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apocalyp-tech-a · 3 months ago
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Season's greetings! This is my Clone XReader Life Day Exchange gift for @orbitalmirror for the @cloneficgiftexchange run by @ghostofskywalker!!! ❤️💚❤️
Prompts: “So for this Life Day thing, what do people do?” || “I’m not exactly inclined to trust clones.”
Words: 4625
Warnings: None except flirtation and some innocent kisses
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/61331332
A/N: I've only written Echo as a supporting character so I hope I did him justice and hope you, @orbitalmirror, enjoy the fic! (Sorry it's a little angsty at first!) ❤️💚❤️ Shout out to @eclec-tech for the impromptu brainstorming session in which she allowed me to use her refugee/Pabu twist on my Wookiee Life Day celebration premise. And thank you to @cloneficgiftexchange for running it!
A Wonderful Life Day 🎄 (Echo X Reader)
Ever since the clone troopers' hideout on Teth was compromised by a CX assassin, Echo and his renegade clone brothers had been on the run from the Empire and trying to find a new base of operations.  
The research facility on Tantiss and its head scientist were no longer a threat, but that didn't mean the Empire wouldn't be. Echo, Rex, Gregor, Howzer, and the other surviving clones that joined their band of brothers still had a lot of work to do. There were more clone troopers out there who needed their help and no time to stop and smell the roses.
Not only were clones in need of help, but many regular folks.  While Rex searched for a new base location, Echo continued to run missions on his ship, Remora. When picking up two clones who were deserting the Empire, he got more than he bargained for when the they insisted on bringing along a Wookiee family of seven members, a Twi'lek female, and two humans, one male, and one female: you.
You had been very iffy about taking refuge with the two clone troopers whom you had only met several weeks ago.   A Wookiee family had already taken refuge with you in your home after the crime of blowing up an Imperial credit exchange was pinned on them. You figured it to be an inside job so the true culprits could line their pockets and so the Empire could get some of the non-humans 'off world.'  
You were friends and worked with the matriarch of the family, Verbecca. Since you had grown a bond with the Wookiees and saw first hand what the Empire was up to, you felt the need to leave, too. You didn't mind leaving. The farther away you could get from the Empire, the better.  You didn't just want, but needed to see Verbecca and her family to safety.
You were not so sure the clones, Kent and Leviathan, or Levi for short, or their contact were trustworthy, however. They were as guarded as you when you talked to them to make sure everything would go according to plan, but overall they did seem willing to help. 
You boarded the ship with a satchel containing a few changes of clothes, a memory stick with photos and documents, your life savings, and some other odds and ends mementos. You didn't mind having your life packed into one bag that you could carry with you. There were many others who were not so lucky to have even that.
The other refugees all took seats in the main hold while you sat in a corner by yourself near the cockpit to see if you could get a peak at where you were heading. You were trying to have faith that the clones would hold to their promise and be ready for anything if they didn't. After all, you had seven Wookiees on your side and you were familiar with the old saying about how they were strong enough to pull an arm out of its socket.
The pilot of the ship, who introduced himself as Echo, was a clone trooper unlike any you had ever seen before. He had an implant that wrapped around his bald head and covered his ears and an interesting set of armor in rich autumn colors that juxtaposed against his pale skin yet somehow matched his serious demeanor. He stood in the doorway between the cockpit and the hold after the ship jumped to hyperspace. 
"Excuse me, Echo. Where are we going?" you ventured to ask.
Leaning against the door jam, he folded his arms, one which you only now noticed had a prosthetic scomp attachment on the end. You wondered if he had a run-in with a Wookiee...
"Somewhere safe," he said in a very deep and confident voice.
You could not help but be suspicious though as it was a somewhat purposely vague answer. "That hardly sounds comforting."
"I'm afraid you're just going to have to trust me."
"I'm not exactly inclined to trust clones." You didn't mean it to come out so bluntly, but your recent experience with the Empire wasn't in their favor.
"And I'm not exactly inclined to trust anyone but my brothers," he countered with a little bit of a stern and defensive stance.
On one hand you had seen the clone troopers basically transform overnight, from regular stationed soldiers under the Republic to the strict occupational forces of the Empire. The citizens they were once supposed to protect, were now subjected to a loss of freedoms, forced to have chain codes and curfews.
On the other hand, you remembered them once being honorable and chivalrous, and you knew how much the clone troopers suffered throughout the Clone Wars. Certainly Echo seemed to have suffered some sort of injury to have so many bionic implants and a prosthetic. You also heard hearsay about how they had been treated after. There was no helping the leaden feeling in your belly for being insensitive, especially to someone who so far did seem to be trying to help you and a cabin full of beings he never met before.
The thing that bothered you the most though was the change in his expression from just casual and conversational to really feeling offended. His grayish, hazel-brown eyes pierced through your sarcastic slip. Eyes that you knew had seen quite a bit more than yours, even though yours opened for the first time long before his.
Or maybe your eyes were just opening now as you suddenly truly saw the clone, no, man, for who he was. His chiseled features were paled by the rigors and misfortunes of war, but somehow that struck you even more. There was a story or two there and you wanted to know more about this mysterious trooper.
You could not apologize enough for your indiscretion. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to insinuate that you were untrustworthy. I- I-we,” you stammered and then sighed. “We've been through so much.  But I do appreciate everything you've done. Truly."
Echo relaxed some. Maybe he was a little harsh, maybe it was the duress of what happened on Teth, Tantiss, and the galaxy in general.  Always on the run since he was born and even when he was stuck in one place, in stasis, it was hardly restful. "It's all right. To be honest, clones aren't any different from anyone else. I've had my fair share of run-ins with certain untrustworthy clones, and a mess hall fight or two."
You appreciated his forgiving candor. "Mess hall fights? We called them food fights back in school. Hard to imagine you getting mixed up in one, let alone two,” you said with a little more levity trying to make him forget your earlier snarky attitude.
"Well, sometimes loyalty means more than not getting in trouble." Now it was Echo's turn to fondly remember all of his brothers and the shenanigans they had that Echo tried to stop but always somehow got stuck right in the thick of. A nostalgic smile spread across his lips.  
"So, you do smile," you remarked to him. It was nice to see. Up to now, he seemed all business.
"Once in a while.” He huffed a laugh. “I try not to make a habit of it. People might get the wrong idea.”
That was a puzzling statement and you wondered what he meant by it. There actually was a little disappointment in your demeanor as it seemed maybe the wrong idea was you entertaining the thought that he could like you, even as just a friend. But more and more as you gazed up at him, you couldn't help wondering if you could be more than that which was absurd considering you had just met him and never took any interest in any other clone that had been stationed on your homeworld.
The Wookiees vocalizing in conversation and whimpering caught your attention away from those spiraling thoughts.
Echo sighed as he observed the seven Wookiees he had not expected to be picking up. "Kind of wish Tech or Hunter were here."
"Well, looks like there's plenty of tech on the ship.” Your eyes wandered around to all of the blinking lights and machinery. “And I think the Wookiees had their fair share of run-ins with hunters."
“That sounds like something Tech would say,” Echo chuckled again. Or even Wrecker, but Echo kept that to himself so as not to confuse you more. "Tech and Hunter are my brothers,” Echo clarified. “Clones."
"Oooohhhh.... Of course. Oops." You laughed nervously.
Echo found himself enjoying talking to you, and to be honest, looking at you, so he gave a more detailed answer to prolong the conversation. "Tech has a translator on his helmet. And Hunter, well, he understands Shyriiwook. Just don't ask him to speak it."  He face contorted into a comical grimace which you found endearing.
You laughed. "I'll keep that in mind. Non-Wookiees attempting their language is certainly very entertaining. Don't ask me how I know.” You winked playfully. “I don't speak it, but I do understand them,” you said with a gesture of your head towards your Wookiee friends. "They hope they can celebrate Life Day wherever they're going." When Echo stared at you with a quizzical silence, you added, "It's a holiday.”
Echo nodded. "So, for this Life Day thing, what do they do?”
“They celebrate family, joy, and harmony. On Kashyyyk, they traveled to the World Tree which was decorated with glowing blue orbs and there is also a big feast and other festivities and traditions based on tribal affiliation."
"Oh, that one. Yeah, I've heard about it. Well, we can't take them to Kashyyyk. The Empire is active there, as well as Trandoshan hunters, speaking of those. It's not safe.”
"Maybe we can help them celebrate wherever it is you're taking us," you said as more of a personal, out loud brainstorming rather than a suggestion to Echo, but he seemed to have taken it to heart.
"Hmm,” Echo hummed thoughtfully. He didn't know why he had taken such an interest in you or the Wookiees' plight, but he had an idea. “Maybe. I'll comm ahead to our destination. They might be able to help."
You smiled and Echo couldn't help but feel a little relief that maybe you trusted him more than when the conversation began, and furthermore, he didn't know why it mattered so much to him, but he headed back to the cockpit a little lighter in his step.
When you arrived at your destination, you were surprised to see that you were on an island paradise surrounded by beautiful waters sparkling with sunshine. A swirly tower sat atop a huge labyrinth of smaller structures that consisted of homes and shops.  There was rugged, yet beautiful architecture and pretty flowers everywhere.  It looked like the vacation posters you would see in the city tram stations to destinations that you could never afford to go to, or have anyone to go with. No wonder Echo wanted to keep it on the down low.
A stray thought entered your mind, maybe Echo could walk on the beach with you...
You and the other passengers walked down the ramp and were greeted officially by the Mayor of the island, Shep Hazard.  He welcomed you all with a handshake as well as his daughter, Lyana, and a woman with purple hair, Phee Genoa. Phee walked off with one of Echo's brothers who stood out for the goggles he wore.  They escorted Kent and Levi to perform some surgical procedure from what you overheard.
“Will they be okay? I heard the word surgery,” you asked Echo with concern.  It didn't play very well into your trouble with trust.
“Yeah,” he sighed with a hint of relief. “Yeah. They'll be fine.”
You were still concerned, but couldn't ask any more questions because a little, blonde girl ran and gave Echo a big hug then whispered something near his ear. Echo nodded at you with the subtlest hint of smile and you knew that the secret she was telling him had something to do with a Life Day celebration. Since there were smiles and cheerful expressions among the island's other greeters, you figured it was good news and your distrust was once again unwarranted. You nodded and smiled with understanding and appreciation before being whisked off to your new lodgings along with the Wookiees who you were happy to find out would be your neighbors!
As the early afternoon passed, you found yourself thinking a lot of Echo, wondering if you would see him again, or if he would be off on another refugee pick-up.  But even so, he would come back eventually.  But you would also probably be spending all that time thinking about him as you did today.  There was just something about him.
When the sun was about to set, the little girl who had hugged Echo earlier came knocking on your door with Lyana.
“Hello. I'm Omega!” she said excitedly. “We're here to collect you for the celebration!”
“Come on!” they exclaimed in unison, skipping backward and encouraging you with a beckoning arm gesture.
Lyana clapped her hands with enthusiasm. “It's time to celebrate! Follow us!”
As they went about gathering the rest of the refugees, both old and new, you ran in to Kent and Levi, now with bandages on their heads. “Are you guys okay?” you asked them.
“Never been better,” Kent replied with a broad smile. “How's the Wook family doing?”
“They're great. They have a hovel right next to mine and they're relieved to be safe. I couldn't be happier for them.” You stopped and faced them. “I also couldn't be happier for you. I just wanted to apologize about any doubt I had.”
“We understand,” Levi said. “We had our own doubts about Echo to be honest. But sometimes you have to trust your gut.”
Your heart fluttered a little, almost as it was a sign telling you to do the same. “Yeah. That is very good advice,” hoping your smile didn't give away your friendly aspirations toward Echo.
“Come on!” Omega and Lyana continued to wrangle everyone up long and windy steps to the courtyard atop the island after they had gotten all of the new refugees. The Wookiee children roared with just as much excitement.
