#remorse doesn't cut it
sigery · 1 year
The portal in rdci is still located in the castle so people would likely run into Moon, Sun, Monty, etc before even finding anything out about Lunar Anguish. So it wouldn't be difficult to try and paint Lunar as the bad guy. Well depending on who said people are, it could be but without Lunar Anguish there to defend himself, the others are the only source of knowledge.
Moon and the others are the ones running things after Lunar Anguish fled.
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bonefall · 1 year
I know you're keeping Clear Sky as an antagonist (and he's very compelling as one in your rewrite), but I'm curious: if you absolutely had to give him a redemption arc, how would you go about it? (Besides not fridging his sister and wives, of course.)
If I was forced to give Clear Sky a redemption arc I'd slip a femur right out of my legmeat and beat someone to death with it
I'd never write a redemption arc for him, ever. It would be a completely different character.
Clear Sky's redemption arc is not even an idea worth considering; This an extremely consistent abusive family member who drives the entire plot, a predator who will leverage the love people have for him, whose defining characteristic is that he dresses up his megalomania as "Just Trying to Protect Everyone"
And I'd give that up?! for what?
I'd rewrite the whole plot, JUST like how the writers did with TWO born evil foreigner villains so their story wouldn't get boring, so I could prove the he could be a good boy if he wanted to? WHY?
It's doing the same thing the Erins do, totally uninterested in the story of his victims to write yet another plot centered around the pain of an abusive man.
Elder Bones is disappointed in you if you even think about it, actually. I am holding the femurbone in my hand as we speak. I'm gonna GETCHA
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dearmahiru-archive · 1 year
— Short List of Shidou and Mahiru Parallels
some of these are only speculations! ill probably update this after i love you drops
1). Shidou killed other people for his family because of love / Mahiru killed her lover because of love
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2). Shidou is a husband with children / Mahiru wanted to be a wife and have children
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3). Shidou wanted to die because of his crimes (or to see his loved ones again) / Mahiru is only living because of love
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4). A phone call led to the beginning of their murder. Shidou's call about the accident his family was involved in / Mahiru waking her boyfriend in the middle of the night and they've had a fight over the phone
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5). After their loved ones die, both are alone at home.
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6). Their T1 MVs are split between the real world and a fantasy mindscape. Shidou's mindscape is a greenhouse which is distinctly more colorful than the dull real world / Mahiru's mindscape is a birdcage which is lineless rather than the real world which has photo backgrounds
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7. In this mindscape they each wear a unique outfit while murdering their victims. Shidou wears the gardening outfit while symbolically taking organs / Mahiru wears her Day 16 outfit which is presumedly the day her lover died.
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8). In this mindscape we see their lovers "scatter" as a result of their actions
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9). Shidou's door is the entrance to a morgue for a funeral / Mahiru's door is a church for a wedding
Both have flowers. Shidou's are dying / Mahiru's are stained glass
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10). Shidou's plight is his guilt for selfishly taking from others to provide for his family / Mahiru's plight is her frustrations with constantly giving to her boyfriend without recieving anything in return
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12). Love is everything to them
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transmandayoung · 1 month
I think John doesn't select Just Anyone Who doesn't Value Their Lives for his traps. considering his vast deliberation into the various outcomes based on behavior, I think he has to determine that they meet the right threshold for Possibility To Change
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yakny · 1 year
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"the morally ambiguous man before him, encompassing the blurry line between coercion and persuasion"
I present to you: The Handler
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protagonist-art · 8 months
Scratched Veneer question:
Can you imagine Veneer apologizing to Floyd for him getting declawed? If I were in Veneer's position I most certainly would, and I wouldn't blame Floyd for scratching me up or being bitter over losing his claws.
yes!!! 100% >:o) he still feels sickly terrible about it to this day... besides the draining his life, it's the incident he feels the worst about </3
I'll go on more abt it in the tags!!!
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writersblockedx · 4 months
A Rekindled Kind of Love
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Pairing - Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader Summary - Spencer and Y/n hadn't talked since the Summer before college and then he sees her name as the only survivor in their latest serial killer case. Warning - violence, drinking Words - 3.6K
A/n - It's be a while! I've had a surge of inspiration lately since becoming a little obsessed with character ai lol and thought to write this one into a little one-shot.
Spencer was lying if he ever called any day at the BAU normal. Between serial killers, sadists, and everything else in between, the boy had a blurred definition of normal. So, he expected anything - or so he thought. When he entered the meeting room that morning, he hadn't expected the name of Y/N Y/L/N to pop up.
"We've got three victims and, weirdly, one survivor." Garcia started to explain, clicking through the victim's dead bodies, the woman squirming at just a glance of the photos. "Whoever this sicko is, he's going after journalists. His latest victim, Y/n Y/l/n, was actually able to get away before he had a chance to kill her."
Spencer stopped. His gaze snapped up as Garcia clicked once more and he caught sight of the girl he once knew. Only now was she older, and her expression was stern. The unsub had left her features tainted, early bruises and several cuts littering over her. "She's pretty distraught says doctors, but she's alive and well."
He couldn't stop staring at her, memories of high school, of that last summer, of their blissfully ignorant friendship fueling his feelings. This was not normal. None of what he felt was normal - not for him away. "He stabs them?" Emily observed, all of the team had yet to clock onto the haze Spencer had suddenly found himself in.
Garcia hummed, "Yep, as many times as it takes before they...you know...die."
"He's aggressive, he's got no remorse for these victims," JJ spoke, glancing between her file at the screen in front of her.
"Not only are they all journalists, but they're female journalists too." Rossi added. "There's got to be some reason for that too."
Hotch nodded, "Either way, we should take Y/n into our care. She's the first to get away, I doubt he's happy about that-"
The shaggy-haired boy couldn't seem to take it. The way Y/n had gotten herself mixed in like she was any other victim, like she wasn't once the most important person in Spencer's life. "Excuse me," The boy stood abruptly, not giving any reasoning to the team before he practically ran out, gasping for breath.
The team were left with nothing. Their expressions moulding into ones of confusion, and puzzlement, "What's up with him?" Morgan was the first to question. But it was only met with the same uncertain expressions and a shrug from Hotch.
Morgan took it upon himself to stand, following Spencer out into the adjacent hallway where Spencer was panic pacing. A hand swooped through his hair as his thoughts raced. "Hey, kid, slow down," Morgan soothed. He hadn't realised the arrival of Derek until he spoke. Spencer turned, swallowing the lump which had since grown in his throat. "The hells going on with you?"
He took a breath. He evened his lungs and took a moment before confiding, "I- erm- I know her, Y/n Y/l/n, the survivor." He explained and that was enough for Morgan to understand. "Well, I suppose I knew her, we lost contact when we went to college, but we had been friends."
Morgan gazed back into the meeting room, "Reid, it's okay. She's okay, you know? She survived."
His head shook, "It doesn't matter. You heard Hotch, she's still a target." She wasn't safe and that fact was only nagging at Spencer.
"Alright, alright, how about I talk to Hotch? We'll go to the hospital, you make sure she's okay yourself?" Reid had barely agreed before Morgan walked back into that meeting room.
Of course, he wanted to make sure she was okay. But that also meant seeing her, after all these years. Spencer didn't know what had changed - if anything had. And he didn't know which option was scarier. Either way, he soon found himself at the hospital, waiting at the reception desk as a doctor went to find her.
His feet were tapping, his nerves obvious to Morgan. "Reid, calm down, she's gonna be alright," He said, but no words from Morgan or a doctor was going to help. He needed to see her.
"It's not just that I'm worried about." What if everything had changed? What if nothing had? What if-
He turned and found his eyes on her. She still had that same look. That same smile, the same soft gaze, the same ease about her that Spencer craved. But this was the very moment he feared.
She wandered up to him, quickening her pace as much as she was able to considering her state. "Spencer," She said his name like a sigh of relief. Before he realised it, her arms were wrapped around his neck, melting into his touch as if no time had passed.
"Hi," He breathed into her ear; she was safe. The hug didn't last long enough. How could it? They had 12 years of missed hugs.
"I can't believe you're here, the doctor said a profiler and then said it was Doctor Reid and I-" She trailed on, "I don't know why I was so surprised. Of course, you made it big."
Spencer shrugged, "I wouldn't call this big." The boy became sheepish, almost flushed and Derek Morgan had certainly taken notice. "I'm sorry I stopped calling and I should have-"
"Oh, Spence, save it," She chuckled lightly, "I could have picked up that phone just as well as you had. I just wish we could have met under different circumstances."
He nodded, "Yeah, well about that," Spencer turned to bring Derek into the conversation, "This is Agent Morgan, he's erm gonna help."
Morgan sent his usual cheeky smirk as he did with any pretty lady, "It's good to meet you, sweetheart. Glad to hear you're feeling better too."
Spencer hadn't expected anything less from the man. "Look, I don't know if the doctor explained it to you, but we're under the belief that this unsub may still be targeting you."
"Unsub?" She reiterated.
"The killer that went after you." Morgan answered, "Unknown subject, unsub for short."
"We erm- we have to take you in, make sure you're safe kind of thing," Spencer explained, fidgeting with his fingers as she glanced between them and the girl in front of her.
Her pupils grew worrisome, "You think I'm still in danger?"
Spencer hated that word. Even the thought of Y/n in danger made his spine shiver. "You're the first to get away, we erm- we don't think he'll be very happy about it. He could lash out, many unsubs, new unsubs especially, a victim getting away could be like a double stressor, he could be on a rampage, he could be doing nothing but think about getting to you." He realised he was rambling and his words were only worrying the girl more, "Sorry, I just, I want to make sure you're safe."
But Y/n understood, "It's alright, Spence. I'll go grab my things."
With that, a rush filled the girl as she turned her back on the two agents, wandering back into the hospital room she had come from. Spencer's eyes hadn't left from where her figure was once standing. This was personal for him - even if he hadn't seen the girl for years now. "She's not just someone from high school, is she?" Morgan realised as he observed Spencer.
He turned to him as if he had just left the trail of thoughts in his mind, "Hm?" He turned back to look at Morgan.
His response had only made Morgan smile, "Y/n, she seems more to you than that."
"It was..." The boy thought back to it, to that Summer, he didn't know how else to describe it, what they had, her. "Complicated."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
12 Years Prior, Las Vegas
Y/n always had something Spener didn't: Popularity. Well, in a way. Spencer was cast away from many of his peers. A social reject. While, Y/n was a social butterfly of sorts. She took to a crowd with ease. The type of girl that could make friends with anyone.
The boy had certainly hit the jackpot when he was assigned to tutor her. Over the course of several sessions, they had bonded over literature, future college plans and, surprisingly, Y/n's distaste to certain 'jocks' - as the social hierarchy liked to describe them as.
She was the only reason Spencer turned up to the end of year house party. Crowds weren't his thing, drinking neither. But she...she was worth it.
"Spencer!" The girl gleamed as he wandered into the house. 
He didn't belong at all. His shoulders were stiff, his glasses at the edge of his nose. But, despite such, Y/n still took him into a longing hug. "H- Hi." He greeted, his eyes flickering all over the place. From the demolished kitchen to the living room where drunken teens were dancing on top of couches and coffee tables.
Her brow raised, "Come on, we'll get you a drink." Her hand slipped into his, bringing the boy back to his attention: her. "You do drink right?" She checked as she guided him towards said demolished kitchen.
"Erm, not a heavy drinker but, sure I can have one."
