#remember the browser ponies? I do
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randomgurustuffs · 5 months ago
Bringing out my most generic question, what pony ask blogs are your favorites? (I've not seen most your previous TMI's so forgive me if you've answered this before :'D)
You know, I don't think I've ever answered this one before. In no particular order.
@temper-temper Now I might be a lil bit biased, but I really, really like how my wife's art looks. It's so clean and detailed and well posed and...well, you get the idea. I'm also looking forward to what she does with @askxxviperxx
@askcaravelstuff-blog Is dead, but I enjoyed the art and humor a lot. Wish it would come back. @askmidnightspell I really enjoy the artstyle and way the expressions are drawn. Plus humorous twisting of asks on occasion. @flashtheponyofwind I enjoy the lore and humor on this blog a lot. @pony-detective This artstyle was fun. I have more, but I'm running out of things to say.
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collector1observer · 2 years ago
I just want to write my story
This is about how I came across MordeTwi and how it became one of my obsessions. It's kinda funny to look back to because I never really cared about Regular Show back then and I was one of those people who avoided MLP like it was the plague.
The first time I encountered a redraw of the Airplanes meme was actually in the year 2020, when I was browsing the Comics & Cartoons board of 4chan.
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It was a "Barney Bait" thread, this was the thread's thumbnail. I had no strong reaction to this image, nor thought to figure out the context for its creation. I wasn't fully aware about the ship yet at this point, I just assumed this image was a commission and not part of a greater cultural phenomenon. Okay, I'll admit: this was also during the time I was in a phase where I irrationally hate Regular Show and what it stands for (I believe the Simp meme was popular at this point too), and when I looked at this image then, I swear I was like "Heh. Mordecai is being partnered up with some random pony." (I didn't know at the time that Twilight is also a main protagonist like he is lol)
Jump forward to more or less a year later, I was binge watching Jabroni Mike's stream VODs. One video in particular has Frederick Knudsen as a guest, and it was about AI generated images (this was back when Dall-E wasn't a thing yet, I think). One of the prompts was the lyrics of Airplanes, and at some point Fred had to bring up MordeTwi because Mike had no idea what's going on. That one fateful second... Fred shared the original Airplanes drawing (Mike showing it to us thru OBS), and that's when it hit me...
"Hey, this image looks familiar. Hmm... A meme. And it involves Mordecai and MLP..."
I had to pause the video but it only took me seconds to remember that 4chan thread. This was also the first time I learned of the pony's name – Twilight Sparkle. "Ah. I know my search term now, thanks Fred!"
Google: mordecai x twilight sparkle
This was when the Airplanes meme was still just about to blow up into mainstream popularity (re: resurge as a trend big time). Searching MordeTwi during this time was better since you got to see more of the older stuff that wasn't to do with the redraw trend or the Airplanes meme in general. At the same time I was deep diving in this search, I was also looking at my browser history trying to rediscover that 4chan thread to make sure I wasn't going crazy (actually, I had to look it up through an archive, e.g. Desu Archive).
I learned a few things that day:
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1, Mordecai x Twilight Sparkle was a thing for a long time
2, the ship itself did not stem from the original meme image – which there's a trend over it – but alot of people don't seem to know that
3, there was a trend back in 2020 to "redraw MordeTwi"
4, there was an ongoing trend to make content related to: A, the ship, or B, the meme based on the ship.
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There's just something about this pairing, it just... stuck to my head. Like, it's some kind of cosmic horror – they're bound together one way or another, their pairing is inevitable, and your mind just won't quiet about it. But there's something else I learned about MordeTwi in those early times: the original shippers of this pairing were kind of the underdogs. This was a full on fanbase too, I must add, with a fan club. Just a few days in for their existence and they were already getting hate sent their way; they were misunderstood – though granted, they didn't have a FAQ section to clear things up, until two years after their club was founded.
Suffice it to say: learning about this ship – how its' fans/creators got treated over time, and how it was perceived overall... that got me rooting for MordeTwi. It's a pity that MordeTwi is mostly seen these as "that fake ship/joke pairing that a nine-year-old made up out of nowhere".
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fedorahead · 1 year ago
this is why i'm always glad the ads are for things i have no interest in, or the rare spanish ad that pops up. they can't get me if i can't understand them/will never purchase their thing.
i am vulnerable to ads. the first time i ever ate at sonic it was because a commercial made their food look good. i am aware of this, and use an adblocking browser on my phone and pay for tumblr to block ads and then i still go on tiktok once a month and if i use the for you page it's *only* ads. and i go on facebook and even on my friends' walls now there are advertisements and i genuinely thought the first few i saw were things they'd shared.
i'm staunchly anti-consumerist, even moreso than anti-capitalist, and i am struggling. i mindfully put my money into little boxes that it doesn't fill, an account for my bills, an account for my food budget, an account to save, and then some person starts talking about their recent purchase or i get an adhd brainworm to do a project and suddenly i'm overbudget and packages are arriving at my door and i can't even remember half of them and my credit card debt rises again. i am 31 years old, i have been homeless from poverty, i lived off of <$20 a week for several years, i have a car payment to make and i have so much programming blasting into my head 24/7 that i only really see the problem clearly when i'm sitting alone in my room and feeling like i'm drowning because i bought a set of pony beads that was so cheap because i've been getting ads for waist beads because i looked up a tutorial on waist beads when i bought some seed beads to make waist beads because i had one simple idea that maybe it would be fun to decorate more than my neck a year ago and it snowballed into three different kinds of projects, none of which are actually accomplishing what i want because the stores i'm *not* boycotting don't have the stock i need, so i've settled for the wrong stuff three times but settling means i'm unsatisfied and so then those ads show up and start the whole process again.
i consider myself particularly conscientious, especially with a roommate that genuinely believes "the viral tiktok [product]" is a real phrase real human beings say to each other outside of advertisements. we had to explain to this 36 year old woman that the videos of people trying products are ads. and she buys every damn thing they advertise to her. she has a scrub daddy. she has a lisa frank blender with four spare blending cups. she has the starbucks iridescent reusable cup. she makes good money and they're struggling, meanwhile i make ok money and i'm going insane from this shit. and i'm not sure if it's worse that she's not aware of her purchasing habits or that i am fully aware and still have no control.
we're not built to handle these types of stressors.
Something so profoundly fucked up between the inverse ratio of shrinking middle class and ever increasing aggression of advertisement
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blanksbae · 3 years ago
Even If We’re Just Dancing in the Dark (RPF)
Disclaimer: This is complete and total FICTION. That means it never happened and is completely untrue. In fact, this is so far from the truth that it isn’t even in the same country as the truth. I don’t own anybody, and I make no money off of this. I am not in any way implying said characters’ sexual identities. All knowledge of these people are from public information. All thoughts are my own. These are FICTIONAL characters, based loosely on the public persona of real people; this is not a story about the REAL people.
If you are, or know, someone in this fic, close that browser tab and turn around now. Please. Also, for the love of all that is holy, PLEASE don’t link this/share with the real people who are associated with this work of FICTION.
No beta here…all mistakes are mine.
Title from Bruce Springsteen’s “Dancing in the Dark”
This came about in late March/early April (?; I really can’t remember when...alll I remember is seeing a quote about “I don’t bite-unless you want me too”, and I was deep in the Bords feels, and then I stumbled on the Mock Rock video again. I was talking with @workingforitallthetime about it, and voila! Fic- credit to them for most of the list (other than Briss- I had always determined that was the endgame). 
Wait a minute, I do remember now. It was after that one UMich video where they talked about their favorite moment the season, and Bords was in that vintage team USA jacket...I was thinking dancer!Bords AU. Aha, my brain hasn’t failed me after all. :) Anyway, alternatively was titled “Dancer AU” on my google doc. Have a 5+1 fic!
As always, fiction. Don’t like, don’t read. RPF under the cut. I was going to share it on Saturday, but decided to put it out tonight instead.
Tagging: @calermakar08 @brenbrissonsgf @thombordy @driverpicksthe-music @erikports @1-800-iluvhockey @hockey-lover86 @huggybearr @ethancale @blankyblanks @barzyismyhusband13 @bordestapa @cobrakaisb @njdhischier @ice-hockey-is-pretty-cool @hockeyboysarehot @workingforitallthetime
1. Owen
When Owen had come home early, he wasn’t expecting anyone to be home. He definitely wasn’t expecting Bords to be in the living room with a folding chair and Ginuewine’s “Pony” blasting from his phone’s speakers. Owen couldn’t figure out what was going on until Bords started walking around the chair, and oh. 
Owen knew he’d been spotted when Bords said, “Oh, Owen, hey. You got a minute?”
“Sure.” Owen blushed at getting caught. “What do you need?”
“I’m supposed to do a lap dance for Mock Rock, and I’ve never done it before. Can I practice on you?” Bords batted his eyelashes in an attempt to break the awkwardness of the mood, but it just made Owen blush harder.
���Um, yeah, ok.” Owen stammered out.
“Sweet! Come sit down.” Bords said. Owen did, and Bords restarted the song. He started behind Owen’s chair and ran his hand over Owen’s chest.
Owen tried to think about the unsexiest things he could, but it wasn’t any use, especially when Bords sat down on Owen’s lap and laced his fingers behind Owen’s head. Owen knew he was probably beet red by now, and he was just hoping Bords wasn’t going to make this any more awkward than it was.
Bords wiggled his hips around a couple times, and when Owen let out a strangled gasp (and got even more red if possible), Bords grinned. “Ok, yeah. That’s good. Thanks Big Dog.” Bords grinned, getting up off of Owen. 
“Yeah.” Owen started bolting for his room. He couldn’t let Bords see the situation he had.
“I’ll run interference. You’ve got 10 minutes!” Bords yelled. And well, Owen didn’t need to be told twice (and he really didn’t want to ever have to bring up this moment with Bords ever again).
2. Truss
Truss was there when Bords had suggested doing a dance at Mock Rock. He looked over at Bords. “What kind of dance were you thinking?
“I hadn’t thought about it yet.” Bords admitted. 
“We could totally do the scene from Dirty Dancing. I’m no Swayze, but I could definitely lift you and spin you.”
“No.” Bords said, laughing. “Coach would kill me if you got injured.”
“Fair point.” Truss said.
“But, if you want, I’m willing to give it a try, just to prove that it won’t work.” Bords said. He found the song and then planned his run and jump. 
Truss caught him and spun him around. Bords couldn’t help but laugh, and as Truss lowered him, Bords wrapped his legs around Truss’ waist and his hands around Truss’ neck. Truss pulled Bords in closer and that was when Bords figured it out.
“A lap dance.” Bords said. “It should be a lap dance.”
“I’m here if you need someone to practice on.” Truss said, putting Bords back down on the ground.
“I just may take you up on that.” Bords grinned.
3. Ports
They were out at a party when Bords sat down in Erik’s lap. “Ports! You were great out there tonight.” 
“Thanks.” Erik said, wondering why Bords was sitting in his lap, leaning in close enough to Erik that Erik could smell the crappy beer that Bords had been drinking all night long.
“Seriously,” Bords said, wiggling around a little in Erik’s lap. “You kept us alive in that game tonight, and really all season. I think you need to relax a little.”
“Bords? What are you talking about?” Erik asked. Bords didn’t answer; he just pulled Erik up off the couch and down the hall to one of the empty rooms. After making sure the door was locked, Bords pushed at Erik until Erik fell back on the bed. Bords pushed at a couple buttons on his phone, and then he was straddling Erik on the bed again.
