#regina mills is not a good queen
ouatsnark · 23 hours
okay i’m sure you’ve covered this at some point but this site is an abomination to search in sometimes.
i wanna ask about your thoughts on s7 ending scene of the coronation - personally i hate it because it fucks up every timeline MORE (NEAL IS OLDER THAN ROBIN!), but most importantly, it has regina as the ‘good queen’ and after EVERYTHING she did, i would have fucking rioted if i’d been a citizen in storybrooke.
she said from day one that she didnt want to be a queen, which cora pushed her into cos she was a social climber, so giving regina power over everyone and everything when her younger self never would have wanted that, seems silly. i would have loved to see her happy for SNOW to be crowned the good queen of everything and all because it contradicts what she says in the pilot. THAT wouldve been a change!
regina needed a quasimodo ending, not something she expected but something she needed - learning to be happy for others after she took it away so many times!
that being the ending just proves that being the most evil and worst version of yourself, can result in you being bestowed even more power (exactly like our society tbh) i hate how they pander to her at every turn and i hate the writers for the coronation scene
I understand your tag frustration! Every time I think I’ve figured out a good way to tag this blog I’m like “yeah, that’s probably not helping!”
I don't think I have one single, serious, post dedicated to how beyond livid I am with The Once Upon a Time writers/creators for crowning Regina the “Good Queen” and placing her above all of her victims and those currently ruling their kingdom/realm WITHOUT HER HELP.
The other rulers do not need her. If they’d done this with Killian you’d hear them screaming misogyny over placing him above Elsa, Jasmine and Merida etc etc. But it’s OK because it’s Regina. And I have a hard time believing anyone asked for her to be placed in this position when Regina has done NOTHING for them.
I must say that I absolutely love your take on how Regina’s story should’ve ended and the crowning of Snow White. In my opinion, though, Regina’s younger self eventually did want power. People’s goals in life can change and the moment Regina tasted power her want for power was ignited. She liked it. Regina very much wanted to rule as was evident in her cursing herself for eternity as mayor over everyone. She also murdered, tortured and abused an entire kingdom to steal Snow’s throne. She was also very happy to be mayor again in the S6 finale. So seeing her give up her want for power would’ve been amazing.
Regina learning to be happy for others and petitioning to re-instate Snow as queen would’ve been a huge step toward making me believe “ok, maybe she’s changed. Maybe this is her redemption.”
But, unfortunately, once again, this vile villain that committed so many atrocities was placed above her victims. What makes it even more unforgivable is that she never apologized or showed remorse for what she’d done to them. She still had her vault of hearts for pities sake! For all we know that crowd there was being controlled by Regina!
I have always felt that the ending should’ve been centered on Emma and her family and not on the villain that destroyed their lives and doesn’t regret it. It should’ve been a coronation for Hope and the crowning of Snow White. it would’ve been nice to see Snow actually be Snow White again like they eluded to in S5 but never followed through with. You could say her goals in life also changed as her story progressed but I just felt like it was a regression for her. She was a strong leader that led with compassion just like her father. I’d have so liked to see Snow become who she was always meant to be and not just someone standing in Regina’s shadow.
I also do not like how the Wish People were there. Season 6 wish realm already didn't make sense but Season 7 completely destroyed whatever little sense it did make. Regina having two Henry’s to love her was absolutely absurd especially since the fake Henry forgave Regina for no reason after she murdered his grandparents and took away the only mother he’d known. This isn’t on Emma either as Regina told her that all the people in the wish realm weren’t real. Well, they aren’t fake are they if Regina was about to give up everything for fake Robin and now treats fake Henry like another son…? So where is justice for Wish Snowing?! Oh right where all of the other victim’s rights to justice are: ignored, forgotten and buried or turned into Regina being the victim instead.
I am 100% with you on just absolutely hating the message that Once Upon a Time sent in regards to Regina. It’s just vile. And I fully believe that this wouldn’t have been the case if LP wasn’t a beautiful woman. It is only because she is beautiful and a woman that this is even applauded.
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pxmlx · 1 year
“Fucking idiots” I mutter to myself while reading (for the millionth time) about two dumbasses clearly in love with each other CONVINCED that their feelings are one sided
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kandismon · 4 months
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totally lore-accurate swanqueen screencap redraws 4/∞
they're on their first date :3c
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ao3topshipsbracket · 1 year
AO3 Top Relationships Bracket- Round 4
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This poll is a celebration of fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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itwasmagic · 1 year
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— emily dickinson, 1878 REBLOGS ARE ENCOURAGED!
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yellowbugifs · 7 days
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258/365 days of regina mills
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ouatsqincorrect · 2 months
Snow: *points back and forth between Emma and Regina*
Snow, gasping: You two are sleeping together?
Emma, shrugging: Only when we’re done having sex.
Regina: *facepalms*
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victoriously-regal · 6 months
Snow: Regina, what do you value about Emma?
Regina: She’s thoughtful. She picks flowers and brings them to me.
Snow: *smiles*
Regina: Often they’re ones I’ve just planted, but…
Emma: That’s how I know they’re fresh.
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heddagab · 3 months
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ONCE UPON A TIME Regina and Cora in 2x14 "Manhattan"
The kris dagger’s much too powerful to be wasted on you. So… Is… This what it was all about? Getting Rumple's dagger so you could obtain his dark powers?
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mccallhero · 7 months
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favourite ouat scenes: 79/?
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ollysmulti · 2 years
Lesso x Dovey is so...
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Regina x Emma
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and Lena x Kara coded.
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horsetailcurlers2 · 1 year
more random regina mills headcanons bc people seemed to like the last ones
-she taught herself how to cook. she was never allowed in the kitchens growing up bc it was “beneath her” to be in there with the servants. when she cast the curse and had to be able to feed herself without magic, she made it her mission to learn how to cook. it was a frustrating and arduous journey (with lots of cussing and minor burns involved) but she absolutely loves it now. she watches the food network religiously (and often times yells at the screen when she’s watching those high drama cooking competition shows) and she has a mildly excessive amount of cookbooks.
-she has a similar fascination with HGTV. she loves judging all those house flipping and real estate shows.
-when she finally gets a smart phone and henry and emma introduce her to facebook, she absolutely embarrasses the hell out of him. she constantly posts old baby photos, she leaves sappy comments on every little thing he posts and she is always tagging him in photos he didn’t even know she’d taken.
-she loves olives. loves them. henry tells her it’s disgusting (because it is) but she will eat them straight out of the jar.
-she LOVES putting together a good charcuterie board. she was into it way before it was trendy. she acts all grumpy and put out about hosting family dinners and gatherings but she actually loves it because she gets so many compliments on the food spread.
-speaking of which, everyone already knows this but she cannot take a compliment. she likes them in theory, she just has no idea how to respond to them at all. she gets so uncomfortable. she will either make some kind of snarky or sarcastic comment downplaying whatever it is she’s being complimented for, or she will literally just ignore it.
-her bra and underwear always match. always. i don’t even mean this in a spicy sexy way, just that she is that detail oriented and particular.
-she cried when she watched old yeller. like, full on ugly sobbing. this is another secret she will take to her grave.
-she is a very very sore loser when it comes to board games and she’s incredibly competitive. do you guys know that scene in parks and recreation when ben and leslie are helping those kids with model U.N? and ben tells leslie to wave the white flag and she’s like “the only thing i will be waving is your decapitated head in front of your weeping mother”? that’s regina’s exact vibe when it comes to monopoly.
