#renaissance villa
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huariqueje · 5 months ago
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View of Florence Cathedral from Villa La Pietra - Francis Hamel
British , b. 1963 -
Oil on linen , 24 x 20 cm. 9.5 x 8 in.
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livesunique · 1 year ago
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Villa Farnese, Caprarola, Viterbo, Northern Lazio, Italy
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itsybitsy-arthistory · 6 months ago
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Villa Borghese 21/07/23
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nicholask-la · 9 months ago
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From May, 2024
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rabbits-of-negative-euphoria · 10 months ago
s/o to my 11th great-grandfather Paul who was a herdsman in Thuringia, and whose son, grandson, and great-grandson all became Lutheran ministers for the same tiny church in the village of Rottleben (population 630 as of 2011)
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tilbageidanmark · 3 months ago
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Villa del Balbianello
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puttain · 5 months ago
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Curtains curtains curtains
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postcard-from-the-past · 1 year ago
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Renaissance Villa Farnese in Caprarola, Lazio region of Italy
Italian vintage postcard
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wandering-italy · 9 months ago
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The Hall of the Hunt
Villa d'Este, Tivoli
Dec. 2019
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kv3d · 1 year ago
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Italy, Turin, Villa della Regina
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artsyboy90 · 2 years ago
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A house design heavily inspired by the "White Palace" or "Livadia" which was built for the last Russian Imperial Family in the Crimea of the Ukraine between 1909-1911, designed by the architect Nikolai Krasnov. I had a lot of fun with this. xD PLEASE note that I take a lot of time to render/and or draw my work. So please do not post this elsewhere unless you've my permission to do so. Thank-you so much!
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havaforever · 4 months ago
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CHEFS D'OEUVRE DE LA VILLA BORGHESE - Après un an de travaux, Le Musée Jacquemart-André accueille une exposition d’envergure, fruit d’une collaboration sans précédent avec la prestigieuse Galerie Borghèse de Rome.
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Pour la première fois en France, plus de quarante chefs-d’œuvre issus de cette collection emblématique sont dévoilés au public, offrant un voyage exceptionnel à travers l’art italien et européen de la Renaissance au XVIIe siècle.
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Cette exposition propose une immersion captivante dans l’univers des grands maîtres qui ont façonné l’histoire de l’art occidental, avec des œuvres magistrales signées par des artistes de renom tels que Caravage, dont le clair-obscur révolutionnaire a marqué son époque, ou le Bernin, génie polyvalent de la sculpture baroque. La virtuosité chromatique de Titien et Véronèse côtoie la grâce intemporelle des figures de Botticelli et la perfection classique de Raphaël. Les créations de Rubens, Jacopo Bassano, Lorenzo Lotto, Antonello da Messina, Giovanni Baglione et Annibal Carrache viennent enrichir ce panorama éblouissant, témoignant de la diversité et de la richesse artistique de cette période faste.
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Au-delà de la présentation d’œuvres exceptionnelles, l’exposition se veut une exploration des thèmes et des inspirations qui ont nourri ces artistes, mettant en lumière leur génie créatif et leur influence durable sur l’histoire de l’art.
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Elle rend également hommage à la vision et au goût raffiné de Scipion Borghèse, collectionneur éclairé à l’origine de cet ensemble remarquable.
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coffeenewstom · 7 months ago
Kretisches Kaffeetagebuch: Villa de Mezzo in Etia
Weit sind wir nicht gekommen seit unserer Abfahrt von Voila. Genau genommen nur etwa drei Kilometer. Dann zog ein Gebäude unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf sich. Auch, wenn der Ort nicht in Kostas Reiseplan auftauchte, so ließe sich hier doch mit Leichtigkeit ein Zusatzhaken verdienen. Die Rede ist von der Villa de Mezzo in Etia. Diese Mittelaltersiedlung, die in ihrer Blütezeit mehr als 500 Einwohner…
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sy666th · 9 months ago
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"The Apennine Colossus (Italian: Gigante dell'Appennino) is a stone statue, approximately 11 m high, in the estate of the Villa Demidoff in Vaglia, Tuscany in Italy. Giambologna (Flemish sculptor Jean de Boulogne) created the colossal figure, a personification of the Apennine mountains, in the late 1580s. It was constructed on the grounds of the Villa di Pratolino, a Renaissance villa that fell into disrepair and was replaced by the Villa Demidoff in the 1800s."
And the park of Villa Demidoff, a few kilometers from Florence, is the perfect place for a day of walks in the countryside and a quiet picnic in a wonderful place. Hi Giant, I missed you!
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ukdamo · 1 year ago
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Today's Flickr photo with the most hits: back at the Villa d'Este - this time in the Hercules Room.
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paramedicabroad · 1 year ago
Villa d’Este
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Today, let's embark on a virtual journey to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Villa d'Este, a place where the harmony of water, art, and nature creates a symphony that has enchanted visitors for centuries.
Villa d'Este, nestled in the heart of Tivoli, Italy, is a masterpiece of Renaissance architecture and landscape design. Its UNESCO World Heritage status, granted in 2001, celebrates the fusion of art, engineering, and nature.
Begin your exploration at the Grand Fountain, a monumental masterpiece that greets visitors with cascading water, nymphs, and mythological figures. The fountain sets the tone for the aquatic marvels that await within the villa's grounds.
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Traverse the Hundred Fountains, a mesmerizing water staircase that descends from the terrace to the lower garden. The rhythmic flow of water and the play of light create a captivating spectacle.
Marvel at the Oval Fountain, an exquisite masterpiece surrounded by lush greenery and adorned with sculptures. This focal point of the garden embodies the elegance and sophistication of Italian Renaissance design.
Ascend to the Terrace of the Organ Fountain, where the innovative water-powered organ produces enchanting melodies accompanied by the soothing sounds of flowing water. It's a testament to the ingenuity of Renaissance engineering.
Experience the Water Organ, a unique feature that combines music and hydraulic engineering. As water flows through the organ pipes, it creates a harmonious symphony that echoes through the villa's gardens.
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Discover the Rometta Fountain, a miniature representation of ancient Rome with water features symbolizing the Tiber River and the Mediterranean Sea. It's a poetic nod to the classical heritage that inspired the Renaissance.
Villa d'Este's UNESCO recognition acknowledges its cultural significance and contribution to the development of garden design. The villa stands as a timeless example of the marriage between artistic expression and the natural environment.
In conclusion, Villa d'Este invites us to step into a realm where art and nature dance together in perfect harmony. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it encourages us to appreciate the enduring beauty of Renaissance creativity. When you're ready to immerse yourself in a garden symphony, Villa d'Este promises to inspire and captivate. 🏰🌺🌟
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