“Let me say thank you.” Bords said, twisting his hips around, making Erik’s hands fly up to Bords’ waist.
And if Erik played even better the next week and sought Bords out at the party, well, that was just between them.
4. Blanks
Blanks had come home at the wrong time; he hadn’t needed to see Bords trying to grind against the couch arm.
“Um, Bords?” Blanks asked. “What are you doing?”
Bords blushed bright red at being caught. “Er, I was trying something out for my dance for Mock Rock.”
“You need someone to try it on?” Blanks asked, sitting down on the couch. “I’m down.”
“Blanks. I can’t…” Bords trailed off. “You’re my captain, you don’t…”
“Come on, I don’t bite,” Blanks said. Bords swung his legs across Blanks’ lap and straddled him. Blanks leaned in and whispered in Bords’ ear, “That is, unless you want me to.” Blanks grinned as Bords gasped a little. “Show me what you got.”
This was probably the best lap dance Bords had done; the couch had given it a slightly different angle, but Blanks had been in tune with each move Bords was making, and even seemed to anticipate some; Bords had leaned his head back at one point and Blanks had lightly nipped at Bords’ neck, drawing out a sound Bords had never heard himself make before. When Blanks had taken Bords’ hand and led him to Blanks’ room to continue it, Bords didn’t even think twice. 
“You keep saying it’s Mock Rock, but I think I know what it is,” Blanks said, running his hand through Bords’ sweaty hair. “You want to make a good impression on Briss, don’t you?”
“What? How?” Bords didn’t deny it, but he didn’t confirm it either. He thought he was hiding it well.
“That’s why I’m the captain.” Nick grinned. “You two stare at each other all the time, and I know you-Briss is the one whose opinion matters the most. I’m giving you the blessing-as long as it doesn’t mess with the team.”
“Thanks.” Bords said; there was no use denying it. Blanks could keep a secret too, so Bords wasn’t worried about Briss finding out. “What rating would you give me?”
“9 out of 10. Would definitely recommend.” Blanks said, grinning. “If things don’t work out with Briss, you know where to find me.”
“Right.” Bords said, cheeks red again. “Thanks Blanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
5. Matty
Not that Matty minded living with Bords, quite the opposite really, but right now, if Matty heard “Cookie” by R. Kelly one more time, he was going to break Bords’ neck. (Especially when it didn’t help that Matty knew the scene from Magic Mike XXL that the song was from- his girlfriend at the time had made him go watch it with her.)
Matty waited until the song was over and then went and knocked on Bords’ bedroom door. When he got the all clear to enter, Matty came in to find Bords on the bed, laptop on the pillow. 
“S’up Matty?” Bords asked.
“Can you at least wear headphones if you’re going to listen to that? I swear, if I hear that song one more time…” Matty trailed off as Bords got up off the bed and came closer to him. “Bords? What’s going on?” 
“You think I could do it?” Bords asked, breath tickling Matty’s ear.
“Do what?” Matty asked, trying to will himself to stay cool in the situation.
“Break your back, crack it open like a lobster.” Bords said, quoting the song. Matty felt his heart rate picking up a little.
“I don’t know. What, you wanna try it? I’m sure coach would love it if I got injured.” Matty deadpanned, trying to regain the grip he was quickly losing on the situation.
“Do you want me to try it?” Bords asked, and there went the last strands of self-control Matty had.
“Yes.” Matty said; he knew he’d never get another chance at this (and he knew how Bords felt about Briss; there were a couple of after party confessions from each boy that Matty wished he had never heard), so if Bords was offering, Matty was going to take full advantage of it.
Bords grinned like the cat that ate the canary. “Alright then. Take a seat in that chair over there.”
Matty did as he was told, and when he heard the bars of “Cookie” start, he couldn’t help the small grin that came over his face. That grin quickly was wiped off his face as Bords sat in Matty’s lap and started moving his hips. (And how long had Bords been watching the video? He had the moves down. Matty wasn’t going to think about that right now.). Then Bords had tipped the chair back carefully, and Matty had ended up on his back on the floor; Bords had moved the chair out of the way and had flipped Matty over (so he was on his stomach) and sat down on Matty’s back.
Then came the part about breaking the back and cracking it open like a lobster; Bords pulled Matty up by his hair. Matty let out a groan that Truss surely would’ve heard (had he been home; thankfully he was gone right now) and said, “Fine. You win.”
“Told you I could do it.” Bords grinned, getting up and off of Matty. “Um, you want some help there?” Bords asked, pointing out the obvious erection Matty had going on.
“Um, yes. You started it, you finish it.” Matty said.
“I can do that.”
“No more of that song please?” Matty asked after they’d cleaned up and were in the kitchen, Bords watching Matty make dinner.
“I’ll do my best.” Bords said. “Or I’ll wear headphones.”
+1. Briss
It had come to this. Bords had done Mock Rock (and got some glowing reviews on his dancing skills), and he’d been practicing with a couple teammates too, but now it was time to do it for Brendan.
Bords threw back another shot; he was going to need some liquid courage to start this (and definitely if Briss rejected him-Nick was on standby in case things went horribly wrong). 
“Briss!” Bords said, coming to sit down in Briss’ lap. “How you doing?”
“Good.” Briss’ hand went to stabilize Bords in his lap immediately, which was a good sign. Bords just sat there for a minute before experimentally moving his hips a little. Briss stiffened slightly, but relaxed, so Bords waited another couple minutes before trying again. This time, Briss stopped Bords’ hips and looked over at Bords.
“What are you doing?” It wasn’t Briss’ “mad” voice; it was his “curious” voice, and Bords looked right at Briss.
“Can we take this somewhere more private?” Bords asked.
“That might not be a bad idea.” Briss agreed. “Come on, my room is just down the hall. We can talk in there.”
Once Briss had closed and locked his door, he looked at Bords. “What’s going on? Are you ok?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
“You were practically grinding on me on the couch!” Briss was slightly exasperated.
“Maybe I wanted to see how you’d react.” Bords said. “I got my answer. I’ll go now.”
“I never said I didn’t like it.” Briss’ voice was soft. “It was just a little too public for me.”
Bords’ brain went offline for a second as he processed the statement. “Briss?” his voice was barely above a whisper. “What are you saying?”
“I don’t want everyone to see it.” Briss said. “I am on board with it. Like, you don’t know how many times I watched that Mock Rock video.” Briss’ cheeks flamed red. “I wondered what it would be like. I just didn’t know how to ask.”
For the second time in minutes, Bords’ brain short circuited. “It was always you.” he said, before his brain caught up with his mouth. “I wanted it to be you.”
They shared a laugh, and then Briss looked at Bords. “You’ve got me all alone in my locked bedroom, on my bed. Why don’t you show me what you’ve got?” And well, Bords didn’t need to be told twice.
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absentartifacts · 2 years ago
hi! i remember this website, and played on it myself when i was in middle school, i think? i don't think there's any recreation of the website available--it primarily used flash if i remember correctly, so most of the games wouldn't work on today's browsers even if the original site was still around.
the bella sara wiki seems to have information about the old site, and there's tons of snapshots on the wayback machine!
i remember there being the horses you redeemed via cards, but there was also a pony that you could customize, name, and take care of, as well as a house you could decorate, and all the minigames. i remember a horse racing minigame and one where you drew a course for a horse to run across? "doodle" something, i dunno. and a "minigame" that was basically just a painting program but bella sara themed.
there was also an... mmorpg aspect to the website at some point? you could create a character and go on like. quests and stuff? and meet horses and explore an overworld and i think you had, like, a farm? i remember there being a way to make food for horses you met in the overworld. i dunno if it was actually an mmo--i don't remember ever seeing another player in it, so maybe it was just a weird rpg type game. i definitely spent hours on it though, lol.
this isn't anything to do with the website itself, but while i was doing a little bit of digging i found a website that's managed to archive all of the bella sara card packs, which is really cool--so here's the link to that, too!
i found a brief forum discussion from 2020 on the Lost Media Wiki about the site from right after the site rebranded, and unfortunately it doesn't seem like they had much luck either :( there's a link in the thread (i don't recommend clicking it, seems super sketch), but that turned up nothing, too.
there's still definitely a lot of records of the old website, at the very least! even just looking up "bella sara old website" on google images brings up a ton of screenshots. but yeah, doesn't seem like any of those features are really recoverable as of right now :(
Lost Media tumblr please tell me whether or not there’s at least a chance of finding/recovering the old Bella Sara website. It was this magical horse game from the mid 2000s up until 2013 when they stopped producing the card packets. Each card had a magical horse and a code on it, you redeemed the code on the website to get said horse, there were fun mini games, etc. the website was left up to fall into disrepair until 2020 when it was completely redone, and the old game is no longer accessible. I really miss it, and I’m sure others do to. I know there’s higher priority searches in the community, but I’d at least like a little light shined on a piece of lost media that is very neat and dear to my heart.
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krixwell-liveblogs · 5 years ago
Worm asks
Have you tried to give D&D alignments to The Travelers yet, and if not how would you classify them?
Trickster: True neutral
Sundancer: Neutral good
Ballistic: Chaotic neutral
Genesis: ???
Noelle: Lawful? good
Oliver: Chaotic nerd
Gurer’f abguvat vaqvfchgnoyl njshy tbvat guebhtu, ohg V’q qrsvavgryl yvxr gb frr yrff uvagvat znxr vg guebhtu gur fperravat gb Xevk
Sharks: Fher guvat. V’ir orra ehaavat bss gur vqrn gung vs vg’f va gur sbezng bs na ubarfg dhrfgvba, va beqre gb nibvq nabgure Fpragyrff Zna vapvqrag, ohg V pna svarghar vg vs crbcyr jnag?
As usual, translate here.
While you’re checking out all the Simurgh fanart, you should listen to this theme someone made for her: (google Simurgh Husr, first result. Hopefully sharks can just replace this with the actual link) Same person who made that Leviathan theme linked way back.
This was really nice. I like how it does sound like a good melody while at the same time exhibiting some of the pattern-defying nature of the tune. 🙂
I think you miiiight have jumped to conclusions from an ask that simply asked you if you could list the Traveler’s cape and civilian names. Miiight have. Also, I’m pretty sure most of them where refered to by their civilian names in previous arcs.
It’s certainly possible.
It’s not so much that I jumped to the conclusion as that the ask opened my eyes to the possibility of it, which I hadn’t considered before. From there, I had to reevaluate things and consider how things would change if it turned out I had gotten the two mixed up. Ultimately I think I’d prefer for Cody to be Ballistic, but I’m still not sure either way (even with this ask heavily implying it’s Luke).
As for names, most of their names did show up (all the more reason for an ask about matching names to capes being kind of odd if it wasn’t trying to set me thinking of something), but I can’t recall Ballistic’s being one of them. But you know how my memory can be.
That smurf song you posted definitely says “dab dab dab” several times, despite the video being uploaded to YouTube in 2009, and the song supposedly being from 1978. So that’s suspicious as hell.
I… think that has to be the bits where it actually says “tramp, tramp, tramp på en smurf” (“stomp, stomp, stomp on a smurf”).
Either way, now we’re all forced to consider the concept of the Smurfs dabbing, so thanks for that. 😛
“Dragonberry” was Scarfgirl’s old character on City of Heroes, a MMORPG with a superhero theme that no longer exists. I know you’re not reading the chapter comments, but if you ever go back to read the early ones, you’ll see that quite a lot of the early readers were City of Heroes players who had an interest in superhero fiction. That’s why Scarfgirl’s art is signed “Dragonberry”, because it’s how people knew her back then.
