#remus lupin x animagi!reader
losing-it-lately · 4 months
Would you consider a Remus Lupin x reader where reader is an animagi probably like a smaller animal maybe like a cat or something and Remus has them falling asleep on him and not realizing it’s reader until he’s openly talking about his feelings toward them and the reader in animagi form is like 👀👀👀
Remus Lupin with an Animagi!reader
wc: 0.7k
remus lupin x reader fluff
not exactly as per the request, but i hope you enjoy it :)
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Soft and warm and happy. You were everything that Remus Lupin felt like he didn't get in his life. And even when he didn't know it, you still brought an unfiltered joy into his life.
The Gryffindor common room had seen some recent changes, the biggest one being Remus’ new companion, a scrappy, furry little thing that hung on his shoulder or in his sweater. Cats had always been allowed in Gryffindor, but a small kitten was a new update.
He had found you lingering around the whomping willow; playing and dancing around the tree’s various attacks. With your soft wispy fur and your long whiskers, immediately he was enthralled. Not to mention, he had needed something to keep him going after his transformation the night before.
So you two became a pair, a loved pair. Little first years would surround Remus asking to pet you and James and Sirius would use you for pranks and Remus would let you sleep in his bed. He really loved you, even when you were gone, he would patiently wait.
But what he didn't know was that you were never actually gone.
You were intelligent, for sure. And you were loud, and fun, and crass, and all the things that made people laugh loudly and smile unabashedly. Remus saw something bright and spunky in you and the way you’d light the people around you. And whilst your otherwise silly jokes made people assume the least, your unrestrained time in the library and constant practice and yearning for your curiosity to be satisfied resulted in an early animagi status.
Though intensely illegal to practice that kind of magic underage and without recognition from the ministry, becoming an animagi fulfilled a part of yourself that otherwise you wouldn't have ever felt complete without. When you first transformed into that small tabby, the world around you went silent. You felt different and the same, you were content.
So you continued, spending time in your new form doing whatever random tasks you wanted to do. And eventually, you picked up a companion who unbeknownst to you, knew both sides of the coin.
Remus had started taking you into account on the sorting ceremony of that year. You had accidentally turned up late and took the first empty seat you saw, the one next to him. The both of you had never spoken one on one until that moment, and he swears that he didn't know what a proper laugh felt like until you uttered that first joke; even better, he didn't know what an angel sounded like until he heard your laugh.
Then, he would see you in the library, in his potions class, in the gryffindor common room, it was like you were everywhere, until you weren't.
He stopped seeing you as often and assumed that maybe, maybe he wasn't as down bad as he had been before, maybe he was getting over you. And then you sat next to him in potions and all of his feelings came tumbling back.
Remus rushed to his dorm room with his face blushing all different colours and his fingers picking at his scars. He was spiraling and didn't know what he could do, until he saw her: his little tabby rolling on his bed, waiting patiently.
He scooped her up, letting her eyes match his at eye level, and started confiding.
“I don't know what to do,” he stuttered, his hands engulfing her arms. “I need her so badly, she's perfect for me.”
You were confused to say the least, purring and distracting him from whatever ailed him. It was unbecoming, watching Remus ramble about his dream girl, until he mentioned your name. Your eyes widened, and you jumped out of his hands. Sometimes being smart isn't enough and in this case, you had no idea what to do. You scampered back out of his line of vision and into your room, transforming back and realising you had to do something, you had to make a move.
All week, Remus waited for his tabby to come back, and come Hogsmeade, he went out to buy her some treats. Mid his store run, you found him, looking between aisles for various different snacks.
“I want to talk to you,” you smiled and he felt his world turn a little faster.
Remus abandoned the snacks and you led him outside, to a bench. He felt something shift inside him as you stared into his eyes.
“I really like you,” he burst out, his normal composure almost disappearing now that he was this close to you. You softly laughed and he felt his heartbeat quicken.
“We should go and share a butterbeer.”
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maraa755 · 1 month
'Odd Creature' | Sirius Black x Reader
Pairings: S.B. x Fem!Reader Warnings: N/A Type: Hurt/Comfort Word Count: 1.8k Synopsis: After hearing a particularly cruel rumor about Sirius’s infidelity, you retreat to the Black Lake, where you are comforted by a shaggy black dog.
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Sirius was known throughout Hogwarts as someone who could be considered a player. You knew this—everyone did. Yet, this fact didn’t stop you from forming a relationship with him.
Nearly four months into your relationship, everything was going smoothly. He was sweet, caring, empathetic, and most importantly, absolutely devoted to you. Sirius was everything people said he wasn’t.
Your friends had warned you, reminding you of his reputation, but Sirius had proved them wrong time and time again.
People talked, women especially. They were mostly mad that you had taken and locked away their favorite shag. None of them had true feelings for Sirius as you did. You knew this, so the sly remarks behind your back, to you, and to Sirius didn’t exactly bother you.
You had trust in your relationship, in Sirius, so why are you now sitting by the Black Lake, leaning your head against a tree, with tears welling in your eyes?
It's because, for the first time, one of the horrible comments has finally gotten to you. Emma Mire, one of Sirius’s old shags, had made up a horrible lie—or at least you hoped it was a lie—about Sirius and her getting together on Saturday night.
It all connected, all made sense. He had been acting weird that day, whispering in his friends' ears, being absolutely tense, rushing you off to bed without even a hug or a kiss. You had brushed it off, but his usual affectionate personality somehow disappeared. He felt cold.
That same night, you sat in your bed while Lily comforted you, promising that everything was okay and that Sirius still had love for you. But how could she know? She didn’t, and that’s why you disregarded each affirming message she whispered in your ear as you sobbed your heart out into your duvet.
You hadn’t seen him today, mostly due to the fact that you skipped breakfast. The hurt in your heart overwhelmed every other need you had. The first time you stepped out of your dorm was to go here, attempting to get some fresh air to free your mind.
The pain deep in your chest had crippled you. 
The Black Lake seemed like the only place where you could find a semblance of peace. The gentle lapping of the water and the cool breeze offered a stark contrast to the turmoil inside you.
With a cursory glance around the vicinity, you realized no one was there, so you did as anyone would—you let your emotions flow. Slow, warm tears dripped down your face as your lip quivered fiercely.
You threw your head back gently onto the tree, feeling the bark tug at various strands of your hair. 
The tears you‘ve shed gave you a small flicker of warmth that was stark against the crisp autumn air. You wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to find some comfort in the solitude.
Eventually, you had found an ounce of comfort, but that was quickly interrupted as a set of footsteps behind you made their way closer. You tensed, instinctively brushing away the remnants of your tears and turning slightly to see who had stumbled on your sorrowful form. 
You gasped as a large black dog came happily trotting toward you. You turned back to your previous position, hiding yourself against the tree, hoping the dog would somehow forget about you and turn itself around.
You weren't scared of dogs, but a fluffy black dog in Hogwarts without a collar was definitely abnormal.
The thought that he might have been lost from Hogsmeade eased your anxiety quite a bit and gave you the confidence to turn around.
And you would have—except the dog had beaten you to it.
He came marching in front of you, wagging his tail.
“Uhm…” You were still very careful, in case this was somehow a dark mongrel stalking prey—although his excited tail wag definitely killed any thought inside you that he could be, “Hello, hi, buddy.”
The dog responded with a joyful bark, his eyes shining with friendliness. He sat down in front of you, tail thumping against the ground, and looked at you expectantly.
Tentatively, you reached out a hand. The dog sniffed it before nuzzling into your palm, clearly seeking affection. You couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. "Are you lost, puppy?" you said softly, scratching behind his ears.
He shook his head, and your eyes widened slightly. Had a dog truly just responded to your question? Surely the whole Sirius situation had your brain utterly scrambled.
Oh god, the Sirius situation. The dog had somewhat distracted you completely, and now that your attention was brought back to it, tears welled up in your eyes once more.
A single tear dropped, and you moved your hand to quickly wipe it away. The dog whined at this, clearly missing the touch of your hand which had been petting down his back.
“Sorry,” you laughed sorrowfully, not bothering to conceal your tears anymore as they streamed down your face. It was only a dog; what would he do? Tell the whole school? Surely not.
You pet the dog once more, but he continued to whine, his eyes boring into your own. His paw came down and scraped against your knee.
“What’s wrong, boy? I’m petting you, aren’t I?” you said, looking confused at the dog. “Do you want food?—I guess I don’t really have any with me right now…”
The dog continued to whine but jumped closer to you, licking a stripe of wet saliva up your cheek.
“Oi, gross!” you exclaimed, wiping the tear-infused saliva with the sleeve of your robe. “That is getting washed later,” you noted with a wry smile.
The dog whined again, and you added, “I’m sorry, mate, no harsh feelings, but we are merely acquaintances. You can’t just lick my face, boy.” You laughed at your own joke, realizing that the dog probably couldn’t understand you. The dog couldn’t understand you. Surely, this dog wouldn’t mind if you aired out your dirty laundry.
“Mind if I vent to you, bud?” you asked, looking at him with tear-filled eyes. The whining stopped, and his tail wagged instead. “I’ll take that as a yes, if you don’t mind.”
you took a deep breath and began to speak, your voice trembling slightly. “I suppose I’ve been having a rough time recently—boy problems.” You laughed weakly, but the dog just stared at you, his eyes almost narrowing.
“My boyfriend has been acting—uhm—not himself…” You trailed off, searching for the right words. “And I heard this terrible rumor. God, they usually don’t get to me—but this one, it really did. Everything just seemed to add up.”
The dog’s tail wagged gently, as if encouraging you to continue. You felt a bit silly talking to a dog, but the comfort of having someone—or something— that isn’t Lily to listen helped you open up.
“I mean, Sirius was distant, and then this rumor about him being with someone else… It made me question everything. I started doubting him, doubting us.” 
The dog sat closer to you, resting his head on top of your knees. You looked down at him, your voice trembling as you spoke, “I love him, buddy. I really, really do. It scares me that we’ve only been together four months and I love him this much. I only pray that the rumor isn’t true.”
Tears began to stream down your face, faster than before. “I just… I had trust in him—in us. I thought I was enough for him.”
The dog let out a loud whine, the sound echoing through the quiet. He lifted his head from your knees and tried to lick your face again. You laughed through your tears and gently pushed him away, but he didn’t give up. Instead, he pressed his cold nose against your flushed cheek.
You smiled gently, and as you reached out to pet him, he suddenly stood up and ran off. You watched, puzzled, as he disappeared into the distance. It seemed like he wasn’t coming back, and you couldn’t help but feel that maybe your emotional outpouring had scared him off.
Sighing deeply, you wiped your tears, feeling a mix of disappointment and lingering sadness. You were left alone again by the Black Lake, the dog’s sudden departure leaving you with only the echoes of your own thoughts.
After what felt like an hour, but was more realistically ten minutes, the black dog came trotting back up to you. His tail wagged enthusiastically as he approached, looking as if he was excited to see you again.
Oh, hello again,” you said, a smile tugging at your lips as you noticed the dog returning. He trotted back towards you, carrying something in his mouth. From your position against the tree, it looked like a poorly folded piece of parchment and a bundle of daisies and other wildflowers.
The dog dropped the items gently at your feet, looking up at you with an expression that seemed almost proud. You couldn’t help but chuckle softly at the sight.
“What is all this, puppy?” You asked curiously, picking up the piece of parchment, assuming he got it from the outskirts of Hogwarts.
As you unfolded the paper, you carefully examined the writing.
It read: 
“To my love,” 
“You have my heart, you have my body, and by God you practically have my soul.
Please, lovely girl, meet me at the astronomy tower.
Forever yours,
“P.S. This note is for you. Please stop thinking that the dog brought you a clump of paper that isn’t for you.” 
You looked towards the dog, who was still wagging his tail just as enthusiastically as when he first arrived. “Oh Merlin,” you said, a smile breaking through as the tears dried up upon reading the letter.
“This is for me?” you asked, not really expecting an answer, but based on the dog’s previous actions, you wouldn’t have been surprised if he nodded.
To your amazement, he nodded, and you laughed softly, a mix of confusion and amusement.
Standing up, you shook the dirt off your skirt and robes with a flick of your hand. “I must look like an utter mess, huh?” you said, glancing down at yourself.
The dog merely looked at you, his tail wagging steadily. His eyes seemed to hold an expectation, but you weren’t quite sure what he wanted.
“I guess… It’s time to see if the little note you brought me was really meant for me?” you mused aloud, and the dog barked in response, standing up on all fours.
He then turned his attention to the flowers you had left on the ground, nudging them gently with his nose. It was as if he was urging you to take them with you.
You picked up the wildflowers, smiling at the thoughtful gesture. “Oh, right. Thank you for reminding me.”  
And with that, the black dog ran off, straight in the direction of the castle. What an odd creature. 
As you trudged up the small hill and made your way back towards the castle, a resolute thought crossed your mind: you were absolutely going to kill Lily for letting this slip to Sirius. 
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cherry-pop-elf · 5 months
Big Bad Wolf
Dad! Remus x Reader
It’s the full moon, and Harry came running to you for advice and help. Lupin went missing, and Harry is scared that someone’s going to get hurt. Or worse. Expelled His dad will end up shot. So, as the romantic partner to the boys father you go and help him. You both just hope to find him before someone else does
Warnings 18+, Horror, Gore, violence, fear, Whump, character death ((deserved)) happy ending
Writing Commission’s Are Open
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“Dad-?! Dad!” You were startled awake, by the sounds of Harry. You were spending a few days, at Hogwarts, with Lupin. As his romantic partner it was permitted, but it sure did startle students to see someone who wasn’t their teacher in the classroom. Such as you, having fallen asleep at his desk. You were waiting for Lupin, but it seems sleep caught you first. Until now.
“Have you seen dad-?” Harry asked, as he hurried towards you. A bottle in hand, with a worried look. You did not like where this was going. You really hope that was not a full bottle of wolfsbane. As if that was needed right now. You sat up quickly and straightened up.
"He said he needed to run and talk to someone really quick, and asked for me to stay here until he came back." Now that you said it out loud, it made you very suspicious. You had a bad feeling about this. A very very very bad feeling. It seemed the feeling was mutual, and no words were needed. The two of you were soon running out of the classroom, and straight outside. Wands out.
"Great, just great-" You huffed, as the two of you were now roaming around the grounds. A worry of what happened with Remus, and if the Dementors would come your way. You made sure to hold Harry's hand, and he did not refuse it. He had a uncomfortable run in with the Dementors after all, as if he wanted another.
"Should we ask Hagrid for help?" Harry asked, as you pondered. That could be very helpful. He was a monster keeper of sorts, and more people looking could reduce casualties. Fang could help as well, but Hagrid was not the best with secrets. Still.....You had a werewolf boyfriend on the loose, and one not on potions.
"I will go talk to Hagrid; you go to the Shrieking Shack. Maybe he went there by habit?" Seems like Hermione was really rubbing off on him, because that made perfect sense. You recall a few times you could hear him, when locked in his designated room, about a shack. Along with his night terrors, and school days.