-in a similar vein, she is a fantastic chess player
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grtmnick · 1 year
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The used car salesman slapped the hood, then exclaimed with absolute confidence, “Now this is what character development looks like!”
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stayevildarling · 5 months
Wilhemina Venable x Regina Mills x Reader- Burying our memories Part 2
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A/N: This is the second and last part to this. I had originally planned to write this ending but the first one was so long and considering everyone asked ❣️ Also wanna say again this is quite different to the plot and storyline in ouat, so more of an AU.
tw: mention of sickness, cursing, heartache, angst, happy ending
word count: 12k
taglist: (added some people who commented on part one so you could find this again- dw I won't add you to the permanent taglist, just for this)
@lunaticwhittaker, @billiebeanhoward, @lanawinters-ily, @kenzbro, @minaslittleone, @httpfiftyshadesofgay , @whitelotus00 , @ninaahs , @vintagepaulson , @isle-of-earle , @paulsonsratched , @stepintomyworld , @grilledcheeseandguavajelly , @lucyintheskywithxanax , @fanfics4world , @mymiraclewitch , @hazard-to-myself , @awritersometime , @ohrwurm26 , @wastdstime , @gayestswiftie , @marvelwoman-sugarbaby , @blu3dimples , @thesamesweetie , @fanfiction-24824
The morning sun casts a warm glow over Storybrooke as you step out into the garden, a sense of tranquility and normality washing over you. Her garden is your sanctuary and had always been for as long as you can remember, a place where you can escape the worries of the world and lose yourself in the beauty of nature. As you begin laying out your tools and getting started for the day, the large white mansion behind you, the sun shies on the several hedges and bushes as well as the vegetable garden and fruit trees.
As you begin tending to the flowers and lush greenery, you hear the sound of footsteps approaching, her heels echoing through the air. Turning around, you see Regina stepping out onto the patio, her expression neutral. ,,Good morning Madam Mayor'' you greet her as she inspects your work carefully, unable to ignore the way your tank top exposed your muscles. She can't help but smirk, having told you several times in the past that you could call her Regina, considering you had worked for her for several years at this point. ,,How are you today?'' you ask almost absentmindedly as you tend to your work.
The brunette returns your smile, her eyes lighting up as she takes in the beauty of her garden, despite you not being able to see her expression. ,,Good morning dear'' she replies ,,Quite well, how about you?'' she speaks, which wasn't really like her. You knew she was respected in the town, especially given she was the mayor and took that role seriously but you could tell she was considerably softer with you, unsure why. She had offered you multiple times that she would be happy to offer you other housing other than her pool house but you had refused every single time, content with your living situation and being so close to your work.
,,How's the garden coming along?'' she asks and you gesture proudly to the array of flowers and plants around you. ,,It's coming along beautifully'' you say, excitement evident in your voice. ,,The roses are in full bloom and the lilies are starting to open up. Oh and your apples should be ready for picking'' you explain proudly. You notice then how her eyes sparkle with genuine interest as she listens to you talk about the garden, her admiration for your work evident. ,,It's truly remarkable what you have done here'' she remarks, her voice filled with admiration.
As the brunette continues to watch over your work, occasionally glancing at her phone to check for any new emails regarding work, your gaze drifts over to the neighbouring house, where Wilhemina lives. You catch a glimpse of her exiting her house and walking towards her car, assuming she was heading of to work. Her demeanour was much lighter, despite you not remembering an ounce of the woman you had met in a different version of reality before. She was different now, much lighter than she used to be, the dark purple replaced by a soft lilac. You can't help but smile at the sight of her, feeling an odd sense of warmth and affection wash over you, despite not understanding remotely why but you accepted it as it had been that way for as long as you can remember.
Regina follows your gaze and notices Wilhemina as well, rolling her eyes a little, tugging at her lips, seeing her ex-wife. And then with a swift motion, she leaves you be, getting ready for her day ahead. You watch as Wilhemina enters her car, catching a glimpse of her eyes finding you, her demeanour the usual one before driving off, leaving you to finish your workday. And then you spent your day the way you usually would, working til around lunchtime before taking a quick lunch break. In the afternoon, heading to some shops for some more supplies and materials, before finishing for the day. Your days were monotone really, always the same and sometimes you felt a little trapped with how the days always looked similar. But nevertheless you enjoyed it, not really having the option to do much about it and knowing you should be grateful working for Regina, considering the kindness and generosity she has been showing you since you can remember.
When Regina returns in the evening, she finds a basket with picked beautiful red ripe apples and she can't help but smile, even a little smirk tugged at her lips as she carries it inside, for a second feeling the strange urge of finding you and thanking you. In the end she decides against it, considering how late it was but you had pleased her today and she already knew just how she was going to thank you for it. And so as the next morning approaches, the sun illuminating the town of Storybrooke and her beautiful rich garden, Regina is up early, looking forward to the weekend. Today, you decided to sleep in a little, as you usually would on the weekend. By the time you make it outside, watering some plants, you already find your boss on the same patio. And you can't help but think about how beautiful she looked, in a blue silk blouse, some long black pants, exposing her heels.
,,Miss Y/L/N'' her voice rings through the garden, her heels echoing as she makes her way over to you. As you look up you take in her features, sensing that she was in a good mood today, wondering whether her work week had been good or whether it was due to some other factor. ,,Good morning'' you greet her before she begins speaking again ,,Are you free tonight?''. Her words take you by surprise before you open your mouth but the words get caught in your throat, your brain feeling a little empty. And so all you can do is nod, hoping that response would be sufficient. ,,How would you feel about joining me for dinner tonight?'' she asks, a small smirk tugged in the corner of her lips. Your mouth is slightly agape, having expected a few things but definitely not this and so again you simply nod, before she walks away, swaying her hips a little more than necessary as she walks back into the house.
And through your daze you had failed to notice, a certain redhead watching the scene unfold, not necessarily understanding every single word but the woman smart enough to connect the pieces. Furiously she balances on her cane, walking from her balcony back into her house, that unfortunately overlooks her ex wife's gardens, meaning she would often be able to see you working or Regina very obviously flirting with you. Her features are over washed with anger as the glass door bangs shut, startling you a little in the process as your eyebrows furrow, not understanding the extent of your situation yet.
As the day progresses, you find yourself lost in a whirlwind of emotions and tasks, your thoughts consumed by Regina's unexpected invitation to dinner. You go about your tasks in a daze, unable to shake off the feeling of anticipation that courses through you. And eventually evening falls and the sun dips below the horizon as you make your way towards Regina's mansion, opting for the front door as entering through the patio seemed a little off to you. You knock on the door, your palms sweating as you wait for her to answer.
Regina opens the door, her smile radiant as she welcomes you inside, she is dressed elegantly, wearing a beige dress, exposing her beautiful curves and legs, her hair styled perfectly and a hint of expensive perfume lingering in the air. ,,I'm so glad you could make it'' she says, her voice smooth and inviting.
As you step into the mansion, taking in the expensive surroundings you try hard to hide your wide eyes. Regina leads you to the dining room, where a table is set with candles, soft music playing in the background, almost making the atmosphere romantic but you quickly brush the thought of considering she was your boss, mayor to Storybrooke and definitely not interested in her gardener.
,,How would you like a glass of the best apple cider you have ever tasted?'' she asks suggestively and you simply nod, watching her leave for a moment before returning moments later. As you sit down, Regina begins pouring you both a glass, her eyes never leaving yours. ,,To us'' she says, raising her glass in a toast. You clink your glass against hers, feeling a rush of warmth at the gesture, unable to hide the trembling of your hands and how loud your heart was beating against your chest, sure that she could hear it too at this point.
