#regular digestive issues is like...a kind thing to do to your body
pom-seedss · 2 years
On being “afraid of pain”
It can be very frustrating when people, especially doctors but people in general too, assume that I’m ‘afraid’ of doing things. If I hear one more person talking about how I must be “afraid of pain” I am going to start sobbing.
First of all, I have a pretty good grasp on my capabilities and limitations. I know what will cause me more pain not because I am anxious, but because I have done these things before and experienced the fallout. I am not afraid that I will be in more pain if I do this activity, I know for a fact I will be in more pain if I do this activity.
Choosing not to do an activity that I know will cause me more pain isn’t anything more than choosing not to touch a hot stove because I know that will cause me more pain. It has nothing to do with fear, it’s about knowing the consequences of an action.
Second of all, I have an excellent grasp on how my body is feeling at any given moment. Because 1. I live here, I’ve lived here for 34 years and counting and 2. I have been consistently told throughout my life to chart how I am doing, so self-reflection and self-assessment have been drilled into me from almost every health professional I have had contact with.
Doctors who work with me, rather than just on me, consistently confirm I know what I am talking about. When I say “x is feeling tight, but I think the problem actually stems from y”, I am usually right. At least as far as muscles and such, internal organs are out of my league and usually need more in depth tests to know what’s wrong anyway. But as far as the basic mechanics, first aid, general fitness acumen, I know how my body works and how things are connected.
Third of all, I bare more pain on a daily basis than most of these people will feel in a lifetime. I do not care that there is no ‘objective’ measure of pain, no way to really say what is painful because one person will react differently to stimuli than another. But I know what pain feels like because I am in it constantly. From the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep, there is never a time I am not in pain. It ebbs and flows, of course, and sometimes I ignore it or can flood myself with endorphins on a really good day so i don’t feel it, but it is never not there.
It becomes quite insulting how people infantilize disabled folks who have chronic pain. Especially fat disabled people.
When non-pained folks work out they experience some pain, soreness, aching and eventually healing. They assume that this is the kind of pain that will be felt and they tend to encourage people passed the aches and pains because their bodies will heal and be better for it.
For a lot of people with chronic pain, however, the cost is much higher. It’s not just ‘regular soreness added to our existing pains’, it’s less a simple addition and more a multiplication. 
The general ache and soreness of working out may tip an already tired muscle over the edge into constant clenching. It might pull the joint out of place because there was too much tension on something already near the breaking point from strain. It can mean your core muscles tighten up and make your stomach clench and disrupt your food intake and cause bouts of nausea. It could mean having to take more pain medication that can have other adverse side effects like acedominaphine being hard on the stomach, which can cause long term digestive issues and further pain and complications.
So when all these factors and considerations and extra risks are all chalked up to “being afraid of pain” it really makes me feel like no one is ever actually listening to people in pain. Not just me, but any one of us.
When we say “that won’t work, I’ve tried it” or “that won’t work, I’ve tried something extremely similar to it” we are told we are just afraid to get better, that we’ve built an identity around our pain and we have to stop. I just want to scream at them that nothing is 100% effective for 100% of people and that people with adverse reactions to this thing that might help most people still exist and deserve to be treated as well.
I am not afraid of pain. I can and do deal with more pain than most people can even fathom. I can deal with more pain on top of my daily pain.
But only I get to decide what is worth the pain and the risks.
Just because I do not choose to spend my ability on whatever you think might help me does not mean I fear pain or am identifying too much with it.
It just means that I don’t find touching a hot stove to be worth it.
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pomefioredove · 4 months
Tbh I was reading the matchup info and now I have an idea for a fic 😂😂😂
But Seriously I really love your writings. I've been having a shitty time and when I read your stuff it gets better and mellows me out ❤️
Personality wise: I can be pretty calm, but I also have my exciting/ manic moments. Like cleaning my room at 3am (cries in bd sleeping schedule). People say I'm nice, and have a good energy. But if someone pushes me (metaphorically) I will push back. I can be petty if I get fed up enough. I get depressed easily and sometimes have trouble expressing myself. Which is weird because I kind of am the therapist friend. I don't talk about my feelings or self often. Sometimes I scare my friends unintentionally, like dropping random tidbits of my life that might sound or be a little traumatic. (I.e. that reminds me of the time my mom told me she would beat my ass if I cleaned her room wring again.) I can be pretty lazy, I sleep A LOT. I am a feminist, who is pretty used to red flags in people.
Interests/ Hobbies: I love reading and trying new art stuff. I am an English major and like learning about the dirty and scary sides of History. My favorite books to read right now are classical literature and disturbing horror books. Art wise I've been trying to get into air dry sculptures. I love to crochet. And when I feel like it I can cook and bake. Sometimes I roller skate, like once in a blue moon. I have trouble with homework sometimes, I can get really distracted. When I'm really tired I won't eat. I have body issues too (thanks mom 🥲). I used to be a vegetarian for almost 10 years. I stopped a couple years ago.
Relationship wise: I like people who are competent. Like, someone who knows their way around the house or are willing to learn. I like feminists. I don't like people who yell at me. When I get into a relationship, love bombing and honeymoon phase stuff kinda turn me off ngl. (Like why r you so free on a regular Tuesday afternoon. I give you butterflies? Digest them, want some pesto bismol? Here.) Ngl, it's like why should I have to come back from a full day of work/school and clean up after you and/or make dinner.
Lifestyle wise: No lie I have depression and anxiety and it can get pretty bad. There are times where I can't take care of myself as well as I wish. I will cry, if someone makes fun of me for it. I try to keep my area clean, when I get back from work/school I clean up a little then crash. I try to deep clean on weekends if I'm not swamped from school.
Specifics: No first or second years pls
Ty 💖💖💖
I match you with 𝐕𝐢𝐥 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐭
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The First Impression:
One might assume that the first thing Vil notices in a person is their style, or their physical features, or even their body language.
Not really.
Vil absolutely judges people based on their competency, their skill, their dedication to themselves and their passions. And he can absolutely see that in you.
Why He Fell:
What initially attracts Vil is the challenge. He's always looking for new potential, and he can tell that you're both skilled and committed enough to meet his standards- but there's something holding you back. You're quite different from his past potatoes, and he's more than capable of taking a different approach to your case, one without the need for harshness.
Vil isn't one to pry, though he's able to piece together your situation from the random tidbits you drop on him, and soon, his pet project becomes more of a mission. Can't take care of yourself right now? That's fine, he'll do it for you. He'll find a way to create a perfectly manageable routine, fix your sleep schedule, help you with homework, and slowly ease you into a healthier lifestyle with him by your side.
Though he'd never admit it, Vil really likes the feeling of being needed, not just wanted. And, in time, he finds himself needing you and your company just as much.
The Relationship:
You cannot get more competent than Vil Schoenheit. Experience or not, he's a master at navigating relationships, and is more than willing to help you in that regard, as well. He's there at your best and worst, as you are for him- Vil considers the partnership very equal, and would never in a million years dream of upsetting that balance.
(Quite honestly, Vil doesn't want to be treated like an incompetent manchild who can't do anything for himself and he's glad you're on the same page)
He very much appreciates and admires your skillset, interest in learning new things, and your dedication to your passions (one isn't just vegetarian for ten years without some commitment, after all), and sees you as compatible in that regard.
It's a very mature and balanced relationship, one in which you don't even have to imagine him lovebombing or taking you for granted or acting childish. He certainly has his moments, but such is being human.
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
Hello! Love your blog! Any advice for those trying to reduce their PCOS symptoms like weight gain/bloating, painful menstruation, etc.
hi👋🏾 thank you. My advice depends just on how much a person is willing to do to. For example, some people are willing simply to do what's necessary to reduce symptoms, not to overcome them altogether. Unfortunately, a fair number of people have difficulty in seeing the real bliss in treating their bodies well because we've been taught so many ways to hurt and damage our bodies. Also, investing in your health removes you from following the status quo.
(This is not medical advice by the way. I'm not claiming to offer any treatments or cures either. I am not a medical physician. I do holistic medicine and herbalism).
Anyway, PCOS is no different to many other issues in overcoming its systems because it comes from the cause of too much obstructions in the body. You will best support your body by cleaning up your diet (one of the major causes of obstructions in our lives, which is why so many illnesses are diet and lifestyle-related aka epigenetic), reducing stress, increasing bliss, and direct herbal intervention.
Cleaning up the diet: I would help someone with transitional menus following the guidelines of The Mucusless Diet Healing System. This will include progressively moving away from health-threatening foods at a pace which will allow mind-body-spirit alignment. So, it will allow one to really feel comfortable in making healthy choices for meals. "Cold turkey" methods are not often sustainable most times. Those with PCOS especially should make a permanent transition away from meat, dairy, eggs, regular use of oils, and regular eating of junk foods and highly processed foods. Those kinds of foods do not eliminate effectively and create a negative environment in the digestive tract (for example, this is why eliminating dairy will alleviate a lot of skin issues. The digestive tract is often a mirror for the skin). If I am able to work with someone to the point of centering their foods around fruit and vegetables (esp the leafy greens), the most amazing changes happen because the body will be supported in properly eliminating all the crud and obstruction from the lymph, tissues, and colon which are shifting the hormones out of balance. This is the difference between reducing and overcoming imbalances in the body.
Reducing stress: This one is key for PCOS because hormonal/reproductive issues are placed under strain by nervous tension. It would be good to start with a gentle & inspiring morning routine and a soothing nighttime routine to get out of the cycles of stress. A diet rich in whole plant foods will also help stress management (via the gut-brain connection/microbiome). Other actions towards stress reduction should eventually be practiced, such as singing, spending time in meaningful hobbies/flow states, inner work activities (to improve emotional intelligence), meditation & mindfulness, breathwork, sound healing, getting into nature, playing with a pet, and more laughter.
Increasing bliss: This overlaps a bit with the previous point. But this is particularly focused on nurturing self-care. Often, individuals with PCOS have trouble really focusing on investing in their health. It's best to focus on overturning self-destructive habits, which may be seemingly innocuous things, such as approaching most things in life with intensity, from one's career to exercise to even meditation. Taking an hour or two daily for doing absolutely nothing, or learning to live in a more sacred manner (if one is spiritually inclined) can bring you towards a deep friendship and respect with yourself.
Direct Herbal Intervention: The fruits and vegetables will be the most key herbs in this scenario. But additional herbs can certainly be used. I will not list any here because many of my go-tos will not suit everyone, especially if they have overlapping health issues. But I would want to support the liver, lymphatic flow, and nerves/emotional states. Flower essences (which are safe for everyone) are also great here for helping to relieve the psychological influences on the issues, such as resolving traumas and other blockages which would serve as blockages to implementing these lifestyle changes. Self-heal would be a nice choice, or whatever else one is intuitively drawn towards.
Thanks for asking! I hope I was able to help you😊🌼 signed, Lili
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Things That Can Damage Your Liver
As we are aware, the liver is one of the most important organs in the human body and is responsible for performing important duties such as detoxifying our system. It helps to detoxify the body, digest nutrients, and help metabolism; it also stores all the vitamins of the human body. Just like all the organs, the liver also needs to be taken care of. 
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We must do everything to protect our livers from harmful substances and maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. If you are suffering from a variety of medical conditions and have a  poor lifestyle, it can eventually make your liver healthier 
So, in this article, we will assist you with understanding things that may cause liver damage
Weight gain
People who are obese or are heavier than the ideal age are more likely to have a higher chance of developing diseases, not just liver disease but also heart-related problems. Maintaining a high-fat diet can lead to diseases like non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
When a person is overweight, he/she develops a tissue called adipose tissue. This tissue can release harmful proteins that damage the liver tissue, In order to avoid all this, it is very critical to maintain a healthy and well-balanced diet 
Heavy alcohol use 
Alcohol and Liver Damage are like two sides of the same coin, Extreme use of alcohol always leads to destruction; it can affect the physical and mental health of an individual. When a person is consuming alcohol excessively, he/she is indirectly contributing to liver diseases such as alcoholic hepatitis,Fatty Liver Disease , and cirrhosis. 
Medication Overuse
Many individuals, especially in India, are still consuming over-the-desk medication without consulting their doctors. It is very important to understand that there are many medicines on the market that can cause problems for the body. These issues are not only associated with the liver as a whole but also with a variety of other sections of the body. There are several painkillers, one of which is acetaminophen, which can cause severe damage if consumed on a regular basis. 
Unprotected Sexual Activity
An individual who is committed to unprotected sexual activity has more liver issues than those who are committed to protected sexual activity. 
Hepatitis B and C, which are sexually transmitted illnesses, can possibly have a significant impact on the liver. So, be mindful of your actions and protect yourself and your partner from this kind of illness.
