#rené’s hc
existingonthisplane · 2 years
Okay so listen, as some of you know, I had the unfortunate realization that Will Byers is a jorts wearer.
But little did I know that that was a blessing in disguise!!
I would like to welcome you to:
The El Hopper and Will Byers Clothing style HC/How it started ??!
(That title is honestly too long)
So, if you’ve seen some random posts on here (or read the fic I’ve been writing) you already know that I HC Will and El (mainly El but Will gets roped in) to start exploring their clothing styles.
El gets super into it because it’s another way to express herself. It started off with Max in S3 but it’s gotten pretty big as she’s gotten older. At first starting off with just her finagling something together off of hand-me-downs and store bought things to her finally being able to explore other options once she has a source of income. She even starts sewing n stuff!!! It’s cool!
And because El gets as passionate about it as she does, I have no doubt in my mind that she starts testing and gifting things to her family.
Jonathan outgrew one of his favorite shirts? Boom suddenly it’s altered with extra patterns! It’s not the same but he still loves it.
Joyce has an old dress from when she was in hs that she doesn’t get any use out of anymore? Surprise! A brand new top and matching skirt just for her.
Will ripped his jeans randomly? Poof, suddenly they’re patchwork and distressed!!
It doesn’t always turn out great but it’s fun! And she’s experimenting and she just gets really really good at it. It’s becomes one of her stress relievers along with other arts and crafts.
Now to me, I think the Hopper-Byers siblings have a tradition. A tradition of sharing their art with each other. The whole trio are creatives in their own right and they love to mash those abilities together!
So when El gets her first wind of fashion shows and models and how all that works you can BET she’s sharing it. Telling how she’d think it’d be fun to do one. This is probably a little further into their stay at Lerona, Jonathan isn’t around as much and their mom is constantly busy. It’s just been Will and El, El and Will. They’ve gotten a lot closer.
Will is a little reluctant at first because he isn’t so sure about the whole “modeling” thing but El is pretty convincing and so after some designing (El showing her ideas, Will throwing in some of his own, then drawing together) and creating and everything else they’ve finally got outfits! And Jonathan offers to take pictures and Joyce gets out a video camera!
And the wonder twins make their debut wearing the most on brand Hopper-Byers family outfits but it’s got this El-ness about it. All clashing patterns but still a cohesiveness to it. The video doesn’t go anywhere and the photos get hung up within the house but it was so fun for the both of them. It was just silly and good and Will realizes he likes explore fashion with her. That them designing things together was super fun! Thus the WillEl fashion exploration extravaganza begins haha
At first it’s really just them spending time together. Will working on his art (probably the painting at this point) and El designing while she relaxes in his bed. But eventually it evolves a bit, where sometimes they design together or they just talk about it in general while their doing their own things.
El starts wearing some of her stuff more and more to school. She’s still having a rough time there and Will notices this. Especially when they get home one day and he watches her rush to her room and slam the door hard after a particularly rough day of bullying. He wishes he could come up with something to say. But he’s more of a show and not tell type of guy so he comes up with something else.
He’s a little nervous about the solution he’s come up with but he thinks it’ll help a lot. He turns on El’s hand me down sewing machine (she’d left it in his room the day before when they’d been art-ing together) and gets to work. That night he knocks on his sisters door and gifts her a flannel of his completed with a very messy but lovingly embroidered “Wonder Twins” written in purple on the breast pocket.
Will is wearing his own flannel, it’s not the same one but it’s close enough to what shes been given. His also says “Wonder Twins”, even messier than her own, and in yellow. Will goes on a whole explanation about how her bullies are dumb and don’t know what their missing out on. That she’s the coolest person he knows and he’s proud to call her his sister.
He nearly gets the wind knocked out of him at the force of her hug but it’s worth it.
She puts on her new shirt, and laughs when she notices that the breast pocket’s been sewn closed.
“You probably should’ve used the embroidery kit we have.”
“You mean the sewing machine?”
“No.” And she’d laugh some more.
The next day they’d wear their shirts to school. And El would probably still be getting picked on but it’s not so bad when she knows she’s got Will in her corner.
That’s how the tradition starts though, they start matching every now and again. Usually a Wednesday or a Friday. And at first it’s just little things but eventually it starts becoming full on outfits (I will draw these for y’all) and they evolve as the two of them discover what they like to dress in.
Eventually when they get back to Hawkins the tradition doesn’t really stop. It slows some during the War with Vecna and it’s a lot different considering it’s the apocalypse but they never drop it.
And when things are finally over and they can finally live a life that isn’t full of battling interdimensional creatures they’re able to bring it back full force. And it’s really full force because now they don’t care about what others think, about the kids their age would say or what they’d do, not after all the stuff they just went though. 
So all through their last year of highschool, you get some crazy imaginative fits. Some of them are sleek and cool and others just go absolutely crazy.
El’s style is a mashup of so many things. She’s very versatile but it’s always always accompanied by some form of patterns and color. She is not a dull color kind of girl and it really shows. Her favorite thing to do is also accessorize, she’s got all kinds of things, a lot that she’s made. Earrings made of things she’s found around the house and repainted, charm brackets with giant charms, you name it!
