#respawn cinematic universe
screechthewriter · 6 months
toy soldiers | a god of war/apex legends crossover
They all wear masks in the arena.
His is not one that he wanted to wear again, but it is the only one he could think of. Atreus had been the creative one. He would have come up with something better.
But he isn’t there. So Kratos wears the name of the Ghost of Sparta once again, though many shorten it to the Ghost. That is easier to hear, though not much.
No one seems to recognize it. He thinks at first that he’s finally faded into obscurity; that maybe, finally, he has been forgotten. Then, he is confronted by one of the other competitors.
“Okay, I’ve been dying to know.” The one called Ashwin Narita—Ace, though he insists on being called Ashwin—looks up from the shotgun he’s loading. “Ghost of Sparta, is that like the myth? You know…former mortal turned god of war, killed all the Greek gods?”
He says it without judgment, just curiosity. That doesn’t stop Kratos’s stomach from twisting itself into knots. “…yes,” he says finally, because lying wouldn’t serve any purpose. The man—the being who was once a man, he supposes—isn’t asking if he is the Ghost of Sparta. Only if he named himself for the Ghost of Sparta. There’s a difference.
“Huh. Neat. Rock on.” Ashwin gives Kratos’s arm a very light punch as he walks past to check the window. Kratos wants to lean away, but it’s the first friendly gesture he’s received in a long time. “Thought I was the only one in this dump who appreciates the classics. Hope I don’t have to kill you any time soon.”
There’s a grim smile in his voice but none on his face, because he doesn’t have a face left. The blue light that makes up where his face should have been conveys nothing, aside from occasionally dimming or flickering when he’s in distress. Kratos thinks back to when Freya brought back Mimir. At the time, the strange arcane metals she’d affixed to the head had seemed cruel—almost enough to make him reconsider the resurrection.
Now, watching Ashwin peer out the window, Kratos thinks she was merciful. At least she had left Mimir his face.
[He asks later, because it can’t hurt to have a few allies …what about Ace? What does that mean? Ashwin ducks his head. “Family name,” he says, his voice bittersweet. Kratos does not ask again.]
War is still the same; its particulars, however, change rapidly. As humanity grows, so does their creativity with its tools. He might be the god of war, but Kratos still finds it difficult to keep up.
Fortunately—if humorously—Bangalore assumes everyone in the arena is less educated than her.
Remember, Hemlock fires in bursts. One to break the shield, one to break the man.
Try to find a triple take if you can. Less projectile drop, might suit you better.
Flatline hits harder, but the 301’s easier to control. Your choice.
There was a time when he would have been offended, but he’s learned to swallow his pride by now. Besides, the information is useful, and she is a competent fighter. Easy to work with. In many ways, she reminds him of the Spartan warriors he once fought beside. It reminds him of better times—of being mortal.
He tries not to believe in omens, not these days. But it still feels like a good one when her name appears next to his.
[“We could’ve used a guy like you in the IMC.”
He thinks of Atreus and says nothing.]
The one called Bloodhound speaks often of the all-father.
The old fuck would love that if he were still alive.
Kratos grits his teeth and gives the tracker a wide berth. He may have tempered his rage, put the gods behind him, but he’s heard enough of the Aesir to last several lifetimes. Besides, there are strict rules against fighting other competitors outside of the arena.
And there’s no sense in making more enemies.
[Ravens appear in the arena when there should be none. The tracker’s eyes seem to follow him more closely. Kratos catches himself looking over his shoulder more often. Wondering if he’d really been able to escape the eyes of Asgard.]
There is no honor in the arena—no true honor. He knows this. He has numbed himself to it. But some competitors have less honor than others.
He distrusts the scientist from the second he lays eyes on him. Kratos has seen cruelty before—he has been cruel before. The man hides his behind the language of science, but...no, he is cruel.
To make matters worse, he keeps talking.
“You’re efficient, but your kills lack refinement. Perhaps…”
Kratos growls. He tries to walk away, but they are on the same team. He cannot go far without the man following. “It was merely a suggestion,” Caustic says, as casually as if he were suggesting a meal in the dining hall. “No need to be emotional.”
“Keep your advice to yourself. I know more of killing than you ever could.” Lifetimes of it. Eons. I’m the fucking god of war. “I don’t need you...”
Their third pipes up over the communicator: “Uh, hey, guys, I’m increasingly uncomfortable with the energy we’re creating on this team, so can we maybe save this for later and focus on not dying? Please? Thank you.”
Kratos bites his tongue. Fortunately, the scientist does as well.
Perhaps, he thinks, Caustic will find himself at the end of Kratos’s blade in the next match.
He refuses to dwell on the thought any longer.
[“I don’t think a man of your bearing has any right to act superior.”
He is right, though Kratos will never admit it.]
He knows a fugitive when he sees one. A life of hiding, of keeping yourself closed off from everyone and everything…he knows it. He’s living it now.
Crypto lives it now. Kratos isn’t even sure his name is Hyeon Kim. He’d bet money on it, if he were the gambling sort. But he isn’t, and it’s none of his business anyway.
He also knows what loss feels like—how it sits on the shoulders, in the eyes. Crypto wears that, too. It smolders like coals when he looks at the banners around the arena—when the Syndicate’s officials deign to show themselves.
Kratos says nothing. But he takes note of it.
[“Forever family.”
He just barely hears it under the chatter of whatever the others were discussing. He hears the sorrow in it, the bitterness. He makes note of that as well.]
They may have been putting on a show for others, but the grim misery of war still taints their every step, haunting them the way real war does. True mirth, true joy, is hard to find.
Makoa Gibraltar has that joy. Even marred by sadness, it shines like the sun.
It reminds Kratos of old days too. Of a long-dead soldier, and of the boy named for him.
The man’s presence is both a comfort and a painful reminder.
[He thinks, sometimes, of asking Gibraltar for aid. If anyone could help him, it’s the man that seems to hold the respect of many in the competition. He refrains, but the thought lingers.]
It makes sense to him that the healer’s hands are some of the most deadly.
Lifeline—Ajay Che—reminds him of Faye in that regard. Eager to help, but still deadly. Resolute and no-nonsense, but without losing her sense of humor.
Atreus would like her, he thinks, though he tries not to dwell on the thought for too long.
[“What, you get stabbed by a Ronin?” she asks, her sharp eyes tracing the scar on his stomach as she tends to a different wound.
He shakes his head. “It’s an old wound. Doesn’t matter.”
She looks skeptical, but doesn’t ask about it again.]
He is sure some of the woman’s confidence is earned—she fights well, and there are many who whisper the name Loba Andrade as if it were an ill omen. Sometimes he thinks she is a bit too sure of herself, but it does not harm him if she does. Such overconfidence is, in mortals, harmless.
Had she been like he was once—like he is now—he would be more concerned.
[She catches him once staring at her cane. She doesn’t ask questions—only move it out of his sight, as if afraid he might try to take it. She’s watched him more carefully since. He isn’t sure how to explain that he’d been thinking of his son.]
Atreus had spent weeks carefully gathering and assembling the components needed to make himself invisible, to create illusions of himself. He had been so proud when he figured it out.
It is strange to see that same ability in the hands of someone like Elliott Witt.
The man could not be more different from Atreus. He has an utter lack of confidence that he covers up with banter, false mirth aimed for himself, as if self-flagellation could truly serve as a shield against others harming him. He is a capable fighter, but absolutely insufferable to have on team, because he never shuts up.
Kratos quickly decides he prefers the man as a bartender. At least at his bar, the chatter is a welcome accompaniment to the alcohol. Both serve to fill the empty spaces in his mind. To distract him when the arena cannot.
It is a strange reprieve, and if he had been told a few years ago that he would be spending a lot of time at a place called the Paradise Lounge, he would have called that person a fool.
These truly are strange times.
[“You just didn’t strike me as a wine guy. That’s on me for having, uh...preconc...pre…for judging a book by its cover.” Witt sets down the glass and grins brightly. “Nice to see someone not dedicated to proving they’re manly by drinking endless horse piss.”
The wine is nothing like the drinks he remembers from Greece, but it’s still good.]
Languages have changed over time—his own native Greek evolving over the years, the languages of Midgard he learned from Faye and Arteus shifting as well. It was difficult enough to keep up with those changes; learning something new feels too daunting.
Sometimes he wishes he had it in him to learn. At the very least, it would help him know what Octavio Silva is saying.
He might have been able to guess at it if he spoke more slowly, but he is called Octane for a reason. He does nothing slowly, including speak. Even his English is too fast for Kratos to follow. Most conversations go about the same:
“Heycompadres, shittonofheavyammohere!”
“Heavy ammo. Your coms broken or something?”
Kratos considers telling him to slow down more than once, but refrains. He knows there’s no use.
[Octane does teach the room at large, Kratos included, some profanities in his native Spanish during one flight to the arena. Kratos isn’t sure how many he will remember, but it’s entertaining nonetheless.]
Pathfinder declares them friends after one match.
The fact that Pathfinder calls everyone his friend is the only thing that keeps Kratos from panicking at the declaration.
He has no time for friends—not in the traditional sense. But Pathfinder’s version, where there are no real obligations besides politeness outside of the arena and fair combat inside it, suits him fine.
[Sindri would be fascinated by Pathfinder. Kratos never thought he’d miss the damn dwarf so much.]
Ramya Parekh is brash, loud, crude, and very good with weaponry.
It feels as if Brok’s ghost has come back to haunt him.
Haunt is perhaps the wrong word. While the resemblance is, at first, a bit painful, he finds it strangely comforting  after a time. The differences between the two—age, species, Parekh being somewhat less crude and more good-tempered—help.
She lets him hang around her shop at the back of Witt’s bar, so long as he occasionally buys her alcohol and compliments her work. It’s less difficult than one might think. He might not know much about the creation of these new weapons, but he knows good work when he sees it.
[“You ever thought about getting an upgrade?”
“I don’t plan on using another weapon once I’m done here.”
She laughs. “Sorry to tell you, mate, but you picked the wrong system for that.”
He knows.]
His first meeting with Revenant is at the end of the simulacrum’s gun. Their relationship has not improved since.
It doesn’t help that Revenant has a talent for honing in on weaknesses, real or perceived. He aims for Katros’s age first, then goes for every rumor that’s started spreading about Kratos. His alleged status as a mercenary, war criminal…Revenant’s insults poke and probe, trying to find a weak point.
Kratos tries not to show one. Tries. The façade drops when he is paired with Revenant and the girl, Paquette. She is capable, as always, but they still end up backed into a corner. Paquette is injured. He and Revenant are out of ammo.
He does what he has to.
Two squads later, he manages to return to their position with a med kit and news that there’s a clear path to the next ring. Paquette sees the blood on his hands, but says nothing; she is mostly grateful for the medical aid. Revenant says nothing as well…at first. The bastard waits until they’re alone after the match to speak.
“Shame they put a limit on you,” he says, his voice low and mocking. “You look like a man who knows how to make a massacre.”
Kratos says nothing. He tries to hide how his hands shake as he wipes the blood away.
