#reina; thread
mndstom · 8 months
continued from here with @dcynnight
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She can't help but roll her eyes at the sudden compliment he gave to her. "Charming as ever." There's a hint of sarcasm in her voice, and she leans against the doorframe with her shoulder, arms crossed over her chest. "What makes you think I want to spend time with you?" Well, there's a small part of her that still was earning for him ( hence the keying his car ), but she will never admit it out loud or give a chance for the small part to grow bigger. "Where were you planning to go?" But still... Still, Reina is curious to hear about his plans for the day.
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barrenstars · 10 months
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yuji says he's on their side now, but reina is still a little hesitant to interact with @diaboelic, but now she's quite literally forced to as they're paired together to watch over the school grounds while the rest of the remaining sorcerers rest and compose a plan to move forward. awkwardly, reina shifts between her feet, side glancing towards choso now and again before finally parting her lips to speak. " your hair is pretty cool styled like that... "
starter call!
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reinaazarolla · 1 year
STATUS: Closed for ??? @ogden-narrator WHERE: The Performing Arts Practice Studios WHEN: May 6, 2023 at 11pm
Just hours ago Reina's phone was buzzing, with each text that came in. She thought it was someone wanting to plan a last minute outing, but her heart sank to the pit of her stomach when she saw who the messages were from. This was the first time G had instructed her to do something, and for a moment her mind went into a panic. Before the messages where just messages, empty words with no action but now she was being told to go somewhere. What would happen is she disobeyed? Well, Reina wasn't going to risk finding out.
Dress ready to rave, she thought, "Like an actual rave?" She muttered to herself as she swung the doors open to her closet and stared at the items hanging in front of her. "But we're also going to be sneaking around? G couldn't possibly mean a literal rave, right?" It made no sense to her, how were they supposed to sneak around if they were dressed for a rave. A rave, in her experience, is where people wear as little as possible, and quite often had bright colors, glow sticks, other light up accessories, and sometimes even neon body paint. The opposite of trying to hide and blend in the background. Also, what kind of rave would be held at the performing arts practice studios of all places?
Settling on a all black outfit with a shimmery makeup look, Reina was ready to head across campus. She also had a fanny pack she was wearing as a crossbody that she stored essentials - phone, keys, pepper spray, a pocket knife, a flashlight - and some other accessories she'd wear if she felt they were more fitting. They were ones of the light up sort to fit a rave setting.
The trek to the the studios was longer than usual as she paid extra attention to her surroundings. Trying to see if anyone else was sneaking around or if she was being watched. She couldn't have been the only one to receive a text from G, she was sure of that much. Once she stood in front of the building, she checked the time. She had 5 minutes to spare. With a deep breath, she went inside not knowing what to expect. She didn't wander far, Reina wanted to stay close to the exit just in case she needed to make a quick escape. It was dark, but not exactly pitch black. There was what little light from the outside world bleeding into the building through the windows and it seemed some of the rooms towards the back had some sort of light source left on, maybe a lamp or something small like that. She took out her flashlight but she didn't turn it on just yet. She listened instead, for any signs of another being there. Just who was it that G also sent here?
Reina determined she was the first one there and so found a spot where she felt safe enough to wait. A spot where she had a a clear path and visual of the main entrance, and it would be rather difficult to sneak up on her from behind. Now she was just playing the waiting game.
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jacqui-velazquez · 1 year
who: @reinaazarolla when/where: carnival, at the kissing booth
"Hey," Jacqui said, a smile widening across their face as they approached the kissing booth. It's not that they hadn't thought about the girl they had played spin the bottle with on valentine's - more that they just were well aware of it being a game, not assigning any further significance to it. But that certainly didn't mean they weren't happy to see her again. "Seems like I'm tapping in once you're done," they said, sidling in next to her, still a few minutes before it was technically Jacqui's turn. "How's it been?" they asked with an angle of their head - they could've been about the booth, or could've been asking how she'd been since valentines.
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madrvgaditas · 7 months
starter para @aurvras y @kategrimc: aurora / katerina encuentra a mattie en la playa.
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"llegas tarde" bueno, si hay alguien impuntual en todos sus vínculos, esa es mattie. tan solo hace reclamo a aurora porque se estaba aburriendo sola. "¿ya podemos pedir algo para tomar?"
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morrisxn02 · 8 months
✍︎ @reinaazarolla
After a few minutes of absent-minded scrolling and catching a bit of the late-summer breeze – half an hour, to be precise – Edward finally decided that it was time to return to the ballroom. He usually had a good time at these events – friends, good booze, and music could hardly make for the opposite. But occasionally, he still needed a beat to restore his social battery. Sometimes, he just got tired of hearing himself talk and needed a moment of silence – or the quick dopamine hit only half an hour on Twitter (or X, depending on how fond you are of Elon Musk) could provide.
