#renjun sad
jaesqueso · 6 months
who the hell is making fun of renjun's looks? I will whoop your ass 😤
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neocults26 · 5 months
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vampyrluver · 8 days
I got tickets to see NCT Dream this month, so excited, my pookies will b real
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hyuck-xix · 4 months
저 별 - SoundCloud
Listen to 저 별 by 7REN JUN7 on #SoundCloud
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spidrv · 3 months
tw: guns, swearing, starvation(?) vampires, pregnancy
face claims :
sebastian - sunghoon from ENHYPEN
sapphire - ryujin from ITZY
haneul - gun-il from XDINARY HEROES
yuna - heejin from LOONA
carlos - seungmin from STRAYKIDS
ezra - heeseung from ENHYPEN
koa - renjun from NCT DREAM
for a very long time, the parks have been in hiding and were constantly moving around, until Estella suddenly got pregnant. She tells Minyoung, her husband, and he’s immediately ecstatic. It was very rare for a vampire to get a human pregnant, and now that Minyoung had gotten Estella pregnant, the 2 had to be careful, especially since he was a vampire and she was one to become after the birth of their son. There were cults in the vampire world, all around the world there were vampires, very few knew the history of them, while most people believe they were myths.
9 Months Later
The day where Estella gives birth finally comes, she’s at her last push and finally, the baby is out. Minyoung stayed by Estella’s side as the nurses helped her hold the baby for a bit before taking him to get properly cared for. “Do you have a name in mind, Mrs. Park?” the nurse asked, as Estella wondered for a bit. “Hm..” she hummed softly to herself, her faces stained with tears from the pain from a few moments ago, mixed with joyful tears. “Ezra.” she said with a smile as the nurse nodded with a smile, going over to the counter as she takes a birth certificate and writes down the name of the baby boy. ‘Ezra Alvarez Park.’ and just like that, the 3 became a family, but a family in hiding.
A few years pass, actually, a bit more than a few. Within those years, the Park family had grown. A Happy family of 10. Yes, 10. After Ezra, Estella had given birth to triplets unexpectedly, neither her or Minyoung expected it since she was already a full vampire, and it was very unlikely for her to get pregnant, the chances were very few to none, let alone being able to get pregnant with triplets. None of the 3 looked alike, it was hard to even guess that they would be triplets with how different they all looked, but they did resemble their parents. After the triplets, came another baby, at this point Estella and Minyoung were shocked, how could she get pregnant.. AGAIN? regardless of her being pregnant, they decided to love the baby, and like that, came River, yet again after a few months, came another, at this point both adult vampires werent shocked, they had wanted a big family anyway to begin with, so they only loved the babies they had more and more, then came Jasper, at this point, Minyoung and Estella hadn’t expected to get pregnant again, especially with how many kids they had now, but again.. they thought wrong, not too much later, Estella became pregnant with twins. “That’s it, after these two little stars are born, i’m seeing a doctor to get myself a ring or something down there.” Estella told Minyoung as he chuckled at her words. after the 9 months, came a beautiful baby boy and girl. Elvira and Everett.
Finally, Estella stopped getting pregnant, now 17 years later, all her kids were grown, they settled down in Seoul, South Korea after the twins were born, Minyoung knew it would be rare for anyone to ever think they were vampires, everyone in Korea mostly had perfect glass pale skin, similar to a vampires, so it would definitely be easy to blend in. And that, was just the beginning of their new lives.
After some years, 4 boys had gotten married and had kids of their own now. Ezra, Colton, Sebastian and Julian had kids of their own, of course the oldest and triplets still looked as if they were in their early 20’s, even if they were hundreds of years old by now.
Sebastian was happily married to a Woman named Sapphire, with 3 kids. 2 Boys and a Girl. Sebastian loved both his wife and kids to death, he would do absolutely anything in his power and will to protect them from anyone and anything.
One day, Sebastian had left the house around 2:40 am, he decided to go take a late night drive and walk by downtown, just to clear his mind, leaving sapphire and the kids at home to rest. As he parked his car and got out, locking it, he felt uneasy suddenly.. but ignored the feeling, moving on as he walked under the moonlight, watching cars pass by as he walked, digging his hands in the pockets of his sweater. Suddenly, he sees something flash by, as if.. it were another vampire? ‘No.. it cant be.’ he thought to himself, he knew there had been some people after them before, but they hadn’t come bother in a while, so it was hard for him to believe, with Sebastian distracted, a man had suddenly appeared behind him, harshly wrapping his arms around Sebastian’s neck and puts a cloth over his mouth, making him pass out.