Revenant still sees.
“Glad to know I’m not the only real killer here.”
Kratos wants to respond, but he does not know what will come out if he does.
His hands continue to shake.
[“Do you have any idea what it’s like, doing this for hundreds of years?”
Kratos laughs. That seems to take the simulacrum off guard. “What?” Revenant demands.
“You have no idea, draugr.”]
Natalie Paquette hates him from the second she lays eyes on him.
He takes it to heart, until Gibraltar speaks to him. Last few new guys before Rampart brought a lot of trouble with them. It’s nothing personal, brother. She’d be nervous no matter who you were.
He tries to believe that, but it’s difficult when she glares at him with a distrust he has only seen in the eyes of those who know his true nature.
Earning her trust would not help the situation, he knows—both because he does not plan to stay here forever, and because that kind of trust cannot truly be won. The best he can do is make himself as unthreatening as possible and hope she learns he means her no harm.
He shouldn’t care. Kratos knows he shouldn’t care. That he should close his heart to the anger he sees hiding behind that distrust.
He fears it is a losing battle, but he knows he must try.
[Learning she has loss behind that anger does not help.]
In his day, they called it magic.
Now they use words like holotech and faster than light travel and phase shift and call it science.
The effects are more or less the same—sometimes more refined, but always familiar. When the one called Wraith slips from sight, he thinks of Brok and Sindri. When she whispers portents, he thinks of oracles in their shrines—Delphi, Dodona, Trophonius.
She would have been revered once.
Wraith is a quiet sort, reserved, with mistrusting blue eyes (familiar, almost). Kratos knows little of her, and he is sure this is by design.
But from what he does know, she would not find solace in being considered a seer.
[She has lost a lot of blood when she grabs his arm and whispers that it wasn’t his fault. They take her away to see a doctor before he can ask what she means. By the time she is well again, he is too afraid to bring it up again.]
He hears of Kuben Blisk in whispers long before he meets the man in person.
Actually seeing him after a match chills his blood in a way he hasn’t felt in a long time. Kratos is wary even before the man asks to speak to him alone, and more so once he does.
“You’re quite the heavy hitter,” Blisk notes. He’s set out two bottles of beer; Kratos refuses to touch his. “Very interesting fighting style.”
“Have we met before?”
“Never fought in the Frontier Wars?”
“No.” His chest goes tight; he knows what’s coming, but desperately hopes that he’s wrong. “Why?”
“Some of the men from my old unit had a run-in with someone on the border…didn’t believe what they were telling me at first, how one man could plow through some of my best with his bare hands, but now that I’ve seen you…” Blisk leans back and raises an eyebrow. “Seems a bit more likely.”
Kratos focuses on his breathing.
“Though now that I think about it, he was younger than you. This gift of yours genetic?”
The chair’s arm rest cracks under Kratos’s grip.
That’s all the answer Blisk needs.
He doesn’t ask anything else—only smiles, drinks his beer, and says he looks forward to seeing Kratos in the ring again. Got a lot of money riding on you, Ghost.
That wounds Kratos more deeply than more questions would have.
[Where on the border, he wants to ask. How long ago. Did the stranger survive the encounter. Did he have red hair. What was his name.
Kratos thinks about it, every day. He knows where Blisk spends his time, now that he’s back; it would be easy to find him, to make him talk.
He tempers his anger—tells himself that men like Kuben Blisk don’t talk, that this is certainly a trap, that he needs to bide his time and earn his wins and continue searching for himself.
But if Kuben Blisk had aimed to harm him, to burn himself into Kratos’s mind as deeply as the blades once burned themselves into his arms…he had succeeded.]
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level-1-slime · 1 year
<o> <o>
Hello, little slime. I heard you found all the main ingredients. Very good. To finish the recipe you will need a fungus that grows only on corpses, bone dust, and some apple juice.
(The slime makes more drawings of the remaining ingredients, and rolls away to look for someone.)
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captainschaos · 1 year
It's here!!! This is it!!!!! well okay tbh it's still very rough, there's a lot of detailwork that is kind of loose and stuff I'm still theorizing/thinking about, but this is the big look! I also cut down on a lot of the stuff about characters to focus on the timeline itself, so I might make a follow-up post with that stuff because ily council. But this is my interpretation of the scu timeline! I know there's a lot of malleability when it comes to the scu, but even within that there's certain parts I kinda took and ran a bit far with, so hopefully it all makes sense. The line between interpretation of canon and creation of headcanon is thin. Also, since my timeline isn't actually a line, it'd be a bit hard to watch along with, but I'll link the playlist of my personal preferred viewing order anyway HERE! And without further ado, here's my timeline :]
[Long post below the cut- enjoy!]
The Slimecicle Cinematic Universe follows the path of Slimecicle, one of many players who wish to achieve god-power. Players are able to travel between realms with ease, but altering those realms? That takes a considerable amount of power. However, this is not unachievable, and Charlie is one among a group of players attempting to become godlings.
Godling: A being of god-power that can alter realms, and primarily uses it for creation.
Demonling: A being of god-power that can alter realms, and primarily uses it for destruction. 
Realm: What we would think of a minecraft world, a separate place that players travel to when they find new places. 
World: Within a realm, it is the earthen spirit itself. More abstract, but a powerful force to be interacted with, and has some semblance of life, magic, and almost sentience itself. 
Dimension: The Overworld, Nether, and End are different dimensions. 
Player: a person who largely interacts with realms, able to move between many, and able to become a godling if powerful enough.
Wild spirit: a spirit somewhere between a person and a beast, connected to the world as opposed to the way players can interact with realms. While both players and wild spirits can be connected to mobs, the connection is generally stronger and more widespread for wild spirits. 
God-power: Expressed by things like creative mode, op, and VR, powers that can alter realms and enforce some kind of control over players within them. 
Plight: What happens to a godling when they are forced to die without respawning or in an otherwise more permanent/impactful way, an effect other than a mortal death. Can be broken out of, but is incredibly difficult, and can have lingering effects unless truly ended. 
Charlie “Slime” Slimecicle:
Godling of food, enchanting, crafting, and smelting
Plight: DEATH (if worn down enough, he will not suffer a normal plight as other godlings would, but would become mortal and truly die)
Middle child
A shapeshifter by nature of being a slime, and his natural adaptability seems to be related to his proficiency with god-power. 
“Condi” Condifiction: 
Godling of other dimensions
Plight: caged (trapped in a location/pocket dimension of his own, and more importantly, trapped in his own mind in a whirl of penned-up hyperactivity that brings insanity)
Condi, Charlie, and Grizz don’t remember if they’re biological brothers or not, but they grew up together, and Condi was always the most adept, the “alchemist assassin,” who kept them safe. 
Godling of nature, weapons, and tools
Plight: shackled (forced to comply to the orders of the being that killed him, though it may appear as if he has respawned as normal. Can also more generally inhibit his ability to use his own power as he wishes)
Youngest (twin with Bizly)
Has gained animalistic traits from swapping power with Bizly, mainly vaguely bear/doggish. Since meeting they called themselves twins, and through this exchange have no reason to say they do not fit the word. 
Godling of mobs
Youngest (twin with Grizzly)
Plight: muzzled (at the most extreme is forced to disappear completely, being entirely unable to be heard or perceived by anyone. Can also more generally cause his words to lose meaning, and it is supernaturally difficult for him to be taken seriously or listened to.)
The only member of the Council who did not grow up with the group: he was a wild spirit (wolven) that was discovered by Grizzly, and slowly honed shapeshifting powers and traded bits of magic with Grizz to walk with players. 
Demonling of food and nature
Grew personally slighted by Charlie and the Council, and eventually trapped them in a separate timeline of his own creation to attempt to kill Charlie. 
The VR SERIES (videos marked with vr.) and CHARLIE’S ESCAPADES (videos marked with esc.) then happen at the same time, with the final video of the VR Series being when Schlatt’s timeline is created.
Charlie's escapades then repeat in Schlatt’s timeline, followed by NATURAL DISASTERS, HARDEST DIFFICULTY, and 100 DAYS. 
At the end of 100 Days Condi activates the time loop, which he cannot use to break out of Schlatt’s timeline but he can use to bring everyone back to the beginning of it.
CHARLIE’S DREAMSCAPE ESCAPADES (videos marked with drm.) take place in the haze between his death at the end of 100 Days and him fully being transported by Condi to the beginning of the time loop.
The conflict between Charlie and Schlatt begins here. Charlie is a trickster spirit at heart, and it is consistently seen to overlap with his joy in experimentation and creation, leading his pursuit for godly power.
This is one of the first places Charlie goes to try and hold his own among others who are growing in power like he aims to, and he at first struggles, as seen in how he fails to survive for long. However, he quickly makes use of this mechanic in his own way, and uses the forced respawns to tease the others. When Schlatt joins, this is especially targeted at him, to his infuriation. 
Schlatt goes to Carson, who appears to be the leading godling of this realm, to ask for Slime’s removal, but he says that “I’m not sure that I can really do that.” This hints to some sort of power Charlie has that is potentially greater than even Carson and Schlatt, the most powerful entities there. In the same conversation it’s said that Schlatt is a broken record, hinting that he has trouble often with wanting to control others and remove them if they bother him. 
This showcases the conflict of the whole series: The rising godling Charlie Slimecicle threatening the power of the demonling Schlatt. 
Charlie, Condi, Grizzly, and others begin working in a realm where they start experimenting with more control over their world, specifically by exerting control over themselves and their physicality in the plane (expressed through vr use). 
Narwhal is notably present from the very beginning, as a figure of power among the group, and Wheatie is also a member from the start. 
The excursion near the end of the video to the Nether is most notable as it is recalled in a flashback during the 100 Hunters video, specifically when Condi falls into the lava while bridging. 
Notably Schlatt joins this world, and it’s clear Charlie has a slight position of power over him in this place, and it makes him uncomfortable. 
Bizly also enters the scene in this video, first in a beastly purple and gold skin, then mimicking Herobrine, slowly changing from a more beastly form to that of a player. He was a wolven wild spirit found by Grizzly, and as he gave some of his power to Grizzly to assist his path toward godhood, he gained power from Grizzly that helped him act as a player. 
At the end of this video, Charlie, Condi, Grizzly, and others all partake in first a spleefing tournament, then a “gladiatorial bloodbath” which Charlie wins. Bizly watches this battle, and Narwhal and Wheatie both appear to have been utilizing god-power (creative mode) to create the arena, pouring power into it that Charlie proves himself best suited for. This is another of the beginning signs that he excels in this power.
Schlatt is not present for these later events.
The rest of the council is not present, but Schlatt and other figures on the server are. 
This video is largely just an example of Schlatt attempting to show he’s more powerful than Charlie, and Charlie continuing to fuck with Schlatt and generally make things worse. 
Poppies make an appearance in the video, as an attempted and rejected peace offering from Charlie to Schlatt. 
The video immediately starts off with Charlie and Travis claiming that Schlatt seems upset, while he vehemently denies it. 
