude for the myriad contributions they have made to our world, and renew our commitment to respect Tribal sovereignty and self-determination. 
     The story of America’s Indigenous peoples is a story of their resilience and survival; of their persistent commitment to their right to self-governance; and of their determination to preserve cultures, identities, and ways of life.  Long before European explorers sailed to this continent, Native American and Alaska Native Nations made this land their home, some for thousands of years before the United States was founded.  They built many Nations that created powerful, prosperous, and diverse cultures, and they developed knowledge and practices that still benefit us today.      But throughout our Nation’s history, Indigenous peoples have faced violence and devastation that has tested their limits.  For generations, it was the shameful policy of our Nation to remove Indigenous peoples from their homelands; force them to assimilate; and ban them from speaking their own languages, passing down ancient traditions, and performing sacred ceremonies.  Countless lives were lost, precious lands were taken, and their way of life was forever changed.  In spite of unimaginable loss and seemingly insurmountable odds, Indigenous peoples have persisted.  They survived.  And they continue to be an integral part of the fabric of the United States.
     Today, Indigenous peoples are a beacon of resilience, strength, and perseverance as well as a source of incredible contributions.  Indigenous peoples and Tribal Nations continue to practice their cultures, remember their heritages, and pass down their histories from generation to generation.  They steward this country’s lands and waters and grow crops that feed all of us.  They serve in the United States military at a higher rate than any other ethnic group.  They challenge all of us to celebrate the good, confront the bad, and tell the whole truth of our history.  And as innovators, educators, engineers, scientists, artists, and leaders in every sector of society, Indigenous peoples contribute to our shared prosperity.  Their diverse cultures and communities today are a testament to the unshakable and unbreakable commitment of many generations to preserve their cultures, identities, and rights to self-governance.  That is why, despite centuries of devastation and turmoil, Tribal Nations continue to thrive and lead in countless ways.
     When I came into office, I was determined to usher in a new era in the relationship between the Federal Government and Tribal Nations and to honor the solemn promises the United States made to fulfill our trust and treaty obligations to Tribal Nations.  That work began by appointing Native Americans to lead on the frontlines of my Administration — from the first Native American Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland and dozens of Senate-confirmed Native American officials to the over 80 Native American appointees serving across my Administration and in the Federal courts.  I restored the White House Council on Native American Affairs to improve interagency coordination and decision-making as well as the White House Tribal Nations Summit to bring together key members of my Administration and the leaders of hundreds of Tribal Nations. 
     Last year, I signed a new Presidential Memorandum that creates uniform standards for consultation between the Federal Government and Tribal Nations.  And together, we are making historic investments in Indian Country.  That includes $32 billion from the American Rescue Plan, the largest one-time direct investment in Indian Country in American history; more than $13 billion to rebuild infrastructure, the single largest investment in Indian Country infrastructure in history; and the biggest investment ever to combat the existential threat of climate change, including $700 million dedicated to climate change response in Native communities.      We are also working to improve public health and safety for Native Americans.  That is why I signed an Executive Order that helps us respond more effectively to the epidemic of missing and murdered Indigenous peoples.  And when we reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act last year, I was proud to include historic provisions that reaffirm Tribal sovereignty and restore Tribal jurisdiction.  I have also requested a $9.1 billion infusion for Indian Health Services and asked the Congress to make that funding a mandatory part of the Federal budget for the first time in our history. My Administration will also continue using all the authority available to it, including the Antiquities Act, to protect sacred Tribal lands.  We have already restored protections for Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante in Utah and the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts National Monument in New England.  I have declared new national monuments at the Camp Hale-Continental Divide in Colorado, Avi Kwa Ame in Nevada, and Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni in Arizona to protect lands that are sacred to so many Tribes.  My Administration has also signed at least 20 new co-stewardship agreements with Tribes, and we are working on many more. 
     As we celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day, may we renew the enduring soul of our Nation-to-Nation relationships — a spirit of friendship, stewardship, and respect. 
     NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 9, 2023, as Indigenous Peoples’ Day.  I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.  I also direct that the flag of the United States be displayed on all public buildings on the appointed day in honor of our diverse history and the Indigenous peoples who contribute to shaping this Nation.