An hour had passed, and Sebastian had slowly began to wake up, but when he tried to move, he couldn’t. His hands and legs were tied up to a chair, he panicked as he looked around, seeing a man in black walk out of the shadows. “Ah.. Finally.. after YEARS of chasing you.. filthy creatures.. i’ve finally caught one.” the unknown man said in a raspy voice, saha looking at the man, his power utterly useless in the situation.
Back at home, sapphire was still asleep along with the kids in their own bedrooms, since sapphire wasn’t latched around Sebastian as usual, they were touching and feeling around the bed so they could cuddle into him or hug him as they slept, but they didn’t.. feel him in the bed with them.. they suddenly woke up, their eyes glancing around the room as they sat up, wondering where saha was, they decided to get up and look around the house before deciding to call him. 10 minutes after looking in and out the house, sapphire never found Sebastian, so they decided to call his phone, which went straight to voicemail since it was powered off.
“Hm..” the mysterious man hummed to himself. “I wonder.. if sapphire is up looking for you by now.. you’re not with them in bed.. sleeping peacefully.. rather, you’re here! locked up in.. well. lord knows where right?” the man said, laughing as he shook his head and chuckled.
sapphire began to slightly panic since sebastian didn’t pick up his phone and his location was off. “fuck.. where could he be at this time of night?” they whispered to
themselves as they sit on the bed, running their hand through their hair as they wonder.
“lets.. call them up, shall we?” the man said as saha felt scared, not because of where he was, but because he knew what he’d say to them, would send them immediately into panic, and he wanted NOTHING to happen to them, let alone the man bring his kids into the situation. the man then dialed sapphire’s phone number, and sapphire immediately picked up since they thought it was sebastian on a different phone. “Sebastian! where are you? why didn’t you pick up your?-“ they were cut off by the man speaking. “oh dumb clueless sapphire.. like always.” he spoke, a shiver running down sapphire’s spine. “who the fuck is this? where is sebastian?” they asked, a stern tone came from their mouth. “who i am.. is not important, whether.. your husband, where he is.. and his well being should be your priority.” the man said in a low voice, sapphire’s free hand turned into a fist, their jaw clenching. “where the fuck is he.” they said, their tone filled with anger at this point since the unknown man was only playing at this point. “if you really want to know.. you’ll come find him yourself, otherwise.. he dies.” the man said before hanging up, leaving sapphire with tears in their eyes. “now, we wait! better show if they bring.. what were their names? haneul.. yuna and carlos? oh this is exciting~” the man said, sebastian trying to break free from the chair. “don’t you dare lay a finger on my kids.” sebastian said through the cloth in his mouth, the man turning to him. “oh i wouldn’t hurt them now.. i’m not evil. maybe.. evil enough for something else though.” the man said, then disappearing into the shadows again.
a week had passed by now, saha had gotten a bit thinner since he was being starved, and was only given water, he was weak, he felt useless without sapphire, his head was drooping low and he had no energy. sapphire on the other hand had been searching for sebastian, everywhere they could think of, and not a single place, did they find him. suddenly, an idea pops into their head. “ezra, oh my god.” they said as they snapped their fingers, and within 20 minutes, they were with the kids at ezra’s house. an hour had passed, the kids were with koa passing by time, while sapphire had just finished explaining to ezra the whole thing that had happened, and at the same moment, he was concentrating, why? because his power allowed him to find anyone in the world, as long as he had ‘taste’ of what their mind was like. and within a minute, he came back to reality, writing down immediately on a paper with a pen and address on where sebastian would be. “go here, and please.. update me on my brother sapphire.” he said as sapphire nodded, giving him a tight hug as they then run out, yuna alerted haneul and carlos, who quickly said bye to koa, and went running after their mom. “where are you going?” haneul said as saha stood at the drivers seat. “…. um.. to see your dad.” they said, and within seconds, carlos was in the back of the car, how? he shape shifted into a snake while sapphire was distracted, and snuck his way in. “we’re coming to.” haneul said as sapphire sighed. “no, you guys cant.” they said, but haneul and yuna were already in the car, buckling themselves in. “mom, it’s dad. believe us, we’re just as worried about him as you are. please, let us come.” yuna said as sapphire sighed. “fine, but you’re staying in the car when we get there.” they said, as they got in and started the car, driving off once they were buckled in.
