#religous poetry
local-goblincat · 3 months
Hear me out... jesus x judas fanfic except not like bible jesus and judas but just 2 jewish men secretly inlove. gut wrenching, passionate, and batshit crazy as possible.
Slow burn, angst, and maybe even eventual lovely smut. SO MUCH FORBIDDEN LOVE OFUDGDHDBHFXHDB maybe it's because its like 2 am for me and i was talking with my friend coming up with silly haha what ifs, but god i suddenly want this fic so bad.
They are neighbors.
Judas 100% has abandonment issues and I wont hear otherwise if this comes into existence.
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dancinglifeboat · 9 months
I don't think that either of our mothers GOD's loved us as they did them.
(Do my kisses taste of sin to you
Does guilt autograph my memory
Am I already a regret?)
Do you reach for my hand only to for the bloodied remnants of divinity
Buried beneath my fingernails
from when I held the Eucharist too tightly in my small hands,
And scraped away the gold plating,
And splintered the plastic underneath
By your standards or mine
But my faith does not leave me empty
You cannot fill me with your excess
There is coal in my throat and ash in my gut
Left behind from the famine endured at the feet of the crucifixes in my closet
Neither of our GODs love us!!!!
Would they create us with limbs meant to be eaten and ripped from our frame, regrowing each time like hydras stuck in a canning factory if they did?
What GOD would condemn us for the love that THEY put there
What GOD that does so is worthy of worship?
Let alone beleif?
This will not change
Our sin will not fade with time
I do not know if I can bear to be the exception
On which you stake your faith
I am what you love
I am what condemn
This LOVE is what you CONDEMN
How long before you condemn yourself too?
How long before you hate this part of yourself for tearing you away from your GOD?
How long before you hate your GOD for imprisoning parts of you?
How long until you hate me for enabling your sin?
How long until you hate our GODs for labeling us as such?
How long until you hate yourself for being this sin?
How long until I am but a guilty memory of childish exploration?
How long until your nails are bloody with your own gold plating?
How long until your kisses too, taste of grieving coal and ash
I don't want to leave your hands bloody
With YOUR blood or MINE
If you hate yourself for this, how can I forgive MYSELF
For breaking your security
If you hate your GOD for me, how can I forgive MYSELF
For ripping away your comfort
If you hate me for this-
How long until I forgive
Your GOD and YOU
For labeling my love as Poison
For believing that it is
I don't think that either of our mothers GOD's loved us as they did them.
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harleylot · 1 year
Maybe God is an older sister, an eldest daughter. Maybe God has found herself to be her father's daughter, righteous with misplaced anger. Perhaps God sees us as a younger brother -- naive and young, but happier than she ever was, and undoubtedly something to take care of. Do you think God hides from us the same way older sisters do -- finding it better & safer for us if she loves us from afar, for when she's around she can't help but lash out
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exponentiallyqueer · 4 months
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A blackout poem I made from a religious pamphlet
Life of starving children
A young boy distressed asked
“Does God know about this?”
“Yes, God knows about that”
The boy walked out
Uninterested in such a God
God is
All the evils
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I don’t know anything about destiel but I know the idea, the appeal. The idea that a human, inherently a sinner in theology, traumatized and broken, can fall in love with an angel. An angel above humans, who is humans, and is nothing even close to them. An angel who is perfect. A being unfeeling and unknowable but revered, perfected. Worshiped usually but no this angel is loved. Loved by a human in only the way a human could. This angel is touched with the sin stained hands of a human in the way only a human could. This angel is tainted. He loves him more for it.
Or maybe it’s the idea that an angel fell in love first and the human followed after. A human persuaded by this being, a human revering this being and that reverence turning to nothing but recognition. This angel is the same as him. He takes a step forward towards this angel who might be his but he wouldn’t know. A blind step, blind hope that the angel isn’t lying. Maybe angels don’t know how to lie, maybe they do. Humans wouldn’t know.
It’s a beautiful idea I think, that two beings who are so different in make and lives and life could fall in love. Fall is in the name. Angels aren’t supposed to do that. This angel does anyway. This human is there to catch. He drops him though, he’s not a very good catcher.
It’s beautiful to me, that little idea. Simple. Wonderful. Perhaps even, miraculous. That’s silly though, nothing about love is a miracle.
I’ve never seen supernatural.
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adiodont · 1 year
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about water
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letgoofthatego · 23 days
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godssacrificiallamb · 4 months
"I envied my Shepard, my Lord, my Savior. Adorned with a golden halo atop his head, I wore a crown of thorns. He, who can do no wrong in his Father's eye, and full of love and light who brings and gives to all without exception.
I instead, am poison in the water, the great plague who has come to rampage your village and feed upon all that you love, ripping and tearing through you ravenously and carelessly. Consuming you whole, marrow and all until there is nothing left.
And when I am met face to face with Him, and he asks me why, I cry and scream with a voice that has always been there-"I had just wanted to be heard, to be seen, believed as much as He, believed in you. You, are God-Perfect in image and I, I am human, imperfect in many ways and in your shadow."
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jaxxrabbie · 7 months
Do you think Eve knew she was created for Adam? Do you believe that when she woke she found solace in her task to keep Adam entertained? Her very first breath was interrupted by His words “it is not good for man to be alone.” What does free will mean to Eve? What does temptation mean to Eve? What if Satan had whispered, “I created and designed this tree just for you. Come, let’s partake in its fruits together. It is not good for you to be alone.”
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newyorkreject · 2 months
Perfect families.
Straight white teeth, multiple degrees.
Vacation homes at the foot of the sea.
A no-name mixing with the Kennedys.
Choking on the suffocating, fake formalities.
