#repeater Setup
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blorbocollection · 2 years ago
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ilikedetectives · 1 year ago
There's Minthara repeatable kisses in Hotfix 16 I repeat there's Minthara repeatable kisses in Hotfix 16.
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quibbs126 · 27 days ago
I had another thought with that one megop sparkling idea I keep bringing up but never fully committing to because I can’t decide on any one idea and at this rate I think I’m just annoying people
But yeah, I had another thought, one that I just thought was funny. I want to draw it out, but I’m lazy and also I have a test tomorrow that I have to study for, so I’m not doing it now. But I’m also impatient, so I’m giving you the bullet points/written version. If I’m sensible, I’ll take this post down after I finish the actual thing so I’m not too repetitive
Anyways, so there’s the kid, who is the child of the two leaders of the Autobot and Decepticon factions, and thus, potentially, holds a lot of value as a hostage and bargaining chip. Granted, I don’t know how known they actually are, there might just be a rumor going around that the two leaders have a secret kid somewhere
But anyways, someone (I don’t know who) gets the idea to capitalize on this, and afterwards calls up Optimus and Megatron, who are up to their usual things, claiming they have taken their sparkling captive and want some demands or other if the two ever want to see them again
Now both of them are very confused by this turn of events. Optimus has no goddamn clue what this guy’s talking about, because he’s pretty sure he knows the two of them definitely don’t have a sparkling. Megatron meanwhile does know they definitely had a sparkling, but he’s cycling through his head the possibilities of if this guy’s telling the truth. Because he was pretty sure no one knew about them, how did this person find out? How many people know? Do they really have their sparkling or is it just a trap to kill them? Or is it some idiot claiming this status, while probably not being aware there is a genuine one out there? Or did they just pick up an innocent bot who just happens to kind of look like them? How close is his secret to getting out, especially to Optimus?
But yeah basically meanwhile, while Megatron is somewhat internally panicking and trying to assess the most likely severity of this situation, Optimus is just like, “…I have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about, Megatron and I don’t have a sparkling, isn’t that right Megatron?”, thinking Megatron is on the same page of this being absolutely absurd as him
But because Megatron is thinking and stopped paying much attention, he doesn’t answer at all. And the silence goes on long enough that it’s getting questionable, especially since Megatron isn’t jumping in to defend his own honor that he did not have a baby with his sworn enemy. His silence is starting to become an admission, and the possibility of this actually being legit is starting to freak Optimus out, because again, he doesn’t know about any of this
Okay explaining it out loud does not bring out the comedy the situation is supposed to have. Probably because there’s no visuals and my description of the narrative rather than just dialogue. So like, the comedy doesn’t happen like it’s supposed to, this isn’t the format for the joke. But the image is funny in my head, okay?
I’ll make the picture either tomorrow or Friday or something, since I have things to do tomorrow. I was just trying to explain it so that you could understand my vision before I can make it
#I don’t actually know if this kidnapper has the legit sparkling or not#because I don’t know how much I want this info to be actually known in this scenario#though it does work as a way to bring the character actually in to meet their parents#granted with this setup everyone knows from the start the whole situation#Megatron’s suffering is not being the only one who knows and unable to tell anyone#but rather that he kept this secret this whole time#which I mean would be true of the former scenario as well it’s just a lot later#the best threading of the needle is can think of is that the kidnapper was accidentally successful#like they heard the rumors or something and thought it was worth a shot picking up a bot who looks reasonable enough#to hypothetically be their sparkling#but somehow ended up picking up the actual real deal#and like before meeting them Megs had settled on the idea the hostage wasn’t their actual sparkling#because how likely is it that it’s the real one?#and he’s able to cover up in the moment saying that it’s probably just some bot who looks like them and is playing off rumors#but they still have to go along with this because that’s probably an innocent bot who just got dragged into this#only for Megatron to realize during the negotiations that oh crap that actually is the real one#and having to deal with this somehow#anyways yeah#more elaboration and repeating whenever I make the final#I should really do my homework and go study for my test tomorrow#transformers#megatron#optimus prime#megop#transformers sparklings#random stuff
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 years ago
Once, Always
(Edmund has an abundance of birthdays)
“I say,” murmured Edmund sleepily as the fire burned low. “When do you suppose it is here? I mean—what time of year? Do you think it’s the beginning of September, the same as it was in England?”
