#rescuing tenko shimura
denkisauce · 2 months
(bnha manga ending spoilers)
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what was the point
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what was the point
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what was the point
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what was the pointtttt
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brewsbrownies · 13 days
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Tenko as a U.A. student cause I love him ❤
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smolthealmighty · 2 years
Kotaro, holding up Tenko: “I made it with love.”
Kurogiri, snatching Tenko away: “You made it with love, but you still fucked it up.”
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helga-grinduil · 2 years
post-canon (5-7+++ years) moth-themed underground hero shigaraki 👁_👁
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codenamesazanka · 3 months
Eri's touted as sort of a 'Tenko But Things Went Right', which isn't wrong, but I feel like her save relied a lot of luck too. And luck shouldn't be a determining factor in child welfare??
It was by pure chance that Deku and Mirio first encountered her. 100% random bump. Nighteye had no idea about any child in the Shie Hassakai compound, despite having staked it out for at least a few days already.
The rescue effort was launched to save Eri, yes, but only because the Heroes had that one lucky detail to connect “DNA inside bullets” to “visibly injured child”. Without that...who knows? If Heroes had no compelling evidence to storm the compound, would they have just continued a routine drug investigation? If they raided the compound but didn’t know about the child beforehand, what would’ve happened to her? Shunted off to an orphanage because she’s ‘a criminal/yakuza’s child’? Place under HPSC supervision because of her relation to the bullets?
The manga itself stated that Eri was going to be sent off to an orphanage, BUT her out-of-control quirk was cause for concern and fortunately there was the one (1) guy who can suppress her quirk and help train her - who happened to be a teacher at a private educational campus run by a multi-millionaire who can afford to take her in as a ward. How amazingly lucky!!!! (And everyone themselves said that they were hoping to teach Eri how to use her quirk so that she can cure Mirio. How nice that her quirk is deadly but also has this miraculous healing ability that lends this additional incentive to take her in.) Eri is still only in custody of UA because her last living blood relative, her grandfather, is still in a coma. Would Pops ever want her back, if he ever wakes up? Would UA let him? Good thing UA has the resources and connections to win a custody battle, in this case.
Plus, before all of that, Eri was already another abandoned child, way before the Heroes ever learned of her. Her mom abandoned her; then her grandfather took her in, but when he fell into a coma, she ended up with the worse possible caretaker. Yeah, Overhaul is Overhaul, but a relative falling ill and being unable to take care of a child is something that can happen to any family.
Eri was abandoned by her mom because she killed her dad. What on earth was the police doing then? Did her mom is not report this? Five seconds after the dad disappeared, the mom immediately plopped the toddler in the car seat and drove her off to Pops? Or is it more likely the mom screamed and panicked and called emergency services, but it turned out that there’s nothing to be done about the dad… and then emergency services also apparently did nothing about the mom or Girl With Newly Lethal Quirk or the beginning of quirk counseling so that the mom could understand the accident as ‘mutant quirk’ and not ‘curse’??
There were points where Eri could've been saved, before she ever bumped into Deku, before Overhaul put Pops in a coma and started cutting her up.
Similarity, saving Tenko shouldn't have just been 'Hero happened to be in the area and wasn't busy and was able to spot this injured child and go help him' (if it doesn't turns out AFO was behind this too lol), or 'if only there could've been a Hero 15 years ago who could handle his quirk, hold his hand, and give him relief'. It should've been 'first person who saw this injured child called the police or took Tenko to a police box'. It should've been 'Kotarou's last act of parenting was not to pick up garden shears and whack his kid with it, but know to keep calm and know what to do in a quirk emergency' or whatever. It should've been 'the three other adults in the household had enough conscience to not let Kotarou bully his toddler'. Hell, it should've been 'All Might and Gran kept tabs on the Shimura boy'.
idk. I just don't think 'Luckily a Hero noticed!' is good enough.
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scary-grace · 14 days
Enough to Go By (Chapter 15) - a Shigaraki x f!Reader fic
Your best friend vanished on the same night his family was murdered, and even though the world forgot about him, you never did. When a chance encounter brings you back into contact with Shimura Tenko, you'll do anything to make sure you don't lose him again. Keep his secrets? Sure. Aid the League of Villains? Of course. Sacrifice everything? You would - but as the battle between the League of Villains and hero society unfolds, it becomes clear that everything is far more than you or anyone else imagined it would be. (cross-posted to Ao3)
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Chapter 15
Your experiences with the cops have been mixed, but right now, the cops are so relieved that someone’s found Eri that they don’t ask you too many questions. They run your name through the database, of course, but when they come up with no prior arrests and the fact that you’re quirkless, you can actually see them write you off as a suspect. Sometimes your uselessness works to your advantage. You’re planning to make a clean getaway, but Eri wakes up as you’re trying to put her down and starts to cry. You try to remember who she said she wanted earlier. “Can you bring, um, Deku? She said something about him.”
Deku is a bizarre name for a hero. You wonder what Midoriya Izuku was smoking when he picked it out. “Let me see,” the officer on duty says. She smiles at Eri, who squeezes her eyes shut and hugs the plush corgi even closer to her chest. “I’ll make a call. You might have to wait with her.”
“That’s okay,” you say. You’re sort of interested to meet Midoriya Izuku. Tenko hates him, and you want to know what Tenko’s up against. “I don’t mind.”
It’s not a long wait. Maybe forty-five minutes. Forty-five minutes of Eri tossing and turning restlessly in your arms, waking briefly and falling asleep again, sometimes crying whether she’s awake or asleep, before two heroes come barreling into the police station. You know the first one is Midoriya, but you’ve seen the second one before, too – Eraserhead, Class 1-A’s homeroom teacher. The one who was defending his psychopath student on national TV.
Anger flares up inside you, and you fight to tamp it down. You can’t look defensive or hostile. You need to look harmless and quirkless and maybe a little stupid, so you’ll register as such a nonevent that the idea of you being involved with the League of Villains will never cross their minds. Midoriya reaches you first, out of breath and a little panicked. “Eri! Are you okay!”
She stirs slightly, and while Midoriya’s trying to figure out how to yank her out of your arms while still asking nicely, Eraserhead arrives. He activates his quirk at once, although you’re not sure who he’s trying to use it on. “Why is she unconscious?”
“She’s sick,” you say. “She was like that when I found her.”
“Why didn’t you bring her to the hospital? That would have been the logical choice.”
“You’re supposed to bring lost kids to the police, aren’t you?” You let your face fall slightly. “I just wanted to do the right thing. I wasn’t sure.”
“You brought Eri back. That’s the most important thing.” Midoriya’s focused on her. “Where did you find her?”
“I was walking home from the grocery store and I heard something in an alley. I thought it was a cat, but I went to look and it was her.” You’re a better liar than Tenko is. You know how many details to add, when to be nonspecific. “Do you know how she got there?”
“We don’t comment on active –”
“The League of Villains took her,” Midoriya says, cutting Eraserhead off. “We rescued her from Overhaul – it was on the news – but they took her before we could take her to the hospital. They must have decided to give her back.”
“They dumped her,” Eraserhead corrects sharply. “Giving her back would entail taking her to a police station or a hospital.”
“But they couldn’t go there without getting arrested,” Midoriya says. He holds out his arms, and you pass Eri in her blanket bundle to him. He looks at you over her head. “Did she say anything about them?”
“No,” you say. An idea pops into your head and you run with it – something to push back on the story Eraserhead is telling himself, something to make Midoriya think he’s right. Something to confuse them both, to make sure that the story Tenko was afraid they’d tell isn’t the one that survives. “She had the blanket when I found her. And the toy.”
“Oh,” Midoriya says. Eraserhead doesn’t say a word. He doesn’t look happy. “She seems like she really likes it.”
Even in her sleep, she has it crushed to her chest. You keep playing dumb. “Can she keep it?”
“Of course,” Midoriya says at once. “Right, sensei – er, Eraserhead?”
“If nothing is wrong with it, and she wouldn’t prefer a toy not given to her by a villain, yes.”
So she will get to keep it. It’s just an ordinary toy. You’ve made the handoff to the heroes, and now you can go. But would the slightly brain-dead civilian you’re playing just go? You get to your feet, but hesitate. “Is she going to be okay?”
“Yes,” Eraserhead says. “She’ll be in good hands. Much better hands than she’s been in over the past twenty-four hours.”
You start nodding, ignoring the surge of frustration at the comparison between Tenko and Overhaul, and turn to leave. Eraserhead’s hand comes down on your shoulder as you’re walking away and scares the hell out of you. “What’s your name?”
“The police have it.” Wrong answer. If you had nothing to hide, you’d just have said your name a second time. You start babbling to cover up the error. “They looked me up and everything. Did you know they keep addresses? Like all the addresses I’ve ever lived at. It’s so weird!”
“Did you see anything?” Eraserhead asks. You shake your head. “Was anyone in the alley with her?”
You shake your head. “I only saw her. I wouldn’t have known she was there if she hadn’t made a sound.”
“She’s lucky you went to investigate,” Eraserhead says. The weird look you give him isn’t even slightly faked. “Most people wouldn’t.”
“Oh,” you say. “I – um – I’m glad I looked, too. It was – nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too,” Midoriya says. He’s awkwardly rocking Eri. “Sensei, should we call an ambulance?”
“That would be best.”
They’re not paying attention to you anymore. You leave, feeling like you’ve dodged a bullet or ten.
The League is in a celebratory mood when you get back. Defeating Overhaul and cementing Tomura’s status as the next leader of the criminal underworld is a big deal, and you’re happy, too – but at the same time, you’re stuck on the fact that life as you know it is ending. If the Hassaikai could find you, other people could, too, and you’re still quirkless. Defenseless. It’s not safe for you to be here on your own. And Ryuhei was right. As the team’s medic, you have to actually be with the team to do any good. It’s right that you should leave. It was going to happen eventually. And you still feel like you’re losing something you can’t replace.
Because you are. After this, you won’t be a civilian anymore. Even if you’re not committing serious crimes yourself, the semblance of a normal life you’ve been maintaining will die away. You’ll be like your cousin Manami for real. Except that compared to what you’re mixed up in, Manami’s strictly small-time.
“I’m gonna miss this place,” Spinner remarks, sprawling out with his feet up on your couch. It takes way too much effort not to cry.
You head back to your room to pack long before everyone else starts to settle down. What are you supposed to bring with you when you go on the run? Your costume, obviously. Medical supplies, obviously, which you’ll restock from the soon-to-be-set-up supply caches when you need to. Changes of clothes, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush? You try to figure it out based on what the League’s been asking you to buy for them, and it already feels like you’ve got too much stuff in the backpack you’re bringing with you. And that’s not even counting the evidence.
There’s not much left of Shimura Tenko. You’re pretty sure you have all of it, and there’s not room for it in your backpack, even with the plush corgi finding a new home, and you can’t leave it here for whoever searches your apartment once you’ve gone missing. The smart thing would be to get rid of it. Crumple up the valentine, shred the photos, throw the album away, flush the locket down the toilet and forget about it all. But you don’t want to do that. You don’t want Shimura Tenko to exist only in your memory. If something happens to you, it’ll be like he never existed at all.