"You sure?" She spoke ever so softly, "You know you don't have to."
"Just one." He offered her a smile.
She grasped a few bottles: vodka, rum, tequila. "Pick your poison."
Spencer had simply shrugged, a chuckle at the tip of his tongue, "I'll have whatever you're having."
"Rum it is!"
She poured the two the same drink - almost half liquor, half mixer. Spencer coughed when he swallowed, causing the girl to giggle, "Too much?"
But Spencer simply shook his head, "Just perfect," He almost joked as he leaned onto the kitchen counter next to the girl, "I almost didn't come," He admitted.
"I don't blame you," He gazed down at her answer, his expression urging her to add some context. "Ashley James puked up after two drinks, Kacy and Liam broke up, now Liam's making out with Polly. It's just...a mess." Her eyes rolled. "But then again, what was I expecting?"
Spencer smiled at her. She was good at knowing like everything. While he was filled with facts and statistics, Y/n knew everything about everyone. Within one look, she knew your secrets. Maybe that's why she was so good with people. "We can go somewhere else if you want?" He suggested.
His question brought along an idea for the girl. With her free hand, she took Spencer's and led him out into the back garden. Whoever lived here was almost rich. Well, rich enough for a pool and a pretty big outdoor area. "Come on," Y/n urged him as she pulled the boy towards the edge of the pool.
She slipped her shoes off, sitting down and letting her legs dangle into the fresh water. Spencer watched her for a moment before joining her, the two sipping on their drinks. "Better?" She asked him.
He nodded, "Much."
"At least we've got Summer now, no more being forced to see them assholes." She joked.
Spencer's brows narrowed in thought, "You mean the assholes that you were friends with until you met me?"
"Well you got me there, Spence." She shrugged, "Social survival, that's what I call it. It's not as if there won't be similar people in college. I mean, fucking sororities, semi-pro football leagues, frats?"
"I'm sure you'll fit in amazingly at Princeton." His smile seemed to falter at his own words.
She gazed at the boy who seemed captivated by the slowly swaying water below them, "We'll still call you know, text, just cause we're in different places, doesn't mean anything, Spencer." Y/n attempted to comfort him.
"That's what everyone says but, I don't know." He shook his head, ignoring a thought.
But she noticed it; she noticed everything, "But what?"
He huffed and stared over at her, his eyes pooling in admiration. "You're one of the best things to have happened to me in a long time you know," He offered her a smile, "I couldn't even imagine losing you."
The girl bit her lip. Something was on her mind and Spencer had noticed. He too noticed everything about her. But he didn't ask. Partly, because he didn't have the chance to. Her eyes flickered to his lips. Then to his eyes. And before Spencer could realise, she had leant in, her lips at his. Without even realising, she had changed everything for the boy.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Spencer accompanied the woman towards a private, interview room. He would offer support and comfort but at the same time, he had a job to do. A part of that was questioning. She was the only person to know this unsub. As difficult as it would be for her, he would have to ask them questions.
"Hey," Emily spoke as he entered the room, two coffees in hand: one for Spencer and one for Y/n. "Coffee orders are here," She smiled as she placed them at the table between the two. "I'm Emily, Reid says you're an old friend."
Her eyes flickered to the man before she shook Emily's hand, "Something like that yeah."
"Well, we're here if you need anything, alright?" She said, "You're in good hands here, especially with our Doctor Reid."
With that, Emily left to join the rest of the team who were busy compiling a profile. Which left her and Spencer. This was the part he wasn't looking forward to. "I've erm, I've got to ask you some questions, it'll help us understand this unsub, help us find him." He explained. When she nodded, the boy continued, "I'm going to ask you to close your eyes, alright? And then I'm just going to go through the night you were attacked. Is that okay?"
She swallowed the lump which had grown in her throat, "Yeah," She muttered.
Y/n followed the instructions and let her eyelids close before Spencer started the exercise, "Okay, just go back to that night. You were on 9th Street, correct?"
"It was getting late, but it was summer, think about the air, was it still warm? What sort of things could hear, anything?"
She thought back to it. Y/n had just finished her work week, she was walking home from the Subway. "There's a group of girls on the other side of the road, they're giggling. Drunk, I assume."
"That's good, that's really good." Spencer praised, "Then when did you realise something was off?"
Her brows furrowed and she thought about it, the pit in her stomach growing, "Someone- someone was yelling. A man. I thought he was like bible bashing so I wasn't paying much attention to what he was saying."
"Think." Spencer jumped in, "Listen to him, pick any words, any phrases that stick out to you."
And she did so. Her mind ran through the memory, "Something, something about an agenda, the- the snowflake agenda? It's ruining America it's-" She cut herself off as the memory reached the worst part. "That's when he grabbed me." Her voice quickened, her breaths soon becoming uneven. "He had a knife to my neck- he pulled me to an ally. I- Spencer."
Her hand reached out over the table instinctively, "It's okay," He too had become panicked just seeing her's. "I'm here, it's over, you can open your eyes."
When she finally did, she took one breath. A sigh of relief that she was okay. And then, a single tear dropped from her eyeline. Spencer couldn't take it. He stood and she followed suit, "Come here," He spoke before taking her into a tight hug. "You're safe, I promise." 
She pulled away just slightly but never dared to break touch, "The only reason I got away was because I had pepper spray in my bag," She explained. 
Spencer thought on that and then an idea came to mind. "Come with me," The boy took a hold of her hand, guiding the girl through the bullpen towards the meeting room where the rest of the team had been.
The round table was scattered with files and papers. Garcia typed away at her laptop while the rest were debriefing. At the entrance of the pair, they glanced up. 
Before they could ask any questions, Spencer started rambling, never daring to let go of Y/n's hand. "The unsub was protesting on the street, he's some kind of right-wing enthusiast. He was going on about the left-wing 'agenda', about how it's ruining America." He explained. "Not only that, but Y/n used pepper spray on him."
Like that, they had something, "He would have had to go to the hospital?" JJ thought.
"Or at least bought some kind of medical supplies."
"Yeah, saline wipes or there's a nasal spray that helps the pain." Spencer went on to explain.
From there, Hotch turned to Garcia, "Cross check avid right-wing protesters in the D.C. areas, men with low criminal offences, things like hate crime. Then look at anyone whose been admitted for treatment of pepper spray or has bought any medical supplies to treat it."
Like that, the aggressive typing ensued. The team were all waiting, Y/n still at Spencer's side, anxious for the name of her attacker to be revealed. "I've got it, Tony Jones."
When Hotch stood from his chair, the rest of the team started to follow. "Send us the address, Garcia."
"Already done it, Sir."
Each of the team members stood, one by one walking passed Y/n. That was apart from Garcia who was still glued to her laptop, sending the address to the rest of the team. Spencer was about to turn when Y/n reached for the boy's hand once again. Her eyes filled with nothing but worry. "Do you have to go?"
Her question had made his heart ache. His eyes flickered to Garcia who was already glancing at the two, "I- I probably should but, but Garcia will stay with you." He offered.
Y/n looked back at the extravagant woman who was smiling, "Of course, I've got loads of things I can show you in my office!" She gleamed.
Y/n returned the smile before turning back to Spencer, "You'll be careful, right?"
The boy nodded, "Of course," He replied before taking her in his arms once again. But this time, when he pulled away ever so slightly, it was to place a gentle kiss to her forehead.
And like that, a soft smile, a goodbye, was passed between the two before Spencer turned away to join the rest of the team. She stared out the door of the conference room until Spencer slipped away. From there, she turned, a weak smile given to Garcia as she came to join her at the round table.
The other woman had watched the interaction and, while she wasn't a profiler, she wasn't oblivious to the world of loving. "He really cares about you, doesn't he?" She asked. Though, Garcia already knew the answer.
"I care about him just as much," Even after all this time, a piece of her heart still belonged to Spencer Reid - it always would.
"You're not just an old friend, are you?"
Y/n swallowed, glimmers of that high school Summer filling her brain. "It was, complicated." She described. "We erm, only really had a Summer as..." How could she describe it? "More than friends, I guess. And then we were both shipped off to college. And I mean, we lost contact. As a lot of people do." And 12 years later here she was.
Garcia offered her a smile, "You still love him, don't you?"
The girl giggled but gave a nod, "I don't think I ever stopped."
"Well, if my time with Doctor Reid has taught me anything, the way he is with you, I mean it's like no other." Her hand brushed at her shoulder gently, "I don't think your feeling is one-sided."
That would stick in her head for the next hour. While Spencer and the rest of the team were arresting Tony Jones, Garcia was giving the girl a tour of her office. Everything wonderful and weird. And while she tried her best to pay attention, her mind kept being dragged over to Spencer. If he was safe, if he was coming back...if, once again, everything had changed.
She knew one thing: she would make sure they didn't lose contact this time around.
When the boy finally returned, he practically rushed through the BAU to find her. She was at Garcia's side as they exited her office, "Y/n," He called.
The girl's head snapped to him, her pace quickening as she came to reach him, "Did you?"
He nodded, "He's at the station, don't worry." He assured.
"Oh, good, yeah," She spoke before a sigh fell from her lips. "So, I mean, what happens now? Do I just go home?" The idea of such, while stupid to think so, was almost disappointing. Going home meant she wasn't in Spencer's company any longer. And that wasn't something she wasn't to lose just yet.
But Spencer's reaction was a similar one, "I can walk you home, if you want of course."
Her smile grew, "I'd like that."
"I'll just erm," He gestured to his FBI vest, "I'll only be a second."
And so she watched him leave for barely a minute, coming back in his shirt. He took her hand, led her into the lift and pressed for the ground floor. A moment of silence. A moment of thought. One of which was urgring Y/n on.
She glanced over at the boy, "You know I always think everything happens for a reason." Her nerves suddenly flooded her body as she realised what she was about to admit, "And as much as getting jumped was not fun, I'm glad it brought me back to you, Spencer."
Y/n turned to face him, barely any space between them, "I missed you."
"I missed you too, Spence."
With that, Y/n made the leap. She closed that gap, their lips meeting every so soft, ever so longing. Like they had both been waiting for this moment for 12 years. And when they pulled away, her hands cupping his face and his placed at her waist, it was like they were 18 again. "Promise we'll keep in contact now?" He almost joked.
And she chuckled, "Promise."
