#regularly check that your information is safe
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Comprehensive leech care guide: Updated as of 2/10/25
There's not a lot of public information on the domestic care of leeches outside of their medical uses and niche forums and facebook groups, so I wanted to create as comprehensive a guide as I can for proper leech care, referencing scientific papers whenever possible. This guide is open to corrections and input from other keepers and will be updated regularly as new information comes to light. If found in a reblog, always check to make sure you have the most updated version of this post. This guide pertains to the Hirudo medicinalis leech specifically.
Tank specs
• 5-10 gallon tanks are preferred. Bowls are suitable if your leech is solitary or small, but not recommended as studies have shown a tank without corners can stress fishes and aquatic life.
Size and equipment requirements
• For ideal leech care in display tanks, tanks should be about 2 times the size of your leech tall, and have enough room to fit their body when stretched out about 3 times length wise to allow for swimming and the observation of various leech behaviors.
• Tanks can have dedicated land area in the form of exposed logs, cork bark, tank shelfs, etc. But please note that this will encourage breeding. That being said, removing land will not 100% guarantee it won't occur if tank has a large quantity of moss.
• Leeches thrive in low oxygen environments, and as such, tanks do not need a dedicated filter. If more oxygen is preferred, a bubbler on a low setting can be added. Large amounts of water movement should be avoided.
• Your tank must possess a tight lid of some kind as leeches will gladly squeeze through cracks to escape and explore. This lid can be either a tight mesh, or for smaller tanks and bowls, cheese cloth or some similarly breathable but secure fabric. This can be fastened with elastic to keep it secure over your tank.
Light requirements
• Leeches should be kept out of direct sunlight and prefer dim or dark areas, though still benefit from a regular light cycle.
• Leeches require gravel/small rocks to dig through. Small lava rocks are highly recommended for their light weight and rough surface that encourages leech shed.
• Other substrates such as sand or clay balls may be added for planted tanks, and small clay balls work well to fill the bigger gaps between lava rocks.
Plants and decor
• Plants are highly recommended for leeches, both as an area to breed, hide, and for general enrichment. Plants should be low light to match the light requirements of your leeches.
• A moss of some kind is good for breeding and adding oxygen to water. Christmas moss has a medium growth rate and can get to be about 2~5 inches tall, needing minimal pruning if desired for a cleaner look.
• Anubias varieties of plants are good for their low light requirements and low maintenance as well, and can add a visual interest to your tank.
• Leeches should preferrably have dedicated hides to provide a dark, safe place and reduce stress. Hides do not have to be large and rough areas of the hides do not have the same concerns that exist with fish, so are fine for your leeches.
• Adding wood can be beneficial as it leeches helpful tanins into the water and can provide a land area for your leeches. If wood is collected from outside sources, it can be boiled for 1 hr to kill any outside bacteria or funguses. For wood gathered this way, it should be a hard, dry wood. Wood can be soaked in water for a few days before adding it to the tank to assist with sinking if desired.
• Cork bark also makes a good floating platform, though it shouldn't be kept free floating to let the leeches get on easily. I found that wedging two pieces between the aquarium walls makes for a suitable platform, and wood can be arranged around that to create damp, partially submergerged hides.
• Plastic plants can be a welcome additon to add places to hide or shed extra skin. Look for plants the leech can squish its body through.
Water specs
• Leeches prefer colder waters and can survive in freezing temperatures. The survivable range of temperature to keep them at can range from 0-34⁰C (32-93⁰F) (Spencer and Jones, 2007) but ideally, your tank should be kept in the lower range with only minimal or very gradual temperature changes. Leeches can survive being briefly frozen.
• Leeches should be in dechlorinated water, either through treating tap water, rain water, or spring water properly remineralized. Though pond water is suitable, the risk of adding parasites, unknown contaminates, or harmful bacteria means that it is not recommended.
• The total hardness of your water should be in the 50-100 ppm range to match freshwater sources. If your water has less, aquarium salts should be added to prevent the water from leeching minerals out of your leech.
• Distilled water should be avoided being used as sold as it's "dead" and all minerals have been removed, but the use of Hirudo Salt in distilled water or collected rain water can provide your leeches with the needed minerals to thrive.
Water changes
• Additional water changes should be done when leeches deficate after feeding, usually denoted by a brown or red tint to the water, and the water should be monitored for a few weeks after for ammonia spikes and changed as needed.
• Water changes should be performed roughly once a week, replacing about 20-30% of your water to remove dead skin and reduce the build up of nitrites and nitrates.
Number of leeches
• Leeches can be kept solitarily or in groups. The minimum tank specs are one, 50g leech or 5 10g leeches in a .5 liter tub 17cm in and 6-8 cms high with .5 liters of water (Spencer and Jones, 2007), though as previously mentioned, a larger tank size is recommended to show a full range of behaviors and allow for a more visually interesting experience.
Leech behaviors and care:
Leech anatomy and lifespan
• Leeches are soft bodied worms, meaning their skin can be punctured by hard tools and caution should be used with damaging their bodies.
• Leeches possess 2 suckers, one posterior (Rear), and one anterior (mouth). These suckers are used to ambulate or latch onto surfaces.
• Leeches are hermaphroditic and possess both male and female sex organs that are only plainly visible during their mating season. Leeches can self fertilize.
• Leeches possess 5 eyes at their anterior and have a good sense of smell to locate their prey.
• Leeches breathe through their skin like other worms, and this skin sheds off them periodically throughout the day by rubbing up against rough surfaces.
• Leeches possess small teeth that leave a three pointed star mark behind when feeding.
• Leeches keep blood in their blood crop, where symbiotic bacteria keeps the blood fresh as they slowly digest.
• Hirudo Leeches have a lifespan of around 8 years
Basics of leech behavior
• Leeches will remain at rest with their heads above the water, and will do so either folded in half or stretched out with both their suckers attached to the glass.
• Leeches love to hang out under the water when tank conditions are suitable, and will attach their posterior sucker to a surface, occasionally undulating to move water over their skin.
• Leeches will swim from one end of the tank to the other through anguilliform swimming similar to an eel but vertically.
• Sudden, dark shadows can invoke a prey response in leeches and will cause them to hide until they feel safe.
•Leeches will often "sniff" the air or water around them.
• Leeches become overly active when hungry, showing an increased responsiveness to movement and shadow, and will swim to heat sources such as hands
• When feeding or reproducing, all of these normal behaviors halt in favor of the new ones, and leeches stop responding to stimulus at all, to the point that they can be cut in half and not stop their actions.
• Mating takes place on land, and while many keepers use a lack of land space as an effective form of mating prevention, it should be noted that some have reported cocoon production regardless of available land area
• Hirudo Leeches reach sexual maturity in about 2 years when kept at temperatures of 20-25 ⁰C (Spencer and Jones, 2007)
• In the case of Hirudo leeches, mating season naturally takes place in summer, spanning June through August where your leeches female genitalia known as the clitellum will appear as a ring around the body, simalar to an earthworm.
• Breeding can be artifically induced by gradually warming up your tank, so if your tank is typically maintained at 15-18 ⁰C, for instance, the tank temperature should be increased to 25 ⁰C to induce the deposition of cocoons (Spencer and Jones, 2007)
• Cocoons are commonly laid in damp land areas, either moss or soil in the wild, and take from 2 to 4 weeks to hatch as ~6 fully formed nymphs. (Conflicting information found. Citations needed.)
• Termination of cocoons can be performed by freezing them and cutting them in half. Please note that freezing alone will not necessarily kill the eggs
• As previously mentioned, leeches can self fertilize, meaning you may have a cocoon even with one leech. Keepers should be prepared to terminate a cocoon in these cases.
• Unlike other leeches that die after mating, Hirudo leeches can reproduce once a year for the duration of their lifespan.
• Leeches feed once every 3-6 months when kept at a temperature range of 20-35⁰C, or fed once every 8-12 months at a temperature of 10-20⁰C as temperature effects the rate Hirudo leeches fully digest blood. (Spencer and Jones, 2007) Feeding more often than this will harm your leech by causing it to grow too quickly or cause it to vomit blood back up.
• The medically recommended way to feed your leeches is to get a sausage casing and fill it with animal blood (usually beef) warmed to body temp for your leeches to latch onto. This animal blood should be free of antibiotics and can be collected from your local butcher.
• Many leech owners will choose instead to feed off themselves for an easier, cheaper option. This comes with its own medical risks and care should be taken to avoid infection of the bite. You should ask your doctor before feeding your leeches off yourself. Once again, your blood should be free of antibiotics as they will kill your leeches.
⚠️ Note that sterile medical leeches kept in non-sterile environments like this will cease to be sterile
Assuming you are feeding off yourself, the following is important information to have.
◇ Materials: Antibacterial soap, isopropyl alcohol, sterile surgical pads (available cheaply at pharmacys), medical tape or masking tape if not available, liquid bandage (optional) and a pill bottle (optional)
◇ Skin should be cleaned before feeding to avoid risk of infection.
◇ Leeches should be fed on thinner skin, but avoid feeding directly over veins. Common bite locations for keepers are feet or the arm due to the thinner skin there.
◇ To have your leech bite in a specific area, avoid veins, or encourage biting, your leech can be placed in an empty pill bottle and held to your desired bite location.
◇ Leeches will inject an anesthetic similar into the bloodstream, which may cause feelings of mild euphoria or lightheadedness, in addition to the injection of a powerful blood thinner. You should not self feed if you are on any combination of blood thinners. The bite will range from painless to feeling like a small prickling similar to a shot or gentle tattoo.
◇ Feeding takes up to an hour, and after feeding, your leeches will simply drop off of you. The blood thinners will mean that you will bleed constantly for up to ~10 hours afterwards.
◇ After your leech has fed, hold pressure to the location, move to the sink, and thoroughly clean your wound(s) with your antibacterial soap and alcohol before bandaging properly and applying pressure with a surgical pad and medical tape
◇ Liquid bandage on the wound will quickly stop the bleeding but has been reported by some to increase risk of infection. Risk of infection COULD possibly be lowered by letting yourself bleed to flush out bacteria from the wound for an hour or so, but this is a hypothesis and has not been proven.