You fold the valentine carefully, slide it into an empty sleeve of the photo album. You bury the album at the bottom of the backpack. The locket lands on the nightstand, to put on later. That just leaves you with the journal. You haven’t read through it at all yet, and even though you’re pretty sure you’ll be flushing the pages down the toilet, you decide that you should read a few of them first.
It takes only a few seconds for you to wish you hadn’t. The journal starts when you’re seven, and all the feelings you hadn’t learned to hide yet are scrawled on the page. Anger, confusion, sadness, loneliness, hurt, guilt. So much guilt. You didn’t remember how hard your younger self had tried to find Tenko, how much trouble you’d gotten into for sneaking out to look for him. You didn’t remember how insane everyone made you feel – not just for believing that he was still alive, but for remembering him at all. It’s obvious in the weight of your pen against the paper, the heaviness of the strokes, the size of the characters. HE WAS REAL. HE WAS HERE.
As the pages turn and you grow older, your handwriting gets better, until the day you found out your parents were planning to wipe your memory, at which point you go insane for real. Given what a mess your handwriting was and how blurry and water-stained the paper is, you’re surprised you managed to pull it together long enough to hide the journal and everything else away.
You’ve always thought your parents were wrong to do what they did. You still think that. But when you read through the journal as an adult, you can catch the faintest glimpse of why they went that far. If you had a kid and they were doing this, you’d be worried. You wouldn’t know what to do. And if it was really you, you grown up for real with a kid you’ll never have, you’d be terrified, because you know where this leads. It leads to throwing away a decent life, a normal life, and following your best friend off the edge of the world.
There are a lot of pages in the journal. You have to flush them down the toilet in handfuls, and you’re so focused on getting rid of them that you don’t realize how weird it is to flush the toilet eight times in a row. Someone clears their throat and you look up to find Dabi and Toga watching you. “What are you doing?” Dabi asks.
“Disposing evidence.” You yank the last set of pages out of reach and flush them, too. “Get out of my room.”
Dabi leaves. Toga stays, poking through your bathroom cabinet. “Can I have this?” she asks, lifting up your meager makeup collection. You nod. “What about this?”
Perfume you never use. “If you want to carry it, it’s yours,” you say, and Toga grins. “Actually, if you help me pack, you can have whatever’s left in my closet. That you’re willing to carry.”
“You’re the best! I needed some new things.” Toga hugs you, then turns to your dresser and closet, all business. “Bring all your underwear. Like, all of it. We can’t do laundry very much and I don’t feel as gross when I can switch mine out.”
That’s reasonable. “Don’t bring anything with short sleeves or anything sleeveless. Warm stuff only. It’s getting really cold at night,” she continues. She starts taking things out of your dresser and putting them on the bed. You can’t tell if she’s picking them for herself or for you. “Find a way to wear your hair that won’t get messed up too easy. We won’t get to wash it very often, either.”
Your hair’s going to be hidden by the veil, but that’s still smart. Toga has more suggestions – clothes with sturdy fabric, bras that aren’t uncomfortable to sleep in – before she gets serious. “Period stuff. I made Mister shrink a whole bunch of it, but it sucks to have to ask him to un-compress it.”
“That was really smart, though. It makes stuff a lot easier to carry.”
“We should have him compress most of the supplies,” Toga says, her eyes brightening. “That way we can carry more!”
She runs off to tell Tomura and the others, and you go back to reorganizing your backpack to fit Toga’s must-haves in it. She comes back a few minutes later, all business once more. “If you have jewelry, bring it so we can sell it if we need money,” she says. “And just to have. It’s nice to look pretty sometimes.”
“I’ll take your word for it.”
She throws a sock at you. “Being mean to yourself isn’t cute. Tomura-kun likes you how you are. Overhaul was really gross and even he liked you.”
“He didn’t like me. He just knew he could use me to get to Tomura.” You feel guilty when you think about it. You could have derailed Tomura’s plans so easily, just by being weak, being unable to fight for yourself. You need to fix that. “I wasn’t saying I’m ugly. I’m just saying I don’t think about that a lot. Anyway – jewelry?”
Toga nods, and you start digging your jewelry out of its various hiding spots. Rather than investing in a jewelry box with a lock that Compress could pick in two seconds, you scattered your small collection around your room, figuring Compress would give up the hunt rather than risk Tomura’s wrath. It must have worked, because everything is right where you left it, and none of it’s been replaced by one of Twice’s copies. You’re hoping Toga will let the subject drop, but she doesn’t. Not quite. “How did you make Tomura-kun fall in love with you?”
“That’s a strong word,” you say, thankful you’ve got your back to her right now. Neither you nor Tomura has said the L word. In your case, it’s not because you don’t feel it. You don’t know why you’ve held back on saying it out loud. “I didn’t make him. We just spent time together and it happened.”
“That won’t work for me.” Toga’s frowning. “I like Ochako – and Izuku – and Tsu. But they won’t spend time with me because they’re heroes.”
Your inclination is to tell Toga to find a more realistic crush, but you’re also not an asshole. “You’ve seen Ochako and Izuku at least twice, right?” you ask, and she nods. “When you see them next, try to make a strong impression, I guess. Since you don’t get to spend time with them very much, you have to make it count.”
“Something romantic,” Toga says, and you nod. “When I do that, can I have these earrings? Green looks good with my eyes.”
“And what about this? Can I –” Toga breaks off, gasps. You turn to find her standing by the nightstand, your locket open in her hand. “Who’s this? Is this –”
You see it in her eyes when she realizes. She claps a hand over her mouth, which is good. Now you don’t have to do it for her. “You can’t tell the others,” you say, keeping your voice low. “Please don’t.”
“I won’t if you tell me everything.” Toga looks shocked and gleeful at the same time. It’s a weirdly intimidating expression. “Otherwise I have to talk to people so they can help me guess. I won’t need to if there’s nothing to guess about.”
You don’t want to tell anyone, but you want out of this conversation, and you don’t want it to leave this room. You sit down on the end of the bed, well clear of the stuff you’re trying to pack, and Toga plops down next to you cross-legged. “I knew him when we were kids,” you start. “We lived across the street from each other. We were best friends until – um –”
“He used to be normal?” Toga looks amazed. “What happened?”
“His quirk awakened. It –” You trail off. You’re not sure how to describe the carnage in what was left of Tenko’s house. It’s not your story to tell. “He disappeared after that. It was fifteen years before I saw him again.”
“How did you know it was him? He looks so different now than he does in the picture.”
“The scratching. He did that as a kid, too. And he remembered me, sort of.” You remember the way he froze when you said his name, how fast he ran from you. You’ve never asked him why he ran away. “There isn’t really that much to tell. That’s it.”
“Childhood sweethearts. That’s so romantic!” Toga beams. You’re not sure you want to call it that when the two of you were only five – but there’s a photo of the two of you swapping valentines right before you kissed him, so you can’t really argue. “He loves you so much. I can always smell when people are in love. He’d do anything for you.”
No, he wouldn’t. You’re pretty sure there’s one thing Tomura wouldn’t do for anyone. You search Toga’s face, looking for any hint that she’s planning to double-cross you. “I held up my end of things. You can’t tell anyone.”
“Why not? I bet they’d think it’s cute.”
“It’s not safe for many people to know,” you say. You think of how Tomura reacted when you told him Kurogiri had brought you to All For One, how relieved he was that you hadn’t revealed yourself. Even with All For One locked up in Tartarus, you don’t want that information getting out. “My friends Yoshimi and Mitsuko and Ryuhei know, and my other friend Kazuo. And now you.”
“Because we’re friends.” Toga hugs you from the side. “I’m so glad you’re finally coming with us! Jin is the best big brother ever, but I can’t talk to him about things like I can talk to another girl.”
“If we’re friends, we have to keep each other’s secrets,” you say. “Even if the others would think it’s cute. You have to promise not to tell.”
“Fine. I won’t tell.” Toga heaves a sigh. She snaps the locket closed and hands it back to you. “I should get one of these. I want pictures of Ochako and the others!”
“Maybe you can steal one,” you say, wondering if this counts as helping the League commit a crime. You’ve stayed out of Kazuo’s searches this long, but you don’t think you’ll be able to much longer. “And it’s not like pictures of them are hard to find. I’ll help if you get one.”
She hugs you again, and the two of you go back to packing. You fasten the locket around your neck instead of putting it on the nightstand. Now that multiple members of the League feel fine coming into your room without asking, it’s not safe to leave it lying around.
Toga’s tired by the time you’re done packing, and so is everyone else. When she leaves, you can hear them all settling down for the night in the living room, bemoaning the fact that this is the last time they’ll have a soft bed for a while. You, meanwhile, need to make sure your absence goes unnoticed for as long as possible. Tenko comes in while you’re composing an email to your supervisors, telling them that you need to take a leave of absence from work for the sake of your mental health. It would be a good idea even if you didn’t need to go on the run.
Tenko shuts the door, sits down behind you on the bed, and wraps himself around you. “What are you doing?”
“Covering my tracks. My family won’t notice for months, but work will notice I’m missing unless I give them a reason not to look.” You scan the email one last time and send it, then shut the lid of your laptop. “I should probably leave this here, right?”
“Maybe not. It would be good to have it,” Tenko says. He notches his chin over your shoulder. “If your job thinks you’re on leave, then it won’t look weird that you’re still connecting to the internet. You can probably bring your phone and keep in contact with the others, too.”
“Okay.” You slide your laptop and charger into your backpack. “But I still have to go.”
“Yeah. It’s not safe,” Tenko says. “The heroes might not have captured all of Overhaul’s minions, and he could have left instructions for them. And they won’t be the last enemies we make. I need you to be safe, and the only way I can make sure is if you’re with me.”
It’s quiet for a second. “Do you not want to come with me?”
“I do,” you say. “It’s just – I don’t know. The way I’ve been helping is the way I’m most useful to you. I can’t fight. I don’t have a quirk. I can find a weapon somewhere and I can do the medic thing, but –”
“Don’t say you’re useless.”
You weren’t going to, but it’s what you’re thinking, and Tenko knows you too well. He hugs you a little closer. “What else?”
The question leaves your mouth before you can think it through all the way. “I want to know where this ends.”
“Overhaul really got inside your head, huh?”
“It’s not about him,” you say. You’ve opened this can of worms. You might as well dump it out. “When we were kids, it didn’t matter that we never won. There was always another day. We could start over as many times as we needed to, and try as many things as we could think of until something worked. But this isn’t like that. When people get hurt, it sticks. When they die, they die, and we can’t get them back.”
You think of Hirono and Sho. Of Magne, who’s not dead but who’s locked up with no way for you and the others to rescue her. “I don’t want us to keep fighting forever. I want us to win fast, before we lose anyone else. And I don’t know what winning looks like.”