The plan was set, and Harry explained to you how to get there. Most likely knowing, in case of emergencies. The two of you would split, and Harry hurried to Hagrid's Hut. You stayed, until he made it. Just to be sure. Once he had entered the home, you would hurry to the tree, it was terrifying, but you had to. For Remus.
You had to army crawl, and enter with a few scrapes, but you managed. You hit the knot in the tree, and was able to slip through the roots. Through the dirty cavern, and across the rocks. It was a journey, but you managed. You would push at the wooden boards, and soon had your head in the shack. The stench of blood heavy in your nose. He was here.
"Moony?" You whispered, as the world went still. Even the wind seemed afraid to speak. You were terrified, but someone had to be there for him. You swallowed your biile, and forced yourself into the house. Onto your knees, wand in hand, before properly standing.
Deep breaths, that made you gag, in a vain attempt to try and calm yourself. You knew this when he told you what he was. He didn’t want you to sign up blind. He didn’t want to feel like he trapped you. The moment he told you, you tried to study all you could. Meaning you carried your own vile of wolfsbane. Small, but hopefully enough to soothe.
As you tried to follow the stench, you couldn’t help but hear something. It was someone. Someone gagging, and coughing. Seeming to be….No. No no. You had hope the blood you smelled was that of a wild animal, but no. It was of someone.
You wanted to barge in, and see if you could save them, but that could cause issues. Like him turning on you. Instead, you kept your steps quiet. Just coming closer, as the figure kept gasping and wheezing. Begging. What made your blood run cold was what the person said.
“Remus, please….You would have done the same in my place. You would ha-“ Before there was silence. Silence, as bones were snapping. Crunching, and being devoured. They were dead, and you knew that you couldn’t do anything to have prevented it. You tried to reason, at least.
Finally, you were at the door. Given quite the sight to behold. This sickly looking beast, chowing away on a dead body. Beyond recognition, except for an arm. Said arm having been torn off, and slammed into the wall near the door frame. You narrowed your eyes, as you saw it was missing a finger. Clearly before the attack, as the numb was healed over.
Before you could wonder who the figure was, you suddenly felt something bite at your leg. Not in a means to attack. It was so gentle, you almost didn’t notice. A attempt to grab your attention. It succeeded, as you looked down to a black dog. Shaggy, skinny, and struggling to pull you away from the door. A means to get you away.
Seems it acted too late, as the nawing of flesh was silenced. Just the eerie sounds of blood falling on wood, as the werewolf looked over. Blacken eyes focused on you, as it growled. Clawed, and mangled, fingers were soon on the floor. Cautiously approaching you, only for the dog to block its path. Guarding you.
You didn’t know what to do. Do you run? Do you stay? Do you move slowly? You can only read so many books, before you face a real deal. Nothing prepares you for a real life experience. Was he staring at you because he recognized you? Was he no longer hungry? Was he aware of your scent, and wouldn’t harm you?
So many thoughts, only to be silenced by an ear rattling howl. That said that, and you were trying to run for your life. The shaggy dog quick to defend you, and jump at Remus. Buying you time, as you tried to think of where to go. Leave the building? Back into the hole? You didn’t know. Before you could make a choice, the rotten wood broke under you.
Crashing through you went, only for your leg to snap in the process. You screamed in pain, and that alerted Remus to you. You tried to fight through the pain, as you held your wand up. Trying to defend yourself, as Remus tore through more of the wood. Leaving splinters to rain down on you, as you laid in the broken old living room.
“REMUS-! PLEASE-!” You sobbed, as you didn’t want to hurt him. Blood pooled around you, as the torn muscle was shreds around your shattered bone. So much pain, panic, and despair. Was this the end? Dispite it all, all you could think of was how this would affect Remus. The guilt he would hold, when the moon rises again. Only to see you dead in his teeth.
Seemed that would only be a nightmare, as he was slow to approach you. Sniffing you, before looking down at your leg. Giving it a lick, and whine. As if trying to help you. If you weren’t so delirious from pain, you would find it sweet.
“Fuck, you look like shit.” A voice spoke to you, as Remus seemed to curl around you. Using himself a pillow, for you to rest on. Just feeling his ribs, and hearing his strong breathing and heart. It was soothing, and let you catch your breath. Long enough to register where the voice came from.
A man was soon standing infront of you, in a Azkaban uniform. With long, black, shaggy hair. With a beard to match, against his gaunt face. So skinny, yet so alive. Shaggy black hair, just like shaggy black fur. That’s when it hit you.
“Padfoot….” You choked out, when you weren’t crying from pain. The name made him smile, and you could see life in his hollow eyes. It warmed his heart so much, knowing Remus told you about him. That he was still spoken so positively. That Remus didn’t believe the verdict. He knew better.
“That’s me. Now be quiet, and take advantage of Mooney having a full belly.” He hushed you, as he would begin to try and help with your leg. He would take his torn shirt off, and forced you to bite into it. Trying to make you quiet, as he popped the bone into place. Making you scream into the fabric, as you held Remus tighter. Suppose in that feral brain of his could register his mate was hurting, and soon was nuzzling his face against yours. Using his nose to wipe your tears away.
“There. Worse of it is over. Now how about-“ Before he could finish, the sound of the basement door was opening. Before Sirius could do anything, you grabbed his pant leg. Trying to get him to stay. The pain, however, made you feel to weak. Your vision was blurring, as you curled up against Remus. It was all to much, and soon…..You blacked out.
Morning came, and it was unwanted. The sunlight on your face, and making you groan. “Five more minutes-“ Was your reply to the beast, before a chuckle was a reply. A chuckle you knew very well. A laugh that made you fight the sun, and open your eyes. Remus.
“Morning, pup.” He smiled, as he set his book aside. His scared up hand was quick to help brush the sleep from your eyes, as you took in the world. Such as how your leg was propped up, and that all the blinding white was from the medical wing. Another comforting sight was that Padfoot was in another medical bed. Being treated, and not sent to Azkaban.
“Lots of questions, I know. I’ll keep it short. I had made an attempt to go check on Sirius, last night, only for the two of us to stumble upon a familiar rat. We chased him for so long, we didn’t register the moon. Suppose it was a good thing we didn’t. A lot of good has now been done, with him disposed.” Despite what seemed like good news, there were tears in his eyes. Like he lost an old friend. Suppose you’ll ask about that later. Now, you needed rest.
“I can’t believe you came chasing after me.” He tsked, as he was already using a cold rag on your face. Helping you cool off. “Suppose Harry is to blame. I could have hurt you. I would never forgive myself if I had infected you to. I could have-“ He went on and on, before you held his hand. Forcing him to stop, as you smiled.
“Then you won’t be so lonely on those full moons, would you?” He wanted to be frustrated with you, but that would be rather hypocritical. So, he just gave a defeated sigh. With a smile. “I have a type, it seems….” Was added, as Harry was soon to enter the wing. Along with his friends. Hermione, and Ron. All needing answers about why an escaped convict was in the medical wing.
Remus would give a sigh, as you scooted over. As best as you could, so he could sit with you. The trio was soon on the neighboring bed, sitting together, while keep quiet for Sirius to sleep. A snuggle into Remus’s lap, and he took a deep breath. Knowing you were there to support him.
“It all started, when three little Gryffindors thought it was wise to become unregistered Animagi….”
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trashland-llamas · 2 years
Regulus who puts together that Remus Lupin is a werewolf. His insomnia causing him to spend his nights in the Slytherin common room's entry. A hot chocolate and a battered copy of Alice in Wonderland in hand as he occasionally gazes out the low window. A menagerie consisting of a stag, a mouse, and what looked to be the grim ran down to the Whomping Willow. Sipping as he then saw Madam Pomfrey half-carrying a ghastly looking Remus. Not even needing to check the sky to know it was a full moon. Regulus always found it odd that their astronomy lessons never coincided with one. Bestowed with the secret that his brother was hiding, and how far the Marauders would go for one of their own, he wanted in. Where else would he find the perfect excuse to become an animagus?
Casting a concealment charm on himself, he walked down to the herbology classroom. Taking a few attempts to discern which one held the mandrake from the current week’s lesson. Regulus made sure to put a pair of earmuffs on as he didn’t want to be found dead on the floor. Retracing his steps as he returned, casting a sticking charm once he placed the leaf in his mouth. It’d give him an entire month to figure out the rest of the process needed to turn into an animagus. Regulus didn’t plan on registering as one once he completed the task. If the precious Marauders can get away with it, why can’t he? Thus he spends hours in the library, hiding his research as simple homework.
'What are you up to dear brother?' Sirius mutters to himself.
'Thank you so much for agreeing to this.' Regulus told Professor Slughorn, taking the classroom key from him. 'No troubles. Now I'll be back later in the evening, you can just place the key along the door sill when you leave.' Regulus nodded, watching until the potions professor left the accompanying hallway. Downing the blood-red liquid after the last 'Amato animo animato animagus' left his lips. 'Ugh, that's vile. Only have to do it once though.' Regulus let out a groan of pain, his bones shifting into some form of quadruped. Hair of some sort shooting from every pore. 'Hopefully, this gets easier.' Regulus thought to himself.
‘Alright, who lost their cat this time?’ James asked, plopping the black cat into Sirius’ lap. ‘Huh, you like that kitty-cat?’ Regulus wanted to laugh so badly, but all he could do is purr as Sirius found the right spot behind his ear to scratch. ‘Oi, don’t jinx it now!’ James chastised Remus when the werewolf doubted that the night would go smoothly. ‘We’ve been doing this for 2-3 years now. Yea, stuff can go wrong but you’ll tire yourself out.’ As jealous as Regulus was, he was also touched at how much they cared about one another. Thus he watched, learning their routine.
‘Hey there lovely, that for me?’ Remus asked, seeing the black cat nudge a cup of tea towards him. The liquid somehow not sloshing over. ‘How’d you know the way I like my tea?’ And Remus questioned if he saw the cat shrug or if that was just his mind playing tricks on him. ‘Are you talking to the cat again?’ James sat down across from him, scratching Regulus’ head as he past, rubbing against James’ leg. ‘Gotta find your owner eventually.’ Regulus hoped they’d forget about that despite not wearing a collar. The Marauders adored the cat’s company but they had to remind themselves that the cat didn’t belong to them.
‘Hello Reggie.’ Sirius had figured out why the green eyed cat seemed familiar to him. It didn’t make sense to him. Countless hours spent thinking about it and he was still asking himself what Regulus got out of all this. ‘I know it’s you, shift back.’ Ugh, fine, if you insist brother. Regulus rolling his shoulders & cracking his neck. Standing back on two legs. ‘They don’t.’ His voice gruff from not using it. 'Then how have you avoided questions of where you go during the day?' Sirius gaze hardened, his questions coming across more akin to an interrogation. 'I tell them I'm in the library, they truly are dumber than they look.'
'Why have you been hanging out with us then? Not that I mind, honestly. It's the only question I've been unable to answer.' The elder registering how exhausted his little brother looked, a muted-ness to his every action. 'Because I'm in love with your friend, the werewolf.' Refusing to look at Sirius, expecting hostility. 'You like Remus?'
'Well, yeah. It's why I became an animagus. That and I was jealous of your friend group, how chummy you all are with each other.' His voice small as he admitted how lonely he'd been. 'I guess I approve, but you do know Remus has to know you actually exist for it to work, right? Not as a cat, but as Regulus.'
'Oi! I'm not that daft.'
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remusremorse · 8 months
Hello there,
My name is Lily and I am a new writer on here and in general.
What I’ll write:
Fandoms I’ll write for:
Stranger things
Criminal minds
Brooklyn 99
Please check my request guidelines
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milunalupin · 3 months
first off congratulations on 100 followers ily
and can i request a remus blurb that's centered around like hopeless pining? maybe something like helpless stares and longing sighs?
Love your works
tulip my love so sorry for the wait and thank you so much for this request !! love you MUAH
— can't keep my eyes off you
remus lupin x reader ★ 1.5k words
Luck was almost never on Remus Lupin's side. He was a disgusting, ravenous werewolf for one. His scars were off putting, puffed skin stretching all over his face and body. He wasn't born into a wealthy family, and he wasn't promised a successful future.
But Remus did well in school, he'll give himself that at least. Maybe not top of the class, but enough to feel good about it. And he had the most incredible friends, always supporting him during his 'time of the month', and constantly trying to set him up with girls they thought were his type. They never were.
Finding love was never really his priority anyways, his mind focused on school and keeping his beastly secret. Aside from that, he never believed that someone would be able to fall in love with a poor, ugly half-blood with cycle issues. Unfortunately, the world decided the throw the most perfect girl his way at the start of third year.
Remus was caught in such a daze from your confidence walking up to the sorting hat and your almost familiar blinding grin once your house was announced that he didn't catch your name at first. He forced his eyes away and straightened his posture as you begun walking towards the red and gold embellished table.
"Who is that?"
"Seriously Moons? That's Y/N, I told you guys she was starting this year."
So why did you have to be his best friend's sister?
You were just like James in the sense that you were unbelievably kind, and the definition of loyal. He's surprised you weren't sorted in Hufflepuff with how hard-working and honest you were. But then again, it made sense for you to be in Gryffindor with your brother, you were one of the bravest people he knew, taking risks and always standing up for yourself and others.
Even though you were his best friend's sister, he really didn't get to see you much when you first started at Hogwarts. Unless you counted his shy glances during study sessions, or tipsy stares over Friday night butterbeers. The two of you didn't have any classes together, because that would mean the world was being good to Remus Lupin.
He doesn't really know when he first started to feel differently about you, but remembers feeling touched when you had begun purchasing his favorite tea. It wasn't just any tea; it was the exact same healing peppermint tea that he would drink around the full moon. How did you even notice that? You would even go as far as to bring it to his room in a warm mug, with a little too much sugar in it. But he would never bring it up to you as you could do no wrong in his eyes.
Fortunately while the other boys were trying to figure out if you knew his secret, he was grinning to himself behind closed maroon curtains. The boys cared about him, obviously. They had even been talking about becoming animagi to help him during his transformations. But to be seen by you, understood on another level that only you knew, caused a herd of hippogriffs to fly around in his stomach.
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Finally, the winter holidays arrive and James had invited everyone to your house for Christmas. This was your favorite time of the year; James and your father were decorating the outside of the house while Sirius and yourself took care of the inside. The two of you always liked staying indoors to gossip while inhaling taste testing Euphemia's cooking to make sure it was up to standard.
"What are you hoping to unwrap this year Y/N, Remus perhaps?"
Your eyes widened and you turned to hit the cheeky Gryffindor in the chest, cheeks blazing with embarrassment. "Sirius! My mother is right there!"
He barked out another laugh when he saw your mother's shoulders shaking lightly with her own laughter. Your least favorite Marauder slung an arm around your shoulders and led you back out to the living to finish setting up for your friends.
The party had started the moment Remus and Peter arrived with arms full of presents. The gobstones were pulled out almost immediately, and everyone had a steaming mug of hot chocolate with whipped cream and toppings. Euphemia made sure to put in exactly ten marshmallows in James and yours because if you had one more than him he would undoubtedly throw a fit.