Many of Pabu's citizens were already gathered around the great Weeping Maya tree in the center of the courtyard decorated with lights and seashells painted blue to emulate the traditional glowing orbs.  Wearing what red clothing they could find, a shirt here, a scarf there, they did their best to emulate the red robes of the holiday on Kashyyyk,
Gryrrrwarcca, the patriarch of the Wookiee family, stood before the tree with Verbecca, their three children, his brother in law, and an old family friend. He and Verbecca began a ceremonial speech that few understood, but listened intently nonetheless.
One of those not understanding was Echo who when you turned your head to the right, was magically standing next to you. You gasped in surprise even though you were happy to see him, especially after wondering if you would. “You're here!?” you said with a bit of a questioning inflection mixed with excitement.
“Yeah. I figured you would be the best person to stand next to since you can translate,” he said a little sheepishly with his hand rubbing the back of his neck.
You translate what Gryrrrwarcca just vocalized: "He said: 'Oh great tree, we thank thee for your joyous blessings.'”
Verbecca spoke next. You translated again. “She said: 'For the life of every plant and creature, big and small, living in harmony.'"
Now all of the Wookiees and some in the crowd chanted as one.
"'We all are family.'"
Gryrrrwarcca held his arms up in a welcoming gesture  and roared a pleading prayer. Verbecca growled and roared a hopeful wish.
“He said: 'May the balance of life return' and she said: 'Happy Life Day to all, thank you for your generosity and hospitality.'”
"I couldn't have said it better myself," Shep followed with a closing speech. "We are all family, and we are grateful to welcome you to our island and hope you, and all refugees, flourish in this sanctuary.  Happy Life Day!"  Shep now mimicked Gryrrrwarcca's outstretched arm pose to be rewarded with a big hug that lifted him off the ground from the Wookiee patriarch.  Cheers from the gathered crowd followed.  Your eyes teared up because it was a lovely feeling to be part of an inclusive and compassionate society.  You only wished more galactic citizens could live like this and that there was more you could do to help them.  
When you looked up at Echo to smile at him because he helped make this possible, you couldn't tell if your eyes, blurry from your own tears, were tricking you or not.  But it looked like his eyes which looked at you so sternly on the ship, were now looking at you with equal emotion for the beautiful ceremony you both had just witnessed.
The feast was grand.  You got to meet Echo's family.  Tech was the name of the one with goggles and apparently he and Phee had something going on.  (Maybe there was hope for you yet.)  The other one whose name you heard before, Hunter, would not oblige you with a sample of his Shyriiwook, sadly.  Wrecker was the largest clone you had ever seen and had a heart to match; he hit it off very well with the Wookiees.  And there was one more, Crosshair, who didn't say too much unless sarcasm was involved, which you low key appreciated.
After that you got pulled away to the festivities.  Some young clone cadets handed out blue snowcones meant to represent the blue Life Day orbs. Gryrrrwarcca's children enjoyed those most and you translated that they politely requested seconds which they slurped up gratefully and insisted on being a new Life Day tradition.  There was a band that sang some old Life Day carols.  There were some games and competitions which involved sports balls painted blue and even some dancing.
You saw Echo talking to another woman. She was very attractive and you couldn't help feeling a little pang of jealousy.
After she walked away, you meandered casually over to him. "Who's that?" You asked trying to be as uninterested as possible.
"Emerie?" Echo asked completely aloof that it was out of a curiosity spurned by the ever slightest amount of jealousy. "She's a doctor. A science doctor. Doctor Emerie Carr."
"How do you know her? Is she a refugee like me?"  Once again you tried to sound as disinterested as possible, but you had a feeling that you were failing at that.
Echo wasn't as bad as Tech, but he knew his brothers would waste no time teasing him for not always being exactly aware of when he was being flirted with. Who could blame him? He knew he was very by the books to use an old turn of phrase. His cadet mates didn't tease him about reading the GAR regulation manual for nothing. But your interest in Dr. Carr coupled with questions about any relationship he might have with her finally tipped him off.
"She's a clone, like me. That makes her my sister, I guess." Echo paid attention to your facial features as you reacted and just as he suspected, there was a sense of relief in your eyes and the relaxation of the muscles around your mouth even betraying your own emotional caution when a subtle smile got past your defenses.  
"I didn't know there were female clones," you remarked with genuine curiosity.
Echo huffed a laugh. "Neither did we. Omega is our sister, too." He couldn't help but smile at you, he wanted to put you at ease, to let you know you could trust him, especially after what you said when you first met. Considering that you seemed to single him out for conversation, he had a feeling you did.
He continued. "Emerie helps us find more of our brothers and rescue them from the Empire."
Your mind did a brief calculation of all the times you tried to help others, like Verbecca and her family, checking in on your elder neighbors on your homeworld, even volunteering for various causes. You were no doctor like Emerie, but you knew you were capable and skilled in other areas that might be useful.  And you wanted to repay the kindness you had been shown, especially by Echo.  "Is there any way I can help?"
Echo had not expected you to offer, especially after just arriving to a safe haven that was also picturesque and peaceful. It was pleasant surprise though, because to be honest, they needed all the help they could get. Plus, he'd get to have more conversations with you.  And see you as well.  There was no denying he was attracted to you, and it wasn't like any attraction he ever felt before.  Without sounding too eager, he finally replied, "I'm sure we can find a way. You've already done so much for Grrocca."  
You could not stifle a giggle.
Echo furrowed his forehead. "What? What's so funny?"
"That's what i said. Grrrreerocca."
With your hand covering your mouth, even though there was no way to hide it, you laughed again. "Close enough.” You smiled cheerfully, but soon became serious. “But that was you and the great people of Pabu here. Not me. I only translated."
"Not only translated. You took them in, protected them, escorted them offworld to make sure the Empire didn't get 'em, leaving behind your life on your homeworld. That's more than you think." Echo could not help but admire your selflessness.  He knew all too well what it was like to lose one's home.
Compliments were not something you took very well, and much to your chagrin, it was probably showing in your sheepish expression and body language.  You nervously glanced down at the water in the distance.  "I just like to help people."  You shrugged your shoulders then looked back at Echo.  "And I'd like to help you.  Any way I can."
"Just like I always say, we can use all the help we can get."  Echo watched as your gaze went back out to the ocean.  "You keep looking out to the ocean.  You're not thinking of going for a swim are you?  Apparently there's some pretty big fish out there.  With even bigger teeth."  
"I think I had enough fish at the feast."  You smirked sarcastically.  "I did think about taking a walk on the beach though," you said hoping Echo would get the hint that you wanted him to go, too.
Echo knew what you were asking and he replied in the same subtle manner.  "There's a lot of winding walkways and alleys, like a maze.  I wouldn't want you to get lost."  He started walking.  "Come on."
Echo was right, there were a lot of walkways and steps that had no particular pattern that you wouldn't be able to decipher without giving it much thought.  Finally, you reached the sand at the base of the huge island.  The sound of the waves lapping at the shore was music to your ears.  "This is the first time I've ever seen an ocean," you softly announce as you stare in wonder at the surf and sky of orange, pinks, and blues.
"Really?"  Echo was taken aback by that confession.  He had been too so many different worlds.  Sometimes he forgot some people never left their planet let alone their home town.
"Landlocked. Not even a lake nearby."  You don't know if it was the Life Day brew you drank, the emotions of the day turning out so perfect after worrying so much, of leaving your homeworld behind and seeing an ocean for the first time, or simply being in close proximity to someone you felt a real connection with, but you were overwhelmed with gratitude.  “Thank you for rescuing us and setting up Life Day for my friends.” Before you knew it you were on your tip toes to give Echo a kiss on the cheek. You gasped after doing it, knowing that you had made yet another indiscretion. “Oh, I'm sorry, that was a little forward, I just am so grateful for your help, and it's just so lovely here, and you're so lovely, and I just wanted to thank you.” You winced smacked your forehead at your gushing and rambling.
Echo meanwhile was quite amused by your explaining away of the little peck on his cheek. If he was being honest, he wouldn't mind if it were more than that. After a little chuckle at your expense which was only fair after you laughed at his rather poor Wookie name pronunciation, he placed a hand on your shoulder.  “It was my pleasure to help them, and you.” He then took your hand and brought it to his lips, giving it a little peck as you did to his cheek, but he had a hard time letting go of your hand and instead held on to it.  “You sure you want to leave behind the safety of this place. This view?” 
You couldn't deny, the transition from sunset to twilight sky over the water, the sound of the ocean waves, the balmy breeze, and smell of flowers, and salty sea air were enticing. But you needed to trust your gut, and your heart.  “I can think of a much nicer view than this.” You gestured with a flick of your hand towards the sea and then gazed up into those steely eyes, which seemed to soften the more you peered into them.
Echo brushed your hair from your face, admiring the features that made you, you. None so spectacular as your eyes that seemed to see what made him, him. The more he stared into your eyes, the more he understood the simple wish behind them. He tipped his head down, continuing to read your expression, relieved to understand that you welcomed his own forwardness, but he dare not forego being a gentleman. "May I?"
You were sure your eyes were twinkling as much as the stars appearing one by one in the sky as you let Echo know that you welcomed his affection and trusted him implicitly.  "Yes."  You smiled.
Echo leaned down and gave you a soft kiss on the cheek as you did to him, but let his lips linger a little longer than yours had.  It was the first time in a long time that he felt like he didn't have to rush or worry about anything.  "It's just that it's so lovely here, and you're so lovely."
It was a lovely moment, but you couldn't help a small laugh.  "It sounds like you're echo-ing what I said earlier."  You smirked with a raised eyebrow, even though you knew it was sincere and not teasing.  You just trusted he actually  meant it, because you knew he was one of the most trustworthy and honest men you'd ever met.
"Why do you think my name is Echo?" he quipped with a playful shrug of his shoulders.
Your smile was probably big and goofy, but you didn't care.  You squeezed his hand which was still holding yours affectionately.  "You know, I think it's fitting to celebrate Life Day here.  It's like we all get a second chance at life.  And other things," you said coyly.  
"And other things," Echo smiled, something he found himself doing more since meeting you.  "Couldn't have said it better myself.  Happy Life Day."
"Happy Life Day, Echo."
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violoncellobindery · 13 days ago
tuc week 2022 anthology by blanketed_in_stars
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I remember reading this series like daily back when tuc week 2022 was ongoing. Before then, I don't think I'd ever considered the ship. Fast forward 3 years later and armed with way too much power, it easily made my to-bind list, and I also really wanted to get into the practice of making author copies. Binderery let me check both of those boxes off.
Thank you so much to @blanketed-in-stars for letting me bind her work, which you can read for yourself on a03 here! It's fantastic and I recommend it to all the hamnet/mareth fans out there. Literally rewired my entire world view of them.
Progress pics and way too long history dive/ramble below the cut:
I really wanted something that looked like it could belong in the Underland, which posed a huge challenge. Their society was mostly reliant on technology from the 1600s, kept records with vellum and parchment scrolls, or in the case of Sandwich, carved them into the walls. But what about books?
Gutenburg's press started printing commercially in around the 1450s, but the first American and English presses started in 1638 and 1476, respectively. It wasn't exactly a new technology, but it certainly may not have been something one could just lug down to the Underland(or take on a ship). So were the lack of books due to never being in Gregor's viewpoint, Regalia being a society that didn't value books, or simply a lack of supplies? How much of the population, especially the Underlanders, could read, anyway? Was that something restricted to the rats, who often went topside to read (eat) library books, and the upper class in Regalia, or was most of the population literate? Could the spinners make a silk paper-like cloth? Could they cast their own type and run sheets through a press? What about handwritten books? (Did the Regalians even have a currency?) Maybe they were simply too focused on military affairs and had no time for books. There were simply too many questions to answer, so I ended up going "well, I want this bound and it doesn't have to be precise down to the letter. let's do this."