Excess Sugar Consumption
As the Nepalese proverb says, Too much sugar is bitter. If you want to achieve a healthy body both internally and externally, then you should definitely avoid sugar in your diet. A high-sugar diet can lead to non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and elevated insulin levels Excessive sugar can certainly harm your body and the liver is responsible for maintaining appropriate blood glucose levels. When a person consumes high levels of sugar, it can lead to fat accumulation in the liver.
Overeating at night 
Eating too much, especially at night, can have a variety of negative consequences. It can cause an increase in insulin resistance in addition to weight gain and fatigue. Because the liver accomplishes the majority of its work at night, consuming large meals shortly before bed might place undue strain on it. Start consuming vegetables and fruits such as cauliflower, grapes, berries, carrots, etc which have the properties of cleaning the toxic elements 
In brief, the liver, like everything else in the body, is an exceptional organ that aids in nutrition processing and digestion. Following the above tips, such as quitting alcohol and reducing sugar intake, can help safeguard your liver from all diseases. It is important that you consume a diet that is nutritious and well-balanced, and if you have any concerns about the state of your health, we recommend you consult with a medical practitioner.
Visit More : https://thehealthcareinsights.com/things-that-can-damage-your-liver/
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techdmarketing · 1 year
Women's Health Guide: Pregnancy, Prenatal Care, Nutrition, and Exercise Tips from the Best Gynaecologists in Gomti Nagar, Lucknow 
Discovering that you're pregnant can lead to a lot of mixed feelings and a bunch of questions popping up in your head. It's like suddenly having a bunch of thoughts and not knowing where to start. This marks the beginning of a new journey that brings up a ton of curiosity and things to figure out. From figuring out what to do next to taking care of yourself and your baby, there's a lot to think about.
As you go through this exciting phase, you'll wonder about things like how to take care of yourself while pregnant, what foods are good to eat, and what kind of exercises are safe. This guide is here to help. It's all about women's health during pregnancy by finding best gynecologist in Lucknow Gomti Nagar who will give you tips and useful info to ensure the well-being and happiness of both you and your baby throughout the period.
Understanding Prenatal Care: Taking Care of Yourself and Your Baby
It becomes essential for a mother-to-be to find answers to all her questions as prenatal care is a very important thing to do when you're going to have a baby. It's all about taking care of both you and your baby while the baby is still growing inside your belly. So, without further ado lets dive deep into knowing the importance of prenatal care.
What is Prenatal Care?
Prenatal care means going to see a doctor or a healthcare provider while you're pregnant. They will help you make sure that you and your baby are healthy during this special time. Prenatal care involves getting regular check-ups and advice from professionals who know all about taking care of pregnant people and babies.
Why is Prenatal Care Important?
Prenatal care is important because it helps keep you and your baby safe and healthy. When you get regular check-ups, the doctor can make sure that everything is going well. They can catch any problems early and give you the right advice to keep you and your baby in good shape.
What Happens During Prenatal Visits?
During your prenatal visits, the doctor will do a few things to make sure you and your baby are doing well. They might:
Check Your Health: They'll ask you about how you're feeling and if you have any worries or issues.
Monitor Your Baby: The doctor will use special tools to listen to your baby's heartbeat and check how they're growing.
Give You Advice: They'll tell you about eating right, taking vitamins, and staying away from things that could harm your baby.
Answer Your Questions: If you have any questions or concerns, this is the time to ask the doctor.
Some tips for a mom-to-Be.
Being a mom-to-be is an exciting and important time in your life. Taking care of your body and mind with the right foods and exercises can help you and your baby stay healthy and strong. You can do this by remembering and practicing a few important points regularly. These actions can have amazing benefits for both you and your baby's health, making your nine months smoother and less troublesome.
Eating healthy foods is like giving your baby a big hug from the inside. Being mindful of your food choices during pregnancy can brings a lot of benefits for both mother and the baby. Here are a few crucial considerations to remember:
Fill your plate with colourful fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins (like chicken or beans), and dairy products. This gives you and your baby lots of different nutrients.
Foods like milk, yogurt, and cheese are packed with calcium, which helps your baby's bones grow strong.
Protein helps build your baby's body. Eat eggs, nuts, fish, and lean meats to get enough protein.
Spinach, beans, and lean meats are great sources of iron, which helps your baby's blood and your energy levels.
Foods with fibre, like whole grains and fruits, keep your digestion happy.
Drinking water is super important for you and your baby. Strive to consume approximately 8 glasses daily.
Nibble on nuts, fruits, yogurt, or whole-grain crackers between meals for extra energy.
Gaining weight during pregnancy is normal, but there's no fixed rule for how much. It depends on things like your weight before pregnancy, your BMI, and if you're having one baby or twins. You can help keep your weight steady by doing safe exercises during pregnancy, whether at home or in the gym. Even gentle movements and yoga can be helpful. It's also important to take care of your mental health throughout your journey to becoming a mother. Here are several essential considerations to remember:
Before starting any new exercise routine, talk to your gynecologist in Gomti Nagar Lucknow. They can advise you on what is secure for your well-being.
Choose gentle activities like walking, swimming, or prenatal yoga. These keep your body moving without overdoing it.
Before and after exercising, spend a few minutes stretching to avoid straining your muscles.
If something feels uncomfortable or hurts, stop. Your body knows what's best for you and your baby.
As your belly grows, some activities might be harder. Focus on staying steady and avoiding falls.
Keep your heart rate at a moderate level. You should be able to talk while exercising without feeling out of breath.
Being hydrated is must before, during, and after exercise.
Make sure to get enough sleep and take breaks when you need them.
Don't smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs, as these can hurt your baby.
Don't skip your check-ups; they're very important.
Source link :   https://theomnibuzz.com/womens-health-guide-pregnancy-prenatal-care-nutrition-and-exercise-tips/?expand_article=1
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catbreedstips · 1 year
Can Cats Eat Popcorn? 9 All Facts You Must Know
 Information on the nutrition of popcorn
Popcorn is a popular snack made from dried kernels of corn that have been heated. It has a lot of fiber and few calories, which makes it a healthier snack than things like chips and candy.
The USDA National Nutrient Database says that one cup of air-popped popcorn (no butter or salt added) has about:
There are 31 calories.
It has 1 g of protein.
There are 6 grams of carbs.
It has 1 g of fiber.
Fat content of less than 1 gram.
Popcorn also has small amounts of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc, among other vitamins and minerals.
But it's important to remember that popcorn's nutritional value can change based on how it's cooked and seasoned. For example, adding butter or oil can make the food much higher in calories and fat, and adding salt can make it higher in sodium.
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Can cats eat popcorn?
No, cats should not eat popcorn. Even though popcorn itself isn't dangerous for cats, the salt, butter, and other seasonings that are often added to it can be bad for their stomachs. The hard kernels can also cause them to choke or hurt their teeth and gums. It's best not to give your cat popcorn at all and instead stick to treats made just for cats.
What's good for cats to eat in popcorn
A small amount of popcorn can be a healthy treat for cats. It is good for their health because it has fiber, minerals, and some vitamins. But it's important to remember that popcorn shouldn't replace a cat's regular food. It should only be given as a treat now and then.
Some of the ways that popcorn is good for cats' health:
Fiber: Popcorn is a good source of fiber, which helps digestion and can keep you from getting constipated.
Minerals: Popcorn has minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium that are important for a cat's health and well-being as a whole.
Vitamins: Popcorn also has small amounts of vitamins like vitamins A, E, and B, which help the body do many different things.
But it's important to know that cats can't eat all kinds of popcorn. Avoid flavored kinds, especially ones that have salt, butter, or other seasonings added. The safest choice for cats is plain, air-popped popcorn.
Also, it's always a good idea to talk to a vet before adding new foods to a cat's diet. This way, you can make sure that the food fits the cat's needs and health.
Can cats get sick from eating popcorn?
Yes, popcorn can make cats sick. Popcorn is made from corn kernels, which can make some cats sick if they are allergic to corn. If a cat is allergic to popcorn, it may itch, get a rash on its skin, vomit, have diarrhea, have trouble breathing, and/or have his face and/or paws swell up. If you think your cat is allergic to popcorn or any other food, you should talk to a vet to figure out what's wrong and how to treat it.
How do you know if your cat has eaten too much popcorn?
If a cat eats too much popcorn, it might throw up, have diarrhea, get tired, lose its appetite, become dehydrated, and shake. Because it has a lot of fat, popcorn can upset a cat's stomach and could even cause pancreatitis. Also, the butter or other flavorings on popcorn can have ingredients like onion powder or garlic that are bad for cats.
If your cat shows any of these signs after eating popcorn, you should take them to the vet right away.
Can cats get sick from eating popcorn?
Yes, popcorn can make cats sick when they eat it. Cats have a hard time digesting popcorn kernels, which can make them throw up, have diarrhea, or have trouble going to the bathroom. Also, many kinds of popcorn have salt, butter, or other seasonings added that cats shouldn't eat. If you want to avoid digestive problems, it's best not to feed your cat popcorn. Instead, stick to their regular food.
How much popcorn is safe for cats to eat?
Cats shouldn't eat popcorn on a regular basis because it has little to no nutritional value and can cause health problems like weight gain, digestive issues, and choking. Cats may eat small amounts of plain, air-popped popcorn without any seasonings or salt by accident, but this is not something you should encourage. It is always best to stick with a vet-recommended diet that is well-balanced in terms of nutrition.
If a cat eats too much popcorn, what will happen?
If a cat eats too much popcorn, it could cause stomach problems like vomiting, diarrhea, and pain in the stomach. Also, some kinds of popcorn may have ingredients like butter or salt that are bad for cats. To avoid health problems, it's best not to give cats popcorn at all and just stick to their regular food.
If you think your cat has eaten a lot of popcorn or is acting sick, you should call a vet for advice.
Are cats able to eat popcorn?
Yes, cats can have a small amount of popcorn as a treat now and then. Buttered or flavored popcorn can contain harmful ingredients like salt, oil, and artificial flavorings that can upset a cat's stomach or cause health problems in the long run. Plain, air-popped popcorn is the best choice for cats.
Also, before you give your cat any human food, you should check with your vet to make sure it's safe and meets your cat's specific nutritional needs.
How to Stop Your Cat from Eating Popcorn?
Here are some things you can do to keep your cat from eating popcorn:
Put the popcorn somewhere your cat can't get to easily, like on a high shelf or in a closed cabinet.
Don't leave bags or containers of popcorn on the counter unattended because cats might be drawn to the smell and try to chew through the packaging.
Keep your cat busy while you eat popcorn by giving them toys or treats. This will make them less likely to be interested in what you're eating.
You can teach your cat that popcorn isn't for them by telling them when they come near it or spraying them with water, if needed.
If nothing else works, you could feed your cat before you eat your popcorn so that it won't beg as much.
Is there anything else I can give my cat besides popcorn?
Yes, there are many other things you can give your cat besides popcorn. Cats can't get all the nutrients they need from popcorn, and it can even hurt them if it has butter or salt added to it. Instead, you can feed cats food that is made just for them and gives them all the nutrients they need.
As treats, you can also give your cat small amounts of cooked meat, fish, or eggs. It's also important to make sure your cat always has clean water to drink. If you don't know what to feed your cat, you should talk to a vet about what they need to eat.
Can cats eat butter on popcorn?
Even though cats can eat popcorn with butter, it is not a good idea. Small amounts of popcorn aren't bad for cats, but the butter and salt that are often added to it can be bad for them. Also, cats can choke on popcorn kernels or hurt their teeth with them. Best to stick to treats and foods that cats can eat.
Can cats eat popcorn with butter on it?
Even though cats can eat buttered popcorn, it's not a good idea. Buttered popcorn has a lot of fat and salt, which can make cats fat, make them lose water, and cause other health problems. Popcorn kernels can also get stuck in a cat's throat or stomach, causing pain or even blockages. It's best to feed your cat a balanced diet of food made just for cats' nutritional needs.
Can cats eat popcorn made in a microwave?
No, cats shouldn't eat popcorn from the microwave. Air-popped popcorn that is plain is safe for cats to eat in small amounts, but most microwave popcorn brands have extra ingredients like salt, butter, and flavorings that are bad for cats. Some people can get digestive problems, become dehydrated, or even get pancreatitis from these ingredients.
Also, the kernels themselves can cause a cat to choke or get stuck in its digestive system. It's best to give your cat a well-balanced diet made up of food made just for cats that meets all of their nutritional needs.
Can cats eat salted popcorn?
Even though cats can eat popcorn, you shouldn't give them salty popcorn. Cats can have trouble digesting salted popcorn, and this could lead to sodium ion poisoning. It's best to give your cat plain popcorn without salt or other treats that are safe for cats.
Can cats eat popcorn from a kettle?
