#and encourage players to cooperate and request each others services
doodlebloo · 1 year
whats ur medic system/curing system id love to hear abt what ur thinking
YESSS OMG A CHANCE TO RAMBLE <33 my system is sooo needlessly complicated I love it
Ok so obviously the ZSMP is modded. It's similar to the mods used for the Slimecicle Cinematic Universe Zombie video but there aren't guns and cars and the like (or, if there are they aren't added to the server until a few months in.)
The ZSMP is semi-hardcore. When a player reaches 0 health instead of dying they "faint." (If you die in water or lava your body is teleported to the nearest solid block.) Once you've fainted you have 24 real life hours to get a friend to come and revive you or you turn into a zombie.
Once you're a zombie you have the ability to log in and play as the zombie, your goal is now to kill and cause havoc but you're very slow moving. If a player kills you you just respawn again.
Players can be brought back to life after fainting and zombie players can be revived, more on this in a bit.
On the ZSMP there are 3 exp bars instead of just one: physical, practical and mental xp.
Physical XP is basically the same as normal XP in Minecraft. You kill a zombie, you gain XP, which helps you hit harder. Gaining physical XP also makes you run faster and you're able to use certain weapons (heavy axes and the like) once you reach certain levels.
Practical XP is collecting resources (like how you earn XP for mining coal in vanilla mc), building machines and building fortifications. (Side note: On the server each block has its own "health" bar that zombies can wear down and eventually the block will break.) More Practical XP means more machines unlocked, crafting recipes to make fortifications/blocks last longer and even tools to help locate valuable resources.
Mental XP is science and medicine. Not just crafting medicines and potions but also using them. The basic medkit only heals one heart when used by someone with no Mental XP, but gaining more lets you eventually heal allies so well they gain extra hearts. Mental XP level 3 is required to revive an ally and it costs 20 medkits (it costs less as you level up.)
On the server, crafting recipes are locked until each player unlocks them by levelling up, so even if your friend tells you how to craft the zombie virus cure you can't actually do it until you've leveled up. Also, you can't use certain items until you're a high enough level.
SO, when a player "faints", someone with a high enough level has to go find them and spend the medkits to revive them. Eventually, players who reach a high mental level can craft a cure for other players and can cure them to bring them back into the game. This can be done as many times as they want, but the longer a player is a zombie the more levels they lose when they're finally brought back. This cure is very expensive at first but less expensive as the healer gains levels.
This system is especially fun because player administering the cure has to have a pretty high level so their services will likely be in high demand for those whose loved ones have been turned......
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spectrumpay · 11 months
Empowering Lives With Indicash ATM Revolution
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In an era driven by innovation and technology, access to financial administrations assumes a vital part in the financial strengthening of people and networks. The coming of Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) has been a critical achievement towards monetary consideration.
One such outstanding player in the Indian ATM scene is Indicash. It's an outstanding product of innovation and technology blended together. Let's delve deeper to understand the effect and meaning of Indicash ATMs in the Indian monetary biological system financial market.
What is Indicash?
Indicash is a main free ATM network in India, operated by Tata Communications Payment Solutions LimitedKey Features and Benefits (TCPSL), a subsidiary of Tata Communications. Laid out in 2013, Tata Indicash Atm Machine has quickly extended its impression, offering ATM administrations across metropolitan, semi-metropolitan, and provincial regions, in this manner overcoming any issues between banking administrations and the unbanked or underbanked population.
Key Features and Benefits
Rural Penetration
One of the most critical parts of Indicash is its broad network and semi-metropolitan regions. This essential development has worked with more prominent banking services by giving financial administrations to people who recently had restricted or no access to formal financial institutions.
Technological Advancements
The Indicash ATM Franchise are outfitted with cutting-edge innovation, guaranteeing a consistent and secure financial experience. These ATMs support a large number of administrations, including cash withdrawals, balance requests, and funds transfers, among others.
Indicash ATMs are operational 24/7, providing 24/7 access to banking services. This flexibility is very pivotal in emergencies and for individuals with irregular working hours.
Partnerships with Banks
Indicash has laid out associations with different banks, empowering clients to utilise their charges or services given by these banks at Indicash ATMs without causing extra charges. This cooperative methodology extends the range of Indicash administrations and advantages a more extensive client base.
Cash Management Solutions
Indicash likewise offers cash management solutions for banks, assisting them with advancing their money-coordinated factors and ATM activities. This upgrades functional productivity as well as guarantees that ATMs are supplied with money to satisfy client needs.
Summing Up
Indicash ATMs have arisen as an encouraging sign for a huge number of Indians, particularly those dwelling in rural and semi-metropolitan regions, by furnishing them with access to formal financial administrations. The essential extension, technological progressions, and collaborative associations with banks have all in all added to Indicash's outcome in driving monetary consideration.
As India advances towards an all the more carefully comprehensive future, the development and development of drives like the Tata Indicash ATM Franchise is an imperative part in guaranteeing that each person approaches the financial tools and services they need to flourish in the present unique financial scene.
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comrade-meow · 3 years
Why a hand gesture has South Korean companies on edge 👌
It took three years for players to notice the "offensive" hand gesture lurking in one of South Korea's most popular multiplayer games.
When players made their avatars laugh, talk or give the "OK" sign in "Lost Ark," they clicked an icon featuring a gesture that might have appeared benign to many: an index finger nearly touching a thumb.
But some of "Lost Ark's" users began claiming in August that the gesture was a sexist insult against men, and they demanded its removal.
What happened next underscores a trend in South Korea among anti-feminists, who have been increasingly pushing companies to repent for what they see as a conspiracy within the government and private companies to promote a feminist agenda.
Smilegate — the creator of "Lost Ark" and one of South Korea's biggest video game developers — quickly complied with the requests for removal. The company removed the icon from the game, and vowed to be more vigilant about policing "game-unrelated controversies" in their products.
A gender war has been unfolding in South Korea for years, pitting feminists against angry young men who feel they're being left behind as the country seeks to address gender inequality. 
Now, though, the latest development in this war is reaching a fever pitch. Since May, more than 20 brands and government organizations have removed what some see as feminist symbols from their products, after mounting pressure. At least 12 of those brands or organizations have issued an apology to placate male customers.
Anti-feminism has a years-long history in South Korea, and research suggests that such sentiments are taking hold among the country's young men. In May, the Korean marketing and research firm Hankook Research said it found that more than 77% of men in their twenties and more than 73% of men in their 30s were "repulsed by feminists or feminism," according to a survey. (The firm surveyed 3,000 adults, half of whom were men.)
The fact that corporations are responding to pressure to modify their products suggests that these anti-feminists are gaining influence in a country that is already struggling with gender issues. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development says that South Korea has by far the largest gender wage gap among OECD countries. And roughly 5% of board members at publicly listed companies in the country are women compared to the OECD average of nearly 27%.
A suspicious sausage
The online firestorm that has spread across South Korea's corporate landscape kicked off in May with a simple camping advertisement.
GS25, one of the country's biggest convenience store chains, released an ad that month enticing customers to order camping food on their app, promising free items as a reward. The ad showed an index finger and a thumb appearing to pinch a sausage. The finger-pinching motif is frequently used in advertising as a way to hold an item without obscuring the product.
Critics, though, saw something different in that hand signal. They accused it of being a code for feminist sympathies, tracing the use of the finger-pinching motif to 2015, when the symbol was co-opted by Megalia, a now-defunct feminist online community, to ridicule the size of Korean men's genitals.
Megalia has since shut down, but its logo has outlived the group. Now anti-feminists are trying to purge South Korea of its existence.
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Source: Megalia, @starbucksrtd/Instagram, @gs25_official/Instagram
GS25 removed the hand symbol from the poster. But critics still weren't satisfied, and began trawling the advertisement for other feminist clues. One person pointed out that the last letter of each word featured on the poster — "Emotional Camping Must-have Item" — spelled "Megal," a shorthand for "Megalia," when read backward.
GS25 removed the text from the poster, but that still wasn't enough. People theorized that even the moon in the background of the poster was a feminist symbol, because a moon is used as the logo of a feminist scholar organization in South Korea.
After revising the poster multiple times, GS eventually pulled it entirely, just a day after the campaign launched. The company apologized and promised a better editorial process. It also said it reprimanded the staff responsible for the ad, and removed the marketing team leader.
The online mob had tasted success, and it wanted more.
Other companies and government organizations soon became targets. The online fashion retailer Musinsa was criticized for offering women-only discounts, as well as using the finger-pinching motif in an ad for a credit card. The company defended the use of that motif as a neutral element regularly used in advertising, and said its discount program was meant to help expand its small female customer base. Still, founder and CEO Cho Man-ho stepped down after the backlash.
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South Korean demonstrators hold banners during a rally to mark International Women's Day as part of the country's #MeToo movement in Seoul on March 8, 2018. Dongsuh, the Korean company that licenses a Starbucks ready-to-drink line in the country, was attacked in July after one of its Korean Instagram accounts published an image of fingers pinching a can of coffee. The company pulled the ad and apologized, saying that it "considers these matters seriously." The firm also said the image had no hidden intent.
Even local governments have been caught up in the pressure campaign. The Pyeongtaek city government was criticized in August after uploading an image to its Instagram account that warned residents of a heatwave. It used an illustration of a farmer wiping his forehead — and critics noticed that the farmer's hand was shaped similarly to the finger pinch.
"How deeply did [feminists] infiltrate?" one person wrote on MLB Park, an internet forum used primarily by men. Another person shared contact information for the city government, encouraging people to flood their channels with complaints. The image was later removed from the Instagram account.
Gender wars
At the core of the anti-feminist campaign is a widespread fear among young men that they are falling behind their female peers, according to Professor Park Ju-yeon, professor of sociology at Yonsei University.
The sentiment has grown because of a hyper competitive job market and skyrocketing housing prices. The government has also rolled out programs in recent years to bring more women into the workforce. Proponents of those programs have said they're necessary for closing gender gaps, but some men have worried they give women an unfair advantage.
Another compounding factor: Unlike women, men in South Korea have to complete up to 21 months of military service before they're 28 years old — a sore point for some men who feel unfairly burdened.