2 hours on the road had passed, and sapphire had just parked their car at the address Ezra had given them. “this is it, STAY here.” sapphire said as she looked at all three kids, who only nodded. sapphire unbuckled themselves and got out the car, making sure to lock it as they walk quietly into the sketchy building. “are we actually?-“ yuna said as the door suddenly opened, Carlos outside already. “c’mon or the cars gonna go off!” he said as yuna nodded and quickly got out, haneul following right out as they then close the door, waiting a few seconds before clearing the coast. “we’re good, it didn’t beep!” haneul said as they then waited a few minutes before following sapphire where they had gone into.
sapphire was walking down a hall, seeing some stairs that led to a basement, deciding to go down, they made some turns, finding some empty rooms as they got chills, suddenly they walked up to a door, their hand shaking as they twisted the knob slowly, opening the door as they walked in slowly, seeing sebastian on the chair, hopeless and exhausted, seeing how much thinner he had gotten as they run up to him, wrapping themselves over him as they begin to sob. “oh.. my baby. i’m here now, hm? let me try to get you out..” they whisper as they try to undo the knots around his legs and hands, sebastian opening his eyes as he looks down at them. “s.. sapphire?” he says in a low voice. “yes baby, i’m here now, okay?” they whisper as they look up at him, but sebastian shook his head. “no.. it’s dangerous.. you need to leave..” he said as sapphire ignored him, trying to still undo the knots. the 3 kids were walking down the same path sapphire had taken, being as quiet as possible as they stand behind the door to where would show sebastian and sapphire, hiding in the dark shadow as then suddenly sapphire turns around, hearing a soft chuckle. “tch tch. clueless sapphire.. like always.” said the man, 2 more coming out as they walk up to sapphire and pick them up, holding them back as sapphire shook their head, kicking and trying to get out of their grasp. “leave.. my wife alone..” sebastian said, his voice low and quiet. “aw, still think we’ll listen? too bad the kids aren’t here to watch the show..” the man said as he suddenly pulled out a gun, a pistol, sapphire’s eyes widening at the sight as tears begin rolling down their eyes, they couldn’t use their power since nothing could be used for them to hurt the 3 men. haneul crept in quietly with yuna and carlos behind him, staying still as possible in a corner as they watch.
the man walked up to saha, shaking his head. “pity. you had a beautiful family sebastian..” the man said as they pointed the gun to his chest. “i guess i’ll do what i do best, ruin it.” he whispered as sapphire sobbed. “NO!” they shouted, their shout echoing as haneul flinched a bit, squinting a bit as he saw, shaking his head. “no..” he whispered as yuna gasped, but carlos covered her mouth immediately so they wouldn’t be spotted, tears rolling down her cheeks already as carlos hugged her tight.
“no stop! stop! no!” sapphire sobbed out, squirming in the men’s grasp, trying to get out and get to sebastian.
sebastian looked up, his eyes showing he was exhausted and drained, looking at sapphire with a very small weak smile. “i love you.. sapphire, with all my heart.. tell the kids i love them to-“ he was cut off by the trigger going off, silence fell as yuna broke down. “daddy!” she yelled as she ran out of carlos’ grasp and to sebastian, hugging him as she sobbed, the men dropped sapphire as they fell to the floor. “the kids were here? that was unfortunate.. for them.” the unknown man said as he disappeared again with the 2 men, but before they could get anywhere, they were attacked by a wolf, huh? where did that come from.. ? carlos. he had shape shifted into a wolf, something he had struggled with before, but anger rose in him and he was finally able to do so, tearing the men down into pieces as yuna sobbed, sapphire running up to the 2, holding onto sebastian’s now lifeless body. “no.. im so sorry i didn’t come sooner.. i didnt do anything to stop this..” sapphire sobbed out, haneul cried, but stood behind the 2 girls, closing his eyes as he made a promise to sebastian, to always look after the family now, to love and protect them the same way he had done, and step up to better brother to the twins. “i love you.. dad.” haneul whispered as he looked up, a clear glass ceiling showing the dark sky, filled with stars.
