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do-you-know-this-dw-story · 6 months ago
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downtime (home video: 1995)
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fruitywhovian · 6 months ago
So, I’m rather new to the show Red Dwarf (love it so far, really fun and entertaining) but I realized a few weeks ago how much the ship in Red Dwarf looks like the one in the Reeltime film Shakedown? I am aware Red Dwarf has dr who references and even the tardis can be spotted in one episode so I wonder if the same ship was used? Would love to know if someone does know :DD
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timetravel-tv · 9 months ago
More importantly, KEITH BARNFATHER is sharing dealers tables with NEIL COLE from THE MUSEUM OF CLASSIC SCI-FI and he'll be launching his new book IT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM!
AND he's bringing a special guest THE SKARASEN from TERROR OF THE ZYGONS! (courtesy of the inestimable MIKE TUCKER!).
PLUS Reeltime will be launching two new special productions: DOCTOR ON DISPLAY - GREATEST SHOWS IN THE GALAXY and SAFFRON. More on both soon!
AND maybe we can drag BEDWYR GULLIDGE and ROBERT DICK along to say hello too!
REALLY, REALLY looking forward to seeing any of you lucky enough to have got tickets!
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downthetubes · 1 year ago
Out Now, The Doctors: The Sylvester McCoy Years - Behind the Scenes
The latest, and the last, “The Doctors” DVD from Reeltime Pictures goes behind the scenes on the Sylvester McCoy years of “Classic” Doctor Who - and is available to order now
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radiofreeskaro · 1 year ago
Radio Free Skaro #937 - Eat The Baby
Radio Free Skaro #937 - Eat The Baby - #DoctorWho news! - Derek Jacobi coming to Gallifrey One! - Ncuti Gatwa media takeover!
http://traffic.libsyn.com/freyburg/rfs937.mp3 Download MP3 Attention all I, Claudius cosplayers, stand ready! Sir Derek Jacobi is headlining Gallifrey One in February, so get all your Brother Cadfael questions prepared ahead of time! Also, there’s a surfeit of Ncuti Gatwa content for you to enjoy as we hurtle toward The Church on Ruby Road! The aforementioned episode also has a Target book, of…
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terastalungrad · 1 year ago
In 1995, Reeltime Pictures released a direct-to-video Doctor Who spinoff, Downtime. It featured the Brigadier, Jamie and Victoria, Sarah Jane Smith ... and a new character, the Brigadier's daughter Kate. It's a sequel to The Abominable Snowmen and The Web of Fear, two Patrick Troughton serials.
In 2012, Chris Chibnall introduced the Brigadier's daughter Kate on TV in The Power of Three.
There's a certain type of fan who insists that the name's a coincidence. They don't want Downtime to "count", so this isn't the Kate Lethbridge-Stewart who fought Yetis - this is a different character who happens to be called Kate.
So I can't tell you how much I love the fact that in The Giggle, Kate Stewart tells the Doctor she fought Yetis.
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marypickfords · 2 years ago
"Moreover, by the time Findlay switched her attention to horror, a number of her contemporaries were doing very well from the genre.
Wes Craven, a fully fledged horror auteur by the 1980s, had worked on numerous hardcore features around the time he directed The Last House on the Left in 1972, a widely controversial, yet popular horror film that played all over the world. The success of his subsequent horror films, including The Hills Have Eyes (1977) and especially A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), showed that the transition from porn to horror was not only possible, but also potentially highly lucrative. Similarly, fellow New Yorker William Lustig cut his teeth directing two hardcore features, Hot Honey and The Violation of Claudia (both 1977), prior to shooting the horror film that made his name, Maniac (1980), and several higher-profile R-rated horror films he made in the years that followed.
As hardcore stalwart and director of the R-rated horror film, Deranged (1987), Chuck Vincent, explained to Variety, “Filming adult features has been a tremendous aid for me [and others] in terms of experience,” affording him and his contemporaries the ability to master industry-standard equipment and materials, such as 35mm film, and providing others, including adult film producer and producer of the horror film A Hazing Hell (dir. Paul Ziller, released as Pledge Night in 1988), Joyce Snyder, with unmatched knowledge of distribution and foreign sales.