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murdrdocs · 8 months
repressed and desperately horny luke who has never seen a porn video vs new to camp reader who used to be able to watch it whenever they wanted but now can't even flick the bean in peace
oh and maybe reader who gives Luke a dirty polaroid or two they've been hiding before they leave camp for the fall
— 🦣
🦣 anon strikes again omg. this concept actually makes me all giddy i want it to be something Bigger hence the informal format but just follow me here okay.
just thinking about ya'll finding each other in a moment of need. fate, really, if either of you believed in the concept. you, grumpy and insatiable from lack of proper sexual satisfaction, and luke, knowing he's feeling something but he doesn't know how to expel the need. sure he jacks off sometime, but not nearly as much as a guy of his age usually would.
so there you are, grumbling about, eyes narrowed, mimicking the behavior of ares kids (your possible siblings but it's anyone's guess at this point) and luke just has to go and be the mediator, asking what's got you so down. of course, you're wound up so tight, and a little grateful that someone your age has asked the question because you can finally tell the truth.
out comes your dirty secrets. your longing for peace and quiet to get off. your slightly remorseful nature because you had no idea that you were that reliant on pornography to help you out. and luke is just standing there, ears reddening as he suddenly finds the trees behind you incredibly interesting.
but luke is a Problem Solver, so he awkwardly has a suggestion for you. "the showers right before the bonfire are usually pretty deserted. and for your ..." he scratches a nonexistent itch behind his ear. "other problem, my brothers have some old magazines i could lend to you."
you snort, arms folding as you pretend to be disinterested. but really anything would satiate you at this point. "what are they? women on motorcycles? maybe an old playboy mag?"
luke shrugs. "dunno. never seen 'em."
and it takes you a second. a really long, tense, and warm (for luke) second where you eye him up. noticing his stance, taking in his clipped words, how he said them. and it occurs to you that little demigod luke, having been at camp half blood since 14, has never seen what the world has to offer in the pornography department. or if he has, he hasn't seen the porn of today.
and unfortunately, it's impossible for you to fix his issue in naivety. there are no phones in camp and even if there were, you don't think the service out here would be all too good. which leaves you to improvise.
you do end up getting the mags from the hermes boys, critiquing their selection with a scrutinized glare at the pages, flicking through them with the edge of your shirt to avoid any remnants. and then you report back to luke, telling him to give them a look, prefacing it by telling him that things now are much more entertaining. slyly hinting at your ears being open if he wanted to give his opinion.
which, he does. standing awfully close to you at the bonfire one night, body turned just a little so he can speak lowly.
"there's ... things better than that out there?"
you nod, affirming his statement while attempting to hide a small smile. the magazines were barely pornography in your eyes, women in manufactured poses to appeal to men. skin artificially smoothed, their cunts shockingly dry, their poses so meticulous. it lacked the emotion and desire that you enjoyed to watch.
and poor luke didn't even know the half of it.
at least you do introduce him to what he could be consuming just before you leave camp that summer, sliding him two polaroids you'd managed to take.
one of you in the showers, body littered with clumps of suds. your skin shining from the overhead light which gleams from the water along your body. it's taken from a low angle, the side of your backside being the main focal point with your tits at the top just barely making the cut.
and then the other is much more lewd, showing luke what the magazines should have. you, on your back in a camp bed, wearing nothing but your standard issued shirt which is bunched up around the waist. your free hand is between your spread thighs, two fingers clearly singled out to spread your lips and reveal just how wet and shiny your cunt is. and after one of his many sessions of getting off over it, the post nut clarity manifests as hyper analyzing for luke.
he notices the familiar pair of shoes off to the corner, the pillowcase he had one of his brothers sneak in last summer, the stain he's never been able to get out of his fitted sheet.
and suddenly the picture has new meaning for him.
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itadorey · 1 year
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pairing: gojo satoru x reader summary: college au! in which you argue with the school's golden boy (in your defense, you didn't know!) and then find yourself unable to avoid him no matter where you go. genre: college au! strangers to lovers, humor notes: mentions of alcohol, college shenanigans, wingman geto!, shoko refuses to be gojo's wingwoman wc: ~6.5k
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a shiver runs down your spine as you exit the stuffy house, the cool air a stark contrast to the warm atmosphere inside. 
you smile as you heard a loud cheer, excusing yourself as you squeeze past the two boys who were celebrating their beer pong win. you stumble slightly when one of the boys leans a little too far back, swaying drunkenly as he gives you a remorseful look and let out a small ‘sorry!’. bumping into something as you waved him off, you do your best to keep your drink from spilling, slightly leaning against whatever you had bumped into in an attempt to regain your balance.
"watch where you're going," a bored voice drawls, causing you to turn around. you look up to meet the person's eyes, instead being met with shiny, white hair framing a handsome face. you feel your face heat up as you study the stranger carefully, taking in his casual posture before observing the dark sunglasses that are perched on his nose. wait, sunglasses? at night? you realize you've been staring for too long when he suddenly leans down, looking you over before speaking. "what? you like what you see?"
his words snap you out of your thoughts, and you instinctively take a step back as you notice how close he is. his actions cause his sunglasses to slip down, giving you a glimpse of bright, blue irises that seem to glow in the dim lighting. you shake your head softly, clutching your cup to your chest nervously as you try to avoid eye contact with him.
"what? no!" you vehemently deny, frowning as you notice the amused smile on his face. "i was just going to say i'm sor—"
"i don't care," he cuts you off, his tone smug as he watches you stumble over your words. you balk for a few seconds, gathering your thoughts before scowling at him. he might've been pretty, that was quickly overshadowed by his irritating personality.
"you really should be more aware of your surroundings," he continues, glancing down at the cup held tightly between your hands. "or maybe you should stop drinking. i dunno, just an idea."
"what? this isn't even alcohol!" you protest, nose scrunching up as you look at him with distaste. you take a step forward, pointing a finger at him accusingly. "you were facing me! maybe you should've warned me before i bumped into you."
"sure it isn't," he replies smoothly, a wide grin on his face as he reaches out to grab your finger and wiggle it around. "and maybe, you're just a klutz."
you yank your hand out of his grasp, stumbling back slightly as you half-cross your arms, making sure your cup remains stable. you ignore the way your heart jumps at the contact. "i am not a klutz! and listen here sunglasses, this cup is full of water."
"you sure you're not drunk?" he asks, a condescending smirk on his face as he takes a step towards you. "you're stumbling an awful lot for someone who's sober. or is it because i make you nervous?"
"you know what?" you seethe, fed up with the white-haired stranger in front of you. "here, taste it."
before you can think your actions through, you toss your water in his face. "refreshing, isn't it?"
you're gone in an instant, and the stranger finds himself chuckling as he dries off his sunglasses. he grimaces when he realizes his shirt is also wet, tugging the fabric away from his skin as he heads inside to find his friends.
he doesn't know who you are, but he was now determined to find out.
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a groan leaves your lips as you try to open your eyes, the sunlight streaming in through the window preventing you from doing so. the constant vibrations from your phone haven't stopped for the past ten minutes, and all you want to do is go back to sleep.
you raise an arm to block the sunlight as you fumble around for your phone, an eyebrow raising when you see that shoko was the one who had been calling you the entire time.
"hello?" you ask, confusion and exhaustion mixing to make your tone sluggish. you let your eyes close, turning onto your side as you snuggle into your comforter. "what's with you today? leave me alone."
"hey!" you hear shoko say, followed by another small greeting from utahime. "are you still in bed?"
"yeah," you reply, pulling the blanket over your head. "are you two together right now? thanks for inviting me. some friends you are."
"we tried calling!" utahime replies. you can hear shoko huff, presumably due to utahime pushing her away from the phone. "you didn't answer your phone. it's not our fault!"
"i know, i know," you mutter, a smile stretching across your face as you hear utahime apologize anyways. "but seriously, what's with you two? shoko usually gives up if i don't answer after the second ring."
"you mean you don't know?"
"know what?" you ask, a yawn escaping you as you feel your eyes lower. you're half-tempted to end the call, but you can't deny that you're curious as to what could've been so important that shoko would willingly call you so many times.
"you're famous," shoko says. you can hear the faint clicking of a lighter in the background, a brief distraction as you try to process shoko's words. "you're all over social media. at least, on the pages that post about our student body."
there's a moment of silence after her words, and you find yourself sitting up immediately. sleep has fully evaded you by now, and you throw the comforter off of yourself before sitting criss-cross-applesauce. "i'm what?"
"famous," shoko repeats, her voice a little muffled due to what you assume is a cigarette. you pull your phone away from your ear as it buzzes once again, making sure to put the call on speaker before checking your notifications. "check your messages, i just sent you a link."
the link leads you to a random instagram profile, full of videos and memes submitted by students at your university. you click the first video on the page, your jaw dropping when you realize it was you in the video. you and that stranger you had argued with the previous night.
"oh my god," you say, watching as the video plays out on your screen. you watch as the stranger leans in close to you, as you yell at him, as he grabs your finger, and as you toss your drink in his face. by the time the video restarts, you had placed your phone beside you, head in your hands as you chuckle in disbelief.
"this is awful!" you finally say, flopping back onto your mattress and squinting as the sun hits your eyes. "not just awful, this is humiliating!"
"yeah, for gojo," utahime snorts. "he needs to be humbled. if anything, you did everyone on this campus a favor."
"gojo?" you mutter, closing your eyes fully before letting out another groan and shooting back up. "is that his name? he was kinda cute. what a shame."
"you don't know who he is?" you hear shoko ask, a genuinely curious tone enveloping her words. you hum absentmindedly as you scroll through the comments, seeing that many of them agree with utahime's sentiment while many others seem to question your actions. "and ew!"
"no, do you?" you ask, choosing to ignore her sound of disgust.
"yes," both shoko and utahime say. you hear a glass clink against a table before shoko continues. "gojo is actually an old frie-"
"oh my god!" you shriek, interrupting shoko as you fling your phone against your pillow. you quickly grab it, apologies leaving your mouth as you try to calm down.
"what? what happened?" utahime yells, concern in her voice as she hears you laugh nervously.
"you're not going to believe this," you say, finally catching your breath. you feel boneless as you settle in between your pillows, not even trying to fight the sunlight anymore. "he just requested to follow me on instagram."
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the rest of the weekend passes without incident, the follow request from gojo remaining untouched on your phone. by the time monday rolls around, you had hoped that everyone had forgotten about the incident, but based on the random high fives you get and whispers that follow you, you knew they hadn't.
"this is awful," you hiss, lowering your head even more as a group of girls walk behind you and giggle. the textbook in front of you isn't making any sense to you, causing you to slam it shut and push it away before resting your head on the table. "i can't go anywhere without hearing something about me and gojo."
shoko hums quietly, too caught up in her medicinal chemistry textbook to pay you any attention. you sigh pathetically, resting your arms underneath your head before giving her a pleading look. when she doesn't react, you sigh louder, earning a chuckle from her before she leans back and puts her pen down.
"what did you expect? he's one of the most popular people on this campus," shoko reminds you, running a hand through her hair before tying it up in a messy ponytail. "i'm more surprised about the fact that you didn't know who he was to begin with."
"i don't keep up with school gossip," you mutter, weakly reaching out for shoko's water bottle. she gives you a knowing smile before leaning forward, grabbing the bottle and pulling it towards her. you whine as she opens it, watching as she raises it to her lip to take a sip. the two of you are caught off guard when the bottle is yanked out of her hands, water sloshing out and landing on the table. you hurry to grab a napkin from your backpack, wincing as shoko slams her hands on the table.
"what the hell, satoru!" she exclaims, irritation clear in her tone as she yells at the newcomer.
"who the fuck is satoru?" you ask, humming in delight when you find a paper towel. you proceed to kick your backpack back under the table, placing the paper towel over the spill and letting it absorb the liquid. you can hear shoko snort at the question, and you raise your eyes to see her placing her now sealed water bottle back on the table.
"awww you don't remember me?" satoru asks, placing his palms on the table before leaning towards you. "i'm heartbroken."
his voice sends a shiver down your spine, and you tense up when you realize that you recognize it. you look up at satoru to meet bright blue eyes, familiar, dark sunglasses perched on the tip of his nose. there's a teasing smile on his face and you can feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment as you stare at him. "oh... you're gojo."
"satoru," he corrects, his smile growing even wider when he sees your flustered state. "i like it when you say my name."
you ignore the way he's looking at you, your stomach turning as you simply nod and turn away to face shoko. "isn't, uh, isn't satoru a childhood friend of yours?"
