#requirements of patient portal
vozoehr · 9 months
As the Necessity of the EHR system in healthcare practice, Vozo strives to provide the best EHR system to help provide better healthcare practice for patients and increase in revenue. 
Our EHR solution is designed for smart workflow, managing the patient's records safely, and securely in a well-organized way. 
Vozo EHR system offers a vast range of features that are especially US healthcare practices;
Easy-to-Use User Interface: Our simple system interface ensures that non-technical staff can find easy-to-manage records in the Vozo EHR system.
Customized Templates: The Vozo EHR system allows you to save time in creating documents from scratch. With customized documentation, you can speed up the process of documenting health records.
Seamless Integration: Vozo EHR seamlessly integrates with other modules like e-prescribing, lab integration, and other modules.
Patient Portal: Our Electronic Health Record (EHR) system provides patients with easy access to their medical records, and the ability to schedule appointments, request prescription refills, and view complete medication history.
Revenue Cycle Management: Our team of experts can guide you through the whole RCM process, from start to finish, ensuring optimal revenue for your practice.
Billing and Reporting: Managing your medical practice has never been easier with Vozo. Schedule appointments, submit claims, pay bills online, and streamline your workflow seamlessly.
Telehealth Software: Our software enables patients to have virtual visits directly from the EHR system, providing improved patient care in a secure online platform.
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swagging-back-to · 8 months
i stopped going to therapy bc youre literally just paying someone to write sown judgemental and rude ass notes abotu you thatyou arent "legally" allowed to see
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sapphicseasapphire · 5 months
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Living in a world as populated as it is by mortals, it is rare to come across a being who is not so. Rarer still is it to come across one who is both mortal and immortal- those who toe the line between Life and Death.
Reapers are abundant but undetected, doing their work for the spirits while hidden in a mortal body. They are bound to no Gods, serving only the lost souls of the land and answering only to the inevitability of Life and Death.
Hylian legends depict Death as a woman clothed in flowing white fabric, serene and tranquil, everlasting and inescapable. Some fear her, some hate her. Most bunch her up with the Goddesses.
She is not a Goddess.
She is… a promise.
And just as they’ve cast Death’s image onto a Goddess that doesn’t exist, they attribute Life’s gifts to Hylia, singing her praise. Hylia, the little sister of the Golden Three, tasked with protecting this world, is not Life.
Life has existed here for far longer than Hylia has. Some say that she was created with the breath of Farore, others speculate that she came before.
People think that Death exists in Life’s shadow, that they are entirely separate from one another. One brings joy, the other brings pain. This is, wholly and entirely, untrue.
For Life and Death wear matching white cloth, and they stand so closely together that they are indistinguishable from each other. One cannot exist without the other. They are… the same, in nature. They are patient. They take nothing more than what they are given; they give nothing more than what they take. It is balanced, in that way.
Everyone must face them, one way or another. Even Gods cannot deny the push and pull of Life and Death.
Although, there are occasions in which they can be swayed. In the case of a young boy who’d met his end during his quest, so beloved by the spirits, Death chose to wait. She did not claim his soul, not yet. She heeded the pleas of the spirits and allowed him to continue on- to finish what he had started. But this was not without a cost.
The boy- only twelve years old- was named Link, and he was not unique. Those who are favored by the spirits and succumb to illness or injury are often granted these second chances. They may never remember that they had died, but they are forever changed.
These people are known as Reapers. They recruited by Death to guide lost spirits to the afterlife. They have heartbeats, they breathe, they require sustenance. Reapers are mortal, normal people.
Until it becomes time to do the reaping, that is.
In order for a Reaper to find and guide spirits, they must use spirit magic. Spirit magic is as potent and variable as any other type of magic, except its power source is distinct: it is fueled by the power of an untethered soul. It comes naturally to Reapers, except in order to use it, they must free their soul.
Reapers have the ability to separate their souls from their bodies, becoming nothing more than a spirit. Once freed, they are immediately pulled to the nearest lost soul and it is their duty to aid them in their journey to the next life. The pull of a Poe is just as potent as the pull of a portal: demanding and unavoidable. Reapers feel it physically.
When their soul is outside of their body, a Reaper will appear comatose to the waking world. Unresponsive and unmoving, almost like they’re asleep. Their hearts still beat, their lungs still breathe. They still live but there’s nothing there. If their body is moved during this time, the Reaper will have a difficult time returning to it. Their survival will depend on whether or not they can find their body.
Link is one of many Reapers that serve under Death, and he is not unhappy. He sees the Threads of Fate that bind all things- the red ones of the living, the black ones of the dead, and the white ones of the immortal- and he takes pride in helping wayward Poes follow these threads home. He… has experience guiding souls, after all.
Link doesn’t remember when exactly he died, but he knows it had to have happened during his quest to rid the Demon King from Princess Zelda’s body. With her spirit by his side, he felt unstoppable. And his new job isn’t much different. He doesn’t feel sadness when he guides a Poe to their next adventure. No, he feels… at peace.
Death is extremely welcoming to him, for she knows that in time, he will return to her. Just as all things do. Link- our Spirit- admires Death. He serves under her but he is not opposed to it. He’s wholly dedicated to his job. He takes pride in it. It doesn’t interfere with his waking life too much and even as he cast on another adventure, it’s not too much to manage. Death treats him well, and he’d never denounce her.
When he’s reaping, he’s making a difference. He’s helping people. Is that not what a hero should strive for?
He’s… home.
Some notes!
• This kind of turned into a post about Reapers specifically and less about Spirit, but ehhh lore is lore
• Spirit and Wind are BEST BUDS. I’ve been referring to them as “the twins” in my head this whole time
• Spirit’s pupils glow when he is looking at the Threads of Fate. He can’t see them all the time, just when he really focuses on them, or else he’d be blinded by all the string everywhere!
• More on that- he doesn’t only see the threads that bind people to each other. He also sees the threads that bind people to objects. Everything has a memory, everything has a story.
• Something about Spirit’s presence is so inherently peaceful. He speaks quietly and clearly, he moves like a whisp, he smiles so gently. He can 100% be a little goblin in his own right, but he can be incredibly comforting when he wants to be.
• He cannot swim. Wind is APPALLED.
• He knows that Time is a God right away. His string is white. He doesn’t tell anyone, though, because it’s not his place. Everyone has their secrets, everyone should have the right to reveal themselves at their own pace.
• He and Wild sure do have a relationship. Yep. Just. The Reaper- the one who is tasked with guiding lost souls. And the literal spirit, actual ghost. Uh huh. They. Um. Yeah, they definitely have a dynamic. (This dynamic is the reason that I was convinced to add Spirit to my Cryptid Chain)
• A spirit is any soul without a body. A Poe specifically refers to a spirit that is lost. Hopeless. One who needs help. Wild is not a Poe. (Kind of)
• Spirit is like Time in the sense that he has not fully ascended, and won’t until his mortal lifespan is over. When he dies, he will continue to be a Reaper, but much more powerful as he will not be bound to a body. But that’s far, far off. He’s twelve, I won’t be cruel to him
• hehehehe
• He’s so incredibly good at playing the pan flute.
