#reptile names
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wingsoffirenames · 2 months ago
RainWing Names - Letter A
Abacaxi (A large, sweet pineapple that grows in Brazil.) Abiu (A fruit/fruit tree from the Amazonian region of South America.) Abundance (An extremely large quantity of something.) Acacia (A genus of trees.) Açaí (A type of berry, resembles blueberries.)  Achiote (A spice that is also often used to add yellow color to food. Also known as Annato.) Ackee (A type of fruit native to West Africa.) Arco Iris (Spanish for 'rainbow'.) Admirable / Admiration / Admire (To regard something or one with respect and approval, or be deserving of it.) Adore / Adorable (To love or respect deeply, or be deserving of it.) Adventure / Adventurous (An unusual or exciting experience or activity; someone willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences.) Aegithina (A type of bird also known as the Iota.) Aesthetic (A particular theory or conception of beauty or art.) Affectionate (A gentle feeling of fondness or liking.) Agouti (A type of rodent.) Aguaje (A type of palm tree.) Airy (Giving an impression of being unconcerned or not serious, typically about something taken seriously by others.) Aka (Japanese for 'red'.) Akebi (A type of fruit native to Japan, China and Korea.) Aki (Japanese for 'autumn', or another name for the Ackee.) Alder (A type of tree from the birch family with toothed leaves.) Alligator (A large semi-aquatic reptile.) Allium (A type of flowering plant. Often purple, but can come in many other colors.) Allure / Alluring (The quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating.) Almond (The seed of the almond tree.) Aloe / Aloe Vera (A type of succulent that primarily grows in arid climates. Also good for a SandWing hybrid.) Alyssum (A type of flower.) Amaranth (A type of flower.) Amarillo (Spanish for 'yellow'.) Amaryllis (A type of poisonous flower.) Amazing (Causing great surprise or wonder; astonishing or startlingly impressive.) Amazon (As in the Amazon Rainforest, the most famous rainforest.) Ambition / Ambitious (A strong desire to achieve or do something, or showing that desire.) Ame (Japanese for 'rain'.) Amla (Also known as the Indiana Gooseberry, a type of fruit.) Ammolite (An opal-like gemstone made of the fossilized shells of ammonites.) Amusement (The state or experience of finding something funny or entertaining.) Anar (Another name for the Pomegranate.) Anaconda (The largest snake species in the world. They are great swimmers, so this could also be good for a SeaWing hybrid.) Ananas (The plant genus that contains the pineapple.) Angel Aura Quartz (Quartz that undergoes extreme heat and is then coated with a special blend of metals such as Platinum, Gold, and Silver.) Angelic (To be beautiful, innocent, pure, or kind.) Anger / Angry (A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.) Anise (A flowering plant. It's seeds are used as a spice.) Annona (Also known as the soursop, or custard apple.) Anole (A type of lizard.) Ant (Insects that live in colonies.) Anteater (Toothless insect eating mammals with long tongues.) Ānuenue (Hawaiian for 'rainbow'.) Anura (The order frogs belong to.)
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sparrowlucero · 8 months ago
The greatest injustice ever faced is that I almost certainly started the still thriving "clown husbandry" tag on here, but any discussion about it (from a know your meme page to a youtube video with 500k views) says it's a joke of "unknown origin" or credited to this post, likely bouncing off of mine (which was actively circulating at the time with like 30k notes):
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This is a tragedy for many reasons, most of all because it wasn't just an offhand joke but actually a direct response to some of the funniest online hate I ever got:
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They're erasing the truest history of tumblr: its desperate need to seethe and argue over every obvious joke with more than 10 notes.
anyways here is the canonical pet clown. according to me
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nothing-impt · 3 months ago
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Sacred animal appreciation :)
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 16 days ago
It's always so weird to come down from the biology heavens to see what the average person believes about animals, plants, ecosystems, just the world around them. I don't even mean things that one simply doesn't know because they've never been told or things that are confusing, I'm talking about people who genuinely do not see insects as animals. What are you saying. Every time I see a crawling or fluttering little guy I know that little guy has motivations and drive to fulfill those motivations. There are gears turning in their head! They are perceiving this world and they are drawing conclusions, they are conscious. And yet it's still a whole thing if various bugs of the world feel pain or if they are simply Instinct Machines that are Not Truly Aware of Anything At All????? Help!!!!!! How can you look at a little guy and think he is just the macroscopic animal version of a virus
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fragonreal · 9 months ago
the big three alligator - fat wide snoot crocodile - dorito shaped snoot gharial - pencil thin snoot wait youve never heard of a gharial before? shameful. heres some pictures i stole from google
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bigfatbreak · 1 year ago
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here's the concept art for marinette's snake miraculous form! it was up on patreon last month, but I figured I'd post it for the update crowd too~
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egophiliac · 1 year ago
I saw comments that the new butler from Ridekamens look like Sebek
He...kinda does
I wasn't gonna say it, but. that was kind of my first thought when he was revealed. :') maybe this is what Sebek's older brother is doing these days? he ran off to buttle for secret agents at a superhero cafe? actually wait that would be rad as heck, I'll accept this headcanon
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lupucs · 2 years ago
Susie spills the tea... ☕ Or should I say, chalk, moss and apple-scented shampoo?