The spiked eggnog and mulled wine came out later in the night, the group sitting in a circle next to the tree to pass presents around. The typical Quidditch gear and gag gifts were opened. Peter had taken out his camera to take a picture of you and James when you had opened your matching red and gold sweaters, "Potter" written in a sparkly font. Your gleeful smiles and infectious laughter were immortalized with a flash of a camera, the photo being displayed on the mantle straight away.
The twinkling lights hung around room reflected in your eyes, a warmth creeping into Remus' chest as he averted his gaze. Luckily all eyes were on Peter as he unwrapped a pair of knitted socks from you, striped with Gryffindor colors and his initials sewed on the side. The tall boy smiled fondly as his friend tried on his gift, with you clapping adorably in response to them fitting perfectly.
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With the sun having set hours ago, the Potter house was now littered with scraps of colorful paper, candy wrappers, and board games were strewn about. The Potters and Peter had gone up to their rooms for the night, leaving Remus and Sirius to clean up at living room. Before following your brother and Pete, you walked over to the werewolf and poked his arm to get his attention (as if his attention wasn't always on you anyways).
"Hey Rem, I just wanted to let you know that I left your present in your room, in case you didn't want to open it in front of everyone," you smiled shyly, nodding awkwardly before shuffling towards the stairs, "Merry Christmas."
He wants to blame the mulled wine for his flushed face and racing heart, but he knew that nothing could be as intoxicating as you.
"Y'know Moony, your obsession might be a little less creepy if you just asked Little Potter out."
The wizard chess pieces dropped from the brunette's hands, looking up at his friend who had a shit-eating grin on his face. Remus huffed and quickly put the game pieces back in place, shaking his head. "I'm not obsessed with her, Sirius."
"Oh it's Sirius now! Struck a nerve, have I?"
Sirius had been staying with the Potters for a few years now, and it had become hard not to notice your behavior around his sandy-haired friend. He was no stranger to the way you would fix your hair around Remus, or put on your favorite outfits when you knew he was coming over. Also, you and Sirius had late night gossip sessions after James fell asleep. That was probably it.
"Pads, stop. It's not like that, and she wouldn't even like me back anyways. I'm just like you or Peter, just one of her brother's friends."
"Oh Moony," Sirius sighed dramatically, " Moony, Moony, Moony. You poor, oblivious boy."
Sirius had gone up to his room soon after, leaving Remus in the living room by himself to reflect on his feelings towards you. But how humiliating it would be if he confessed to you and you said no. He could never face you ever again, probably have to stop being friends with James at the very least to avoid any further embarrassment. Alright, he's thinking about this way too much. Remus head upstairs to his room, ready to fall asleep to hopefully dream of a life where you would look at him the way he looked at you.
On top of his pillow sat a small gift box wrapped so beautifully it couldn't have been from anyone else but you. Rough hands pulled away the delicate ribbon you had tied around the box, opening the lid to find a handmade teacup, his name painted carefully on the side. Next to the teacup laid a few bars of his favorite chocolate, a new book, and a bag of his favorite tea. His chest tightened with a new but very obvious feeling.
A knock on the door pulled him out of his daydream, the dark wood opening to reveal your lovely self smiling up at him. His mouth went dry as you stared at him with those big chocolate eyes that made him feel that just for moment you could look past every flaw and see him a man you could be with.
"Y/N-" he cleared his throat when it cracked embarrassingly, a deep blush dusting his scarred cheeks, "Thank you for the gift Y/N, I love it, really." I love you.
You nodded and pointed up the the top of the doorway, Remus lifting his head to see a sparkling spring of mistletoe.
Perhaps Remus Lupin could be lucky.
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petitemistletoe · 1 year
S.O.S. She's In Disguise
Part Two to She-Wolf
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader, Sirius Black x Remus Lupin, Potter!Reader
Warnings: smut and angst!
Word Count: 4.8K+
A/N: I had to do a deep dive into Beauxbatons and all I can say is I wish we got more Beauxabatons and Durmstrang content because they're both phenomenally interesting. Also the James Potter in She-wolf absolutely eats up the James Potter in Grudges! There were a few of you who asked to be tagged that you could not be :( so sorry! If I left you off the taglist please let me know :)
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“What do we do?” Peter asked, wringing his hands. 
“You two get Remus back to the shack. I’ll try to carry her to the hospital wing.” James put on his authoritative voice but everyone could tell he was incredibly rattled. 
“Do you want one of us to help you?” Sirius asked but James shook his head, picking you up gently and hoisting you over his shoulder. 
“No, no. Take the cloak and go. Madame Pomfrey should be down here any minute you have to go now.” James was not able to hide the quiver in his voice. 
“Okay. We’ll see you soon.” Peter nodded at James before helping Sirius support Remus back to the shrieking shack. 
You woke up as James was setting you down on a bed in the hospital wing. 
“Don’t try to talk, it’s alright,” James said when he saw your eyes widen, “Madame Pomfrey will be back in a few minutes. I filled her in on everything but you need your rest.”
“You know?” You croaked, accepting the water from James and soothing your scratchy throat. 
“That you’re a werewolf? Yes, I worked that out what you stumbled out of the woods.” James pursed his lips and you could tell that he was trying to hard to keep his voice level. 
“I imagine you have some questions, then.” You said, trying to keep your own voice steady as well. 
“Yes. But you can rest first if you’d like.” 
“No, no. We can talk now.” You sat up straight in the hospital bed and smoothed out the blanket that was laid out in front of you. 
“When exactly did you become a werewolf?” He asked. His nails were digging into the palms of his hands. 
“Last year. Beauxbatons has a requirement for outdoor education for all wizards and witches and I’d chosen the option of solo fitness survival. I failed the first round of solo fitness survival so I apparated to a random forest last summer to practice. I did not pay attention and it was during the full moon and I was attacked by one of Greyback’s pack. I barely survived and when I apparated back home I splinched myself pretty badly. My parents knew they couldn’t take me to a hospital because I would be forced to register myself immediately. My mum called your mum and she was able to stitch me up and then was sworn to secrecy. The medi-witch at Beauxbatons tried to help me as much as she could but she’s never dealt with this kind of thing before. Then your mum mentioned in an owl a few months ago that Madame Pomfrey had some experience in this field so I went down yesterday to try to find more information but there were too many people in the hospital wing so we did not have any privacy. I ran into the woods last night and thought that I’d be able to pull myself into the hospital wing in the morning and get Madame Pomfrey’s help then. I knew that Madame Pomfrey’s experience must have come from a student who was also in hiding but I had no idea it was going to be your friend Remus. I also still don’t understand why you were there?” You took a deep breath as you realized you hadn’t taken one breath the entire time you were speaking. 
“Oh fuck, I’m so sorry,” James looked deflated as he put his hand on top of yours, “I was there because Sirius, Peter, and I are all animagi. We became unregistered animagi to help Remus during the moons. They make his moons easier, having other animals to run around with  and he doesn’t have to be stuck in the shack.” 
“Oh James,” you bit your lower lip hard to stop yourself from tearing up, “Remus is so lucky to have friends like you. The moons can be so terribly lonely.” 
“I wish you didn’t have to go through this,” James said, finally breaking. He laid his head in your lap and sobbed. You just ran your fingers gently through James’ hair until his sobs were reduced to a few sniffles. The curtains were pulled open and Madame Pomfrey stepped in, pulling the curtain closed behind her. 
“How are you feeling, Ms. Potter?” She replenished your water and ran her hand soothingly over your forehead. 
“Tired.” You said with a small smile. 
“Of course you are. Take this sleeping draught. Your parents will be coming by later and meeting with Professor Dumbledore. Will you be staying, Mr. Potter?”
“Yes I will. Is Remus awake?” James asked, standing and shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans. 
“Yes, he is. He’s supposed to rest so make it quick, Mr. Potter.” Madame Pomfrey left after she made you drink the rest of the draught and you drifted off to sleep. 
James made his way over to Remus’ bed where he was engaged in rapid conversation with Sirius. He was only able to catch the tail end of what Sirius was saying, 
“-That explains why you were so attracted to her. It was the wolf instincts and-”
“James!” Remus cut off Sirius off when James pulled the curtain back. 
“Alright Moony?” James asked, taking the seat next to Sirius’. 
“Yeah, yeah. How’s your cousin?” Remus asked.
“She’s alright. My aunt and uncle are coming to meet with Dumbledore but neither of us know what it’s specifically about.” James sighed. 
“Are you okay?” Sirius asked. 
“I just…I don’t get why she didn’t tell me. We tell each other everything.” James shook his head. 
“You didn’t tell her about being an animagus.” Remus offered. 
“That was different.” James thought about it for a moment before looking back at Sirius and Remus, “You two were talking about attraction and wolf instincts. What the hell is that about?”
“I think it’s probably time for me to go back to bed!” Remus said quickly. 
“Alright. I’m going to see if I can catch my aunt and uncle before they see Dumbledore.” James said with a sigh and left Remus and Sirius on their own. 
“That was close.” Sirius said once he heard the door to the hospital wing shut behind James. 
“Definitely.” Remus nodded. 
“How are you feeling?” Sirius asked. 
“Honestly, the best I’ve felt in a long time. The moon was invigorating rather than draining.” Remus sighed again, thinking about the uncomfortable, awkward implications. 
“You should talk to her.” Sirius suggested.
“Yeah…maybe I will.” Remus said with a small shake of his head. 
When you woke up again, your father was leaning over you, rubbing your forehead gently. 
“Hey,” you said softly, blinking the sleep out of your eyes. 
“Hello darling, I’ve heard that you’ve had quite a night.” Your father said with a sad smile on his face.
“That’s an understatement.” You said, weakly. You pushed yourself up on your shoulders and saw your mother, your Aunt Effie, your Uncle Fleamont, and James were all sitting around your bedside. 
“Have some more water, love,” Aunt Effie poured a goblet for you and held it up to your lips. You drank gratefully, not realizing until the present moment how dehydrated you had been. 
“Professor Dumbledore will be coming down in a few moments to talk. I’m not exactly sure what he wants but I’m sure he will help with the situation. James shared with us that you know about Remus. Your parents said you do not want to register with the ministry, is that correct?” Uncle Fleamont pushed his glasses up further up his nose as he explained the situation. 
“Yeah,” you nodded, “my life will be ruined if I register. I…I don’t want that.” 
“Of course. Then we’ll make that clear to Albus.” Uncle Fleamont said it as if it were the simplest thing in the world. 
“Thank you,” you croaked, “for all being here. I…I don’t know what I do without all of you.”
“We’re your family.” James said, grabbing your hand and giving it a tight squeeze. You nodded and accepted another large gulp of water as you heard the door to the hospital wing open and the deep, calm voice of Albus Dumbledore say,
“Thank you, Poppy. Just that bed over there?” 
“Yes sir,” Madame Pomfrey replied. Your mother stood and pulled the curtain back for Professor Dumbledore to enter. 
“Hello Mrs. Potter, Mr. Potter. Oh, Euphemia, Fleamont, I was not expecting to see you two as well.” Professor Dumbledore bowed his head respectfully as he entered the room. 
“Hello Albus. We thought it best that we come to help with our niece at this time.” Uncle Fleamont said, standing to shake hands with Professor Dumbledore. 
“Of course. Ms. Potter I trust that you are recuperating well.” Professor Dumbledore set his bright blue eyes on you. You nodded. 
“Yes, Professor Dumbledore. I want to apologize for any alarm I may have caused.” You responded. 
“Yes that is something I would like to discuss. I have no problems with the young Ms. Potter finishing her schooling here at Hogwarts where Madame Pomfrey can better care for her. However, Ms. Potter, I am sure you are aware of the ministry’s registry for werewolves.” Dumbledore said. He was speaking perfectly calmly but there was something off-putting about his statement. 
“She will not be registering. Just like Remus.” James said, crossing his arms tightly over his chest. 
“Is that how you feel, Ms. Potter?” Dumbledore asked. 
“Yes sir.” You nodded. 
“I would be remiss if I did not highlight how seriously the ministry takes such affairs. There are severe implications that are in place for witches and wizards who fail to register.” Dumbledore said, placing one of his hands on your bedpost. 
“She is quite sure of her decision, Albus.” Uncle Fleamont stood so he was eye-level with Dumbeldore. 
“You know as well as I do, Albus, that the registry is discriminatory and the way the ministry has treated magical creatures has been nothing short of barbaric.” Aunt Effie said, placing her hand over yours and giving it a light squeeze. 
“I will have Professor McGonagall bring the sorting hat over and then we will set up your schedule and accommodations. I understand, Ms. Potter, that you were Head Girl of your house at Beauxbatons?” Dumbledore diplomatically changed the subject. 
“Yes sir, I was. I was also in Ombrelune house at Beauxbatons. I believe the closest house to it would be Gryffindor.” You said, scratching the back of your neck awkwardly. 
“Ah, Ms. Potter, the houses of Beauxbatons do not directly correspond to the houses of Hogwarts. I will arrange with your future head of house for a prefect position for you as we already have a head boy and girl. If you would be more comfortable, you may stay in James’s dorm this evening, as I understand it has been quite a weekend for you.” Dumbledore left without saying much else. Your parents and aunt and uncle wanted to stay for longer but you sent them off, promising to write and telling them not to worry, the Christmas holiday was just two months away. 
Remus, Sirius, and Peter joined you and James as you waited for Professor McGonagall to come back with the sorting hat. 
“Here,” Peter said, thrusting a wrapped package into your hand, “it’s a chocolate frog. Moony always says they make him feel better after a moon.”
“Yeah,” Remus nodded, munching on his own chocolate frog, “chocolate makes everything better.”
“Thanks Peter,” you said, patting the boy’s hand lightly, “so I take it you forgive me for the broomstick incident.”
“Never! I don’t care if you are a werewolf.” Peter laughed. But the word hung heavy in the air. Werewolf. You looked down at your lap.
“Nice going Wormtail.” Sirius elbowed Peter hard in the stomach.
“Hey! I didn’t mean anything by it.” Peter grabbed at his stomach and glared at Sirius.
“No, you never mean anything. Do you?” Sirius retorted. 
“Tell us more about the houses at Beauxbatons.” James interjected, sending a look Peter and Sirius’ way. 
“There are three houses: Papillionlise, Ombrelune, and Bellefeuille. Papillionlise is the house of kindness and good nature. Ombrelune, my house, is the house of ambition, curiosity, and logic. Bellefeuille is the house of bravery, sensitivity, and compassion. Everyone wants to be in Ombrelune and we have a little rivalry with the Bellefeuille students.” You explained. 
“Ambition and logic?” Remus asked, “That sounds like Slytherin.”
“There’s no way that you’ll be sorted into Slytherin. She’s a Potter. All Potters are Gryffindors.” James said with a sense of finality in his voice. 
“There’s nothing wrong with being sorted into Slytherin.” A new voice said. It was Lily, carrying a tray of sandwiches that must have been from dinner. 
“Cheers Lily.” You said with a grin, practically shoving an entire sandwich into your mouth. 
“What are you doing in the hospital wing?” Lily asked, “Remus, you’re out of bed early. Feeling better already?” 
“Uh, yeah, well…you see…” James was searching for an excuse but you just shrugged. 
“I’m a werewolf.”
“Oh!” Lily almost dropped the tray.