I went Coptic binding because it was first used as early as the 2nd century CE, though likely not a popular binding method in England. However, coptic binding/the codex ties back to the Roman diptych, which felt fitting for Regalia, as a very Greek/Roman inspired society. As for the fabric, I picked it simply because it reminded me of the jungle where we first meet Hamnet. The vines were too good.
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I set the binding to pamphlet which felt way too thick, so I ended up reprinting it twice: the one you see above, and then the author's copy, which I was able to do in cream because my paper arrived the day after. Only the author copy has thicker boards because I found them after I cut the first ones and didn't want to waste those. It happens lol.
Once again, I'm thrilled with how it turned out :) and one final thank you to blanketed_in_stars for letting me do this and the Renegade Guild for all their help during Binderery!
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felassan · 7 months ago
Some more info on the Mass Effect board game, from co-designer Calvin:
"Hi all, Calvin here, co-designer of the game. I've gathered all the frequently asked questions on social media and bgg and gathered them into some answers for you. Feel free to ask more questions if yours is not answered, and if I can answer it I will. I will be updating this as more information about the game becomes available. Release info - The release date is (hopefully) November depending on the gods of shipping - Price is confirmed, the game will be $50/£40 - The team is currently working on translation deals for 9 or so languages. More details soon. - For info on pre-orders go to https://www.modiphius.net/pages/mass-effect-signup - There are currently no plans for a collector’s edition vs standard edition - It is not crowdfunded, the game is direct to retail - "If you'd like to support the game right now, there's nothing better than going into your local FLGS and asking them if they'll stock the game when it comes out. With the vast amount of great games coming out every week, retailers rely on fans asking about the game. This helps them gauge how much to buy, the more people ask, the more buzz they know there is, the more confident they are to buy enough and the more likely there's one waiting for you on the shelf when you go in :-) That feeds up the chain; the more retailers ask their sales reps at Asmodee, the more Asmodee goes, "Oh wait, let's order more, so we have enough for all the shops". Plot - The game is set on the planet Hagalaz, early during the events of Mass Effect 3 - The players are tasked with investigating a crashed Cerberus research cruiser which could have info that contributes to War Readiness and could help stop the Reapers - The game is designed so people who have never played Mass Effect can still enjoy it. Eric hasn't played the games as much as I did so he got to do what he calls “the meathead test” on all the theming and story. - We worked with Bioware on all the plot and theming. - Yes you can do calibrations in this game Basic game info - Co-operative squad tactics - 1-4 players - Included are six 32mm minis, masc Shep, fem Shep, Liara, Garrus, Tali, and Wrex - Not many other components to keep price and complexity low - 45 minute missions - 3-5 missions per campaign - Branching paragon/renegade choices + sidequests - Enough missions to replay the campaign several times without repeats - Solo play is really fun, in fact I like all the player counts equally, which is something I’m very proud that we were able to achieve in this game - Solo play is basically multi-handing, you control more than one character. - There is no legacy aspect, the game is fully resettable - There will be new original art"
[character limit text break]
"Gameplay info - Low rules complexity, but with lots of tactical depth. We aimed for an audience of Mass Effect fans who might not know anything about board games. Board gamers should still find something to enjoy if they’re into co-op tactics. - A group that just wants to turn their brain off and blast through the game should have an easy time - But a group who wants to get the best endings, complete all the sidequests, get all the level ups will have to min-max pretty heavily - The game has relatively low randomness. Planning, prediction, and preparation are very important to avoid bad outcomes - but there’s still enough randomness to avoid AP as players try to plan out perfect turns. - Important gameplay elements include positioning and combo-ing abilities with other players. - There is a tactical map. - Players will level up their characters by performing in game actions and learn new abilities. - We got all 6 Shepard classes in there. It is one of the things I am very proud of doing. - Re: alpha gamers, Eric and I do not believe it is the designer’s job to solve for jerks at your gaming table. Obviously we have designed the game so that every player has something to contribute and there’s plenty of info so that it’s hard to track. But we also recommend having adult conversations with your table partners. Interviews/Behind The Scenes Beyond Solitaire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-nLGDt97i4 Topics: how we designed the game and implemented the narrative UKGE promo copy https://twitter.com/Modiphius/status/1796844231018811782/" Post last updated August 8th
New original art 👀
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crackshipoftheweek · 6 months ago
Crack Ship of the Week back again with another post! (After nearly an entire month) Lately I've been working a lot of 10+ hour shifts at my current job, along with helping out at my family's restaurant, updating my résumé, and searching for other jobs to advance my culinary career, so I've been really busy, sorry for not posting in quite a while. On the plus side, I've managed to network with some industry professionals higher up the ladder, and I was recently contracted by a personal chef agency!
Without further ado, let's bring out
This Week's Crackship:
Party Poison (Danger Days) × Johnny Silverhand (Cyberpunk)
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Ship Name(s):
Poison Hand, Dim Mak (see notes below for explanation), Rockerboys, Ronin (see notes below for explanation)
Why It's Crack:
No interactions (separate canons)
Why It's Cracked:
Canons share many similarities. Both are cyberpunk series set in an alternate universe California in the near future (now partially set in the near past, as well), following a war or series of wars that negatively impacted the United States' geopolitical power, costing it territory that would be filled in by an independent city-state (Battery City in Danger Days, and Night City in Cyberpunk) and the resultant power vacuum being filled in by megacorporations (Better Living Industries in Danger Days and Arasaka in Cyberpunk. Like Arasaka, Better Living also seems to be a multinational corporation with at least some notable amount of presence in Japan, hence Better Living having had a .jp domain during the Danger Days album's promotional period, as well as using both English and Japanese writing in much of its content). Crossover potential abounds
Both fill very similar niches in their respective stories (renegade rockers who rebel against corporate overreach with the power of punk rock, and occasionally this gun they found. They both became the exemplar of their respective series' spin on the "rebel with a cause" archetype [Killjoys in Danger Days, and Rockerboys in Cyberpunk])
Both lived and operated in similar timeframes, not taking into account Johnny's engram who stars in Cyberpunk 2077. Party was active in the 2010s up until his death in 2019, and Johnny was active throughout the 2000s up until his death in 2023)
Both are war veterans (Johnny is a confirmed war veteran who deserted the US Military in protest of the government's corruption and purposeful destabilization of Central and South America. Party Poison was likely one of the many Killjoys to take part in the Analog Wars, as implied by the lyrics of The Only Hope For Me Is You)
Both died a similar death, to somewhat similar people, for similar reasons. Both raided the main HQ of their respective antagonistic megacorps in order to rescue an abducted loved one (surrogate little sister "The Girl" in Party's case, and former lover Alt Cunningham in Johnny's case), during which they were brutally gunned down by their corporate foes' bald and sociopathic enforcer (Korse and Adam Smasher, respectively)
Both dye their hair. Party Poison's hair is dyed red (natural color unknown afaik), and Johnny Silverhand dyes his hair black, with it being naturally blond.
"Dim Mak", also known as "Poison Hand" or "Touch of Death" is a purported system of acupressure-based martial arts said to have originated in ancient China and been culturally imported to Japan. Count Juan Raphael Dante, an eccentric martial arts practitioner who taught karate in the 60s and 70s, also claimed to be able to teach Dim Mak to prospective students, infamously advertising this alleged service in the back page ad spaces in Marvel comic books of the time. This likely was seen at times by Gerard Way, an avid comic fan, as he titled one of the songs in the wider Danger Days multimedia project as Black Dragon Fighting Society, which shares an identical name with the martial arts organization founded by Count Dante. "Dim Mak" is also the name of a record label founded by Steve Aoki, who made a remix of the famous My Chemical Romance song "Welcome to the Black Parade". This fact is also relevant to the ship as Dim Mak distributes punk rock music, with punk rock being the primary genre performed by both Party Poison and Johnny Silverhand.
"Ronin" was chosen a ship name due to their shared status as outlaw warriors, similar to (but generally less shitty towards bystanders than) the ronin of Sengoku and early Edo-period Japan. Party is an outlaw vigilante who fights against BLI, whereas Johnny is a former US soldier who deserted and fled prosecution by moving to Night City. In addition, this name was chosen in reference to Johnny's band, Samurai. Keanu Reeves, who portrays Johnny in Cyberpunk 2077, also starred in the 2013 American remake of The 47 Ronin (unfortunately)
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amateur-mint · 1 year ago
Lower Decks Season 4 Episode 6
I am terrified for next week.
s4 ep6 was a serviceable in-between episode and extremely entertaining. I, personally, have been a Tendiford shipper since season 1, and all of the blushes and awkwardness just about killed me. I had to pause every thirty seconds to shriek into a pillow.
Tendi and Rutherford are even closer, if that was ever possible. Mariner is feeling restless. Boimler is spending more and more time away from the group, getting comfortable as a LJG. Ransom is getting closer to his mentee. Freeman is doing Admiral-level diplomacy.
This episode was almost entirely character-centric, and I think they did that on purpose. Giving us snapshots of these beloved characters before tipping us over into new territory. This felt like a last hurrah. The calm before the storm.
A Ferengi vessel was just zapped by the mysterious kill-ship, and the Ferengi just applied to become part of the Federation. The season's Big Bad is getting closer and closer, and the collision isn't going to be pretty.
I rewatched the Season 4 trailer, and pretty much all of the footage shown there has been used. That means that whatever is in these next four episodes, the creators don't want us to see it coming.
Theory-wise, I'm like ninety percent sure it's got something to do with Badgey or Rutherford's past. The Delta Flyer-like design of the ship, plus the fact that the ship always shows up when the crew are talking about overthrowing the Captain (Badgey confessed to 'always monitoring coms' in the s1 finale) screams RUTHERFORD, or at least RENEGADE CREATION OF RUTHERFORD. Badgey is even on the poster! He's bound to rear his glitchy head again this season.
Which brings me to what may be slightly controversial...I don't think those zapped crews are dead. I don't know, I just don't think they would give that one Klingon in Wej Duj that much screentime and personality just to kill him off the second we see him again. It feels wasteful.
Stay with me now. Badgey knows about Pakled systems. What do Pakleds do? They collect. Badgey also knows about Rutherford. What did Rutherford do during the episode when Ramsey was temporary Captain of the Carritos? He developed a new, faster method of transporting that looks different than usual. Zapping people off their ship the second before it explodes is Rutherford-style, all the way. He did it to Ramsey and crew, and again to Red Rutherford during their race.
Maybe Section 31 nabbed the remains of the Texas-class ships and is using Badgey's code to get a leg up on non-Federation species, either to steal their tech and crew or just start a war. We still haven't seen William Boimler since his 'death' during Crisis Point 2.
TLDR: loved the episode, very very scared for future ones. Lower Decks has given us a bucket of loose ends, and I have a feeling it's going to come together into a Gordian Knot of pain.
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saintsenara · 1 year ago
Hello! Your thoughtful, funny approach to the unhinged ships has legitimately been a bright spot for me during a difficult few weeks. So thank you! Here are a few more if you feel so inclined:
ahh, anon, thank you so much for this lovely message! i hope things are looking up now, and i wish you strength and honour to keep chugging along if they're not. i will always be delighted to receive these asks, and i hope they keep entertaining you.
rolanda hooch/minerva mcgonagall
zoe wanamaker went so fucking hard when she decided to play hooch as the cuntiest dyke in the castle, and so i will always be committed to imagining hooch in exactly that vein - strutting around with her leather quidditch gloves, her masculine tailoring, and what is clearly an impeccable strap game.
and mcgonagall has stern-older-lesbian-with-a-secret-wild-side vibes as well - she's a little bit of a renegade, she doesn't suffer fools gladly, and she's a great fan of quidditch.
i think we can all picture the romantic midnight swoopings they're going on. and also the massive fights they're having when hooch awards slytherin penalties against gryffindor.
and arguing is foreplay...
andromeda tonks/bill weasley
i have decided, after careful deliberation, to back this.
something i really like thinking about when it comes to andromeda's post-war journey is how her grief over her daughter's death would be tinged by the fact that - as he tells us in deathly hallows - she didn't approve of her relationship with lupin.
i don't think this is entirely to do with his lycanthropy [i think, for example, that ted and andromeda were left alone during the first war as long as they kept their heads down, and that tonks joining the order - which andromeda can choose to blame lupin's influence for - forfeits this], but i think it's also fair to interpret lupin's statement that ted and andromeda are "disgusted" by their marriage as true, rather than an exaggeration formed of his own self-loathing. the casual prejudice against werewolves even by "good" characters is a really striking part of the series - and andromeda sharing it is something i find really interesting to explore when thinking about her relationship with tonks.