◇ You should be prepared to bleed a LOT. Pads should be changed every 2 hours or when bled through to the point of being soaked.
• Baby leeches are often too small to penetrate skin and, in the wild, would bite through the thin skin of frogs. In captivity, baby leeches will feed off their parents or can be helped during self feeding by pricking with a sterile diabetic needle to help break the skin.
• NEVER try and pull a leech off your skin. Doing so will cause the leech to possibly vomit up blood and bacteria into the wound, greatly increasing the risk of infection, or harm the leech itself. If your leech bites when you don't want it to and you need to remove it, slide a nail under the anterior sucker to break the vaccume, and the leech should fall off harmlessly.
Handling of leeches
• [Information needed.]
On the care of sick leeches
• Leeches when sick will have a lumpy appearance to their body, often caused by an internal twisting of their blood crops. This can sometimes be healed typically by adding extra tannins to the water via betta leaves or Adler pine cones.
• "Air taken in during a feed can be potentially life threatening. (C. Peters, pers. comm.) The leech should be held between finger and thumb, and both digits run along the length of the body, expressing as much air and blood meal from the animal as possible" (Spencer and Jones, 2007)
Conservation status
• Hirudo leech populations have declined in their natural habitat spanning across Europe and parts of Asia due to over harvesting of leeches for medical purposes in the 19th century, drainage of wetlands, and the reduction of horse use.
• Hirudo leeches are currently considered near threatened in the wild and are protected from wild harvesting
• NEVER release your leeches into a non-native environment
Spencer, W. & Jones, G. (2007): The captive breeding and educational display of the Medicinal Leech Hirudo medicinalis (Linnaeus 1758) at Bristol Zoo Gardens
#leech#leeches#leech diary#leech care#leech keeping#Leech care guide#leech requirements#leech tank#leech feeding#pet care
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So I actually took a moment to google this. AND to read the fucking article twice.
This is mostly old data braches, meaning from past incidents. This is still data, however we are talking data from god fucking knows how long ago within the past few years as well.
This is from an article by Brooke Wagner found here.
This is a database that researches have found
Davey Winder on Forbes here.
Does this mean you shouldn't be concerned? No, but you shouldn't panic.
There are ways to easily deal with things like this and I'm sure you've found this a 1000 times on articles but I'm putting it here.
Use a password manager! There's plenty of free ones available, however if you don't trust someone else, simply start storing notes on your desktop or in a notebook somewhere. And I'm horrible at this but it is safer to use different passwords on each side, I know as someone w memory issues this sucks, but it's the safer option. Even just a variation of the same one works.
Two-Factor Authentication is your best friend! Most services today actually offers this if they know what's good for them lmao. If a social media, app, game etc allows you to use it? Use it.
These are just two steps that honestly help a lot.
Now, keep in mind im no fucking IT genius, I am just a fucking stranger on the internet who don't know shit about shit. Which is even more reason for you to look into this yourself.
Read articles regarding leaks like this, and look into them, because I'm already seeing people losing their shit about this all over and nobody seems to have read more than the headlines.
Change your Tumblr password now.
Humongous data breach just happened, with loads upon loads of sites being affected. Tumblr's among those. Also on the list is Wattpad for you fanfic people out there- among many, many other places.
There's a searchable list at the bottom of the article. Highly recommend scrolling or searching through, seeing what places you may be on that have been affected, and securing all your accounts. This thing's kind of big.
If you know people on any of the sites affected, let them know about this too, and spread the article around.
#omen screams#idc i felt the need to add this#like it feels very much like the typical#internet fear mongering from peopel lmao#but that being said it is actually super important to#regularly check that your information is safe#stay safe online
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How to avoid being spoiled with ST members' identities
A not so short guide for tumblr newcomers
Hello new fans and (probably) tiktok refugees! This is a guide on how to enjoy sleep token online without being spoiled and also, a guide on how not to be a twat at the same time.
It is rather long, but please give it a chance. If not for you, then for other people who do not want to be spoiled.
I was thinking about making a reminder post about it for ages and recent post from @zelink-stan02 inspired me to make it sooner!
Tumblr is one of not many places online where the chances of you getting jumpscared with the guys' faces and names are minimal. You're not completely safe here, but it's still way better than on other platforms. And a lot of users try to keep it that way.
So, the basics for people who want to avoid spoilers online!
No twitter. That is a place of no honour. No exceptions. Nothing good ever comes from ST twitter. Also i am not calling it x.
Tiktok is also not safe. But most of you probably know that.
Pinterest is a super quick way to see all their faces.
Idk about facebook, but i bet there are morons commenting with their legal names there too. Like on twitter.
Googling is very tricky. Image results will most likely show you their faces among 20 first photos and if you do google them. Well. The main search used to show the names as suggestions up here before; I'm glad to see that for now this is fixed:
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ecfd49a60a5d16325e81d0d88264655b/823405cff1184d40-47/s540x810/6afe6e91b1308e8356ccbfc96abdec1ab89e213a.jpg)
BUT LO AND BEHOLD. Pictures tab gives you a treat (derogatory) of a full vessel's name RIGHT THERE:
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/bd9ffb6ad787e04f996f75d67a8c73c2/823405cff1184d40-dd/s540x810/0437bda0fb79f38614bf833c1787d61e28b619fa.jpg)
First suggestion. They're not even trying. So yeah, googling is very tricky.
I didn't scroll further to the right, but i bet ii's name is there too. (Their names are spoiled most often, cause they're writing the songs.)
7. If you look for the lyrics, google sometimes shows vessel and ii's legal names in songwriters' credits. I haven't seen it recently, but it doesn't mean you won't see [redacted] instead of "Vessel 1" and so on in the credits. Try not to scroll too far when checking the lyrics. I think Apple music shows their names in lyics all the time, someone correct me if I'm wrong though.
if you want pictures, band info, older rituals' shenanigans etc. etc., we have real mvp's here on tumblr!
@sleepanonymous has it all. Including an archive of band-related stuff and also older (mostly) vessel's stuff without any names or faces revealed. Just older songs, if you're curious! Sleep Anon has a neat google drive archive too. Please check the tags and other links in their pinned post!
We also have another pillar of our community here, @thesleeptokenarchive, who shares older rituals' details, song release dates and many other important information and dates.
My dear friend @a-s-levynn created this beautiful archive with band pictures for people who want to find that very specific picture without having their faces spoiled. Behold, the Sleep Token Reference Archive (STRA). Perfect for artists, but not only!
Beautiful people @kaddyssammlung, @vulcanette and @chaosandchaos are posting cool band photos they find regularly. Others too, but these three are the most active! We're also lucky to have @hecetas here, posting their original photos of the band (and not only!)
Also, The Choir is not anonymous. The band itself shared their actual name, Espera, and the ladies are not faceless. It was their decision, band supported it, so you don't need to worry to keep them anonymous.
Last but not least! How not to be a twat in the sleep token fandom space on tumblr:
Do not tag any band-related stuff with their names or older projects' names.
Do not post photos of their faces and tag it as the band or band members.
If you want to sceam about the love you have for that one older Vessel's project, the not solo one, you can do it here: @wings-of-clay
If you are a curious being and face/names reveals don't mean much to you, you can always scream about their past projects with your closest friends in the DMs. Or ask literally anyone here if they want to talk about those things without revealing those things' names publicly. Most of us have their faces and names spoiled anyway. But trust me, you don't need to put any names for us to understand what you mean.
Not exactly a tumblr thing, but! One of the band members streams on twitch. It is an unspoken rule to NOT mention anything band-related in the chat. No "worship", no band name, other members' names, nothing. He wants to keep those things separate. You get blocked there or he stops streaming for everyone if you're too pushy.
And remember folks, digging too much into their personal lives guarantees a court case against you!
I'm not joking. There is a person who is going to face charges for being way too parasocial and stalker-y about them. Do not be like that person. This applies to all public figures, not only sleep token. But some people take anonymity as a challenge to dig even deeper for all their info.
Last, but not least! I have the names spoiled and i don't mind talking about old projects and stuff. So I'm here for you if you want to google something, but are afraid of a face reveal, or if you just wanna talk about the older stuff (tho i admit, i don't know much about previous bands/projects of all of them). However, I will not be engaging in anything related to their private lives or families and I will block you on spot if you mention anything like this to me.
#sleep token#we're over this at least every half a year here but yeah.#reminders about the. uh. etiquette(?) we have here are necessary i think#cause it's really a bit different here than on twitter and other places#and most of the fandom here doesn't accept people who do not respect the band's wishes to stay anonymous
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A Lifetime (Gil-Galad x reader)
Summary: It seemed like it was forgotten in the lore that there were not only Elrond and Elros, but also a third sibling: you. Before Elrond became the High King’s Herald, you had already chosen your fate. Like your younger brother, you would live as an elf, serving the High King and getting a bit closer with him than imagined. Set in the time of the second season of Rings of Power.
author’s note: it’s been a looong time since i actually wrote something, so excuse this crusty-rusty excuse of work, but i just had to write something before i start my job tomorrow, especially after seeing the interview in which benjamin walker stated that he wants Gil-Galad to be kissed! i used “meldanya” for my beloved in the story - and tried my best to keep it gender-neutral :)
warnings: mentions of war and terrible times and kissing? that should be it, if not, let me know <3
word count: 743
edit is mine, all pics are from pinterest :)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/82fcdc1c03806411d4afe2f78e81f8d2/24464b03da5a4eeb-23/s540x810/1115f4188256b871f11707d7e5dd6bade7cf48a8.jpg)
You bowed as you entered Gil-Galad’s chambers: “How may I assist you today, High King?”
Ever since Elrond had been appointed Commander to lead an army to Eregion, you had found yourself almost constantly in the king’s presence, helping him not only with his speeches and council planning, but also your regular tasks. You, personally, were responsible for his well-being, ensuring he ate and drank regularly, selecting his garments for each day, and – over time – also keeping him informed on Lindon’s gossip. It led to you two being… closer with each other than expected. Which in return made the king ask for your presence in the evenings as well.