"i sure am!" gojo replies, sliding into the seat next to shoko and throwing an arm around her shoulders. he pulls her in close, swaying side to side with her as she gives you a bored look.
"he sure is," shoko says tiredly, turning to give gojo an annoyed stare. she flicks his forehead, shoving his arm off of her as he yelps. she rolls her eyes as she ignores him, picking up her pen and scanning her textbook once more.
"why didn't you tell me?" you hiss, leaning in close to give her a glare. she smiles when she notices your expression, tapping the tip of your nose with her pen and chuckling when you shake your head and lean back in your chair.
"we tried," shoko says, rolling her eyes. "you threw your phone across the room when you got that follow request on instagram, remember?"
your eyes widen in surprise at her words, mortification clear on your face as you glance at gojo. "i did not throw my phone!"
"you threw your phone? all the way across your room?" gojo asks, snickering at your reaction. he leans forwards, placing his elbows on the table and resting his cheek on his palm. "so i do make you feel all flustered, huh? i'm flattered, although, i'm a little hurt that you haven't accepted my request yet."
there's a pout on gojo's face as you stare him down, grumbling incoherently before you take your phone out from your back pocket. you can hear him giggling as you open up instagram, and you waste no time before pulling up your follow requests and turning your phone towards him. he raises an eyebrow when you smile, watching as your finger hovers over the "accept" button before you switch and press "decline".
"there, now you don't have to keep thinking about it," you say, watching as gojo's face falls at your actions. you stand up before he can say anything else, pocketing your phone and grabbing your wallet before glancing at shoko. "i'm gonna go get a bottle of water. do you want anything?"
shoko shakes her head, and you simply hum before turning to leave, freezing when you heard gojo speak once again. "i should head out too, it's probably in my best interest to leave before you come back with water. you know, in case you spill it on me again."
gojo's shit-eating grin only widens when shoko can't hold back her laughter, causing you to send them both a withering glare. you stomp off with an angry huff, and gojo can hear you muttering under your breath as he watches you walk all the way down the hall. he doesn't look away until you turn a corner, only then turning to face shoko, who has a skeptical look on her face. he gives her a knowing look, eyes pleading as he leans his head against her shoulder. "they're cute. really cute. can i get their number?"
"i'm not helping you," she says, snorting softly before digging through her backpack for her airpods. she manages to put one earbud in before gojo speaks again.
"i'll win them over," he states confidently, standing up and pushing his chair in. he gives shoko a kiss on the head before walking away, ignoring her as she laughs at his words.
"yeah, good luck with that."
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geto watches amusedly as you trudge into your shared chemistry class, not even bothering to greet him before slumping in your chair and resting your head on the desk.
"rough day?" he asks, raising an eyebrow in concern when you groan in response. he sits quietly as he observes you for a few seconds, and you sigh as you sit up, realizing that he's waiting for your answer.
"more like rough weekend," you finally say, eyeing him skeptically. "c'mon, don't tell me you haven't seen the video."
geto laughs at your words, his bangs swaying as he turns in his seat to fully face you. heat rises up in your cheeks as he gazes at you with a smile, and you fidget nervously as you try to keep your composure. it's no secret that geto suguru is attractive, and having his attention focused solely on you is almost too much to handle.
"i did, i just figured i'd save you the embarrassment and not bring it up."
"how considerate of you," you mutter, smiling softly before taking out your laptop.
"hey, do you have a pen i could borrow?" geto asks, searching through his backpack before sighing and putting it on the back of his chair. "i have a sneaking suspicion that my roommate stole mine."
"yeah, of course," you respond, rummaging through your pencil pouch before pulling out a sleek, black pen. "is this one fine?"
"that's perfect, thank you," geto says. before he can grab the pen, it's yanked out of your hand, and you look up to see gojo standing beside you.
"gojo," you greet dryly, trying to ignore the smirk on his face. "do you make it a habit to always snatch things out of people's hands?"
"i can't help it," he says with a laugh, pulling his sunglasses down slightly as he twirls the pen. "that irritated look you give me is so cute, i just can't resist!"
your face twists up in embarrassment, a huff leaves your lips before you reach up to snatch the pen back and hand it to geto. you refuse to look at gojo in fear of letting him see your expression as you settle into your seat, but a sudden thought has you turning to face him when you realize you had never seen in that class before.
"wait, why are you here?"
"i'm in this class, silly," gojo replies, reaching down to tap your nose the way shoko had earlier. you swat his hand away, your mouth twisting into a scowl as geto snorts.
"no you're not," you say, eyebrows furrowing as you give him a confused glance.
"yes i am."
"no, you're not."
"yes. i. am."
"then how come i've never seen you here before?" you ask, crossing your arms as you give him a smug look.
"well that's because—"
"good morning, class," yaga masamichi says, cutting off gojo's response as he walks in. the professor sets all his stuff down before turning on the projector, grabbing his laptop to set up the day's lesson. "today we will be going over new mechanisms so make sure you—"
yaga goes silent as his gaze lands on you, and you shuffle nervously as you wait for him to say something.
"gojo," yaga states, mouth pressed in a firm line as he stares at the white-haired boy. you sigh in relief when you realize his stare wasn't directed at you. "what a nice surprise. i never thought i'd see you here."
"ah, c'mon yaga," gojo replies, a charming smile on his face as he tucks his hands into his pockets. "i care about my studies. besides, it's not like i've skipped every single lesson."
"yes, you have," yaga says dryly, facial expression unchanging as silence engulfs the classroom. a minute passes before he let out an exasperated sigh, running a hand down his face before waving him off. "just take a seat, gojo. quickly, please."
gojo salutes yaga, giving him a cheeky grin before sauntering over to the seat directly behind geto. you do your best to ignore him throughout the lesson, dutifully taking notes and only glancing at him once when you bend down to grab your water bottle. you're caught off guard when you realize that gojo has been staring at you the entire time, pen in hand but notebook closed as he focuses on you instead of yaga. he shoots you a wink as soon as you meet his eyes, and you pretend not to notice before turning back around. geto doesn't miss the way you fight back a small smile.
you can feel gojo's eyes burning into you for the rest of the lesson.
the class ends with yaga announcing a new project, and you wait with bated breath as he reads off the list of partners he had prepared in advance. you can't stop the sigh of relief that comes out of you when you hear your name followed by geto's.
"so, your place or mine?" geto asks, gathering all his materials before placing them into his backpack. you open your mouth to reply before closing it quickly, your eyebrows furrowing as you think about the messy state your apartment is currently in. sensing your hesitance, geto chuckles, grabbing his backpack and standing up before speaking. "mine it is. i'll send you the address later and we can figure something out okay?"
"sounds good!" you respond, smiling sheepishly as you duck your head. you wave goodbye to geto, turning to hurry out of the classroom when you notice gojo approaching. "just text me and let me know!"
"so... they'll be coming over?" gojo asks, sidling up to geto as you walk off. his eyes never leave your form until you disappear from sight. he turns to geto with a smile, resting his head on geto's shoulder while pushing up his sunglasses to look at him. "say, can i get their number?"
"not a chance. just talk to them and ask," geto says, laughing at gojo's audacity before pushing him off and leaving the room.
gojo's left standing in the middle of all the desks, a small smile appearing on his face as he realizes that you'd be over at geto's apartment sometime soon. the very same apartment that he shares with gojo.
his train of thought is interrupted by yaga, who is standing near the door with his bag slung over his shoulder. all of his supplies have been packed up and he sports an annoyed expression as he looks at gojo.
"get out of my classroom."
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it's been a couple of days since the project has been assigned, and other than gojo's sudden appearance in class, not much has happened. you still do your best to ignore his presence, focusing on yaga or even geto to try and remain oblivious to his persistent staring.
but you can't avoid him forever, that much is clear as the door to geto's apartment opens and you find yourself face to face with gojo satoru. your face remains blank as he greets you with a call of your name, merely watching him as he leans against the doorway and gives you a giddy grin.
"what a surprise to see you here!" gojo crows, head tilting down to give you a peek at his eyes. you find yourself looking away, refusing to interact with him as he pulls you inside.
"what are you doing here?" you finally ask, slipping your shoes off and taking a few steps back when you realize just how close to gojo you are. the hallway isn't that wide to begin with, and even pressed up against the opposite wall, you can feel him brushing up against you as he turns to close the door.
you look through your phone as you wait for geto, only looking up when you feel gojo step closer to you. you shrink into the wall behind you, tensing up when gojo's hand lands on the wall next to your head as he leans in, his other hand plucking your phone from your grasp. you look up at him as he fiddles with your phone, reaching for it and scowling when he holds it up out of reach. you never realized just how much taller than you he was.
you give up on trying to retrieve your phone, crossing your arms and leaning back as you choose to study him instead. you're reminded of the night at the party as you let your eyes trace his face, taking in the way his hair falls over his face and cast shadows that only seem to emphasize the color of his eyes. you're so distracted as you study his nose and lips that you completely miss the words he says.
"i live here. duh!"
there's a moment of silence as you keep your eyes on him, and you rapidly blink away your dazed expression when you see a teasing smirk on gojo's face.
"i live here!" he repeats, holding out your phone. you take it from his grasp, inhaling sharply when he invades your personal space and points at your screen. "oh! also, i added myself into your contacts and made sure to send myself a message so that i have your number as well."
"you live here?" you ask dumbly, briefly looking down at your phone to see the message thread. you notice that gojo has saved his contact information under "satoru <3" and you make a mental note to change it later.
"yes. unfortunately, he does."
the two of you turn your heads to look at geto, who stands near the living room with his arms crossed. there's an amused smile on his face as he takes in the scene before him, and he smirks at gojo when he notices just how close to you he is.
a weak laugh leaves your lips as you shake your head, looking back and forth between gojo and geto. "of course he does. so you're telling me that the two of you are—"
"we're roommates."
"we're soulmates!"
"we are not," geto states, refuting gojo's claim.
"you're right," gojo concedes, letting his arm fall from the wall to rest around your shoulders. he pulls you into his side as you let out a surprised squeak, grinning down at you as he guides you further into the apartment. "actually, i think we're soulmates."
"we're really not," you mutter weakly, although geto notices that you seem to avoid gojo's gaze. you send him a pleading look, and geto simply shrugs before turning and heading into the kitchen.
"would you like something to drink?" he asks, opening the refrigerator and bending down to grab a couple of water bottles. his question goes unanswered as gojo leads you away from him, taking your backpack in one hand as he continues to speak. geto doesn't miss the panicked look you send his way and he closes the fridge with a chuckle as he follows after the two of you.
"i dunno," gojo says, placing your backpack down before waving his hand casually. "we meet at a party, you turn out to be friends with my childhood friends, we're in the same class, and on top of all that, you end up at my apartment after being randomly paired with my roommate. it's like fate is trying to tell us something!"
geto can't help but snort at gojo's hopeless attempt at flirting, earning a dirty look from his roommate. he doesn't think he's ever seen gojo try this hard to get someone's attention, and the only thing that makes the entire situation funnier is that despite your attraction to gojo, you seem determined to avoid interacting with him at all costs. geto wonders if it's because of the party incident.
"pardon the interruption, but we really have to work on that assignment" geto sayss, taking a seat on the couch and patting the spot next to him. he smiles warmly at you as you sit next to him, your thigh brushing against his as he sends gojo a smug look. gojo merely scowls in return, his eyes zeroing in on the casual touches between the two of you. "i'm not necessarily kicking you out, satoru, but i do ask for some peace and quiet while we work."
gojo gives geto a sarcastic thumbs up, smiling as he grabs the first book he sets his sights upon and takes a seat on the armchair across from you. he opens the book to a random page, pretending to read as he watches you and geto set up your work space. he ignores everything but you for the most part, averting his eyes and flipping a page of two whenever you glance up to meet his eyes.