• Also this kid’s hilarious without even trying. (Spirit Tracks is the funniest Zelda game of all time)
• He has the unique ability to talk to Poes and Spirits directly, so he’s gonna be the best bet when it comes to translating for Wild. If Wild will let him come close, that is.
• “Don’t disturb me guys, I have some reaping to do,” he says, and then takes a nap. The others can’t tell.
• Or, mid battle, the decides they could really use a blast of spirit magic to aid them. So he just. Separates his soul from his body, as one does. Falls limply to the ground as the monsters they were fighting just suddenly all die. What just happened???
• Do monsters have souls? Do they become Poes? Thoughts that keep Spirit up at night.
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twipsai · 9 months
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god, this took me DAYS to make, but i finally finished my interpretation of Dedf1sh and Paul throughout the years!!! some notes under the cut lol
Ahato and Marina are childhood friends, Marina was even there for her when her parents passed. Marina helped her take care of Paul when they were growing up to the point that Paul considered her a second big sister. this, of course, changed when
the two worked on music together when Ahato wasnt working (which she got increasingly busier up until she left to go to kamabo), and the melody for Chopscrewey and Crush were made by them during this time!
while Paul was a musical genius, he did struggle in school quite a bit as his creative drive often overwrote his working drive :P
the skull/octo logo is a logo they made for themselves for when they got to the surface and formed a band together
Ahato dropped out of school to work full-time to support her and Paul (which,,, isnt very uncommon for octarian families)
the Kamabo sanitization program (tm) requires patients to remove strings such as shoelaces and hoodie strings from their clothing to reduce the risk of them trying to strangle themselves or each other, which is why Ahato doesnt have shoelaces
Paul didnt go to the surface until he was recruited to Sashimori, and started living with the three of them
Ahato has amnesia, she knows she had a family, but cant quite remember who they were or where she even came from. most of her memories are muscle memory, which is why she remembers how to make music and such
Ahato cant hear anything around her-- she wont become out-right aggressive when approached like most sanitized octos are, but she will be a little jittery and on-guard
im not really prepared to say too much about Ahato/Acht here bc of how little we know about her role in side order as of writing this (1/7/2024)
Paul has mostly moved on from trying to find Ahato, while he does wish they could be reunited, a lot of his memories of that time have become fuzzy... he wouldnt be able to recognize her face if he saw it.
Ahato's dress got ripped when she first left kamabo (which was a few months after octo expansion)-- she found some red thread to stitch it up and lace up her shoes! :D
on that note, the addition of more red in her design is to symbolize how more and more memories of her life are resurfacing-- same thing with being able to see her eye on her visor
also her eye is supposed to look like a turret from portal lol
Paul regularly commutes from inkopolis to splatsville-- i think he went crazy for the alterna tracks when they were first recovered lol
andddd,,, thats it!!! if you have any questions about my headcanons for these two, feel free to ask in my inbox!!! though i dont have EVERYTHING fleshed out yet, im still waiting for side order to release before i figure it all out ^^;
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24-7-testing · 10 months
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The end of the year can be tough for a lot of people. My goal? To make it a little bit brighter. That's why I'm pleased to once again announce the return of...
The Portal Holiday Spirit Initiative!
To help bring a smile to people's faces this year, I will be sending FREE Portal-Themed Holiday Cards to anyone who asks for one! There are a few changes to the cards this year because life has gotten very busy for me and I have less free time than in years past.
This year there will only be one card design, featuring artwork from one of the Portal Fandom's awesome artists! The cards will still be customizable to any Winter Holiday of your choosing, but you'll have to wait for your card to arrive in order to see how (the method takes cues from the Portal game's sense of humor, so it will very much be on-brand).
This year is also special because it is PHSI's 5th Anniversary! I can’t express the amount of thanks everyone who has participated over the years, whether you've reblogged and shared, requested cards, helped with artwork, or helped in other ways. You all deserve my recognition and thanks for volunteering your time, talents, and support! Thanks for helping to make PHSI a special fandom tradition!
If you would like to receive a Portal-Themed Holiday Card:
Visit bit.ly/PHSI-2023 ...
Answer the questions in the forms...
Wait for your card to be sent!
It's that easy! Card Requests are now open, and close on December 20th in order to give me enough time to make and send all the cards before the end of the year. Please submit sooner rather than later so I have time to finish them all!
Also, please don’t be afraid to request a physical card if you don’t live in the US! The card service I've chosen says they ship worldwide and, while it might take a bit longer for you to receive your card depending on what country you live in, the cards will get mailed to whatever address you provide, domestic or foreign. Last year I mailed/emailed a total of 164 cards to Italy, Canada, Germany, England, Poland, The US, The United Kingdom, Brazil, India, and Slovenia!
I’m happy to be a part of the Portal Fandom and hope to bring a smile to others in the Fandom this year! Making and emailing Holiday Cards takes time and effort, and sending physical cards is expensive. While it isn't a requirement to receive a card, I would greatly appreciate if you'd like to give $4 to cover the cost of your card or someone else's. Please visit ko-fi.com/247testing and click the Donate button if you want to help out. 
Also, feel free to DM me with any questions or comments. Thanks!
Answers for common questions and concerns under the cut:
Worried about providing a mailing address, for whatever reason?
PHSI has an eCard option! All you need to provide is a name for me to call you by and an email address to receive your card!
Worried about requesting a card because you don’t live in the US?
PHSI mails to any address provided, whether domestic or foreign! However, please wait patiently for your card, due to the current global rate of shipping.
Worried that you can’t give $4 to cover the cost of your card or someone else’s?
Requesting a card from PHSI has been and will always be FREE! However, giving $4 to the initiative helps me pay for the printing service and postage to mail physical cards (visit ko-fi.com/247testing if you’d like to contribute). I gratefully appreciate any contributions received, even if it’s just a comment saying thanks!
Worried because you don’t know how to support the artist of the card you received?
The artist’s social media is listed on the back of every card featuring their artwork. Look them up, commission them, reblog their art, and support them however you can!
Worried because you haven’t received your card yet?
Double check your email inbox and junk folders. I send everyone an email that either confirms your Holiday Card has shipped or includes your eCard! Physical cards take 1-2 weeks to arrive. If your physical card fails to show up after the first week of January, please reach out to me and I’ll send you a replacement eCard!
Worried because you received your card and don’t know what to do now?
Make a post about it! Include pictures, videos, or anything you’d like, and tag me in the post (@24-7-testing) so I can reblog it! If you don’t want to show your card off, that’s ok too!
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
Hi! Sorry to bother you with this - I checked your FAQ and MCAS tag and if the answers are there already I apologize for missing them! But I was wondering if you have a masterpost or similar with basic info on MCAS (what it is, how to figure out if you have it, what to do...) anyway thank you for posting so much about this, I'm learning a lot ^^
Hello! I don't have a list because if I started typing one out, I'd never stop. The Healthline article about it, however, is fairly comprehensive for the basics.