“Summer,” said Lucy. “Certainly summer.”
Peter agreed. “I think it must be Highgrass, if I had to guess. Perhaps later. Greenroof?”
“If it’s Greenroof, then Edmund gets another birthday,” Lucy sighed. “Eleven or twelve, Ed?”
“Neither,” put in Susan. “A thousand, if you’re going to rationalize it that way. Now everyone hush, please, and get some sleep.”
Edmund’s birthday was the fifteenth day of Greenroof by the Narnian reckoning. Greenroof, late summer, when all the leaves were dark and broad. Narnian summers were long, but Greenroof was the last and best of the summer months. Greenroof was hunts through the dense foliage, blackberries heavy with juice, lazy afternoons, bonfires, wild romps, and the pleasant kind of sweat. Edmund’s birthday celebrations were always held on Dancing Lawn in the old days: the sort of long, laughter-bright nights that summer was made for.
The second time Edmund celebrated his eleventh birthday, it was just past three months since he and his siblings had returned home from the country. Their house was glass-strewn and battered, but still standing when they arrived home. By August it was beginning to feel really safe again, but sometimes Edmund still woke in the night to find his mother standing silent in the doorway, drinking in the sight of her two sons returned to her.
The professor sent one of Ivy’s famous spice cakes for Edmund’s birthday. It arrived tied in red string, which made Lucy reminisce fondly about dear Mr. Tumnus. Edmund’s siblings pooled their allowances to buy him the new Nero Wolfe detective novel, and his mother gave him a new cap and an electric torch.
“How do you feel?” his mother asked over dinner.
“I don’t feel any older, if that’s what you mean,” he said. “Eleven feels just the same as ten did yesterday.”
All four of them missed their birthdays the first year in Narnia. Too much else was going on at the time, and none of them was quite sure when their birthdays were supposed to be besides. The measurement of time was a thoroughly tangled issue.
The Narnian year had four hundred days even, divided into fourteen months of inconsistent lengths. Furthermore, the kingdom had only known winter for the last hundred years. The Narnians themselves were still remembering how the calendar worked in a world where the seasons changed. They didn’t have the words yet to explain it to their sovereigns.
“Eustace,” said Edmund, “your journal is wrong.”
“Give me that,” Eustace scowled at once. “I know it’s wrong, but there’s no need to rub my face in it. Aren’t I trying to make up for how I was?”
“No, no, that’s not what I meant. The month is wrong. You’ve got September written here, but time works differently in Narnia than it does in the Other Place. Haven’t you noticed that it’s summer, not autumn?”
“Oh.” Eustace shrugged. “I followed Occam’s Razor and assumed that the climate here was different rather than time itself.”
“Occam’s what?” This was Lucy.
“Occam’s Razor: the simplest solution to a problem is the most likely—never mind. Well, go on, what month is it?”
“Highgrass,” said Lucy.
“July,” said Edmund at the same moment. “More or less.”
They worked it all out one afternoon as the second spring of their reign was ending. Peter and Susan wrote out the English calendar on one stack of parchment while Edmund and Lucy sat down with the Narnian calendar and penciled in seasonal markers as best they could manage.
“The first crocuses came up right at the end of Cleardome, yes?”
“Yes, I think so. And the snowdrops were in their full glory that month too.”
“How do you want to deal with leap year?”
“Just forget about it. Narnia doesn’t have anything similar, so I think twenty-eight days for February is fine for our purposes.”
“Magnolia in Laceveil, yes?”