“You can’t just go telling anyone.” James scolded you.
“Lily isn’t anyone. She knows about Remus and I didn’t want to be a secret between you and your girlfriend, James. Besides, you’ve gone on and on about how smart Lily is, she would have figured it out herself eventually. Lily, I trust you won’t tell anyone?”
“No, no. Of course not. Are you all right?” Lily asked, immediately sitting at your bedside and grabbing a cool soaked rag and placing it on your forehead. 
“I’m fine, thank you.” You said with a small smile. You filled Lily in on your new attendance at Hogwarts.
“Like I said before, there’s nothing wrong with being sorted into Slytherin. One of my good friends is a Slytherin and so is Sirius’s entire family!” Lily said, glaring at James. 
“That’s not much of an argument.” Sirius rolled his eyes. 
“I can’t protect her if she’s sorted into Slytherin, Lily.” James narrowed his eyes, “Those Slytherins are bigots and you know it.”
“It’s not very safe for Remus in Gryffindor either. The way werewolves are seen in the eyes of the wizarding world is not only a Slytherin problem.” Lily crossed her arms over her chest.
“Respectfully, Evans, stay out of this.” James said, coolly. 
“There are many fine and brave wizards in Slytherin. Don’t listen to James.” Lily told you, 
“If this is about Snivellus again, so help me Evans.”
“Fine,” Lily stormed out of the hospital wing. 
“So much for coming between you and Lily.” You said sheepishly. James was still seething with anger but he took a deep breath and said, 
“I’m going to go for quick walk. Sirius, call me when McGonagall gets here.” James stormed out of the hospital wing as well.
“Is Slytherin really that bad?” You asked Sirius, Remus, and Peter.
“A lot of dark wizards, most of my family included, come from Slytherin.” Sirius said with a sigh. 
“That’s all? A lot of dark wizards come from Ombrelune too but so do a lot of amazing wizards. I can’t believe James is being so silly about this.” You shook your head. 
“I think he just wants to protect you.” Peter said, obviously uncomfortable at the idea of speaking ill about his best friend, “you’ve always been like a baby sister to him and he already hates that Sirius and Lily have strained relationships with Slytherins. I don’t think he wants anything like that for you two.”
“All that is premature, anyway.” You said with a head shake, “I haven’t been sorted yet.” As if on cue, you all heard the voice of Professor McGonagall in the corridor. Sirius whipped out his pocket mirror, one that you recognized from your family vault, and whispered for James to come back. 
“Ms. Potter, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Minvera McGonagall, professor of Transfiguration, head of Gryffindor house, and deputy headmistresses of Hogwarts. Do you have any questions before you are sorted?”
“No Professor.” You said, taking a deep breath as James made his way back into the hospital room. Professor Dumbledore placed the hat on your head. 
“Another Potter,” the sorting hat murmured in your ear, “in all of my years I have only ever sorted Potters into Gryffindor. But you, you are not like the other Potters. You are ambitious. You are curious, always seeking more and more. You have secrets, more than most of your contemporaries. You seem to be the perfect fit for Ombrelune. You know the origin of the name Ombrelune, don’t you?” 
“Uh…no I don’t.” You said, fiddling with your fingers. 
“Ombre is shadow and lune is moon. You hail from the house of shadow moons. Quite ironic, isn’t it? Considering your currently monthly situation,” the hat chuckled, “alas there is no equivalent to Ombrelune so I will have to say SLYTHERIN!”
There was an eery silence that broke out over the room. Professor McGonagall took the hat back and cleared her throat. 
“Congratulations, Ms. Potter, on being sorted into the fine house of Slytherin. Your head of house is Professor Slughorn. I believe tomorrow during breakfast you will be assigned a companion from your house that will show you everything you need. I’ve been told that you’ll spend this evening with your cousin?”
“Yes, Professor McGonagall, that’s correct. She’ll spend the night in my dormitory.” James said quietly. 
“Alright then, have a pleasant evening.” And with that Professor McGonagall marched away. 
“So the conversation is no longer premature.” You said with a weak chuckle, “I’m a Slytherin.”
“It really isn’t that bad James,” Remus said. 
“I can’t protect you in Slytherin.” James said with a sad shake of his head. 
“I can take care of myself, thank you very much.” You crossed your arms over your chest.
“It’s been a long night. Why don’t we go to bed and revisit things in the morning?” Peter offered. You all nodded and headed back up to the dormitories for bed. 
Remus had a restless night. The moon was over but he still felt on edge around you. Of course, things made a lot more sense now but he didn’t want to make an advance for a number of reasons. He didn’t want to burden you, he wasn’t really sure of what he was feeling himself, and he did not want to bring down the wrath of James Potter. It must have been four in the morning when he turned again from his side to his stomach to his other side and then settled on his back. 
“Alright Moony,” Sirius’s sleep laced voice cut through Remus’s thoughts, “what the hell is going on?”
“Can’t sleep.” Remus sighed.
“I figured,” Sirius propped himself up and glared at Remus, “considering you’ve woken me up at every toss and turn.” 
“Sorry. I’ll go downstairs and have a smoke.” Remus pressed a kiss to Sirius’s forehead before making his way downstairs. He wasn’t expecting to see you leaning at one of the open windowsills, angling your blunt out the window so the pungent smoke made its way outside instead of back in the common room. Remus cleared his throat and you turned at the noise, giving Remus a small smile. 
“Hey Remus. What are you doing up?” You asked. 
“Couldn’t sleep.” Remus said with a sigh. 
“Me either.” You handed Remus to joint, which he took gratefully, “Is it always this hard? This soon after a moon?”
“I usually sleep better after a moon, because I’m so exhausted from it. Having you here, though, it’s been different.” Remus realized that he had smoked half of your joint without thinking. He handed it back to you with a sheepish smile. 
“Me too. It’s been easier, having you with me. I guess that was the goal, though, right? Being able to connect with others who could understand my…being a werewolf.”
“Yeah, it can be lonely sometimes. I’m glad to have you here with me.” Remus realized that your eyes had been trained on him the entire time he spoke. You closed the distance between the two of you, crawling into his lap and pressing your lips against his. 
Remus was caught off guard at first but then he kissed you back just as hard. It was intense, hungry, teeth clashing against teeth. You kissed down Remus’s neck and bit along the way, sinking your teeth into the soft flesh. Remus winced at the pain from your sharp teeth but he couldn’t bring himself to tell you to stop because he loved the feeling. You pulled his thick jumper off and ran your nails down the front of his chest, tracing his scars. He felt, awkward, ashamed at first, but you took off your own shirt and he saw the pale, magical scars that lined your own chest. He took a moment to kiss down your chest, kissing your breasts and around your nipples. Finally, he took your right nipple into his mouth and bit down harshly. You moaned out in a mix of pain and pleasure and shock but nodded at him to continue. 
Remus’s hand went down your pants next, tearing your panties off. He held them up to his nose and sniffed harshly. 
“You smell delicious. Good enough to eat.” Remus said, running his tongue over his sharp canines. He pulled your pants all the way off and shoved his face between your legs. You had never been eaten out like this before. Two of his fingers were deep inside you as his tongue made a repeated assault on your clit. His teeth would bump your clit occasionally, sending shockwaves through your system and you had your fingers buried in his hair, yanking the tendrils so tightly that you were near the point of ripping them out. You came on his face, your legs spasming, and you released a howl. That sobered you and Remus right up. You pulled up your pants and chuckled nervously. 
“I, uh, I’m going to go back to bed.” You said, rubbing the back of your neck. 
“Yeah, yeah. Have a good night.” Remus was cursing everything as he watched ascend the stairs and couldn’t help but think about how it might be better that you were going to be sleeping all the way in the dungeons. 
The next morning was a bit awkward as you made your way down for breakfast. The place was alive with rumors swirling about the new girl at Hogwarts. You sat down at the Gryffindor table next to James. Lily gave you a warm hello and then sent an icy glare James’s way before sitting down next to Marlene and Mary. You desperately wished you have spent the day with the Gryffindor girls but the boy you saw a few days ago made his way over to your table. 
“What do you want, Snivellus?” James glowered at Snape.
“I’m your cousins assigned companion.” Snape returned the glare. 
“It just keeps getting better and better, huh.” You said with a small smile. “Alright Severus, I’m all yours.”
Snape barely let you out of his sight for the next month. You were more than adjusted to Hogwarts after the first week but Snape wouldn’t leave you alone, much to James’s chagrin. The marauders joked that Snape must have some twisted crush on you but you weren’t so sure. It felt much more sinister than that. The moon was this evening and you felt like you could crawl out of your skin. It didn’t help being close to Remus. Everything about Remus felt like your nerves were exposed, especially being so close the moon. Tensions were still high between James and Lily, the couple were barely speaking and when they did, it only devolved into a fight. 
You were lucky enough to have potions with Gryffindor but the lovely Professor Slughorn had assigned Snape to be your partner. Your spine felt like it was doing somersaults and kept shifting in your chair uncomfortably. 
“Are you alright?” Snape whispered in your ear as Slughorn prattled on and on about whatever the day’s lesson was. 
“That time of the month, eh?” Snape asked. 
“What?” Your blood ran cold. 
“Forget I said anything.” Snape said with a smug grin. Icy sweat ran down the back of your neck. You pushed it out of your mind. Snape didn’t know. He couldn’t know. Right? You were lost in thought as you walked with the boys up to lunch. Snape had made some rude comment to Lily which caused James to jump in front of her and draw his wand. 
“You take that back, Snivellus.”
“Or what, Potter?” Snape asked, drawing his own wand. 
“I don’t need you to defend me, James.” Lily crossed her arms over her chest. 
“Shut up, mudblood.” Snape spat. You felt yourself surge forward but Remus held you back. 
“Don’t. You’re emotional because of the moon,” he whispered in your ear.
“Get away from us, Snivellus. Take your disgusting plague somewhere else.” Sirius looked down his nose at Snape.
“Oh I’m the disgusting one?” Snape laughed, cruelly, “You would know all about unsavory actions, wouldn’t you Black? Lupin?” 
“Take that back.” Sirius was very pale. 
“Everyone keep moving,” it was that boy, the one who looked like Sirius. You knew by now his name was Regulus and he was indeed Sirius’s brother. Regulus was a prefect for SLytherin and it looked like he would be making head boy next year. 
“I don’t answer to you, Reggie.” Sirius said with a hard look on his face. 
“Just go. Before I take points from Gryffindor and Slytherin.” Regulus gripped Snape’s arm hard before Snape could fire off another comment. Everyone made their way to lunch in a much more sour mood than before. 
The moon descended upon you and Remus that evening and things had been great. But for the second time, you woke from a moon at Hogwarts with an uneasy feeling in your chest. James wasn’t there, which was odd, but Sirius was. Sirius looked down at you and Remus with a nervous smile and said, 
“So I messed up.”
@sceleratuspoeta, @hotchnerswife, @8crazy-freak8, @the-marauders-psyche, @spiderman-stilinski, @valencia-rou, @gettheetoanunneryimmediatly, @padf00ts-l0ver, @nevillescomslut, @simpfoegeorge, @willbedecided, @harry-pottah-as-an-otter, @knmendiola, @moonlightwonderlan, @wolfy-kat, @im-a-simps-blog, @mangodamochiii, @justmadethistoreadotherblogs, @princessmiaelicia, @eviethetheatrefreak, @screamqueen1996, @the-slytherin-library-12, @chi1d-0f-the-m00n, @avee09
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xxxanteaterxxx · 3 months
Furry Friends
remuslupin x femwerewolf!reader
CW: Cussing, not much else, two werewolves meet.
Lemme know whatcha think!
Remus Lupin had been attacked by a werewolf at the age of 4 years old. He was quite used to the aches and pains that came before and after each full moon. He was used to doing it alone, and now he was lucky enough to not have to be alone.
After finding out about his Lycanthropy in their second year at Hogwarts, his friends had always made sure that he had someone to clean him up and take care of him. Then, in their fourth year at Hogwarts, his group of friends went through the long process of becoming Animagi to keep him company during the transformations.
All in all, Remus Lupin loved his friends and the little pack they had formed. He was lucky to have them, and he knew that very well.
What he didn't know was that he was not the only lycanthrope at Hogwarts.
You were 13 years old when you were walking home from a friends house one summer. It was hot and you had been sweating, pushing your hair away from your face in an attempt to cool yourself. You had denied your friends parents on their offers to take you back home, telling them that it was only a short distance away and that you would be completely fine.
And you were, until you were only ten minutes away from your house. You remembered hearing a growl from somewhere off to your left and you paused not daring to look in the direction it had come from. A couple of minutes passed in silence, and you felt safe enough to start walking again. Oh, how wrong you had been.
You remember claws digging into your back and teeth sinking into your shoulder. The pressure was immense on your 13-year-old frame. You couldn't move, you could only scream until it decided it was done mauling you and ran away.
Your parents had been waiting for you at the back of your house, and when they heard your screams, they took off. They found you, bleeding out from what was obviously a werewolf attack. Only 13 years old, and your father scooped you up, tearing up at the way you continuously flinched in his arms. Luckily your mother was an experienced healer, treating your wounds and saving your life.
That summer was spent learning how to brew wolfsbane and your parents exchanging letters with the Headmaster at Hogwarts, ensuring that you would be able to return to school next fall.
That was in your third year of school, now you were 16 and it was your sixth year. That meant three years of painful transitions, three years of hiding from your friends so that they wouldn't find out, and three years of hiding yourself way deep in the Forbidden Forest so that you would not be spotted or have the potential to hurt someone.
It was the day of the full moon, and you looked quite sickly as usual. You were sneaking down to the kitchens to avoid the great hall and in turn avoid your friends. It was what you had been doing since you were attacked and had returned to school.
You were not expecting to see three sixth years on your way down there. They were obviously on their way back from the kitchens, carrying trays of breakfast food. You didn't look at them, but you know they were looking at you. You could feel their eyes on your form as you stumbled into the kitchens.
The house elves were quite accustomed to having you pick up your meals from the kitchens two day out of the month and you had made quite good friends with some because of that.
Smiling weakly at them and asking about their days as you grabbed your tray and them bidding them farewell with the promise to return tomorrow morning.
You weren't expecting the three boys to still be in the hall having what they thought was a private conversation, but thanks to your advanced wolfy senses you could hear them quite well, even from a few paces away. You weren't worried and didn't really care about what they were whispering about. Until you realized they were talking about you.
"Look at her pads, she all scared up just like moons." A tan boy, with an unruly mop of hair was whispering urgently. Like he was trying to get a point across. You tensed up, this was not good. You tried to make it seem like you were relaxed and couldn't feel their eyes on your frame.
It wasn't working.
"Do you seriously think we wouldn't have run into her already? We've been doing this for years mate, and we've never come across another on school grounds." A boy with fair skin and longer, black hair that hung to his shoulders replied. You could tell he wasn't really interested, but his eyes stayed locked onto your frame.
You felt yourself relax a little. Then, you thought about what they were saying. Could there be another lycanthrope at Hogwarts? Surely not, but at this point nothing would surprise you.
You didn't have the time of strength to care, you needed sleep because you were going to be up all night.
