#relationship zodiac sign
scorpihoe1111 · 4 months
Synastry Observations👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
Today I’m going to be giving Synastry Observations. Synastry charts are basically you and another individuals chart put together to help explain how you and said person might or might not get along, how you two see each other and what the future may hold for you two etc.
Synastry Charts are not only meant for romantic relationships! They can apply to familial, platonic friendships, co-workers etc!
Synastry charts are a great way to find out if you’re compatible with another person. But keep in mind that these are not set in stone, and just general observations I’ve noticed within couples charts. There are plenty examples of synastry charts clashing and the couple/friends work together perfectly, and vice versa.
With that said, let’s get into it. ☺️
Those with Sun square Sun in synastry usually can’t get along. This placement usually signifies one or the other feeling like they completely clash personality/ego wise.
Individual’s who have their Venus sextile or trine the others ASC might be highly attracted to the ASC person upon first glance/impression. The ASC person may be exactly the Venus persons type.
If your Sun ☀️, Venus 🩷, or ASC ⬆️ is the same sign as someone’s 7H, they could see you as wifey/husband material. The 7H person could immediately wanna settle down with you.
Those who’s moon trine/sextile someone’s mars knows how to help the mars person calm down or relax. Not to be cliche, but I find this aspect in a lot of relationships where the Mars person was a “player who can’t be tamed” and the moon person was the only one who managed to get them to show their softer side and change.
The sign of your 12H is usually people who can be hidden enemies.
Ex: Say you’re a Virgo rising, so you have Leo in the 12H. Leo placements could be shady towards you, or always seeming like they’re hiding something from you. Experiences with Leo placements may leave a bad taste in your mouth.
Another big factor is where your 12H sign lies within their chart. This can tell you what they could hide from you. If your 12H is their sun sign, they could be faking their entire personality with you. If your 12H sign is their moon sign, they could be hiding their true feelings about you. If it’s mercury, you may not know what they say about you behind your back and they could possibly gossip about you. If it’s mars, they could possibly have complete hatred or a grudge against you and so on.
It’s not impossible for 12H synastry to be good, but it’s rare and usually results in a lot of secret animosity/jealousy.
Moon square Venus in synastry can make the 2 individuals have completely different love languages and/or may not see eye to eye when it comes to what the other wants.
If someone’s Mars sign is the same sign as your 5H, the Mars person could want to get you pregnant (or you may want the Mars person to get you pregnant) 🤰🏻
The best way to discover if someone’s your soulmate, twin flame or overall to check who you’re probably going to get married to is to check where the asteroid Juno (3) lands in both of your charts. The Sun ☀️ sign of said person could possibly be the same as your Juno sign
Pluto aspecting personal planets in synastry can indicate the Pluto person being very possessive or controlling of the planet individual.
Venus aspecting Chiron in synastry can indicate either helping heal the Chiron persons biggest wound or worsening it. Ex: Venus Trine/sextile Chiron can help the Chiron person feel more secure and confident thanks to the Venus person. Venus Square/Opp Chiron can make the Venus person make the Chiron person more insecure or more uncomfortable with the Chiron wound.
8H synastry is sooo intense. It makes the 8H person wanna possess you as a person and makes them lust after you uncontrollably. It’s also super hard to forget or let go of someone who’s sign is in your 8H and vice versa.
2H synastry is bittersweet because I notice the 2H person genuinely cares about the planet person to an almost unconditional degree while the planet person cares just as much, however more conditionally. While the planet person does have love for the 2H, they also are mainly with the 2H person because they add to the planets self worth and image and/or the 2H person usually provides something(s) to the planet person and without that they most likely wouldn’t remain with the 2H person in the first place.
People who’s Mars lands in your 12H can be in secret competition with you and/or jealous and intimidated of you.
Mercury square moon in synastry usually have very conflicting ideologies and outlooks on life.
Someones Mars conjunct/Trine your Jupiter sign feel like you’re their lucky charm 🍀
Those who’s Sun sign is the same sign as your Saturn can come into your life to teach you a lesson.
Mars in 1H synastry can make the 1H person either EXTREMELY turned on by the Mars person or result in complete dislike. (Very much a sexual tension placement if you ask me)
Someone’s Lilith in your 1H/8H could make you feel like the Lilith person is a bad influence in your life. People with this synastry usually end up making reckless decisions on the account of the Lilith person encouraging them too.
I hope you enjoyed. Let me know if you’d like a part 2. 💕
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 months
Astro Observations
Pisces risings can be deeply concerned about their children's welfare as Cancer is on their 5th house cusp.
Capricorn Venus are very concerned about promotion and can be really jealous if their coworker got more increment or a better job title.
Taurus risings can often get into tax troubles due to Jupiter ruling 8th house. These are the people who can know about all the loopholes and then get caught for some massive evasion.
5th lord in 7th or 7th lord in 5th people really like to co create with their partner not just children but like an art, a book or even a business together.
Moon in 3rd house people are very curious about their surroundings and local places. The 3rd house is your immediate environment around your home. So, these people can know everything about their locality.
6th lord in 5th house woman can struggle between their work and raising kids. It can be really stressful for these people to manage their day-to-day life with their job and career.
Taurus dominated people love visiting the supermarket.