“Laceveil is a good marker in general. We ought to set that as May and go from there.”
Birthdays were guesses, no matter how much counting they did. Yet as memories of England receded and Narnia’s world blossomed into everything they knew, those guesses solidified into fact. Edmund turned eleven for the first time on the fifteenth day of Greenroof. He was the first of his siblings to celebrate a proper birthday in Narnia.
The fourth time Edmund turned twelve, he received another electric torch to replace the one he’d lost. He laughed for half a minute, holding that gift in his hand.
“Really, you should have expected it,” said Susan primly.
"I did."
Their mother tsked and added something about keeping track of one’s belongings, but that was alright. His siblings understood.
Edmund flicked on the light and watched the beam land on the far wall across the living room. Bright at the edges and dark towards the center where the bulb was. He moved his wrist sideways and watched the spot of light follow.  
Edmund might have forgotten about his birthday aboard the Dawn Treader if Lucy hadn’t remembered. She conspired with the cook to have a spread of Edmund’s favorite foods at supper (such as could be managed at sea) and coerced Rynelf into playing jigs on his fiddle afterwards. While they were dancing, Caspian called for a cask of his best wine, and soon the ship’s whole company was making merry like only Narnians could.
“Didn’t you have a twelfth birthday the last time you were in Narnia?” Caspian asked curiously as the party was dying down.
“Yes,” Edmund replied, “and the time before that too. Confused yet?”
“Ed has all the luck,” Lucy pouted playfully. “We always seem to return to Narnia in the summer, so he gets all the extra birthdays.”
Caspian's face lit up. “How extraordinary! When’s yours then?”
“Cleardome. There’s a year and a half between Ed and me, and he never lets me forget it.”
“It’s really not as exciting as all that,” Edmund added. “We’re not living our lives backwards, or unstuck in time, or any such nonsense. It’s more like—our lives are folded in on themselves, you see? But never the same way twice.”
“I think it’s more like music than anything else,” Lucy said, a kind of fond wistfulness in her voice.
“Yes,” said Edmund. “I know what you mean.”
On the thirteenth of Greenroof, the Telmarines laid down their arms and surrendered to Old Narnia. The next day, messengers were sent forth across the land with news of the surrender and with terms for the Telmarines. Caspian’s coronation followed, and then Edmund woke and it was his birthday again.
Breakfast that morning was long and languid, for Peter and Susan knew that they must say farewell to Narnia, even if the younger ones did not. They lingered round the table with Caspian and Trumpkin and the rest, and presently Peter offered a toast.
“To my brother King Edmund, who is eleven and twelve and sixty-three and thirteen hundred years old today.”
Everyone raised their cups and repeated, “King Edmund.” Caspian nodded and added, “Long live the king,” with an almost ironic tilt to his head.
Naturally, Edmund nodded back. “And to you, King Caspian. Long may you reign.”
Another round of assent followed, and then Lucy cleared her throat. “But also,” she said, “To late summer and the rebirth of Our Narnia. And to the land, the sea, the hills, the trees, the sky, Cair Paravel-by-the-sea and Dancing Lawn and all the flowers that are still in bloom. And to the color green. To all of us here today, and to those who are gone. And to Aslan.”
“Here, here.”
There were tears in Susan’s eyes now. “Happy birthday,” she whispered, and squeezed Edmund’s hand tight. Edmund looked down at his plate, fiercely overcome with love for this place and these people. In a strict, chronological sense, it had been less than a month since his last birthday, but how did the saying go? Time was just a tangled string, or falling snow, or whatever else Aslan told it to be.
“Bother,” said Edmund, “I’ve left my new torch in Narnia.”
Everyone chuckled at this, but Susan said, “Wait a year. We’ll get you a new one for your next birthday.”
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gobs-o-dice · 7 months ago
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Dice Set #287: Wheat
Bonus Detail Shot:
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(Yes, there is an actual piece of wheat floret as an inclusion in each die).