Schlatt also seems to be using the same kind of worldbending power Charlie has been utilizing in this video (VR), potentially as yet another way to try and maintain power over him. However, Charlie continues to prove he has greater knowledge and control over this power, and then Schlatt injures himself while utilizing the physicality-altering power, and this pushes Schlatt over the edge. 
Schlatt gives an apple to Travis, taking control of him, though the power of the fruit isn’t known to anyone but the goat demonling yet. Travis begins to follow Schlatt and work with him to attempt to capture Charlie and then kill and cast a spell on him. It is with the symbolic death in the grave that Schlatt manages to latch onto Charlie’s spirit and begin creating a separate timeline in which he has control over Slime and the Council. 
The rest of the video is a semi-hallucinogenic experience Charlie has as the spell is cast and he, along with his friends, are trapped in Schlatt’s timeline. 
Travis is killed, and with this lifeforce and the ritual he enacts over Charlie, Schlatt puts his foot in the door to start working toward making Charlie mortal, and finally get back at him for the ways he’s taunted him.
ROLL (esc.): 
Narwhal is given power in a realm of Charlie’s, a compromise to utilize Narwhal’s power and allow Charlie to attempt to expand his own. This was an idea proposed to Narwhal by Charlie not long after the creation of the VR realm, as Charlie started to come into his own in that kind of power and became more and more excited about the possibilities. 
Flowers make an appearance as a protective entity. 
During this video a site reminiscent of Molympus is also created, as an island floating above the land is created by the die. 
Near the end of the video the die is dropped by Narwhal and Charlie gains control of it, and more of Narwhal’s power is passed to him. He is immediately able to use its power far more rapidly than Narwhal, and the world is destroyed by their battle. In the destructive blast, Condi, Bizly, and Grizzly are able to escape with the more powerful Charlie, but the weakened Narwhal and Wheatie fail to escape, and are destroyed, their power shattering and being absorbed by the newest godlings, the Council. 
After the blast, Charlie blames himself for Narwhal and Wheatie’s deaths, so he sets out to experiment with his newfound power on his own. 
This is the most raw of Narwhal’s remaining chance power, which Charlie begins to learn to harness by not being able to control exactly what it does, but by being able to shift how likely each effect may be (changing prices).
Condi and Grizzly, concerned for Charlie, ask him to let them help with his experimentation, and suggest they ask Schlatt to come into the equation as another power on par with Narwhal to help. However, they decide that all will be on equal grounds to hope to preserve everyone equally, so Schlatt is not put in godly status. Bizly is missing from this video, having been pushed to the side by Schlatt, unbeknownst to the others. 
Charlie is the only one with god-power (op) to begin with, but he is walked through much of it by Schlatt.
Grizzly is at one point cornered by Schlatt, and threatened with an apple. Grizzly would have no way of knowing of the fruit’s power, and yet he immediately recognizes it and reacts with intense fear. This is some of the strongest evidence for a time loop, with residual memories that would allow Grizzly, the most affected by Schlatt’s use of apples, to remember it when face-to-face with it. It is also important to note that while Charlie does not seem to remember as much as Grizz, he is the one to send Schlatt away by overpowering him with more apples. 
After this, Charlie says he has given god-power in the realm to all members (op), which Schlatt immediately makes use of to try and seize power. 
After this the whole group slowly devolves into using their power more and more. It’s clear Condi, Grizzly, and Charlie have become just as adept at it as Schlatt, using it for jokes and cheats. 
After the last escapade, Condi and Grizzly suggest they go to their own realm without Schlatt, and Charlie agrees. Because they do not have quite as much control the world becomes far more dangerous. 
This also could be the way they searched for Bizly after he had been missing for some time, as he is more beastlike in origin. This world may even be his creation, not Slime’s, which would further cement why they did not utilize creative god-powers. 
This video also showcases the tendency Charlie and Grizzly are characterized by in wanting to find ways to live amongst the challenges that face them, not necessarily fight to escape. They are far more inclined than Condi to settle in their tower and hunker down there and learn to live with the dangers around them, which is an attitude they continue to showcase in how they handle the timeloop. 
Bizly has returned to the group, and goes along with Condi and Charlie for the next of Charlie’s exercises in his power. 
This is another example of Charlie’s experimentation with randomized power, as a bunch of random people are spawned in and create entropy in their path. 
Halfway through the video, after all three of them have died, Charlie resorts to using his god-powers, but it is too explosive and causes the world to crash. He shows his growth by reining in it quickly though. 
There is an explicit flashback to the escapade to the nether in the VR series, when Condi fell before. This time, he does not fall. 
Thatoneperson is an important figure, and is clearly more than just a hunter. They exhibit godlike power that hints at them potentially being Schlatt in disguise. This would be the chance used to muzzle Bizly, when the ordeal with Thatoneperson being killed leads to his being pushed off the fortress, a death that could be latched onto to muzzle him. This takes gradual effect, and he remains for the rest of the video, but is missing from Natural Disaster. 
In the End fight with the dragon, Charlie yet again exhibits god-power to summon every hunter to fight by their side. 
Charlie’s escapades all repeat in this timeline but under Schlatt’s watch, no longer as a way for Charlie to grow, but a way to torture the Council and weaken them. 
When Charlie eats the apple early in the video, it accomplishes what Schlatt began doing right before the time loop was created: it makes him mortal. He can now truly, fully be killed, if done in a way powerful enough to stop his respawn. 
Immediately after this Charlie is notably able to give Grizzly an apple as a help, not a hindrance, which could be tied to his emerging domain over food. Grizzly’s domain over nature also begins to emerge as he gives poppies that begin to work as protective symbols. 
Schlatt quickly gets them to build him a church, showing how he’s trapped them in a state they forget their own emerging god-power, and taunts them with the light to the command blocks later, showing the torturous pointlessness of the whole experience. 
Grizz becomes shackled by Schlatt at the final volcano, but Charlie is able to take control of the realm from Schlatt and Grizz is able to break out to an extent. Schlatt does still remain in power over the timeline as a whole though, and retreats to regroup.
With picking the chests at the start of the video, the Council solidifies their domains of power as godlings. They had already began developing these, but this used some of the last chance magic Charlie had from Narwhal to allow them to concentrate their power into stronger, more specific areas. This whole video is an example of the Council going all out with their powers, and truly testing their limits. 
When the apple is given to Grizzly and he falls, he becomes shackled again. Though Schlatt is not in this world, he is pulling the strings as this happens in his timeline, and so the shackled Grizzly is still forced against his brothers. However, he strains against his restraints, and manages to make the fight fair enough that his brothers can beat him. 
The wolves were supposed to just be a joke. A joke between twins. Bizly’s wolfish, he wouldn’t really hurt them. If Condi hadn’t spawned them in the nether, it would have just been an illusion, a prank. It was just bad luck. “I may have been the boy who cried for the wolves, but I will not cry for you.” When shackled, and with Bizly muzzled, Grizz forgets that Bizly was the dearest wolf he cried for. 
In Grizzly’s last moments, Bizly, who had been fighting against his own plight for a while now, sees that Grizzly’s being controlled by his own and he can either be shackled in the mind as his body fights his family, or he can be shackled fully as a ghost that cannot act against them. In saving Grizzly, Bizly has to kill him to turn the shackles to a kind Grizzly can fight out of. He barely manages to reach through enough to help them get to the end, but his shackling means he cannot be in the world with them, and even that small effort to help them doesn’t have any real use.
Charlie has forgotten everything. After Hardest Difficulty, the Council continued to try and live their lives, but in the wake of Grizzly’s absence Condi threw himself into research, locking himself in his labs for long stints of time, feeling something was off about Grizz’s “death.” He was eventually caged there, and Bizly faded further under his muzzling as Schlatt used this opportunity to take them all away from Charlie. 
Schlatt then created an environment filled with death: a zombie apocalypse. Natural disasters also, notably, play a large role. This would be the final trial where he wore Charlie down to the point he could kill him.
Each of the Council appears in a diluted way how they can through their plight, and Bizly, having fought his off the longest, is able to work through his in many ways. He appears first out of the Council as Florida Man, accompanied by wild animals that he can interact with as a wild spirit.
Tommy enters, a wild spirit (zombie) who has started to move toward a player form and demonling power very similarly to Bizly. Grizzly ended up trading power with Bizly because they were at similar power levels, but Schlatt is able to give without any side effects because of his immense power, and Tommy comes into power over the 100 days as a demonling under Schlatt.
Charlie finds Condi’s lab where he’s been caged, and reads hints in Condi’s diary that he remembers what was done to Grizzly and is trying to fix it by recreating the world. His caged mind does not recognize Charlie, but Charlie is able to help Condi partially break out of his cage, and he is able to go out into the world though much of the mental caging effects linger. 
“In the new world, Charlie, everyone will be happy. Because I’m going to be a god.” He knows.
Condi is not successful in hopping worlds- he hops times back to the beginning of Schlatt’s timeline. He can’t escape it completely, but can form a time loop so they can try again. It doesn’t seem like it’s worked at first, but it is in the moments between a death and respawn that he can transport them, and so he is able to go back when he “dies.”
The Blood Bachelor’s arena somewhat resembles the arena from the VR series, yet another ritual to whittle down Charlie’s mortality. 
Ranboo is another upcoming godling/wild spirit, this time pulled in by Charlie, talked about more in the section for Beating Minecraft w/ Ranboo. He may have some idea of the fact that the apocalypse was created by Schlatt, twisted to be expressed by his conspiracy. 
Wizzly is the still shackled Grizzly, fighting to regain control of his powers. He has some version of his own knowledge of the timeline as a whole, knowing that Charlie is the “protagonist,” the focus of Schlatt’s attention. 
On day 99, Schlatt comes with apples, his strongest weapon. This is when Charlie starts to remember, and fears him, but the reminder of Bizly and the others pulls him away just before he eats. Bizly, who Charlie can barely remember, but with the knowledge Schlatt forced on him he now realizes has been working to keep him safe even though he’s a faded version of himself. Charlie then goes back, hoping he can bring him back before he’s faded completely, and he’s able to call him and the others for the final battle.
In this fight Tommy is seen wielding god-power, as he has become a demonling over the 100 days.
Charlie uses Condi’s machine to world-hop, and here, in a realm of Condi’s power, Schlatt attempts to finally, fully, kill Charlie. But in the moment where Schlatt kills him and attempts to stop him from respawning, Condi’s power is able to take Charlie not to mortal death, but back to the beginning. They will try again until they are all saved. Until Bizly is unmuzzled, Grizzly unshackled, Condi uncaged, and Charlie survives. 
It is also worth noting that Bizly, Grizzly, and Ranboo were left behind, but at the mention of Charlie, Grizzly summons zombies, saying “let’s do it all again, run it back from the top”, and they are killed too, allowing them to be transported as well as Condi begins the timeloop.