No, cats shouldn't eat popcorn made in a kettle. Salt and sugar, which are not good for cats, are often added to kettle popcorn. Cats can also choke on popcorn kernels or have stomach problems from eating them. As a treat or snack, it's best not to give cats any kind of popcorn. Instead, stick to treats that are good for cats and are made to meet their nutritional needs.
Can cats eat popcorn with caramel on it? Can cats eat popcorn with cheese on it? Can Cheddar Popcorn be eaten by Cats? Can cats eat pieces of popcorn?
Are kittens able to eat popcorn?
Cats can eat popcorn in small amounts as long as it is plain and doesn't have any salt on it. Make sure to take out any unpopped kernels to keep people from choking.
A small amount of plain, unsalted popcorn is safe for cats to eat.
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thuzycheebum · 1 year
Can Hamsters Eat Bread? 14 Facts You Need To Know!
 Hamsters: Can they eat bread? You want to know if a hamster can eat lettuce. Read our article to find out the answer! Here are the best tips for your pet!
Information about food
Bread is made from grains like wheat or rye, which people like to eat. What kind of bread it is and what ingredients are used to make it determines how healthy it is.
Most bread has carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins (like B vitamins), and minerals (like calcium and iron). But white bread, whole wheat bread, and multigrain bread can have different amounts of certain nutrients.
Why you should feed your hamster Bread isn't something a hamster would normally eat, but some owners give it to them as a treat because it's easy to get and always around. When you feed your hamster small amounts of bread, the following things happen:
Bonding: Giving your hamster a small piece of bread as a treat can help you get to know it better and give it a boost during training.
Treats like bread can keep your hamster's mind active and give them a break from their regular food.
Variety: Giving them small amounts of bread once in a while can keep their diet from getting boring by giving them something new to eat.
Possible Dangers When Giving Bread
Even though bread is sometimes a nice treat, it can be harmful to hamsters:
Bread has a lot of calories, and hamsters are small, so if they eat too much bread, they can easily gain weight and become obese.
Digestive Problems: Hamsters' digestive systems are made to handle the seeds and grains they eat. Bread has a lot of carbs, which can be hard on your stomach if you eat a lot of it.
Bread doesn't have many of the nutrients that hamsters need for good health as a whole. If you give them bread a lot, they might not get enough of some nutrients.
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Is it okay for hamsters to eat bread?
Hamsters can eat bread without getting sick, but they shouldn't do it every day. Hamsters have very specific dietary needs, and their bodies are made to eat mostly seeds and grains, not processed bread. Even though they might nibble on bread if you give it to them, it is important to give them foods that are similar to what they would eat in the wild.
Can hamsters digest Bread?
Hamsters can eat some bread, but seeds and grains are better for their digestive systems. Bread might not be as easy to digest as their natural foods, which could cause stomach pain or other digestive issues.
What happens when hamsters eat too much bread?
Bread poisoning can happen if a hamster eats too much bread or bread with extra ingredients that are bad for them, like too much sugar or salt. Here are some of these signs:
Feeling tired and full.
Gaining weight.
If you think your hamster has eaten too much bread or is acting strangely, you should take it to a vet as soon as possible.
Stop hamsters from eating bread by accident
Make sure they can't get to bread in their cages or play areas so they don't eat it by accident. Never leave bread or other foods that people eat where your hamster can get to them.
How much bread can a hamster eat?
Given the risks that could come from eating bread, it's best not to give your hamster too much bread. If you give bread as a treat, only give small pieces every now and then, and no more than once a week.
How much and how often to feed
When you give your hamster treats like bread, you should do so in moderation. Treats shouldn't make up a lot of their overall diet. Treats shouldn't make up more than 5–10% of a hamster's daily food, as a general rule.
Different options and extras
Instead of bread, hamsters can eat safe and healthy snacks like:
Fruits: Small amounts of apples, bananas, strawberries, and blueberries can be given every now and then.
Vegetables: Safe vegetables include carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, and bell peppers.
Grain and seed choices: You could serve oats, barley, sunflower seeds, or pumpkin seeds instead of bread.
The hamster food you can buy in stores is made just for them and should be their main source of food. Look for commercial hamster food that is of good quality and has a good mix of seeds, grains, and other important nutrients.
How important it is to eat a variety of foods
A hamster needs to eat a lot of different things to get a wide range of nutrients. Giving them a small amount of safe fruits, vegetables, grains, and seeds can help their overall health and well-being.
Are hamsters able to eat bread?
Even though hamsters can eat bread, they shouldn't do it too often because it could be bad for their health. Bread is high in calories but has none of the important nutrients that hamsters need to stay healthy. Instead, they would be better off eating a balanced diet of safe fruits, vegetables, grains, and seeds, as well as hamster food that you can buy in stores.
Last words on what to feed your hamster Bread
Even though giving your hamster a small piece of bread as a treat once in a while might not hurt it right away, it is important to put their health first by giving them a diet that meets the needs of their species. Treats like bread should only be given in small amounts, and they should never replace the food that hamsters eat most of the time.
How important it is to get dietary advice from a vet
Talking to a vet who specializes in caring for small animals is important because each hamster may have different dietary needs or health problems. A vet can give you personalized advice and make sure that your hamster's diet is good for its health and length of life. For your pet to get the best care, you should take it to the vet often and do what they tell you.
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casualcloudbeliever · 2 years
Keto Excel Keto Gummies Australia Reviews – Scam Exposed Excel Keto Gummies AU Viaketo Gummies Scam Report, Official Price!
〉〉Item Name: — Keto Excel Keto Gummies Australia
〉〉Utilized For: — Weight Loss, Better stomach well-being, and Burning excess fat.
〉〉Benefits:— Control your hunger & promote digestion, 100% NATURAL.
〉〉Ingredients:— Green Tea, BHB, Garcinia Cambogia & ACV.
〉〉Incidental effects: — NA
〉〉Rating:—Overall rating: — ★★★★★ 5 out of 5
〉〉Age range: — Adults
〉〉Accessibility:— Online
〉〉Whereto Buy — Click Here to Rush Your Order from the Official Website
Keto Excel Keto Gummies Australia:- Introducing Keto Excel Keto Gummies Australia! These tasty chewy candies are made with100% natural parts, alongside grass-took care of red meat gelatine, organic coconut oil, and priest organic product extricate. They're additionally sugar-free, gluten-free, and dairy-detached.
Keto Excel Keto Gummies Australia All individuals need to remain a superior and better life. The response to that is having a refreshing weight reduction plan, which incorporates normal exercise and taking off liquor, cigarettes, and some thing else that could hurt your casing. You will track down bunches of articles on away to shed pounds with keto or shake eats less carbs, but permit' communicate around the initial step: situating out if keto is proper for you! Sound, delectable and satisfying for any weight-decrease plan. This sticky is made with top class fats and plant-based absolutely protein to supplement your keto weight-reduction plan with magnificent supplements.
Keto Excel Keto Gummies Australia is a thrilling new weight decrease supplement that blends advanced keto-driven substances in with powerful co-factors in one easy, affordable item.
Healthy, scrumptious and pleasurable for any get-healthy plan. Our gummies are made with top rate fat and plant-fundamentally based protein to supplement your keto weight reduction plan with top notch supplements.
What are Keto Excel Keto Gummies Australia?
Like most individuals, you plausible contemplate keto chewy candies as sugary, gelatine-based confections. Another kind of keto sticky is out there, made with every regular substance and no sugar.
Introducing Keto Excel Keto Gummies Australia:-
These delicious chewy candies are made with 100 percent regular components, along with grass-took care of red meat gelatine, normal coconut oil, and priest fruit extract. They're moreover sugar-detached, without gluten, and dairy-free.
What makes these Keto Excel Gummies phenomenal from other keto chewy candies in the commercial centre?
Here are a few matters which makes these keto chewy candies unique from different keto chewy candies
Digestion: Most keto chewy candies are made with pig or fish gelatine, which can be difficult to process. Keto Excel Keto Gummies Australia are made with grass-took care of pork gelatine, that is simpler to process and incorporates extra vitamins.
Sugar-Free: All of the marvel in Keto Excel Keto Gummies Australia South Africa comes from priest organic product separate, a characteristic sugar that doesn't affect glucose degrees.
Natural: Unlike different keto chewy candies accessible available that comprise artificial flavours and tones, Dischem' Keto G.
How does it work?
Like most of individuals, you'll experience issues adhering to a keto food regimen. It's prohibitive and might be hard to keep. That is in which Keto Excel Keto Gummies Australia comes in - they're here to make your keto experience a touch bit simpler (and more delightful) with their line of keto chewy candies.
But how do these chewy candies work? We should take a superior appearance.
Keto gummies are intended to assist you with keeping a condition of ketosis in which your body will consume fats. , the chewy candies involve a novel combination of components, including BHB (beta-hydroxybutyrate) salts, which might be recognized to help advance and support ketosis.
In addition to BHB salts, the chewy candies additionally consolidate different healthful fixings like green tea remove, diet B12, and folate. These substances support normal wellbeing and health while on a keto diet.
Pros and Cons of Keto Excel Keto Gummies Australia:-
There are masses of weight reduction dietary enhancements to be had inside the market. One famous option is keto chewy candies. Yet, are they effective? How about we see the experts and cons of the utilization of Keto Excel Gummies for weight reduction.
They're easy to take and don't need extraordinary practice like other dietary supplements.
They're commonly sensibly valued.
They may furthermore help to downsize your inclination for food and provide you with additional energy.
They aren't FDA Controlled, so there is no assurance of their wellbeing or effectiveness.
There's no verification that they assist with weight reduction. They could likewise even cause weight benefit on the off chance that you consume too a ton of them!
They may also have unattractive feature impacts like stomach disenchanted and loose bowels.
The advantages of keto chewy candies: craving concealment, weight reduction, and sustainability.
Regarding weight misfortune, craving concealment is one of the most fundamental elements. And concerning hunger silencers, keto chewy candies are one of the first-rate. Not best do they help to diminish your starvation cravings, yet what's more they assist you with getting in shape economically.
When you're taking keto chewy candies, you will see that your hunger cravings start to vanish. What's more, as you actually take them, you will locate that your desires decrease even likewise. It is on the grounds that the gummies' ketones help direct your glucose ranges for sugary and greasy food sources.
In addition to hunger concealment, one more increase of keto chewy candies is their capacity to assist you with shedding pounds. Keto Excel Gummies can help your body consume more noteworthy fats for strength, resulting in weight decrease. Furthermore, because of the reality they're high in fibre, they make you feel more full for quite a while. It way that you're less probably to nibble between feasts or gorge at eating times.
Finally, keto chewy candies likewise are a great inclination for the ones looking outa manageable weight reduction arrangement. Not at all like accident diets or prevailing fashion diets that expect you to seriously confine your calorie consumption or remove entire dinners offices out of your food plan, you might utilize keto gummies long-term with none unfortunate perspective results. Numerous people who use them discover that they're equipped for hold
Does it artistic creations for weight reduction?
If you're similar to the overall population, then, at that point, you're continually looking for out new techniques to get thinner. You've no doubt attempted various trend diets and practicing bundles, but not anything appears to canvases. You may be shocked and delighted to recognise that a fresh out of the box new weight reduction supplement inside the commercial centre works!
Yes, we are talking roughly Keto Excel Gummies. These flavourful chewy candies are made of home grown fixings and have been clinically tried to help people shed pounds.
The Keto Excel Keto Gummies Australia are an eminent way that will help you acquire your ketosis dreams. They're smooth to make, flavour terrific, and assist you with remaining focused. These chewy candies are truly worth difficult in case you're searching for more prominent help achieving ketosis or a scrumptious treat with an end goal to not remove you from ketosis which ends up in consuming fat from your casing rather than carbohydrates. This results in weight decrease. Of course, similarly as with any healthy diet weight-decrease plan, there are a few dangers related with the keto diet. For instance, in the event that you eat an excess of fats, you can emerges with high ld. cholesterol or other wellness issues. That is the rears on it's important to address your clinical specialist prior to starting any new weight misfortune plan.
The keto food plan is one of the astounding ways of shedding pounds and enables enhance your wellbeing. Notwithstanding, adhering to a severe eating regimen plan can take effort and time. 
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sweatytacogentlemen · 2 years
The Anatomy Of A Great Tulsi Green Tea Price
Here's ten wellbeing great things about drinking black tea:
one. Research continue to indicate that tea is very good in your case, and has some awesome health and fitness properties that can not be overlooked.
2. Black teas incorporate antioxidants which prevent the damage brought on by totally free radicals which may lead to a lot of diseases.