Will’s own style is a lot more simplified but the edges of El’s influence still show on him. He’s kind of got like a preppy, neat and tidy look. But that’s just in the way that he fits the clothes to his body, all tucked shirts and ironed pants. No wrinkles. If you were to take that away it’d be a bit more grungy but with lots of color. A distressed undershirt here and there covered by a button up he’s left opened and tucked for example. El’s influence comes into place with the patterns. Sometimes he’ll get shirts that have crazy patterns on them that he really likes looking at (he starts to do this more as he gets older too) but mostly his crazed patterns can be found on the socks he’s wearing. He’s got a whole collection and it starts to become a habit for others to randomly gift him some too.
Eventually this kind of things starts to rub off on the whole party and now everyone has at least one pair of absolutely atrociously styled socks!
It’s a regular Wednesday morning. The party is meeting up in the cafeteria before school starts like they’ve been doing everyday for the past 2 months. Lucas is running late and the party is discussing where he could be considering how timely he usually is. Suddenly Lucas is bursting through the door “you guys won’t believe why I’m late” he says but everyone is too busy staring at his pug covered socks that he has on full display.
Dustin walking home after a DND meeting sporting a freshly bought pair of Albert Einstein socks where the guys face is on one half of each sock and if you stand together you get the whole face.
Max and El, chilling in her room. Max’s socks say sk8er girl in crazy fonts and random colors. El’s socks having kitten faces all over them
Mike and Will wearing matching Bob Ross socks that Will’d been given an extra pair of (fun fact i have socks exactly like these)
Do you see the vision???
Now to wrap it all up, I started this post saying it was a blessing in disguise that Will canonicly wears jorts and that’s because in reality, he probably still will even after his whole fashion exploration. But it is because of this that we now get the most cursed image of
Jorts wearing, patterned calf socks having, elevated bowl cut styling, Will Byers
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orgonongurlz · 6 months
every day, it feels like seams are more than torn!
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lumiereandcogsworth · 6 months
throughout the movie, lumiere, maestro cadenza, and mr. potts ALL call their wives “darling” at some point. like!!! no wonder adam calls belle that so much!!!! that’s what all the good men in his life call their beloveds!!!!!!!!!
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cuteteacakes · 3 days
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jockifotopress · 2 months
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Herzlichen Glückwunsch René Selke
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum runden Geburtstag lieber René Selke. Der ehemalige Handballtorwart, schaffte 2014 mit dem Zweitligisten HC Erlangen den Aufstieg in die 1. Bundesliga. Danach wechselte er in die Geschäftsleitung des Vereins und wurde 2016 Geschäftsführer.
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bailesona · 2 years
i’m watching modern family and just thinking abt how aisling deals with her kids being broken up with, that’s all.
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bloodstainedsaint · 9 months
thank you thank you thank yooou!! And I don’t mind waiting for good stuff 🤷‍♀️
Okay so my idea kinda was in episode 7 when George and Lipton is in the same foxhole. So they get “hit” by the dud but the reader is so scared something actually happened to George, so she is running towards their foxhole and George is screaming for her to stay put cuz he’s okay and then she gets hit….or almost…I mean something tragic. I wanna bawl my eyes out.
And of course…feel free to not do it, if you think it sucks🧡 Love your stuff and have a good day !
louder than bombs (george luz x reader)
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word count: 1800+
warnings: blood, gore, death, angst (w happy ending), bff! roe, mutual pining, i hint at both renée x roe AND baberoe
notes: used some hcs from this (shameless self-plug), and happy new year to all! i hope that 2024 is your year :)
“So, you and Luz, huh?”
Despite Lieutenant Dike’s request not to (like you'd listen to a coward like him anyway, even if he did have a good point), you and Eugene were sharing a foxhole — one a few meters behind where Skip, Penk, Don, and Luz were standing around in a circle, joking and laughing.
Taking your eyes off the man in question — you'd been staring at him from afar for too long, anyway — you turned to Eugene with a befuddled expression. “What do you mean, ‘You and Luz?’”
He took one look at your face and chuckled around the cigarette in his mouth. “It can mean whatever you want it to mean.”
“You say that as if we’re together or something, Gene,” you scoffed and held yourself tighter for warmth.
“Practically. Seen yourself lately? You blush and smile whenever he talks to you.”
Spluttering in response, you could feel your ears going red. “Well, Bayou, what if I’m blushing because it's zero degrees out here? And what if he’s just a funny guy in general?”
Eugene glanced over to the group of men, and, as if on cue, they were cracking up at George’s impression of the chickenshit lieutenant. “He’s a good match for you, (Y/N).”
“Oh, I'm so glad you approve,” you said, rolling your eyes at your friend. “Gonna read our wedding rites now?”
He put out his cigarette. “He makes you laugh. We could all use some of that.”
You inspected the faraway look in Eugene’s eyes, and you knew he was right. The fatal accident with the goddamned Luger that killed Hoobler recently, the barrage earlier today that sent both Joe Toye and Bill home with missing right legs, the overall misery of this frozen hell. You’d all seen your fair share of blood and open flesh; the company needed the beam of light that was George Luz.
Watching Luz as he was pulled aside by Lipton, you exhaled, nodded, and huddled a little closer to Eugene. “Yeah. Yeah, you're right.” After a few quiet, thoughtful moments, a small smile creeped back up on your face when you thought of something to bring up the mood again.
“You never heard me teasing you about Renée,” you muttered beneath your breath, loud enough for him to hear and correct you on because you had teased him about the Belgian nurse. Before he could, you pushed on, your grin growing, “Hey, what about you and Babe, huh?”