One thing the article doesn't list is that MCAS can also be a source of deep, deep tissue pain (sometimes I swear it's coming from my bones). Some recent research has linked unstable mast cells to fibromyalgia, which is why you'll often find a lot of anecdotal stories online about the two being co-morbid. MCAS can also be more likely in people with EDS or hypermobility spectrum disorder and can sometimes also be a source of dysautonomia. (Honestly, it's a bit chicken vs egg sometimes.)
They may have updated their criteria since the last time I checked, but the American Academy of Allergy and Asthma & Immunology used to list anaphylaxis as a requirement for diagnosis, but that is not true.
Many people experience MCAS without ever going into full anaphylactic shock.
They also used to stipulate that diagnosis was based on elevated tryptase tests, which is not accurate for MCAS. The tryptase tests are meant for diagnosing mastocytosis, which is like the big cousin disorder of MCAS. Most knowledgeable MCAS doctors now diagnose based on a history of symptoms and response to elevated doses of h1 and h2 antihistamines, as well as other mast cell stabilizers.
TMS for a cure has a lot more info, as well as a patient resource portal that includes a list of physicians, support groups, and ER protocols.
I'd highly rec having a read-through at some point.
Hope that helps!
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lilmisssona · 7 months
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⭑⚝ Greetings! and welcome to the official portal of The University of Magicks. This is to notify that our official admission
☾𖤓 Has begun for the upcoming year. Students are required to fill their username in the comments to secure their spot!
⭑⚝ Remember! bunk beds are limited and access will only be granted from 9 am IST to 9:30 pm IST.
☾𖤓 Any usernames after that time period will not be accepted!
⭑⚝ Please be patient as more details ( AKA TEASER ) will be shared shortly!!
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🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 Our Eternal allies: @atinyniki @j-one25 @writingforstraykids @cheesemonky @skzoologist @minholing @michelle4eve @yangbbokari @jinnie-ret
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❁𓍢ִ໋🀦 New recruitments: ( Fill your @ in the comments to be added in the taglist ( •◡-)-♡ )
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riinzler · 10 months
/* went for the continuing the previous thread scenario... —@spaceparanoids-highestscore */
Flynn had been meditating when the beacon lit, and so when he finally became aware of it, he had no idea how long it had been.
He ignored it. When he fought back, Clu only got more powerful, and he could not afford Clu's forces finding him, or getting a hold of his disc while the portal was open.
He ignored the beacon, and the news of a user in the datastream up until he found out the other user was Dillinger's Kid, but what could that tiny kid he'd seen Dillinger's wife dragging around between court hearing before the company'd been passed to him.
...Except that had been five years before he ended up trapped on the Grid, and a thousand cycles since. And if the kid was anything like his father...
Flynn was overcome with the sudden need to get the kid off the Grid, because he thought Clu was bad, but Dillinger's kid was anything like his father, things were about to get so, so much worse.
And somehow that had led to a chase to the portal, and Flynn handing Dillinger's kid his disc and telling him he'd deal with Clu and Tron.
...Except that Dillinger's kid didn't listen, and instead dragged Flynn to the portal, squeezing his hand so tight that it might it might fall off.
"Like hell you're doing the noble sacrifice thing," Dillinger's son growled. "I'm so fucking tired of Bradley waxing poetic about the good ol' days and how much he misses you, and maybe if you're back your son will stop his obnoxious pranks on the company and I can get some damn sleep for once."
And before Flynn could process what the kid had said or the sensation of someone latching onto his other arm, they're in the portal, and then suddenly everything goes very dark.
Flynn was back in the real world, for the first time in twenty years.
He was so shocked, he didn't notice when Dillinger's kid turned off the computer, just that when he scrambled over to fix twenty years worth of chaos, it was off.
"What—what did you do?" he asked.
Dillinger's kid rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, everything's saved. I didn't delete your evil clone, but at least now he can't somehow make anything worse. It's late. We should both go home. Deal with it tomorrow."
As much as Flynn was skeptical, he did have a point, and now that the adrenaline rush was over and he was feeling every bit his age.
The Grid was shut down. He could deal with the aftermath tomorrow.
Except... now without the hum of the computer, he could hear another noise, somewhere between a purr and a growl, and realized that Dillinger's kid wasn't the only unexpected visitor to the arcade for the night.
Coming to the real world alone had never been the plan. It had been a spur of the moment decision once he’d scaled to the top of the portal tower. He saw the Users, saw that they were going to escape, and moved before he could register that he’d done so. That might’ve been a mistake.
He would’ve regretted the choice more had it not put him closer to achieving Clu’s goals. Kevin_Flynn and his coveted disc in one place, in the open and undefended. As soon as they’d arrived Rinzler had tucked himself into the darkness under the desk, using the fact that the lights hadn’t been activated to his advantage. He held in his rattling growl for as long as he could while waiting for the secondary target to exit. He didn’t require oxygen but the way the audio output was connected to his processor made it difficult.
Waiting for two equally insufferable Users to finish their idle exchange wasn't his idea of a productive use of his time but he couldn’t rush it, he needed to be patient and wait for an opportunity to arise. At least he knew the Grid was safe for now.
As soon as the other User left the room he latched into Kevin_Flynn’s ankle, pulling it with enough force to take the User to the ground. With that done he lunged out of his hiding spot and pinned him to the ground, scrambling at his back for the disc.
It was about more than just fulfilling his standing orders, now that Kevin_Flynn had done…something to try to make him think of firing on the Admin it was personal. Rinzler’s own discs had been left behind on the Rectifier but he could still fight without them, he wouldn’t fail.
…It wasn’t there.
Why the fuck wasn’t it there? Where had it gone? He’d been watching the entire time, the disc hadn’t been set down! Now that he was looking he could see that the User’s doc was missing too.
Rinzler would’ve screamed in frustration had he been capable of it, but he wasn’t so he was just going to have to settle for removing pieces of the User until he gave up the disc’ location. Normally he was against torture as it rarely leant itself to favorable results, but this was a difficult circumstance. Keeping his grip tight enough to not facilitate an escape he leaned in, Kevin_Flynn’s reflection staring back at him from the shiny surface of Rinzler’s helmet.
“Where is your disc, User?” His voice was so distorted it was difficult to understand what had been said, not helped by the loud growl he was emitting though the murderous intent was clear.
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possumcollege · 7 months
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Gonne-wytch for hire.
Frowned upon by traditional magic users, guncasting offers a few novel advantages. Better range than your average wand, less draining than a full staff, better penetration than purely energetic transmission. Really gets those wards and blessings *deep* in the ground!
Indirect fire capability enables low-mana casting without line-of-sight. Casting rounds allow rapid access to a large variety of spells. Conductive wards allow last-second alteration of chambered spells.
Can fire canister shot in a pinch. Sub-5% chance of exploding once properly seasoned.