Posh accents & fancy polo shirts.
Smile, so sweetly, hiding their bared pearled teeth.
Ask me, so casually,
how much my life is worth.
Twist the dagger in my back,
Ask me how much it hurts.
Bend me till I start to crack,
Drowning in their laughs,
Debating which fate is worse.
Carrying the weight of the forgotten
Through the fields of legacies.
Speaking with the Ancients
While they worship false prophecies.
And it
I smile.
Blood trickling my teeth.
A twenty first century Romeo and Juliet.
You can't kill the yearning
By playing the part society, for you, has set.
You can't bleed to truth dry,
In a pathetic attempt to establish a truth from a lie.
But you'll try-
But they'll try.
Until the night comes, day comes, where hopes die.
Where lit eyes go dark, becoming an undead stare.
Where falsehood, godhood, and priesthood intertwine-
The minute- the second they realize
but just
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gods-country024 · 1 year
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Salem, MA // 6/22/23
in the corner of my brain
my mothers voice will always echo
“repent my child, you are worthy of saving!
don’t you want to meet your creator at the pearly gates of heaven?”
and sometimes i lay awake at night praying to a god
whos long abandoned his creation
hands clasped, knuckles white
praying for his holy salvation
from the fiery pits that i have been promised since birth
i seem to carry this blind belief like a tumor
but i never fear,
for all saints have a past
and all sinners have a future
by svr
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lynchiandoll · 10 days
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Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992)/ Salvation- Keaton St.James/ The Propecy- Thomas Dagget/ Psalm 30:5/ The White Horse- Guy Owen
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Face reveal.
A lesbian who loves to Veil. I have found hope, strength, and trust in the Lord through veiling. I am not sure if I will do this indefinitely but right now I understand its power and its purpose. It is my spiritual umbrella that reminds me that God can lead me out of the storm I am going through this season if I remain strong. I do not know where I am going to go from here. I am rittled with anxiety about my future. For the first time in my life, I have no clue where I am going to be in the next 6 months. For the first time in my life, I am submitting to the fact I have no control over my current situation. I have completely given it up to the Lord. I am protected, and I honor my trust in him.
Additionally, the veil is a representation that I am changing. That God is changing me and my heart. That it is God who is working on me. That I am in a state of metamorphosis. I am undergoing great changes, and I am not ready to be revealed. These changes were brought by God and it shows that I am a work a progress and I let him work through me.
I give my heart up to the Lord who blesses me. It is great to give him thanks and praise. May he continue to have mercy upon me and protect those across the world who most need his mercy.
Glory Be to El Padre El Hijo y Espritu Santo as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be a world without end.
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preacherscainnibal · 4 months
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i wrote a poem to cope with religous trauma also its inspired by ptolemaea by ethel cain btw so if you hear any similarities then thats why anyways :
lying from your forked tongue
eyes looking at me
blinking at the pace of my pulse
you are trying to take me but i wont let you
quivering lips
watching people marinate in my tears
they revel in it
scared as i lie next to you
hands cold
dead eyes
dead soul
get me out
..👹...pOor tHing wE cAn heLp tHat tArniSheD hEaD...jUst giVe in, NO, hE heArs yOu, STOP, heS cOminG, STOP LYING, hEs tHe oNly oNe coMe jOin uS wE'll bE wAitiNg
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beastrambles · 11 months
I trust you
the same way
a lamb trusts the hand
guiding it towards slaughter
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maggotfagg0t · 5 months
The Shepherd & the Snake
A poem written by yours truly.
stumble upon a brink as I gain my balance. I look at the sight before me.
The land over my indulgent mind is painted with iridescent yellows
and baby blues above. Baby blues that darken into sorrowful lapis heavens.
The eye of heaven slowly comes down to rest its head, the moon has taken its place.
No longer do birds chirp, now met with the soothing sound of cicadas buzzing, and the chitter-chatter of crickets playing their fiddles within the bitter wheat fields.
Wheat rushling in the icy breeze, a raspy whisper hushing over the countryside. Drunken darkness waning down on the scenery. Making the land cease to be sun-drenched, and now drowning it in shadows.
Cattle settle their hooves in dusty shambles of beaten pasture.
Cowboys lower their heads as canine companions oversee, and protect the land.
Shepherds mourn the loss of their farmer brothers who were overtaken
by the temptation of their envy-stricken brains.
Rocks bludgeoned into the skulls of their kin, giving rise to an uncanny predicament of sanguinary stained hands by an unkempt narcissistic standpoint. The farmer is deprived of appreciation for yellow bruises formed on his arms that are reminiscent of the sunsets, and sunrises, That greeted his tireless days of work that caused such damages all in the name of pleasing the one.
The Farmer bares the yellow bruises of the unappreciated labor he had done, being deprived of the recognition. His yellow bruises amber just as the sunsets and sunrises he would be greeted by at the end of every tireless day of ruthless work. The lamb being admired, and not the fruits of his labor.
Greed provokes thoughts that cloud his judgment and lead him to hold the limp body of the shameless shepherd.
Standing before him now, The Father himself. whom he had pleaded for equal love from. He wore the skin of a man, though The Father was not deceived.
He knew that the man was as identical in nature to a snake curled up into a ball. Waiting to streak, so he may strangle his prey. Tighting the coils, sufferacoting the mutton with the grudge deeply embedded into his actions.
His sin paved actions resulting in a sour reality in which he was condemned to wander the earth until the end of time itself.
The land below every living creatures weight forever harvests the actions of the one who had fallen from grace first. Though these actions may have forever defiled the former times before us. We will still wake tomorrow and find ourselves upon this unforgiving land.
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