#remember the threefold law
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virgil-upinthestars · 5 months ago
post ep 5 - SPOILERS
okay okay okay i think billy yeeted them out of the road. we see jen clawing up from the dirt in trailer footage, i think billy just chucked em back to westview. i don't think he's quite there at murder yet, seeing his last conversation with agatha, which? slay king. as a witch and practicing pagan, love him. "no, not for me" you take that negative energy and turn it right on its fuckin head sweetheart. but also please for the love of the gods don't get carried away, don't commit murder, your father would probably have a stroke even if your mother would sit there yelling you're doing great sweetie!!
also i think the reason why rio wasn't there in the last scene was bc she was collecting alice's body. now i'm imagining her walking out, seeing billy standing there alone with lighting coming from his hands and a scarlet witch crown like
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breelandwalker · 2 years ago
Oh for fuck's sake, are we having the curse-shaming argument AGAIN??? Every time I think we're done unteaching this nonsense.....
Arright, quick rundown of the points, more or less in order, because I've already had this discussion a hundred times:
One - There is no universal moral or ethical code in witchcraft. Not every witch is a Wiccan or follows Wiccan principles. Not even all Wiccans follow every Wiccan principle, and that includes the Rule of Three / Threefold Law. The Wiccan Rede is ADVICE, not a set of hard and fast rules or divine mandates. You don't get to tell other witches what types of spells they should and should not cast.
Two - If you think the Rule of Three / Threefold Law means, "Whatever you give out comes back to you times three" or if you think it only applies to baneful magic, you don't understand the rule. The original rule, as stated by Robert Graves in "The White Goddess" (you know, the fictional novel that Gardner used as a model for Wicca) states that whatever a witch is dealt, they should deal back three times over. In fact, the passage cites a particular initiation ritual that involves symbolic flagellation, NOT a code of ethics for witchcraft.
It was picked up by later authors as "Whatever You Give" and popularized by media like The Craft and Charmed and authors like Silver Ravenwolf in the 90s when the modern witchcraft movement was having its' millennial boom. (This is a gross oversimplification, but that's when the concept became common enough in pop culture that non-witches were starting to become familiar with the term.)
Three - Karma has absolutely nothing to do with it. Karma is not instant or sentient and the bastardized version of the concept that's been worked into much of modern witchcraft literature more closely resembles the Christian concept of sin and judgment than what karma actually is. Remove the word from your vocabulary when you're talking about magic. The universe does not give one single flying fuck what you do with your spells.
Four - The word you're searching for when you talk about these concepts is CONSEQUENCES. Every action you take, every spell you cast, everything has consequences and everything has a price. This isn't a divine mandate or a cosmic law either. It's a simple fact of life. BUT. It doesn't mean that baneful spells are morally or ethically wrong or that they're going to blow up in someone's face. The only reason a baneful spell might be more likely to rebound is that it's one of the only types of spells that witches actively ward against.
Five - Witches have a right to use magic for persuasion, defense, justice, retribution, binding, prevention, or outright harm if they so choose. If you don't like those types of spells, then don't cast them.
Six - Moral puritanism is a cancer that will destroy us all. Get off your high horse, drop the holier-than-thou bullshit, and remember that being a witch does not make you immune to propaganda.
Thank you for coming to my Toad Talk.
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yallthemwitches · 4 months ago
Catch the Wind Chapter 17: Threefold Law
A flicker of pain flashed past Snape’s eyes, mouth twisting into a grimace. “Look what he’s done to you—how could you let him—” “Would you even believe that I asked him to? Or are you too pathetic and in denial to see that maybe, just maybe, I could want something that doesn’t revolve around you.” She watched as his expression went from triumph, to anger, to complete hollow sadness. There was no going back now—if he wanted to hear the worst of his fears, she was willing to give it.  “I love him ,” she choked out. “I love him with a kind of love you will never get—not from me. You forfeited that chance the day you chose dark magic.”
Smut, fluff, angst, plot...the gang's all here!
Thank you everyone who has asked for an update or has kept supporting me and this work. This fic is especially a labor of love and it makes me happy that people look forward to it!
AO3 Link Here
It’s hard to ignore whispers when they are about you. 
 Lily kept her eyes on her toast, too tired and sore to put any energy into Marlene’s interrogation. 
“What, we’re just going to ignore that the whole bloody school is talking about how your precious boyfriend went absolutely nutter at Sluggy’s last night?”
Of course the news would get out. Anyone who had half a brain would have jumped at the chance to talk about it. What was more juicy than the head students deciding to have a raging meltdown at a professor. 
“He was angry, there’s not much to say.” She murmured, head still bowed. A dull ache reverberated from between her legs, reminding her of the only part of last night she wished to remember. 
“Not much to say? Babe, I heard you two stormed out of there–heard you were right pissed too.”
Was she? At this point she hardly even knew. She didn’t like that James had the tendency to be impulsive, and in hindsight she should have shown a bit more tact when trying to remove them from the party— but hadn’t he been right? She placed her mind’s eye back in the room, picturing the faces of Regulus and Avery, coming up short once she tried to recall how James looked when staring down at a very frazzled Slughorn. 
“I’m not saying Slughorn deserved it, but James did have a point. What they wrote about us was awful and they shouldn’t have gotten away with it.” She took a large bite of her toast, punctuating her statement.
“And it doesn’t occur to you that now you will be even more of a target? Think about it Lils, you poked a sleeping dragon with this move. Maybe James was trying to be Mr. protective but–”
A surge of anger bubbled up. The only explanation was that it had been trapped inside her all evening, repurposed at the time in the form of lust, but now spilling forth unfiltered. 
“But what, Marlene? They are going to attack me whether someone says something or not. At least I have one person who isn’t willing to pretend like it isn’t bloody happening.”
Marlene shrunk back, eyes darting wildly over her friend's face. 
“Christ Lily, I didn’t mean it like that,” Marlene whispered, sounding smaller than she had ever heard, “You know that I want the best for you. I’m just worried is all—those blokes who hang around Slytherin are evil—even Snape.”
“Trust me, I know that.”
Lily stood up, feeling less hungry than when she came down. She was aware that the anger was irrational, but it coursed through her nonetheless. She wished she had never left James’ arms that morning, wished they could be in that limitless space where all that existed was their bodies intertwined and the heavy scent of sex. At least there the anger was transformed into something more self-serving.
As she retreated from the hall with Marlene’s stare boring into her back, she promised herself she would apologize later for her overreaction, not having the energy in her now to repair things. She headed for the stairs, hoping to find a solitary place where she could calm herself down and hide from the whispers that continued to plague her since she stepped out of bed. 
As she turned the corner, James came bounding down the steps. He hadn’t even bothered to comb his hair and the strands still had memories of her fingers sliding through them. She rushed towards him, reaching up to throw her arms around his neck.
“I was a fool this morning to get out of bed—let's skip potions.” James froze as her lips skimmed against his pulse point, her tongue flicking out for good measure. 
“I just want you again– please.”  
She moved her hand to pull at his belt, but a calloused one wrapped around her fingers, stilling her urgency. 
“Lily–-wait. We need to talk.”
Eyes flashing up to meet his, she could see something harboring in his usual cool gaze. 
“What. What happened?” 
“Let's just—yeah, let's skip potions and we can go to the office.”
