#relationships heartbreak lost
pencilandinks · 1 year
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nighttime-thoughts · 3 months
How can I love someone new, when every night I dream of you?
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belamercado · 8 days
This is what you remember of the people you love when they are gone-the ways they knew you that no one else did-even you. In that way, their passing is a death of a piece of yourself.
-Jeff Zentner "In the Wild Light"
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inabigworld · 4 months
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"suddenly, i found you in every little thing and i found myself wanting to break every little thing that had been touched, tainted, or affected by any part of you suddenly, i wanted to break myself, too"
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emagionn · 11 months
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lostdeadpoets · 9 days
“What is love?”
“Love is consideration. It's understanding way beyond what words might be able to convey. It's a conscious choice to hold, to respect, to admire, to protect and to turn back, like Orpheus did for Eurydice.
Love is peace, the feeling of freedom that you get to be anything that you want to be, and it's acceptance that your person would love you just the way you are.
Love is security that you feel in someone's presence that everything is safe— your heart, your secrets, your thoughts, your soul. and it’s the assurance that your shortcomings would always be looked at with the perspective to help you grow from and your trauma to heal from.”
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despondentbeauty · 5 months
I knew I was in love with you when I realized I craved your company more than I crave my solitude.
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usefulquotes7 · 3 months
I've closed my heart for so long, I've lost the key.
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-Lona Renee
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haleyincarnate · 3 months
I'm starting to believe that pain is not a solid wall, but glass, something to see through, something to show you there is beauty on the other side.
Grant Chemidlin, What We Lost in the Swamp; "Dear C,"
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dailydiarynquotes · 10 months
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pencilandinks · 1 year
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nothingworthnoting · 1 month
when you are feeling lonely
look for me in our favorite memory
and i shall meet you halfway
just like old times
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irradiantflux · 5 months
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vielesundnichts · 3 months
"in the right eyes, you will always be art"
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poemsillneversend · 5 months
You weren’t everything I ever wanted. I thought you were. But now I know better.
I had starved myself of any real connection. You threw me table scraps. Admittedly, they were delicious and nutritious and given by a gentle, kind hand. But they were just table scraps and I thought they were a full buffet fit for a king.
Now I can see what full, balanced meals look like. I don’t ever want to see either of us hungry again. I just won’t ever accept table scraps from anyone again. Not even if it’s directly from your hand. No matter how kind the offer seems.
You were right when you said I deserved more. I wish I saw it sooner too.
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