Both of these videos serve roughly the same purpose, as hallucinations/dreams Charlie experiences between time loops. There are many variations of them, all being very rudimentary ways of him changing a world and seeing how he fares, similar to his original escapades when growing his god-power. He begins to encounter Ranboo, a wild spirit of the place between dimensions (hence the enderman/End and ghast/Nether influences) that manages to interact with these dreams as Charlie moves between dimensions/times, and is eventually pulled into the timeline through Charlie’s power. However, he also begins to move toward godhood as a result of being gifted some of Charlie’s power. 
These are the beginning of Charlie potentially being able to not only alter a realm, but create entire realms of his own.
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kingscourthouse · 2 years
This is a Ren Cinematic Universe moment
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Did a quick update on my Ren designs. Note: King RenTheKing isn't included because I don't see him as someone separate from ren himself. Grimm (Demised RenBob) is my own mini au I guess? Don't really know what he would be, but I like to imagine him n Grim are a team in killin'.
If anyone cares, details on them below!
Base things on all of them: All of them have some sort of enchanted band on them with protection. If they were to remove it, they would just be some big dogs. (This way I get both Ren and dog Ren >:D)
Have you seen those glasses without the arms just pinch to your nose bridge? Yeah, they kinda need them. Dog ears lol.
They all have diffrent versions of Ren's facial hair. Obvi Grimm's is based on Renbob's and the others are based on Ren's. Example, Red still has the same shape of stubble like ren, but his is much thicker and a bit messier like his hair.
Their hand nails are all diffrent too if that counts.
Ren: Legit just basic Ren Diggity Dog. Pan flag colours on his ear peircings. Leg coverings are layers of leather that button in the back to keep them from being too damaged while working. Prot band is on his left arm. It's made of netherite so it can't be destroyed...unless he runs into a cactus. Very fluff, is a good boy.
Red (King): Still grey from the death games and curse, but has a bit of colour unlike the demised. His hair is much messier and a bit longer than Ren's. Ears are more pointed like a wolf. When Ren was King, Red made his crown and cape for him. Red still thinks he's better though. Slacks are tighter fit around his knees for movement. ROYAL BLUE BABY- Not a chestplate, but has gold plating around his neck and shoulder that holds his cape. Gold cuffs on his feet because he hated the lack of movement with full leg coverings. Gotta protec those toe beans. Cape is pinned to his sleeve so it moves with him. Very elegant. Prot band on his left hand is a gift from Martyn. Has his symbol so he may always protect his king in some form. Martyn also learned the hard way that Red's cape is basically a giant weighted blanket. How the hell does he carry that?!
(Ren) Bob: Sometimes the hermits call him Rob. Basically a Timmy/Jimmy situation. Again, just basic RenBob. Very flowy clothing. His necklace is a crystal gifted from Impulse back in season 6. He also has earrings made from Grian's feathers he'll wear. They tickle sometimes though, so it's not often. No leg protection. Wants to "Be connected to the world" or whatever he said. Most of his jewlry is wooden. The wooden earrings pull his ears down a bit, but he likes the floppy ears anyway. Prot band is wooden braclet on his right arm. He has a wide variety of goofy cardigans. The egg one is one of his favourites.
(Link to the actual cardigan if you want it)
Grim (Dog): Demised Ren. Kinda like the life games, he has a thirst for death. Maybe not as intense, but he'll sometimes be in a hunting mood. There are tallymarks on his arm are a count of how many he's killed. He's very grateful for the respawn system, he can play these games forever now! Loves very outgoing deaths. Explosions and fireworks are his favourite. NEVER TRUST HIM WITH A CROSSBOW. Prot band is a choker hidden by his hood. Died from fall damage. In death, he invent footwear better than featherfalling to keep him from perishing like that again. (Think long fall boots from Portal. They're shock absorbers.) Has a fear of heights, but he'll never admit that to you. Eyes may look like pure white, but you'll see his iris in a dark room. The iris and pupil glow white, the sclera don't. And yes, his glasses are the shape of coffins.
Grimm (Bob): Demised RenBob! (Rob???) Also gets the urge to kill but prefers not to. When he does, it is much quieter deaths like drowning or suffocation. Grimm prefers to follow around Grim and tend to the dead. Arranging graves, leave flowers, tag you with how you died, that's all him! Died by suffocation. Nobody knows how but Grim. Doesn't talk very much. The most you'll hear is him muttering prayers to the dead. Sometimes he'll also just say a single word and scare the daylights out of somebody. Prot band is a choker beneath his hood aswell. Eyes are just like Grim's; You won't see his iris, but it's there. May not have the weird cardigans like his counterpart, but a few hermits are a fan of his glasses. Tango loves the X glasses. Reminds him of cartoons!
That's all I can think of right now. Any questions? Feel free to ask!
(Suggest more silly cardigans for renbob and I might draw them)
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screechthemighty · 10 months
Titanfall fic writing is back, babey!! Fun fact, I started writing this *checks notes* literal years ago, but only just now circled back to it now that I'm filling in the holes in the Titanfall part of my Respawn Cinematic Universe. I will be eventually circling back to the stuff that happens after The Citadel, don't worry! I just wanted to get this one out of the way (again: literal years). AO3 link will be in a reblog, but you can read the first chapter below!
crash and burn (and then return again) | a titanfall 2 fanficpart one
cw: vomiting, loss/grief, shutdown, references to alcoholism
Things would’ve gone a lot differently if he were a in movie. For starters, Cooper wouldn’t have passed out within five minutes of arriving on the main battleship.
That was his own fault. His body had been giving him signs it was going to quit on him the whole flight back. He was shaky, almost dizzy, nauseous, and it felt like someone had replaced his brain with piles of stuffing. Cooper had figured it was just the adrenaline. Been there, done that. He’d be fine once he had something to eat and some real sleep. He didn’t say anything because it wasn’t a big deal.
Turned out it, was a big deal.
His memories of what exactly happened were hazy. Commander Briggs was there, he knew that, and Robert Taube. He remembered there were a lot of other people, and that he thought it was all those eyes on him (even in a positive light) that were making him feel worse. He tried to be subtle about excusing himself. He wasn’t sure if he succeeded or not; he thought someone followed him, but he couldn’t remember if it was Commander Briggs or Taube or both. Maybe it was neither. But he was pretty sure he remembered someone asking if he was okay, and replying that he didn’t feel so hot.
That must’ve been when he passed out, because his next concrete memory was lying on a moving gurney and someone checking his pulse “...repeated physical contact with an unknown energy source, we have no idea…” someone was saying.
Cooper risked opening his eyes. Commander Briggs was there, Taube, too, and a nurse, and a medical droid. It wasn’t that big of an audience, but it felt like a whole stadium of people once he realized what happened. “Did I throw up on anyone?” he mumbled.
“No,” Taube replied bluntly. “You about to?”
He must’ve gone grey or green or whatever color you turned when you were about to puke, because Taube swore and got out of the way. At least that way, Cooper didn’t throw up on anyone. Puking on the floor in front of his new CO, a respected war hero, and two medics was still in the top ten most humiliating moments of his life. There wasn’t much in his stomach to throw up, just water and one and a half energy bars. But apparently his body really didn’t want it.
There was a hand on his shoulder, someone asking him something, but Cooper barely registered the question. He stared down at the floor, eyes defocused. This had happened before, right? Fracture? Yeah. Fracture. He’d hit his head, suffered a concussion. Did he have another concussion? He’d fallen so many times on Typhon. He’d thought the jump kit and the helmet would take the worst of it but…hell, he didn’t know. He had no clue what he was doing. “Shit,” he muttered.
“Were you given any medication during Broadsword?” asked the med droid. Its voice was neutral in a calming way, but higher pitched than BT’s had been.  Thinking about BT made his stomach churn. “Exposure to any other energy sources?”
Had he? So much had happened. He could barely keep track. “Uhm...s-sansufentynal. After my drop pod landed. And...Lastimosa…” The name tasted bitter in his mouth. “…gave me something, I don’t know what. He said it might knock me out, but I’d feel better once I woke up. I was in a power chamber, there was some radiation, but I think it wasn’t so long that my suit couldn’t handle it.”
“Understood.” The med droid began speaking in softer tones to the medic, something about blood work and scans; Cooper was too busy trying to control his still-revolting stomach to really pay attention.
Am I dying? Did I really survive all that bullshit just to die like this?
“You’re not dying,” said Taube roughly. Cooper looked up at him, confused. Had he said that out loud? How out of it was he right now? “Just keep it together, kid. We’re gonna get you help.”
He was the one resting a hand on Cooper’s shoulder. The reassuring pressure of the grip contrasted with the way Taube actually looked: worn down, five o’clock shadow, bags under his eyes. He looked just as ready to pass out as Cooper felt.
Cooper couldn’t blame him for that. It had been a hell of a long day. Using the past tense didn’t feel right, though. A day like that couldn’t just be…over. Not like this. Not with…
He lay back down and shut his eyes tightly.
He can’t be gone.
How can he just be gone?
The thought kept echoing in his head as they dragged him into a private room in the medbay. Cooper went through the motions, sitting up, letting them look him over, responding to any questions he knew the answers to. The answers kept getting shorter and shorter; if that concerned the medics, Cooper barely noticed. Everything was growing more distant—sounds, sensations, the overall feeling of reality. All he wanted to do was curl up somewhere quiet and dark and sleep.
Sleep and wake up in a world where BT wasn’t gone.
Cooper had gone quiet.
Barker hadn’t noticed it at first. He’d only realized because he’d happened to glance in Cooper’s direction. He was hunched over, face buried in his hands, not making a sound even as his shoulders shook slightly. Barker wasn’t shocked—after everything Cooper had been through, having an emotional crash with the physical one wasn’t out of the blue or anything.
Should I do something?
Barker barely knew the guy from Adam, but he had a feeling Briggs didn’t either. That might’ve been part of the problem, now that he thought about it. All that shit and no one he could talk to about it.  Still, one of us should say something. Briggs was still talking intensely with the human medic, and the bot didn’t look like the reassuring type. It was either interrupt or…
He sighed. Ah, screw it. “Hey, Cooper?” Barker said carefully as he stepped forward.
Cooper didn’t reply.
Shit. “Cooper?” Barker repeated, a bit louder this time. When that didn’t get a response, he knew it was time to switch tactics. Cooper had been a rifleman before this; maybe he just needed a good prod from a CO to get him out of it. “Pilot,” Barker tried, trying to force his voice back into tones he hadn’t used since the IMC.
Still nothing.
Except he hadn’t been pilot for longer than a few days, right? Field promotion, no time to get used to it. So maybe…
“Hey, Rifleman.”
Cooper straightened up immediately, shoulders squared, hands dropping down from his face. “Sir,” he said. His eyes were pink, still wet with tears. He didn’t seem to register who Barker was at first; his body just responded to the rank. Muscle memory. Hell of a thing.
Barker had Cooper’s attention all right, but now he didn’t know what to do with it.
“You, uh…” Barker took another few steps forward and clumsily rested a hand on Cooper’s shoulder. “You okay?”
The kid looked at him like he was trying to figure out the right answer to the question.
That look didn’t last long. Whatever it was Cooper was trying to press down and re-shape into an acceptable answer shattered like a glass bottle. His composure and decorum went with it. Next thing Barker knew, the kid’s face was pressed against his chest as his body heaved with audible sobs.
