#remember fandom moms? wasnt that weird?
mcytblrconfessions · 2 months
The way the mcyt fandom treats cc’s ages has always been so strange to me.
Like under 18 is “small child little baby just a boy” as though they’re 10 (which is annoying), but the second a cc turns 18 all of a sudden that’s considered a full grown adult on an equal maturity level as their 30ish-year-old coworkers (which is weird). Nah babe that’s still a goofy teenager who doesn’t understand how taxes work and lives off of box macaroni, ramen, and pizza deliveries. I used to TA the first-year students at my university and my god 18-19 year olds are still mentally children in so many ways, and that’s okay. That’s how human development works; your brain is still cooking.
And then there’s the whole thing of acting like the 30+ year-olds are ancient and also everyone’s parent. Which is also strange. 30 is not that old. Most people at 30 are still figuring their lives out. I can only think of a single person I know in real life in their early thirties who is married, lives in a house (which they rent), and is just now having their first kid. That’s not your dad that’s just your favorite burnt-out millennial.
I’m guessing both of these things have to do with the average viewer age but that’s a much longer post.
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bugisawesomeasf · 8 months
Yo if you have the energy for stranger things, full on Nancy wheeler character analysis please?
uhh lol wasnt expecting this tbh but uhh sure !
so i think the main thing about nancy is that shes just idk sort of selfish in a way even if she doesn’t like mean to be, she just is (and thats fine! character flaws are cool.)
like i can’t remember what episode but i know it was before barbs death she was complaining about how inconvenient will going missing is or some shit. which yknow not the best way to react to your brother’s friend going missing (yikes)
i think like barbs death is an obvious example of her being kind of selfish, but when she realizes oh shit barbs gone shes literally does everything she can to save her (also note thats when she got involved in wills whole situation)
she gets to kill the demogorgan and it feels good getting revenge for barb
but its still not enough her best friends gone but will isnt will got saved.
and idk i think thats sort of the reason why shes very distant towards mike (why do you get to keep yours and i have to lose mine?) obviously she cant be mad at will so she has to be mad at mike.
in season 2 she like very obviously does wanna be with steve because barb’s basically haunting that relationship. she cant look at steve without feeling bad about barb (not to mention she literally has meals with barb’s parents with him)
and the her and jonathan find some sketchy shit the governments doing and so nance is like maybe if i like expose this i can avenge her again and i can stop feeling guilty all the time so she does that and she feels good for awhile but its not permanent and before she knows it she feels shitty again
in season 3 she’s dealing with alot not only is she dealing with the guilt of barbs death now she’s dealing with the patriarchy (cant she catch a break)
another thing to add is how she selfishly plans to investigate the rat thing (i forgor what exactly it was) and gets herself and jonathan fired. and her whole argument with him which was genuinely so awful of her.
she has a cute little girl power moment with her mom (its weird tbh because on one hand slay feminism on the other its like girl 🤨)
and she starts investigating again then the mind flayers back and i genuinely think a part of her was like maybe if i kill it i can actually avenge barb this time.
then her and jonathan reconcile which btw she doesn’t apologize about her oliver twist comment (idk who to blame her or the writers)
but along the way mike argues with max and yknow instead of defending your brother like a normal sister, shes on maxs side. and its just heartbreaking to see honestly.
they’re literally siblings but they act like they only know each other through a mutual friend (if that makes sense) and i just know in some universe her and mike stop talking. she has a positive relationship with literally everyone in the party except her brother :(
oh and in season 4 her whole plan to kill vecna she was like hey this is the real bitch who killed her let me avenge her again so she makes a plan where she can be the one to kill him so she can be the hero it doesn’t work
(also note the fact that she doesn’t hug mike when they reunite)
idk if i did her justice with this ‘analysis’. idk my thoughts are really scattered when it comes to her also i haven’t rewatched this show in so long so
also wanted to say this i feel like the fandom has a really black and white sense of morality when it comes to the characters which is weird because whats the fun that like flaws make character’s really good also theres this added element of her being a girl and how girls are literally not allowed to be given flaws or else they’re immediately categorized as a bitch by people
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blxetsi · 4 years
Hello! I love your blog and writing so much! May I please request modern au dating hcs for Mikasa?
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tysm for requesting ilysm 🙈💥
i also went a bit overboard i hope thats okay !!
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modern mikasa ackerman dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
college!mikasa ackerman x gn!reader
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- eren finds out abt her crush on you. idc idc
- mf may be dense sometimes but he isnt stupid, he KNOWS what mikasa acts like when shes in the presence of her crush,, he would know bc he was one ;)
- anyways, maybe your like, going up to ask mikasa for her notes from last class, or just chatting with them to be friendly
- either way mikasa goes from 😳 to 😐 real quick
- shes very quiet which youre used to so you dont really think too long abt her lack of communication. its literally just you and eren talking at this point
- after you leave to,,, idk sit under a tree ?? erens immediately turning to mikasa being like "okay tell me everything"
- she denies the crush on u 😔💔
- but then eren tells armin.
- and eren has a big mouth so who knows who else he told ??
- so finally, after beating up eren for spilling the beans she tells her two closest friends EVERYTHING
- like from how nice your hair smells to how pretty she finds your eyes. how she loves your sense of style. she just likes everything about you
- erens like "i mean yeah theyre rlly cute but like,,, what do you like about them that isnt physical 😐"
- mikasa starts blushing HARD. and slowly goes to her bedroom in their shared apartment, before slinking back out holding a crinkly folded piece of paper.
- its something you wrote and it says "thanks for studying with me mikasa !! let me treat you to boba as a thanks. youre so sweet, ill see you next class babie"
- erens looking at the note like 😐 mf is this it ??
- armins flipping it back and forth and reading it over and over again
- mikasa just says "theyre kind to everyone. and theyre funny. i just like them a lot."
- erens like 🙄 k but armins all for it
- then they start coming up with a plan to get you to like mikasa back (even though mikasa doesnt want that)
- erens an asshole and says "mikasa i love you and you will always be my number one, HOWEVER. they might just see you as a friend, OR WORSE. an aquaintance. we gotta make u so cool that youre irresistable"
- now mikasa is a bit worried
- HOWEVER. what none of those idiots know is that YOU have had a fat crush on mikasa since you asked her for a pencil at the beginning of the semester 😍 she stared at u like 😐✏️ and u were like "omg thanks 😊" w a little blush on ur cheeks bc mikasa's hot
- i mean,, if you didnt like mikasa WHY would you have invited her out for boba ?? one, who doesnt like boba ?? and two,, doesnt that count as a date ? u didnt know but u just wanted to like ✨subtly✨ shoot your shot
- but that was almost a month ago and she hasnt said yes. so you assume she didnt wanna go
- a few days go by after mikasa tells her friends all about her crush. and like,,, they do nothing ?? what happened to the big plan of making mikasa seem like the coolest person around ?
- it turns out eren doesnt know enough about you to know what you like. and ur dumbass friends aint help either.
- so one day he finds you and mikasa coming out of your shared class, your talking about something and mikasa is just nodding with a blush on her cheeks.
- he runs up to both of you before saying "hey just to let you know mikasa has a big crush on you. and she'd love to go get boba with you 😁👍"
- mikasa gets so red in the face and starts smacking him with her binder. you couldnt stop it even if you tried
- after literally YELLING at them for their attention you just turn to mikasa like "please get boba with me 🥺" and she cant resist
- and then the rest is history 😌✨
- after the boba date you learned so much about her and vice versa. you guys were like,, closer than ever. always going to her apartment or her coming to your dorm
- you guys would have sleepovers very frequently. nothing ever happens but you two like being so close with each other
- and you guys do a lot together when you arent busy with school or work or friends
- mikasa takes you to cool museums and art galleries
- you take her to cool shops downtown and parks
- its so fun
- but you cant help but wonder if youre dating or not ?? like do you have the right to call mikasa your gf ?? you guys havent kissed on the lips but she always kisses your head when you cuddle, and you always take each other out on dates
- on the day you finally bring it up during one of your sleepovers. shes on her back and youre almost on top of her with your arms around her shoulders and your face smushed into her chest
- u just kinda mumble "are you my girlfriend ?"
- and its SILENT.
- u start freaking out bc "omg she doesnt like me 😁👍 im gonna cry"
- until she just quietly says. "yes."
- ur gonna marry this girl 😐
- her love language ?? definitely acts of service. idc idc.
- when u sleep over shes making you tea without u asking. (u said u liked lavender tea ONCE and this bith got a whole container 😭😭)
- when you have movie nights with her, eren, and armin she always chooses a movie you like ("no we arent watching the florida project again armin cried last time" "yeah but y/n loves it so" "this feels like oppression mikasa" "okay and ?")