He took her hand in his, pulling her back up the steps. He didn’t look back at her, shoulders set as though heavy boulders were pressing them into a straight line. When they reached the office, James motioned for her to sit and she obliged, watching him pace back and forth in front of her, face twisted up in pain. 
“James, if this is about me being upset about what you said to Slughorn last night, I’m not —-”
“Snape saw us.” His voice cut through hers, clear and simple. “He saw us in the corridor—and I let him. Merlin Lily, I’m such a bloody fucking piece of shit.”
“What?” She stood up, fingers grabbing at the sides of her skirt for something to stave off the growing anxiety. 
“When we were shagging. He just appeared…and I didn’t stop it—he couldn’t have been there more than a few seconds but—”
She took another cautious step forward, eyes unfocused, trying to track his erratic movements. She opened her mouth to speak but he lifted a hand for silence, misery pouring out of his mouth. 
“Godric, I’m just as bad as him. Even Sirius practically agrees and you know you’ve fucked up when Sirius chastises you.” His reserve was crumbling, completely unraveling right in front of her like a loose spool. 
“You deserve better. I should have stopped, should have stopped him, should have told you when it was all happening— ah Lily. ”
He was barely keeping it together, cracking under the weight of his own remorse. Tears were springing up into his eyes and he knocked his glasses askew trying to wipe them away. 
“I’m shit—I haven’t changed at all. I’m still that arrogant, ego driven ass from fifth year who just wants everyone to see that I am better than them—that I have you.”
She was close enough to touch him now. He kept turning his head, trying to simultaneously wipe away tears while averting her gaze.
“James—” She reached a hand out for his chest, but he recoiled from it. 
“No, I don’t deserve it, Lily. Do you understand? I broke your trust. I broke it.”
“James.” She tried again, her voice now strong and demanding. “No you didn’t—I don’t care.”
He stalled, tears still gathering under the rim of his glasses. A small part of her wished she could take a photo to remember his vulnerability forever. 
“Did you hear me? I don’t care.” She repeated, her voice stern. “Fuck Snape, and fuck all those people at the party while we are at it.”
“But Lily, he saw us,” he said, voice pained.
“Good–maybe now he will leave me the fuck alone.”
They stared at each other for a while, sizing each other up. It felt like a strange impasse of emotion, one wanting to repent and the other not willing to accept it, somehow seeing no fault in the misdeeds. 
“You’re being serious?” 
Lily reached out a hand, wiping the salt streaks that marked their way down his cheeks. 
“James—no one has stood up for me like you did that night. No one—and especially not Snape,” she let her hand trace its way down to his chest, toying with the buttons of his collar. 
“I know I’m mental, but it actually meant a lot to me what you said to Slughorn. I’ve always been too afraid to tell him off for his house and you did that for me.”
She reached a hand to cup the back of his neck, twisting the strands of his hair lightly with her fingers. 
“Also—technically I did invite anyone to walk up on us—sort of shit karma that it was Snape but what are you going to—”
“I really love you, you know.” He cut her off again, but this time it was heavy and pure.
“I mean it. This isn’t just some teenage fancy that I’ll shrug off after school. I love you and if I ever lose you because I did something stupid, I’d never forgive myself.”
He pressed his forehead to hers, his breath hot and sweetly familiar on her face. 
“You aren’t losing me—especially because of Snape. I love you too.”
They stood like that for a while, arms around each other with their faces pressed together. After months of clawing for carnal physical touch, the quiet swaying together felt right, a reminder that love could take many different forms, each just as powerful as the next. 
After a while they curled up on the couch, James placing her on his lap so she could lean her head against his chest, combing his hand through her hair. Lily tilted her head upwards, humming at the sensation of his fingers on her scalp. 
“I can’t believe you told Sirius,” she murmured, still leaning in to let his fingers reach around and tangle through the other side of her hair. 
“You can’t? I tell that bloke everything—well almost everything.”
She snorted. “Yeah, apparently even the naughty details of our sex life.”
“Hey! I was in crisis mode! What was I supposed to do?” James whined, giving a strand of hair a little tug. 
“Whatever Potter, but if he starts making sly remarks, I will actually be angry.”
James leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her nose, a mischievous glint in his eye. 
“Well, good for me you're very sexy when you are mad.”
She knew she didn’t have much time before one of the boys would catch on. She ran down the dark corridors of the dungeons, wand raised in case someone lurked in the shadows, waiting for exactly someone like her to be found alone and unguarded. 
She couldn’t pinpoint how she knew he’d be there, but she was right: Snape stood behind the empty teacher’s desk they had always used together, looking down at a closed potions kit that he clearly had no intention of opening. Her divination had always been terrible, but when it came to him, she was a prophet. He was easier to read than tea leaves. 
At her entrance, he looked up, eyes expanding before lowering into slits, a twisted scowl forming on his lips. It hit her suddenly that he was probably replaying whatever he saw that night—no doubt some moment of carnal lust that was never meant for him. She didn’t want to linger on the thought of what state she was in when he last looked at her. 
“We need to talk.”
His mouth pulled into something of a smile, more sinister than she was used to seeing directed at her. 
“Was it you?” Her voice bounced off the thick stone, making it seem booming in comparison to how she felt. “Was it you who wrote those things on the pitch?”
He kept his mouth tight, lips nothing but a straight thin line. 
“If it wasn’t you then it was one of your mates—don’t deny it.”
He picked up the knife that was laying on the table and turned it gently in his hand, eyes fixated on the gleaming silver. He spoke slow, seething. 
“I didn’t want to believe it—but what they say in my house is true. You let him fuck you like some kind of animal–.” 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Lily cut in, her face twisted with anger. She knew he was saying it to deflect, to get some upperhand from his witness. 
“He let me watch it, Lily.” The knife clattered back on the table and he looked up at her. His voice was edging on hysterics.
 “He wanted me to see you begging for him because as much as you lie to yourself, he treats you no better than any of the Slytherins do.”
Lily took quick strides forward, eyes blazing into his. “And what if I wanted it, hm? Did it ever occur to you that maybe I want him to fuck me like that? Because I trust him enough not to think like you. ” 
Snape looked like he had been slapped, face cocked to the side.
“James told me you saw. So quit acting like you have some high ground.”
A flicker of pain flashed past Snape’s eyes, mouth twisting into a grimace. “Look what he’s done to you—how could you let him—”
“Would you even believe that I asked him to? Or are you too pathetic and in denial to see that maybe, just maybe, I could want something that doesn’t revolve around you.”
She watched as his expression went from triumph, to anger, to complete hollow sadness. There was no going back now—if he wanted to hear the worst of his fears, she was willing to give them. 
“I love him ,” she choked out. “I love him with a kind of love you will never get—not from me. You forfeited that chance the day you chose dark magic.”
Severus’ jaw clenched, eyes now glassy. He stepped away from the desk, rounding so he could get closer. She took a step back, realizing her wand was still tight in her hand.
“They are planning to eradicate all muggleborns from the wizarding world.” His voice was low and cold, coming down like a hammer. “Voldemort is gaining footing in the Ministry–it won’t happen fast but it’s what they are working towards, and when they do all opposing parties will be exterminated.”
Lily could feel the blood in her veins congeal, the room getting fuzzy at the edges. 
“Do you think Potter is going to lay down his family’s life and power because he wants to fuck some muggleborn in the corridor?”
“Stop it.” She took out her wand and pointed it at him but he didn’t flinch, staring down at it like she was brandishing a tree branch like they did as children.