He never told you, but with the growing shadow over Middle Earth, you were the only one who could put his mind at ease. Especially when you brushed his hair – you were far gentler than any of his maids – and made him smile like no one else could.
He shook his head at your bow. How many times had he told you that you had long surpassed such formalities? With a sigh, he finally spoke, “I’ve made the decision to ride to Eregion.”
Your head shot up. “High King-“
He interrupted you, dark eyes staring into your own. “A king’s place is wherever the need is greatest.”
“You are needed here. What am I supposed to do if something happens to you?”
Yes, one could say you were worried about High King Gil-Galad, but not for the reason others might assume. Sure, he was the King of all Elves in Middle Earth, but now seemed to be the moment to admit to yourself that he had also become the king of your heart.
He smiled sadly. “Let us not part with such dark thoughts in our minds. Please, help me gather my armor and whatever else I might need for this journey.”
What was needed on a journey like the one he was about to embark on? A journey he might never return from. No. No, you couldn’t think like this. So, you did what he asked. You helped him gather his clothes and armor which made him look even more majestic and beautiful, made your way to the stables to check on his horse and even sneaked into the kitchens to provide him with his favorite treat.
The whole time, your mind was racing. Could you tell him how you felt? What exactly were you feeling? All you knew was that you were happiest when you were with him. He challenged you mentally and, at the same time, brought you a sense of peace. You longed for him whenever he was away. Yes, you were infatuated with the High King Gil-Galad.
Which made your parting even harder. You knew that you couldn’t burden him with your feelings – not now, when everything seemed to be on the brink of darkness once more. You watched him as he spoke with his soldiers before he made his way over to you.
“It is time”, he said, taking your hand. “I truly wish you could accompany me on this ride, but I’d rather know you are safe here. Will you wait for my return?”
You couldn’t help your smile. “I’d wait a lifetime.”
“That’s quite a long time, meldanya.”
You nodded and took a step closer, placing your hand on his cheek. “For you, it’s worth it.”
You were so close. You could smell him, feel his warmth even through the suit of armor. “I think, I would really like to kiss you, High-King. May I?”
He stared at you with an open mouth, nodding slowly. He would have never though that you from all beings would feel the same for him. His thoughts scattered when your lips came in contact with his. Oh Eru, they were warm. And so soft.
Before he could process it further, you took a step back. You didn’t want to overwhelm him. But apparently, the High-King had other plans and pulled you close again, capturing your lips in another kiss. He could taste the sweetness of berries as his tongue swept over your bottom lip and and you cupped his face with both hands.
The whole world seemed to stop as you were standing at the gates of Lindon, engulfed in each other’s presence. The king was breathing hard when you finally pulled apart: “Wait for me. Please.”
You only nodded, tears forming in your eyes. You’d wait a lifetime.
#gil-galad#gil-galad x reader#rings of power#rings of power season 2#benjamin walker#lindon#eregion#rop fanfiction#rop x reader#rings of power fanfiction#rings of power x reader
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Explain the basic: Shadow Work
As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). if you are intrested in more method check the masterlist!
Desclaimer: Everything I will talk about is information that I got from books and sites online and even videos on YouTube. In my years of practice, I learned as much as I could out of curiosity and what works best for me. I suggest you do the same by learning as much as you can on your own (I will be here making posts teaching this kind of stuff) from multiple sources.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/eb85ff401056ce301c7f52054c734191/5582a904ac60803e-ab/s540x810/63824355023b99f073af6bb86cf9e96dd2e8e239.jpg)
Shadow work in witchcraft refers to the practice of exploring and integrating the darker, often unconscious parts of oneself. This concept, which has roots in Jungian psychology, involves confronting and working through repressed emotions, fears, and desires that can influence behavior and spiritual well-being. For witches and those practicing modern paganism, shadow work is a means of personal growth, healing, and achieving a more balanced self.
What is Shadow Work?
Concept and Origins
The term "shadow" was popularized by Carl Jung, who described it as the unconscious part of the personality that contains repressed weaknesses, desires, and instincts. In witchcraft, shadow work involves delving into these hidden aspects to gain a deeper understanding of oneself and to heal from past traumas. (Do not take it as a substitution for a professional therapist.)
the Purpose is:
Self-Awareness: Gaining insight into one's unconscious motivations and behaviors.
Healing: Addressing and healing from past wounds and traumas.
Integration: Bringing the shadow into the conscious mind to achieve a more balanced and whole self.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/eb85ff401056ce301c7f52054c734191/5582a904ac60803e-ab/s540x810/63824355023b99f073af6bb86cf9e96dd2e8e239.jpg)
How to Do Shadow Work in Witchcraft
Safe Space: Create a physical and emotional space where you feel safe and comfortable. This can include an altar, candles, crystals, and other personal items.
Set Intentions: Clearly state your intentions for undertaking shadow work. This could be written in a journal or spoken aloud as part of a ritual.
Journaling: Regularly write about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Focus on patterns, triggers, and recurring themes in your life.
Meditation: Practice meditation to quiet the mind and become more aware of your inner world. Guided meditations specifically for shadow work can be helpful.
Dream Analysis: Pay attention to your dreams and record them. Dreams can provide insight into the unconscious mind.
Tarot and Oracle Cards: Use tarot or oracle cards to explore your shadow. Specific spreads can help reveal hidden aspects of yourself.
Rituals: Perform rituals that focus on introspection and healing. These might involve candle work, invoking deities or spirits associated with transformation, and symbolic acts like burning written fears or burying objects representing old wounds.(Do not even think of doing this without the right preparation first!)
Mirror Work: Spend time looking at yourself in the mirror, speaking affirmations, and acknowledging both positive and negative aspects of yourself.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/eb85ff401056ce301c7f52054c734191/5582a904ac60803e-ab/s540x810/63824355023b99f073af6bb86cf9e96dd2e8e239.jpg)
Integration and Healing
Acceptance: Acknowledge and accept all parts of yourself without judgment.
Self-Compassion: Practice self-compassion and forgiveness for past mistakes and behaviors.
Therapy: Consider professional therapy if needed, especially when dealing with deep traumas or difficult emotions.
Continual Practice
Shadow work is an ongoing process rather than a one-time task. Regularly revisit and update your practices to continue growing and healing.
Tips for Effective Shadow Work
Patience and Persistence: Shadow work can be challenging and emotional. Be patient with yourself and persistent in your efforts.
Support System: Have a support system in place, whether friends, family, or a community of like-minded individuals.
Self-Care: Engage in regular self-care activities to balance the intensity of shadow work.
Balance: Ensure you balance shadow work with other spiritual practices that uplift and energize you.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/eb85ff401056ce301c7f52054c734191/5582a904ac60803e-ab/s540x810/63824355023b99f073af6bb86cf9e96dd2e8e239.jpg)
Shadow work in witchcraft is a profound journey of self-discovery and healing, leading to greater self-awareness and spiritual depth. By embracing both the light and shadow within, practitioners can achieve a more harmonious and integrated self.
#manifestation#manifesting#shifting methods#loa methods#manifestation method#spiritual development#manifesation#journal#explain the method#explained#law of manifestation#affirm and persist#law of attraction#how to manifest#loa success#witchcraft books#witchcraft#witches#witchcore#witchblr#witch community#witchy vibes#magick#witchcraft 101#witch#pagan#witchcraft aesthetic#witchcraft community#witchcraft smp#teaching witchcraft
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You Should Get A Radio
I want to convince you to get a radio. It can be a pretty cheap one - you can sometimes thrift them even - just something to listen to the music and shows that are literally streaming completely for free all around you right this very moment.
Libraries get a lot of love - deservedly so. They are such a frugal resource for entertainment and the community at large. I would argue that radio is very similar.
Find New Music
Radio can introduce you to music you never would have run across otherwise. Spotify and the like have a goal of getting you to listen for as long as possible. This incentivizes the alorgithm picking your music recs to stay very safely within your known listening profile. But since a radio station is broadcasting to a large number of people, not you individually, you're more likely to run into music you personally wouldn't have picked but actually enjoy.
Not to mention that if you're in the US at least, you're very likely within range of a public broadcasting station which not only has local and national news, but various music shows as well - World Cafe is a treasure. College radio stations, if you have one nearby by, can be hit or miss, but in general, it is a great way to find local and very niche music you wouldn't hear played anywhere else. If you're in a city, you very likely have a couple of hyperlocal low power FM stations - many who serve communities who don't speak English and who have their own unique music programming. I also enjoy a lot of the adult contemporary and "oldies" stations I can get near me.
The Ads Aren't Targeted
On most stations, you'll hear some ads. Some stations you'll hear more than a few. But none of those ads are based on an ever growing mass of information being collected about you and your listening habits to decide what specific ad you're most likely to actually act on. They're just...an ad. When you turn it off, it can't follow you around until you actually buy it.
Also, if you're listening to local stations, a lot of the ads are for local businesses in your community; places owned by your neighbors and the people you live with. For me, it's been a nice way to be reminded of what places exist in my community since I usually go to my regular haunts and nothing else.
Frugal and Fun
Radios can be pretty cheap. I see them in thrift stores pretty regularly around here and you might be able to try Marketplace for one. Mine was a birthday gift and I paid a little more to upgrade the antena later. Mine uses rechargeable batteries but I think they make ones that are just straight up rechargeable now.
Since I can't control the music, I'm not turning to it to skip through music or pick a different playlist or look up a given artist I want to hear because I just remembered they existed. I'm more present, whether I'm just listening to the show or pairing it with something else (recently it's been knitting or solitaire games).
Similar to the way that libraries can be one way you decrease your reliance on subscription culture, radio is another. Especially for public broadcasting stations, the programming is always changing, there are new shows every week, and there are often ways for you to get involved. It's another form of entertainment that often gets overlooked.