[as is the fact that she can't see the irony that this is exactly how bellatrix and narcissa think about ted.]
i think you can do something really interesting in the immediate post-battle haze with andromeda trying to come to terms with the fact that she never fully patched things up with tonks before she died, that she didn't have a chance to get past her prejudices and get to know lupin, and that she's only come to appreciate how brave her son-in-law was when he too was dead.
it's clear that lupin provides bill with some level of support in the immediate aftermath of his run-in with fenrir greyback, and that bill would both remember him fondly and be determined to defend him and werewolves generally from the treatment they would undoubtedly get from the state in the months after the war ends [after all, we are told that the vast, vast majority of werewolves support voldemort - they are bound to be first in line for the public's vengeance, and are an easy scapegoat for the government].
two people trying to uncover truths and falling in love while doing it is my poison, and i would love a fic in which andromeda initially seeks out bill in an effort to understand the things which have died with tonks and lupin which then turns into something more...
dudley dursley/justin finch-fletchley
one of the exceptionally minor mysteries of the series is just how posh a school smeltings is supposed to be. the dursleys are a satire of all that is thoroughly, averagely middle class in the uk, and yet smeltings - with its weird traditions, its odd uniform, and the fact that it's an all-boys full-boarding school - is a pastiche of the most elite public schools [which, in the uk, means fee-paying - what is meant by "public school" in the united states is a "state school" here].
above all, the smeltings uniform bears a very strong resemblance to that worn by boys at harrow... which is the great rival to eton.
just picture it. justin is forced to go watch his younger brother boxing for eton in a match against smeltings. he's bored out of his mind... until an enormous blonde heavyweight who's taken out the entirety of the team from charterhouse catches his eye...
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queenie-ofthe-void · 4 months ago
........33 Gingersnaps. Sorry, I had to lmaoooo
Spotify Wrapped + Ship pairing
#33 Chateau by DJO + Barb/Carol (Gingersnaps)
This story takes place in Koko's AU A Litany for Survival aka the Steddie Upside-Down AU
What you need to know: Steve Harrington went missing instead of Barb Holland, who ended up falling in love with Carol Perkins when they (instead of Steve) fought off a pack of demo-dogs in the junkyard to save the kids.
Barb would like to think the snowfall outside her and Carol’s window is beautiful. The way the large, fluffy flakes float slowly across the night sky, forming mounds between the dense pine trees. 
The ski lodge– it’s a chateau, babe, not a lodge– is nestled somewhere in upstate New York. A place she never thought she’d be, with a girl she never thought she’d talk to, let alone save the world with. Yet here they are, five years later, celebrating their anniversary in Carol’s family cabin under the guise of a girl’s weekend.
A vacation which, so far, has been perfect. Days curled up in the sunroom looking out over the frozen lake. Late nights spread out and laid bare in front of the fireplace. It’s been better than any dream Barb’s ever imagined.
But now it’s the middle of the night, the shadows in the unfamiliar corners of their room remind her of monsters five years long gone. The sheets stick to the cold sweat clinging to Barb’s legs as she desperately kicks them off.
Carol’s covered in black slime, red blood pouring out of where the nail bat’s stuck in her chest. She’s crying, and when Barb tries to pull the bat free, she accidentally pushes it deeper, Carol’s ribs cracking under the weight. Hungry monsters close in around them with teeth chittering, claws raking down her back and–
“Baby! Babe, please look at me.”
Of course Barb recognizes Carol’s voice; could pick it out from across a crowded room. But Carol is a corpse, eyes dull, lips pale and unmoving. Yet her voice doesn’t falter, even though it’s laced with panic.
“Barb,” Carol begs, wrapping her warm, strong hands over Barb’s tear-stained cheeks, “baby you need to wake up. I’m right here. We’re ok, we’re safe. But I need you to look at me sweetheart, can you do that for me?”
When her eyes come into focus, she notices the soft snowfall, just outside the window. Barb catches the blue in Carol’s eye from the moonlight reflecting off the freshly fallen snow. Even with tears in her eyes, a slight wobble to her lip, Carol is beautiful. Most importantly, she’s alive. Here, sharing the same bed, breathing the same air.
Barb leans forward slowly, resting her forehead against Carol’s, who heaves a heavy sigh of relief. They breathe together, slow and measured, with hands clasped tight around the other’s beneath the sheets. Whether it’s been seconds or hours, they eventually lay back down. Carol tucks herself into the softness of Barb’s side, pressing her face into her neck. Barb wraps her arms around Carol, pulling her in as tight as she can.
“I’m sorry,” Carol whispers into the night, like Barb’s nightmares are some dirty secret between them. Like it’s all Carol’s fault Barb got sucked into this mess in the first place, getting wrapped up in Steve Harrington’s disappearance because the two were friends. Always overlooking the fact Barb was involved from the beginning, thrown head-first into a government conspiracy because of Nancy and Jonathan’s renegade investigation.
But Barb’s already said her piece time and time again. Made the same points in the same arguments that’ve all reached no end– an argument left unfinished that fades into the background only to be picked up again weeks or months later with no progress in between.
So, maybe tonight, instead of soothing Carol’s unfounded guilt or pleading with her to lay the blame aside so they can move on, Barb will try something different.
“I picked up that bat because I knew what had to be done.” Barb feels Carol’s lips tremble against her neck. She tries to sit up, but Barb only pulls her in closer, hoping that one day it’ll be  enough to mesh them together. 
“Or maybe it was because there was something about you that made me feel like I could do anything. But it’s a decision that I’m glad that I made. And I’d make it a million times over if it meant being here with you. If I could turn back the time, I’d always choose to pick up that bat. I’ll always choose you, Carol.”
The next day, they wake up in a tangled mess of limbs to a soft morning glow filtering through the curtains. Carol’s lips are chapped against hers, and Barb’s sure her own breath isn’t the freshest. But every kiss with Carol feels like a blessing after what they’ve survived. And if nightmares are the small price she has to pay for meeting the woman of her dreams, she’d pay it a thousand times over.
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ryttu3k · 10 months ago
Thoughts on Doctor Who - Rogue, which is largely theorising on who the character is! (Yes, yes, I'm a truther for that theory.)
So we got: 1) Kylie and Lady Gaga (and Billie Eilish which I didn't recognise), 2) Dungeons and Dragons (roll for initiative), 3) Libertango!, 4) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, 5) cosplay, 6) Bridgerton (which, not my thing but pretty important overall), 7) a Shalka reference?? and 8) gay longing.
Oh yeah we're back.
Shades of the Family of Blood with the Doctor wanting revenge for Ruby's apparent death. Dude trapping someone for centuries in an empty barren dimension is worse. That's worse, right? Doctor, babe, you see how this is worse, right?
Love the foreshadowing with Ruby's earrings.
Rogue mentions a new boss and paperwork. I wonder if this is the same new boss that Beep the Meep mentions?
Spent the entire episode trying to work out why the Duchess looked familiar. Took me until the credits to see it was Indira Varma. Welcome back, Suzie Costello!
Who is Rogue?
Fuck it I'm a Master!Rogue truther. The evidence, as I see it:
The name. The Rogue seems quite appropriate for a notorious renegade!
lbr setting up an intrigue involving cosplaying bird aliens for Doctor Enrichment 100% feels like a Master thing to do.
The Kylie. The Master is a Known Pop Music Enjoyer (see: Rogue Traders, Scissor Sisters). Also 'Can't Get You Out Of My Head' is hilariously on the nose for the Master's… everything.
The ship, complete with TARDIS-esque central column and also being a mess.
He lost someone. The ship was made for more than one, and he lost someone.
The Master, gaming, and crit fails.
The TARDIS got grumbly. She, of course, has a history with the Master.
Rogue has to be a time traveller instead of just a human-looking alien from the same time period because. D&D and Kylie weren't around in 1813.
The ring! The ring! Come on!
Arguing across the stars.
So apparently it wasn't just Libertango they were dancing to. At least one site makes mention of the fact that given the rest of the contemporary music in the episode, it was most likely the 1981 Grace Jones song that heavily makes use of Libertango - called I've Seen That Face Before.
Okay so one major thing against him being the Master - more or less sacrificing himself to save Ruby. And that's where I keep coming back to the ring. What if it's something like a chameleon arch? It literally wouldn't be the first time an arched Master became generally more altruistic and caring, it happened in his first story back. Which was, needless to say, written by RTD! (I realise this one was not but he's still showrunner and lbr if he told me, "Hey, do you want to write a Doctor Who episode that references D&D, cosplay, and the return of the Master?" I'd be jumping up and down saying, "UM, YES?" at quite a volume.)
Not necessarily the Master specifically, but 'the one who waits' could be an apt description for someone whose last words to the Doctor were, "Find me."
Like yes there are 100% Jack vibes but also. Look. Look…
Another Susan Twist appearance, this time in painting form. We'll be getting the payoff for that next week, looks like!
Ruby mentions some of her past, including the snow, which feels like a significant thing to mention.
Absolutely playing with the stories are real theme here, with cosplayers taking things entirely too seriously, and Rogue's entire Thing being based on D&D.
Season ranking
As of s40e06:
73 Yards
The Devil's Chord
Dot and Bubble
The Church on Ruby Road
Space Babies
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foxes-that-run · 1 year ago
Coney Island
To Zane Lowe (at 36mins) Taylor talked about Coney Island being about male regret and place everyone wanted to be but now with the lights are off. In this Lyric video Taylor referenced Harry's winding wheels, a metaphor for soulmates. It is co-written with William Bowery, Joe has no credit.
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Winding Wheel
The Winding Wheel is a Ryan Adams’ song. (Ryan made a rock cover album of 1989). There is a post about it here. Ryan described it as a metaphor for an “ultimate soulmate”.
13 December 2013, Harry posted 'better still be my winding wheel' on Taylor's birthday. Say don't go was written 2 weeks later.
27 February 2015, the first photos of Taylor with Calvin were posted and Harry posted an overgrown winding wheel to IG
11 January 2018, Taylor put a Ferris Wheel in the open of End Game
11 December 2020, this Lyric Video has a ferris wheel
This is very long, this song hits so many classic Haylor themes that its dense. When it is all written out like this it boggles my mind people would think it is about another muse or several.
Taylor also said on radio about Coney Island:
"Aaron Dessner sent me this track that he created with his brother Bryce, and I wrote the lyrics and the melody with William Bowery. I was coming from a place of somebody who’s been in a relationship for decades and wakes up one day & realizes that they have taken their partner for granted. It speaks to people who are trying to communicate - but they’re two ships passing in the night. They’re trying to love each other but their signals are somehow missing each other.”
She also said ships in the nights about Exile in that interview and in the lyrics of Willow.
Live performances
Coney Island has been played live once, 28 April 2023 in Atlanta. This is one day before the High Infidelity anniversary of April 29. The other song was The Other Side of the Door which has similar theme of wanting a lover back and regret for ruining a relationship.
[Verse 1: Taylor Swift] Break my soul in two looking for you But you're right here If I can't relate to you anymore Then who am I related to?
The opening verse does not pull punches, it ends with 'if I can't relate to who then who am I related to?' Taylor and Harry have a lot of shared history, similar careers and while no one is as big as Taylor Harry is in a small group who can relate. They have respectively sung about being each others soulmate. To loose that is devastating.