“Potter’s family has already chosen their side and they will lose. I’ve spoken to the proper channels—told them how brilliant you are. He’s said he’d be interested—”
“He who? He as in Voldemort?”
Severus shifted a little, shoulders squaring backwards. “Yes.”
Lily’s hand shook, her wand still pointed at his face. 
“He’s willing to meet with you if you accept. He will protect you, Lily. We can be together— safe. We can—”
The room was no longer fuzzy, it was over-saturated, a brilliant blinding sharpness of color. 
She saw Severus’ eyes grow wide as the spell hit him square in the chest. He lay motionless on the ground, gazing at a fixed point upwards. She let out a scream and it echoed through the corridor, sounding like thunder the farther it traveled. 
“You disgust me.”
She turned around without giving him a second glance. She didn’t know where to go but she needed to leave, making it only around the corner before shrinking onto the ground, the world going dim and claustrophobic. 
It felt like she was watching herself hyperventilate in real time, sucking in air rapidly and then forgetting how to expel it. Her fingers clawed at her knees, trying to gain purchase on anything to ground her. 
He was there, miraculously, like a spectral vision. His head appeared first before his whole body flashed into the foreground. Throwing off his invisibility cloak to dive towards her, she made a whimpering sound as he wedged both forearms under her backside, lifting her up against his body like one would a wounded animal. 
“Lily–Lily. What happened? Breath, baby. You aren’t breathing.”
The distance of his voice didn’t match the feel of his body. She tried sucking in another breath, then another, realizing that the choking sounds were coming from her. 
James placed her back down against the wall in a seated position. Her hands sandwiched between his, he hooked his thumbs around so he could guide her palms together, then slowly drift them apart while counting slowly: one, “two, three, four…. . “ He repeated, opening and shutting their hands together until she no longer heard the horrible choking sound and her lungs were able to fill with air.
“He’s already one of them...” She murmured out, dropping their hands and lunging forward against his chest. Usually the smell of him against her made the rest of the world disappear, but the floor was still cold beneath and the smell of molded stone warped her scent. 
“Already what? Who is?” James spoke slowly, cradling her head against his heart and caressing her back. 
“Sev—Snape. He told me—He’s met Voldemort.”
James' body stiffened under her, fingers clenching to the point of causing pain. 
“Where is he—Lily did he touch you?”
He was pulling out his wand, looking down the corridor to see if any movement would appear out of the shadows. 
“No—but he said—he spoke to Voldemort, about me…about sparing me if I—if I .”
James reared back. She could see the fire in his eyes, a murderous gaze. 
“Where is he, Lily. I need you to tell me.”
“No, There’s no use doing anything.”
James let out a cathartic cry, swishing a hand through the air. 
“Fuck off with that Lily—stop protecting him. I’m going to kill him–really kill him.”
He was getting to his feet, wand still in hand. She had never seen him like this, not even when he would get in stupid duels with Slytherins. It was an anger that well surpassed what he had shown at Slughorn’s party. It was palpable and deadly. 
“I need you with me James. Please don’t leave me here.” She knew it was the only way to get him to listen. Any other reason and he would have stalked off, gone to get his map and hunted down Severus like a pig for slaughter. But she wasn’t lying either, she did need him. He was the only thing grounding her away from the complete void. 
He ran a hand through his hair and let out a strangled cry, turning to crouch back to her. It was the second time she had ever seen tears in his eyes. This time he let them run freely.
“Voldemort—-Snape, fuck he’s an idiot…” James fell into a series of babbles, trying to string together a cohesive thought but was coming up short. It was Lily’s turn to console, lurching toward him and grabbing his face to wipe away the tears with her thumbs. 
“Shh--I’m right here with you. Look at me.” 
James placed his hands on top of hers, pressing her hands against his cheeks. 
“Nothing is going to happen to you, Lily. I will not let anything happen.”
“I know.”
She didn’t know how long they stayed like that, but by the time they picked themselves up and walked back to the Gryffindor tower, the sun was peeking out from the mountains. They slipped into the boys dorms then behind the safety of his bed curtains, shucking off their clothes so they could tangle as close as possible. A fleeting sense of safety.
Lily didn’t know what time it was when she woke but she could sense that all of the other boys had left for their classes. Her face pressed into James’ bare chest, warm and reassuring breaths rose steady like a wave against her. She could tell he was asleep by the way he hummed softly, sounds stolen from a place far within his mind. 
 Their legs tangled together out of familiarity. One of her thighs was hitched up against his hip and she could feel a heavy arm wrapped around her in a protective hold. Against her pelvic bone, a hardness pressed against her, causing something in her body to stir. She instinctively wiggled against it, and he gave a soft moan, before drifting back off.
It felt good to be held like this, to be wanted by him even in the deep recesses of his sleep. As she continued to rouse from her haze, she realized that it was something she wanted more now than ever: to be as close to him as possible. War was no longer coming, it was there–and they were about to lose precious time where they could be wrapped together like this so often.
She waved her hips in a circular motion, brushing her pelvis back up against him. He responded again, this time with a hand reaching down to her bum, giving it a soft squeeze. His eyes were still closed but his body worked on muscle memory. 
Uncurling a hand from against his chest, she started to make the passage down, her fingertips skimming over his taut chest muscles until it found the small path of hair that led down to his groin. Passing through the black curls, she reached her objective, palming his erection with a warm, lulling hand. 
“ Lily.”  His eyes blinked open, still blurred from dreams. 
“Ah, sorry—” He was still too delirious to realize that his cock was pressing into her willing hand and he tried to shuffle back. In response, she curled her fingers around him, watching as the realization flooded his face.
“Lily—ah Merlin .” That woke him– the feel of her fingers yanking him completely out of any subconscious still lingering. The hand that had grabbed her arse now contracted against her, fingers pressing deeper, roaming around to kneed at soft skin.
“I want to feel you baby,” She murmured and he responded with a noise that blended between a squeak and a growl.
“Lily–you’re so lovely. How do I deserve to wake up like this…. Shit.” He reached his other hand around to cup one of her breasts and her tit hardened under his touch, yearning for him to keep swiping a thumb over its flat center. 
Lily moaned into his chest, arching her back to press her breast farther into him. The hand around his cock started to slowly tug from the base up, reaching his tip and finding that some of his come was already dripping. She smeared her thumb through the liquid, using it as lubricant to slide her hand back down. A rumbling groan quivered their connected bodies.
“ Ah Merlin–oh shit—”
She hitched her leg up higher onto his thigh, pressing her body forward so her center leaned against where her hand worked him. His tongue moved erratically, switching to her other tit and swirling into his open mouth. With every stroke of her hand his eyes fluttered, fighting to stay open.
“Lily, my darling, my life, my love—oh fuck Lils.” 
She gripped him again at the base and guided his tip to the top of her clit, massaging his cock against her for stimulation. Her head tilted back with a guttural moan and he released her tit to catch it, his tongue slow and soft as it started to tangle around hers. 
“I want you inside me. I want to feel you deep. I need you every moment I possibly can.”
He panted out a noise against her lips and she lapped it up with her tongue, skimming it across his lower lip until his mouth welcomed her in again. Tilting her hips forward, she rubbed his cock through her arousal until she reached her opening, letting his tip slide in just enough to feel the tug of her muscles expanding to accommodate him.
“Lily baby, I won’t last long. You are so tight–so beautiful, you have no idea how good you feel—.”