"here you go."
you're thirty minutes into the project when gojo finally looks at geto, his eyes narrowing as he watches his best friend hand you an already open water bottle. geto meets gojo's gaze with a smirk as he leans back, his arm laying on the couch right behind you. if you settled into your seat any further, you'd have his arm around you.
"oh! thank you," you say, eyes wide in mild surprise when you realize the bottle is already open. you give geto a soft smile, taking a sip before he takes it back to close it. "you're so sweet, geto. i always have trouble opening those water bottles."
"it's really no problem," he replies, sending gojo a sly look as he opens your textbook. "anything for you."
gojo can't help the way he clenches his fist, the rustling of pages drawing your attention to him. you notice him glaring at geto, and you look at the death grip he has on his book before turning to give geto a confused look.
"what's wrong with him?" you whisper, leaning in close so gojo won't hear. geto holds back a laugh as he also leans in, amused at the fact that you're simply making his mission of making gojo jealous that much easier.
"i don't know. many things," geto confesses, his lips dangerously close to the shell of your ear. you breathe out a laugh in response, blinking rapidly when a strand of hair falls into your eye. "let me get that for you."
you look at geto as he tucks the piece of hair behind your ear, his fingertips brushing the side of your face as he does so. he's closer to you than you thought and you take a moment to admire his features before smiling. "thanks, geto!"
"you're wel—"
geto's response is cut short as gojo slams his book onto the table. he proceeds to shoot geto a dirty look as he jumps out of his seat, storming out of the living room as he mutters something under his breath.
"now what's wrong with him?" you ask, eyebrows raised in disbelief as you hear him borderline slam his door shut. you turn back to geto when he starts laughing, the noise soft and quiet as he presses a hand to his mouth. he shifts away from you, shaking his head as he gives you a knowing look.
"you really don't know, do you?" he questions, crossing his arms as he studies you.
"know what?"
"that he likes you," geto reveals, unable to stop his laughter when he sees the shocked look on your face. your lips part in surprise as your eyebrows get even higher, and you can't help the way your gaze shift towards the armchair gojo had been sitting in before you school your expression back into one of disinterest.
"no he doesn't" you reply, shaking your head at geto. "he just likes being obnoxious!"
"i saw the two of you at the party, you know," geto confesses. "i was going outside to get gojo so we could head out but then i saw him speaking with you and well, take it from me, he was definitely trying to flirt with you."
you look at geto's face for a few seconds, laughing nervously when you realize he's telling the truth. "well he's shit at it, if we're being honest."
"i know," geto says solemnly. there's a brief pause before the two of you break out into giggles. "listen, i know he's obnoxious and annoying and irritating and he doesn't seem to have many redeeming qualities."
geto pauses as you laugh at his words.
"but," he continues, smiling fondly as he looks towards gojo's room. "he's a good guy. trust me, i've known him almost our entire lives. go talk to him."
there's hesitance in your steps as you walk down the hall. you turn to look at geto before you knock, being met with a thumbs up and a smile. you take a deep breath before knocking on the door, pulling your hand back when it swings open. gojo's eyes have barely met yours before he reaches out and grabs your wrist, tugging you into his room before closing the door.
"what's up?" he asks casually, leaning against the wall as you take a look around. his room is clean, neatly laid out with an obscenely large bed and a polished, wooden desk facing his window. you take in all his posters and knick-knacks, smiling softly when you see a small figurine of a fluffy, white cat napping.
"is it true?" you ask, turning back around to face him. he avoids your gaze, and you realize that for once, he's not wearing his sunglasses.
"what is?"
you snort at his question, taking a step towards him and trying to catch his eye. there's a teasing smile on your face when he finally looks at you, and hold your hands behind your back as you get even closer. "that you like me?"
the silence seems to drag on for way too long, and you're contemplating walking out of gojo's room when he finally speaks.
"yes! okay, yeah, i think you're cute!" gojo proclaims, walking past you to take a seat on his bed. "i'll admit, at first i was annoyed because i thought you were someone who had come out to flirt with me and i just wanted to be alone but then you started talking and you were so easy to tease and you looked all cute when you got worked up and i couldn't help myself so i just kept making it worse!"
gojo pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing. "and you actually argued back and you didn't just let me talk to you like that and it was so refreshing because usually no one even tries to go against me and i just thought you were really pretty and i didn't want you to leave."
"what the actual fuck is wrong with you?" you ask, stifling a laugh as he shoots you an offended glare. "that's such a childish way to get someone's attention. has that ever actually worked for you?"
"well now that you mention it, no it hasn't," gojo admits, looking up at the ceiling thoughtfully. "but then again, not a lot of people tend to reject me."
his sheepish tone lets you know he's not trying to be cocky, he's just stating a fact. you run a hand down your face in exasperation.
"well i couldn't even tell that you were flirting! you're so stupid," you state, rolling your eyes as he puts a hand up to his heart with a dramatic swoon. "you're lucky you're so cute."
gojo is up within seconds, approaching you quickly and placing his hands on your hips. he pulls you closer to him, and your hands go to his chest as you try and keep some sort of distance between the two of you. you look up to see him grinning at you, a faint blush staining his cheeks.
"so you think i'm cute?"
"shut up!" you groan, letting your forehead fall against his chest in an attempt to avoid his eyes. "you know you are."
gojo laughs at your mumbled words, one hand leaving your waist in order to hook a finger under your chin. he tilts your face up, chuckling when he sees the embarrassed look on your face.
"i do," he concedes, laughing when you scowl. "but it just feels so good to hear that coming from you."
you freeze when you see gojo glancing at your lips, and you feel your heart pounding as he draws closer and closer.
"gojo?" you say quietly, more of a call of attention than a question.
"satoru," he corrects, the single words now drawing your attention to his lips.
"satoru," you repeat dazedly, eyes fluttering shut as gojo's nose nudges yours. you draw in a shuddering breath, and gojo leans his forehead against yours as he waits for you to continue, his eyes slipping shut as well. he can feel your fingers grasping at his shirt, and he wonders if you can feel how hard his heart is beating. "i'm sorry. you know, for dumping my water all over you at that party."
gojo laughs, his nose bumping against yours once more as he does so. "that's okay. i know how you can make it up to me. if it's okay with you, of course."
you've barely breathed out a 'yes' before gojo's lips are pressed against yours. its a soft kiss, only lasting a few seconds before he pulls away. there's a moment where gojo looks at you, his eyes soft before his gaze drops to your lips once again. in an instant his hands have left your waist, choosing to cup your cheeks instead and bring you impossibly close to him as he goes in for another kiss. your fingers tighten around his shirt even more as your lips meet, trying to pull him closer as he deepens the kiss.
he guides you backwards until his knees hit his bedframe, causing him to take a seat. he pulls you down with him until you're sitting in his lap, and one hand leaves your face to pull you into his chest. his fingers burn as they stroke your cheek, and his gentle touch combined with the way his lips are moving against yours is almost enough to make you feel dizzy.
"sorry to interrupt!"
the two of you break away to see geto standing in the doorway, a surprised look on his face as he stares at the two of you.
"suguru!" gojo hisses, venom in his tone as he glares at his roommate. "get! out!"
"sorry, but we have a project to do that's worth 25% of our grade," geto says, not sounding very apologetic at all. in fact, the smug grin on his face tells you that he seems quite proud of himself in that moment.
"whatever," gojo mumbles, hiding his face in your shoulder to avoid looking at geto. "give us five minutes."
"how tragic that five minutes is all you need," geto says, not missing a beat. his response earns a laugh from you and gojo gives you a look of betrayal before flinging one of his many pillows at geto.
"get out!"
"okay, okay," geto says, holding his hands up in surrender as he backs away. "i know when i'm not wanted."
"clearly you don't," gojo mutters bitterly, causing geto to laugh loudly before he closes the door behind him. gojo's change in attitude is almost instant, and he turns to you with a smirk before pressing a kiss to your neck. "now where were we?"
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outside, geto smirks to himself as he takes out his phone, opening his messages to his previous conversation with shoko. he wastes no time in sending her the picture he had managed to capture before making his presence known, the image clearly showing you sitting on gojo's lap. it's less than a minute before his phones buzzes with notifications, and he finds himself chuckling at shoko's words.
new messages (3) from: shoko
omg! i didn't think he had the balls to actually do it i guess i'm happy for them or whatever. fucking finally.
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reblogs are appreciated <3 ty for reading!
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luveline · 11 months
PLS PLS PLS IM ON MY KNEES what about Remus with a sunshine reader? Like she comes around and is just so chatty and energetic and a much needed change of pace for our brooding quiet boy
Remus takes his earphones out the moment he sees you, but that's his secret alone. You barrel through the atrium to drape yourself over Sirius’ shoulder, meeting his smirk with a genuinely ecstatic smile before looking up at the others. “Hello, my favourite boys. Did you get dinner yet?” 
“No, babe, we were waiting for you. Sit down,” Sirius says. 
You beam and make directly for the chair next to Remus, though you could've sat with Sirius, or a little ways across next to the girls. “Hey,” you say, like he's the only boy you've ever wanted to speak with. James makes a knowing face behind your back. “What are you having?” 
“Remus doesn't believe in canteen food,” James says.  
“No kidding,” you say, still smiling, not even slightly put off by this nor Remus’ passive expression. It's not that he doesn't like you, the opposite, he just has a headache and he hates uni. You make it easier, a light in the dark. “What's not to like? Three quid for a slice of burnt pizza or five for a bowl of metallicy pasta. You couldn't get it any better.” 
“We'll go up to town,” Sirius suggests with a chuckle.  
“Let's order a pizza or something, they'll deliver in here, won't they?” James asks. 
You focus on Remus. “You don't like anything at all? The curry and chips is nice enough.” 
“It's not for me.” 
You nod appreciatively and let your tote bag fall from your shoulder into the crook of your arm. You rifle around and pull out a tupperware full of cut fruit, slices of banana, strawberries, blueberries, what looks like circles of pear. “We can eat this.” 
Remus could say no. He can't decide what's worse, saying yes or no, that is until you open the lid and put it between you both, offering to Sirius and James as well, and suddenly it isn't awkward at all, just something you've done. The pads of your fingers turn pink with strawberry juice as you tell him, “I was gonna put some tangerine in here but I keep getting super sour ones.” 
“They're out of season,” he says, fingers brushing yours as he takes a slice of banana. He swears, it zings. 
“I should know that. You know everything.” You leave a little strawberry print on the back of his hand, unnoticed, and he knows he's fucked when he lets it dry there in the shape of your finger. 
Somewhere between fruit slices and your chatter your chair grows closer to his, your knee pressed to knee without remorse, your elbow a whisper from his as you lean back in your chair. “So, bad day?” you ask. 
“What makes you think that?” 
You tap the space between your brows. He registers the gesture, nearly misunderstands, but eventually he relaxes the set of his brow and his tensed jaw. It's actually a relief. He hadn't realised he was doing it. 
“There,” you say, still smiling softly. “That's better. You'll get a headache, you know?” You sound genuinely worried. “It's not good to be so tense.” 
“Thank you,” he says. James and Sirius order a pizza on speaker across from you both, and, for fear you've missed it, he adds, “Thanks.” 