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eonsandeternity · 7 months
“Soul Connections” 🖤🖤
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loveemagicpeace · 9 months
Venus - Goddess of love❤️‍🔥
♥️Venus in the signs shows how you give love, what you value, what you adore, what attracts you, what kind of relationship you want and how you act in a relationship. Venus the planet of love, beauty, harmony, seduction, and aesthetic taste. Venus reveals our romanticized fantasies of love, values, pleasure, and attraction. Venus doesn’t represent what we need; Venus reveals what we want. Which is why the image of the Venus archetype is perfect. Venus is focused on luxury and desire and, likewise, is an essential archetype in harnessing our own values and self-worth.
⛵️Venus and Aries - you give a lot to energy that you have with someone and that you feel fun with the person and that there is always something to do. Many times you can be too driven in love because you think that this is it, but then you find out that it is not. You like people who are independent, show a lot and are self-confident. You like it when you can be more independent in a relationship and that you and your partner can also do things separately. When you really love your partner, you put them before yourself. You love someone who loves sports.
🔥Venus and Taurus- You like stability and security and this is the main thing you are looking for in a relationship. You like someone who values ​​himself and knows how to show his worth. In a relationship, you like things to go slowly and that you can take your time for things. You like to prepare food or watch TV with your partner. You spend a lot of time with your partner - also time means a lot to you. You can be more old school and also love someone who appreciates such things more. Actions come first, you do a lot for the person you love and you also persist in the relationship. You won't just walk away from a relationship or leave a person behind. You can buy a lot of gifts for your partner to show your love.
🍀Venus and Gemini - you value communication and thinking in a relationship - it is important to you how a person thinks and what your communication is like. You like people who are more curious and who have more talents. You can quickly get tired of a relationship if the person is not interesting enough. You are attracted if the person thinks in his own way or is very smart. You can be in several places at once. It can also mean that you like several people at the same time. Maybe you like having a relationship with someone as if they were your classmate or neighbor haha.
🧁Venus and Cancer - you give a lot to home and family. The first thing that is important to you in a relationship is family (that you are a person, want children or are more of a family person). You like people who are emotional and caring. You like someone who puts emotions first and does a lot for you. You want someone who will give you a sense of home. Someone you can call home. You can be emotionally dependent on a person, and you really want to do everything with that person. You can also be possessive in a relationship.
🧸Venus and Leo - you like a relationship that is more childlike, you know, teenage love. You want a relationship that makes you feel like you can always be a teenager and do all the fun and crazy things with this person. You like someone who is more daring and playful - maybe even someone who will challenge you. You want your partner to put you first in a relationship and to always get attention from your partner. You want them to put you in the center of attention and show you how much they love you. You want to be loved. You yourself are like that in a relationship. You always put the person first and give them the feeling that they are everything for you. You also like someone who is more dramatic or crazy, so that with that person you feel like you can be crazy together. Also someone who si self-confident. Leo in Venus is proud, but in reality all he wants is a person to make him feel that he doesn't need to be - that he can love without ego.
🫧Venus and Virgo - you are often picky when it comes to your partner. Many times it is important for you to be able to include the person in your lifestyle and work. You want your partner to support you in what you do and appreciate it. Many times you appreciate people's hard work and how well they have a routine. But you can also be complicated to love, because you have your own requirements in love. But you also appreciate someone who takes care of their body / skin. You like the body on your person and you also notice the smell many times.
💗Venus and Libra - you place a lot on people's beauty and appearance, these are two important things when it comes to a relationship. But you are also a person who often dreams of a romantic relationship that is perfect. A lot of times you're looking for someone who stands out from society or is really beautiful. It is important to you that friends and society accept the partner you have. You can love naively and easily, but when it comes to a real relationship, you often have doubts about whether it's right. You appreciate someone who knows how to dress up and has a nice style. In a relationship, you do a lot for the person you love, you are really devoted to that person.
🦋Venus in Scorpio- your love is deep and eternal. When you decide on a person, you give that person literally everything. In a relationship, you value devotion, loyalty, emotions, depth, and self-sacrifice. Intimacy is important to you and that you and the person are really connected and tell each other everything. You like secrets with a person that are only yours. You tend to be a very private person and don't like to share anything about your relationship with others. You like someone who is attractive. Love means sharing your soul and emotions with another person. Loyalty and connection come first to you. You appreciate someone who will show a of his dark parts only to you. Someone who will always be there when you need him and you will have the feeling that he will always be here. Loving without hesitation is your goal.
🧚🏼‍♀️Venus in Sagittarius - you value someone who has life and passion in them. You love in a partner if he likes to travel, explore, is passionate and also dramatic. You like things going on in your relationship and that there is never a boring moment. You want someone who gives you meaning and light. Living in a moment with this partner is the best thing for you. You want someone with whom you can share your dreams, places and passion for life. You like someone who is youthful,reckless, fearless, funny, optimistic, even possessive. Although sagittarius don't always show emotions in a open way but they can be jealous and they like when someone is jealous and emotional. Someone who surprises them. A person who is more individual and unique. Someone only for you. Someone with whom you can spend a lifetime with and you want to give the world to this person. You value actions more than words. And it is very important for you to spend the holidays with this person (in the sense that you value celebrating Christmas, Easter, New Year with someone...) such things are very personal for you.