3. Consuming black teas can assist to scale back the risk of coronary heart assaults and strokes, as it can help to grow the arteries, which will increase blood stream to the center.
four. Investigation has proven the black tea can be utilized within the combat towards cancer.  Houses in the tea decelerate The expansion of cancerous cells without having destroying balanced cells.
five. Tea can also be believed to help you to delay the getting old procedure.  At present there are lots of anti growing old creams and lotions that incorporate tea extracts to help the pores and skin glimpse youthful.
six. Drinking black tea can assist to burn fat and accelerate metabolism.  This makes it a really perfect consume for people who want to eliminate body organic tulsi green tea weight, or who physical exercise on a regular basis.
seven. Ingesting tea such as black and eco-friendly tea allows to cut back terrible cholesterol and increases superior cholesterol
eight. Tea includes fluoride, which could assist to avoid tooth decay by strengthening tooth enamel.
nine. For those people with diabetic issues, consuming tea will help to minimize glucose ranges, which may lessen the chance of cataracts, along with other disorders introduced about by diabetic issues.
ten. Investigations have revealed that the advantages of black tea are lessened when milk is additional.   So, in an effort to benefit from the incredible overall health great things about this tea, It truly is proposed that you don't take your tea with milk or sugar.
There are so many unique loose teas to pick from that you will not get bored. Together with black, why not consider white and environmentally friendly tea? Many individuals Never make these kinds of teas effectively, And that's why many people do not like unfastened tea.  By making use of a tea equipment, you could make sure you are receiving the h2o temperature as well as steeping time right, you may be reassured that you are obtaining the well being benefits of black tea.
Consuming just 3-five cups of black tea every day can carry about each one of these wellbeing Positive aspects.  If you drink tea now, Why don't you modify to black or environmentally friendly tea, and see if that improves your health and fitness and perfectly becoming.   By starting to consume black, green http://www.thefreedictionary.com/tulsi green tea or white tea right now, having healthily, and receiving common workout, it is possible to considerably reduce the risks of serious health care situations. If you are not currently a tea drinker, Exactly what are you looking forward to?
For numerous decades environmentally friendly tea continues to be applied as classic medicine. It's been thoroughly Employed in China, Japan, India, and Thailand that can help in therapeutic wounds, advertising and marketing digestion, controlling bleeding, regulating body temperature and modulating blood sugar. Unsurprisingly, lots of have documented that consuming the herbal extract can be extremely useful to our wellbeing.
Environmentally friendly tea products and solutions and supplements are attained from the leaves of the tea plant Camellia sinensis. To revive most of their healing Attributes green tea leaves are steamed and so that they should be under minimal exposure of oxidation. Inexperienced tea supplements are available in a variety of varieties including extracts, capsules, tablets and herbal teas. These days the nutritional supplements have also been released for treating Long-term illnesses like diabetic issues and most cancers.
Even though in red wine You can find a strong antioxidant termed resveratrol, in green tea There may be also a potent antioxidant identified as Epigallocatechingallate (EGCG). Resveratrol can be a mystery why the French Have a very decrease incidence of coronary coronary heart conditions Regardless of their fatty diet plan. Interestingly, scientists unveiled that Epigallocatechingallate (EGCG) is way more potent than resveratrol. EGCG explains why the number of coronary heart disorders in Japanese Males is restricted Whilst A lot of them are smokers.
Although the probable advantages of consuming eco-friendly tea are noteworthy, The majority of them haven't been proven by scientific research. On the other hand, some study has attributed the herbal extract with the next well being pros:
• It treats numerous sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis
• It treats different bacterial infections.
• It treats blood pressure, coronary heart attacks, and stroke.
• It stops cancer and slows down its development.
• It stops degenerative health conditions including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
• It neutralizes the overspread of free radicals in the human body.
• It lessens the bad consequences of LDL or negative cholesterol.
• It raises the metabolism of your body.
• It encourages the scab development if applied directly to a wound.
• It helps prevent tooth decay by destroying microorganisms resulting in dental plaque.
• It can assist an individual to lose weight in how that it slows down the whole process of fat achieve.
Regardless that drinking environmentally friendly tea is considered Protected ad all-natural, it is vital to choose products constructed from the herbal extract under the health practitioner's supervision or with treatment, for the reason that like every thing else it may well generate Unwanted side effects. Take into account that the leading concern with having a lot of environmentally friendly tea is too substantial content of caffeine and pure phenol substances. One of the negatives of green tea are:
• The caffeine of it may go into breast milk creating snooze-similar difficulties in nursing infants. Which is why in the course of pregnancy and lactation Ladies must steer clear of consuming green tea supplements,
• It could induce the too much belly acid generation to make sure that those who have delicate stomachs need to prohibit their tea use to stop damaging results, including a reduction in urge for food, heart melt away and diarrhea.
• Its contained caffeine is risky for whoever has coronary heart and significant blood pressure challenges. This sort of folks ought to go ahead and take decaffeinated the tea to acquire the good thing about it to deal with their disorders.
• For fat reduction it is not the only and supreme solution mainly because it can not act speedy. It cannot be envisioned for making all Extra fat disappear.
• A lot of caffeine from it can cause insomnia nausea, or Regular urination.
• While the natural phenol substructures in the tea are beneficial in blocking cardiovascular disease and most cancers, if consumed in pretty significant quantity, they potentially could potentially cause kidney and liver damage a result of the toxicity.
Looking at the pros and cons of environmentally friendly tea plainly keeping ingesting it to obtain a whole lot of benefits is good but consuming much more by having nutritional supplements may set off the dangers. Taking up to ten compact cups on the tea day by day is all appropriate but getting nutritional supplements containing as many as 50x as much all-natural phenol substances as somebody cup of tea can be very problematic.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
The quality of meat plus the loneliness thing really has me thinking about the monster reader having eating problems because they don't want to hurt humans, and Evan helping them out, gelling them they're not a monster for doing so.
(tw: cannibalism, injury, light gore)
Some animals are harder for you to digest that others. You aren't sure how, considering there aren't any biological books on your species, but meals a regular human can enjoy take just a little longer for you to swallow. Your teeth are sharp, but it's your saliva that really breaks down your food.
An upside for you is that you can draw sustenance from any form of life, which is why a majority of your diet was made of flowers. Easy to swallow, nearly endless in supply, and best or all - nobody got hurt.
There was one other thing you could eat without issue; a good source of nutrition too, yet the most costly meal of all. For some reason, human flesh was the ideal food for your kind. It had the fastest digestive time of twenty seconds, and kept you full for days. In the past, it was all you could eat; preying on unsuspecting wanderers alone at night and feasting on one body for days. It was also one of the darkness periods of your life.
Even before gaining more humanity after meeting your husband; you always had regrets. The fear locked in their dead eyes; the screams they bellowed before their demise. They haunted your dreams even now. A part of you still hungered for another taste, a lust you kept under lock and key. You didn't want to go back to those times. No matter how hard it was some days.
At the dinner table; your loving husband at your side, you sat down for yet another meal. For you, a few strips of raw steak and a vase of rises; and him a meal of the same cut only the meat had been cooked to a proper temperature and some vegetables. Evan always tried his hardest to accommodate life for you; his poor spouse. He hated to see you struggle and wanted to make sure you ate enough; no limits too great for him.
You take a flower from the vase and bring it to your neck, running your second tongue over its petals. They tasted just like they would to a normal human being, albeit slightly sweeter. How you longed for something different.
"How was your day, honey?"
His words snap you from the melancholic trance you had found yourself in without even realizing.
"Hm? Oh.. good.. good.. Just took care of a few errands in town. How was yours?"
Evan slumps back in his seat. He could tell something was wrong, but didn't want to be a bother. He shoves a piece of cauliflower in his mouth, wiping his lips with his napkin before he sneaks.
"Same old day of work. Fred's still out from a surgery, so I'm stick with his shit still, but for now.. I'm just glad to be home with you."
He puts his hand on the table, slipping it near you, but you don't seem to notice or care. You pick up a portion of the steak and put it in your mouth; fluids clung to your fingers. It was better raw. Cooked meat just tasted like leather unless fried, but the grease was too much. You grimace as you chew; your saliva at work to break it down further. The piece you had now was slimy and bland despite the seasons Evan had put on it; its texture coating every each of your mouth.
You swallow, the food hitting your stomach with little satisfaction. You pick up another; forcing yourself to devour it. It tasted worse than the last bite. Your mind begins to dwindle on the aspects of the day to try and ignore the flavor. The sun was bright, the weather was pleasant, the people were... nice.
Your stomach growls. You pick yourself up from the table, storming out the room and into the living room where you collapsed on the couch.
Evan chases after you; his heart breaking as you sob into the decorative pillows. You hold onto one of them, clutching it over your stomach. The smiles of the people you've met through the day flash in your mind; their exposed skin a haunting memory - sending another stabbing pain to your abdomen.
"That's not me.. I'm not that thing anymore."
Evan falls to the floor beside the couch; his own tears brewing as you wail out. He tries to take you in his arms, but you shove him away.
"Stay away! I don’t want to hurt you.."
He shakes his head. "No.. no, honey. You've never done anything that would hurt me. It's okay.."
"It hurts... I'm so hungry.."
He swallows hard. He knew exactly what you meant now. Even if you tried to hide it, the smell of blood lingered in the warehouse were he found you. Scouting the area, he even found remains of your past victims; but he didn't care. Even with that knowledge; proof of your crimes, you would always be his Y/n. He vowed to be by your side and knew the dangers of his choices; ready to step up to bat whenever the time came.
"Y/n.. It's okay."
You hear the rustle of his sleeve; his palm against your cheek.
"Eat me."
You lift your head from the pillow. "W...what?"
He brushes strays hairs from your face with a warm smile. "Take a bite out of me. I don’t mind."
"No.. I can't-"
"You can. You aren't a monster, Y/n. You're the love of my life and you're in pain. There's nothing I wouldn't do to take it away."
Evan gets up, heading into the kitchen and returning as quickly as he could. He sits on the edge of the couch, slicing his forearm open with the kitchen knife in hand. He didn't even brace himself for it; knowing this is what he had to to do bring you peace. The blood flows in thick gushes; a few dots splattering on your face from the force and speed of his cut.
The smell is overwhelming. Against better judgment; the voice in your head that screamed "no", you ran your tongue over the wound. Evan hisses as your saliva touches the cut. It stung similarly to putting alcohol on an open wound. You pause at his sign of discomfort, but he merely rubs your head as a silent single to continue.
You bite down; your saliva corroding the skin within twenty seconds. You tear off the rotted flesh and devour it like a starved beast. The pain is white hot at first; numbed down by some agent in your drool. In a sick way, it was almost comforting to be feasted on by you. Being able to provide for you in a way unlike any other. Evan's arm trembles, but he stays strong for you; kisses your forehead as he feels tears fall on his lap.
"Everything's okay, Y/n. This is what your body needs for survive. You're no different from any other human eating something lower in the food chain. From now on, don't be afraid to ask me for this, and if you really need it, I don’t mind getting you a fresh supply from any nosy neighbors."
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sepublic · 3 years
Belos’ Day of Unity
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            This episode confirmed a HUGE detail for us, and it’s that the Day of Unity involves merging the human and Demon Realms together! This better explains why Belos wants the Portal… If he just wanted to access the human world, he could do that with regular Titan’s Blood alone, but he needs something on a level that can maintain a lasting, open connection between the two! Not only that…
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         But as Boscha so ‘kindly’ reminds us later this episode, Luz’s glyphs don’t work in the human world! Magic is a gift from the isles… And with the association of wild magic as ‘elemental’, how Luz’s glyphs take an elemental form… How they were the first form of magic, learned from observing the isles themselves and whatnot-
         It seems wild magic, at least as how Belos defines and hates it, takes a lot of cues and even draws power from the Boiling Isles! From the Demon Realm itself… Which, is interesting because;
         Belos clearly wants to control magic. He sees it as something witches have to more or less earn back… But ideally, they have to earn it from him entirely! Bile magic is something Belos can control, it’s confined to people’s bodies and he has the coven bindings to do so- Belos can control bodies, he can override that autonomy, and it comes from a source he can regulate. You can even see it with staffs, especially the one that Hunter has!
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         Staffs can be taken away, they can be broken and drained. They’re external, but in a way that Belos can easily separate a witch from… And with Hunter, this takes on a whole new twisted meaning, because Hunter’s staff is (or rather was) his ONLY source and means of magic… 
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        And as someone who created that staff no doubt, Belos can easily tamper with and restrict the spells that Hunter can access with it, no doubt- I wouldn’t be surprised if Belos could turn off Hunter’s staff at will! It’s his to give and take as he pleases, and given Belos’ unwillingness to create more Palismen, we still see plenty of carefulness with staffs as an external source of magic as well. Belos might intend to replace magical staffs with his own version that he can control!