Throughout the meal, Regina engages you in conversation, her wit and charm captivating you. You find yourself laughing and smiling, enjoying her company more than you ever thought possible. You aren't oblivious and you had heard the town gossip of course, often spending your free time in town, strolling through some shops or the occasional meal at granny's. You had heard about the awful gossip, that she only had her own intentions at heart, not the towns, how she was cruel. However you never saw her like that and especially tonight you don't see an inch of it in her features or her behaviour but the thought keeps crossing your mind why she was so interested in you and why she had been from the beginning, you often tried thinking back to the earlier days in Storybrooke but whenever you tried that, your brain blanked, not remembering as everything had always been the way it had been.
,,Do you have any room for some delicious apple turnovers?'' she asks and you nod, feeling full from the meal but not wanting to be rude. As she gets up to leave, you quickly reach for her own and your plate, wanting to at least make yourself useful, feeling bad for her having done all the preparations and cooking. ,,Let me'' you offer and she simply nods as the two of you carry the dishes and remaining dinner into the kitchen. You are captivated by the beauty of her house, the interior both luxurious and fancy, matching the woman currently standing by the oven. You watch as she reaches for some oven mitts, the smell instantly filling the air.
,,Smells delicious'' you praise, watching as she smiles at you before putting some on both yours and her own plate. ,,Certainly, they are after all from our garden'' she chuckles, leading you back into the dining room. And you picked it up, of course you do ,,our garden?'' you think to yourself, a little unsure if you maybe misunderstood the brunette.
The evening eventually draws to a close, the two of you in light conversation throughout several hours, more apple cider consumed, laughing with each other and smiling. And as Regina walks you to the door, a smile playing on her lips ,,Thank you for tonight'' she says, her voice soft ,,I had a wonderful time''. You can't help but return the smile, feeling a flutter of excitement in your chest. ,,Me too, thank you'' you reply, your voice barely above a whisper as you meet her eyes.
As you step outside into the cool night air, you can't help but feel a sense of longing. Regina watches you go, her heart heavy with a mix of emotions. She knows she is playing with fire, but she can't resist the pull you have on her. Meanwhile, Wilhemina watches from her window, her heart breaking as she sees you leaving Regina's mansion and the smile playing on both of your faces. She knows she should let go, having fought for several years but the sight of you with someone else fills her with a fierce jealousy she can't ignore, especially it coming from the woman who had caused her to lose you in the first place. With a heavy sigh, she turns away, her eyes filled with tears as she retreats into the darkness of her own thoughts. Missing how Regina caught a glimpse of her at the window, almost a cruel smirk playing on her lips, her head tilted upwards a little, almost smug and proud of her actions.
A few day had passed since your dinner with Regina and you had noticed how she had been even more talkative than usually, even a little touchy and you couldn't deny how beautiful she was and how kind she was treating you and had been for as long as you can remember. You had also noticed barely seeing Wilhemina since the weekend and it had worried you, wondering whether she may be sick as you hadn't seen her leave or arrive from work at her usual time and you had thought about checking in on her but you felt like you couldn't as you really didn't know the woman all that well, despite feeling like you had known her for a lifetime, unaware that you had even loved her in a different one.
Fate decides to play into your hands though as Regina finds you in the garden, working hard as usually before smiling warmly at you. As your eyes meet hers, you are taken back a little bit, looking beautiful today, wearing a silk blouse, long skirt and you couldn't help yourself and stare. ,,Would you mind doing me a favour Y/N?'' she asks and you set down your tools in order to give her your full attention ,,Of course'' you reply with a warm smile before she hands you a letter. ,,I found this in my letterbox this morning, would you mind taking it over?'' she asks, gesturing towards her ex wife's house and you take the letter despite your eyebrows furrowing a little. ,,Of course'' you announce and the brunette, ever perceptive, notices the question marks very visible on your features. But before she begins to speak you gesture her that you didn't need to know further and she appreciates it nevertheless before she heads to work, wishing you a good day in the process.
And so after finishing most of your work, your break approaching, you decide to quickly change, considering the sun had caused you to sweat a lot and change your clothes. With a slightly increased heart rate due to feeling strangely nervous, you make your way over to her house, stopping in front of her door before ringing the doorbell. And it doesn't take long before you can hear the sound of her cane tapping against the floor, approaching you, a sound that seems so familiar, yet unfamiliar at the same time. As she opens the door, you take a moment to take in her features, dressed in a lilac long skirt, similar to Regina's, the same shade for her heels and matching her suit jacket. Even the collar of her shirt matches the outfit and you can't help but wonder where the purple fetish came from. You quickly brush the thought away as her brown eyes pierce straight through you, one eyebrow raised ever so slightly.
,,Yes?'' her voice rings through the air, pulling you out of your thoughts as you can clearly sense the annoyance in her tone. ,,Um-'' you blank a moment, completely mesmerised by the redhead and forgetting your initial task. ,,Letter'' you mutter out, holding out the letter to the woman in front of you ,,Sorry- Ms Venable, I have a letter for you'' you quickly compose yourself, clearing your throat. ,,It was delivered to Regina's house'' and you can't help but notice how her eyebrows knit before she takes the letter from your shaking hands. ,,And how come you are the one delivering it?'' she questions, her voice almost laced with a hint of curiosity. ,,Um-'' you pause again, unsure what to reply before she carries on talking ,,I thought you are her gardener not her slave'' she remarks, her voice now laced with some sarcasm and you couldn't quite tell whether she was being serious or not, never really having talked to her before in this version of reality.
,,I don't mind helping out'' you announce and if Wilhemina wasn't so good at composing herself, she would have faltered at your statement, again your true kindness showing and her heart turning angry thinking about how Regina was using you, possibly even manipulating you. ,,Do you now?'' she questions with a suggestive smirk before you nod. ,,How would you feel about joining me for some errands?'' she questions suddenly, taking you by surprise as your mouth is slightly agape, your eyebrows raised in confusion. ,,Sure Ms Venable'' you announce, before she tuts ,,Call me Wilhemina'' she offers and you smile at her, before you watch her leave for a moment. Catching a glimpse of her hallway, you notice almost the same luxury, similar to Regina's home, despite it looking more homey and comfortable. She abandons the letter before grabbing her purse and balancing on her cane as she makes her way over.
As the two of you make it to her car, you are relieved that you in fact changed as otherwise this would be slightly uncomfortable. And so she begins driving towards town, some music playing in the background as you take in the scenery, always having loved this town. She parks closely to some shops and you kind of follow her pathetically like a lost puppy as she wanders through a grocery store with you, picking up some things you assume she needed for dinner, before she makes a brief stop at the pharmacy. This time you could tell she wanted you to wait outside and you simply do just that, offering to hold her bags in the meantime. You aren't quite sure about her condition, as you try to think back whether Regina had mentioned it to you before, having noticed it must be her back due to her posture and the obvious signs of pain lingering behind her brown eyes. ,,All done?'' you ask as you warmly smile at her and she nods before taking you back to her car where you help her put the bags into her trunk. ,,How would you feel about some lunch?'' she asks, again taking you by surprise, before you nod as she gestures towards granny's and you accept, loving that place and especially the grilled cheese sandwiches with all of your heart.