Now it was his turn to turn to you shocked. Your snickering was interrupted by the roaring, deafening sound of a bombardment shredding trees around you.
“Shit!” you cursed, the night sky lighting up with fireworks of yellow and white. Snow and dirt erupted from the ground like spurts of lava from a volcano. Through the ringing in your ears, you heard bellows of “Incoming!” and other indistinct cries.
Turning to the man next to you, you shouted above the din, “Eugene, you alright?”
“Fine,” he shouted back as he clutched his helmet tight to his head. “You?”
“Fine,” you echoed with a nod, though maybe your head had moved on its own with the shaking ground beneath you. You strained your ears to single out cries for a medic; you didn't catch any, and you weren't sure if that was because no one had gotten hurt yet or because they were dead within an instant.
You peeped over the edge of your foxhole. In the flashes of light, you could make out amongst the silhouette of wrecked trees George hurriedly crawling on the ground towards a foxhole with two soldiers in it, yelling for him to come on. If your hearing wasn't failing you, you recognized their voices as Skip and Penk.
“What d’ya see?” Eugene poked his head out of the foxhole.
Your voice was strangled in your throat as you helplessly watched George inch his way toward cover. “I—” you started, before a shell directly hit the two men in the middle of their calls. Frantically, you backed into your foxhole. “Skip and Penk, they’re…”
“What?” Eugene shouted, and you realized you had only murmured it.
“Muck and Penkala got hit!” you cried. The look you gave Eugene told him that there would be no saving them.
You got back up to peek over your foxhole and saw that Luz had vanished. Your heart sank in your chest, right down to the pits of your stomach.
Before your mind could register what was going on, your feet lifted you up and out of the foxhole. You could faintly hear Eugene yelling at you to come back, (Y/N), what the hell are you doing? You hit the ground at the same time a shell did just meters away from you, showering you in debris. Yet, you felt distant from the thought of danger or bodily harm, your raw instinct on overdrive; the only thing that was running through your mind as you dashed through the devastated forest was if George was okay.
Eyes flitting around, you caught a glimpse of him getting into a foxhole with Lip. As waves of relief washed over you, you jumped into a foxhole a distance behind them. A shell impacted nearby and swept the fallen trees acting as their cover towards you. You pulled your knees close to your chest and covered your head, staying like that as the barrage kept up.
Then, for just a second, it was silent. Closing your eyes, you caught your breath. A whistling sound ceased the brief respite, and you peered over just in time to see smoke coming from George and Lipton’s foxhole. Your mind disconnected itself from your body once again; it felt like you were moving in slow motion as your feet took you to them. That smoke clouded your senses, your thoughts — all you could see and hear were the vivid memories of Hoobler’s wound gushing blood and his dull eyes closing shut for the last time; you treating Bill’s still twitching leg while Toye’s shredded one was being bandaged by Eugene only feet away; and Muck and Penkala’s foxhole going up in a spray of dirt and a show of light, abruptly cutting off their shouting.
What were you going to see when you arrived at their foxhole? Bloodstained snow? Mangled limbs? Ruined corpses? Even the thought made you want to sob.
Your heart thundered in your ear, louder than any bombs or artillery the Germans could send at you, but you could vaguely discern George’s voice in your trance.
“Damn it, am I yelling medic? Stay right fucking there, (Y/N)!”
Right as you were shaken out of your own head, your eyes focusing on the two unharmed men as they yelled for you to stay put, a shell hit a tree hardly an arm’s length away from you. The burst launched you backwards, lodging shrapnel into your face and all over your body.
You let your eyes flutter closed as the screaming started.
“(Y/N)!” George bawled, witnessing the last shell of the bombardment blast the tree right next to you.
“George, get down!” Lip pushed George down into the foxhole from where he'd been peeking over to helplessly watch your unsteady advance.
George couldn't get the image of you shielding yourself at the last second out of his head. He broke free from Lipton and crawled out of his foxhole to your unmoving figure, relieved to find that you were still breathing out clouds of vapor, albeit unevenly. Your right cheek was cut and bleeding, as well as your arms, legs, torso — hell, was there anywhere you weren’t bleeding from?
He cradled your head to his, whispering that it's gonna be alright and you’re gonna be just dandy, (Y/N), even though he didn't believe those words himself. He lifted his head from yours and yelled for a medic with a hoarse voice, already scratched up from having to shout over the booming to tell Lipton that Muck and Penkala got hit.
George then realized that he had gotten extremely lucky that day; Muck and Penkala had been shelled just before he reached their foxhole, and the shell that had landed next to him and Lipton was a dud. Staring down at your bloodied form, he darkly concluded that maybe he wasn't lucky — maybe he just brought bad luck to everyone else.
Eugene seemed to materialize out of thin air at the panicked calls for a doctor and kneeled over you, ordering, “Set ‘em down, set ‘em down!” George laid you down on the icy ground, and he saw that your eyes were open now, darting around at your surroundings. You looked frightened and pained, yet when your eyes finally settled on him, you seemed somewhat at ease.
“Jesus, what did I tell you, (Y/N)?” Eugene reprimanded, but the concern in his voice was evident. He began picking out the shrapnel from your flesh, and you wailed out in agony. Ripping open a sulfa packet with his teeth, he then shook the powder onto your countless wounds.
In the back of his mind, George knew that your pained whimpers would haunt him forever if you didn't pull through, acting as the price of his "good luck".