She pushed him in a bit farther and the words cut in his throat. Pulling her leg to hook against his waist, he rutted his hips forward until their hip bones met and he filled her completely.
They rocked like that for a while, him helping her body move back and forth on him by pushing and pulling on her ass. She threaded her fingers through his hair and panted on his neck, stopping only to give small nips and licks to his pulse point.
Unlike the last time where their lust was rabid and frantic, they meld together in a calm serenity. She could feel every rotation of his hips as he pushed himself farther inside, letting every delicious moment of friction be savored. His voice was a whispered mantra, her name falling out of his mouth like whips of smoke that wafted away as soon as they left him. 
“Baby, I’m going to come–” he breathed. She could already feel him shaking under her, his body preparing for climax. 
Grabbing his face with her hands, she forced him to look at her, his eyes round and clear without the hindrance of his glasses. 
“Come for me baby. I love you, I want you always. Always.”
She watched as his eyes dilated in release, mouth falling open like holding a long rapturous note. She caught it in her own, letting him sing it into her throat. She wanted to drink up every moment of his pleasure and feel it coarse through her. 
Coming down, he rolled to the side, falling onto his back as though his soul was now depleted. Eyes closed, a shadow of a smile pulled at his lips. He reached over and pinched at her hip, beckoning her to be close again. 
She could feel the sticky evidence of his climax between her legs as she complied, curling into the crook of his shoulder. He grumbled, dissatisfied, and reached to pinch her hip again.
“No, on top of me.”
His eyes were now open, flooding again with the desire that had pushed him into a blinding ecstasy moments before. She swung a leg over his waist and hoisted herself atop him, her moist thighs pressing against his already re-hardening erection.
She arched an eyebrow, but he didn't give an explanation. Grabbing onto her thighs he slid himself downward until she could feel his breath drifting into her center, mixing with both of their slick arousal. 
“ Oh gods– oh fuck James–” Her mind caught up slower than the pleasure his tongue made as it darted up into her, causing all vision to go white. She could feel her hands digging into his hair, tilting his head as she mewled for more. 
“Let me take care of you.”
His mouth closed in again, and with every kitten lick a new universe was born. The world fell away, hot and spiraling through a dimension she didn’t care to know and hoped to never come back from. 
In the laws of muggle created magic, there is the fundamental belief that any energy you put out will return to you threefold. Of course, Lily didn’t believe in false magic systems, but she was starting to feel like maybe they were onto something. 
She wasn’t sure what kind of karmic energy she had sent into the world to cause such a visceral reaction, but the effects were certainly coming back to her. Looking down at the note in her lap, she hoped this was the final blow.
Vernon wants to propose to me but his family has requested that they meet ours before we become officially engaged. I expect you to attend. 
It will be a dinner at Vernon’s sisters (address below) on November 4th, 19:00
She sat on the top of the astronomy tower and reread it multiple times, memorizing each curve of her sister’s handwriting. It looked messy to her and she wondered if she had been physically pained to write it. Something told her she wasn’t too far off. 
She fished into her bag, found an old cigarette that Remus had offered her one drunken evening and used her wand to light it. To watch the smoke waft towards the Scottish mountainside felt as close to serenity as she was going to achieve. 
If dealing with the fallout with Snape wasn’t enough, she hadn’t had the heart to go back to potions since the party, presumably failing the one thing she had a shot of doing occupationally when she got out of school. As much as it haunted her, she couldn’t let her mind linger on what Snape had said—that somewhere out beyond those mountains the most powerful wizard in the world knew her name and was interested .
“Oh no! Our valiant Head Girl! Fallen from grace!” Sirius loped into view, followed by Remus who squinted at his mate before offering her a soft smile. 
“Bad day, huh.” Remus and Sirius flanked her, the former doling both of them smokes from his trouser pocket. 
“What gave it away?”
“You don’t smoke unless you're drunk or stressed—it’s kind of your tell.”
Of course Remus picked up a pattern she hadn’t even realized herself  and of course he was right. 
“Care to elaborate on your woes.”
Lily held the note straight out in front of her so both boys could lean in to read. In such close proximity, she could tell that Sirius and James used the same shampoo. 
After a few moments of quiet reading, Sirius’ face scrunched up into a scowl. “What? Is his family sizing up yours like some sort of dog breeding set-up.” 
“I mean his sister is a dog breeder so—that’s not too far off base actually.” 
“Fuckin’ hell—these muggles man.”
Remus took a drag of his cigarette and reread the letter. “Alright, so don’t go. Simple as that.” 
“But she expects me to.”
“Yeah and my parents expected me to be a Slytherin prick who wanks blood purity, but we can’t always get what we want.” Sirius retorted, forming his mouth into an o to blow out an impressive smoke circle. 
Lily looked at the letter again. Something tugged at the deep part of her subconscious, something that related to Snape and what he had said about the potential future if Voldemort rose further up the ranks. If wizard families were going to be exterminated, what did that mean for muggles?
“Ask James to go—-Merlin knows his sappy arse will sit straight in the line of fire if that means making you happy.”
She struggled to picture it, James at a table with the Dursleys while her sister loomed over them all like some vulture waiting for the kill. To the boys’ point, even the James in her imaginary scenario looked happier just to be beside her.
“I dunno—I’d need to ask permission to leave grounds for it and having both Heads out of school would be a bit much.”
“Bollocks—Remus here can keep the school afloat while you're gone!” Sirius gave Remus a hearty smack on the back and he retaliated by shoving him until he tumbled over. 
“Fine fine. I’ll ask for myself but I’m not going to make any waves getting James to come too. We are already in hot water as it is after Slughorn's party—we can’t be the first Head Students in history to lose complete credibility.”
She said her goodbyes to the boys and slumped her way towards the clock tower on the south side of the castle. The note firmly clenched in her palm, she found the owl scepter and whispered Gum Drops into its ear, making it screech to life.
She watched as the owl unfurled its wings and rose into the air, bringing her with it. A hollow feeling thumped into her chest, not because of her stupid sister but because being in this close proximity to Dumbledore meant there was a good chance she wouldn’t be able to control her fear anymore. 
Since the morning, she had mostly been able to pretend like it had been a nightmare: just a delirious dream that could easily be waved away by the streaking sunlight of morning and the feel of James’ pulse against hers. She wasn’t ready to reckon with it, the idea that the boy who she had once laughed and played with was now close enough to someone so despicable ...and had put her name into his mind.
She didn’t want to fathom what Voldemort found interesting in her. She was a mudblood, worse than dirt in his eyes, a pawn at most. James had been right: Snape was a fool to believe that he would want anything to do with her besides to see her dead.
The owl halted in front of a brightly lit archway that led into a study. A phoenix slept on its pedestal while Dumbledore sat looking over some parchment while a quill scribbled on a journal next to him. 
“Miss Evans, was I expecting you today? Surely if I was I would have put a kettle on–”
He stood up with a smile, opening his arms as a gesture of welcome before nodding towards the ornate wooden chair across from the desk. As she sat, a bowl of gum drops floated in her direction and she nudged it a way with a quiet no thanks.
“Is this about what happened at Professor Slughorn’s party? Because I would just like to assure you that Horace is not upset, though perhaps a little startled—he says he really misses you in class, do return to it. He won’t bite.”
Lily’s cheeks bloomed red. It hadn’t occurred to her that their stunt at the party would make it all the way to Dumbledore’s ears.
