#religious objects
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estera-shirin · 5 months ago
Torah case, Yemen ca. 19th century
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This Torah case is made of painted wood and brass, crafted in Yemen sometime in the 19th century.
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tiffanysabrinatattoo · 1 year ago
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Theory and Practice of Design (1894) Frank G. Jackson
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duvalpete · 1 year ago
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Bergen Hill. November 2023.
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estera-shirin · 10 days ago
Shabbat shalom! Logging off for the day
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Two shabbat and memorial lamps of Jewish women
Morocco, 19th century
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durge-marzio · 1 year ago
Ohhh, I'm rereading Mystra's entry in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide... and this detail:
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This means Gale was punished for trying to restore and preserve what he thought was a lost piece of Mystra's magic. Gale being Mystra's ex-lover put aside. He as her follower, she his goddess, was punished for attempting to do the one foundational rule of her faith.
I'm seething and so sad at the same time.
Edit: I used the word punish loosely, as in, toxic/abusive people will take any small mistake or action and twist it into something they can take advantage of. This post was also largely from the stand point of a toxic deity rather than a toxic partner, but both takes are valid here. Especially with the, “you didn’t stay compliant so now I’m giving you the silent treatment” part of it—from a god and a partner perspective.
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edenfenixblogs · 1 year ago
This post is from 2015 but was just “recommended” to me.
I cannot explain enough
1) How absolutely abhorrent this is
2) How the antisemitism that caused this incident has always been there.
3) How the current uptick in antisemitism is directly related to this. When I say people have been waiting for a chance to be antisemitic in public spaces, this is what we are referencing. A lifetime of incidents like this that we’ve all kept to ourselves. Because at least the antisemites were cowardly enough not to openly show their hatred of Jews publicly. They felt that hatred. It’s been simmering in them for years. But there was too real a risk of reprisal from social spheres and maybe even places of employment.
There no real risk in being publicly antisemitic now. Antisemitism is celebrated as though it’s a brave stance. And leftists are the ones who made it so. Not because they support Palestine, but because they have repeatedly demonstrated that Jewish life holds no value to them except tokenized support of their prejudice.
I’m not one to say “I’ll never forgive.” But I will say this: forgiveness seems far, far out of reach at the moment. And forgetting? Not even possible.
Mezuza desecrated
A Jewish family in Houston, Texas found this on their door.  Somebody took the mezuzah off the door, took out the scroll inside, drew a swastika on it and left it on the door.   0404
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a-coolrock · 5 months ago
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“the past is a grotesque animal” 8” x 10” canvas with acrylic paint, crayon, oil pastel, posca pen, & nail polish
i started this one the same day i started the last one if it wasn’t obvious by the theme of fan being the focus and an of montreal song being the inspiration,,, i just finished this one later because it’s bigger & i WANTED to use clay on this but i don’t know where my clay is….. MAYBE I’LL FIND IT NEXT TIME!!!!!! (HOPEFULLY) ALSO i know this one’s more choppy and messy and not as clean/flat colored as the last painting but that was SORT OF the point and also I REALLY DONT LIKE PAINTING LAYERS IT TAKES TOO LONG AND I AM VERY IMPATIENT … so i use crayon instead heheh
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other versions as well!!!!! this time i put the non-shiny/glittery one as a secondary variation because the quality is SO BAD AND IT SCREWED THE COLORS UP . also kind of figured out how to get the glow in the dark to show up on camera … it’s brighter in real life & i had to use SO MANY FILTERS just 4 that 2 show up…….
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communistkenobi · 4 months ago
another thing that bourdieu says that I feel very deeply is that if you investigate any social phenomena long enough you arrive at the state. I didn’t start in academia particularly interested in the state as an object of study but it has ended up being completely unavoidable
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estera-shirin · 5 months ago
Paper Amulet, Germany ca. 1775
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According to the museum: "This very esthetic amulet was written in Germany.  When its use was finished, it was put into the Genizah of the synagogue in Westheim in Bavaria, where it was found about 35 years ago.  This example shows clearly how such amulets were folded, place in some sort of enclosure and kept in the owners clothing or purse. The inscriptions indicate that the purpose of the amulet is a general protection for the bearer.  Some of the inscriptions are written in micrographic script. In the very center is a six celled magic square with Hebrew letters of one of the names of Lilith. The scribe who wrote this amulet possessed an excellent esthetic sensibility. The large letters around the perimiter and around the magic square in the center are all names of protective angels."
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arthurs-better-half · 5 months ago
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Yellow - Godhood as Dehumanisation
Brynne Rebele-Henry, Prelude to Becoming Holy // Malevolent - Part 21 // Mortals and Fools - Death Note Musical (English Concept Album) // Billelis (Twitter) // Langston Hughes, God // Malevolent - Part 40 "The Order" I // Cultist Simulator Steam Achievement // @yffresbeard // The Winged Throne | Adobe Substance 3D // Malevolent - Part 40 "The Order" II // Walk the Circle in the Other Direction - Moonface // PARSIFEL (Twitter) // Malevolent - Part 40 "The Order" II // Minotaur Forgiving the White Bull - Moonface
Reblogs appreciated 👍
This is how a girl becomes holy: first she becomes empty, becomes nothing but absence.
YELLOW: Humans put so much stock in hope. Hoping for a greater outcome, hoping for a better result, hoping for a brighter tomorrow. You waste away the hours, waste away your lives. Watch as the sea beds dry up, as hope takes the water away from you. Hope is unique to you and your kind. Even animals know that hope is a wasted feeling. It's why you're so weak.
[Rem, Misa] Try as you might, you will not understand it [Rem] Love is for mortals and fools
I am God- Without one friend, Alone in my purity World without end.
YELLOW: You know nothing about what has happened to me. I have grown more powerful than I ever was with you. ARTHUR: Power?
(The Dodo and the Dragon) I have become something winged, dark and undying; something that no longer exists.
you're not a person anymore, just a personification. you're a concept, an abstraction. all neatly defined boundaries and borders, none of the vagueries or blurring of lines or grey areas that come from being mortal. you can never change, now. never grow or evolve. you are this, forever, stagnant. and the thing you've been made to embody might not even be your best trait.
KING IN YELLOW: Ignorant. Foolish. Mortal.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to not have to turn to stone?
YELLOW (loathing): Friends! What a waste.
So I guess I am an outcast And I guess I am a monster And I guess I am a god
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thorough-witness-enjoyer · 1 month ago
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anniteslifine · 11 months ago
a vengeful angel
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daily-lifering-ii · 4 months ago
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DAY 28
do not be afraid
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circusclowne · 7 months ago
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divine and the mechanical or something
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taraxippos · 1 month ago
Major pet peeve is people seeing an object being explained as having 'ritual purpose' and dunking on it on the level that they see the word 'ritual' and are thinking like 'complex solemn religious ceremony' when the anthropological term being used in these contexts just means sets of habitual behaviors performed on a cultural level. Like, a christmas tree bought at target by a secular culturally christian family for their kids to hang Bluey ornaments on has 'ritual purpose'.
The reason 'ritual purpose' is funny as a descriptor for a cup shaped like a frog or whatever is because it's so vague and just narrows its usage down to 'having culturally specific meaning/use in a habitual manner', not because Foolish Historians/Archeologists/Etc by and large see any object/art they don't immediately understand and imagine it must have been utilized by high priests in elaborate blood ceremonies to a frog god or something.
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vesselvindicate · 9 days ago
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life or death for ∞
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