Anti-feminists have also taken umbrage with President Moon Jae-in, who, when elected in 2017, promised to be a "feminist president." Moon pledged to fix the systemic and cultural barriers that prevented women from participating more in the workforce. He also vowed to address sexual crimes in the wake of the global #MeToo movement.
This year's corporate pressure campaign adds another complication, as brands weigh the possible fallout.
Young men are "big spenders," said Professor Choi Jae-seob, a marketing professor at Namseoul University in Seoul. He added that many young people today are driven by personal political values when they buy things.
Ha, a 23-year-old university student, said he pays attention to what companies say about gender issues before making a purchase.
"Between two stores, I would use the one that doesn't support [feminism]," said Ha, who declined to give his full name because he said that gender is a thorny topic among his peers.
Ha said he's far from alone. When his friends were discussing the GS25 camping poster, for example, he was surprised to find that many of them felt the way he did: "I realized that many men were silently seething."
"I realized that many men were silently seething."Ha, a 23-year-old university student
The gender war leaves companies in a tough spot, according to Noh Yeong-woo, a consultant at the public relations agency PR One.
By not responding to allegations that they are taking a stance on gender issues, that could lead to what Noh called a "constant barrage of accusation" and the creation of a stigma. It also means that companies are actively monitoring online groups and studying what their users have designated as hidden codes or associations, to avoid being called out.
"They are continuously checking for the next problematic symbols," Noh said of brands in South Korea.
Stigmas and fighting back
Some women, though, say that the corporate apologies are also creating a climate where some people are afraid to identify as feminist.
"It's the new Red Scare. Like McCarthyism," said Yonsei University's Park, referring to the mass hysteria to root out communists in the United States in the 1950s.
Lee Ye-rin, a college student, said she has been a feminist since middle school. But in recent years she has found it impossible to be open about her stance.
"It's the new Red Scare. Like McCarthyism."Professor Park Ju-yeon, professor of sociology at Yonsei University
She recalled an incident in high school, when some boys openly heckled a feminist friend of hers while that friend was giving a class presentation on the depiction of women in the media. Lee and her classmates were too scared to defend the friend.
"We all knew that a person who would step up and say that feminism is not some weird thing would be stigmatized, too," Lee said.
In response to this year's anti-feminist pressure campaigns, though, some feminists have been fighting back. The apology over the camping poster from GS25, for example, prompted feminists to call for boycotts against the company. Some people shared images online of themselves shopping at rival stores, using hashtags that called on people to avoid shopping at GS25.
Balancing act
As there doesn't seem to be much hope of finding middle ground for those waging South Korea's gender war, experts say companies have to figure out ways to avoid being dragged into a brand-damaging fight.
Noh, from PR One, encouraged companies and organizations to educate their employees on gender sensitivity — and even reconsider the use of symbols that have become heavily politicized.
Finger-pinching motifs "are images with complex metaphors and symbols and they already carry a social stigma," he said. "So, once you get involved in it, it's hard to explain them away ... the issue keeps spreading until they are removed as demanded."
Park, the Yonsei University professor, said that part of the problem is that many South Korean companies are led by older men who don't have a firm grasp of present-day gender issues. The average age of an executive-level employee at the country's top 30 publicly traded companies is 53, according to a 2020 analysis by JobKorea, a Korean version of LinkedIn.
That suggests a level of irony. Maybe it's not that some of these companies have a specific agenda, as online critics are accusing them. Perhaps for some of them, high levels of leadership are just not in tune with the debate.
To Park, the vitriol directed at companies has also buried some of the underlying, systemic issues that contribute to gender inequality, along with debates about how best to crack the glass ceiling or address the division of labor at home, among other concerns.
"Some very important debates are being buried," Park said, adding that today's gender war is being fought on the tip of the "iceberg." "It's not a fight about the fingers."
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ziyadnazem · 5 years
An Introduction To 'Q'
Who is Q? What is Q? And, perhaps most importantly, why is Q?
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Q and the ever-growing worldwide movement it’s inspired have been the objects of fascination, mockery and hatred, but of surprisingly little serious analysis.
Q first appeared in October 2017 on an anonymous online forum called 4Chan, posting messages that implied top-clearance knowledge of upcoming events. More than 3,000 messages later, Q has created a disturbing, multi-faceted portrait of a global crime syndicate that operates with impunity. Q’s followers in the QAnon community faithfully analyze every detail of Q’s drops, which are compiled here and here.
The mainstream media has published hundreds of articles attacking Q as an insane rightwing conspiracy, particularly after President Trump seemed to publicly confirm his connection to it.  At a North Carolina rally in 2019, Trump made a point of drawing attention to a baby wearing a onesie with a big Q.
In recent weeks, the tempo of Trump’s spotlighting of Q has accelerated, with the President retweeting Q followers twenty times in one day. Trump has featured Q fans in his ads and deployed one of Q’s signature phrases (“These people are sick”) at his rallies. The President’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, has also retweeted Q followers.
Q has noted that the media never asks Trump the obvious question: What do you think of Q? To Q followers, the reason they don’t ask is obvious. They’re afraid of the answer.
In the meantime, Q’s influence continues to spread. Protestors in Hong Kong, Iran, and France have held up Q signs and chanted Q quotes. Q’s revelations are uniting people all over the world who want freedom.
If you’re unfamiliar with Q or only know it through the media’s attacks, I’d like to provide a brief introduction to this extraordinary phenomenon. I’ve followed Q since the first drop, and I’ve grown increasingly impressed by the accuracy, breadth and depth of Q’s messages. Q followers were prepared long in advance for the easing of hostilities with North Korea, the deflation of the mullahs of Iran, and the discovery of Ukraine as a hotbed of corruption for American politicians. They knew a great deal about Jeffrey Epstein’s activities before the public did and anticipate even more shocking revelations to come. As Q likes to say, “Future proves past.” As Q’s predictions come true, they lend retroactive credibility to the entire enterprise.
Q’s followers believe that Q is a military intelligence operation, the first of its kind, whose goal is to provide the public with secret information. Many Q followers think the Q team was founded by Admiral Michael Rogers, the former Director of the National Security Agency and former Commander of US Cyber Command.  Some suspect that Dan Scavino, White House Director of Social Media, is part of the team, because the high quality of Q’s writing has the luster of a communications expert.
Q is a new weapon in the game of information warfare, bypassing a hostile media and corrupt government to communicate directly with the public. Think of Q as a companion to Trump’s twitter. Whereas Trump communicates bluntly and directly, Q is cryptic, sly and subtle, offering only clues that beg for context and connection.
Here’s the way it works: Q posts messages (also known as “drops” or “crumbs”) on an anonymous online forum, which are discussed, analyzed, and critiqued by the board’s inhabitants. (The forum has changed a few times after massive online attacks.) Hundreds of social media accounts then spread Q’s latest posting to worldwide followers who share their research, analysis, and interpretations of Q’s latest information.
I’ve compiled a list of Q’s most famous catch phrases and tried to put them into context.
The Great Awakening: We’re living in a unique time in which ordinary citizens around the world are collaborating to understand and expose the corrupt system that rules us. The system thrives on deception, and the overwhelming task of The Great Awakening is to penetrate its lies and reveal the truth.
The first phase of The Great Awakening is heightened awareness of the Deep State – the interlocking governmental entities that operate outside the law to expand their own power. Elections and popular opinion don’t impact the ability of the Deep State to enforce its agenda.
The second phase of The Great Awakening investigates the Deep State’s alliance with other powerful sectors: the media, Hollywood, charities and non-profits, public schools and universities, religious organizations, medical, scientific and financial institutions, and multinational corporations. This phase can be painful, as you discover that “those you trust the most” (in Q’s phrase) are deceiving you. Beloved celebrities, religious leaders, doctors, educators, innovators, and do-gooders are all in on the hoax.
The third phase of The Great Awakening is perhaps the most painful of all. The people who rule us are not merely amoral creatures who view us as collateral damage in their drive for money and power. It’s scarier than that. The potentates we serve are actively trying to harm us. That’s their goal. We’re under coordinated attack.
Dark To Light: Q tells us that what our rulers fear the most is exposure. Bringing their crimes out of protected darkness into the light of public scrutiny destroys their power to deceive. And as their power fades, the darkness of our divided, violent world will yield to the light of freedom, cooperation, and peace.
Where We Go One We Go All (WWG1WGA): Q’s most famous phrase expresses the worldwide egalitarian nature of the movement.  Every country is suffering from the system’s oppression, and the whole world will benefit from a rebirth of freedom. In this unique movement, anonymous citizens work in collaboration with the highest-ranking military leaders and the president, and everyone’s contributions are valued. When commenters on the board have thanked Q for his service, Q has replied that no one is above and no one is below. “We work for you.”
These people are sick. Perhaps the most difficult aspect of The Great Awakening is coming to terms with the depravity of our rulers, whom Q has called The Cult. Jeffrey Epstein’s story has helped to awaken people to some of the elite’s crimes. The mysterious temple on Epstein’s island hints at possible future revelations that are frightening in their scope. Q followers believe that The Cult engages in ritual practices that enshrine the shedding of blood and which prey on the innocence of children. The sickness in their souls thrives on brutality, war, and terror. These disclosures will be tough for the public to take.
Trust the plan. The presumed military leaders who created Q and who protected Trump throughout the election and presidency have created a precise path to victory. Despite the seeming chaos of daily events, a steady progression of victories is taking place. The plan includes offensive maneuvers against the Cult’s financial power, legal standing, human supply chains, and military capacity. And, of crucial importance, the plan attacks the Cult’s ability to control the narrative that shapes what the public believes. In this high-stakes game of information warfare, Q plays a vital role by empowering ordinary citizens (like me) to spread the truth.
They want you divided. The hatred that’s growing between races, classes, age groups, religions, and political parties is purposely fomented by the Cult. The more we’re divided and focused on attacking each other, the weaker we become. Q urges us to stay together and to fight the Cult, not each other.
They think you’re sheep. The Cult believes, as Q says, “you’ll follow the stars” – the celebrities in media, Hollywood, and academia who tell you, in coordinated fashion, what you’re supposed to think. Their contempt for you makes them confident they can control you and ensure your surrender to any agenda. Q, on the other hand, offers only clues and can only be understood by high-grade critical thinking, spurred by constant crowd-sourced criticism and reassessment. The essence of the Q movement is to think for yourself.
