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#smilaz #Mila #eyes #sunshine #blueeyes #red #relips #daylight #sunlight https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn-erinNBbi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Names generated from The Song of Ice and Fire character names
Addara Adhodencer Aegedpov Aegorsella Aellane Aellar Agarghtes Aldorrion Aleod Algrei Alleadrion Allymerey Alyndlence Alyne Amerlives Amorolphe Arbra Arceamillon Archo Areynel Ariona Armon Arria Arriger Arthor Ashathar Ashist...
Baldevro Baltcheaken Barfros Baria Barion Barkwoon Barleyent Barwyna Bashann Bassa Bellyd Belwenyrece Bence Bentarielo Berltomer Bhand Bharemund Bilia Blackleha Blackon Blarah Bloodcocaly Blotth Boarict Boisamgor Bollya Boreythenny Boric Borper Braven Bravos Brayder Brettiso Breyne Brogod's Broodcoxton Broth Brund Bryswyn Bucime Burio Bynorena Callewolla Calyn Caridos Carmunst Carostitt Cedwen Chall Chfor Cladaq Clammattlen Clandrys Clind Cockaryn Cockon Coholly Coleo Coleon Commadril Comnyse Cought's Crohos Crommon Daemor Daern Dalemor Damber Daqeld Darltythos Darraymas Dastar Dauncaymert Delew Dentonnyra Dicatha Doramehagan Doroncer Dosenclys Dreyde Driven Ducimar Dunguaittle Dureong Durlyna Dytord Dywantar Ebarwynoyn Ebaryn Eddell Edgael Edwin Eldeatcher Ellarwyn Elliant Elorross Emmonar Erecke Estenyst Farle Feryeurla Flenne Florrent Foold Foredwyck Foreer Forey Frethemer Frydesser Galleon Gandard Ganner Garmuregern Garrykke Genart Gevick Gillyn Gilyn Gisterryous Gorenaran Gorton Gregood Grenfrenne Grenroodd Grethe Grohn Groned Gysaynah H'gherenarn H'ght Hadra Haegoorick Haggan Haghts Hankarragon Hanos Hanth Hareenanna Harkingle Harler Harmin Haron Harrionn Harth Harthaer Hartorreake Harysher Haymand Hearood Helord Heobett Herly Hiballace Hitham Hobild Hognar Hollanne Holle Horancent Horen Horgern Horykk Hotthatera Hught Hughtong Humbeather Humny Illarlan Illoner Illyn Jacke Jacters Jaegen Jaleforl Janald Jaran Jassan Jastandarr Jaswys Jennights Jhielent Jhille Jhogood Jhold Jirrenna Jirya Jonnard Jonning Joriseld Jorrings Joyen Jurlomarnak Juske Justeryed Karianda Karmid Kelle Kniferra Kuraett Kyrege Lanert Lanly Larghtorron Larren Leandord Lilla Liperleon Lisell Lonnaemunei Loodong Lorchs Loredbriany Lorosey Lorrosrian Loundayl Lucallaq Lumfrem Lyder Lylon Lymorragon Lyrelor Maela Maeld Malyn Mancellyren Mancha Mandalbint Manthew Mantyra Marilion Marlar Marne Marricks Marrys Marymoray Materon Matteryg Medrymon Menarbrob Mence Mermunsting Merricks Merysen Metther Moncellyn Monetclen Morianna Morryckla Morymar Mother Mothoane Muncasta Murrick Myler Myrcelmar Myrchaeld Myron Niserra Norgagolf Nosblack Nostred Nuthist Nuthotthard Oanger Oarlar Oleosh Ollanella Oshiella Pattell Payred Peambla Peras Pereys Peria Perin Perla Perseper Perswyn Phiellis Pollard Poodrickon Pothetura Preena Prell Prenysan Prufus Pruskynessa Qarwylenne Qhoandara Qhorayn Quarberyn Quars Queek Qyborgh Ractaunt Ragna Raswelonne Redgenys Regerrisson Relip Renfragod Rhard Rharwatt Rherd Rogna Rogorys Ronell Rosell Rosfie Rosmunes Rostarys Rotha Rumnys Ruper Ryonlyn Ryste Sabha Salleced Samon Samsarymed Sannifery Seldenella Selland Selle Senfromon Serei Serrayn Sevin Shantorrat Shorei Shrenst Shriferent Shrio Shrys Sierian Sightommart Simry Sloos Smariammold Spickspick Sterd Stlessona Stold Storollack Strys Suaitther Sweard Swelyne Syber Syberys Sybourlyn Sylbelmon Tacton Talaro Talman Tanoshallin Taragorn Tarbran Tarwyng Taryouncell Teggle Thell Thenton Thoake Thughaltcha Tilly Timege Todber Toddickbard Todristing Tomer Tonniferys Toreon Toreyle Torobb Tortimry Towerra Trenesserey Trikaer Trion Tumfrei Tumnet Tyenber Tyrickon Tyrin Tywalber Ulleris Ullyna Umbet Uredwin Urltyn Urser Uttygerey Varraced Vikew Visel Vosfiel Walen Waltommer Wangleslin Wanten Welly Wenymonn Whaegsbyr Willar Woode Woodwinifen Wynorem Xargonara Yarax Ygood Ygotheryn Ygrey Yornaethok Yorwyn Youren Yrigh
Same thing but greater order.