Ah, interesting. Fun to hear a little about the fandom’s early history. 🙂
I’ve had many names, myself. Once upon a time I used to make a different name, if not more, for just about every site I was on. One of the names that stuck with me the most was Elementarion, which I used in the game Godville and a few other places (not every Elementarion that comes up on Google now is me, though), because I found long-time friends while using that name.
Though for some reason I wonder why 😛, nobody seemed to want to type it out every time they wanted to mention me. I’ve been called almost every short form of Elementarion there is. El was the most common (made watching Stranger Things kinda odd the first time around, even though I’d long abandoned the name), but I’ve been called Ele, Elem, Eleme, Elemen, Element…
A couple other highlights I remember were Hiatus (in a browser game I don’t remember the name of), OldHeavens (NewGrounds) and Barbute (ArmorGames).
It wasn’t until I came up with Krix Jace, later Krixwell Jace, that I started stabilizing my name.
1. Do you think people ever submit misleading questions just to fuck with you?
Some, probably. And that might be a good thing — if there are some asks that deliberately imply things that are wrong, it makes it harder to trust accidental implications of things that are right.
2. Have you ever noticed that Danny and Eidolon have never been in a scene together?
Hmmmmmm 🤔
Still no Travelers interlude… do you still think you’ll get one, or has this dashed your hopes?
Yeah, no, I’m counting this as everything I asked for and more. 😛
Sent in by “ewerwqer”. “Simurgh Scream” by person257 Don’t… Open it with headphones on. Trust me. Don’t.
I’m scared.
*disconnects his headphones*
…not as bad as the description sounded, but yeah, probably a good idea to not use headphones. It’s a well put-together bit of mind noise, nice work. 🙂
Worm fanart
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By Winkle92
Oooh, there are more of these? Awesome! They’re all going in my backgrounds folder.
I love how Behemoth just kinda peeks around the corner of the image border. It’s okay, don’t be shy!
(Also I just discovered I can do slideshows. Neat.)
K6BD ask
My favorite part is the Master of Aesthetic saying “she is an idiot, and a loathsome schemer!” and YISUN is all “YEP, YOU GOT THAT ONE RIGHT 😀 😀 :D”. With Aesma standing right there.
YISUN is the type of person who has “precious trash babies” in every fandom they’re in. 😛
I feel like you all need to know, even if you don’t care about MLP:FiM, that the final episode of the show proved us all wrong.
The show’s resident Skitter is not Queen Chrysalis, the villainous, scheming ruler of a hive full of insect ponies.
Nor is it Twilight Sparkle, the mainest character and socially awkward brainiac who leads a team of five other main characters and always does her research if she can.
No, because of this one episode, it becomes clear:
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It’s Rarity.
Okay, that’s just a joke, Twilight is still the best fit among the Mane Six, but Rarity using spiders for her fashion did immediately make me think of Taylor.
Twilight – Taylor
Applejack – Brian
Rainbow Dash – Rachel
Rarity – Lisa
Fluttershy – Alec??
Pinkie Pie – Aisha??
(Spike – Shatterbird??????)
K6BD patron comments
1. “What happened to Hansa” is addressed in the Prim story so that’s still out there if you want to know.
Ahh. That would explain why it was left unexplained in Aesma, aside from acting as a noodle incident if you haven’t read Prim.
2. As you observed, the word “demon” has appeared very rarely in the comic, outside of epic title drops & an instance where drunk Allison used it in place of “devil”. It’s used in some of the bonus texts but without a clear definition. Can you speculate further on what it might mean?
The priests seem to call Aesma a demon in the sense of a being of evil, but I don’t think that’s necessarily a definition that’s relevant to the comic’s title (and what appears to be Allison’s “name” in some sense, though the Demiurges do seem to have misinterpreted other parts of the prophecy and Zoss didn’t unambiguously use it as a name). It may be more about inner demons, Allison killing her fears, doubts and insecurities as she grows into the role of a king/queen of the cosmos. Six billion might be hyperbole, in that case, but still.
Alternatively, the prophecy and name might actually refer to Zaid, who could easily end up being the final villain of this thing even if he’s not actually Zoss’ intended successor. In that case, “six billion demons” might refer to humans, if Zaid gets really nasty with his own species. We know very little about Zaid’s base personality beyond “kinda sleazy boyfriend”, so a lot of developments are plausible on that front.
Though there are other parts of the prophecy, as well as illustrations, that do fairly clearly indicate Kill Six Billion Demons is Allison and will be flanked by White Chain and Ciocie, so it referring to Zaid is unlikely.
3. I think the author once said that there are still Aesma-worshippers active in Throne. What do you think they’re like and what would she think of them?
(Somehow the flesh sellars come to mind.)
Well, clearly they’d be Slytherins, if they understand her teachings. Aesma might treat them as ants, if she were still around, but bask in their adoration.
4. Kalpa — a Hindu / Buddhist concept meaning a really fucking long time. Besides in the story you just read, the term has also appeared in the comic at least once so far.
Good to know. I think I kind of just assumed it was Throne’s equivalent of a year, however long it might be.
5. Panopticon — a prison design envisioned by philospopher Jeremy Bentham, allowing all prisoners to be observed from a central point.
Makes sense. When I read it in Aesma’s story, the word’s construction was clear enough that I figured out what it was immediately, before I finished reading the sentence. It very clearly means a place from which to see everything.
6. Root — penis.
Yeah, I figured that one out. 😛
7. To offset the unfortunate scarcity of Cio in your life lately, here’s some of the old concept art:
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(The quantity of arms was somewhat uncertain.)
Her arms and legs look so spidery here. I suppose that might be why she was introduced with the Coat of Arms.
Can Skitter control her?
8. Not related to K6BD but Abaddon has also been working on a tabletop mecha RPG and here’s the very nice cover art:
Tumblr media
Ooh, you’re right, this looks very nice. It kind of gives me a K6BD x Steven Universe x Star Wars vibe. And a little bit of RWBY with that one guy that reminds me of Tyrian. I can definitely see the resemblance between this an K6BD in terms of character design style, despite the genre shift.
I particularly like the blonde in the lower left.
In the interest of transparency, I should also mention that the patron has said he probably won’t sponsor full liveblogs of any of the other bonus texts, but has sent me a few recommendations and links to some of the ones I’ve passed (besides Prim). I might read some of those on my own time, though, especially the second Aesma story. If I do, I will of course let you know and discuss any particularly notable observations.
Between: PB7
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hbwqvompzowq-blog · 6 years ago
New Way To Know I Forgot My Gmail Password Online
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Also set taking place verification, using every doable safety option, including printing your recovery codes and stashing them in several places. Used properly can and will prevent your account getting hacked. You are taking someone out for a date and you don't know what type of restaurant she fancies and you setting awkward asking her. Just say, guess what restaurant I'm taking you to. , I filled in the little form, and had them call me. And the answer is no. The tech maintain folks you can attain how to recover gmail password when the Google one serve attain indeed action for Google. But they complete not (and cannot!) pay for any instruction for locked out accounts, extra than to saunter you thru the automated process. If that process fails to get you in - you at a loose end the account. Side issue: the defense there are correspondingly many collapsed answers here is because there are a ton of scammers out there who desire you to call them, and they decree difficult to get their contacts into Quora answers. They will with use every trick there is to convince you they are somehow affiliated once or sanctioned by Google. They arent. They can lonely use the same automated process I partnered above - and feat you fine grant for behave something you can realize yourself. Again, there is and no-one else one way to recover a free Gmail/Google account. If you cant get in using that process, you drifting the account. She will make known a place; all you have to accomplish is war amazed and say, how did you know? as soon as bothersome to acquire as much guidance as practicable from someone during a conversation, whenever they discontinue and seem to have said every they designed to, resist the temptation to say all and otherwise node attentively and see them in the eye. They will continue talking and say you as much as you habit to know. If the professor asks a question that would embarrass you in tummy of the class if you attempted to answer, or the boss demands for suggestions during a meeting and you obviously have nothing in mind, but he looks at you as if expecting to listen something from you, straightforwardly position your perspective and look at a colleague. He will subconsciously follow your gaze and ask the person you looked at. The social dominoes effect. If incharge of a bureau and you are wondering how you can get them to reach something you want, create it look gone everyone else is play a role it even if no one actually is. This creates an unreal peer pressure and gets people upon board. To growth your odds of getting the upper hand at a bargain, appreciation your head everytime you present your suggestion. The other party will easily attain in imitation of your offer. If you are the kind of person that people don't once to recognize seriously and you in fact compulsion to steer a narrowing across, handily tell what you desire starting in the same way as a phrase when roosevelt later than said that... or as with opined... . create it sound similar to those were the opinions of a renowned person and they will gain credibility.
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extradan · 7 years ago
Hey I like your art a ton and I was wondering just how long you have been drawing and working to improve as an artist.
Oh my gosh haha thank you so much for liking my art!
I have been drawing for the longest time, I think ever since kindergarten, well at least the artistic dedication! 
I used to draw my when i was in middle school, starting from fourth grade i have been drawing more and more frequently until fifth grade in which I was drawing on a daily base, back then I would also be sitting and making animations on flash, which unfortunately I dont have backups of
but from middle school, up to high school 2012, my art never improved, it was just all the same all the time, I was back then on ritalin and I decided to start my first pony blog, while updating my blog, I couldnt consider yet Tumblr being part of the effective social websites that I go on as nobody was following me and I had no one to intreact with back, tumblr would be the thing i would check once every few days, it was nothing to me but a mere another google plus, until i was sponsored by catfood-mcfly back when he was running the Herpy Derpy blog, and thats where I got recognized and I was determined to continue my activity on tumblr as an ask blog, and I have gotten to become more interactive with people, being inspired by the many of the art I have been seeing from following other people, I would adopt and experiment with what I saw mostly shines through their art, and 2012 was the year I have made the biggest change in my art throughout the months, whitin 6-8 months I have improved by a ton!  tumblr was a very resourceful to the evolution of my art! and I also made so many friends and I have as well learned to become a better person! I am a better person of who I used to be in the past, and i am still improving! there are still a lot of things I need to work about myself as a person!
Also stepping out of drawing in flash and starting doing my stuff in sai was revolutionary to my art, flash back then wasnt recognized fully as an animators program by macromedia and neither by adobe, as they saw it an all purpose program for making goptimized ames and ads, only until all browsers and webpages grew out of flash and flash officially was blocked by all browsers since you could have implanted malicious codes into flash files, only then flash recognized as an art and animation tool for creators.
So moving to sai allowed me to build sketches and bodies easily and paint and yadda yadda and it was all great and helped boosting my art upwards
Flash limited my improvement as I wasnt drawing sketches on flash since you couldnt just lower the opacity of the layer you drew the sketch on, you would have to go through several actions to achieve that, but you would be lowering the opacity of your selected drawing and not the layer, I couldnt also paint on flash and flash ever since the stone age had those horrible vector tools that SUCKED DICK unless you do stretching and smoothing and fixing, in my opinion at least, they did improve the vector system a bit BUT IT STILL SUCKS, i prefer bitmap brushes more, which why I prefer Toon Boom harmony as a program for animators.