Damn it, I am not equipped for this.
Though he may have been more prepared than everyone else there. Briggs looked just as caught off-guard as he did, and the medbot wasn’t going to be any help. The flesh and blood medic looked lost, too. Barker shot them all a baffled look as he clumsily patted Cooper’s shoulder. You’re gonna let me do this? Really? “’S’okay. Let it out.” Don’t worry about me telling anyone. I will definitely be drinking enough to forget this. “I’m sorry.”
The words tasted sharp, bitter. I get it. That part was left unspoken, but he did. The empty hole in your head, in your soul. You formed bonds quickly in combat. Cooper might not have had the years of connection Barker had with Juliet, but that wouldn’t make it hurt less. Someone sacrificing themselves for you never went down easily.
Barker gritted his teeth. Definitely drinking tonight.
“You’re safe now,” he said instead. “We’ve got you, kid.”
Cooper’s sobs slowed eventually. He let go of Barker’s jumpsuit, instead tightly hugging himself. He rocked slightly in place—self-soothing, if Barker had to guess—and his eyes stayed clenched shut. “Can’t,” he choked out.
“Can’t what?”
“It…mmph.” His shoulders hunched more tightly, like he was trying to shrink into himself. “Bright.”
Briggs finally snapped out of it and went to dim the lights. The medbot said something to the human medic, who cursed quietly and started digging around through some nearby drawers. Barker, meanwhile, crouched in front of Cooper, trying to catch his gaze. “That better?” A pause. A nod. “Anything hurt? Like, about to drop dead hurt?”
Cooper hugged himself more tightly. Damn it, I’m making things worse again. Barker didn’t think this was a panic attack; he’d seen plenty of those before. So what is it? What’s wrong?
The medic nudged him aside gently and held out something to Cooper. “Here,” she said. “Do you think you can use this?”
She small tablet she’d passed him had an application open with a bunch of buttons. Barker could see an alphabet, and some standard words and phrases. Cooper took the tablet, then stared at the application as if trying to register what he was looking at. After a lengthy pause, he tapped one of the options.
Okay, they were getting somewhere. “No, nothing hurts?” Barker guessed. Cooper nodded. “What do you need, kid?”
A pause. This time, Cooper tapped at the letters.
…yeah. Fair.
“Can we clear the room, guys?” the medic asked. To Cooper, she added, “We’ll be just outside. Come get us if you need anything, okay?”
She seemed confident that Cooper wouldn’t hurt himself or have a heart attack, so Barker followed the others outside. He took one more glance at Cooper as he stepped out, and almost wished he hadn’t. The freshly minted pilot had hunched back over, the tablet hugged tightly to his chest. It was something no one should see, least of all the drunk who’d only just met the poor guy.
Barker looked away. Jack Cooper was going to be the talk of the town when they got back to Harmony. The least they could do was let him grieve in private while he still could.
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
So this might be worded funny and you might have already talked about this but I'm eepy and about to fall asleep,,,,
I wanted to ask, what is respawn in the au? Like is it a kinda myth type thing, or a common thing of life for everyone? Or maybe it is limited to those of certain bloodlines or maybe it's a gift the gods give to their champions?
So i genuinely don't know if I've talked about this much either.
This AU specifically is the most removed from the greater mcyt cinematic universe of anything I've written. Specifically, unlike most of my stuff, it does not exist within minecraft. It is not connected to any other smp, it is not even an smp, there are not video game mechanics like respawn, and i'm still trying to decide if they will have inventories or not.
Everyone has one life and one life only (but totems of undying are still a thing) which obviously is going to necessitate some changes to some canon events and some slight differences here and there. As a whole, the Marriage of State AU exists within the context of Empires SMP, and the minecraft setting in general, as an isolated fantasy reality. No other worlds or realities are canon, though i will definitely throw in some easter eggs here and there because im like that.
(as opposed to literally everything I've ever done for traffic life, in which everything is canon XD)
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ao3feed-tf2ships · 4 months
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/55882990
by premature_death
BLU Spy bumps into RED Pyro and his mission to steal the briefcase is failed. He can't get away from this creature. Pyro steals his watch and wants to do something with it, inspired by the Engineer's experiment.
Completely rewritten. Last version was deleted.
Words: 6733, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of premature_death's cinematic universe.
Fandoms: Team Fortress 2
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: RED Spy (Team Fortress 2), BLU Spy (Team Fortress 2), RED Medic (Team Fortress 2), RED Pyro (Team Fortress 2), RED Engineer (Team Fortress 2)
Relationships: BLU Spy & RED Pyro (Team Fortress 2), RED Pyro & RED Engineer (Team Fortress 2), RED Pyro & RED Spy (Team Fortress 2), RED Pyro & RED Medic (Team Fortress 2)
Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Smoking, Pyro Uses Sign Language (Team Fortress 2), Selectively Mute Pyro (Team Fortress 2), Major Character Injury, Respawn Mechanics (Team Fortress 2), too many unspoken thoughts and undertones, Ambiguous/Open Ending, you can interpret the ending any way you want
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/55882990
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geminired · 1 year
Hey Gemini,
Do people in the "Splat Chat Cinematic Universe™" (SCCU) die when they go into water like in the game?
They sure do!
However, it takes a whole deluge of water (or extremely heavy, monsoon-like rain for it to splat them.
They will respawn if connected to a respawn machine, otherwise it is a permanent splat.
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doodlebloo · 1 year
whats ur medic system/curing system id love to hear abt what ur thinking
YESSS OMG A CHANCE TO RAMBLE <33 my system is sooo needlessly complicated I love it
Ok so obviously the ZSMP is modded. It's similar to the mods used for the Slimecicle Cinematic Universe Zombie video but there aren't guns and cars and the like (or, if there are they aren't added to the server until a few months in.)
The ZSMP is semi-hardcore. When a player reaches 0 health instead of dying they "faint." (If you die in water or lava your body is teleported to the nearest solid block.) Once you've fainted you have 24 real life hours to get a friend to come and revive you or you turn into a zombie.
Once you're a zombie you have the ability to log in and play as the zombie, your goal is now to kill and cause havoc but you're very slow moving. If a player kills you you just respawn again.
Players can be brought back to life after fainting and zombie players can be revived, more on this in a bit.
On the ZSMP there are 3 exp bars instead of just one: physical, practical and mental xp.
Physical XP is basically the same as normal XP in Minecraft. You kill a zombie, you gain XP, which helps you hit harder. Gaining physical XP also makes you run faster and you're able to use certain weapons (heavy axes and the like) once you reach certain levels.
Practical XP is collecting resources (like how you earn XP for mining coal in vanilla mc), building machines and building fortifications. (Side note: On the server each block has its own "health" bar that zombies can wear down and eventually the block will break.) More Practical XP means more machines unlocked, crafting recipes to make fortifications/blocks last longer and even tools to help locate valuable resources.
Mental XP is science and medicine. Not just crafting medicines and potions but also using them. The basic medkit only heals one heart when used by someone with no Mental XP, but gaining more lets you eventually heal allies so well they gain extra hearts. Mental XP level 3 is required to revive an ally and it costs 20 medkits (it costs less as you level up.)
On the server, crafting recipes are locked until each player unlocks them by levelling up, so even if your friend tells you how to craft the zombie virus cure you can't actually do it until you've leveled up. Also, you can't use certain items until you're a high enough level.
SO, when a player "faints", someone with a high enough level has to go find them and spend the medkits to revive them. Eventually, players who reach a high mental level can craft a cure for other players and can cure them to bring them back into the game. This can be done as many times as they want, but the longer a player is a zombie the more levels they lose when they're finally brought back. This cure is very expensive at first but less expensive as the healer gains levels.
This system is especially fun because player administering the cure has to have a pretty high level so their services will likely be in high demand for those whose loved ones have been turned......
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omenindia · 11 months
Cloud Gaming: OMEN's Deep Dive into the Instant-Play Revolution
The grind is over. In our relentless quest to level up, there's a new boss in town: Cloud Gaming. As the digital arena keeps respawning, we at OMEN are here to debrief you on why this isn't just another side quest, but the main storyline of the gaming universe.
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Zero Delays, Non-stop AFK Action
Remember the last time you were camping in anticipation of a game's download and installation? Felt like an eternity, right? With cloud gaming, that's just old lore. Dive straight into the heart of the raid, just as you'd stream a cinematic cutscene or an epic OST, but for gaming.
Gaming for Every Class, Anytime, Anywhere
The true buff of cloud gaming is its epic accessibility. No need for overpowered rigs or beastly specs; even your most basic devices can join the guild. From a quick PvP on your smartphone during a cooldown to a boss fight on your smart TV, your games are always in your inventory.
For the OMEN legion, this means an open-world access to the quests you love, no matter your spawn point or the gear you've equipped. Your entire gaming universe is in your hotbar.
The New Meta: Cost-Effective Gaming
Dropping gold on the latest gaming dragons or legendary PCs? That's just one strategy. With the heavy lifting shifted to distant servers, you're promised god-tier graphics and frame rates, sans the heavy gold grind. Welcome to the shared loot of gaming's future.
Behind the XP Grind: Turbo Speeds and Mobile Mastery
Two game-changing power-ups are turbo-boosting cloud gaming. First, the global buff in internet speeds, making lag a thing of the past. And second, the era of mobile dominance. As players increasingly go for quick matches on-the-fly, cloud gaming perfectly delivers dungeon raid experiences to mobile HUDs.
Navigating the Dungeons
No expansion pack is without its mobs. From the aggro of data caps in some realms to the shift in gameplay dynamics from PCs to mobiles, there's a quest map to follow.
OMEN's Guild Note
Cloud gaming isn't just another character in the lobby; it's expanding the guild of choices. It's a new build offering flexibility, instant respawns, and often a more gold-efficient path to dive into elite gaming.
For the OMEN guild, this heralds a wider arena to PvP, level up, and conquer. As we co-op into this exciting next chapter, trust OMEN to ensure your gear is always enchanted, always buffed, and always ready to tackle the next raid.
Stay connected. GG with OMEN.
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usagirotten · 5 months
Apex Legends Unveils Alter: The Dimension-Hopping Legend
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In an electrifying new trailer, Apex Legends has introduced fans to a new Legend named Alter, who is set to join the popular battle royale’s roster. The trailer, which has been described as ‘Based on a True Story’, provides a glimpse into Alter’s intriguing backstory and her dimension-hopping abilities. Alter’s arrival comes as part of Apex Legends’ Season 21 update, which has been eagerly anticipated by the game’s massive fanbase. The trailer showcases Alter’s unique skill set, hinting at her potential to disrupt the current meta and offer players new strategies to explore.  The cinematic story trailer has been crafted to not only tease Alter’s abilities but also to give depth to her character, inviting players to understand her motivations and the lore surrounding her existence. Fans can look forward to a full gameplay reveal on May 3, which will undoubtedly provide a clearer picture of how Alter will fit into the Apex Games. As Apex Legends continues to evolve with each season, the introduction of Alter is a testament to Respawn Entertainment’s commitment to keeping the game fresh and engaging. With her dimension-hopping prowess, Alter is poised to become a fan favorite, offering a blend of mystery and power that is sure to captivate players around the world.