“When all of this is destroyed,” Tenko says, like it’s obvious. “There’s no piece of it that isn’t built on lies. Even your job, the stuff you do – it wouldn’t have to happen if the heroes and the idiots who worship them didn’t keep throwing people away. It can’t be fixed from the inside, so we have to tear it down. I have to. It’s what I’m here for.”
You want to argue, but you won’t win. You know you won’t. “And what about after it’s gone?”
“I don’t know,” Tenko says. ��But you do.”
You can’t manage anything more than a stunned silence. “I know it needs to be destroyed,” Tenko continues. “Anybody who’s not lying to themselves can see that. But I haven’t lived in it. Not like you and the others have. So when there’s nothing left, you can decide what to put in its place.”
He tucks his head in against the side of your neck. You can feel his eyelashes flutter against your skin. “You were always better at telling the stories than me, anyway. They were never any good on the days you stayed home.”
“Don’t you have any ideas?” you ask faintly. “About what it should be like? It’ll be your world too.”
“You wanted to know where it ends. That’s where,” Tenko says. “We win when we tear everything down. When it’s all gone, you and the others get to choose what happens next. It should be mostly you. Maybe Spinner, too, if you need help with anything.”
“What about you?” Foreboding creeps over you, making your skin crawl. “Where are you going to be, Tenko? When this is all over?”
“When it’s all over there won’t be a point to me anymore.”
“No.” You twist in Tenko’s arms, putting the two of you face to face. He avoids your gaze, which is how you know you’re right, how you know that you picked up the real meaning in what he said. “That’s not how this works. It’s not winning unless you’re with me afterwards.”
“Don’t worry about it. Are you with me or not?” He’s stubborn. You’re stubborn, too. More stubborn than he is – but he’s still talking. “It was nice to think about while we were here. What it would have been like to be normal. But that won’t happen. Not even after we’re done with all this, so there’s no point –”
“Who said I wanted normal?” You cut him off. “I’m your sidekick. That means I’m with you no matter what. So if you want me to get through this and build a new world, you’d better be planning to come with me. Because if you’re not, I’m staying right here with you.”
Are you making some kind of suicide pact? You don’t think so. You think you’re just trying to get it through Tenko’s head that the two of you are in this together, no matter where it goes or how far it goes. He’ll destroy this world that’s hurt him, that’s hurt the League, that’s hurt you and so many others – and then you’ll build a new one, one where everyone has at least a shot at being happy. Everyone. Including him.
Tenko still won’t look at you. You cup his face in your hands, run your thumb across the scar on his lip, and his gaze drifts back to you. “Are you coming with me or not?”
“I – yeah.” Tenko’s red eyes stay focused on yours this time. “I mean, I guess. If you’re serious.”
“I’m serious,” you say, and he kisses you.
He’s not wearing his gloves. You have to pull away so he can put them on, and then again to get more comfortable on the bed – and then again so he can take off his shirt. As soon as Tenko has his shirt off, he’s pulling at yours, and once it’s gone, he drags you into his arms, holding on almost painfully tight. He kisses you hard enough that his lips split in spite of your best efforts. He needs to slow down. You need to slow him down. But when you frame his face with your hands again, he melts against you in a way that’s impossible to resist. Maybe you’re the one who needs to change this time.
Every moment, every motion, fades seamlessly into the next. It feels natural to kiss the scar over the side of his mouth, and the birthmark below it, and move from there to kissing his neck. It’s natural to hook your leg over his hip, to roll to your back and pull him down on top of you. It only makes sense to peel off your pants and unbutton Tenko’s and slide your hand inside, palming him through his underwear. It feels right to kiss him while you touch him, even if it’s a shame to have to muffle the sounds he makes with your mouth. The destruction of everything and the creation of a new world feels so distant that it might as well be a dream. The only thing that matters is the texture of his skin under your hands, the brush of his hair against your cheek, the sound of his breathing and of his voice when he says your name.
“Stop,” Tenko says, his voice shaking, and you obey, withdrawing your hand from his waistband and resting it flat against his stomach. “I want – not like this. This time. I want us to – can we –”
He’s pulling at the waistband of your underwear, and it clicks in your head. There’s something the two of you haven’t done yet. “Sex,” you say. Tenko nods. He looks worried, like there’s a chance you’ll make fun of him or say no. “There are condoms in the nightstand.”
“I thought they were in the bathroom.”
“I moved them,” you say. “Is that weird?”
“No,” Tenko says. “You were thinking about it, too.”
You have been, on and off. You figured it would happen organically, but tonight is sort of your last chance to get your first time out of the way if you want your first time to happen in a bed behind closed doors. “I’ve been thinking about it,” you say. You wind your fingers into Tenko’s hair and tug lightly. “Want me to tell you what I’ve been thinking about?”
Tenko sucks in a breath. “Yes.”
You talk to him while he struggles out of his clothes and searches for the condoms you put in the nightstand. “I’ve been thinking about it,” you say, trying to shed any hint of self-consciousness. “I thought about riding you. Maybe holding your hands down, too – not so you can’t touch me, but so you don’t have to do anything but let me make you feel good. I thought about letting you take me from behind, so you’re in control of everything, start to finish. I’d trust you with that. I know you’d feel so good that I wouldn’t care about anything else.”
Tenko’s gloved hands are shaking as he tries to unwrap the condom. His cock looks almost agonizingly hard. “But then I decided,” you continue, trying not to stare, “that I want you on top of me, this time. I want to see you.”
“I like looking at you,” you say. You could get into it more, but you’re worried you’d embarrass him. “Tell me what you’ve been thinking about.”
He doesn’t seem to know what to do with the condom now that he’s opened it. Then again, he’s never been to sex ed. You take it from him. “I was thinking,” Tenko starts, then shudders as you roll the condom down over his length. “I – fuck, I don’t know, I’m not good at this like you are. I want – you –”
“We can work the rest out later.” You lie back, legs spread, and pull him down with you. “Let’s start here.”
You help him align his cock with your entrance, lift your hips to make it easier as he sinks into you for the first time. Tenko’s a stretch, just shy of uncomfortable, more than enough to make your head spin. Your hands are shakier than you want them to be as you reach for him, and the low moan that exits his mouth sends a rush of heat through you and makes your muscles clench tight. Tenko’s hips give a frantic jerk. “Don’t do that. I can’t last if you –”
“I can’t – not,” you gasp. “You feel even better than I thought you would.”
Tenko’s hips jerk again. You see him grit his teeth, clench his jaw, and his first real thrust is shallow, shallow enough that your body aches for more. The next is deeper, but not by much, and the pattern he falls into deepens by increments, so small that you can barely feel a difference. You know he’s trying to hold himself together, trying not to come too soon, but it feels like he’s teasing you on purpose. Torturing you. almost. Giving you just enough of what you want that all you can think of is what you’re missing.
“Please,” you say, and Tenko’s eyes widen. “I need more. I don’t care if it’s over fast. I just want –”
He sinks into you to the hilt, leaving no space between you, and it takes all your willpower not to cry out. The pace he sets is faster this time, uneven enough to keep you on your toes if your toes weren’t curling already. The only problem is that it makes kissing difficult, and without it, you’re both a little too loud. Tenko’s trying to keep his mouth covered and keep his balance at the same time. You cover it for him with one hand while the other works its way between the two of you, finding your clit. You want the two of you to finish together, or close to it. You don’t want Tenko to worry that it wasn’t good.
You’re closer than you thought you were. A lot closer. “Tenko,” you murmur, your voice shaking. “Tenko, I need you. You feel so good like – there –”
You’d have helped him find this spot if either of you had the patience, but he’s found it on his own, and there’s nothing more you can do. A few uneven thrusts, the slightest pressure against your clit, and you’re coming on Tenko’s cock. You know instantly that you can’t keep quiet, and with both hands occupied, the only way to muffle yourself is to press your mouth against Tenko’s shoulder. He fucks you for a few more unsteady, rapid strokes as you tremble and whimper and moan into his shoulder. The barely-muffed sounds he makes when he comes send one last jolt through you, intense enough that you bite down.
Tenko slumps forward against you, shuddering. You free both hands to wrap your arms around him, holding on tight.  And then it’s quiet in your room, save for the sound of his breathing and yours.
Your mouth is still glued to his shoulder. You can taste his sweat. Or maybe blood. How hard did you bite him? Embarrassment creeps in through the haze, worse when you realize you’re still clinging to him for dear life. You need to loosen up five seconds ago. “Sorry –”
“Huh?” Tenko sounds half-asleep, and two of you are working at cross purposes. You’re trying to let him go, and he’s settling in for a nap. “Don’t do that. It’s nice.”
He yawns. You can’t let him fall asleep like this. You shove lightly at his shoulder. “You can sleep in a second. We have to, um – disengage.”
“Why? I’m comfortable.”
He wants to fall asleep still inside you. That would be surprisingly hot if the condom wasn’t an issue. “The condom might leak. That’s not good.”
“It isn’t?” Tenko yawns again.
You can’t tell whether Tenko doesn’t know where babies come from or if he’s just being obtuse on purpose. “Getting pregnant when we’re about to go on the run would be really bad.”
“You were really good with that kid.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” You don’t get an answer, and you decide you’re not going to worry about it right now. “Out.”
Tenko groans and pulls away. You have enough time to ditch the condom in the trash can in the bathroom, followed by the speediest bathroom break and hand-washing of your life, and as soon as you’re within arm’s reach again, Tenko yanks you back down. He flops down into the same position as before, minus actually being inside you, and you decide the comment from before can’t go unaddressed. “Me being good with kids wouldn’t make it less stupid to screw around with birth control.”
“Yeah,” Tenko says, although you’re not sure of how much of it he actually got. His breathing is already starting to even out. “I didn’t know you kept the dog.”
“I kept everything you gave me,” you say. “Are you mad I gave it to her?”
Tenko shakes his head, burrowing deeper into your shoulder in the bargain. The bitemark you left is already bruising. “You win,” he says. You’re puzzling over that, your own eyelids growing heavy, when Tenko speaks again. “I love you.”
Your jaw drops. Toga told you that Tenko felt that way, that she can always tell when someone’s in love, but hearing it come out of his mouth is something else entirely. Some part of you is elated to hear it. That part of you wants to shake him awake and kiss him and tell him that you love him, too – and not so subtly suggest depleting your condom supply a little bit further. That would be the thing that makes sense, the normal thing to do, the thing that somebody who’s loved him for as long as you have to do. You do love Tenko. You loved him when you were children, and you’re in love with him now as an adult. So why does the thought of saying so fill you with terror?
It’s not like you’ve never told someone you love them before. You told Kazuo, when the two of you were dating. It felt easy then. You talked to your cousin about it afterwards, because the two of you were close, and she was surprised to hear you say so. “It’s never easy for me,” she said, and you couldn’t quite hide your own surprise. “It’s easy to feel love. When I love somebody I feel so much I can’t stand it. But saying it out loud makes it real. Saying it changes them, and it changes me. So it’s harder to say for me than for you.”