Bigger than you can imagine. Expand your thinking. Q encourages us to reevaluate everything we think we know.  The Cult may date back to ancient times, and through its powerful families, it might have manipulated historical events in ways that we haven’t suspected. The Cult may also possess advanced technology and medical cures that have not been released to the public. One aspect that may be “bigger than you can imagine” is the unfathomable scale of theft from our national coffers, as funds for foreign aid and wars wind up in the Cult’s pockets.
Track resignations. Beneath the surface, a broad and deep cleansing of corrupt players is taking place. Q asked us to track resignations to understand the scope of activity. (Here’s a website that took him up on his request: www.resignation.info) Resignations, retirements, and unexpected deaths from major players in politics, media, charities, and corporations all point to possible deals being made quietly without the public fanfare of arrests. For me, a notable resignation is Eric Schmidt’s abrupt exit from Google, which received little media attention. Schmidt resigned on December 21st, 2017, the same day that President Trump signed an executive order declaring a national emergency related to “serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world.” Further context for Schmidt’s resignation may be inferred from this photo of him in North Korea, apparently in an advisory role. Standing next to him is Bill Richardson, former Governor of New Mexico, the state in which Epstein had a secret ranch. Richardson has been accused by one of Epstein’s victims.
Their need for symbols will be their downfall.  The Cult uses certain symbols over and over again, which may serve some ritualistic need, but makes them vulnerable to detection. Q followers are familiar with Y-shaped horns that mimic those of the goat deity Baphomet, owls, pyramids, one eye encased within a pyramid, red shoes, bandaged fingers, and other repeating symbols, including the mysterious black eye that afflicts so many famous people. The Q Army also knows the coded pedophile symbols listed by the FBI. When Q drew attention to the design of Epstein’s temple, alert Q followers noticed how similar it is to the set design of a famous talk show. And the red ring on the hand of dead terrorist Qassam Soleimani prompted Q followers to compile images of similar rings on the hands of powerful people.  An excellent source for understanding how these symbols are incorporated into pop culture targeting the young through music videos, TV shows and movies can be found at vigilantcitizen.com.
Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing. Now comes the pain.  The headlines on any given day may sound discouraging for those who want justice to prevail. But these setbacks are temporary, as a juggernaut of justice heads our way. As Q likes to say: We have it all. Massive amounts of irrefutable evidence await the criminals who try to evade their reckoning in court. For those who worry about Trump’s ability to overcome impeachment, election fraud, and assassination attempts, Q assures us: Patriots in control. And no legal tricks can help the criminals escape the ultimate judgment of public disgust.  Q promises us that the day is coming when they can’t walk down the street.
You are the news now.  The “fake news” decried by President Trump is losing credibility and audience by the day. Q has exposed the 4 A.M. drops that provide the daily talking points to media personnel, so they can all parrot the same propaganda. Q has also named various journalists whom he says take bribes. The media is concentrated within six powerful companies; on the other hand, the Q army is vast, voluntary, and anonymous. Q assures us that our efforts to disseminate the truth through social media and conversations with family and friends are having a huge impact. We are the news now.
We know what happens in the end. God wins. Many times, Q has asked us to pray. He’s quoted the famous Biblical lines of Ephesians 6:12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” We’re living through monumental times. It’s comforting that Q believes that if we work together, God wins.
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healthcare-market · 2 years
Cell & Tissue Preservation Market Projected to Witness Vigorous Expansion by 2031
Cell & Tissue Preservation Market: Introduction
According to the report, the global cell & tissue preservation market was valued at US$ 2.95 Bn in 2020. It is projected to expand at a CAGR of 11.9% from 2021 to 2031. Cell & tissue preservation must be maintained at appropriate temperatures to preserve integrity of the tissue. The receiving facility is responsible for maintaining records; documenting that allograft tissue is maintained at adequate environmental requirements during transportation and stored as per the manufacturer’s recommendations for the specific tissue.
The current methods of cell & tissue preservation involve freeze-drying, deep-freezing, and cryopreservation. Each of these techniques could be utilized for storage of ligament and meniscal allografts. Deep-freezing is a highly common preservation method for ligament and meniscal allografts, entailing simply freezing the tissue to −80°C. The grafts could be preserved for 3 to 5 years. In the freeze-drying process, moisture is removed from the tissue and the graft is vacuum packaged. It could be stored at room temperature for 3 to 5 years; however, it requires rehydration before implantation. Deep-freezing and freeze-drying allograft tissue reduces immunogenicity by killing antigen-bearing cells. Cryopreservation is a process of controlled-rate freezing with extraction of cellular water by means of glycerol and dimethyl sulfoxide. This process preserves some cells and provides a 10-year shelf life.
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Increase in Healthcare Expenditure
The increase in healthcare expenditure is estimated to further allow access to quality healthcare and advanced products that include biopreservation facilities, thereby broadening growth prospects. Additionally, gene banks, hospitals, and biobanks that are significant end users of the market, are encouraging most players to develop technologically advanced biopreservation products to enhance patient outcomes. The presence of government healthcare initiatives that provide funds, grants, and contracts for research has fueled R&D activities deployed by various companies. This, in turn, has boosted the scope for adoption of advanced bio-preservation services, which, in turn, is anticipated to fuel the penetration rate during the forecast period.
Rising R&D investments by companies and research communities to improve their capabilities and render efficient products & services are estimated to further create opportunities. For instance, the establishment of the Cooperative Human Tissue Network (CHTN), which addressed the operational dimension of bio-banking, exemplifies consistent efforts by the research community.
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Tissues to Lead Cell & Tissue Preservation Market
In terms of type, the global cell & tissue preservation market has been classified into cells & tissues. Cells have been split into mammalian cells and others (microorganisms and plant cells). The tissues segment has been split into blood, bone, soft tissues, skin, and others. The tissues segment accounted for 47.6% share of the market in 2020. The segment is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of 11.7% from 2021 to 2031.
Rising investments in the field of regenerative medicine research is projected to boost the cell & tissue preservation market. The knowledge of human cells and tissues being used for further research and development novel treatment therapies led to the introduction of bio banking. Collection, processing, and storage of the samples and the regarding data are the basic function of biobanks.
Therapeutics to Dominate Cell & Tissue Preservation Market
Based on application, the global cell & tissue preservation market has been categorized into therapeutics, research & development, drug discovery, and others. The therapeutics segment accounted for 40.1% share of the cell & tissue preservation market in 2020. The segment is projected to expand at a CAGR of 11.8% from 2021 to 2031. Clinical/therapeutic applications majorly utilize tissue banking, as it involves different types of grafting such as cord blood, stem cell, and others.
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Equipment to be Highly Lucrative Segment
In terms of product, the global cell & tissue preservation market has been divided into equipment, bio preservation media, and software. The equipment segment has been further sub-segmented into freezers, thawing equipment, refrigerators, storage systems, and others. The bio preservation media segment has been further bifurcated into home-brew media and pre-formulated media. The equipment segment was valued at US$ 2,026.1 Mn in 2020 and is projected to reach US$ 6,805.9 Mn in 2031, expanding at a CAGR of 11.8% from 2021 to 2031. This can be attributed to an increase in the demand for biobanks for the past few years and its extensive usage in DNA, plasma, stem cell, and tissue research.
Biobanks to be Key End User
Based on end user, the global cell & tissue preservation market has been divided into biobanks, hospitals & others. The biobanks segment accounted for 68.7% share of the market in 2020. The segment is projected to gain market share marginally to reach 70.5% in 2031. This can be attributed to the growing awareness among researchers about the benefits of stem cells preservation. Furthermore, increasing number of sperm & egg banks and adoption of assisted reproductive technology in animals are key factors estimated to fuel the cell & tissue preservation market growth.
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North America to Lead Cell & Tissue Preservation Market
In terms of region, the global cell & tissue preservation market has been divided into North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. North America is projected to be a highly attractive market and exhibit an attractiveness index of 2.0 during the forecast period. The market in the region is anticipated to expand at a higher CAGR from 2021 to 2031, owing to consistent drug developments as well as advent of advanced therapies in the field of biomedical research.
A significant rise in patient base requiring high-end treatment of chronic diseases is also responsible for the high demand for biopreservation products and services across the region. Major pharmaceutical companies are engaged in the commercialization of advanced preservation equipment and their subsequent adoption in the research community.
Competition Landscape
The global cell & tissue preservation market is fragmented due to the presence of a large number of prominent players. Key players operating in the global cell & tissue market include Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Lonza, BD, Merck KGaA, Cytiva, Agilent Technologies, Inc., Avantor, Inc., FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific, BioLifeSolutions Inc., AMSBIO, Princeton CryoTech, STEMCELL Technologies Inc., LGC SeraCare, Corning Incorporated, and CellGenix GmbH.
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hemantallied · 3 years
Medical Electrodes Market To Receive Overwhelming Hike In Revenues By 2022
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The detailed and latest study report entitled “Global Medical Electrodes Market 2022” presents professional and up-to-date information on the global Medical Electrodes Market industry. This report covers market outlook, forecast, and analysis on the worldwide and regional levels. Furthermore, the report also analyses the market based on its investment feasibility and attractiveness. It also provides a useful description of every phase and rising industry trends.
This study report will permit the readers to focus on the Medical Electrodes Market product description, current competitive players in the market, and the market revenue with profitability. Global industry analyses the market with the guide of its Type such as (SaaS, On-Premise, Hybrid), Leading Players, Regions, and Applications/end users like (Finance, Manufacturing, Services, Health, Tech, Others) of the market, forecast up to 2026.
(A PDF | Sample Of The Report Is Available Immediately Upon Request)@ https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-sample/2074  
The Scope of The Report Is as Follows:
This report analyses the scope of the Medical Electrodes Market. This can be achieved by using previous historical statistics, studying qualitative insights in detail, probably projections about worldwide market size. The projections showed in this Medical Electrodes Market report are taken from formerly proved research methodologies and hypotheses. By performing such projections, the market studies document serves as a storehouse of evaluation, records, and data for every aspect of the Medical Electrodes Market. Considering the geographic regions, the market is split into various regions like North and South America, Europe, Middle-East and Africa, Asia-Pacific.
To help key decision-makers, the report includes a competitive depicting of the leading players in the Global Medical Electrodes Market, tempting investment plans, market positioning of important manufacturers sections.
