#stop whitewashing
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arysunhae · 3 months ago
every time damian wayne gets whitewashed another angel loses their wings 
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cartersblogabtnothing · 3 months ago
why is dc insisting on giving damian blue eyes and white washing him? is it so he blends into the rest of the kids?? who’s next?? DUKE??
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rcgame-thoughts · 1 month ago
Some rantings about whitewashing…
I love RC, but there are just some things I need to get off my chest. 😤
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1. The ones that bother me the most are Amen and Set.
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Don’t get me wrong. I’m romancing Set and it’s enjoyable. But, WHY are they white? Shouldn’t an Egyptian god look more… Egyptian? Imani in The One Vol. 2 was Egyptian and she looked Egyptian AND she was beautiful. Why do we need to make Egyptians look white?
Also, Amen and Set are both the sexy, dominant, masculine type. They both hold power over Eva. But the dark LI Ramesses is more… soft, somewhat effeminate, hides in the shadows. I’m not saying those are bad things. But when the strongest characters are white, it sure sends a certain message.
That’s one reason I’m so happy with Yasin. (Hmm, another Faye story. Thank you, Faye!)
2. Another thing with Song of the Crimson Nile…
When that warning about colorism popped up, but then it was about Livius… Um. What? Livius isn’t even dark skinned. I love Livius, but am I supposed to feel sorry for him? I’m glad he didn’t. When white people cry about racism, it’s just like… really? 🙄
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3. Brown people are in the back. White people are in the front. The characters that actually look Egyptian and actually look Indian are side or background characters. But the main characters look white. Ratan, Amrit, pretty much everyone in Kali: Flame of Samsara.
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4. Asian characters with blue eyes. THAT’S SO UNREALISTIC! Sure, there are some Asians with blue eyes in Mongolia. But MOST Asians have darker eyes, including those who are mixed. Audrey, Catherine Hill, Nikkal, Prince Philippe, Devi, Saraswati, Luna, Ben/Bianca, the Doobays… Are Asians with blue eyes more attractive than Asians with brown eyes? What’s the point in creating an Asian MC sprite if you’re gonna give her features that most Asians don’t have? Isn’t the whole point supposed to be representation?
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5. The first time I saw Cassiel, I thought, “Is he… black?” I was confused because his skin looks so… faded. It’s not really black. It’s more olive. Same with Volot. They’re both still super sexy, but the olive-grayish filtered skin is strange. Why can’t they just look normal?
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mal-lay · 5 months ago
Why the hell do people whitewash Steven Rudboys???
I look at fan arts and sometimes I just see Steven with light skin…
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Respectfully, I’m not going to post other ppl’s art. U guys can look for urselfs. There is some art that make him with a light complexion.
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le-regrems · 8 months ago
MCU cast Romani actor to play Romani character challenge.
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camthecatchameleon · 13 days ago
seething rn
This is a phenomenon I see FREQUENTLY and it pisses me TF off as an East Asian person.
It's when East Asian characters are whitewashed in fanart. But it's subtle!!!! It's REAAAL Subtle!!!! AND IT TICKS ME OFF MAN I HATE IT!!!!
Using Daisuke Mouthwashing as an example for no reason other than I like him.
First off. NOSE AND BROWBONE. Most if not all East Asian people typically have a very soft contour of the forehead to the tip of the nose. The whole "nonexistent nosebridge" thing is REAL, MAN.
Second: EYES. I know people make racist jokes about East Asian people having squinty eyes but it's true so I'd appreciate more East Asian characters drawn with thin eyes please and thank you very much.
Traits that are read more easily as "white" are pronounced browbone, upturned nose, larger eyes, etc.
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See how I changed NOTHING except for the forehead, nose, and eyes? And already it makes a WORLD of difference. You don't even have to make the nose as flat as I did here ^^ literally it is JUST the curvature.
