#you get one tonight bc im eepy
barrenstars · 10 months
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yuji says he's on their side now, but reina is still a little hesitant to interact with @diaboelic, but now she's quite literally forced to as they're paired together to watch over the school grounds while the rest of the remaining sorcerers rest and compose a plan to move forward. awkwardly, reina shifts between her feet, side glancing towards choso now and again before finally parting her lips to speak. " your hair is pretty cool styled like that... "
starter call!
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
ty for the tag @januariat <3!!
1. are you named after anyone? nope! sometimes my mom says she wishes they'd named me for my grandmother bc i have a lot of similarities to her, though.
2. when was the last time you cried? coincidentally i ALSO recently came very close to tears while watching nimona. other than that... idk a few weeks ago??
3. do you have kids? no way
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? yeah plus a lot of Being Silly in general. i have to make jokes about everything constantly or i'll die (sarcasm included, but also just bad puns, witticisms, etc.)
5. what sports do you play/have you played? oh god im not a sportsy guy. i did a couple years of dancesport but other than that not much sdjkhfk
6. what’s the first thing you notice about other people? face i guess? i have no idea
7. what’s your eye color? brown!!
8. scary movies or happy endings? happy endings for sure!! im a weenie i can't do scary movies. i can barely do scary games and that's only bc i can control and BEAT them. scary movies? oh i can't do anything about it they will go in the basement no matter how much i beg them not to!!!
9. any special talents? im forgetting any real ones though im sure i have them so instead i will clown on myself: incredibly talented at forgetting things. tonight i was playing totk on my friend's switch to beat the 5 lynels in a row at the floating coliseum for them, finished it, and then left the area without getting the chest you get for surviving that, because i was like omg look at all these rare lynel drops! wahoo good loot! so in that way. im very talented at making my friends laugh
10. where were you born? in the usa... somewhere...
11. what are your hobbies? writing, video games, music, dance (ive been neglecting these latter two lately though). comics ofc too. and reading in general!
12. do you have any pets? YES i have one dog he is very large and so stupid and i love him so so so much
13. how tall are you? 5'2 gang rise up
14. favorite subject? math, biology, biochemistry...
15. dream job? man ive been questioning that a lot lately. i've thought research physician for a long time, or something research focused, but i'm not too sure i can actually do that, so... considering. idk. can i get paid to just hang out with my friends :/
tagging... oh god i am so eepy rn i KNOW im gonna forget everyone i know. um. @crimzoncrow @lemontongues @milfkon @misspickman @aigenderated @necer0s aaaand if anyone sees and wants to say i tagged you go for it :>
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moodywyrm · 1 year
it’s perfectly fine!!
pls omg :( and ik!! they’re all so sweet :( i would love to go with them </3
ugh >:( that’s so awful i’m so sorry moonpie :(
my day was good!! i finished all of my work early!! but my gf had a bad day so i’m making one of her favorite dinners and i bought all of her favorite candies and i’ll have a hot bath waiting for her and some other stuff <3 i’m going to Pamper her tonight, she deserves it :( my poor baby :( 💔
how’s your day?
- 🩷
if you can, I think you should go with them!! if you want to <3
yeah it was not fun :(
yeah!! :( I hope her day gets better!! then again, she has an absolute sweetheart like you to take care of her!! I hope y'all have a good night!! everyone deserves to be pampered now and then, especially after a hard day :(
I was weirdly super productive today? genuinely I think I was just trying not to think about having to deal with family, so I ended up sewing up damages on the couch, doing so much laundry, doing all of the dishes, cleaning the bathroom, finishing my financial aid! I even finished my audiobook! but now im so eepy :( I wanted to write bc Jill Valentine, and maybe I will, but the brain is not braining rn </3 but I feel bad bc I haven't been writing much :(
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