Addaregor Adricharra Aellass Aemorgarton Aerouse Aerystaunt Alayton Albert Alcher Alessa Alessella Alladows Ander Androgo Andry Archs Aregis Areth Arran Arris Arrock Artelland Artyn Arwyndorah Aryanna Aryssa Baldon Bands Baran Barbert Barbo Basse Benfield Benna Berell Bither Bitherousin Blace Blacefort Blacey Blacktyder Boarfros Boark Boistaffon Boiston Botleblacks Braceford Branefork Braxter Breah Broosey Brunelle Bryellander Byanna Byrceon Cadwyne Cargon Cassenys Caynard Cayne Charylessie Charys Chigged Claryl Clemorre Cohor Colendred Conna Corbert Coster Creigh Culip Cyntha Cyrel Cyrellera Cyren Daena Dagmerrion Dallyn Dared Dariane Darrigon Daver Deceastaunt Demonton Desmerre Desmonton Dobbert Dorea Doreo Dragon Dunce Dunstane Dunstron Duran Dykker Dykkermund Ebrosamunda Ebrothorwyn Eddar Eddle Edgard Edgarett Edgary Edria Eerlaw Eldrey Elianei Ellen Elwyn Elynara Elysana Elysanda Emman Endonnor Erene Erreyiron Eurong Faleon Falysella Farri Fennytree Flatnos Flemorra Fleton Fling Folly Foolemontos Forld Forth Gaerys Garick Gender Germonlover Geviness Gilbern Gilbetha Gilla Gillena Goody Gormund Gracter Grand Gregis Grella Grelly Greyne Guardison Guaronnella Gylde Halena Haleon Haliane Hallen Hallish Hally Harather Hardenye Haron Harra Harraggleaf Harran Harryn Heddis Helly Hendrence Higgena Highton Hildre Hilmance Hoanne Hoarfros Hoark Hodos Hokeworld Horian Hubartheon Hubere Hught Humbert Huntos Illemond Illidarei Jacaery Jaehai Jaimeon Jammen Janeford Janny Jarenfiel Jareo Jeoras Jhiquire Jhogg Jonne Joyeus Kaethand Kandryn Karyam Karyorber Kendred Kevance Larei Lastable Lastarbran Laswella Leathorwyne Lemontonett Lenell Lestron Lharan Licenten Lolly Longton Lonmounton Lonmout Lorcrowan Lorella Loriane Lorron Lucass Lucastayne Lucaston Lucimoryn Lucindly Luthorgan Luthorya Lyarwynton Lydas Lydderie Lymer Lymera Lymerryk Lyntherd Lyther Macey Maekard Malla Mallendred Mareo Margane Marghenly Margyle Marth Marys Mashawick Mashfore Mathorne Medric Mehalder Melaenyo Melarion Melian Melin Meling Mella Merick Merie Merndon Merraghorn Merre Milip Miliperrand Moote Mored Moremy Morma Morre Morren Morron Morys Motte Mulle Mycher Mylen Myrel Myrenten Myria Noras Norbreydon Norch Norchs Norjenny Nornwoode Norrhene Norrick Obert Older Olymon Olymont Olyvarlton Ormon Osberentyn Oshar Osman Paegor Patis Paxton Peard Perkill Portimer Preen Pressa Pruden Prune Pyparris Qarlon Qarly Qhortelys Qhorys Quaith Quellen Quent Qyburnbert Qyburtessa Qybury Qyler Rakens Ramyr Randon Reyiron Rhaegane Rhaenyo Rhogo Richat Robarberia Roberra Rogerra Rolander Rorgan Rorya Roxtonett Ryene Rylessa Rymanfred Rymanfrey Rymarklyn Rymaro Rymont Sabitherran Sallharp Samund Sanda Sargo Satis Sawan Scallhara Scally Scaro Seralf Seras Serreyna Shierly Sigon Sistelyn Skahairy Smiliper Spicent Spittles Spotte Squiree Staffe Stall Stanna Stickon Stifer Stronettley Sumnerys Surlei Swell Swyck Sybella Sybelland Sylasse Sylast Symonton Syrianna Syrion Talliver Tarbar Tariah Tariannis Tarille Tarion Tarton Theus Theuse Thorimeonel Timeonel Timer Todry Togan Tollion Tomargon Tomma Tommer Torgar Trister Tybolton Tygere Tyrella Tyrie Tyshagon Tywate Tywaters Umberlon Ummer Urranklyn Urros Uthers Uttigen Valerys Varland Varlton Vayonett Velardria Velarys Victarlton Victorgo Visen Wallariya Wallei Wally's Weeperkilla Westelys Wester Whall Whener Whiter Whittley Wifer Wildlin Williffer Willyrio Wylish Wylistin Xaronella Yarrison Yarwyne Yount Yrongbough Ysabitha Ysilliver Zolla