You always thought that was because of Manami’s quirk, which powers up the person she loves most when she tells them how she feels, but maybe it isn’t. Maybe it’s hard for you to say to Tenko because it makes it real in your head – more real than being his girlfriend, than basically moving him into your apartment, than quitting your job and going on the run with him and his villainous organization on a mission to tear down the old world. It’s stupid to think that way, when it’s everything you’ve done that makes it real. After everything you’ve done, everything you’re planning to do, you’ve proved your love for Tenko. Maybe you don’t need to say it out loud.
And maybe Tenko didn’t mean it, either. The two of you just slept together for the first time, and Mitsuko always says that you can’t count on anything a guy says until at least an hour afterwards. It was just an aberration, and it’s not like he’s waiting for you to say it back – he’s fast asleep in your arms, maybe drooling a little bit on your shoulder. There’s nothing for you to worry about. You close your eyes.
It takes you a second to get your bearings in the morning, to remember everything that happened yesterday. It was a lot. Overhaul almost had you kidnapped. You returned the girl the League kidnapped to the police. You realized you’d be going on the run and had sex with Tenko for the first time, and – you become conscious of someone watching you, and you open your eyes to find Tenko, awake before you for once and watching you with his chin propped in his gloved hand.
His hair is messy and his lips are cracked and stained with dried blood, but he looks well-rested for once. “What is it?” you ask. “Is everything okay?”
“Then, uh –” You struggle with forming the question. “Why are you staring?”
“You’re my sidekick, and my girlfriend, and we leveled up so hard last night that I slept like a rock.” Tenko cracks a grin, and a new split appears in his lower lip. “And I love you. Is that a good enough reason?”
You reach out and pull him in for a kiss, hoping he’ll count it as a yes. You lick the blood away from his lips and run your fingers through his tangled hair and do everything you can to ignore the twinging in your chest, the weight on the tip of your tongue. You love Tenko. Saying it might change things, but you can’t avoid saying it forever. It isn’t right. And with your involvement in the destruction Tenko’s planned for the world all but assured, you need to do the right thing where you can.
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What do you think of afo giving shiggy decay
Oldest and favorite theory now to (very possibly) turn true in the manga. This was seriously one of my first theories when I joined the fandom!!!
Tumblr sucks at helping you find your own posts, meaning I have no way to link my old posts about it in this ask :( but anyway.
At first it was purely born from the frame of the shadow man with the hat delivering Tenko home and how strange it was that Tenko happened to awaken his quirk that day. There's also the fact that the man looked a lot like AFO, with the body structure, the suit and the face in shadows.
This is the panel that started it all:
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I remember a lot of people went against it 'cause it was anticlimactic for them. They thought that if AFO gave Tenko decay, that event was taking something from Tomura as a character, making him less interesting.
For me, it made sense because there were too many factors that you couldn't explain otherwise. Some of them are exposed here. There are too many variables for it to be a coincidence. Now, if AFO gave Tenko decay or if he did something to activate it that day... That's yet to know.
But for example, look here. AFO had a room fully prepared for Tomura. He had shelves full of books, a bed, a chair and a desk... He even had toys!
* it looks like some of the action figures had arms or even the head missing. One of them is fully on the ground.
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It wasn't long until Tomura had a PC installed too:
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It's clear that AFO was expecting him. For what I know from the Vigilantes manga and bnha, AFO didn't treat every kidnapped kid like that. He had a hospital full of kids to turn into nomus after all. He wasn't that involved with every experiment.
Tomura was clearly different from the star. He knew who Tomura was, he expected the tragedy to happen, he expected the quirk too. AFO never reached for Tomura's hands. He acted like he had already seen the state the Shimuras' house was left in. He knew where to look for Tenko, like he was following him.
And the way he spoke... It was too premeditated:
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He created that situation so he could play the role of Tenko's saviour. He needed Tenko to hate every hero, every citizen, he needed to feed his anger, his hurt. Or well, at least how's the theory goes.
AFO gave Tenko decay, waited for the result of an abused 5 years old reaching his limit and then he appeared like a knight in shining armor. He made sure to allow Tenko to walk around, he was also probably using his influence to interfere so a) the Shimuras deaths wouldn't become a scandal and b) no one would rescue Tenko before he could.
But going back to the "AFO gave Tenko decay" theory, I think the canon fact that supports that theory the most is that Tenko was already 5 years old. Here are the panels I'm referring to:
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There's always the question if the Shimuras had a quirk. We know Nana had hers, but nothing is said about Kotaro or Nao or even Hana. We don't know if they were mostly a quirkless family or if Tenko would be the first one of them.
For the way Tenko recounted his day to Nao, we know that he was at the park playing with some friends. Here:
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Between AFO picking Tenko up from the park and taking him home to his family, he must have done something. I don't know about the timeline... and if Giran could have already been associated with AFO... I just remembered that his quirk was the ability to muddy the memory of anyone up to five minutes prior or after he used it.
You see, Tenko never said anything to his family about the man that brought him home. We don't know what Tenko did when he "played the hero". We don't know what AFO told Nao. This is just theorizing, but giving someone a quirk by force doesn't hurt? From whom did AFO take decay if Tenko wasn't the original user?
Doc Garaki said it was a quirk never seen before...
I don't know. Since you asked me my opinion, I'll say that I'm still not very sure if AFO gave decay to Tenko or if it was Tenko's quirk from the start. It's not unheard of, since his case sounds a lot like Eri's, who developed a weirdly aggressive quirk on her own.
We're getting closer to being absolutely sure 'bout AFO's involvement with Tenko prior to the deaths of the Shimuras.
I just wonder what option fits better thematically.
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actuallysaiyan · 2 days
There's A Light(Tomura Shigaraki x Fem!Reader)
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warnings: mentions of death, fluff, angst, nightmares, mentions of Tenko's quirk, he's referred to as Tenko mostly in this fic word count: 0.7k pairings: Tomura Shigaraki/Tenko Shimura x Fem!Reader summary: it's the same nightmare every time, but this time you're there to help him calm down. a/n: my first Tenko fic!!!!!! Special thanks to: @kentocalls for the idea, @cherryblossombankai for encouraging me to write this. dividers by: @adornedwithlight and tagging @pixelcafe-network
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The sounds were still so intense. The vision of it was still so bright. The way they just crumbled away. Even poor Mon had just crumbled away. Tenko watches in horror as a spectator to the worst day of his life. He screams, clutching his face in the same way he had done that day. He’s screaming, crying as he can’t turn back time. It’s terrifying to watch it over and over and over again.
Then he wakes up. He’s…in your bed. With your cute lavender sheets that you swore helped with anxiety. So much for that, he thinks to himself. But he sees you snuggled up close to him, and that alone is enough to bring him back down to earth. It had only been a dream.
Just the worst dream ever.
You stir in your sleep, rolling over to be even closer to him. You blink in the darkness of the room and finally you notice that your boyfriend seems to be awake. It dawns on you that he might have had a nightmare. You look at him.
“Tenko…you okay?” you ask in a sleepy voice.
He shudders. “I’m…no, I’m not.”
You finally shake the rest of the sleep from your mind and you snuggle even closer to him. He finally gets close to you, wrapping his arms around you. Every time he touches you, he has to remember not to use his quirk. God, it would kill him to accidentally do that to you. And the way you just trust him not to fucking decay you. It kills him inside sometimes to even think of it.
“Didja have a nightmare?” you ask, your voice tinged with drowsiness.
“Yes, I did.”
You look into his eyes and play with his hair. He shudders again, wondering how the hell he even got this lucky to have such a wonderful person to love him. Nobody could ever take you away from him. He’d rather die than to give you up. You were everything to him and you pulled all this softness from him. You broke down those walls with kindness, patience and true love.
“The same one?”
Tenko nods, “Y-yeah…it’s always that one.”
He had told you what happened to his family. You were horrified that nobody but the worst man ever had come to his rescue. But you were a soothing balm for Tenko’s hurt soul. All the bruises, the scratches, the scars…oh you tenderly took good care of them and kissed his tears away.
“I know there’s nothing I can do or say to change that day,” you pressed a soft kiss to his chapped lips. “But I can tell you that I’m here with you forever.”
No, you couldn't change his past. But you could change his future. You could make sure he lives a happy life. You would be there with him for this nightmare and all the others that would be bound to happen in the near future. You could be the one to dry his tears and to kiss his wounds.
“I want you…I want you to stay with me.” His words sound so vulnerable. He touches your face and you smile.
Every time he touches you, it’s so sweet. It’s so warm. You know how easily he could lose control and the fact that he doesn’t, it shows his true devotion to you. His quirk could easily kill you. Except Tenko is so deeply in love with you, he can control it. It’s all for you.
“I’ll stay, my love. I won’t ever leave you, Tenko.”
You cup his cheeks and you place a soft kiss to his forehead first. Then you kiss the tip of his nose, which makes him laugh so softly. Then you kiss his lips, allowing it to go on for longer than just a few seconds.
“I used to be so scared…going to sleep used to be so scary. But now, even if I have nightmares, I know I’m safe.” He confesses, his smile a little more shy now.
“I promise, I’ll always be the light in your darkness.”
And it’s with sweet words like this that Tenko knows you are the one for him. You understand him like no other and he knows that you’ll always be right by his side.
With a few more shared kisses, Tenko finally feels comfortable enough to fall asleep.
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reblogs and comments always appreciated!
©actuallysaiyan 2024– do not repost on other platforms, copy, translate or edit my works!
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pikahlua · 3 months
What are your "inklings about the horror genre undertones in the LoV"?
The LoV who have died resemble vengeful spirits or monsters from the horror genre not just in aesthetic but in literary function. So far, the ways in which they have been saved have been less about "saving the lives of victims" as some people wish and more about "addressing the rage and pain of wronged, lingering ghosts so they may pass on peacefully." There's a supernatural element to the "rescue" as a result. It also creates a venue for a supernatural twist, such as perhaps a reincarnated Tenko Shimura.
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kesi-17 · 6 months
Ok interesting.
Spoiler alert
AFO has stolen someone's quirk to replace Shiggy's original quirk.
The quirk in question is called "disintegration", so the user can disintegrate smo or smt but can reconstruct it as well (but of course he didn't give the reconstruction part to Tenko).
Anyone who's obsessed with Chisaki probably noticed the quirk similarity to Overhaul's. I wonder if it is one of Chisaki's parents quirk. Did AFO kill them in order to have this quirk? Or did AFO give Chisaki his quirk too?
What if Chisaki is just a failed experiment (he is about 7/8 years older than Tenko)?
Maybe AFO was trying to make Chisaki his vessel but wasn't successful because Shiehassai Kai showed up and rescued him.
Then AFO found out about the Shimura family and talked to Shimura's father about having a baby and all.
There has to be a connection with Overhaul, there are too many parallels with him in the last chapter. Izuku has lost his hands too.