         But wild magic and glyphs? They come from the isles, they come from the very land itself… And Belos CAN’T restrict the very fabric of the reality he lives in. Glyphs are an outside-context problem, you don’t need a bile sac to wield them; And they completely bypass the issues of coven bindings. You can’t restrict glyphs, the way you can’t restrict knowledge- It’s always bound to slip through Belos’ grasp, no matter how hard he tries. And once a secret is out, it tends to spread like wildfire…
         Belos can’t just apply some massive coven binding to the Demon Realm entirely… Can he?
         That’s of course where the Day of Unity comes in. Where OUR world comes in… If magic, specifically the wild magic that fuels glyphs, is sourced directly from the Demon Realm itself… And our world has no magic, glyphs are useless there? 
        Belos might intend to neutralize the Demon Realm’s magic entirely, by fusing it with the human world! And/or, with how the human world seems more vast than the Demon Realm (the Boiling Isles is only the size of Vermont), the magic inherent to it will be spread so thin that it’ll be too weak to utilize.
         And that’s… As Luz might put it, fiendishly clever! Belos recognizes his limits. He knows he can’t control the knowledge of glyphs, the memory of them- And even if he could, people can still learn directly from the isles itself, from the Demon Realm itself- The Light Glyph can be found in the stars! So long as the original source exists to learn from, nothing is truly stopping someone from paying attention and finding it on their own, potentially by accident!
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         If Belos can’t truly, physically control this magic and restrain it- Then it’s a liability, especially since it can grant coven-bound witches access to full magic again, and allow them to turn the tides. It makes Belos and his system redundant… So he has to remove the original source of wild magic, WITHOUT destroying his own world and of course himself in the process!
         In comes our world. With the Demon Realm’s magic neutralized and/or diffused, the only source will come from the bile in witch’s bodies, which Belos CAN restrict. Sure, some witches might escape here or there, slip through the cracks and have unbound children… But that’s nothing compared to the threat of glyphs, which anyone can learn at any time!
         And if Belos plans to somewhat conquer the human world, at least to defend and maintain his own utopia- It works out again! Because our technology is based on knowledge, nothing is stopping the witches of Belos’ society from learning and adapting to our own technology, repurposing it for themselves. We already see technology exist to some degree anyway, such as in the Abomitons, and Belos’ own creations! It’d be easy for witches to repurpose our own technology for themselves.
         But humans? We can’t cast magic. We have no bile sacs… And even glyphs, the one form of magic we COULD wield, would be rendered powerless by our own world! Sure, there might be a few witches here or there that would come to our side, that would oppose Belos’ conquest and imperialism… 
        But those select few wouldn’t make up for the vast differences in numbers, nor could they have kids who’d grow up at a fast enough rate. Magic can replicate technology’s uses in its own way –scrolls can access a magical version of the internet- and I wouldn’t be surprised if the Day of Unity will also empower Belos as some kind of all-powerful, magical god who could easily handle what us puny humans throw at him, anyway.
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         Aside from a much smaller population… Again, it seems magic is a good way for Belos to ensure his own power and conquest over our world, too- Or at least to keep us out of his own borders. Perhaps Belos only intends to rule his select portion of the Demon Realm within Connecticut, and bar out everyone else to their own devices, occasionally checking in to make sure we don’t ‘invade’ his own bubble.
         Maybe Belos doesn’t even intend to transport the entire Demon Realm, just the Boiling Isles itself, to the human world… Which of course isolates witches from that source of wild magic even more.
         There is an issue of course- And that gets down to how witches create magical bile. With how magic is a gift from the isles, it’s possible witches are simply able to convert the innate magic of the atoms and molecules around them in their digestive system, and turn that into bile- Meaning without this ‘magical radiation’, eventually a witch will run out of magic bile and be depleted, should they stay in the human world without any access to the Demon Realm.
         Does Belos know, or even care? Maybe this is his way of also removing magic entirely… Or as I said, with how magic will be spread thin when our worlds fuse; Perhaps it will exist in enough of a capacity in this fused realm, that biological witches can still harvest this magical radiation and produce bile. 
        Or, based on how King described it in The Unauthorized History of the Boiling Isles, witches just naturally produce their own magical radiation in the form of bile- They don’t need to be connected to the Demon Realm to do, they are their own sustainable source!
         Either way, Belos’ plan makes a disturbing amount of sense… It’s the final nail in the coffin as a way for him to physically control magic, and it’s the outright death and eradication of wild magic as well! He has no interest in conquering our world, not necessarily- Just in bringing his over so he can kill off the final source of magic that manages to elude his control.
         Any imperialism may come as a natural byproduct of this type of crossover, but it’s not what Belos specifically intends from the fusion- So in a way, he wasn’t lying when he said that it wasn’t his plan to conquer the human world. 
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        Belos didn’t say it’d NEVER be his plan… Just that this specific goal doesn’t involve that, not necessarily. Plus, he’d argue that any conquest would come fully as a means of self-defense, which… Would not be wrong either, because there’d definitely be humans who’d reject the society that Belos would bring in, and seek to eradicate and/or control it for themselves too!
         Once the Day of Unity’s crossover ensues, it seems the only magical liability that Belos would have to worry about is… Unbound biological witches, witches who DO have a bile sac, but aren’t under Belos’ control! Hence why he stresses to his coven heads;
         “The larger your covens grow, the more power we have to unite our realms, where the worthy shall inherit a utopia free of wild magic.”
         It’s possible Belos plans to use his coven bindings as a means of powering whatever magic he needs to pull this crossover off- I’ve speculated before on the demon realm’s solar system forming a glyph combo to do this, but it’s not out of the question that Belos would need a little extra power for such a massive event. 
        Perhaps Belos intends to drain the unused magic of every bound witch- After all, about 8/9ths of every bound witch’s magic is sealed away, presumably unused… So to Belos and his coven heads, they’re not really depriving anyone of anything by draining that unused magic?
         Especially if witches’ magic can still replenish over time anyway (unless you’re cursed), plus spreading the individual cost that each witch will have to fork over for the Day of Unity, across more witches, is arguably the moral thing to do anyway! 
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        Hence why coven bindings are necessary, not just to fuel the Day of Unity, but to also remove the final liability that Belos would need to deal with. Ideally, Belos wants every witch bound before the Day of Unity, so he won’t have to worry about any biological witch when the crossover occurs…
         But at the same time, I doubt it’s strictly necessary- So even if it’s ideal, Belos is obviously going to go ahead with his crossover if there are still unbound witches. He can still deal with them later… They might have a bigger world to escape out into, which is why he stresses this be done sooner, rather than later, when witches are more confined to a smaller space and easier to find- But Belos still ultimately wins, one way or the other.
         Belos’ plan and Day of Unity is unimaginably grandiose, horrifying, and worst of all… Makes so much sense, it connects everything together in a reasonable way! Though it only makes sense from a viewer’s speculative perspective, and in-universe from the perspective of Belos, for the kinds of goals he’s looking for of course. 
        From a general and moral perspective this plan is completely nuts and terrible, but in terms of what Belos is actually trying to accomplish, a society where magical is truly bound… (Albeit not an actual ‘utopia’ like he claims), I hate to say it but this works perfectly, and that’s terrifying! Unfortunately, it seems this fucker does know EXACTLY what he’s doing, very much! And Belos is batshit nuts.
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        And there’s a good chance that somebody in this meeting is very understandably not enthused with Belos’ plan, even outright intimidated, and determined to stop it as a result...
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maulusque · 3 years
i have some QUESTIONS about Echo’s prosthetics
fair warning i’m going to talk about the uhhh intimate details
ok first of all, the legs:
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from this screenshot, it looks like he’s had everything from the hips down replaced. Looks like he only kept a little more torso than Maul did.
how does he poop? Where is Echo’s colostomy bag? Or did they install synthetic intestines somehow? Does that mean Echo also has a synthetic asshole? A synthetic sphincter? Prosthetic ass cheeks? What kinds of materials would you even make a synthetic butthole out of? Does wiping still work the same? Or are the synthetic organs like, way more efficient and you just have to open a little door in your prosthetic ass and remove a condensed poop cube like once a week
Does Echo have a robo-dick? If so, where is it??? If not, how did they route the urethra? Did they hook the bladder up to the the hyper-efficient robo-digestive system, and the cyberintestines just like, recycle the water back into the body and condense the rest of the urine contents into the hypothetical poop cube? Meaning Echo doesn’t have to pee ever again. And technically the Poop Cube Door would be a cybernetic cloaca.
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i found this ref art and it DOES NOT HELP EXPLAIN THE DICK ISSUE
The material on his thighs kinda looks like pants, but given that it goes under the clearly metal parts, and permanent pants seems like a stupid idea, I’m guessing it’s part of the prosthetics. Meaning that Echo spends the entirety of that episode stark naked. No one even loans him a shirt. Please give him a blanket at least he looks so cold.  And if there IS a robo-dick, this means it is retractable. 
Fuck, dude. Imagine having to do regular machine maintenance on your robo-dick and prosthetic asshole.
Also look at that shit on his left arm. Those little cables and such. Those would be SO EASY to get snagged on something, and if they’re remotely important it would be a BITCH AND A HALF. Maybe the techno union re-routed the important arm arteries because the original ones were damaged, and just didn’t bother to put them inside the body because they were keeping him in cold storage anyway, not like he needed to run around and risk getting them caught or something.
Also why did they bother giving him legs? It’s not like they were letting him use them at all?? Why bother?
Also. The KNEES. Completely exposed joint. Here’s a closeup:
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Look at all those gaps. And edges. And corners. Those joints would royally suck if you get any dirt, sand, fabric, or literally anything at all anywhere near them. Echo’s not wearing pants here, so it’s not a problem, but
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He CLEARLY is wearing pants here. And somehow he’s not getting them all snagged up on his knee joints? How did he even get them on over those monstrosities? Did someone have to sew him into his pants? God. 
Also, look at this nonsense:
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He has no calf?? Nothing replacing the very important calf muscle??? How the fuck does he WALK???
and briefly back to the arm: there’s no reason to limit the prosthetic joints to normal human ranges of motion. Wouldn’t it be freaky as hell if Echo could just. Rotate his elbow joint all the way around. Just bend his elbow 100% backwards. I feel like Hunter would punch him on the spot if he did that in front of him.
And finally: Echo’s cyber earmuffs.
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sorry for the shit quality screenshot but WHY ARE THEY SO BIG
Those are much bulkier than the earmuffs he had when Rex rescued him.
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Smaller! More compact! And they don’t wrap around the back. Echo has a different neck-head plate thingy back there. But the earmuffs are just little discs right over his ears.
And the new ones???
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This would be SOOO UNCOMFORTABLE to sleep with. Can’t lie on your sides, and now he can’t even rest his head on the back because the dumb new cyber-earmuffs wrap all the way around. Is there still skin under the earmuffs in the back? If so, how the fuck does Echo clean it? He has do otherwise he’d start growing mold and fungus back there the moment he starts sweating.
Also. Does Echo have ears anymore??? How does he hear things? If those are supposed to be cybernetic ears, why don’t they have, you know, an ear shape, so they channel sound into the ear canal?
ok and one last thing: Echo’s new helmet.
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Is it just me, or does this helmet look like it absolutely would not fit over the cybernetic earmuffs? Those things stick out a good two inches from the sides of his head. This helmet does NOT look like it has 4 extra inches of width in it. Do we have a scene where Echo puts on/takes off his helmet????
Anyway i’m somewhat intrigued by the concept of a hyper-efficient cybernetic digestive system/cloaca. Though I’d imagine that everyone would be wanting one because how convenient would it be to never have to use the bathroom again???
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ironwoman359 · 3 years
Completely agree on nagas being underutilized and having a ton of potential. Both as the whumpee and the whumper….
So now I have to know. Which do you prefer…(and maybe why…talk whumpy to me lol)
Naga whumper? Or naga whumpee…
cw: whump, captivity, dehumanization, possessiveness, abuse, torture, angst with little to no comfort
Oh, I am delighted you asked, friend...it's not like I just did a bunch of research on snake health for a bad things happen bingo fic* with a naga whumpee....it's not like doing so gave me MANY more ideas than I was able to fit into that one story...and its not like I have many thoughts on how nagas could fit into the traditional creature whump tropes (that I also was reading and rereading for 'research' while writing We Blankly Stare). This is going under a cut, because, like all my fics, it got longer than I meant it to. (also, to my regular followers who aren't into heavy whump, don't mind me as I go off on a tangent into a totally different fic community; you can skip this one if you need to; at the very least mind the content warnings <3)
SO, nagas. Beautiful creatures. Like centaurs, 'human' on the top and snake on the bottom. SO much lovely whump potential, either as whumpers or whumpees, but lets focus on the whumpee side for now. In no particular order...
Pet Whump:
Decorative collars set with jewels that compliment the pattern of their highly polished scales and delicate gold chains weaving their way along their body, equal parts jewelry and restraint. They are highly prized, beautiful things, and what is the point of owning one if not to show it off?