“No actually—though I am sorry about that—I’m afraid it’s quite silly actually but—”
All of the sudden, she felt like she was back in first year, being spoon fed even the most basic understanding of magic. She took the note and reached it over the table, letting Dumbledore take it to skim himself, his mouth moving silently as he read the words. 
“It’s my sister—she’s getting engaged and uhm–”
“Congratulations to your sister!” Dumbledore clips in, giving her an approving nod.
“Er, thanks. Well, as you read, she expects me to be there and I feel a sense of obligation–”
“Miss Evans, you know full well that I always put family before anything else. I’ll give you permission to leave the grounds as long as you return within the same day. I’ll alert Hagrid of your departure so he can unlock the gate for you.”
She didn’t know whether she should feel relief or dread. No matter what, there was no going back now. 
Dumbledore turned to look out the window, arms folded behind his back. A silence descended on the space and Lily felt the distinct feeling of energies shifting. 
“Wonderful season, Autumn. It is the most beautiful part of the year, yet it is the closest nature is to dying.” He didn’t turn around, standing as though turned to stone.
“We live our lives so terrified of death that we sometimes forget the beauty in the process of living.”
She didn’t respond, unclear if he was inviting a conversation or just ruminating. 
“I hope you know you can share anything with me, Miss Evans.”
He didn’t turn back to her but she could feel it, feel that he had already looked deep inside her and sensed her fear. Perhaps he already knew, heard it from a secret source well beyond the confines of the castle. There was no possible way he wasn’t aware of the tensions building within his own student body and suddenly it felt awfully ignorant of him to have done nothing all this time. 
Still, if anyone could do something, it was him. She could rat Severus out, tell him about the plan with the ministry—everything. It was vital information for a man with the power to wield it, yet there he still stood, watching the leaves fall to the deaths at the window. 
Her response sounded far away from her. “Yes, I know, thank you Professor.”
He turned back to her, a curious glint in his eye. “Very well—you enjoy yourself and give your sister my congratulations—but when you come back, could you come visit me again? I have a particular proposition I would like to share with you.” 
The hairs on her arms bristled, but she didn’t respond. Rising to leave, the weight of what had been left unsaid globbed like tar in her chest.
“Oh and Miss Evans?” Dumbledore sat back in his chair and leaned with his elbows on the tabletop. 
“Bring Mr. Potter on both occasions–the dinner and the next time you visit—something tells me he will find a way to include himself anyhow. Better we save him the trouble.”
32 notes · View notes
sunnydaleherald · 2 months ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Monday, December 23 & Tuesday, December 24
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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there's bound to be a ghost at the back of your closet (Angel/Cordelia, T) by eagle_eyes
Our love is madness (Buffy/Spike, M) by LinaInEden
I'm Pine-ing For You (Buffy/Spike, E) by TheAcidQueen
Merry Christmas, Angel (Buffy/Angel, G) by crowncitydreams
"Christmas Is All Around" (Buffy/Faith, G) by Cumultus9
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Interesting (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by honeygirl51885
A Cold Winter's Bite (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by the_big_bad
As You Were, You Will Again (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by MillennialCryBaby
Your Friend, Will (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by EnchantedWillow
Silent Night (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by CheekyKitten
Buffy's First Christmas (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Lilacsandorangeblossoms
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Spiralizer (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Girlytek
The Threefold Law (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Girlytek
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Rewind Love Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Blade Redwind
Unbroken Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Blade Redwind
Snowfall and Second Chances Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by acb6293
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2000 Miles Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, R) by VioletMoon
Gargoyle Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by ClowniestLivEver
Way out Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, R) by simmony
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Faith's Tasty Treat Chapter 1 (Xander/Faith, E) by FluffyLordoftheDead12
Slayer in Chief Chapter 2 (Buffy/Faith, E) by storiwr
[Images, Audio & Video]
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PODCAST : Episode 132: Entropy by mythtakenbtvs
PODCAST : Episode 54 - An Immature Blueberry Scone (The Prom) by thesunnydalediaries
[Fandom Discussions]
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Did Spuffy help Buffy's Depression? by Miss Muffet
Did Angel leaving make BTVS a better or worse show? by Buffy Summers
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Buffy commercial by NefariousLlamas
Why does no one talk about Giles in season 7 by Fxcking_goth_bitch
I hate all her ‘friends’ by Vast_Zebra_9625
Am I the only one who hates Angel? by Tight-Target-2065
The Buffy Christmas Episode Always Makes Me Cry: Season 3 Episode 10 AMENDS by kipcarson37
I was remembering when I wrote how I think the finale should go… by BrianTheReckless
“Get It Done” by Pitiful-Talk-7798
Slayer Strength by Pitiful-Talk-7798
The drug in Eternity (Angel S1 E17) by Medium-Pundit
Empty Places was Almost Great by Nostromo87
Is there an episode that triggers you too much to watch? by FruitPristine1605
Do you think Spike ever told Buffy about having sex with Angelus back in the day? by yeahitsme9
Romances like spike and buffy? by FrogiKei
Those are the characters I cannot see others actors play by Cailly_Brard7
Angel is the superior show? by East_Mushroom683
Wouldn't it have been better ? by FoxIndependent4310
so….where’s Buffy’s dad? by thunpnz
Charisma asking fans if they would be interested in a rewatch podcast!!! by authenticriver
Does "City Of" still hold up as a good series premier for ANGEL? by JB92103
What "controversial take" annoys you? by SafiraAshai
1 Thing you love about a Character you hate?! by Alioquin
The Trio are the dark versions of the Scooby gang (Season 6 spoilers) by nachoquest
So much Angel hate and Spike love by Ziggy_Stardust1986
Finding spike much more sympathetic in the rewatch by mother-of-trouble
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lailoken · 1 year ago
Maybe this is a silly question, but do you think a 16-year-old can practice witchcraft?
I am 16 and was once told by an older witch with extremely closed-minded views that I was too young for the craft and had no idea what I was doing simply because it was not passed down to me by someone in my family. I was wondering what your thoughts on this were, as while I acknowledge that I am still young and fairly inexperienced, I already have a patron god and a personal spirit who has been protecting me since I was 8. I know how to do divination, manifestation, and basic protection and am skilled with harnessing my energy.
Sorry for the long message. I want to follow your blog but am extremely nervous to do so because the last time I encountered a witchy blog on Tumblr, they decided to try to gatekeep my own practice from me and talked down to me in such a way that they had no place to considering as they didn't know me.
There is a lot here to address, and I don't think this is necessarily the best way to try and do so, but I will give it my best attempt.
Firstly, when you say witchcraft, I assume you mean magic in general? Just because, to me, witchcraft has specific connotations. Until only a few years ago, I viewed a witch as any magical practitioner who specifically makes compacts with numinous entities—generally leading to a spiritual metamorphosis of some sort—and who is involved in the mythos and praxis of Sabbatic flight. This really isn’t far off base, however, as time has gone by, I have also come to associate it more with people who use that spiritual support specifically to sow harm and/or discord (whatever the witch's goal for that behavior might be.)
So, if you do, in fact, mean the latter when you ask about witchcraft, then yes, I do think you're too young. Unless someone is in such a bad situation that it's their only hope, I absolutely don't encourage minors to get involved with malefic magic, as it can be really tricky to deal with. And not in "threefold law" way, but in the "magical equivalent of a trying to make drugs in your shed" way. What's more, while do think witchcraft has its time and place, I don't think anyone should be champing at the bit to use it. For example, though I did use maleficia in 2023, I could count the times on one hand, and the people I used it on were more than deserving of it by pretty broad moral standards.