“Told me to come back, Genie,” you smiled mirthlessly, which quickly became a wince with the gash in your cheek. The white medic band around your arm was stained the same color as the red cross on it.
Lipton was out of the foxhole at this point and assisting Eugene with bandaging your injuries. “You’ll be fine, alright? Just hang in there.”
George registered that he had only been staring, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. He intertwined his fingers with yours and squeezed your clammy hand, to which you weakly squeezed back.
Grimacing while he injected you with morphine, Eugene said to Lipton, “They’re bleeding bad, Sarge; we gotta get ‘em back to an aid station.”
George’s voice sounded far off from himself. “I’ll radio for a jeep.” As he did so, his hand still clutching yours, he couldn't tear his eyes away from the excruciation on your face. For some reason, he felt guilty.
Though it felt like years to him, the jeep arrived shortly, and the three of them carried you to the stretcher on the hood of the vehicle and gingerly placed you upon it.
Gazing down upon you on that stretcher, your face streaked with crimson, your hair matted with dried blood, George wanted to say, “I still find you beautiful, Bloody Mary," but for what felt like first time in his life, the words weren't there and the wiseass comment just refused to come out right.
What came tumbling out of his lips instead was, “I love you.”
Pausing, Lipton and Eugene exchanged a knowing look and watched with bated breath. Meanwhile, George wanted to smack himself for letting the adrenaline coursing through his veins get to him; this was definitely not what you wanted to hear — rejecting him should be the least of your worries right now.
To his utter disbelief, you smiled, in spite of yourself and the grim circumstances. “I love you too, George.”
Once his brain wrapped around the fact that you needed him as much as he needed you, he implored, "Come back to me, alright?” He gently caressed your cheek, his voice sounding different to himself with the undertone of desperation. “I—I’ll be right here waiting for you.”
You placed a feeble hand over his and turned to press a kiss to it. “I'm counting on it.”
The driver finally grew tired of the delay and urged them to get moving. George stepped away as Eugene hopped in the jeep’s shotgun seat to escort you back to the aid station.
Lighting a cigarette with trembling hands, George watched the jeep dissipate into the blanket of night.
Eugene let things sink in for a while; you were grateful for the time to rest as the morphine kicked in. When you arrived, though, you were awake enough to hear him ask again, a rare smirk hidden in his voice:
“So, you and Luz, huh?”
taglist: @mads-weasley, @ronsparky, @dcyllom, @malarkgirlypop, @joetoyesbrassknuckles101, @samwinchesterslostshoe, @fxxiva
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animeyanderelover · 10 months
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I’m pleasantly surprised that people are actually requesting for this show. When I published my first Hc’s about the wolves, I really wasn’t sure how successful that would be.
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional thoughts, manipulation, gaslighting, s/o being monopolized, forced relationship, jealousy, isolation
Imprinting on Bella’s step-sister
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You're the biological child of Phil Dywer and ever since he has married Renée, she has become your step-mother. You are happy for him because he genuinely seems to love her, even though his job requires him to travel often. You and your step-sister Bella see how much Renée misses her husband and Bella soon tells you that she has decided to move back to Forks to her biological dad in hopes and asks you if you would like to come with her. She explains to you that with the both of you living in Forks, Renée might be able to travel with Phil and could spend more time with him. You realize that she has the best in mind for her mother but you hesitate because whilst you know Charlie a bit, he isn't the father with whom you have grown up. On the other hand you also know that Renée can't tag along with her husband because of the both of you still being minors and you also know that your father and your new step-mom miss each other terribly whenever the both of them are separated from each other.
Bella proposes the idea one evening when the entire family is present because she kind of knows that it would be harder for you to explain yourself if only your new mother is in the house. You're still somewhat unsure about everything but Bella is already determined and you also wish for both of your parents to be able to spend more time together so hesitantly you confirm that you would like to tag along with Bella. Renée feels guilty when she realizes why the both of you are doing this, especially since Phil id your real father which makes this even harder for you. She tries to tell the both of you that everything will be fine and that she doesn't mind but Bella's mind is already set and you pull yourself together too. Your father is saddened by the news but decides to respect your wishes and instead see it as a good opportunity for you to brighten your prespective and meet new people.
Charlie is nice to you when both of you arrive in Forks, although you still feel a tad bit more awkward than Bella who seems comfortable because this is the father she has grown up with. You do your best to not show your hesitance and your nervousness though because Charlie is a good man. You come to realize soon that Bella herself seems to have troubles adjusting to Forks and the new school due to her quiet and introverted nature. Both of you just stick together in the beginning since both of you already know each other and are step-sisters anyways. Luckily both of you soon find your own group of friends and you start feeling more comfortable. At the same time though, Bella starts gravitating to the mysterious Edward who, as Jessica tells you, is together with his adopted siblings quite the mystery in the entire school. Although you have a bad feeling about him, you don't stop Bella.
You are introduced to Edward around the same time, a childhood friend of Bella as you soon find out, and you quickly notice that he is clearly in love with Bella. Your sister on the other hand only sees him as a good friend and you are just as aware of the fact that she already loves Edward. You can't help but think that Jacob appears to be the better choice though. He's sweet, protective and above all he looks normal. You subtly try to hint to Bella that he would be the safer choice but she ignores everything you say as she reacts quickly defensive as soon as you even mildly say anything against Edward. In favor of not causing a rift between the two of you, you give up and try to accept Edward. This is harder than expected though because Bella starts getting constantly in danger as soon as she involves herself with him and the Cullens. You can't help the sliver of bitter resentment when Bella breaks her leg and suddenly distances herself from you, more secretive than ever.