- is also very protective. she hears mfs in the halls talking shit about you ?? shes shutting them up with her glare
- also u know how isayama made her goth in his like, highschool thingy ?? yeah 😍
- #gothmikasasupremacy
- she makes her eyeliner and shadow messy on purpose.
- you love just laying her down on her bed and straddling her, just leaning over and doing her makeup for her (jules and anna tease 🙈✨)
- sometimes you guys go to thrift stores and pick out outfits for each other
- one time you found this GORGEOUS floral sundress and she physically shivered from the thought of wearing
- tried it on and looked SO BEAUTIFUL, but it wasnt her style 😐
- also doesnt tell her parents about you ?? not bc shes embarassed or anything but just because she knows her dad is gonna be like "who are they ? what are they like ? where do they live ? whats their major ? where are they from ? whats their zodiac sign ?"
- he doesnt do it to play the "overprotective dad" role but because hes genuinely curious and excited
- she brings you home for the first time and youre so surprised because this tall blond man is her FATHER ?? she looks so much like her mom though its not even funny
- for dinner her mom and dad made traditional japanese food 😭😭 it was so good omfg
- also this has nothing to do with dating headcanons but mikasa used to live off of lunchables as a kid. was literally addicted to the rubber like ham 😍
- her mom is so sweet, and she shows you all of the stuff she's embroidered all these years
- her dad is so extroverted, he loves telling dad jokes. you find them HILARIOUS but mikasa sits there like 😐👍
- he DEMANDS you guys play scrabble. he says it help him figure out who you are as a person. now youre scared 😁👍
- anyways
- you love giving her little kisses on her lips because one, you get some of her moisturizing lip gloss on your lips and two, she blushes SO HARD
- one time you two were on a date and you ran into her ex. whos literally so scary
- her name is annie and shes blonde and muscular and rlly hot but has that same blank stare as mikasa
- you feel kinda weird bc how did she go from being with ANNIE to you ??
- you ask her abt it and shes like "oh yeah we dated in our last year of high school. im much happier with you" and now youre feeling all giggly and happy bc mikasa doesnt lie 😭😭
- u roll around on her bed with your cheeks squished together to hide your blush bc you feel so good that she said that
- she just rolls her eyes before getting on top of you and taking your hands away from your face
- she gives u kisses all over before putting the final one on your lips. its such a soft and sweet moment with just the two of you, you cant help but confirm what youve already thought:
youre gonna marry her one day.
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i REAAALLLLYYYY enjoyed making this oml. i hope u all enjoyed this !! remember: requests r open for anything aot OR u can give me ideas for other fandoms to write for
kk goodbye friends 🤩🤩🤩
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english inst my first language so I don't know if you going to understand what I'm trying to ask .
do you think something about babygate is going to happen? I was talking with my mom about the situation and it's kinda weird that the media bring the hole situation back specially the fact that tmz posted about some of the articles on twitter and hours later deleted.
I remember that in the start of the year you talked with this girl that was having a thing with b"ex" and the story was chaotic and just don't sound right that they would make a hole situation involving others persons that had any relation with them/bbg.
we had b being sued, this man stoling the kids hair????, b with a fiance(that btw one week earlier was with other girl), the media talking again about the "possibility" that L inst a father and then nothing.
hi love! your english is fine please don’t worry <3 and to be honest it’s an endless cycle around here. just when things get weird and it’s looking like FINALLY the end, as soon as you get your hopes up, *poof* it’s gone. not a year has gone by since 2015 where the fandom is like “oh this is the end, it has to be, there’s no recovering from that” and then you get lottie and the twins posting about facetiming the kid “last week” like nothing happened. so who knows when this shit show will go down in flames, could be tomorrow and it could be in 30 years. 🤷🏻‍♀️ i try not to worry about it as much as i possibly can because i look at it as a dead stunt that very few care about (minus the fans who know how badly this will fuck up the kid’s brain). majority of the general public forgot he even has a kid (if they even believe he does, which most don’t) from what i’ve observed. hell, even louis doesn’t glance in that family’s direction. and who is gonna read an article that’s titled like “louis tomlinsons kid looks just like his daddy awww uwu 🥺” ... if i wasnt in this fandom my reaction to those articles would’ve been “ok and??? next.” i would LOVE to never have to see any of that trashy family’s faces ever again but i’m not sure that’ll be any time soon. :( things have been extra bizarre this past year though and i’m sure covid had a heavy hand in SOMETHING. as long as he’s tied to simon jones pr i’m sure we’ll be absolutely stagnant on the “end it” side of things.
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hopeheartfilia · 4 years
so basically, i have a better opinion of ep 10 after some fandom, which is some fo the best things about fandom. Cuz like, the episode just. breezed by so fast, and also i was focusing and also not focusing at all
Went all over, like I missed reki! get that boy hugs but also to actually talk things thru with everyone, also wait did they really just beat him up, also shadow are you alright and then just. Langa, so besotted, and like did i not mention the whole. love hotel. that was kinda funny but also i really like that they had that conversation, because a weird Tadashi and Reki friendship in He is now an uncle figuire in our friend groups family dynamics would be really funny, but also then they had the skate park conversation which I actually i really needed to process
because yeah i get how it coulve went like that very well, ive had enough simular experiences at like 3 am, but also i wouldve talked about recent events so much more..
they did make up but there is a lack of.. infrastructures in place for if something liek that happens again, because like, Langa doesnt really know what how or why exactly happened, and im not saying it was a bad conversation, the bois shouls get to be happy as much as they can, and reki has had a really shitty day, but like, i hope they talk more later, even if Rekis sort of already processed it kinda
and like, on the shareable part that wasnt vague feelings, I generally like it for shows to crush my hopes quickly efficiently and brutally. Just. Look so the conversation Langa had with his mom kinda gave me a bit of hope that theyd pull a Yoi? And I remember how being in the fandom for that whole ordeal was like, and Quarantine is a nostalgic time, so i projected a bit, so I hope this sufficiently squashed what I wouldve hoped abour renga cannon yeah? Because like what even if it does happen I would be very pleasently surpised, and if it doesnt id just be chillin
Like theyre adorable, and they soo like each other romantically, but also will they get together in cannon? unlikely, but i dont really care
anyway the episode was a lot but also not at all? Because it didnt have a beef focus. Snake and Miya had one but it wasnt a focus, so it somewhat felt shorter then other episodes, it was cute, so much blushing reki! i really missed him, also langa laughing ! however i really hope there are some more conversations next ep (reki and miya need to talk)
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remholder · 3 years
its wild to think about now, but teen titans is literally the reason im even aware of fandom culture and fanfic and dA its fucking nuts and i can pintpoint every major moment of that journet and im GOING TO:
i dont quite remember when i started watching the cartoon, but it wasnt from the start. i think i just caught a random episofe on CN and was like 'damn this slaps' and watched it from there and my mom got me those dvds that werent the full season but it had like half of it. then i fell fucking IN LOVE, and luckily i had a computer in my room (ya know because the oldest childs room was always THE computer room...love growing up in the 90s) and i was just a monster for MORE MORE MORE
which brings me to TitansTower.net (may it rest in peace) and the art board that it had ((it called it like the oekaki board or something like that)), and someone had their deviantart page link in their post, and with me being the curious little shitlord that i was, fucking clicked it.
some scrolling later i remember coming across kadenfukuyamas page and just being COMPLETELY enamored with her art style. i didnt make an account right away but i checked her account DAILY to see updates. at some point i mustve gone to her favorites because i knew she went on a shortish hiatus, and one of those had linked to their fanfiction.net page.
now i have to admit something. i was young when this all happened, i did not know the code words, i didnt know fandom, i did not know fucking SHIT...i thought what i was reading was like..additional shit to the show. like, ya know, canon but they didnt have time to add it in. it wasnt until i read an au that i was like 'what? this is weird' and i finally did some research and found out that i suffer from serious stupid bitch disease.
i still really wasnt into the shipping side of things, outside of what i liked in the cartoon itself, until i came across chamzi's deviantart page and saw their art, and proceeded to fall in love once again. they were a multishipper, and while they drew robrae, i still wasnt like...invested.
then the show ended. i was livid. i remember the day like it was the back of my hand.
my mom had to go grocery shopping and she wqnted me to come along but the last episode was airing LITERALLY at that second, and she knew i was in love with the show so she let me stay home alone to watch it. and so i did. and it ended just as she had comeback (i think it was the episode before the finale and THEN the finale) and i went OFF when she came in through the garage door. i was fucking PISSED. HOW COULD YOU END IT LIKE THAT???