Findlay, with the assistance of her partner, the composer and studio engineer Walter E. Sear, and their new company Reeltime Distributing (est. 1979), was well positioned to enter commercial filmmaking of this nature, by self-financing and shooting on location (as was usually the case with her adult features), and then exploiting her networks within theatrical, cable, and video distribution."
Johnny Walker, from ReFocus: The Films of Roberta Findlay (2023)
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dream-beyond-the-fantasy · 1 year ago
Any Sarah Jane Adventures fans?
I would love to connect with more fans of that side of the Doctor Who fandom. Who are your favorite characters? I mean, other than the queen herself, Sarah Jane Smith. Can you recommend your favorite fics? What would you like to have seen in the show, had Elisabeth Sladen not died? By that, I mean stories, aliens, and characters from Classic Who, the K9 and Company pilot, the Reeltime Productions film Downtime, Big Finish audio series, or even NuWho.
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tvmigraine · 2 years ago
FORGOTTEN LIVES: Christopher Barry
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Before we begin! Remember to get a copy of the Forgotten Lives Omnibus at this link! I believe pre-orders are open until the 1st of September, you may miss your chance to get this book - don't miss out!
Simon Bucher-Jones, as the first writer for Forgotten Lives, was presented with a unique challenge that is comparable to Patrick Troughton or Christopher Eccleston's TV debut - proving the idea can work. Everyone, of course, had their own challenge in creating a unique and easily defined Doctor in a single story, but Bucher-Jones was the one that would be presented to you first. It was paramount that the Christopher Barry incarnation of the Doctor would grab attention.
So the question is how successful is this first impression?
I won't argue either way of it. Personal opinions and preferences are so broad that if I were to tell you that it was successful, that would only mean I think it's successful and you may disagree when you read it for yourselves. Instead, let's focus on painting the picture of who this Doctor is.
Christopher Barry (1925-2014) was a director for Doctor Who as far back as the first episode of The Daleks. He left his footprint on each Era from Hartnell to Tom Baker, having filmed at least one story for each of the first four. He also then made a sideways step in the franchise when he directed Downtime by Reeltime Pictures.
There may be something on your mind - where do the Morbius Doctors fit? While obviously Pre-Hartnell, their relationship to the Fugitive Doctor is up to interpretation as nothing would conflict her being before these Doctors or after. That being said, the artist for the first book, Paul Hanley, implied a location through the simple use of colour in the Christopher Barry Doctor's outfit.
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Paul Hanley did the art for every Doctor and did a TARDIS interior for each of them (these could be found in the first Volume under "The Changing Face of Dr. Who", however these sections are not in the Omnibus). Through the colour of the Barry Doctor's outfit matching the colourful shirt worn by the Fugitive Doctor, along with the golden TARDIS interior versus her blue, this does imply the Morbius Doctors to come after.
So who actually is this Doctor? Well they're a lot less science-fiction than you might first expect. The goal behind these stories weren't to simply write more Doctor Who adventures to fill these gaps, but to write as if they were a part of Doctor Who's prehistory - as such, we see a version of our familiar time traveler in the same way you'd see something out of the corner of your eye. Our first story outright covers a piece of Cornish folklore, about knocking in tin mines, as opposed to anything explicitly alien. I would argue we do not see outright sci-fi elements until we reach our third doctor, Christopher Baker, but that doesn't mean they are completely absent - there is a fantastic moment in the first story where we see time travel taking place in a unique fashion, with characters noticing a change and almost correcting it in their heads as if that's easier for them to stomach.
One more element that feels noteworthy is how these stories all feel. Simon-Bucher Jones gives these stories the feeling of rediscovered manuscripts being adapted, even including footnotes from the person retelling these stories. The footnotes were much appreciated as they painted this picture of somebody rediscovering the stories, which felt apt for the theme of these Doctors' unknown stories. James Bojaciuk elaborates on this idea by removing the footnotes but outright stating the story to be an adaption from a fictional magazine (which also gives us a fictional starting point for the series at 1930), helping to build a history behind where these stories originally came from.