As for magic in general, I don't believe that someone needs hereditary transmission to become a mage, and I don't think that the teeange years are too young to begin that sort of work. But I do think it's important that people remember their limitations and not try to push themselves to unwise places simply because they want to prove themselves. It's great to be curious and spiritually inclined, and some young people truly are ahead of their time when it comes to magic, even if they're not formally trained—but try not to be in a rush. You have a lifetime of experimentation and growth ahead of you.
What's more, I also think it's important for you to remember that, as a minor, most adult practitioners are going to distance themselves from you explicitly—and they should. For the most part, it's not normal or healthy for adults—especially organized groups of them, such as covens—to be interacting with people your age, and if any of them do then I strongly advise you to walk the other direction.
Best of luck to you in finding your way along this path, and remember that passion and power are often at their best when they walk hand-in-hand with earnesty and prudence.
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iteh3xael · 3 months ago
Witchcraft Ask Game
What drew you to witchcraft?
Old bestie in HS was into it (we bonded over Charmed) and then had a REALLY weird series of run ins once I graduated college and did some psychedelics. Remembered I used to lucid dream and was fascinated by the Christian Book of Revelation as a CHILD and that kind of all merging into the queer pagan I find myself today.
2. Do you follow a specific witchcraft tradition, or are you eclectic?
I have a whole theory on DND and how witchcraft plays into that and how we basically are imbued with the power of our namesake and then the rest of kind of based on whatever you're exposed to and I'm not saying crystals will straight up give you super powers but like, runes have meaning and maybe don't fuck the stalachtite
3. Do you believe in the Threefold Law or karma in witchcraft?
There's something to be said about consequences to actions and the 2nd Law of Newton (equal and opposite) and 1st Law of Thermo (energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred) that definitely applies. FMA also taught me about fucking with life and death magic and you gotta be REALLY careful with what you ask for because the universe is VERY finicky.
4/5. What advice would you give to someone who feels called to witchcraft but is unsure where to begin?
Gonna self plug a post here about things I wish I knew when I started (everyone actually practices to a degree, it's just become really archaic to exist in a present fashion while also embracing the wonderment of things like dreams.
6. Have you ever had a dream or vision that felt prophetic?
Used to! Don't as much but I think it's a skill. Some people naturally have premonitions through dreams and mine are more like vivid intrusive thoughts that play through my head and I have to figure out which is actually useful.
7. What do you think of Aleister Crowley?
Ngl had to Google who that was because I don't really follow many contemporary people and knew he was a "magician" of sorts but I don't take any stock in orgs like the Free Masons or even Satanism even if I think there's probably ~something~ there. He was clearly smart enough to make it work but idk how much is just really smart social engineering (he was a spy, afterall) and a smattering of esoteric networking that led to him being fairly successful at whatever his craft was
8. Do you think witches can create their own deities?
So... I think witches occupy a kind of weird realm/dimension (on my scale it's on like, the 6th degree akin to the "inverted" dimension where we would think of them being akin to IRL angels) and so our calling is rooted in whatever incarnation pulls from original sources. Our names have power and "create" the source of inspiration (deities, gods, spirits, w/e) hence why we "choose" them when "coming out" as a way of embracing our sense of servitude to a higher being outside of our general sense of self.
9. How do you feel about people worshiping deities from pop culture?
Sure, why not lol.
10. What’s your opinion on the idea that "all magic comes with a cost"?
Ohhh yes yes yes. Hence why I affirm that people need to be serious about their approach to science as magic is just when science and art come together perfectly (think of siren's and their songs, beauty inspiring wars, love SAVING people).
11. What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you during a spell?
For years, I had never done a spell with another person before and kind of just fucked around and using objects that I figured would have SOME use, I just didn't know what for.
For instance: there was this ridiculous rubber ducky I got from some rando woman at a hotel from a work thing I was at in bumfuck Pennsylvania where she basically FORCED it upon me after I literally said no and tried to give it back but they were SO insistent despite being a complete stranger. I HATE having useless shit and usually just throw it away immediately but I didn't want to be rude so I threw it into my bag and kind of forgot about it.
Anyway, fast forward to me visiting my old bestie (mentioned prior) talking about The Craft while I'm unpacking my bag and how I never could seem to figure out spells while at the SAME time, being like "Oh hey! Do you want this rubber ducky?"
They flipped their shit because, there is a VERY particular spell about rubber duckies and not just finding one, a portion of the spell reads:
"...presented by hand, in a way that's select
a peculiar find, to earn the craft's respect"
and since then we did a spell about keys that still kind of haunts me to this day so uh... be careful y'all lol
12. If you could cast one spell right now, what would it be and why?
A relationship healing spell. Any help would be greatly appreciated. <8
13. What’s your belief on the afterlife, and how does it affect your spiritual practices?
I definitely think there's another realm out there and I try to just be present with what comes my way since this reality is already full of surprises. I really don't do any major spirit work because I kind of have a deep seated respect where the sense of awe is a bit terrifying so I just kinda see where it takes me and ask mindful questions.
14. What’s your opinion on the importance of connecting with the land in witchcraft?
Plz touch more grass lol If the elements of the Earth (AT LEAST FOUR of them aren't present when approaching a situation, you might need to recenter.
15. How do you feel about using magic to influence others?
Whether we like it or not, magic will ALWAYS be used to influence (literally just think of money or words as a concept). We have a duty to be responsible wielders for we are practitioners in a Dark Art that has a reputation for being misconstrued as evil. Embrace all the shades and don't be shy from the glimmers from the light :3
16. What’s your opinion on hexing or cursing?
I would advise against it though my namesake literally deals with them so uh, just be wise.
17. Do you believe in spiritual psychosis?
I want to say yet but honestly unsure of the full scope of the question so... TBD?
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safepackers · 9 days ago
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Request the Costs
There is no question in saying that packers and movers are really extremely supportive for individuals and many individuals pick them for their moving necessities. You can get the best arrangements from them. However, prior to booking with a group you ought to pose a few significant inquiries and things like we can take this point.
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0 notes
moveitnow · 9 days ago
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For instance, we can take the name of migration administrations in India. Obviously, these sorts of administrations are genuinely exceptionally helpful and useful administrations for individuals and many individuals pick the methods of migration for their assets. You get a wide scope of offices with the assistance of the specialists of moving organizations. In this way, with regards to movement should enlist a trucking organization.
Yet, something significant is here that you ought to continuously keep to you is that generally search for a dependable and steadfast moving group. Obviously, just a dependable, notable, and enlisted moving can furnish you with a fruitful approach to moving. Thus, search hard and go with a safe moving arrangement. Presently, in the event that we talk about the change or examine of moving, there are numerous significant things that you ought to ask and clear while picking an organization.
In this article, we will examine a few inquiries that you should pose to movers and packers prior to picking them. Thus, read the article totally and cautiously.
Request the Costs
There is no question in saying that packers and movers are really extremely supportive for individuals and many individuals pick them for their moving necessities. You can get the best arrangements from them. However, prior to booking with a group you ought to pose a few significant inquiries and things like we can take this point.