It doesn't take long before the two of you are seated and having food in front of you, Wilhemina going for a healthy salad and you could see the little smirk on her face when you had ordered your usual and you could tell she was judging you for the choice. ,,So tell me do you enjoy this little life of yours?'' and as you swallow your food, you can't help but wonder why she chose her words around you in such a specific way. ,,I do'' you announce happily before continuing to munch your food. ,,May I ask what you do for work?'' you ask cautiously before she fills you in for the company she works for out of town. And then you think to yourself how you never really have been out of this place, despite enjoying it. And for the remainder of lunch, you get to know the woman a little more, making her feel like much less of a stranger than she had before. You fill her in on your days and how the gardening was going and she listens intently, hiding the way every single word and being in your presence hurt in her heart as she remembered you so vividly before the curse.
,,Can I get you two anything else?'' Ruby asks before you both shake your head and you get ready to pay. ,,I've got it'' she announces as she retracts her purple wallet. As the two of you walk back towards her car you stop in your tracks as you suddenly see Regina walk over, her face unreadable, however the pace of her walk announcing she wasn't too pleased about this. ,,Well well Ms Venable'' she addresses the redhead ,,And Miss Y/L/N what a surprise'' she announces, her eyebrow raised. Wilhemina sighs and you watch as she rolls her eyes, clearly not in the mood for the brunettes antics today. You can't help but notice how the two of you were on a first name basis until now and you could tell she was annoyed. ,,I was just helping Wilhemina with some errands'' you quickly explain yourself, feeling bad as technically it was still your workday and you for sure didn't want to get in their business. ,,My my helping Wilhemina with errands'' she remarks and you quickly shut your mouth, realising no matter what you would say, you are only making this worse. ,,Save it Regina'' the redhead quickly remarks before she walks back over to her car and gestures you to follow.
,,I'll be back at work at once Regina'' you reassure before nodding politely and following Wilhemina. The mayor watches as the two of you drive off, her features angry, nostrils flaring as her plan had failed. She wanted you to go over to Wilhemina yes, hoping that maybe seeing and talking to you would send further heartache to the redhead but she for sure didn't expect the two of you actually spending time together. And so furiously, she makes her way back to work. The remainder of the drive is mostly silent and you could tell that the redhead was annoyed and you can't help but feeling bad, feeling like you are responsible for this. ,,Let me help you with these'' you offer as you reach for the shopping bags. ,,I can manage'' she announces but you are already by her door, placing them neatly on the wooden bench near her front door so she wouldn't need to bend down in order to reach them. ,,Thank you for lunch and today, I really enjoyed myself'' you thank her before overlooking the gardens and knowing you needed to head back to work. ,,Likewise'' she smirks before watching you leave.
It had been a few days since your awkward encounter with Regina and you could tell she had been avoiding you. However as you kneel in front of your work today, you hear the urgent clicking of heels approach. ,,What the hell are you doing?'' she questions, overlooking a little patch of lavender that you had been planting in the last few days. As you look up at her you can tell that she didn't approve. But she could tell by your genuine confused and shocked reaction that you had no intention of upsetting her. ,,I'm sorry Ms Mills, I thought adding some lavender might be a nice addition, I can get rid of it at once if you don't like it'' you apologise but she softens then, realising that you had no idea about the connection to her ex wife. ,,No- I'm sorry'' she apologises as you watch her internally scold herself for the unnecessary outburst. ,,I'm sorry about the other day too'' she apologises, taking you by surprise as you really didn't take her for being the one to apologise. ,,It's okay Ms-'' you begin but she cuts you off ,,None of that'' she ushers and you nod then, smiling warmly at her before she overlooks her garden, pleased with the result before catching a glimpse of Wilhemina's house. ,,How would you feel about dinner tonight?'' she offers and you find yourself smiling again, your cheeks coated in a slight red shade.
As you approach her house a few hours later, you are surprised when she opens the door and you find her fully dressed, including a jacket and handbag and you wonder whether something may have come up or whether she had forgotten. ,,Regina I-'' you begin but she can tell by your reaction that insecurity washes over you. ,,I booked us a table somewhere nice dear'' she announces and you simply smile, glad that you dressed appropriately before following her towards her car. And again Wilhemina watches, lingering by the window watching you two walk towards Regina's car before driving towards the darkness of the night, leaving her feeling empty and lonely. The brunette and you end up spending the evening over dinner, chatting, laughing and talking some more and you are so mesmerised by her presence that you fail to notice the knowing glances from some of the people in town, equally as the two of you make it back to her car as Regina takes you by surprise and wraps an arm around you. It was all playing right into the older woman's cards but yet you remained so taken back by her beauty and affection towards you that you missed it all.
,,I really enjoyed this Regina'' you smile at her as you walk her back to her house a little while later. ,,Me too dear'' she smiles and before you know it, time seems to stop for a moment as you look into her brown eyes and hers lock with yours. You lose yourself in the depths of her eyes, a beautiful tone of brown reminding you of autumn, warmth and strangely home. She startles you a little when she moves towards you, your faces now inches apart as your eyes flicker from her eyes to her lips and then she closes the gap as she takes your lips into her own. The kiss causes you to almost melt into her, your heart aching for her, glad you didn't read this wrong, wanting this moment to never stop as your life suddenly felt like it got meaning. The two of you pull away in search for oxygen and you can't help but smile as you lose yourself in her eyes again. ,,Good night dear'' she whispers before winking and leaving you outside her door, your thoughts racing as she smirks and closes her front door. Like a drunk teenager, you make your way home, again oblivious that Wilhemina had watched the scene unfold, her heart breaking at the sight despite her inner rage.
The next day, you begin work early, the sun barely having risen, the birds already singing their tunes. But you hadn't been able to sleep much since the night prior, the kiss replaying over and over again in your mind and you needed to make sure to be outside early enough to catch a glimpse of Regina. However as you watch her rush out of her front door, you can tell that something was bothering her, the phone clutched to her ears and you assume it meant some kind of town emergency as those kinda things happened regularly and something needed the mayors attention. Hours pass and you lose yourself again in your work, putting your attention on her fruit trees and the vegetable field, some of them finally ready for harvesting which you had been excited for. Meanwhile it was Wilhemina's day off and it looked like any other day off for her as she strolls through town, picking up her medication and purchasing some groceries. ,,Did you hear the mayor and gardener went on a date last night'' she overhears one of the towns gossips and she can't help but sigh heavily, hastily paying for her things before leaving, her cane echoing loudly.
And then as she begins driving home, a wave of rage and anger washes over her as she abruptly stops her car, just passing city hall and ultimately Regina's office. With angry and heavy steps she approaches her office, not caring about knocking as she enters holding onto her cane hard. Meanwhile the mayor is sitting at her desk, reading over some documents before she finds a very visible shaken Wilhemina in front of her and she can't help but smirk. ,,Well to what do I owe this pleasure?'' she begins, only infuriating the redhead further with her antics. ,,Save it Regina'' she snaps, her cane banging on the floor once. ,,What are you playing at?'' her voice rings through the office, before Regina composes herself, tilting her head a little and blinking innocently at the redhead. ,,I have no idea what you are referring to dear'' she huffs, averting her gaze but Wilhemina was far from done.
,,Why the sudden interest? why take her on a date, in town of all places?'' the redhead snaps, her anger bubbling out of her. ,,Jealous are we?'' Regina remarks with a raised eyebrows before Wilhemina fights back the lump in her throat. She couldn't believe the brunette at times, after everything that happened, after all the pain that she had caused the redhead. Regina's curse broke the redhead, despite the former evil queen predicting every piece of her curse, making every single person forget despite her and Wilhemina, even blessing them with a beautiful house, even making them share a life together, marriage. But Regina had taken everything from the redhead as she was utterly in love with you and that eventually broke them both including their marriage, despite the breaking of that coming slowly and over several years, before you eventually joined the picture and Regina decided to move you into their lives, making you her gardener of all things despite the irony of it.