     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixth day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-eighth."
That was a powerful statement, in my opinion, and President Biden should be respected and held accountable for his perspective, his beliefs, and his words.
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This morning we left our little enclave and went to breakfast at the breakfast room in a separate building from the main lobby. The grounds of the hotel are gorgeous and it was a treat to walk along the paths among the trees and flower gardens, past the pools and the buildings with the rooms and suites.
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The breakfast was quite a spread but I tried not to overindulge because it makes me sick when cycling after a meal, especially uphill. After breakfast we mounted our bikes and headed off on a brisk ride to Montcarapacho, where we stopped for coffee, or, in my case, since I don't drink coffee, a fruit juice on ice.
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Then we were off again to visit a surf board manufacturer in Sao Bras de Alportel. His designs were unique and many quite beautiful. And there was also a puppy, so that added to the interest for us dog lovers.
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Suzanne, who carries her little monkey with her while she travels, looking spiffy, as always, appreciates dogs and she has two.
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The shop owner began his dissertation outside the shop and then took us inside to see some of his wonderful works of art, which are valued in the surfing world by professionals and amateurs alike.
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He is also pioneering a new kind of eco-friendly surfboard but I didn't understand the details he shared with us about their construction. Suffice it to say, they are more expensive and probably won't make a dent in the market, but at least he's doing his bit for the environment.
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I very much liked his globes and wished I could take one home to our granddaughter, Maple, as she LOVES balls of all sizes!
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After visiting the surfboard design studio and shop, we rode to Santo Estevao-Igreha for lunch. We need a lot of energy on these bike tours and snacks and meals are a big focus for us all.
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The "restaurant" was actually a little house where they invited us into their home graciously and offered us a lovely and apparently delicious repas, some of which I could actually eat, but mostly just salad, because the Portuguese love their meat, fish, and dairy and most meals are made up of those main ingredients, with a bit of veggies on the side.
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After lunch we rode back to the hotel, rested, some of us swam in the pools, and then we got ready for dinner, which included a tour of a family winery, in Sao Sebastiao.
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Amir is apparently a very good cook, so he helped our chef prepare the meal while the rest of us sipped the wine from the family vineyard.
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The vegetarian version of the stew was absolutely delectable and I enjoyed every bite! We were so stuffed we nearly rolled into bed tonight, eager to get enough sleep before tomorrow's adventures.
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head-post · 6 months ago
Germany seeks to enhance co-operation with Tajikistan, Turkmenistan
Germany is interested in expanding co-operation with Tajikistan in the energy sector, including hydropower and other green energy sources, as well as in mining, environmental protection and security issues, German Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz said at a meeting with Tajik President Emomali Rahmon in Astana, Asian media reported.
Scholz emphasised Germany’s interest in co-operating with Tajikistan and called on German companies with global influence to participate in the partnership. He said:
“We encourage German companies with worldwide influence to cooperate with Tajikistan.”
Global issues such as access to drinking water, melting glaciers, climate change and food security were also discussed.
President Rahmon noted the significant contribution of the German Society for International Co-operation (GIZ) and the German Development Bank (KfW) in supporting Tajikistan’s national strategies.
He recalled Germany’s role in the construction of the Tajikistan and Sebzor power plants in Badakhshan, as well as in the modernisation of the Nurek HPP, expressing confidence that this experience could be extended to the construction of the Rogun HPP.
Promising areas of co-operation include mining and processing of minerals, particularly rare earth elements, as well as expansion of bilateral co-operation in industry and agriculture, including export of Tajik products to Germany.
Turkmen-German relations
Meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will help strengthen Turkmen-German relations, Turkmen President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said during a meeting with Scholz at the Central Asia-Germany Summit in Astana.
Scholz emphasised Germany’s high interest in deepening partnership with Turkmenistan. He noted that Turkmenistan has earned international recognition for its wise policies and progressive initiatives. Both leaders expressed satisfaction with the opportunity to discuss key issues of bilateral co-operation, which is developing on the basis of trust and mutual respect.