She always reassures you that everything will be fine throughout everything and you swallow all your strong dislike back. Only for Edward to disappear, leaving your step-sister broken and empty. If you could, you would slap him good across his stupid face as you try to support your sister and pick up the broken pieces as good as you can. You even contact Jacob snd inform him about her current status in hopes that by spending time with him, she might start feeling better. He latches onto this chance and you're all up for it, respect his wishes when he asks you if he can have some time alone with Bella. He's trying his luck now and whilst you aren't sure anymore if that will be of any use because of Bella's strong infatuation with Edward, you do what you can. Then he suddenly pulls back too and you are flabbergasted, can't believe that he would have done something like this to Bella.
You try to assist Bella to find him only for her to ask you to stay out of this. That's the first time you get really mad at her to the point of yelling because you're so frustrated. Frustrated because you know that she tries to keep something a secret from you despite you being her step-sister. Does she not trust you? She flinches, tries to make herself small as you get vent your emotions out but remains firm in her decision to keep you out of her business. It's too dangerous, you shouldn't get involved. Her own hypocrisy flies cleanly over her own head. You calm at least a bit down when she tells you that she's gotten back in contact with Jacob, explains briefly that he was having a hard time. You don't want to see the bastard's face anymore though as you wonder why Bella always has to be involved with such guys.
The final piece that breaks you is when Bella abruptly leaves and flies to Italy without giving you any explanation, although you see her with one of the Cullens. Not even Charlie can tell you clearly why she left and that is when you finally explode and storm to Jacob's house after getting the address from Charlie. Billy opens the door surprised after hearing your consistent pounding and ringing as you don't even let him have the first word, instantly asking him if Jacob is at home. He tries to stop you as you forcefully get in his house, vivid and ready to shake answers out of Jacob. Because you have a good feeling that he knows what's up with everything that has happened to Bella recently. He's most likely even directly involved. He's in the kitchen, a mug of hot beverage in his hands as he hears the loud noises and sees you storming through the door out of the corner of his eyes.
You demand answers from him, insist that you have the right to know what is going on with your sister. You notice that he looks very different. His long hair cut short and you even notice a tattoo on his arm and wonder if he has joined some sort of delinquent group. You can't help but feel disappointed because you genuinely trusted him with Bella only for him to abandon her too. Why is your sister surrounded by shitty men like that?? You glare at him, growing even more frustrated when you realize that he doesn't even turn around to look at him and start angrily yelling at him. You say some hurtful stuff to him within the passion of your anger, notice from the corner of your eyes how Billy looks increasingly worried and even scared as he tries to stop you but you're too caught up in your own frustration.
His hand clenches into a fist and you notice that he starts to tremble slightly but finally he turns around to look at you as you've successfully managed to make him unable to ignore him. You're prepared for him to get angry with you but the moment his eyes meet yours, you hear him gasping as he suddenly drops the mug in his hands, the object shattering as soon as it hits the ground as the hot liquid spills on the ground. You flinch in surprise, stare down at the broken cup only to look back at him confused only to find his gaze glued to you. He looks as if he is in a daze, a dreamy and reverent shine in his eyes as he stares at you. All traces of bitterness and anger vanish from his face as he steps forward to you. You stand still in your place, majorly confused with his sudden shift of behavior. Billy's face on the other hand has lit up with realization as he looks up at you with shock and surprise.
You have no idea what is going on as Jacob suddenly stands right in front of you, one of his hands suddenly grabbing your own hand. He’s really warm as you notice but that’s besides the point. He asks you softly if you’d like to stay for a bit and it weirds you out. What is going on? It’s like he has just forgotten about everything you just yelled at him. You look confused at his father but he still seems to be quite in shock from whatever realization he just had. Jacob seems to want to bring you into his room until you blur out that he still spilled his mug all over the floor and that you should probably clean it up. You’re just searching for an excuse to get away from him as his sudden shift in behavior scares you. He quickly tells you that he’ll do it though and that you can just sit down in the kitchen in the meantime, his eyes showing his eagerness to have you within his reach.
The following days feel surreal to you. It’s like he’s forgotten all about Bella and instead has latched onto you all of a sudden. You don’t get any answers out of him either although he promises you that he’ll tell you, even claiming to you that Bella will probably never tell you. His promises manage to keep you close and he knows that which is why Jacob uses it as manipulation. His previous love for Bella is all but forgotten as you are his real imprint and his body is filled with blissful delight. He dedicates himself to stick close to you, visits you countless times whilst using the trust Charlie has with him to lure you out of your room. He tells Charlie that he’s worried about you because of Bella’s sudden absence and would like to try to cheer you up. To your dismay Charlie decides to believe him because he is also concerned about you and you can only reject Jacob that often until Charlie starts getting suspicious.
When Bella returns with Edward, you notice Jacob’s good mood dropping rapidly. Shouldn’t he be happy that Bella is back? You want to greet Bella happily for finally returning although you’re still mad with Edward. It never gets that far though as you’re suddenly pulled back by Jacob who wraps his arms tightly and protectively around you. You glance up confused and feel your breath hitching in your throat when you see the hateful and resentful glare he gives both of them. Edward’s eyes widen a tad bit in surprise, you don’t know why but he also seems to realize something as his face reminds you of Billy when he seemed to notice something you didn’t. At least Bella is in the same boat as you as she looks at Jacob confused. When she tries to approach you, he sneers at her to stay back, his voice dripping with anger and spite that you never thought would come from him. What is wrong with him? Bella is his friend! Edward steps protectively in front of Bella as both men glare at each other.
