#rematch round one
Zexal Oneshot Duelist Tournament REMATCH - Round One Match 02
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The sly lackey of the Fallguys team, Fallguys Coyote VS the menacing memory eater Semimaru/Erazor!
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The ultimate tumblr sexyman rematch has middle aged tumblr users that haven't been heard of since 2015 clawing their way up from the grave to vote for a disembodied voice as the ultimate internet sex symbol
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The Ultimate Rematch: Holy Moonlight Sword vs. Nightblood
Holy Moonlight Sword
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From: Bloodborne (and every other Fromsoftware game)
Wielder: Ludwig
One of the recurring elements in FromSoftware games, all the way from King's Field to Elden Ring, the Holy Moonlight Sword is the Bloodborne iteration of the weapon. Implied to have been created by the Great Ones (eldritch god-like beings), it is discovered by Ludwig the Holy Blade in the labyrinths beneath Yharnam, and used to fight the scourge of beasts within the city. Eventually, Ludwig lost himself to beasthood, and found his way to the Hunter's Nightmare, along with this Holy Moonlight Sword. In Ludwig's boss fight, the sword would return Ludwig's sanity to him (perhaps due to its eldritch origins and his own familiarity with it), allowing him to fight like a man, rather than a beast. After Ludwig's defeat, it would either be gifted or taken by force by the Good Hunter to use on their own journey.
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From: Cosmere/Warbreaker
Wielder: Vasher
Nightblood is a pure black sword that bleeds black smoke when drawn. If a wielder unsheathes it for too long, they will die. When it was forged, it was given the command to “destroy evil,” but it doesn’t actually understand what evil is (to quote one of my submittors, it “approaches this with all the enthusiasm and moral nuance of a golden retriever”). It is very chipper and thrives on approval, wanting to be praised for all the evil people it has killed. The sword can possess evil people, causing them to kill the evil people around them and then usually commit suicide. It can communicate telepathically with others. Finally, it is canonically “fascinated by gender, and trying to figure it out.”
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onepiece-polls · 1 year
Best Man-Tits of One Piece - Rematch Round 3!
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Submitters' motivations under the cut.
Motviations for submitting Katakuri:
He sits there all day with an exposed chest, no shame, tits free and open to the world. Doesn’t even wear a bra.
His boobs are so underrated. Besides being huge, can you even imagine all their firm plumpness? Perfection.
Big muscular honkers that probably taste sweet. Dreamy.
Man’s so big you could use his tits as literal pillows! What’s not to love about that! And when you bury your face in them it’ll smell mochi sweet! And he’d give you awkward head pats 😭
Motivations for submitting Yamato:
he’s always got your back and will help you out in any pinch. what’s better than that? tiddies you day? oh he’s got those too.
Unfortunately I’m very ace so I don’t have a lot to say about tits except that they are certainly there.
Yeah he’s trans so we don’t have a full tit pick gif the contest and they aren’t biological man tits but still
They’re massive
It is so based for Yamato to keep and be completely unashamed of his huge tits even after coming out as a man.
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REMATCH - Round One Match 68
We were perfectly even in the initial poll, with 148 votes each! So, Submerged and The End of the Tunnel get a rematch! Please don't make them tie this time
MAG 129 - Submerged | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Kulbir Shakya, regarding a flood that occurred around his flat in Hackney.
MAG 063 - The End of the Tunnel | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Erin Gallagher-Nelson, regarding an urban exploration trip beneath St Paul’s Church West Hackney.
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demonsfate · 4 months
honestly the more i play tek8 ... the more i'm starting to feel less bad about doing one & dones. :/ you beat a person and then you actually bother to rematch them and once they start winning, they start tea bagging and ki-charging. like my GOD.
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agnerd-bot · 1 year
On request of @300iqprower:
Rematch of Ragnarok, Round ???:
"I told you, human," the almighty Norse goddess proclaimed as she raised her shield above her head. "God, man, it doesn't matter. No one can defy their fate."
Before the goddess could crush the human's body beneath her shield, she saw something out of the corner of her eye. To most, it would be of little importance. Something inconsequential, especially to one of a god's power. But to the goddess shackled by fate? It was nothing more than a miracle beyond even the divine.
Before the goddess of the sun could even comprehend the impossible sight before her, a strike flew in at near-impossible speeds. Too shocked at the development before her, Sol could not even hope to dodge or block the attack, the blow hitting her directly in the jaw with a resounding echo.
At once, the once-frozen time had now restarted, and to the shock of everyone, man, god, and valkyrie alike, for the first time since the fight had begun, the seemingly invincible Sol was laying back-first on the ground, unmoving. And on his feet, with his arm outstretched in a straight punch was none other than Maxwell himself, a wide grin on his face.
"Caught you."
"-the end of-HUH?!" Heimdall cried out in disbelief, his head looking between the two combatants. "U-u-uh, against all expectations, the Mathematical Master of Mankind has pulled a complete reversal on us! With a single punch, unseen by anyone, James Clerk Maxwell has managed to counter Sol's impossible speed!"