If you have been back in the days, you could have watched me go through a several phases! like drawing like atryl, raikissu’s shading and coloring styles, florecentmoo’s shading techniques and eye pupil style, and I uhh.. dont remember the rest, but theres have been a lot of artists out there whom I adopted artistic traits like:
theflyingtacoz, kittentoots(drunk fluttershy), w300, Santi, belaboy, dr idiot, inzergue (big impact on my current style), David (the guy who now works on mighty magiswords along with kyle), fungasm, colorlesscupcake (known as caek now), ahappypichu (a pretty powerful current impact on how i paint my art today), uhh, also “pinkie in private” which, to this day, drawing the way the draw the cheek for their characters, and some other artists I that I couldnt come up in my mind but I did adapt a trait or two from.
My current big inspirations are artists who work on OK KO and as fake as it might sound, my own fiance! yes!! they have been an inspiration for me for quite a while even back at 2012, but to how I viewed it, I never really dared to adopt anything from them because I was so out of their league, and my art was still shaping and i already had ideas that I wouldnt think would work if i mixed some of their’s, but now that my art have been developed and has a solid state of how it looks, they inspire me so much!!
Drawing ponies was probably the best practice I have ever had that thanks to that I have pushed so far in the art that I do, ponies are so simplified!! and easy to draw! it allowed me to produce more and that means that it allowed me to experience differently with each time! 
It helped me improve with a lot of stuff like gesture, facial and painting and other other minor stuff! drawing ponies was such a booster seat for me!
But unfortunately, from drawing ponies alot you wont learn how to draw humans, which understanding muscle, action line, figure and bones is so crucial for drawing, anything really! understanding how the body works is extremely fundamental and its there for you to know how to manipulate the drawings your making, of any specie, its not there to just teach you how to draw the anatomy of the human body, that will only serve as a plus.
I have learned a lot from ponies but how bodies work and draw clothes lmafo, to this day I cant draw clothes for days
in 2014 I ordered a really good book and I have polished my anatomy and human drawing skills, I yet dont know some stuff because i stopped practicing because of varios reason like relationship, access and physical health.
In the begging of the year I acquired a cintiq and it been nothing but dreadful to me, but im using it because i spent.. so much money on it.. and i have been so concerned about bringing it to my home country as well.. but it has the adventage of a screen so... 
its just, I dont have a low enough desktop or high enough chair to draw on it, its always above my shoulder no matter the angle and it puts so much weight on my shoulders, the thing is heavy too so its not something you could lean on your legs while you draw, neither it is portable, it made work much more harder and difficult and I wasnt drawing as frequesnt because my time wasnt so so enjoyable, my 2015 as well become a dreadful year to me and I was feeling guilty and shitty everyday, and it was my fault because it was all my doing and i let myself feel that way, and I had barely the stamina to work on my art ever over the year, I also lost my passion and motivation to draw and basically it dragged also to 2016, I drew a few commissions but I didnt produce much art neither, then I flew over the united states and I didnt have acess to drawing for 4 months as i was away from my equipment, my fiance had the equipment, but that means that I would have to use their computer for all the dedicated hours I use to work on my art and they would have nothing but a mere phone to entertain themselves, also our time togehter was really precious and every minute counted, so we rathered having fun other than doing work work work
2017 came and I still had the sense of drawing lost in me, I would draw whenever i would have a piece of paper available to me since I find fun in that, since im comfortable and cozy and i dont have to concentrate the entirety of my body weight on my hand and arm as i draw, but I would never draw on the cintiq unless its a miracle or if had a crazy comic idea in mind that i had and MUST HAD executed, i almost didnt draw anything in 2017, and neither in this year but the ok ko drawing i have recently created, but I found a new comfortable focus and its doing 3d, I am using my mouse to do everything and i dont have to feel my horrible chair scraping againt my butt like sandpaper, and I dont to feel like my shoulders are about to give up, I did try Tam’s 13hd and it was so much more comfortable and nice to draw on as i could put it on the bed or on my legs, but I cant afford another expensive piece of equipment, especially not in this generation of technology, wacom fucking sucks but no other brand is willing to be their competitive because tablet is not the purchase the average person would make.
Another reason why I have been so held on drawing and using the cintiq, which was probably the most major thing was it’s total, hot flaming shitty garbage diarrhea poopy stank abysmal horrible disgusting nasty dumbass smelly drivers which made every chance i had to draw a miss because i would battle myself from 30 minutes to over a hour fixing my tablet to draw a single thing, and its been like that every time i would turn my cintiq on! the situation was severe and everytime i would find a solution, it would be later suppressed, it was so harsh that i had a few months in which nothing I would do would make the drivers function, i was basically tabletless, so many, and a lot of opportunities for me to create a piece of drawing was flushed in the toilet with the rest, and so it was a deeper burden on my passion, determination and motivation to draw.
But yeah, now im doing 3d and it feels like a fresh hobby to me since I felt that im not going anywhere in and with my art (even though I yet have to learn how to draw bodies better, let alone drawing limbs, feet and CLOTHES!!)
and now the future has yet to be revealed!
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piilokarsastus · 7 years ago
Get to know me
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? my gf
2. Are you outgoing or shy? not really outgoing, but shy doesn’t describe me either
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? any cat tbh
4. Are you easy to get along with? generally, yes
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? probably
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? girls that are nice, that I just have this weird connection with from the moment we meet and that have a similar taste in things as me
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? yes
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? my gf
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? no
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? define ‘deep’
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? ‘relatable’
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? I can never decide over these things but can we just pretend I named 5 piano pieces from Oliver Messiaen?
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? people, plural? I prefer one at a time but yeah it’s nice
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? sort of
15. What good thing happened this summer? I got a composing commission
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? I’d do it a thousand times
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? yes
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? no
19. Do you like bubble baths? yeah but the last time I had one was in like 2010 or something
20. Do you like your neighbors? yes
21. What are you bad habits? procrastinating
22. Where would you like to travel? many places, especially Germany
23. Do you have trust issues? no
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? when I get home from school, I make sandwiches and eat them in bed, watching HBO
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? all of it
26. What do you do when you wake up? frankly speaking, I don’t
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? wtf is this question
28. Who are you most comfortable around? my parents and my gf
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? no
30. Do you ever want to get married? it could be nice, but I really don’t care about that yet
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? lol nope
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? ???wut
33. Spell your name with your chin. nmkjkjllkb kjfrdshjulksadnbihj
34. Do you play sports? What sports? sports? I don’t know her
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV??? like what kind of uncivilised barbarian would choose to live without music??
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? when I was a kid
37. What do you say during awkward silences? I don’t?? no one says anything, that’s why it’s called awkward silence
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? she would be... sweet, funny, hella cute, amazing hair, likes music, probably plays the clarinet... oh wait
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? any book/music store and stores where you can buy fancy chocolate and other stuff to eat
40. What do you want to do after high school? not math
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? depends on the fucking context 42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? it could mean a variety of things. I could be having a perfectly normal day with just no one to talk to at the moment, or I could be having the worst day ever. 43. Do you smile at strangers? uhh...no (why would anyone do that?) 44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? space 45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? school. or hunger. in both cases, I do so reclutantly 46. What are you paranoid about? people abandoning me 47. Have you ever been high? yes, there was this mountain range on Gran Canaria, it was, like, 2km high or something 48. Have you ever been drunk? no 49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? my browser history is clean 50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? dark blue 51. Ever wished you were someone else? not permanently, but it’d be interesting to experience the world with someone else’s eyes 52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? my body 53. Favourite makeup brand? the fuck do I care? oh, maybe all these questions are meant for women (or others) that use makeup... maybe I shoud use makeup... maybe I’m a woman... maybe... it’s MAYBELLINE 54. Favourite store? Stockmann 55. Favourite blog? no opinion on this one 56. Favourite colour? blue but honestly I love every colour (except for that one... yeah, that) 57. Favourite food? pizza 58. Last thing you ate? bread 59. First thing you ate this morning? bread 60. Ever won a competition? For what? I won a costume competition at school in the 2nd grade, I was Harry Potter 61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? no 62. Been arrested? For what? no 63. Ever been in love? oh boi yes 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? my first gf was over, we lay on the couch and had a LotR marathon. We then discussed a more serious thing, and after that the kiss just happened 65. Are you hungry right now? no 66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? let’s be real my only tumblr friends are also my irl friends 67. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook 68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr 69. Are you watching tv right now? no 70. Names of your bestfriends? no not gonna tell u u scary internet person 71. Craving something? What? that mineral 72. What colour are your towels? we’re only 72 questions in and this is what you come up with? 72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 1-2 73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? occasionally, there’s a doggo 74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? like 40 75. Favourite animal? cat 76. What colour is your underwear? I wonder the same thing every day 77. Chocolate or Vanilla? (I’ll assume this is about ice cream) vanilla 78. Favourite ice cream flavour? yes 79. What colour shirt are you wearing? red 80. What colour pants? black 81. Favourite tv show? yes 82. Favourite movie? I rarely watch films these days, but I really liked the King’s Speech 83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? only seen the latter 84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? I should watch the first Mean Girls before I can make up my mind, but for now I’ll say 21 Jump Street 85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? can we just stop with the Mean Girls questions already? 86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? that was unexpected but thanks 87. First person you talked to today? my mum 88. Last person you talked to today? my mum 89. Name a person you hate? trump 90. Name a person you love? my gf 91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? yes 92. In a fight with someone? no 93. How many sweatpants do you have? 2 94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? 4 95. Last movie you watched? Einstein and Eddington 96. Favourite actress? I don’t really have favourites but Emma Thompson is a legend 97. Favourite actor? the same thing as above but David Tennant 98. Do you tan a lot? somewhat significantly, but I don’t really like sunbathing so I don’t know exactly how much 99. Have any pets? no :( 100. How are you feeling? normal 101. Do you type fast? quite so 102. Do you regret anything from your past? yes 103. Can you spell well? yes 104. Do you miss anyone from your past? friends that no longer stay in touch for reasons they apparently don’t deem appropriate to enlighten me about 105. Ever been to a bonfire party? this is Finland... find me someone who hasn’t been to one 106. Ever broken someone’s heart? nopefully hot hopefully not 107. Have you ever been on a horse? no 108. What should you be doing? shut the fuck up I’m not listening 109. Is something irritating you right now? no 110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? yes 111. Do you have trust issues? didn’t we already do this one? 112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? I actually don’t remember but mum probably 113. What was your childhood nickname? in my case, you can’t talk about “the” nickname, there has been so many... 114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? oh no sir where I live is the centre of the world, I don’t need to leave because why would anyone want to experience anything new ever, oh boy you won’t even believe what the Pohjois-Pohjanmaan lakeudet perkele has to offer (tl;dr: yes)
115. Do you play the Wii? the whom?
116. Are you listening to music right now? no
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? yeah whatever
118. Do you like Chinese food? yes
119. Favourite book? no no no don’t ask me questions like this 
120. Are you afraid of the dark? no
121. Are you mean? no if you aren’t an arse
122. Is cheating ever okay? no. fuk u. u ruined the board game.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? that should be pretty easy, all you need is a sterile bag and a safe
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? no
125. Do you believe in true love? what do mean by ‘true’?
126. Are you currently bored? no
127. What makes you happy? food
128. Would you change your name? no, I would’ve already done that by now, wouldn’t I?
129. What your zodiac sign? Virgo
130. Do you like subway? (insert a joke about public transport)
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? date her, if you’re literally best friends with someone of your preferred sex, as in ‘I feel really safe and comfortable around this person and I care about them’ then what the fuck is there that prevents you from having the best romantic relationship possible?