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aroaessidhe · 7 months ago
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2024 reads / storygraph
The Eternal Ones
final book in a YA fantasy trilogy
follows a girl with divine powers and her friends searching across the land - and realms - to find a way to defeat the gods who are bleeding their land dry
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taichi-x-koushiro · 1 year ago
"My name is Izumi Koushirou and I just recently turned thirty. I'm studying science related material at Keio University, though I've technically already graduated, I am always trying to further my education and my career goal in the field of relevant scientific research fields. My family... consists of my parents. My favorite drink is ... Oolong. My favorite food ... I lately really enjoy Chinese takeout, and dishes in general, but I also enjoy Japanese home cooked dishes. Omurice is also a favorite. I like my eggs with some ponzu. The food I hate ... there are 'some' things that I mostly just try to avoid, but I do well with that. People usually listen and try to be accomodating if I make a polite request to not be served the food. If they didn't, I would have already left. Strength: I try to maintain an open mind about the world and reality around me. Weakness: I'm actually quite obstinate. My hobbies are researching things that Interest me, including by using my computer, observing nature, and visiting museums for both educational purposes and personal enjoyment. I am an Adoptee. Because I am, my family is what could be considered by society to be a 'Non-normative family'. My parents are, I know now, without a doubt, my real parents, but my late relatives are also important. I visit the cemetary to see the family grave every Ohigan I get, even if the trip from home takes hours to reach there. And... the person that I both consider a dear friend, and love, is Yagami Taichi."
Izumi Koushiro, Probably (A.U. Concept or Not)
"...Did Yamato-san say something unusual?" "Well, it's just... Yamato was wondering, 'things' like, 'how much' I 'knew' about you, if we're 'really' 'friends'--"
#izumi koushirou#koutai#koushiro x taichi#izumi family#izumi kae#izumi masami#yoshie izumi#koutai headcanon#koutai au#koutai incorrect quote#repeatverse#repeat koushiro#repeat advs koushiro#repeatverse spinoff au#(I remembered this one and realized it works perfect for Repeatverse Koushiro setup in spinoff A.U.s and I got Really Emotional)#(Even though I no longer really follow that originating series and this is more A.U. off the top of my head than not but The Setup Here Man#(Keio is also the University seen + Implied in Kizuna)#(but the original concept I had for my KouTai A.U.s began LONG BEFORE me seeing Kizuna or even technically Tri)#(This Koushiro however would probably still retain a lot of what I enjoy from every Koushiro regardless)#(WITHOUT Me Having To Modify MuchTM)#(Anyway Koushiro immediately shooting down 'Yamato's {coughT0EIcoughs} Awful Internalized Amatonormative Takes with 'AND THE PERSON I BOTH'#('CONSIDER A DEAR FRIEND AND LOVE IS {TAICHI}')#('{The Only Person Who Can Decide That For Me Is Me}')#(These Head canoned lines)#(also lining up VERY VERY WELL)#autistic koushiro#(There were also lines about height and weight and blood type and Sign but Im Leaving Those Out {For Now} For ReasonsTM {Might edit Later})#(A FEW OF THESE I DONT REALLY HAVE TO MODIFY MUCH tHO Anyway I Am Having 5million KouTai Ideas+Thoughts Cant Stop Wont Stop)#source: sekai ichi hatsukoi#(EDIT I added in Pibook line but id have to modify it to 'tablet' if these were other A.U. versions like 2020 KouTai)
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aromanticasterisms · 7 months ago
my god lingsha's design is so ass. my god
#personal stuff#seraph plays star rail#main takeaways from this quest r designs i'm not a fan of. and weird fucking dialogue#what the hell was march talking about with that giant mech line. i have literally no idea what she was referring to#also yanqing going ''oh i forgot to ask yunli to return my sword'' ?? he did. he literally did. it didn't end well but he didn't Forget. wh#also like. maybe i'm just petty but the facial expressions in conversation#you guys can't have this serious conversation return to a more solemn default expression?#why are you guys smiling talking abt tingyun's ship crashing and everyone dying. come on#but god yeah lingsha's design is just not hitting for me. i wanted to be excited since she's based off of nuwa but like goddddddd#it's bad. the situation is dire.