i NEEDED more teen titans content. during the shows runtime, i had learned of the TTG comic going on and collected a few issues, but i still wasnt aware that there was a series before all of this until just one day i go back to chamzis page (and by this time they hadnt updated in well over a year) and i saw their journal post talking about scans from the comics.
so i thought 'yo sweet, maybe i missed one and could pick it up later', and what chamzi did to file the scans properly is that they uploaded them based off pairings, and at that time i did like bb///rae, so i went to that first, saw that they were canon in geoffs run and was happy.
but then i saw the other pairings
i saw how raven was with the other titans. i saw...christ was was it, issue 32 of NTT v.2??? the kiss between dick and raven? and it finally clicked to me that...this is something i could like. it made sense to me, it made me happy, it made me write a list of every issue that chamzi upload and wrote down, it made me take that to my lcs, and i fucking BOUGHT those issues. that kiss issue was my first NTT book.
and this post is getting long and im sorry but fucking imagine what my life wouldve been like if i never watched this fucking cartoon
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funky-furby · 4 years
ive been thinking abt a lot of old, internet stuff lately cause my relationship with the internets changed a lot as ive gotten more popular as a content creator (not on here, on tiktok)
fandom started as entertainment but shifted to a community for me in highschool, and i kinda lost that after the furby community. im not great at making friendships (getting better tho!!! so much better!!) and the small nature of the furby community and the similarities a lot of us shared facilitated that process
im still really new to posting and  interacting online (and having more than one friend), i joined my first discord in 2016 or 2017 or so and that was a damn, whirl wind of drama (not furby related) and i still didnt really know how to talk to people. i learned a lot about managing relationships from that.
after that the furby fandom helped me open up, and learn some healthier coping mechanisms (and let myself stim) and start to understand that i, probably am on the autism spectrum (my mom refused to get me tested when i was younger). having a community of lgbt people to talk to too, as someone who lives in a really conservative town, was invaluable too
im in a very weird place now with online stuff, because internet culture is shifting and i dont understand a lot of these changes. i still remember a lot of 2010s anime fandom stuff that was accepted, but if you did it now you’d get called out for and ive tried to understand why, but im having a very hard time adjusting as i get back into anime (which is what im popular for)
ive always had “childish” interests, so my accounts mostly popular with children, and interacting with minors wasnt weird in highschool, it was just like having younger friends, but i dont know how to handle it now that im almost 22, when the anime community is ripe with accusations of lewding minors, or other sus behavior that im really, really struggling to wrap my head around (i dont want to hurt anyone, but it doesnt make sense to me when its fictional, but my concerns abt being called out or hated are affecting my ability to talk online, and in person to kids)
and i guess, fandom isnt really even entertainment for me rn, its something to analyze because i adore looking at trends, wondering where they came from, maybe why a characters mischaracterized in a certain way. but now that im a creator whos actually seen it colors my ability to interact with fandom
the furby fandom was a really big part of my life and in my personal discovery and growth and i feel like ive managed to continue that growth in some ways, but in others i feel like im stepping back. those steps back are upsetting when  it comes to being a creator considering being an online creator as a job has  been a dream of mine since middleschool and now that its actually starting to seem like a possibility, im not sure i can handle the visibility healthily
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wonderlandcrows · 4 years
IS IT NOT SIMPLY ENOUGH TO ASK YOU ANSWER EVERY QUESTION? ╰༼ •̀۝•́ ༽╯2, 7, 16 (YES a different one than before too huhu), 30
DHNNHDDHNHDN i mean i could, lemme just get started on my autobiography and I'll get back to u 😌
2. None! I don't have my license 🏃‍♂️ but Younger Hunger songs and Nice to meet ya (The Griswolds) are dangerous if i lose myself bc i sing them every time 😌
7. Humm im listening to VHS - Zenshou rn so it's going to be the last thing when i finish answering this ask (its happy vibes 💟)
16. Im gonna 🔨🏃‍♂️ HMMM well every day i look forward to my friends happiness 😌💞
30. Like pick two between those or pick two in those🤔....I'll assume the later??🤡
Music: iridescent- peaceful tides (lock edit) bc its the song i have on the brain 👁👁
And gregory And the hawks one,,,,i THINK i never remember the title and the singer 👊😔 but "if you'll be my stars, I'll be your sky" important to me for a stupid reason 👊🤬
Movies: ok so. I don't really watch movies anymore but I'll go with:
Kaboom (i had to get up and check in my dvds) anyways it had the vibe of an underground art film?? It was very weird and it was the first time i watched something like that,,,I should give it a rewatch 😌 like i watched it once i think but this ask asked movie and this jumped out so.
Hmmm i was really obsessed with uh. La belle au bois dormant (idk if thats even how u write it in French dude) sleeping beauty i think its called?? But i don't remember that period just my mom telling me she knows the whole fucking movie bc of me and Also was completely obsessed with Clue for a while like i still have inside jokes with my mom about it 👁👁kinda wanna rewatch it..
Video games:
Da:o - no contest its the game that made me really create an oc, made me interact with fandoms (my blog started becoming active as a DA blog) and i just love it so much. It's my favorite 🥺💗
Choosing two is hard but imma go with.
Sims2 i guess ngsjyjdydjy ok i wasnt allowed pc games bc my mom didnt want me to spend all my time on the computer (kinda failed ) but damn i SPENT so much time playing the sims on my ps2 like woah. I wish i could return to that where spending the night awake to play a game was new and exciting and not just me being a failure u know 🤡🤡🤡 I was invested in Castaways for a while but the one i played the most was Pets even tho i never creater much pets in my households bc they were an hassle
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livsdiscoursehell · 5 years
fandom moms
theres nothing wrong with being an adult in a fandom. its perfectly fine to enjoy the things you enjoy! but if it is a fandom with mostly teenagers/children, you NEED to be more careful with how you act.
many adults in fandom are harmless! but many arent. ie: those 20-30 year olds who are in their sort of "anti-anti" type area, or in the main fandom. they like to share their uncensored opinions on (sometimes) kids media, without any regard for the fact a minor could very easily be seeing it
this is a big problem, because kids are impressionable. and sharing your controversial opinions, or just straight messed up art, or whatever it is you're doing irresponsibly, will just show them "hey. its okay to behave this way because an adult is doing it"
my experience with a fandom mom was a 23 year old in the sp/latoon fandom. for the record, im 14. during all this i was 13/14 she seemed okay at first, though it was sort of weird how she surrounded herself with people near my age AND even younger (i believe the youngest main member in that dis/cord server was 11). she was particularly interested in a male character from the manga, who, like all the in/klings from spl/atoon, was around the age of 14-16. and she loved this character, constantly talked about his butt, and stuff like this. i didnt think anything of it because hey cool adult right? adults are cool right? its cool that im talking to this adult right? no.
potential tw
as time went on, we talked about more and more things. eventually, we had the brilliant idea of making a seperate discord server for talking about the characters in a strictly s/xual manner. and that turned into rps. it was messed up. but at the time, it wasnt. i saw nothing wrong with it because hey, this cool adult in the fandom says its okay so it must be.
tw over
we soon stopped being friends for other unrelated reasons, but looking back on everything, more and more makes me uncomfortable. and that experience made me realize that adults who surround themselves with teens and overly ship/obsess over teenage characters? should be avoided.
tangent aside, if i hadnt realized our friendship was toxic for me, i would probably still be bending over backwards for her. because i AM a kid. im impressionable, as much as id like to deny that.
but my experience, plus tons of other teenagers' experiences just go to show that adults in fandom need to be very careful and remember that children WILL observe your behavior, and some of them will think its alright simply because youre the fandom mom.