A groan escaped your lips as you finally sat made it back to your dorm. Your bed waited for you, like an old friend offering a comforting embrace. Who were you to deny it, reaching over and setting your alarm to wake you up an hour before the sun set.
The sound of your alarm pulled you from your nightmare infested sleep. It was normal for you to experience restless sleep in the days leading up the full moon. Groaning you sat up; a few girls were in the dorm reading or whispering to each other. They smiled at you and watched as you reached under your bed to pull out your overnight back. One of the girls grinned salaciously.
"Heading off to that secret partner of yours, eh?" A few of the other girls giggled and cheered at that. It was a running joke amongst your dormmates that your were sneaking off to meet with a romantic partner on the full moons. It was better than the truth, so you played along.
"It is that time of the month." You responded with your own grin and a brief shrug of your shoulders. Standing up and laughing along with a few of them.
"Well, as always sweets, stay safe and use protection!" She sang as you walked out of the dorm, shutting the door. Muffled giggles flowed through the door. You were glad they never bothered to really care where you were going.
The walk to the forbidden forest was always quiet and quite strenuous if you were not accustomed to it. Luckily, you had been doing it for years.
You failed to notice the stares of a group of four boys as they made their own way to the Shrieking Shack. Although your senses were heightened, you were in a hurry and very sore and tired. You failed to hear what they said about you.
"I bloody told you Padfoot!" James cheered, slightly excited at the fact that Moony could have a werewolf friend. Sirius rolled his eyes and kept moving forwards, grumbling under his breath but not taking his eyes off of you.
How had they never noticed you before? Were you just that good at hiding it, or was it something else completely? He didn't have time to ponder as Remus groaned in pain next to him.
The transformation was always painful and by the time you had made it to your spot, it was already starting. You dropped your bag and hunched over. Groans escaped you as tears filled your eyes. you hated this, hated yourself for being this. No matter how many times you went through this, it always hurt just the same.
The first snap of bone could be heard, and a scream escaped you. White hot pain flooded your senses, and your tears finally escaped your eyes. More bones snapped and rearranged themselves to take a different shape. The feeling of your organs shifting and hair sprouting from different spot across your body. You screamed again, and midway through it turned into a different sound, it turned into a howl.
The moon caught your attention, silencing you as your werewolf stared up at it in wonder. The moon was so beautiful, at least it was in this form. When you were in your human form, you despised the moon. It scared you even.
The sound of howling somewhere in the distance caught you and your wolf attention. The wolfsbane helped you to be in control of yourself during the transformation, but it did not mean that you would always win against the stubborn wolf you shared a soul with. Luckily, she wasn't murderous. She was strictly curious about the sound and she loved to explore and play with the animals that inhabited the forest.
You didn't have to go very far before you froze, your eyes locking onto what appeared to be a werewolf, a dog, a deer, and... was that fucking rat? You could have laughed at the scene if the other animals hadn't set their sights on you.
Oh shit.
The other, obviously male, werewolf bolted towards you. Your wolf let out an embarrassing shriek before turning and running. You couldn't even turn around to check if that motherfucker was still behind you, and then you realized that he was.
That was mainly because he jumped you. Your form crashed into the ground, dirt flying everywhere, and you could not help the pathetic whimpers that slipped out of you. The fear was truly paralyzing.
You were going to die, this was it. You just knew it.
There was no growling though, and after a few minutes of him sniffing you, the weight on you back was gone. You let out a relieved huff. You were quick to stand and turn around, coming face to face with the group of misfit animals. The other werewolf was standing beside you proudly, showing off his newest friend to the others.
The werewolf turned to face you, yipping and yapping. It was easy to tell what he wanted, he wanted to play.
And all of a sudden, so did you.
So, you took off again, yipping as you heard him take off after you. You knew the others were following and you could see the other wolf coming up in your peripheral, you shouldn't have been surprised he was much larger than you.
What did surprise you was the feeling of the black dog being the one to tackle you this time. You didn't crash as hard this time, and you were more careful to not cause the smaller animal harm as you rolled around.
That was how you spent the rest of the night, running around and playing tag and rough housing with the other animals. Not the rat though, he gave you a strange vibe and you didn't want to accidentally eat him.
A groan escaped you as you woke up, this was different than normal. You weren't laid on the ground, there was no soil, and it was not as cold as it normally was. Where the fuck were you?
Taking a chance, you peeked an eye open coming face to face with a sleeping boy. You knew him, not well, only in passing. You were in the same year, but you did not recall having any classes with him. What was his name?
You realized very quickly that you were on a bad. Then you heard the sound of hushed whispers from the other side of the room. You sat up, blinking owlishly at the three boys from the kitchens yesterday. You didn't say anything, only wincing at the ache in your body as you moved to stand up. Someone cleared their throat.
"You should just rest-" You cut whoever was speaking off by raising your hand and standing up, leaning back to stretch. That was when you realized that someone had dressed you. A furious blush began to make its way over your face.
"This isn't my first transformation, so I assure you that I am quite alright." You paused, turning to face them and winced when your pain finally started to settle in. You could tell exactly where you would be having knew scars. "What I want to know is which one of you brought me here and who dressed me?"
Now it was their turn to blush, and the one with glasses raised his hand. You almost smiled when you realized that it was shaking slightly.
"We couldn't just leave you out there! You should be thanking us." The boy with longer hair grumbled, causing the other two to look at him in disbelief. You chuckled and shook your head, making your way closer to them.
"What do you think I normally do? Hm?" You questioned, watching as he seemed to debate his answer, you cut him off before he could respond. "No worries, I appreciate the thought, but it would seem that your mate is waking up."
That seemed to draw their attention and so you began looking around for your bag. You still didn't know where you were, you weren't worried though. You never went to classes the day of or the day after, so it didn't matter much.
"Who is that and why is she here?" You heard a sleepy grumble, causing you to turn to the now awake boy. He seemed very nervous and then you realized that he didn't remember.
"Moons, this is- ah what's your name?" You laughed at that, watching as the smaller blonde boy smiled at the sound.
"I am Y/N, and I am going to assume that you've never had wolfsbane?" You asked him, and watched as confusion washed over his face. "No problem, I'll owl my parents and ask them to brew you some when they make mine."
You walked closer to the bed, still in search of your bag that would hopefully have a pair of shoes. He was still staring at you like he didn't know what you were talking about.
"She's got a furry problem too Moony." The longer haired boy whispered and watched his friends face. Moony, as they called him, seemed to understand then.
"What does wolfsbane do?" The boy who had dressed you asked. He seemed genuinely curious.
"Well, it helps with the pain, but not much. Mainly, it helps you to stay conscious during the full moons." You took a breath and grinned when you found what you were looking for. "My parents started brewing it for me after my attack and I'm sure they wouldn't mind brewing some for you as well."
Pulling your shoes on and giggling at the look on their faces. You stood back up and pulled your bag over your shoulder, you needed a fucking bath.
As if realizing you were about to leave the boy sat up completely.
"Wait!" He called, he seemed nervous. "You're not going to say anything, right?" You looked at him like he had grown to heads. Then, you chuckled and walked back over to the bed.
"Course not! Why would I?" You sat down next to the small blonde one. "Besides I need some furry friends!" You cheered before standing up and reaching into your bag and pulling out two chocolate bars. You toss one towards him and open the other one for yourself.
"I'll catch you lovely chaps later!" You call as you walk out the door. What a strange fucking night.
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captainsophiestark · 11 months
Remus Lupin x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for my Year of Olympians and part of a bigger challenge being run by @yearofcreation2023​! It features a ton of other awesome creators and runs all year, so go check it out!
Fandom: Harry Potter
Prompt: Artemis; wilderness, the moon, protection, hounds
Summary: Remus' SO decides to finally figure out why he's been looking so rough every month and gets more answers than they bargained for.
Word Count: 1,890
Category: Angst, Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
Mysteries were overrated.
Every so often, when I dove headfirst into learning something new and spent hours doing that for fun, I wondered whether I should've been sorted into Ravenclaw instead of Gryffindor. But now, after spending far too long trying to reason my way to understanding, I'd decided to throw logic out the window and do some good old fashioned following people around instead. My Ravenclaw friends would never let me hear the end of it when I told them, but right now, I didn't care.
My boyfriend, Remus Lupin, had been ill on and off for months. He leaned on his friends, relied on them for support, but never turned to me. I'd talked to him once or twice, but he'd never given me a straight answer, and when the third month in a row came around that he looked on the verge of death's doorstep, I decided to get to the bottom of things one way or another.
Which was why I was out in the middle of the night on the Hogwarts grounds, trailing a far distance back from the Marauders as they moved in a pack. All of them except my boyfriend seemed in good spirits, and whatever was going on, I felt for Remus. I hadn't expected the adventure to take us out of the castle, so I still wore pajamas, and only love for my boyfriend kept me from turning right around to seek shelter from the cold night air.
To my surprise, the four boys ahead of me made straight for the Whomping Willow. I knew they were idiots, but I had no idea what possible draw the murder tree could have for them right now, especially with Remus so clearly feeling terrible. Then, in a flash, Peter disappeared.
I blinked and rubbed at my eyes, trying to figure out what I'd seen. Then, in the dull moonlight just barely filtering through the clouds, I saw a rat scurry across the roots of the tree. A moment later, the branches froze in place, and the remaining three boys ducked into a passage normally hidden among the roots, the rat following right after them.
Of course they were unregistered Animagi. I knew that month they'd spent barely talking hadn't been a ploy to mess with the Slytherin Quidditch team, or James trying to impress Lily with his friends' support, or anything else they'd claimed. But Remus hadn't been part of that.
Before I could second guess myself, I let every last ridiculous Gryffindor instinct take over and rushed to the tree, sliding into the hole at its base a split second before the branches began whipping around again furiously. I muttered a quick lumos to light the way ahead of me, then hurried after the boys.
Before I got very far into the tunnel, I heard horrifying screams coming from ahead, the same kinds people said came from the Shrieking Shack. I hesitated for half a second before racing off down the tunnel in the direction the boys had gone. Whatever that noise was, it wasn't good, and I needed to make sure Remus and our friends were alright.
I made it about ten steps forward before I collided with someone. They wrapped their arms around me and held me in place to keep me from moving forward, and after a moment's shouting and confusion, I recognized the person holding me.
"Y/N, you have to get out of here!" shouted James, his tone urgent. I'd never heard him yell like this before, never saw his cool composure drop to the level of the panic currently in his eyes.
"James, what's going on?" I cried. I heard that horrible screeching again, and I tried to move past him. "Where's Remus?"
"You have to leave, now! It's not safe-!"
A moment later, an earsplitting howl replaced the screaming. I froze and so did James, and our wide eyes slowly found each other. I knew that howl from Defense Against the Dark Arts. That was a werewolf.
"You have to run, now," James finally said, his voice low but firm. "If you don't, he'll kill you. It doesn't matter that he loves you, when he's transformed... he has no control."
"Is he... is he going to be okay?"
"Not if he comes back to himself to find out he killed you. Now get out!"
With that, James turned on his heel and transformed before my eyes into a gigantic, gorgeous stag. I could hear barking and snarling further down the corridor, still not close but definitely getting closer. I hesitated, hating to leave without doing anything, but James was right. I didn't have a choice.
I took off running back the way I'd come, trusting the Marauders to take care of Remus tonight. For now, that was the best I could do.
Commotion followed me the whole way out of the tunnel, getting just so slightly closer as to make me nervous. When I finally raced out of the tunnel, I just remembered to slam the root on the tree to stop the branches. I didn't look back as I raced up the grounds to the doors of the castle, finally breathing a sigh of relief from the safety of the entry hall.
I quickly ducked into the nearest secret passage lest Filch catch me out of bed, then slumped back against the wall and slowly sank to the ground. The adrenaline of the past few minutes crashed over me in waves, and I focused on taking long, deep breaths. Slowly, as I calmed down, the actual information that came with my investigation tonight sank in.
My boyfriend was a werewolf. His three best friend were unregistered Animagi, and they apparently spent every full moon with him in their animal forms.
Every DADA class we'd spent discussing werewolves (which, thankfully, hadn't been that many) suddenly came rushing back to me. All the time our teacher had spent talking about them as if they were monsters, while Remus just had to sit there and listen. I clenched and unclenched my fists, taking a second to run the odds on expulsion if I punched a teacher.
Remus was nothing but the sweetest, most wonderful person I'd ever met, and I was so lucky to have him in my life. The thought of people ignoring that, of Remus' face if someone called him a monster... all I wanted to do was wrap him up tight in my arms and never let him go.
I decided to focus on that last feeling instead of the 'punch a teacher' feeling. I had no idea how long these transformations lasted, but I had a feeling Remus would be awfully beat up when he finally did make it back here. With a quick pitstop in the kitchens to grab a few of his favorite snacks, I headed back up to the Gryffindor common room to wait.
Only sheer force of will and a deep love for Remus kept me from passing out after the first hour. The fire was warm, the blanket nest I'd made on my favorite common room couch was comfortable, and the adrenaline dump just made me want to pass out. But I kept my eyes open, waiting for him to come back. Finally, a little after three in the morning, the portrait door swung open.
"Come on, Moony, let's get you upstairs."
"It's okay, nobody got hurt-"
The Marauders staggered into the common room, James and Sirius holding Remus between them as Peter held the door. They all froze on the spot, however, when they saw me waiting on the couch.
"Hey," I said, finally moving from the spot I'd spent the past few hours holding down. I blinked sleepy eyes and managed a smile as I approached Remus and the others. "Uh... do you guys mind if I get a minute with my boyfriend?"
James and Sirius shared significant looks, then both turned to Peter. After a moment's hesitation, they looked back at me and nodded.
"Moony we'll, uh... we'll see you upstairs," said James. He nodded to me as he eased away from Moony and headed for the stairs, Sirius following behind him with a narrow-eyed warning look in my direction. Peter followed, giving me a mix of a look between James and Sirius'. Then, finally, I was alone with my boyfriend.
"So... I'm still your boyfriend?" he asked. He leaned heavily to one side, away from me, as I approached him. The hurt and defeat in his voice ripped my heart open all over again.
"Rem... of course. I love you. Nothing could ever change that."
Remus didn't look like he quite believed me, but he drifted in my direction anyway. I smiled and closed the rest of the distance, taking up the position his friends had filled before. I wrapped an arm around his waist and started leading him towards the couch.
"You're not... afraid of me?"
I scoffed and helped Remus ease down into the blankets, then settled in next to him. I'd spent hours preparing this fort, and when I saw a little weight ease off of Remus' shoulders as he settled in, it was worth it.
"Of course I'm not afraid of you. I love you."
"But James said..."
"Never mind what James said. I love you, Rem, and nothing in the world could ever change that. I'm just sorry I couldn't do more to help you."
Remus huffed a laugh as I leaned against his side, then finally put his arm around me. I laid on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as he spoke and wrapping my arms around him in the most comforting hug I could.
"You find out I'm a werewolf and almost get killed in the process... and you're wishing you could've done more to help me?"
"I'm a Gryffindor, babe, I don't scare easy."
He laughed fully now, loud and joyous. It didn't last long, since he was clearly exhausted, but the sound made my heart sing.
