#residential evil au
nunalastor · 18 days
Resident Evil
The game mechanic in RE8 of collecting crystalized corpses of your enemies and selling them off for more weapons/supplies is the most Alastor thing I have ever heard. If he can't eat them, might as well sell them for more supplies to kill more people.
Anonymous asked:
Alastor has proven to be a great RE protagonist, so it would make sense to Chris that Alastor would be a worthy candidate to continue the Redfield Bloodline It’s a running joke that Chris wants Leon or Ethan to continue the Redfield Bloodline by hooking them up with his sister Claire Alastor: For the last time, I will not fuck your sister
Anonymous asked:
Resident Evil/Serial Roommates What was going on in the heads of the other detectives Guy worked work? Their coworker/friend got sent off to investigate missing persons on the Baker Ranch, but months passed and he was nowhere to be found. Searches came up fruitless and created more missing persons, and Alastor must have gone to the station constantly pressing them for any information and making it obvious if they weren't going to find Guy, Alastor would. Then Alastor disappeared too. He appeared again a day later covered in blood and god knows what else, trying to help a Guy who looked like he was starved and tortured. But he was alive and could come back on the force. But Guy was traumatized from his time in the Baker Ranch, he wasn't the same person they saw as a friend, and this was the 1920/30s so nobody knew how to deal with that. And just when they thought it couldn’t get worse, Guy started to get sick. Really sick.
Anonymous asked:
Alastor has always kept his hands hidden from view. So when the everyone sees how many times his hands have suffered it makes sense
Anonymous asked:
When Valentino saw Lady Dimitrescu on screen for the first time Valentino: I want her to sit on my face Vox and Velvet: … Valentino: Vox, I know you better not be judging
Anonymous asked:
While trapped in Alastor’s past, it was hundreds times more disturbing and terrifying for everyone. Especially when they found out first hand they can get hurt. Husk and Angel are dealing with Jack Baker and no matter what they do, he keeps coming back and can’t stay down. Charlie and Vaggie are forced to play Lucas’ twisted games. While Nifty is off killing every bug she sees; she meets Marguerite and she doesn’t get scared. In fact, Nifty is the one trying to track down and kill her. Meanwhile Lucifer is trying to search for Charlie and has to deal with Mold. Now normally this would be a walk in the park for him, but he has no access to his powers. Now he has to rely on weapons, learning to combine things and basically everything he saw Alastor do. Lucifer trying to shoot and he keeps missing his targets. Dude can’t even use the knife correctly They’re all doom. I can’t help but wonder how they’ll fair in RE8
Anonymous asked:
Since Lucifer saw Alastor’s interactions with Rosemary, he couldn’t help but find the Radio Demon even more interesting. In conclusion, Lucifer believed Alastor got it wrong, the Radio Demon is more like a mom than a dad. That creepy girl Eveline even called Alastor mommy. And Lilith isn’t around and Charlie does need a mommy and she always wanted siblings.
Anonymous asked:
Vox eavesdrops on the rest of the hotel seeing Alastor’s memories, but because he’s eavesdropping grossly misunderstands the entire situation at the Baker's Estate. Featuring gems like thinking Eveline is Guy’s child based on her referring to him as such, and completely misreading the nature of Guy and Alastor’s relationship. Aka Vox’s misunderstanding of the situation and attempting to use it against Alastor leads to Alastor being really really confused why a fake Guy is referring to Eveline as “our daughter.” He’s not being re-traumatized, it’s so absurd he doesn’t know what to do with it or how the Baker's Estate got misconstrued to this degree. 
Anonymous asked:
Resident Evil 7/8 RE8 probably didn't happen while Alastor was alive because that's too heroic a death for someone who went to hell, it happened after he was dead and everyone was in hell (the lords becoming overlords). So when Al dies to defeat the villain he respawns in heaven and immediately tries to get out. Everyone is devastated that Alastor committed self sacrifice, only for Alastor to appear in hell 5 minutes later because he clawed his way back down.
Anonymous asked:
Resident Roommates AU Quoting a previous anon ask: "Can we all agree that if Guy were to fall for whatever reason, his demon form would be legitimately horrifying? His base form would probably look mostly human like Alastor (didn’t we say he had some dog traits, like he is to dogs what Alastor is to deer?) but going into his full demon form would tap into the mold he was infected with for months in the Baker Estate and become something grotesque. Shit like his burned away angel wings regenerating comprised entirely of the mold. That, and if he died of cancer related to his exposure to the mold, what is a more fucked up demon form to have than that of the thing that caused your torture, possession, and later slow death?" If Guy is meant to have dog-traits in the afterlife, may I propose his full demon form would be a mold-based variant on Scylla? In some versions of her myth, she’s said to have multiple dog heads coming from her body so it would work. Also the line “we both know what it takes to survive” from Scylla's song in the Epic musical hits different in context of the Baker's Estate.
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night-invader · 6 months
Snippet of my Au where Sensei G suddenly returns a couple months after the end of season 10.
Kai: So—
Zane, Nya and Pixal (aka the residential braincell group): No, we're not killing him yet, Kai. Or blasting him back to his prison cell... Yet
Kai: *frowns* Come on, Cole, Jay back me up here.
Cole: Kai, like them, I don't think we should be doing something hasty. Garmadon hasn't done anything wrong since he got back here.
Jay: Yeah.....But guys, what if he tries to hurt Lloyd when his guard's down or kill him again and somehow use him to resurrect Harumi who replaced Lloyd after he disowned him? And he's basically kind like a zombie. WHAT IF HE IS HERE TO EAT LLOYD'S BRAIN AND FLESH? *charging a lightning blast* We can't let that happen.
Kai: Finally someone who's on the same page as me.
Instance of Kai appreciating Jay, his future brother-in-law.
Low-effort meme
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The team observing resurrected Garmadon who is in human form again. Kai has a binocular to spot whether he is doing anything evil. Pixal and Zane are taking notes. Nya, Jay and Cole are sharing their observations.
Meanwhile Sensei G, depressed as fuck as he still remembers the whole Emperor Garmadon event.
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Link for the fic: here
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depressedwriter25 · 3 months
Have a fic for @bluestrawberrybunny’s Apprenticeship AU for Father’s Day
Summary: SMG3 has been off all day, so SMG5 decides to check on him and learns more about Terrance’s death and how much it’s affected SMG3
Art made by my lovely spouse @bluestrawberrybunny (sorry for tagging you twice in this post, but whatever ;p)
It was mostly like any other day for SMG5. SMGs don’t have parents outside of their USBs, kind of, so they didn’t actually give it much thought. They weren’t a parent either, so they didn’t really care.
SMG6 on the other hand was spewing out a list of ideas of what he could get for SMG4. He had gotten much more comfortable calling him “Dad” lately, and he wanted to get him something for today.
“So, I was thinking of a custom necklace, kind of like a best friend’s necklace, but like… for father and son. What do you think?” He asked as he looked over at his friend.
SMG5 nodded, barely listening as they looked back at the cafe.
While today was normal for them, something seemed… off about SMG3. Their older-brother figure was acting more aloof than usual. He had even closed down the cafe for the day. It was really weird. He never closed for anything short of life-threatening, so closing down for one singular day felt off. Not to mention how their mentor had basically secluded himself in his evil lair. He’d even sent Eggdog to be with SMG4 and Beeg SMG4 for the day.
“Are you even listening?” SMG6 asked as he leaned in closer. “You’re not, aren’t you?”
SMG5’s indigo and neon purple eye left the cafe to settle on their guardian partner. “Sorry. What were you talking about?”
“Gift ideas for SMG4 for Father’s Day?” SMG6 huffed, leaning back on his hands. “Are you ok? You’ve been staring at the coffee shop this entire conversation.”
“Yeah,” they said before letting out a melancholy sigh. “SMG3 is just acting weird.”
“What about?”
“He’s just been off. I don’t know how else to describe it!” SMG5 looked back at the building. “He’s not even spending today with Eggdog. I know it was upsetting for the little guy. He even asked me for help to make him a little Eggdog pin with a little top hat.”
“Really? Beeg just got SMG4 a new laptop with his logo on it,” Six said. “Which is why I’m trying to outdo him with something special!”
“Would you stop trying to compete with your little brother for 5 minutes?” Five said in an annoyed tone. “What if something is wrong with Three?”
“I’m sure he’s fine. He’s probably just… doing something.”
“I’m going to go check on him,” SMG5 said before standing and dusting off the dirt from their white overalls. “Do whatever it was you last said or something. I’m sure SMG4 will like whatever you get him. It’s the thought that counts.”
They made their way into the cafe, opening the door and hearing the familiar chime of the bell above their head. It was far too quiet in here. Each step of their dark purple boots against the wooden floor echoed throughout the place. As they came to the bookshelf, they heard SMG3 shout at them.
“Go away!”
Five huffed before pulling out a specific book, causing the bookcase to slide away and reveal the elevator to the building’s lower, and residential, floor. They rode it down, hearing SMG3 say something about not wanting to talk to anyone at the moment before the elevator chimed and they stepped out.
As they entered the room, Five saw Three sitting on his bed, notebook thrown to the side as he hugged a small top hat.
“Three?” They asked, taking a cautious step forward.
“I said go away! What part of that was hard to understand?” Three snapped, red eyes looking up at them in anger.
SMG5 studied Three’s face. His eyes were red, as was the rest of his face, and his eyes and nose were puffy. His cheeks were stained with tears, and his beard was wet with them too. There was some snot dripping from his nose that he quickly wiped off on his sleeve. His hat was discarded, sitting on top of his notebook which was lying open beside him on the bed with a pen.
Their eyes landed on the hat in his arms. It was a black top hat with a red stripe on it.
“SMG3?” They asked in a soft tone of voice as they continued to make their way towards him, each step happening slightly faster than the last as Three didn’t yell at them.
SMG3 remained silent, looking down at the item in his hands.
“Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?” They finished as they sat on the edge of his bed, facing towards their mentor and older-brother figure.
SMG3’s eyes welled with fresh tears that poured down his tear streaked face as he hugged the hat closer. “I…” He didn’t know what words to use to explain everything that was running through his mind at that moment. Hell, throughout the entire day. When the notification came up on his phone about today being Father’s Day, something broke inside of him. Every emotion he had been suppressing for the past few years had broken free of the flood gates. How could he find the words to explain how broken he felt over what he’d done?
“SMG3?” Five asked, moving closer and putting a hand on his knee. The older man continued to cry as he continued to search for any words that could even show some semblance of his emotions. “It’s ok. I’ll wait.”
It felt like hours before he was finally able to form one coherent thought to explain the situation to the other. But eventually that time came and he looked up at his apprentice.