133. Favourite lyrics right now? i listen to the music, not the lyrics
134. Can you count to one million? yes. but I wont.
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? When I was like 3 I messed with my dad’s watch and didn’t know how to change the time back to normal and when my dad asked me what had happened to the watch I said that it had been on the floor and I had accidentally stepped on a random wrench that had just happened to lie there next to it and the wrench had then launched into the air and landed on the watch breaking it
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed
137. How tall are you? 170cm
138. Curly or Straight hair? my hair? straight
139. Brunette or Blonde? my hair? brunette
140. Summer or Winter? Summer
141. Night or Day? Night
142. Favourite month? July
143. Are you a vegetarian? no
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? dark. milk chocolate is also good if it’s of high quality
145. Tea or Coffee? Tea
146. Was today a good day? has been so far
147. Mars or Snickers? why not both
148. What’s your favourite quote? ‘It amplifies your natural abilities, like a microphone... or a pooper scooper’ -The 11th Doctor
149. Do you believe in ghosts? no
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “Ei hassumpaa” 
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lovemesomesurveys · 8 years ago
What is the color of the last towel you used? Purple. Are you listening to music right now? No. I’m listening to an ASMR video. If so, whatcha listening to? Oh. I got ahead of myself and answered this already. Would you rather have a hippo or rhino dropped on you? Well, gee. Both sound pleasant, how could I choose? Do you walk a lot? No. I actually used to be active, believe it or not. Now I spend majority of my time in bed.
If you’re still in school, what number is your locker? --
What color is it? -- Do you have any super silly nicknames? No. Have you ever heard of the Japanese snack Yan Yan? I think so. Do you watch sports? Nope. Which ones, if any? -- Do you enjoy the great outdoors? No, not particularly. I’m someone who complains about the heat and bugs. Do you like cream soda? I do. Is there anyone who hates you? Probably. But then also that’s a really strong emotion and I don’t know if there’s anyone who feels that strongly about me to hate me. What color is your cell phone? Rose gold. How does your hair look right now? It’s in a messy pony tail. Are you on any medications? Yes. What is the last piece of mail you received? *shrug* How about e-mail? Spam.
Who is your 15th contact in your phone? I don’t feel like checking. Name something you like about school. I enjoyed the learned aspect for the classes that interested me. Do you eat meat, or are you a vegetarian? I eat meat. Have you ever cried in front of a teacher? No. Have you ever cried BECAUSE of a teacher? No. Do you do a :) or a (:? I do both. Do you have a Facebook? Yes. Do you go on it often, if you do? Not very often anymore. I’ll go on there briefly like once or twice a day. What is the closest gas station to you? 7-Eleven. Who did you last see in concert? Green Day and Franz Ferdinand. What grade are you in? I graduated college. Are paper clips fun to play with? I don’t find them very entertaining. Can you speak any other language? Some Spanish. Do you prefer mechanical pencils or regular pencils? Mechanical. Do you have a job? No. What’s your job? -- Do you take advil, tylenol, or ibuprofen? I take something stronger than those for my pain. Do you enjoy classic rock? Yeah, some. Have you ever heard of the band Citizen Cope? No. Is your alarm clock set right now? It is. What kind of music do you listen to the most? Probably like top 40 mainstream stuff. If you witnessed a crime, would you call the police right away? Yes.
Are you itchy right now? No. Do you like pine trees, or do think the sap is too annoying? I like the smell of them. Mountains or beach? Beach. Are your walls blank or covered with pictures/posters? They have some pictures/posters. Have you ever tried veggie burgers? Yeah, once. Burger King actually used to have them, and I tried it when my cousin was a vegetarian years ago. Do you have anything on your wrists? No. Do you have a mirror in the room you are in? I do. Have you ever had corn nuts? Yes. I loved the spicy ones. Do you smoke? No. What is your favorite shape? I guess a heart. Who did you last kiss? Joseph, years ago. Do you have any favorite accessories? No. I used to be a big accessories person at one time.  What color are your sheets? White with giraffes print. What time did you wake up this morning? I generally wake up at 1230 or so. Did you take a nap today? It’s 2:09AM. Would you rather get a tattoo of a face or a name? Name. Do you get a lot of sleep at night? I get about 8 hours lately, but it doesn’t feel like it. I never feel rested. What was the last flavor of ice cream you ate? I think it was strawberry.
Where were you an hour ago? Here. When’s the last time you got a haircut? Two years ago. Anything good in your cabinets? Sure. How old are you? Twenty-seven for twenty-six more days. Cupcakes or muffins? Both. I love muffins with my coffee and cupcakes for dessert. Are pigs adorable or dirty? They can be cute, but also dirty. What color are your shoelaces? Majority of shoes have white shoelaces. One pair has black, and my brown boots have brown shoelaces. Anything moldy in your house? Maybe. Have you ever been in an earthquake? No. Do you enjoy history? I do. I just enjoy it more when I’m learning about something of my choice at my leisure and not because I have to or I’m going to be tested on it or something. How much time do you spend on Facebook? Not much anymore.
What internet browser do you use? Firefox. Do you work full-time or part-time? I don’t work. Do you believe in Santa Claus? Of course. When is the last time you yawned? Earlier.
Do you wear a lot of makeup? No. I hardly ever wear makeup anymore. Do you wanna learn any other languages? I do. Have you been outside your native country? Once. What is the worst pain you’ve ever experienced? Losing my grandparents and my dog, Brandie. Are you a confident person? Nopeee. Do you own a laptop or desktop? Laptop. What’s the temperature outside? 66 degrees F. Did you get hit by any hurricanes? We don’t get hurricanes, thankfully. Could you ever be a mortician? Nooo. Are you pumped up about anything? No. Can you solve a Rubik’s cube? I give up too soon. I don’t have the patience to really try. In under a minute? - When was the last time you sneezed? I don’t remember. What color hair do you have? I dye it red. What’s your name, anyway? Stephanie. How often do you watch the news? Not much anymore. I used to in the mornings when I actually got up early. Do you have a dishwasher? Yes. How old are your grandparents? My papa is 83/84 and my nana is 80. Do you have a piggy bank? Nope. What is your favorite Disney movie? Alice in Wonderland. Have you ever eaten a bug? Nooooooooo. I don’t want to think about how we apparently might swallow bugs in our sleep sometimes. No. Nope. No way. No thank you. Nuh-uh.
What is your mom’s name? Yolanda. Are you creative? No. What were you for halloween last year? Nothing. Do you have a fan in your room? Yes. I have one that sits on my dresser and I also have a ceiling fan. What color is your lampshade? Just like a clear one. Is there anything you never get tired of eating? No. What color are your kitchen walls painted? White.
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marlaluster · 7 years ago
emptying clipboard w items numbered
1. https://www.kaspersky.com/blog/incognito-mode-faq/14784/ 2. Incognito mode in your browser As you move around the Internet, it is almost impossible not to leave any digital footprints. And generally speaking, being followed on the Internet is not okay with most people. But whereas a degree of privacy is important anywhere you go online, you really need the ability to cover your tracks on public computers and shared computers. Incognito mode — also known as private mode — is a browser mode that gives a user a measure of privacy among other users of the same device or account. In incognito mode, a browser doesn’t store your Web surfing history, cookies, download history, or login credentials. What does “doesn’t store” mean? Well, as you know, browsers normally remember everything you do online: what you searched for, what pages you visited, what videos you watched, what you shopped for on Amazon, and so on. But in incognito mode, browsers don’t save any of that information. You can switch between an incognito window and regular browsing windows, too. You’ll be in incognito mode only when you’re using the incognito window. When should you use incognito mode? The simple answer is, you should use incognito mode when you want to keep your Internet activity secret from other people who use the same computer or device. Say, for example, you want to buy a gift for your spouse. You use your home PC to search for the best deals. You close the browser and turn off the PC when you’re done. When your spouse uses the computer, say to check e-mail or Facebook, they are likely to see what you searched for, even without looking for it — either in browser history or in targeted ads. If you use incognito mode for your shopping, however, the browser will forget that history and not inadvertently spoil the surprise. Also, in incognito mode you can watch what you like without leaving any tracks. (What? That’s how I listen to pop music, obviously.) What else does incognito mode conveniently forget? Login credentials and other form info.In incognito mode, a browser won’t save login name or password. That means you can log in to Facebook on someone else’s computer, and when you close the browser, or even the tab, you’ll be logged out, and the credentials will not autofill when you or someone else returns to the site. So there’s no chance another person will go to facebook.com and inadvertently (or purposely) post from your account. Also, even if that person’s regular browser is set to save the data entered in forms (such as name, address, phone number), an incognito window won’t save that information. Download history. If you download something while incognito, it won’t appear in the browser’s download history. However, the downloaded files will be available for everyone who uses the PC, unless you delete them. So, be careful with your My Little Pony films. Are there other reasons to use incognito mode? Incognito browsing is mostly about, well, going incognito. That said, here are a few more considerations. Multiple accounts. You can log in to multiple accounts on a Web service simultaneously by using multiple incognito tabs. No add-ons. This mode also blocks add-ons by default, which comes in handy in some situations. For example, you want to read the news but the page says “Disable your ad blocker to see this story.” Simply open the link in incognito mode — ta da! However, if you want to use add-ons in incognito mode as well, click the menu button (three dots) in the upper right corner, choose More Tools → Extensions and check the boxes onAllow in incognito for the add-ons you need. How do you activate incognito mode? In Google Chrome: You can use a keyboard shortcut or click. Press Ctrl + Shift + N in Windows or ⌘ + Shift + N in macOS. Or click the three-dot button in the upper right corner of the browser window and then choose New incognito window. Click here for more info. In Mozilla Firefox: Open the menu (three horizontal bars) in the upper right corner and click New Private Window. For more info visit this page. In Microsoft Edge: Open the menu by clicking the three dots in the upper right corner and chose New InPrivate window. You’ll find more on that here. In Chrome or Firefox, you can also right-click on a link and choose to open the link in a new incognito or private window. To close this mode, simply close the tab or window. That’s it! What incognito mode isn’t suitable for? It is always fine to use incognito browsing. But you need to understand what it can’t do. The first, very important thing to keep in mind is that incognito mode doesn’t make your browsing anonymous. It erases local traces, but your IP address and other information remain trackable. Among those able to see your online activities: Your service provider,Your boss (if you are using a work computer),Websites you visit. If there is any spying software on your computer (a keylogger, for example) it also can see what you doing. So don’t do anything stupid or illegal. Second, and just as important, incognito mode doesn’t protect you from people who want to steal the data you send to and receive from the Internet. For example, using incognito mode for online banking, shopping, and so on is no safer than using normal mode in your browser. If you do any of those things on a shared or public network, we strongly recommend you use a VPN. Last but not least, incognito mode doesn’t completely prevent tracking of you by online advertisers. Your Web cookies will be deleted a 3. Last but not least, incognito mode doesn’t completely prevent tracking of you by online advertisers. Your Web cookies will be deleted at the end of the session, but modern targeted ad systems use a lot more than just cookies. There again, we can help you with our Private Browsing feature. Now you know how to buy a present without getting caught — congratulations! Let’s go shopping and watch embarrassing videos without fear! 4. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=vUJrTXNo&id=49B8C4DD6D79E938B680BD9A4654348B87345A10&thid=OIP.vUJrTXNoxfTT3aEjCitLsgHaEx&q=incognito&simid=608054130503912834&selectedindex=30&pc=SMSM&ajaxhist=0&first=1 5. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=scxndmQH&id=DE5B7ECC307A18FD00F836DB01B0E14E4B11020E&thid=OIP.scxndmQHGvXbu7aY6DsVhAHaD4&q=incognito&simid=607996466339711502&selectedindex=38&pc=SMSM&ajaxhist=0&first=1 6. Ex-NFLer Incognito accused of threatening funeral home staff Longview News-Journal · 1d 7. https://www.news-journal.com/ap/sports/ex-nfler-incognito-accused-of-threatening-funeral-home-staff/article_8c1477f0-466e-5293-9dfd-fd07ff8ac93c.html 8. in·cog·ni·to [ˌinkäɡˈnēdō] ADJECTIVE (of a person) having one's true identity concealed. "in order to observe you have to be incognito" ·  [more] synonyms:  [more] NOUN an assumed or false identity. synonyms:  [more] More definitions and translations Incognito.london | Official Band Website https://www.incognito.london Incognito Official Band Website - The British Jazz/Funk/Soul band, containing the latest news, tour dates, music, videos, store & much more. Incognito.london Official Band Website TOP HEADLINES The Hidden Truth Behind Google’s Incognito Mode   Reader's Digest · 1d 9. Former Australian prime minister quits Parliament CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm …   sfgate.com · 1h Scott Morrison Is a New Kind of Australian Prime Minister: An Ev…   The New York Times · 3d Here Are Four Key Challenges Facing Australia’s New Prime M…   Bloomberg L.P. · 2d See all OVERVIEWTIMELINE Scott Morrison Prime Minister of Australia 10. https://www.bing.com/search?q=austealia+prime+minister&PC=SMSM&FORM=MBDPSB 11. Australian prime minister Malcolm Turnbull ousted by p… Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has been ousted as the ...   The Hill · 7d Next Australian prime minister well placed to heal party   Fox News · 7d Scott Morrison named new Australian prime minister as Ma…   The Telegraph · 6d Another Australian prime minister deposed by internal party coup   Global Voices Online · 3d See all ‘This was the worst call by far’: Trump badgered, bragged ... https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/no-gday... Mobile · Watch video · Instead, President Trump blasted Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull over a refu­gee agreement and boasted about the magnitude of his electoral college … Australia's Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull out of offic… https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2018/08/australias_prime Australia's Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbullout of ... was a Hungarian Jew born in 1943 who arrived in Australia in 1950 as a stateless child from a refug 12. https://www.bing.com/search?q=australia+refugee+prime+minister+Malcolm+Turnbull&go=Search&qs=n&form=QBRE&pc=SMSM&sp=-1&pq=australia+refugee+prime+minister+malcolm+turnbull&sc=1-49&sk=&cvid=4DAF0EB21CC446CF89E174CB2C7858CC 13. http://www.latimes.com/world/la-fg-australia-leadership-20180824-story.html 14. Dutton, 47, is a former policeman and businessman from the state of Queensland whose trademark is his aggressive rhetoric and opposition to “politically correct” people. Rudd tweeted Thursday that Dutton should never be prime minister, given what Rudd characterized as his willingness to use dog-whistle appeals to racism. In 20 15. SALE | $1 FOR 12 WEEKS! ADVERTISEMENT WORLDOne hard-line anti-refugee populist loses out in his bid to lead Australia — and another wins By ROBYN DIXON AUG 24, 2018 | 6:00 PM    Outgoing Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, left, and Treasurer Scott Morrison appear at a news conference at Parliament House in Canberra, Australia, on Aug. 22, 2018. Morrison replaced Turnbull on Friday. (Lukas Coch / EPA/Shutterstock)   In the stunning culmination of an intraparty rivalry, Australia toppled its prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, on Friday and selected a more conservative leader from the same party known for his tough stance on immigration and social issues. The upheaval came after a hard-line populist, Peter Dutton, marshaled the votes to topple the more moderate Turnbull, then failed in his bid to succeed him as prime minister. ADVERTISEMENT After a “spill” — or leadership vote — in the governing Liberal Party, Treasurer Scott Morrison, another figure who made his name blocking refugees from reaching Australia, was voted in as prime minister. It was the second leadership vote in a week. Dutton lost a vote among Liberal Party lawmakers Tuesday by 13 votes but took to radio airwaves the following morning vowing to make a second attempt, destabilizing the government and Turnbull’s position. Australian politics is marked by backstabbing and internal party coups, with ambitious ministers ready to pounce should a prime minister’s popularity flag ahead of elections. No prime minister has seen out a full term in office in more than a decade. Turnbull did not contest a second vote Friday, lacking the numbers to win. After the vote he said Australians would be dumbstruck and appalled by the “disloyalty and deliberate insurgency” in the government. One of his main achievements as prime minister was the legalization of same-sex marriage last year, after an overwhelming vote in favor of it in a nationwide postal plebiscite. Dutton, one of the architects of the plebiscite, believed Australians would reject marriage equality and strongly opposed a “yes” vote. Anti-Peter Dutton graffiti appears on a bike path near his office in the suburb of Strathpine, north of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia, on Aug. 24, 2018. (Darren England /EPA/Shutterstock)   Like Dutton, the 50-year-old Morrison, a former executive on Australia’s tourism task force, is a social conservative and evangelical Christian who opposes same-sex marriage. But he had declared his loyalty to Turnbull in recent days, and that helped Morrison attract support from moderates in Friday’s leadership vote, which he won narrowly, 45-40, a margin that underscored the enduring divisions in the government. A third leadership candidate, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, was defeated in the first round of voting. The Sydney-born son of a policeman, Morrison quoted the Bible in his first parliamentary speech, stating that his faith gave him values of “loving kindness, justice and righteousness on Earth; for I delight in these things, declares the Lord.” That was not an aberration: His faith often informs his political speech. Unlike Dutton, Morrison voted in favor of a 2008 apology to indigenous people for the government’ 16. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6093639/Australia-gets-fifth-PM-five-years-Scott-Morrison-topples-Malcolm-Turnbull.html 17. Australia gets its fifth PM in five years as Morrison topples Turnbull Australia gets its fifth PM in five years: The devout Christian who made Lara Bingle famous, and married at 21 before trying 14 years to have his first child By Sara Malm for MailOnline and Afp03:13 EDT 24 Aug 2018, updated 06:40 EDT 24 Aug 2018 Scott Morrison is the new Prime Minister of Australia, the fifth in last five years Morrison known for hardline stance on immigration and a 2006 tourism adThe 50-year-old is a devout Christian who voted against same-sex marriageWed wife wed at 21 and have spoken about struggling to conceive for 18 yearsMalcolm Turnbull resigned as leader after vote, forcing a by-election in his seatMr Turnbull congratulated the new PM and hit out at 'insurgents' and 'wreckers'  Australia has a new prime minister after a Liberal party revolt unseated moderate Malcolm Turnbull and installed former businessman Scott Morrison. Former home affairs minister Peter Dutton, an ex-police officer and right-winger, was the driving force behind the move to oust Turnbull after a party backlash against his more liberal policies. However, Dutton's plan backfired as he ended up losing the vote 45-40 to Turnbull ally Morrison - who will now become Australia's fifth prime minister in five years. Morrison is a hardline former immigration minister and the brains behind the controversial 'Where the bloody hell are you?' tourism campaign, which ended up being temporarily banned in the UK. New in the job: Prime Minister elect Scott Morrison and Deputy leader of the Liberal party Josh Frydenberg leave after a Liberal party room meeting at Parliament House in Canberra  Business and politics: Scott Morrison is a former businessman and devout Christian who is known for being behind the 2006 Tourism Australia ad as well as hardline immigration policies Family man: Jenny and Scott Morrison met at a Sydney church when they were just 12 years old, before marrying at the age of 21 - but it would take 18 years until their first child was born 'Where the Bloody Hell Are Ya?' Aussie ad stirs controversy Foreground---WhiteBlackRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyan---OpaqueSemi-Opaque Background---WhiteBlackRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyan---OpaqueSemi-TransparentTransparent Window---WhiteBlackRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyan---OpaqueSemi-TransparentTransparent Font Size50%75%100%125%150%175%200%300%400% Text Edge StyleNoneRaisedDepressedUniformDropshadow Font FamilyDefaultMonospace SerifProportional SerifMonospace Sans-SerifProportional Sans-SerifCasualScriptSmall Caps The 2006 Tourism Australia advert heavily features a then 19-year-old Lara Bingle, the model and now-wife of actor Sam Worthington, and kickstarted her career. The most iconic moment of the  $180 million tourism campaign sees Ms Bingle walk out of the water onto a beach in New South Wales, uttering the phrase 'Where the bloody hell are ya?' Morrison was the boss of Tourism Australia and faced criticism later that year, when it emerged that the number of Japanese, German and UK tourists had dropped in the wake of the ad. The 50-year-old's most recent job was as treasurer, the most coveted government office after the top job, and was regarded as the best economic manager among the candidates. Turnbull, who has pledged to quit parliament after his near three-year reign came to an end, survived one attempt to oust him on Tuesday, but ministers then began defecting, throwing the government into crisis. His departure from politics will spark a by-election for his Sydney seat, threatening the government's wafer-thin one-seat parliamentary majority.  'I'll be leaving the Parliament ... not before too long,' he told reporters.  The Liberal party is the senior partner in the conservative Liberal-National coalition government that has consistently trailed opposition Labor in opinion polls in recent months. Bookmakers on Friday had Labor a favourite to win the next poll.   Turnbull confirms he'll leave parliament after losing leadership Foreground---WhiteBlackRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyan---OpaqueSemi-Opaque Background---WhiteBlackRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyan---OpaqueSemi-TransparentTransparent Window---WhiteBlackRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyan---OpaqueSemi-TransparentTransparent Font Size50%75%100%125%150%175%200%300%400% Text Edge StyleNoneRaisedDepressedUniformDropshadow Font FamilyDefaultMonospace SerifProportional SerifMonospace Sans-SerifProportional Sans-SerifCasualScriptSmall Caps Mr Turnbull went on to slam what he called an 'insurgency by a number of people, both in the party room and backed by powerful voices in the media' determined to destroy his prime ministership Scott Morrison (pictured, right, with new Liberals deputy leader Josh Frydenberg) has become the new Prime Minister of Australia Ms Bishop (pictured with Mr Turnbull) was eliminated first after getting the lowest vote, and Mr Morrison then defeated Mr Dutton in the next round by five votes, 45 to 40 Mr Morrison (pictured) prevailed in a three-way battle with former Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop  Australia's new Prime Minister rose to prominence in 2013 when he brought in 'stop the boats' - a harsh policy to prevent asylum-seekers from entering Australia at its sea ports. The 50-year-old former tourism marketer tough stance on asylum seekers in government bewildered some observers, given his devout Christian beliefs. Morrison, who has often spoken of his strong faith, met his wife Jenny at a Sydney church when they were just 12, and married at 21 after dating since their teens.  The couple struggled with fertility issues for many years, and their first of two daughters was born 18 years after they married, which he branded a miracle. His 'stop the boats' policy has been widely condemned as a callous abrogation of Australia's international obligations to help refugees. Morrison explained his deep belief in the righteousness of crushing the people-smuggling trade and preserving the safety of people who board rickety boats to take the long and treacherous voyage to Australia. But his empathy came under question when he criticized a former government's decision in 2010 to pay asylum seekers to fly from a remote Christmas Island camp to Sydney to attend funerals after 48 died in a boat disaster.  