It's Screen Free
Not much to say here. It's just a big plus to me. I'm trying to take more breaks from screens and make the time I do spend on screens less addictive. I like that I can throw on a radio station and listen to a show without ever having to resist the urge to check email or something.
Vital in Emergencies
Have you thought of how you'd get information during an emergency if the internet goes out? Radio is a great option and still regularly saves lives. In the event of emergencies, local radio stations are often some of the very first people to get information on where shelters are being set up, where resoruces are being distributed, and how to stay safe through the course of the event. Depending on the event, emergency managers will actually bring in radio equipment to keep broadcasting going if there's been damage to a tower and even set up temporary/mobile station up to get the word out if there's not a local station they can partner with.
On days when the weather isn't looking so great, I often have the weather band radio turned on so I can get the latest NWS forecasts and hear when a watch is issued - phones usually only get warnings unless you go out of your way to sign up for more. And out where I live, I usually don't even get those since cell signal is spotty.
It's a great investment in your safety that you can also enjoy whenever.
Buy a radio. Especially if you're looking to get away from subscriptions and cut costs. You can own your radio - you can't own Spotify. It's also just something I think everyone should have since it's such a vital resource in emergencies.
ETA: I am a young millinial. I grew up with radio and remember a time before the internet so I'm not saying any of this as if I'm discovering it. It's more I've been not only enjoying it a lot lately but reminded that a lot of people aren't aware of everything it offers so I wanted to share that in case it was news to anyone.
#I don't know what to tag this#radio#frugal#social sobriety#low screen#no screen#it's just a very good idea okay#cord cutting
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We Are ReliaPet™
As a passionate pet parent, I know firsthand how hard it is to find reliable small pet care advice you can trust. For the last 3 years, I’ve been building ReliaPet™. It’s an ethical website with reliable pet care articles and a cute little shop! The shop has over 15 adorable and practical items perfect for your everyday activities, from unique water bottles to hamster-themed notebooks! ReliaPet currently has care information for rats, hamsters, rabbits, and bettas. On ReliaPet, you’ll find comprehensive articles on various topics, from researching to growing sprouts for your pets! Soon, I will add more species to meet all your pet care needs.
Understanding the reason behind the “what” makes a big difference. So, ReliaPet articles explain what and why so you can make better care decisions.
The pet care community is always evolving. New species entering and standards improving with new science. I regularly review and update our articles to match the corrected care standards you rely on. I realize while I may spend more time doing research than writing the article itself, I can still make mistakes, so your feedback is important. At ReliaPet, our goal is to improve the lives of pets and their families. By educating through free, reliable care and husbandry articles, and making safe pet product recommendations. I’m striving to be different in all the best ways with ReliaPet.
Check out the ReliaPet.net website to learn from our passionate research, and if you love what we do, buy adorable merch from our shop or support us on Ko-Fi! Together, we can make a difference by caring for pets and their families.
#reliapet#pets#petblr#small pets#exotic pets#learning#notebook#hamster#ratblr#rodent#betta splendens#betta fish#bettafish#rabbit#bunny#hare#adorable#website#pet care#fish#science#pet blogging#research#education#awareness#pet care awareness#ko fi#ko fi link#pocket pets
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How They Text the Reader Headcanons
↳ Characters included are Bruno Brucciarati, Leone Abbacchio, and Guido Mista. Gender Neutral Reader with they/them pronouns.
A/n: I’ve always wanted to try my hand at doing x Reader text messages! This was very fun to make, and I do plan to make more of this kind of headcanon list for the rest of Bucciarati’s team.
Warning(s): None.
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Bruno Bucciarati
Bruno’s text messages are straight to the point and utilize proper grammar like the mother he truly is deep down.
Not the type of person to send emoji’s… ever, really. This is because he views texting as a simple tool to use when he can’t just speak to you in person or over a phone call.
However, you prefer the funnier explanation of it actually being because he’s secretly very inept at using technology (this is very much so part of it he just won’t ever say so).
In all honesty, he prefers to call you and hear the sound of your voice more than communicating over text. He’s the type to call in order to converse about whatever mundane thing is on his mind instead of sending a text.
That said, he’s definitely the type to always tell you good morning or wish you goodnight with a sweet text message.
Also, because of his job, he’s often put into long-term situations where calling isn’t exactly ideal. That’s when he’ll text the most; he just wants to check up on you regularly when he can’t be there in person do so! This became especially true after rising to the position of Capo.
His text messages may seem… bland to those unfamiliar with him.
But since you know him as well as you do, they always ring as genuine and an extension of his polite kindness.
Admittedly, it is hard to argue against the fact that his straightforward style of text often leads to misunderstandings. This is due to his sometimes unreadable tone:
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/36dfa4d74bcb637ed5fa311a62a37ff9/ad6f7085a480aba5-cf/s1280x1920/4c0b5a1b5fd3bc246e38ce77901cb6ca42ff1dee.jpg)
Leone Abbacchio
Hardly ever texted you at the beginning.
Since the two of you started going out, he’s gotten a bit better, though. Before, he was very adamant that if he has something to say, he’ll wait when he’s face-to-face with you.
But when he eventually let it slip that he often forgets what he even wants to talk to you about, you slowly began getting him to text you more.
Arguably the best method of doing so is to get him to tell you about something he feels strongly about. Whether it’s something positive like asking him about the music he’s been listening to recently, or it’s something more devilish like bringing up subjects that really bother him.
Leone is at least very reliable.
Meaning that, although he doesn’t often start a conversation over text himself, he will respond to you reasonably quick.
Tease him by claiming it’s because he has a soft spot for you and he won’t text for an entire day (you know he loves you).
He also prefers to use proper grammar and punctuation in his texts. That said, Leone does use emojis (usually just to express disappointment) and sometimes can seem more expressive in text than he is in actual conversation.
One sweet thing he does over text is that he always sends you a message after he makes it home after a particularly dangerous mission, informing you that he’s safe. He knows you worry, and although he often puts up a front claiming it’s annoying, he truly does take note of that concern.
Abbacchio’s just not completely used to having someone like you in his life who holds a special concern for him. He is adjusting; slow and steady.
And although he forms the habit of texting you more, it’s you and only you he has the energy to do this for (outside of probably Bruno). This leads to other’s on Bucciarati’s team to text you when they want to get a hold of him:
Guido Mista
Real talkative over text, especially in the evening after he’s finished with his dinner. He’s pretty expressive and uses a decent amount of emojis.
Will plop down on his couch with an exaggerated bounce, pull out his phone, only with the purpose of talking to you and doing nothing else on the device.
The two of you actually had to work on how late you’d stay up texting one another.
Hours disappearing in the blink of an eye and leaving you both extra tired the next morning. And on occasions that it was decided to take the conversation into a call… it’s easy to see why you both have slept in late more than once.
Although not as frequently as someone like Narancia, Mista will send memes every now and then. Not only that, but he always replies to the ones you send him.
He prefers to send you embarrassing or funny pictures of others in the group over memes, though. You’ve seen photos of Abbacchio and Fugo in particular that Mista could honestly use as blackmail.
This has bitten him in the butt quite a bit, though.
After discovering Mista’s been doing this, the others now send you every single unfavorable image they own of the gunslinger. Even Bruno’s sent his fair share.
And although Mista often forgets to say good morning to you through text, he always says goodnight to you.
Not only that, but Mista will text right after he’s completed with a mission. Although a bit of a goofball, he always takes work seriously, and will leave you on delivered on hours at a time depending on what he’s up to. But the minute things have calmed, he’s letting you know.
Mista will certainly ask one of his common out-of-pocket questions designed to get a conversation going via a text message.
This isn’t a bad thing per se, except for the fact that he has a bad habit of doing so at three in the morning.
Even still, they’re not the weirdest variation of texts you’ve ever received from him:
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/92ec8cffc4a65f5497b4913582668a4a/ad6f7085a480aba5-06/s1280x1920/0cd6f4a80c6cd75d4cee53991d7a5368ef829606.jpg)
#johnny’s work#jjba#jojo’s bizarre adventure#vento auero#golden wind#bruno bucciarati#bruno bucellati x reader#leone abbacchio#abbacchio x reader#guido mista#mista x reader#narancia ghirga#pannacotta fugo#giorno giovanna#headcanons#fluff#fake texts
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Hello lovelies! I hope you’re doing well today! Today, I bring you a different type of reading featuring an extended 18+ version. Since the extended reading option was the winner of my latest poll, I am really happy and excited to release this. Thank you so much for your endless support, I love you guys very much and I hope you’re having a wonderful week! ♡
follow me on my socials. youtube ✨ instagram
none of the images are mine unless stated otherwise
how to choose your pile. take deep breaths for a few minutes & look at each and every one of the piles separately. see which one brings you to a feeling, a place or a memory. take your time and feel free to come back to it later.
♡ ♡ ♡ pick a card masterlist & information
disclaimer. this is a general reading for entertainment purposes. tarot is a divination tool & is not a substitute for medical and professional advice, nor is it meant to be taken as such. i do not take responsibility for any choice(s) made by you or others regarding my readings.
amourdivine. 2021 - 2023 © do not copy, redistribute or edit my content.
judgement • page of wands • nine of cups • two of cups
Scorpio energy here - either one of you may have Scorpio in 6th, a stellium the 6th or perhaps you’re Pluto dominant. It’s a significant planet here. Your love for one another on a day-to-day basis will shine through in the way you handle the adversities thrown your way, how you wake up each day with excitement and gratitude for what’s to come. It may have been difficult for the two of you to finally come together, but I see two people waking up with extreme gratitude for getting to be with one another. It’s honestly quite sweet, you’ll feel as if all the roads have led you to this person, to spend your life with them in the big and the small moments.