#444 names#fantasy names#dnd names#name stash#fantasy name#names#markov gen#markovgen#character names#random fantasy names
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pat (bad buddy)
cher (a boss and a babe)
tiffy (lovely writer)
pure (my gear and your gown)
na (tonhon chonlatee)
pete (dark blue kiss/kiss)
teh (i told sunset about you)
daonuea (star in my mind)
ming (2moons2)
leon (don’t say no)
king (bed friend) I am claiming this boy
pa (bad buddy) (“anyone taller than me is fine. I just like someone I feel comfortable with”)
tine (2gether)
molly (the warp effect) i am not sure if they are the one?
skye (scoy)
that dom lady (big dragon)
parpai (love in the air)
pan (the shipper)
intouch (scoy)
pisaeng (be my favorite)
(my asks and relipes are still open for more tbh ajdhajdk)
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@fogdweller ( ✉ → sms ) i fukcing miss yo u {lets make it hurt: jouno > tsuji}
The text ruins the taste of wine on his tongue, dull eyes looking over the text for a long moment before he pours himself another drink. Even if he downed it, drank the entire bottle till nothing was left, would it leave him drunk enough to try and text back?
Tsuji wasn't a masochist. And this would only cause issues if he reliped proper.
( ✉ → sms ) Msg 2114 - Message sent using invalid number of digits. Please resend using a 10-digit number or valid short code.
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PVC Flexible Cable Suppliers: What to Look For in Quality and Service?
VC Flexible Cable Suppliers: What to Look For in Quality and Service
Selecting the right PVC flexible cable supplier is crucial for ensuring durability, safety, and efficiency in your projects. Quality should be your top priority; look for suppliers offering cables with excellent insulation, high conductivity, and compliance with industry standards like ISO or IEC certifications. A reputable supplier should provide clear product specifications and offer customizable solutions to meet your specific needs.
Service is equally important. Reliable suppliers ensure timely delivery, maintain a consistent inventory, and provide responsive customer support. Look for suppliers with technical expertise who can offer guidance on cable selection and usage. By prioritizing quality and service, you can establish a partnership with a PVC flexible cable supplier that guarantees long-term valuand reliPeable performance.
Adherence to Industry Standards
When choosing a PVC flexible cable supplier, the first consideration should be their compliance with recognized industry standards. Look for certifications such as ISO 9001 or IEC standards, which ensure that the cables meet stringent quality and safety benchmarks. A supplier that adheres to these standards guarantees reliability, performance, and peace of mind for your projects.