not sure if this will get any views.. but i want to put out that this is my first time writing something like this. i like to write for fun, and with a friend, thought it’d be nice to write a plot and write it out! (eve) !! i am a minor! i dont have intentions to ship these idols together, just give a little bit of a view on how the characters look. if anyone does end up reading, i hope you enjoy !! :)
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lovemayble · 9 months
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madewith-love · 2 months
I still miss renjun today … every time I see a cat pic I think of him 😭
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haetrack · 6 months
also very unfortunate news but i looked back at the masterlist post and renjuns fic was the only one not tagged w angst i am very sorry anon
jaehyun jaemin need to fight it out
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babylion · 1 year
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yumabells · 1 year
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──── ❝ 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮: 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 ❞ ──── 
ᶜᵒˡᵃᵇ ʷᵒʳᵏ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵐʸ ᵇᶠᶠ 𝚁𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚞𝚗  𝚡  𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚗𝚕𝚎  𝚡  𝙹𝚎𝚗𝚘 𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: 𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝, 𝚋𝚕, 𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚂𝚈𝙽𝙾𝙿𝚂𝙸𝚂: 𝚁𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚞𝚗 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎𝚍 𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚗𝚕𝚎'𝚜 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚍 𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚒𝚖. 𝙱𝚞𝚝 𝚊𝚜 𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚗𝚕𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚗, 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝚋𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚒𝚗𝚟𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚢. 𝙳𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚢, 𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚗𝚕𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚁𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚞𝚗 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚞𝚗𝚔 𝚜𝚘 𝚍𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚐𝚘 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚘𝚋𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝚞𝚙. 𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚍𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚠𝚘 𝚍𝚛𝚞𝚗𝚔 "𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜"?
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The bell rang, signaling the end of the lecture. The students in Renjun's class began to gather their belongings and chat excitedly about their evening plans. Renjun noticed something peculiar about Chenle. The usually cheerful and energetic boy seemed quieter than usual, a faint blush painted his cheeks as he watched the other.
Curiosity piqued, Renjun approached Chenle, who was hurriedly packing his backpack. "Hey, Chenle," he said gently, "Are you okay? You seem... different."
Chenle fixed his posture, “Yeah… Yeah I’m okay.” he stuttered.
Renjun wasn't convinced. He leaned against the desk, studying his friend's flushed expression. "Are you sure? You're blushing. Did something happen?"
Just as Chenle opened his mouth to respond, the classroom door swung open, and Mark, their ever-energetic friend, bounded in with a wide grin. "Hey, Renjun! Chenle! You guys are invited to my party.”
Chenle, grateful for the interruption, eagerly chimed in. "A party? Count me in!"
Renjun, still curious about Chenle but not wanting to press the issue in front of Mark, decided to let it go for now. "Yeah, sure. Sounds great."
Mark clapped his hands, excitement radiating from him. "I’ll be waiting for you guys!"
Chenle shot Mark a grin as he leaves, silently thanking him for inviting them. Renjun simply looks at Chenle, understanding that some things were better left for another time.
The party was still going strong, and the music echoed through the room. Friends caught up and danced the night away at Mark's house, which was full of laughter and excited chatter. Renjun and Chenle, as inseparable as ever, made their way through the mob together while smiling and laughing.
The evening continued, drinks were served freely, and the mood became more chill. Renjun and Chenle, both feeling the effects of the alcohol, found themselves in a secluded area together, where their talk took on a more serious tone.
As his eyes glazed over from the alcohol, Chenle muttered, "Renjun, you're really... like, the best friend I've ever had."
When Chenle laughed, Renjun placed an arm around his shoulders and laughed too. "Likewise, Chenle. It's difficult to imagine living without you."
 Time seemed to slow down, the chaotic party noise receding into the distance.
As Renjun's face drew closer, his breath warm against Chenle's cheek, which made his heart race. Chenle, suddenly aware of the closeness between them, muttered, "Renjun."
Renjun hesitated for a split second before moving in for the kiss and gently pressed his lips against Chenle's. The kiss was gentle and sweet, an expression of feelings that Renjun had never dared to express before.