“It’s Father’s Day,” he said slowly. He had never been one to share his feelings openly, so this was something where he needed to take his time. Thankfully, SMG5 understood that and waited for him to finish speaking. “I… it reminded me of Terrance.”
SMG5 nodded, looking down at the notebook. “And so… you’re dealing with that reminder that you lost your son?” They looked back over at him as he sadly looked at the top hat. “I can understand why that would be so upsetting. I would be sad too if my son died.”
Three shook his head. They weren’t understanding this. How could they? He never told them, or even written it in his notebook for them to read. He’s just mentioned how Terrance is dead and that he misses the little Ugandan Knuckles, but he never explained how he died.
“It’s not that,” he said, continuing to stare at the hat in his lap. “I… I failed as his father.”
“I was the one who killed him…”
SMG5 retracted their hand as they stared at SMG3, mouth agape as they processed what he’d just said. Their gaze drifted away from him and towards the floor. “What do you mean you killed him?”
“We had no choice,” SMG3 explained, biting back tears as he spoke. “It was the only way to stop the God Box and…” He couldn’t take it as he thought back to the moment. Especially when he recalled Terrance’s final words.
“I love you.”
He broke down crying again. He couldn’t take it. “I’m the worst father in the world,” he sobbed. “How could I even allow anyone to celebrate me today if I was the one who killed my own son? And I never even truly showed him how much I cared…”
SMG5’s expression softened as they moved closer, wrapping the man in a tight embrace. “Hey… like you said… you had no choice,” they whispered in a soothing voice. “I’m sure Terrance understood.”
SMG3 set the hat aside and wrapped his arms tightly around his younger sibling.
“And… you’ve been a great dad to Eggdog,” they continued. “He even asked me to help him make you a gift for today. I’m sure Terrance is talking about how great of a dad you were in meme heaven or something.”
SMG3 couldn’t help his roll his eyes at the failed attempt to comfort him. He was the Lord of the Internet Graveyard. The meme afterlife, pretty much. Terrance, as much as he hated to admit it, was gone. Nothing left. He was converted into meme energy and used to transform Mario and destroy the God Box. Of course, SMG5 couldn’t know that. They had only been around for a few months at this point. He still had to teach them about the Internet Graveyard and the Meme Lifecycle.
But… they had a point. Terrance cared about him, making sure he knew it in his last moments. Even so, he still felt that crushing guilt over having to kill his own kid to save the world.
SMG5 sighed as they realized how much this wasn’t working to comfort the man, so they pulled away from the hug, placing their hands on his shoulders, and looking into his eyes. “Dude, I know it feels like shit right now, but at least get through today for Eggdog’s sake? He’s probably worried sick about you too. But still, hold on to Terrance’s memory. Carry him with you, and remember that he loved you. As long as you remember him and keep that memory alive, a small part of him remains. The ones who we’ve lost continue to survive through us. So, let’s go over to the castle, enjoy spending time with your son, and remember that Terrance would want you to be happy and care for his brother. Ok?”
SMG3 rolled his eyes again before pushing their hands off of his shoulders. “Yeah yeah. Keep that sappy shit to a minimum, ya hear?” He said before getting off of the bed and putting Terrance’s hat back on the shelf. They had a point. He should try and make it through today. For Eggdog’s sake. While he probably wasn’t the best dad he could have been to Terrance, he could try for Eggdog. And SMG5 was likely right about Terrance probably wanting him to be happy and be there for Eggdog.
“Aww. You’re a sucker for sappy shit, aren’t you?” Five joked in an attempt to lighten the mood.
“No! Shut up!” Three shouted back before taking his hat and throwing it at them. “It’s stupid!”
“Sure~” They continued.
SMG3 grabbed his hat again and hit them over the head with it, earning a laugh from them in return.
Five was glad he was feeling better enough to return to his normal tsundere self.
“Now come on,” they said as they covered their head to dodge any possible future attacks. “You should be with your kid.”
The day was nearing its end, and SMG5 and SMG6 had been hard at work making something special for SMG3 and SMG4 while Eggdog and Beeg made some sort of “distraction” (they were basically just playing games with their dads). But the gifts were finally ready.
They walked over to the two of them, boxes in hand.
“Present time!” SMG6 said excitedly as he handed SMG4 the box.
“Oh, thanks guys!” SMG4 said with a smile. “You didn’t have to.”
“Oh no,” SMG5 said as they smiled at SMG3. “We had to.”
SMG3 inspected the small purple box he was handed.
Beeg and Eggdog came over with their own boxes as well, one wrapped in blue and the other wrapped in purple.
“Well? Open them!” SMG6 said, bouncing on his toes as he waited to see their reactions.
SMG4 opened Beeg’s present first, smiling and patting the meme’s head as he saw a brand new laptop with his logo embedded on it. “Thank you, Beeg!” He said. He was reluctant to hug the little guy, especially since Beeg much preferred being left alone.
But then Beeg jumped on him in a hug, which the Memey-Boi gladly returned.
SMG3 opened Eggdog’s box next, which contained an Eggdog pin with a small top hat on it. He smiled, clipping it on his overall strap before hugging Eggdog close. “Aww! Thank you so much my little Eggdog!” He cooed as Eggdog barked with excitement.
“Open ours now!” Six exclaimed, continuing his bouncing before Five grabbed his shoulders and forced him to stop.
The two men opened their boxes, surprised to see two necklaces. SMG4’s necklace seemed to be an orange half of a star while SMG3’s was a light blue half of a skull.
“What is this?” SMG3 asked, holding up the object as 4 put his on.
“Necklaces, you goof,” SMG5 laughed before they and SMG6 pulled out the other halves of the necklaces. SMG6’s was the other half of the star but colored in blue while SMG5’s was the other half of the skull colored in purple. “We made them ourselves!”
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“You guys!” SMG4 shouted as he stood up and wrapped them both in a tight hug. “Thank you so much!”
“Of course, Dad!” SMG6 said as he happily returned the gesture alongside Five.
SMG3 stared at the necklace in his hands intently.
“I also have one more thing for you,” SMG5 said as they wiggled out of Four’s hug. They pulled another pin from their pocket. This one was an Ugandan Knuckles with a top hat.
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“I figured, since you were so upset about Terrance today, I’d give you something in his stead,” they said with a smile. “I know he would have wanted to give you something today.”
SMG3 stood up, wrapping them in a hug as he began to cry again. “Thank you,” he whispered, wiping the tears away. “Seriously.”
“Of course,” they whispered back. “Happy Father’s Day, Three.”
Go read their fic on AO3 or WattPad they’re working really hard on it and no spoilers but the next chapter is going to be a really big one (story wise).
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pancake-blogging · 14 days
Transformers: Rescue Bots in Disguise — Prisoners of the Alchemor, and Cybertronians on Earth
( @too-many-blorbos because I know you enjoy these posts :] )
Surprise surprise! I have more thoughts about this au!!! For this post, we're exploring what I think they should've gone with in-canon when it comes to the general roster of the prisoner ship the Alchemor as well as the connection between Earth and Cybertron at the start of the series. This post won't go into EVERYONE who was imprisoned on the ship, but it will provide some examples. Without further ado! The post!
Personally, I think it's kinda silly that Earth DOESN'T know Cybertronians exist. I mean, the arrival of New Kaon in Nevada should've announced to the Whole World that aliens existed! As such, I've decided that for TF: RBiD, the existence of Cybertronians will be a known fact by all of Earth, with there being a Cybertronian Base on Earth that's run by Ratchet — when Chase and the others come to Earth, they'll likely stay at said base. Helps to explain why we'd have an adult Raf as the main human companion as well!
The Alchemor, in TF: RBiD, will have prisoners belonging to a variety of moralities AND factions — not all of them will be Decepticons, and not all of them will be explicitly evil. And we're not going with there being more evil Decepticons or wrongly arrested Autobots, either: there will be just as many good Decepticons and evil Autobots as there are good Autobots and evil Decepticons. Why am I doing this? To help sell the main lesson Chase is trying to teach Strongarm, which I touched on in a previous post!
Will some of the escaped prisoners get locked back up? Yes, some of them should actually be serving the sentence they were given (Thunderhoof is an Actual Mafia Boss who bribed corrupt members of Cybertron's police and oh my GOD what if he was arrested by Chase? Because he made the mistake of trying to buy Chase's cooperation! Rivalry!!!)
However, some of the prisoners who got locked up were an extreme response — the first example will be our favorite Terror Twins returning together, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker! Sideswipe was arrested for going SLIGHTLY too fast in a residential area, and Sunstreaker was arrested for putting up graffiti on too many walls. For the two of them (as well as any other prisoner whose crime doesn't ACTUALLY warrant being locked up indefinitely), Chase will instead issue them a very basic community service based on their specific skillset.
You know what this results in? More background bots! A reason to bring them back in a later episode without them being Problem of the Week: 2!
Now, let's talk about Steeljaw again... Unlike in canon, where he was introduced fairly early on and Strongarm immediately saw through his ploy of "I'm one of the GOOD guys who was on the Alchemor :)" — he's going to be introduced later on (probably still in season 1, but closer to the halfway point if not later), and will be specifically introduced after several OTHER Decepticons who actually were wrongly imprisoned! That way, we can have a version of events where Strongarm actually believes him and willingly brings him into the base.
When in the base, Steeljaw will find a way to incapacitate the Rescue Bots, and when he goes to free his imprisoned Decepticon cohorts, he finds some of them out and about on the base. Believing them to be like him, he tries to enlist them to help him free the imprisoned Decepticons and crush the Autobots...
So imagine his surprise when they reply with "Are you KIDDING? Chase gave me FIFTEEN HOURS of community service and then I can go do WHATEVER I WANT so long as I don't break the law!"
And then they kick him out and help Chase and the others recover from Steeljaw's attack, because they appreciate Chase treating them like actual bots instead of criminals :]
And when some of these Bots finish their community service... They decide to stick around. Earth is nice! They can get JOBS here! A lot of them think Chase is a cool guy! (The first (and possible only) one to say this will be met with Chase asking them to call his old teammates and repeat what they just said. This Will stop anyone else from calling Chase cool to his face)
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with everything that I sad a few hours ago while insomniac in mind:
a while ago I came upon a recent post that claimed that Theon’s position as a hostage is unheard of in real life history because he is not in chains and being regularly physically abused (don’t mind me recalling him being hit because of stumbling against and old woman and robb’s sadly not infamous ”I ought to chain you in the yard”) and first I was baffled because I can think of cases of royal hostages that were treated with dignity in the history of the Middle Ages, but also if we want a situation that divides loyalties and presents us with a “but they raised him, they were there when his real backwards family wasn’t :( ” mentality then, boy oh boy do I have a situation to tell you about! Shall we start with the silent generations in Australia who were being separated from their parents up until the 70s? Or should we go with the Canadian and Usan residential schools? My backwards country was way less sophisticated about that, they just straight up paid money for Selknam heads like they were a plague!