Now everything makes sense too. The reason why Horikoshi hasn't unwrap Chisaki's past might be the connection with AFO and Shimura.
It's possible that we'll encounter Chisaki with the rescue team from the last page and finally have a past reveal!
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Eight years following the Paranormal Liberation War's conclusion, Izuku Midoriya is quirkless, aimless, and assailed by guilt for his apparent inability to rescue the dying embers of Tenko Shimura. Although Ochako Uraraka would do absolutely anything to return purpose to her longstanding partner's life, she has a life of her own to tend to, one complicated by the endless demands of an post-war hero, a laboriously insistent social life, and passionate reform efforts. Ochako is ecstatic when, upon the announcement of the latest billboard charts ceremony, Izuku agrees to attend as her plus one. That is, until a feigned illness and sudden disappearance cause her to rethink her status as a hero altogether. Izuku Midoriya has been kidnapped by the ghosts of the war that stole his quirk, and if the two of them are being honest, they want nothing more than to give it back. With a few alterations, of course.
Read my fic? ✨✌️🥺
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senpaiquirks · 5 months
Tenko Shimura Quirk (Theory)
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Ok, so it's been confirmed that Tenko/Tomura originally did have a quirk - AFO just swiped it from him the moment he was born. But we do not currently know what that quirk exactly was.
So, before we begin, here are a few things to keep in mind: We do not know what quirk (if any) his mom or her side of the family had. And we do not know what quirk his sister got either (we know she got one by the time Tenko was born and it's partially why AFO never used her for his plans). So this speculation is solely based on Nana Shimura's quirk, as she is the grandma and we know she had 'Float'. And for now, we'll just assume his mom's side is all quirkless.
Ok, we good?
Now let's get onto my speculation of his quirk. <3
We know what Float does - it allows the person to literally float in air, though only to a certain degree. We don't know the exact range or how long it can work (or even the side effects of using it), but I assume it's similar to Ochako's 'Gravity' and causes a sense of nausea within the user. And it seems to work from whatever height they're currently at, so they need to get a good head start if they want to float from the height of something like a building.
So, from this, Tenko could've had the exact same quirk. And his personality is very similar to Nana's, right down to wanting to be a hero. But, I feel like his quirk would still be unique to him.
With the little info we have now, I theorize that his quirk would be something similar to Odd Thomas' ability. Basically, he'd be like a magnet - attracting and polarizing other objects/entities, especially if he's looking for said object/person. Which would be really cool, it'd make him super powerful especially as a Rescue Hero.
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theextratreefairy · 2 years
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Request: May I please request some Yandere Shoto Todoroki x reader, where the reader’s quirk is similar to The Scarlet Witch from MCU? (Y/n) was trying her best to stay away from being a hero but she got engaged to Shoto when they were little, Shoto really acts cold towards her but cares for her deeply. (Y/n) was wanted to be free from Shoto’s protectiveness, she doesn’t even want to be a hero at all. She always feels trapped whenever she spends time with him. She always trains alone with her quirk because she hated when Shoto would stare at her when she was in training.
As someone who is used to writing with, they/them pronouns for reader, I will still be using them, because it feels weird -. Warnings: creepy Shoto, angst, Reader is close to turning to the league of Villains, Reader knows Dabi's identity due to their quirk, Dabi actually adores Reader lol, sibling rivalry, I added Dabi because it seemed interesting, angst, Author hates it lol
Y!dark-ish!TodorokiShoto x unwilling!darling!Reader x platonic!Yandere!Dabi
Reader hated being in class 1-A, they hated how many times they were attacked by the League. And they hated how much they agreed with some of the League's views. They hated how their fiancée is pushing them towards that path.
But what made them go down that path faster is the comment about their quirks. "They could destroy the world." was the most frequent one they heard. "If they become a villain we are doomed, should they even be allowed to train their quirk?" They were forced to do hero training to ensure the communities safety.
When Bakugo Katsuki had gotten kidnapped, they had kidnapped Reader as well. Well Bakugo was able to be rescued, Reader wasn't. For matter of fact, they had stayed behind to help All Might. Causing the world to rather be concerned, what storm will they bring?
Todoroki Shoto found this even more concerning, knowing how weak Reader was in their mind. Knowing how Reader heard the screams of unjust spirits in their dreams. So, in one of their forced get togethers Shoto asked; "How is your sleeping going?"
"Well, you can hear my screams at night in the dorms, right? Don't ask stupid questions, Todoroki-san." Reader hissed, rolling their eyes annoyed, focusing on their phone. "I am your future-husband, questions about your wellbeing is not foolish."
"Everything is foolish coming from you." Reader shot back, wanting to punch Shoto so badly. "Just go back to your cold self and fucking ignore me."
The longer the school year went by, the more tense Reader became. When Reader encountered the League of Villains again, they were invited to go with them willingly and just drink together. Which reader accepted.
The Villain Dabi was rather curious about the Todoroki Family asking many questions as Reader was given Cola. Reader's quirk allowed them to manipulate the mind or exactly pinpoint who they are by their aura. "Dear brother-in-law, why don't you go see them yourself?" This caused the league to either choke on their drink or spit it out. "You are quite foolish Touya, my quirk allows me to remember people by just their aura. Only I hadn't felt your aura for so long, it took a bit of time."
"Is Touya your real name? It's so pretty! Right Twice?"
"Hell yeah! FUCK NO EW HE'S RELATED TO ENDEAVOR!" Reader had broken Shigaraki. "Are you alright, Shimura Tenko?"
"HOW THE FUCK?!" Shigaraki didn't know is he wanted them on his team or not. "My quirk, bitch." Reader winked smiling brightly as they grabbed a vodka bottle from the counter, popping it open and was ready to chug it down. Yeah, Dabi grabbed it.
"Aweee, come on!" Reader whined, causing Dabi to roll his eyes. "Don't drink your sorrows away."
"Says you, touya-nii."
"Oh, fuck you." Dabi hissed. "Still hating your fiancée?"
"Fuck off."
"Make me bitch."
When reader was back at the dorms, they were drunk, drunk as fuck.
"What the actual fuck!" Bakugo shouted as Shoto tried to hold Reader up. "What did you do, Reader-chan?" Shoto tried to ask them, trying to coax an answer out of her. "I hate you; you know? I don't ever want to marry you. I don't want to be a fucking hero, but oh no! The public is too afraid I will become the next number one villain!" Reader started to ramble drunk. Causing Shoto to tense up as he whispered; "then perhaps, I should make it that you can only love me."
And that is exactly what he did, not knowing that the league of villains noticed.
Reader had woken up in a fancy ass room, chained to a fucking rail. Of course, they were fucking pissed and ready to kill Shoto. "Let me fucking out, you piece of shit!" Reader yelled as Shoto came in with food.
"I told you; I will make it so that I am the only one you can ever love."
taglist bnha; @maggiecc
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ange-de-la-mort · 1 year
Not Too Late (To Be Rescued)
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Pairings: Aizawa Shouta/Shigaraki Tomura Wordcount: 2670 Rating: T
Contains: Pre-SlashPre-Relationship, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Needs a Hug, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Summary: When Shigaraki appears on UA grounds, it's worrying. When he seems to have taken interest in Eri, it's alarming. When he actually starts talking to her, it might be the start of a new routine. One that can help everyone involved.
"See?" he says, voice bitter and spiteful. "All I can do is break things."
She looks first at his face, then at the remnants of the cup. And then, she carefully reaches out to touch one of the shards with a fingertip. Her horn glows a little, as do her fingers, and only seconds later the cup has been reverted back to its original state. "See?" she says with a smile and a cheerful laugh. "It's okay to break things! You don't need to worry about that when you're here - I can fix everything you break!" She looks at him and the smile freezes on her lips. "Why are you crying?"
"I'm not!" he snaps, shoulders shaking in a sob. "Crying is for babies!"
"I cry sometimes."
"Yeah, because you're a baby!" He wipes at his eyes, breathing heavily.
[Read on AO3]
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codenamesazanka · 7 months
Imagine being Shigaraki's friends and being told that the war ended. Heroes defeated Shigaraki Tomura - oh, but don't worry, they didn't kill him, they actually saved him! Stopped him from trying to destroy everything, rescued him from his pain; that lump of lead he spoke of, that spews out endless rage, so that he thought he would never feel good again - that's gone. He's okay now.
And while there will be undoubtably the disappointment from having lost the fight after all that, Shigaraki's friends - because they are his friends - think, well, at least Heroes saved him. Didn't just kill him off. Made an effort to stop him without dismissing his suffering; acted like actual Heroes and helped. Addressed his rage and despair. Despite what he had done, they still went and helped Shigaraki Tomura.
Plus like: Shigaraki Tomura told the League that he wanted them to live as they see fit; told them that they should get what they want in life, that changed world, a world that isn't so hard to live in. He promised that, he who gave them a place to belong; who took Twice in and trusted him, who avenged Magne's death and Compress' arm, who said it was fine that Toga didn't choose a Villain name, who treated them to sushi. Shigaraki, who had always accepted them, who fought for them. He wouldn't give up without surely having made some deal with the Heroes to change things.
His friends love him. So whatever happens, can they all see Shigaraki Tomura one last time?
Imagine being Shigaraki's friends and being told, well, actually. That guy doesn't exist anymore. Yeah. We turned him back into a five-year-old. Wiped his memory while we were at it. Of course that's saving him, we didn't kill him, did we? We turned him back to who he truly was, and it just so happened it's a five-year-old who hadn't been broken by the failures of society. (By the way, those failures still exist, but Tenko doesn't know about them. So he has hope now.)
Imagine being Shigaraki's friends and when expressing horror at this, get laughed at - what does it matter what Villains think? And not like they can do anything about it; or getting pity - well, the man they knew as 'Shigaraki Tomura' wasn't actually a real person. So maybe relationships they developed with him also weren't real or genuine. Everything was just ultimately manipulation; or being told they being awful for being horrified - we only purged the impurities that AFO planted in him. That it happened to include the struggles you guys bonded over, well. If you truly cared about him, you'll be glad he's wiped clean; and inevitably being told they will never see Shigaraki Tomura or Shimura Tenko again - you guys are still Villains. He's an innocent child. What connections do you have anymore?
Imagine being Shigaraki's friends and losing him, then still being told, no, Heroes actually saved him.
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prettybea · 1 month
My Crossover Academia (A My Hero Academia Fanfiction)
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Description: They have been transported to the world of quirks, heroes, and villains but let's not waste anymore as we have students that needed to be saved.
Chapter 1- U.S.J Incident
Unforeseen Simulation Joint or U.S.J for short is a training facility located in U.A High School. The purpose for this is to train upcoming hero students for disaster rescue.
It has eight main sections. The Entrance, The Central Plaza, The Ruins Zone located in the northeast, The Landslide Zone located to the east, The Mountain Zone located to the south, The Conflagration Zone located to the southwest, Flood Zone located to the west, and The Downpour Zone located to the northwest.