You don’t understand what is going on as Jacob suddenly blames Bella for keeping you away from him, accusing her that she just wants to see him suffer but that this won’t happen anymore. He sounds like a paranoid maniac as he throws those accusations at her and Bella and you exchange confused and frightened looks as Jacob keeps you as close to him as possible before dragging you away from both of them. As soon as the both of you are alone and you try to collect your racing mind, he suddenly demands of you to stay away from both of them. They’re trouble for you, with him you’re much safer. You stare at him before shakily asking you what is going on. Your meek tone softens his harsh features as he embraces you and gives you a soft kiss on your forehead, promising you that everything will be fine now. You have him.
From that day on Jacob becomes unbearable. He’s always spending his time with you and his attitude is terrible. He’s hostile and aggressive around everyone around you, his mood quickly spoiled as soon as you ignore him for one freaking minute in favor of chatting with one of your friends. He’s rude and salty with them, completely ignores your feelings as he scares them away and manages to make them avoid you. Worst of all is that as soon as you lash out at him, he starts crying and begging you to not leave him and abandon him like Bella did. He loves you! He can’t live without you! Everything leaves you with a major headache, you don’t understand anything coming from his mouth. In what way did Bella abandon him? You attempt to ask Bella about it but she tells you that Jacob will probably tell you soon enough, her eyes avoiding yours as if she’s guilty of something. You don’t get much time to spend with Bella as Edward keeps her away from you and has her avoiding you just as much as Jacob makes sure that you stay away from those two. They’re bad influences after all.
Eventually he brings you along to one of the private meetings of his tribe. You initially want to reject and flee from him by locking yourself up in your room but when he tells you that tonight he’ll tell you everything, you have no choice. You notice that a lot of his other friends have the same tattoo as them as they welcome you. Jacob keeps you protectively close to him the entire time. It’s on that night that you find out everything you thought only existed in fairy tails. You have troubles looking Bella into her eyes after that, almost feel betrayed by her as you find out about her plans to turn into a vampire and for never telling you anything. The news of that Jacob imprinted on you and that it is physically painful for a shapeshifter to stay away from their imprint shackles you to him, forces a responsibility on you that ties you to him. Jacob seems satisfied though. He has you all for himself after all. That’s everything he ever wanted.
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crushedsweets · 9 months
What are your hc on how creepypastas voice sounds?
For me clockwork has a raspy voice! If I could choose a specific voice for her it would totally be Wendy Melvoin in Purple Rain 1964. (If you wanna hear her just search that). Toby sounds like David near's voice acting of him. And Nina prob sounds silly...
mmmmm when i think clocky, i think hailey steinfield (vi from arcane/gwen from spiderverse). but a little more mature and like you said, raspy ! MAYBE EVEN NATASHA LYONNE but thats pushing it in rasp
david near is good for toby!! maybe a little more warm and boyish for my hc, but otherwise perfect. YUI ALSO SAID RIGBY FROM REGULAR SHOW
i feel like jessica dicicco (flame princess from adventure time) is a really good nina... less cartoony would be jasmine cephas jones
for kate, vicci martinez .. i dunno why i just feel like its a decent fit
honestly david nears Jeff is also pretty good for him LMFAO he just sounds so obnoxious its perfect
ofc tim and brian are just their actors
ok this might sound totally crazy but dolly parton for jane strikes a cord. i know its insane. but more realistically, renée elise goldsberry is a good voice
donald glover (marshall lee from adventure time) is EJ.
HONESTLY jennifer tilly for lulu....
sandra oh for ann
BEN is gumball waterson.
sally, lazari, dina, and sadie i have no idea... i imagine sadie to have a bit of a southern accent for some reason though. but they all just have pretty young, girly voices. sally would also be pretty monotone, lazari and dina would be whiney. sadie would be hushed
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epphfervescent · 3 months
For sketch ideas: René post pregnancy?
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*draws him looking up at bae and forgets to actually draw the bae* ANYway used this as an excuse to share an hc—
bc of the superfetation/2 uteri thing I gave my werewolves, ‘post’ pregnancy doesn’t happen to René for a bit. He gives birth to 1 of his triplets, and has to carry the other 2 for another 6 months
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lovelyd0gg · 1 month
Hey girlll, hope your doing well. Could u maybe do some HCs for Renée Lemaire? I’ve only found one story about her here and I think we should change that haha.
Could you do it a bit long (if it’s ok).
Just some HCs what it would be like to date her.
Love you, bye❤️
Heyyy darling! I'd love that idea! We don't get to see much screen time for her which is pretty sad:( but I'd love to do that<3 so enjoy!
How it would be like to date Renée
Warnings: nothing really except fluff<3
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Renée Lamaire.
•Just like Eugene, you meet Renée at the aid station, you were a medic/nurse and you were bringing over a wounded man to the aid station.
•You saw Renée, and you believed in love at first sight.
•She was so hardworking, beautiful, gorgeous and that's when she saw you and well, love can't be controlled.
•So when you two started dating, you both were an extremely sweet couple.