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arundolyn · 5 years
Feel free to hate me for this, but everything for Blazblue. I imagine you rb'd it for a reason?
i rb’d it cause i am Always Salty and it looked interesting tbh
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
taorag cause tao is baby
ragna/rachel cause rachel looks 12 and people are into it sexually + she treats him like garbage and its one sided
kagunoel is creepy
bang/litchi is weird cause bang is not really equipped for that kinda relationship with her esp cause of the stuff with roy and she wouldnt like. get over him that easily
kokonoe/kagura also cause like. “a woman wants to speak to you” “IS SHE HOT” kokonoe: hi kagura: never mind speaks for itself + so does “pay attention to who youre talking to before laying down your game” or whatever to that effect kokonoe says when she beats him even if its noncanon some win quotes are at least vaguely accurate sometimes
kaguhibi is Hm cause a) they might be related and b) hibiki only tolerates kagura
ragjin and ragnu and celirag and ragnoel etc etc etc cause theyre related you nasties
basically mori has a cast of 32+ (excluding mu izayoi and the kids) characters and barely anything is shippable and CERTAINLY not anything m/f cause its either weird or theres no chemistry
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
makoto/kagura if thats even popular. she doesnt really like him like that anymore like she is Tired of him romantically
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
not that i can remember but probably. i dont think ive ever followed any ragjins besides like. one. but if anyone it would be a ragjin
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
ragna/rachel, ragjin, ragnu, and kagunoel are all equally all horrible to me
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
i dont think so
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
uhhh i think not. i never really ship much and nobody really convinces me to ship anything. i either am indifferent or dont like it unless i ship it already
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
how people baby hibiki as if hes not a grown ass man and also an assassin and also reduce ragna purely to anger and being stupid when he’s actually fairly intelligent (ive literally been told i wrote him too smart) and emotionally complex
Have you received anon hate? What about?
Most disliked character(s)? Why?
rachel cause shes just kinda garbage pedobait, plat for the same reason but to a lesser degree cause she at least doesnt say weird ACTUAL BDSM SHIT but i can actually like. tolerate her unlike rachel. nu for ever conceivable reason possible. terumi is just a bastard man im legally obligated to hate him. susan is incredibly overrated
Most disliked arc? Why?
MU BEING SEPARATE FROM NOEL IN CF THAT WAS SO DUMB NOEL LITERALLY JUST ACCEPTED MU AS PART OF HERSELF AND NOW SHES SCARED OF THE POWER SHE JUST RECLAIMED TO PROTECT HER FRIENDS? FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT. also everyone losing their memories in the embryo to cause unnecessary conflict AND everyone wanting to kill noel to cause even more unnecessary conflict cause mori obviously wouldnt let his fuckin waifu die so the tension is dead from the start
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
people tend to think celica and noel are really annoying i guess and like. idk i like them
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
fsr people hate celica being the sister that raised ragna and co but like. it doesnt bother me. i dont care about celirag. its weird to me cause thats his mom and nobodys gonna change my opinion on that tbh
Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
plat and mu could really wear more clothes honestly
Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
it is GARBAGE. at least the eng fandom is. i know this opinion is shared by my friends but like. im sure it isnt by the freakos who draw porn of rachel so like. yeah
Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
translate your fucking novels mori and also the anime sucks
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
i know this is like. not made for games but in the anime id change that weird scene that totally deviates from canon where ragna agrees to destroy everything with nu or whatever? garbage. id also change nu being alive in cf cause she doesnt need to be and it wouldnt affect ragnas lifelink cause they didnt die at the same time so shed just be in the boundary cause like. im sure he’s almost died before when he was fighting and she wasnt smelted yet PLUS people keep pulling her soul out of the boundary like its nothing so. yeah. also the scene where ragna goes black beast for no reason just so the embryo has a purpose. i would change a lot
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
instead of brotherly paradise getting TWO EXTENSIONS id extend the gag reel where kokonoe and relius bodyswap people instead of ragna deciding to save nu which makes little sense i would simply make him agree with hakumen and let him beat her to death. rip to mori and his waifus but im different
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
not necessarily some ships just fuckin suck lmao
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
the fixation on the female anatomy in the game and fandom is so tiring. esp transphobic jokes about mai
What is the purest ship in the fandom?
tsubaki/noel/makoto tbh
What are your thoughts on crack ships?
i jokingly brought up kagura/mustang fma so like. fuckin go for it its all in good fun
Popular character you hate?
Unpopular character you love?
Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not?
yes because im fixated on it but no because its a mess u feel
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
Most shippable character?
kagura is the bi-est. makoto is a close second i think
Least shippable character?
rachel looks 12 and people want her to fuck. kokorach is the only valid ship cause theyre both old and tired of everyone so they can bitch about everyone together
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merrysithmas · 5 years
bro shiro literally semi-raised him tf. whats going on here. don't know about u but i don't have a pressing desire to date my mom/dad/ older siblings.
isn't it well known that the creators of voltron very much intended shiro and keith to be a couple but then dreamworks execs had a very big meltdown about it? i thought that was general knowledge in the fandom world? all the actors, producers, writers, etc shipped them pretty publically - making their own fanart and commenting on them and getting the audience hype. as a casual viewer i wasnt involved in fandom but that was apparent.
as a ship they were on the road to being the next korrasami (which the same showrunners also historically created and paralled often). and they publically pushed super hard for rep in voltron but the CEOs said No. Mega Corp makes artists no-homo media all the time in varying strange ways, and id say 99% of ppl who like the shiro-keith dynamic see it through that critical thinking lens and void the poor narrative choices of the last seasons (which i barely watched btw and hardly remember but im answering this to emphasize the importance of context).
and wasn't it actually that shiro ended up his mentor at school in an academic sense? it was weird and Tragique and Homophobic what they did, tbh, and the showmakers themselves were super unhappy they were forced to do it when they were 100% on board with vocally attempting to achieve LGBTQ rep both in public interviews and narratively on the show. that's what is worthy of criticism: corporate capitalism gaslighting queer fans/ally artists, queer censorship, and then those crossed wires fanning the flames of truly off-base discourse like this exact ask.
so while im glad u dont have a desire to date your dad, i personally didnt need a cartoon to teach me that and enjoy media through a critical thinking lens while analyzing the real-life situation writers are put through by money obsessed corporations.
lol do i really have angry voltron stans in my inbox
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imhereforthetryus · 5 years
Love is Hate and there no other way
(Anti Harringroves pls do not intereact with thid fanfiction your welcome to talk about anything else but this fic yes dont worry about the title i just do dEeP 💩 )
Tags: @thelonious-jagger-smitten @i-am-church-the-cat it glitching and so u might have to use the link
Tw: for abuse and panic attacks i apologize deeply i dont know how to do the read more thing im so sorry
I be like we self projecting 👋🤦🏼‍♀️😂 noises
(Why get therapy when u can get bad coping methods 😎)
Billy's eyes were blue kind of like his mother's blue but not really sure he had the paleness blue of his mothers but her eyes were just different he took a lot after his mother, the same not same eyes and bright blonde curls that seemed to grow a foot a month.
He figured that why Neil hated him so much Neil and his mom relationship was weird, in a way not just the whole abuse thing but that Billy could never really tell who was the victim and who was the aggressor.
Sure sometimes it was obvious when Neil was towering over his mother as she stood on the floor tired and hurt but then there were times when both were yelling at each other and trading insults, or his mom eyes pale and blue filled with rage would hit a plate against Neil, clawing at him and screaming truth be told at first it was amusing but he found himself laughing less and more just watching the scene unfold.
“My little Isla...Don’t cry everything is fine...let me tell you an old story of mine...about the necklace” then she would start weaving tales endlessly he would laugh and she would smile she was always a great storyteller she always wanted to be an actor it was kind of ironic how she was acting all the time … acting like everything fine “Is my bunny happy” he would not and hug her and everything would be fine but it wasn’t and maybe it would never be.
Like how if he had just been able to keep his mouth shut about the new boy at school. Who played with Billy the only child to not shun him, and who drew him a picture and how cute he looked and how he was going to marry him one day his dad anger wouldn’t have increased tenfold forever. His mom wouldn’t have left angry at Neil unacceptable of him but then if he hadn’t he wouldn’t have had his mother there to kiss his bruise stinging from Neil fist and the tears from the word faggot he didnt know what it meant but he knew it wasnt good, but she was there she was awalys there to tell him there was “nothing wrong with loving a boy that love is just loving and wherever and whoever you find it with loves you back and that the only thing that matters Isla”
He missed being a child but was he ever a child he was grown up before he knew it. He forced himself to stop thinking about everything focus on something else,...your eyes he had just noticed that his eyes well they were always blue but their not really blue if that made sense they sort of changed blues but to his drunk mind taking dangerous trips fueled by chugged countless cheap beers at Tommy H. Party it didn’t matter.
If he was drunk or sober one thing that stayed the same was he fucking hated this day...hated how his mother had left him and how she loved him she awalys used to say how much she loved him while hugging him gently like it would make Neils slaps , his red cheeks and tears disappear, as if her overwhelming love bundled with hugs and kisses would make up for it, but all it did was make Billy confused if she could love him so easily why couldnt his dad and then she came back.
Like as if she couldn't bother leaving him alone without the emotional damage of coming back she had only done it a few days at a time after years of hiding away with the words or letters getting fewer but then she had ghosted him a year later but he still remembered that day.