Inviting a crowd to come and watch them feed, demonstrating their dislocating jaws and sharp fangs as they toss rodents to them whole. Bonus angst points if raw meat actually makes your naga whumpee sick, or they can eat raw meat but cooked is better. Just because they look like a snake doesn't mean they eat like one
Is your naga whumpee poisonous? Have their owner remove their fangs or poison glands, leaving them utterly dependent on them for food (and utterly helpless if they do ever manage to escape)
Nagas bred in captivity, so the only life they've ever known is one of imprisonment. Do they even consider freedom as something attainable? Or do their owners have them convinced that they're better off like this?
Lab Whump:
Nagas that are actually human/snake hybrids created in laboratory experiments just to see if it was possible.
Nagas who are kept in order to produce venom, what the venom is for could be anything!
Nagas 'enhanced' with mind and/or body altering drugs or magic to serve in the military as the perfect warrior
Nags used for experiments and drug tests because they are seen as less than human
Torture Whump:
As is the case with most torture whump, the 'why' the whumpee is being tortured isn't really important here. Maybe they have information the whumper wants, maybe the whumper is trying to get revenge or hurt whumpee's team, maybe they're just cruel. This isn't really about the 'why' so much as it is the specific 'hows' that having a whumpee who is part snake provides.
Pulling/cutting off scales, pulling out or filing down fangs, clipping or tearing off claws (a creature whump classic)
Naga specific (this is more of a lizard thing than a snake thing, but nagas aren’t real, we make the rules here!) body part removal: cutting off the tail! It doesn’t matter that it grows back, it still hurts every time. (or maybe the tail doesn’t grow back, and the naga is left unable to ‘walk’ properly)
Rough iron collars around their neck attached to a ball and chain, bonus points if the length of the chain prevents them from rising to their usual 'standing' height.
Hang them from the ceiling with cuffs and chains by their tails; upside down, right-side up, however you choose!
My those snake bodies are long...I wonder how long they can stretch?
I have one word for you: thermoregulation. Reptiles cannot regulate their own body heat, they are dependent on their environment. This gives us a whole HOST of reptile-specific torture techniques:
temperature shock: dump them in freezing water or spray them with a high-pressure hose. Unpleasant for any kind of whumpee, for the naga whumpee this has the added bonus of being fatal very quickly if they aren't warmed up.
It's not good for a snake to be too HOT either, they need to cool their bodies off just as often as they need to warm them up (don't quote me precisely on that, snake tumblr). A whumper who keeps their naga under bright, hot lights nearly constantly so they're dehydrated, covered in blisters, and/or always feverish (can a naga get a fever? idk, up to you. snakes don't, but snakes don't have human torsos. we can be wishy washy with health issues)
So extreme heat and extreme cold are bad, but did you know that (while it's breed specific) most snakes lose its ability to thermoregulate at around 70 degrees Fahrenheit? When their body temperature drops below this (but not so low that we're in hypothermia territory), their movements are sluggish, they cannot/will not eat, and it is very easy for them to develop infections, scale rot, all sorts of problems. Does the whumper keep them in low temperatures to make them weak and pliable in their hands, easy to control? Does the whumper use these conditions as a punishment for bad behavior? Or give reprieve from them as a reward for good behavior? There’s just SO much that can be done with temperature alone! It’s one of the things that sets nagas apart from other creatures and THAT is one of the most criminally underused aspects, in my oh so humble opinion!
Other Fun Concepts:
Nagas with their tails trapped under rubble, unable to pull themselves free.
Nagas kept in a cage that's far too small for them, their body wrapped up so tightly they can barely move.
Did you know that when a snake's body temperature is too low, it can't digest its food? And that if it does eat something and then doesn't have the energy to digest it properly, it will either instinctually regurgitate that food back up or run the risk of the food literally rotting in its stomach? Take this knowledge into literally any of the pet or torture scenarios and you have some A+ snake specific whump
Tiny nagas! Like the western hognose snake or the ringneck snake, these little guys can fit in the palm of your hand! Apply literally any previously listed scenario to your tiny naga for instant fantasy g/t whump! also vore...that's not my scene but it was one of like, two things i found while looking for naga whump on tumblr earlier, so I feel obligated to mention it.
Giant nagas, YOU can fit in THEIR hands. Does that make them the whumper, or still the whumpee? You decide!
Water nagas! combine mer whump with naga whump and you’ve got a water snake to hurt!
Nagas with scale rot, respiratory infections, kinks in their spine, or other snake health issues, either from mistreatment from a whumper or natural causes.
As you can tell, I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately, lol. I hope you enjoyed, and if anyone writes anything based off these, I’d love to see it! Also, HAVE I been considering making a whump sideblog for awhile? yes. Did writing this post convince me to finally do it? Also yes. So I'll be over at @ironwhumper359 if you'd like to talk more whump with me, I’d be delighted to have you :)
*if you would like to read said bad things happen bingo fic, know that while it is labelled Sanders Sides, because that’s the fandom I mainly write it, the first chapter only has one character from the series in it and is honestly much more of an original whump piece than it is a fanfic. The second and third chapters are more fandom specific (though you’re of course still welcome to read them even if you’re not a sanders sides fan), but that first one can be read as stand-alone whump!
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mmmleckerlecker · 3 years
I was reading the questions you've answered, and I'm curious now: you said that the co-existence between preds and prey is very recently. So I was thinking the HP world from years ago, when pred could snatch up whoever prey they wanted... How was the society in that time? How did they live? (Headcanon: prey lived underground?) Did the preds have no qualms in consuming whoever they could find? (prey children/teens or the elderly, for example?)... The harmony was founded by a prey or pred? (1/2)
What was the reason for the preds to make the jump from consuming indiscriminately to the public/private contracted prey? (another headcanon: preykind severely disminishing in numbers?) I find your worldbuilding so enchanting, I'm sorry for the avalanche of questions. You're awesome! (2/2)
AHHHH YES!!! THE QUESTION I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!!! No need to apologize!!! I have considered making a post about stuff like this for awhile now but I’m always like “do people REALLY wanna hear all that?” But now i have the perfect excuse. Thank you, anon! You’re awesome too!! (WARNING this kinda turned into a chapter length read. So I hope y’all like to read history about fictional worlds.)
Okay so. This is all stuff I’ve sorta kept in my head and have built upon when I’ve had ideas, so sorry if there are some gaps currently haha.
So I imagine preds and prey started trying to “make peace” about five centuries ago but didn’t start living in true “harmony” until about two hundred years ago. And I use the term “harmony” loosely because clearly there’s still a lot of infighting happening. Before that, the preds and prey lived in two entirely separate cultures. The prey lived in larger, more stationary groups while the preds lived in much smaller, more nomadic groups. They also DEFINITELY didn’t speak the same language.
So for preds, the groups they would live in were more like traveling pods that consisted of maybe 1-3 families living/working together. Having groups of preds getting too large was… not sustainable. It would create too much competition for food. So each group would usually give other groups of preds a wide berth. Granted there were definitely still spats for territory, especially if said territory had a good supply of prey available.
Prey, much like in modern times, were never really the preds’ main food source, however. Preds would still hunt and gather like normal. It would usually take some organizing to get a raid together on a prey village (or a pred could just get lucky and stumble across one that wandered off alone). Consuming prey all the time was just too much effort. They weren’t a practical food source nor a completely sustainable one if they were over-predated. Also! Keep in mind, the more a pred consumes, the more their body acclimates to handling such a large meal. It would be better for the preds to consume every once in awhile and have their prey take longer to digest (hence, keeping them fueled longer) than to consume ALL THE TIME and risk addiction. I think consuming would probably become more regular in the cold months too, when it was harder for preds to find other food sources.
As for WHO the preds would consume? Definitely adults would make for the best meals. Children? Well, I imagine prey would be very protective of their children, first of all, making them difficult to obtain. But also they would just make… not as filling meals? Also prey children are mostly the same size as pred children so there might be that little hesitation there on the pred’s end as they’re reminded of their own kind. I guess if the pred is desperate? There’s always gonna be a time and place for special circumstances. As for the elderly… I imagine they also live in places that are harder for preds to get to. I also think if a prey managed to live that long, they would have a trick or two up their sleeve. But like I said, there’s always a possibility for things to happen.
Now for how prey live…. Like I said, they live in larger groups. There is safety in numbers, after all. These groups were basically villages, sometimes even cities where prey could really know their territory and set up defenses against any invading preds. (An underground dwelling is really cool idea tho! I also believe that prey evolved to be able to fold themselves up and be comfortable/feel safe in tight spaces that preds could never reach them in, so prey living in like a cave system might actually work really well!) Like it’s been stated in the story, prey tend to have a lot more children than preds for “just in case.” This could cause their towns to become rather large and populous sometimes.
Prey, also unlike preds, usually tried to keep in contact with neighboring towns/villages/cities. This was one of the key factors for what made it possible for the shift to both sides living in harmony to happen. Since the prey lived in settlements and kept in contact with other prey settlements, it allowed for a certain development of culture as well as the sharing and recording of knowledge that preds… just didn’t have. Prey were able to develop things like farming and running water. They could study math and science and share their knowledge in libraries and schools. They were really on their way to becoming an advanced society, they just had one big (both figurative and literal) problem holding them back. They constantly had preds attacking and killing off their people.
Despite their efforts to fight them off, the prey just weren’t winning. So they decided, if a war against preds wasn’t going to get them anywhere, then why not make peace? The first step for this was the prey learning the preds’ language. This was… dangerous, of course. But it was done enough that the prey were able to open conversation with preds. Just this move alone caused a huge shift between both sides. What are you supposed to do when your food, which for centuries has only babbled nonsense at you before you swallowed it down, suddenly starts speaking to you like an equal? It certainly gave preds pause, but not enough to stop consuming. Not that the prey didn’t expect this. They approached the preds with more than just a common language. Their first big move was offering them food. And not just any food, but GOOD FOOD. Cooked food, decadent food, spiced foods, foods that preds didn’t have the resources (nor the patience) to prepare.
Sharing food took… probably a little more effort than one might expect. Prey and preds view food fundamentally different. To prey, it’s sustenance but also something to enjoy and connect with. To preds, it’s simply something to stop hunger. There was a sort of learning curve for preds to actually learn to ENJOY food for its flavor, but once they got it… OH BOY!!! A door was opened! Because despite LIKING prey food, the preds weren’t always so good at preparing it, so it gave the prey something they could exchange for safety. (This is also something that persists into modern times. Preds are still often stereotyped as not having very refined palates and not being very good at preparing food. This is referenced a little in Heart Pangs itself as well as the one-shot I posted last week!) Once the food trade became established, it opened up relations enough to exchange other things!
The prey shared would they could with the preds in exchange for their own survival. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. Sometimes it SEEMED to work but then the preds turned on them and things went downhill very quickly. But the prey had the advantage of sheer numbers and determination on their side (that and if they didn’t keep pushing they would literally be eaten alive). It took generations of negotiations, but the preds and prey eventually came to a sort of truce, though consuming never stopped entirely.
The preds weren’t stupid, they saw the prey had a lot of good stuff to offer them. At first they took what they needed and went their separate ways, but as they gained more trust from the prey, the preds encroached more and more into their territories until both sides were more or less neighbors. There were some advantages to this. If both sides cooperated enough, they were able to make further advances as civilized societies. But there were also disadvantages… like the fact that the preds were always bigger and the prey were always making sure not to anger them so it became very easy for the preds to take whatever they wanted and leave the prey with less than they deserved.
The prey even began to lose their own language as most of the preds couldn’t be bothered to learn the prey’s language (although a lot of prey terms for food and science stuck around). The preds stopped being the enemy who lived outside the prey’s walls and suddenly became the bully who lived next door. Yes, technically the prey were a little safer than before, but the advantages they once held over the preds were slipping away as the preds claimed more and more of what the prey had until the preds were able to start developing their OWN advantages.
For a long time, the preds and prey operated as two different societies that lived in one space, meaning each group had their own leaders and their own laws. But as things began getting more and more strained between each side (as they tend to do when two natural enemies live side-by-side), the prey (once more) tried to make peace. They made the bold move of reaching out to the pred leaders in an attempt to work together and function as a singular society (although both sides more or less continued to live as two societies, just under the rule of one government). The preds were surprisingly open to this change, which was a relief to the prey… at first. But then it became clear that this was mostly just a power grab for the preds to acquire more status and wealth and power amongst the prey.
Besides the fact that a lot of prey were falling into poverty because of this, the most glaring issue was that the “unification” had made it even easier for a lot of preds to break the peace and consume prey with barely any consequences. This caused a lot of prey to flee and seek out safer, more remote places to live. Eventually it got to the point where the prey leaders threatened to break away from pred society completely. The preds didn’t like this, though, as they’d gotten very used to having prey within easy reach. They also knew that losing half the people in their society would cause a lot of problems in terms of keeping everything running smoothly. However, the preds very much did not want to give up consuming entirely. It was in their nature after all, they argued.