President Berdimuhamedov emphasised the importance of systematic development of bilateral relations backed by 90 agreements and treaties.
He also noted the importance of inter-sectoral Days of Economy, business forums, exhibitions, activities of the Turkmen-German joint working group and the Eastern Committee of the German Economy, which contribute to effective interstate co-operation.
Astana is hosting the second Central Asia-Germany (5+1) summit. At the first 5+1 summit, held in Berlin last year, a strategic regional partnership programme was signed.
Read more HERE
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pooma-today · 9 months ago
The National UN Volunteers-India
By. Kunju C Nair - The UN Designate
❄️WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY - “Our Land. Our Future. We are #GenerationRestoration”
With the initiative of the United Nations, the World Environment Day (Eco Day, Environment Day) was established in 1972, with the first day of Stockholm Conference, on Jun. 05, as the particular day of significance. The First World Environment Day was held in 1973, with the theme ‘Only One Earth’.
To create awareness on protection and health of our environment, by taking actions against the strain on our eco-system of our mother-nature, we began to celebrate it annually on June 5, since 1974, with different ‘themes’ in every year.
- In 2022, with due respect to the original theme of the First World Environment Day, ‘Only One Earth’ - focusing on sustainability in harmony with our nature, Sweden hosted the mark of 50 years.
- In 2023, with the theme ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’ (#BeatPlasticPollution), hosted by Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire), in partnership with the Netherlands, we celebrated the 50th Anniversary.
This year (2024), focusing on the theme ‘Land Restoration, Desertification and Drought Resilience’, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will host the global celebrations of World Environment Day, under the slogan “Our Land. Our Future. We are #GenerationRestoration” - to deliver the necessary solutions and raise awareness, concentrating to critical environmental challenges affecting communities and ecosystems worldwide.
ENVIRONMENT: Environment is our earth, our natural world, consisting of our surroundings in the geographical area, where the living things, such as humans, animals, plants, and other creatures survive; as well as having the non-living things, such as natural resources, physical factors, chemical factors, etc. remain making the environment effective and affective, with a healthy eco-system - providing us climate, sunlight, water, air, and soil - leading to gain the energy and materials needed to sustain.
We, as humans always have to depend on the environment, which provides resources for our survival and struggle for better standards of living. A positive and favourable clean environment always supports the survival of living things with the support of non-living things and vice versa. So that, there is a balancing between the living things and natural resources to protect the environment. We, humans, as an important part of the environment, taking the control, are supposed to contribute to protect and safeguard the environment with maximum positive energies. For our survival we do the production and consumption activities, leading to generation of garbage as a part of the process. Most of the garbage in this process are supposed to be get rid of by the natural process of environment without any emissions. It is our responsibility to manage the garbage, specifically, which are not getting rid of; to protect our environment, otherwise, may lead us along with the other living things difficult for survival.
UNEP : We have UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the global authority for the environment with programmes focusing on Climate, Nature, Pollution, sustainable Development, etc. to draw attention to our Environmental Protection and its concerns.
CONTROL ON CLIMATE CHANGE : For the control on Climate Change, stipulating the global ceilings for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Kyoto Protocol was adopted on 11 December 1997, in Kyoto, Japan, and entered into force on Feb. 16, 2005, to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This is the most important global environmental agreement for combating climate change. With this, the industrialized countries recognized their role for global warming and taking their first step of action on climate change, to cut emissions.
The first ever Climate Change Agreement, adopted in December 2015, the Paris Agreement (also referred as Paris Accords/Paris Climate Accords), an international treaty on climate change, sets out an initiative to control climate change by limiting global warming to below 2⁰C., and pursuing efforts to bring down it to 1.5⁰C. EU and 193 States (including Canada, withdrew from the protocol w.e.f. Dec. 2012) signed the Agreement with a pledge to reduce their emissions to combat global warming.
Due to the persistence of CO₂ in the atmosphere and the consistently sensitive climate system, climatic changes and their effects will continue, even if the human made carbon emissions are stopped. The history of scientific discovery of ‘Climate Change’ began in the early 19th century.
HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT : The world of developing countries depends purely on environment for their livelihood and hence their health; and providing them economic growth. When the environment is healthy, the people of the land can expect pure water, natural food and pure air. With the clean environment with no pollution, we can attain a state of :
- No poverty
- Good health and well-being
- Clean air
- Clean water and sanitation
- Affordable and clean energy
- Clean cities / regional locations
- Responsible consumption and production
CHALLENGES : For the better results of a Healthy Environment, we have to avoid :
- Soil degradation
- Over-exploitation of natural resources
- Bio-diversity loss
- Deforestation
- Desertification
- Ocean acidification
- Natural hazards
A healthy, better, unspoiled environment with abundant green spaces, forests, rivers, oceans, other water resources, etc. are always good – for better life, healthy life, satisfied life, social life, professional life, education, and all human-life enjoyments with quality life.
EMISSIONS : Beyond the wastages of household activities, there are high volume of emissions and wastages, which may pollute the environment such as industrial emissions, vehicle emissions, and more, due to the rapid urbanization, growing industrialization, and other destructive human activities; which have to be considered seriously for the protection of our nature. We individually and collectively can protect our environment to avoid the pollution, by adopting a convenient and accessible system by :
- Recycling the recyclables on a regular basis
- Maintaining separate containers for trashes
- Removing the removable on a regular basis
- Dumping the wastages / garbage according to its nature
- Maintaining Clean sanitization facilities
- Avoiding the plastics and plastic products
- Reusing the wastages for eco-friendly gas generation
INITIATIVE : We have various organizations in the Global Level, National Level and Regional Level, to look into the matter of our Environment, with various initiatives to protect from any kind of pollutions and / destructions. Through these organizations, an initiative for regular awareness programmes in the bottom level, from children to elders, and in all classes of people, required to impart the knowledge on the realities of the adverse future to our environment. Besides, as the world is always growing and we are in the transformation of 4th Industrial Revolution, we always advance into next level with novel ideas with innovations and advanced technologies. The young generation always have to be very cautious, energetic and motivated to understand the after effects of any pollution and destruction to our environment and have to adopt advanced technologies and take initiative to prevent and control the pollution and destruction, to protect our environment. Let’s get together to keep our planet clean with love…
“Our Land. Our Future. We are #GenerationRestoration” - We have to love our Land with peace, by keeping our surroundings clean, avoiding pollution, encouraging deforestation, planting more trees, protecting the water resources, avoiding soil degradation, preventing desertification and controlling droughts in our planet.
With our efforts, we can revive our planet to grow with prosperity with clean environment. Let’s join together. Let’s celebrate our World Environment Day.
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ascendancy-echoes · 10 months ago
Chapter 22: Exodus
30th of Fourthmoon, 1020 AG, Guardia
The embargo against Alastori had been going on for several months now and people in Guardia had adjusted to the lack of luxury goods from Alastori. Life seemed to have moved on and Medina seemed content to isolate itself from the world even more. Then things changed.
Marle looked over the report from the Chancellor for what felt like the millionth time. She had shared them with Crono. They couldn’t believe what they had read.
A merchant returning to Truce from Choras had reported seeing two small boats not meant for being out at sea leaving Alastori’s northern shores with what appeared to be Daemon and Imps. Boats that tried to head straight for the human merchants who saw them, waving white flags of surrender. Boats that were chased down and sank by masked Mystics in a larger boat who left the burning wreckage of the smaller boats to sink into the sea. There were no survivors for the merchants to find.
Then they heard the story of a boat making into Choras’s waters, only to be turned back by the Choran government. Choras refused to even consider any leniency regarding the centuries old treaty. Marle and Crono could only imagine what fate awaited the boats back in Mystic territory.
The fact that there were Mystics willing to risk everything to seek safety with humans troubled Crono and Marle. What could be so terrible in Alastori that they wanted to flee and deal with humans? What would happen if they allowed them onto Guardia’s shores? Moreover, they asked themselves what should happen. Either way, the answer was not an easy or simple one… Either they live with the fact they allowed the deaths of other living beings, or they would harm the relations they had with the other human nations if they allowed asylum.
