#Doctor on Display
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timetravel-tv · 10 months ago
More importantly, KEITH BARNFATHER is sharing dealers tables with NEIL COLE from THE MUSEUM OF CLASSIC SCI-FI and he'll be launching his new book IT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM!
AND he's bringing a special guest THE SKARASEN from TERROR OF THE ZYGONS! (courtesy of the inestimable MIKE TUCKER!).
PLUS Reeltime will be launching two new special productions: DOCTOR ON DISPLAY - GREATEST SHOWS IN THE GALAXY and SAFFRON. More on both soon!
AND maybe we can drag BEDWYR GULLIDGE and ROBERT DICK along to say hello too!
REALLY, REALLY looking forward to seeing any of you lucky enough to have got tickets!
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assiraphales · 1 year ago
the ninth doctor always goes crazy to me because he wasn't an ambivalent god. he was the benevolent, scarred, and cynical god who cared because he couldn't not. when no one else did. because if he didn't do something, no one else would. he was the one with the power, the responsibility, and it hurt him constantly. every life he watched burn out was a tragedy -- a loss. he kissed a servant girl on the head who no one would remember. he closed the eyes of a dead man. he mourned a pig the military shot. he cared them all, no matter how insignifigant and fleeting their lives could have seemed to his. he was a little mean and a little rude and a lot angry (at everyone at everything) but he also had so much joy. he loved knowing he'd lose. and when he regenerated, he simply looked to rose with that big grin on his face and told her she was fantastic -- and so was he.
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bobcatblahs · 8 months ago
Time for another text post hoard drop!
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le-regrems · 8 months ago
MCU cast Romani actor to play Romani character challenge.
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timelordinefficiency · 2 months ago
You ever think about how the TARDIS is a living being? How when she was with the War Doctor, she went back to her “default” settings, because they were so focused on surviving. How everything became white and sterile because the Doctor believed that they didn’t deserve any warmth.
Then with Nine and Ten, the walls and basic structure were this coral type of substance. They were finally done with the war. Now, they had to heal. TARDISes are grown, not built. It starts rebuilding itself, healing. The Doctor helping as much as he could.
Eleven’s control room was so big and warm, so full of light. The TARDIS seeing into the future and knowing that they would need space. A family would be running around her halls. A husband, a wife, another husband and wife, and even a daughter. But it didn’t last, because it never does. He grieves and so does she. The walls close in tighter almost claustrophobic because there’s only one person left. The lights are cold and blue. The walls are steel and sterile. The lights change becoming slightly warmer with Clara but it still stands cold…
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humanoidhistory · 1 year ago
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Doctor Who, "The Robots of Death," 1977.
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elizabethrobertajones · 9 months ago
ooh I see, in Pyramids of Mars pt2 the Doctor takes Sarah Jane to look at 1980 if they don't stop what happens in 1911, and it's an apocalyptic wasteland, so when you're watching the Beatles episode in 2024 you're supposed to go like "hey just like in Pyramids of Mars!" and then you're thinking about the exact right episode.
You know, if you already had watched all of Doctor Who before this year instead of say, hitting the current plot twist related episode today. :P
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tyrannysaurusfloof · 6 months ago
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When life gives you Stobotnik stickers and you can’t bear to stick them somewhere, cut them up and make Stobotnik phone cases with them
Thanks to @panic-flavored for the amazing stickers giving me and my wife the ability to publicly declare our love
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timetravel-tv · 2 years ago
Will be launched at WHOOVERVILLE 14 on the 2nd September 2023 as part of our celebration of DOCTOR WHOs 60th Anniversary. 
DVDs will be ON SALE!!!!
The official release date will be Monday 4th September 2023!
Another fantastic inlay from ALEX STORER with a great cover photo from KEVIN TAYLOR!
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gl1tt3r-gutz-and-r0b0tz-sl · 9 months ago
Me: I've never cried from horror before. What could go wrong?