Morrison has a reputation as a powerbroker within the Liberal Party whose support has been crucial to previous Liberal Party leaders, including Turnbull.    Scott Morrison: The Christian who went from trying to lure tourists to Australia to became a hard-line immigration minister Evangelical Christian Scott Morrison, who emerged as prime minister after a bun fight in Australia's ruling party Friday, is an ambitious man who has always dreamed of the top job. Behind the scenes of a battle for the leadership of the Liberal party that erupted this week between ousted Malcolm Turnbull and right-wing former policeman Peter Dutton, Morrison was quietly canvassing support among his colleagues. The hardline former immigration minister, who took credit for 'stop the boats' - a harsh policy to prevent asylum-seekers from entering Australia at its sea ports - billed himself as a man of faith and family who could get things done. Hardline rightwinger: Morrison opposed the legalisation of same-sex marriage and champtioned the 'stop the boats' immigration policy The 50-year-old's stealth candidacy reflected aspirations he has had since he entered parliament in 2007, representing the Sydney seat of Cook - the site of Australia's last race riots. The son of a policeman, Morrison - known as 'ScoMo' - becomes Australia's seventh prime minister in 11 years, replacing a man who became the latest in a long line of leaders knifed in the back by their allies. His supporters point to his success with the immigration portfolio from 2013-14, where he implemented the controversial 'Operation Sovereign Borders' to stop asylum-seekers arriving in Australia by boat. They were either sent back to where they had come from or transferred to remote Pacific island camps. The policy was credited with eliminating sea-borne arrivals. But it also attracted fierce criticism, fuelled by Morrison's refusal to release details of the military operations to turn back boats, sometimes to countries with dodgy human rights records. Conditions in the camps on Manus Island in Papua New Guinea and on Nauru were slammed by rights groups, with some asylum-seekers languishing there for years. Family first: Morrison and his wife have spoken openly about their struggle to concieve and the miracle of falling pregnant when Mrs Morrison was 39 Critics questioned how the man in charge reconciled his worn-on-the-sleeve Christian faith with his uncompromising immigration stance. Born May 13, 1968 in the beachside Sydney suburb of Bronte, Scott John Morrison was the younger of two sons, whose parents ran church youth programmes. Morrison himself was an active church member, and met his wife Jenny aged just 12 through the church. They started dating at age 16 before marrying at the age of 21. The devout Christian couple had to wait another 18 years before they conceived their first child, with 14 of those years spent enduring IVF attempts to become parents. Their two daughters, however, were born naturally without IVF.  Mr Morrison, who turned 50 in May, described the birth of his first daughter as a God-given 'miracle' after multiple procedures. 'After 14 years of bitter disappointments, God remembered [Jenny's] faithfulness and blessed us with our miracle child, Abbey Rose,' he said. As a child, Jenny would reportedly mock Scott about coming from the exclusive side of town. Jenny was raised in the working class St George area in Sydney's south, while Mr Morrison grew up in Bronte in the city's ritzy eastern suburbs. Mr Morrison attended the prestigious Sydney Boys High School and embarked on a short-lived career as a child actor. Jenny was raised in the working class St George area in Sydney's south, while Mr Morrison grew up in Bronte in the city's ritzy eastern suburbs. The pair are pictured with their children He graduated from the University of New South Wales and worked in tourism, playing roles in the '100% Pure New Zealand' and Australia's 'Where the bloody hell are you?' campaigns. He entered politics in 2007 when he won the seat of Cook in Sydney's south, following the retirement of Bruce Baird, a Liberal MP who was a critic of the then-government's hardline stance on border protection. He credited his win to the 'most significant influences on my life - my family and my faith'. After serving as shadow immigration minister, Morrison moved straight into the government job when the Liberal party took power in 2013. A short stint in the social services portfolio followed, before he took over the treasury when Turnbull became leader in September 2015. Morrison presided over Australia's economy as the government sought to return the budget to surplus and simultaneously cut personal income and small business taxes. On social issues, Morrison has stood to the right of the more moderate Turnbull, and opposed the legalisation of same-sex marriage last year. But he has also tried to soften his image, appearing on a cooking-with-politicians series that airs on national broadcaster ABC.  Senator Mathias Cormann and former Minister for Home Affairs Peter Dutton arrive for the Liberal Party room meeting Malcolm Turnbull held a press conference after the leadership spill in which he congratulated Scott Morrison and thanked Julie Bishop Scott Morrison is the next Prime Minister of Australia Foreground---WhiteBlackRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyan---OpaqueSemi-Opaque Background---WhiteBlackRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyan---OpaqueSemi-TransparentTransparent Window---WhiteBlackRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyan---OpaqueSemi-TransparentTransparent Font Size50%75%100%125%150%175%200%300%400% Text Edge StyleNoneRaisedDepressedUniformDropshadow Font FamilyDefaultMonospace SerifProportional SerifMonospace Sans-SerifProportional Sans-SerifCasualScriptSmall Caps 'WHERE THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU?' MORRISON'S TOURISM AD THAT WAS BANNED IN UK Before entering politics, Scott Morrison worked in tourism marketing and in 2004 he became Tourism Australia's inaugural managing director. During his turn at the top, he oversaw the now-famous 'Where the bloody hell are you?' advert.  The minute-long TV advert sees a  Australians of various vocations and ages stating that they have prepared for the tourists to arrive. Claim to fame: The advert features model Lara Bingle, who utters the iconic phrase; 'where the bloody hell are you?'  They use phrases such as 'We've poured you a beer', 'We've got the sharks out of the pool', and 'we've had the camels shampooed'. The advert ends with model Lara Bingle emerging from the sea to ask; 'So, where the bloody hell are you?'  Lara Bingle, then 19 years old, found success and fame as a model and TV presenter, and even had her own reality TV show Being Lara Bingle in 2012. In 2014 she married Avatar actor Sam Worthington and they are now raising two sons.  Now:  Lara Bingle is married to Avatar actor Sam Worthington   As the advert featured the word 'bloody' it was initially banned in the UK in 2006. However, after intense lobbying from Australia, it was reinstated but could only be broadcast after a 9pm watershed.  It was also banned in Canada due to the sequence which states that a beer is poured and waiting for tourists, as it was deemed to be 'unbranded alcohol consumption'. Unofficially there was also concerns over the use of the word 'hell'. Morrison was sacked in 2006, however it was not reported to have been in relation to the controversial advert, but rather due to a conflict with the then-Tourism Minister. Dutton's failure prevents the Australian policy shifting to the hard right, although there has been little policy discussion in the leadership crisis. After leaving office today, Turnbull condemned Dutton supporters for bringing down his leadership in an intense and bruising campaign, which the prime minister described as 'an insurgency,' which went public on Tuesday. 'Many Australians will be shaking their head in disbelief at what's been done,' Turnbull said.  Turnbull has become the fourth prime minister to be dumped by his or her own party before serving a full three-year term since the revolving door to the prime minister's office started in 2010.  This makes Scott Morrison the fifth Prime Minister in five years, and the seventh in 11 years. The trend is universally hated among Australians, who expect they will get to judge their leaders at the ballot box. Liberal party member Warren Entsch said after the leadership vote: 'This revolving door of prime ministers has got to stop.' Mr Turnbull congratulated new Prime Minister Scott Morrison, praising him as a 'very loyal and effective Treasurer' and thanked Julie Bishop, who he called a 'dear friend' Three Liberals fight to be nation's new Prime Minister Foreground---WhiteBlackRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyan---OpaqueSemi-Opaque Background---WhiteBlackRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyan---OpaqueSemi-TransparentTransparent Window---WhiteBlackRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyan---OpaqueSemi-TransparentTransparent Font Size50%75%100%125%150%175%200%300%400% Text Edge StyleNoneRaisedDepressedUniformDropshadow Font FamilyDefaultMonospace SerifProportional SerifMonospace Sans-SerifProportional Sans-SerifCasualScriptSmall Caps Turnbull blamed his demise on 'vengeance, personal ambition, factional feuding' in his party, led by conservative lawmakers including Abbott, the man he toppled in a party-room coup in September 2015. 'Australians will be dumbstruck and so appalled at the conduct of the past week,' said Turnbull. No sitting prime minister has lasted a full term in the past decade.   Dutton's and Turnbull's camps waged the most chaotic, frenetic and at times farcical leadership struggle that Australian politics has seen in years, closing down Parliament on Thursday and damaging the Liberal Party's credibility. Public anger became apparent overnight with windows broken at the Brisbane office of Dutton, Turnbull's main rival in his government. But the extend of disquiet about Turnbull's leadership proved to be exaggerated by many Dutton supporter. Of the 85 lawmakers at Friday's meeting, 40 opted for no change. THE REVOLVING LEADERSHIP DOOR IN AUSTRALIAN POLITICS SINCE 2007  OPPOSITION LEADER BRENDAN NELSON, 2008 After Peter Costello declined to stand for the Liberal leadership after the 2007 election defeat, Brendan Nelson tried to fill the giant shoes of John Howard and failed. Malcolm Turnbull took over in 2008 for his first iteration as Liberal leader. OPPOSITION LEADER MALCOLM TURNBULL, 2009 Climate change was to be the undoing of Turnbull the first time around. Kevin Andrews moved a spill on November 26, 2009 and lost. The next day Tony Abbott challenged but then declared he would back Joe Hockey. But when Hockey refused to oppose a carbon emissions trading scheme, Abbott stood at the December 1 ballot and defeated Turnbull by one vote. PRIME MINISTER KEVIN RUDD, 2010 Labor's Kevin Rudd became one of the few Australian prime ministers to be dumped while in office when Julia Gillard rolled him in 2010 just before an election. She claimed government after 17 days of negotiation to win crossbench support. PRIME MINISTER JULIA GILLARD, 2013 Three years later, Australia's first woman prime minister was gone when Rudd finally took his revenge after a failed 2012 coup attempt. In March 2013, Gillard called a spill but no-one challenged. Four months later on June 26, Gillard called Rudd's bluff again at 4pm and was gone in a caucus vote a couple of hours later. Rudd and Labor lost the election as expected. PRIME MINISTER TONY ABBOTT, 2015 Abbott led the Liberal-National coalition to a storming victory over Rudd's Labor in 2013. He called a spill in February 2015, but it wasn't until September that Malcolm Turnbull finally moved after Abbott had lost 32 Newspolls in a row. PRIME MINISTER MALCOLM TURNBULL, 2018 Turnbull won a vote on his leadership 48-35 against Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton on August 21. Although he survived, the result wasn't considered strong enough and the Dutton camp muscled its way to a more dramatic showdown at high noon on Friday August 24. Turnbull spilled the leadership and quit. But Dutton's campaign backfired when he lost the second contest to Turnbull's treasurer Scott Morrison by five votes.  Source: AAP Share or comment on this article:Australia gets its 5th PM in five years as Morrison topples Turnbull 18. 1:00 · HD The Pitch | Anti-Australian Tourism Ad (Australia - Where The B… 19K views YouTube · 5 years ago 19. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=where+in+the+bloody+hell+are+ya+bingle+australia+ad&docid=608042267856146069&mid=EBF3568F9415B5156B71EBF3568F9415B5156B71&view=detail&FORM=VIRE&PC=SMSM 20. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rn0lwGk4u9o
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elfstuck · 8 years ago
Horsing Around in the Ruins
Next up is a scene of Rose, Dave, and Music. (And Cal jumping around and kinda being creepy.) Also, this is the bit where I remember HOW DAMN LONG it's been since I did this, because I have forgotten how I managed to freeze-and-start on Flash sequences.