Range of Product Offerings
A quality supplier should offer a diverse range of PVC flexible cables suitable for various applications. Whether you need cables for industrial machinery, residential wiring, or specialized environments, the supplier should provide options tailored to your needs. This ensures that you can source all your cable requirements from one trusted provider, saving time and effort.
Custom Solutions and Flexibility
Every project has unique requirements, and a top-tier supplier understands the importance of customization. Look for suppliers who can offer bespoke solutions, such as cables designed for specific voltage capacities, insulation thickness, or environmental conditions. Their ability to tailor products demonstrates their expertise and commitment to meeting customer demands.
Focus on Durability and Safety
High-quality pvc flexible cable supplier are known for their durability, insulation, and resistance to environmental stressors. Ensure that your supplier’s products are tested for longevity and safety under extreme conditions, such as heat, cold, or chemical exposure. A focus on robust design reduces risks, minimizes maintenance costs, and ensures long-term satisfaction.
Reputation and Track Record
The supplier’s reputation is a key indicator of their reliability. Research customer reviews, testimonials, and case studies to gauge their track record. A supplier with a history of successful collaborations and positive feedback is more likely to deliver on their promises of quality and service.
Competitive Pricing and Value for Money
While cost is a factor, it’s essential to prioritize value over the cheapest option. A reputable supplier balances competitive pricing with uncompromised quality. Consider long-term savings from reduced maintenance, improved performance, and extended cable lifespan when evaluating pricing.
Customer Support and After-Sales Service
Exceptional customer service sets great suppliers apart. From offering expert advice during the selection process to providing technical support after purchase, a supplier’s commitment to customer satisfaction is crucial. Reliable after-sales services, including warranties and troubleshooting assistance, build trust and foster long-term partnerships.
Choosing the right PVC flexible cable supplier is vital for ensuring safety, performance, and cost-effectiveness in your projects. Focus on suppliers who adhere to industry standards, offer a wide range of products, and provide tailored solutions. Prioritize durability, reputation, and exceptional customer service to secure the best value for your investment. By selecting a reliable partner, you not only enhance the success of your projects but also ensure long-term efficiency and peace of mind.
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#kylie jenner#kylie#merry xmas#merry christmas#kendall jenner#kardashian#kardashian jenner#it 2017#fifa world cup 2018#girl#relips#girls
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Red 👄 featuring 🌟 #stellalucia @sammymourabit #makeupismyart #makeup #alabasterskin #relips #ward_hair #sklein #crstudio #crfashionbook @vogueitalia #pattiwilson #sammymourabit #beauty #editorial #polaroid #skincare #lipstick #red #myworkismybrand #mytouch #✨ https://www.instagram.com/p/BvGKW7oABtG5W_Fn0_Mx6ATLB-5TEDypnveO300/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rfb3rytdnxp2
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#Repost for @katarinahildebrandt with @appreposter HAPPY WEEKEND ❤️ #beautiful #model @romyvandelaar @mgm.models #hairandmakup #sweet @laetitia.lmk #retouch @vinora.retouching #glow #relips #lipstick #mua #skin #beautyretouch #beautyphotography #glitterlips #blueeyes #canon #photoshop #RAInspirations https://www.instagram.com/p/BtoDTeWIPgL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13ti5of3lctdd
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hey psst over here
imma let you in on a secret
you know words right?
yeah you know what i’m talking about
the good shit
anyway you know where words come from?
people just make them up! anyone can do it! you don’t need permission or anything!
here watch i’ll do it
the new words are “relip” and “thamagar”
there it’s done we have new words easy
i’m not gonna define them or anything that would be uncouth words don’t have definitions
but let me show you how to use them
when you say “why don’t you just?” that’s relip
when you talk for an hour about the minute boring details of a subject that’s thamagar
when you look at a problem and you think of all the other stuff in the area that you’ve done that’s like it and can use all of that to come up with a solution that’s thamagar
when you look at a problem and go “i don’t know much about this but here’s a crazy idea” and it works that’s relip
(when it doesn’t work it’s still relip you’re just not being very good at it)
when you can’t see the woods for the trees you’re being thamagar
when you forget that woods are made of trees you’re being relip
experts are almost always thamagar about their subject
when you’re learning something new you’re usually relip
when you can explain something precisely and carefully and answer people’s detailed questions about it you’re being thamagar
when you can explain something in a sentence with no weird words you’re being relip
the difference between me and @notateapot is we’re both relip about most of the shit we talk about but she wants to be thamagar while i like it this way
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Do you know where to watch wanna one zero base subbed? Like the new eps?