This is fairly common in real life. It's just not a situation most people like to acknowledge and deal with. No one would like to write a modern au with that instead of the typical foster home. No one would like to write fluff/smut/soulmates aus between the oppressed and the oppressors family in that situation in the way we most commonly see it. No one wants to see it as oppressed and oppressors.
And someone will read this and say "that's colonialism so it doesn't fit!" , yes that is colonialism (and oh god please stop throwing that word around it is so hurtful of that word being thrown around so loosely), but more importantly that is forced cultural assimilation! Which is actually quite present in the ironborn plot lines in my opinion, especially when considering fandom's treatment of the good ol' civilised Harlaws vs the evil, brutish, toxically masculine and uncivilised Greyjoys! Omg you guys Asha is so cool for rejecting patriarchal and misogynic ironborn culture! She must have been like her mother, not like her homophobic republican maga dad! Hahahaha #Pykexit #Make the Iron Islands great again! But I fully support Northern independence after being opressed by the iron throne for so long! Oh a example??? Uhm how about when they killed our favourite little patriarch?
And I can feel some pompous sense of superiority over "those stans", but truthfully if I ever get to feel that then that means I'm a lot more delusional than the people I'm lowkey making fun of because No! Grrm wasn't thinking about any of this when he wrote theon and the ironborn! He was thinking about a very anachronistic version of vikings! He was thinking about a hard men -> good places -> weak men -> hard places -> hard men mentality.
I am a clown.
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catsteeth · 5 months
Requests Are Currently: Commission Only ko-fi
Requesting Rules & Boundaries-
Howdy Partner, I ain’t sure how they do it where you come from. But round these parts we got some rules. 🏜️🌵
What I write (upon request)
* Headcanons (ABCs & bullet points)
* Drabbles
* imagines
* One Shots
* X reader fic (specify gender, ALL are welcome.)
Fandoms I write for (Upon Request):
Game of Thrones
House of the Dragon
The Last of Us
The Boys
Residential Evil (Village)
Silent Hill
I DO write:
* Smut (specify spice level, mild, medium, hot)
* Alternative Universe
* Violence
* SFW fluff
I DO NOT write:
* Crossovers
* Modern AUs
* Series upon request
* Ships (character x character)
* Detailed descriptions of SA, SH, Suicide.
* Specifically dub-con, non-con, animal/hybrid, age play, age gap relations between the character X reader.
* I do not write for real people. Ex. Steve Buscemi X Reader, will sadly never appear on my page.
* Fauxcest
* Race play
* Scat / Piss play
Things to keep in mind:
* I am allowed to ignore your request.
* It might take up to 5-7 days for me to complete your request.
* Please be clear with what it is you want in your submission.
* All TWs and CWs are listed above the fictions cover photo. In bold.
* Be nice to me, I’m literally just a girl. Mind your manners or this town won’t be big enough for the two of us and you’ll be blocked, partner.
These rules are as all things are subject to change.
Last updated: 08/27/24
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goldy-engine · 9 months
Finally updating this
Salutations everyone! Welcome to my tumblr, I’ve been here a while subtly, I joined sometime last year? Maybe 2, stopped being active, had a Pokémon ghost hyperfixation , and then the trains came back.
I am the number 1 lady fan and I am very chaotic about it
I am trying to be more active these days but it’s an off and on thing
So first things first, Hi I am Montague! But I also go by Viggo. I use any pronouns most preferred are it/sea/star (yes I use neo pronouns) I am a therian (an southern residential orca to be exact)
I am autistic and have adhd and some anxiety disorder, those aren’t really important to know but it was probably obvious to begin with lol
I like trains, dinosaurs, space, ocean animals, Pokémon, httyd, HTF, Monster high, Minecraft, MSM, FNAFSL, JJBA, animation memes,MLP, ENA, and a bunch of other things
This blog will be to focus on my engines,
My main focus will be my main au, that I mostly just call the Absurdity of Sodor.
I often am indecisive though and go back and fourth on my choices, but I also will focus on the past of this AU and current day and the future. But mostly focus on adventures and sometimes slice of life things with Diesel 10 (especially through her redemption arc of becoming a better diesel), Lady, and Hiro most of the time and Polo!
Polo is my self insert, I will make an even more detailed post about her soon. I want to get into her backstory, I’ve been wanting to, I just need to force my self to at some point.
I do OC X canon here so if that’s not your cup of tea you may not like my stories.
She’s polyamorous so she may be seen with multiple characters, but especially Lady, Diesel 10, and Hiro.
I have a few other AUs
Such as my
Horror of the rails Au
which is about a much stranger and scarier version of Hiro of the rails, where Hiro is actually an antagonist and has been luring engines to tear them apart to rebuild himself after making a deal with an evil soul who has corrupted him, unaware of the harm that he is causing because of the evil soul.
Reconciliation au
About Lady feeling envious of newer engines and becoming evil and working with a Diesel 10, feeling that if she won’t be remembered for the good, she might as well be known for the bad, just like Diesel
Experimental Au
This one focuses on Diesel 10 where he and a few other engines were taken and experimented on as apart of Sir Topham Hatt’s secret plan to try and turn some of the engines into weapons.
The collapse of Sodor
A AU that is a wip that I am working on with my brother that will have a lot of endings but mainly focusing on the engines turning against the humans after an incident, many accidents happening, Lady goes missing but her magic is overflowing and Timothy the ghost engines return to try and become a god
But anyway, for the most part I’ll be focusing on my absurdity of a sodor au focusing on the silly and odd things of life here on Sodor, and maybe lore and backstories and stuff
DNI list:
Transphobic or just lgbtphobic in general
Don’t support neopronouns or xenogenders
Support isreal
Super political
A super negative person
Cause drama or issues on purpose
Don’t support selfshipping
Or just overall a shitty person
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vaulter · 1 year
committing the sin of making a modern au for a fantasy ip i know but i really enjoy imagining org xiii as a research faculty and lab staff. listen. roxas and xion attend one of those uppity ass residential STEM schools where they let high schoolers do undergrad research. evil PI xemnas running his evil cognitive neuropsych lab
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yellowmagicalgirl · 6 years
AU where Ophelia, Javier, and Enrique move to a new neighborhood following the death of Claire. They wanted a new start, away from whatever it is that killed their daughter. However, Enrique is haunted by nightmares as he grows up, all of them concerning a fight between what appears to be two women: one wears  golden armor; she seems almost benevolent.
(Beyond this point I’m giving a warning for body horror, gore, and just a general tone of horror. You have been warned.)
The other has an appearance that he can only describe as "like dark purple broken glass". Javier and Ophelia try to reassure him that his nightmares are just that, nightmares. As odd things begin to happen around their house, they aren't so sure. 
One night, Enrique seems almost relieved. "The broken glass one lost," he says, and maybe it's just the light but his eyes seem a bit more yellow. 
The next night is when the fun really starts to happen. Enrique attacks his parents, eyes glowing. "She wouldn't yield to me," he says, "and so now your son pays the price."
A photo of the Nunez family falls and breaks, and the shards of glass rise up and fly at Enrique. One of them cuts his skin, and he coughs up a ghostly apparition of a woman in golden armor. Enrique looks betrayed, because in his dreams the woman in golden armor wasn't the terrifying one and yet she possessed him.
Morgana throws golden bolts of light at both the Nunez trio and random points of shadow. Occasionally the light hits and reveals a shattered figure, sometimes with skin and other times skeletal. Enrique was right, though: it evokes the feeling of shattered glass. Eventually, it starts to scream. Every window, every picture frame, every plate and light bulb shatters and rushes towards Morgana.
Morgana appears to be injured by the tainted glass, but sends out one last bolt of magic towards the screaming figure before disappearing. It stops screaming, and begins to walk towards the Nuñez family. Enrique's parents try to shield him with their bodies as the figure rasps out that it's "time to end this." Javier shines the flashlight at it, hoping that it'll be afraid of the light. The light merely gets absorbed into the writhing purple-black shadows, and it glints off of both the broken glass and what appears to be hair clips.
It's the exact same configuration of hair clips that Ophelia remembers many an argument over. Arguments that she hates herself for having now, because why didn't she cherish the time and whatever her daughter decided to do with her hair before she died? She wants to ask the figure if it killed her daughter, and if so why, why it and the woman in gold were targeting her family. In her fear, the only word she is able to get out is "Claire?"
The figure stops. The glass lowers to the ground; the figure clutches its head. It, no, she takes a step back, and her form gets brighter, bright enough to banish the writhing shadows and reveal the monochrome purple form of Claire Nunez.
"You don't control me," Claire says, and while her voice is still rasping it is also more human. As cracks disappear from where they were on Claire's face and hands, the place where the glass cut Morgana!Enrique heals.
I'm not sure how this ends. The true horror ending is the house exploding, and only one of the members of the Nunez family survives, always looking over their shoulder for Claire or Morgana. 
The less horrific versions are that two or all three members survive, but the entire family will still be paranoid about Claire and Morgana. 
The next step down from that is that all three members of the Nunez family survive, but they aren't paranoid about Claire coming to attack them. In fact, when Enrique finds the Shadow Staff with a note saying "To my hermanito: use it well, and don't let it use you", he doesn't feel scared of the presence that invaded his life when he was a child. He feels safe.
The golden ending is that Claire's ghost just benevolently haunts the Nunez household. She reveals how, after finding the Shadow Staff Morgana invaded her mind and ended up killing her, she had been fighting what felt like a losing battle for years as she tried to protect her family, but is now finally able to heal from her trauma. And maybe eventually she starts haunting the Reckless Club, who are local college students in this, for shits and giggles until one of them reveals that they can see her and tells her to either stop it or fuck off.
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writingwithcolor · 3 years
I'm writing an AU of a movie that takes place in the 1880s USA, where a travelling white character and a Jewish character are waylaid by Native Americans, who they befriend. Probably because it was written by and about PoC (Jews) the scene actually avoids the stuff on your Native American Masterpost, but I'd still like to do better than a movie made in the 1980's, and I feel weird cutting them from the plot entirely. I have a Jewish woman reading it for that, but are there any things you (1/1)
2/2 1880s western movie ask--are there things you'd LIKE to see in a movie where a white man and a Jewish man run into Native Americans in the 1880s? I do plan to base them on a real tribe (Ute, probably) and have proper housing/clothes and so forth, but right now I'm just trying to avoid or subvert awful cowboy movie tropes. Any ideas?