A gust of wind followed him as he walked back into the room, curtains ruffling as the door to the balcony closed behind him. The first thing that caught his eye was a bright red blur standing a few feet away. He had to blink a few times so his slightly dried-out contacts would moisten for him to see again. And, as his vision returned to normal, Reina’s figure materialized clearly before him – a sort of Katniss Everdeen-esque image in her crimson, flowy gown. “Reina.” He greeted with a modest smile. “Red looks great on you.”
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xpl3001 · 4 months
In the grand scheme of things, Kim Jinhyeok will always find Maruyama Reina.
He always will look for her, even when there’s no where to go and their lives have been intertwined in a sort of way that breaches into ambiguity. He overestimates his bearings in her life. He tries to keep her at arm’s length, it never works, and never will. Her eyes are parallel to her words, routinely stone cold and Jinhyeok always believes her.
At least, for the moment. He’s good at reading between the lines. But Kim Jinhyeok is a fool with a heart that, embarrassingly, disallows his head. After all, he has his mother to reinforce the fact. He is a boy that releases spiders from his home and into the outside world. He is a boy that wants to be satisfied by a girl that his mother thinks he’s wasting his “would be” affections on. And, well, nothing good can come out of this. A part of him lives on a threshold of hope, but it weakens and insults his character every year.
It’s real fucking funny how much power he gives Maruyama Reina. He ought to punish her. Through the wildcards of his many girlfriends who fail to be a body double, Jinhyeok would like to think it’s penalizing her. She knows that he hates their fucking guts, hates that they’ve got nothing upstairs, and he’s always thinking of her in a foraged escape plan while holding girl number three’s hand for the evening.
Tonight is no different. Girl number three sits beside Jinhyeok and to his right is Maruyama Reina. Only because he kept violently patting the space next to him when their eyes meet. He smiles in a way that girl number three has never seen before; because eyes are the windows to the soul and whatever spiritual bullshit that follows reigns true. Girl number three tells Jinhyeok something, about having to use the ladies’ room and he nods dismissively. It wouldn’t hurt him to pretend to care, it’s just a lot of labor that he can’t bring himself to do.
Jinhyeok clears his throat as the music lowers in volume. Everybody’s gathered in a circle. The party lights are dimmed, warmed by the mutuality of each other’s good spirits, a good night, a fun time. He lifts the now lukewarm bottle of grapefruit soju to his lips and takes a sip.
“You’re up past curfew,” he says, and rests the bottle to his side. “Not that I think your mother would have anything to say.” Jinhyeok looks to Reina. He could see the faint likeness of his reflection in her deep, brown eyes. He looks to her lips, only briefly. “You’re always in those damn books. Who would’ve thought,” Jinhyeok sneers. He’s half joking, half not quite.
His voice is louder now, gathering the attention of everyone. “I wish you all told me in advance that Einstein was gonna show up! I would’ve brought my homework, and give this one something to do,” Jinhyeok says, nudging Reina carefully. “Damn.” Some laughs, many eye rolls, and definite giggles. For now, everything’s fine. Kim Jinhyeok’s fine.
When he’s with Maruyama Reina, everything’s fine. Always has been. “Fine” isn’t perfect or in the way that Jinhyeok wants it to be. So, he leaves it at that. Just fine.
SOMTHING’S MISSING ───── @fiskesprett
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soulsballad · 9 months
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it's the dead of night and reina is snuggled up to @sozokami's side, only to shift to stand a moment later. quietly, reina tip-toes around zoro, eyeing him while she does so to make sure he is sleeping. once she is sure he is, her attention turns before her as she tip toes out to the deck.
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ollieinoue · 1 year
January 27th joint birthday party !! [ @reinaazarolla ]
Ollie was an absolutely terrible mixologist, in fact the drink he'd made himself was truly overly sweet and terrible, but he was drinking it out of a fun glass, and a swirly straw so that made it a little better. He was about to wander away from where there was an array of booze laid out, hesitating a moment when his eyes landed on someone who wandered up through the crowd. "Uh-- Hey!" Ollie greeted Reina, loud over the music. Looking more surprised, than… happy to see her. Not that he was necessarily unhappy. Just … surprised. "When did you get back?" And then after a beat because he didn't want to be an asshole here he added, "it's nice to see you! Absolutely terrible timing on your part, but…" Ollie shrugged and brought his drink to his mouth obnoxiously slurping it through the straw. "You want me to make you something? I'm a great mixologist."
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n8-shaw · 10 months
who: @reinaazarolla when: after g's texts where: first floor of the commons
There were very few people at Ogden that Nate cared if they were being targeted by G. The list started and stalled out around himself, though there were a few more that managed to get onto it eventually - not that he'd ever admit that to anyone. (Even himself). And then there were the people that he did like, as far as Nate ever liked anyone, who, while he didn't consciously think about it, when it crossed his mind, it was someone he didn't think deserved to get dragged into this mess. Reina fell into the further category, a begrudging respect for the well-off girl built out of her tenacity in the boxing club. It was impressive, okay?