You needle into him with your elbow gently. “You're welcome. You're handsome when you smile.” 
“Not like you,” he says, “you're brilliant.” 
Your teeth peek out. His chest lifts, you look that happy, and when he smiles back it doesn't feel nearly as taxing as it usually does. 
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milksnake-tea · 1 month
hey all !! normally i wouldn't engage in something like this on my blog, but considering that it's happening to a friend of mine, i felt i had an obligation to speak out. sorry for clogging up the tags/interrupting your scrolling 😭
tldr: @/hxveneru has stolen the works of my good friend @lowkeyren not once, but twice and is deleting any comments calling them out.
edit: they've changed their user to @/yneri; if you've blocked them already, this doesn't really matter bc they're still blocked :) reminder to not engage with them, they're just looking for attention. block and ignore!
i know. fun stuff. proof is under the cut.
please note that i'm doing this of my own accord, and the only involvement ren has had in this post is me asking for permission to post it since, well, it's an issue mainly affecting her.
also i should say beforehand but. don't ??? send them death threats please 😭 we are better than that. i'm mainly making this to spread awareness about the issue :)
reblogs are appreciated to spread awareness.
first stolen work is ren's oneshot "drunk words, sober thoughts!" for aventurine here.
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as you can see, it was posted on June 15th, a little over two months before hxveneru posted their own oneshot.
for reference. hxveneru is a new blog and all of their posts are in the month of september, proven here via their archive.
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and here's the two oneshots side by side, with ren's on the left and the stolen one on the right.
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notice how the oneshots are exactly word-for-word except for the title and synopsis? even the author's note is exactly the same. obviously i can't fit the whole thing here, but this should be enough.
honestly it's. i have to laugh at the audacity to just copy and paste like hello???
and here's the second work that was copied, with hxveneru's "diff scenarios w hsr men" taking from drabbles from two of ren's works.
these are the two fics that were stolen from, with their dates attached. both are posted far before september. links are here and here if you want to double check..
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now let's look at the drabbles that were - once again, copy and pasted. first is blade's, again with ren on the left and the stolen one on the right (ren's is circled bc they didn't take the hcs part).
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and here is the sunday drabble that was stolen.
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so far, those are the only works posted on their blog. i was also informed that they had apparently stolen from @/exuvianen's post here but deleted it, but since said post is deleted, we don't have evidence for that so take it with a grain of salt.
but yeah! just wanted to let yall know out there, especially since the plagiarized works have already gained some traction and have 100+ notes on them. i've talked about them vaguely on my blog before, so if this sounds familiar, yeah this is them.
plagiarism is shitty, i shouldn't have to say that. it is not that hard to just write your own stuff. i know validation and publicity make you feel good, but stealing someone else's hard work is not the way to go. writers already have enough to deal with. just don't do it. what's the point of getting validation if it's not even your work?
again, don't send death threats, please. that's a bit far, and they likely won't even do anything since the plagiarizer has already been called out before and this was their response.
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not a single ounce of remorse or shame. people have gotten way too comfortable on here.
also "who the hell is ren anyway" bestie you blocked her 😭😭 and ignored her ask to you. that's why ren can't dm her to sort it out privately btw, in case you were wondering.
anyways! that's all i have to say, thanks for sticking around this long and have a great rest of your day. hxveneru if you see this. hi ig ?? id say smth to you but i doubt you'd take it seriously so i won't <3
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alyrasturnz · 2 months
can u write a short blurb ab matt being pissed and shutting y/n out and saying rly mean things n then when y/n walks out matt feels guilty and runs after her and apologizes
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 ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ RENEGADE
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❐ summary » in a moment of ire, matt lashes out, uttering venomous words he doesn't truly mean and erecting emotional barriers against y/n. the acrimonious remarks cut deep, and y/n, devastated, decides to walk away. as the door closes behind her, a tidal wave of remorse and contrition engulfs matt. comprehending the magnitude of his transgressions, he pursues y/n, fervently seeking to rectify his wrongs.
❐ pairings » toxic!matt x fem!reader
❐ warnings » arguing (resolved), toxic relationship, toxic!matt
❐ a/n && w/c » okay so i hate this! im not even halfway done with my cowboy matt fic im gonna kms • 2.31k
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after a day that felt like an eternity, matt trudged into the house, trailing behind his brothers. the door slammed shut with a resounding thud, echoing his frustration. without a moment's hesitation, he strode to his room, the door crashing shut behind him, sealing him off from the world.
you were sprawled on the couch, your eyes drifting to nick and chris. their silent exchange, marked by simultaneous shrugs, spoke volumes in the unspoken language of shared uncertainty.
you let out a soft sigh, rising from your seat and making your way to his room. with a gentle knock on the door, you hesitated, the sound barely more than a whisper against the wood.
"what?" he uttered, his tone laced with palpable aggravation. his eyes narrowed, and his jaw tightened as he shifted his weight, the tension in his posture unmistakable.
"matt, it’s me, baby," you responded, your voice tender and soothing. you stood there, the silence stretching between you, a fragile bridge of unspoken emotions.
but then, you heard the faint click of the lock turning. a soft smile tugged at the corners of your lips as the door slowly creaked open, revealing his hesitant figure.
your gaze fell upon matt, who was slouched in his gaming chair, his fingers deftly scrolling through his phone. an aggravated expression marred his features, his brow furrowed in a mixture of frustration and distraction.
you closed the door behind you with a soft click, the sound barely audible in the stillness of the room. walking up to him, you gently wrapped your arms around his shoulders from behind, feeling the immediate tension ripple through his body at your touch.
"what's troubling you, hm?" you ask softly, your voice barely above a whisper, as matt grumbles in response, his discontent palpable.
"nothing, i'm fine," he grumbled, his eyes still glued to the screen of his phone. you sighed, the weight of his unspoken thoughts hanging heavily in the air between you.
you pressed a tender kiss to the top of his head. "no, you're not," you whispered softly. "want me to run you a bath?"
"no, i don't need a bath, i'm not a baby," matt responds, his tone laced with irritation and defiance.
your mind paced back and forth, your heart heavy with concern as you considered all the things you could do to make matt feel better. you imagined yourself bustling around the kitchen, preparing his favorite meal with care. or perhaps you could set up the living room, dimming the lights and arranging the pillows just right for a cozy movie night. 
maybe you could simply sit beside him, offering your silent support, ready to listen if he chose to open up. "maybe i could cook your favorite meal? or we could watch that movie you love? or i could just sit with you, you know, if you need someone to talk to... i just want to help."
your words tumbled out in a rush, each one a desperate attempt to find the right thing to say. the sight of him in such a state of despair was unbearable, and the helplessness gnawed at you like a relentless tide. "or we could go for a walk, maybe the fresh air would help? i could—"
matt's expression darkened, a storm brewing behind his eyes, and he suddenly snapped, "shut up! just shut up, okay? i don't need you to fix everything! you think you can just say a few nice words and everything will be fine? you're so clueless. just leave me alone."
his harsh words cut through you like a knife, leaving you standing there, stunned and hurt, as the room seemed to close in around you. you opened your mouth to respond, but no words came out. the silence that followed was heavy, thick with the weight of things unsaid and the sting of his anger. it was as if the air itself had turned solid, pressing in on you, suffocating and relentless.
"matt, i'm just trying to help," you finally managed to say, your voice trembling like a fragile leaf in the wind. "i care about you. i don't want to see you like this." the words felt inadequate, mere whispers against the raging storm of his emotions, but they were all you had to offer in that moment of raw vulnerability.
"well, maybe i don't want your help!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the room like a thunderclap. "maybe i just want you to stop pretending like you understand. you don't know what i'm going through, and you never will. so just stop." his words reverberated, each one a dagger that pierced the fragile fabric of your connection, leaving you both adrift in a sea of unspoken pain and misunderstood intentions.
"but i want to understand," you said, tears welling up in your eyes, glistening like morning dew. "i want to be there for you. why won't you let me in?" your voice quivered, each word a desperate plea, echoing with the raw ache of your heart's earnest desire to bridge the chasm between you.
"because you can't fix this!" he yelled, his voice breaking like a fragile glass. "you can't make everything better with your stupid suggestions. sometimes things are just broken, and there's nothing you can do about it." his words were jagged shards, cutting through the air, filled with the raw, unyielding truth of his anguish.
you stood there, feeling the weight of his words, the pain in his voice. the room seemed to grow colder, the distance between you and matt widening like a chasm with each passing second. you longed to reach out, to bridge that ever-growing gap, but uncertainty paralyzed you. all you could do was stand there, feeling helpless and heartbroken, as the silence between you deepened.
you stood there for a moment, tears streaming down your face like rivers of sorrow, before you finally turned and walked out of the room. the door closed behind you with a soft, final click, leaving matt alone in the suffocating silence.
as soon as you were gone, the weight of his words hit him like a ton of bricks. guilt washed over him, and he realized just how cruel he had been. he couldn't stand the thought of you hurting because of him. the enormity of his harshness settled upon him like an unbearable burden, suffocating him with regret.
without thinking, he rushed after you, driven by a desperate urgency. "wait, y/n!" he called out, his voice breaking like fragile glass. "please, don't go." his plea hung in the air, a raw testament to his regret and longing.
you stopped in the hallway, wiping your tears away, but you couldn't bring yourself to turn around. "what, matt? what do you want now?" your voice was shaky, filled with hurt. your voice trembled, laden with the weight of your pain and the fragility of your breaking heart.
he reached out and gently turned you to face him, his eyes filled with regret. "i'm sorry," he said, his voice soft. "i didn't mean any of it. i was just... i was angry and took it out on you. you don't deserve that." his voice, barely above a whisper, carried the weight of a thousand unspoken apologies, each word a fragile attempt to mend the shattered pieces of your trust.
you looked up at him, searching his eyes for the truth. "then why did you say those things?" your voice, tinged with a blend of confusion and sorrow, sought the deeper meaning behind his words, as if unraveling the tangled threads of his heart.
he sighed, running a hand through his hair, the weight of his actions heavy on his shoulders. "because i'm an idiot. because i push away the people who care about me when i'm hurting. but the truth is, i don't find you annoying. i actually love it when you baby me. it makes me feel... cared for. loved." his confession was a raw, unfiltered glimpse into the vulnerability he had tried so hard to conceal, a desperate plea for understanding and forgiveness.
your heart softened at his words, yet the lingering pain refused to fade. "then why didn't you just say that?" your voice, a delicate blend of tenderness and lingering hurt, sought clarity amidst the storm of emotions, yearning for the truth that had been hidden behind his walls.
"because i'm scared," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "i'm scared of being vulnerable. but i don't want to lose you. i need you, y/n. i need you more than you know." his confession trembled in the air, a fragile admission of his deepest fears, each word a testament to the battle waged within his heart, torn between the shadows of his insecurities and the light of his longing for you.
you took a deep breath, feeling the sincerity in his words. "i'm here, matt. i'm always here. but you have to let me in. you have to let me help." your voice, steady yet tender, carried the weight of your unwavering commitment, a gentle plea for him to dismantle the barriers he had built, allowing you to be the solace he so desperately needed.
he nodded, pulling you into a tight embrace. "i will. i promise. i'm so sorry for what i said. i love you, y/n. i really do." his voice, choked with emotion, resonated with a profound sincerity, each word a tender vow, as his arms wrapped around you, bridging the chasm that had once separated your hearts.
you hugged him back, feeling the warmth of his love and the promise of better days ahead. "i love you too, matt. just... don't shut me out again, okay?" your voice, a delicate blend of hope and lingering apprehension, sought reassurance, yearning for a future where walls no longer stood between your intertwined souls.