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Except this part. I can freeze the loading screens. Great. Whydahell hasn't some bright coder made a browser plugin that makes any Flash file work like Youtube's freeze-and-continue thing? (And no, I don't want to watch it on Youtube; I've already established that doesn't work. The Youtube version is missing frames.)
Immediately after the main loading screen is Dave's spinny record, which took me three tries to catch because I have forgotten everything.
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Next is the "main" scene, of Dave, Rose, and Cal sitting around in the red room with stuff on the walls and birds and such. And every few seconds, there's a closeup of some sort. Cal, or the yellow dude on the wall (don't tell me; don't remember; don't want to), or tall!dave jumping around, and such like that. I'll see if I can catch some.
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That's the base. There's a lot of it. Dave and Rose nod their heads; Rose taps her toes, one of the birds occasionally turns to look at the window, and Cal jumps around with his dimension-flipping crescent changing directions.
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Rose dances. Yay. A bit more through the sequence, and I get to see both of them together:
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Now, immediately after the first Rose pic is a Dave pic in the same style, and I had to watch this like !% TIMES to catch that, because I kept hitting screencap too soon or too late, but I did eventually get it:
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You're welcome.
After the initial music (which I am now sick of), I hit the "jam" button, and got... some nicer music, which then got heavy and dark. Hitting it again got... different music. Oh! Dave hits the buttons each time, and the music changes.
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I like the one with the violin music best. I'd capture him hitting it, but it took me like five tries to catch his arm moving, so, um, no. But it's this pattern:
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And I think I've listened to all the repeat music I can stand for now, even of the violin, so it's time to move on.
Cal is hovering behind Rose, who is looking back resentfully. I'm not screencapping that. Cal is creepy.
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Apparently Rose thinks so too. (I still think it looks like a giant duck.) I am very happy with Rose's decision-making process at the moment.
Next, Rose is supposed to (1) be the pony and (2) follow Mom. I suspect my enjoyment of Rose's decisions is soon going to be curtailed.
Being the pony apparently involves an aqua-yellow-pinkish pool of water at the edge of a pinkish temple opening with a pony in front.
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So, that's the Rose-Pony, with the pink ribbons. At this point, I want to pause the narrative to show off my LoLaR dragon, inspired by the waters in Rose's world:
That'll be utterly meaningless to many of you, but AUGH WHAT I WENT THROUGH to get her - that is NOT a popular color combo and even less popular gene combo, and there is no way to turn a dragon into that breed, so I decided that if I'm going to that much effort, I'm going to keep her forever. So she's a level-25, fully-stoned coli farming dragon, not just an ornament.
Rose the Pony is noting the lack of pony-edibles in the nearby vicinity, and notes that, while "follow mom" is not of much interest to her normally, "move away from the place with no food" is not bad advice.
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Maplehoof explores the ruins, and while I don't normally put in full-size pics that aren't screenshots of gifs or flash episodes, I like the purple runes in the background here. Turtles. Lots of turtles. I'm tryin' hard not to look too closely at MH's legs, though. Something's wrong with the equine anatomy, here.
Maplehoof has detected a SCENT - Rose's Mom - and is following it.
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Again, full pic, not animated, because the Grist Heap is pretty. Maplehoof notes (or the narrator notes) that a "large and terrible" creature must've died here. I disagree... maybe this is a Grist Graveyard where the remains of several creatures, maybe lots and lots of creatures, reside. I mean, yeah, the larger pieces must've come from large critters, but it didn't have to be only one of them. Still, this might be some kind of foreshadowing, indicating that in the future I will discover a story of a MIGHTY GIANT who was slain in these ruins before they were ruins.
Or, of course, they popped into existence out of nothing, like some author just made them up.
Maplehoof is not up to pontificating about the source of the grist and just sets about collecting it.
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Room: Empty. Grist Cache: Full. Grist Gutter: cluttered and filling. It's animated but I have no idea what it's doing.
AHA! The overflow is channeled into a grist torrent program that will redistributed it to other players, so the grist is not lost. Awesome. Maplehoof continues to explore.
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Maplehoof finds Mom just in time to see her transportalize. Maplehoof is apprehensive about following her, even though MH rather lacks higher brain functions that include things like the word "apprehensive."
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Apparently, MH is just not apprehensive enough. However, the narrative is about to switch back to John, and I'm not up to screencapping a bunch of John being a hat right now.
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valleanenowe-dreams · 8 years ago
Last night’s dream was so fucking dense but I’m really gonan try to dissect it before it starts fading
Driving at night
I was on a website called iScreamer (?) where you just watched this rapid fire cut of different people screaming in fear in reaction to a screamer but after long enough out of nowhere it played a screamer and recorded your reaction and added it to the website, it turned out you were watching all the people who fell for it before
[False awakening] I wake up in bed from how scary the screamer dream was and someone next to me says something then I fall back asleep
I drank nearly the whole bottle of Robitussion and felt pretty good but not what a whole bottle of Robitussion would warrant. Then I was walking on the roadside near my house
Abby offhandedly mentioned on Skype that she was attending MSSU and I said like living at the dorms? She said yes and I said what the fuck I’m like a minute walk away from there then I went over to say hi and found myself in a cafeteria and I got in line then I was in line and typing something into my phone when she revealed herself as the person in front of me and was like HI ALEX and started frantically saying all this stuff and repeatedly calling me she while the guy behind me was going haha what the heck to that and I was making this intense facial expression trying to communicate “STOP DOING THAT”
Then we got to the end of the lunch line and I looked at the food I’d gotten and each one was labeled with the name of a Swans song and I started looking at my plate and back literally looking at individual little bean things and going “Ok that one is Screen Shot, that one is She Loves Us...” but I was missing some so I was like dang have I even heard this whole album. But I couldn’t go back in line to get the missing beans and the worker there was Michael Gira and he was screaming at us at the top of his lungs
Walking really far from my house but I had a second home it was this apartment out in a complex in the middle of nowhere but they’d sold it so it was barren and empty and I felt so sad knowing I no longer had this second building I could go to if it was closer. Then I went around the back of the complex hoping to find an empty apartment I could go into for some reason and I just found a populated one that I entered and ti turned into a Hotline Miami 2 level
Then I was in my bedroom but it was in this huge beautiful 2-story house instead and it turned out these two guys lived there all the time instead of just some family members during the day and there was this 3-track Swans album called “Disbirth” in the closet or as the closet and the only track titles I remember justi ncluded the word “Perspective” and “Disbirth” but I remember the gist of all 3 and the cover was some fleshy thing standing up surorunded by green
The big house was my 2nd home now the main home was just a less lavish house that was 2 story and old like it
I am in the main house and I look out and see a plane flying weirdly then my brother is sittign next to me on a cmoputer and he has a video about the plane pulled up already then we have no roof and I look up and oh my god it’s abotu to crash then it just plummets down like a rock and crashes and explodes and a huge piece flies scarily far straight toward us but doesn’t actually land close to us
A sunlit field, maybe near a school, maybe implied danger. Very nostalgic / Old / Strange
“In the field”: I perceive a two-panel comic. Both panels depict a stone coffin with the lid slid off, from two different angles. The first panel just says “Coming to terms with the fact that 2009 was the last notch”
The cafeteria from before as a Hotline Miami 2 level
I’m with my dad’s real-life boss (J) and her real-life husband (M). They make a post on Facebook about me then I’m with them at a convenience store and they seem to be super nervous about my presence, at least M is. I’m paying for my stuff I got and what to get out and rejoin them in their car in a hurry cause I don’t want to keep them waiting but I get in this involved conversation with the cashier
Suddenly I am completely incapable of opening my eyes for more than like .4 seconds at a time and I talk to the cashier about this. Eventually he brings something up and I say how did you know about that and he says something like “Okay I am not even gonna pretend that I haven’t been like, obsessively following your Tumblr” and I laugh a lot and he and this other guy they’re both “normal” keep yelling stuff at me like about getting me a date or something
Then I’m with them on this circular spiral stairwell and this guy from my school named B is there
Me and someone else are playing through this video game level you run forward through kinda like Crash Bandicoot and it’s like this long detailed video game level it’s like the “Hot level” I thinkI eventually get killed by this big boss in a little room off to the side
I enter this secret ENORMOUS chamber with jsut a scaffolding at the side to be on and at the center is like this enormous 3d sculpture of some pony porn picture
Later on I end up in this room again through a hidden crawlspace except it’s like this beige version made of pencil that’s like a physical space  that’s also “concept art” of where I was before
I’m in a dark kitchen with black/white tiled floor like in an office communicating with this pitch black cube, it reflects so little light that it’s hard to even visually identify as a cube. It’s implied to be a blog that creates image in response to prompts. it’s part of the CIA
I talk to it abotu getting whoever made the pony porn room in trouble and it keeps spitting out these black images, they’re like these unique images Iview in this mental web browser and I keep jacking the brightness up but it just shows the image for like a split second and then when I do it again it’s a different image it shows now, for a split second
Disturbing part of the dream. Near the 2-story alternative house a lady who is a cop is climbing down some rocks toward a river. She is about to finally discover a terrible secret operation. But this is some sort of movie where a lot of people die in these insanely, excessively realistic and fucked up ways and like... I see her decapitated and her head falls down and it’s so realistic but then she’s not decapitated and she just falls down and is suddenly “between”/”inside of” a bunch of rocks and being crushed by them and screams for help and then on top of the hill... Sonic the Hedgehog appears, her old friend
Shadow the Hedgehog is on this exploding station with someone like the Maria thing in whatever game except Maria is this weird looking animal and he takes this baby clone and there’s some narration like “Nobody what happens I will have thsi thing that looks like you” or something
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fanfictionlive · 5 years ago
I'm halfway done with a fic that I've wanted to write for so long!
First, some background.
I got into the Lucky Star fandom in my mid teens, when I was just starting to explore anime other than what I could find on cable TV. It wasn't my first exposure to fandom, but it still had a profound effect on me. I can vividly remember reading fanfics on a small CRT TV using the web browser on my Wii (I didn't have a computer with internet access in my bedroom at the time). I knew I couldn't draw to save my life, but one thing I could do was write. And so I did.
I wrote and published a few short stories, none of which are still online today, but there's one in particular that's especially relevant to this post. You see, my desire to enter this fandom in the first place was driven largely by my infatuation with one particular character: Tsukasa Hiiragi. I created an OC loosely based on myself and wrote a fic in which he falls in love with her. It was, in a word, terrible. I know I'm far from the first person to do this, but just thinking about what I wrote back then still makes me cringe.
For many years I've wanted to go back and redeem myself by writing a Tsukasa/OC fic that didn't suck. In fact, if I'm brutally honest, my feelings for her haven't changed all that much since my awkward adolescence. Even though the Lucky Star fandom is much smaller today than it was back then, I'm writing anyway to give myself some semblance of closure. I finished my first chapter in February of this year, and as of today, I've published five chapters (a little over 5,500 words in total), with five more to go. It may not be much, but I'm still so happy to be making progress.
submitted by /u/DeadPants182 [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/2YO5TG6
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