•Sometimes when you had to get back to the battlefield, she'd sometimes (most of the time) give you chocolate, just a good luck for you.
•You cannot tell me that she wouldn't brush your hair if you had long hair and comb your hair if you had short hair, she does it because she loves to bond with you, chatting while doing it, she just finds it so relaxing to do.
•Sometimes, she'll leave a little note in your uniform/dress that is filled with affectionate words like 'You look so beautiful/handsome today, chérie.' Or "Good luck, I love you.'
•She's really sweet and you can't deny it.
•If you're feeling sad, she'll always rush over to you and comfort you, hugging you, planting soft kisses on your forehead and saying some comforting words in French.
•She knows that you and her and very busy with war and stuff like that, and honestly, she's scared.
•She's scared that she had grown attached to you, and if something bad happens to you or her, the other one will feel so bad and ashamed.
•She loves you dearly, and every now and then, she'd sneak with you to a secluded place and share chocolate with you, she loves to share things with you and she is happy to see you happy.
•Sometimes, she'd feel really affectionate so when you come to the aid station, she'd grab your arm and kiss all over your face. She's so happy to see you alive, even if you saw her just 5 minutes ago. She's really happy that you aren't dead either. She doesn't know what she'd do if you were gone.
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existingonthisplane · 2 years
A head canon for you:
Mike and Will going on best-friend-iversary dates every year after becoming friends.
It’s probably sometime in august since they met in kindergarten and school years start in august in the US
It starts off as like they’re moms getting together and letting them have a play date or sleepover but as the years go on they plan them themselves
Their plans usually include something one person wants to do, something another person wants to do, and then something they both want to do together
They brainstorm ideas throughout the year of stuff they could do
Mike and Will definitely treat it as some kinda sacred holiday/tradition, filled with gifts and long talks and sometimes they’ll go back to the swing set even if they’re not technically allowed to be there
Everyone, party and family included, knows about these and knows not to plan anything on or around the date. They feel it’s a little dramatic but it’s also kinda adorable so it’s fine really
They haven’t missed a single one. Even if they’re sick. Even if the weathers bad. Even when Will moves. (They both have the idea to send a little present in the mail, they haven’t been talking as much as they used to but they’ll never miss something like this)
When everything’s over they still have these although there’re a little different now, some like underlying context going with it. It feels a little more important
Before they get together, the “friend” dates get a little more romantic as it goes. (i.e Mike decides that for his thing, he wants to take Will to like learn how to make pottery or something and instead of using his own pottery tools they share. there’s a lot of not very subtle hand holding and light touches and being in each others personal space and Mike can’t stop staring. Or Will would decide to take Mike to the library (which Mike thinks is a weird choice) but instead of it being like them just browsing books, Wills got a little nook set up that’s decorated to look like a little fantasy scene (he was able to convince the librarian) and it’s filled with books he thinks Mike would like and he’s brought his art supplies and gotten Mike a new notebook and him and Mike just spend the afternoon talking and writing and drawing, both of them not knowing they’re each other muses. They go out to eat as their together thing, the atmosphere being a lot more romantic than either of them anticipated but they still go and it’s just a lot of pining going on.)
When they do finally get together, the ramp up the romance, almost like a competition. They’ve always had fun with this but they’re really getting out of hand, sometimes it involves the whole party and everyone just has a great time
Even when they’re old and grey they keep it up, sometimes it’s super simple, but they still really love to do crazy dramatic things
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slqhv · 5 months
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# SLQHV ! EST. 03 / 04 / 18, REVAMPED 05 / 20 / 24
📙 i.    this is a selective, private, + hc-based roleplay blog for sta.nford pi.nes of disn.ey's grav.ity falls. i used to previously write ford back in 2018 under the url @authree. i am affiliated with @hickeyed !
📙 ii.    this blog is low activity and low pressure !! i'd label it as friends - priority, others are encouraged to follow and interact, but please do know at times i may find it quicker to write with those i'm closest with, mainly due to my own low energy irl and being busy ! that's not to say i'm not welcome to writing with others i don't know as well, ( we can also get to know each other too ! ) but i just don't want it to seem like i'm ignoring anyone or having favouritism :-]
📙 iii.    there may be triggering content on this blog, including abuse, manipulation, torture, gore, death, drugs, and others. i'm unsure how often they will appear on this blog, but i will tag if they come up !
📙 iv. i am single ship with my wife's fiddleford over at @hickeyed ! for multiple reasons, i am also uncomfortable with b.illf.ord and ask that if you post it to please tag it so i may blacklist, ty for understanding !
📙 v. i am more than fine with duplicates ! i know there's a lot of hype right now, so feel free to follow me if you write him as well, we can both chat about him together !
📙vi.    since i'm an adult, id prefer anyone interacting with this blog be 18 or older ! i doubt there will really be many "adult themes" on this blog, this is moreso just a comfort boundary.
📙vii.    i’m theo !   i’m a 24 year old butch lesbian that uses he + him exclusively.    i’m in love with the beautiful renée ! i also currently write on @rvrend, @shpshft, and @glnnhrd. i have chronic migraines and a full time job that impacts activity !
📙 affiliated with. @hickeyed! @precipine! @starsandpigs! @80spolaroid!
📙 links. pinterest. playlist. promo. gif cred. icons / icons.
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little-orphan-ant · 2 years
Ami name hcs (plus reasoning)
disclaimer a lot of this is just me infodumping about names. i really like names.