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Magical gunnery was born on the battlefield but thoughtful nurturing by kinder, less belligerent hearts has allowed the craft to grow past its violent origins. Gun witches often favor military garb, hunting attire, buckskin, and armor, believing it fosters a living bond between gun and gunner. Gun witches believe that trust, like that between a horse and rider, must be earned and maintained lest the gun revert to its purely destructive inanimate form. A new gun must be carefully trained and observed. Erratic or untrustworthy guns are rejected or destroyed. A well-loved gun is a cherished, respected partner and companion. This cooperative relationship is the difference between practicing one's gift and simply blasting charmed items out of a tube.
Like bardic magic, it's said that masters of the craft are able to use their instruments to influence the weather, halt and part the flow of rivers, and cast portals. There are even well-documented accounts of them healing the sick. This is considered an option of last-resort though, as most communities have access to forms of healing magic that don't require the patient to be shot in the face.
Witchcraft doesn't enjoy the same social status as the highly stratified, academic institution of wizardry. As such, many practical witches find a great deal of freedom in subtlety. This is not one of those witches. After all, it's hard to get paid if you don't advertise.
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No hired gun of this era is complete without friend-shaped codpiece. She calls him "Bucky."
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shinxeysartgallery · 6 months
The Murder Drones brain worms got me in a chokehold rn
Anyway, I got thinking about the Solver again. Ever since Episode 2, it's been established that the Solver is capable of creating flesh out of seemingly nothing. And we also know since Episode 1 that Disassembly Drones (as well as Workers with the Solver) can regenerate any wounds inflicted on them as long as there's sufficient material for it to use.
The latter seems to imply that it's still abiding by the Laws of the Conservation of Matter - matter cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. Makes sense; it took the materials in the area and transformed them into new body parts to repair damage. Nothing was created or destroyed in that regard. But then what about the flesh?
Episode 7 gave some interesting implications regarding that. We got to see a flashback where the Disassembly Drones were deployed to hunt down and devour humanity, even getting a little scene of V ripping off and swallowing some poor sap's arm and N drinking the blood out of some dude's neck. But here's the thing about that: those two particular humans that were explicitly shown being eaten obviously weren't the only ones that were killed and eaten by them. Much like with all living things, there's only so much room for food inside the body, which also applies to the Drones. Since they're robots, they obviously can't digest it or go shit it out later when they get full like a human or animal can, so where did all the blood and flesh they ate go?
In Episode 2, we see J's core teleport away in a black hole after N stabs it several times with his tail. We've also seen other instances of the Solver being able to teleport or open black holes/wormholes. We also know that all Disassembly Drones have a core like that inside of their bodies. Both Episode 2 and Episode 7 confirmed that the cores can act independently from its host body and still possess Solver abilities. So my theory is that their cores were teleporting the flesh and blood somewhere as it entered the Drones' bodies. Where exactly? It's hard to say, but likely to wherever the source of the Solver is. No, not Cyn, but whatever it was that originally possessed her. She was Patient Zero, but the Solver clearly existed before she woke up in the dumpster. Whatever its source is, that's likely where everything went. If it's still abiding by that scientific law mentioned before, then it explains how it's seemingly able to create it out of nothing - it's not; it's basically moving it from one place to another through use of wormhole magic when its powers are invoked. This also explains how the Disassembly Drones were able to consume what seemed to be an infinite amount of humans without them ever getting full.
(We know its very existence and its other behaviors still break several scientific laws, so this might be a moot point, but it's still interesting to think about!)
It also gives some more interesting implications to Cyn's comment about being hungry before jumping into the giant flesh pit to the center of the planet. Maybe the stuff was being teleported directly to the entity's stomach? And if that's the case, then that's maybe why the portals it makes are so fleshy? It's basically ripping a hole into the entity's stomach that's already full of flesh and blood from its previous kills.
Also as a side note, Episode 1 established that Disassembly Drones require them to drink oil every so often to keep from overheating - a symptom that also exists in Worker Drones with the Solver. We saw in Episode 4 that when Uzi used her Solver powers too much, she began to overheat and go a bit crazy until she was able to consume some oil. What if the Solver entity itself has something similar going on? We don't know what it's doing behind the scenes, after all. What if it's like those Drones, where it needs to consume blood and flesh to keep up its energy, much like how they need oil? If that's the case, Cyn's remark likely implies that it's used up a shit-ton of energy on something, which does not bode well for the future of Copper-9 or its inhabitants... (Or any other planets/exo-planets in that universe, for that matter.)
I'm probably over-analyzing stuff again, but still think it's interesting. lmao
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vozoehr · 10 months
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sasha199 · 2 months
Gale/ Wyll drama pt. 4
Y’all…this game hits different when your Tav is a stand in for yourself.
My sister and I are playing a multiplayer as ourselves, as sisters. I was romancing/flirting with both Gale and Wyll. I made a move on Lae’zel too but THAT ended in tears. Sister is pulling both Astarion and Shadowheart.
(I’m Sasha, sister is Marlie.)
Gale and I are standing in front of a rock out cropping at the edge of camp. The red leaves of the trees around us are stark against the shadowy sky, it’s almost lovely.
Gale has his back to me, I wait patiently saying nothing, he’s the one who wants to talk, after all. He turns to me and closes the distance between us. I clear my throat and stand up straighter. He says nothing, purses his lips, just looks at me. His eyes linger on my hair, my mouth, my neck. I suddenly feel a bit exposed in Karlach’s old camp clothes. It’s taking every bit of my will power to not say anything.
“Your cheeks are flush.” I stare at him. All that build up for a comment about my coloring?
“Pink, your cheeks are pink,” he continues, his tone is matter of fact, like it's a simple observation, “and your eyes are bright. Shining. There’s a new twinkle there, and it’s not because of me.”
“It used to be.”
His face falls a bit at that and a twist of shame churns in my gut.
“It is Wyll, yes?”
“The connection is palpable,” he glances down, taps his temple, “no tadpole required. Was there a reason you went to speak to him when you knew I was looking for you?”
“I -“
“Because I told everyone that I wanted to speak with you. Marlie said she would find you.”
“She did.” I keep my tone even, “I knew.”
“So you hid from me.” He sounds hurt, “And then you had the gall to walk right past me when you knew I was desperate to-“ he cuts himself off. His tone is rising and I can tell he’s trying to stay calm.
His eyes are so beautiful, they were the first thing I fell in love with, way back at the portal. Brown, shining and immensly expresive. When they focus on me the rest of the world falls away, or could burn for all I care.
“I’m out of words.”
I can’t believe he’d choose to close them forever. I'd never again see them alight with curiosity or sparkle with mischief. 
“Every conversation we have always comes back to the orb...and I can’t.”
There wouldn't even be a body to bury. Nothing except memory to mark that Gale had ever existed. Who would be responsible for telling his mother? Tara? And us, his friends, his found family...what would we do? Just go on as if nothing had happened? Pretend that the world wasn't suddenly darker and more depressing and Gale-less?
“I can’t listen to you talk about ending your life anymore. I don’t know…”
And me? What would I do? How would I go on? My life would be so desperately quiet.
“…how to convince you to not do this. I've come to see that perhaps I cant, and…”
I can feel my throat closing, my eyes stinging as I blink the tears away, “and it…it hurts.”