White and Jewish Men, Native American interactions in 1880s
I am vaguely concerned with how you only cite one of our posts about Native Americans, that was not written by a Native person, and do not cite any of the posts relating to this time period, or any posts relating to representation in media. 
Sidenote: if you want us to give accurate reflections of the media you’re discussing, please tell us the NAME. I cannot go look up this movie based off this description to give you an idea of what my issues are with this scene, and must instead trust that the representation is good based off your judgement. I cannot make my own judgement. This is a problem. Especially since your whole question boils down to “this scene is good but not great and I want it to be great. How can I do that?”
Your baseline for “good” could very well be my baseline for “terrible hack job”. I can’t give you the proper education required for you to be able to accurately evaluate the media you’re watching for racist stereotypes if you don’t tell me what you’re even working with.
When you’re writing fanfic where the media is directly relevant to the question, please tell us the name of the media. We will not judge your tastes. We need this information in order to properly help you.
Moving on.
I bring up my concern for you citing that one—exceptionally old—post because it is lacking in many of the tropes that don’t exist in the media critique field but exist in the real world. This is an issue I have run into countless times on WWC (hence further concern you did not cite any other posts) and have spoken about at length. 
People look at the media critique world exclusively, assume it is a complete evaluation of how Native Americans are seen in society, and as a result end up ignoring some really toxic stereotypes and then come to the inbox with “these characters aren’t abc trope, so they’re fine, but I want to rubber stamp them anyway. Anything wrong here?”. The answer is pretty much always yes. 
Issue one: “Waylaid” by Native Americans
This wording is extremely loaded for one reason: Native American people are seen as tricksters, liars, and predators. This is the #1 trope that shows up in the real world that does not show up in media critique. It’s also the trope I have talked about the most when it comes to media representation, so you not knowing the trope is a sign you haven’t read the entirety of the Native tag—which is in the FAQ as something we would really prefer you did before coming at us to answer questions. It avoids us having to re-explain ourselves.
Now, hostility is honestly to be expected for the time period the movie is set in. This is in the beginnings (or ramping up) of residential schools in America* and Canada, we have generations upon generations of stolen or killed children, reserves being allocated perhaps hundreds of miles from sacred sites, and various wars with Plains and Southwest peoples are in full force (Wounded Knee would have happened in 1890, in December, and the Dakoa’s mass execution would have been in 1862. Those are just the big-name wars. There absolutely were others). 
*America covers up its residential schools abuse extremely thoroughly, so if you try to research them in the American context you will come up empty. Please research Canada’s schools and apply the same abuse to America, as Canada has had a Truth and Reconciliation Commission about residential schools and therefore is more (but not completely) transparent about the abuse that happened. Please note that America’s history with residential schools is longer than Canada’s history. There is an extremely large trigger warning for mass child death when you do this research.
But just because the hostility is expected does not mean that this hostility would be treated well in the movie. Especially when you consider the sheer amount of tension between any Native actors and white actors, for how Sacheen Littlefeather had just been nearly beaten up by white actors at the 1973 Academy Awards for mentioning Wounded Knee, and the American Indian Religious Freedom Act had only been passed two years prior in 1978. 
These Native actors would not have had the ability to truly consent to how they were shown, and this power dynamic has to be in your mind when you watch this scene over. I don’t care that the writers were from a discriminated-against background. This does not always result in being respectful, and I’ve also spoken about this power imbalance at length (primarily in the cowboy tag).
Documentaries and history specials made in the 2010s (with some degree of academic muster) will still fall into wording that harkens Indigenous people to wolves and settlers as frightened prey animals getting picked off by the mean animalistic Natives. This is not neutral, or good. This is perpetuating the myth that the settlers were helpless, just doing their own thing completely unobtrusively, and then the evil territorial Native Americans didn’t want to share.
To paraphrase Batman: if I had a week I couldn’t explain all the reasons that’s wrong.
How were these characters waylaid by the Native population? Because that answer—which I cannot get because you did not name the media—will determine how good the framing is. But based on the time period this movie was made alone, I do not trust it was done respectfully.
Issue 2: “Befriending”
I mentioned this was in an intense period of residential schools and land wars all in that area. The Ute themselves had just been massacred by Mormons in the Grass Valley Massacre in 1865, with ten men and an unknown number of women and children killed thanks to a case of assumed association with a war chief (Antonga Black Hawk) currently at war with Utah. The Paiute had been massacred in 1866. Over 100 Timpanogo men had been killed, with an unknown number of women and children enslaved by Brigham Young in Salt Lake City in 1850, with many of the enslaved people dying in captivity (those numbers were not tracked, but I would assume at least two hundred were enslaved— that’s simply assuming one woman/wife and one child for every man, and the numbers could have very well been higher if any war-widows and their children were in the group, not to mention families with multiple children). This is after an unknown group of Indigenous people had been killed by Governor Brigham Young the year prior, to “permanently stop cattle theft” from settlers. 
The number of Native Americans killed in Utah in the 1800s—just the number of dead counted (since women and children weren’t counted)—in massacres not tied to war (because there was at least one war) is over 130. The actual number of random murders is much higher; between the uncounted deaths and how the Governor had issued orders to “deal with” the problem of cattle theft permanently. I doubt you would have been tried or convicted if you murdered Indigenous peoples on “your” land. This is why it’s called state sanctioned genocide.
This is not counting the Black Hawk War in Utah (1865-1872), which the Ute were absolutely a part of (the wiki articles I read were contradictory if Antonga Black Hawk was Ute or Timpanogo, but the Ute were part of it). The first official massacre tied to the war—the Bear River Massacre, ordered by the US Military—places the death count of just that singular massacre at over five hundred Shoshone, including elders, women, and children. It would not be unreasonable to assume that the number of Indigenous people killed in Utah from 1850, onward, is over a thousand, perhaps two or three.
Pardon me for not reading beyond that point to list more massacres and simply ballparking a number; the source will be linked for you to get an accurate number of dead.
So how did they befriend the Native population? Let alone see them as fully human considering the racism of the time period? Natives were absolutely not seen as fully human so long as they were tied to their culture, and assimilation equalling some sliver of respect was already a stick being waved around as a threat. This lack of humanity continues to the present day.
I’m not saying friendship is impossible. I am saying the sheer levels of mistrust that would exist between random wandering groups of white/pale men and Indigenous communities wouldn’t exactly make that friendship easy. Having the scene end be a genuine friendship feels ignorant and hollow and flattening of ongoing genocide, because settlers lied about their intentions and then lined you up for slauther (that’s how the Timpanogo were killed and enslaved).
Utah had already done most of its mass killing by this point. The era of trusting them was over. There was an active open hunting season, and the acceptable targets were the Indigenous populations of Utah.
(sources for the numbers: 
List of Indian Massacres in North America Black Hawk War (1865-1872))
Issue 3: “Proper housing/clothes and so forth”
Do you mean Western style settlements and jeans? If yes, congratulations you have written a reservation which means the land-ripped-away wounds are going to be fresh, painful, and sore.
You do not codify what you mean by “proper”, and proper is another one of those deeply loaded colonial words that can mean “like a white man” or “appropriate for their tribe.” For the time period, it would be the former. Without specifying which direction you’re going for, I have no idea what you’re imagining. And without the name of the media, I don’t know what the basis of this is.
The reservation history of this time period seems to maybe have some wiggle room; there were two reservations allocated for the Ute at this time, one made in 1861 and another made in 1882 (they were combined into the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation in 1886). This is all at the surface level of a google and wikipedia search, so I have no idea how many lived in the bush and how many lived on the reserve. 
There were certainly land defenders trying to tell Utah the land did not belong to them, so holdouts that avoided getting rounded up were certainly possible. But these holdouts would be far, far more hostile to anyone non-Native.
The Ute seemed to be some degree of lucky in that the reserve is on some of their ancestral territory, but any loss of land that large is going to leave huge scars. 
It should be noted that reserves would mean the traditional clothing and housing would likely be forbidden, because assimilation logic was in full force and absolutely vicious at this time. 
It’s a large reserve, so the possibility exists they could have accidentally ended up within the borders of it. I’m not sure how hostile the state government was for rounding up all the Ute, so I don’t know if there would have been pockets of them hiding out. In present day, half of the Ute tribe lives on the reserve, but this wasn’t necessarily true historically—it could have been a much higher percentage in either direction.
It’s up to you if you want to make them be reservation-bound or not. Regardless, the above mentioned genocide would have been pretty fresh, the land theft in negotiations or already having happened, and generally, the Ute would be well on their way to every assimilation attempt made from either residential schools, missionaries, and/or the forced settlement and pre-fab homes.
To Answer Your Question
I don’t want another flattened, sanitized portrayal of genocide.
Look at the number of dead above, the amount of land lost above, the amount of executive orders above. And try to tell me that these people would be anything less than completely and totally devastated. Beyond traumatized. Beyond broken hearted. Absolutely grief stricken with almost no soul left.
Their religion would have been illegal. Their children would have been stolen. Their land was taken away. A saying about post-apocalyptic fiction is how settler-based it is, because Indigenous people have already lived through their own apocalypse.
It would have all just happened at the time period this story is set in. All of the grief you feel now at the environment changing so drastically that you aren’t sure how you’ll survive? Take that, magnify it by an exponential amount because it happened, and you have the mindset of these Native characters.
This is not a topic to tread lightly. This is not a topic to read one masterpost and treat it as a golden rule when there is too much history buried in unmarked, overfull graves of school grounds and cities and battlefields. I doubt the movie you’re using is good representation if it doesn’t even hint at the amount of trauma these Native characters would have been through in thirty years.
A single generation, and the life that they had spent millennia living was gone. Despite massive losses of life trying to fight to preserve their culture and land.
Learn some history. That’s all I can tell you. Learn it, process it, and look outside of checklists. Look outside of media. 
And let us have our grief.
~ Mod Lesya
On Question Framing
Please allow me the opportunity to comment on “are there things you'd LIKE to see in a movie where a white man and a Jewish man run into Native Americans in the 1880s?” That strikes me as the same type of question as asking what color food I’d like for lunch. I don’t see how the cultural backgrounds of characters I have literally no other information about is supposed to make me want anything in particular about them. I don’t know anything about their personalities or if they have anything in common.
Compare the following questions:
“Are there things you’d like to see in a movie where two American women, one from a Nordic background and one Jewish, are interacting?” I struggle to see how our backgrounds are going to yield any further inspiration. It certainly doesn’t tell you that we’re both queer and cling to each other’s support in a scary world; it doesn’t tell you that we uplift each other through mental illness; it doesn’t go into our 30 years of endless bizarre inside jokes related to everything from mustelids to bad subtitles.