The Top Manufacturers/Prime Players covering the Global Medical Electrodes Market are;
The major companies profiled in the report includes CONMED, 3M Company, Koninklijke Philips N.V., Medtronic PLC, Natus Medical Incorporated, C. R. Bard, Inc., Dymedix, Ambu A/S, Cognionics Inc., and Cooper Surgical, Inc.
Future Scope:
The report scope consolidates a nitty-gritty examination of Worldwide Medical Electrodes Market 2030 with the apprehension given in the headway of the business in specific regions.
The Top Organizations Report is intended to contribute our purchasers with a preview of the business’ most persuasive players. In addition, data on the exhibition of various organizations, benefits, net edge, vital activity, and more are introduced through different assets, for example, tables, diagrams, and information realistic.
Get Detailed COVID-19 Impact Analysis on the Medical Electrodes Market@ https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-for-customization/2074?reqfor=covid
Covid-19 Scenario:
Owing to the Covid-19 pandemic, autonomous weapons production was affected considerably. Disruption in the supply chain of raw materials, challenges regarding logistics, lowered spending in the defense sector by various countries, and others posed restraints in manufacturing with full capacity.
The lockdown measures implemented in many countries forced the defense systems manufacturers to halt the production partially or completely. Moreover, service providers needed to stall expansion plants and reduce R&D investments to cope up with the reduced revenue streams
Governments of many countries slashed the budgets allocated to the defense sector. This, in turn, led to reduced purchase orders and affected the autonomous weapons market.
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Allied Market Research (AMR) is a full-service market research and business-consulting wing of Allied Analytics LLP based in Portland, Oregon. Allied Market Research provides global enterprises as well as medium and small businesses with unmatched quality of "Market Research Reports" and "Business Intelligence Solutions." AMR has a targeted view to provide business insights and consulting to assist its clients to make strategic business decisions and achieve sustainable growth in their respective market domains.
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leonfrancisblog · 3 years
Metal Fabrication Market Global Industry Analysis Size, Share, Trends and Profitable Segments Breakdown and Detailed Analysis of Current and Future Industry Figures till 2027|Key Players O'Neal Manufacturing Services, Interplex Holdings Pte. Ltd., Komaspec, LancerFab Tech Pvt. Ltd.
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Metal fabrication market will reach an estimated value while registering this growth at a rate of 3.20% for the forecast period of 2020 to 2027.The headway in robotics and computerization devices encourages the employment of robots and self-regulation instruments in metal fabrication. Presently, mechanization is practiced in metal fabrication to enhance productivity and more moderate operation expenses. The strengthening requirement for programmed production practices in the element fabrication business helps in manufacturing fabrication amenities reliable, as all hazardous operations such as welding and cutting are taken out by cyborgs. Apart from this, computerization devices such as laser saws make it more comfortable for fabricators to execute accurately cut alloy castings. The dearth of proficient employees and advancements in additive construction technologies may limit the metal fabrication industry. Accomplishing operational superiority as per business demands and focuses on emerging marketplaces offer possibilities for the metal fabrication market.
This  metal fabrication market report provides details of new recent developments, trade regulations, import export analysis, production analysis, value chain optimization, market share, impact of domestic and localised market players, analyses opportunities in terms of emerging revenue pockets, changes in market regulations, strategic market growth analysis, market size, category market growths, application niches and dominance, product approvals, product launches, geographical expansions, technological innovations in the market. To gain more info on Data Bridge Market Research metal fabrication market contact us for an Analyst Brief, our team will help you take an informed market decision to achieve market growth.
Global Metal Fabrication Market By Service (Metal Welding, Metal Machining, Metal Forming, Metal Shearing, Metal Cutting, Metal Folding, Metal Rolling, Metal Stamping and Metal Punching), End-Users (Construction, Automotive, Aerospace, Manufacturing, Energy & Power, Electronics, Others), Geography (North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa) – Industry Trends and Forecast to 2026 Metal fabrication market competitive landscape provides details by competitor. Details included are company overview, company financials, revenue generated, market potential, investment in research and development, new market initiatives, global presence, production sites and facilities, production capacities, company strengths and weaknesses, product launch, product width and breadth, application dominance. The above data points provided are only related to the companies’ focus related to metal fabrication market.
Get a Sample Request on Metal fabrication market,@ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-metal-fabrication-market
Metal Fabrication Market Country Level Analysis:
Metal fabrication market is analyzed and market size, volume information is provided by country, type, process type and end user as referenced above.
The country section of the report also provides individual market impacting factors and changes in regulation in the market domestically that impacts the current and future trends of the market. Data points such as consumption volumes, production sites and volumes, import export analysis, price trend analysis, cost of raw materials, down-stream and upstream value chain analysis are some of the major pointers used to forecast the market scenario for individual countries. Also, presence and availability of global brands and their challenges faced due to large or scarce competition from local and domestic brands, impact of domestic tariffs and trade routes are considered while providing forecast analysis of the country data.
The countries covered in the market report are the U.S., Canada and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, rest of Europe in Europe, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Israel, Egypt, South Africa, rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), Brazil, Argentina and rest of South America as part of South America.
Asia-Pacific (APAC) secured a pre-eminent percentage of the metal fabrication market owing to comprehensive analysis and improvement ventures in China and India. Architecture and automotive are center divisions of the metal fabrication market in Asia, owing to the influential proximity of development and automotive firms.
Global Metal Fabrication Market Scope and Market Size:
On the basis of type, the metal fabrication market is segmented into iron, carbon steel, steel, stainless steel, cooper, and other.On the basis of process type, the metal fabrication market is segmented into metal welding, machining, metal forming, metal shearing, metal cutting, metal rolling, metal folding, metal punching, and metal stamping. On the basis of end user, the metal fabrication market is segmented into construction, automotive, manufacturing, energy and power, and electronics.
The major players covered in the metal fabrication market report are O'Neal Manufacturing Services, Interplex Holdings Pte. Ltd., Komaspec, LancerFab Tech Pvt. Ltd., BTD Manufacturing, Kapco Metal Stamping, Watson Engineering, Inc., Matcor-Matsu Group, STANDARD IRON & WIRE WORKS, INC., PA International, , Mayville Engineering Company, Inc., Aleris Corporation, Mazak Corporation, TRUMPF, DMG MORI., weMFG., R5 Metal Fabricators, Inc., N.W. Metal Fabricators, Inc. among other domestic and global players. Market share data is available for global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America separately. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.
Get Table of Content on Request @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-metal-fabrication-market
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Increasing Demand of Ball Bushings Market by 2026 | ABB, Warehouse Skateboard, AutoZone, AST Bearings, Jergens Inc
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Attractive Market Opportunities in the Ball Bushings Market 2021 With Top Countries Data: Market Size, Industry Trends, Growth Insight, Competitive Analysis, Regional, And Global Industry Forecast To 2026.
The Global Ball Bushings Market report gives an in-depth investigation on industry and economy-wide data for the organization of the board that might give advancement and benefit for sellers in this market. “Global Ball Bushings Market Research Report 2021” gives top to bottom qualitative insights, past and momentum market size, and upheld undeniable quantitative information to help huge large as well as SME’s to settle on decision making. The report gives revenue share analysis and comparison of players on their solidarity, weakness and through different models, for example, Porter’s Five Forces,SWOT, and PESTLE and so forth. The Ball Bushings market report considers all the applicable trends, drivers, and opportunities and assesses their effect on the current market size and future market forecast. The report is without a doubt a worth document to an organization’s future procedures and way ahead. Global Ball Bushings market report gives key insights on the condition of the business and is a significant wellspring of direction and heading for organizations and people keen available. The Ball Bushings business development trends and marketing channels are analyzed. At long last, the attainability of new investment projects is surveyed and general research conclusions are offered.
NOTE: Our report features the significant issues and hazards that companies might come across due to the unprecedented outbreak of COVID-19.
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What Is The Outlook of Industry?
The global Ball Bushings market is segmented according to the end-user type, product type, application as well just as regional analysis. Other significant market points are considered in the report to encourage business choices critical to the improvements in business activities and benefit over the forecast period from 2021 to 2026. The report involves an in-depth valuation in regards to the future advancements dependent on the past information and current circumstances of the global Ball Bushings market. The research team behind this report has researched principals, vital key players in the market lookout, geographical fragmentation, product type and its description, and market end-client applications.
Who Are The Prominent Key Players Of Ball Bushings Market?
The key manufacturers in this market include: ABB, Warehouse Skateboard, AutoZone, AST Bearings, Jergens Inc, STEMCO, NEWWAY Air bearings, PSB, Trench, Hubbell Power Systems, Mec, Riptide, Martin Sprocket & Gear, ABB(Cooper Industries), BONES WHEELS
What Are The Segmentation of Global Ball Bushings Market:
Global Ball Bushings Market Segmentation: By Types ☑ Porcelain Insulation, Paper Insulation, Resin Insulation
Global Ball Bushings Market segmentation: By Applications ☑ Construction Equipment, Material Handling Equipment, Other
Global Ball Bushings Market, By Region: North America (the United States, Canada, and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia, and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, etc.), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa)
Ball Bushings Market Research Report Will Be Based On:
– New Investors – Propose financial backers and private value organizations – Cautious business coordinators and investigators – Intelligent organization security Suppliers, Manufacturers, and Distributors – Government and examination associations – Speculation/Business Research League – End-use enterprises – And considerably more
Benefits of Global Ball Bushings Survey Report:
• Provides point-by-point data on Ball Bushings market share, PESTLE analysis, supply chain analysis, and key success factors to satisfy all peruser concerns. • Analyze business functions identified with Ball Bushings market utilization and production. • A wide scope of the global Ball Bushings market to extend your understanding. • A clear scenario of the Ball Bushings market for purchasers and dealers in a proficient format to pass the right information to target audiences, end-users, and consumers. • Ball Bushings market overview, Prominent economic pointers such as market overview, industry development, market size, forecast period, gross domestic product.
The key questions answered in this report:
• What will be the Market Size and Growth Rate in the estimated year? • What are the Key Factors driving Ball Bushings Market? • What are the Risks and Challenges before the market? • Who are the Key Vendors in Ball Bushings Market? • What are the Trending Factors impacting the market shares? • What are the Key Outcomes of Porter’s five forces model? • Which are the Global Opportunities for Expanding the Ball Bushings Market?