(Watch with sound 🔊 Music: Kevin MacLeod - Itty Bitty 8 Bit)
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cosmicnovaflare · 9 months ago
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Cinder again!!!
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flaming-trash-can · 4 months ago
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Look at my son!
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kaijutegu · 3 months ago
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Jima likes to drape herself over various family members while we watch television together.
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wingsoffirenames · 2 months ago
SeaWing Names - Letter A
Abyssal / Abyss (As in the abyssal zone of the ocean, the deepest part where sunlight doesn't reach.) Acara (As in the blue Acara, a colorful freshwater fish.) Acropora (A genus of small polyp stony coral.) Actinolite (A fibrous mineral that can be pale green, yellow, blue and black.) Adélie (A type of penguin. Also great for an IceWing hybrid.) Aegean (The name of the sea lying between Greece and Turkey.) Agnatha (Jawless fish.) Ahi (A type of tuna.) Aiiro (Japanese for 'indigo'.) Akoya (As in the Akoya pearl oyster.) Aethia (A genus of auklets, which are seabirds.) Albacore (A type of tuna.) Alcid (Also known as auks, a family of bird that includes seabirds such as auklets and puffins.) Algae (Plants that mainly grow in water.) Altum (As in the Altum angelfish.) Ambergris (A waxy substance that comes from the intestines of sperm whales and is used in perfumes.) Amberjack (A type of fish. Yellowtail are a type of these fish too.) Amethyst (A violet or purple quartz gem or a violet color.) Ammolite (An opal-like gemstone made of the fossilized shells of ammonites.) Amphipod (A crustacean also known as the freshwater shrimp.) Amphitritē (A Greek goddess, queen and/or personification of the sea.) Anchoveta (As in the Peruvian anchoveta, a type of anchovy.) Anchovy (A type of fish.) Anadromous (Fish that migrate up rivers from sea to spawn.) Angelfish (A type of freshwater fish.) Angelshark (A type of shark.) Angelwing (As in the Angelwing clam.) Angler (As in the angler fish.) Anhinga (A long-necked fish-eating bird. Also good for a SkyWing hybrid.) Ankimo (A Japanese dish of monkfish liver.) Anthias (A type of fish.) Ao / Aoi (Japanese for 'blue'.) Aonyx (A genus of otters.) Apatite (A translucent mineral, normally green or blue but can be yellow, violet, pink, or brown.) Aphotic (The part of an ocean or lake where there is little to no sunlight.) Aqua (Water, or a light greenish blue color.) Aquamarine (A light bluish-green variety of beryl, or a light bluish-green color.) Aquarium (A transparent tank of water in which fish and other water creatures and plants are kept.) Aquarius (A zodiac sign and constellation associated with water. Also great for a NightWing hybrid.) Aquatic (Relating to water.) Arame (A species of kelp.) Arapaima (A type of fish.) Archelon (An extinct marine turtle; it was the largest ever documented.) Archerfish (A type of tropical fish that shoots jets of water at land-based insects to catch and eat them.) Archipelago (A group of islands scattered in a body of water, such as a lake, river, or ocean. Could also be good for a SandWing or MudWing hybrid.) Arrowtooth (A type of flounder.) Aruana (Also known as the Arowana fish, they are excellent jumpers.) Asterias (A genus of seastars/starfish.) Atlantis (A fabled island in the Atlantic that according to legend sank beneath the sea.) Atolla (A bright red type of jellyfish.) Aulonocara (Also known as the peacock fish.) Aventurine (A form of quartzite, often green.) Awa (Japanese for 'foam' or 'bubbles'.) Axolotl (A type of salamander.) Ayu (As in the Ayu sweetfish.) Azure (A bright blue color.) Azurite (A soft, deep-blue copper mineral.)
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dotstronaut · 2 years ago
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A lot of these are like, two years old. Enjoy these out of context snippets!
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fanotastic · 5 months ago
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Black head, lavender albino, leopard, mojave
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donsgraveyard · 1 year ago
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hoofpeet · 9 months ago
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Some satyr worldbuilding I was thinking about earlier. btw
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