"What on earth did I do to deserve someone as wonderful as you?"
"You were a wonderful person every single day of your life, clearly. Now here, look what I got." Without further ado, I pulled out the snacks I'd stolen from the kitchen. Remus literally gasped.
"Did you get these for me?"
"Yup. If I'd gotten them for me, they'd've been gone already."
"You're wonderful. Have I mentioned that lately?"
"Yes, but I can always stand to hear it again." We shared a smile as Remus dug into the snacks, his head resting against mine, and then I sighed. "So... what do you think the odds are of the rest of the Marauders helping me through the steps to become an Animagus?"
Remus choked on what he was eating, then looked at me with wide eyes.
"You're kidding."
"I'm not! I want to be there to support you, Rem, through everything. I guess... as long as that's okay with you?"
He smiled, then gave a little disbelieving laugh. He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my forehead before snuggling up with me again.
"I can't think of anything that would be more okay with me."
"Okay, good. But I'm going to put myself in charge of coming up with a lie to cover the mandrake leaf in my mouth. I'm pre-vetoing anything the rest of you come up with."
"Probably a good decision."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
Harry Potter Taglist: @valkyriepirate
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andreafmn · 1 year
You'll Feel Better | Remus Lupin Oneshot
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Word Count: 3.8K Requested by @blackloveangel13: "Remus Lupin" Paring: Remus Lupin x Fem!Reader
Summary: It had always been a running joke between the Marauders that Remus always had chocolate on him. But (Y/N) didn't know how it had started. After James, in a cruel attempt at a hurtful joke, reveals the reason to (Y/N) she can't help but make it her mission to change Remus' mind about the sweet treat.
A/N:  the request didn't have any specifications, so I ran with a little idea I had been playing around with. I've always found the fandom headcanon around Remus eating chocolate to kill the wolf inside him. To calm that, I decided to put an angsty with a happy ending spin to it. Hope you enjoy! 💖💖 Also, I went with a fem!reader becuase the profile of the requester had the pronouns she/her 😊
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The thing about rumors is that sometimes they are true. But the worst thing is when that rumor is spread amongst your own friends about the person you love the most. 
The Marauders all knew about Remus’ lycanthropy. How could they not? He had trusted them with his deepest secrets, just like they had done with theirs. Hell, they had learned how to be Animagi for him.
But no amount of closeness could ever make the teasing die between them, even when it was borderline cruel. Especially when it came to James Potter. Growing up, he had been coddled enough that sometimes, he did not know where the limits lay. Everyone knew that he would never intentionally hurt his friends. Still, sometimes, his words and jokes cut too deeply. 
And (Y/N) could take it most of the time. She was strong enough to face off with him. It was only when it came to Remus Lupin that she found her resolution unable to withstand his jabs. She would grow red with anger whenever James joked about Remus’ careful nature, how he allowed things to simply happen to him. He called him shy and awkward, sometimes scratching the line of coward. And it took everything in her not to explode at him every time. If Remus was there, he could keep her centered. But she would tear James a new one on the rare occasion that he wasn’t. 
(Y/N) knew the side of Remus that their friends seemed to forget. She knew he shielded the witty, calculated, and intelligent side from the rest. It was what had made her fall for him. At first, she believed she simply had an affinity for the Lupin boy, that they had a connection she did not have with the rest of the Marauders. Yet, as time went on, she discovered that the sentiments she felt toward the boy were far stronger than those of friendship. They were emotions she could never tell him about, not without losing his friendship, and that was something (Y/N) would never do. 
It had been a day like any other when (Y/N) had heard the rumor for the first time. It was spilling out of James’ mouth as if it were nothing but a joke. And maybe to him, it was. Peter and Sirius seemed to think so as they laughed at the pureblood’s words. 
“Where’s Remus right now?” the raven-haired boy had asked as he sat on an armchair in the Gryffindor common room. He propped his feet on the armrest, dug into a box of Every Flavour Jelly Beans, and popped one into his mouth. “Ugh, vomit!” 
“I think he went to the kitchens to ask for some chocolate,” Sirius shrugged. “Full moon’s tomorrow, and you know how he gets around those days.” 
“Yeah,” Peter snickered. “His sweet tooth gets activated to no avail. One day, he’ll give himself a cavity.” 
“Oh, lay off him, guys,” (Y/N) said, crossing her arms over her chest. Sometimes, she hated being the only girl they had accepted into their little group. She wondered if it was easier to be with them if she had been on the outside looking in –like Lily Evans, maybe Theresa Berlitz, or even Sasha Monnet. The latter she envied the most. The girl that held all of Remus’ attention, and she didn’t even care for it. “You know it’s hard for him to regulate his system after such a brutal transformation.” 
“Oh, there goes the pup again. Defending her little boyfriend,” Potter guffawed. “He’s old enough to fight his own battles, (Y/N). If you’re not gonna tell him how you feel, let him grow up on his own.” 
“Shove it, Potter. As if you didn’t need my help to get Lily to even look your way,” she spat back. “He’s our friend. I’m defending him against you when he’s not here to do it for himself. I know you have one, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a dick.” 
The other two boys tried their hardest to hide their laughter, but their red faces instantly gave them away. And before they could stop it, they barked out their chuckles. (Y/N) saw how that made James’ face shift. His cocky grin was instantly replaced with an annoyed scowl. But he was never one to stay down for long. He always had something up his sleeve. 
“Maybe you shouldn’t spend so much time defending him, (Y/N). Maybe you should spend more time saving him from himself.” 
She felt her chest squeeze at his words. Not knowing what they meant made her spiral, going down a thought storm she did not want to face. “What are you mumbling about, Potter?” 
“Don’t you know why he eats so much chocolate?” James answered, a smug look on his face. “I thought you two told each other everything. But I guess he didn’t want you mommy-ing him about it.”
“James,” Sirius warned, seeing as tears pooled on the corners of the girl’s eyes. “Don’t.” 
But the boy simply raised his hand and stared deeply into the witch’s eyes. “Darling, (Y/N). I thought you were smarter than that,” he chuckled mockingly. “You know how toxic chocolate is to canines, right? The poor boy eats his weight in chocolate to try and kill the wolf inside.” 
The words sent a pang to her heart. If they were true, it meant that Remus hated that part of him so much that he would have rather eat himself sick with sweets than accept it. The thought made her stomach churn, but it wasn’t as unbearable as the red-hot anger taking over her. She wanted to lunge at James, beat him bloody until they pried her nails off his body. She would have done it if it had not been for Peter’s hand on her arm. 
“You truly are something else, Potter. He is your friend,” she spat, her tone poignant and enraged. “He’s trusted us with his deepest secret. Trusted that we are here to help him navigate it rather than beat him down over it. And you say those words as if they’re something to laugh at. You can truly be a despicable person, James.” 
“Oh, come on, (Y/N). Stop being so dramatic,” he laughed. “It won’t actually do anything to him. It’s just chocolate. It’s not like I’m telling you he ingested a death potion.” 
“Sod off, Potter,” she responded. “It’s honestly becoming that the first bean you ate was vomit. It seems that’s the only thing you can spew from your mouth sometimes.”
She left her friends with a surprised look on their faces and left for the girls’ dormitories. There was no point in waiting up for Remus to return. He most likely would have returned long after they were meant to be in their beds, and she was too exhausted to face him. 
(Y/N) cried herself to sleep that night, thinking of how much pain Remus had to endure. Not only was he fighting a physical battle, but every day, he fought a mental one as well, and there was nothing she could do. Well, not yet. 
The next day, (Y/N) avoided her friends at all costs. She knew Remus would be excused from most of his classes as he prepared for the long night ahead, and the last thing she wanted was to face James. Even if he seemed to sport an apologetic frown on his face during breakfast. She wanted him to feel sorry. She wanted him to ruminate on the words he had spouted about one of his best friends. She wanted him to never again speak of him –or any of them for that matter–in that way. 
Sirius and Peter were not safe either. Even in their Potions and DADA classes, where they sat either next to or near each other, she acted as though they weren’t even there. They had known that James had said that before. Their faces had told her as much. They hadn’t been surprised when the sound escaped Potter’s mouth. They simply didn’t want her to hear it. In her eyes, they were just as bad. 
As the day passed, her anger had started to dwindle. Mostly because she felt lonely. Her only solace would have been Remus, and she knew she could not be with him. Not until the night had fully passed. She couldn’t even find solace in the rest of her friends. But instead of dwelling in her sadness, she locked herself in the library to concoct a plan. Nothing fueled her more than making sure that Remus Lupin was okay, and she would make sure he was. 
That night felt endless. 
(Y/N) spent hours staring at the enchanted ceiling she had created inside the secret passageway in Gregory the Smarmy’s corridor, watching as the moon moved slowly. It was the place Remus always went to after a transformation, too tired to head back to the Gryffindor common room and face his friends. Sometimes, he just needed some time to himself. 
She clutched the Marauder’s Map tightly in her hands, thanking Merlin that Sirius had handed it over to her without any questions. Once the moon had disappeared in her enchantment, she looked for Moony’s name and watched as it inched closer and closer. And before she knew it, the exhausted boy stood before her. 
“(Y/N),” he breathed with a relaxed smile on his face. He joined her side, sliding down the stone wall until he hit the hard floor. “What are you doing here? You should still be sleeping.” 
“I’ve brought you something,” she said. She pulled a cardboard box out of her satchel and handed it to him. “I made you some peanut butter-chocolate cookies, and some chocolate truffles.” 
“You didn’t have to do that, pup. A chocolate bar or two normally does the job,” he responded, looking at the treats in his hand. At first, he didn’t notice it, but once he turned, it was unmistakable. Her cheeks were stained with old tears as new ones fell on top, her eyes red and puffy from crying. “Oh, (Y/N). What’s wrong?”
Disregarding his question, she brushed back a strand of hair that was covering his forehead, revealing a streak of blood falling from a deep slash. “You’re bleeding, Remus,” she said softly, pulling out the first aid kit she always kept on her. “Let me clean that up.” 
“There’s spells for that, pup. You don’t have to go through the trouble.” 
“Hush now,” she sniffled. “Let me work.” 
Her hands were gentle against his skin, working swiftly and gently, making sure not to disturb the wound any further. It wasn’t deep enough to require immediate medical attention, but deep enough that it would scar. She worked until not a drop of blood was left on his face and covered it with a bandage. 
“Eat,” she smiled. “You’ll feel better.” 
“Then will you tell me what’s wrong?” Remus offered, his brown eyes pleading for an answer. “I don’t like to see you this upset.”
“Oh, nothing’s the matter,” she smiled weakly. “Just eat. It’ll make me feel better.” 
With a lopsided grin, he took a bite of a cookie, closing his eyes as he savored the combination of flavors. A moan of delight left his throat, and he rested his head against her shoulder as he enjoyed the entirety of the bite. “Definitely better than a chocolate bar,” he chuckled softly. “But I can’t promise I won’t eat one or two every once in a while. Can’t have you living in the kitchens the rest of the year.”
“I wouldn’t mind,” (Y/N) responded, trying her best to swallow the tears that kept threatening to spill. “I’ll make you all the cookies in the world if that’s what you need.”
“What I need is for you to be okay,” he told her, gently wiping away the streaks from her cheeks. “Will you please tell me what’s wrong? I don’t like to see you like this, pup. It breaks my heart.”
“James,” she finally sighed. “Something he said just rubbed me the wrong way, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.”
“That Potter boy can be too much sometimes,” he said defeatedly. “What was it this time? Please tell me it was nothing directed at you.”
“No, it’s… it was about you, Remus,” (Y/N) admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. “He said something about you I didn’t like. But what angered me the most was that he laughed about it.”
“What was it?” 
“I don’t wanna say, Moony,” she pleaded. “Don’t make me say it.” 
“Darling, it’s James,” he teased. “He’s not smart enough to say something that will truly hurt me. But I don’t want you to carry it on your own. Now, out with it.”
(Y/N) took a steadying breath, sarong at the hand that held hers, tracing the scars with her eyes. “He said that the reason you eat so much chocolate is because it’s toxic to canines,” she confessed, a sob shaking her body. “That you believe that if you eat enough of it, it’ll kill the wolf inside you.”
An oh escaped Remus’ lips before he pulled her in for a tight embrace, trying his best to console her laments. It crushed him that he was inadvertently the cause of her pain. That was the last thing he wanted. 
“Is it true, Remus?” Her voice croaked, breaking any ounce of preservation he still held. “Please tell me it isn’t.” 
“It was at first,” he sighed. (Y/N) was tucked under his chin, and he could feel her body shake as she tried to breathe. He ran his hands through her hair, soothing her tenderly. “When I was a kid, I had read that dogs could die from eating chocolate. That even the smallest amount could do them harm. One Hallowe’en celebration, I gathered as many pieces as I could muster and ate them until I was stuffed. Ultimately, I ended up throwing up this sickly-looking brown mixture, and I thought I had done it. Until the next full moon, where I still transformed.” 
“Oh, Remus,” (Y/N) cooed as she squeezed his waist. 
“I guess I still associate the taste with those thoughts,” he continued, feeling the warmth of his tears trailing down his cheeks. “I can’t lie to you, (Y/N). Every time I feel the sweet melt in my mouth, a part of me hopes that it is weakening the wolf at the very least. That the more I eat it, the frailer it’ll become.” 
“I don’t want you to think that anymore, Moony,” she said. (Y/N) straightened herself and sat before him, her teary eyes boring into his. She took his hands in her and kissed his knuckles. “Even if it takes me forever, I will make sure every memory you have with it is replaced by a happy one. If I have to bake a million chocolate cookies or make a million truffles –I don’t care–I will do it. I will do it until my hands bleed. I will do it until your heart doesn’t hurt anymore.” 
“There’s no point, pup,” he said, his head falling in defeat. “It will not change the fact that I am still cursed. Forced to turn into a monster every single month. Always hoping that the people  I love are safe from me, from what I can do. It’s a life sentence that I will have to face by myself.” 
“As long as I am alive, Remus, you must know that you will never be alone,” she told him, placing a hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at her. “I love every single part of you, Moony. Even the parts that you cannot stand.” 
“This is not a life I could wish on you, (Y/N). Not you,” he sniffled. “You deserve so much better.” 
(Y/N) couldn’t find the words to say just how wrong he was. That the only life she had ever dreamed of had him by her side. So, she decided to show him. She leaned in and took his lips on hers in a moment of bravery. For a second, she thought he would push her away and remind her that his sights had been set on Sasha.
Instead, Remus melted into the kiss, pulling her closer to him by her waist. He kissed her as though she was the only source of oxygen in that passageway. As though her lips held the very force he needed to exist. As though she was his reason for being. 
“I don’t want a life that you’re not in, Remus,” she said breathlessly, her forehead resting against his. “I want to walk beside you, for better or worse. And I want to show you that you deserve all the love and happiness in the universe. Even if you don’t believe me.” 
“I’d believe anything if it came from your lips,” he smiled. “And as far as I see it, chocolate has now brought me something I never thought I could have.”
“Yeah?” (Y/N) grinned, popping a truffle into her mouth. “And what’s that?” 