The love will be shown in the stressful moments, hand holding when one’s having a crisis, calming down one another and facing the challenges together. For example, if you’re regularly waking up to nightmares, your person will calm you down, they’ll accompany you to a doctor’s appointment and do their best to ensure you have good dreams.I heard “through thick and thin” - you’ll be doing and planning everything together. You’ll be in sync, so if one’s doing the groceries, the other will be picking up the kids from school. It has a feeling of telepathy to it, like your thoughts and emotions will be picked up on by the other. It’ll be a very teammate-y kind of couple, the couple that does not let the other go without support. You’ll be very present in each other’s day to day lives and there’s an element of fun to it as well, of trying to keep things lighthearted and romantic as well, like going on weekly dates, making sure to lighten up each other’s mood, check in often and give keep the love alive through these small gestures, consistently.
Speaking of consistently, that’s how I envision your daily life with your FS, through constant commitment, effort, gifts and displays of affection. Your relationship will be a safe foundation for your daily lives, regardless of what happens, it will be so present that you won’t ever feel alone or doubt your FS’s love for you.
channeled song: Colors of Your Mood by Between Giants.
the sun • seven of wands • four of cups • the empress
Your daily life will have a lot of happy, positive elements. A lot of Leo and Libra here. You’ll make one another laugh a lot, cheer each other up. This person may be or may have been your best friend. I see an element of “inner child” here, a lot of dancing, giggling and nurturing one another. In your daily life, your person may help you stand your ground and you’ll be each other’s biggest cheerleader. Compliments and cheeky ways of flirting are ways where you’ll keep the flame alive, fighting together for a better future as well - you’ll stand up for one another a lot. If someone treats you poorly, like say, you’re walking by and you get catcalled or someone disrespects you at a grocery shop line, your person will say something. You’ll also naturally take on this role as well, because you’ll want to spoil one another a lot and fight to keep your love “young”. Perhaps family members or loved ones will be opposed to this relationship and the both of you will feel the need to prove everyone wrong, to show that you’re each other’s person and it’s the final say.
You will fight off the boredom of routine by keeping everything interesting and unusual. You may travel a lot with one another before having kids or prioritize your relationship’s success and joy above everything else. Even if the two of you don’t have much money, I feel like you’ll be very creative and come up with different ideas to spark up your joy. Both of you may intensely dislike routine or boredom, so you’ll make sure that neither one of you is left unattended, unsatisfied or lonely. I also feel that either one of you may have slightly jealous tendencies towards the other, so it’ll be important for the two of you to never leave it unaddressed or dismissed, but I think it’ll be mostly harmless and may make one of you pouty, which the other will find cute. I see a lot of spoiling here, not just material, like I mentioned, but showering each other in love every single day, especially through words of affirmation and a lot of cuddling. This is the pile of the clingy, obsessed-with-each-other couple. Quite adorable, to be honest. You won’t be afraid of the PDA.
Random message, but if you have any motherly or love wounds, I think you’ll be able to heal through the love you receive from this person on a day to day basis. As if you’ll come at ease and your heart will finally rest once the days pass you by and you realize your marriage is not like your parents”.
channeled song: Chateau by Angus & Julia Stone.
the hermit • queen of wands • ace of pentacles • seven of cups
Your daily life will be busy in the pursuit of better opportunities. I think this person will encourage you to be your most authentic self with them. They’ll make you feel confident and in your power. This pile is giving me “power couple” vibes, like two people who own a business together and work tirelessly to make their dreams come true. It may be hard for you two to distinguish between one person’s dreams vs. the other, since you’ll both have very similar goals that will be aligned in the way you make choices. Your daily life together seems to be one full of really important decisions; you’re both perfectionists - and sometimes you’ll need each other’s push to simply do something instead of striving for perfection. I heard “done is better than perfect”. I also think you’ll both pursue a lot of intellectual stimuli together, maybe go to the movies or the theater together, museums and libraries. It seems that your daily lives will be very private, exclusive to the two of you, you may be the couple who doesn’t post much on social media but the people speak of a lot. I get the feeling you’re both important people, as I mentioned.
You may be in the public eye in some way. I’m guessing it has to do with your occupations. You can count on each other to only speak the best of one another. I think you and your FS will have a deep sense of loyalty and commitment that will naturally bleed into your day-to-day interactions and conversations. You’ll be the couple who plans the smallest of things together. It’s possible the two of you have similar placements or complementary ones, because the synastry here seems very easygoing, like it just flows naturally and two people are very committed to making it work, regardless. Even on a day-to-day basis, you’ll have interesting topics to talk about and you may be the kind of couple who ask each other’s opinions for everything, not out of codependency, but because they know that their FS has always something interesting to say. I see you spending time together in a more “lowkey” way. Your ways of demonstrating love to one another will be subtle but thoughtful, perhaps only noticeable to the two of you, almost like you’ve developed a secret language to speak to one another. You will get each other like no one else. Very clever and sweet.
channeled song: Cardigan by Taylor Swift.
two of cups • four of wands • two of pentacles • ace of swords
Most of your day-to-day lives will be spent maintaining and looking after your stability, pile four. Regardless of how many times I shuffled, messages about money kept coming out. I think it’s possible you’ll either marry into wealth or become fairly wealthy after marriage and I feel like most of your routine will revolve around making healthy financial decisions with your FS. I think the two of you will be very, very protective over your family. Another message I got was about children, I think you’ll have plenty of them. It’s coming on very strongly that you’re possibly having big family - like three to five children, if that resonates for you, of course. I see it as a bit of a chaotic, but pleasant daily life regardless. Even if you’re busy looking after all that you have, I think you’ll aim to leave a good legacy behind and that will show early on in your marriage. You’ll be concerned about making good choices not only for the now, but for the future as well. You’re both very smart, witty people. I feel like you may also have a joint bank account, or some other way of holding each other accountable and looking after your material gains. I don’t see any “controlling” behavior here, but more so two people who are enthusiastic about how far they’ve come and how far they can go.
You’re both super hard workers as well. Honestly, it’s possible you may not spend as much time with them as you want to, but I think even when you’re away for a few hours, running errands or working, you’ll miss them. It’s got a feeling of two people who have never fallen out of love. I think you’ll be smitten with them for a very, very long time. I think you’ll also become an example of a healthy couple for your children as well. I’m sorry children are coming up so strongly (lol), but the energy of being busy, loving parents here is very obvious to me. You might become overwhelmed or overburdened by responsibilities at times, because I see here two people who sort of thrive in chaotic or busy environments and at times, you may have to delegate tasks or ask other family members for help. I think either one of you has always dreamt of building a big family and now that you have it, you want to do everything in your power to protect it, to cherish it. One or both of you is a natural provider and wants to give your loved ones all the best things in the world.
channeled song: Still The One by Shania Twain.
amourdivine. 2021 - 2023 © do not copy, redistribute or edit my content.
#tarotblr#pick a card#tarot reading#pick a card reading#pac reading#tarot#future spouse#future spouse reading#tarot readers#tarot cards#tarotcommunity#tarot readings#pick a pile#tarot pick a pile#pick a picture#divination#spirituality#divine counterpart#*
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The game is on indefinite hiatus.
[Current word count without code: 11465 with two branches]
Life is unpredictable.
You have just been to your first party, with hope for a different, better, and more social future, but instead of waking up with a hangover, you wake up 13 months of coma later, severely ill and with no chance to build the life you wanted to live.
Confined at home, confined to the night by your medication, deprived of outside contact to keep stress away from you, and with food that tastes like iron, all you have is your loving family and the small village they have moved to during your long sleep.
The house is old, dilapidated, the neighbours unfriendly and distant, looking at you with strange eyes, whispering whenever you see them, treating you like your illness is contagious.
But why has your family never taken you to the hospital for a checkup? Since when do hospital doctors make frequent home visits, and only when their patient isn’t conscious?
What would happen if you open the curtains they tell you to keep closed?
The game is intended for a mature audience.
Self-harm (for a reason)
Dysfunctional relationships
And many more.
Depending on the route you take, Cailean, your character, can not be said to be an innocent or good person, please make sure that you are okay with playing a non-human MC who might act accordingly.
Mending Yesterday pairs folk believes, old elements, and lore from different media, with Vampyr lifestyle to create a modern portrayal of vampires that retains the classic feel yet gives it a more down-to-earth presentation.
You take the place of an established character and turn the tale into your very own, form the adventure and how the protagonist faces his new reality.
Will you change Cailean’s behaviour over the course of the story, develop a new personality for your new life, or will you cling to your old self despite the consequences it could have?
Will you keep to yourself and your loved ones, build something new to spend your long life, or get involved in a struggle that isn’t yours? How will others see you, who are your friends and foes? Do you stick to those who are seemingly safe, or will you place your own judgement?
The game doesn’t give you an overpowered protagonist, you aren’t the chosen one, won’t save the world or change it in any meaningful way.
You are just a 19-year-old young man being in the wrong place at the wrong time, all you can do is live your own life that, in the grand scheme of eternity, is nothing but a fleeting picture.
Taking place in a fictional village in Ireland, the game takes a step away from the Urban-Vampire trope and focuses on dynamics commonly found in, very, rural places.
While I have abstained from using phonetics to make it easier for people not familiar with the country, selected sayings and use of words have been kept to preserve the feeling.
Mending Yesterday is most and foremost a horror-drama, character-driven and story-heavy, not a dating game. The only romantic candidate (male) is a central character and the relationship with him greatly influences the plot instead of being flavour or a sidenote; you can stay distant, friendly, close or even loving, all four options significantly shape your personal story.
Being a family-person, you will have to keep an eye on your parents and brother, how you react to the changes in your life, respond to situations, and how you treat them has a direct impact on how your adventure will go.
A character and relationship focused narrative requires you to think twice about how you interact with others, pay attention not only to yourself but those you meet, decide wisely about how to treat them and with whom you want to be close with.
There are relationship-stats you can and should check regularly, for they keep track not only of your bonds but could give you valuable information, yet they won’t ever tell you clearly what they mean.
Just like in real life, people aren’t open books.
Every choice you have to make is meaningful, it either changes or determines something important; you won’t be continuously prompted to make decisions. The game doesn’t bother with flavour.
Routes are roughly equally long, with several endings dedicated players can try to find.