#also having a literal Snake abundance character who has an interest in the arbor. they're like okay we didn't set up tingyun well enough#let's try this shit again.#i guess?? otherwise why make her Like That and crank that shit up to an eleven#okay i am enjoying feixiao's design a bit more#but like my god. some weird lines from her for real#the whole ''yeah i made up a new title for myself'' just felt so cringe. maybe bc i'd already seen the line and didn't need to see it twice#also yeaaah let's repeat my backstory dramatically to these two people who already know me. ??#okay ruan mei is resurrecting tingyun i guess. cool#thinks mournfully about gallagher and misha.#but yeah i AM enjoying the yanqing moments. he's my little guy#also huaiyan's big anime sparkle eyes are very funny to me.#OKAY OKAY. second half of this quest was quite good.#i liked the little expedition w yanqing yunli and march. good setup of tension#and then everything from there to the end i enjoyed. i liked seeing hanya and xueyi again even if the circumstances were. well#and dan heng's interactions w the trailblazer in the shackling prison waa. waaaaaa.
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morrigan-sims · 7 months ago
mmmm I have two really really complicated render/edit ideas, and I'm going to die trying to pull them off, but if I can, I will be SO happy.
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hopecomesbacktolife · 1 year ago
unless stated otherwise, whenever I think of love poetry in my head or reblog it, while doing so chances are I’m probably thinking of Kira Nerys
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b4kuch1n · 2 years ago
slight update on the bideo stuff
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forgot doing this means I have to script
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Alright Im done with the new peacemaker tries hard. Some of the jokes were funny, most of them werent, I officially hate this characterization of Peacemaker, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Pugh are doing the best they can with this script.
We finally have another Peacemaker being nice to kids moment though so theres a brightside here
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Also I liked the running thing with the frogs in this one. I like that this miniseries is emphasizing Chris liking animals so much thats actually something I always thought should be a thing with him
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Other then that though yeah. A majority of the jokes were the most obvious jokes you could possibly make. Watever......
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apsetupwavlink · 2 years ago
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louisloulouie · 2 years ago
I have been crazy obsessed with the beautiful lighting during the Faith In The Future tour. Watching all the color almost melt away during Louis performing Written All Over Your Face feels like pure magic.
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fatkinson2901 · 21 days ago
How to Accomplish the D-Link WiFi Repeater Setup?
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What are the Multiple Ways to Perform D-Link WiFi Repeater Setup?
A D-Link WiFi Repeater Setup is an essential device when you want to extend your home networks' WIFI signal to areas with weak or no connectivity. Whether you're in a large house or have dead zones in certain parts of your home, a Wi-Fi extender can ensure smooth internet access across your space. While it’s easy to get started, performing the D-Link WiFi Repeater Setup involves a few steps, and there are multiple methods you can use. This guide will walk you through the web interface setup, the app setup, and using the WPS button for a hassle-free installation.
Pre-setup Requirements:
Before proceeding with any of the setup methods, ensure you have the following essentials:
Active Internet Connection: You must have an active internet connection from your router to extend the Wi-Fi network.
Correct Web/IP Address: Ensure you know the correct IP address or URL (dlinkap.local) for accessing the extender’s web interface.
Admin Credentials: You’ll need the default admin login credentials (usually mentioned in the product manual or on the device label).
D-Link WiFi App: Make sure you have the D-Link WiFi app downloaded and installed on your smartphone for the app setup method.
Computer/Smartphone: Depending on your preferred setup method, you’ll need either a computer or a smartphone.
Now, let’s look at the different ways to configure your D-Link WiFi Range Extender.