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Stay tuned for more updates as we approach the gameplay reveal and get ready to welcome Alter to the Apex Legends universe. Read the full article
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screechthewriter · 6 months
you crazy-assed cosmonaut (remember your virtue) | a god of war/titanfall 2 crossover
part 4/6:
Anything could go wrong when you left home. Atreus had experienced that over and over. Sometimes, it felt like every time he and Dad left the house for a simple trip, things went sideways. War only made that worse, because they were deliberately running towards trouble, and any plans could fall apart if someone sneezed too hard. Atreus actively tried not to expect anything from a mission, good or bad.
But even this was beyond what he’d expected.
They had to unexpectedly bail out, which meant when Atreus hit the ground, he was nowhere near the drop zone. Not only that, but the door wasn’t coming off his drop pod. Atreus had never liked those things, but he didn’t want that dislike justified like this. He was able to get free of his restraints, but struggled with the door. A robot voice in the background droned on and on about his heart rate. “I know, Siri,” Atreus snapped. “I’m a little…” He settled back against his seat and rested both feet against the door. “…stressed at the moment…!”
He had been trying to avoid cutting loose and using his powers to their full extent, troll incident aside. But there was no way he was going to die stuck in this damn drop pod. Atreus took a deep breath and pushed. Metal creaked, groaned, and…
The door popped off its hinges, letting Atreus push his way free. Unfortunately, he stepped out into absolute mayhem.
“…isn’t the drop zone…”
“Just stay together…!”
“Do we have any pilots in the area?!”
Atreus looked around. No sign of Cooper. “Jack?” Atreus called. “Jack?!”
A bullet whistling past his head forced him to duck. Atreus immediately reached into the pod for his bow. Still intact, all the arrows there. Hemlock with a decent amount of ammo, Kraber with less ammo, couple of grenades, two hand axes strapped to his leg.
He could make it work.
Atreus started with the bow, taking careful aim at the closest Reaper. His bow hadn't held any Light energy in years, decades even, but Sindri's dragon tooth trick still held. It was really useful against mechanical enemies that liked to group up. The lightning arcing between Reapers was almost hypnotic, but he didn't have time to appreciate the splendor of good old fashioned Dwarven magic craft. He had to get to the others. Fortunately, the short-circuiting gave him the cover he needed to dart away from his pod and to his fellow Militia members. "Have you seen Private Cooper?" he asked.
"Good luck finding anyone out here," replied the sergeant. It seemed like he was the highest ranking person out there. "I don't even know where we're regrouping."
Atreus swapped out the bow for the Kraber, wanting to preserve as many arrows as he could for as long as possible. Just hold them back. Hold them back until you're told otherwise.
If you knew where you hit, Reaper's heads came off pretty easily. He counted his shots as he went. Six shots with the extended magazine. Crack. One. Crack. Two. Crack. Third shot hit the chest, but that was fine; .50 caliber ammo punched a hole through a lot of things, Reapers included.
Crack. Four. At least Reapers didn't feel pain.
Crack. Five. He couldn't say the same thing about humans, so...
Crack. Six. Make sure you do it the first shot. Even from this distance, he could practically taste the blood in the air.
Or maybe that was from someone on his side. Hard to tell in all this chaos.
"Reloading," he said instinctively, ducking back behind cover. He'd switch to the Hemlock once he took out the last handful of long-distance threats...he’d have to keep an eye out for the heavy sniper ammo, he could only carry so much at a time...his mind was racing, the familiarity of combat clashing with the sheer amount of variables a war like this threw at him.
At least it’s not a dragon, he thought a tiny bit hysterically.
There were three more long-distance targets; he took them out in quick succession before switching to the Hemlock. Fewer shots in the clip than the Flatline, but it being semi-automatic removed the urge to just keep a finger on the trigger. If you can’t do it in one or two shots, don’t do it at all. Only as much force as necessary. The thought echoed in his head after each three-shot burst. Only as much force as necessary.
Only as much force as necessary.
Only –
Atreus snapped out of it. They’d thinned out the IMC forces there. Time to run. He took off after the others, scanning their surroundings, only letting his gaze linger on any dead Militia long enough to confirm…
Then again, it was difficult to tell people apart when they were lying dead in the mud like that.
Funny; dead bodies never really bothered him before. He'd seen so many of them growing up in his little part of the world, the realm he still thought of as Midgard even though it had been divided up into countries with new names  and evolving cultures (Denmark, Sweden, Norway). People died, all the time, and with the Desolation sweeping through, there wasn't really anyone to bury them. But now? The same sight, or a similar enough sight, chilled him.
Maybe it was because they were freshly dead, some not even visibly injured, looking as if they could stand up and walk away any second now.
Maybe it was because, back then, he hadn't been scanning the faces for any sign of a friend.
Atreus shook the thought off and kept moving.
The sergeant was still trying to figure out where in the hell they were supposed to meet up, leaving the rest of the grunts to follow and keep their heads on a swivel. Atreus didn't realize he'd put away the Hemlock and drawn one of his axes until one of the others pointed it out. "It's meant to be thrown," Atreus noted absentmindedly. He was trying to listen--not just for footsteps, but to any creatures that came through. Most of the local fauna had fled, save for a handful of predators and scavengers who saw the chance for easy pickings, but what was left could give him an advance warning of approaching threats. "Don't worry, my aim is pretty good."
"...they spring you out of a nut house to get you to join, Kokinos?"
Atreus forced a laugh. "Nah, I'm just built different." Definitely never heard that before, definitely doesn’t feel hurtful…
A whisper made its way across the breeze—smaller creatures running through the underbrush, ears twitching, talking about the incoming two-legged creatures. Atreus froze and listened harder. The creatures (whatever they were) didn’t have the best eyesight, so determining whose side those two-leggeds were on wasn’t easy…
They were coming from the southwest, and moving pretty quickly. Atreus tried to hear them instead, but even with his senses being a bit heightened compared to his fellows, there was too much background noise. But…
“Incoming. Southwest.”
No one questioned it, fortunately. They were too hyped up and worried about getting ambushed to ask questions. Atreus didn’t draw his Hemlock; he kept the axe in his hand, feeling the grip going cold under his fingers. He was usually wary about using the axes to their full potential—it was a lot harder to answer for than the bow—but today, it felt like a matter of life or death.
Breathe. Breathe. No more force than necessary. No more…
The first of the figures emerged from the underbrush. IMC. Definitely IMC.
"Shit - !"
Saying that he blacked out wouldn't be accurate. But there was a bit of a gap between his fellows noticing those were IMC and oh, one of my axes is in that guy's face that Atreus couldn't account for. The only thing that stopped him from bull-rushing them was the awareness that he’d just get caught in the crossfire if he did. He did draw his second axe, but only to throw it into someone who had gotten a bit too close. He drew his Hemlock next. Dropped one. Dropped another.
Silence settled over the forest. Atreus could hear the raspy gurgles of someone’s last breaths. His second axe had hit someone in the neck; by the time he reached them, they were gone.
“Shit,” muttered another rifleman. He was standing next to the first person to get the axe, staring at it with barely-contained shock in his eyes. “Remind me not to piss you off.”
Atreus shrugged and pulled the second axe free. “Don’t worry. I avoid friendly fire.” He walked to the first person to fall, and pulled the axe free from his face. He saw the other Rifleman flinch visibly. “We should keep moving. There’ll probably be more coming.”
No one argued the point.
You are in your head, boy, said Father’s voice in his head as they kept moving.
I know, Atreus thought back, despite himself. It wasn't guilt over having killed someone, not like it had been the first time he heard Father say that. He'd gotten used to self-defense killing a long time ago. He had even more or less gotten used to warfare. But something about today…
It was the danger of it all. The taste of blood in the air. Fear for a friend, and the things that fear could drive someone to do. It lit something in his spirit that didn't usually come out. He wasn't his father, but he was his father's son, and even if their "domains" so to speak had very little overlap, even if they weren't the gods they had once thought…
The union of lightning and summer leaves was fire. And oh, how Loki burned sometimes.
But he couldn’t do that, because he had promised to be better, and he wasn’t looking to show the whole world what he was. So he tried to breathe.
Tried to swallow it back.
It was harder than he thought it would be.
Eventually, they met up with another group and stopped to figure things out. Or, at least, to let the officers figure it out. Atreus normally would’ve butted in, but he was still feeling in his head and just didn’t have it in him to try and argue with officers. Instead, he focused on finding good branches for arrows. They wouldn’t be perfect, but something told him he was going to need more. Ammo was running low in general, and he definitely wanted to save the Kraber shots for emergencies.
Back to basics, he thought as he examined a branch. At least the trees out here are strong. It almost reminded him of home. Familiar but not all at once. A lot of forests felt the same, to be fair. Trees were trees, predators were predators, prey were prey. War was war.
I wish Dad were here.
"Have any of you seen Private Cooper?" he asked one of the other Rifleman from the second group.
"No, sorry," said the Rifleman. "I think they're trying to get a roster of who's still kicking but communications are scrambled, pretty much anything further than medium range risks getting intercepted...you know how it is."
"Yeah." FUBAR, he was pretty sure the acronym was. He'd say SNAFU, but there was too much fucked up and not enough situation normal for that one. “So I take it you don’t know what we’re going to do?”
“Follow Sarge and hope we find someone who knows what’s going on?”
That wasn’t something Atreus would usually be on board with, but it also seemed like his best bet for finding Cooper. This was a decently sized planet, and as good a tracker as he was, he had nothing to work with. All he could do was hope this whole mess worked itself out.
Just stay alive, Jack. I’m coming for you. I promise. While he was at it, he sent a brief plea to his ancestors. I know he isn’t one of us, but whatever help you can spare him, please…
At least he knew Mom would probably listen. He hadn’t been lying when he told Cooper she’d like him.
Unfortunately, the day did not improve. It was just a lot of running, dodging and weaving, avoiding the IMC and eventually linking up with another larger group. Atreus wasn’t sure what was going on, especially not when news of a superweapon hit. He only knew that he still hadn’t seen Jack. Had no news of him. The anxiety over his missing friend made him feel like he was going to vibrate, and the sights and sounds of war didn’t help.
In short, by the time he and the other grunts were pulled off the planet, it had gone from a long day to one of the longest days of his very long life. And the fact that it ended with half the planet being blown up only made things worse.
But then...
“Kokinos, you’re not gonna fucking believe this.”
Saying that he didn’t believe it would be a stretch. What Atreus was told as the other Rifleman led him back to the hanger bay sounded like things Cooper was capable of handling. But it was also a series of absolutely insane events that would normally never happen to a guy like him. If Atreus’s day had been long, Cooper’s must have lasted lifetimes.
And yet there he was, standing in the hanger, surrounded by people congratulating him, wearing all the gear of a pilot, and very much alive.