So after A LOT of negotiations, both sides came to a compromise. The preds would actually start enforcing consuming as something illegal UNLESS the prey being consumed had agreed to it beforehand. Obviously the prey leaders couldn’t see any prey ever AGREEING to being consumed, so they settled on the compromise thinking that was the end of it. This was the true beginning of the “harmony” between preds and prey, but of course, the preds always have something up their sleeves.
Rich preds began offering up money and food and shelter to all those desperate prey in poverty. Those prey could get everything they could ever want for, the only payment was their lives ending in said pred’s gut (after a specified amount of time). These ventures started slow, but once they started to catch on, BOY DID THEY CATCH ON. The desperate prey began hearing about certain preds who were practically giving away wealth, all it took was a signature written in (figurative) blood. Meanwhile preds began hearing about other preds who had found a loophole in the consuming law and wanted in on the action. Like any good entrepreneur, the preds turned their contracts into a business and started selling them to other preds.
The prey leaders, of course, despised this, but what could they do? It all aligned with the compromise they had made. The only thing they could do was stand by and help come up with regulations for this new practice. So they did. Over the decades, the contracting businesses grew to what they are today (large corporate monsters… although the smaller, more private contracts still exist) as well as became the core to keeping the peace. Even the government itself offers contracting services now.
Society has shifted considerably in the years since harmony was reached. The two sides have mostly learned to live with each other. Prey have fought viciously to be treated as equals while a lot of preds go their whole lives without consuming (particularly fatally) even once. And, as you know, the development of neutralizers allowed preds to experience consuming without having to hurt anyone. A lot of progress has been made, but a lot of progress still needs to happen.
And I think that pretty much catches us up to the setting of Heart Pangs (whew)! I keep thinking it would be really cool to write a story that takes places in an earlier time period to further explore how different the relations between preds and prey would be, but I have yet to come up with a plot haha. Maybe someday. I’m sure an idea will come to me at a proper time. Anydays, thank you for your interest! It was really nice to be able to (finally) type all this up somewhere!!
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thedenofravenpuff · 5 years
What I want for Steven Universe Future
Is Gregg finally snapping at the Crystal Gems.
Rant incoming with slight spoilers
Since first episode of the first series they treated him like a loser they didn’t want anything to do with, an attitude easily spread to a lot of fans that declared him to be a deadbeat dad absent from Steven’s life, rather living from a van than share a home.
But the Crystal Gems were the ones not wanting him around, least of all in the house build for Steven. Gregg lived out of a van while providing the money to pay for Steven’s food and necessities. You don’t see the Gems work for that money and I highly doubt they are on welfare. They made it clear they didn’t want him all up in their grill by being around Steven while the boy lived with them.
I’m sure Gregg never got Steven a GP for reasons such as him being part alien and the Gems insisting humans wouldn’t know how to treat him. But what do they know about human bodies since their own is made of light?
Steven was never put into a school, does he even have a birth certificate? How did he get a driver’s license, is he registered ANYWHERE? If he legally an alien too purely by lack of proper documentation? We never saw him around kids his own age until Connie. He hang out with teens older than him a few episodes.
I’m pretty sure as soon Steven was old enough to survive the basic care the Gems are able to offer, they took him in and expected Gregg to get lost. He was put under the care of aliens that showed throughout the show that they do not understand human needs nor emotions.
They had to make an episode later on where Gregg spelled it out that he took care of Steven as a baby before the Gems took over, because they had NO IDEA how to take care of a young mammal that doesn’t just reshape if his body accidentally get destroyed. He needed food, a system of digestion even Amethyst only barely got a basic understanding of other than merely imitating it because of its gross out factor on Pearl. So focused on his Gem part yet still shown as dismissive the first many episodes of the first series.
All while SO many times they kept shrugging Gregg off because of their resentment towards him for Rose mixed with that idea they have of humans being a lower lifeform after watching them evolve from cavemen to modern man, through the past thousand years.
Sure they have a much healthier relationship now but it was STEVEN, as a KID, who had to teach the adults in his life, the Crystal Gems, how to, well, adults.
No wonder Steven is now crippled with PTSD and a never satisfied need to be needed. Feeling useless if he’s not FIXING something, because that was the only way he bonded with the Gems over the years.
Latest episode, Growing Pains, was the most real cartoon series episode I’ve ever seen. Pointing out what stress during your formative years can do to your body and mental health. No matter how big a hero you are, there are ALWAYS long lasting consequences for trauma. The body may heal, but the mind not as easily.
The Gems never had any means to help Steven through something like that. They were never born, they come out of the earth fully formed and expected to take on their duties right away, they don’t have a childhood. Why they first learn such valuable things such as mental well being so long after their own creation. They are adult toddlers due to this lack in freedom of natural development. Yet expected to be the adults teaching Steven the way of life.
They failed Steven. They failed GREGG. The man they so many times dismissed and ignored, the man they wanted out of their own lives as much as out of Steven’s life. The most important human connection for Steven. Yes he shrugged and kept saying “I guess you know best,” when they shrugged him off and denied him the chance to help. But what was he supposed to do when facing ancient alien beings insisting they did indeed know better than some mammal from a backwater rock floating in space? While dealing with his own guilt and loss about Rose.
And now he’s left to pick up the pieces the Gems failed to even realize was falling apart.
Gregg is Steven’s DAD, he should have been allowed more into Steven’s life. Yes he couldn’t have solved everything, but Steven needed a steady rock in an ocean of aliens that didn’t understood the importance of emotional connection between members of a species they saw as so fleeting, due to their limited lifespan. And they own inability to handle issues such as loss. Or even respecting other lifeforms.
I want Gregg for once losing it. For once not just letting them push him aside or push around blame. For once ACTUALLY speaking up and give them a much needed speech. As much as I love every member of the Crystal Gems, they are still flawed by an ingrained arrogance. They barely gave him a chance to be Steven’s dad because they didn’t saw that as important because of their own lack of parental figures due to how Gems come into being.
Steven needs help, but at this point regular therapy are most likely not the safest path. With his powers so closely connected to his emotions and mental well being, and growing pains of teenagehood, he’s even more danger to those around him than to himself. People gotten so used to weird stuff around him they easily shrug it off as “just weird stuff around Steven.”
Connie’s mom was at first introduced as the pushy soccer mom, constantly hovering over Connie and rejecting everything out of the ordinary that she rejected what a cluster monster actual was and made up her own reality to dismiss its weirdness.
Now she’s the most supportive human Steven ever run into for being in that middleground of accepting the oddities that is aliens and hybrids. And still able to call things out as they are, pointing out the side of Steven’s humanity that is SUFFERING from the kind of life he had.
No human won’t be at risk around Steven if attempting to help him. And no Gem that could survive facing his powers going amok, can possibly help him with that hurting part of his humanity. Because they don’t understand. Gems are still LEARNING. Humans are physically too fragile.
All consequences for the life he was made to live.
That said I still love everything about the show, I just needed to went a bit about how often Gregg was given the short end of the stick. We have seen how Steven fail trying to connect to other humans, those of normal lives. Take Connie away and he only got Gregg to truly understand hum as a human AND a Gem. He needs to be recognized as human too, not just a weirdo. But a kid still suffering from childhood traumas too often dismissed. Dismissed by those who didn’t understood and himself downplaying it because that was what he was taught.
Looking forward to see where the show moves on from here.I just needed to get some thoughts out of my head with a bit of ranting.
Thanks for reading.
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hcrystals24h · 3 years
Healing Crystals: A Complete Guide of 45 Essential Gemstones
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People have been turning to crystals for healing since the beginning of time. These are Mother Earth's jewels, gleaming diamonds, stones, and rock crystals formed by elemental energy. They can absorb the sun, moon, salt seas, soil, and mountains in a single shimmer and return all of their healing strength to us. Healing crystals have decorated the breastplates of priests and warriors, been used in shamanic work, served as guiding lights for ancient tribes, and been hidden in the pockets of princesses, sailors, and healers for centuries.
These powerful stones have a lot of influence in today's world. They only become more potent as time passes, and they can be a hugely useful tool in assisting us in reconnecting with the natural world. They assist us in channeling our intentions, raising our vibrations, and bringing out all of the latent grace, elegance, and magic that we already possess. Remember that everything in life has a vibration, and if we can adapt our inner vibrations to the things we want in life, we can be able to manifest them. Crystals, with their cleansing properties and positive vibrations, will help to close the distance. These tiny magical stones also invite us to clear our minds, sit in meditation, and ponder how we can relax our monkey minds and enter a deeper state of healing.
The Formation of Crystals in the Earth
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In the world, crystals go through a fascinating geological phase. Heat, compression, and millions of years will produce some amazing results!
How to Pick a Stone
How do you pick the right crystal for you when there are too many to choose from? One of the most valuable lessons we can take away from crystal healing is to trust our instincts and follow our gut instincts. Our bodies and minds are inextricably linked and both a part of the universe. Simply see which crystals call to you if you want to know which one works best for you. Even if you're just reading a brief description of a crystal or looking at an image, some things can stand out and resonate with you more than others. Take this as a hint from the universe that this is the crystal that will be able to provide you with something special. We typically have a good idea of our own strengths and weaknesses, and we can use gemstones' unique characteristics to help us balance ourselves and focus on the areas where we feel we need a little extra help. If you're feeling particularly confused and helpless, your Zodiac sign will point you in the direction of a crystal with luminous light and powerful healing properties.
Crystal Healing: How to Make the Stones Work for You
The beautiful force of jewelry is one of the easiest ways to incorporate crystals into your everyday life. Wearing gemstone jewelry is an easy way to ensure that you stay in constant touch with your chosen crystal and that it can perform the tasks it is designed to do. Unlike stones placed on an altar or carried in one's pocket, crystal jewelry is worn directly on the skin, allowing all of the vibrations to penetrate deeply.
Amethyst is one of the 45 essential stones to choose from.
Amethyst is one of the most divine and mystical healing stones because of its purple hues and strong defensive properties. This is a fantastic meditation platform for those who want to take their lives to the next level. Best for: Defending against fear and shame, instilling calmness, reducing anxiety, and having fun dreams
Citrine is a mineral that is found in the
Citrine is a sunny bright stone that is ready to wake you up from your slumber, radiating health, riches, and sloughing away toxic energies. This stone can't carry negative energy, which is a good reminder that when life gives you lemons... Grounding negative energies, assisting in the smoothing of family or complex community issues, fostering love and happiness, and protecting against those that will break your heart are all things this stone is good for. It's also used to protect oneself from resentment and envy.
Rose Quartz is a stone that has a pink
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Rose Quartz is for those who are ready to restore faith, peace, and unconditional love to their inner world. It is perfect in pink and provides deep sweet healing to the heart chakra.
Healing emotional wounds, nurturing divine affection, and strengthening kindness and friendships are the best uses for this crystal.
Tourmaline is a mineral that is found in nature.
Tourmaline provides power, reduces anxiety, and balances the right and left sides of the mind, much like a protective cloak. Choose from a variety of colors, including pink, green, and even watermelon. Best for: Maintaining a balanced digestive system, strengthening bones and teeth, and boosting self-esteem. It's also said to bring us luck and help us develop a more caring attitude.
Crystals: Quartz (Clear)
Clear Quartz is as pure as the spring rains, and it's all about effective washing. With its positive vibrations, this quartz crystal will drench you to the bone. With one of our favorite soothing crystals, you can boost your immunity and pursue your bliss. Supporting artists, performers, media practitioners, and physicians is a good example of how it can be used. Migraine headaches, vertigo, and motion sickness can all be helped with this supplement.
Selenite is a mineral that is found in nature.
Selenite, an angelic healing stone, reflects spirituality and light. It's the ideal talisman for defending against PMT and getting your cycle into balance, as it's ethereal and packed to the brim with goddess healing energy. It's best for: Surprisingly, by laying other stones on top of a Selenite slab, other stones can be cleared. It also has a close link to the third eye and other chakras, and aids in the purification of their energies. It's like a powerful master healer!
Obsidian is a type of obsidian
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Obsidian is a volcanic lava stone that is raw, rare, and always ready to provide healing protection to those who wear it. It's one of the strongest shields you can have, whether in difficult times or on a regular basis. Protecting from negative energy is what it's best for. Obsidian is said to absorb energy and also protect against psychic attacks. Use this stone to help you get through difficult times or circumstances.
Carnelian is a mineral found in the Carnelian
The warm glow of Carnelian will enliven your libido and help you overcome personal obstacles. Carnelian, a sublime root and sacral chakra strengthener, encourages you to accelerate.