I love you.
I bring my hands up to my face, the tears are finally falling, burning with my frustration and helplessness. I take a shuddering breath and Gale is right there, inches from me. He places a tentative hand on each of my arms, as if he wants to hold me but doesn’t know if he should.
I love you, you stupid adorable wizard.
I lean into him, resting my head just below his collar bone and his arms envelope me. His beard nestles in my hair and I can feel his warm hands on my bare back.
He holds me. Snug in his embrace I let the sobs wrack me. I've been holding them in for so long. The pain of his rejection, the heartache at being unable to reach him. I hate that he built walls around himself and refused to let me in. At the tiefling celebration a month ago, I had laid myself bare. I had been so sure that he wanted me, that he cared for me and I had gone to bed that evening alone, feeling absolutely unloved.
I cling to him with a pathetic desperation. He feels so solid and safe, he smells like new robes and an autumn day. His chest is surprisingly firm, I can feel his heart thudding and I savor it. It feels strong, like it could go on forever, but I don’t know how much longer it has.
I attempt to get my breathing under control. He breathes deep with me, murmuring soothing words, stroking my back, giving me shivers. I don’t want to pull my face away because my nose is running, and I must look such a mess.
Once I feel a bit more emotionally regulated I cover my face with hands. I'm trying to hide my smeared make up. He pulls a handkerchief from his robes and hands it to me. “I'm sorry,” my voice is shakey, "I didn't mean to...I feel like I'm coming apart at the seams. And now there's snot on your robes."
“No matter,” he says graciously, his voice sounds thick and tender.
I chuckle to myself, “You should’ve seen Marlie’s face when I bought them, the price was so-“
The kiss cuts me off mid-word. I’m so surprised my eyes are open. I can see his long soft lashes, the whispy veins that trail up under his left eye. A whimper slips out of me as he pulls me against his length, deepening the kiss. My breasts press against his chest and his hips are flush with mine. He tangles a hand in my hair and moans as he sucks my bottom lip, tasting me. I open my mouth for him. Our tongues dance, hot breath mingling and I feel like I’m on fire. It’s everything I ever wanted, more than I could’ve hoped for. I kiss him fiercely, trying desperately to show the depth of my love in this one searing passionate moment.
Stay with me.
I love the scratch of his stubble, the soft clean scent of him, I run my fingers along his shoulders, his back, anywhere I can reach. He moans again, a deep satisfied rumble in his chest. I never want it to end.
As we come up for air, he huffs a laugh, “Apologies, I should have asked first.” He’s breathless, half grinning.
“I forgive you,” I kiss him again, a gentle kiss against damp lips, “this time.”
He clears his throat and touches my hair, pulls a soft curl taunt to watch it spring back. I reach up and undo the leather cord that keeps my hair (more or less) out of my face and give my head a shake.
He watches me for a moment before coming back to the business at hand. “Wyll is…he is a good man. I’ll not hesitate to say so. He would be good for you…But…I had hoped…” he trails off looking a bit lost.
“What did you hope?”
He reaches for my hair again, gently tucking it behind my ear. It springs back with a will of its own. “I had hoped I was a good man also, and a worthy one.”
“I’m sorry,” I say, “sorry I didn’t say anything about Wyll sooner, I mean. I should’ve-“
“You can tell me now,” he interjects, “who is it to be? Me or him?”
“You want me to choose? I-I didn’t even know you felt that way about me, Gale.”
He has the nerve to look shocked. He takes my hand in his, “I don’t know what more I could’ve done. You must know that I-“
“That you what?" I sound bitter, bitter and mean, but I press on anyway, "I’ve only ever thrown myself at you, Gale, and you rejected me at every turn. Yes, yes I know,” I raise my voice slightly as he looks about to speak over me, “please don’t make me talk about that bloody orb right now. I will scream.”
“Perhaps I should’ve done more,” he interlocks our fingers, traces my palm with his thumb “been more charming, more flattering, harder to reach, I don’t know.” He looks distraught, and my heart aches for him. “I was only ever myself, I hoped it would be enough.” He brings my hand up to his mouth and kisses the inside of my wrist. He nuzzles the sensitive skin, closes his eyes as if he's relishing the feel of me. "I've always wanted you, so much so that I couldn't risk it. I dare not risk it...touching you, kissing you...gods the hours I've wasted lost in my own mind with you..." he blushes a little, his cheek going warm under my hand.
I have a retort poised at the tip of my tongue. Even now I want to hurt him, to lash out. Why did he wait until someone else made it clear they wanted to be with me? Why did he wait for me to resign myself to the fact that I was not going to get what I wanted? It was unfair. To me and to Wyll.
"And if I said that it was too late?"
He opens his eyes, and tucks my hand against his chest, a small sigh escapes his lips and he takes a moment before he responds. "Then I will accept your decision. Graciously."
But before I can say more, he pulls me back into his embrace. His grip on me is firm and there is an intensity in his voice that surprises me. "Tell me I'm not, Sasha. I didn't mean to make you wait so long. Please."
I rest my face against his shoulder. Slowly I wrap my arms around his waist. What do I want? How do I choose? 
“Do you remember our magic lesson?”
He pulls back a little to look down at my face, “The one you failed, yes.”
I give him a look, “Thanks.”
“That was my fault,” he adds quickly.
“Well, remember, you told me then that you were not a big believer in fate but that you believed in serendipity. Is that still true?”
“Uh…yes. I suppose.”
“You said you wanted to embrace me.” I lay my head back on his chest, “And now you have.”
“I’d like to again,” he whispers tracing his fingers up along my spine, "and again and again."
“You will,” I say softly, “because I choose you.”
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improvised-finish · 10 days
FFXIV Write 2024 - Prompt #9 - Lend an Ear
Content Warnings: None
Spoiler Warnings: General spoilers for the first half of Shadowbringers
Summary: Lehon'a Nhavareh returns home from the First with two items on her agenda: A commission, and perhaps more importantly, a homecoming.
Check it out below, or on Ao3:
Lehon'a took a deep breath.
Dreading a homecoming was a strange feeling, one she couldn't say she'd ever felt before. She knew it was likely temporary, but it sure didn't make knocking on the door any easier.
She'd been away for a long time, and not of her own volition. One G'raha Tia, posing as the Crystal Exarch, had whisked her, Ar'beunti, and the souls of the rest of her companions to the First without so much as a clue for those left behind. Fortunately, Feo Ul had helped maintain some semblance of contact across the rift, but she had to imagine that Tataru did not enjoy having to write a letter in the immediate aftermath that read:
“Dear Lehon,
Your child has disappeared suddenly and we don't know why or where they went.
Our apologies, The Scions”
Thankfully, it turned out that she alone had the ability to return via a portal in the Ocular, as she had been transported wholly instead of just as a soul, like her companions had. 
She'd been hesitant to return for a while, mostly agonizing over the one big thing that had happened while she'd been gone: she'd transitioned.