Because: “white”, “Jewish”, and “Native American” aren’t personality words. You can ask me what kind of interaction I’d like to see from a high-strung overachieving woman and a happy-go-lucky Manic Pixie Dream Girl, and I’ll tell you I’d want fluffy f/f romance. Someone else might want conflict ultimately resolving in friendship. A third person might want them slowly getting on each other’s nerves more and more until one becomes a supervillain and the other must thwart her. But the same question about a cultural demographic? That told me nothing about the people involved.
Also, the first time I meet a new person from a very different culture, it might take weeks before discussion of our specific cultural differences comes up. As a consequence, my first deep conversations with a Costa Rican American gentile friend were not about Costa Rica or my Jewishness but about things we had in common: classical music and coping with breakups--which are obviously conversations I could have had if we were both Jewish, both Costa Rican gentiles, or both something else. So in other words, I’m having trouble seeing how knowing so little about these characters is supposed to give me something to want to see on the page.
Thank you for understanding.
(And yes, I agree with Lesya, what’s with this trend of people trying to explain their fandom in a roundabout way instead of mentioning it by name? It makes it harder to give meaningful help….)
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marlasomething · 2 years
Jonmartin Week 2022 Day 3: For My Roomate Is...
Hello there!
As said in previous one-shots of this week, I cannot see a "challenge" and let it go so...Jonmartin week 2022 here we are! The idea is "forcing myself" to write piece of under 1K (NOT THIS TIME, HAHA SORRY) in different universes, let's see how it goes.
This was written for the prompt of day 3: Roomates/Road Trips and it is set in the AU in which I set one montly story.
Also: I will try to end all one-shots with the line of the finale "One way or another. Together". Here there is a teeny tiny bit extra afterwards, but I did it!
As usual, do please forgive my quick tipper and non-native speaker mistakes, Marla
AO3 Edition!
Rest of the AU!
Whole week Masterlist!
If there was one thing for which Jon had unlimited capacity, it was for scoffing.
He couldn’t for dear life understand why his parents had insisted he had to live in the residential part of college, instead of just…buy him a small flat in Oxford, or rent it; not that money was exactly a problem.
“You have to get used to other people, as much as they are most times rather unpleasant, they are a necessary …evil” his father had said, while Gerry gave him a sympathetic smile.
Yes, of course he would, because he totally got it, not as if he had moved within six months to the smallest apartment in history of humankind with his boyfriend, all payed by the bloody Fairchild family.
The worst part? He couldn’t actually share a room with Danny, the only person he knew that was also studying at Oxford because a), he was moving in with Nikola (who he couldn’t stand for dear life) and b), it was to his grandmother’s house and it would have been…just too bizarre and uncomfortable.
So, here he was, about to meet the person with whom he was likely to share a room for, he scoffed again, four years.
“You have to be kidding me” he muttered behind his breath. He knew the person in front of him, if only by word of mouth. “You are two years older than me” he said, accusatory.
This took his new roommate by surprised as he…blushed? What on Earth?!
“Uh, yeah, I guess. After I got adopted I re-did that school year (thought times) and then I took a gap year to make up my mind properly…” he stared at him from behind his, kind of nice looking, glasses. “You are the Magnus’ younger kid, right? Jon? I’m Martin” he tended a hand to him, which he didn’t pick.
He didn’t shake hands with anyone related to The Web; he had principles.
Kind of.
“Right, Cane” he removed uncomfortable his light curly hair at the once again accusatory tone.
“Well, I haven’t used it in a while, and my biological parents were… something else, but if you prefer Blackwood I guess I could work with that, since we are going to live together. Wouldn’t want to make things harder.”
“I’m not going to stand, nor trust, you more if I call you by birth name, spider.”
“Oh, ok, fine. Paranoid much, I guess it tracks…”
“I am not controlled by The Eye.”
“I’ve never said…”
“I know what I heard” after this outburst, he stormed to the bathroom.
These were going to be a very long four years (because he was far too proud to ask for a change of room; he’d rather die).
“I like you grey highlights!” he heard Martin said, in a calming manner, from outside.
“They are natural!” he replied, while hugging his own legs.
Definitively, very long years.
Had four years really passed already?
Jon climbed from behind the sofa, clinging to Martin’s neck, who scoffed in a fashion far too similar to the one the other young man had been cultivating since a very tender age.
“I have a final test tomorrow, and you know I am awful at Pharmacology…”
“You are dreadful at all memorising-based-exams subjects, just as you are great at passing them thanks to your other resources.”
“Is it that weird that I want to pass my last batch of tests in a more fair way?”
“As much as we had been sleeping in the same room for almost three years…yeah, it is. That things are not contagious, being a bookwormis my thing; and you had always thought exams were just badly made.”
“BECAUSE THEY ARE! I am almost certain The Spiral had something to with it, you could ask Michael, since he has that weird thing going on with your sister and your best friend’s brother” Jon rolled his eyes.
“Please, don’t talk about that. See, my dad (remember? Actual unapologetic murderer?) was traumatised when he first jumped into Mike and Gerry; but what I saw while believing Sasha was being murdered…just to find out if she was okay…I just hope it was a one-time thing.”
Martin, being merciful, dropped the topic and pointed at a place next to him in the couch they had totally paid for, big enough even if Jon had been bigger than Martin.
The Eye-aligned soon-to-be university graduate jumped there on the spot, and rested his head in Martin’s should, just making sure before not a single spider was to be seen.
“Did I really hate you?”
“Oh, you did. You even cooperated with Nikola just to make my first exams round a living hell.”
“Well, they had to be useful for something.”
“Terrorising your future husband?” if Jon’s skin had been paler, right now he would have been red as a danger signal.
“We haven’t…yet…”
“Oh my God, you are so adorable. No, for now, we’ll see how a trip together to Scotland goes; are you sure this Daisy person is okay with us being there? Don’t I have to make sure…?” Jon shrugged.
“Na’. She knows Basira and I are friends, and my father helped her to get a job after she left the Police Force, so she is kind of in debt. Also, she likes me, for some reason; because she hates my parents.”
“Wonder why” Martin mocked and, as much as Jon cared and loved Peter and Elias, he had to admit his partner had a point; they weren’t exactly pleasant people.
They kept talking about everything and nothing for a little while longer; just to eventually drop into a comfortable silence in which Jon started to nod off as Martin got back to his studies.
“Anyways…” half-asleep Jon muttered. “…one day…I am totally marrying you. Even if Eye and Web are supposed to hate each other and we have much more of an Orsinio-Viola dynamic rather than a Romeo-Juliet one…one way or another…”
“Together” Martin finished, as he covered with a blanket a now totally out-of-the-game Jon.
He was right.
They had rocked their Romeo + Juliet cosplay last Halloween, though.
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sly-merlin · 4 years
Killing Me - 6 | n.y
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pairing : law student!reader + yuta
genre :    angst , mafia au/ arranged marriage au , smut
warnings of this chapter : use of few curse words. weapons
summary : “life’s never fair y/n. realise it as soon as you can . it is the only secret for living a regretless life.”                                  
                         “  curiousity got the cat hitched”
taglist :: (not tagging the old ones because they have read it already bt if u want , lemme know! )  @yiyi4657​ @sorrywonwoo​ @sillywinnergladiator​ @suhweo​ @exfolitae​ @minejungwoo​
K.M masterlist
k.m 5    k.m 7
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And yuta’s words kept ringing even when he was gone. Mechanically, your hands were balled into fists, anger rising. You were not feeling bitter at his words, for you didn’t expect anything better from him. But he shouldn’t have attacked your dignity in front of strangers.
only five minutes had passed and you were already encumbered with the weight of the ornament.
Your eyes were fixated on the place where yuta stood earlier. Each and every presence in the room could easily sense your aggravation for the man.
After a few more moments of silence, Kun took your hand in his, dragging you inside with him. You were startled at his sudden action but nonetheless tagged along.
“We are having brunch, whoever wants to eat can join us!” he announced whilst  facing forward.
You both passed the open kitchen to halt at the big dining hall packed with a large table and what looked like countless chairs. It was just twin room of the hallway, with just more accommodation.
“The house doesn’t seem this big from outside though?” Kun chuckled as he set his eyes on your genuinely confused face.
“The ground floor has only two halls, kitchen and one other room. We skipped the backyard and just constructed this according to our needs. Big family, you know” he scanned the chairs and continued. “And we’ll add one more chair for you” you responded with only a tight lipped smile. He seemed to be content though.
Before you could converse further, your attention was diverted to the muttering of several boys, entering not so quietly into the room.
“Sit here, near my chair” Kun ushered you towards a chair. “I’ll be back with the food.”
A taller boy, maybe Jungwoo was the first to sit near you and greeted you with an electric eye smile which you tried to return with same energy. Everyone was scattered around the table by now. Some of them were glancing at you but no words were spoken.
You were about to distract yourself with your phone when Kun and another boy came back to the hall with two trolleys occupied with the food and plates. After plates were passed to everyone, delicious ttaekbokki ramyeon and tempura veges were served. the food looked mouth watering and hums of satisfaction confirmed your belief. you had just started eating when someone entered the room.
“Why is she sitting on my seat?
You stopped chewing hearing jaehyun’s voice.
“I told her to! And don’t use this tone again. Not with family at least!”  
You could’ve paid heed to Kun’s sensible words but jaehyun seemed too keen on robbing you of any kindness.
“It’s just been a day and she is already replacing people here!” he remarked before sitting far away from his supposed seat.
“Jaehyun!” Kun’s voice was laced with an unsaid warning.
“Yeah, whatever.”
Despite being hungry earlier, you couldn’t swallow the food properly. You were not there to replace anyone .you were just as displeased to be in his presence as he was. But his displeasure for you was getting unbearable.
You were so engrossed in thoughts that you didn’t notice that everyone was already leaving with their plates. Kun and Johnny had noticed your hurt expressions at jaehyun’s words but there was so little they could do right now.
Under their studying eyes, you hurriedly tried to finish the remaining food.
“You should not move in today” taeil, whom you recognised from the first day, spoke.
“And why is that?” Johnny asked, pointing his chopsticks towards him.
“It’s just not a very fruitful day for moving in. that’s it” taeil replied with a serious expression.
“Now welcome to the 21st century grandpa! We don’t believe in superstitions devised when YOU were born!” Johnny snickered at the older.
“Ok do it! Don’t come to me later on. The legends are there for a reason.”
“I dreamt pigs the day I came across him anyway and I don’t think any spirit can be more evil than him!” as you finished, the four men started laughing hysterically.