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TOC Highlights:
Chapter 1. Introduction: The Ball Bushings research work report covers a concise introduction to the global market. This segment provides assessments of key participants, a review of Ball Bushings industry, outlook across key areas, financial services, and various difficulties faced by Ball Bushings Market. This section depends on the Scope of the Study and Report Guidance.
Chapter 2. Outstanding Report Scope: This is the second most significant chapter, which covers market segmentation along with a definition of Ball Bushings. It characterizes the whole scope of the Ball Bushings report and the various features it is describing.
Chapter 3. Market Dynamics and Key Indicators: This chapter incorporates key elements focusing on drivers [Includes Globally Growing Ball Bushings frequency and Increasing Investments in Ball Bushings], Key Market Restraints[High Cost of Ball Bushings], opportunities [Arising Markets in Developing Countries] and introduced in detail the arising trends [Consistent Innovate of New Screening Products] development difficulties, and influence factors shared in this latest report.
Chapter 4. Type Segments: This Ball Bushings market report shows the market development for different kinds of products showcased by the most far-reaching organizations.
Chapter 5. Application Segments: The analysts who composed the report have completely assessed the market capability of key applications and perceived future freedoms.
Chapter 6. Geographic Analysis : Each provincial market is deliberately examined to understand its current and future development, improvement, and request situations for this market.
Chapter 7. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Global Ball Bushings Market: 7.1 North America: Insight On COVID-19 Impact Study 2021-2026 7.2 Europe: Serves Complete Insight On COVID-19 Impact Study 2021-2026 7.3 Asia-Pacific: Potential Impact of COVID-19 (2021-2026) 7.4 Rest of the World: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic
Chapter 8. Manufacturing Profiles: The significant players in the Ball Bushings market are definite in the report based on their market size, market served, products, applications, regional development, and other variables.
Chapter 9. Estimating Analysis: This chapter gives price point analysis by region and different forecasts.
Chapter 10. North America Ball Bushings Market Analysis: This chapter includes an appraisal on Ball Bushings product sales across major countries of the United States and Canada along with a detailed segmental viewpoint across these countries for the forecasted period 2021-2026.
Chapter 11. Latin America Ball Bushings Market Analysis: Significant countries of Brazil, Chile, Peru, Argentina, and Mexico are assessed apropos to the appropriation of Ball Bushings.
Chapter 12. Europe Ball Bushings Market Analysis: Market Analysis of Ball Bushings report remembers insights on supply-demand and sales revenue of Ball Bushings across Germany, France, United Kingdom, Spain, BENELUX, Nordic, and Italy.
Chapter 13. Asia Pacific Excluding Japan (APEJ) Ball Bushings Market Analysis: Countries of Greater China, ASEAN, India, and Australia & New Zealand are assessed, and sales evaluation of Ball Bushings in these countries is covered.
Chapter 14. Middle East and Africa (MEA) Ball Bushings Market Analysis: This chapter centers around Ball Bushings market scenario across GCC countries, Israel, South Africa, and Turkey.
Chapter 15. Research Methodology The research procedure chapter includes the accompanying primary realities, 15.1 Coverage 15.2 Secondary Research 15.3 Primary Research
Chapter 16. Conclusion
>>> Make an enquiry before buying this report @ https://www.reporthive.com/2610977/enquiry_before_purchase
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xtruss · 4 years
Mining Magnets: Arctic Island Finds Green Power Can Be a Curse
— Jacob Gronholt-Pedersen, Eric Onstad | Reuters | March 3, 2021
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) — In the tenth century, Erik the Red, a Viking from Iceland, was so impressed with the vegetation on another Arctic island he had found he called it “the green land.” Today, it’s Greenland’s rocks that are attracting outsiders - superpowers riding a green revolution.
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Aerial view of the town of Narsaq in southern Greenland, located 5 km (3.106 miles) from the site of a rare earths mine planned by Australian-listed company Greenland Minerals, which some residents have opposed over environmental concerns, in this undated September 2020 handout photo. Greenland Minerals Ltd/Handout via REUTERS
The world’s biggest island has huge resources of metals known as ‘rare earths,’ used to create compact, super-strong magnets which help power equipment such as wind turbines, electric vehicles, combat aircraft and weapons systems.
The metals are abundant globally, but processing them is difficult and dirty - so much so that the United States, which used to dominate production, surrendered that position to China about 20 years ago.
As Greenland’s ice sheet and glaciers recede, two Australia-based mining companies - one seeking funding in the United States, the other part-owned by a Chinese state-backed firm - are racing for approval to dig into what the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) calls the world’s biggest undeveloped deposits of rare earth metals.
The contest underscores the polluting side of clean energy, as well as how hard it is for the West to break free of China in production of a vital resource. Rare earth metals have many uses, and last year China produced about 90% of them, according to Toronto-based consultancy Adamas Intelligence. As U.S.-China tensions mount, President Joe Biden’s administration said last month it will review key U.S. supplies, including rare earths, to ensure other countries cannot weaponise them against the United States.
Each Greenland mine would cost about $500 million to develop, the companies say. Both plan to send mined material away for final processing, an activity that is heavily concentrated in China. The only rare earth mine now operating in the United States – Mountain Pass in California – is partly owned by a Chinese state-backed company that currently sends material mined in the U.S. to China for processing.
The Greenland sites are less than 16 km (10 miles) from each other at the southern tip of the island, near a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Debate on them has triggered a political crisis in the capital of Nuuk, forcing a general election on the island of 56,000, due in April. Many Greenlanders, while concerned about pollution, feel mining is key to develop their fragile economy. In a 2013 poll, just over half said they want raw materials to become the country’s main source of income.
The country may ultimately back either project, both, or neither, but for those Greenlanders open to mining, the two proposals boil down to a choice between one mine that would not produce radioactive material, and another that would.
The first mine, a private initiative from an Australian geologist who has presented it to U.S. officials, would not involve nuclear material. It has won preliminary environmental approval, but it needs cash and a processing plan.
The second one has already spent more than $100 million preparing to mine, has proven processing technology through its Chinese partner, and won initial political support from Greenland’s coalition government. But its plans include exporting uranium, a nuclear fuel, and it recently ran into strong opposition, including from residents of the nearby town of Narsaq.
“As indigenous people we have lived in harmony with nature for many, many years,” said Mariane Paviasen, an opposition lawmaker who lives in the town. “We use these lands to hunt and fish.”
Greenland, a self-governing territory of the Kingdom of Denmark, has a gross domestic product of around $3 billion - similar to Andorra and Burundi. With its people living mostly on fishing and grants from Copenhagen, its government is keen to attract foreign investments.
It does not have an estimate for royalties from the first project, but expects around 1.5 billion Danish crowns ($245 million) each year from the Chinese-linked one - equivalent to roughly 15% of public spending.
Greenland’s government did not respond to requests for comment for this story. Acting Minister of Resources Vittus Qujaukitsoq said last month that if Greenlanders suddenly decide they don’t want the second project, “we’ll make a fool of investors. The credibility of the whole country is at stake.”
Greenland’s rare earth metals are also a chance for America and Europe to regain control of a strategic resource.
The island’s potential as a source of the raw materials needed for renewable energy technologies gained momentum in 2010, when China threatened to cut off its supply of rare earth metals to Japan, and tightened quotas to international buyers.
Prices for some of the metals have jumped in recent months, driven by surging demand for electric vehicles as well as concerns that Beijing may restrict sales.
Greenland’s position near the eastern flank of the United States makes it a sensitive location. Former U.S. President Donald Trump offered to buy the island in 2019, and he was not the first U.S. president to do so: In 1946 Harry S. Truman offered Denmark $100 million for it. A defence treaty between Denmark and the United States dating back to 1951 gives the U.S. military almost unlimited rights there, and Greenland houses the northernmost U.S. military base.
Friedbert Pflüger, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council think tank, says the revenues generated by a major mine could give its owner leverage over policies in Greenland, and a strong Chinese presence there may pose strategic threats.
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A view shows exploration drilling at the the Kringlerne rare earth deposit, where the project is lead by Australian mining company Tanbreez, near the town of Narsaq in southern Greenland, in this undated 2010 handout photo. Tanbreez CEO Greg Barnes/Handout via REUTERS
“The very presence of Chinese companies in Greenland could be used as justification for China to intervene,” said Pflüger, a former German politician and ex-deputy defence minister.
China’s foreign ministry said in a statement that such comments politicise economic and trade issues through “groundless speculation,” adding “China has always supported Chinese companies to carry out foreign economic cooperation in accordance with market principles and international rules.”
The U.S. State Department said: “We encourage our allies and partners to carefully review any investments... that could give China access to critical infrastructure in ways that compromise their security or allow China to exert undue, adverse influence over their domestic economies.”
Denmark, which handles foreign affairs and defence for Greenland, has in the past headed off Chinese involvement in infrastructure projects, which government sources say was because of security concerns. Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod declined to comment on the security implications of China’s involvement. But he told Reuters that Copenhagen’s close ties with the United States “should not be seen as an obstacle to commercial investments in Greenland.”
China is a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency, so it can import uranium from Greenland. But since the fuel is used in nuclear weapons, that would be sensitive. Copenhagen, which has the final say, declined to comment.
Trump’s offer for Greenland aimed to help address Chinese dominance of rare earth supplies. Those involved say he was partly following up on talks between U.S. officials and a privately held company called Tanbreez Mining Greenland A/S. Tanbreez is the owner of the first Greenland site - Kringlerne, or Killavaat Alannguat in Greenlandic.
The company’s owner, Australian geologist Greg Barnes, told Reuters he had met U.S. officials weeks before Trump made the offer, and the company website shows Barnes with them and the former U.S. ambassador to Denmark on a site visit. The USGS confirmed its officials had visited the site in 2019; Washington and a representative for the former president declined to comment.
Barnes said he had put A$50 million ($38.6 million) of his own cash into the Greenland project. New York-based investment banker Christopher Messina, managing director at capital markets advisory services firm Mannahatta Partners, is trying to assemble more financing. He says Kringlerne is “such a huge deposit that what comes out of it could satisfy manufacturing demands in the U.S. for years to come.”
Whether or not that pans out, Barnes says the metals produced by his project can be processed outside China, although he has not yet decided where, and declined to say at what cost.