As much as Lehon'a did want to reassure her mother with her presence, seeing her mom wasn't the main impetus for this trip. She'd come out a while ago, first to Y'shtola in confidence, and then to the rest of the Scions shortly after. Her friends had been endlessly supportive, and before she knew it, Lehon'a had endless spare clothes and more gifted cosmetics than she knew what to do with.
She'd started making more changes in her day to day life; she wore a ribbon in her hair most days, and occasionally put on a skirt or a dress when the situation didn't immediately require battle garb. The next step, however, was a large one. Y'shtola had sat down with Lehon'a one afternoon and shared something she'd heard about during her studies at Sharlayan: a substance called Fantasia. If rumor was to be believed, it was a liquid that, if ingested, could change one's physical appearance into any form they desired. Phials were difficult to obtain, Y'shtola had said, but it seemed like it could be worth asking Tataru about, whenever she next found herself back to the Source.
And when she'd told Y'shtola about what the Exarch had said, that she alone might be able to freely come and go, Lehon’a started to notice Y’shtola slipping little reminders and nudges into a conversation here or there. Eventually, Y’shtola had worn her down. It can’t hurt to just ask, she’d said. 
So she’d done it. Had yet another awkward conversation with Tataru and Krile, who were not only understanding but also shockingly pragmatic. Tataru had had all the forms to get Lehon’a’s records changed in order and ready to go on her desk, as if she’d known in advance, somehow. She’d patiently listened as Lehon’a stammered through a description of Fantasia, taking notes the whole time, and Krile had filled in the gaps with her own knowledge. Tataru, ever the realist, had said she couldn’t promise anything except her best effort in finding some. It hadn’t been long after that when they’d said their goodbyes and parted ways, leaving Lehon’a with nothing else on her plate except for a visit home.
So there she stood, in front of her childhood home, where her mother still lived. As she raised her fist to knock, she realized that she’d missed an opportunity to wear something more feminine. She hesitated for another moment, having to stop and gather her resolve once more. A hair ribbon and form fitting pants will just have to be good enough, she thought as she pushed through the anxiety and knocked on the door.
“Coming!” Lehon’a heard a muffled yell that could only belong to her mother. The door swung open, and there she was.
“Oh! Lehon’a, it’s you! What a surprise, I… I’m so glad to see you again!” The words poured out of her, likely stockpiled since the last time they’d spoken. The flow was only temporarily halted as Lehon went in for a hug. “You look different! Better, I think. Is it the hair? It looks nice like that, it really does.” 
“Glad to see you too, mom,” Lehon’a replied, trying to keep the nerves at bay. “Listen, uh… could we talk? It’s… it’s important.”
Lehon paused for a moment, and Lehon’a could tell she understood the seriousness that her tone of voice had implied. “Sure, dearheart. Let’s go sit.”
Lehon’a followed her inside, and sat with her around the kitchen table, as they had many times before.
“So what is it you’d like to talk about?” Lehon began, cautious of touching a nerve.
“I…” Another pause. Why didn’t this get any easier? Lehon’a thought to herself. “I’ve been through a lot while I’ve been away. I’m not sure exactly how much of the specifics you’ve heard in the letters you may have gotten, but it’s been quite an ordeal.”
“All the more reason for me to be glad you’re here,” Lehon replied, putting a hand on top of her child’s.
Lehon’a smiled in return, trying to keep her conversational momentum moving forward. “I’ve met new people, and grown closer to old friends, but… but most of all, I’ve come to realize something about myself.” Lehon didn’t interject this time, content to let Lehon’a share. “I’ve realized that I…I’d be…” Lehon’a could feel the tears starting to form, but wanted to push through them. “That I’d be happier living my life as a woman.” 
The words hung in the air between them for a moment, and then Lehon grasped her daughter’s hands tightly in her own. “Oh, Lehon’a… my wonderful daughter.” They both began to cry, though these were tears of joy, not sorrow. “I couldn’t be happier, dearheart. And don’t worry, I’ll take the brunt of breaking the news to the tribe– unless you’d rather do it yourself.”
“No, no, you have my blessing. It’s one more awkward speech I don’t have to give.” Lehon’a replied with a nervous laugh.
They both stood up and embraced again, this time for quite a while longer. 
“Not to say that I knew ahead of time or anything, but… when you were a child, I always felt Menphina’s light shine a little more strongly on you than on any other boy in the tribe. Any time the sky was clear, you just seemed to gather all the moonlight in the room.”
“Oh, did I?”
Lehon looked at her daughter with a smile. “I guess now we know why.”
“I guess so, huh?”
Another beat of silence.
“I love you so much, Lehon’a. I always will. No matter what.”
“...Even if I drank a potion that made me look totally different?”
“Even if you drank a potion that made you look totally different. You’ll always be my beloved daughter.”
This time Lehon’a went in for the preemptive hug, pressing her forehead against her mother’s. “Thanks, mom. I love you, too. More than you know.”
“So… You’re in the market for potions that change your appearance now, huh?” Lehon walked over to the icebox and took a look inside. “Well… no transformation potions in here, I’m afraid, but I do have some lemon tea I brewed just this morning.”
“Sounds good to me,” Lehon’a replied, once again sitting down at the table. While her mother’s back was turned, she offered a silent prayer to Menphina, thanking her for such a caring mother and such a lovely day.
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bogkeep · 25 days
for Months i have been stressing over stupid Bureaucracy Regret -
when i started school in sweden i figured i need to notify the system that i'm living there, so i did, and i acquired a swedish ID and all that jazz.
for two years this has seemed mostly superfluous - i think maybe it's been useful to get a proof of student ID because they don't give you those at school and you need to download an app that fills your inbox with advertisements and i hate it so bad - but this year i ran into trouble when i found out that Living Outside Of Norway is a bit problematic for Ongoing Medical Assessment In Norway (that i started over a year before moving to sweden). like it's fine as long as i DON'T get a job in sweden and DO get my student loans from norway, but they can't cover my travel cost to the hospital and getting my T gel prescription was a pain (and i can only get it in norwegian pharmacies unless i get a swedish doctor to sign off on a prescription in sweden), and i can't access most of the services in the healthcare portal or contact my GP without calling her clinic. so all of this is confusing and frustrating, right, and nobody at the gender clinic had any clue about any of this (despite telling me they have had patient studying abroad before) so they were gonna have a social worker who's supposed to have a clue call me to figure out a solution. turns out they had only a little more clue but not as many answers as i'd hoped, and together we came to the conclusion that i'll just change my legal address back to norway and things will be smooth sailing again. apparently most students going temporarily abroad just change their c/o address and not their legal permanent address and i did not know this! none of my fellow norwegian students seem to have done the same process as i so i'm just ignorant i guess!!!