He remembered being thirteen his favourite toy bunny the one his mother had when she was a child and the one he spelt with to protect him from the monsters under the bed when she couldn’t sleep with him that beautiful bunny disposed and ripped to shreds it white fur blood-splattered and it head gone all because “he was too old for them” sitting on the floor of his bedroom just praying every night for his mom to come back and take him with her, and trying to lock himself in and saying his prayer faster as if to make her appear right there and then...and she did eventually on the eve of his fourteenth birthday there she was in the flesh, sneaking through the tiny window and grabbing Billy.
She shushed his protest and laughed at him but she was happy so he was happy and very confused But isn't that the life of a child, to be one without power or choice, always going with the change in the wind and praying for a safe harbor? .Wasn't that always his life going with the wind and following the “adults” he was sure they never grew up his mom was still a believer in hope even in despair while that was surely a good thing for her. it wasn't for Billy nothing was ever good for him. He was a ping pong to his parents, a useless fix it child.
They demanded him to pick a side many times even when there was no fight to be won it was a never-ending war to win his love they bad-mouthed each other constantly but he just stood there trying not to intervene in their war of hate, but he had too sometimes when he didn't want to or else he would be the target they desired to know who he loved more, but in truth there is no such distinction. They asked and should the “right” answer not arrive there is anger, swift and brutal in the form of his mom shunning him and his dad hitting him.
So even when his mom came it wasn't for him but just to win another point to piss off Neil, but he was used to the bribes. it wasn't too bad though he could get used to the perks he decided he would make the best of it as his mom carried him on her slim shoulders, he would admire the stars from above to him she stood like a giant.
Or maybe that the way he envisioned her he couldn't help exaggerate her tiny height even when he was boarding on it. he held on close afraid she disappear again just to let him calm his nerves she let him touch her hair curly, long and blonde a shining clone of his and play with her necklace. She had told him the story about how her grandmother had made the necklace from the last of their metal as a birthday gift many times usually with Neil letting a murmur of disapproval fall from his lips but this time it felt different maybe even magical. As they were walking along the boardwalk his socks light against the board, as his mom flowered him with Ice-cream galore. It was his favorite Strawberry and five scoops high he smiled happily letting the dark light shine across his face and the pools of ice cream melt onto his clothes.
They had come across an abandoned climbing place, an adventure playground of sorts, it was dark and quiet but his mom said it was okay and encouraged him to climb the fence.
She had done it too her heels landing against the sand she had laughed so he did, running up against the wooden structure which reeked of paint but she was giddy like a child taking him everywhere. At some point they ran onto the cold wet damp grass in the rain barefoot, her colorful dresses always finding a way to light up in the darkest nights, the light green still stood out even amongst the grass and as they laid there. His mom rubbing his hair and pointing at all the stars and telling him about it like a well of infinite knowledge.
“You see William that star right there” he had nodded hesitantly she rarely called him William, only when she wanted his attention, she usually called him Isla or Bunny and while he protested those pet names as long as he had been living she had just laughed and just pulled him closer he never thought he miss those names so fucking much. before you get the wrong idea she wasn’t dead but it was like that she was a ghost now refusing to acknowledge Billy but this time there were no secret trips to wherever, maybe Billy just outgrew them or his mom outgrew him he wasn't sure which possibility was worse.
As his bruised muscles cracking with pain,up against his hard mattress nothing like a beating and shitty necessities not like Neil gave a damn to his comfort after all, he give him a semi comfortable bed because “cost” but Billy knew that was bullshit.
Neil would do anything to see Billy suffer it was practically his favourite hobby when he wasn’t gutting the insides of fish but it was practically the same Neil would rail in the fish with bait or in Billy cases kind words and flashy gifts. Then he would wait a bit till the fish took the bait like Billy would let his guard down a tiny bit.Then go in for the kill using his fishing pole and fist to kill the fish slowly and painfully like he would to Billy and he knew for a fact that not only were these mattress so stiff and hard. They cost way more for whatever reason rich people like hard mattresses. but it could be worse his dad could have not given him a room at all yeah it could be worse it was something Billy always thought about him finally getting away from Neil not by his own choice but by cps he tried it before but Neil was so charming and Billy wasn’t ten and a half anymore, his mom wasn't there to challenge Neil and to protect him.
He couldn't risk a visit now so it would never happen not by any fault of his own at least he knew Neil could predict most of his movements.
He heard the horror stories he wasn’t going to subject himself to any more shit and while his dad was shit he was still legally required to provide for him otherwise how else would he use that line in his next argument, to justify his parenting methods and to complain about how hard it was raising a useless piece of shit like Billy and to think of it his father sure loved to complain about useless shit.
But he couldn’t complain he never could without a slap against his cheeks or his dad's famous speech scientifically designed to make anyone who hears it feel like shit which Billy already was, but hey the speech is such a great deal for shitty dads everywhere who wouldn’t love to mentally toture their child when their fist became too bruised to hit them.
And in all honesty Billy loathed that speech more than he loathed himself, more than he loathed his dads fist, more than he loathed girls how he hated to fuck them and go out with them and even more than he loathed Harrington.
Stupidly perfect Harrington who made Billy heart skip and leap, who made Billy blush at an insult who made Billy nervous and not just out of fear, he made Billy scared way too scared.
He could not be with Harrington even if he wasn't straight which he couldn't be because almost all the gays in California used Farrah Fawcett Hairspray it how they found each other.
Not like Billy ever went as far like that even then he was too much of a coward, his pale blue eyes glanced at the alarm finally calm for once because this was his favourite part of the day, when he could just lay in bed and glanced up at the ugly peach ceiling letting his thoughts flowed like a river stream quiet yet loud.
He pulled the wool cover closer shivering in his empty room another form of sadstic toture if Neil wasn’t beating the shit out of him he was fucking up Billys air and heat supply. He never knew when he would be hot or cold plus it was just another way for Neil to keep him on his fucking toes.
Like he didnt do that every single fucking day, with Neil mood deciding if Billy could only get away with a slap and a walk outside in the snow and how he hated the cold, he wasnt used to it . Ofcourse, he was a California Baby he could stand hot weather but not cold especially when he only had one blanket to protect himself. Because everything belonged to Neil if he pissed Neil off too much his belongings would be gone because they were never his , Neil spiteful face popped up and he imagined another cruel smile as he “grounded” Billy.
“You need to learn a lesson about Respect and Responsibility” he saw his dad, felt him “punishing” Billy, he felt his tears and struggled to get out of this hellish nightmare, his breath heavy, breathe breathe don't be such a pussy his panic attack was stopped by a knock on his door he opened the door angrily.
“What the fuck do you want M-..” his father stared at him stone cold and hard like he awalys was calculating watching Billy squirm.
“Is this how you talk to your sister” he grabbed Billy chin and squeezed it tight.
“No sir” Billy tried to make himself shorter, trying to disappear into the wall but it never worked, no matter how he wished it did but his father was in a good mood suprisngly so he let Billy off with a slap and a spilt lip, and Billy could thank him right then and there for not beating the shit out of him for being so rude and disrespectful, but the stare of disappointment and the glare was more painful than the backhand.
Billy forced himself to go downstairs dreading every step to eat with his “family” as far as Billy was conserend his mom was his only family but all his stubbornness did was put Neil in a bad mood.
“You’re Mother is gone Billy suck it up” he would say chewing his steak and despite Billy hating eating breakfast with Susan and Neil , being under his dad microscope was irritating and annoying but he knew if he didn't eat all his food, thank Susan, and be quiet and not exist then there wouldn’t be any food to digest, because Neil had done it before It was either eat everything Susan made no matter how much it taste like horseshit or not eat at all or even worse eat the way Neil wanted him too and while Billy personally thought both options were cruel and unusual toture and neither qualified as the best option but he still needed food to survive so he ate it all.
Every last spoonful in fear for Neil trailing eyes on him, his back arching aganist the chair, eating softly and trying not to throw up watching Max shoveling burned eggs and bacon into her mouth, his mom food was way better.
He glared at Susan subtly as he thanked her how he wanted to go off on her but he wasn't in the mood to skip school today and be bruised. so instead he took his anger out on Max he yelled at her to get up, which resulted in her eating her scrambled eggs slower then finally getting up and taking forever to get ready, grabbed Max by the elbow when she wasn't moving fast enough. he hated running into Neil in the morning who was less of a morning person than Billy and he grabbed her hard enough to bruise but not enough to get shit from Neil.
