#religion mention
Love answering ”why are you transgender?” with “God told me to” because it’s funny and it confuses everyone except for me. And God. Because he told me to.
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prokopetz · 3 days
Heaven-versus-hell type tabletop RPG where the lore is written in such away as to leave the reader almost, but not quite, certain that the author intended to use the word "seraphic" to describe the militarised forces of heaven, and that it's probably just a weirdly reliable autocorrect error that the actual text consistently says "sapphic".
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awakefor48hours · 10 months
I saw a post about this so now I'm curious
New poll with more options if you want there
please consider reblogging for a larger sample size unless you're planning to say something that's anti-theistic
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outofcontextdiscord · 22 days
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pigswithwings · 1 year
this'll be the last oceanblr post. promise. is everyone here familiar with niche aquatic events btw
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🐋 simplecetacean Follow
haha might fuck around and let my body become an unidentifiable mass that washes up on several shores and won't decay and will be mysterious to scientists for years upon years
🐋 simplecetacean Follow
might fuck around and bite off a man's leg but leave the rest of him alive, kickstarting a violent and all-consuming battle between us
🐋 simplecetacean Follow
might fuck around and absolutely troll this guy named jonah
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🦑 strawberry-squidz Follow
Squids that destroy ships and squids that have never seen a ship shouldn't be fighting. They should be kissing. That's why this pride month,
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🌑 greatbitesharkof87-deactivated Follow
lol im floating by this sandbar and theres sooo many humans gathered near the shore. looked out of the water earlier and theres a big old whale body just sitting on the beach, hope nothing bad happens lmaooo
🎣 marlingardens-deactivated Follow
top ten posts that make you feel like it's the 1970s in Florence, Oregon
🐙 ask-an-argonaut Follow
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🌿 misc-manatee-mutters Follow
pacific ocean superiority this & indian ocean superiority that. when will you guys focus on the real problem, the blood ocean
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🔍ms-magnap1nna Follow
Made a new friend today. Everyone better cheer and clap or I'm dragging you into the hadal zone
🐌 justasnailfish Follow
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🌙 fishoftheabyss Follow
What do Epipelagic Zoners even do? Like it sounds ridiculous up there. Ooh, there's rain! Wow, a coral reef! I might even hop out of the waves a couple of times for funsies! Tf do you even have over Abyssopelagic Zoners. Go to shell
🌱 kelps-forests43 Follow
cranky because you've never seen the sun huh
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blurryeyeswhump · 2 months
Day 1: gaslighting, hypnosis, brainwashing
Whumpee was face down on the ground heaving in gulps of air and dust and whatever else littered the concrete floor beneath them. They showed no signs of getting up or even trying. Whumper stepped back a little, admiring the beating he’d just dished out. Restraints weren’t even necessary anymore. Whumpee never even tried to fight back, not for quite sometime now.
“What did you do to deserve this?” Whumper mused.
“What?” Whumpee coughed out a few moments later, lifting their head to wipe the blood and saliva from their mouth.
“You’re religious aren’t you? I hear you down here sometimes, praying. You find God in here or did you bring Him with you?”
“No, I-“ Whumpee swallowed hard, “it’s from before.”
“So what did you do? To deserve me?” Whumper had no idea if this would work or not. But Whumpee’s mind was ripe for fucking. Starved of food and water, of light and any human interaction that wasn’t pain.
Whumpee finally started to push themself up to their knees.
“That’s not how it works,” they said, eyes lowered.
“No? You don’t think so? You can’t think of one thing you’ve done deserving of hell? Even one on earth? Come on, you think the universe would allow something like me to happen to you if you didn’t deserve it at least a little?”
Whumpee looked up at him with new eyes. Guilty, shameful eyes.
“I can absolve you, sweetheart, I can free you from all of this. But you have to admit
to me, and to yourself, that you deserve it.”
Whumpee looked down again. Whumper cocked his head and spoke.
“Do you deserve this?”
“Whumpee…” he was so close he could fucking taste it.
Whumpee covered their face with their hands, but Whumper could still hear their little tear-soaked voice.
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roseyjustice · 8 months
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I've broken their dynamic down to it's bare essentials 👏🏼
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sandersstudies · 2 years
Oh gosh, you're a cult worshipper aren't you? Ugh... I really liked your blog too... That's a real shame. Sorry, but as an atheist there's no way I can be friendly with a cult worshipper. You are the reason why there are so much bad shit in the world. Your kind makes me sick. And your queer too! That's the kicker. Have fun explaining to your sky daddy why you should go to 'heaven' even though your queer. I'll see you in hell, fucker!
This is so funny I have to share with all of you.
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bizlybebo · 10 months
anyways since it’s the holidays shout out to religiously traumatized people, people questioning their religion, people who just got out of their religion, people considering getting back into their religion, people who miss their religion even if it ended up hurting them, people who never practiced religion, people who have practiced religion their whole lives, and people who don’t celebrate christmas/celebrate other holidays because of their religon
and FUCK the mormon church
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absolutelybatty · 16 days
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I'm sure this means nothing about myself.
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what-even-is-thiss · 3 hours
hi there, hope you are having a good day!!
my mutuals keep reblogging your "God told me to" post so i wanted to let you know i'm in kinda the same boat!
my transition is deeply tied to my faith, and while the full story is a long one the tl;dr is that years ago, before i realized what i was doing, i asked for clarity & direction by the time i was ~30 and committed to studying & practicing the things God would show me to focus on. flash forward almost 2 decades and He basically said "cool, now that you got those little things* done you should know that you are trans. congrats!” and things have been going great since then!
*little things included cross country relocation, self care overhaul, rebuilding a few super close friendships, and facing several life changing events head on
It’s always good to hear faith stories from other trans folks. It doesn’t happen nearly often enough. Peace and love be with you.
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awakefor48hours · 10 months
I want to give more options to this poll so
*Also, I’ll let you decide what you define “religion.”
Like last time, please consider reblogging for a larger sample size unless you’re planning to say something anti-theistic
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outofcontextdiscord · 11 days
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littlest-bugz · 4 months
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[no images or poetry belong to me]
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thepro-lifemovement · 1 month
“Since 2019 I have endured six workplace investigations because of my advocacy and research on abortion and in every investigation I have been cleared of misconduct,”
Howe stated that she had endured six separate workplace investigations since 2019 regarding her pro-life research. She was found innocent of misconduct in each case, including the most recent investigation launched at the beginning of the year, which determined she was innocent of any breach in the Australian Code for Responsible Research.
Seems universities really don’t like when you conduct research on abortion if it’s not going to swing in favor of the pro-abortion stance.
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eyeballsoup7310 · 11 months
I just remembered Becky has religious parents which means I get to be weird and queer about stained glass windows and bugs again
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(Sorry about the grainy quality, all of my Becky drawings get super compressed for some reason)
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