Breaking her soul looking is similar to:
Don't blame me "For you, I would cross the line / fall from grace"
Illicit affairs "And you know damn well / For you I would ruin myself / …a million little times"
Slut! "And if they call me a slut / You know it might be worth it for once"
And if this is the long haul How'd we get here so soon? Did I close my fist around something delicate? Did I shatter you?
This again refers to this concept that even apart they are each others person, so to feel they aren’t connecting is a loss
Closing her fist around something Delicate is a reference to the song, which is also about Harry, more on why here. Shattering him is a reference to Falling, to be so lonely. and possibly renegade. Shattered pieces are also in mirrorball.
[Chorus: Taylor Swift] And I'm sitting on a bench in Coney Island Wondering, where did my baby go? The fast times, the bright lights, the merry go Sorry for not making you my centerfold
The fast times, bright lights describe their life, the place to be:
I Know Places: "Lights flash and we’ll run for the fences"
Wonderland: "Flashing lights and we took a wrong turn and we fell down a rabbit hole"
New Romantics: "We’re all here, the lights and noise are blinding"
Is it Over Now: "And did you think I didn't see you? / There were flashin' lights"
Merry-go round, and lost again with no surprises, disappointments refers to the cyclical nature of their relationship.
Blank Space: "But you’ll come back each time you leave"
Style: "And when we go crashing down we come back every time"
Cardigan: "And I knew you’d come back to"me"
OOTW "We were built to fall apart / Then fall back together (back together)"
Sorry for not making me your centerfold breaks my heart, meaning sorry you were not her end game when she thought he would stay with Joe. Lets take Labyrinth as a nice sequel.
Over and over Lost again with no surprises Disappointments, close your eyes And it gets colder and colder When the sun goes down
Maroon "How the hell did we lose sight of us again? Sobbin' with your head in your hands Ain't that the way shit always ends?" The chorus ends sadly, with it getting colder and colder the longer it goes on like that.
Taylor has referred to watching sunsets with Harry, usually in happy, wistful times, but here it is sad, the sun is setting on them. Sunsets are also in:
Out Of The Woods: When you started crying, baby, I did, too, but when the sun came up I was looking at you
Wildest Dreams: "Say you’ll remember me standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset, babe"
It’s Nice To Have A Friend: Light pink sky up on the roof, sun sinks down, no curfew
Harry and Taylor also posted Sunset photos in Cannes a year apart, which Taylor referenced in the promotion for Cruel Summer, Slut!'s music video also had a similar sky.
[Verse 2: Matt Berninger with Taylor Swift] The question pounds my head What's a lifetime of achievement If I pushed you to the edge But you were too polite to leave me?
The lifetime achievement having no meaning without this muse reflects a theme that Harry and Taylor have sung about the cost of fame in Mirrorball, your on your own kid and Sign of the Times. In Suburban Legends Taylor sings "I didn't come here to make friends We were born to be suburban legends" which to me plays into the idea that they put their careers first and the relationship suffered.
Suburban Legends "I broke my own heart 'cause you were too polite to do it"
And do you miss the rogue Who coaxed you into paradise and left you there? Will you forgive my soul When you're too wise to trust me and too old to care?
Taylor describes Harry as a rogue is a troublemaker Harry has been in IKYWT, "you were trouble", 22 "you look like bad news" Style "James Dean daydream" and Ready for it? "Knew he was a killer first time that I saw him". Harry has also described himself this way in Trouble "You know i’m trouble / I’m trouble with you"
He coaxed her into paradise and left her there in the Virgin Isles in Now that we don't talk and famously the boat.
[Chorus: Taylor Swift with Matt Berninger] 'Cause we were like the mall before the internet It was the one place to be The mischief, the gift-wrapped suburban dreams Sorry for not winning you an arcade ring
Taylor talks about the line of the mall before the internet because it was the one place to be to Zane Lowe, linked above. I love this line, they were the one place to be, the two biggest pop stars in love. I also find a parallel in this line and August, "And say, "Meet me behind the mall" August being the other person, not Harry and Taylor, they meet behind the mall which Harry and Taylor are.
Gift-wrapped suburban dreams refers to Suburban Legends, where Harry and Taylor are the idols of suburbia. "We were born to be suburban legends [...] We were born to be national treasures/ When you told me we'd get back together"
Similar to the centerfold line, not winning you an arcade ring is saying sorry for not getting back together as they had thought. Falling is Harry's perspective on this belief that Taylor would stay with someone else. This time I will choose SOTB as my sequel track. ;)
[Bridge: Taylor Swift, Matt Berninger, Both] Were you waiting at our old spot In the tree line by the gold clock Did I leave you hanging every single day? Were you standing in the hallway With a big cake, happy birthday
In the unreleased Hunger Harry indicates they may have broken up on his birthday "We could ruin a perfect night / On my birthday I made you cry". This may have been in 2015, they had been seen together in late 2014, up to 2 weeks before Harry's birthday. Then Taylor was in Nashville on his birthday and she met CH 3 weeks later.
Hallways are also in 10 songs, generally meeting in them, but here they break up. Taylor also mentioned the birthday line to Zane Lowe as the album came out just before her birthday.
Did I paint your bluest skies the darkest grey? A universe away And when I got into the accident The sight that flashed before me was your face But when I walked up to the podium I think that I forgot to say your name
The accident is a reference to the Snow mobile accident in Is it over now? and OOTW: "Remember when you hit the brakes too soon / Twenty stitches in a hospital room / When you started crying, baby, I did too / But when the sun came up, I was looking at you"
To me, I forgot to say your name at the podium is a reference to Taylors 2013 VMA speech where she said "I'd like to say the person who inspired this song, you know exactly who you are, and now I have one of these!" Harry and Taylor were both musicians, the inspired each other and as evidenced by still writing to each other 10 years later this speech diminished that.
Harry’s unreleased Talk and includes “You forgot my name / Sick and tired of me, I can feel the heat” which, no one forgets his name so I take it as referring to the podium.
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bluedalahorse · 1 year ago
POV: Young Royals is an early 2000s Web 1.0 juggernaut megafandom
During my hiatus earlier this week, @heliza24 and I had a conversation about what Young Royals fandom would be like if it were not a modestly-sized tumblr fandom in the 2020s, but rather an early 00s juggernaut megafandom like the kind you saw on livejournal and individual web pages scattered throughout the internet.
Note: the tone here is 100% silly and inspired by a) my personal history in long ago fandoms and b) repeated viewings of fandom history videos by @strange-aeons. The internet had a bit more of a “wild west” feeling back in those days and you will see that reflected in our ideas.
A lightly edited transcript of my conversation with heliza about fanfic archive names and potential early internet dramas follows…
blue: So here’s a topic of discussion YR fandom hasn't done yet. What would each pairing's archive be called if we were watching this show in 2003? I feel like Wilmon would have a few archives, each with a different flavor. Like there'd be a catch-all archive that's pretty friendly and welcoming, an archive just made up of fics where they're adults, and then something for kink and/or dark fic (or those would be separate)
heliza: Our weird multi shipping poly archive is called sprucewood obvs!
blue: Oh there'd probably also be a Wilmon archive that's Edmar RPF-friendly
heliza: One of them would be called The Frog Prince and the Popstar. Maybe that's the RPF favorable one, idk.
blue: Originally was going to say the catch-all, but I think you're right. The catch-all friendly archive would be The Fish Tank.
heliza: Yes love that ahaha. Is the kinky one like Fuck the Monarchy or something like that?
blue: Something like that. Although. Okay there might be two adult archives, but only as a result of an intense fandom schism I feel like there'd be an offshoot of Fuck the Monarchy for people who want King Wilhelm and Prince Consort Simon. Something like King & Consort.
heliza: Ahahah yes perfect. I think there would be a separate Sargust archive! What would you call it?
blue: Yes! With a little cordoned off adult section with its own name. Hmmm I haven't thought of a name yet but I feel like the web design of it would be very Goth.
heliza: Absolutely.
blue: Black backgrounds. Blood red rose incorporated in the web design. Horses, naturally.
heliza: ... The Stables?
blue: Secret Stables
heliza: Yes good
blue: The adult section of the website would be called something extreme like ~Bit & Bridle~
heliza: Perfect
blue: The Stedrika archive is called Lavender Crush because of Stella's hair in S2. It's small but the webmistress is very dedicated and very transparent with her updates.
heliza: yes haha and she's always trying to convert people to femslash. I feel like she would eventually let Sara/Felice and Maddie/Rosh in as well.
blue: I think she co-runs a second site called Manor House which is all YR femmeslash.
heliza: oh right of course
blue: The other webmistress of that site is her wife ten years later.
heliza: Yessss. Strangeaeons makes a video about them. Because there's enough drama but then they end up together
blue: Yes! I think the other mod ran a Rosh and Ayub fan page. Oh there'd be a general fandom archive called Hillerska Skolan Library or something, but it would be a lot of cross-posting. 
blue: I feel like we need a Forest Ridge archive too.
heliza: Is that where the Walty and Nilcent goes?
blue: Yes. And like. Alexander being shipped with various people. I feel like it's 2003 so there's lots of combos. And some Wilhelm/Simon/Henry? It would exist, don't ask me how I know, it's just vibes.
heliza: There's a renegade writer who keeps writing Wilhelm/Nils and one who posts August/Simon and it sends the site into an epic fight because there are some mods who insist that this is for ALL THE BOYS EXCEPT SIMON AND WILHELM. And some of them don't mind.
blue: Omg there'd be a small August/Simon archive too
heliza: The lavender crush people are like "wow those boyslashers are intense"
blue: But it's all cross-posting with Forest Ridge… Oh god. Oh god I just thought of the name of the Simon/August archive help.
heliza: Go on
blue: Ok ok… it's a rowing pun… forgive me… it'd be called… Take Out Your Cox
blue: There's actually a violent schism among sargusters about whether it's ok to also ship Simon/August or not. This schism lines up almost exactly with one's sargust kink preferences and ability to have a sense of humor.
heliza: "It's incest if you ship both!!!"
blue: If a sargust has written dom August, then they are against Simon/August. If a sargust writes Sara domming or writes them switchy, and they have a sense of humor, they definitely write Simon/August… also is the Forest Ridge archive just called Forest Ridge? Wait. The Forest Ridge Archive is called On The Table.
heliza: Oh yes perfect.
blue: OK ALSO—IT IS 2002 OF COURSE THERE IS AN INCEST ARCHIVE SIGH. "Royal Family Affairs" or something.
heliza: Wilhelm/Erik would be big I think
blue: Wilhelm/Erik, Erik/August, any number of other things. Ok but is it primarily dudeslash. Do they shut out the Kristina/Carl Johan shippers? Is that on fandom_wank?
heliza: I feel like the mods would have to let it on because technically it fits the description. But there would be a side chat bitching about it. Wilhelm/August!!! There would be that too.
blue: The mods who are against Kristina/Carl Johan would bitch in an AlM chatroom. Eventually screencaps are leaked, and the Kristina/Carl Johan people start their own archive called Unfortunate Romance.
blue: Ok one more thing. We need a name for the Felice specific archive. Where the Felice/Wilhelm/Simon polyshippers hang out in abundance. I grant this one to you, heliza.
heliza: Is that not Sprucewood? Or a different name?
blue: I leave it to you!
heliza: We haven't used sprucewood yet so I think we should!
blue: Sounds good to me!
heliza: Or if it's just Felice centered it could be Modern Nobility. I think Sprucewood is a reactionary thing actually, where the mods specifically say that all ships are allowed after drama has gone down at enough of the other sites.
blue: Yes. Sprucewood is also the most poly and kink friendly of the sites.
That’s all for now! Stay tuned for polls later today about which archives you would have frequented! (And if anyone is better than me at photoshopping/edits/etc and wants to make mockups of what the layouts of these imaginary Y2K websites would look like, down to the “this website contains SLASH, which means hot man on man action, don’t like don’t read, click the third comma in the second paragraph tp enter!” lengthy disclaimer page, then go forth. I think it would be funny.)