“Y/n is such a match for me!”
But taeil quickly disapproved. “No, I don’t need two Johnny here.”
“I gotta go” taeyong announced. “Welcome to family y/n. I know this is not a very pleasant situation but it is what it is. You are welcomed here anytime and this place is yours as much as ours. Take care!” you merely nodded towards him. Were you supposed to show gratitude? You weren’t sure of that yet!
“So everyone I saw earlier lives here!” you asked Kun curiously. You weren’t sure to whom this place belonged and what exactly was this house. Their residential place? But why did they have a basement with metal doors then? It was better to just ask than assume.
But instead of Kun, taeil responded. “This house was designed by ten and doyoung to facilitate us with everything that wasn’t possible in the apartments we used to live earlier. Whilst looking like any posh dwelling in the area, it is not just that. The dining room might have provided you some insight already. My room is downstairs or I might say the only room on this floor in mine. Everyone else is settled on first and second floor. You can do a tour if you want. And if you want to stay here, I would love to displace Johnny outta his room and you can spend the night in mine.” his speech ended with a sincere smile.
“Whoa hyung!” Johnny exclaimed with eyes opened to infinity. “She didn’t ask for a lecture. And don’t waste your breath explaining that you have the best room in the whole world when we are short on time here!”
“Why is that now?”
“I have to drop y/n to her apartment. Whenever she is done with the food of course.” Johnny said pointing towards your plate. Sometime while listening to taeil, you had dropped your chopsticks again but continued again, muttering an apology.
“What’s the hurry? I want to talk to her!” Kun whined at Johnny.
“Then tag along but only if y/n wants!” both of them raised their brows at you, waiting for an answer.
“Yeah, of course you can come. Why would I refuse? “You chuckled at their childish tactics.
Once you were done with the food, Kun seized your utensils as you tried to get up with the plate.
“Wait for me. I’ll be back and then we can go” he announced going out of the room.
You sheepishly looked at the both taeil and Johnny who were now busy in their respective phones. Just when you were fishing out your phone from the pocket, it ringed, startling you.
You hurriedly excused yourself to the farther corner of the room ,ready to get a scolding from her.
“Where are you?” you gulped at her cold voice.
“I’m –I had to-
“You moved out right. Your desk is clear. And you lied to me” her voice was laced with frustration. You could imagine that she was on the verge of pulling her hair. “You know what! Don’t talk to me again!” and with that she hung up.
You tried her number twice but she didn’t pick up. You knew she won’t be mad for too long. She was genetically incapable of doing that but still her being angry with you was not settling in.
you gave up calling her and decided in favour of letting her cool down first. not like you had any other option!
“Are we going?”
“Yup and jaemin is going to join us.” you almost rolled your eyes at his mention. You couldn’t understand his interest in you but at least he was harmless, not like yuta.
As you four reached the large parking space, taeil went inside again saying his goodbyes. Now you were all waiting for jaemin to come outside but the boy was nowhere in sight.
“I’m here!” jaemin chimed but he was not alone. There were two other boys with him which he had tried to introduce earlier.
“I was packing some food . Jungwoo hyung told me that -
“Chit-chat in the car! Let’s go!” Johnny scolded them.
With few adjustments, you were on the road. The position of jisung and chenle appeared quite pitiful. Due to lack of space, they both were practically sitting on each other. Jaemin forced them to converse with you which turned out pretty nice for you.
All the three boys were techies or the backbone of the team, as jaemin exaggeratedly explained to you. And they were younger as well. Talking to them was easier than you thought. And surprisingly they had many budding questions about your studies as well which were happily answered by you.
You were so engrossed in your little exchange that none of you released you were already there. You checked the time and it took about thirty minutes of drive including the traffic to reach there.
“Oh shit!” your face dimmed on realisation. “It’ll take about an hour to reach university from here!”
Kun and Johnny faced each other with shocking faces. Johnny slowly mouthed something to Kun before he chuckled “I think taeyong totally forgot that you are a student. Taeyong tends to do that. He’s very stressed out lately but I think you’ll love this place. I’ll park the car and Kun will take you to the apartment and others will help me with the boxes.” Johnny instructed everyone like a boss.
“Saved it!” Johnny whispered to Kun with a smug smile.
“Oh did you!” Kun shook his head in disbelief and stepped out of the vehicle.
You looked up to see the skyscraper in its whole glory, hand robotically shielding your eyes. The curved reflective glass windows were gleaming, you wished your room would also have that beautiful glass balcony, reflecting the sun.
“you’ll have plenty of time to gawk!” Kun practically dragged you by your elbow, towards the elevator.
“It was Johnny right.” you said quietly as Kun pressed the button to 10th floor.
“Yesss. he chose the place but he really put some effort in this task.” you couldn’t help but smile at him.
“Here we are!”
As you exited the lift, three doors met your sight, one facing you, while others opposite to each other. Kun headed for the right now, you following behind.
“I’ll set up the smart locking system in your phone for the keypad. Everything from mail room to amenity access is controlled with this single pin so remember it. 2610 is the code but you can change it whenever you want.” you nodded consuming the information.
The front door to your new shelter was opened and you were left in awe at the first sight. The entry was narrow but you could see a big living room at the end of it. You removed the shoes following Kun.
Your eyes shimmering, moved everywhere as a smile crept up your face.
The hall was big, at least for two people it was! If you could somehow drag the single seater sofa towards the half glassed window, you don’t think anyone would want to move from there. The rustling of the city could be seen from up there. Down there, a small portion of the park attached to the building was also visible. you were practically attached to the window still by now.
Kun noticed. He noticed how how eyes turned lively as you beheld your surroundings. His own lips curved up watching your reaction.
“Do you like it?” Johnny voice quizzed. Your suitcase now placed besides him. Chenle, jisung and jaemin trailed behind him with boxes in their hands.
“Yes, I love it actually!” you voiced your joy, leaving the hall windows.
“I’ll help” you offered but before you could actually do something, they left like the wind.
“Let’s explore” Kun suggested.
To the right of the hallway was the semi-open kitchen as half of it was covered with a wall but the other part was visible from the couches. The kitchen was itself very sophisticated but poor thing you won’t be cooking any five star recipes in there.
The small space between hallway and kitchen led you towards two rooms. Good thing they were hidden from the sight.
“You can choose your room but I’d prefer this one!” as he opened the left door, you knew what he meant. The scenery you beheld outside could also be seen from this room. The sliding glass door lead to a small balcony opening to the same view. The room itself was very decent just like the rest of the place.
There was a desk with a bookshelf on the upper side of wall which made you confused about Kun’s previous statement. “How could Johnny forget that I was a student but still remembered about these things.” you asked pointing towards the study space.
“His involvement was only till the real estate stuff. Everything else is planned by me so I’m ready to accept some gratitude.”
You let out a small giggle, thanking him immediately.
“Unfortunately, there is only one bathroom. 2b2b apartments are harder to find and there was no need for three bedrooms so you’ll have to compromise here!” he explained pursing his lips. You nodded your head at him while opening the door to the bathroom. To say it was beautiful would be an understatement. It was twice the size of your dorm bathroom. from shower enclosure to bath tub and sink, everything was made of ceramic and marble.
“Hey come out! Where are you both?” you heard Johnny’s screaming voice. You and kun both rushed towards the sound.
“Should I keep the boxes in the room?”
“Yeah, thanks, this one!” you pointed to the left room. He smirked at your choice, winking your way.
Finishing the task at hand, you all slouched down on the couches. Even if you didn’t move a limb, you were just exhausted by other activities of the day.
“I’m hungry!” chenle groaned stroking his stomach.
“What are you?? Even a whale has some control you insatiable boy!” jaemin scolded him, making everyone laugh.
“Call me whatever. But can’t I have some from the box. Just a little!” chenle pleaded giving him an eye smile.
“That is for noona. And you aren’t getting anything!”
“What is he talking about?” you inquired after you were mentioned.
“Jeno told me you don’t cook so I got you the leftovers for dinner. The container is in the kitchen. heat them and eat them!” jaemin replied nonchalantly like it was nothing big. But it was meaningful gesture, for you.
So you didn’t hold back this time. “That’s so kind of you, thank you!” you said smiling to him. “And feel free to eat chenle. Go help yourself.”
Chenle grinned like a happy child but was met with a pointing finger of jaemin. “Get a grip!”  And he slumped down further into the cushion, grumpily crossing his arms over his chest.
“By the way y/n.” Kun addressed you, searching out for something in his pockets, that something, you discovered, were the keys.
“People usually don’t need keys for separate rooms when they live together but you are a special case, so you might need these.” you nodded knowingly, taking the jiggling set from him.
“Let’s watch some t.v before going. The first thing that I did was setting this up and there’s a gaming system attached as well.” Johnny announced before leaving his place to locate the remote under the TV system.
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Squatting in the middle of the bed, you looked at the deep blue boxes with a twisted face. Unpacking these boxes would certainly be a chore.
Were you any eager to do it? No.
Was it essential? Very.
You pouted and slumped on the silky white sheets, the queen sized bed providing you with the enjoyment of being a starfish, for the first time in forever. It felt nice and cosy. Unknowingly, your lips curved a bit, releasing a sigh of content.
You couldn’t say for how much longer, but the feeling of having a home brought tranquillity to your muddled thoughts. You have always dreamt about buying your own house, having a place you would be enthusiastic to come back to!
But this was not reality. This was just an intermission to the life you were heading towards! A timeout. And it would just end in smoke, with no accurate termination.
You raised your left hand to view the small diamond resting on your finger. It was beautiful, meant to be worn by a real bride, someone whose ring didn’t came with an expiration date.
Shaking your head, you pushed yourself off the comfortable position. You couldn’t spend your day in melancholy whilst that yuta was probably plotting something to make your life miserable and organising yourself would be the first step towards preparation of retaliation. So you got up from the soft bed to look through the boxes. You picked up the box with some of your random stuff and staggered towards the bathroom.
If there was a place you’ll love more than the room, that’d surely be this bathroom. but so was the hallway!
Even after placing everything from your hair products to the sanitary ones, the ceramic cabinet over the sink still looked empty. You decided to buy some things only to fill that up! Though you were swamped with work right now, you couldn’t resist looking at the frameless rectangular mirror. it was dreamy! and you felt it was a nice ego booster for you as well!
One by one, within one and a half hour, you cleared all the boxes and orderly arranged everything into the cupboards and closet. The only thing left was your desk space but it could be delayed.
You flopped on the couch tiredly, wanting nothing more than to sleep. But there was one more thing on the checklist.
You looked at her contact, tapping your foot constantly and when you knew there was no enough courage in you, crossing your legs on the sofa, you dialled her number.