Indeed, we are saying request the expenses or costs. Without a doubt, there are many phony organizations that can swindle you. Yet, you can clear every one of the questions at the time choice. Along these lines, we couldn't want anything more than to recommend that generally request the expenses and rates. Likewise, be clear with regards to the secret accuses and go all of the time of an organization that is totally lawful and ok for you.
Installment techniques
Great many individuals give need to the group of migration specialist co-ops and there will be nothing out of sorts in saying that movers and packers are the best wellsprings of moving offices for you. Presently, assuming we talk about something else or inquiry that you should pose from the movement group then we can take this point.
Obviously, we need to examine installment techniques. On the off chance that you will enlist a pressing and the trucking organization, you ought to request the installment strategies. Certainly, this thing is one of the main things and you ought to continuously deal with it.
0 notes
quickshifters · 9 days ago
Would you like to reach out to the best Packers and Movers South Bopal Ahmedabad? Or then again would you say you are remembering to move your resources from your present area to an alternate area? Obviously, your answer will be yes and for that reason we are hanging around for you. Along these lines, you realize that many individuals shift their resources two times or threefold every year and they go with various moving strategies for their assets.
For instance, we can take the name of migration administrations in India. Obviously, these sorts of administrations are genuinely exceptionally helpful and useful administrations for individuals and many individuals pick the methods of migration for their assets. You get a wide scope of offices with the assistance of the specialists of moving organizations. In this way, with regards to movement should enlist a trucking organization.
Yet, something significant is here that you ought to continuously keep to you is that generally search for a dependable and steadfast moving group. Obviously, just a dependable, notable, and enlisted moving can furnish you with a fruitful approach to moving. Thus, search hard and go with a safe moving arrangement. Presently, in the event that we talk about the change or examine of moving, there are numerous significant things that you ought to ask and clear while picking an organization.
In this article, we will examine a few inquiries that you should pose to movers and packers prior to picking them. Thus, read the article totally and cautiously.
Request the Costs
There is no question in saying that packers and movers are really extremely supportive for individuals and many individuals pick them for their moving necessities. You can get the best arrangements from them. However, prior to booking with a group you ought to pose a few significant inquiries and things like we can take this point.
Indeed, we are saying request the expenses or costs. Without a doubt, there are many phony organizations that can swindle you. Yet, you can clear every one of the questions at the time choice. Along these lines, we couldn't want anything more than to recommend that generally request the expenses and rates. Likewise, be clear with regards to the secret accuses and go all of the time of an organization that is totally lawful and ok for you.
Installment techniques
Great many individuals give need to the group of migration specialist co-ops and there will be nothing out of sorts in saying that movers and packers are the best wellsprings of moving offices for you. Presently, assuming we talk about something else or inquiry that you should pose from the movement group then we can take this point.
Obviously, we need to examine installment techniques. On the off chance that you will enlist a pressing and the trucking organization, you ought to request the installment strategies. Certainly, this thing is one of the main things and you ought to continuously deal with it.
0 notes
easymovers1 · 9 days ago
Would you like to reach out to the best Packers and Movers South Bopal Ahmedabad? Or then again would you say you are remembering to move your resources from your present area to an alternate area? Obviously, your answer will be yes and for that reason we are hanging around for you. Along these lines, you realize that many individuals shift their resources two times or threefold every year and they go with various moving strategies for their assets.
For instance, we can take the name of migration administrations in India. Obviously, these sorts of administrations are genuinely exceptionally helpful and useful administrations for individuals and many individuals pick the methods of migration for their assets. You get a wide scope of offices with the assistance of the specialists of moving organizations. In this way, with regards to movement should enlist a trucking organization.
Yet, something significant is here that you ought to continuously keep to you is that generally search for a dependable and steadfast moving group. Obviously, just a dependable, notable, and enlisted moving can furnish you with a fruitful approach to moving. Thus, search hard and go with a safe moving arrangement. Presently, in the event that we talk about the change or examine of moving, there are numerous significant things that you ought to ask and clear while picking an organization.
In this article, we will examine a few inquiries that you should pose to movers and packers prior to picking them. Thus, read the article totally and cautiously.
Request the Costs
There is no question in saying that packers and movers are really extremely supportive for individuals and many individuals pick them for their moving necessities. You can get the best arrangements from them. However, prior to booking with a group you ought to pose a few significant inquiries and things like we can take this point.
Indeed, we are saying request the expenses or costs. Without a doubt, there are many phony organizations that can swindle you. Yet, you can clear every one of the questions at the time choice. Along these lines, we couldn't want anything more than to recommend that generally request the expenses and rates. Likewise, be clear with regards to the secret accuses and go all of the time of an organization that is totally lawful and ok for you.
Installment techniques
Great many individuals give need to the group of migration specialist co-ops and there will be nothing out of sorts in saying that movers and packers are the best wellsprings of moving offices for you. Presently, assuming we talk about something else or inquiry that you should pose from the movement group then we can take this point.
Obviously, we need to examine installment techniques. On the off chance that you will enlist a pressing and the trucking organization, you ought to request the installment strategies. Certainly, this thing is one of the main things and you ought to continuously deal with it.
0 notes
fastpackers · 9 days ago
Would you like to reach out to the best Packers and Movers South Bopal Ahmedabad? Or then again would you say you are remembering to move your resources from your present area to an alternate area? Obviously, your answer will be yes and for that reason we are hanging around for you. Along these lines, you realize that many individuals shift their resources two times or threefold every year and they go with various moving strategies for their assets.
For instance, we can take the name of migration administrations in India. Obviously, these sorts of administrations are genuinely exceptionally helpful and useful administrations for individuals and many individuals pick the methods of migration for their assets. You get a wide scope of offices with the assistance of the specialists of moving organizations. In this way, with regards to movement should enlist a trucking organization.
Yet, something significant is here that you ought to continuously keep to you is that generally search for a dependable and steadfast moving group. Obviously, just a dependable, notable, and enlisted moving can furnish you with a fruitful approach to moving. Thus, search hard and go with a safe moving arrangement. Presently, in the event that we talk about the change or examine of moving, there are numerous significant things that you ought to ask and clear while picking an organization.
In this article, we will examine a few inquiries that you should pose to movers and packers prior to picking them. Thus, read the article totally and cautiously.
Request the Costs
There is no question in saying that packers and movers are really extremely supportive for individuals and many individuals pick them for their moving necessities. You can get the best arrangements from them. However, prior to booking with a group you ought to pose a few significant inquiries and things like we can take this point.
Indeed, we are saying request the expenses or costs. Without a doubt, there are many phony organizations that can swindle you. Yet, you can clear every one of the questions at the time choice. Along these lines, we couldn't want anything more than to recommend that generally request the expenses and rates. Likewise, be clear with regards to the secret accuses and go all of the time of an organization that is totally lawful and ok for you.
Installment techniques
Great many individuals give need to the group of migration specialist co-ops and there will be nothing out of sorts in saying that movers and packers are the best wellsprings of moving offices for you. Presently, assuming we talk about something else or inquiry that you should pose from the movement group then we can take this point.
Obviously, we need to examine installment techniques. On the off chance that you will enlist a pressing and the trucking organization, you ought to request the installment strategies. Certainly, this thing is one of the main things and you ought to continuously deal with it.