Cailean Morrison, whose place you take, is a 19-year-old geriatric-psychology freshman. Calm, quiet, and slightly distant, he was never good at making connections and even worse at maintaining them. He loves his family above all else, has a good heart, and is very fond of older folks.
James Morrison, Cailean’s father, 46 years old, family lawyer. He’s a sensible, somewhat emotional person, bad at dealing with negative experiences, and generally a kind soul.
Aileen Morrison, Cailean’s mother, 44 years old, elementary school teacher. While she loves her family and students, she can be very strict and vengeful, knows how to stay calm in difficult situations, and often keeps her emotions to herself.
Alfred Morrison, Cailean’s brother, 24 years old, investment banker. Although he was wild in his youth, he’s hardworking and cunning, and while usually perceived as friendly, he has well-hidden sharp edges and a ruthless nature.
Choices will determine which talent you are proficient in, while some increases might be obvious, others are hidden behind story-progression.
You can’t fail skill-checks, instead they will change the story depending either on which talent you are most versed in, or if you are generally lacking - and they might have an impact on how other characters feel about you.
The game is in active development. Planed additions include more visual elements, incidental music, and a compendium that tracks information the player has found (coming in the Chapter 1 update). As a solo dev who does everything by himself, music and visuals are not my priority and will be included only in major updates.
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I love your art so much!!! I've also been starting to paint with gouache, and I'd love to know a little more about your process! What kind of paints do you use, do you sketch first or start with paint, do you paint in layers over several day or all at once?
Hi and thank you! I hope you don't mind me answering this publicly and apologies for length, but:
Supplies: I use winsor and newton gouache and arches cold press paper blocks, usually 140 lbs (the lime green ones) and sometimes 300 lbs (the teal green ones). Even though this paper comes pre-stretched in blocks, I actually take the sheets off and stretch them myself because I've found arches' glue isn't as strong as it used to be. This is how you get watercolor paper to lay flat! I recommend youtubing some videos on how to do it -- there's a lot of great tutorials out there. Also, I use princeton brushes, and kraft paper tape and these boards to stretch my paper. (these aren't affiliate links, I just shop at blick)
A word about art supplies: these are the exact tools I use but everyone uses supplies differently and two people with the exact same supplies might get different results! A lot of it is about what works for you and what you like, so I always suggest that gouache/watercolor beginners just buy a few tubes from a couple of different paint companies and some small pieces of paper from different manufacturers to see what you like. Just changing one ingredient in the above has created massively different results for me, but maybe that'll end up being something you'd like! The first step in learning a new medium imo is to play. Just have fun!
ALSO: gouache isn't super light permanent, check your tubes for which ones hold up to sunlight. Here is winsor and newton's color chart explaining which ones will fade when exposed to sunlight -- all manufacturers will give you this. I only use the colors rated A and AA, and I still frame my pieces with UV glass just to be safe. Not all gouache is re-wettable, but winsor and newton is. I just put it in my palettes and refill my palettes if it runs low. AND SOME PAINT IS TOXIC. A lot of paints have cadmium and cobalt in them. I don't use any of the toxic colors, but if you do, make sure you don't eat while working and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards. This information is also usually available on manufacturer's websites. As more people are rejecting cadmium paint, you'll see more tubes labeled things like cadmium-free yellow. This is why. More artists should be aware that their tools can be dangerous. You don't need that many tubes of paint to begin, just a warm and cool red, warm and cool yellow, warm and cool blue, white and black. I have around 50 colors and use 20 regularly. I always mix all my colors myself, and never use straight tube paint. Most of my colors have about 5-6 different tube colors mixed together. If you use re-wettable paint a tube of paint will last you years; even as a professional I only buy new paints every 5 years or so.
Process: I ALWAYS start with a sketch first. Not everyone has to, but because I do illustration work -- where sometimes a client gets input on a drawing -- I always do a lot of preliminary work before I even begin to paint. At this point, even my personal work usually involves the exact same process:
I start with a 3" or so thumbnail that I scan (left; I traced it quickly digtally for clarity to myself here) and then either clean up digitally or print out and clean up traditionally with tracing paper (right):
Then I scan the cleaned sketch in and color rough it digitally (left, this was for a gallery show, so no one had to approve my color roughs, so it's messy!) then I transfer my sketch to my paper (with either carbon transfer paper or a light table), stretch my paper, and paint (right):
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/e17c725c7842320a1be11742d144d3a2/9543b46288f4061b-5a/s540x810/d57b5bef5feaef8db64d72eed2e517b54d968934.jpg)
I obviously changed my mind about the color of the ribbon in the trees, ha, and made everything a lot more vibrant. The benefit again of gallery work is no pre-approval!
You are correct, I paint in a series of washes, going from lightest to darkest, where I apply the same color beneath all shapes that are the same warmth (cools under all upcoming cools, warms under all upcoming warms). I paint a piece usually in one or two days, depending on complexity. I didn't take pictures of the above painting, but here's a different painting to show you a little bit what I mean:
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/43492cce1ac06d2230ad8b5cf56320ed/9543b46288f4061b-ee/s540x810/054cd9622de7e0b864a66a709003c07850257b0c.jpg)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/bab8ab44724270dc828729e365fe6d1b/9543b46288f4061b-80/s540x810/a5eea50a899487112e1e80b95a6fa02bfae3ef56.jpg)
I painted the peach color under everything (and twice for skin tones), and the gray color of the sky under everything that would be grayish (the rocks, trees, her pants, her skirt, and coat). I do this to stop me from getting darker lines where two different colors butt up against each other, and also for color harmony. I have step by step photos of this in my process stories highlight on my instagram; also check my FAQ and tip highlights for more info on all this stuff. Most pieces take around 25-30 washes before I start adding in the details (sometimes I add in face details early though because if I mess those up it's not worth finishing the rest of the painting! 😅)
All this might seem like a lot of work (...it is) but I do it so that I can show clients previews of the final piece and so I don't have to repaint the finals. I also used to pre-test all of my washes on scrap paper like this:
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/53dfa0e8d2ac677bc518e1eb2cf315cf/9543b46288f4061b-08/s500x750/a8ec35a7bfa9beac32efa17e33addd4f7d9a72c1.jpg)
I still recommend doing this if you're just beginning! But at this point I only do it when testing techniques because I know my paints really well. (the above was my test for the pine boughs in this piece)
Painting by far is the longest part of the process, so I do more work up front to not have to do it twice. Every piece takes about 6-24 hrs of actual work time to produce. Stretching watercolor paper takes about 24 hrs to dry, and because I sell most of my originals in galleries, they need to be flawless, so planning ahead is useful and in the end saves me time.
And to conclude this novel of an explanation, don't be overwhelmed by all the information I've given you! I put it here so that people at various stages of their artistic journey can maybe find something useful in it. But seriously, the first step to learning how to paint whether it's traditionally or digitally is just to have fun. Try it out, see what's working and what isn't, and then try to solve specific issues that you're struggling with. I've been doing this for a loooooong time at this point, but here's my first watercolor piece from when I was re-teaching myself how to paint traditionally nine years ago:
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f1f7c39c12b6e742a341e1b661370870/9543b46288f4061b-e6/s540x810/7ae02e89ffc16f60c739ae5288841d47dc40a34e.jpg)
Obviously, I was destined for greatness. Ha, yeah, no. If you scroll back through my tumblr archive, you can see me learning how to use these paints in real time. And keep in mind that I'd been working digitally for years before then, and years before that where I didn't post my work online at all.
So for anyone who needs to hear it: there's no such thing as talent, just hard work, patience, and trying again and again and again...and sometimes again. What I do is a skill and anyone can learn it. Sometimes, progress is slow. I'm 38. I only really feel like my art was half-way decent starting a few years ago, but I've been making art my entire life, and I went to art school at 18. 20 years later I'm kind of figuring it out.
The best advice I can give, whether it's about art or not, is find the thing you love so much that you'll keep at it even when you suck at it, because most skills you'll suck at to begin with -- and perhaps for a long time. I sucked at art for yeeeaaaaarrrrs. On top of the usual learning curve, I struggled with fine motor control and dexterity. But I loved it so much I kept trying every time I failed. If I can do it, so can all of you, no matter what stage of art you're at now, and no matter how old you are.
Anyway, thank you to those still reading this deep in. I wish you all the best on your artistic journey. Art can kick your butt sometimes, but it's also pretty dang rewarding 💛
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Welcome to my blog! Glad you decided to drop by💛
In this post, you will find links to all of my series specific masterlists. I regularly update my masterlists as I post, so feel free to check back frequently for new work! Additionally, I've posted some general information about my blog below the cut!