For more insight into the creative process of every author that worked on Forgotten Lives, you can go to @forgottenlivesobverse and find interviews from everyone involved across the books. If you're looking for insight on how the outfits were designed, you can go to Paul Hanley's Patreon and find what went into designing each Doctor.
I do not want to spoil too much more as you should buy the books, but I want to give as much credit to Bucher-Jones and Bojaciuk for the challenge both were given and the quality of their stories. While we haven't discussed the contribution made by Philip Purser-Hallard, don't worry, you'll hear much more about him tomorrow.
In the Forgotten Lives Omnibus, you can look forward to these four stories as we are reintroduced to the Doctor:
THE ISLAND OF AEONS by James Bojaciuk
RETROGENESIS (Part One) by Philip Purser-Hallard
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Join us next time when we'll start covering the Robert Banks Stewart Doctor who will take the first step into true science-fiction, while discussing how this era may be more familiar than you'd first expect.
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moonshynecybin · 11 months ago
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rachelbethhines · 2 years ago
60 Years of Doctor Who Anniversary Marathon - C. Baker 3rd Review
Doctor In Distress - Behind the Scenes
Really, there was never any other choice for this category, was there?
So during 1985 the BBC placed Doctor Who under 'hiatus' for 18 months, derailing plans for season 23 that were already in pre-production. Citing falling ratings as their excuse.
In reality, Michael Grade, then head of BBC drama, personally hated the show and science fiction in general, and wanted to cancel the series outright.
This was met with massive backlash.
We're talking petitions, media coverage, and a even a protest song!
Fans, cast, and crew banded together to make a charity album in protest of the hiatus. Sales were donated to cancer research, and Reeltime productions recorded the music video using an abridged version of the song.
Neither the song nor the video did very well.
The BBC refused to play it on the radio and critics panned the album. Nowadays those involved express regret and cringe over the whole ordeal, but honestly, it's not a bad song.
Listen to the instrumental B-side here.
The bones of a good electric pop song are there.
Hans Zimmer, yes that Hans Zimmer, the Oscar winning composer, was involved in the arrangement. And he apparently played the keyboard/synth parts of the song himself.
The chorus is also catchy as heck and I dare you not to be humming it to yourself as you go about your day.
What problems the song does have are hard to ignore though.
While I like the chorus just fine, the versus are, well, stilted. Granted, I don't know how you could make a song detailing the history of the series and it's current corporate politics without making it sound lame, but nevertheless it's not the song's high point.
Second, the guest performers are decent, but it's clear that the none of the Doctor Who cast are professional singers themselves. Some of them are little pitchy, or speak-sings their lines, and I'm not sure why another take wasn't recorded or used.
Despite the protest's lukewarm response, Grade did relent and allowed the show to return... Albeit with reduced episodes and several 'notes' on how to improve the series.... more on that later.
The consequence of this was a complete rewrite if season 23, and the eventual firing of Colin Baker at the end of that season. (Rumor also has it that Grade was dating Colin's ex-wife at the time... so make of that what you will)
I'll no doubt will be talking about the behind the scene's troubles a little more as we go along, but for now I'm putting the instrumental version of Doctor in Distress in my playlist. ;)
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timetravel-tv · 8 months ago
Star SOPHIE ALDRED, Creator PAUL THOMAS and Reeltime's KEITH BARNFATHER to attend!
We have just had confirmation that our new release SAFFRON - A LOST ANIMATED SERIES REDISCOVERED is to get a star premiere at the exclusive EVERYMAN CINEMA in SALISBURY on the 1st of September at 4pm.
Both new documentaries and all six episodes of the remastered film animation series will be on the big screen - followed by a Q&A with Star SOPHIE ALDRED, Creator PAUL THOMAS and documentary producer KEITH BARNFATHER.
This will be followed by a reception at the bar, where you can mingle with the stars, purchase the DVD ... and get it signed!!!!
If you live in the area PLEASE, PLEASE do come! Let's give PAUL the evening he deserves ... he's waited nearly 25 years to see this lovely animation project get the recognition it deserves. SOPHIE and I really want this to be a fun time for him!