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I've never bawled my eyes out harder
I'm sad now :(
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cloysterbell · 1 year ago
We're doing a powerpoint party at work for a holiday thing and I was joking around with my boss about what my topic should be and I threw out a couple including 'assigning everyone a fursona' and she was like wait, stop. Do that one. The fursona one. So I guess I've progressed from assigning all of you fursonas to assigning people I know in real life and see every day fursonas
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adhderall · 2 months ago
and like my parents or etc. are always like "omg why you do/wear X thats for men" why does it matter.... i just want to.
"omg you know its not socially accepted for a woman youll be seen as a freak" YEAH CLEARLY I FUCKING KNOW THIS ALREADY.
they treat me like im a stupid ass kid who is completely socially unaware like i dont understand the implications of my own actions and the way i present myself. i KNOW im a weird freak, man. I am a grown ass adult, i think i can make decisions for myself about how to dress and present myself.
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plaguedoctormemes · 1 year ago
Nothing will baffle me more than my current-roommate-then-pal brought me a pinned tarantula hawk, a tarantula hawk they fucking ignorantly picked up with their bare fucking hand and casually scooped into a baseball cap they wore just because they thought it looked neat and knew i’d like it. And it somehow didnt sting them
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sisterdivinium · 10 months ago
Jillian had considered asking when first Mother Superion evaded her advances in daylight. Was it guilt, shame, fear? Did her God condemn their love so that they might only kiss in shadow?
But in time she understood.
Just as Suzanne prayed more fervently in the cool, welcoming darkness of a temple, so did she kiss Jillian more ardently away from prying eyes; it was a ritual, born out of devotion rather than disgrace.
The girls knew, but the Mystery was forbidden to them.
Kissing Suzanne over and over in the heart of night, Jillian lost herself in their sacred rites.
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timothyslucy · 6 months ago
this is so fucked up, but here me out....
imagine the infamous "tim necklace" stained with lucy's blood.
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shhh-secret-time · 1 year ago
Baby please, I am begging you to get out of the tags!! You can't keep those headcanons there! Because when I read that Butters is the museum owner in your Au I squealed so loudly!! He would be so cute! Getting all stary eyed everytime you bring something in??? AHHHH! 💖💖💖💖
Yes!! He starts off just so sad that the museum doesn't have anything. Constantly cleaning the display cases even though there's nothing in there.
But the farmer (you), come around with the little trinkets you find at the mines. Digging things up or finding them while fishing. And like you said he just gets these stars in his eye. (Yeah he still lost the other one)
Goes on for hours if you'll let him! Speculating the history behind the dwarven artifacts. He polishes those gems with such care! Butters is the happiest he's ever been since leaving the big city.
I think Kenny and him decided to just runaway one day. They grabbed Karen and moved out to the valley!
(That way if you ship Bunny it works, and if you don't it's just two besties supporting each other.)
As you start bringing in more things he starts looking over at the front door more. He perks up expecting you to come in covered in dirt, but he thinks it gives you a certain charm. He can smell the earth on you and immediately associates you with a flower of some kind. He'll change the flower pinned to his shirt to whatever that flower is. Got red hair? He's got tulips. The prettiest blue eyes ever?! Hydrangeas put carefully next to his heart. Oh you think your brown eyes are boring? How dare you, they're patches of soil that help support life!
Dude practically has hearts fluttering around his head when he sees you. Lips quivered into a smile, trying not to giggle just because he's nervous.
I swear his one heart event would be him crafting you something. He works with Scott to build a display case for it and sends it to you. It's not so big that it won't fit in the mailbox, maybe like a little box. It'll be something that doesn't belong in a museum but maybe one day it'll be in the house you share.
I'm working on Stan's sheet right while I'm at work! I'm writing up heart events like he's gonna be in the game ☠️
Tag List: @hunnysnoops @apple-butter-tea
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