"A… amazing!" Goll managed out. "How did he manage to catch up with something that fast?!"
"Speed? Hardly." the genius scoffed. "It took me a while to figure out your trick, I have to admit." The Unifier of Physics adjusted his glasses, smiling wide. "But you taking it easy on me gave me enough chances to see what you were doing…"
"You were stopping time on me, weren't you?"
Wordlessly, Sol got to her feet, not even bothering to respond to Maxwell's words as she looked him over.
"What, she can stop time?!" a member of the human side asked incredulously.
"You mean like how Zeus did back in the last Ragnarok?"
"The ease of which you returned to your combat stance, the lack of effort put into each blow, the fact that your attacks didn't even seem to disturb the sand on the ground… If it was a matter of speed, none of this would make sense," Maxwell continued. "But if you managed to halt the flow of time completely, it would explain everything." Pointing a finger to his temple, he gave the god a wry grin. "You don't even have to say a word. The very look of contempt on your face and the fact that my gambit worked is enough to prove my hypothesis correct!"
"Impossible!" Ares cried out. "He figured out all that after taking a few measly blows?! Not only that, but he somehow found a way to counter it?! He… Is he like-"
"No." Thor rumbled coldly. "This man is nothing like the First Human that fought against Zeus. He's… much different."
"Indeed," Hermes added. "In the first Ragnarok, Adam was 'merely' able to instinctively counter Zeus's divine blows because of his Eyes of the Lord allowing him to copy his techniques. This human, Maxwell… he found a path to escape his fate all on his own."
"Here's a little something I'm going to call Maxwell's Theorem of Frozen Time," Maxwell began, adjusting his glasses. "Assuming the laws of physics are the same for all present… For an entity to be able to move in a space where time equals zero, that entity would most likely require an infinite amount of energy. Ergo?"
"If one was able to generate an infinite amount of energy themselves…" Newton began, mouth nearly agape in shock.
"Then they would be able to move in the time stop themselves! Of course!" Brunhilde finished, tapping a fist in her hand. "It makes perfect sense!"
"Huh?! Infinite energy?!" Goll repeated dumbly. "But isn't that impossible?! How does that make any sense?!"
"You're right that something like infinite energy is impossible to attain for most humans… But Maxwell isn't most humans, Goll," Brunhilde replied. "Especially with the power of his Volund - Maxwell's Demon!"
Indeed, the thought experiment that made Maxwell a name known by all mankind: Maxwell's Demon. Originating from a letter Maxwell sent to his fellow scientist Peter Guthrie Tait, the experiment is as follows: a creature described as a 'demon' operates a gate that separates two containers of gas. The demon proceeds to open the gate in a way that the faster gas molecules are trapped on one side, and slower molecules are trapped on the other. In this process, the entropy of the chambers decrease with no effort at all.
But such a thing cannot be accomplished by humanity… Until now. With the power of the valkyrie Ráðgríð - The Counseling One, Maxwell has become the very demon he dreamed of centuries ago, able to manipulate his own energy beyond the laws of physics themselves! Through this, the impossible is accomplished: the reversal of entropy itself! Thus is the power of He Who Saw the Threads of the Universe!
Time's Arrow Reversal!
"I never thought I'd see the day," Newton whispered breathlessly. "The very dream of all mankind, made manifest…"
"I admit, I had only thought of something like this possible in my dreams," the Founder of Modern Physics began, looking over his own fist in barely-disguised awe. "A truly infinite source of energy… To think my silly little thought experiment would one day be in the palm of my hands. Hahahaha!" Maxwell clapped his hands, his glasses shining menacingly in the light of the sun as he locked eyes with Sol defiantly.
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"Well, 'god', what does your 'destiny' have to say about this advancement of science?"
Sol gave Maxwell the same dead stare she had throughout the fight, unimpressed at the scientist's boasting. Slowly, she began to chew, before spitting something out on the ground. A bloodied tooth. Coldly, she wiped off the remaining blood on her face as she raised her shield to her arm, a small smile showing on her face.
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"Hmph. You were early by five minutes."
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Round 2 Poll 24
Untitled:「YES it is a gangpol song. so its not like some artist that just appeared. however this one is from a 2004 album that has a singular online download. and also its really good」
Knifework Reveals Angelic Reality: 「A stunningly serene and sparse solo piano piece to incite a tranquil contemplation of one's own life.」
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digimonpolls · 2 years
Best Baby II Rematch
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transfemswagbracket · 2 years
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Zexal Oneshot Duelist Tournament REMATCH - Round One Match 07
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The tag-team Pro Duelist and loving wife, Umimi Habara/Brooke Walker VS the will of the Astral world itself, Eliphas!
