
contrary to popular belief, I’m actually just a baby 👶🏼
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Trampoline and badminton are fun ways to stay in shape! Especially if you’re padded!
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Have you ever thought about doing a car seat photo shoot and post it here?

Let's go for a ride! 🚗 are we going somewhere fun?
[links here] 🧸
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Good morning tumblr!

Thought I’d show off a little bit of my paci collection

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Hallo Ihr lieben.
Wir waren im Urlaub an der Nordsee und wir hatten echt Tolles Wetter 😍🥰.
Ich habe schon länger nichts mehr gepostet und das hat leider einen Grund.
Seit über einem Jahr leide ich an verschiedenen Symptomen, habe starke schmerzen jeden Tag und mir fällt es sehr schwer zu laufen deshalb bin ich außerhalb von Zuhause auf einen Rollstuhl angewiesen. Bisher wissen wir noch nicht welche Diagnose ich habe und wir hoffen aktuell einfach dass es bald besser wird.
Ich danke euch für eure Unterstützung und für die lieben und Netten Worte die ihr mir regelmäßig hinterlassen habt
Danke an euch alle 🥰
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Mommy Vibes 🖤👶🏻 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg9jT70rECmwLUtBXCeb_rnem0_8J2FXrpTrCg0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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This baby loves riding in her carseat 🚙💕
jff / paci from @lilcomforts1
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Always bringing a stuffie friend along for the ride 🧸 💕
jff / wishlist
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Im sure u’ve been already answered this, but what kind of carseat do you use (and or recommend)?
I don't think I've actually made a post with much info about it, so this is a helpful question! ☺️
The one I have is the Britax Pinnacle ClickTight Harness-2-Booster carseat. It was actually a super nice follower who did all the research and helped me find and purchase it! ☺️ The only similar carseat I know of is the Britax Frontier harness-2-booster, they're almost identical. These seats have two modes, they convert from a smaller carseat mode which uses the 5point harness, up to the larger booster-seat mode which just uses the car's seatbelt. I only fit in booster seat mode, with the maximum height of 5'2 and under 120lbs. The carseat mode with the harness only fits up to 4ft 10, and under 90lbs. In some of my photos, we tucked the harness behind my shoulders to pretend because it’s so cute, but when I actually ride in the carseat I only use the car's seatbelt.
I think both of these carseats are discontinued. I got mine secondhand from a local listing online, which also made it much more affordable! Keep in mind, carseats do have expiration dates, after which they're not safe (or legal) to use anymore.
(And also, a huge disclaimer because I've had some people ask: never use a carseat if you're outside the size range even by a little. Not only can it be really unsafe, but it's also against the law and could get you in trouble! Same goes for using an expired carseat.)

Hopefully that was helpful! 💕 If anyone has more info, feel free to leave a reply.
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Daddy had me ride in my car seat today! It was really fun, I was so embarrassed every time we stopped in traffic, I was blushing so much 😖❤️
more on jff
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