You can watch Wanna One Go Season 2: Zero Base here at Ikshow or Kshow, which I always recommend.
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🖤dark paradise; a morning v soft kisses & words of reassurance with harry
you usually between the two of you woke up first. it just was how it is. but today it seemed that when you woke up. harry was was already up as well.
he was tracing your soft expression. blushing when he realized that he was caught in the act.
"hi" he said cheekily leaning in for a kiss now that you are awake.
you reliped with a sleepy hum and kissed him gently.
he pulled you closer to him, running his fingers through your hair softly as he laid there in his thoughts.
"you're up early. is there a special occasion?" you asked teasingly.
his smile immediatly fell.
"hey hey what's wrong? and don't you dare lie because i'll know" you asked now concerned more than anything.
"n-no. just.. nightmares again."
you felt guilt swim in your stomach as you thought of the fact that you slept peacefully as your lover thrased and shed tears from a nightmare not even an inch from you. guilty that you couldn't wipe away those tears with soft kisses, rub his body in gentle strokes, and whisper reassuring words in his ear as you rocked him back to sleep.
well maybe. you could do now.
"do you wanna talk about it?", you asked now fully facing him on one side.
"uhm.. i don't think i want too.."
"and that's okay. you don't have to tell me if you don't want to"
he smiled gratefully as he interlocked your fingers.
"but. you know i'm always here for you right? i might not be strong or brave as you but if you ever need me i'm always right here okay? don't be afarid to ask or let go around me. i swear you can trust me. i love you so so much harry. you're like the light of my world. don't ever think you are alone in this."
you could have sworn you saw tears in his eyes but. he never cried so maybe it was just your emotions playing but none the less he pulled you closer.
even tighter as he wrapped his arms around you and hid his face in your hair.
it took him a few minutes to calm down but when he did he kissed you. more tenderly and meaningful then the other.
and when he pulled away with a glazed look, he mouthed a 'thank you'. before closing his eyes.
#dark paradise 🖤#lyn's 1.2k celeberation!#this didn't turn out the way i wanted it to but it's finee#i still like it#some what#harry potter#harry james potter#harry potter x reader#harry potter imagine
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Did I wear this @super.twunk tank to a metal show Monday night? Yes, yes I did. #metalhead #ootd #outfitoftheday #outfit #fashion #alt #alternative #punk #buffaloshoes #platformshoes #lgbt #queer #gay #me https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch-rELIp-wD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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@zeee_34 Weds Kranze Vishunu relipped with @threepiece.us forged lips http://www.threepiece.us/weds-kranze-wheel-lips-reverse/ #threepieceus #teamthreepieceus #jdmwheels #3piecewheels #wedskranze #relip #rebarrel
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Room for more(chapter two)
Kai didn’t like this. He didn’t like being away from home, his dad is coming back for him and Nya.
He was in the backseat of Mrs.Borg’s car, along side Nya who looked uncomfortable in a red fluffy dress.
“Ok kids, it’ll be another five minuets and I promise this couple is very nice. You’ll love them.” The car slowed at a red light while Mrs.Borg was talking.
“So did the last one, that’s exactly what Mr.Carter said.” Kai grumbles, and crosses his arms.
“Mr.Carter isn’t a very nice man Kai, but I promise this won’t be like your last home.” Pixel sighs almost and continues driving once the light turns green.
The rest of the car ride is spent in silence, only the very faint sounds of the radio could be heard.
Finally they pulled up to a grey house with a brown roof, there was no fence or gate.
Mrs. Borg turned off the car and got out, opening the back door for the siblings. “Hold my hand please.” Nya gently took hold of her hand while her brother took his sisters.
Together they walked to the front door where Mrs.Borg knocked on the door. It immediately opened and there stood a rather tall man with messy black hair and a large smile.
“Hey Pixel, Zane is in the kitchen.” He opened the door more for them and went to grab their bags from the car.
The house was nice, with big couches and fluffy pillows along with icy blue curtains.