💛 My ask box is always open! Few things make me happier than receiving asks, whether it's about my writing, fandom topics, or anything else you wanna get off your chest
💛 I'm always willing to hear requests, but that does not mean your request will be getting. Aside from the writing I publish on here, I also write for both school & work, and so I only take on requests that I'm inspired by. Please don't take this personally!
who i write for:
💛 The Last Kingdom, House of the Dragon, Spider-Verse, Daredevil, and Stranger Things
important notes:
💛 Reblogs & comments mean the world to fic writers. Likes are appreciated, but i especially love hearing feedback (both good and bad)
💛 Some of my work isn't appropriate for all ages. To be safe, I label all of my work as 18+. If you're interacted with my posts and don't have an 18+ age in your bio, you will be blocked
💛 A lot of my works contain dark or taboo themes. Because of this, the content in my writing may be triggering for some. I do my best to label everything appropriately, but if you think there is something in my work that needs an additional warning, please reach out! But, as always: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!
series masterlist links
🕷️ Includes TASM!Peter & Harry, MCU!Peter, & multi-chapter fics
🐦⬛ Includes Kaz Brekker
⚔️ Includes Aegon II Targaryen, Benjicot Blackwood, Aeron Bracken, Gwayne Hightower, Criston Cole
🛡️ Includes Finan the Agile
🖤 Includes Matt Murdock
🌻 Includes Jonathan Byers
cute little sun divider by @saradika-graphics 💛
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(Trying to make sense in the Simeon human >> demon pipeline. Very Headcsnnon heavy post so be warned)
Simeon steals the Ring of light and gets told off by Michael. Michael enters panic mode because that means Simeon messed up with a human life spawn and he would be punished/banished for this
(Reminder that in the conversation with Michael in S2OG, he mentions how If he would have been more like MC, things would have gone different and he wouldn't have lose Lucifer/his brothers. So in a way, trying to stop Simeon from falling/being punished Is his "second chance" on doing everything right)
The punishment for messing with a human life spawn Is basically being forced to wander through darkness for all eternity (both NB & OG mention different punishments for Lilith, my rule Is that the newer version it's whats considered canon unless stated otherwise), and going against the CR in general Is losing your angel status and become a fallen angel. So Simeon punishment was odd since the start
To stop the whole process of Simeon becoming a fallen angel, Michael turns Simeon into a human. In that way, Simeon doesn't have enough magic to go throught the whole metamorphosis. Also explains why he was defenseless for the whole S4OG
S3 happens and Simeon Is "human" the whole time. Probably in the same way that MC Is human (that they can see that he's not a regular human and has a supernatural origin, but still pretty weak by himself)
Raphael regularly checks on him for the whole S3, he was probably keep in the dark about how bad the situation situation Is, judging by his actitude in L48NB
S4 Happens and Raphael gets into the exchange program, to keep Simeon safe and to inform Michael about whatever changes he may be going through. Luke also says that Michael asks him more about Simeon so it's probably that Simeon being human just was a way to gain more time to fix the whole issue
** The whole Nightbringer/Time traveling arc happens (S1 & S2 of NB), not a lot happened here since the time barely moved in the present
They return to the present, Solomon cast a protective spell on Simeon and that's where everyone starts to see that something Is going on with Simeon. My theory Is that now Simeon has enough magic in himself to "transform"
(Also: Simeon apparently still has hidden power within himself, even after becoming "human" but tbh that's makes everything more confusing. Sry Solomon)
** Something that I found interesing Is that 7 Lessons after L41, this lesson was the one they choose to make reference to the past. Solomon references his time with MC in Cocytus hall. Does this mean something? Probably not. But I'm still on the cracktheory that Simeon & Nightbringer are in this together.
#obey me#obey me nightbringer#obey me raphael#obey me simeon#obey me michael#post0400#hasta aquí mi reporte joaquin#probably is the devs retconning shit but I want to have faith. can you blame a man for still believing things can be good??#cringe post. sry#idk if I forgot something. it has been a long time since I played S3 & S4#this is me trying to connect the dots pf the whole thing lol#because obviously they are going to retconn stuff to make it work#but tbh Simeon being a demon >>>> Simeon being a human idc idc#I can excuse plotholes if at least it's better than the alternative. and they barely did anything with human!Simeon#so nothing of value was lost I think
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The new fic was wonderful, I cant get enough of Em and Max I hope you never stop writing about them! That being said, I'm curious, would you write about one (or all four!) Times Max had to run around a city looking for Emelia?
Okay I’m sorry about how this turned out 🫣 I know in the fic it referenced that Max didn’t know there was a problem and only found out once she left but I am taking some artistic license with this being one of the four times! Don’t hate me 🫠
I did actually start a different one featuring Emilia’s dad so I may finish that one and we will get a funnier/more on brand instance of Emilia running away but…I hope you enjoy this one in the meantime!
✨Set in September 2021✨
They nicknamed her “The Bolter”
Max watches the sunrise in total, deafening silence. He thinks at some point he gets up to feed the cats. He thinks, but he isn’t sure. He’s so tired. His eyes are watering. It’s not tears. He can’t sleep. He wants to. He doesn’t want to. It doesn’t matter if he wants to, he can’t. He can’t sleep knowing you’re not home. He can’t sleep not knowing you’re safe.
He looks at his phone again. He has it on loud and on vibrate but he still checks. Still hopes.
Daniel: Did you hear from her?
Lando: She’s not answering me sorry
Clara Albizzi: You fucked up
That last one makes me feel sick. He did fuck up. He knew the second he’d said it. The way your face just fell and you couldn’t look at him. The way your shoulders hunched over.
You’re the reason she’s not here!
You hadn’t even packed a bag. Hadn’t even taken keys for a car. You’d just picked up the shoes that were lying in the hallway and left.
And he’d let you.
It had taken everything in him to stand still and let you leave, even as the fear set in. Fear that smelled like freshly cut grass and petrol. Fear that felt like crisp night air. Fear that looked like headlights in the dark.
The restraint had only last a few minutes.
You had blocked him, of course. So he’d called your friends. He’d ended up calling half of Monaco including more drivers than he ever spoke to regularly. Everyone denied hearing from you. He’d actually driven to Daniel’s to confirm his story that he wasn’t home. Max wondered more than once if you’d earned more loyalty from his colleagues than he had. Even if one of them was lying to him, at least you were safe.
But he couldn’t take the chance that you really hadn’t ended up at someone’s place. You didn’t have you bag with you, or even comfortable shoes. You couldn’t pay for a cab. It was that thought that had sent him to the Hotel de Paris. It was your favourite hotel in town, you even checked in for staycations sometimes. They would have your information, so you wouldn’t even need a credit card. The receptionist had refused to tell him if you were staying there - illegal, apparently - but something about his appearance must have incurred her sympathy, because she’d said that they hadn’t had any unexpected guests.
That had sent him to Sass Café. A long shot, because you didn’t usually self medicate alone, but he’d tried anyway. Fifty times he thought he’d seen you across the room as he’d weaved his way through the hoards of people. Normally he could spot you anywhere but when all he wanted was to see you he’d seen you everywhere.
By the time he’d got home, some time in the wee hours, Max could feel himself starting to shut down. As he’d called your name to no response and checked your room to find it empty, he could feel himself starting to get cold. He’d sat down on the couch, intending to think about what he was going to do next, but the thoughts had started to get away from him. The memories of the last twelve hours began to fold in on themselves, becoming smaller and squarer and so too did the feelings. The anger, the frustration, the panic, the disappointment, it all got more manageable, packing itself away in the corner in his mind that Max had so often found himself hiding in.
Even the fear had gone. The fear had gone somewhere around 5.30 am, when the darkness started to wane. As he sat on the couch and watched the sky go from black to blue to the colour of the dress you wore to Luka’s christening, his leg stopped shaking, his fists unclenched, and the tightness in his chest disappeared.
Finally, emotions had given way to a familiar and encompassing emptiness. Max just felt numb.
You’re the reason she’s not here!
What had he even been so angry about? He could almost laugh at himself. He hadn’t been angry. He’d been embarrassed. You’d told him you’d found underwear that wasn’t yours in the washing machine and he’d been so fucking embarrassed. And then he’d thought, what did he have to embarrassed about, and he decided in a split second it must be because you were judging him, and who were you to judge him when you were the reason he was fucking random girls in the first place. His relationship had ended because of you.
You’re the reason she’s not here!
Except you weren’t the reason. Not really. It had been Max’s choice and he knew that. Max needed you more than he’d wanted her and he had never once regretted that choice, although wherever you were, you probably thought he did.
He almost wishes he could feel all of it. Whatever it is that’s been forced under the surface because he can’t deal with it. He can’t feel anything. His eyes are sore and unfocused and they sting.
He drags a hand over his face. He should do something. Get flowers, or call the police, or…anything. But he doesn’t. His limbs don’t move. He just sits there…like he’s waiting for someone to pick him up.
You’ve got to come back.
Don’t worry, Max. They always come back. You’ll apologise. You’ll do better next time.
His eyes water again. This time it might be tears.
Somewhere behind him, one of the cats meows. Maybe he didn’t feed them after all.
At the sound of your voice, Max’s head turns so fast his neck hurts. He blinks furiously at the sight of you. For a second he thinks he’s imagining you.
“I brought strudel,” you say, holding up a small folded pastry box.
Max gets up before his he tells himself to. He wants to pull you into his arms, the urge to do it is the only thing he’s felt in hours, but stays still. You’re back, but that doesn’t mean he’s forgiven.
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere,” he says. His voice sounds hoarse.
“Not everywhere, clearly,” you say with a shrug.
“I went to Sass, Daniel’s, I called Lando, Alex, Clara, Zita,” he says, as if trying to prove that he’d tried. “I went to the hotel to see if you were there. I’ve been around the whole city all night, I didn’t sleep,”
You look a little sheepish, almost guilty, as you make your way to the kitchen. Max follows, too far behind for his liking but he’s still too scared to get closer.
He sits on one side of the island and you stand on the other. He really takes in your appearance now. Hair up, no make up. Wearing a pyjama shirt. Where the fuck did you get pyjamas? He doesn’t care. His eyes run over you one more time. He might never let you out of his sight again.
“Don’t scare me like that,” Max admonishes, though there is no strength behind his words.
“Don’t piss me off like that,” you retort, and there’s strength behind yours.
The look you give him cuts like second place, and he looks away. He looks out to the balcony. The sky is cobalt now. What time is it?
“Did you mean it?” You whisper into the silence.
Max looks at you now. “No.”
“No.” This time it’s an oath.
You shake your head as you open the pastry box. “Max, you obviously kind of meant it,” you say, turning to pick up two plates from the counter. “And I don’t blame you. I know I’m the reason you and-“
“You’re not the reason,” Max insists. “She’s the reason. She thought…she made that choice. And yeah, a part of me is still angry about it, and I cannot talk to her so I took it out on you. That wasn’t right and I’m sorry. I don’t know why I even- I’m sorry. It was my fault,”
Take responsibility. It’s your fault. You caused this to happen. If you don’t like the outcome then stop making people angry.
“I’m sorry,” he says again, quieter this time. Even to his own ear it sounds a little more desperate.
You stare at him, eyes narrow, like you’re trying to read him, and Max almost flinches under the scrutiny. Finally, your face softens, and you sigh. Something in your posture eases.