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Best for: Boosting metabolism, easing menopause symptoms, and improving focus. It's great for calming the sacral chakra because of its red color. Carnelian was also thought to aid in the protection of the deceased on their way to the afterlife, thereby reducing the fear of death.
Agate is a form of agate that
The earthy stone can be traced all the way back to Babylonian times. Agate is known for being a safe and prosperous healing amulet that helps to balance the negative and positive forces in the universe. Best for: balancing polar opposite forces, self-confidence, and travel security (particularly traffic accidents). Dancers, dentists, and environmentalists are all good matches. Educators and recreational employees may get emotional support from this program.
Lapis Lazuli is a type of lapis lazuli.
Lapis Lazuli has long been associated with spiritual enlightenment and deep self-expression, making it a common choice among ancient civilizations. Prepare to harness your personal power and reality by strengthening your immune system.
Wisdom, spiritual enlightenment, and imagination are the best uses for this crystal.
Fluorite is a mineral that is found in nature.
Fluorite encourages you to come down off the fence if you're having trouble making decisions. This stone is known for providing earthly guidance, ensuring that both the head and the heart are in sync. Clearing a muddled mind is the best use for this herb. This is an excellent stone for deciding your life course, which is frequently ignored in the hustle and bustle of daily life. It's also great for energizing the third eye.
Black Tourmaline is a form of tourmaline.
Black Tourmaline is incredibly grounding and has the super power of cleansing toxic vibes and restoring integrity to the body, mind, and soul, making it a barrier against the harmful effects of EMFs.
Best for: Defending against negative energies and EMFs, keeping grounded, making decisions, and reducing depression and anxiety.
Hematite is a mineral that is found in abundance in the
The silvery grace of Hematite bestows inner strength and courage upon you. Resembling a falling star, this strong and powerful crystal will protect you from harmful energies and help you expand your protection boundaries. Intuition and mental clarity, blood circulation, willpower, and bravery are the best uses for this herb.
Kyanite is a mineral found in Kyanite.
Kyanite is a great shifter of emotional blocks and always striving to keep positive vibes in free flow. A conductor of energy and always ready to take out negative vibes, Kyanite is a great conductor of energy and always ready to take out negative vibes. Soothing frayed nerves, finding trust in self-expression, engaging with others, and dream recall are just a few of the benefits.
Aventurine is a mineral that is found in the sea.
Aventurine is an excellent stone for attracting good luck and bringing perfect fortune into your life because it amplifies all of the luck in the universe. It also harmonizes the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of one's being because it is connected to the heart chakra.
Best for: Improving leadership skills, welcoming change, and increasing creativity inspiration. Supports heart and circulatory conditions, as well as those recovering from surgery or sickness.
Jasper is a character in the film Jasper
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This stone has long been worn by shamans, high priests, and kings for its ability to make you feel deeper and see more. Furthermore, Jasper is always willing to assist you in both grounding and flying high. Best for: Relieving tension, encouraging calmness, sharpening concentration, and removing disruptive or pessimistic thoughts. It is thought to provide emotional support, improve self-control, and foster grounding energies.
Pyrite is a mineral that is used to make
Pyrite is a powerful stone that emits sparks, making it one of the strongest shields against EMFs and other forms of negative energy. This crystal is the Achilles of the crystal universe, full of masculine energy. Best for: warding off negative energy and psychic attacks, boosting morale, particularly in leadership positions, removing negative thinking patterns, and clearing the lower chakras.
Labradorite is a mineral that is found in nature.
Labradorite is a stone of incredible transformation, and it's best for calming chakras, shielding the aura, and removing depressive vibes from your life. With this gleaming starlight stone, you can sink into a state of blissful awareness.
The best way to use it is when you're going through a transformation and need to find your inner strength. This stone is also an excellent motivator, a useful tool for communication, and for those seeking a deeper meaning in life.
Moonstone is a mineral that is found in the
With the Moonstone's bright magic, light up the route. This is a wonderful stone for new beginnings and can be used as an amulet for both heart and body adventures. It's also known for reawakening inner strength. Best for: Healing the feminine spirit that we all possess. It's also appropriate for the time of month, as it emphasizes the importance of clairvoyance and intuition.
Jade is a precious stone.
Jade, the guru of good fortune, is associated with attracting success and riches, as well as being an excellent addition to the Feng Shui. The cooling touch of Jade is full of joy and peace, making it a must-have for those who want good things to come their way. Best for: Defending against sickness, letting go of negative feelings, and cultivating harmonious relationships
Celestite is a mineral that is found in the earth'
Celestite is a soothing stone with strong vibrations that is believed to be linked to higher realms. This pale crystal, one of the angel stones, is used for meditative reflection and to receive guidance from the universe. High vibrations, clearing rage and negativity, communicating with the spirit realms, cultivating inner love, tapping into limitless wisdom are the best uses for this crystal.
a bloodstain
The Bloodstone was thought to be the blood of Christ's tears during the Middle Ages. The Bloodstone is a beautiful healer known for its ability to improve circulation and send your self-esteem soaring, regardless of which spiritual side you stand on. Bloodstone is often used for blood ailments such as anemia and impaired circulation, as the name suggests. It's used as an aphrodisiac in India. It's also good for self-confidence and intuition.
Aquamarine is a blue-green gemstone.
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This watery stone is known for combining tranquil vibes with a jolt of energy, with endless ocean colors, an incredible ebb and flow, and bringing instant calm to the core. Plunge straight in, as Aquamarine tempts you to swim against the tide rather than sink. Emotional equilibrium, clear-headed communication, inner contemplative space, moments of transformation, and inner resilience are the best uses for this oil.
Quartz with a smokiness
With sublime Smoky Quartz, let the gentle fog of rest and relaxation seep into every inch of your soul. Smoky Quartz is a magnificent grounding stone that is known for its ability to relieve tension while keeping you soft and solid at the same time. Grounding, amplifying positive energy, EMF defense, and balancing the root chakra are just a few of the benefits.
Chrysocolla is a kind of Chrysocolla.
The heart of soothing Chrysocolla is personal truth and profound wisdom. This stone will help those who want to find a bright burst of courage when it comes to public speaking, amplify their voice, tap into their creative side, and find a bright burst of courage. It's best for: The throat chakra is the most important chakra to stimulate because it allows us to interact more effectively. It also improves overall wellbeing vibrations and is beneficial to students.
Tiger's Eye is a type of gemstone.
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Tiger's Eye is a golden stone that helps you cut through self-doubt and make choices from a position of focus, removing the shackles of fear for both the body and the mind. Courage, concentration, wealth, and defense are the best uses for this stone.
Rhodonite is a mineral that is found in the Rhodon
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Rhodonite is a stone with rosy hues and gentle vibes that fills the heart with as much goodness as it can manage. This soft natured stone will help you find your way home if you're looking for peace and healing after a big event. Best for: Finding equilibrium after a big loss, overcoming sorrow, or relieving general heartache. It's a fantastic tool to use if your intention is to re-learn to love yourself.
Malachite is a form of malachite that is
Malachite is a beautiful green stone that is one of the heart chakra's favorite stones. Get assistance in breaking bad ties, increasing your EMF security, and finding good luck and success in both business and play. Strengthening the immune system, travel, and the treatment of travel sickness and vertigo are the most common uses.
Sodalite is a mineral that is used to make soda.
Sodalite, also known as the Poets Stone, has the vitality of a roaring wave brimming with inspiration. Increase your contact, speak your brightest truth, and allow logic and inner peace to pave the way for a life that shines. Courage, intelligence, and harmonious relationships with loved ones are the best qualities to have.
Garnet is a red gemstone.
The Garnet is a stone of glory, a fiery red stone with a fiery spirit. Allow your heart chakra to open up, warming your soul and restoring a sense of vitality that has faded over time. Best for: Boosting creativity, boosting metabolism, removing contaminants, providing strength in difficult conditions, and cultivating healthy resources.
Amazonite is a mineral that is found in the Amazon
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The Amazonite Courage Stone encourages you to discover your inner strength so that you can live up to your full potential without exhausting your emotional soul. This is an excellent stone for releasing traumas that have become lodged in the body, allowing you to return to a stable, harmonious balance. Best for: healing trauma, combating self-destructive behaviour, and learning to feel at ease in your own skin
Azurite is a blue mineral.
Azurite, an ancient blue copper-based stone, boosts insight and brings yin-yang balance to your heart. This is a stone that invites you out to play if you're looking for a way to reclaim your childlike spontaneity. Connecting with celestial force, cutting out people pleasing conduct, seeking inner power, and clearing the throat chakra are the best uses for this crystal.
Iolite is a mineral that occurs naturally in the earth
Iolite is a lyrical stone that is associated with the third-eye chakra and is all about releasing your inner power and being the leader you were born to be. For the body, mind, and spirit, it's best for: detoxing addictive behaviour, fostering independence, and promoting new positive ways of thinking.
Calcite is a mineral that can be found in
Calcite is a crystallized limestone gem that is bursting with vitamin D. Turn to this stone to improve your artistic and sexual prowess and get a dose of good energy. Best for: increasing inspiration and attention, developing emotional intelligence, constructive thinking, and amplifying energy.
Apatite is a mineral that is found in nature.
When it comes to the emotional self, Apatite's dual action force brings beautiful social ease and calm contact. It acts as a tonic to reinforce the body physically. Strong communication, manifesting a positive truth, innovative thinking, and problem solving are the most common applications.
Howlite is a mineral that is found in the
With the airy elemental stone of Howlite, it's time to knock insomnia and get your ambition back on track. Howlite is divine inspiration, as well as a tool for creative expression and deep relaxation. Calming the mind, reducing rage, seeking meaning, and balancing calcium levels in the body are some of the benefits.
Kunzite is a mineral that is found in the earth'
Kunzite is a stone that is both pure to the eye and strong to the touch, and it will help you break down the walls you've created around your heart and soul. It's also used to heal from traumatic memories and to treat hormonal migraines. Best for: hormonal equilibrium, emotional heart recovery, and creating a prosperous life
Opal is a mineral that is found in abundance
The Opal is a dream to behold, with the sheen of a pearl on rainbow fire. This full spectrum stone of healing is known for bringing loving positive vibes to the group and for lending spiritual light to the aura. Growing cosmic consciousness, clearing negative vibes, critical thought, and motivating imaginative minds are the best uses for this crystal.
Lepidolite is a type of lepidolite.
Lepidolite, which means "size" in Greek, invites you to restore harmony in all aspects of your life. It aids in the development of body and mind consciousness, providing you with the skills you need to eliminate toxicity from your life. Reduce anxiety, clear chakras, embrace positive change, and remain calm with this blend.
Angelite is a mineral that is found in the earth
By bringing Angelite's ethereal energies into your life, you will bind to all of the higher realms. Allow your inner self to show you the way to heaven by quieting the spirit, sitting in openness and humility. Spirituality, soul soothing, rage and anxiety dispelling, and related contact are the best uses for this oil.
Apophyllite is a mineral contained in the Apophyllite
Apophyllite will help you connect to the energy of love. This crystal works to rid the mind and body of negative debris and is always ready to lend a light touch to a heavy situation. Connecting to nature, soothing nerves, clearing the body and mind of negativity, and healing emotional wounds are just a few of the benefits.
Sunstone is a mineral that is found in the
Who wouldn't want a little more light in their lives? Sunstone's soothing vibrations soothe the soul and radiate comfort to every nook and cranny of your being. This stone serves as a natural compass, similar to the ones used by Vikings to navigate the seas. Best for: taking energy to the chakras, discovering your true course, critical thought, and living a life full of good fortune and luck.
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Topaz is a mineral that can be found in
When it comes to the shimmering gemstone of Topaz, feelings of love and affection run high. With this higher living stone, you will calm your temper, remove all traces of poison from your life, and consume fewer. Best for: Migraine relief, inner balance and resisting overwhelm, increased focus, and clearing the throat chakra for direct communication.
Cleaning Stones and Jewelry
Whatever healing crystal you pick, treat it with compassion, purpose, and as much light as you can muster. Whatever the world throws at you, this is to be your amulet, your talisman, and your soul's companion. Keep your crystal jewelry cleansed and recharged, especially after experiencing particularly trying times. Unclogging trapped energy can be as easy as rinsing with warm soapy water. If you want to keep your stones recharged and riding high in their fullest, most fabulous capacity, leave them out in the moonlight, give them a few minutes of heat, or even put them in the rain.
One Last Thought
Adding healing crystals to your existence, whether as a single stone or in the form of gemstone bracelets, can be extremely beneficial. We all have work to do, and balancing out the mental, moral, and physical aspects of our being will help us move out of the darkness and into the light of our true selves.
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Additional Resources:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_healing https://www.wikihow.com/Category:Crystal-Healing
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