He said the royalties it would generate for Greenland would be roughly the same as those promised by the China-linked plan. “We’ve managed to get our capital costs down without Chinese technology,” Barnes told Reuters.
The only major plant outside China that does the complex work of separating individual rare earth elements is in Malaysia. But others - including the Mountain Pass mine in the United States - are planning or have started to build such facilities.
“For the foreseeable future, China is going to be the major player in all of these supply chains simply because it’s so far advanced and because it’s not stopping and waiting for alternatives to catch up,” said Ryan Castilloux, head of Adamas.
Tanbreez says half the rare earth metals it mines would be lanthanum and cerium - relatively plentiful metals used in telescope lenses and auto catalysts to cut emissions. About a fifth would be yttrium, which is in demand for lasers and the superconductors used in quantum computing.
Neither of the Greenland projects would be pollution-free. Both plan for mined rock to be locally crushed and separated into concentrates to send for final processing.
Tanbreez’s mining waste will be piped to a lake which, while it does not contain fish, feeds a river with a large population of Arctic char. Turbid water could impact the char, according to the company’s environmental report, which says it plans to dump some 550 tonnes a day of waste material into the lake and will dam it to prevent disruption downstream.
Tanbreez’s plan has passed the public consultations stage and received a government permit in September. Now the company is working on parliament approval.
Both the Greenland projects, though run from Australia, are part of a European Union initiative, the European Raw Materials Alliance, to boost Europe’s output of critical minerals and cut dependence on China for rare earth metals..
The alliance, funded by the EU, is coordinating investment and providing seed money for European mines, processing plants and industries such as magnets.
Last year, the EU kick-started 10 billion euros ($12 billion) of investment into rare earth and other green-energy-related projects, and it says its demand for rare earth metals could surge as much as tenfold by 2050. It says China currently makes up 98% of its supply.
“This is a very critical period of time,” says the Alliance’s head, Bernd Schäfer. “We in Europe are facing raw materials scarcity on many levels and also the need for action.”
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The rival mountaintop site not far from Tanbreez is called Kvanefjeld, or Kuannersuit in Greenlandic. For John Mair, managing director of its owner, Greenland Minerals Ltd, it’s a world-class opportunity at the right moment.
Kvanefjeld’s main offer is neodymium, needed for wind turbines. Brussels says the EU’s demand for the metal may reach 13,000 tonnes per year by 2050, three times more than it used in 2015. Neodymium is also used in combat aircraft.
Greenland Minerals is a listed firm in which Chinese company Shenghe Resources is the biggest shareholder, with just under 10%. Shenghe, which also has a similar size stake in Mountain Pass, declined to comment for this story.
Greenland Minerals, which bought its concession from Barnes, says its planned mine will, at least initially, send minerals it produces to China for final processing. It says it plans to find a site in Europe, but has not said when.
The company has a strong hand. Back in 2011, the estimated costs for setting up Kvanefjeld were $2.3 billion. By 2019, these shrank to $505 million, the company says: Shenghe, whose biggest shareholder is a state-run Chinese mineral research institute, has helped boost efficiency.
But Greenland Minerals faces public opposition. It is one step behind Tanbreez in the environmental vetting process - and its ores include significant amounts of radioactive materials.
When Greenland Minerals embarked on public consultations this year, protests erupted. At one meeting in Narsaq on Feb. 10, locals both inside and outside the hall banged windows and played loud music to disrupt presentations.
As opposition mounted, a small pro-mining party, Demokraatit, triggered a general election by pulling out of Greenland’s coalition in early February.
Polls suggest Greenland’s main opposition party, Inuit Ataqatigiit (IA), which has a zero-tolerance policy for uranium, will become the biggest in parliament, so would be first to try to form a new coalition.
“Our aim,” IA lawmaker and Narsaq resident Paviasen told Reuters, “is to halt the (Kvanefjeld) mining project.” But IA says it has not expressed opposition to Tanbreez, which is seen as less of a threat to the environment.
Kvanefjeld would dump much more waste than Tanbreez - about 8,500 tonnes each day - into a lake on top of the mountain, the Greenland Minerals plan says.
Greenland Minerals says any increase in background radiation from its Kvanefjeld mine will be minimal. It plans to build a concrete 45-meter dam to contain the radioactive waste and to spray water on the ground to keep the dust from blowing away.
The dam will be built to international standards to “withstand even the worst imaginable seismic activity,” it said in a report submitted to Greenland’s government last year.
Even so, residents say they worry contaminated water will seep into nearby rivers or that the dam will fail entirely. They cite the collapse of a mining dam in Brazil two years ago that killed 270 people.
As the crisis has deepened, Greenland Minerals’ shares have dropped by more than 50%. If the mine goes ahead, Paviasen says, many people plan to move away.
(This story corrects 10th paragraph to delete China as destination for uranium exports)
— Reporting by Jacob Gronholt-Pedersen in Copenhagen and Eric Onstad in London; Additional reporting by Ernest Scheyder in Houston, Humeyra Pamuk in Washington and Tom Daly; Edited by Sara Ledwith
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Smart Building Market Growth, Revenue, Top Manufacturers, Sales Analysis and Forecast to 2027 | Telit, Pointgrab Inc., Logicladder, Avnet Inc., Softdel
Smart Building Market study presents basic data and true figures about the market giving a general assessable analysis of this market based on market drivers, market trends, constraints and its future prospects. The report supplies the worldwide monetary challenge with the help of Porter’s Five Forces Analysis and SWOT Analysis. The major players covered in the smart building market report are Honeywell International Inc., Johnson Controls, Cisco System Inc., Siemens, IBM, Schneider Electric, Intel Corporation, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., ABB, L&T Technology Services Ltd., 75F, Telit, Pointgrab Inc., Logicladder, Spacewell International, PTC, Avnet Inc., Softdel, Wirepath Home Systems LLC, HCL TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED among other domestic and global players. Market share data is available for global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America separately. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.
Smart building market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 20.59% in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027. Data Bridge Market Research report on smart building market provides analysis and insights regarding the various factors expected to be prevalent throughout the forecasted period while providing their impacts on the market’s growth.
Sample Report Available in PDF Version along Graphs and Figures@ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-smart-building-market
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Global Smart Building market is highly fragmented and the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of Smart Building market for Global, Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific, South America and Middle East & Africa.
A smart building associates BAS (Building Automation System) with the ordinary tasks of a building, such as, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning System), lighting, water supply, and fire crisis. It screens and controls the vitality use of the building and aides in sparing and enhancing the vitality proficiency of the building.
Adopting IoT-enabled building management system is increasing rapidly, creating awareness in relation to space utilization and industry standards and regulations are the factors driving the growth of the smart building market. Lack of cooperation and coordination among standard bodies and increasing concerns on security and data privacy are the factors restraining the smart building market. 5G technology is emerging rapidly acts as an opportunity. Lack of availability of skilled professionals is one of the challenges faced by the smart building market.
By Component (Solutions and Services), Solution (Building Infrastructure Management (BIM), Security and Emergency Management, Energy Management, Network Management and Workforce Management), Service (Consulting, Integration and Deployment and Support and Maintenance), Building Type (Residential, Commercial and Industrial)
Some Points from Table of Content
Chapter 1 Market Overview
Chapter 2 Key Companies
Chapter 3 Global Smart Building Market Status and Future Forecast
Chapter 4 Asia-Pacific Smart Building Market Status and Future Forecast
Chapter 5 Europe Smart Building Market Status and Future Forecast
Chapter 6 North America Smart Building Market Status and Future Forecast
Chapter 7 South America Smart Building Market Status and Future Forecast
Chapter 8 Middle East & Africa Smart Building Market Status and Future Forecast
Chapter 9 Market Features
    9.1 Product Features
    9.2 Price Features
    9.3 Channel Features
    9.4 Purchasing Features
Chapter 10 Investment Opportunity
    10.1 Regional Investment Opportunity
    10.2 Industry Investment Opportunity
Chapter 11 Conclusion
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 Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers:
North America (USA, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, etc.)
Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
Some of the important question for stakeholders and business professional for expanding their position in the Global Smart Building Market:
Which Region offers the most rewarding open doors for the market in 2019?
What are the business threats and variable scenario concerning the market?
What are probably the most encouraging, high-development scenarios for Smart Building movement showcase by applications, types and regions?
What segments grab most noteworthy attention in Smart Building Market in 2019 and beyond?
Who are the significant players confronting and developing in Smart Building Market?
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Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.
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ourdimitriblr · 4 years
COVID-19 Update: Trocars Market Research Report and Future Scope (2019-2026) | Key Players- Johnson & Johnson, Medtronic, Ethicon USA LLC., B. Braun Melsungen AG.
The most recent research report on the Trocars Market distributed by Data Bridge Market Research gives a significant awareness of the different market dynamics such as Trends, opportunities, difficulties and drivers. The report explains in more detail the micro – and macroeconomic components that are required to impact the development of the Trocars Market over the forecast period 2019-2026.
This investigation highlights the key indicators of market development that accompany a comprehensive analysis of this value chain, CAGR development, and Regional Analysis. This data can enable readers to understand the quantitative growth parameters of this international industry, which is Trocars.
The report additionally features the chances and future extent of the Trocars Market on a worldwide and regional level. The examination incorporates a market attractiveness investigation in which the Service is assessed dependent on Market Size and Growth Rate.
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Click Here To Get Global Trocars Market Research Sample PDF Copy @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-trocars-market
Significant Players of this Global Trocars Market:
Johnson & Johnson, Medtronic, Ethicon USA LLC., B. Braun Melsungen AG, Applied Medical Resources Corporation, The Cooper Companies Inc., Teleflex Incorporated, CONMED Corporation, LaproSurge, Purple Surgical, GENICON, Bharat Surgical Co., ELMED Incorporated, Poly Medicure Limited, Jay Shakti Industries, Mortech Manufacturing Company Inc., NovaProbe Inc., Unimicro Medical Systems Co., Ltd., Unimax Medical Systems Inc. and Surkon Medical Co. Ltd.
Highlights of the Trocars Market Report:
Exact market size and CAGR forecasts for the period 2019-2026.
Identification and in-depth assessment of development opportunities in key segments and regions.
Complete company profiling of top players of the Trocars market.