AS IT TURNS OUT you can't just "move back to norway" that easily, WHICH MAKES SENSE I GUESS, so i decide to call the folk register directly to find out how and why and when, and even if i do have a home in norway i can't actually "move back" until i can prove i have reason to stay there for the next six months, which i'm not, because i'm studying in sweden. the service worker on the phone was very apologetic and told me i should've called before i registered moving so that i could've Known the Consequences, but i couldn't have known i needed to do that, AND it's a pain to call them through limited phone times and long queues. so basically i've been going through the five stages of grief and decided i'll just have to eat the travel costs (which has an extra element of frustration because i could've made it all just a little bit cheaper for myself if i had waited a couple more days at the time and coordinated better but DONE IS DONE, I'm already lucky somw acquaintances let me crash at their place and i didn't have to book a hotel) and deal with the frustrations as best i can before i move back to norway next year anyway. like it sucks but i will deal and i can't change the past and i did my best ET CETERA.
and then last week the office lady at school sent us an email that the powers that be now require all students to have a swedish id so if we don't have that already we need to get on that. so uh
after all that frustration and regret. i was gonna have to do all that anyway. now i'm watching my fellow norwegian students struggling with the paperwork runs while i don't have to do a single thing
nice ok
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24-7-testing · 2 years
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The end of the year gets tough for a lot of people, especially the last few years. Because of this, I am once again excited to announce the return of…
The Portal Holiday Spirit Initiative!
To try and lift people’s spirits up this year, I will be making and sending out FREE Portal-Themed Holiday Cards to anyone who asks for one! The cards are customized to match any December Holiday of your choice and mailed to you physically or emailed digitally!
This will be the fourth consecutive year I have run PHSI, and features the return of the nifty Postcards from last year! But don't worry: All physical cards will be mailed in themed envelopes this year, so your postcards should arrive in much better condition! :)
These postcards are are also special and unique, because they feature new artwork made by eight different artists from the fandom, specifically for this event! The design of the postcard you receive will be based on what you select in your Card Request. I can’t express the amount of thanks these artists deserve for volunteering their time and talents to make PHSI 2022 special!
If you would like to receive a Portal-Themed Holiday Card:
Visit bit.ly/portal-holiday-spirit-initiative …
Answer the questions on the form…
Wait for your card to be made and sent!
It’s that simple! Card Requests are now open, and close on December 20th in order to give me enough time to make and send all the cards before the end of the year. Please submit sooner rather than later so I have time to finish them all!
Also, please don’t be afraid to request a physical card if you don’t live in the US! It might take a bit longer for you to receive your card depending on what country you live in, but they do get mailed to whatever address you provide, whether domestic or foreign. Last year I mailed/emailed a total of 141 cards to Italy, Australia, Canada, Colombia, The Czech Republic, Germany, England, Finland, France, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Russia, The US, The United Kingdom, and Vietnam!
I’m glad to be a part of the Portal Fandom and hope to bring a smile to others in the Fandom this year! While not a requirement to receive a card, please visit ko-fi.com/247testing and click the Donate button if you’d like to give $2 to cover the cost/postage of your card and someone else’s too. Thanks!
Answers for common questions and concerns under the cut:
Worried about providing a mailing address, for whatever reason?
PHSI has an eCard option! All you need to provide is a name for me to call you by and an email address to receive your card!
Worried about requesting a card because you don’t live in the US?
PHSI mails to any address provided, whether domestic or foreign! However, please wait patiently for your card, due to the current global rate of shipping.
Worried that you can’t give $2 to cover the cost of your card and someone else’s?
Requesting a card from PHSI has been and will always be FREE! However, giving $2 to the initiative helps me buy card supplies and postage to mail physical cards (visit ko-fi.com/247testing if you’d like to contribute). I gratefully appreciate any contributions received, even if it’s just a comment saying thanks!
Worried because you don’t know how to support the artist of the card you received?
Each artist's social media are listed on the back of every card featuring their artwork. Look them up, commission them, reblog their art, and support them however you can!
Worried because you haven’t received your card yet?
Double check your email inbox and junk folders. I send everyone an email that either confirms your Holiday Card has shipped or includes your eCard! If your physical card fails to show up after the first of January, please reach out to me and I’ll send you a replacement eCard!
Worried because you received your card and don’t know what to do now?
Make a post about it! Include pictures, videos, or anything you’d like, and tag me in the post (@24-7-testing) so I can reblog it! If you don’t want to show your card off, that’s ok too!
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palavraseminglesbr · 2 years
130 Frases em Inglês Para fotos com Tradução
          Nesse artigo iremos mostrar frases em inglês para foto com tradução para o português, portanto fique até o final do post e saiba quais são elas.
Seja uma foto com amigos, sozinha, namorado ou família, é sempre muito complicado escolher qual legenda ficaria mais bonita, não é verdade? Portanto,com nossa lista de frases em inglês que fizemos para melhorar suas legendas nas redes sociais (WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, etc), suas fotos ficaram bem mais destacadas.
Veja também >>> 100 palavras em inglês mais usada no cotidiano com tradução
130 frases em inglês para foto com tradução para turbinar suas legendas
Be love, be light, be you. (Seja amor, seja luz, seja você.)
I’ve got no self-control. (Eu não tenho auto-controle)
We are all made of stars. Shine! (Todos nós somos feitos de estrelas. Brilhe!)
Life’s too short to have regrets. (A vida é muito curta para arrependimentos)
What is coming is better than what is gone. (O que virá é melhor do que o que se foi)
Life is better at the beach. (A vida é melhor na praia.)
Always be thankful! (Sempre seja grato)
Don’t listen to what they say. Go see. (Não escute o que eles dizem. Vá ver por você mesmo.)
I love the little things you do. (Eu amo as pequenas coisas que você faz)
We all deserve something better. (Todos nós merecemos algo melhor.)
You can do a lot with a smile. Especially a better day. (Dá pra fazer muita coisa com um sorriso. Principalmente um dia melhor.)
It’s all good now. (Está tudo bem agora)
Don’t let little stupid things break your happiness. (Não deixe pequenas coisas estúpidas acabarem com sua felicidade)
No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow. (Não importa a duração do inverno, a primavera com certeza virá a seguir)
Do more with less. (Faça mais com menos).
My body, my rules. (Meu corpo, minhas regras)
You are capable of more than you think. (Você é capaz de mais do que pensa)
It takes more energy to be mean than to be kind. (É preciso mais energia para ser mal do que para ser gentil)
Your only limit is your mind. (Seu único limite é a sua mente)
Take more risks. (Arrisque-se mais)
A great future does not require a great past. (Um grande futuro não requer um grande passado.)
Be the kindness the world needs. (Seja a gentileza que o mundo precisa)
Focus on progress not perfection. (Foco no progresso, não na perfeição)
Mistakes are portals of discovery. (Os erros são portais para descobertas)
Feed your soul. (Alimente sua alma)
You don’t have to hurt someone to move on. (Você não precisa machucar ninguém para seguir em frente)
Nothing is worth more than laughter. (Nada vale mais que o riso)
Just smile. (Apenas sorria)
Don’t wait for inspiration. Be an inspiration. (Não espere por inspiração. Seja uma inspiração)
I am not lazy. I am on energy saving mode. (Eu não sou preguiçoso. Eu estou no modo de economia de energia)
If it doesn’t make you happy, let it go. (Se isso não te faz feliz, deixe ir)
Thank you God for blessing me much more than I deserve. (Obrigado Deus por me abençoar muito mais do que eu mereço.)