,,You know I could break this pathetic curse of yours in an instant?'' Wilhemina remarks, now feeling like she has the upper hand all things considered. Regina pauses, reading the redheads features carefully, scoffing, acting as if she had no idea what her ex wife was talking about, despite knowing ever so well. ,,If I kiss her, true love's kiss will break it and she will remember'' the redhead remarks, causing Regina's eyes to widen, not remotely understanding how she could possibly know this. ,,It would never work my dear'' Regina scoffs, pretending to carry on with her work. ,,And why is that?'' Wilhemina scoffs, before the brunette fills her in. ,,She doesn't love you, she doesn't remember you'' the mayor hisses, enjoying the little power play, her eyes burning with desire. ,,Well she doesn't love you either because nothing happened last night when you kissed'' the redhead remarks in annoyance, each statement of them, causing the other one feeling more powerful.
They are both unaware that you just walked into the hallway, planning to bring Regina some lunch, figuring that she probably wouldn't get the time today, considering her busy schedule and wanting to be nice after not seeing her this morning and at the same time longing to see her again. You halt as you see the opened door and hearing raised voices, carrying a bottle and the lunch in your now shaking hands. ,,Wrong dear, I kissed her yes but I don't love her, I don't care for her'' Regina proudly smirks before Wilhemina turns on her heels, not being able to stand being in her presence for a second longer. And as the redhead leaves her office she halts in her steps as she sees your presence, visibly shaken and she worries which parts of the conversation you had heard. ,,Y/N'' she remarks, seeing your heart breaking in front of her. But she quickly understands that you must have only overheard the last one as you seem more hurt than confused.
Regina reaches the door, seeing the tears swell in your eyes before you glance at them both and leave, dropping the lunchbox and bottle in the process. ,,Shit'' she mutters under her breath and Wilhemina's eyes land on the evidence of your true kindness and heart as she figures you must have wanted to bring her ex wife some lunch and it kills her, seeing how Regina was using you like a pawn in some kind of game. ,,If you hurt her again, you will face consequences you can't even begin to imagine'' she warns, glancing at Regina, and if looks could kill, the former evil queen would be on the floor right now. Regina watches as the redhead leaves, her steps rushed as her cane bangs loudly against the marble flooring.
Despite the redheads best efforts of finding you she couldn't, knowing this must have broken you and despite feeling so angry and overtaken with jealousy, she can't even blame you as you had no fault in how Regina was playing and using you. Meanwhile you had returned home, a sobbing mess, the brunettes words repeating in your head again and again ,,I don't love her, I don't care for her''. As you sob into your pillow you couldn't believe how foolish you had been, thinking you are just a piece in their game of jealousy and knowing you should have never gotten between them considering they had been married before, not understanding the full extend of the situation yet. As Wilhemina returned home, she had attempted of finding you but it was hopeless as you didn't open the door, assuming it was Regina, who only tried hours later, feeling remorse for you overhearing what happened as her words weren't exactly true, simply wanting to annoy her ex lover in the process and confused herself as why the kiss never broke the curse.
And so as a result, you spend the next few days inside, working on the garden in the night, not wanting all your hard work go to waste as you hadn't been able to sleep either way, but not in the mood to see anyone, especially not Regina given her words and equally Wilhemina, feeling embarrassed and pathetic for her witnessing your heart breaking in front of her. Somehow it seems as the days continue passing, that your emotions are connected to the weather as the temperature had dropped significantly, causing you to be left shivering and shaking at night, unable to sleep and the heating in Regina's guest/pool house certainly wasn't sufficient to keep you warm. On the third day since the incident, Regina grows increasingly worried, not having seen you but noticing the garden in perfect shape and finding fruit and vegetables still harvested and neatly packed in baskets on her patio every night. And as the next morning approaches, she really begins feeling remorse, feeling terrible for having hurt you with her sharp words.
Pathetically she tries knocking on the door, even calling you a few times but it was pointless and as she makes her way back to her patio she sighs heavily before catching a glimpse of Wilhemina in her garden, the redhead watching the scene unfold and deciding to investigate for herself as she had been worried about you, not having seen you for a few days and any attempt of finding you unsuccessful so far. ,,Is everything okay?'' the redhead voices startles the mayor as she hastily glances from her phone to her ex wife. The brunette huffs then, stressed and not necessarily in the mood to fill her in but the concern for you causing her to give in. ,,I haven't seen Y/N in days and I'm worried'' she begins before glancing at her phone again ,,But I need to get to the office urgently'' she speaks, another incoming call ringing through the air. ,,Let me take care of it'' Wilhemina offers, her features matching the brunettes concern before the brunette for the first time in a long time, genuinely smiles warmly at her and muttering a quick ,,Thank you''. She turns on her heels, reaching for her handbag that she abandoned on her patio ,,You know where the spare keys are'' she ushers before leaving.
And so Wilhemina retreats the spare keys, walking over to the guest house before overlooking the gardens and finding a lavender patch, the sight warming her heart. She knocks a few times, her knocks eventually growing more impatient, the concern lingering on her features ,,Y/N it's me open the door'' she instructs but it's hopeless and so she unlocks the door, stepping inside carefully. She almost didn't remember what the place looked like but she couldn't deny that it was nice, small but you kept it tidy, neat and comfortable. As she glances around the corner, she catches a glimpse of you on the sofa and she can feel the cold prick on her skin and run a shiver down her spine. As she takes another step, abandoning the spare keys on the small kitchen counter, she finds you on the sofa, bundled in several blankets as you shiver uncontrollably. The sight almost kills her and she is quick to rush over, before calling out your name again.
Struggling, you manage to open your eyes and see a glimpse of the redhead, brushing it off as another fever dream as you expected anyone but her. The back of her hand softly comes into contact with your forehead and she gasps then, feeling the temperature and by your pale expression being able to tell that you had fallen ill. ,,Y/N can you hear me?'' she tries softly, the worry gnawing at her insides at the lack of your response before. And then your eyes snap open, realising this wasn't another fever dream and that the redhead was standing there ,,Wilhemina'' you whisper, your voice sounding broken, tired and small. ,,I think I'm a bit sick'' you struggle to mutter out and the redhead can't help but chuckle at your statement, finding you so adorable despite your vulnerability. ,,A bit little one?'' she repeats your statement, her eyes showing genuine concern. ,,Let me get some things I'll be right back''.
And so Wilhemina is quick to go back to her house, returning moments later with a thermometer and some cold medicine. She ushers you to sit and take the medication, checking your temperature and seeing how high it is. In the meantime she had messaged Regina, letting her know that you are sick, somehow feeling the urge to let her know all things considered. It doesn't take long before the effects of the medicine mixed with your symptoms cause you to fall asleep again but the redhead remains by your side for a while, deciding to check on you a little while later again. Meanwhile Regina had finished work a little early, making her way over to you immediately, Wilhemina having left the door unlocked as you didn't really seem in the right state to open it yourself. As Regina enters, she can feel the cold and she finds you sitting on the sofa, having woken up a little while ago. Her features are tense as this was the first time since seeing you at her office the other day. ,,Y/N are you okay?'' she asks, almost a little nervously, trying her best to cover up her own anxiety.