It'll be a great afternoon/evening! Promise!
The schedule is:
4.00pm – Doors
4.25pm – Live intro
4.30pm – Documentary starts
5.30pm – Documentary ends + Q&A starts
6.00pm – Socialise in Bar & Autographs, memorabilia sales!
Tickets can be bought direct from The Everyman with this link:
(You just need to select the 1st September in the calendar)
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downthetubes · 1 year ago
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Happy Birthday, Tom Baker, 90 today. This interview with Jeffrey Bernard ran in the Sunday Times magazine, dated 19th March 1978.
Thanks to Keith Barnfather of Reeltime Pictures, I got to interview Tom for Doctor Who Magazine during my tenure as editor, and yes, we also went to a Soho pub... an unforgettable occasion back then.
The Radio Times has marked Tom's birthday with the publication of some rare and newly released photos of the man himself: https://www.radiotimes.com/tv/sci-fi/doctor-who-tom-baker-photos-exclusive-newsupdate/
You can read the article in The Times archive here (subscription required): https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/tom-baker-and-his-wild-24-hours-in-soho-nfc5c9mbl
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ao3feed-torchwood · 5 months ago
Awakening the Hybrid Heart
https://archiveofourown.org/works/60037489 by CeriseHood5050 Emma Smith-White is not an average human; she is a human-Qetesh hybrid. This unique heritage makes it difficult for her to fit into life on Earth, where she is surrounded by humans. Throughout her life, she has been captivated by the stories of the Six Wives of Henry VIII. Their fates have always haunted her, and she dreams of rewriting their destinies. She's given plenty of opportunities and comes across these historical figures in an unexpected way. Tags and fandoms could change along the way. Words: 1441, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Emma's Six Fandoms: Sarah Jane Adventures, Six - Marlow/Moss, Downtime (Reeltime 1995), K9 and Company, Torchwood, Titanic (1997) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M Characters: Sarah Jane Smith, Ruby White, Original Female Character(s), Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, Howard Baker, Juno Baker, Catalina de Aragón | Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn Queen of England, Jane Seymour Queen of England, Anna von Kleve | Anne of Cleves Queen of England, Catherine Howard Queen of England, Maria Jackson, Jane "Joan" Meutas, Elizabeth "Bessie" Blount, Margaret Wyatt Lee, Luke Smith, Jack Harkness, Suzie Costello, Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato, Ianto Jones, Lavinia Smith, Henry VIII of England, George Boleyn Viscount Rochford, Mary Boleyn Stafford, William Murdoch (1873-1912) (mentioned), Hans Holbein the Younger Relationships: Sarah Jane Smith/Ruby White, William Murdoch (1873-1912)/Original Female Character(s) (mentioned) Additional Tags: Movie: Downtime (Doctor Who), Some mentions of the Sarah Jane Smith audio drama series, Episode: s02e03 School Reunion (Doctor Who), Group chat, mentioned time travel, death days, Episode: s01e01 Invasion of the Bane
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kcdahippie · 1 year ago
Both Victoria and The Great Intelligence are in this movie called Downtime from Reeltime pictures and it's got other characters too. It released in 1995 during that big Doctor Who time break. I might watch it whenever I reach that point in my Doctor Who rewatch. Unsure. But it's nice knowing she gets at least one more story.
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bdsrsated · 1 year ago
I'm Very Happy To see you Ma'am @eloisajayloni Bigfan ako ng Pikachu po Thank you po sa Autograph Idol Magtagal po ako Big Fan ng Busking Pinanood kita sa Reel Time ng GMA 7 Dec 11, 2019 #reeltime yan una kita ikaw sa Network, Tapos naka 100 Days Busking you will recieved my Artwork po and Then Shoutout sa mga Idol ko rin
@jane_manalo08 @art_0f_jane I hope magkikita din tayo Ma'am @mj.saging (Cavitenos) @dianesabandeja Sir Kenneth From @hobbyfestph Debut @timolachris #alvinmanalo @allyellowjoshua @dekada_collectibles @cloudracer (Cavitenos) I hope invited ninyo po si Ma'am sa Hobby Fest po
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