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aces-to-apples · 5 months ago
Fic Writer 20 Questions
Tagged by @dead-cowboy!
1.) How many works do you have on ao3? Across three accounts and like 1......1? years, jesus, 154. (I think. Give or take a couple anonymized that I may have forgotten.)
2.) What’s your ao3 word count? 325,886. Somehow.
3.) What fandoms do you write for? Previously? Red vs. Blue, The Magnificent Seven (2016), The Musketeers (2014), Warcraft (2016), RWBY, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, The Umbrella Academy, The Hobbit trilogy, Supernatural, and Star Wars. Currently: Dragon Age, Jak and Daxter, Skyrim, Ted Lasso, Kingdoms of Amalur, and Star Wars.
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos? A trite, originally tumblr not!fic about OWK (anonymized), the sequel that tricked me into liking Darth Maul (anonymized), an old Cody/OWK Week fic from 2020, the first Sith!Cody fic in the tag (anonymized), and Renegade (time-traveling clones from 2018). Seven out of my top ten are anon, and eight of the top fifteen, so I figure we can just leave it there lmao.
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Not really, no. Most comments I get are.....cursory? Obligatory? They aren't substantive, is what I mean to say. "Thanks for writing this", and whatnot, which not only don't necessitate a reply, but like, what reply can there possibly be? If there's a non-rhetorical question that I can answer, or the commenter had something to say, or even just has fun energy, then I try to respond in kind, but those kinds of comments are uhhhhhh. Not something my work attracts lol. Basically, I'm not going to send a thank-you card for a thank-you card, you know?
6.) What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Uhhhhh, I don't know, I don't really deliberately do angst? Maybe a Dogma/Hardcase ficlet with ghost!Hardcase, but also depending on your point of view, maybe the Sith!OWK Kenfetti fic. It's hard for me to judge, I don't think I've ever even tagged something with angst, but that definitely seems like the darkest ending I've written? Idk.
7.) What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? God this is much harder than I thought it would be. Somehow I don't think these two were meant to be the hardest-hitting questions lmao? *scrolling down my fic summaries* Hmm, learning things about myself that I'm not sure I appreciate... Maybe "she wore it wonderfully well" (Mag7, Emma/Vasquez)? Trying to find something unambiguously happy that I also am less embarrassed to link is. Difficult.
8.) Do you get hate on fics? Not especially. I have guest comments turned off, my fics are locked, and I generally don't write ships with wide readerships to start with. For the most part I occasionally get something rude and entitled that I delete, but I tell you FFN readers are some of the most hostile people you'll ever meet, they're truly dedicated to being haters of anything even resembling creative writing, it's very funny.
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind? I do, it's not very good, and honestly I think the most prevailing trend is consent issues and power dynamic fuckery. My first smut fic was anonymous mindsex, and my second was sex-pollened enemies lmaoooooo.
10.) Do you write cross overs? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Not as often as I'd like to, but yes! Allow me to introduce you to (and please ignore that it's a fusion), DRUMROLL PLEASE!, The Worst AU In The World (Game of Thrones/Winx Club)! If you want an actual crossover though, I did just write Dorian "Dragon Age" Pavus/Savage "Star Wars" Opress, so that was fun.
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge; I doubt it.
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated? Um. Yes. About eight years ago someone translated a Warcraft smutfic of mine into Chinese. That's the only one I know about.
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before? No, I genuinely don't even know how that would work.
14.) What’s your all time favourite ship? Hmmm. I can't say I have one. I'm a multifandom multishipper at heart, I've burnt out of several fandoms, burnt out of several ships, and I'm too AuDHD to be able to pick a favorite anything. Trent Crimm/Jamie Tartt.
15.) What’s a WIP you’d like to finish, but doubt you ever will? To be fair, most of them. But also the Dooku POV installment of the first two most-kudosed fics' series, and the Locus/Tucker roleswap RvB fic, and the Locus time-travel fic, and the Dragon Age/Star Wars crossover Maulrexsoka fic. Just off the top of my head.
16.) What are your writing strengths? I've been told my fics tend to be very high concept and I do weird things with syntax. And honestly, that's already me knowing too much.
17.) What are your writing weaknesses? Quickest answer? Plot.
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I'm monolingual and don't have any cultural baggage around it, so I generally find it at least some level of fun and engaging, but it's also easy for it to become gimicky when it's a conlang (guilty) and not well-executed when it's a canonically code-switching character (also guilty). I maintain however that all of that should be forgiven in Red vs. Blue fics though; the entire point from the ground up is that all the Spanish is wrong.
19.) First fandom you wrote for? ....................................Yu-Gi-Oh!. With reader-insert. I plea Not Guilty by reason of I Was Fourteen.
20.) Favourite fic you’ve ever written? See, recency bias says "cat-scratch" (amnesiac!Sabretooth AU) but brand loyalty says "peace is a lie" (JesseMaul). Maybe I'll split the difference, end up with a net-zero, and say "memento (mori)" (Cailan Theirin/Female Surana).
Honestly I think our biggest takeaway here is that I can't be trusted to answer questions about my own content because I harsh the vibe by tending to not like it lol
Tagging whoever wants to play!
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macgyvermedical · 1 year ago
It's been a while since I watched any, so which episodes would you recommend to introduce a friend who's never seen it before to RDA's MacGyver- episodes that really typify the show's ingenuity and earnestness and faith in humanity and also the wonderful '80s-ness of it all.
Any of the following (these are in date order):
Season 1:
Last Stand Target MacGyver Countdown Jack of Lies
Season 2:
Phoenix Under Siege Family Matter DOA MacGyver
Season 3:
Ghost Ship Hell Week The Spoilers Rock the Cradle
Season 4:
Blood Brothers The Survivors The Challenge Runners The Invisible Killer Easy Target Renegade
Season 5:
Cease Fire Halloween Knights Hearts of Steel Rush to Judgement
Season 6:
Humanity 20 Questions Bitter Harvest Strictly Business
Season 7:
Obsessed The Stringer Enjoy!
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girls-are-weird · 8 months ago
MASTER LIST: One Fic for Each Fandom [A-I]
i've been working on this for months now, y'all, i'm so tired. Dx
many, soooo many years ago, i came up with the idea of recommending one fic, not necessarily the best or biggest or most popular fic, but definitely my ultimate favorite fic for every fandom i was in at the time or had been in at some point up to then. there are some fics i love so much that i go back to them periodically, maybe every couple of years, even if i'm not active in that fandom anymore. so i thought having a list of them somewhere i could easily find them was a pretty good idea.
narrator: she forgot where to "easily" find the list.
but i still liked the idea a lot, and i told myself when i found the list again, i would update it with fics for all the fandoms i've joined/read for since then. well, a couple of days as of the first drafting of this post, i finally found my original list on my old livejournal (christ, i'm old) and decided i would start on that update, but to post on my tumblr blog instead.
so here it is. they're not all romance, though most of these will include one or more of my favorite ships for their respective fandom (which you can find at my ships archive), even if it's just in the background. some of the fics are the same as i had in my original list, but some of them are not, simply because i've found fics i love even more since then. needless to say, most of those that were 'ported from my original list are quite old or written before canon was finished (the list is from 2006… please refrain from commenting if you weren't born back then, lol. i'm acutely aware that my early fandom life is basically ancient history to most of you). even some from more recent fandoms might be pretty old or non-canon-compliant, simply because i've been collecting fandoms since time immemorial. some might contain elements that would be considered problematic in this day and age. some might be unfinished. they're all special to me in some way.
some fandoms seem to have slipped through the cracks in the transition between FFN (where favorites and alerts are very organized but i always forgot to use them, and there's no read history) and AO3 (where subscriptions and history are unreliable and impossible to search through, and there's no way to see which fics you've left kudos on)-- srsly, how hard is it to just save everything in this age of big data? smdh. some of the links might not work, as you might imagine-- it'll take me some time to find new links, or to figure out if the fic is still even on the internet. if you've heard of these fics and know where they can be currently found, please let me know! because of that reason, i haven't listed ratings for every single one, though i've tried to add that in where i can find it. still, i hope this is helpful for someone, and i'm going to keep it pinned on my blog so i NEVER, EVER forget where it is again (and can regularly update it as i am sucked into more fandoms).
back in the day, i had hoped this format could catch on as a meme type of thing, so that other people could take it as a template and make their own fandom recs lists. so i'd love to see yours! be sure to tag me if you decide to do this. :)
the case of the mysterious man (and sequels!) by HA senidal / @ha-senidal (PG/T).
with newcomer blake hewitt joining her and bo, shirley investigates a stranger who might know something about the recently stolen mona lisa.
no mere mortal (and sequels!), by ed sharpe.
keiichi's cousin kenji comes to visit the temple for a week. what mischief will he get in with the three goddesses?
renegades by inkdust / @ink-dust (M).
or, peggy & daniel against the world
the real world doesn't have a hollywood ending. in fact it doesn't even pause. but they're a team. a wonderful team.
the secret of distance by lil_redhead / @royalcordelia (T).
anne and gilbert embark on their journeys, but stay close to each other at heart. courting across 1000 miles isn't easy, but they're more than willing to step up to the task. (a post s3 story).
endings and beginnings by novawastaken / @nova-fanart-dump (T).
begins right after the second to last chapter of the last guardian and continues on to the final chapter and beyond. spoilers for the last guardian! SPOILERS! no romance in here, but artemis/holly romance in the epilogue.
stress relief by pepin-bones (M).
soldiers lead stressful lives, which means they need ways to unwind and cope with the stress of what they see and what they do - sometimes in unconventional ways. but eren thinks it's ridiculous, or at least he did…
annakpok by dariussobreitus (E).
a "stolen" wife amdist a world rebuilding after a century of war, a repentant fire nation trying to redeem its wrongs and earn good deeds. excuse for invasion or not, the wife who left the northern tribe chief will be reclaimed, even if the poles of the south, and the capital city of the southern tribe, annakpok, must melt.
an AU of the avatar series with events inspired by the movie troy and their versions of the illiad. there will be differences, in both characters and events, with emphasis on key characters, battles, war, strategy and hopefully some the nuance within.
while serving in similar roles to the illiad/troy counterparts, the avatar characters are very much themselves and not heavily influenced by the illiad characterizations.
the successful wooing of chane laforet by splashfree (T).
“i’m in love with you, chane laforet,” he says. “and at the end of the day, that’s all there is to it.”
claire and chane go on a date. wackiness ensues.
fool for lesser things by snow_falls / @nightofviolet (E).
"he knew irrefutably that if eiji left he would take something fundamental to ash with him, and without that, what would be the point in living? he might as well have let Foxx finish him, if he was going to cop out now. no, sing was right, the little brat, what the fuck would be the point if he didn’t go with eiji? god, he was an idiot."
or the fix it fic we all need. the alternate ending i cherish in my heart of hearts.
next, home by inlay (T).
rukia was sitting in his room the first time he opened his eyes after. he does not know if this was a dream, or reality—remembers only that she looked very pale, and that there was a small, black hell butterfly perched on her finger. in this vision, she looked startlingly similar to the girl who used to crouch on his windowsill before school, shiny black shoes and black hair. he watched her for as long as his eyes could stay open, waiting for her to notice him and tell him what was happening. the battle hadn't felt like the deciding, dramatic finale he'd been subconsciously expecting, and he keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop.
what next?