He ignored her screaming at him to the point where she was being a cocky little shit, and had the nerve to put her disgusting mud covered red shoes on his dashboard, with a little grin that stupid brat and when he told her to knock it off she flipped him off. so he drove like a manic letting his hands off the steering and speeding up just to see the fear in her eyes and dropped her off to the stares of the middle schoolers.
He drove back even faster it was the only way plus he couldn't miss getting ready for his favorite class of the day aka Bothering Steve for 40 minutes, he stood against his Camero letting cigarette smoke fill the air, then he went inside shoving a couple of kids who dared to look at Billy in anyway no one was that stupid to do it on purpose but still he had to install fear or he would be scared.
He wasn't always mean he used to be kind but kindness never got him anything but a broken heart and fag screamed at his face by older boys, a shove to the ground and the laughter of his classmates it never gave him anything but humiliation.
So He hid behind a charming carefree smile and reinvented himself, learning to keep his feelings inside to stop thinking about boys that way. The hurt lodged in that sweet heart like a slow acting poison and before long he became a “problem child,” destined for a life behind bars. He hated his “parents,” hated the system, hated the government and the whole damn world he had to or he would hate himself.
The hate It burst forth in his speech, his actions, his attitude. He got close to people just to hurt them, power at last. Nothing pleased him more than to walk away from a new lover ripping their valentines while they whimpered and ran, To shove a kid down and make him cry to spit the word fag in the kids fave.. To Billy people were “bad, dangerous, and they deserved what they got." Because he deserved what he had gotten.
Steve loathed first period, not only because it's English Class but Billy who made it his personal goal to harass Steve anytime he could which meant every class they shared together. Because Billy obviously didn't think his crude and sexual teasing,his fists and trips down the hallway was enough time to toture Harrington and fortunately for Steve.
There were only four classes but that meant Billy had to make an impression so Steve sighed as Billy came in late what a surprise , came up to him, knocking his books down against the floor, Mrs.Ava looked like she was going to say something but the look Billy gave her shut her up Steve reisted a snort great everyone was intimidated by Billy.
As the minutes of the lesson passed, the ceaseless buzzing of the classroom grew quieter watching them it was no secret that Billy and Steve weren’t pals but a look of shock always seemed to come on their face watching their interactions a quiet glance from Billy made the chatter started up again and they pretended to be talking about something else and looked away.
“Hey Prettyboy” Billy licked his lips at him, slamming into the seat next to Steve, Billy smiled at him.
Steve rolled his eyes trailing the pencil in between his fingers, he was way too tired to deal with Billy “Don't you have someone else to bother” .
Billy pouted giving him a small smirk he even makes puppy eyes look evil Steve sighed.
“But you’re my favourite Stevie” Steve kicked Billy from under the table.
“Fuck off” Billy just laughed and reisted the urge to whimper why was he being so weak it was just a little cut there Billy felt himself ponder looking at Steve who was trying very hard not to look at Billy and to focus on the lesson which Billy should be doing to, but Steve and his perfect lips and how much Billy wanted to kiss them, his soft hair i wonder what it would feel like oh how he wanted to kiss Steve, shove him against a wall, fuck him and punch him all at the same time why do you have to be so damn amazing Harrington.
“Ouch you really hurt my feelings Harrington..I think i just shed a tear” Billy smiled oh how he loved first period plus steve was so cute when he was annoyed FAG his mind screamed he reisted the urge to punch himself, Steve gave Billy a small smirk.
“Bullshit you dont have feelings” Billy chuckled slowly unbutoing his top not like it was open anyways but cmon if he didnt give the cows here a show people might think he a fag which he is , he winked to Steve.
“You’re right about that Pretty Boy” Steve glared and turned towards the window suddenly interested in the blue sky and clouds that dotted the sky. The bell rang finally freedom Steve thought he was one comment away from shoving his pencil up Billy ass.
why does he have to be such an asshole even worse a cute one and yeah it was pretty cliche of him to have a crush on his bully. but like can you blame him Billy was hot and straight his mind screamed at him it was too risky plus he didnt think he could handle Billy disgust more than his fists but Billy was so hot and an asshole but hes a hot one.
Steve groaned in frustration stupid horny brain but this felt weird and different he didnt like boys right i mean, and if he was gay which he wasn’t wasnt he liked nancy for a long time goodness sake then couldn’t he atleast have a crush on a boy who isnt an asshole, but what was he, after all if you weren’t straight then you were gay but he liked both he couldn’t possibly be gay and straight at the same time, there had to be a word and Steve had to investigate it for his sake so on he went after Mrs. Ava class to the library.
Steve ducked from Nancy and Jonathan he felt bad about missing lunch but if they even knew where he was going they would ask questions he wasn't ready to answer yet when he saw them leave he sprinted towards his car driving to the town library which was well not im Hawkins but the next town over he couldn’t bare to see anyone he knew. He opened the doors to the library entering he was hit with a cloud of dust, and started to look around.
Row after row of neatly lined up books with their spines facing outward, colour coded with dots, fiction section arranged in alphabetical order, young adults section, comfortable chairs, tables for quiet study, muffled stillness.
He took a breath walking up to the resident sub librarian Mrs. Mervil the hawk who stood about 5’4 her lip always tight and pressed as if she was simply always waiting for disappointment as if she never bothered to smile, her eyebrows and eyes were thin and like her whole self her clothes reflected that always dread and uncolorful, so professional and tight. It made Steve parents outfits look casual and who despite Steve best try hated him for whatever reason, maybe it was the blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes those combinations always seemed to despise Steve or just everyone but mostly Steve.
He gave her a false smile “Hi Mrs.Mervil” she turned towards him. her eyes cold and bored she took off her silver rimmed glasses for a young woman she sure acted old she put down whatever book she was reading he examined it, she slammed it before he could see the title but it was a space book for sure.
“What is it Steven” he sighed and gave her a smile he hoped his face wasn't giving away anything.
“Mr.Harrington if you’re just going to stand there and go dont waste my time” he bit his lip and shoved his hands deeper in his cardigan. He couldn’t do this she already hated him she could tell everyone, or even worse whatever worse was. But he needed to know this more than he needed to breathe, he could wait but he wasn't willing to wait.
“I need to find a book...to tell me about my sexuality” at that her face and demeanor softened a bit like she was remancissing she gave him a small smile and lead him towards the shelf her heels dragging along the whole way.
“Alright come along Steven I don't have all day” he sighed in relief and walked up with her, he tried to make conversation as she rustled through the books.
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blxetsi · 4 years
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modern sasha braus dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
college!sasha braus x gn!reader
had to write something for my queen 😌✨
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- she shares her food with you. I Dont Care She Does
- also since this is a modern au i dont think she would have such an obsession with food as she does in the canonverse (if we can even call it an obsession) i still think she would have a big appetite (and she'd be proud of it tf 😏🙏) but i just dont see her always being hungry as the fandom makes her out to be
- really likes to hold hands with you
- i think itd be really cute if she was studying to become a baker ?? maybe taking a culinary course at the university you two attend ?? maybe you somehow met there or through a friend
- i think she'd still be insecure about her accent (ig if this is au is set in america she'd be from the south 😐🤚) and would speak kind of like a robot to people she didn't know that well
- connie and jean ALWAYS bring out her accent tho,, like with them she can really be herself
- i think when you were starting to get to know her she would be speaking very formally, and youd take it like shes being kinda stand offish or like,, just doesnt wanna talk so youre thinking "okay maybe she doesnt wanna be friends 😁👍" and would back off
- now sasha's upset because you are so cool and unique and she just wants to know so much about you but youve been very distant lately ?? like did she do something wrong ??
- she tells connie, jean, marco, and niccolo one night and connie and jean are on the side of "find y/n and demand to know why their behavior has changed" while marco and niccolo are on the side of "respectfully dm y/n and ask why they havent been wanting to see sasha recently"
- sasha goes with the latter of the two and dms you after passing you in the dining hall, you two literally keep glancing at each other, texting while you sit with your respective friend groups
- after everything gets cleared up sasha is immediately inviting you to hang out with her crew, and even getting some of her other friends like eren, mikasa, and ymir and historia to come join too
- if she has all the people shes comfortable with there, itll be less scary talking with her accent !
- You Love It. You Think Its Adorable.