Live the life you’ve imagined. (Viva a vida que você imaginou)
Don’t forget your dream. (Não esqueça do seu sonho.)
What ever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy. (O que quer que você decida fazer, certifique-se de que te faça feliz)
Make each day a new horizon. (Faça de cada dia um novo horizonte.)
Enjoy today! (Aproveite o hoje!)
Be positive, patient and persistent! (Seja positivo, paciente e persistente!)
It’s a new day. (É um novo dia.)
Follow your dreams. (Siga seus sonhos)
If you don’t belong, don’t be long. (Se você não pertence, não fique muito tempo)
God is love. (Deus é amor)
Let it be. (Deixe ser)
I will be grateful for this day. (Serei grato por este dia)
In the end, we only regret the chances we didn´t take. (No final, só nos arrependemos das oportunidades que não aproveitamos)
Success is the best revenge. (Sucesso é a melhor vingança.)
Do more of what makes you happy. (Faça mais o que te faz feliz)
Life is beautiful. (A vida é bonita.)
Love your body. (Ame seu corpo.)
Forever hungry. (Sempre com fome)
Sometimes the wrong choices bring us to the right places. (Às vezes, escolhas erradas nos levam para os lugares certos.)
Forever young! (Eternamente jovem!)
Inspire someone today. (Inspire alguém hoje)
If not now, when? (Se não agora, quando?)
All you need is love. (Tudo que você precisa é amor)
I hope you feel the light in your soul. (Eu espero que você sinta a luz em sua alma.)
 You have the key. Why don’t you use it? (Você tem a chave. Por que você não usa?)
The strength that I need is already inside me. (A força que eu preciso já está dentro de mim.)
Always see the good side in all things. (Veja sempre o lado bom em todas as coisas.)
Joy is not in things, is in us. (A alegria não está nas coisas, está em nós.)
Courage, dear heart. (Coragem, querido coração.)
If you can’t be kind, be quiet. (Se você não pode ser gentil, fique quieto.)
Never forget to smile. (Nunca esqueça de sorrir.)
You’re my sunshine. (Você é meu raio de sol.)
Dream big. (Sonhe alto.)
Things take time. (As coisas levam tempo.)
It’s time to love. (É tempo de amar.)
Adventure is out there. (A aventura está lá fora.)
Home is wherever I’m with you. (Lar é qualquer lugar que eu esteja com você)
Your love was handmade for somebody like me. (Seu amor foi feito apara alguém como eu)
Never lose your faith. (Nunca perca sua fé.)
Long life, small world… (Vida longa, mundo pequeno.)
Your happiness is your responsibility. (A sua felicidade é sua responsabilidade)
May love be light and all evil be brief. (Que o amor seja leve e todo mal seja breve)
Who looks back, stumbles! (Quem olha para trás, tropeça!)
Do all things with love. (Faça tudo com amor.)
As long as there is a dream to follow, there will be reason to exist. (Enquanto houver um sonho para seguir, haverá motivo para existir.)
The best gift is you. (O melhor presente é você.)
Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud. (Tente ser um arco-íris na nuvem de alguém.)
Make love, not war. (Faça amor, não faça guerra.)
Love is the answer, at least for most of the questions in my heart. (O amor é a resposta, ao menos para a maioria das perguntas do meu coração.)
Just keep me where the light is. (Apenas me mantenha aonde a luz está.)
What I sought and didn’t find, I became. (O que eu procurava e não encontrei, eu me tornei.)
Show the world what you can do. (Mostre ao mundo o que você pode fazer)
I chose to be happy. (Escolhi ser feliz.)
Live the story you want to tell. (Viva a história que você quer contar.)
Don’t be afraid to dream! (Não tenha medo de sonhar!)
Be the person you want to have in your life. (Seja a pessoa que você quer ter em sua vida.)
Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn. (Às vezes você ganha e às vezes você aprende.)
Flowers need time to bloom. You too. (Flores precisam de tempo para florescer. Você também.)
No rain, no flowers. (Sem chuva, sem flores.)
Everybody grows at different rates. (Todo mundo cresce em diferentes modos.)
Life is a collection of moments. (A vida é uma coleção de momentos)
Everyday is a new fresh start. (Todo dia é um novo começo.)
Remember why you started. (Lembre-se do porquê você começou.)
Kindness changes everything. (Bondade muda tudo.)
Trust the timing of your life. (Confie no momento da sua vida.)
Life is tough, but so are you. (A vida é dura, mas você também é.)
The best is yet to come. (O melhor está por vir.)
Work hard. Stay humble. (Trabalhe duro, continue humilde.)
Never say never. (Nunca diga nunca)
To err is human, to forgive is divine. (Errar é humano, perdoar é divino.)
Faith is everything when you have nothing. (A fé é tudo, quando não se tem nada)
My dream came true because of you. (Meu sonho se realizou por causa de você.)
You don’t need anyone to make you happy. Happiness is for everyone. (Você não precisa de ninguém para te fazer feliz. A felicidade é para todos.)
It’s not the winning that counts, but how you play the game. (O importante é participar.)
Life is full of surprises. (A vida é cheia de surpresas.)
Never forget: Gratitude is the best attitude. (Nunca se esqueça: A gratidão é a melhor atitude.)
Life is like a fairy tale. Everything always ends well. If it doesn’t, it’s because it’s not yet the end. (A vida é como um conto de fadas. Tudo sempre acaba bem. Se não acabar, é porque ainda não é o fim.)
When you feel down, remember that nothing lasts forever. (Quando se sentir para baixo, lembre-se de que nada é para sempre.)
Love heals. (O amor cura.)
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. (O que não te mata, te deixa mais forte.)
I’m the best at what I do. (Eu sou o melhor no que faço.)
Hope springs eternal. (A esperança é a última que morre.
You can’t please everyone. (Não se consegue agradar a todos.)
I’m happy now. I’ll be happy forever. (Eu estou feliz agora. Vou ser feliz para sempre.)
Don’t give up on your first try. (Não desista na primeira tentativa.)
You’re destined for great things. (Você é um predestinado.)
Tomorrow is another day. (Amanhã é outro dia.)
Life goes on! (Vida que segue! Bola pra frente!)
Last night I had a dream. Now I see it here. (Na noite passada, tive um sonho. Agora, o vejo aqui.)
Patience is a virtue. (A paciência é uma virtude.)
Love is all I need. (O amor é tudo que eu preciso.)
The more you learn, the better you get. (Quanto mais se aprende, melhor se fica.)
When things seem impossible, don’t give up. Miracles happen. (Quando as coisas parecerem impossíveis, não desista. Milagres acontecem.)
Life is eternal if you really have faith. (A vida é eterna se você realmente tiver fé.)
Time is money. (Tempo é dinheiro.)
Hard work can make your dreams come true. (O trabalho duro pode realizar os seus sonhos.)
I’m serious about what I do. (Eu levo a sério o que eu faço.)
Winning is a matter of practice. (Vencer é uma questão de prática.)
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