"i won't," he whispered, holding you close. "i won't." his voice, barely audible, carried a solemn vow, each repetition a fervent promise etched into the silence, as he clung to you, determined to never let the shadows of doubt come between you again.
as you stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, the world around you seemed to fade away. the hurt and anger that had driven a wedge between you began to dissolve, replaced by a newfound understanding and a deeper connection. 
matt pulled back slightly, just enough to look into your eyes. "i've been such a fool," he said, his voice filled with regret. "i thought pushing you away would protect me, but all it did was hurt the one person who means the most to me." his gaze, laden with sorrow and remorse, bore into yours, revealing the depth of his self-inflicted torment. the realization of his misguided attempts at self-preservation had shattered the facade he had built, leaving behind a raw vulnerability that spoke volumes of his love and regret.
"you don't have to protect yourself from me," you replied softly. "i'm here to stand by your side, to support you, to love you. but you have to let me in, matt. you have to trust me." your voice, tender yet resolute, wove through the air like a gentle plea, each word a testament to your unwavering commitment. the sincerity in your eyes mirrored the depth of your devotion, offering him a sanctuary of trust and understanding, if only he would open the door to his guarded heart.
he nodded, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "i do trust you. it's just... hard for me to show it sometimes. but i promise, i'll try. i'll do better." his voice trembled with the weight of his unspoken fears, each tear shimmering like a fragile promise on the brink of falling. the struggle within him was palpable, a testament to the silent battles he fought, yet his words carried a determined resolve, a vow to bridge the chasm that had once separated your hearts.
you smiled, a small but genuine smile that lit up your face. "that's all i ask. just be honest with me, and we'll get through anything together." your smile, though modest, radiated a warmth that seemed to chase away the lingering shadows. your words, gentle yet firm, wove a tapestry of hope and resilience, a promise that no storm could tear asunder the bond you shared, as long as honesty remained your guiding star.
matt leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "thank you," he whispered. "thank you for giving me another chance." his lips lingered for a moment, the tender caress a silent testament to his gratitude. his whisper, barely audible yet profoundly heartfelt, carried the weight of his remorse and the fragile hope of redemption, as he sought solace in the sanctuary of your unwavering compassion.
"we all make mistakes," you said, your voice tender. "what matters is that we learn from them and grow. and i believe in us, matt. i believe we can make it through this." your words, infused with gentle wisdom, wove a delicate tapestry of hope and resilience. each syllable resonated with a profound understanding that the path to redemption is paved with lessons learned and hearts willing to mend.
with those words, a sense of peace settled over both of you. it wouldn't be easy, and there would be challenges ahead, but you knew that as long as you faced them together, you could overcome anything. and in that moment, wrapped in each other's arms, you felt a renewed sense of hope and love, ready to take on whatever the future held.
taglist — @imwetforyourmom @meatballzerz69 @pinkishpearls @bandanamatt @thedangerousalleyway @muchloveforhacker @stinkytinkywinky @jetaimevous @everleiqh @conspiracy-ash @ifwdominicfike @blahbel668 @slutforsturniolos
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ddarker-dreams · 8 months
mini love report — chrollo lucilfer
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relationship health diagnosis — 70%*
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symptom one — perceptive
this man is an information sponge. he notices everything. as a thief, he's accustomed to canvassing his surroundings. he'll have memorized the layout of your home by the second visit. it isn't for any nefarious purpose (probably), he's just always taking in information and cataloging it.
naturally, this sagacity extends to you. the normal cadence of your voice, mannerisms, favored words, and expressions; he'll know if something's bothering you before you realize it yourself. he isn't above using this knowledge of you for his own purposes. he'll gauge your body language and shift his approach to contentious topics. this is a lifelong habit of his that's difficult to break.
chrollo knows what people want to hear and he's used to utilizing that advantage. however, if you point this out, he'll try curbing the behavior. especially if you stress that it's his actual opinion you want to hear, not specially curated platitudes. he finds your desire for a candid approach almost... impressive? you'd rather disagree with his unfiltered thoughts than gloss over anything touchy. it bolsters his respect for you.
symptom two — enigmatic
there's a noticeable difference in what you know about each another. he knows the names of your co-workers, friends, and family members, as well as your hometown, job or school, etc... you can't say the same regarding him. he keeps his origins ambiguous. the way he frames his upbringing makes you feel guilty should you go prying. chrollo will tell you that he's an orphan who had a rough, destitute childhood, but that's about it. he could easily make up a story, but he doesn't like lying to you. he doesn't want the version of him that you love to be a false construct.
yes, there's the technicality of lying by omission. he doesn't get caught up on that detail.
symptom three — a lil lame
interestingly enough, the suave part of his brain starts acting up when he's known you long enough. this isn't to say that he loses his charm, but it stops being his go-to. now he just nerds out (he prefers the term 'discusses') whatever's caught his attention. there's this gleam in his eyes as he tells you about the history of a painting or antique, a childlike awe. he isn't elaborating to impress you with his knowledge, rather, he enjoys sharing his interests. especially since you care, you aren't just humoring him.
chrollo's emotions come out naturally when he's near you. it's subtle — a twitch of his eye if someone cuts you off, a light blush should you murmur his name while asleep. these simple forms of self-expression are foreign to him. he's used to playing roles, not the aftermath once the stage's curtains close. his corporeal form was all the evidence he had that he existed. lacking a sense of self invokes this numb, hollow feeling. you're his new, favorite proof that he's alive. his world's brighter with you in it.
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primary area of concern
objectively speaking, chrollo's an ideal lover. he respects, cherishes, and admires you, altercations are rare. should disagreements occur, he never raises his voice or displays aggression. he'll hear you out and apologize should he feel he's in the wrong. he takes you out on dates, stares at you as if you were divinity incarnate whether you're wearing pajamas or a formal outfit. he's whipped and you both know it.
it's his immortality that keeps his score from being higher. he wouldn't ever hurt you, but his compassion for others is nonexistent. this unsightly side of him is hidden from your sight. at the end of the day, he's a murderer who experiences zero remorse for the pain he's inflicted upon others. he leads a double life. you won't ever completely know him.
selfishly, he doesn't want you to.
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everything hinges on chrollo preventing you from finding out about his illicit activities. luckily for him, subterfuge is his second nature. he rarely stresses about it. he has the manpower and resources necessary to make just about anything happen. if you're a civilian, the chances you'll uncover his identity on your own are next to nonexistent.
your future together is a priority to him — he doesn't take commitment lightly. you're likely the first person he's fallen in love with. if you'd have him, he'd want nothing more than to be your lifelong partner. marriage is a tradition he's never given much credence to. although, after meeting you, he understands the appeal. now it's a matter of finding a ring that matches your radiance...
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*the universe has tried (and failed) to wrench you apart (0-20) your friends are praying that you'll break up (21-40) 'well it could/has be worse' bargaining mindset (41-60) a lil messiness as a treat (61-80) pure and wholesome (81-100)
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cherryrainn · 7 months
Headcanons of Adam and Lucifer with an s/o who has really bad anger issues and she gets angry pretty easily and lashes out when having a rough day, but afterwards she cries and apologizes for everything and makes it up them
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; pairing ; lucifer x fem! reader, adam x fem! reader
; note ; thank you for your ask!!!
; warnings ; none
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adam, being the egotistical and abrasive angel that he is, initially finds your anger issues somewhat amusing.
he's not one to shy away from conflict or a challenge, so your fiery temperament doesn't scare him off.
he's used to being an asshole himself, so he might not take it too personally when you lash out.
in fact, he might even throw a sarcastic comment your way, adding fuel to the fire.
however, there are moments when your anger catches him off guard.
maybe you snapped at him in a way that hit a nerve
in these instances, he might give you a genuine look of surprise, wondering what set you off.
after your anger subsides and you start crying, adam is a bit awkward at first.
comfort isn't exactly his forte, but he's not heartless either.
he might grumble a bit, telling you to cut it out and that it's okay and he really doesn't care
but deep down, he doesn't completely dismiss your feelings.
if your apology comes with some sort of gesture, like bringing him a drink or doing something to make up for the outburst, he'll appreciate the effort.
it doesn't necessarily mean he'll say it out loud, but he notices these things.
occasionally, he might throw your own angry words back at you, but he tries not to
there might be times when he shows a surprising level of patience with you.
he might not be the best at comforting, but he won't completely shut you down either.
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lucifer, being the king of hell, is no stranger to dealing with volatile personalities.
your anger issues may catch him off guard initially though.
when you get angry, lucifer's first instinct is to remain calm and collected.
he's seen it all in hell, after all.
you can take it all out on him
he really doesn't mind! he loves you and just wants you to feel better
lucifer pays attention to your needs.
he knows that sometimes you need space when you're upset, so he might give you some time before approaching you again.
your outbursts don't scare him; in fact, he finds your passion intriguing
when you lash out, he might simply raise an eyebrow or give you a bemused look.
he never fights back, he just looks at you.
now, the crying part might throw him off a bit.
lucifer is no stranger to regret, and he understands the weight of remorse.
when you come to him, tearfully apologizing for your angry outbursts, he reassures you that he's not holding it against you.
he appreciates your sincerity and acknowledges the effort you put into making amends.
but you really don't have to. he doesn't want you to feel bad. ever.
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st6rrrs · 8 months
TRAITOR || rafe cameron x fem reader
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summary: the pogues find out yn's secret
warnings: cursing, arguing, soft rafe!!!, fluff?
a/n: idk if i should keep this into to a one shot or make a story!!!!
Part 2
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you and rafe were in his bed talking when you realized what time it was, 5:29pm
"Shit rafe i gotta go" you said
you jumped off of the bed and quickly put your clothes on
"where are you going?" he asked getting off the bed also
"i gotta go to the chateau to meet up with the pogues"
he groaned.
you grab your backpack and head to the door but before you could open it rafe got in front of you.
"do you have to leave" rafe whines
"yes rafe, i'll be back in a couple of hours" you say
"fine" he groans again but louder this time, he walks back to the bed laying on it getting his phone out, you roll your eyes and exit the room.
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you get on your bike and start pedaling towards the cut.
you and rafe have been dating for a couple of months now but you guys haven't told anyone yet. if the pogues find out that you and rafe have been dating they would be PISSED
thats one of the reasons you dont wanna go public, rafe honestly doesn't give a shit if anyone finds out because he will still love you and you would still love him.
you arrive at the chateau and you see the pogues on the front porch, Sarah was sitting next to john b? why was Sarah here?
kie disliked Sarah for as long as you can remember. When kie and Sarah were friends Sarah threw this party without inviting kie and kie got mad and called the cops.
"you know we were all extremely comfortable until you brought her."
you hear kie say as you approach them
"stop talking about me like im not here" Sarah says
"then leave."
"umm whats happening?" you mouth to pope and jj passing kie, Sarah, and john b them to busy arguing to notice you. You walk over to sit in between jj and pope.
"john b is banging Sarah" jj says while laughing
"WHAT" you almost yell
"oh look y/n is here, why dont we ask her opinion is on this" kie says
"please don't" you whine "but if im being honest i dont think its a good idea"
Sarah's scoffs
"oh you can talk" she says looking at you
"what?" you laugh
"like you aren't fucking my brother" she says rolling her eyes and looking away
you immediately go pale.