A week later, the inevitable happened.
A messenger from the port contacted Crono and Marle. A Daemon child, maybe half Zarya’s age, had been found adrift with another Daemon maybe around Oren’s age in the early morning hours on the Guardian side of the strait. The merchant ship that found them brought them aboard and was waiting on the harbor for a decision from Crono and Marle. The teen was begging for asylum for him and the other child, claiming there was nothing to go back to but death.
Marle and Crono immediately called for a meeting with the Chancellor, as well as Janus and Melichor. The Chancellor quickly voiced his opinion that the treaty from the war was still the letter of the law. Mystics caught in human lands were to be sent to Alastori or else. While Crono and Marle acknowledged this fact, they did not think it applied to the current situation.
“It’s kept your ancestors and your nation safe this whole time,” the Chancellor countered. “If we ignore our own laws, we will lose the respect of Porre and Choras as well as our own people. We need to consider the kingdom’s needs.”
“There’s also the matter of the two incidents regarding Mystics infiltrating the castle twice in your lifetime. The public may not know about it, but it will be hard to ignore this situation.,” he added. “How do we not know this is a Mystic scheme?”
Marle glared slightly at the Chancellor. He was right to worry about the possibility of Mystics using deception to get revenge considering that it had happened before, but she also worried about the possibility that he was wrong and these truly were two children in need. She said she couldn’t imagine being so cruel. She sternly declared, “We cannot send children back to their deaths! The letter of the law is based on a war that happened over four centuries ago. This is now.”
Crono sighed. “Melichor, you have first hand experience and knowledge of the Mystics, what do you think we should do?”
Melichor looked surprised as Crono asked for his input. Before he could fully protest providing any input, Janus spoke up.
“Melichor, they wouldn’t ask you if they didn’t trust your judgment,” he said. “Just like my mother trusted you. I know you have some insight that will help.”
Melichor smiled slightly. It was certainly flattering to still be seen as a source of wisdom and guidance after all these years, especially from Janus. The two had come a long way in reconciling their differences. He thought for a moment, then answered, “Respect with others can be regained with time, but could we live with ourselves if we sent these two youths back to whatever it is they were fleeing from? You said yourself that there was a report of boats being sunk by masked Mystics and then there was the report of the boat that Choras turned away. Something is happening that is driving them to seek safety with us humans rather than their own kind.”
“The Imps I had dealings with shared no resentment towards humans for the war or the incident with Yakra,” he continued. “Clearly, they are not alone if there are Mystics who are willing to risk their lives to seek safety amongst humans.”
Looking at the Chancellor, Melichor concluded, “At the very least, we have a chance to heal relations with the Mystics and to find out more of what happened after Ozzie the Ninth took over.”
The Chancellor sighed and conceded that Melichor had made some good points. He did note that if they were to allow these Mystics into Guardia, then they would need to find somewhere safe for them. He also noted that there was no real way of knowing how the public would react to the news.
“We should get them ashore as soon as possible but where should they stay?” Janus remarked. “We need someone who can be alright with the fact these children are Mystics and that they have magic. I’m sure Lucca wouldn’t mind if I can verify these children aren’t a danger, but Zarya might not like the change in routine.”
“There’s always room at the castle but I’m not sure how receptive the staff would be to Mystics being allowed within its walls after the last time,” Crono remarked.
To everyone’s surprise, Melichor suddenly volunteered. He noted that as one of the few humans with magic, he would be prepared to handle a couple of children with magic abilities. He also noted that his new house had the room, provided Janus or Lucca didn’t mind keeping a few things for safekeeping at their home. It made the most sense on such short notice.
With Melichor’s reassurance, Marle and Crono decided that by granting asylum to the Daemon  they were willing to take the risk that came with it. They told the Chancellor to contact the port and allow the ship to dock. While Janus went with Melichor and some guards to see if these Mystics were truly themselves and not in disguise, mostly to alleviate the fears of the Chancellor, Marle and Crono would hold a public announcement and explain the situation.