D-Link WiFi Repeater Setup Using the Web Interface:
This is one of the most common and straightforward methods of setting up your D-Link WiFi Range Extender. Follow these steps:
Power on the Extender: Connect your D-Link extender to a power outlet and ensure it’s powered on.
Connect to the Extender's Network: On your computer or smartphone, go to the WIFI settings and connect to the network broadcasted by the extender. It might be labeled something like “D-Link_Extender” or similar.
Open a Web Browser: Launch any web browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.), and in the browser's address bar, type dlinkap.local and hit enter. This will take you to the login page of your D-Link WiFi Extender.
Login with Admin Credentials: Enter the admin username and password. The default credentials are usually “admin” for both fields (unless changed). You can find the details on the label of the extender or in the user manual.
Smart Setup Wizard: After logging in, you’ll be directed to the smart setup wizard. Follow the on-screen prompts to configure your extender.
Wi-Fi Setup: Navigate to the Wi-Fi Setup section. Here, you can modify your extenders' Network Name (SSID) and Password to match your primary router’s settings. It's recommended to use a unique SSID and a strong password.
Advanced Settings: Optionally, go to the Advanced Settings section, where you can configure Parental Controls, AP Mode, Bridge Mode, or Guest Networks based on your needs.
Save Settings: After making the necessary changes, click Save Settings to apply them. Your D-Link WiFi Extender is now configured.
Completion: Once the settings are saved, your extender should be ready to use, and your Wi-Fi coverage will be extended throughout your home.
D-Link WiFi Repeater Setup Using the App:
If you prefer using your smartphone, you can easily set up your D-Link extender using the official D-Link WiFi app. Here’s how:
Download the App: First, download the latest version of the D-Link WiFi app from the App Store (for iPhone) or Google Play Store (for Android).
Connect to the Extender’s Network: Connect your smartphone to the D-Link extender’s Wi-Fi network.
Launch the App: Open the D-Link WiFi app on your phone. If you don’t already have an account, you will need to create one. Once your account is ready, log in with your credentials.
Access the Home Dashboard: After logging in, you will be directed to the home dashboard of your extender. Here, you can manage all settings related to your Wi-Fi extender.
Wi-Fi Setup: Go to Settings > Extended Wi-Fi. You can change the SSID and password here, as well as other security settings.
Save Changes: After entering the new network name and password, click Save to apply the changes. You can also modify additional settings such as Guest Network and Internet Settings if needed.
Completion: After saving the settings, your extender will be configured, and your extended Wi-Fi network will be active.
D-Link WiFi Repeater Setup Using the WPS Button:
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For those who prefer a quick and simple setup without involving any browser or app, the WPS method is the best option. Here’s how to perform the setup using the WPS button:
Power On the Extender: Plug the D-Link extender into a power outlet and make sure it’s powered on.
Place the Extender Near the Router: Position your extender close to the router for the initial setup.
Locate the WPS Button: Find the WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) button on both your router and your D-Link extender.
Activate WPS: Press and hold the WPS button on your router for about 3 seconds. After that, press and hold the WPS button on your extender for about 3 seconds.
Wait for Connection: The LED lights on your extender will start blinking green, indicating that the devices are successfully communicating and pairing.
Release the Button: Once the connection is established, the LED light will become solid, indicating that the setup is complete.
Completion: Your D-Link WiFi Extender is now successfully connected to the router, and your extended Wi-Fi network is up and running.
Final Words The D-Link WiFi Repeater Setup can be performed in multiple ways, depending on what’s more convenient for you. Whether you prefer the traditional web interface, the app, or the simple WPS method, all these methods allow you to extend your Wi-Fi signal easily. Make sure you walk through the setup process step-by-step and choose the method that suits you best. By following the instructions carefully, you’ll have your Wi-Fi extended in no time, improving coverage throughout your home.
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techtrickszonedotcom · 1 month ago
Wireless N Repeater Setup (No brand Name)- 2 Methods
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