- you guys would definitely have a friends to lovers type relationship
- like friendly hugs turn into slightly longer hugs, and now sasha will constantly ask to sit next to you during movie nights
- loves to rest her head on your lap while she spreads across the couch
- i think you two would have your first kiss in niccolos apartment
- you two were sitting in his kitchen, with sasha munching on the leftover food he made that night for your get together
- his mom had called him so he decided to leave to go to his bedroom to answer it
- and slowly you guys just kind of,,,, leaned in 🙈✨
- it was slow and really romantic, kinda rough with the crumbs that were around sasha's lips but you didn't mind
- niccolo barged in and ruined the moment 😐🤚 good going pal 😁👍
- you two were so shocked that you two tried to leave
- ended up just walking down the road in silence like wtf i thought yall were trying to get away from each other 😭😭😭😭
- sasha ended up staying the night 🤩‼️
- NOT in a sexual way
- but in like a,,,, rue and jules kinda way where jules comes in through the window (but only sasha didnt come in through the window she came in the front door with you) and you two held each other and gave each other smooches for the rest of the night
- sasha woke up late and missed her morning classes 😐🤚 didnt even care and went back to sleep with you
- i think for the most part you get along well with her friend group
- youre definitely closer to connie, jean, niccolo, marco, and historia
- ymir teases you guys a lot and you cant tell if what she says is just jokes (it always is) or if shes completely serious
- eren, mikasa, armin, annie, along with reiner and bertholdt are more of aquantances to you, just because you dont see them as often as you do the others
- she has such a weird relationship with her english professor
- will literally complain how much work he gives his class and then the next day will gush about how great he his bc he gave her a granola bar for her effort in her assignment
- girl pick a script and stick to it 😐🤚
- has a collection of stuffies on her bed. i dont make the rules.
- anytime theres a carnival in town she drags EVERYONE there.
- you all agree to split up into groups so you can all check out what you want, but you always agree to meet up and eat funnel cake together 🥺
- sasha tries to get you to win her new stuffies
- if you cant do it, or just want some for yourself, shes calling connie and niccolo up PLEADING with them to come find you guys,
- then she claims theres been an ACCIDENT and that you two need help
- niccolo is zooming bc he cares abt his besties 😌✨
- connie texts jean and marco to come find you guys too 😭😭😭
- who gets a kick and a lecture for lying courtesy of niccolo ? sasha. but who also gets a bunch of stuffies won for her courtesy of niccolo ? sasha.
- for your anniversary i think she'd want to do something really fun with you
- she'd set up a pillow fort and have a bunch ot string lights and stuff, have all of her favourite stuffies (which are the ones she thinks of you when she sees) in there too.
- she has chips, she baked little pastries and cookies, and she ordered your favourite takeout
- you guys just watch whatever you want on netflix or whatever and its such a nice night
- it becomes a tradition for you guys, but you two always take turns with setup
- one year sasha did all of the planning, baking and whatnot ? okay now its your turn 😁👍
- you guys even started doing themes now 🤩
- if you guys play board games with your friends youre on sasha's side whether you want to be or not.
- shes also the kind of person that says "i can win fair and square !" but then when bertholdt starts kicking her ass in monopoly her script changes real quick 🙄
- now its "y/n,,, give me some of ur money" and "y/n, buy this property for me" like girl,,,, what happened to playing fair 😍⁉️
- will try and do all of those s/o pranks you see on tiktok
- its hard to get a genuine reaction out of you bc you can TELL SHES RECORDING but she tries anyways
- we love a perservering queen 😌✨
- will call you at random times of the day asking if you guys can see each other
- "y/n ??? are you there ??" "sasha its 2am wtf do you want 😐" "do you wanna ride your bike with me down to the park 🥺"
- also is very observant, knows when youre overworking yourself
- will try and pull you away from what youre working on like "lets go get you something to drink, or maybe we can watch an episode of that show you like before you continue working !"
- if youre persistent that you just HAVE to finish it tonight and cant stop and take a break she'll respect that, until you stay at your laptop for over an hour 😐
- just softly pulls you away like "no lovebug, lets get some sleep okay ?"
- is also very protective of you
- overheard someone making fun of you ?? talking shit ??? her besties better hold her back before she gets suspended 😤‼️
- and since connie and jean absolutely ADORE you, you better believe theyre helping their girl sasha out
- those three are the LEADERS of the "protect y/n club"
- it just becomes niccolo and marco trying to dissolve the situation before it gets physical, and then reiner and armin joining when they walk directly into the chaos
- armin tells you what happened and as much as youre thankful that sasha cares about you so much that she'd defend you like that, you lecture her, jean and connie on not making scenes like that again
- sasha's love language is kind of like,, a mixture of quality time and physical touch
- she just really loves spending time with you, but also very much enjoys being in your arms
- she doesnt shy away from it, and is usually the one to initiate those things
- will hold your hand PROUDLY down hallways or on streets
- always hypes you up too, shes very much so your personal hypeman
- "oh lovebug you look SO GOOD rn oh my god" "sasha pls im in my pyjamas" "and you look like a model baby !"
- sasha is very stubborn however, and if you guys ever fight she is NEVER the one to apologize first, or seek you out to talk about it
- even if shes in the wrong she cant bring herself to admit it, she dug herself into such a deep hole with the stance she took that she doesnt want to take the walk of shame in admitting that she wasnt right
- this can cause a lot of problems in your relationship, but after you explain how much it affects you, shes trying to change
- will always work on her stubborn-ness and pride
- and it actually makes her feel a lot better being able to admit defeat, or being wrong
- she really likes being communicative and honest, especially with you
- i think overall your relationship with sasha is very very fun, filled with good memories, good food, good friends, and most importantly, love.
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no bc i really do love her 😐🤚 lemme marry miss braus rq 😏✨
hope u guys enjoyed !! remember requests are open so if you have anything youd like me to write DONT BE SHY ❤️‼️
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Unsure Feelings
Here's my chapter 2 guys! Reminder: Jemily AU college fic. No warnings, it's all fluff. I hope you like it! I anticipate only one more chapter, but regardless, I'd love opinions etc. Thanks again to @books-cats-fandom for reading it for me ❤
Em spens the entirety of Saturday doing her best to avoid JJ. She still feels a little weird about their texts and wasnt sure how to react around her. Until later that day when she was in the library, studying. She couldnt help but notice when the vibrant blonde bubbled into the library. She decided the best way to avoid any awkwardness was to sink lower into her chair and hide behind her book.
Next thing she knows, she looks up and JJ is gone, no longer speaking to the librarian.
"Hey, you." JJs voice breaks her out of her head.
"Oh, hey, Jay!" Em laughs awkwardly.
"What are you up to?" She says sitting down next to her.
Of all the seats in the whole room, she had to pick the one closest to Em. But Em decides they agreed to not let it be awkward, so she is going to try her best. "Just, uh, studying. That's kind of what a library is for...."she teases.
"What?! Really? No way?! How did I never know?!"
"Stop being a smart ass." She laughs "what are you doing?"
"Just grabbing a book really quickly. I've got some studying to do before the party tonight. You're still coming right?"
"Emily Marie Prentiss. You will be going."
"Marie is not my middle name" she laughs "but okay. I'll see you there."
JJ softly lays her hand on Em's shoulder. "I'll see you there then." And with that JJ bounces out of the library.
It's only an hour until the party starts and Emily has no idea what she's going to wear. All of her clothes either are too plain looking or black. Neither of which seem fitting for a party. She eventually settles for a pair of jeans, boots, and a v-neck tee. That works well enough. She gets ready to leave for the party, adding a black leather jacket, just to calm her nerves a bit. It's her favorite piece of clothing.
When she gets to the party, JJ isn't there yet. But Em settles in with a vodka cranberry on the couch. She is making small talk with a guy she just met, something about microeconomics. She isnt really listening when she hears the door open and hears the familiar voice of JJ. Shes says her hellos, running over to Emily as soon as she sees her. Emily is thankful for the reprieve from her current conversation and even happier to see JJ. Shes even starting to get used to the idea of them being just friends.
She hugs JJ and goes to the kitchen with her to make her a drink. Em is two or three drinks in, but shes surprised by how quickly JJ puts back three or four drinks. Pretty soon JJ is feeling tipsy and stumbles into Emily. Em catches her and JJ holds onto her hand. Emily finds them a place to sit in the living room. She sits down on the couch, but instead of sitting on the couch next to her JJ throws herself onto the floor, leaning her head onto Emily's thigh. Slowly caressing the top of her boot.
Emily has to shake her head to clear her thoughts.
"Um, Jay? Would you be okay if I went and got another drink?"
"Yes, of course lovely. I'll be right here waiting for you to get back."
Em makes her way to the kitchen where she finds Chris. A guy who she had kind of developed feelings for a few years ago, and he had admitted he had feelings for her too. But they knew it would never make it work, they were too different, so it never really went anywhere.
"Hey! How are you?" She asks. Getting a shot of rum.