Glancing around the first floor of the commons once he had arrived, taking in who else was there, people in various stages of freaking out it seemed, Nate made his way to Reina's side, leaning against one of the walls with a casualness that belied the weirdness of the situation. "What the fuck is going on?" he asked, not about to start getting involved himself, considering the frenzy that seemed to be starting to build already with everyone else.
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dalliroch · 2 years
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“  amaría que estar en la proa de crucero en medio del océano en este momento y gritar como leo dicaprio que soy la reina del mundo.  ” ríe al final y deja su copa de champagne a un lado. “  ¿cuáles serían tus vacaciones perfectas?  ” las vacaciones no llegarían pronto para ella, por tanto sólo quedaba soñar por ahora. “  aunque no me quejo de la vista de parís, sigue siendo poético.  ” al ver a su al rededor en el balcón de un edificio había un hombre calvo bailando tontamente en calzoncillos. dallia lo apunto para que su acompañante viera también, sin prever que el señor se daría vuelta y les enseñaría sus pálidas nalgas por unos segundos antes de entrar a su departamento. se quedó con los ojos bien abiertos y estallo en risas. “  ¿qué fue eso?  ” 
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barrenstars · 11 months
@sozokami : continued.
a pout settles on her lips as he overanalyses the pumpkin in her arms. reina knew zoro was somewhat dumb when it came to women, but she didn't think it was this bad! here she was, excited to show him something that took her a few hours to complete, ( while he slept, of course, ) something that would have taken him seconds, but she was proud of her work all the same!
reina is not a swordswoman, she isn't a fighter, in fact, she doesn't know what she is. she can't remember. what she is, for sure, is not a very talented sculptor. and it's evident in the way zoro eyes the pumpkin, no compliments slipping by lips she wants to pinch in annoyance right now.
❝ no... ❞ the blonde lies, shoulders deflating and lips pulling into a deep frown. ❝ never mind... ❞
they were docked at a nice little island, one which seemed to celebrate halloween. they were lucky too, when they arrived a festival seemed to be beginning and everyone went to enjoy themselves. zoro, of course, opted to stay by the dock and nap. until reina came to him with her pumpkin.
without thinking, she walks over to the edge of the dock and peers briefly into the bottomless ocean. not a second later, she drops the pumpkin into the water.
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wefcundwonderland · 2 years
WHO: @reina-santiago LOCATION: NYE event at the Metro
The last time the two of them had spoken, Reina had admitted to Mikayla that she had been seeing someone who was close with her brother. There was a question of whether or not she was intending to tell him about it soon or not, but from the way the two were hanging around each other in public, Mikayla could only come to one conclusion. "So..." she began, approaching the other woman once she was by herself for a few moments, "is this a thing now? Can I say I told you so?"
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jacqui-velazquez · 1 year
who: @reinaazarolla where: tri delt valentine's party when: during spin the bottle
When it was Jacqui's turn, they spun the bottle with a lack of concern, no such thing as a bad spin if you asked them. But when the bottle rattled to a stop pointing at a petite (rare, that someone was considered more petite than Jacqui) brunette, a smile quickly spread across their face, Jacqui and Reina spilling into the closet that was being utilized for the evening. "Well," Jacqui said as the door clicked shut, the outside sounds muffled, blinking as their eyes adjusted to the dark. "I don't actually think we've met before..." they mused, the face of the brunette unfamiliar to them. Not that they were complaining about that at all. They had said they wanted this semester to be different from the last - what better way then getting to know new people? "Hell of a way to meet someone," they joked.
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gcddamnvampire · 1 year
@mndstom continued from here
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Lydia nodded at the answer given. Most people started off with something small just because they're not sure if they can deal with the pain of a tattoo. She knew that getting one wasn't for everyone, and she'd had more than a few clients cry during their visits. "It can be. But there's always numbing cream we can use to make it hurt less," she explained. "Hm...that depends, I suppose. Do you want to get one that means something to you? Or something more...minimalist? You could always go with say, a small flower or heart." Lydia leaned down behind the counter, emerging a moment later with a book of pictures. "Here's some other work I've done if you want to take a look and see if something inspires you."
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amelia-ortiz · 2 years
tag: @reina-santiago location: harper's home
"The brown one is Thelma and the black and white one is Louise. You can pick one up if you want, they're really friendly, um.. here," picking up a little bowl of carrot pieces, she opened the cage. "Louise will sit in your arms as long as you feed her." Shrugging, she can't help but smile softly as she looks at her two tiny fur balls. "I... Think they know. That I'm sad? I don't know if that's a thing for guinea pigs but they just seem like they want to sit with me more, when I let them out?" Harper frowns slightly, always a bit of a babbler when she was trying to deflect. "Are you hungry? I have... Soup. And carrots. So actually you're better off ordering food. But I have lots of drinks. Wine, gin, vodka, and something in a bottle that kinda glows in the dark if you're feeling risky."
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