🧞‍♂️Venus in Capricorn-in love, you value stability, practicality and joint work. It is mostly important to you that you and your partner share the same values ​​and goals. Maybe they do similar things or have similar reputations. You are very pragmatic in love, which means that you do a lot for someone and thereby show your love, for example: you take your partner home, buy a flower, make a wedding... You want the relationship to be something in which you will find common ground and share similar views. You do not like to waste time or invest in something if you see that it is not something that would work in the long run. You like someone who is mature and knows how to accept responsibility.
🚀Venus and Aquarius - you value freedom and equal interests in love. You value the fact that a person is independent and knows how to do things on their own. You tend to be attracted to strange things or something that no one likes. Many times you can be attracted to people who are lonely or outsiders. You like someone who doesn't like rules or is more rebellious. You like it when a person fits into your group. It is important to you that partner hangs out with your friends and that the person is social. At the same time, you like love based on friendship.
🩰Venus in Pisces - you are usually attracted to a person who is spiritual, mystical, profound. You usually imagine a lot of times what a person is like or create ideas about them. You like a relationship that is emotional, tender, beautiful. A relationship in which you can show yourself as you are and be comfortable in this relationship. You like someone who is emotional and knows how to show emotions. In a relationship, you can be very attached to this person. And you want your partner to do everything together and enjoy it. You love all the sweetness and cuteness in relationship. You want someone who will give you feeling that you can express yourself in the most selfless way. Usually these people always show their love through art (they write a poem, song..).
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lunarlianna · 11 months
Planets in the 7th house
The 7th House: This is Your Reflective Space. Discover expectations, presentation, and connection dynamics. Seeking mirrored traits, fueled by the descendant sign. From partnerships to conflicts, it unveils relating style and self-discovery through others. A dance between the 1st House of Self and Venus-ruled Libra's cosmic scales.
The Sun: in the 7th House seeks a partner for pride and social status. Authenticity flourishes with a supportive, equal relationship. Family ties matter. Partnerships play a key role, seeking mentor-like figures. Well-aspected Sun attracts confidence; poorly aspected, it might lead to ego clashes. Balancing pride and compromise are essential for harmonious relationships that shape your identity.
The Moon: in the 7th House attracts nurturing partners, seeking security and emotional resonance. Relationships hold emotional sway, with a need for companionship. Watch for dependency and moodiness. Work is tied to partnerships and public image, emphasizing security. Empathy shapes relationships, contributing to fulfilment.
Mercury: you embrace a rational, detached relationship style. Prioritizing problem-solving and open communication is key, sidestepping emotional complexities. Intellectual exchanges and diverse conversations drive your connections, often drawing partners with similar qualities
Venus: this placement brings charm and sociability, making you irresistible to others. Harmonious partnerships are your forte, but remember to nurture your relationship with yourself too. You seek a stylish, financially stable partner, aiming for a life of luxury and beauty. Stay grounded to avoid chasing perfection, and prioritize balance in love. Look for a cooperative partner who uplifts you. However, be cautious if Venus is poorly aspected, as their morals might raise concerns.
Mars: here this placement sparks independence and a desire for a spirited partner. Healthy competition and challenge fuel your relationships, but channel that energy positively. Strive for cooperation and diplomacy to avoid conflicts. Partner's ardour and courage attract, but watch for hasty tempers or clashes. Balancing assertiveness with gentleness enhances
Jupiter: you can benefit from partnerships, with a partner who fosters growth, expands your beliefs, and enhances moral values. Financial gains through marriage are possible, but watch for extravagance. Shared ideals of fairness and social justice can strengthen relationships. While you may cherish autonomy, you should be cautious to avoid losing meaningful connections due to excessive detachment
Saturn: you are drawn to serious, older partners, that have a sense of duty and know endurance. Cooperation, responsibility, and desire are the purpose of your relationships. Saturn guidance in relationships calls for care. Choose with confidence, prioritize security. In a positive state this placement can give you: integrity, reliability but in negative state it can make you settle for less. Be true to your love journey, not societal norms.
Uranus: this placement leads to unique, unconventional partnerships, valuing freedom and excitement. Avoid control; space and growth are vital for you. Drawn to unconventional, artistic, and thought-provoking companions. Relationship triumph hinges on open-mindedness, teamwork, and embracing evolution. Embracing independence and pursuing self-discovery fuel your connections.
Neptune: seek a partner who shares your spiritual or artistic inclinations, yet be cautious of unrealistic expectations and a saviour complex. Peel back the layers to understand your partner's true nature and address realities over fantasies. Prioritize compassion over idealism, and be mindful of partnerships born from admiration or pity, watching out for superficial facades and manipulation. Cultivate self-awareness for the foundation of meaningful connections.
Pluto: you will seek partners are because of their strength, leading to potential conflict. You seek a challenging partner for growth and admire strong willpower, sometimes attracting dominating personalities. You'll experience intense emotions and hold strong commitment standards, but watch for imbalances that could lead to challenges. Rise above reliance, tune into your inner guidance.
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bxtxnx · 5 months
Teens and people in their 20s that have a Cancer rising really need to stop asking why they can't find love.