(or, sometimes it takes a couple lifetimes to learn the difference between a love and a soulmate)
a changing of hands by antistar_e (kaikamahine) / @kaikamahine (T).
it happens like this, in a single fateful moment. a pilot sneezes, and the bombs, when they fall, are off-target. [AU].
heroes for earth (and sequels!) by stephensmat (T).
our world is in peril. the conscious soul of the earth is aware that since the error is ours, the power to stop the chaos must be ours as well. an updated retelling of the series pilot. an origin story based on the premise of the show.
haikei (and its sequel, kitaku), by ciircee (PG/M).
when eriol left japan tomoyo promised to write. a history of time, in letters. ExT. part of third arc universe.
tuesday's gone by neviana (M).
she always had a way of surprising him. everything from emptying her glock into the ceiling of the bebop when he left to the icy glare she gave him upon his return. though somehow, this stunt seemed to top them all … spikeXfaye.
non frustra vixis by aramley, meretricula / @meretricula (NR).
in 2008, the previously all-women st. hilda's college at oxford began admitting men. in 2009, classics afficionado, rowing prodigy, and all-around posh bastard alexander macedon decided his new ambition was to join his best friend at hilda's and start a men's rowing dynasty.
face your fears by narrative_bear (T).
the inevitability of an event doesn’t necessarily make it any easier to experience. the recent birth of mikkel nielsen weighs heavily on michael kahnwald, who begins to withdraw from his family. in an effort to reconnect with his wife and son, michael decides to accompanies them to the nielsens’ where he is forced to confront his past.
maybe someday series by areseebee / @areseebee (T).
capturing moments when james and erin are growing up and growing together at 17, 19, and 27.
these fics all take place in the same timeline and build on the overall story in each part. while personal space can stand on its own, smoke break and someday are best enjoyed as companion pieces.
if you by chichamunkyhead.
sora poses as yama's girlfriend… sorato, takari, jyoumi, hint of kenyako. that's all of a summary you're getting!
automatic flowers (and sequels!) by rayne.
running away was never the way of the son family and pan son learns this lesson the hard way as she returns home to face a problem she never could quite solve.
a delicate arrangement by jelly / @jelzorz (M).
it’s not that it’s a bad idea. in all honesty, ezran thinks it’s a well thought-out, completely reasonable, perfectly sound idea that could solve a lot of his own problems, callum’s problems, and katolis’ problems, in one fell swoop - if it works, that is. it’s a little risky, he’ll admit, but it’s not the same as, say, running away from home at ten years old with his brother and a moonshadow elf assassin (whose mission was to kill him, mind) to return a dragon egg in the midst of a centuries-long war, and hey, they’d managed that all right. compared to that mess, politics should be easy, right?
[or, the arranged marriage rayllum romantic drama no one asked for]
new seed (and sequels!) by klepto_maniac0 / @klepto-maniac0 (E).
an accidental start to something not so innocent. how far can a relationship run on pure lust before it turns into something else? set in a time when things haven't gone downhill yet.
he who searches for himself, by yuuki hikari / weatheringtea / @weatheringtea (M).
this story continues on fullmetal alchemist where episode 51 finished off. alternate ending to the series, not based on the movie. FMA gen!fic. characters and events up to 51 are included. the rating is for language and later violence.
a toast to the bride and groom, by orla.
in this fic by orla, duo made the mistake of opening the floor for speeches at his wedding. see what everyone has to say.
paradigm of uncertainty (and sequels!), by lori summers.
carla says: this fanfic series is the bible for any self-respected H/Hr shipper. lori's a wonderful storyteller. it is SO well-constructed.
aether or by callmehux (T).
paige came to haven for a new life. she didn't realize she was coming to find some old ones.
this takes place after the series finale and probably won't make sense unless you've seen the whole run of the TV show.
persephone by sunflowerb (M).
she was meant to be the price for peace; her life in exchange for the dragon master's mercy. her captor wasn't supposed to be a ghost from her past, and she wasn't supposed to become his ally…or his lover. and when news spreads of a blonde-haired girl at the dragon master's side, there will be repercussions for dragons and vikings alike.
lone star state of mine by jenye (M).
modern AU. there are three types of people in dawson, texas: those who are trying to flee, those who embrace their small town fate, and the mellarks. mellark ranch; largest cattle ranch south of dallas, employer of ranch hand, katniss everdeen, and home of the ohio state buckeyes' running back, peeta mellark. and peeta mellark is coming back home today.
dressing wounds (and sequels!), by personification of fluff.
SM [completed] rated R for citrusy situations. when sango finds out how much miroku cares for her, it's the battle of the sexes! the prize? sango's heart, of course. fluff-filled chapters, and an attempt to break every cliche and fill each plothole!
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all-hail-the-witcher · 2 years ago
questionable government spies (but better written and 5 years late)
chapter 1: surely the macarena has not been playing for the last 2 minutes without me noticing
words cannot even begin to describe how excited about this i am lets GO :D
words: 2800
edited: yes !!
ship: well its either going to be sprace or ralbert and you're all along for the ride
warnings: character death but the death is not real, minor injuries, mentions of the famed walgreens au, deep dish pizza slander, emotionally stubborn race
tags: @jack-kellys @ainti-pretty @boygirlctommy @jack-whatsyourangle @getchapapes @sun-kissed-star (let me know if you want on or off the tag list !!!)
again, big thank yous to katya for bullying me into writing this and my sister for beta-ing and providing chapter titles that have nothing to do with the story
read it on ao3!!
Even before Albert crashed his own funeral, Race was having a bad day. 
For starters, there had been the paperwork. Always so much paperwork when someone died during a mission. And for what? This was the FBI for fucks sake, there were interns who could be doing this, not him, one of the best field agents in the country.
And there had been the eulogy. What even was a good eulogy these days? A heartfelt poem? A quote from The Fault in Our Stars? A melancholy tiktok dance? Race should have probably known the answer at this point, given that he had written a grand total of seven for Albert, only one and a half of which he had delivered. 
Because that was the thing about Albert. He couldn't quite stay dead. 
It was the one thing that drove Race absolutely crazy about his best friend. Well, maybe not the one thing. He did have a particularly dreadful habit of chewing all of Race’s pens. But anyway. Race felt bad every time he got the dreaded phone call and shrugged Albert’s death off. For all he knew it could be real this time and he was going to go up in front of his best friend’s casket to renegade while telling everyone what an idiot he had been. But then again. This was his eighth eulogy.  
Jack, the newbie field agent that Race and Albert were supposed to be training, did not find Race’s lack of sadness even remotely acceptable. But then again, that was probably Race’s fault for not telling Jack that Albert didn’t like to stay dead. 
“I still can’t fucking believe you,” Jack muttered, taking half a glance in Race’s direction as he merged into the exit lane. “Your best friend is fucking dead, you’re going to his fucking funeral, your eulogy is a fucking tiktok dance, and you're playing a fucking fish game.” 
In the passenger seat, Race shrugged. “What? I have to feed them or they get sad. And I never actually said I was going to do the renegade.”
“I swear to fucking God Race,” Jack groaned, tears brimming in his eyes. The kid had been crying for the last week, Race was thoroughly impressed that he hadn’t run out of tears by now. “He was basically your brother. At least show some respect.”
Race rolled his eyes. “He’s not my fucking brother. Hell knows I have plenty of those.”
“You know, I’m glad he’s not here to see this,” Jack spat. “If he knew this was what his best friend was really like he wouldn’t want anything to do with you. Fucking sick of you to do this.”
Race continued feeding his fish. They may be silly, but least they weren’t yelling at him. 
“I’m going to request a placement change after today, I can’t work with someone who doesn’t even give half of a shit about th-”
Thankfully he was cut off by Race’s phone ringing. 
Not so thankfully, it was none other than Race’s arch nemesis on the other end. 
“Racetrack Higgins.” 
“Davey Jacobs.” Head of the NYC Branch of the FBI, resident asshole and general stick in the mud. He had had it out for Race and Albert since they had been in training and accidentally almost blew up his prized weapons lab.
“I need you and Dasilva to get your asses into my office ASAP.” 
“Mmm, see, that might be a bit of a problem.” Race ran his fingers through his hair. “Ain’t nobody tell you that Albert’s dead?” 
“Ain’t nobody tell you that I don't care?” Jacobs said, mimicking Race’s accent. “Just because one of you dies doesn’t mean crime stops.”
Race rolled his eyes as Jack pulled up in front of the church. “Ah Davey, good to know despite all your years of work, you still don’t have an ounce of sympathy.”
“You little-”
“And I assume you want me to drive from Chicago to New York cause your ass is too cheap to purchase a plane ticket?” 
“If you don’t watch your tongue I’ll have you fired in two minutes flat.” 
Race laughed. “My ass will be in your office after my ass goes to my partner's funeral, capishe?” Race threw his phone on the floor and rubbed his temples. He envied Jacobs’s ability to give out headaches like candy. Albert better be fucking alive cause there was no way he was going to New York City by himself. 
Jack pulled the key out of the ignition and crossed his arms, staring straight forward. “What was that about?”
“Someone who wanted to talk to me and Albert.” 
Jack said nothing. 
Race fiddled with the edge of his shirt. Maybe he should say something. But what if Albert was dead? Then he would have gotten Jack’s hopes up too and then Jack would really never forgive him. 
“I…I know you’re upset with me,” Race began lamely. 
Jack snorted. 
“But consider letting me finish your field training?” Race asked. “I know you still got a little ways to go and you got every right to be mad at me but you understand a computer better than I ever will and you’ve been really good backup and-”
“I’ll think about it okay?” Jack interrupted. 
Race nodded, staring at his phone on the floor. Boy he sure hoped that Albert was still alive. He did not want this argument to come back and bite him in the ass later. 
“Here.” Jack threw a crumpled bow tie at Race. “Put this on.”
“Because even though you may not be acting like it, we are still going to a funeral and you should at least look presentable.” 
“Yeah,” Race rolled his eyes but still reluctantly tied the bow tie around his neck. It looked ridiculous with his t-shirt but he didn’t feel like upsetting Jack any more. “Cause this is gonna make all the difference.”
“Just shut up and get out of the car,” Jack muttered. “We’re already almost late.”
The funeral itself was pitiful. 
Aside from himself and Jack, the only other people were a handful of elderly women who looked mildly annoyed that their daily rosary praying had been interrupted by the untimely death of a twenty six year old. Race had not held a rosary since he was seventeen, but he was fairly certain one of the ladies was holding it upside down. 
And out of all the seven people in the disproportionately massive church, including the priest, Jack was the only one who seemed like he wanted to be there. 
Though, the lack of government officials and the fact that it was in a hole in the wall church in the middle of Chicago was a good sign. Perhaps Race wouldn’t have to renegade after all. 
Twelve o’clock came and went and no one else entered the church. In fact, a few of the old ladies went as far as to inch further towards the door, hoping that they would be able to sneak out. Race did not blame them. 
Whether the priest was waiting for more people to turn up or for the actual casket to make an appearance was hard to say. 
“Aren’t there supposed to be government officials here because he died in the line of duty?” Jack whispered. Still, it managed to echo around the church. 
Race winced at his lack of discretion. “We forfeited our rights to a fancy funeral when we almost blew up a weapons lab.” It was not the truth, but Jack did not need to know that five years ago Albert had gotten “blown up” and there was a full FBI sponsored funeral done for him, only for him to appear in a tiny hospital in the middle of Arkansas three days later. After that the FBI refused to give Albert a full funeral unless there was a body due to budget cuts. But that was irrelevant. 
Jack’s face fell. “Albert always said that he would tell me that story.” 
“He was never going to tell you that story.” 
“Race,” Jack’s voice was firm. “Would you stop-”
“Thank you for gathering here today in the memory of Albert Dasilva,” the priest began. “Unfortunately the hearse seems to have gotten stuck in traffic and in the interest of making sure our later services start on time, we will just do an abbreviated service with no eulogies when it arrives momentarily. Unless anyone has any objections?” 
Jack tries to raise his hand but Race held his arms down. Hearses didn’t just get stuck in traffic. This had Albert’s handiwork written all over it. The priest gave them a mildly amused look but ultimately said nothing. 
Jack squirmed out of Race’s grip. “Don’t touch me, Race.”
“Jack I-“
“I said don’t fucking touch me, Antonio.” 
Race grit his teeth. He already had to see Jacobs later today and he didn’t want a lecture from him on how you’re not supposed to deck the trainees at fake funeral services. How had Jack even known his name? 