Beatrice knew this as the last episode for Season 1. She couldn't believe it, she's in the world of My Hero Academia but that's not only that but she also see characters who were not in the My Hero Academia world and majority of them were familiar to her.
She could see Spinel and garnet sitting up, looking around confuse and scared, she then look at the boys who were also confuse and scared upon looking around the area and then she look at Class 1-A, they were suppose to train at the U.S.J but they were interrupted when the villains come out.
"Wh-What the Hell is this!? " Shigaraki exclaimed. He looked at everyone especially the 20 people that came out of the portal and then he look at Kurogiri. "Kurogiri! Why did you do that!? " Shigaraki demanded an answer.
"I d-don't know- "
"Nevermind about that! Let's get rid of them right now, starting with you! " Shigaraki cut Kurogiri off as he concluded that he needs to get rid of the 20 people first as he sees them all as an obstacle/threats.
Shigaraki decided to start with Spinel then he came running straight at her, extending his hand, ready to touch her and turn her to dust like everyone.
But unexpectedly, Beatrice shove Shigaraki away from Spinel, his fingers were almost there to touch Spinel. Shigaraki falls to the ground.
"Shigaraki! " Kurogiri exclaimed as he is running to aid the boy but-
"Spell Blast! " Scarecrow cast a spell on Kurogiri, blasting him and sending him flying and fell to the water in one of the zone.
Shigaraki falls to the floor as he let out a groan due to the impact of the fall.
"Wh-What- "
"Real Name: Tenko Shimura. Villain Name: Tomura Shigaraki. Quirk: Decay. Everything he touches will disintergrate . " Beatrice explained. This cause a tense silence as Class 1-A, Shigaraki, and the 19 unknown people were shocked but even Beatrice is also shock that she suddenly knows Shigaraki's quirk even though Beatrice know this anime but she did not know that she will reveal the real name of the villain's name.
"You...You bitch! " Shigaraki shouted as anger began to boil in him. His voice makes everyone flinched and it made Beatrice tense. "Get over here, you bitch! " Shigaraki yelled as he got back to his feet and lunges towards Beatrice.
Beatrice's eyes widened at Shigaraki's action as fear started to creep in as she don't want to turn to dust. But luckily for her, Garnet was there to save her, Garnet summoned her gauntlet and punched Shigaraki in the face which sends him flying and hit the floor ten times harder.
"Are you alright? " Garnet asked her, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"I-I'm good. " Beatrice answered. She then looks on the Class 1-A, there faces were showing fear, concern, and worry, and they were in there superhero suits.
"Hey, are you guys alright? " Spinel asked, walking towards Class 1-A.
"Y-yeah, we're alright. " Momo Yaoyorozu, a student from Class 1-A , answered them.
The others began getting back to their feet, especially Optimus who almost destroyed half of the Flood Zone and the Downpour Zone.
"Damn, you nearly destroyed the place. " Someone spoke below him, Optimus look down to find that it was C.B and standing right next to him is John Wick, who is looking at Optimus.
"Apology if my weight destroyed half of the place. "
"Don't be, in fact: I'm not here. " C.B replied. Optimus was confused at first but then he now get it when his optics landed on Beatrice and the others.
"How dare you! " Shigaraki yelled, causing everyone's eyes to look at him. Shigaraki manage to get up and back to his feet with anger boiling inside of him.
Alex could see the red color in Shigaraki's head as the color red represents anger. Alex felt a pang of pain on her head. She groaned as she clutched the side of her head. Dracula and Egon noticed this as they both put their hands on Alex.
"Are you alright? " Dracula asked Alex.
"He's angry...very angry. " Alex answered as she could see the red began to increase like a fire, increasing its flames.
"That's very obvious. " Egon replied. Dracula couldn't help but glared at Egon because of his statement.
"But that's not all. " Alex added. Dracula and Egon automatically look at Alex. "I could hear what he is thinking. "
"What is he thinking? " Dracula asked.
"He was so angry and disappointed that All Might is not here. " Alex answered.
"Kurogiri, now! " Shigaraki yelled at his fellow villain friend. Everyone caught this unexpected that Kurogiri got out of the water. Dracula, Optimus, Egon, and John started to running straight towards Kurogiri in order to tackle him but it was too late.
Kurogiri activated his Warp Gate quirk that separate the Class 1-A and the villain thugs from each other, bringing them to one of the zones in U.S.J.
"NO! " Beatrice yelled. She tried to get there hand pull them away but she was too slow. Dracula grabbed Kurogiri by the neck, he gritted his teeth, exposing his fangs.
"Bring them back, NOW! " Dracula demanded. Then Dracula sense something which makes him let go of Kurogiri and dodge the enemy that was aiming at him, it was a Nomu.
"Wh-What the heck is that!? " Spinel exclaimed, pointing at the Nomu. Shigaraki laugh upon seeing their reaction at the Nomu.
"Let's see if you could defeat the Nomu! " Shigaraki told them, Beatrice know this, this is a Nomu or an early version of Nomu. This Nomu is a bit powerful but Beatrice is also shock as to what happened next.
Dracula landed on his feet on the ground. He glared at the Nomu while he lay a hand on Alex and Egon to signal them to stay behind him. The Nomu came charging towards him, ready to eat him alive, everybody was ready to save Dracula from the Nomu but they were stop at their tracks to what Dracula did.
Dracula grabbed the Nomu's mouth that was opened and he tear the Nomu's head in half. Beatrice could have sworn that the Nomu have Super Regeneration, that's what makes the Nomu so difficult to defeat even All Might couldn't defeat the Nomu easily. But to her surprise, the Nomu didn't heal, the Nomu just collapse.
"H-How? " Shigaraki muttered, his eyes widened behind those white hands. He knew that the Nomu would destroy since the Nomu has Immense Strength, Immense Speed, Shock Absorption, and Super Regeneration but he was shock to find that the Nomu was simply defeated by simply tear the head in half.
"You need a stronger monster than this, Shigaraki. " Dracula said, he throws the half of the head at Shigaraki which landed on his feet. Everybody went tense when they saw Shigaraki shaking in anger.
"You fuckin- "
"Stupefy! " Remus emerge and casted a spell on Shigaraki. The spell knock Shigaraki. Kurogiri was going to help Shigaraki but he was tackled by Mina, Mezo, and Rikido to which surprises everyone that they are still here. Remus didn't waste time and cast the same spell on Kurogiri.
"How long will the spell remains on them? " Scarecrow asked.
"I...I don't know. " Remus answered. Now that Kurogiri and Shigaraki are now knockout, they can breath easily now.
"Oh my God, what happened to him? " Alex asked, her expression shows shock and concern. Beatrice and the others began running towards Aizawa. Scarecrow kneel down as he uses Ponder, a healing spell.
"Real Name: Shota Aizawa. Hero Name: Eraserhead. Quirk: Erasure. It gives him the ability to nulify another person's quirk by looking at the user. " Beatrice examine Aizawa.
"Woah, how did you do that? " Sans asked her and that's the same question in Beatrice's head.
"To be honest with you all, I don't know. I just suddenly gain the ability to scan people. " Beatrice answered.
"Let's not focus on that, let's focus on finding the kids. " John said. Everyone agreed. Garnet uses her future vision to find the Class 1-A.
"Izuku Midoriya, Tsuyu Asui, Minoru Mineta are on Flood Zone. Shoto Todoroki is at the Landslide Zone. Denki Kaminari, Momo Yaoyoruzo, Kyoka Jiro are at the Mountain Zone. Katsuki Bakugo and Eijiro Kirishima are at the Ruins Zone. Mashiarao Ojiro is at the Conflagration Zone. And Fumikage Tokoyami and Koji Koda are on the Downpour Zone. " Garnet told them to which they are surprise and confused. "I have future vision. " Garnet told them.
"Ah, got it. " C.B understands what Garnet said. He was going to ask her but Garnet clarified them.
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go save those kids. " Shadow said with his arms crossed.
"That's not gonna be easy, because look. " Beatrice said as she points behind them, a bunch of group of villains. "Looks like half of us are going to the zones while the other half are going to fight the group of villains right in front of us. " Beatrice said. They all turned around to find a bunch of villains. They appeared to be opposing but there are other villains were afraid of them.
"The kid's right. " Sans agreed.
"I'll go to the Mountain Zone. " Slenderman began.
"Me too. " Glamrock Freddy joined in with his right hand raised.
"I'll go to the Landslide Zone. " Remus volunteered, tightening his grip of his wand.
"I'll go to the Ruins Zone. " Shadow volunteered.
"I'll go to the Downpour Zone. "Garnet volunteered.
"Can I join? " Spinel asked. Garnet smiled and nodded her head which made Spinel happy.
"I'll go to the Conflagration Zone. " Anakin volunteered.
"I'll go to the Floo- " Before Zenkichi could finish his sentence they suddenly heard a loud roar that shook the entire place. All eyes were on the Flood Zone, for everyone they were confused and scared but Beatrice knew that roar.
'No way, is that- ' To whom she thought was correct when an enormous green rage monster came out of the Flood Zone and landed right in front of them but in the green monster's hands are Izuku, Tsuyu, and Minoru. The green monster puts them down.
"A-Are you three alright? " Optimus asked. Tsuyu nodded her head.
"What is that thing? " C.B asked, pointing at the enormous green rage monster.
"His name is Hulk. " Tsuyu told them. Beatrice let out a sigh of relief.
"That's good to hear. Now that one zone is down it's time to focus on the Ruins Zone, Mountain Zone, Landslide Zone, and Downpour Zone. Now- "
"What about us? " A voice spoke, making everyone turned at the stairs and was surprise to find Mina Ashido, Ochaco Uraraka, Tenya Ida, Rikido Sato, Mezo Shoji, Hanta Sero, and Toru Hagakure.
"Guys! " Izuku yelled out.
"We heard your plan and we were wondering if we could help you guys. " Ochaco said. Beatrice placed her finger on her chin as she thinking very hard and very deep. She couldn't believe that she was transported to the anime that she is watching on Netflix but that's not all, all of her favorite characters are all here as a crossover, the perfect fanfiction she could find in Wattpad and AO3.
She remembered that the one who called the U.A High School's faculty members was Tenya Ida.
"Hm, who's your class president? " Beatrice asked. She tried not to call Tenya's name because she doesn't want them to suspect her and she didn't ask their name yet.
Tenya raises his hand.
"Tenya Ida, class president of Class 1-A. "
"Tenya, I need you to call your teachers and the authorities. " Beatrice ordered. Tenya stand up straight and gave her a salute.
"Yes, ma'am! "
"Good. Now go! " Beatrice said and with that Tenya uses his Engine Quirk to get out of U.S.J to call for help. Beatrice then turned to Mina, Ochaco, Rikido, Mezo, Hanta, and Toru. "You guys protect your mentor. " Beatrice ordered them. The six of them nodded their heads, she then look at Scarecrow.
"U-um... "
"Call me Scarecrow, kiddo, and don't worry about me, I'll heal Aizawa." Scarecrow told her.