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arofishskull · 2 years
Alright, so I started playing FFVII a couple of days ago to figure out what Sephiroth's and Cloud's whole deal is. And. I have at least part of the picture. Now, I also have a lot of Kingdom Hearts brainrot going on currently and now I'm seriously wondering what beef these two have in the Kingdom Hearts world. The Final Fantasy stories don't seem to be canon for the KH versions of the FF characters and while some bits of dialogue hint at them having similar backstories to their FF counterparts, it's never really elaborated upon. I think Leon has a throwaway line about his name in one of the games? For example. But that's pretty much it. But what is hammered down in KH1 and KH2 is that Cloud and Sephiroth have a whole shared backstory together and that Darkness seems to be part of it to some degree and yet that plot isn't currently tied to the main story line at all. Obviously, it could just be that they wanted to put two iconic characters into the games and have them act similarly to their OG versions without much thought behind it but that's boring. Like- please Nomura give us some crumbs in KH4, I'm begging
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Round 1, Match 25: Nightblood vs. Blade in the Dark
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From: Cosmere/Warbreaker
Wielder: Vasher
Nightblood is a pure black sword that bleeds black smoke when drawn. If a wielder unsheathes it for too long, they will die. When it was forged, it was given the command to “destroy evil,” but it doesn’t actually understand what evil is (to quote one of my submittors, it “approaches this with all the enthusiasm and moral nuance of a golden retriever”). It is very chipper and thrives on approval, wanting to be praised for all the evil people it has killed. The sword can possess evil people, causing them to kill the evil people around them and then usually commit suicide. It can communicate telepathically with others. Finally, it is canonically “fascinated by gender, and trying to figure it out.”
Blade in the Dark
[podcast, no picture]
From: Friends at the Table: Seasons of Hieron
Wielder: Maelgwyn, Hella Varal
This blade began as a knife, but grew larger with every person it killed. The soul of anyone it kills is absorbed into a pocket dimension within the sword. It can kill ghosts and other magical beings. Maelgwyn used it to kill his father, the sun god, before it fell into the hands of Hella. The hilt of the sword was inlaid with rubies, but after Hella used the blade to kill a star, the larger ruby became a diamond with a splotch of red at the center.
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Group A Round 2 REMATCH
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[image ID: the first image is of The Faceless One, a cartoon character. his face is mostly shadowed, but it looks white and skeletal. the robes of his outfit are purple and have skeletal decorations. he has a ragged cape, strong shadowed arms, and floating above one of his palms is a green object that looks like a face or helmet. the second image is of Leila Vernon, a smiling girl with short dark hair, lighting a candle in a witch's shoe. she's wearing a shirt or jacket with sleeves long enough to cover her hands completely. end ID]
The Faceless One
So, MotU likes to do this thing where every time they reboot, revive, or reimagine the franchise, they change Evil-Lyn's backstory. Well, in 2002 they decided to make Evil-Lyn the daughter of a new character: the Faceless One. This man is my emotional support fictional dad and let me tell you why! The Faceless One used to be the ruler of his city. He was a middle aged man who had only one child, late in life: Princess Evelyn (Evil-Lyn). But baby Lyn was captured by the Faceless One's enemies and used as a hostage for Faceless to use his powerful sorcery to revive a Goddess. But no price was to high and no act too insurmountable for him to get his daughter back. So, the Faceless One REVIVED THE PETRIFIED BODY OF THE DEAD GODDESS SERPOS. And he got his daughter back, and everything seemed great. Right? WRONG! The Goddess Serpos, awoken from her slumber went to the Faceless One's city and razed it to the ground. Killed everyone except for Faceless and Lyn. Faceless managed to get Lyn out safely. But as punishment for reviving a dead Goddess and sacrificing an entire civilization for one person, he was cursed to be an immortal ghost that is trapped in the ruins of his city for all eternity. But if given the chance to do things over again, the Faceless One would still do the same thing. Nothing is more important to him than his daughter.   [additional propaganda 1]
Leila Vernon
I LOVE HER shes so cool. its been a while since ive read the books so hopefully i dont get anything wrong but she was an orphan obsessed w magic stunts yknow like houdini and stuff. the orphanage held an event for this magician Dante Vernon for the kiddos but Leila was bullied for being too optimistic so they locked her in a broom closet when he came so she couldnt see it (guys i cried). she managed to escape because she kept lockpicks on her and had practice so she managed to see the last act! then later she got adopted by Dante and his husband and theyre such a wholesome family i love them read the magic misfits please i beg of you
These 2 tied, so we're running it again!
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onepiece-polls · 1 year
Best Man-Tits of One Piece - Rematch Round 2!
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Submitters' motivations under the cut.
Motviations for submitting Katakuri:
He sits there all day with an exposed chest, no shame, tits free and open to the world. Doesn’t even wear a bra.
His boobs are so underrated. Besides being huge, can you even imagine all their firm plumpness? Perfection.
Big muscular honkers that probably taste sweet. Dreamy.
Man’s so big you could use his tits as literal pillows! What’s not to love about that! And when you bury your face in them it’ll smell mochi sweet! And he’d give you awkward head pats 😭
Motivations for submitting Izou:
Holy shit, who would have though he had a pair of tits like that hidden underneath that kimono? They are so powerful they were accompanied by a bright light and his bandages ripped right off when he stripped down.
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