If you have a Cancer rising, that means that your 7th house is in Capricorn. And what is Capricorn related to? Challenges and delays. So, when you have Capricorn in the 7th house, it's guaranteed that you will be the last among your peers to find love and it will take you a longer time than normal to get in a relationship.
If you spend all this time working on yourself instead of moping around that you can't get a boyfriend or a girlfriend, that Capricorn 7th house will do it's job very well and make sure that you don't settle for a loser that will mistreat you. ☽
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ihavenothingtodo10220 · 6 months
ꨄHwang Hyunjin ideal typeꨄ
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Quick disclaimer: His exact birth time is entirely unknown, so I calculating his natal chart with that in consideration. As such, this is not going to be as accurate as it could be, but as accurate as it can be with what I have to work with. There's a more in-depth reading of all things relationship based on his zodiac here if anyone is interested, but this will be mainly focused on his ideal type, and more in-depth on it than I was there. This is all for fun, and not confirmed. I can be entirely off, as astrology isn't...An exact art when it comes to these things, but this is just based on astrology. This is not meant to be malicious, and take this with a grain of salt. With all that out of the way, please enjoy!
Pisces Sun
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-Based on his sun sign, a Libra, Sagittarius, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, or another Pisces would be most compatible with him.
Trusting and loyal He'd naturally be attracted to extremely honest people, as well as attracted to trust in others, plus people who are very upfront and open from the jump. Not the type who will tell their entire life story to him immediately, but the type who will be upfront with their feelings and desires, and will essentially let him know what exactly he's getting himself into. Essentially, he needs someone he knows for certain he can trust, and who trusts him in return. Pisces is a very trusting and loyal sign by nature, and he'd expect that in return from whoever he finds himself in a relationship with. He'd want someone who is as loyal to him as he would be to them, someone who can give as much as they get from him, which would be a lot in terms of these two traits.
Caring, nurturing, and honest Pisces look for people who can be there for them, and help care for them. Someone who is in-tuned with emotions, and can help ease them through tough, self-deprecating, or self-pitying periods and listen to their troubles, as well as talk about the deeper things in life. They need someone warm compassionate and caring, as well as ideally someone with confidence and steadfastness that helps balance out their sensitivity and generally self-pitying nature. Pisces also love praise, albeit they're very perceptive, so they'll know if it's honest, real praise or not. They like honest praise that's not just surface-level like "I like your shirt!" but something deeper and genuinely from the heart. They also need someone with enough emotional maturity to help combat their general emotionalness.
Decisive, steadfast, and intelligent Hyunjin would probably find himself more drawn to someone decisive, who knows what they want, and who voices their opinions. He'd also be drawn to someone who could help guide him, and offer advice and counsel when it comes to decision-making, without being entirely overbearing or controlling of his decisions. Someone who could help him out, and who he could talk to when trying to make important decisions he can't seem to decide on. He'd also need someone who wouldn't be distinctly bothered by the difference between his private and public personas and would know that he still loves them and he's always going to be Hyunjin. Pisces naturally has a divide between outward and inward desires, which would naturally make it so that he wants someone who can put up with that. I also think he'd either want someone who is entirely steadfast and the same outwardly and inwardly, to balance out his fluctuations. Someone constant, who can be an anchor.
Outward traits
Pisces men are attracted to confidence, in all aspects. Especially confidence in who someone is as a person. Someone who's always calm and collected, and moves with confidence elegance, and poise. Someone with a very open and pleasant expression. The person doesn't have to always be calm and collected but pisces men like someone who appears that way. It gives them the sense that they can be open and honest, and that they're not walking on eggshells. He'd also feel like he can trust them more, because they'd return that open honesty, and be relaxed around him. He also wouldn't want someone who's very needlessly abrasive. They are attracted to stronger, more athletic and assertive individuals because of their generally passive nature.
Pisces men are attracted to people who have very bright smiles where their eyes light up. Smiles that are sexy and wholesome at the exact same time. Someone who takes care of themselves, but doesn't do too much. Someone who puts thought into their outward appearance, and is well-groomed but not necessarily extravagant. Someone who does their hair, and if they wear makeup it accentuates their features but isn't too much. Smelling nice is also a must with Pisces men. They like when someone dresses in clothing they clearly put thought into, and are practical for the environment but still convey style. While Pisces men wouldn't necessarily mind people who show off a lot of skin in how they dress and find it attractive, nothing is sexier to them than someone who can show off their body fully clothed or tastefully covered. They prefer people who dress more elegantly, clothing that's flowy and gives an airy feel. They also use their imaginations a lot, so if clothing makes someone seem magical in a way, it will draw a Pisces more to them. Though they also prefer people who wear more comfortable clothing, that's either tight or loose.
Pisces are attracted to femininity. I'm not going to sit here and say Hyunjin is straight because I don't entirely know, but. I do know that Pisces appreciates more feminine energy. Whether that be a feminine guy or a gal. The feminine feel really differs from pisces to pisces, but generally, that's a preference. Pisces men prefer soft, delicate features and are attracted to people with smooth jaws, large lips, or features of that general nature. They're also attracted to large thighs and wide hips. Though they're not primarily attracted to more feminine builds. Pisces also rules hands and feet, so obviously, Pisces men are attracted to that. They like well-kept hands. and feet, as well as either powerful hands, or clean and delicate ones. They're also attracted to good posture. They also like people who can do work with their hands. They're also really attracted to people with beautiful eyes, as eyes are a window to the soul.