Marle and Crono held a public meeting at Leene Square with their children beside them and with a small entourage of guards. Crono and Marle had insisted on addressing the public personally. Before the large crowd of Truce’s citizens, Marle approached the microphone and spoke, greeting the crowd before getting to the point of the address.
“We are fortunate here in Guardia to live in peace,” Marle began. “Unfortunately there are those in this world who do not have that safety and security.”
“As you all know, an embargo was officially declared this past autumn against the Mystic land of Alastori following Medina’s new leadership threatening harm to any human that enters their borders,” she continued. “We were informed this morning of a merchant ship encountering two Mystic children adrift in a small shipwreck that had drifted to Guardia’s side of the waters that separate our kingdom from the Mystic lands.”
“While we do not know the circumstances that would drive Mystics to risk everything to see our aide, I believe that it is our duty to extend the olive branch and begin a path to reconciliation with any Mystics that also desire peace with humanity,” Marle went on. “After careful discussion, we have decided to grant these two children asylum. They will be staying with a trusted individual and we as your leaders accept responsibility for their presence in Guardia. I would ask everyone to give them a chance.”
Marle answered what questions she could to the reporter that had to show up from the local newspaper as well as questions from some of the public. Naturally, many were concerned about more Mystics entering Guardia’s borders. Marle assured everyone present they would address the matter on a case by case basis. She emphasized that if there were Mystics willing to reconcile with their kingdom, then they should pursue peace. 
When Lucca heard the news, she insisted on going with Janus and Melichor. She reasoned that it might be less intimidating for the Daemon children to be approached by her and them instead of an entourage of guards. Besides that, if there was a problem and it turned out the Daemon weren’t who they said they were, then Lucca knew she, Janus, and Melichor could use their magic to defend themselves.
After dropping Zarya off at her parents, Lucca went with Janus and Melichor. A small group of guards escorted them to the port and led them into docks. The captain of the ship greeted Lucca and Janus and led them over to the two Daemon. He explained they had done what they could for the two youths, giving them blankets to stay warm and giving them food and water. The captain noted he was no expert on the matter but it was clear that the Daemon were starving when they were found.
“The lads are clearly traumatized,” the captain said sadly. “They were genuinely shocked that we rescued them and it took some convincing to assure them we weren’t going to hurt them… Only now while we were waiting for word from the queen did the older boy finally tell us how they ended up at sea.”
“Why did they say they were fleeing?” Janus asked as he eyed the two Daemon who were sitting by the deck railing. He could see they were not in disguise or at least did not possess the same magic as the Mystics who had infiltrated the castle before.
The captain frowned. “According to the older boy, their families had everything taken from them by Medina’s new Elder as punishment for some townsfolk getting caught doing trade with humans. Most of the townsfolk were evicted from their homes and relocated inland to what amounted to labor camps from the sounds of it. Plenty were starving to death before their mothers decided enough was enough. The older boy said they weren’t even sure we’d come to their aid but the adults thought it was better than the alternative.”
Janus and Lucca were surprised how human the Daemon looked. The teen had dark green hair and cyan colored eyes while the young child had indigo hair and eyes. If it wasn’t for their pointed ears and fangs, they could have passed for humans.
Lucca stepped forward to greet the children, saying that she and Janus were present on behalf of the king and queen. Met with concerned states, Lucca explained that Marle and Crono were granting them asylum, but first, she and the others were going to escort them off the ship to safety.  The younger Daemon stayed close to the teen. Both seemed apprehensive. The teen eyed them suspiciously and honestly Lucca didn’t blame them. After all, they were alone and surrounded by humans.
“Please come with us so we can get you some clean clothes and a place to rest,” Lucca said reassuringly. “We can also get you a proper meal too.”
“Why do you have magic?” asked the younger Daemon quietly. He glanced over at the captain and crew who were keeping their distance, then back at Lucca, Janus and Melichor. “You’re not like them.”
Lucca did her best not to look surprised by his remark. She nodded and answered quietly, “That’s right, we’re different from most humans…  We can explain things once we’re off the ship, I promise.”
