#reliable anon
wolfythewitch · 1 year
Stupid question… But will it be possible to order something to Russia?
It should be! I know mykartero does but I'm not sure about phlpost.
Here's my other proposal (pls lmk if you want this third option) around 6 dollars for shipping, and then the charm itself costs around 15 USD, and I just use which carrier is available
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My biggest question with all of the leaks is how the hell did they get them??? Like I understand people like DanielRPK have contacts or have positions that allow them to hear things, but the Sonic leaks arent rumours, its a huge amount of photos and videos of the unfinished material? Isnt only the crew supposed to have those files?
Hey Darlin’!❤️✨
To answer your question, there was a big data breach on many major studios back in July. Filming studios like Netflix, Disney, Sony, and Paramount were hacked with a plethora of unfinished and finished projects stolen. The set photos and videos from Sonic 3 were one of the movies stolen. Last I’ve, both the film and the final season of Stranger Things had a large ticket price to purchase illegally.
This is mildly different from big name leakers, like Daniel Richtman (DanielRPK). If he’s lucky, he’ll get leaks that were okayed by select studios. If not, then he has to trust that whomever is “leaking” information is someone that’s part of the project. He picks and chooses to share what he thinks is right.
The best word of advice that I can give is to mute, block, and report accounts that are sharing leaks. There’s a LOT of people that have worked hard on this film. I’d hate to see it thrown out of the window because of some jerk leaking the film online.
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rhapsoddity · 6 months
fWhip anon here, how many times has Hephaestus' machines blown up on him?
Too many to count smh smh
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captain-hen · 5 months
🔥 shannon ? or diaz parents ?
i got another ask about the diaz parents so i'll answer for shannon.
shannon is...hm. i think the current fandom trend is to swing wildly in the other direction and absolve her of any and all wrongdoing, which i frankly think does her a major disservice as a character. she is by far the most complex guest character the show has ever had, which is really saying something considering she was there for only half a season. to take away the agency she exercised in making the decisions that she did just erases all of that. and frankly, i think fandom is subconsciously approaching this from the bias of "she's a woman, and women cannot ever be bad mothers" and not to say that shannon was a bad mother for her entire run, but there was a period of time where she certainly was! just as there was a period of time where eddie was a bad father! idk i just think there's a lot of nuance to be found here and its troubling how fandom just wants to strip it all away so everything can fit into neat little boxes.
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elliesbelle · 8 months
Hi Bellie, I wanna donate to palestinians and I’m not sure where to start? I don’t have much but I wanna help in some way and I’ve been seeing you nd a lot of people teblogging posts with links, but I’m not sure which ones to trust?
hi lovely, so i definitely understand your confusion, no worries. there are a LOT of fishy links going around out there, so pleaseeee research first before you donate.
i’d suggest either buying an e-sim or donating to care for gaza. care for gaza is amazing cause they’re non-profit AND have been proven to actually be providing aid to palestinian families. you can check out their instagram page or donate to the paypal link they provide (they have a gofundme as well, but they aren’t accepting donations through their at the moment to my knowledge). the buying an e-sim route was confusing for me for a second, but they thankfully do provide a step-by-step process on their website!
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blamemma · 6 months
Yea, dirlies have learnt their lesson, but unfortunately y***/l*** fans have not and they are still flooding daniel's tag 😔
yeah but not to like be like i'm better than everyone else. but i just dont care. i dont follow yuki and liam fans because i'm not fans of them. i dont care for their opinions on daniel. i also definitely dont look in the daniel tag that is a fucking war zone out there. i care about the daniel besties and all that's going on there so as long as we're all calm cool and collected and having a jolly ol' time, i simply just do not care what's going on on other areas of this webbed site. that's for them to all fawn and make up fake gossip about. they'll get proven wrong eventually 😌
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yandere-daydreams · 7 months
my they/them this is so funny to me i literally have a mlis and read ur blog for fun and a fire is what let me know that we have a library background in common and yet what brought me to you was anime torture porn LOL
i am so convinced that there's something about working in a library that just makes you,,, so predisposed to being into some weird shit. not even, like, sexually, just as an interest. i used to volunteer at my high school library literally everyday specifically because the librarian was a hobby taxidermist and used to give me the spare teeth she didn't want to keep, and the only library science grad student i've talked to so far (still working on my bachelor's,,, sigh,,,) made it about 20 minutes before taking a nosedive into werewolf romance. it's a very fulfilling field methinks.