"I'm okay! Just getting more drinks. You?"
"I'm taking shots. You want one?"
They take the shots together and Emily heads back to the living room. JJ has since moved to a cough across the room.
"Hey!" Her face lights up when she sees Emily come into the room "I, uh, moved but see, I saved you a seat! Next to me!"
Emily takes a big sip of the drink she just made and makes her way over to JJ. "Thanks so much, hun!" She sits down next to her and JJ puts her hand on Emily's knee. As they sit there she begins to feel JJs thumb caressing her thigh.
To stop her mind from racing she grabs JJs hand with her own. Jj is just as happy to run her thumb across the back of Emily's knuckles.
Suddenly JJ turns to Emily and says, "you're so gorgeous"
Emily laughs, " you should see yourself."
Jj reaches up and smiles, removing her hand from Emily's. She begins stroking her cheek. "Your skin is so soft......I bet your lips are soft too...."
Emily isn't sure who moves first all she knows is the next sensation she feels is JJs lips on her own. She kisses her back initially. Then her brain regains control and she pulls back.
"Jay, we can't...."
"I'm sorry...."
"Dont be. It's fine."
The entire room noticed the kiss, including Chris, who promptly stomps out of the room.
Tagging (since you asked to be tagged in the first one): @prentissisthebestest @mullinscarousel @unleash-the-doves @emily-prentiss-is-bea @blondeandbrunetteshipper @just-take-a-moment-and-dream @magnificentperfectionmiracle @sunnysaysbookreviews @soul-disposition @katiealyssa96 @mikan-chan-the-obsess @oakleygartner @feelingsbutnofeelings @ryker-the-pta-mom @nolitetebastardescarborundorumn @rosecrocs
( these accounts also wanted to be tagged, but I cant remember what their new username is unitchiefwives).
Please leave me reviews and let me know if you want to be tagged in the last one or not :)
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gazebosarebologna · 6 years
It Fic Recs
I’ve read a lot of IT fanfics in my time in this fandom, so here’s a list of my favorites! I did not write any of these, and all credit goes to the wonderful who authors who wrote them!
ED by bxxpbxxprichie 
Summary: Richie honestly couldn’t remember the last time he’d been hungry. At this point he was so used to telling himself that he wasn’t hungry that it was actually working. Years. It had taken years to condition it into himself, but it was well worth it. Not a soul knew that he went days without eating. Sure, he had times with the rest of the gang when he would munch on whatever snacks they’d pulled out, but real meals were few and far between.
Damn the Dark, Damn the Light by superallens 
Summary: Bill struggles with the aftermath of IT and losing his brother.
War Dogs by The_lazy_eye
Summary: He knows he should ease off a little bit but he can’t get his bearings. Something isn’t right. He scans his room a couple times. Everything seems in order but there’s something settling in the pit of his stomach. This deep unease.Or Richie deals with the aftermath of IT.
Mike "Mom Friend" Hanlon by CieraDarlene 
Summary: In which Mike Hanlon goes to extra lengths to make sure his friends are okay.
Seven Birds by shanisafan
Summary: Beverly and Mike have a special friendship. Today they go on a hike to see the sunset from a mountaintop. They talk about friendship and the future.
Laugh, Cry, or go Crazy by Aibohp
Summary: Richie is Beverly's best friend because he understands that sometimes you have to laugh because the only other options are to cry or go crazy.orRichie finds Beverly in the Barrens while she's trying to stay out of her house and away from her dad.
so lovable but just troubled by richietosier
Summary: Richie thinks about it, how all the other Losers had someone. Beverly’s dad had been all messed up, but now she had her aunt who truly cared about her. Eddie’s mom loved him in her own weird way. Stan’s dad may be strict, but he was loving, and his mom adored the boy. Bill’s parents had been distant since Georgie’s death, but they’d probably care if their other son went missing. Ben had a loving mother. Mike had his grandfather."No one loves me,” Richie whispers.
Beep Beep by itried
Summary: "I'm not afraid of you!" Richie tries, - god, he really does, - to fight back this time, but It just laughs at him."How many times do we have to beep you before you shut up for good, hmm, Richie?" Its hands are all over Richie's face, all over his mouth, and Richie can't talk, he can't breathe. "I think I'll do your friends a favor and just kill you." It laughs again, mouth opening and shining and Richie...Richie wakes up.
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missjackil · 6 years
Miss Jacki’s Top 30 Favorite Episodes
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Road Trip 9x10
Ahhh remember Gadreel!Sam? Of course you do. It wasnt the greatest storyline, we didn’t get to see him that much, but thats ok really. I dont like when my boys arent my boys for longer than one episode, so the fact that Gadreel only showed himself in little spurts was fine considering it lasted the whole first half of the season. In the same sense as Michael!Dean has been this season. Sam was Sam for the most part, until this episode, when Gadreel took over. 
This was the return episode after the mid season finale. We had left off with Gadreel completely taking over Sam, killing Kevin and telling Dean that Sam was gone. Gadreel took off in the Impala, and Dean gathered Cas and Crowley to try to find him. Meanwhle, Gadreel is on a kill mission, to show Metatron he is loyal to the cause. 
Jared did so good in this episode. Gadreel was an actual character, not just a few sentences before blipping out, and that character was totally NOT Sam.I very much enjoyed watching this. When Gadreel went to see his old friend Abner, in the vessel of Alaxander Sarver, there was genuine love in his face. This was great because it wasnt the same as how Sam shows love, yet it was still genuine and believable. It really sucked that Gadreel ended up killing Abner, but if there had been any doubt left that Gadreel had gone off the rails, this squelched it. 
Dean and Co, caught up with him at Abners house, knocked him out and took him to one of Crowleys warehouses, strapped him to a chair, and got ready to do some digging. It was a very intense scene, but Jared does being tortured so well amirite?? My friend thinks Im weird because I love Sam, yet I love his torture scenes. She says “You think torturing Sam is hot?” and Im like “no, I think Sam is hot when being tortured.... big difference!” :D
Gadreel taunted that he could sit there forever and take whatever they dished out, and he could tear Sam apart as he sat there if he wanted to. Crowley managed to knock him out while sticking nasty needles into his/Sam’s brain. After a bit, this was just too much for Dean to watch. We soon find out who this psycho angel is, and what he was infamous for in Heaven. Gadreel tells us he has Sam tucked away in a dream, and the guys figure out the only way to get Sam to spit out Gadreel is to possess him, and tell him to spit him out. 
Cas of course cant possess him without permission, but Crowley can. So in he goes. Sam is nice and chill,researching in the Library in his mind. Crowley tells him whats going on and Sam starts remembering what Gadreel did while using his body. “Did I kill Kevin?” Sam asks and looks completely devistated. “No, you didnt... he did... now cast this punk ass, holy roller out!” Gadreel appears and a fight ensues. I love this scene!! I discovered that my sexual orientation is Sam stepping on Gadreels throat “GET... THE HELL....OUT!!”  evbnkbkjnbf  n fvbjbvkjs Gadreel flies out of Sam and back into his old vessel, and Sam is safe. Weak and bleeding, but safe.
The next and final scene breaks my heart. Sam and Dean talk in the rain about what happened. Sam is hurt and justifiably pissed, that Dean tricked him into being possessed. Dean takes it, but explains that Sam was dying and he just cant let that happen if he can help it. However, Dean thinks he should leave so that he doesnt hurt Sam or anyone else again. In this scene, when Sam hears that Dean wants to leave, his whole face and demeanor changes. He doesnt want Dean to leave, he just wants Dean to let him be pissed. But Sam isnt gonna beg, if Dean wants to go, he will let him.
I think I might be the only member of the fandom who empathizes with both brothers in this situation. Half of you believe Dean was wrong , and the other half believe Sam was ungrateful. I however, believe that no one knows how they’ll handle a situation like that, until theyre confronted with it. I was in a similar situation with my mom, she was dying, and the only thing that could save her life was a risky surgery that could make her paralyzed, could kill her, or allow for a full recovery. My mom was unconscious and couldnt make the decision on her own, so my father and I made the choice for her. If there was a chance she could be alright, and we didnt take it, we’d never be able to live with ourselves. We knew it could go wrong and we knew Mom could hate us for it, but better to have a pissed off mom, than a dead one. Any of you who have gone through something similar and chose to let your loved one go, thats alright too... its a very hard decision and no one should think they know what they’d do unless it happens. 
Anyway, even though this started a long, painful, drawn out fight between the boys, this was a very good episode. And Im glad Dean made the choice he did, or we’d have no more Sam and I wouldnt be here gushing about him every day :)
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