Exhaustive research on innovation and other trends of the Trocars market
Consistent industry value chain and supply chain analysis
Complete examination of key growth drivers, restraints, challenges and development prospects.
Global Trocars Market Segmentation –
Market: Product
Disposable Trocars
Reposable Trocars
Reusable Trocars
Market: Product
General Surgery
Gynaecological Surgery
Urological Surgery
Pediatric Surgery
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Regional Analysis for Trocars Market:
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.)
Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
The Trocars Market has been distributed into several significant areas, including applications, types and regions. Each market portion is intensively inspected in the report to consider its market acknowledgment, worth, request and development possibilities. The division examination encourages the client to adjust their marketing approach with the goal that they better master each Segment and identify the most potential client base.
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The Trocars Market report stipulates economic scenarios with all the thing value, the principal area, benefits, distributions, limitations, creation, petition, market enhancement, and figure and so forth. The Trocars report introduces speculation attainability evaluation, a task SWOT investigation, and venture yield evaluation.
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Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge Market Research provides appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.
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Contraceptives Market Identifies the Key Drivers of Growth, Demand and Challenges of the Key Industry Players
The global contraceptives market is growing significantly due to increasing incidences of unwanted pregnancies, increasing prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases and advances in contraception techniques. In addition, government and non-government organizations are funding and supporting programs to encourage contraception. Large unexplored contraceptives market in emerging economies is creating ample opportunities for the global contraceptives market to grow at a considerable rate in the coming years. Several major players in the contraception market are actively involved in the research and new product development for contraception, which could meet the demand of cost effective long term contraception.
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Contraception is a method used to prevent pregnancy. Several contraceptives, such as hormonal drugs, physical barriers, and advanced contraceptive devices have been developed in order to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Contraceptives also help in preventing sexually transmitted infections. According to a report published by Guttmacher Institute, a non-profit organization working in advance sexual and reproductive health, 213.4 million pregnancies occurred across the globe in 2012, of which 40.0% were unintended. Also, high number of sexually transmitted infection is a major concern across the globe. According to the WHO, in 2013, 35.0 million people lived with HIV/AIDS and 1.5 million people died due to AIDS –related illness worldwide. The organization also reported that an estimated 500 million new curable sexually transmitted infections (including chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis and trichomoniasis only) occur across the globe each year.
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The global contraceptives market is categorized as devices and drugs. Based on devices, the contraceptives market is categorized as contraceptive sponges, vaginal rings, contraceptive diaphragms, intrauterine devices (IUDs), subdermal implants, male condoms, female condoms, and others. The IUDs segment is further categorized as hormonal IUDs and copper IUDs. On the basis of drugs, the contraceptive market can be categorized as topical contraceptives, injectable contraceptives, and oral contraceptives or pills. Contraceptive pills lead the global contraceptive drugs market due to its convenience in use and high efficiency in emergency contraception.
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Geographically, North America leads the global contraceptives market due to high awareness about contraception, high number of unwanted pregnancies, and increasing prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases among adolescents and young adults. In addition, inclusion of contraception in Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as preventive services to be provided without co-payment by patient further drives the growth of global contraceptives market in North America region. Asia-Pacific is the fastest growing region in the global contraceptives market. The major reasons for the fastest growth in the region are increasing prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases, high unintended pregnancies, and improving healthcare infrastructure. Moreover, the contraceptives market is growing rapidly due to the several government supported programs for promoting contraception in emerging economies, such as India and China, of Asia-Pacific region.
Some of the major players operating in the global Contraceptives market are Cooper Surgical Inc., Mayer Laboratories Inc., Merck & Co. Inc., Bayer AG, Actavis Inc., Reckitt Benckiser plc, Pfizer Inc., The Female Health Company, Church & Dwight Co., Inc., and Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
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healthcare-market · 3 years
Cell & Tissue Preservation Market to Reflect Impressive Growth Rate by 2031
Cell & Tissue Preservation Market: Introduction
According to the report, the global cell & tissue preservation market was valued at US$ 2.95 Bn in 2020. It is projected to expand at a CAGR of 11.9% from 2021 to 2031. Cell & tissue preservation must be maintained at appropriate temperatures to preserve integrity of the tissue. The receiving facility is responsible for maintaining records; documenting that allograft tissue is maintained at adequate environmental requirements during transportation and stored as per the manufacturer’s recommendations for the specific tissue.
The current methods of cell & tissue preservation involve freeze-drying, deep-freezing, and cryopreservation. Each of these techniques could be utilized for storage of ligament and meniscal allografts. Deep-freezing is a highly common preservation method for ligament and meniscal allografts, entailing simply freezing the tissue to −80°C. The grafts could be preserved for 3 to 5 years. In the freeze-drying process, moisture is removed from the tissue and the graft is vacuum packaged. It could be stored at room temperature for 3 to 5 years; however, it requires rehydration before implantation. Deep-freezing and freeze-drying allograft tissue reduces immunogenicity by killing antigen-bearing cells. Cryopreservation is a process of controlled-rate freezing with extraction of cellular water by means of glycerol and dimethyl sulfoxide. This process preserves some cells and provides a 10-year shelf life.
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Increase in Healthcare Expenditure
The increase in healthcare expenditure is estimated to further allow access to quality healthcare and advanced products that include biopreservation facilities, thereby broadening growth prospects. Additionally, gene banks, hospitals, and biobanks that are significant end users of the market, are encouraging most players to develop technologically advanced biopreservation products to enhance patient outcomes. The presence of government healthcare initiatives that provide funds, grants, and contracts for research has fueled R&D activities deployed by various companies. This, in turn, has boosted the scope for adoption of advanced bio-preservation services, which, in turn, is anticipated to fuel the penetration rate during the forecast period.
Rising R&D investments by companies and research communities to improve their capabilities and render efficient products & services are estimated to further create opportunities. For instance, the establishment of the Cooperative Human Tissue Network (CHTN), which addressed the operational dimension of bio-banking, exemplifies consistent efforts by the research community.
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Tissues to Lead Cell & Tissue Preservation Market
In terms of type, the global cell & tissue preservation market has been classified into cells & tissues. Cells have been split into mammalian cells and others (microorganisms and plant cells). The tissues segment has been split into blood, bone, soft tissues, skin, and others. The tissues segment accounted for 47.6% share of the market in 2020. The segment is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of 11.7% from 2021 to 2031.
Rising investments in the field of regenerative medicine research is projected to boost the cell & tissue preservation market. The knowledge of human cells and tissues being used for further research and development novel treatment therapies led to the introduction of bio banking. Collection, processing, and storage of the samples and the regarding data are the basic function of biobanks.
Therapeutics to Dominate Cell & Tissue Preservation Market
Based on application, the global cell & tissue preservation market has been categorized into therapeutics, research & development, drug discovery, and others. The therapeutics segment accounted for 40.1% share of the cell & tissue preservation market in 2020. The segment is projected to expand at a CAGR of 11.8% from 2021 to 2031. Clinical/therapeutic applications majorly utilize tissue banking, as it involves different types of grafting such as cord blood, stem cell, and others.
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Equipment to be Highly Lucrative Segment
In terms of product, the global cell & tissue preservation market has been divided into equipment, bio preservation media, and software. The equipment segment has been further sub-segmented into freezers, thawing equipment, refrigerators, storage systems, and others. The bio preservation media segment has been further bifurcated into home-brew media and pre-formulated media. The equipment segment was valued at US$ 2,026.1 Mn in 2020 and is projected to reach US$ 6,805.9 Mn in 2031, expanding at a CAGR of 11.8% from 2021 to 2031. This can be attributed to an increase in the demand for biobanks for the past few years and its extensive usage in DNA, plasma, stem cell, and tissue research.
Biobanks to be Key End User
Based on end user, the global cell & tissue preservation market has been divided into biobanks, hospitals & others. The biobanks segment accounted for 68.7% share of the market in 2020. The segment is projected to gain market share marginally to reach 70.5% in 2031. This can be attributed to the growing awareness among researchers about the benefits of stem cells preservation. Furthermore, increasing number of sperm & egg banks and adoption of assisted reproductive technology in animals are key factors estimated to fuel the cell & tissue preservation market growth.
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North America to Lead Cell & Tissue Preservation Market
In terms of region, the global cell & tissue preservation market has been divided into North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. North America is projected to be a highly attractive market and exhibit an attractiveness index of 2.0 during the forecast period. The market in the region is anticipated to expand at a higher CAGR from 2021 to 2031, owing to consistent drug developments as well as advent of advanced therapies in the field of biomedical research.
A significant rise in patient base requiring high-end treatment of chronic diseases is also responsible for the high demand for biopreservation products and services across the region. Major pharmaceutical companies are engaged in the commercialization of advanced preservation equipment and their subsequent adoption in the research community.
Competition Landscape
The global cell & tissue preservation market is fragmented due to the presence of a large number of prominent players. Key players operating in the global cell & tissue market include Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Lonza, BD, Merck KGaA, Cytiva, Agilent Technologies, Inc., Avantor, Inc., FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific, BioLifeSolutions Inc., AMSBIO, Princeton CryoTech, STEMCELL Technologies Inc., LGC SeraCare, Corning Incorporated, and CellGenix GmbH.
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transparencym-blog · 5 years
Social Media Analytics Market Industry Developments, Outlook And Future Forecast By 2025
According to a newly published study, Transparency Market Research expects the worldwide social media analytics industry to demonstrate a high level of competence in a particularly fragmented competitive landscape. As an essential approach to expand their regional horizons, most players participate in mergers and acqisitions. The majority of businesses use a strong capacity in their analytical programs to produce effective statistical data in each social media platform to maximize their geographical reach.
The presence of various players with only surveillance tools, specialized in specific in the vertical sector and others, is also active on the market. The majority of key players give complete suites with a wide range of functions. Niche players, for example, are developing fresh capacities and Dataroma has been developing an analysis platform in real time that shows optimization possibilities. As a result, consolidation through merger & acquisitions in the industry exists with enormous scope. The businesses also leverage their market share and profitability by strategic cooperative projects. These are some of the key growth strategies leveraged by vendors in the global social media analytics market.