Atreus was so fixated on the fact that Cooper had lived, that he hadn’t lost the one friend he’d managed to make in this whole mess, that he almost missed the look on Cooper’s face. When he did notice, it felt like his heart stopped again, for completely different reasons. There was a smile on Cooper's face, sure, but it was fake, plastered there by panic. His hands were clutching the straps of his gear, the white-knuckle grip hidden by gloves, and he flinched every time someone got too close.
Oh, no, I have to get him out of here.
"Well, shit, he lives!" Pushing to the front of the crowd was easy; benefits of usually being the tallest person in the room. "Damn good to see you, buddy!"
Atreus already suspected it was bad. He knew it was worse than that when Cooper didn't reply. He just stared with that same wide, frantic look in his eyes. "Hey, listen, guys, I know he's the big man on board right now, but why don't we give him some air, huh?" Atreus hated touching Cooper right then, but he had to if he wanted to get them out. He kept it low contact--one hand on the shoulder, grip not too firm, only the gentlest of pushes to get him through the crowd. "He probably hasn't even slept since we dropped."
No one questioned him or tried to stop him, outside of a few people giving final congratulations as they walked past. Atreus waited until they were free of the crowd before he started speed-walking, whispering a single word—Falið, hidden—to try and keep them out of everyone's perceptions. "Just hold it together for a minute, okay?" he added to Cooper. "I'm getting you out of here."
"...hmm." Cooper had stopped smiling. Now he really looked like he was going to claw his skin off. "Yeah."
To his credit, Cooper kept it together until they were alone. "Okay, what do you need?" Atreus stood in front of Cooper and held out both hands. "We can do yes or no questions if you're not…"
Cooper started sobbing.
Oh, shit. It was bad, then. Atreus reigned in his urge to hug, not sure if that would set Cooper off worse, instead sitting down next to his friend as he sank to the ground curled up on himself, body shaking with sobs. “I’m here,” Atreus said quietly. “I’m here.”
Cooper leaned against him, but said nothing.
It was then, as they sat there in an isolated corner of the ship, that the real weight of the day hit him. The realization of how bad things had gone. How many people had died today? How many deaths could have been avoided, if the IMC had just been willing to negotiate instead of being trapped by their greed? It’s not fair, he thought. That was the same thought that had made him join the Militia in the first place. This time, though, it weighed on him with sorrow and pain, not anger.
War is never fair, boy, replied the memory of his father’s voice.
Atreus had thought he understood, but he was starting to realize, once again, how little he actually understood.
Eventually, Cooper’s sobs calmed down, replaced by a heavy silence. Eventually Cooper spoke, his voice dull and thick with tears. “Lastimosa’s gone.”
Oh. “I’m sorry,” Atreus said quietly.
He had a feeling there was more to it than that, but he wasn’t going to push things. If that was all Cooper had the energy to say, that was all he had the energy to say. Atreus could wait to hear the whole story. And, on a purely selfish level, he wasn’t sure how much heartbreak he could face today.
Atreus let Cooper hold onto his arm. As they sat together, Atreus started humming quietly, the same tune his mother used to hum to him whenever he was sick and couldn’t sleep. He tried to imagine her sitting there with them both, her presence gentle and soothing.
He prayed for the strength to help his friend, and the strength to make it through himself.
Atreus learned the rest of what happened slowly--about Captain Lastimosa and BT-7274, about the field promotion, the struggles and terror that came after, losing both of them within such a short time span. "I'd be screwed if you were gone, too," Cooper finished dully. They were waiting in the med bay for some test results to come back. Cooper had refused to go in there without Atreus, and Atreus wouldn't have let him go in alone anyway. "Seriously. You're not allowed to die now."
"Right back at you." Atreus didn't know he could feel so exhausted. He could only imagine how much worse it was for Cooper. "I'm sorry…"
Cooper shook his head. "Not your fault. Nothing you could've done." After some hesitation, he added, "I mean...that makes it kind of worse, though, I guess."
Atreus knew what he meant. Helplessness could cut deeper than failure. He'd felt it before. At least most of the time when you failed, you could reassure yourself that you'd done your best. That you'd tried, and had some level of control in the situation. It did occur to him that Cooper may have been wrong--that maybe there was something Atreiis could have done, had he just been there--but there had been so many things beyond his control in the lead-up. Things he couldn't have predicted or averted.
Still. It was the damn troll all over again.
"Is the SRS keeping you on?" Atreus asked, trying to distract the both of them. "It's the least they could do after you saved everyone's asses."
"I think so. I just don't know if…" Cooper hesitated, then rubbed his eyes. "I don't know if I want another Titan. I don't know if I can...not after…"
Atreus nodded sympathetically. He might not have understood completely what Cooper was going through, but he could grasp the sentiment. At the very least, he knew a thing or two about loss himself. “I get it. He was your partner. That’s going to take time. I’m sure they’ll respect that.”
Cooper rubbed his eyes. “Yeah, I think so. We’re going back to Harmony, last I heard. Maybe...maybe I’ll be okay with it later.” He didn’t sound sure of that—more like he was trying to convince himself. “Looking forward to getting some real sleep.”
“Me, too.” Sleep on a planet, too. Atreus had never been to Harmony. He and Dad just tended to stick to less established planets, places like the Outlands or its borders. The kind of places here people weren’t really looking for guys like them.
Honestly, Atreus kind of missed the isolation. Hopefully Harmony had some areas that weren’t so developed.
“Jack Cooper?”
Cooper looked up, then looked at Atreus. Atreus gave him an encouraging smile. “I’ll wait right here for you,” he promised. “And we can get some sleep afterwards, yeah?”
Atreus waited until Cooper was out of sight before he let the smile drop and leaned forward, elbows on his knees, face buried in his hands, still deeply exhausted. He was starting to get how his father--a veritable mountain of a man, the unbeatable and unkillable “god of war”--could look so tired all the time. He missed him. More than anything, he missed his dad.
You'd know what to do if you were here.
So would Mimir. So would Mom. At least with them he'd lost them due to circumstances beyond his control. With Dad...he'd chosen to walk away. Sure, he’d every intention of getting back in contact, eventually, but one thing lead to another and Dad moved on from where they'd been living before (probably because of the war)…
Now he was alone. His fault.
Atreus forced himself to take a deep breath. His chest was starting to feel tight. He knew that feeling and he knew it could only make things worse. He had to be present, for Cooper if not for his own mental health. Not stuck in his own head and beating himself up.
He breathed slowly. He tried to stay calm.
He waited.
Cooper, fortunately, wasn’t gone too long. He didn’t look worse when he came back to the waiting room; between that and the little thumb’s up he gave, Atreus assumed that he wasn’t about to drop dead any time soon. “Don’t suppose you can get me out of here without us running into too many people?” Cooper said. “I know they’ll probably want me to do a briefing at some point, but…”
“Way ahead of you.” Atreus could just coast by on magic alone, but that would raise too many questions. So, he stuck to the lesser-known parts of the ship, as many side hallways as he could, with only a little sparkling of magic to help keep them really out of everyone’s eyes. Wasn’t too long before they were back in the sleeping quarters. Fortunately, they’d been able to get a room together when they transferred onto the ship; meant that they didn’t have to worry about someone random hanging out in the room.
Then again, if Cooper had a room mate who wasn’t Atreus, he could’ve been dead by now.
Cooper immediately sat down on his bed, slouched in a way that said that getting his gear off might not happen. Atreus barely managed to get his own shoes and gear off before climbing into the top bunk. “If anyone calls me, I’m not here,” Cooper muttered. “The Ark sent me to another dimension, where I’m napping.”
Atreus laughed quietly. “No one’s getting through that door. I don’t care if it’s Graves himself. Sleep, okay? You need it.”
Eventually, Atreus heard the sound of boots and heavy gear hitting the floor. Cooper’s breathing went quiet and steady not long after.
Atreus thought he would fall asleep quickly himself, but he didn’t. He lay in his bunk, staring up at the ceiling for far too long. Eventually, he quietly climbed back down the bed to grab his knife. The knife his father gave him.
I wish you were here.
It was only when the knife was with him, within reach, that Atreus was finally able to fall asleep.
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level-1-slime · 1 year
There is a message written on the wall. It looks like your handwriting (slimewriting?), but you have no memory of writing it. It simply reads: "note to self: commit crimes".
(Slime knows what he’s about to do probably isn’t legal, but it’s worth it for effective immortality.)
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endlesscrimson89 · 1 year
FFXIV Write2023, Prompt 14: Clear.
[Companion piece to 10th entry, "Shock"]
Adam's goal became clear the moment he woke up in Senri’s body. Or - to be precise - the moment he realized that this whole isekai nonsense was apparently a thing that somehow happened to him. 
Not that he especially minded, though, as the last thing he remembered was getting hit by a car - so as devoted atheist, waking up inside the game was definitely preferable to the non-existance. Or finding out that hell was also a thing. 
No, instead whatever gods were up there, had to be laughing their asses off at his stumbling when he spent a good few hours getting used to having a tail and swearing at the idea of making his avatar Miqo’te. 
Though, he quite quickly figured that his avatar - Senri - didn’t exactly looked like he did on his screen, mind you. Nope, gawking at his reflection in the shallow pond he found soon after waking up, he figured that whatever god shoved his soul into this body had to trying to make up for some sort of complex... or something. 
Only thing that agreed, was the colors - with the fucking switch somehow apparently accounting for the mods he used to make Senri’s hair ventablack and his eyes paler than the character creator's screen allowed... because why the fuck not, right? 
Only saving grace was the fact that now he was VERY happy that he didn’t think to make his avatar a chick... because if he got shoved into a girl's body instead? God, but that would be awkward!
So, yeah, Adam woke up in a middle of a fucking desert, his body covered in a VERY familiar looking starter gear and with no clue where to go or what to do. He stumbled for a while - obviously - and his first encounter with a monster ended badly. 
Fucking cactuars were no joke, enough said. 
But even getting stung to death had an upside, he figured when he opened his eyes again at the bottom of a massive, spinning crystal, because apparently the Respawn was also a thing and somehow his body was attuned in Ul’dah. Though it didn't take him long to figure that Ul’dah also didn't look anything like it did in game. 
...and NPC's weren't as nice, either. 
Whatever cosmic joker thought it was a good idea to make him look as he did, had to be rolling over in laughter with the amount of chicks that wanted a piece of him now. He figured that perhaps if he wasn’t gay, it would be fun but those bitches in Ul’dah...? Well, had a fucking issue taking no for an answer. 
Figures, right?
Dodging them while trying to get a hang of things was definitely a pain and when he finally understood that somehow he landed in FFXIV before the whole Dalamut crash... Yeah, his goal was fucking clear like crystal. 
Mainly: get the fuck out of Eorzea before Bahamut turns it into toast. 
Hey, he didn’t sign up for this and whatever happens with the WoLs in this battle he liked the cinematic trailer of... he figured he might preferably skip. 
So, he took a gig at Colliseum for a few months, picked up a Gladiator class and rolled with it - still dodging horny ladies - until he got enough Gil to get the fuck out of the dodge. 