“Hey!” a male voice answered the phone instead.
“Um jay, where is chelin? Can you tell her it’s me!” you said sheepishly, trying to sound as innocent as possible.
“I don’t think she wants to talk right now. And why did you ran away?”
All your anxiousness suddenly left your body at the overstated accusation.
“I didn’t run away jay, who told you that!” and you were trying to be serious here!
“Nobody told me that. I can figure common things out, you know. Your stuff is gone and you didn’t inform chelin whilst doing that. So imma assume-
“My winter clothes are still there, dumbass. Just give the phone to chelin so I can explain.”
“Nope, she’s in bathroom and angry but for you, only you, I’ll try, to make your position better if you buy me lunch tomorrow!” you scrunched your nose, imagining him doing his sly brow lousy thing with a smug look. But the deal looked good. So you just hopped in.
“ok.” and before you could say anything, he cut the phone. Annoying brat!
and it was also favourable that you were easily distracted for as soon as you turned the TV on ,you got lost in another world, forgetting all the worries for a while.
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Your irrational fear of sharp microwave beeps was the reason you were eating the bland ttaebbokki right now. Cold food is the best food had already left the chat as you opened the lunch box. You didn’t enjoy the delicacy earlier due to certain someone and now you couldn’t appreciate it because of your own heightened senses. The ramyeon was a saviour, ttaebokki, on the other hand was now in a contest  with the double caramelised candy that could not be chewed even with metal teeth.
You have spent about 4 hours watching t.v and it was already eight. Your desk was yet to be decorated with books and stuff, still your brain cells favoured watching two movies that would’ve made no sense in real life, but like you always say, who cares! And now you were watching some random football match. Just as you were about to scream at the goal, the front door closed with a thud.
You placed the food down on table, craning your neck above the back of the sofa, looking for the intruder.
Yuta. You had totally forgot about your so called roommate!
“Do you think the food would settle down in your gut?” he took long strides to reach you and asked with a quirking brow.
You turned around to focus on the food instead. But with the slight dip in the head of sofa, you could feel his presence hovering over you.
“Why wouldn’t it!” you replied with equal affection. “And I’m avoiding you so it’s better if you keep yourself on silent mode as well.”  You said again with a hint of finality in your unwavering voice.
Whilst you were trying to direct your attention towards the t.v. in an attempt to ignore him, you felt his warm breath fanning against your ear. You nervously swallowed the bite you took earlier, hoping he would just go away instead of being so inquisitive.
“But I’m willing to make peace here and you are being so harsh to me. you should respond when I talk to you” your shoulders tensed at the fake pout that you assumed he was wearing now, just to get under your nerves. His expressions might have been cordial but you got the innuendo in his words perfectly.
You placed the food container on the table again. “If we have to live together get one thing in your head! I’m here because of you! So don’t try to act up like you are the boss of me! And I don’t agree with your idea of peace if it involves the death of my dignity.” you kept your cool but irritation was radiating from your body and you hoped he would get the message and leave you alone.
“Oh wow!” yuta chuckled a bit before walking around to sit beside you. Instinctively, you shifted towards the other end of the couch. “You think you are the only one who-
His eyes followed your movements as you rolled your eyes, blatantly disregarding him in favour of leaving the couch. But he was quick as he pulled you down by your wrist, causing you to yelp in discomfort.
“You think you are the victim and sufferer here!” he leaned closer, his hand still on your wrist, his attitude changing. That’s when you smelled some alcohol on him. “You think you can deal with anything, catching a criminal red handed and living the life of glory as someone who bravely handled a dangerous situation where anyone else would have cowered away. But guess what!” his voice rose at the end and nostrils flaring with every syllable. “You are the most foolish person I’ve ever met. You have not only ruined your life but mine too. Why couldn’t you have walked past that day like any other person? Everything was fool proof from cctv to police, but you had to intrude!”
You bit the inside of your cheek as your breath quickened. He was staring right into your eyes but the intensity in his orbs unabled you to look away. He could sense your building anxiety but he still continued. “And now I am fucking suspended for a month due to your stupidity. Taeyong told me I’ve become a risk to them. Do you know how it damn feels when your own family fucking doubt you? They questioned my abilities all because of you. I’m-I’m unsure of myself only because of you. I can’t go back to my house, my job, my brothers! why can’t you just fucking leave!” yuta’s chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as he stood up, leaving your wrist with a jerk. His grip wasn’t that tight but it still left a stinging pain.
You watched him while rubbing your wrist as he raked his hand through his hair, apparently controlling himself. his other hand was shuffling for something in his pocket.
A loud gasp echoed in the hall as yuta’s hand moved and he aggressively stabbed a knife into the table. And it was not a normal kitchen knife!
“Just fucking leave!” 
and with that he was gone.
as you heard the bedroom door closing ,you let out a harsh breath, shoulders slumping in relief.
You eyed the weapon that has damaged the classy wooden table. 
Taeyong had assured you that yuta won’t harm in you in any way but his actions were speaking another language!
but for now all you could feel was….fear?
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earlier in black neos estate-
“You can’t stay here forever, you know” mark’s words pulled yuta back to reality. As much as he wanted this nightmare to end, he knew there’s wasn’t even a slight chance of odds being in his favour.
“But there is nothing that can’t be delayed!” yuta shot back at him, chugging his beer.
“You can leave tomorrow. Half of the place is empty, you can easily sneak in!”
“You want me to hide in my own house?” he snorted at younger.
“No. I meant-
“Besides yong gave me clear instructions to make peace with that women which includes breathing the same air as hers and I’m going to follow his command like a happy puppy I am!” he let out a chuckle towards the end, making mark gulp in panic. “And I gotta transfer my stuff tomorrow and you’re going with me.”
“Not until 8 in the evening. We are going for a weapon exchange in the afternoon.” mark said taking sip of the drink. Some questions in his head still needed to be answered but he was lacking right words. Yuta was already on edge since the whole fiasco started and mark, in no way wanted to trigger him anymore. “What are you going to do, if I may ask?” he questioned hesitantly.
“Nothing for now. I went to her university and all I have till now is that she is extremely close to her friends. Maybe have a thing for hook-ups, can’t be sure though. In her head, she is too smart and can surmount anything. That day in the basement proved it already. she isn’t fearless, in no way she is but still she manage to fight back with that rising panic, I don’t know how!” he paused to look at mark, biting his lower lip to cover a smile creeping on his face. “With her whole strength, she tries to pretend that she isn’t frightened down to her soles but whenever I’m near her, he-her throat tightens. It-it’s like she forgets the whole process of exhaling.”
Mark’s mouth went dry hearing that.
“Hyung!” he addressed yuta, almost losing his grip at the beer. He was in no way being intimidating but mark was feeling apologetic for him.
“What now?”
“How closely have to observe her? You sound like a stalker hyung!”
“Don’t call me that.” he slapped mark’s back lightly. Had he applied a little of his strength, he would have been lying on the ground floor right now!  “Maybe I read her file more than a couple of times to just create some familiarity but she’s, hmm, how to explain it! Maybe authentic! But I did nothing creepy though and even if I did, those marriage papers cuts out everything” he chuckled again and it was now concerning mark. he was not drunk but was still laughing too much for it to be normal.
“I’ll suggest just leave it be! Haven’t you thought that she was just at wrong place at wrong time?”
“No!! the problem is that she still somewhere in her head thinks that she was at wrong place at right time! I would’ve had no problem if taeyong had just let her go but no !! he has to go and make my life miserable.” his soothing voice rose a few octaves. He was frustrated and had no other way of letting that go.
Mark watched him, looking into the sky, like he was finding some solutions. He couldn’t turn around the time nor he could do anything for yuta.
He tried to focus on the sky instead. It was so quiet, but what that silence engulfed in it was a mystery for now.
the stars looked beautiful, almost poetic, for the time being.
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darkmagickingdom · 4 years
House of Villains au general headcanons
So there are two residential buildings -- the Villains Estate and the Henchmen's Quarters. There are also stables for the villains' horses.
Both villains and henchmen can basically come and go as they please, provided they're not causing trouble or trying to leave the grounds.
The villains who can ride still have their horses, but those who can drive do not have their cars. This is honestly just because the villains that have cars are all terribly reckless drivers (Cruella, Sykes, and Medusa all drive like complete maniacs let's just be honest)
Both buildings are enchanted, so they can seem to have infinite space at times. They typically contain however much room is needed.
The grounds are inescapable by normal means -- the border is a powerful magic barrier. Theoretically, the magicians of the group could break this barrier if they worked together which is why the fairies keep a close eye on it at all times. However, because of how often the villains quarrel amongst themselves, it's unlikely they'll ever manage to get along with each other long enough to break the barrier.
I mentioned fairies watching the barrier because the fairies are the ones keeping the villains and their henchmen there! "Fairies" is more a general term for the magical supporting good characters of each story. This includes the characters who are actually fairies (Fauna/Flora/Merryweather, Fairy Godmother, Blue Fairy, Prydain's Fair Folk, Tinkerbell, and the like) as well as characters who are other magical beings such as Genie and Mushu, and human magicians such as Merlin and Yen Sid. They are collectively referred to as the fairies because that species makes up their bulk.
As for why the fairies are keeping them here -- The simple explanation is that they were "collected" (and in many cases revived) by Chernabog in a plot not fully understood by the interfering fairies, but they believe it was an attempt to have evil conquer all worlds. Before he could carry out his plan, the fairies managed to intervene -- ensuring Chernabog remained confined to Bald Mountain and confining the villains and their henchmen to a secluded location in an undisclosed world. Simply put the fairies (or at least most of them) are effectively unable to kill, leading them to instead opt to keep evil from away from the worlds so they can't cause harm to anyone (at least, anyone who isn't already aligned with evil).
The villains *can* kill each other, but they refrain from doing so under the threat of being turned to stone if they cause too much trouble. (Though the threat doesn't stop some from occasionally attempting to get rid of a villain or henchman who's particularly upset them)
(Don't ask me why the fairies don't just let them all kill each other. This is a self-indulgent au that doesn't need to be completely logical. Best answer I can give you is that having them all murder each other wouldn't be very Disney of me.)
The cooks for the Villains Estate and Henchmen's Quarters are Silver and Kronk respectively. (As for why both are there when they had redemption arcs...Silver's there for still being a thief while Kronk's just kinda volunteering because he's a nice guy like that. The henchmen love him. Silver being the least morally corrupt person in the Villains Estate leads to him sometimes also being the mediator when arguments or fights break out.)
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ultimate-quartz · 4 years
four swords au rambling pls don’t mind me
warning, this is long!