As they withdrew themselves, the gravity of the situation set in. The tension seemed to fade away, and the party's commotion came flooding back into their ears.
Renjun muttered, "I... I'm sorry, Chenle," his voice filled with shame and dread. "I have no idea what made me do that."
Although Chenle shook his head slowly, he thought about the kiss. "No, don't apologise. I... I'm at a loss for words."
For a while, the two friends sat silently, each processing their emotions inside. While the party went on around them, they didn't know how to get through the uncharted territory that lay ahead of them.
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fff777 · 1 year
what is it about jmrn that makes me want to jump into the ocean
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vampyrluver · 8 days
I got tickets to see NCT Dream this month, so excited, my pookies will b real
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kundann · 2 years
just watched nct dream the movie: in a dream yesterday and it made me feel all different kinds of emotion throughout the movie like I'll be screaming because of their performance and then the next second I'd be crying when it comes to the interview part. Nonetheless, i really reallly loved the movie and I even made new friends even though I went alone to watch the movie. I also brought home a lot of freebies from the after party and even won an beatbox unsealed album, universe poster and unsealed album doyoung version.
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madewith-love · 2 months
I cannot stand another day without renjun
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leejenowrld · 8 months
nct dream reactions, them fucking you dumb/you riding them
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(00 line + mark)
requests are open
☆ mark lee
mark loves to bring you to the studio, it’s always a late night and it’s a time where he can spend time with the two things he loves most in the world. you and music. you’re sitting in his lap, more specifically his cock, bouncing up and down as he plays you the songs he only shows you. the song is background noise, he's focused on the pretty little noises spilling from your lips, the moans and the cries of pleasure. he’s 100% used your moans in the background of his raps.
you quite simply fuck yourself dumb on his cock. you ride him at such a rapid and fast pace, you’re screaming into his ear, moaning his name so loudly, your sounds blend in so beautifully to the music he’s made, it has him in awe.
“fuck, i love you.” his mouth is wide open as he admires the view above him. your screwing your face in pleasure, the steady rise and fall on his cock, how tight your pussy feels. it’s driving him crazy.
but all of a sudden the tone shifts. you’re moving faster, harder, your volume increases by 100%. he can feel you becoming limp against him and it only makes his adoration for you grow. he cups your face softly in his hands, pecking your lips, looking down to where you connect with a heavy moan.
“you’re seriously getting tired already?” mark tuts in your ear, his dark tone causing you to clench around him. he calls you his slut, his whore, he tuts at your need for his cock cock that you’re riding it whilst fucked dumb. he says all this with a sheepish grin on his face.
☆ renjun
renjun is pounding into you from the back, he’s fucking you dumb, the only thing holding your body up is his strong grip on the sides of your hips as he pounds into you. he goes faster every time you scream. filth leaves your lips, you’re begging for him to go faster even though you can’t take it and you’re screaming his name at the top of your lungs.
this all eggs him on even more. his hand squeezes around your throat so tightly. you’ve become sensitive and numb, you’re overstimulated and you cannot feel your thighs but this doesn’t evoke any sympathy from renjun. if anything, he fucks you harder. when you try to move away, he spanks you, a strict warning to stay in place for him.
you’re at a point of no return, he’s fucked you so dumb that you feel breathless. words don’t leave you. only the incoherent moaning of his name slips from your tongue. he moans about how you’re his cum dump and that he’ll keep going for the entire night.
he loves fucking you until you can’t move. his rythmn is messy and rapid, he moves even faster when your walls suck him in and when your pussy clenches around him. the bedsheets are stained and you’re panting in his ear, begging him to stop but your grip around his shoulders as you pull him closer tells him otherwise.
☆ jeno
jeno fucks you dumb once a week, it’s a ritual at this point. he slams his cock into you, your walls tighten around him as you pull him in, he’s moving so fast, the headboard is banging, you’re moaning into each others mouth, your body is shaking against his, flush against flush and his hips rut against yours. he puts your leg over his shoulders and fucks your harder, his cock keeps hitting deeper and deeper.
his stamina exceeds yours and he knows you can’t take it anymore, he’s made you cum four times already. but he doesn’t stop, he knows you’re gonna fuck pout out of sadness if he does. he fucks you harder. he applies pleasure on your neck area, his hands encircle your neck so easily and he closes the grip, giving you no room to breathe as you start choking in his hold. he puts his fingers into your mouth, gagging you with a smirk of satisfaction.