"Okay. " Beatrice said. Everything is settled. "Now, for those who are going to the zones, go now. Me and the others are going to fight this villains right in front of us. But please, don't kill them, just knock them unconscious, and bring them here so we can give them to the authorities, understood? "
"Understood. " Everyone said in unison. Slenderman and Glamrock Freddy went to the Mountain Zone, Remus went to the Landslide Zone, Shadow went to the Ruins Zone, Anakin went to the Conflagration Zone, and Garnet and Spinel went to the Downpour Zone.
Beatrice looked at them leave and went to the zones and then she looks in front of them with a fighting stance. Even though Beatrice has no idea how to fight she has no choice but try to fight.
At the Mountain Zone, Denki Kaminari, Momo Yaoyoruzo, and Kyoka Jiro stood face to face with a couple of villains. Kyoka kicks Denki into one of the villains causing the villains to be electrocuted.
Momo created a insulator sheets to cover herself and Kyoka allowing Denki to use Indiscriminate Shock 1.3 Million Volts to which it defeats the villains without harming Momo and Kyoka.
However one of the villains ambushes them and takes an airheaded Denki hostage, and due to Denki summoning 1.3 Million Volts it actually makes him airheaded and dumb. Momo and Kyoka are ready to fight when they suddenly saw a blue lightning strike at the villain that held Denki hostage, knocking the villain unconscious.
Before Denki fall down to the ground that's where Slenderman appeared from the shadows and grabbed Denki. Glamrock Freddy just arrived with him flying in the air and landed on the ground, standing right next to Slenderman but he kept his distance away from Slenderman as he could see statics from his point of view.
"Nice aim on the enemy. " Slenderman complimenting Glamrock Freddy, referring to the blue lightning that he strike at the enemy.
"I...I don't know how did I do that, I never gain that ability. " Glamrock Freddy said, looking at his hands.
"Save those questions for later, we need to bring this villains back to the Central Plaza. " Slenderman told him. Glamrock Freddy nodded his head. Slenderman gave him Denki's airheaded body and then look at Momo and Kyoka.
"Are you two okay? " Glamrock Freddy asked them.
"Y-yeah, we're good. " Kyoka answered with a thumbs up.
"Thank you for saving us sir... " Momo trailed off when it comes to his name and Glamrock Freddy notice this.
"Oh, my name is Freddy Fazbear, just call me Freddy. " Glamrock Freddy introduces himself with a smile.
"My name is Momo Yaoyorozu, this is my classmate Kyoka Jiro. " Momo introduces herself alongside Kyoka.
"Hey. " Kyoka casually greeted.
"It's nice to meet you two. " Glamrock Freddy said with a smile but then his expression turned serious. "Listen, I need your help. Me and the others planned to rescue you but at the same time we have to- "
"AAAAHHHH!!! " A villain screamed in pain which causes Glamrock Freddy to stop talking and turned around to find Slenderman with the help of his black tentacles he stabbed every single villains at the shoulder and raise them high and smack them to the ground that knock them out cold.
Momo screamed in horror while Kyoka hug Momo with horror across her face while Glamrock Freddy was shock to find what Slenderman is doing.
"What did you do? " Glamrock Freddy asked, his voice is filled with shock and disbelief.
"What? " Slenderman asked, turning his head to Glamrock Freddy, Momo, Kyoka, and Denki. he notice their shock expression (except for Denki), he was confused at first but then he turned his head to the unconscious villains laying on the ground. "Oh, that. I have to do it in order to knock them out. "
"Do you have any idea that stabbing someone in the shoulder can be fatal? " Glamrock Freddy asked.
"I know that. " Slenderman simply answered his question.
"But the child made it clear that we have to knock them out and gathered them to the Central Plaza so we could surrender them to the authorities. " Glamrock Freddy reminded him, his voice is almost like he is yelling at him.
"I know, I know, but let's not waste anymore time and let them examine their wounds. " Slenderman said. he then look at the airheaded Denki. If he had a face instead of being faceless he would arched an eyebrow. "What's wrong with him? " he asked, making Glamrock Freddy, Momo, and Kyoka looked at Denki, who was at the floor.
"He uses 1.3 Million Volts in order to knock half of the villains. " Kyoka answered. Slenderman stared at Kyoka and Kyoka has no idea what Slenderman's expression is because he is faceless but she can't help but feel fear building on her. Slenderman walk away from her.
He summoned his black tentacles to carry the villains one by one.
"Come now, help me carry this villains. " Slenderman said. Glamrock Freddy, Momo, and Kyoka began to move with Glamrock Freddy placed Denki's body at his stomach hatch. Momo created a shopping cart to put the villain's body with the help of Kyoka.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
At the Landslide Zone, Remus arrived on the inside of the Landslide Zone and he was surprise to find all of the villains were frozen like literally and standing right in front of them is Shoto Todoroki.
"A-Are you Shoto Todoroki? " Remus asked as he approach him but he could feel the chilly sensation coming from the ice.
Shoto turned around to find Remus, standing right in front of him.
"Yes. I am. " Shoto answered. "And you are sir? " Shoto asked.
"My name is Remus Lupin. " Remus introduce himself, extending his hand to shake his hand. The two of them shake their hands. Remus look behind Shoto to see the villains were frozen right on the spot.
"You seemed to have handled the situation very well, but... " Remus trailed when he examine the villains in the ice block. "Bloody Hell, if these villains stayed frozen like this. They will die. " Remus said with a hint of shock at his voice. When the villains heard of this it makes the cold ten times more colder.
Remus look back at Shoto, who is standing stoically and staring coldly at him.
"Do you know how to unfreeze them? " Remus asked. Shoto nodded his head.
"But in order to unfreeze them, I must get information from them. " Shoto said, looking at the villains. Remus agreed to that after all he and everyone deserves an explanation as to why they ambush this place.
"So, which one of you will open your mouth and explain everything? " Remus asked the villains with his hands clasps.
"M-M-M-M-Me. " Someone spoke. Remus and Shoto turned their attention to one of the fearful villains, who is shivering from the ice.
"Who recruited you? " Shoto asked, straight to the point.
"Sh-Shigaraki recruited u-us. " The villains answered.
"Why? " Remus asked.
"T-To kill A-All Might. " The villain answered. Remus can't help but express his confusion.
"All Might? Who is he? Is he a superhero? " Remus asked. The villains were looking at each other as they were shocked that Remus has no idea who All Might is.
"All Might is Japan's Number 1 Hero. " Shoto answered him. Shoto look at Remus from head to toe, he then remembered what those portals suddenly opened. "I guess you are one of those people who fell out of the portal. " Shoto guessed.
"Oh yes. All I remember is darkness and then I felt pain and I open my eyes to find myself here. " Remus explained the whole scenario. Shoto nodded his head, they decided to stop the question and answer and Shoto was about to unfreeze them when Remus put his hand on Shoto's shoulder, making the young student to turn and look at him.
"What is it? "
"Before you unfreeze them, I want you all to surrender your weapons and surrender yourself as well. " Remus told the villains with a stern, serious, and cold expression. "Do you understand? "
"Y-yes, sir. " All the villains said in unison. Remus gave him a nod and Shoto began to unfreeze. While Shoto is unfreezing the villains, he glance at Remus.
"Do you know them? "
"Know who? "
"The people who appeared out of the portal. Do you know them? " Shoto asked him, referring to the 19 people that he met.
"I don't know them. " Remus answered. "I wanted to know their names but we have to save you and the others. " Remus added, he can't help but wonder how the others are holding up.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
At the Ruins Zone, there was an explosion, it was Bakugo's quirk, causing the villains to knocked out some of the villains. Eijiro used his quirk, Hardening, and began punching the villains in the face.
"Die! " Bakugo yelled as he is ready to use his quirk and explode their faces off when suddenly Shadow appeared on top of Bakugo as he Spin Attack the villain, this caught Bakugo and Eijiro off guard.
"Huh? "
"Wha-? "
The villain stumble back due to the attack. Shadow landed on his feet and stands right in front of them. Eijiro was impressed of how Shadow just made the villain's nose bleed with a simple Spin Attack while Bakugo was furious that Shadow took his opportunity to defeat this villain.
"Who the Hell are you? " Bakugo asked, furiously. But Shadow just ignored him and disappeared via a teleportation but he teleported right behind every single villains and knock them out with just a simple smack and punch.
"Woah, with just one smack and punch they are knock out. " Eijiro muttered, impressed. His eyes are filled with sparkle and his smile grew while Bakugo just twitching his eyes that he couldn't believe that a simple and small hedgehog just defeated a bunch of villains by simply smacking and punching them from behind.
Once the villains are now knocked out, Shadow look at the unconscious villains and then faced the two student only to be grabbed by the neck by Bakugo.
"Whoa, Bakugo! What are you doing!? " Eijiro exclaimed, calming down his friend. Bakugo was angry and frustrated that this hedgehog took his opportunity from defeating the villains.
Shadow uses his teleportation to get away from Bakugo's grip and reappeared right in front of them. Bakugo was going to attack Shadow but Eijiro stopped him.
"Look, just to be clear, I'm not one of them. " Shadow said, jerking his thumb at the unconscious villains right behind them.
"Who the Hell are you!? " Bakugo demanded him. Shadow can't help but feel confused as to why this kid is so angry at him but he dismiss that feeling and compose himself.
"My name is Shadow, Shadow the Hedgehog. " Shadow introduces himself. "What about you two? " Shadow then asked.
"Eijiro Kirishima. " Eijiro introduces himself to Shadow, Eijiro notice that Shadow couldn't stop looking at Bakugo, who is so angry that he couldn't even put it to words.
"Don't mind him, his name is Katsuki Bakugo. " Eijiro introduces Shadow to Bakugo as he lets out a nervous laugh.
"Why is he so angry at me? " Shadow asked.
"He's angry because you took his opportunity to defeat the villain that he is fighting. " Eijiro answered. Suddenly, they could hear footsteps approaching and voices that was coming from the villains.
"There's still more? " Eijiro asked, surprised.
"Welp, this is your opportunity to defeat them. " Shadow said as he look at them, specifically on Bakugo, with a smirk across his face. Bakugo couldn't help but smile.
"Let's see what you got. " Shadow said to them as Bakugo and Eijiro charge at the villains.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
At the Conflagration Zone, Mashiarao Ojiro, a student of Class 1-A fought the villains here in the Conflagration Zone. he already knock out some villains thanks to his Tail, which was his quirk, but there are other villains who were still fighting him.
Sharp Blade, a villain that Shigaraki and Kurogiri recruited, express his annoyance to Mashiarao that every attack Mashiarao block his attack. he stayed on top of the building as he look at the other villains, who were fighting him. Sharp Blade gripped his knives tightly and then he jumped out at the top of the building, ready to stab Mashiarao in the back but he suddenly stopped at midair and let out a gasp.