"is that true y/n?" kie ask you in disbelief
you don't answer her
jj gets up from beside you and just looks at you in disbelief. you look over at pope his hand on his forehead and he's shaking his head disappointed.
"you cant be fucking serious!" jj yells at you "he beat up pope with a golf club and then jumped us with topper and kelce"
jj has had a crush on you ever since you guys were 14 but you didn't feel the same way. Everyone always shipped you guys together but you wouldn't force yourself to date someone you didn't like You only liked jj as a friend but he never really listened to you.
"i-i-im sorry!! but he's different with me" you try to explain to them
"hes just gonna use you like he does every other girl on this island" Sarah says
"no he-" but before you could finish your sentence pope interrupted you
"just leave y/n." he said annoyed not looking at you
"g-guys please!"
"JUST FUCKING LEAVE JEEZ!" jj yells at you, you have never seen him this angry in the whole 7 years you knew him.
tears rolled down your cheeks as you looked at him. He had no remorse for what he said he was very angry and you could understand why but none of them even gave you a chance to explain yourself. You quickly grabbed your bag pack and left without looking back.
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you open the front door to the camerons household, rafe gave you the key when you guys started dating. the house was so quite and cold, you walk up the stairs to rafe room still sobbing.
you open his room door and hes sleep on his bed, it was sometime pass 7 you didn't want to wake him and you were exhausted yourself so you just laid next to him and got under the covers still sobbing quietly. you couldn't believe that jj would ever say that too you, it wasn't like him
you hear rafe groan awake
"y/n is that you" he says in his sleepy voice
"are you crying?"
"im fine go back to sleep rafe."
"no.,whats wrong come here" he gestured so you could lay on his chest
you gave in and sobbed in his chest for a while until you fell asleep.
part 2?
this might be bad but i tried 😪 👍🏻
@bbsxsaa @xxbutdaddyilovehimxx @drewstarkeyslut @stvrkey. @blondbrat @sevenwivesofrafecameron @tracymbcm
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ja3yun · 5 months
THE TDH DRABBLE 😭😭😭❤️ my heart!! if u could do how heeseung and jay would react to the boys coming along with y/n or how soonyeol would react to knowing what heeseung offered her 👀
i got carried away with this and it might not be what you were looking for, however, this is how i saw it playing out in my mind! heelzebub lovers, this is for you!
wc: 1.8k
warnings: kissing, mentions of hell, blackmail, not-proofread, a follow on from this drabble
the doll house masterlist
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Sunghoon pounds on the door with fierce determination, his knuckles white and his jaw clenched. Despite the tremble in his soul, he knows he must confront Beelzebub head-on, aware that with a mere snap of his fingers, he could be imprisoned once again in the cell he fought so hard to escape.
“Heeseung, open this damn door this instant, or I swear-”
“God? Is that how the saying goes now? Bringing the Almighty into our little drama?” Heeseung's laughter rings out, dripping with wicked amusement, as he swings the heavy door open, barely sparing a glance at you and Jaeyun. It's evident he finds Sunghoon's frustration rather entertaining. 
"Did you coerce her into selling her soul?" Sunghoon exhales sharply, feeling his patience teetering on the edge.
"Coerce? Oh, come on now, Sunghoon. Let's not play innocent. Wasn't it your boredom that drove her to pity you, leading her to make that deal with me?" Heeseung's retort drips with disdain, his words laced with a mocking tone. “If anything this is your doing.”
You extend a hand towards Sunghoon's arm in an attempt to soothe him, but he jerks away, his silent warning clear: don't interfere. The tension radiating from him is palpable, his anger still raw from the silent journey up here. 
Soonyeol peeks around Heeseung's shoulder, her smile radiant with surprise. "Oh? I thought you weren’t coming up until next month?" She is blissfully ignorant and you silently hope to preserve that amidst the chaos unfolding between Sunghoon and Heeseung. However, with their heated exchange escalating, discretion seems increasingly unlikely.
Heeseung sighs, feeling Soonyeol's hand on his arm, a touch that manages to quell some of his agitation. "I invited Y/N up here to assist you with that dress you've been tirelessly sewing," he explains, his tone softening slightly. "You mentioned needing a better model after Jongseong adamantly refused to be poked and prodded any longer."
That’s why he wanted you up here? Not to kill someone but to be a model?
Soonyeol’s smile widens as she claps happily, “Oh, Y/N! Thank you so much for agreeing to help me.”
Sunghoon doesn't relent, charging past Heeseung and into the house. Whirling around to face them, he cuts straight to the heart of the matter. "Forget about that, she's not doing it willingly. Do you know why?" he demands, his frustration boiling over.
You shake your head, silently pleading with Sunghoon not to reveal anything. But it's too late to halt his words now.
"She sold her soul because of him," Sunghoon declares, his accusation hanging heavy in the air, "because he couldn't just let me go and be happy."
Soonyeol's eyes widen in shock as she takes a hesitant step back from her beloved doll. "Hee? Is that true?" she asks, her voice trembling with uncertainty and a hint of despair. 
Heeseung's expression remains impassive, devoid of any hint of remorse or guilt. He meets Soonyeol's gaze steadily, his demeanour unyielding. "What does it matter now?" he replies coolly, his voice devoid of emotion. "The deal's been made, and there's no turning back."
Soonyeol recoils, her eyes brimming with disbelief and hurt. "But... but you promised me," she whispers, her voice cracking with emotion. "You said you would never involve Y/N in any of this. And you said that the boys could leave whenever they wanted, that’s why I agreed to you summoning their souls."
“Yeah, not the only promise he threatened to break-”
Your words are cut off and before you can comprehend what's happening, the familiar flash of red engulfs your vision, much like the one that blinded you when you peeped through the keyhole. A sense of foreboding washes over you. Panic grips you as you feel yourself falling backwards, expecting the impact of the ground.
Instead, you find yourself colliding with something solid yet strangely warm - a hard chest. Confusion clouds your mind as you struggle to make sense of your surroundings. The entranceway you were just standing in has vanished, replaced by a swirling sea of fire and ominous red clouds. Screaming can be heard from all over the void, causing your skin to shiver and your lips to tremble.
This is hell. You know it.
Turning around timidly, you find yourself face to face with Heeseung, his presence looming over you like a sinister shadow. His eyes blaze a deep, unsettling shade of red, sending a shiver down your spine. An ungodly smirk twists his lips, oozing with malevolence and a hint of amusement at your obvious discomfort.
“If you utter a word about my offer, those screams you hear? You'll be singing lead in the choir, baby,” Heeseung's voice cuts through the stifling heat like a chilling whisper. His words carry a menacing weight, each syllable dripping with malice and a veiled threat that sends a wave of fear coursing through you. 
Your heart pounds in your chest, desperate pleas for escape echoing in your mind as you find yourself trapped in this horrifying situation. Every fibre of your being longs to flee from this nightmare, to be anywhere but here.
Grabbing your neck harshly, Heeseung lifts you up forcefully, compelling you to meet his gaze. "That mouth of yours could be put to far more important things than yapping about our private conversations," he sneers, his tongue sliding slowly over his lips as his eyes lock onto yours, a predatory hunger gleaming within them.
Your breath catches in your throat, a mixture of fear and desire coursing through you as you realise the depths of his intentions. The urge to scream, to fight back is strong, yet just as always, you find yourself so close to giving in to him.
“Would you like me to tell your precious puppy about how you fucked me to the point that I almost reached salvation,” his mouth is dangerously close to yours, lips teasing yours as you try to chase them but his grip stops you. The amusement in his eyes doubles as he notices how the only thing on your mind is being devoured by him.
You aren’t in the right frame of mind, your actions are being pushed as a product of your environment, the heat from the fire and lustful gaze from Heeseung only drives your desire to the forefront of your mind. There is no Jaeyun here, no one to save you.
Heeseung squeezes your neck, cutting your air off, “Fucking answer me, do you want me to tell him? Ruin the perfect little illusion that it was just him and Sunghoon you were slutting yourself out for? Maybe I should tell him how Jongseong fucked you too, how you made him sin.”
With what little strength you have left, you shake your head, your breathless "no" barely audible amidst the suffocating pressure of Heeseung's grip. The room spins around you, the lack of oxygen leaving you dizzy and disoriented, but a rush of adrenaline courses through your veins, heightening your senses and sharpening your focus.
As if satisfied with your response, Heeseung nods, easing his grip slightly but keeping you firmly within his grasp. His smirk widens, a predatory glint dancing in his eyes as he leans in closer, his lips hovering dangerously close to yours.
You nod in silent agreement, your gaze flickering between his piercing red eyes and his tempting lips, caught in the intoxicating spell he weaves around you. Despite the danger and uncertainty of the situation, there's a perverse thrill in the forbidden pact you're about to make.
His smirk widens as he senses your compliance, his eyes gleaming with wicked amusement. "I think we should seal it," he murmurs, his voice low and husky with desire.
Before you can respond, he closes the distance between you, his lips crashing against yours in a searing kiss that sets your senses ablaze. In that electrifying moment, all thoughts of consequence and regret are swept away, replaced by the overwhelming need to lose yourself in the firestorm of passion that consumes you both.
Heeseung's touch shifts from harsh restraint to gentle possession as his hand cups your face, drawing you closer with a firm yet tender grip. His lips meld with yours in a fiery embrace, his tongue slipping past the barrier of your lips with a hunger that matches your own.
You surrender to the intoxicating kiss, every fibre of your being consumed by the electric pulse of desire that courses between you. His lips move against yours with a skilful fervour, stealing your breath away and leaving you gasping for more.
But just as you are ready to lay yourself bare for him in the pits of hell, he pulls away, pecking your lips a few times before stepping away from you, marvelling at how your chest heaves and lips plump.
“Next time I call you, you come straight away, understand? And leave the Bratz behind.”
With that, you’re flashed back into the entranceway where you once stood with a white flash, everyone in their previous positions, and Heeseung staring at you with knowing. Except Soonyeol is repeating her words from earlier. 
"You said you would never involve Y/N in any of this. And you said that the boys could leave whenever they wanted, that’s why I agreed to you summoning their souls."
Heeseung extends a hand to you, to leave the choice up to you. After that ordeal, there’s only one option in your mind.
“I asked him because I wanted to, there was no coercion, no blackmail, nothing.” You take a deep breath, steeling yourself for what comes next. "I sold my soul, and I am content with my decision. Heeseung has assured me that he won't harm me or my loved ones, and I trust him to honour that." 
As the weight of your words settles over the room, you feel the collective gaze of everyone upon you. Jongseong's disappointed shake of the head cuts through you like a knife, his expression a mixture of sorrow and resignation. You can sense the weight of his silent judgment, knowing that as a guardian angel, he has witnessed the consequences of such choices countless times before. 
“I asked him to keep a secret because I wanted to do this on my own.” Lie. “So please let's just carry on. Nothing that happens between me and Heeseung will affect the rest of you or our relationships. Right, Heeseung?” You look to him pleadingly to back you up.
But what you don’t know is that you’ve just opened up a door for Heeseung to use you as he pleases. “Nothing that happens between me and Heeseung will affect our relationships.” That speaks to Heeseung as a confirmation that he can play with you, fuck you, ruin you, as much as he pleases, and you’re willing to keep it a secret from them.
Heeseung smirks mischievously as he sends a wink your way. “Right. I won’t hurt her unless she begs me for it.”
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