Whispering to the younger Daemon, the teen got to his feet and helped the younger up. Melichor thanked the captain for rescuing the children, a sentiment the two Daemon echoed. The two of them followed Lucca over to Janus and Melichor. However, once they saw the guards they froze on the walkway down to the docks.
Lucca glanced back. She tried to smile reassuringly as she explained the guards were there to help keep them safe on their way to their temporary home. The two Daemon nodded, looking resigned to the fact rather than genuinely reassured. They said nothing as the guards escorted everyone out of the port and to an awaiting carriage that Marle had sent for them.
In the carriage, Melichor explained that they would be staying with him at his home on the edge of town for now. The teen asked why to which Melichor explained that he could provide them with peace and privacy. Besides that, as someone who had experience with magic, he would be comfortable with their own magic if they needed to use it.
“Why not you?” the young Dameon asked, looking at Lucca.
Lucca smiled. “For the very reason that our friend Melichor just said. We figured you’d want peace and quiet to get used to being here. My husband and I have a child who is a little older than you. She’s very sweet but intensely curious as well, so she might forget to give you space if you were to stay with us.”
Nodding in understanding, the younger Daemon went quiet. After a moment, the teenaged Daemon looked at the three of them and asked how it was possible for them to have magic. He added that everyone back home could perceive magical auras, but it was easy to not pay attention when everyone had it. Now that they were here in Guardia, the lack of ambient magic was very noticeable and so it was hard not to notice that they were humans with magic.
Lucca and Janus exchanged looks with Melichor. Janus and Melichor could empathize with noticing the lack of magic in the modern world compared to back in Zeal, but both had grown accustomed to it. No one couldn’t deny their magic but they certainly didn’t think that the truth was something that these two youths would believe. Lucca thought quickly and replied, giving a half truth, that a spirit had given them magic but the spirit was unreachable now and since they were the rare few with magic, they kept it to themselves. While the younger Darmon seemed to accept this answer, the teenager eyed them skeptically. The rest of the trip to Melichor’s home was silent. The two Daemon kept their gaze low, looking exhausted and uncertain of what was to come. 
After the public address, Marle and Crono came to meet the two boys. Lucca and Janus had stayed to tell Crono and Marle what the captain had told them. Lucca explained that it had taken some coaxing but the Daemon eventually told her and Janus their names and that they were not related. Kyr, the younger Daemon, seemed to be able to shake off the prejudice he had been taught, accepting at face value that he was with humans that weren’t scary monsters who hated him. Vissarion, the teen, however, remained wary and guarded in his demeanor.
“Can you tell us more about why you left Medina?” asked Marle, wanting to hear the story in the Daemon’s own words. 
Vissarion frowned and plainly replied that Daemon weren’t even allowed in Medina. When asked why, he answered that it was the way it had always been since the end of the war over four hundred years ago. 
Before Vissarion could say more, Kyr expressed confusion and frustration, crying as he told the group that the Elder sent Mystics in dark robes and masks to force them out of their homes and to fenced camps inland. He continued, saying the older kids had said it was because someone had broken the rules so they were all in trouble. No one had broken any of the Elder’s rules in his family, so he didn’t understand why things were happening. All Kyr understood was that his mother had promised them they were going to be safe and now she was gone.
Janus knew what it was like to lose a mother, as did Marle. While Janus didn’t know what to say or do, Marle knelt down and smiled at the young child. She promised him that he and Vissarion were safe now, and as Queen of Guardia, she wouldn’t let any harm come to them.
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A week later, another small boat crossed the waters. More Daemon, nearly a dozen in number, and a few Imps. Their small boat was damaged by fire and leaking but they managed to cross the border and approach another merchant ship. Once again, the Chancellor expressed concern about letting Mystics into Guardia. Just like before, Marle and Crono asked Janus to verify if the Mystics were not in disguise or not before they allowed them ashore.
With the unexpected arrival of more Mystics, Marle and Crono ordered a refugee camp to be set up outside of Truce. It wasn’t ideal given the stories the Daemon gave of coming from camps but it was the best they could do on short notice. At least this time, they would be provided medical attention and food, as well as proper shelter. Marle and Crono also decreed, although it was something that went without saying, that as long as they did not use their magic for harmful intent, the Daemon and Imps were welcome in Guardia.