Virgo Moon
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-Based on his moon sign, he'd be more compatible with: Cancer Moon, Gemini Moon, Taurus Moon, and Scorpio Moon. Moon sign compatability is definitely one of the most important, as it dictates one's emotions. It's who you are in private, and your comfort zone.
Incapability Virgo moons definitely like to have someone they could care for, and look out for. They like being able to take care of their partners and feel needed by doing little things for them. Virgo moons are generally very domestic people, and they like taking care of chores and such. They definitely feel more in their element of caring for others and would prefer it to be that way. They're drawn to people who seem weak or even almost incapable, and who can't care for themselves on their own, so they can feel needed, and help out caring for that person. They'd prefer someone who needs help with things like bills, or balancing books, or other more domestic tasks, because they feel needed if they can do those things better. Definitely Captain save a ho vibes from Virgo Moons.
Calmness, outgoingness, routine, constant Hyunjin would probably be drawn to someone with a calm, more laid-back, or relaxed demeanor to offset his being prone to getting very stressed and overwhelmed. He'd probably look for someone with a calm, balancing aura who can help calm him down when he freaks out about something. He'd look for someone who can help draw him out of his shell just enough, but still be able to follow a routine, and be a reliable constant. He'd want someone with whom he'd know what he's getting himself into and know he can rely on. He'd want someone reliable and would definitely find himself more drawn to the type who are also very routine people like himself.
Practical, social, good listener, reliable, thick-skinned Hyunjin would inherently be attracted to people who are definitely affectionate but can be more subdued in public settings. He'd be drawn to someone who could bring him out of his shell and someone who he could feel entirely comfortable with. He'd want someone who can talk, and who can listen, and just genuinely someone he can talk to and even have deeper conversations with. He's a very trustworthy and reliable person, and as such, he'd naturally expect his partner to be the same. He'd want someone who talks to him about their problems but can also listen to his own. He'd definitely want someone who can bring out the more hidden sides of him, whether it be his talkative nature or his sexuality. He'd also want someone who makes him feel good about himself and his appearance. Someone who makes him feel like he's actually worth something. He has a lot to give, and anyone he's with should have a lot to give as well. He'd need someone who's more thick-skinned and could handle his criticism. He'd also need someone who trusts him but doesn't trust him immediately or blindly. Ironically, an excess of trust would make him trust his partner less. He could do good with someone who's more whimsical or dreamy, as they'd broaden the horizons of his inherent practicality, but at the same time, he'd be more drawn to like-mindedly practical people, and might even find someone too dreamy to be annoying. Virgos strives for perfection in all things, including partners. As such, Hyunjin will expect absolute perfection in relationships and partners, and can even be very critical because of it, since he'd feel like he's guiding you towards perfection by critiquing things.
Emotionally intelligent, straightforward, music lover, and patient Hyunjin would definitely want someone who is emotionally intelligent and competent but isn't overly emotional, again circling back to his attraction to those on the calmer side. He would want someone who's very straightforward in all manners, including emotions, and who wouldn't overwhelm him and can genuinely relax around. But he'd also want someone who can give him space when he needs it and is fine with that. He'd want someone who's as into music as he is, and who he can talk about music with all the time, and can even sing songs with. They don't have to be good at singing, but they just have to be able to sing along with him and have fun and no judgment. He'd also want someone who understands emotions and music as much as he does, as that amount of perceptiveness is harder to come by. He'd definitely want someone who's more in-tuned with and in control of their emotions. He'll want to test the waters first and make sure he can trust someone with his heart. As such, he needs someone patient enough to not be bothered by that.
Outward traits
Virgo moons are attracted to people with nice hands, wrists, and forearms. They're also attracted to distinctive eyebrows, and very good, rich voices. Eyes are also a big thing with virgo moons, as once again, eyes are the window to the soul. To be more specific, they like people with large 'gemstone eyes' they can get lost in. They like people with nice hair that's thick, curly, or wavy and nice facial features. They like dimples, and nice thighs, as virgo moons are firm believers that thick thighs save lives, regardless of gender, shoulders, and butts. They like longer necks, and strong jawlines. They also like people with nice smiles, and nice noses. They like well-distribution of features and weight, whether you're plus-sized or not they prefer nice distribution. They're very symmetrical people, and like their partners to have symmetry in their features. They're also very cerebral. Say one wrong thing? Immediate ick. Being wrong and sticking to it? Immediate ick.
Pisces Mercury
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-Based on his Pisces Mercury, he's more compatible with people who have Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces mercuries. Mercury determines how people communicate, and communication is very important.