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finniestoncrane · 2 months
Hypothetically, what if someone you knew as a fellow blogger on here, and they are actually super super shy, and nervous to reach out to chat with you? I really really want to because you seem super cool and friendly, but I just want to make sure you’re actually comfortable with people reaching out before I do😅
Asking for a friend ofc👀
anon('s friend u-u) you are more than welcome to reach out ;-;
this message made me so warm and fuzzy, and i know i'm taking a little break from answering asks just now but i had to respond because i didn't want to ignore you for too long!! i appreciate that so much ;-; 💚
please be assured: i am also surprisingly shy. i have friends who i have been hanging out with online for a year and i still don't have the nerves to talk to them on voice a lot of the time!! i'm riddled with anxiety, i'm autistic but not the fun kind, and i can usually manage one message a day before i have to go take a little break lmao
not to put you off loooooool but if you can tolerate all that then i am HERE FOR YOU
... to be very honest and vulnerable? i would love to make friends and have better relationships with people. putting all my cards out on the table hopefully mitigates the disappointment if you reach out and i'm not very cool at all (i'm not) or i seem not very friendly (because i'm socially dreadful) but i am hoping to get better!! i would be friends with me!! 💚💚💚
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i-am-the-oyster · 8 months
Please, please tell me what Gregory Martin said about Paul and his dad??!!
Hi Anon!
Gregory Martin is the son of George Martin and his first wife Sheena. He was 5 when GM left.
I think it is fair to say that Gregory has said all sorts of shit. He appears to believe in astrology, but tbh he comes across as the kind of person who would pretend to believe in astrology to manipulate others.
He may believe PID (but again, may be pretending).
But you asked about what he said about GM and Paul, anon. He said they were friends and lovers. Make of that what you will.
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nucrests · 11 months
Wcif is reliable and Ana hair from please
Tumblr media
Hecate Hair by @simstrouble
Aubrey Hair by @serenity-cc *(I added my own hair overlay for the front strands)
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I'm not your average everyday Anna, I have Lethality at the start (if you pick Lunatic)
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patrothestupid · 2 months
Woah nice twink! btw good job on everything ever do you by chance have any way for us to pay you money and cash like PATREON or fucking uh fuck anyother one?
I have links in my pinned post but uuuh not a patreon, ya think I should make one ? I'll have to think what to make as the reward hmmmmm
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raindropsofloev · 2 months
How to define best friend? Normal waali definition se toh I don't have one
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woodswolf · 24 days
Not sure how to phrase this in a complimentary way but I am really glad Captain Olimar isn't a real person with real feelings because I think your righteously vicious takedowns of his character would fucking kill him. Very very good. Extremely good.
(undoubtedly re: these tags)
oh listen anon. listen. listen listen listen listen listen:
did i ever say i wasn't going to say them to his face?
this is literally four sequels down the line (at least by the order im writing them) but the reckoning is coming. this guy is going to be forced to choose between his unwillingness to change in any way that matters and his journey and struggle meaning anything at all. he has never cared about the gun to his own head, but if he doesn't start he's never going to be happy. it takes a push with him, an impulse: something stronger than the friction holding him in his grating routines and comfortable, familiar miseries; something strong enough to overpower his every sense of shame.
dogs leading dogs as it is now is about knowledge and the learning of it and what that knowledge can help its adherents achieve. it's about two very flawed people who come together to mutually recognize the other's personhood, as unconventional as it may seem from their own perspective, and how that knowledge of personhood obtained during that quest can save them. how they can both use that knowledge to alter their perspectives, and how they can learn from each other as they do so: the pikmin learning independence, and olimar learning to accept change.
the problem is that olimar doesn't learn that. olimar learns just about the opposite of that, in fact. and it's going to take all of DLD2, and all of DLD3, and a good amount of DLD4 before anyone will have the will to scream at him with a gun to something he actually cares about, because god forbid would it ever be himself.
this guy is going to get skinned alive by something that knows him better than he knows himself. and he can either sit there and take it, or he can fight back. so it's a shame that he never fights under improbable odds, only the impossible or the certain. maybe if someone drove that like a railroad spike through his stupid stubborn skull he'd actually have a chance.