“Well, you, pup,” he smirked before kissing away a speck of chocolate on her lips. “I thought I was bound to live with my feelings for you for the rest of my life.” 
“You thought that? I was under the impression that you were moping over Sasha Monnet.” 
“Where would you even get that idea?” Remus chuckled in surprise. “She’s just a friend.” 
“And why did you think that I didn’t reciprocate your feelings? I’ve honestly believed you were simply ignoring them for my sake.” 
The pair exchanged a knowing glance before bursting into laughter. “Sirius,” they said in unison. 
“I’m gonna kill that boy,” Remus said. “I can’t believe we’ve spent the past five years tiptoeing around each other when we could have been doing this the whole time.” 
“Well, it serves us right for entrusting Padfoot with such meaningful information,” she chuckled. “I wonder if they’ve made bets on when we would notice.” 
“You can best believe they have,” he joined in her laughter before looking down at his watch. “And as much as I would love to stay here all day with you, we, unfortunately, have classes to attend to.” 
“You mean we can’t stay hidden in here all day and make out?” (Y/N) sighed dramatically and fell on Remus. “What ever shall we do?” 
“We can always come back tonight,” the boy smirked. “Put that map to good use while we have it.” 
“I like where your head is at, Moony,” she smiled before placing a soft kiss on his lips. “But I do agree we have to go. I have to stop by the kitchens before breakfast.” 
“I think I’m good on delicious chocolate snacks, pup.” 
“Oh, it’s not for you, my darling Remus. There’s someone I need to eat his words. And I know just the way to do it.” 
After changing into their uniforms, (Y/N) made a detour to the kitchen, bribing a house elf for a rather peculiar request. Remus waited patiently for her outside the doors until they walked hand in hand into the Great Hall. Their friends’ eyes followed their figures until they settled with them, sliding onto the bench as they had done many times before. 
“Good to see you back with us, (Y/N),” Sirius was the first to speak. “I think I speak for all of us when I say we missed you yesterday.” 
“Yeah, we’re sorry for being insensitive,” Peter frowned. 
“And James here,” Sirius said as he shoved his friend’s shoulder. “Wants to say something.” 
“Right,” Potter affirmed, clearing his throat. “I didn’t mean to make fun of something so serious, (Y/N). You know, sometimes I cross the line.” 
“No worries, James,” she smiled sickeningly sweetly. “And to show that all is forgiven, I’ve brought you this.” 
The witch handed her friend a small box, much like the one she had handed Remus that very sunrise. She watched as James opened it and, as he smiled, took a bite of the pastry inside. Their friends watched in confusion as Potter enjoyed the sweet, savoring every bite. They waited for a surprise. A jinx or a potion laced into the treat. But it never came. 
“Careful, love,” (Y/N) said. “That’s a rhubarb breakfast cake.” 
“So what? I like rhubarb.” 
“Well, wouldn’t want people to think you’re eating it to kill the stag inside,” she smirked. “I thought you’d be smart enough to know that rhubarb is toxic to deer.” 
Sirius, Remus, and Peter burst out in laughter as James’ face reddened in embarrassment. He sent the treat down and busied himself with his food. After that, the boy never again seemed to speak out of his arse. At least, not about his friends. 
Many years later, at 12 Grimmauld Place, an older Remus Lupin sat before a fireplace when Harry Potter joined him. The man fiddled with the ring on his left hand, twirling it as he always did when he was lost in thought. Once he noticed the boy beside him, unconsciously, he handed him a piece of the chocolate bar he had on the coffee table next to him. 
“May I ask you something, Remus?” the boy asked. 
“Of course, my boy. Anything.” 
“I heard some rumors about you and chocolate,” he said, his voice weak. “About why you always carry it with you.” 
“I think I might know what you’ve heard,” Remus chuckled softly. “Something about wanting to kill the wolf inside, am I right?” 
“Yes,” Potter confessed. “Is it true? Does it actually poison it?” 
“No,” he laughed. “Your dear old father made sure that stupid idea didn’t die down.” 
“My dad was the one that spread it?” 
“In a way,” he smiled as he remembered that fateful day. “But do you want to know the real reason I always carry it with me?” 
“It reminds me of one of the happiest moments in my life,” he said before the door behind them opened. “I can’t eat it without smiling anymore, and I like to think it’s contagious.” 
“What are you two talking about?” (Y/N) asked as she walked in, followed by an enchanted tray with three cups of tea and a plate of peanut butter-chocolate cookies. “I hope it is age-appropriate things, Remus.” 
“I would never think of speaking of anything else,” he smirked as he accepted a kiss from his now wife. “My wife would never let me hear the end of it.” 
After she chuckled, (Y/N) turned to Harry, inspecting the boy’s exhausted expression tenderly. Looking at him without thinking of James became easier as the days passed. But sometimes, she couldn’t help the confusion in her brain. “Oh, darling,” she cooed. “You look so tired.” 
“I haven’t been sleeping great,” he shrugged. 
(Y/N) handed him one of the teacups as Remus placed a cookie on a napkin for Harry. “Eat,” she smiled. “You’ll feel better.” 
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cassieb1617 · 2 years
Risky nights under the moon💌
Pairing: Remus Lupin x fem!reader
Summary: Submitted to the power of the full moon, Remus accidentally hurts the one person he swore to never hurt, how will they handle the complicated situation that takes place in Hogwarts‘ hospital wing?
Warnings: reader get injured but nothing too badly, Remus feels so bad about it, mentions of scars, language I think, let me know if there‘s more
A/N: this is probably far from canon because I honestly have no idea about werewolves but I hope you enjoy it anyway! And yes, in my head Poppy knows about the Marauders animagi abilities.
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To be fair, you knew the risks. All of you did, Peter, Sirius, James and you. Remus knew you knew the risks too. Remus grew restless under the full moon, not that that is his fault. It was an accident and all of you knew that. Remus can‘t control himself when he‘s moony but he was always more gentle with you. Why Moony was that way no one knew but it started back in the middle of fifth year. The boys noticed that, of course they did, but they blamed it on the fact that the wolf can probably smell that you‘re a female not a male and he felt protective of you because of that. It didn‘t truly make sense but it was one explanation. Another one was James‘ theory. In his eyes it was all pretty clear. Remus was in love with you so Moony was as well but the problem in his theory? Remus hadn‘t realized how deeply in love with you he was.
Madam Pomfrey was by far the best mother-figure Remus ever had. His father hated werewolves and when Remus got bitten by one which resulted in him being one as well, his father had given him to an orphanage. Remus was only a kid, barely a kid actually when he lost his family through another man‘s revenge. Madam Pomfrey was caring about him since his first year at Hogwarts, she knew about his monthly trip in the woods and she tended his injuries with a care that only a mother had. She was also the only other person who knew about Remus‘ friends' little secret: that they are animagi. The woman had seen the worst of Remus‘ transitions, his first ones here in Hogwarts where he thought he would be alone and some where he came out with more scars littering his body than before. But this one was the messiest she had seen in all the six years the woman had known him. 
You came in the middle of the night to the hospital wing with Peter by your side, helping you to walk. The woman barely had time to recognize your pained cries and Peter‘s helpless shouts for help before she saw you two. Your arm was around his shoulder to help you not to fall down. There was a big slash across your thigh that reached downwards to your knee. The full moon was still not over but that wasn‘t Pomfrey‘s thought. She already had a theory on what happened and she certainly wasn‘t ready for the morning if the night already smelled like trouble. „It‘s a hard moon?“
At her question, you nodded numbly as she led you and Peter to the hospital bed, thanking every God out there that you were alone. „He- it was an accident but he slashed me, Poppy, it hurts. Please, make the pain go away!“ Your cries for help broke the poor woman‘s heart. She knew that you didn‘t just meet your pain but also Remus‘ pain of hurting you. Pomfrey had her wand out as she warned you, „This will hurt for a bit, my dear, but it will numb the pain.“ She muttered a spell and you hissed in pain, holding Peter‘s hand a tad tighter for comfort. The short boy bit his other fist as to not scream from you grip and shook his hands as you let go of his hand. 
„Oh, fuck! Sorry, Pete, didn‘t want to hurt you.“ Madam Pomfrey shook her head at your words, of course you would apologize to him when your leg got critically hurt. Pete waved his hand in dismissal and you smiled at the older healer, „Thanks, Poppy. It doesn‘t hurt anymore, you can work your magic now.“ The woman smiled at you and began healing you with spells, giving you a few potions against the pain and with that you called it a night, Peter sleeping on a neighborly hospital bed as you waited for the morning. 
Sirius and James were worried. They already predicted that this full moon would be a harder one, Remus was more stressed and more on edge the week before the night, far more than usual. They‘ve been helping the scarred boy on full moons since fifth year and they got hurt a lot, sometimes because Moony decided deer looked fascinating tasty that night or because a dog was a good playdate but Moony has never hurt you. Sweet you who cared so much about Remus that even Moony was protective of you. The pair of best friends knew the feelings that Remus held for you but on the first full moon they realized just how strong they were. Whenever Padfoot, Prongs or Wormtail came close to your animagus form, Moony would growl or even latch out, shielding you from the other guys. This time though you got hurt and your whole group knew that it was Moony. He didn‘t bite you but the scratching of his claws did enough damage. You were bleeding and Sirius and James would forever remember the moment Moony‘s eyes shifted as he realized he had hurt you, precious, loving you. 
Moony ran away after that, deeper into the woods and it was an agreement they made beforehand that if someone got hurt, Peter would go with them. It was nothing personal, obviously, but someone had to follow Remus and Peter was the smallest due to his animagus. This was the case this time, you got hurt so Peter helped you to the hospital wing as the two other boys followed the confused wolf into the forbidden forest. Remus was fast and more aggressive after he hurt you, Prongs and Padfoot almost got as hurt as you did as well but they always escaped in the last second before another critical injury was inflicted. 
In the morning, Remus, Sirius and James woke up in the Shrieking Shack again. Remus‘ memory was always vague after a night in the full moon but this time it wasn‘t. Remus can remember exactly the moment the night went into a disaster, the moment he hurt you. And not just a small scratch, no he slashed your thigh. The three boys knew that Madam Pomfrey would come in any minute to bring them to the hospital wing and Sirius and James were not prepared for the upcoming storm of emotion from Remus that they knew for sure would come any minute. They heard the footsteps from outside just as predicted and a few moments later Poppy opened the door and held her hand in with a few old clothes for Remus. Sirius stood up, took the clothes and thanked Madam Pomfrey as he handed them to the naked boy on the ground. James and Sirius turned around as he got dressed, helping him with his pants or sweater when needed. Madam Pomfrey stepped in when they gave her the ready and together, they brought the taller boy to the hospital wing, not yet ready for Remus‘ emotional outburst.  
The moment they stepped into the hospital wing, Peter was up on his feet to greet them. You would come too but Madam Pomfry told you to keep it easy and walk as little as possible. You watched as Sirius and James hovered him to the hospital bed next to you that didn‘t hold Peter moments before. James looked at you and you watched as his eyes drifted to your leg. His eyebrows raised slightly and his eyes moved back to yours, he motioned to help you to come over and you nodded. Remus was already lying in bed, Madam Pomfrey next to it and already tending his wounds. James helped you sit up as Sirius was pulling a chair for you next to Remus‘ bed. The two boys helped you up and into the chair, Peter getting your blanket and throwing it over you. You reached for Remus‘ hand as his wounds were treated by Madam Pomfrey. 
„How are you feeling?“ You asked the question as soon as Madam Pomfrey stepped away, eager to hear if the night got worse after you got injured or if things quieted down. Remus looked, understandably, tired. He had dark bags under his eyes and fresh wounds that were still fresh pink. His grip on your hand was weak but it was there, a sign of comfort coming over you. „Doesn‘t matter, how are you? I- I‘m so sorry that I hurt you. I don‘t know what‘s gotten into me-„ 
You interrupted him before he could even start blaming himself, the Marauders watching the interaction with heartbreak in their eyes. „Oh, Remus. It‘s not your fault and not Moony‘s either. You aren‘t you on the full moon and it‘s always a risk to go out with you and the rest in the nights. I know the risks of getting hurt and I did it anyway. It‘s not your fault, Remus. If anything, it‘s mine.“ 
The boy shook his head at you and tears gathered in his eyes. The three animagi next to you two looked at the scene in sadness. Whenever one of them got hurt on the full moon, Remus always believed it to be his fault. „I hurt you, I did that. You shouldn‘t even come to the full moon with us, with me, none of you should.“ 
James intervened with Remus‘ statement next, „Now, Moony, don‘t exaggerate the situation. She got hurt, yes, so did we all at one point but don‘t you realize that we help you a lot on those nights? You‘re a lot calmer and getting hurt is normal.“ The curly haired boy gestured to you, „It may seem bad now but Poppy‘ll fix her up in no time and she‘s gonna be alright again.“
„Listen, this is the first time you hurt her and she‘s tough, she‘ll get through this.“ Sirius' words made Remus flush slightly but the boy still looked as guilty as ever. 
„Remus, every other full moon you kind of, like, protect me. It‘s truly okay if you hurt me once. I may not be able to properly walk now but I will in no time. And anyway, I will have a badass scar on my leg now and imagine how cool it will be when someone asks for it: „How did you get the scar on your leg?“ - „Oh, I survived a werewolf attack!“ That‘s pretty badass isn‘t it? I almost have to thank you.“ Your giddy smile and words made the group smile and even Remus cracked his tense expression up a bit. You had imitated voices as you spoke and it helped let Remus lose a lot. You reached your hand out to smother his brow, „I‘m going to be OK, Remus, don‘t you worry about me.“
The boys shook their heads at you two, „You know, you would think they‘d be a couple by now but no, they have to take their special time.“ Sirius mumbled words made  Peter and James crackle and you and Remus looked at them in confusion. „What did you say, Sirius?“ The long haired boy shut up at your words and the group laughed as you and Remus shook your head at them. 
Madam Pomfrey watched the group with a smile, the older woman couldn‘t wait to hear the words of you and Remus dating, having rooted for you two since she first saw you at the hospital wing after the full moon. Youmay not be together now but she knew you will be. 
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fool-inthe-rain · 2 years
Last Words of a Shooting Star
Remus Lupin x Reader
wc: 644
He was painfully beautiful. Even when he was sweaty with torn clothes, panting on the floor of the shrieking shack he was still the most beautiful thing she had ever laid eyes on. She, however, knew his beauty wouldn’t be hers to observe forever.  
She was a shooting star for the whole world to see. Breathtaking for one second and gone the next, as if she were never there. 
She had joined their tight-knit group at the beginning of third year after a run-in late at night in the woods behind Hogwarts. Having held the mandrake leaf in her mouth from full moon to full moon, and after procuring dew from a place where neither sunlight nor human feet had passed over for seven days she had become an animagus, after making it her personal extracurricular during second year. She was a fox. A red fox to be exact. Quick as a dart and horribly sharp like one too. 
After many months of learning about the boys she called friends, she revealed to them her secret one awfully clear night in the middle of fourth year. Sirius and James were awestruck, Peter was as well but in a less obvious way, and Remus was quiet. She learned why the night after in the common room when Remus pulled her aside before she could disappear up the steps to her room. He had told her he needed help and that she was the only one who could provide it. He softly spoke about his lycanthropy, his hand still grasping hers. And she nodded and he knew no more needed to be said. She would be there for him, full moon to full moon for as long as she could be. 