,,I'm fine'' you mutter, despite the pounding headache making it a little hard to concentrate, her words still linger on your mind and you are confused as to what she was doing there considering she made it so clearly that she didn't care for you. ,,Y/N it's freezing in here'' she remarks, shivering a little herself but you ignore her statement, feeling both nauseous and heartbroken. ,,Please let me put you in one of my guest rooms, it will be much warmer than in here'' she tries but you simply look at her before muttering ,,I said I'm fine'' and she leaves you be then, glancing at you one more time before leaving, feeling awful. The door opens again five minutes later and you can't help but sigh ,,Regina- I said I'm fine'' you huff but you quickly stop yourself when seeing Wilhemina walk inside, carrying a container of soup and a spoon in her hands. Your features soften, feeling bad about your statement and bad that she was going through such lengths for you as of right now you didn't feel like you deserved it.
,,Here'' she offers warmly, before taking a seat beside you and you hesitate, not remotely feeling hungry but you didn't want the gesture to go to waste so you carefully begin eating some spoons and instantly feeling relief as the warm liquid begins warming you a little. ,,How are you feeling?'' she smiles warmly at you as her concerned eyes meet yours. ,,Better, thank you'' you return the smile before the room fills with silence. And you can't help but notice her shivering a little as well ,,Typical of Regina to let you stay in here without central heating'' she remarks and you don't say anything, not wanting any part in their play anymore. ,,Why don't you come stay with me til it gets warmer?'' she offers and your eyes meet hers, appreciating the gesture. ,,Thank you but I'm okay'' you reassure, leading the spoon with warm soup to your mouth again. ,,Y/N you are sick and it's freezing in here'' she remarks sternly. ,,The least I can do is offer you a warm room'' she adds before you stop her ,,Wilhemina I appreciate it but Regina has already offered the same'' you explain before her eyebrow shoots up in surprise.
,,Then why on earth would you want to stay in this cold place?'' she questions and you gulp then ,,I don't want to stay with Regina'' you explain, before the events from a few days ago linger on her mind, the concern over you from today almost causing her to forget but she nods understandingly before her eyebrows furrow. ,,Why won't you stay with me?'' she asks before you avert your gaze. ,,I don't want to intrude'' you explain before she scoffs. ,,Y/N you couldn't ever intrude, now come on, get some things'' she ushers and this time you can't even fight her, feeling both sick, exhausted and terribly cold. And so on shaky legs, you put some things in a bag before following her to her house, the moon illuminating the now quiet town of Storybrooke. Almost in a daze you follow her, feeling the pounding headache return, your body shaking uncontrollably as she leads you upstairs, towards a room and you are quick to sit on the bed, feeling like your legs would give in any moment.
Wilhemina is quick to turn the heating on in the room, walking downstairs to fetch some water and more medication for you and as she returns she finds you on the bed, already asleep still shivering and shaking. She can't help but frown at the sight, quickly tugging you in and making you comfortable before opting for an armchair by the window, her back feeling a little sore after all the moving and bending. And as her eyes land upon you, she can't help but feel her heart aching, having her little one so close but you had no idea who she was truly, how she loved you, how she was an enemy to you at first but you captivated her heart and the memories of holding you close linger on her mind just before the curse, when she whispered her love confessions, begging you to remember no matter what happens but you didn't remember and it broke her, causing some tears to stream down her tired features as she continues looking over your shaking sleeping form. As the night wears on, Wilhemina doesn't move an inch, sincerly hoping that you wouldn't wake and find her staring at you but she couldn't help herself, having missed you so much that it nearly killed her and she didn't mind the pain in her back as long as she could spend one more night with you, despite you being so incredibly far away.
And as the next morning arrives, you wake up, your eyes slowly opening at the bright sensation from the sunrise, beautiful shades of yellow and orange coating the room. At first your eyebrows furrow a little, unfamiliar with the surroundings until your eyes land upon the redhead woman sitting asleep in an armchair at the other corner of the room and you then remember the events from the night prior. ,,Wilhemina?'' you ask a little confused before she instantly wakes, her breath hitching before she composes herself. ,,Y/N, are you okay?'' she almost mumbles, before balancing on her cane and walks over to you. ,,Yes but what are you doing here?'' you whisper as you look into her brown eyes as she hovers nearby the bed. ,,Well this is my house you know'' she remarks, causing you to raise an eyebrow. ,,I know but-'' you pause then looking at the armchair where she was sleeping but choosing to remain quiet. ,,How are you feeling?'' she asks, her hand travelling to your forehead and noticing how you still feel a little warm but a lot better, as well as the colour now back on your beautiful face.
,,Much better thank you'' you remark before quickly standing up, again feeling like an intruder in her home. ,,What are you doing?'' she asks a little confused before you whisper ,,I'm just leaving, I'm sorry for intruding'' but she is having none of that. ,,Nonsense Y/N, you are staying with me until that heating situation gets fixed'' and before you can open your mouth to protest she gives you a look, almost a scolding one and you knew no matter what you would say she wouldn't allow it so you simply smile thankfully at her. The following week you spend with the redhead woman, at first having a hard time to adjust and not feel like an intruder in her home but you couldn't shake the feeling that she enjoyed your company and so you allowed it, you working in Regina's garden throughout the day as soon as you feel better, Wilhemina working and returning to you in the evening, you often providing her with a meal either from granny's or asking if you could use her kitchen. And she got so lost in it all that sometimes when she returned in the evening, it almost seemed normal, having you by her side, smiling warmly at her as you asked about her day.
As the weekend approaches, any remainder of the sickness now gone and Wilhemina successfully getting Regina to install some heating and that being done, you know you needed to move back, still feeling a little strange with the whole thing considering she was Regina's ex wife and you still feeling like a lost piece in their game and only adding to their very obvious issues. And so by Saturday, you stand downstairs with the remainder of your belongings in your bag, seeing as Wilhemina walks from the kitchen towards the hallway, her features neutral despite her heart breaking, wanting nothing more than to have you close, than to have you stay with her. ,,Thank you so much for letting me stay here again'' you remark, meeting her eyes from across the hallway. She moves closer then before speaking ,,You are welcome li- Y/N''. You hesitate, not wanting to just leave like that and feeling the strange urge to say something else, despite unsure what. ,,I hope you won't be a stranger'' she announces and her features almost seem bitter then and you still couldn't tell her true intentions, despite the kindness she had been showing you this week.
,,Definitely not'' you chuckle before thinking about it for a moment ,,Maybe I could cook for you again soon?'' you offer and she nods then, having loved your cooking this past week. ,,I would love that'' she remarks and with those words she watches you leave, her heart breaking as she feels like losing you all over again. And she considered the entire week, of filling you in, of taking you across the border of town, of kissing you, anything to have you back in her life but she couldn't, not wanting to rip you out of your life and making your whole reality fall apart, knowing there was a risk that you wouldn't remember, Regina's words still lingering on her mind how you don't love her, how you could never love her. And so she retreats back into the darkness of her loneliness, you retreating back to your home, only in the afternoon making it outside again and beginning on some work that you had missed this week due to being ill before.
And the remainder of your weekend and the week following is almost as monotone as it had been before, working in the garden, avoiding Regina, not seeing Wilhemina a lot as she had been working but whenever you did you couldn't help but smile, feeling much closer to her than before. Towards the middle of the week, you decide to make a brief stop at the shops, feeling the odd sense to thank the woman for letting her stay with you. You had texted her whether you could maybe cook for her on the weekend and she agreed gladly. And as you browse through town in your lunchbreak, the sound of a cane startles you, thinking it was Wilhemina at first but quickly finding Mr. Gold standing in front of you with a slight smirk, not really knowing him all that much, knowing about his store and really only seeing him from time to time and greeting him but nothing more than that. ,,Good day Miss Y/L/N'' he greets you and it takes you by surprise, greeting him in return. ,,I have heard you have grown closer to mayor mills and her ex-wife lately'' he remarks, causing you to raise an eyebrow, not expecting the man to be involved in town gossip of all things.