Alexandre Enjolras - yeah idk i just stole this from the fandom. Enj despises being called Alex though (he will punch you in the face :D), if you must shorten Alexandre he prefers Andre or Al/Allie
Florian Combeferre - i fucking love this name. according to wikipedia it's a saint name, which im like 80 percent sure was popular Back in the Day, so it works for canon era which im happy abt. in modern day France, the name Florian peaked in 1991 at number 9 for boys before promptly dropping out of the top 500 by 2020 for some reason. but when Ferre was born it would still have been pretty popular.
Olivier Courfeyrac - idk it just fits him. similar to Florian, Olivier was uncommon but not unheard of in canon era, and also dropped out of the top 500 a few years back. however, Olivier peaked back in the early 1970s. although it was still being given to several hundred kids a year by when modern!courf would have been born, i hc that he was named after a relative who died soon before his birth.
Camille Feuilly - in both modern-day and canon era France, Camille is seen as a gender-neutral name, which is great because i hc Feuilly has enby-spec. since Feuilly is an orphan, xe may have named xirself after the revolutionary Camille Desmoulins, but i must admit that I only skimmed his wikipedia page and maybe this Camille was an asshole idk. also i found a French artist born in 1934 named Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot and he's pretty cool ig. painting are nice but not as nice as Gainsborough Dupont's ofc
Jean-Marie "Jehan" Prouvaire - of course, we already know Jehan's name, but I added Marie just bc i can
Corentin Bahorel - if you call Bahorel Cory he with smite you btw (like enj they bond over it). Corentin peaked in France at 21 in 1996, but was also very popular during the Revolutionary Period so. thats good.
Valentin Joly - means 'health', i mostly gave him this name bc Irony. as a kid, Joly went by 'Val' and Bahorel, who knew him as a kid still calls him that. Valentin managed to make it to number 11 in France in 1998, and while uncommon, was in fact a name in canon era (like literally all of these akjddsfsa). also i found a French painter called Valentin de Boulogne from the 1600s who died after taking a dip in a fountain while drunk and freezing to death which. slay.
Louis Lesgles - I mean. i can't give all of them cool names. Bossuet gets to be Louis. his family were royalists and named him after all 17 (?) Louis of Frances. that's one of the reasons he goes by Bossuet, he doesn't want to be associated w a (scoff) king
Claud-René Grantaire - i cannot take credit for this it was @jolys-cane (hello). but yeah Very Good. double thumbs up i'd say. maybe even triple. both Claud(e) and René fell out of favor for boys in france around 1990, so our R would have been born *just* (a decade) to soon for it to be popular (eg not in the top 500). works for canon era as well. R tolerates his name, but Only his family is allowed to call him just René. anyone else must say both.
might do this for non-ami characters sometime (god i hope i didnt forget any of them lkjfksd) idk always love an excuse to talk abt a (minor) hyperfixation
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imninahchan · 8 months
Nina, estou obcecada na Renée Rapp e na música not my fault. Pode fazer um hc inspirado na música? esse trecho é tudo: Kiss a blonde; Kiss a friend; Can a gay girl get an amen?
(literalmente a loira de sua escolha embora pareça meio óbvio a regina george perfeita)
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───── 𓏲╰ ᰔᩚ ·# [🍥] : RENEÉ RAPP + ( ? )
você não sabe exatamente como esse assunto começou, mas todo mundo na mesa já está há uns dez minutos falando sobre a complexidade das loiras e coisas parecidas;
escuta cada obscuridade, porém a loira ao seu lado é capaz de, sozinha, chamar mais a sua atenção. Gosta do sorriso largo, todos os dentinhos se destacando. Sem falar, claro, do senso de humor com piadinhas que fazem qualquer um dos caras babacas nessa mesa se revirarem sobre a cadeira;
eu gosto de loiras, você diz, quase num sussurro, mas ainda atrai os olhares. RENEÉ te olha, com aquele sorrisinho, é mesmo?
você faz que sim, dando de ombros, o que eu posso dizer, gentlemen prefer blondes...
ah, então você é um gentlemen?
você ajeita a manga da blusa nos pulsos, como se ajustasse um terno, nenhuma das minhas garotas reclamou...
muitas loiras?
no timing perfeito, você sorri, de canto. Não. Quer ser a primeira?
e aí todo mundo está brincando, zoando com vocês, com o flerte ousado. Muito barulho e risos pra cá e pra lá. Meu deus, as gays não podem mais se divertir, é?
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HC that Neil and Jean team up and try to organize a pétanque tournament once
Kevin : very serious, is here to WIN even if he never played in his life, wins one round then loses by one point, will bitch about it all evening
Jean and Neil : have their scrolling rulers ready like it's a western gun fight
Andrew : is here for the vibes and the beer but ends up winning a couple rounds against his will
Matt and Dan : lose quite fast but go around encouraging everyone
Nicky and Erik : erik's german obv he went on holiday in the south and learned quite young he is GOOD Nicky is okay and they end up winning
Renée and Allison : allison came here to fucking WIN she knows the game !!! But they are against erik on their first round so.... but !! End up winning the small finale and are third
Aaron and Katelyn : came for the vibe stayed for the beer, lost really fast
Kevin : can i move the cochonet with my foot it's really close to the side
Neil, deadpan : yes but only with your left foot
Kevin : *diligently only uses his left foot*
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