Through countless full moons, they had grown close. Something resembling love had also grown close between the two, and even though it was unspoken the majority of the time they both silently added to the relationship through soft touches and glances in class. She was unmistakably his and he was undoubtedly hers. 
Fifth year the rest of the boys finally became animagi, after learning of Remus’s condition and also feeling the need to help. Whether he wanted more or not was unknown as the fox and werewolf had succeeded in their dicey rendezvous until that point. But Remus decided to embrace the care his friends were eager to give him and soon full moons turned from a party of two to a party of five. 
Freshly seventeen two nights before Hogwarts graduation. She was the youngest, but it didn’t show in her maturity. After caring for her boyfriend before and after full moons for almost four years she had become softer, more content, more responsible, but she was still a streak in the night sky. Still a burning star that would eventually die out quicker than one hoped. 
Now she was twenty, and the war was raging on worse now than it had been years prior when they left Hogwarts. Many things had changed, but he was still the most beautiful thing she would ever lay eyes on and she was still burning, waiting for the supernova that would make her collapse and dim. 
The night she was killed while carrying out orders for Dumbledore, Remus swore the sky exploded into brilliant reds and oranges, but it was only for a second then it was over as if it were an illusion. When he was told of her unlucky fate by Sirius and James, he swore the sky exploded for a second time. 
However, this time, he felt it in his chest, hands, feet, and most importantly, his heart. She was a shooting star that burned through what felt like the eight quickest years of his life, and then she would never be seen again. 
As if she never even existed.
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An Early Christmas Present
This is the first not school related thing I have written in years. Its also completely self indulgent and for the most part something I personally experienced.
Barely proofread
Warnings: mentions of blood - this is fluff otherwise -
Words: 1.7k
Remus Lupin x gn!reader - no pronouns mentioned
Just a couple of months ago your close friends James and Lily had finally gotten married. It was a small ceremony but that didnt lessen the love or joy everyone felt. It was a long time coming, James had spent years pining after Lily doing whatever he could think of to get her to notice him.
Money is tight but still you lay there on your couch. Your long time boyfriend Remus laying between your legs peacfully reading. Your hand in his hair relishing in the close peacefulness, the book you hold in your other hand being long forgotten as your mind wanders. Christmas is soon and with that comes a plan to show Remus just how deep your adoration for him truly runs.
You can't help but laugh at him when he puts a Christmas tree ornament around his ear, mimicking something Sirius had made days prior. "Minerva was no different, you know? Cats and their small paws and high and mighty attitudes." He sneered while trying to hold in his laughter.
Tinsel is absolutely everywhere. Draped over furniture and little pieces scattered on the floor. Its easy. Sorted. Most importantly, it isn't in the way of the war currently raging just a few feet away. Swears are flying like the snowflakes outside.
You and Remus are tangled together fighting for your lives against the lights. You would swear they have a mind if their own, its the only explanation how they could tangle so severely after after being carefully put into storage. Would it have been easier with magic? Probably. Did either even remember that you could USE said magic? Not at all. The lights wrap tightly around you the plasric is cold against your skin contrasting greatly from the warmth of your boyfriend's hands trying to free you both.
As the lights are finally untangled you can see the tension leave his body. The way the light from the fire reflects off the bulb into his face is enchanting. You never minded the scars. Each time he came back from the nights of the full moons with a new wound you were there helping him heal. He hated it at first.
The marauders had a lot of secrets. They were pranksters sure, but you know better than most. Midnight escapades to the restricted section of the ancient library hell you were one of the few people who knew they're animagi. Remus shares everything with you. You let out a frustrated groan shoving yourself off out of your bed. The wooden floor creaks with your weight as you make your way out to the common room. Your eyes fall onto a familar head of red hair.
"Hey Lils, why are you up so late?" You ask her quietly trying your best to not startle her at the unholy hour of 3am. She turns her head with a slight gasp. Startled er anyway. Her eyes are puffy and her face is painted with the stains of freshly dried tears. The second you start to hurry to her side the tears come back. So you wait. You silently hold one of your closest friends into your shoulder until she's alright. It doesn't matter how long it takes.
"They-They're usually back by now. Why aren't they back?" She chokes out her words asking you a question you don't have the slightest understanding of. The scratching as they come out is audible. The guys. Your guys. You know they go ot and do whatever it is they do once a month, 'boys night' they assure you. Why would Lily be sobbing with worry lacing her voice because they're late returning from boys night? Your thoughts are short by the door to the common room opening. Their voices. Hushed. Worried. Tired.
"God Moony, you could at least pretend like you're trying to walk." James's voice was quiet but in the otherwise silent common room he might as well have been yelling. It earned him a growl from Remus. No reort or quip. Thats when you noticed the blood. Oh the blood. It covered his shirt, his arms, and even his face. You couldn't see Remus's entire face but you saw enough through the brown curls that shielded you from the worst of it. The others didn't look much better. You want to go to him, need to go but something is stopping you. A hand. A well manicured hand connected to a Lily who's demeanor isn't far different from any of the guys. She shakes her head, such a simple action has tears coming to your own eyes. If she spoke you aren't sure. Your heart is beating so hard you cannfeel it in your skull. The tears don't come until Sirius looks up and makes eye contact with you. He mutters something under his breath as his face contorts from pain to panic.
You didn't know it back then of course, but looking back it was pretty obvious that you'd fall in love with him. That'd youd move in together and do everything you could to make the pain just a little bit more bearable.
"Rem dear? Can we paint a Christmas ornament this year? It'd be cute to exchange them Christmas Eve." Your voice is soft, gentle. The smile on your face reminds him of the day after you found out he's a werewolf. After you yelled at them for 10 minutes straight about danger, lying, and worrying Lily.
"Of course dove. That sounds like a wonderful idea!" His voice is chipper. A similar tone to his old days of pranking. A plan was hatching you just weren't sure what. It was mutual.
You sat at the table paint in hand doing your best to get the lettering just right. He's the love of your life and if it's going to take a little extra effort to make this special it was worth it. The table likely disagreed. Different colored paints are everywhere, different brushes, and oh the water cup that you put nxt to your now inedible tea. The letters on the sphere spelling ' WILL YOU MAR' taunting you. It doesn't matter how nice your hand writing is, once its on an ornament you've never written in your life.
You put the long finished and dried ornament on the back of the tree. It'll be better if he works for it you think. The fire is still young, it'll grow in a short amount of time, likely full size by the time your teas cool enough to drink. A content sigh escapes through your lips as you look around. Your home is small but its full of love and memories. Remus has had trouble finding work due to his affliction, but that isn't to say he does nothing. He works odd jobs and when there's nothing he makes sure your house is tidy and fixes whatever he can if it breaks. He will never admit how guilty he feels, but you know. Each book on the shelves, each cup on the cupboard, and even each stitch in the quilt you made together shows the amount of care you have for eachother. The pain just as much as the love.
Remus gets up quickly, only a moment after finishing his tea. You watch as he takes a breath and gently takes your hand in his. His hand is calloused and scarred but the feel the feeling is familar and calming. Each scar a mark of honor to you, but another thing to be ashamed of to him. He brings you next to the tree and prompts you to close your eyes. It feels like an eternity before you feel something round in your hand.
"Yours is on the tree love. I'm sure you'll be able to find it." You dont open your eyes until you finish your sentence. His bavk is already turned to you, not that you could complain you feel like you're going to throw up. This is it after all. Your relationship is about to permanently change one way or another. Anxiety seems reasonable to you. You look over the ornament in your hand, scanning it mindlessly at first lost in your own thoughts. You can't tell Remus has nearly stopped breathing as he searches the tree slowly.
A laugh. You can't stop it before it comes out. Written in sloppy letters are the words you spent forever painting. 'Will you be mine forever?' There's even a heart. You slap your hand over your mouth immediately after the laugh. You saw his shouders and back flinch at the sound, just as you watched his hand close around your equally sloppily painted proposal. He straightens up but doesn't turn around.
"I know we don't have a lot of money, and I know you could do and deserve so much better than me and what I can offer." He pauses to calm his breathing completely unaware of the tears threatening to spill from your eyes "But please dove. I will always do whatever I can to make you happy and you will never regret saying yes. I love you and I solemnly swear I will always love you."
You cant answer. Your brain is reeling and your lungs can't keep up. Another laugh, with this one the tears come. The only thing you can do to try to ease his growing dread is to take hold of his wrist. Giggling, you can't stop yourself. It's not cute, its a mix of giggles and cries as you try to speak. His arm is tense you can feel his hesitation, like a statue not fully carved. You quickly tap at the ornament in his hand. He gets the hint you assume, because you hear him laugh. You feel hin relax under your touch. You probably sound insane to anyone passing by your quaint little home. His lips are soft against yours. They've never felt more perfect. He pulls you in, his arms holding you close, you wrap your arms around him trying to pull him even closer to you.
Your little home so full of love and life has never felt more comfortable than in this moment. This perfect moment with your fiancé. With the perfect plan to propose at the same time.
Neither of you needed a ring. You'd get them eventually, but there was nothing that could've made this moment any more precious.
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mediocre-daydreams · 2 years
𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲, 𝐢 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 
𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 ☾ 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘶𝘴 𝘭𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘯 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
Tumblr media
chapters inspired by lyrics from "willow" (taylor swift)
incomplete! current w/c: 45.5k
you and the marauders become animagi for remus, despite his protests. you'd follow him anywhere: through the tunnel under the whomping willow, during hospital wing overnights, and even within a burgeoning war. you ruined every one of remus' plans, but it saved his life. (slow burn, angst)
dedicated to the wonderful @emmaev
series playlist
➊ 𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚊 𝚔𝚗𝚒𝚏𝚎
➋ 𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚒𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚌𝚞𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚊 𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚎
➌ 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢, 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚒 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠
➍ 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚊 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚒𝚝 𝚋𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚍
➎ 𝚊𝚜 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚊 𝚖𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐
➏ 𝚒'𝚖 𝚋𝚎𝚐𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚍, 𝚠𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚔 𝚖𝚢 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚜
➐ 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚎
➑ 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚎𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚐𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚜
➒ 𝚒 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍'𝚟𝚎 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚘𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚎
➓ 𝚑𝚎𝚢, 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝'𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚖𝚊𝚗
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remusremorse · 1 year
I am currently writing the next chapter but I have writers block and need some ideas to help with Remus and Lily’s(oc) date.
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wollymalfoy · 4 years
White cat
Young Sirius Black x Reader
Description: Y/N Potter can now join the marauders during a full moon. This ends better than she ever could of hoped.
Writers note: I’ve recently been obsessed with the marauders so I thought I’d write a little something. I’m v proud of this I think it’s the best thing I’ve written so far! Anyways enjoy :)
You kicked open your brothers dorm room it hit the wall with a loud thud. Peter screeched, Lupin sighed, Sirius quickly closed the curtains on his bed and James grabbed his pants to cover his underwear. You and your brother James were close, best friends even. Him being a year older than you he’d protected you since your first day at Hogwarts. You was sorted in Slytherin but was able to enter the Gryffindor common room at will because of your close bond with the marauders.
‘Have you ever heard of knocking!’ James yelled at you.
‘Princesses don’t need to knock’ you said cockily dodging the peice of clothing he threw at you.
Lupin who was the only one that was fully dressed walked over to you and covered your eyes with his hands.
‘Come on moonyyy I have great news’ you wined trying to pry his hands off your eyes.
He finally let go and you ran over to Sirius bed and opened the curtain to see his face. The raven haired boy still only had his boxers on making you smirk at him.
‘Y/N!’ He laughed closing it again.
‘What is it Y/N?’ James said walking over to you as he fixed his tie.
‘I finally did it’ you said excitedly taking a hold of his shoulders and shaking him.
‘Did what?’
‘I can finally transform!’ You said jumping up and down, ‘I can join you on full moons now!’
‘Woah, really!’ Sirius slid off his bed finally clothed and gave you a tight hug, taking your feet off the ground and spinning you around.
You nodded smiling widely at him.
‘That fantastic!’ James said putting a hand on your shoulder.
‘What animal are you’ Peter asked looking at you as if you were Merlin himself.
‘A cat, a white one’ you said still smiling.
‘Hey I guess we’re like yin and yang’ Sirius said laughing at his own joke.
The rest of you laughed along with him.
The full moon finally came around and like James promised on your first month at Hogwarts you’d be able to join now that you could transform. You snuck down the halls and stairways from the dungeons to the front doors of the castle where Sirius, Peter and James stood under his invisibility cloak.
‘It’s about time’ James Joked which earned him a cold look from you.
You all left the castle and made your way to the womping willow where Remus was already waiting.
‘We finally get to see you transform’ Sirius shouted loudly, ‘this is gonna be awesome!’ He wrapped his arm around your shoulder as he said this.
‘Keep your voices down’ Peter said timidly.
The night was just as amazing as you thought. You ran through hogsmead with your best friends, the wind blowing through your snow white fur. At points through the night you’d jump onto Sirius’ Black furred back causing him to jump around.
When the sun came up and Remus was once again human you watched out for people as James and Sirius helped an exhausted Remus up to Gryffindor tower. You all attended to his wounds and left him to sleep. James fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.
‘Why don’t you stay’ Sirius said his cheeks flushing after he realised what he said, ‘I just mean because you’re probably exhausted you might not make it back to your room’ he laughed lightly.
You nodded and climbed into his bed. He stared at you for a moment before climbing in next to you. He lay stiff next to you. You had never seen Sirius like this before.
‘I could transform, it might be less awkward if I were a cat’ you smiled.
He laughed and agreed.
Once you had transformed you curled up to his side. Your white fur camouflaging into the white sheet beneath you both.
You awoke and saw Sirius’ arms wrapped around your robe covered shoulder. Human shoulder. You must have transformed back while you were asleep you thought. You sat up to see Sirius dark eyes. He was wide awake.
‘Good morning love’ he smiled.
‘Good morning’
‘Lay with me for a while longer, we don’t have anywhere to be’ he said wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you down.
‘What happened to the shy Sirius from last night’ you said playfully.
‘That Sirius only appears when there’s a full moon’ he said his face close to yours, your noses touching slightly. You instinctively closed the small gap between the two of you and smashed your lips against his.
‘I didn’t expect that’ he smirked when you separated.
‘Neither did i’ you confessed.
You kissed him again this time he pushed his tongue into your mouth. Your tongues danced in each other’s mouths before the curtain of Sirius bed was ripped open. James stood tall scowling at the two of you.
‘Keep your hands off my sister mate’ James scolded, his arms folded in front of him.
‘But she’s so cute’ Sirius said pushing your cheeks together making your lips look fish like. He kissed your squished lips lightly before letting go.
‘I know you’re my best friend and all but no... this is just- no’ he said closing his eyes and shaking his head.
Sirius places his forehead agains yours and looked at you lovingly.
‘It’s about time you two got together’ Remus croaked from his bed, ‘the sexual tension between you both is crazy.’
‘Don’t you start moony’ James huffed.
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