You don't say anything, simply staring at him before he speaks again ,,I find it fascinating, how true love can break any curse, don't you?'' he remarks before leaving you standing a little dumbfounded, trying to figure out what his statement meant, wondering if he possibly meant their marriage by the curse? You brush the thought off quickly, making your way back home and continue your working. And by the time the weekend finally approaches, you are beyond excited, even buzzing as you had missed Wilhemina terribly. And you knew you shouldn't as you could feel your heart rate increasing whenever you thought about her and it reminds you of the feeling you had towards Regina, barely two weeks ago and you knew you shouldn't play with fire but you couldn't help it, considering how they equally had you captivated. As soon as the evening arrives, you find yourself in front of her front door, a basket with dinner you had already prepared.
As she opens the door, her features are soft and welcoming as she leads you into the kitchen, her house now familiar as you had stayed with her for a week. In a swift motion, you serve dinner for her, opening the bottle of wine you had equally brought over, before the two of you make it into her dining room and ease into conversation, filling each other in about your weeks. ,,This was delicious thank you Y/N'' she praises after dessert and you cleaning all the dishes. ,,I have one more thing for you'' you remark, before walking back into the kitchen ,,Now if it's any more food I think I'm gonna explode'' she chuckles and you quickly shake your head before handing her an item, wrapped in some paper. Her eyes meet yours, questioning the gesture before you encourage her to open it up and reluctantly she does, the paper exposing some lavender soap, the smell instantly hitting both of your senses. ,,I made this'' you exclaim excitedly and her shocked eyes meet yours, taken back and deeply touched by your gesture.
,,You made this?'' she repeats your words before you nod excitedly and her heart melts at the gesture, watching as your eyes sparkle almost the way they had before. She wasn't one to recieve gifts often and she for sure didn't know how to handle it and so she simply smiles gratefully at you before the two of you make it to her living room, easing into some conversation, sitting on her sofa by the fireplace, each with a glass of wine in your hands. ,,I enjoy having you around'' she admits, taking you by surprise a little, almost feeling a strange sense of a deja vu that you really only could brush off for now. As time flees by, the two of you move in evidently closer, and before you know it your faces are inches apart, the redhead woman definitely the one taking the initiative as she longed for you, longed to feel your lips on hers, longed to have her little one close. And you hesitated, Regina's words and actions still lingering on your mind, wanting to kiss the redhead with all your being but unable to think about anything else but the consequences.
The butterflies return in your stomach as her eyes travel from yours to your lips and so you close your eyes, ignoring your thoughts before moving closer but now Wilhemina is the reluctant one, Regina's words suddenly lingering on her mind ,,She doesn't love you, she could never love you''. Her own insecurities get a hold of her as she pulls away, leaving you there in front of her, eyes closed and expecting her to kiss you any moment and it breaks her as you open your eyes and she sees your heart breaking again ,,Y/N I'm sorry'' she whispers, fighting back her own tears. ,,I don't think we should'' she admits, her features filled with guilt as you fight back your tears and the lump in your throat, the pain of rejection hitting you like a slap in the face by reality. ,,It's okay Wilhemina, I understand'' you muster up your best smile, trying to compose yourself before setting down the glass of wine and reaching for your coat. ,,Y/N- wait'' she tries, as she catches up with you in her hallway. ,,It's okay really, thank you for tonight'' you mutter and with those words you leave, tears streaming down your cheeks as you make it back home, now definitely understanding you should have never became a part in their twisted game of jealousy and their once perfect marriage.
As the night wears on, you find yourself unable to sleep, your thoughts circling around both women, your eyes traveling around your home, trying to think of anything that could rid the heartache. And then your eyes fall upon a crate of apple cider, that you assume Regina had left for you and you can't help it, shrugging before retreating the bottle and walking outside, sitting down in the garden before drowning your sorrows while staring at the bright moon. Ironically the sense of lavender hangs in the air and it almost makes you sick, seeing the redhead woman in your memory, the almost kiss and her rejection. Equally, Regina had been unable to sleep, eventually also abandoning the thought of getting any sleep as she retreats to the kitchen for some water before seeing your shadow in the garden and as she steps onto her patio, she feels the strange longing to see you, talk to you as you had been avoiding her for weeks now.
,,Y/N?'' she whispers softly, before kneeling down, finding you sitting in between the lavender patches, bottle of apple cider in your hands. You don't say anything, the effects from the several glasses of wine, the apple cider and your loneliness all mixing into one, slightly unaware of your surroundings and not caring about her presence. ,,Are you okay?'' she asks as she decides to sit beside you, hating the thought of her favourite satin pyjamas possibly staining with grass and mud but brushing it off for now. ,,Not really Gina'' you sigh heavily, definitely unaware of anything as you had never called her that before and wouldn't in any clear state of mind. ,,What's wrong darling?'' she asks, the genuine concern lingering on her beautiful features. ,,I thought she liked me'' you huff before her eyebrows furrow, placing a comforting hand on your tired shoulders. ,,Who?'' she asks a little confused, her ego causing her to believe you had been talking about her before. ,,Wilhemina'' you mutter out, a stray tear streaming down your cheek. ,,We almost kissed tonight'' you admit which causes her eyes to widen ,,You what?!'' she questions, her heart beating fast thinking about the possibly consequences of that.
,,But she doesn't like me and neither do you'' you sigh in defeat, your shoulders slumping as you down the rest of the bottle. Despite feeling relief at your statement and the two of you not kissing, she can't help but frown, feeling bad seeing you like this and despite it all not wanting to cause you any pain because unlike her behaviour lately and her actions, Regina did have feelings for you. ,,I do like you Y/N'' she tries, hooking her finger under your chin to make you look at her. And as you look at her, you meet her brown eyes, the way they ached for your pain and how she wanted to make it all go away. ,,You do?'' you ask almost hopelessly and confused. ,,Yes honey and I think-'' she hesitates then, assuming you wouldn't remember any of this in the morning anyway ,,And I'm sure Wilhemina does too, in fact I know she does'' she smiles warmly at you, causing you to smile and close your eyes as sleepiness and a sense of fatigue washes over you. ,,Come on, let's get you inside'' she offers and with an arm wrapped around her, she leads you back inside, getting you comfortable in your bed, before tugging you in, leaving some painkillers and water with you, knowing there was a hangover coming for sure.
And the hangover definitely greeted you in the morning, a pounding headache and instantly closing your eyes again as soon as you opened them, swallowing the painkillers beside you before sleep washes over you again. And when you wake again, the memories from last night slowly creep back into your mind, remembering the evening with Wilhemina, almost kissing her, and a brief encounter with Regina despite not remembering anything from the conversation with her. And so as the days continue in its monotone way, you decide to focus more on yourself, your work, polite with each of them whenever you saw them but wanting to focus more on yourself. But despite your best efforts, the only thing lingering on your mind was them, their marriage and how you had become between that lately. And for some reason the words from Mr. Gold had replayed on your mind a lot ,,True love can break any curse'' still thinking he was talking about their marriage. And so within the last few days as another weekend approached, you had decided to take matters into your own hands, to fix this, fix the damage you had caused.