Objective, stable, intellectual, seductive He definitely would not be drawn to a more moody individual, instead being drawn to people who can be more objective when it comes down to it, and are more calm and stable. He would be drawn to someone who can put up with the changes from talkative to withdrawn and would be fine with them. He'd also be drawn more to someone he could be more open to, and someone who isn't overtly aggressive, as he'd desire more calm in a relationship and avoids arguing. He'd need someone who can definitely knock some sense into him and combat his overall gullibleness, and his desire to believe those around him. He'd also be drawn to someone who he could be comfortable enough with to be straightforward, and voice his thoughts, needs, and opinions. He'd want someone with similar interests, and who's a fellow intellectual who. he can speak to about deeper topics, or literature. He'd also be attracted more to people who are alluring and sensual, kind of like the seductive type. He'd be attracted to someone with innate charm and beauty, not necessarily someone who fits beauty standards, but who he finds to be drop-dead gorgeous.
Pisces Venus
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-Due to his pisces venus, he's much more compatible with people with venuses in Cancer and Scorpio. When it comes to romance, Venus is definitely where it's at when it comes to things like this.
Savior/Needs saving, submissive or dominant He's attracted to an underdog or a wayward person in need of his help. He can easily get into saving someone or being saved, because he's attracted to martyrdom, or states of suffering. He is also attracted to being saved. (Captain Save a hoe) He's actually into inequality, surprisingly. He'd definitely go better with someone who is entirely submissive, or entirely dominant, no in-betweens. Not only that, but he'd go better with someone who can go with the flow and feel the relationship out with him, instead of just planning everything out. He'd do best with someone who could put up with his occasional lies to spare their feelings. Someone who could bring the truth out of him, or someone who could read him well enough to figure out the truth on their own. He'd also do best with someone who can put up with his indecision, and even possibly help guide him in that aspect.
Good-hearted, pessimist/realist, ambivert He definitely would want someone who's good-hearted like him, and definitely someone who's more calm and easygoing, and could fit into a life of ease and leisure. However, he could also go for someone who, for all their easygoing calmness, is a massive pessimist or realist, to balance him out and essentially take off his rose-tinted glasses. However, that may also create conflict. Definitely hit or miss. He'd do well with someone who's possibly an ambivert, someone who can be introverted or extroverted depending on the situation and give the best of both worlds. Someone who can keep up with him in social situations and also bring him out of his shell with new people.
Observant, mentally strong, loving So...Let's address the elephant in the room, which is obsession, possessiveness, and manipulation which are RAMPANT in his natal chart. He'd undoubtedly need someone who can both give up control, but also put their foot down. Someone who can easily notice the beginnings of manipulation and snuff them out in a tactful way. Someone strong mentally, to not let them get to them. Essentially someone who can stop the cycle. He needs someone with strong feelings, but definitely not with the same intensity as his own, not in a way that they don't love as strongly, but rather that they're not intense and controlling and manipulating. He needs someone who can balance him out and is much more mellow in their love. Someone who can put up with possessiveness to an extent, but won't let it grow worse or become a habit, or even grow too extreme. Essentially he'd need someone who could put their foot down while still being mellow and being able to put up with it in small dosages and not often.
Aries Mars
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Non-tempermental, holds grudges, rational, patient With his Aries mars, he'd have a nasty temper and have a quick fuse, though he'd get over these things quickly. No lingering hatred, or anger, or grudges. He'd definitely need someone with a temper not as quick as his. Someone who can put up with these flare-ups and think rationally, and help him cool down. But because he's prone to letting things go, he'd definitely end up finding himself with a partner who keeps his grudges FOR him. Kind of like that meme that's like "Okay, I hate him too now, because you're too nice and you don't know how to hate anyone right.". He'd also need someone who's more rational and takes time to think logically. Someone who can balance out his impulsiveness, and maybe even teach him to be more patient and to think things through more. Though additionally, he could also go well with someone who's just as impulsive, though I see that quickly spiraling out of control.
Fun, keeps him on his toes He'd need someone exciting and can keep him interested. Someone who is straightforward and has many layers, so they're always bringing something new to the table. He'd also love a chase, so he'd want someone who plays hard to get, but not too hard to get to where he grows bored of them. He needs someone fun, who can always keep him interested in them. Because...Well, let's be real here. With all his placements, commitment will be a major issue with him, and cheating may or may not happen.
Passionate, intense, driven, money conscious, humor He'd need someone who can match his passion and intensity when it comes to love and can indulge his darker desires. He'd need someone who's not necessarily as sporty and outdoorsy as he is, but at least keep him company or try for the sake of him to indulge him sometimes. He'd definitely need someone who is as driven as he is and could help him with his success. He'd need someone as honest and trusting as he is and someone who can actually earn his honesty and trust even if he has a tendency to give it to the unworthy. He'd also need someone to help him with his money management, who's more frugal or at least conscious of their spending, and has a plan and nice savings for the both of them. Again, he needs a realist and/or pessimist by his side. He'd also need someone with humor as well, and I can see him with someone competitive in a more playful way, who wouldn't just let him win but would definitely not play as hard if he was having a bad day.