(on a less literarized note, id just like to say that pikmin 3 is a god tier character study for olimar because it takes a really special kind of person to get that fucked over by their own individual hubris, and an even more special kind of person for Olimar's Comeback to happen at all. (but that's for DLDP3, and by the time DLDP3 rolls around our single most important canon divergence has grown into such a canyon that Olimar's Comeback won't even happen at all. but you didn't hear that from me))
(and on a comedic yet entirely unexaggerated note, this guy's got 99 problems and the various methods by which he lies to himself to maintain a facade of normalcy and self-satisfaction and generally his inability to level with himself that everything wrong in his life is not fine is about 98 of them.)
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loserboyfriendrjl · 1 year
Theories on the marauders and the Valkyrie's experiences getting their wands and also what their wand would be (if you have any knowledge of woods, lengths, cores, and flexibilities)
okay this is a genuinely interesting ask and therefore i went and lightly documented myself on kinds of wood, cores and lenghts that wands have and who and why they suit certain individuals:
james potter — fir wood (demanded staying power and strength of purpose in their true owners, and favoured owners of focused, strong-minded and, occasionally, intimidating demeanour). dragon heartstring core, 11 inches long.
remus lupin — english oak wood (demanded partners of strength, courage, and fidelity. powerful intuition, and affinity with the magic of the natural world, with the creatures and plants). unicorn hair core, 10 inches long.
peter pettigrew — chestnut wood (curious, multi-faceted wood, which varied greatly in its character depending on the wand core, and took a great deal of colour from the personality that possessed it). unicorn hair core, 9 inches long.
sirius black — ebony wood (impressive appearance and reputation, highly suited in combative magic and transfiguration. happiest in the hand of those with courage to be themselves. non-conformist, highly individual or outsiders. perfect match was one who holds to their beliefs, no matter external pressure, and not be swayed lightly from their purpose.) dragon heartstring core. 12 inches long.
mary macdonald — hazel wood (often reflected their owners emotional state. worked best for a master who understood and could manage their own feelings. capable of outstanding magic in the hands of the skilful). phoenix feather core, 10 1/2 inches long.
dorcas meadowes — acacia wood (unusual wand wood, often refused to produce magic for anyone other than their rightful owner, it also withheld its best effects from all but the most gifted witches and wizards) dragon heartstring core, 11 3/4 inches long.
lily evans — alder wood (ideal owner was not stubborn or obstinate, but often helpful, considerate and most likeable. seemed to desire a nature that was markedly different from its own, if not precisely opposite). unicorn hair core, 11 inches long.
marlene mckinnon — aspen wood (generally strong-minded and determined, more likely than most to be attracted by quests and new orders; this was a wand for revolutionaries. accomplished duellists). phoenix feather core, 10 1/2 inches long.
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highlifeboat · 4 months
sorry i keep sending anons in parts i just get more ideas the longer i think abt it but like. maybe im bias as the oldest but bela complaining about her younger siblings doesnt seem. as bad to me? like i feel like most of her complaints and insults even just have to do with them not pulling their own weight, like I’d get frustrated too when people just. don’t care about something you’re all responsible for, its like they don’t respect your time or effort that you have to put in to pick up the slack. I call my siblings stupid too when we all get in trouble for something that needs to get done but I’m the only one doing it. fr a lose lose situation, but you can’t make someone care, yk? especially because “you have to set an example” “i’m trusting you to delegate!” and then your siblings are like “you arent <parent>” I KNOWWWWWWWW
Nah, cause I 100% get that, and that was kind of what I meant. The way Bela says the lines is very much a "eldest sister tired of her younger sisters' shit" type of vibe.
Bela gives the vibe of an eldest child that really tries to be perfect for her mother and be the one to set examples and lead, but her sisters just... don't respect her like that. Sure, Bela is their older sister, to some extent they respect that, but she isn't their mother, and they aren't going to treat her like she is just because she tells them what to do sometimes.
"You can't make us do anything! You aren't Mother!"
And then Bela ends up in trouble, or they all end up in trouble, because she couldn't make her sisters do something.
I think she cares for her sisters, she doesn't hate them by any real means, but after 70+ years she's just tired them not pulling their weight one way or another and everything falling back onto her.
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