“Max, it’s okay,” you say gently. “People fight. I just felt like shit and you know how I get. You’re fight, I’m flight, remember? I was…anyway, it doesn’t matter. We’re okay, right?”
“Yeah,” Max says. “Of course.”
You don’t look like you believe him, but he’s telling the truth. If you’re okay, then he’s okay. If you’re there, then he’s okay. If you’re home then that’s where he wants to be.
You shuffle around the island with two plates of strudel, padding on bare feet towards the living room with Max in hot pursuit.
“Where did you go?” He asks, now noticing that not even your shorts are the ones you left in last night.
“The Maybourne,” you explain, settling on the corner of the couch, legs outstretched. “The concierge gave me some spa pjs,”
Max takes a seat next to you, further than normal but closer than he’s been to you in what feels like forever.
“I’ll pay you back for the room,” he says with a rueful smile.
“Yeah, I think you will,” you say haughtily, and Max forced himself to laugh. There must be something in his expression that tips you off, though, because your face falls. “I’m sorry I left,”
Please don’t ever do that again.
The words are on the tip of his tongue but he swallows them. He doesn’t ask. He can’t. He has no right to ask you that, because no one can ever promise not to leave and he can’t promise to be worth staying for.
“It’s not the first time,” Max says with a chuckle, nudging you with his elbow. “I’m used to it by now,”
You roll your eyes and turn on the tv, flipping through to find the Moto GP race as Max yawns. The buzz he felt at your return is wearing off and the exhaustion is creeping up on him. He doesn’t want to sleep yet, though. Not when you’re still in his periphery. It’s stupid, but some part of him needs to be consciously in your presence for a while.
“Max, you can go to bed, if you want. I know you didn’t sleep,”
“No,” he says, a bit too quickly. He imagines that he blushes when you notice. His cheeks certainly burn. “I’m just….I’m fine here.”
You reach over to pick up a pillow and lay it on your lap. “At least lie down,” you say, patting the pillow like you do to get one of the cats to sit on you. Max hesitates, but only for a moment, because he’d do just about anything you told him right now.
He settles his head on the pillow, eyes fixed on the tv. He used to do this with his mum, he remembers. The first night joke after being with his dad for months, she’d put on a movie and Max would lay his head in her lap while they watched. He doesn’t think he’s ever told you that.
Your hand running through his hair is like a little jolt of energy, somewhere above him he hears you giggle at the shiver that goes through him. You don’t stop, though, finger massaging his scalp. It quiets all of his nerve endings.
“You need a haircut,” you tell him. He knows what you’re doing, but he can’t bring himself to care. As long as it’s you doing it.
“Yeah,” Max agrees. It’s the last thing he says before he finally falls asleep.
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Hello 🤗 I was wondering what kinda rules do you think Asa would have set for one of his pets? I imagine he'd be really particular about them giving him respect and being submissive, but do you think he has a concrete set of written rules or more of a general guideline of what he expects. Idk of that made sense lol.
What rules does Asa have for his pet/SO? (NSFW)
Asa Emory x gn!Reader
Trigger warning for power/bdsm dynamics and general Asa Emory things.
Requests are open!
This is a super fun ask omg! I love love love talking abt what kind of dom Asa is so I’m so happy with this request!
Honourifics- honourifics are always to be used when addressing or replying to asa. Sir, master are used regularly. If you really want to rile him up then daddy or Mister work prefect, the perversity of it doing something animalistic to him. Calling Asa God or “my God” will draw out his more sadistic egotistical side, tell him how you’re only committed to him, your life is in his hands and you’re nothing but the ground beneath him. Lave over his heavy leather boots in worship.
Collars and marking- collars are worn daily, taken off at night so you can sleep comfortably and not risk choking (he wants to be the one doing the choking ; ) ) if you’re uncomfortable with a full collar then a daytime collar can be worn, usually a chain of some sort with your name tag and return information on it. “Cricket, property of The Collection, if lost return to Asa Emory”
Respect- disrespect will not be tolerated, talking back or lashing out will end in punishment, it depends how severe the offence was. Ignoring him or muttering a rude comment under your breath might earn you a single slap to the ass to correct you in the moment. Having a smart mouth the whole day will have worse consequences and may require a scene to be planned and negotiated prior.
Scenes - your BDSM relationship with Asa is a 24/7 dynamic, this means all the planning and communication comes with it. You use the traffic light system, green for good/continue, yellow for slow down or take a break and red for stop. Asa would never do anything you don’t want or consent to, he may be strict and domineering but your safety is key to him. If your mouth is restrained or you’re not feeling up to speaking in sub space then there are non-verbal safe words in place for you to use.
Clothing and inspections - all clothing is to be approved by asa before you get ready for the day, you can either pick out an outfit on your own and have it approved or let your master choose one and lay it out on the bed ready for you. He’s more than happy to aid you in getting dressed, loving the sense of dependancy you show him.
Bodily inspections are done once a week, Asa prides himself on keeping you in the best physical health he can, this doesn’t end at just an ordinary checkup however. Slipping on his latex gloves (unless ur allergic!) and prying your holes open, delving his fingers into you as your squirm against them under the guise of checking you’re healthy. Filthily commentating the entire time. “Look at that pretty pink hole, stretched open all for me”
Scheduled meals and bedtimes - Asa likes routine and can get antsy when running behind (totally not me projecting my autism onto him) this transfers over to your routine too. Lunch and dinner (and dessert < 3) are served at the same time every day, asa expects you to be ready and waiting at the table. A strike will be added to your chart if your late. Three strikes and a punishment will be given. Sir will decided where you dine everyday, if you’ll be joining him at the table or eating on the floor from a personalised bowl. Breakfast isn’t at a set time, he knows the amount of sleep you get/need will fluctuate so he’s happy to let you sleep in until you feel ready to get up.
Bedtime is usually also at a set time, around 1 am, he knows you’re not a child and won’t make you sleep early but still wants you in bed at a reasonable time, usually ushering you into bed at 12 and giving you an hour to read or to watch videos. Usually you either share a bed with asa or sleep in your kennel/cage, sometimes in a combination of the two you sleep at the foot of the bed.
Language- Asa discourages the use of swearing but he won’t punish you for it, he might give you a stern look but that’s the extent of it.
Chastity - your sir has a dainty key hanging on a chain around his neck at all times, your body is his as is your sexual pleasure and your genitals. Chastity devices are worn until he decides it’s time to play, attempts at touching will result in punishment, he does however like the desperate look on your face as you rut against the fabric of the sofa like a pathetic mutt in heat. He won’t let you know that though. Sometimes he’ll bring you to the edge of orgasm, panting and whining as your body shakes, only to remove his hand/cock or toy and slide the device back on. The pitiful cries and “it’s not fair”s from you after are even more beautiful than seeing you cum in his mind. Don’t lash out or act out after otherwise the time spent without release will be extended just to spite you.
Relating back to food and drink Asa expects you to drink a minimum of 500ml of water or juice a day, he knows 1-2 litres is unrealistic and doesn’t want you needing to pee constantly. He’s happy as long as your hydrated, if you have particularly bad days with fatigue or depression he’ll help you drink by bringing the straw to your mouth as he holds you. Medication needs to be taken at the correct time, both your alarm clock and Asa’s watch has an alarm set on it so you don’t miss it.
Whilst Asa can be sadistic most of his rules are for your wellbeing along side your obedience, only wanting the best for you whilst you’re under his control.
I hope u like this!! Was literally so fun to write! I love this chunky bug man and ungodly amount <3
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Do you have a severe mental illness that can/has caused a mental health emergency? Are you currently stable? You should make a basic safety plan! [Disclaimer: I am not a mental health professional, this advice is taken from my own experiences and what I learned in inpatient psychiatric facilities. This post caters more to those who experience severe psychotic episodes as that is my experience.]
1. Find a safe person. Someone you often spend time with that you can trust with the details of your mental illness and feel safe around. Ask them if they are comfortable being the person to look out for you if you have a mental health emergency. Preferably someone you live with. If no one you live with fits this role, find someone you contact regularly.
2. Explain to the safe person what a mental health emergency looks like for you. Think of the way you presented in the past during mental health emergencies and try to describe it. You may have to describe it based on what others have told you if you had memory loss during episodes in the past.
3. Let them know how they can check with you to see if you are in a mental crisis. You might need them to ask you some questions to gage your mental state (examplse: Do you know where you are right now? Are you able to talk?). Tell them what questions to ask to find out if you are in a crisis.
4. Explain to them what you would want to happen in a mental health emergency. If they are able to see that you are indeed in a mental health emergency, what steps would you want them to take? If you will need to go to the hospital, but don't want to interact with police, let them know to tell that to emergency services. If there's a nearby inpatient facility you would want to go to, tell them which one and give them their contact info. If episodes typically pass on their own for you, let the safe person know how to keep you comfortable and safe until it passes.
5. Have an easily accessible contact paper or note on your phone with some basic info in case you can't speak to professional help while you are in a crisis. Add your name, birth date, your diagnoses, and exactly what medications you take and the dosages. You can add specific warnings or triggers about yourself (examples: Doesn't like being touched by medical professionals. Can react violently to loud noises). You can add contact info of people you'd want to let know about your situation. You can add your insurance information if you have it.
6. If you would have to go to a hospital/inpatient facility, let the safe person know if there's anything else you'd want them to handle once you get there. (Examples: Pack a bag of clothes for the inpatient stay. Feed my pets while I'm gone or ask someone else to. Contact my work place for me and let them know I won't be able to come in.)
Yes this is a long list, but I feel it's important to prepare and get your bases covered while you have the capacity to do so. Often when someone is in crisis they don't know how to ask for help, or what to do once they get help. Thinking of everything ahead of time saves you the extra worry later, or the extra worry of guessing by the people around you.
And if you are thinking "this is too much work to make someone else do!" Consider how much harder it would be if they found you in crisis and had no idea what to do and you wouldn't be able to tell them. If you have a severe mental illness that can/has caused you to be in a state of mental health emergency, you deserve to be cared for by others during the crisis.
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