Outward traits
An Aries mars man will be more attracted to pretty faces. A person with a strong jawline, sharp eyes, high cheekbones, and shapely legs can strongly attract him. He will always notice strong features in a partner. Aries mars men expect their partners to stand out from the crowd with unique features, and a partner with over-makeup that conceals their natural beauty will never attract him. Hence, less makeup without hiding natural looks will be the way to go with him. Aries mars men are incredibly masculine. Though they love strong and athletic-body type partners, they are still particular about the feminine aspect like Pisces are. No matter how independent or assertive his partner is, he wants to see their more... "feminine" side. Features like long hair or broad lips impress Aries men. He will also lose his heart to a person's tender hands and beautiful contours. Clothing highlighting "feminine" features will be more attractive in the eyes of Aries men. They like and appreciate it! An Aries man’s first choice is a person who cares about their appearance. Clean and hygienic people can easily attract Aries men. Let a person may or may not apply makeup. But they should be clean and hygienic for an Aries guy. Glowing skin, decent hairstyle, and well-dressed people are their primary choices. Thus, hygienic beauty always attracts sturdy Aries men. It doesn’t matter how attractive a people is if he thinks they are unclean.
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So, as we can see, Hyunjin will definitely have an...Extensive criteria. He will expect perfection, trust, loyalty, a caring, nurturing, and honest nature, someone who's decisive, steadfast, and intelligent, someone who's calm, outgoing, routine, and constant, someone who's practical, social, a good listener, reliable, and thick-skinned, someone who is emotionally intelligent, straightforward, a music lover, and patient, someone who is objective, stable, intellectual, and seductive, someone who is non-temperamental, holds grudges, rational, and patient, someone who is fun, keeps him on his toes, someone who is passionate, intense, driven, money conscious, and funny.
Basically...He expects absolute perfection from a partner, and his standards are highly unrealistic. He will craft an image of his partners in his head, due to the heavy Pisces influence mixed with his virgo moon, which is highly unattainable, and the second someone does one thing to contradict that idea he made up in his head, he'll get the ick and lose interest completely.
Due to his Aries mars, he loves the chase and is extremely intense and passionate, but he easily loses interest. He likes to chase but will lose interest if he has to chase too much. And then there's his possessive, obsessive, yandere-like, manipulative, if I can't have you no one can type vibes. He definitely has the POTENTIAL to be a toxic partner, but in my opinion, those things are definitely balanced out by a lot of his other influences. Are they present? Yes. But he can fix that himself or a partner can help guide him with that, and they won't be too prevalent. In the bedroom?... Well, that's a blog for another day.
Also, Hyunjin may or may not cheat. He's very loyal, that's for certain, but that's when he's committed and in love. He loves a lot, and he loves fiercely, but who's to say the love is truly there? I feel like if someone doesn't meet the standards he set in his mind, or his idea of perfection, or he just grows tired of them, he'll find those things in someone else's arms. Not because he's inherently a cheater, but all his non-committal, wishy-washy placements when mixed with his Aries Mars, and his tendency to lie to spare feelings, would drive him to cheat on his partner if he falls out of love in any way instead of breaking up, because he wouldn't want to hurt them. However, once he finds the one, I think he will have absolute loyalty. The only issue is...Finding that one. In conclusion...He needs someone who can put up with all that. And meet all those impossible standards.
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insanae-threads · 5 months
Your best Zodiac match Square aspect Edition
NOTE: Square is when one sign is three signs away from that sign (i.e. Libras squares Cancer and Capricorn), basically the same mode (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable)
Once again, this is by gender based on marriage statistics, compatibility, and observations whether it’s real life or celebrity
Aries man: Capricorn woman
Aries woman: Capricorn man
Taurus man: Aquarius woman
Taurus woman: Aquarius man
Gemini man: Pisces woman
Gemini woman: Virgo man
Cancer man: Libra woman
Cancer woman: Libra man
Leo man: Scorpio woman
Leo woman: Scorpio man
Virgo man: Sagittarius woman
Virgo woman: Gemini man
Libra man: Capricorn woman
Libra woman: Capricorn man
Scorpio man: Aquarius woman
Scorpio woman: Aquarius man
Sagittarius man: Pisces woman
Sagittarius woman: Pisces man
Capricorn man: Libra woman
Capricorn woman: Aries man
Aquarius man: Taurus woman
Aquarius woman: Scorpio man
Pisces man: Sagittarius woman
Pisces woman: Gemini man
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starshapedjello · 3 days
💻Aquarius Venus📺
If you’re dating an Aqua Venus and want to impress them or simply get closer to them, just show them a really good movie. Or better yet, let them show you some of their favorite movies/tv shows.
Aqua Venus love language is watching movies together. 👽🍿👽
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alyjojo · 6 months
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bitchkay · 30 days
"Who's your favorite consort?" NAH who's your favorite relationship with MC?
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Libra: Are you sure you aren’t dating Aries?
Pisces: If I am, I certainly wasn’t informed of it.
Libra: To be fair, if any of us were dating someone without realizing it, it would be you.
Taurus: You and Pisces are dating right?
Aries: Hell yeah we are
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cosmicpuzzle · 1 year
Placements that can indicate Marital/Relationship discord. ♂♀
North Node/Mars/Saturn/Ketu in 7th
Rahu conjunct 7th lord
Venus conjunct Rahu.
7th ruler in 2nd, 6th, 8th or 12th.
7th house getting aspect of Saturn/Mars or both.
7th lord debilitated.
2nd/6th/8th/12th ruler in 7th house.
Saturn/Mars/Rahu/Ketu/Pluto in 4th house
Uranus in 7th house
Malefics in 4th and 7th house from Moon.
Saturn Venus conjunction or harsh aspect on each other.