When it came to picking a direction, it was also clear like a day. Adam figured that all things considered, and if was counting right - if the sense of time was existing in this screwed up universe - the dude he had the biggest crush on for years now should be like... available right now. He had no clue how old was his own body, especially having no real idea how the aging of Miqo’te worked - but looking in the mirror his reflection looked rather on the young side. Too fucking pretty for his liking, but yeah... young. Twenty, perhaps? Well, as far as he could say - without making himself look suspicious by asking others - he looked like a young adult... with cat-like additions. 
The day he parked his ass on the ship heading to Old Sharlayan he breathed with relief, gleefully waving a 'bye-bye' toward the harbor of Limsa Lominsa until it became a tiny dot on the horizon. Have fun burning, for all he cared - not very much appreciating the experience so far. Bless Yoshi.P for sending those horny bitches into oblivion! Maybe after revamp it's going to become a more LGBT+ friendly space... or however the fuck this whole thing worked, because Adam still had no real idea. 
Hey, using magic was pretty cool, and all - even if it didn't take him long to figure he quite sucked at it. Briefly taking a gander at Taumaturgy taught him quickly that he was better off as Gladiator... well, Paladin now. 
And, fuck, at least he could heal himself with it, because dying...? Still hurt like a bitch!
Not to mention this whole respawning thing boggled his mortal mind. He tried not to think about that too deeply... again busy dodging the horniness of Eorzean 'ladies' on a fucking uncomfortable sea voyage across the sea. What in game looked uncomfortable - that idea of the fucking big 'below deck' shared by all passengers in the opening of Endwalker, proved to be a blessing in disguise. With someone always being up and about, those bitches couldn't do more than leer... and fuck, but they did - constantly. 
Three weeks later, he nearly jumped off the ramp as soon as it hit the murmur of the harbor and downright sprinted toward the registration before any other goddamn 'lady' could 'offer' her company during his stay in city of scholars. 
Thankfully his faked papers held the scrutiny of the officials (making him sent a silent thanks toward the guild of rogues in Limsa, no matter how fucking expensive those were). Another thanks he sent for Gulaf Baldesion, who apparently had a good idea (for Adam, that is) to sit his ass in Isle of Val and stay put. He figured as much from the game, and the rogues were pretty damn surprised why he needed a fake letter from the guy, but with enough Gil apparently there were no things quite impossible... So, hey, it almost made him nostalgic with similarity to Earth. 
...not quite, but almost. 
Registration done, all his measly belongings thrown over his shoulder, Adam headed toward the higher level of the city and the crystal of the Aetheryte. For obvious reasons, attuning was kind of a necessity, least he got unlucky and landed right back in Eorzea. 
That done and armed into a fake latter from Baldesion naming him a 'bodyguard' for the man's young protégé, he headed to Baldesion Annex, quite hoping that the counter letter going out of Limsa to the man reached him by now. Just in case, he preffered to have all his bases covered. 
For the guy, Senri Tia, the Warrior of Light, offered his protection to the last known descendant of royal family of Allagan Empire. He had no clue if Baldesion knew what was the Eye of the Allag or why G'raha was dumped on him - if he suspected that he probably didn't know, if he left the guy to rot in Sharlayan. Maybe him knowing it would change the dude's attitude... but he hardly gave a fuck as long as he was allowed his goal. 
Frankly, he was a fucking simp for G'raha and he wasn't ashamed of that. And if the universe chose to dump his miserable soul into this particular world, there was no way he would miss the opportunity to meet his idol. 
...even if G'raha, when he finally saw him, looked pretty young. Well... far younger than Adam calculated or was comfortable with, to be frank.
Still fucking cute, though! 
Learning that his intended target just a few weeks ago passed sixteen namesday, however, put a damp on his plans of getting in the redhead’s pants... so to say. All stares and blushing on his part aside... Adam figured that considering how his body looked like, wasn't that surprising - or fair - to boggle the cutie's mind. 
Decided to stay at his side as his friend, he settled into the quiet life among the Students of Baldesion seamlessly... mostly. Well, once most of Old Sharlayan's citizens figured that from now picking on his mismatched-eyed charge was a big fucking no-no, they didn't have that many issues. Here at least the idea of homosexuality wasn't that alien, so after the news spread that he wasn’t interested in girls, he was down to only dodging horny guys... still a bummer, but hey, he would take a win over nothing! 
A few broken jaws later, at least they got the clue and left him alone, so other than newcomers to the city Adam - or Senri, as he was increasingly used to - was downright toasty by the time news hit of... well, Eorzea taking one for the team. Not that he was surprised, every night going out to look at the ever-closer Dalamut... but he still made sure to pretend a proper shock. 
By that day, he and Raha were more than friends for over a year, but the news had him sitting down and doing some serious soul-searching and calculations. 
From his by then foggy memory of the game, he knew that in five years someone here would get a bright idea of investigating the Crystal Tower and drag his lover’s sexy behind into this whole... thing. 
And he had no clue if there would be another WoL for Scions to recruit. One to face van Belsar and all that mess beforehand. 
Admittedly, Adam didn't consider himself to be super smart person. He had no clue why did he end up in this world, no god spoken to him to make things clear or whatever, so he was simply getting by best he could. He kept his head low, took care of Raha and would be happy to continue to do so... but his conscience was eating on him, to be honest. 
And Raha, being the observant little shit, finally demanded answers as to why 'Senri' was so bummed out all of the sudden. Spending over three years constantly together, including a year as lovers, made the little tease know just all the right ways to finally make him confess... and as much as Adam enjoyed the process, he was pretty relived to come clean. 
Stumped, too, because Raha wasn’t as surprised as he should be. Well, until...
"You talk in your sleep, babe," the redhead announced with a potent roll of his mismatched eyes and he, honestly, never loved him more than in that moment. "So... when do we go?"
And so it was settled that they're going back to Eorzea... together. Meaning, he was going back because for Raha it would be a first, obviously. 
Not having a clear idea of the timeline, they picked a year after the news of Minifilia Warde establishing the Scions of the Seventh Dawn reached the Old Sharlayan. 
Raha was twenty-one and Senri still had no clue how old he was, exactly. He still looked young, so they figured that he - his body - wasn't that much older than his redhead... They both pointedly ignored the fact that he didn’t seem to age a day - physically - since reaching the city of scholars. He also didn't happen to die in the meantime, so Adam knew that his lover was taking his story about 'respawning' with grain of salt. He VERY vehemently refused when Adam proposed to prove it to him, so...yeah. 
Figuring that by taking Raha along he was already messing up the story, they settled into the idea of improving what Senri still remembered of how it was supposed to play out. 
Another miserable, three-weeks-long sea voyage later, they landed on Eorzean soil... and, actually, they found that they didn’t need to bother in the first place. 
Staking out Thancred - alone, after accidentally spotting the tall Scion in Ul’dah, where they decided to take residence for time being - while hidden from sight via stealth, Senri witnessed the moment a young, fresh-faced adventurer came to 'Lilira's' rescue near the Sultanatree. Swiftly joined by Thancred he was tailing, he decided against stepping in, instead watching and considering the development. Then listened in on ensuing conversation. 
The adventurer, cute and enthusiastic Keeper named Nell, an arcanist as much as he could tell by watching her fight, seemed like an ill pick for the WoL, being a tiny, whiff of a girl with long, silver hair. But watching her and her mannerisms from his peculiar perspective, something else became clear in Adam's mind. 
She was a player, like him. No, not exactly like him, but the way she moved, gestured and didn't say a damn thing while the others appeared to hear something... He figured that she was an avatar, with some noob behind the steer in the real world. Or the other world. 
His world. 
And another clear thing: by the joke of the universe or something, Adam had become a NPC - who already messed up someone's playthrough. Self-aware NPC who wasn't complaint to the rules of the universe he was shoved in, apparently. Or, perhaps he was really dead and all of this was some sort of complex afterlife... 
Well, he didn’t really care either way, leaving them to head back to Ul’dah and to share the development with his lover. Figuring that Raha would have a better idea how to proceed, he however couldn't resist the thought toward this 'player' behind the veil. 
Hope you enjoy the ride, pal... Because he wasn’t nearly close to being done with making a mess of things. 
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
New Star Wars Game From Fallen Order Dev is Inspired by Jedi Knight
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Respawn, the studio behind Titanfall 2, Apex Legends, and Fallen Order, appears to be drawing inspiration for its upcoming, as of yet untitled new first-person shooter from the classic Star Wars games Jedi Knight and Dark Forces. Recent job listings for the company constantly mention the legendary, Doom-esque shooter, as Respawn continues work on Star Wars Jedi Survivor and a cryptic strategy game both set in the Star Wars world. Respawn has posted numerous new positions at its Los Angeles and Seattle-based studios, advertising for cinematic leads, character artists, and animators to work on its upcoming Star Wars FPS. Each of the postings contain the same line, making explicit reference to Jedi Knight, Dark Forces, and Dark Forces 2. Respawn’s new Star Wars shooter will also apparently be based on Unreal Engine 5. “In collaboration with Lucasfilm, the Star Wars FPS Team is developing a new AAA FPS in the Star Wars galaxy,” the job listings each say. “Inspired by classic titles like Dark Forces and Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2, our story-driven single player game is being developed from the ground up leveraging the power of Unreal Engine 5.” Posted to LinkedIn and originally reported by Exputer, you can see the listing for yourself in the image below. Respawn is also hiring for mission and level designers to work on the Star Wars FPS. The Star Wars FPS game is being overseen by Peter Hirschmann, who previously worked on the original Battlefront series and Star Wars The Force Unleashed. Founded by former Call of Duty developers, Respawn is also creating a new strategy game set within the Star Wars universe. Working alongside Bit Reactor, the studio founded by former developers from the XCOM and Civilization series, that game, same as Respawn’s Star Wars FPS, is still without a title or release date. With the next adventure of Cal Kestis on its way, get ahead of the curve with all the Star Wars Jedi Survivor enemies and fearsome Star Wars Jedi Survivor bosses, which are bound to take some beating in the upcoming Soulslike. Read the full article
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screechthemighty · 6 months
Update, I made the dang thing. Turns out I already had a sideblog with the URL I wanted to use so I just cleared out all the old posts and gave it a new coat of paint.
Per the results of my survey that I did *checks notes* like three AO3 outages ago, I'll be crossposting fics in the following order:
God of War fanfics
Respawn Cinematic Universe fanfics
Pacific Rim fanfics
Star Wars fanfics
Resident Evil fanfics
Trigun fanfics
Moon Knight fanfics
Other fanfics
Obviously some stuff is already posted to this blog, so "crossposting" will just mean "reblogging it over there", but whatever, it will all be in one place. I did already reblog that one blind!Thranduil fic I wrote just so that there will be some content on there, though.
ETA: Update so I have the first chunk of my God of War fics and all the art by others I could remember being drawn for my fics in the queue, right now I'm posting one thing a day so I'm not spamming anyone lol but I may boost it up to two or three if/when I have a lot in the queue.
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