The Mystics, once over the initial shock of being welcomed by their former enemies, were grateful. They verified what the Daemon children had told the group about the conditions in Alastori, that the Elder was quick to punish whole communities for the transgressions of individuals. The news was troubling to Crono, Marle, Lucca and Janus.  
On one hand, they didn’t want more to suffer but on the other, they didn’t want to wage a war that could be seen as self-righteous or wasteful. They also knew it was only a matter of time before Porre and Choras expressed their displeasure over the refugee situation. The whole situation left them yearning for simple times.
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esgjuly · 11 months ago
The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) of the European Union: An Overview, Benefits, and Drawbacks
To help you as Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, the advantages of the EU's proposed Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) for the community and its implementation strategy have been discussed for some time. The method is claimed to have a modest effect on climate change, although it may be able to reduce carbon leakage. The most significant threat to humanity is thought to be climate change, which calls for quick action. Can Zero Pollution of Air, Water, and Soil be Achieved Even with the Promotion of Appropriate Equipment and Incentives? When a second country with stringent climate policy reduces its emissions, which increases greenhouse gas emissions in one country, it is known as carbon leakage. The European Commission wants to implement the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism in a way that complies with World Trade Organization (WTO) regulations to minimize carbon leakage, which can happen for various reasons.
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In our opinion as Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, as per Articles 191 to 193 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the EU CBAM is authorized to implement the goal of a carbon-neutral community, provided that it complies with all legal requirements. With respect to this Article, the European Union is required to support the following goals: maintaining, safeguarding, and enhancing the quality of the environment; safeguarding human health; judicious and sensible use of natural resources; encouraging international action to address local, national, and global environmental issues; and, above all, addressing climate change. The CBAM tax, or the carbon tax that importers must pay when they bring a product into the EU, is the first way to implement the CBAM. Alternatively, importers can create an ESG system to help the EU manage its connections with other non-EU trading partners and obtain a CBAM certificate depending on the emission intensity of the products they bring into the EU.
We believe as a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, the least developed nations will benefit financially from this method as they are anticipated to be excused from paying this levy. The money generated by carbon taxes ought to go toward developing these nations. To comply with WTO regulations and other international commitments, the CBAM would ensure that the imports' price reflected their carbon content. In addition, importers may ask for the CBAM to be lowered by their carbon pricing. In addition to addressing the problem of carbon leakage, the European Union Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism can promote the use of low-carbon products and make it easier to implement additional strategies to become a nation carbon neutral. The EU CBAM is not all that it claims to be. Production in non-EU countries will be encouraged to reduce or use low-carbon in their production processes.
We as an Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, A carbon-neutral nation can be achieved through consistency and commitment to the goal, maintenance of a healthy environment, better innovations, transportation, improvement of living conditions, creation of sustainable energy resources, and the development of technologies that will benefit not only the European Union but the rest of the world. Everything that has an advantage stands a chance of having a disadvantage or even adverse effects If less wealthy nations are forced to pay taxes, it will hinder their economic growth and result in the loss of many jobs, but should they still be permitted to import goods with high carbon content into the EU freely? What about the developing nations? They may also be impacted. The CBAM should offer a way to accommodate developing nations without unduly harming them, as it has the potential to severely impede other nations' ability to conduct business with the EU.
As one of the leading Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, If the CBAM is implemented, imports from nations that do not adhere to EU environmental standards—such as steel, cement, and fertilizers—will be subject to a levy. The CBAM program will go into effect in 2023 and will have a transitional phase until 2025, during which importers must comply with onerous reporting requirements. Importers will need to buy CBAM Certificates by 2026 to offset their carbon emissions under the current carbon price set by the EU. By leveling the carbon emission intensity and adhering to WTO regulations, this plan will help the EU achieve its goals. The European Parliament and Council still need to revise the EU's CBAM plan before it can be finalized, which typically takes two to three years. If accepted, the EU will be prepared to accept the desired adjustment.
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