your jaw becomes slack, your moans barely coherent so he brings his fingers to the two sides of your jaw, roughly tugging your mouth open and spitting into you. you’re so dumb fucked that you forgot to swallow, your own saliva mixes with his and you’re a drooling mess, it goes down your chin and leaves a mess
he spanks you hard that it leaves marks and your ass cheeks sting for a while. or is it the feeling of his cock pounding into you? “baby, can you feel me here?” he whispers in a seductive tone, licking his lips as he points out the bulge in your stomach. he speaks in heavy moans, grunts and growls
you become lifeless against him and limp, it turns him on, he has a strength kink, he loves the idea that he’s stronger than you, he loves that he can manhandle you. he throws you around and throws you to whatever position he pleases.
you’re talking nonense and gibberish. he’s fucked so dumb that you can’t even speak properly. “use your fucking words” he growls. poking fun at how you can’t speak because he's choking you. “what? what do you want to do? you wanna ride me?”
you’re so cock hungry that you wanna ride him even after he’s made you cum 4 times. but your body fails you. you’re lucky he loves you because he controls it. he lets you ride him, he holds you up, sitting against the headboard as you’re sitting on his cock, his hands resting on your back to hold you against him. he brings you as close to him as possible, he kisses and moans into your mouth.
his hands grip the sides of your hips to help you move up and down his cock, he wipes all your tears and smiles at you, a rare sight because of how rough he usually is to you in bed. “i love you so much”
☆ donghyuck
donghyuck eats you out like a starved man, he has the ability to fuck you dumb by just using his big, plump and juicy lips. he smooches your pussy, he sucks on your clit, he bites it, his tongue continuously stripes between your folds, he’s lapping until you can’t feel your thighs, until you’re thighs shake around his head and you’re tugging onto his hair, trying to pull him away but this only makes him eat you out faster. he lands one slap to your pussy, a warning to not move him away.
he loves how loud you are for him, screaming his name and letting everyone hear how good he’s fucking you. if you keep screaming like that than you’re sure to get rewarded later. he’s whispering against your pussy and you feel his voice vibrate against your folds. causing your pussy to overcome with sensitivity.
suddenly he rewards you with his cock. you’re still riding the high of your orgasm as he slams into you. he throws one leg over his shoulder and fucks you hard and deeply. he fucks you through every orgasm you have and that’s what has you fucked dumb.
your body becomes clammy and sweaty, you’re painted in his cum and you’re crying, the sound of your cries turns him on. your eyes roll to the back of your head, your toes curling at every thrust and every time his cock hits deep inside of you.
☆ jaemin
jaemin fucks you dumb with a sweet, innocent smile on his face to hide all the dirty things he whispers in your ear. he’s all about the build up, he kisses every inch of your body, he makes you cum the first time by sucking and licking your titties, his tongues lapping at the bud and then releasing his grip with a loud ‘pop’ he makes you cum the next two times by only using his fingers. you’re already an overstimulated, shaking mess and his cock hasn’t even been inside of you yet.
he savours every last piece of you. your taste, the wetness that builds in between your thighs. your touch, your fingernails that dig into his biceps as he drives his cock into your hole. he’ll always look down, loving the sight of his cock in your pussy, he doesn’t know where he starts or ends. he embraces your thighs shaking around him, pulling one leg to loop it over his shoulder.
he loves whorshipping you as you’re fucked dumb and cock hungry. he praises and kisses every inch of your body, he doesn’t fail to tell you how beautiful you are and he makes you feel pretty and loved. he coos into your ear, “you’re doing so well for me” “tight little cunt all for me”
he pulls out and hovers over you for a bit, forearms either side of your body as he leans up, grinning as he admires what a mess you look when you’re fucked dumb. he’ll tease you with the sweetest smile of his face, telling you that you can’t take him anymore and that he should run you a bath but when you shut him up by smashing your lips down on his, he slams back into you, moaning against your lips, his hips moving at a more rapid pace
he laughs when you start uttering nonsense. he tuts, seeing how drunk you can truly become from his cock. he calls you his cum slut, his baby, his bunny, his angel. he fucks you dumb softer than any of the other guys would.
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