Moments later the door of the church slammed open and a ridiculously shiny gold casket was wheeled in. Race barely glanced at it. Maybe he should have told Jack. He liked the kid. This was the first trainee he and Albert had been given and he wanted to do a good job, be to Jack what Blink and Mush had been to him. 
Albert would know how to fix this. 
Race really hoped that he was outside.
He spent the rest of the hilariously brief service running through every possible outcome of the situation. At worst, Albert was indeed dead and Jack would abandon him. At best, Albert was not dead as Jack would forgive him for the misunderstanding easily. And in between there were seventy three other situations. 
Something pointy jabbed Race in the ribs and he looked up to see Jack standing and glaring down at him. Fuck, the processional had already started. 
Race wandered out of the church behind Jack in a daze. He fought down nausea as he trudged, absently wrapping and unwrapping his fingers in the chain around his neck. 
The sun was blinding. Race squinted through it, trying to scan the parking lot for a familiar blob of red hair, but Jack jumped in front of him. 
“Here “ Jack threw the keys to the truck at Race. “I’m done. I’m not getting back in that car with you after whatever just happened in that church. I can’t work with someone who can’t show an ounce of emotion when their best friend dies. You’re a fucking asshole, Race. An absolute, grade A premium-“
“Whoa there cowboy, I don’t condone arguing at my funeral.” 
Jack jumped three feet in the air at the sound of Albert’s voice. A weight that Race hadn’t felt before lifted off of his chest at the sight of his best friend. 
“Al,” he breathed a sigh of relief and opened his arms to hug Albert. 
“Oi! Careful!” Albert warned. “I’m only mostly in one piece.”
“You can never come back to me in perfect working condition can you?” Race felt his stress evaporating as he gently hugged Albert to his chest. He looked like shit and smelled worse “What happened this time?” 
“I don't know, I woke up in some fucking Canadian National Park to a moose trying to eat my socks and my shoulder was dislocated. I scared the park ranger shitless then had to hitch hike to the border and almost got stuck there cause they thought my FBI card was fake.”
“...Did the moose dislocate your shoulder?” Race stepped back to examine Albert. Sure enough, he had sloppily tied a shirt around his left shoulder to immobilize it. It didn't look completely correct but Race supposed he should be happy that Albert wasn’t in a hospital. Or even worse, moose food. 
Albert half shrugged. “Hell if I know Racer.”
Race tilted his head. “Well then how-”
“Dude what the fuck is wrong with Jack?” 
Race turned to see Jack opening and closing his mouth like a fish, eyebrows raised so high they were nearly touching his cornrows. 
Albert crossed his arms. “You didn’t tell him, did you.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. 
Race glued his lips together. He’d known Albert for long enough to know that it was better to just say nothing. 
“Fucking christ, Antonio.” Albert half kicked him and walked over towards Jack, shooting Race a We’ll Be Talking About This Later Look. 
“Hey Jackie-boy, good to see you buddy,” Albert said in the same voice that people use to talk to small children or scared animals. 
“Everyone said you were dead,” Jack muttered, eyes wide. 
“Who is everyone?”
“Race,” Jack lifted his eyes from Albert momentarily to glare at Race, “The priest, the guy who called Race, I don’t know.”
“Alright buddy,” Albert said. “Lesson one-” “Lesson one is never leave the house without a weapon,” Jack interrupted.
Albert sighed. “Fine then, lesson two-”
“Is always scan your surroundings.” Jack nearly cracked a smile at Albert’s annoyed facial expression. “You’re up to lesson fifty three.” 
“Fine. Lesson fifty three. Never believe anyone is dead until you see a body.” 
Jack nodded. “I think that’ll be an easy one to remember.”
“Good.” Albert opened his arm. “Now bring it in buddy.”
Jack flew into Albert’s embrace. A distinct sinking feeling started in Race’s stomach when he saw Jack’s shoulders shaking. 
“Everyone always leaves.” Jack’s words were muffled but Race could still hear them. “I’m so glad that you didn’t.” 
Albert laughed but Race could see the strain in his eyes. “This is like the fourth-”
“Eighth,” Race whispered.
“Eighth time this has happened. I don’t think that I am going anywhere anytime soon.”
Jack nodded into Albert’s shirt and gave him one more light squeeze, which Albert tried and failed not to wince at before pulling away. 
“Now that we got that settled,” Albert said, turning to Race. “I would love nothing more than to go to Walgreens and get some advil, the good cold medicine because Canada’s fucking freezing and I think it’s going to catch up to me soon and a real sling, some mediocre deep dish pizza and to go back to the safe house and sleep for three days.”
“Yes to the first two but you’re going to have to sleep in the car,” Race said.
Albert dropped his head back and groaned. “Don’t tell me they reassigned us already, I only just came back to life.”
“Mmmm no its far worse.” Race placed his hand on Albert’s good shoulder. “Jacobs wants us in his office.” Albert blinked once, twice, three times before giving in. “FUCK.”
“Yeah,” Race said. There was nothing else to say about that.
“Don’t tell me he wants us there tomorrow.” 
“He wanted us there today. “Who the hell is Jacobs?”
“Not now Jack,” Race and Albert said at the same time. 
“And we have to drive?” Albert asked. “And we have to drive.” Race confirmed. 
“Well fuck me sideways with a fucking spork.” Albert groaned again for good measure. “Doesn’t he think I’m dead?” 
“This is Davey Jacobs,” Race said. “Death means nothing to him.” 
“Is no one going to tell me who this guy is?” Jack asked again, louder this time. 
“Jackie,” Albert said, “When we’re on hour thirteen of this drive you’re going to be regretting asking that question.” 
“He can’t be that bad.” “He is,” Race said. 
“You owe me at least a whole pizza for this,” Albert said, jabbing Race in the chest with his finger. “With extra meat.”
“I didn’t expect anything less,” Race smiled. Sure he was not happy they had to go deal with whatever crap Jacobs was going to throw at him, but at least he had his best friend back.
“And another one when we get to the city!” He yelled over his shoulder as he followed Jack to the car. “I’ve missed my 99 cent pizza.” Race rolled his eyes. “You can literally get it for free cause Vinny loves you.”
“Wait, we’re going to New York City?” Jack asked
“I thought you wanted a placement change?” Race said, crossing his arms. 
“I- Well- I guess I-“
“Look buddy,” Albert said. “Race is shit at communicating. He will never admit it, but he is. But you can’t blame him for not wanting to get your hopes up. This is a hard field to be in, nothing is guaranteed and nothing is ever as it seems. That being said, we would love to have you on whatever Jacobs has planned for us cause I can guarantee you it is going to be one absolute hell of a ride. And even though Race won’t admit it, he likes having you around.” 
“I never said I didn’t,” Race muttered. 
Jack considered. “I’ll come, but only mostly because my best friend is training in New York. I’m still kinda pissed at Race.”
“Welcome to the club, buddy,” Albert laughed, giving Jack a fist bump. 
Race just rolled his eyes. It was pointless to argue at this point. 
“This better be a relaxing ride, Race,” Albert said, ignoring Jack. “I want no shenanigans.”
“I make no promises.”
stay tuned to see the boys entering the city :O
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streatfeild · 4 months ago
i was tagged by @mothmans-cumrag to do a thing! thank you!! xxx
1. Three Ships: Norrington/Gillette (potc), Adam/Fergus (ttoi) aaaaaand Malcolm/Trip (Star Trek ENT)
2. First Ever Ship: that‘s a hard one uhmmm…. probably Izumo/Kotetsu?
3. Last Song: Buachaill ón Éirne by Barleycorn (back in '75 when they still had that singer with the 💯💦🔥‼️🙏🏼🫠 voice. i don’t know his face but he can do anything he likes to me) (if he‘s still alive)
4. Last Film: does Nye count? (national theatre stream?) if not, thennnnn uhhh potc 4 i think? (yeah. i know.)
5. Currently Reading: nothing honestly. i can‘t even motivate myself to read fanfic rn rip
6. Currently Watching: nothing as well lol. just. random yt videos. just finished watching The Decameron. and i need to finish Renegade Nell. still got a couple of eps left and i really liked it
7. Currently Consuming: das gude Perlenbacher Radler (welches in den letzten monaten zu meinem hauptnahrungsmittel geworden ist) (i should see a therapist i think). and a cigarette. yolo etc etc
8. Currently Craving: so much. so little. idek. WELL. top surgery for one. t. and two weeks of doing fuck all.
tagging: honestly just whoever wants to do this. go wild xxx
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yeehaw-in-magic-space · 5 months ago
Session 5 Recap: Part 6/6
All the townsfolk turned raiders looked on in surprise as Trevor led the ragged group of renegades towards the cabin where the community leaders had begun drawing up escape plans. The party introduced themselves and began explaining that they were conscripted to work for Barley when they crash-landed on this planet. Surprisingly, even people as far out as these seemed to know about the train crash. They seemed interested enough to let the party continue to explain themselves and offer up a plan. 
They suggested that half of them join up with the raiders, who they warned to flee before King Barley sent ships to reclaim the outpost. The other two would head back to Barley’s mansion and claim that the others had died in battle. They would continue to work their own plan to get a ship for them to escape with while the others secured a hiding place to wait out the storm. The townsfolk agreed, and started muttering to each other about someone who would probably be interested in meeting them anyway. 
Dolly declared that she would be going with the townsfolk because she was a terrible liar, and because she had deliberately antagonized Barley at every turn, which made him unlikely to be sympathetic to any story she spun. Geraldine and Prometheus poked fun at her for apparently being unable to lie despite being a professional bullshit artist for Choice Information, to which Dolly retorted that most people only read her stories for the pictures of her in whatever provocative costume the company had given her that week. Chuck decided to go with the townsfolk as well, which made Geraldine and Prometheus responsible for convincing Barley that the two of them were the only survivors of a brutal battle. 
Prometheus and Geraldine spent the entire walk back to the ship making themselves look like more of a mess. Prometheus roughed up his shirt and let his hair down and Geraldine made herself cry to run mascara down her face. 
Geraldine sobbed into Oliver’s arms as she told him the story of the supposed brutality she had witnessed. Dolly, Chuck, Dustin, and Nolan had been killed before her very eyes. She begged him to take them back to the mansion where it was safe, and he complied.
They launched the ship and flew straight back to King Alexander Barley, who Prometheus spun a more detailed tale for. He told Barley they had engaged a group of disgruntled townsfolk at the outpost. They had lost nearly all their companions, but also driven the raiders away from the outpost with their show of force. Prometheus and Geraldine had hidden in the grass and let the remaining enemies get away because it was all they could do to escape with their lives.
Prometheus couldn’t tell for certain if he was convinced, but Barley didn’t ask any questions that didn’t pertain to the logistics of taking back the fortress. He allowed Prometheus and Geraldine to return to their quarters for rest, promising that he would follow up in a few days after his men had secured the outpost and investigated the area for survivors. 
Chuck and Dolly fled with the raiders. They had dragged the corpses from the bonfire into the outpost and then set it ablaze to cover their tracks, and now they ran as fast as they could away from the burning wreck that would never be King Barley’s fortress.
The moment they arrived in the town the raiders had come from, they were both filled with immense dread. It was the same haunting feeling from the train—the same feelings of hunger, rage, and hopelessness blended with malice that had been floating around them as they fought the ghouls. This town was strong with this sickening energy, far stronger than the train had been. Around every corner and in the window of every abandoned house they swore they could see a ghost peering at them, but they always disappeared before their suspicions could be confirmed. They were led into the town’s center, where they were introduced to the mysterious “she” who would apparently be interested in meeting them. 
Leaning on a pile of familiar supply crates, with her arms folded comfortably in front of her, was none other than the cloaked figure who had started the terrible haunting that had brought the party together. Before anyone had a chance to say anything, to feel anything, or to draw a weapon on this ominous being, the session ended.
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