“Kids this Zane Julien, him and his husband are going to be your foster parents.” Mrs.Borg gently moved away from Nya and had the two look up to see a dark skinned man with blonde hair so light it was probably white.
“Hi kids, its great to meet you both.” Mr.Julien get’s down on his knees to their eye level. “I hope you both like being here.” He smiles, and Kai feels kinda good?
“Alright, i need to do one last inspection and after that, you’ll both be foster parents.” Mrs.Borg had a clipboard now, she started to write something down.
“Of course,” Zane gives them his attention once again, “Do you both want to see your rooms?”
Nya’s lit up at the sound of that, while Kai looked defensive. “We get our own rooms?”
Mr.Julien chuckled before nodding, “Of course, there right next to each other too.”
Kai perked up at that, he wouldn’t be away from Nya for long. “Really?”
“Yes, Cole.” Mr.Julien Stood up to talk to the man from earlier, his husband if Kai recalled. “Kids, this is Cole, my husband.”
Mr.Julien’s husband takes a knee to look both kids in the eyes, “I wanna let you both know, if you need or want anything just let or Zane know.”
“Do we call you Mr.Julien or Mr.Cole?” Nya asks, and Kai has to keep himself from shushing her.
Cole laughed, “You can call me Cole and Mr.Julien, Zane.” He stood up and guided them upstairs along side Zane and Mrs.Borg.
The halls were aligned with pictures, most of them had Zane with Cole or two other men. Some of them had the two along with two women, one of them was Mrs.Borg.
“Who’s that?” Nya asks, pointing to one of the pictures. It was one of both Zane and Cole with a man with a cane in the middle, all of them were wearing suits.
“That’s Cole’s father at our wedding,” Zane told them, Cole and Mrs.Borg went on ahead.
“Wow, when did that happen?” Nya asks, turning to Zane with wide eyes.
“Around two years ago,” Zane smiled and placed a hand on each shoulder, “In a few months it’ll be three years.”
“Are you gonna have a party?” Kai asks, looking up at the white haired man.
“Maybe, knowing our friends they’ll try and plan it.” Zane pointed to another one, “That’s my father and brother.” The picture had just Zane, and older white haired man and another man who looked a lot like Zane just shorter and with brown hair.
“Where are they now?” Kai asks, interested in pictures, tour and bedrooms forgotten.
“My brother is currently in college and living with my father.” Zane answered before Nya pointed out a different photo.
“Is that Mrs.Borg?” This one had both men, along with two women, one of which did look like Mrs.Borg.
“Yes, her and her wife Skylor.” Zane plucked the framed picture from the wall to show them. “This was a year ago when they finally got married.”
“What do you mean finally?” Mrs.Borg was there now, inspection over.
“Not my fault you both took a year to propose.” Zane reliped, standing to put the photo back.
“Not everyone knew what they were going to do by Freshmen year of highschool Zane, yet here we are.” She rolls her eyes before kneeling down. “Alright kids, this is it. You’ll be with Mr.Julien and Mr.Brookstone for a while.” She handed Kai a card, “Call me anytime alright.”
Kai nods before Nya gives her a hug.
“Well everything is in order, i’ll be back in a month to check everything really, until then good day.”
Cole and Zane both thank her before Zane starts walking her to the door.
“Do you want to see your rooms now?” Cole takes a knee again to talk to them, “Zane’s going to make lunch after, he wants to see your reaction.”
“I heard that,” Zane came back up the stairs carrying some the their bags. “And for once your right.”
“When am i not right?” Cole smirked and grabbed some of the bags.
“I can name four different times from just last week dear.” Zane snarks before guiding the kids to the end of the hallway.
“Kai, this is your room.” The door opened to a pretty spacious room, with a bed in the corner next to the window, a large wooden dresser and a desk. “It’s not much at the moment, but tomorrow we can go to the mall and get some things.”
Kai walked into the room, a little star struck. “This is really mine?”
“Of course it is hon, your sisters in right next door.” Zane pointed to a door barley a foot away were Nya was laughing as she explored her new surroundings.
“Now what do you want for lunch, we can make something or go out.” Zane asks, placing down Kai’s bags on his bed.
“Um, I dunno.”
“That’s ok, we’ll ask your sister.” Zane walked out, leaving the door open.
This might not be so bad.
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