Organizations attempt to analyze revenues and to identify the gaps in different markets. These days, customers have become aware of the brand. It requires better quality, reduced prices and quicker product and service delivery. Advanced analytics are used to assist attain the business objectives. The analytics of social media enables to evaluate unstructured social information in order to react to vibrant markets and to attain high sales and operational return. Organizations can collect enormous quantities of data and automate marketing and operational duties on their markets and clients.
According to TMR analysts, the global social media analytics market was worth US$2.1 bn in 2016. Rising at a 15.47% CAGR over the forecast period 2017 to 2025, the market is poised to reach US$7.8 bn by the year 2025.
Among the different segments, BFSI sector is expected to demonstrate maximum gains in the social media analytics market. North America is expected to rake in significant revenues in the global social media analytics market in coming years.
Novel Product Launches to be Key Market Trend
As formal solution supplier to the WhatsApp Business in 2018, Clarabridge Inc. has announced its new position. Selected CX Social brands can now expand their customer service through interacting with their customers via WhatsApp message via the Clarabridge social media management dedicated product. Cision Ltd. announced in 2019 the purchase of the TrendKite analytical company for 225 million USD and a follow-up to its latest software automation approach to enhance social media campaigns. Cision Ltd. TrendKite Inc. makes use for the evaluation of the effect of its job of artificial intelligence.
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The launch of such novel products is likely to bolster the social media analytics market to a large extent.
Growing Connectivity to Bolster Social Media Analytics Market
Social Media Analytics ' market adoption is driven by an increased use among individuals of social media. As technology grew, individuals began to use social media for communications, online shopping, and other activities of social connectivity. These encouraged companies to embrace alternatives for social media analytics in order to comprehend users ' requirements and demands and their product salaries. Additional drivers include elevated social media development and analytical instruments as well as rising small and medium-sized business demand. These are some of the leading factors favoring the growth of the social media analytics market in the forthcoming years.
The study presented here is based on a report by Transparency Market Research (TMR) titled, “Social Media Analytics Market (Component - Software (On-premise-based and Cloud-based) and Services (Professional Services and Support and Maintenance); End-use Industry - BFSI, Retail, Telecommunication and IT, Transportation and Logistics, and Media and Entertainment) - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2017 - 2025”
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leonfrancisblog · 3 years
Metal Fabrication Market Global Trends, Market Size, Growth, Opportunities Forecast to 2027|Key Players O'Neal Manufacturing Services, Interplex Holdings Pte. Ltd., Komaspec, LancerFab Tech Pvt. Ltd., BTD Manufacturing, Kapco Metal Stamping, Watson Engineering, Inc.
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Metal fabrication market will reach an estimated value while registering this growth at a rate of 3.20% for the forecast period of 2020 to 2027.  The headway in robotics and computerization devices encourages the employment of robots and self-regulation instruments in metal fabrication. Presently, mechanization is practiced in metal fabrication to enhance productivity and more moderate operation expenses. The strengthening requirement for programmed production practices in the element fabrication business helps in manufacturing fabrication amenities reliable, as all hazardous operations such as welding and cutting are taken out by cyborgs. Apart from this, computerization devices such as laser saws make it more comfortable for fabricators to execute accurately cut alloy castings. The dearth of proficient employees and advancements in additive construction technologies may limit the metal fabrication industry. Accomplishing operational superiority as per business demands and focuses on emerging marketplaces offer possibilities for the metal fabrication market.
This  metal fabrication market report provides details of new recent developments, trade regulations, import export analysis, production analysis, value chain optimization, market share, impact of domestic and localised market players, analyses opportunities in terms of emerging revenue pockets, changes in market regulations, strategic market growth analysis, market size, category market growths, application niches and dominance, product approvals, product launches, geographical expansions, technological innovations in the market. To gain more info on Data Bridge Market Research metal fabrication market contact us for an Analyst Brief, our team will help you take an informed market decision to achieve market growth.
Global Metal Fabrication Market By Service (Metal Welding, Metal Machining, Metal Forming, Metal Shearing, Metal Cutting, Metal Folding, Metal Rolling, Metal Stamping and Metal Punching), End-Users (Construction, Automotive, Aerospace, Manufacturing, Energy & Power, Electronics, Others), Geography (North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa) – Industry Trends and Forecast to 2026 Metal fabrication market competitive landscape provides details by competitor. Details included are company overview, company financials, revenue generated, market potential, investment in research and development, new market initiatives, global presence, production sites and facilities, production capacities, company strengths and weaknesses, product launch, product width and breadth, application dominance. The above data points provided are only related to the companies’ focus related to metal fabrication market.
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Metal Fabrication Market Country Level Analysis:
Metal fabrication market is analyzed and market size, volume information is provided by country, type, process type and end user as referenced above.
The country section of the report also provides individual market impacting factors and changes in regulation in the market domestically that impacts the current and future trends of the market. Data points such as consumption volumes, production sites and volumes, import export analysis, price trend analysis, cost of raw materials, down-stream and upstream value chain analysis are some of the major pointers used to forecast the market scenario for individual countries. Also, presence and availability of global brands and their challenges faced due to large or scarce competition from local and domestic brands, impact of domestic tariffs and trade routes are considered while providing forecast analysis of the country data.
The countries covered in the market report are the U.S., Canada and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, rest of Europe in Europe, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Israel, Egypt, South Africa, rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), Brazil, Argentina and rest of South America as part of South America.
Asia-Pacific (APAC) secured a pre-eminent percentage of the metal fabrication market owing to comprehensive analysis and improvement ventures in China and India. Architecture and automotive are center divisions of the metal fabrication market in Asia, owing to the influential proximity of development and automotive firms.
Global Metal Fabrication Market Scope and Market Size:
On the basis of type, the metal fabrication market is segmented into iron, carbon steel, steel, stainless steel, cooper, and other.On the basis of process type, the metal fabrication market is segmented into metal welding, machining, metal forming, metal shearing, metal cutting, metal rolling, metal folding, metal punching, and metal stamping. On the basis of end user, the metal fabrication market is segmented into construction, automotive, manufacturing, energy and power, and electronics.
The major players covered in the metal fabrication market report are O'Neal Manufacturing Services, Interplex Holdings Pte. Ltd., Komaspec, LancerFab Tech Pvt. Ltd., BTD Manufacturing, Kapco Metal Stamping, Watson Engineering, Inc., Matcor-Matsu Group, STANDARD IRON & WIRE WORKS, INC., PA International, , Mayville Engineering Company, Inc., Aleris Corporation, Mazak Corporation, TRUMPF, DMG MORI., weMFG., R5 Metal Fabricators, Inc., N.W. Metal Fabricators, Inc. among other domestic and global players. Market share data is available for global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America separately. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.
Customization Available: Global Metal Fabrication Market:
Data Bridge Market Research is a leader in consulting and advanced formative research. We take pride in servicing our existing and new customers with data and analysis that match and suits their goal. The report can be customized to include production cost analysis, trade route analysis, price trend analysis of target brands understanding the market for additional countries (ask for the list of countries), import export and grey area results data, literature review, consumer analysis and product base analysis. Market analysis of target competitors can be analyzed from technology-based analysis to market portfolio strategies. We can add as many competitors that you require data about in the format and data style you are looking for. Our team of analysts can also provide you data in crude raw excel files pivot tables (Factbook) or can assist you in creating presentations from the data sets available in the report.
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The key questions answered in this report:
What will be the Market Size and Growth Rate in the forecast year?
What is the Key Factors driving Laser Capture Metal Fabrication Market?    
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What is the Key Outcomes of Porter’s five forces model
Access Full Report @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-metal-fabrication-market        
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trendytechreviews · 5 years
Social Media Analytics Market to Rise at a 15.47% CAGR Over 2017 to 2025
According to a newly published study, Transparency Market Research expects the worldwide social media analytics industry to demonstrate a high level of competence in a particularly fragmented competitive landscape. As an essential approach to expand their regional horizons, most players participate in mergers and acqisitions. The majority of businesses use a strong capacity in their analytical programs to produce effective statistical data in each social media platform to maximize their geographical reach.
The presence of various players with only surveillance tools, specialized in specific in the vertical sector and others, is also active on the market. The majority of key players give complete suites with a wide range of functions. Niche players, for example, are developing fresh capacities and Dataroma has been developing an analysis platform in real time that shows optimization possibilities. As a result, consolidation through merger & acquisitions in the industry exists with enormous scope. The businesses also leverage their market share and profitability by strategic cooperative projects. These are some of the key growth strategies leveraged by vendors in the global social media analytics market.
Organizations attempt to analyze revenues and to identify the gaps in different markets. These days, customers have become aware of the brand. It requires better quality, reduced prices and quicker product and service delivery. Advanced analytics are used to assist attain the business objectives. The analytics of social media enables to evaluate unstructured social information in order to react to vibrant markets and to attain high sales and operational return. Organizations can collect enormous quantities of data and automate marketing and operational duties on their markets and clients.
According to TMR analysts, the global social media analytics market was worth US$2.1 bn in 2016. Rising at a 15.47% CAGR over the forecast period 2017 to 2025, the market is poised to reach US$7.8 bn by the year 2025.
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Among the different segments, BFSI sector is expected to demonstrate maximum gains in the social media analytics market. North America is expected to rake in significant revenues in the global social media analytics market in coming years.
Novel Product Launches to be Key Market Trend
As formal solution supplier to the WhatsApp Business in 2018, Clarabridge Inc. has announced its new position. Selected CX Social brands can now expand their customer service through interacting with their customers via WhatsApp message via the Clarabridge social media management dedicated product. Cision Ltd. announced in 2019 the purchase of the TrendKite analytical company for 225 million USD and a follow-up to its latest software automation approach to enhance social media campaigns. Cision Ltd. TrendKite Inc. makes use for the evaluation of the effect of its job of artificial intelligence.
The launch of such novel products is likely to bolster the social media analytics market to a large extent.
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Growing Connectivity to Bolster Social Media Analytics Market
Social Media Analytics ' market adoption is driven by an increased use among individuals of social media. As technology grew, individuals began to use social media for communications, online shopping, and other activities of social connectivity. These encouraged companies to embrace alternatives for social media analytics in order to comprehend users ' requirements and demands and their product salaries. Additional drivers include elevated social media development and analytical instruments as well as rising small and medium-sized business demand. These are some of the leading factors favoring the growth of the social media analytics market in the forthcoming years.
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