"Mashiarao and the other few villains heard Sharp Blade in midair and he is holding out his neck as if someone is choking. Mashiarao was so confused but he soon heard a clank noise coming from a weapon, he turned to look around and was shock to find the villains that he is fighting are on their knees, gasping for air and holding their neck.
"Wh-What the Hell? " Mashiarao muttered. His eyes widened when the villains suddenly lifted in the air and slam against the ground, knocking them all unconscious.
Mashiarao was shock as his jaw dropped to what he just witness. he then heard footsteps approaching towards promptly making Mashiarao in his fighting stance, ready to fight whoever is fighting.
The figure emerged from the flames with ease and his clothes did not consumed by the fire. Mashiarao couldn't help but feel a shiver across his spine on the figure's presence, the figure stops walking and looks at him with a stern expression across his face.
"Are you Mashiarao Ojiro? " The man asked. Mashiarao didn't spoke a word but he did nodded his head. The man's expression change to a stern one to a relaxed one, the man smiled at him, not menacingly but rather...the kind of smile coming from a father and Mashiarao felt a sudden warmth from the man.
"My name is Anakin Skywalker. " The man, whose name is Anakin Skywalker, introduces himself to Mashiarao.
"Wh-What are y-you doing here? " Mashiarao asked.
"I've come to rescue you. " Anakin answered. He then look around the area to find unconscious villains around. Anakin click his tongue upon the sight.
"I see that you've been fighting here before I came here. " Anakin commented. Mashiarao wanted to laugh or chuckle but the scene where he saw those villains in midair and gasping for air is still fresh to his head and it made him really question:
'Did he do that? '
"It seems that you have a question. " Mashiarao snapped back to reality when he heard Anakin spoke. Mashiarao look up to find Anakin with a smile and his hands were on his back. "Go ahead, ask me a question. " Anakin said.
Mashiarao cleared his throat and calm himself down and ask:
"Did you do that? "
"Do what? " Anakin asked, raising an eyebrow.
"The thing that you made all of them float in the air and it seems that they are being chocked. Was that you? " Mashiarao asked.
"Ah, yes, I did that. I use the Force to grab their necks and lift them. " Anakin confirmed Mashiarao. "Like this. " Anakin said as he extended his hand and lifted the villains' body without even touching the body like telekinesis.
Mashiarao was amazed at Anakin's ability. He watched as Anakin uses the Force to lift the villains in the air.
"Come, we must return back to your classmates and give this villains to the authorities. " Anakin said as he and Mashiarao leaves the Conflagration Zone with all of the villains, floating and following them.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
At the Downpour Zone, it was raining so heavy and the wind is so strong. In This zone, Fumikage Tokoyami and Koji Koda were fighting the villains. Their plan is simple, Koji will be the one distracting the villains, the one who will get the villain's attention while Fumikage will be the one who knocks the villains out, he's like the element of surprise of the plan. It was simple but effective.
They've been doing this for like three times, it was the same routine.
"Over there! " One of the villains shouted, spotting Koji running at the building. The villains began to run towards where Koji is going.
Koji stopped at his tracks when he reach a dead end. He turned around to find that there are too many villains which surprise him that they manage to find him in no time. Fumikage found Koji right on time.
"Dark Shadow, Now! " Fumikage commanded his Dark Shadow. Dark Shadow obeyed his order as he makes his hands large enough to knock them out, Dark Shadow raises his fist in the air and-
"Wha- " Fumikage was confused and speechless to what he just witness.
Dark Shadow was ready to hit those villains when a big fisted pink gloved hand already do the trick.
"Who's hand is that? " Dark Shadow asked Fumikage. They spotted two people approaching Koji.
"Are you alright? " Garnet asked Koji. Koji was confused and scared upon seeing them, it was very unexpected. He nodded his head for a yes. Suddenly, Fumikage appeared right in front of them in his fighting stance.
"Who are you? " Fumikage asked but it sounded more like a demand. He glared at them and ready to strike them if they ever make an attack on them.
"I'm Garnet. " Garnet introduces herself, calmly. She stepped aside to show them Spinel. "And this is Spinel. " Garnet introduces Spine to Fumikage and Koji. Spinel smiles and wave her hand.
"We came to rescue you two. " Spinel said. She look at the unconscious villains lying on the ground. "And take the bad guys to the authorities. " Spinel added.
"You two did an excellent job. " Garnet said with a smile.
"Th-Th-Thank you, Ms. Garnet. " Koji said.
"let's not waste anymore time. We need to get this villains to the Central Plaza and get out of here. " Garnet said. Fumikage and Koji nodded their heads.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
At the Central Plaza, it was quiet. They all knock out every single villains with ease. Beatrice couldn't believe to find the characters that she watched, reads, and played, were here and in action. She wanted to freak out but she need to compose herself and control her emotions for the time being.
"Welp, that's everyone. " Sans said after tying the unconscious villains together. he eyed the unconscious bodies of Shigaraki and Kurogiri. "What do we do with them? " Sans asked, jerking his thumbs at them.
"We'll bring them to the authorities. " Zenkichi simply answered. But Sans couldn't help but cast some doubts on this.
"Scarecrow, how is Mr. Aizawa? " Beatrice asked, approaching Scarecrow. Throughout the fight, Scarecrow was healing Aizawa this entire time even though he wanted to help and join the fight but the others reassured him that they can do this with ease. Scarecrow has no choice but to heal the injured man.
"He's fine. I'm already done healing. " Scarecrow answered as he move to the elbow. Beatrice look at Aizawa, who is already healed but the only injury is left now is his elbow.
"Sweet Oz, this injury...is very severe. " Scarecrow said, he examined the injury and he can't help but express his distress and disbelief on the man's injury.
"His injury must have inflicted by Shigaraki. " Optimus spoke, approaching them. He kneels down with one knee to examine Aizawa's injury, he then look at Beatrice, who is also staring at him. "What was his abilities again? " Optimus asked.
"In this world, it's called 'Quirk' and Shigaraki's quirk is Decay. " Beatrice answered him. "With a touch of his hand, it will disintergrate hence the name, Decay. " Beatrice explained even further. She look at the unconscious body of Shigaraki. She remembered watching the Season 5 of the anime and not gonna lie, she was a bit terrified when Shigaraki touch his sister Hana and disintergrate into pieces, she'd be fine if the anime just showed her Hana's dust but no it has blood as well. It really shows that Shigaraki's quirk is very dangerous.
"What's a quirk again? " C.B asked, after he tied another batch of villains.
"A quirk is like a superpower to people in this world. " Beatrice answered. Throughout the battle, she analyze the villains quirks but not just analyze she can also summon the elements which surprises her that she has that ability.
Alex went up to Shigaraki's body to examine him. Dracula was there beside her just in case something bad happens.
"What's wrong? " Dracula asked her.
"I still couldn't shake the anger he is feeling from earlier. " Alex answered. Dracula remembered that very well.
"Anger? What do you mean? " C.B asked. All eyes were now on Alex which makes her nervous at this attention but she felt a touch on her back, she turned around to find that it was Dracula with a relaxed expression on his face.
"It's okay. " Dracula reassured her. With that simple reassurance it brought a smile on Alex's face, she then turned to face everyone.
"I have this ability where I can see people's emotions and I can hear their thoughts. " Alex explained her ability.
"You have an extraordinary gift there, young woman. " Jack complimented her which made Alex blush a little at Jack's compliment.
"You said that you can hear people's thoughts, right? " Sans asked. Alex nodded her head.
"Yes, but I can only hear there thoughts if their emotions are stronger." Alex clarify.
"If that so, then what does that young man thought? " Dogday asked.
"he was angry and disappointed that All Might wasn't here. " Alex answered. This causes everyone to be confused except for Beatrice.
"Who's All Might? " John asked.
"Is that a name? " Zenkichi asked.
"All Might is the Symbol of Peace. " Izuku answered them.
"Not just that but All Might is also the Number 1 Hero in Japan. " All of them turned around to find that Slenderman, Glamrock Freddy, Remus, Shadow, Anakin, Garnet, and Spinel, and the one who spoke was Remus. behind them were the students of Class 1-A and the villains that were unconscious.
"Your back. " Beatrice said. She couldn't help but smile and felt a sense of relief seeing them back safe and sound.
"All done. " Scarecrow said. He then look and notice that the others are back. "Are the children hurt? " Scarecrow asked.
"Mashiarao is injured but his injuries aren't severe or fatal. " Anakin answered. "Where's the class president? "
"He's still calling the authorities and our teachers. " Mina answered.
"Gather those villains now. " Hanta ordered. The 20 people watched as the Class 1-A helped each other. They all sat to the stair well as they watch them. They were impressed that they can work together like a team.
"They work as a team. A real team. " Spinel said.
"Indeed. " Scarecrow agreed.
"At times like this, they must set there differences aside and work together as one. " Optimus said and the others couldn't agree even more. While watching them tying the villains Alex realize something.
"I just realize something. We still haven't introduce ourselves yet. "
"Oh yeah, your right. " C.B said. Everyone realize this. "W-Well, everything happened so fast I don't think that introduction was needed earlier.
"You're right. " Egon agreed.
"Well, now that the villains are now captured. I think it's the perfect opportunity to introduce ourselves. " Jack said. "Who's going to be first? "
"I'm going to be first. " Alex replied. "My name is Alex Chen. "
"I'm Dogday. "
"My name is Scarecrow. "
"The name's Sans, Sans the Skeleton. "
"Garnet. "
"The names Spinel. "
"John, John Wick. "
"Dr. Egon Spengler. "
"The name's Shadow, Shadow the Hedgehog. "
"The name's Glamrock Freddy but call me Freddy instead. "
"Caboose but call me C.B instead. "
"Hulk. "
"Jack Skellington. "
"My name is Remus Lupin. "
"My name is Anakin Skywalker. "
"I'm Slenderman. "
"I'm Zenkichi, Zenkichi Hasegawa. "
"My name is Optimus Prime. "
"I'm Vlad Dracula Tepes. "
"My name is Beatrice Emerald Delos Angeles. " Beatrice introduces herself last. Once they are done with introduction they notice that Class 1-A is also done tying up the villains. "Oh, they're done. "
"Why don't we go up to them and ask for there names, shall we? " Jack asked. They all nodded their heads. They all stand and went do-
"STOP RIGHT THERE! " Someone shouted. They all turned around to find so many armed men who burst to the main entrance.
"W-Wait- "
"AAAAAHHHHH!!!! " Beatrice screamed at the top of her lungs when the men shot her an electric taser.
"Bea-ARGH! " Dracula yelled in pain as he also got shot with an electric taser.
Class 1-A wanted to help them but they were stopped by the armed men.
"Don't even dare taking another step. " The armed man said, pointing his gun at them.
So, the Class 1-A has no choice but watch as they drag the 20 people out of the U.S.J.
"Where are you taking them? " Momo asked.
"None of your business. " The armed man said, harhsly. Izuku wanted to help or talk to them that they are not criminals but nothing came out of his mouth so he just watched as they were dragged away of the U.S.J.
End of Chapter 1
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