Not only this but people also tend to give characters like Daisuke really pronounced angular cheekbones which???? I'll be fair!!! There are East Asian people with the second version below's bone structure (myself included). But the point is that it's not the character. Daisuke in the game has chronic babyface and yet SO MANY FANARTIST GIVE HIM SHARP FEATURES ROUND OUT THOSE CURVES BROTHER YOU'RE KILLING ME.
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Don't even get me started on the whitening of skin tones I'll actually throw a fit.
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It is NOT THAT HARD to accommodate for a variety of features. THATS HOW WE GROW AS ARTISTS. Venture out of your comfort zone!!! Try something new!!!!! It's not as scary as it seems I promise!!!! Just PLEASEEEEEE PLEASE PLEASE IM BEGGINGGG
(Don't think I need to say this but this is not a strict rule. Humans are diverse and just because a trait is “typical” doesn't mean everyone in that people group has it. This is just me angrily and loudly protesting a microaggression that is unfortunately very prevalent, especially in fandom.)
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a-bisexual-panicking · 7 months ago
why do i keep finding the most amazing pieces of mcga fanart but the artist always whitewashes both sam and alex
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liberalk1tsch · 10 months ago
if you’re fancasting a white actor in their 30’s with blue eyes and blonde hair as a poc teenager, consider yourself an op
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hirrakittat · 1 month ago
I feel like we should start talking about Sega whitewashing jun more,idc if he's not that dark to begin with it's still pissing me off(this is coming from a very pale person)
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atomicjellyb3an · 5 months ago
I get being mad at Caitlyn, but calling her a privileged WHITE woman is something else…
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rcgame-thoughts · 24 days ago
I cannot enjoy this. 🤢🤢
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Who is this? I did not agree to self defense lessons with this person. 😤
Just look at the difference! How am I supposed to enjoy an intimate scene (that I paid for with 💎!) , while looking at a completely different person than the one I’ve been romancing all this time?
I knew from other players that this was coming, but I still wasn’t prepared… no…Ughhhh…. 😣 What they’ve done to him is disgusting. As if the olive-gray filter look wasn’t bad enough. They managed to outdo themselves.
😡 You smell like beef and cheese. You’re not the real Cassiel!
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conscbgb · 2 months ago
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Their natural skin color is BEAUTIFUL
It's getting ridicolous the way media edit them 🤦‍♀️
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miserableinsect07 · 3 months ago
I’m not sorry saying this but literally why do some batfam artists choose to do this?? Like these four have so many distinct characteristics that artists could use to differentiate them (one MAJOR one being their fucking ethnicity) yet they choose to make them carbon copies of each other. It is literally not that hard to add some individuality to their designs
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All hate to the original creator of this drawing for white-washing the fuck out of Damian
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mtlupy · 1 year ago
Love how the press is freaking out about Emily Hampshire dressing up as Johnny Depp for Halloween, while selectively forgetting the time that Johnny Depp pretended to be a Native American for an entire movie. One of these things is not like the other...
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sparxsailing · 3 months ago
Stop white washing Winx club.
My phone's on a high level of bluelight filter but I gotta start taking a moment before I like/reblog white washed fan art. Sometimes the filter hides it a bit but sometimes I'm just not paying attention & that's my bad but like nah.
Like how hard is it to just... not do that? To actually make their skintone what it really is. I'm tired with how prevalent the white washing is.
Not to even get started on the official fucking franchise doing this shit.
Stop white washing Layla/Aisha,Flora and Musa.
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goblin-the-clown · 3 months ago
Goblin, can you do a favor for me? Im trying to prove a point. Please go to pinterest and search cassie fnaf. How many pins does it take to show white Cassie?
I looked up Cassie fnaf fanart and the eight pin that showed up was white but people were saying it was before ruin dropped? Maybe she was paler in the trailer idk. I don't deny that there are a LOT of people whitewashing her but I didn't find that many. Some fanart of her being paler than others which idk if that counts since she still had curly hair but she's black and people need to start drawing her that way.
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