The World, and our Heroes
The land of Hyrule has been rebuilt after the calamity. Two hundred years have passed, one hundred since the hero Link revived to cast away Calamity Ganon. Civilization has returned to most reaches of the land, with Hyrule reclaiming its kingdom. Sheikah technology has been repurposed and advanced in everyday life, and historians travelling the land make a good living scouring ancient relics. New issues are trivial, economic and political skirmishes along tribes who for a hundred years had isolated themselves and run independently from each other, and now find themselves once more ruled under one crown. 
The map has several residential townships: Hyrule castle town and its subsidiaries, Kakariko Village, Hateno Village, Gerudo Town, Goron City, Zora’s Domain, and Rito Village. Smaller are Tarrey Town, Lurelin Village, Karakara Bazaar and other stables and marketplaces. Korok Forest is known, but remains sealed as a historic site. The Plateau is still being reclaimed, and remains the center of disputes between historians who wish to preserve the site and Hylian developers who see a new possibility for a highly protected fortress zone.
 Kakariko continues to be home to the Sheikah, and prides itself on being a beacon of tradition and preservation. Red resides here and has grown up under the care of the new elder Sheikah, Inua, after being left as a prophesied offering on the steps of the temple home. They grew up as a free spirit, sheltered within the boundaries of the town. They can be described as a sweet troublemaker.
Hateno Village has become a balanced hub of agriculture and technology, with both ancient tech labs combining to create a large facility upon the hill above town. Children here grow up with vast expanses of land to play in and harvest, as well as the looming tech site to stimulate their wild imaginations. Vio was born and grew up here, and found his calling in ancient research while exploring the tech labs as a child. He left town in his early teens to explore the land’s various dig sites. 
Hyrule Castle Town is the most populated district in Hyrule Kingdom, as the hub of urbanization and commerce. A grand marketplace is central to the town, surrounded by residential districts and various businesses. The castle itself is heavily fortressed, and boasts a large and experienced force of knights to both protect the perimeter and serve as protectors for the rest of the kingdom. The entire Kingdom remains on edge, fearing a resurgence of the calamity. Green and Blue both reside in castle town, and find themselves in training to become elite knights for the Hyrule forces. Brought up from different walks of life, they’re unlikely friends and rivals. 
In the ruins of the Temple of Time, a destroyed relic of past devotions, looming above on the Great Plateau, a portal is opened. The calamity may have gone, but the final battle has unknowingly left a rift between the world of light and shadow. A lone traveler from the mirror realm of darkness, going by the name Shadow, finds themself accidentally passing through the portal and into the world of light. They attach themself to Vio, who is trespassing in the ruins, on the hunt for more information on a prophecy he heard from the Rito tribe. The pair becomes an unlikely duo, as the prophecy and the emergence of the portal lead them to an adventure bigger than themselves. 
To bring adventurers together, there must be some form of relationship between everyone. Blue and Green have known each other since school days, building a bond of trust and friendship. Blue and Vio are distant cousins, and reconnect when Vio arrives at castle town with news of an unearthed prophecy. The group meets Red when passing through Kakariko, and discover that Vio’s prophecy may be intertwined with the Sheikah legend that caused Red to be dropped off at the temple steps. Red insists on joining the group, and is quickly recognized by the adventurers as an asset in both practical and intuitive ways. Green, Blue, and Red become a tightly knit trio, while Vio keeps a degree of separation, preferring to confide in Shadow in the darkness of night. Shadow hides himself away in the daylight, and attempts to keep himself secret from the other three for fear of being labelled a monster. 
The Prophecy
The Rito have unearthed a partial scroll, hidden in the caverns below Rito Village, which depicts a mass of darkness, assumed by many to be a reference to the previous calamity; however, Vio notes four symbols depicted in the light beside the darkness, which he doesn’t recognize from any of the histories capturing the tragedy. There is faded scripture which, when translated, mentions a “temple in the sky.” Hoping to be the first to solve this mystery himself, Vio goes under the cover of night and tresspasses beyond the walled off boundaries of the plateau. This is where he uncovers another piece of the scroll, and unknowingly is bound to Shadow. This scroll describes a journey, and four hidden relics of great power.
The Sheikah’s piece of the prophecy surrounds the origins of the four heroes meant to wield this ancient power. Inua has been told that four, born under a golden harvest moon on the hundredth anniversary of the calamity’s demise, would be sent by the goddesses to ward off a coming evil. Red was brought to Inua’s door sixteen years prior, and has been hidden away ever since, learning as much as they can about the prophecy within Kakariko. The Sheikah kept quiet about their known prophecy to keep the fears of evil at bay, and as a result relied on a chance encounter for the four heroes to meet. Blue is skeptical, but Green is enthralled at the chance to be a hero, as he was raised on the stories of Link, the sealer of darkness. 
With both of these foundational pieces of the puzzle, the group sets off to find out whatever they can about these four relics, while working to find more clues about the coming evil, and battling against time as the hour of darkness crawls closer and closer.
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artemis099 · 3 years
Writer’s Tag
Thank you @gottaread2 for tagging me in this. I’m sorry it took so long for me to respond but I appreciate you and thank you for thinking of me!
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 Word Count?
What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Crystal Clearing
Smooth As Champagne
Seeing the Other Side
Do you respond to comments?
Definitely!! I love discussing my works and any feedback people take the time to leave. I’m always overjoyed when I see the care people take to leave a note and I want to make sure they know that I really appreciate that they cared enough to say anything.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
It’s difficult to say because I’ve done a few more openended stories that had bleaker outlooks but without taking into the canonical happenings of season five of Gotham then I suppose the worst one would be Mockery of a Friend.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Bleeding Love is probably the happiest. The angst in it isn’t due to conflict between the characters s much as a characters conflict amongst themselves which allowed for a sweeter resolution not tainted by past betrayal or layers of hurt leading to that point.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
I have written a few crossovers and have a few more in mind if I write them down but currently the craziest one I have is likely Residential Hazard. Artemis Fowl meets Resident Evil Seven and nobody has a fun time.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Thankfully not. Everyone who drops by has been super kind and amazing.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Funnily enough my first two stories did include smut but I found that I really didn’t like writing it and I had to force myself to create the scenes in them so I no longer write them because I just find it to be a struggle that I don’t have to put myself through if I don’t want to.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge and hopefully it’ll never happen.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No I haven’t but I would be honored if anyone ever decided they would like to.
Have you ever co-written a story before?
Not currently but I am interested in doing so and open to the idea.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
This is a difficult question because my all time favorite ship only lasts until I move onto a different source of media then it changes to whoever I latch onto for that work. I will say that my all time favorite type of ship is friends to lovers like Ethan and Benny from MBAV. I think it’s really sweet when they go from besties that already kind of seem like they’re in a relationship to oh yeah, we pretty much already date might as well make it official.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
My WIP is actually a series. I started a Gotham College AU where Edward met Oswald but it was a year or two ago and I don’t think I’m ever actually going to finish it. I started it with no idea of where to even go with it and I have no clue on what would even happen next.
What are your writing strengths?
I think my strengths lie in creating a plot and a storyline to follow. As is, I typically have the story planned out in my head before I write it down on paper. That way I won’t be tempted to abandon it or give up.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Rushing my ending is definitely a problem I suffer from. Once I get near the end I just want to have the story written down and be done with that. I have to take extra care to try and make sure I don’t just throw something together in some form of conclusion and call it done. There have been a couple where that’s also definitely what I did and I’m not sure if it’s noticeable or not when some reads it.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Mad respect to the people who are willing to do that but it makes me too nervous to try. I only know one language and I don’t want to butcher a different one by trying and then it end up being a horrible mess so I only stick to English.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
HunterxHunter was the first fandom I wrote for.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
That is a tough question. There are certainly some stories that I like better than others but to try and pick a favorite is a monstrous task. At the end of the day though I suppose my favorite is The End of the Line. It just flowed when I tried to write it and I thought it was a neat idea. It also was how I meet @weeinterpreter and that is certainly something I’m glad is happened.
Tagging: Absolutely anyone that sees this and wants to play.
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not-poignant · 4 years
Oh god a SOTS Efnisien spinoff? PLEASE TELL ME MORE
Basically it’s called Falling Falling Stars, yes it already has a lengthy playlist on Spotify and I’ve been thinking about it for several months, actually. (Tbh I’ve been thinking about SOTS Efnisien since I finished SOTS, so for a long-ass time).
It will focus on Spoils of the Spoiled Efnisien, who - as we know - we last saw in a residential treatment facility, with Gwyn having learned that he’s not a sociopath at all, but someone with severe obsessional obsessive compulsive disorder who was enabled into his intrusive thoughts by Crielle.
The AU spinoff is set three years into the future, with Efnisien in outpatient care (instead of inpatient care), basically living an extremely grey, somewhat bleak life (though I’m sure not as bleak as some people want it to be), exploring the idea of rehabilitation for someone like Efnisien given the depth of his intrusive thoughts and everything he’s done.
It absolutely won’t be a Gwyn/Efnisien end-game, they are going to stay strictly platonic (despite Efnisien’s feelings on the matter), and frankly, we won’t be seeing much of the general Fae Tales cast at all, so you can expect a lot of original characters.
I’ve already finished the first chapter, lol.
It will obviously not be easy reading, given it’s Efnisien’s POV and he’s dealing with extremely intrusive thoughts of a graphic, violent and cruel nature on a regular basis. But he’s also not...the Fae Tales Efnisien people are used to in the canon or The Wildness Within. He’s very much a complex human being who is getting excellent treatment learning how to live with himself and often deciding he doesn’t really want to.
I’ve always been on the fence about writing this, mostly because it’s one thing to write a character as straight up evil, but it’s another to do that, have them be cruel to animals and the most vulnerable people, and then write a rehabilitation story that focuses on their recovery, which entails watching them receive compassion and learn how to grow. And, imho, that requires a lot of mental gymnastics on my part, and also will be straight up offputting to a lot of readers who either a) just want Efnisien to stay 100% 2-dimensional and evil thanks or b) actually enjoy Efnisien being evil towards Gwyn and want that sadistic relationship instead of a recovery-based story or c) just want to read a story of him suffering (don’t worry, he does suffer, lol).
Like it’s one thing to rehabilitate someone like Augus who literally didn’t start off evil but kind of had a bad patch caused by severe trauma, but Efnisien is in a whole other ballpark, lol.
For me, Efnisien is a victim of profound abuse, but in a way that masks that victimhood from everyone else - including himself. I maintain that any child who can only get love by being cruel to others is probably going to learn how to associate being cruel to others with being loved, and if that’s your formative childhood, you start in a place that is beyond fucked up.
And that’s the place I want to explore re: Efnisien.
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