0 notes
communaldigitalaltar · 2 months ago
Eros, god of lust and desire, help me through the difficult times. Help me to control the desires I can not have and to enjoy what I have. Help me to know that not only is pleasure for me but also for my partner. Help me to not be selfish and to be giving and to show that I love and care for my partner. Help me to overcome the desires that I want that will not benefit me or anyone else that is involved. Help me to understand the opposite sex as well as the same sex. Help me to remember that being a selfless person is a way to show someone that I love that I'm thinking of their wants and needs. Help me to please the person that I love. Remind me of the law harm none and the threefold law that whatever I do to my love will be returned to me whether good or evil.
Eros, help me to treat my lover as good as you treat yours. Remind me of the power of love and desire. Blessed be!
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relocators2025 · 2 months ago
Would you like to reach out to the best Packers and Movers Chennai to Mumbai? Or then again would you say you are remembering to move your resources from your present area to an alternate area? Obviously, your answer will be yes and for that reason we are hanging around for you. Along these lines, you realize that many individuals shift their resources two times or threefold every year and they go with various moving strategies for their assets.
For instance, we can take the name of migration administrations in India. Obviously, these sorts of administrations are genuinely exceptionally helpful and useful administrations for individuals and many individuals pick the methods of migration for their assets. You get a wide scope of offices with the assistance of the specialists of moving organizations. In this way, with regards to movement should enlist a trucking organization.
Yet, something significant is here that you ought to continuously keep to you is that generally search for a dependable and steadfast moving group. Obviously, just a dependable, notable, and enlisted moving can furnish you with a fruitful approach to moving. Thus, search hard and go with a safe moving arrangement. Presently, in the event that we talk about the change or examine of moving, there are numerous significant things that you ought to ask and clear while picking an organization.
In this article, we will examine a few inquiries that you should pose to movers and packers prior to picking them. Thus, read the article totally and cautiously.
Request the Costs
There is no question in saying that packers and movers are really extremely supportive for individuals and many individuals pick them for their moving necessities. You can get the best arrangements from them. However, prior to booking with a group you ought to pose a few significant inquiries and things like we can take this point.
Indeed, we are saying request the expenses or costs. Without a doubt, there are many phony organizations that can swindle you. Yet, you can clear every one of the questions at the time choice. Along these lines, we couldn't want anything more than to recommend that generally request the expenses and rates. Likewise, be clear with regards to the secret accuses and go all of the time of an organization that is totally lawful and ok for you.
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warehousing2025 · 2 months ago
Would you like to reach out to the best Packers and Movers Chennai to Mumbai? Or then again would you say you are remembering to move your resources from your present area to an alternate area? Obviously, your answer will be yes and for that reason we are hanging around for you. Along these lines, you realize that many individuals shift their resources two times or threefold every year and they go with various moving strategies for their assets.
For instance, we can take the name of migration administrations in India. Obviously, these sorts of administrations are genuinely exceptionally helpful and useful administrations for individuals and many individuals pick the methods of migration for their assets. You get a wide scope of offices with the assistance of the specialists of moving organizations. In this way, with regards to movement should enlist a trucking organization.
Yet, something significant is here that you ought to continuously keep to you is that generally search for a dependable and steadfast moving group. Obviously, just a dependable, notable, and enlisted moving can furnish you with a fruitful approach to moving. Thus, search hard and go with a safe moving arrangement. Presently, in the event that we talk about the change or examine of moving, there are numerous significant things that you ought to ask and clear while picking an organization.
In this article, we will examine a few inquiries that you should pose to movers and packers prior to picking them. Thus, read the article totally and cautiously.
Request the Costs
There is no question in saying that packers and movers are really extremely supportive for individuals and many individuals pick them for their moving necessities. You can get the best arrangements from them. However, prior to booking with a group you ought to pose a few significant inquiries and things like we can take this point.
Indeed, we are saying request the expenses or costs. Without a doubt, there are many phony organizations that can swindle you. Yet, you can clear every one of the questions at the time choice. Along these lines, we couldn't want anything more than to recommend that generally request the expenses and rates. Likewise, be clear with regards to the secret accuses and go all of the time of an organization that is totally lawful and ok for you.
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transfer2025 · 2 months ago
Would you like to reach out to the best Packers and Movers Chennai to Mumbai? Or then again would you say you are remembering to move your resources from your present area to an alternate area? Obviously, your answer will be yes and for that reason we are hanging around for you. Along these lines, you realize that many individuals shift their resources two times or threefold every year and they go with various moving strategies for their assets.
For instance, we can take the name of migration administrations in India. Obviously, these sorts of administrations are genuinely exceptionally helpful and useful administrations for individuals and many individuals pick the methods of migration for their assets. You get a wide scope of offices with the assistance of the specialists of moving organizations. In this way, with regards to movement should enlist a trucking organization.
Yet, something significant is here that you ought to continuously keep to you is that generally search for a dependable and steadfast moving group. Obviously, just a dependable, notable, and enlisted moving can furnish you with a fruitful approach to moving. Thus, search hard and go with a safe moving arrangement. Presently, in the event that we talk about the change or examine of moving, there are numerous significant things that you ought to ask and clear while picking an organization.
In this article, we will examine a few inquiries that you should pose to movers and packers prior to picking them. Thus, read the article totally and cautiously.
Request the Costs
There is no question in saying that packers and movers are really extremely supportive for individuals and many individuals pick them for their moving necessities. You can get the best arrangements from them. However, prior to booking with a group you ought to pose a few significant inquiries and things like we can take this point.
Indeed, we are saying request the expenses or costs. Without a doubt, there are many phony organizations that can swindle you. Yet, you can clear every one of the questions at the time choice. Along these lines, we couldn't want anything more than to recommend that generally request the expenses and rates. Likewise, be clear with regards to the secret accuses and go all of the time of an organization that is totally lawful and ok for you.
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shipment2025 · 2 months ago
Would you like to reach out to the best Packers and Movers Chennai to Mumbai? Or then again would you say you are remembering to move your resources from your present area to an alternate area? Obviously, your answer will be yes and for that reason we are hanging around for you. Along these lines, you realize that many individuals shift their resources two times or threefold every year and they go with various moving strategies for their assets.
For instance, we can take the name of migration administrations in India. Obviously, these sorts of administrations are genuinely exceptionally helpful and useful administrations for individuals and many individuals pick the methods of migration for their assets. You get a wide scope of offices with the assistance of the specialists of moving organizations. In this way, with regards to movement should enlist a trucking organization.
Yet, something significant is here that you ought to continuously keep to you is that generally search for a dependable and steadfast moving group. Obviously, just a dependable, notable, and enlisted moving can furnish you with a fruitful approach to moving. Thus, search hard and go with a safe moving arrangement. Presently, in the event that we talk about the change or examine of moving, there are numerous significant things that you ought to ask and clear while picking an organization.
In this article, we will examine a few inquiries that you should pose to movers and packers prior to picking them. Thus, read the article totally and cautiously.
Request the Costs
There is no question in saying that packers and movers are really extremely supportive for individuals and many individuals pick them for their moving necessities. You can get the best arrangements from them. However, prior to booking with a group you ought to pose a few significant inquiries and things like we can take this point.
Indeed, we are saying request the expenses or costs. Without a doubt, there are many phony organizations that can swindle you. Yet, you can clear every one of the questions at the time choice. Along these lines, we couldn't want anything more than to recommend that generally request the expenses and rates. Likewise, be clear with regards to the secret accuses and go all of the time of an organization that is totally lawful and ok for you.
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