Saturn mars aspect in 1/7 (this can indicate physical abuse)
Ketu mars conjunction in 8th house
Rahu Ketu in 2/8 or 1/7.
Venus debilitated in 6th/8th.
Exchange of 8th and 7th rulers.
Venus Mars conjunction or Mars Square Venus
For Relationship Readings DM
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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Taurus Sun | Libra Moon | Gemini Rising
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loveemagicpeace · 8 months
Placements that make me feel safe❤️
🎧Taurus moon-with these people I feel like I can trust them without a second thought. I automatically trust them. Because I know that they will always be here and that their love is stable and lasting. I know they won't leave me. I feel emotionally safe with them. That I can trust them with my feelings .A lot of times with these placements I feel like they have a forever kind of energy. I love how they love physical touch and how they will always give love through actions, touches, etc.
💙Venus in Scorpio-their love is very deep and lasting. They will always feel deep empathy in everything they do for you. They know how to keep secrets. And they will always put you first. They have a very sacrificial energy. When they really love you, they will show their feelings in an open way. They will share all the secrets with you that they won't with others. They really have a nice approach to love, so you know you can feel safe.
🩷Cancer moon- these people have a lot of kindness and empathy in them. They have favorite people they like to spend time with and are there for them. They will always take care of the people they are close to and will not just leave you. They always understand me emotionally and I like how openly I can share my feelings with them. I feel like I can cry with them.
🩵Mars in Leo- They make me feel that when they choose you, you are the only one for them. They become obsessed with you and your energy. They will invest everything for you and you will be theirs even before they are yours. They have that ” you are mine” energy. I like how openly they show when they are jealous. They will fight for your love and will do everything to get you. I love how they will let down ego because of you. No one talks about it, but many times Leos will lose themselves in the love they will give for the person they love.
🦋People with whom I have 8th house synastry- I know that this house contains many secrets and intense emotions, transformations, many hidden things. But it is also a house with which you share dark periods of your life. You share the darkest emotions and feelings with others. The house encompasses the soul that you give for people and share with others. It's like" you did illegal things, strange things are happening, I don't know you just witnessed a murder" - things like that haha ​. And the first person you will share this with is the person you share 8th house with. You will find a deep trust with this person. Trust above all. Trust to death. Also I feel these people will always stay loyal to you. Like the loyalty you have with them it's actually undescribable. They will never betray your trust. And I love how private the relationship I can have with them. It's like me and them forever. It remind me of a song Him & I- G-eazy& Halsey.
🌊4th house synastry- because with these people I feel as if they have known me all my life. It's as if you've grown up together (most of the people you share this house with you can have a common childhood or met them at a young age). These people will make you feel that home is a safe place. I don't believe that the 4th house synastry has a bad influence (never), because it is a house that represents closer relationships and a sense of security and comfort. Cuz with who will you find more comfort with ,than someone you share this house with? also probably these people will know all about your childhood or you will share a lot of childhood with them or family stuff. I find out that with people you have 4th house synastry is like you will share a lot of things about your private life and your family that you will not share with anyone else but with them you will feel comfortable to share with.
🖤Saturn in 1st house- with these people, I have the feeling that they will never leave me alone, wherever we go, they will somehow always make sure that I am there and safe. They have a great responsibility for people. You can trust them with a lot and they will never betray you.
💘Virgo Rising- they have a feeling for the people around them, it seems to me that they will always want to serve / help everyone. In the sense that if you are close to them, they will do a lot for you and take care of you. They have a great sense of care. I feel like sometimes they think for me (did I take all the things, did I buy this, etc.) sometimes they are like parents in a good way. The criticism they give you will always be because they want to take care of you and help you.
🖤10th house synastry- with these people, I feel like they will always defend me in public. Take my side. I feel that they will protect me from others or people who are in public. Stand up for me and say things for me.
🎡5th house synastry- with these people I feel they will always want to show me off in public. This is my person and they will hug me in front of everyone and show everyone that I am the person who means a lot to them. I can feel that I can be with them who I am and have this child energy and they will not judge me for being childish. It's like forever young energy and I always keep this love alive with this people.
☁️Venus in Leo-they are very persistent in love and they will fight for your love and do a lot of things for you. You will be their priority all the time they will give all the joy to you. They know how to put you in the spotlight.
🫀Moon conj Pluto- because I feel these people will always be honest with emotions and also they will have deep way of loving & way of showing love but also they will have like this deepness they will only show the people they really love. And will never leave you & their emotions will be there forever only for you. But keep in mind they only choose a few people they really love in this deep way. There are so small of number of people they will love in this lifetime this much.
💋Venus trine Pluto- when they love you they will give everything for you. And sacrifice a lot for the love. They have deep deep approach to love and they love intense and with all their heart and their love will have the greatest impact on your life. Their love will change you & you will be the whole new person after this. Alsoo they are very hard to forget.
🤍Venus trine Saturn- I feel they have very stable approach to love and when they choose to love you they will love you endlessly and with responsibilities and they will take relationship very serious and also your love. They respect you and respect your love that you have for them. They will not go into relationship if they will not feel that they really want this.
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terrivond · 8 months
Fire signs don't match (all pun intended) with Water signs because they don't need anyone to put out their fire, they need someone to make sure it doesn't go out.
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