It was cheeky really, texting both Wilhemina and Regina to meet you at your place tonight, both of them surprised and hopeful for your forgiveness and wanting to see you. But you couldn't shake the feeling that they needed to talk this out and so after Wilhemina walked into your home, finding it empty, only the dining table set with some fresh dinner, the smell making her mouth water, you were quick to sneak around the back, watching as Regina walked in before locking the door, hoping to give them a few hours this way to talk things through, to bring them closer again, Mr. Gold words still on your mind. ,,What is this?'' Regina hisses as she sees the redhead sitting by the dining table, the same confused expression on her face. ,,Y/N asked me to meet her here'' Wilhemina remarks before Regina's eyebrow raises. ,,Me too'' she announces, holding up her phone exposing the text message. ,,Screw this'' Regina hisses, quickly abandoning the redhead and walking towards the door only to find it locked.
,,What game is she playing at?'' Regina remarks annoyed, not wanting to spend her evening with her ex wife under any circumstances. Wilhemina can't help but smirk, her features much softer than usual before she remarks ,,You do have to admit, it's funny of her to parent trap us like this'' she chuckles lowly before the brunette simply rolls her eyes, trying to find another exit, even considering of breaking out through a window but Wilhemina stopping her. ,,Come on, you really can't spend two hours with me?'' the redhead asks, some seriousness in her question after all. And so the two of them eat, feeling both hungry as they both enjoyed your cooking, despite the death glances they exchanged, Wilhemina finding the whole thing rather amusing and so much like you. ,,Tell me, why didn't you kiss her?'' Regina asks after a long silence, causing the redhead to meet her eyes, not expecting her to know about it. ,,I-'' Wilhemina begins speaking but the words get caught in her throat. ,,You could have broken the curse you know? she loves you'' Regina remarks, causing some tears to swell in the redheads eyes. ,,I can see it in her features, just like before'' the mayor recalls and this causes Wilhemina to falter, sighing heavy as her heart aches with regret and longing.
,,And what would you have done if that happened? killed us both?'' Wilhemina questions, causing the brunette to scoff. ,,Of course not'' she huffs, the comment hurting her as since and even before the curse she had tried her hardest to redeem herself with the people she had hurt in the past. The room fills with silence, you meanwhile sitting on Regina's patio, hoping sincerly your plan would work and that they wouldn't murder you afterwards. ,,For what it's worth I'm sorry'' the mayor sighs, knowing at this point the curse was mere days away from breaking by the feelings you and the redhead had developed. ,,You are?'' Wilhemina questions, almost sarcastically with a raised eyebrow and Regina nods then. ,,All I ever wanted was for you to be happy'' the former evil queen admits, causing the redhead to lock eyes as they now sit beside each other on the sofa. ,,If that's true then why all this? why this curse?'' she questions, unsure whether she could believe her ex wife. ,,It was too late by the time we developed feelings for her, the curse was done'' she admits before pausing ,,I wanted us to be happy here together but I thought I was losing you because I know you love her'' Regina admits, for the first time in years truly laying out her true feelings.
And Wilhemina could tell how much time had passed and how much Regina had changed, considering she once believed that love was nothing more than weakness. ,,But she loves you too and she did back then'' Wilhemina remarks, causing a stray tear to run down the brunettes features. ,,Do you really think that would have worked, with us three?'' Regina questions before Wilhemina's features soften again, wiping the brunettes tears before nodding. And yet their eyes lock again, time seeming to stop as after all had been said and done, they suddenly feel drawn to each other, Wilhemina for the first time since it all, really seeing Regina again and not the things she had done and the pain she had caused her and in return the brunette truly feels remorse, knowing now the three of you could have led a life together if she only allowed it to happen. And as it had been several hours, you walk back towards the door, beginning to feel incredibly sorry and wanting to unlock the door. However as you approach, you watch as they are inches apart, smiling at yourself for having achieved what you wanted as their lips slowly meet and despite it hurting a little, you knew you could probably move on, happy to at least have fixed their relationship or at least given it a start.
However, as their lips meet, a bright yellow sensation washes over you, over all of town as you blink for a few times, suddenly a wave of memories crashing through your body, causing you to almost lose your balance. Equally their eyes widen, never expecting them to be true love after all but their admissions tonight, enough proof of just that and that their love for each other and you was stronger than Regina's curse. Wilhemina's eyes widen as she watches the brunettes fear, knowing that despite her best efforts pre curse and in Storybrooke, a lot of people would be after her and despite the redhead efforts to calm her, the only thing she wants to do is find you. And so with a swift motion she balances on her cane, finding you in the darkness of the night, standing in the garden, the door long unlocked as she finds you ,,Y/N'' she calls out, hoping with her whole being that you would remember. And of course you do, seeing her so vividly before the curse broke and her words as she hold you close ,,Mina'' you almost whimper, tears streaming down your cheeks as you almost run into her arms, wrapping around her and she doesn't let go, having waited for this moment for a lifetime. ,,Oh little one'' she breathes out, quick to catch your lips in a kiss before wrapping her arms around you again.
The two of you lose each other in the moment, holding onto each other as if making up for all the years that you had missed each other. Your hearts beat loudly against your chests as she holds her darling girl close, before she senses you tensing in her arms, letting go of you to see your scared expression as your eyes land upon Regina, who stands by your house, her face filled with guilt and remorse. Reluctantly, Wilhemina shields you a little, unsure what Regina's response would be like to the curse breaking, worried that this meant the return of the evil queen but to her surprise it doesn't, the brunette taking some steps closer before meeting your eyes. ,,I am so sorry'' she whispers, tears streaming down her features before brushing past you, almost defeatedly walking towards her house to brace for the impact of her actions. ,,Regina wait'' you call out, leaving Wilhemina's grasp for a moment as she turns to face you. ,,Where are you going?'' you ask almost confused before she chuckles lowly through tears ,,Await my fate, I assume a lot of people will want me dead'' she remarks, not in fear more in acceptance of her own actions.
,,I truly hope you two get the happy ending you deserve'' she smiles painfully but her words and eyes filled with honesty. You glance at Wilhemina behind you, who listens to her words in pain and despite it all, despite the pain she had caused and despite a part of you scared of her dark side, over the last years you had gotten to know her, even lover her and see her true colours. ,,There is no happy ending without you Regina'' you remark, causing for her to meet your eyes with a shocked expression, her mouth open as if she was going to speak before she glances at Wilhemina. The redhead simply stands behind you with the proudest expression, so utterly in love with your kindness and the events from tonight reminding her of the love she once had and still has for Regina. But the brunette couldn't trust your words, knowing you may be forgiving but worried Wilhemina could never trust her again despite their kiss breaking the curse. ,,I agree little one'' she remarks, catching Regina by surprise. ,,Let's get inside and figure this out'' the redhead instructs.
And so at last, the three of you get a chance to reveal your true feelings, Regina talking about what led her to cast the curse, the genuine remorse she was feeling for you both and the town and how she wanted to make amends. And as the three of you lay in each other's arms, holding each other close and drying each other's tears, you knew that this would be a long road ahead. Knowing that in fact the town was going to want to find Regina and hold her responsible but you and Wilhemina already had a plan for dealing with that. And you knew tonight wasn't merely enough to heal, to forgive and forget but all you had wanted all along was to be in their arms and so for now all you can do is enjoy just that, burying the painful memories in the back of your mind and letting go to replace them with new ones, happy ones with the love's of your life.
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Emma: If you bought me a cat I would do literally anything for you.
Regina: What would you do if i bought you a cat and asked you to eat the cat?
Emma: What if i told you, you fucking suck.
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