lol-a-k · 4 months
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Redraw from a page part 3
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spacetyrant-arts · 11 months
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🌱 Late night snuggles ⚡️
Darla (on top) belongs to @candiecarousel
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walrusi · 11 months
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oc-tober / enemies/rivals
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terraliensvent · 17 days
"We personally enjoy the different stylization" 💀 response in staff answer
That’s where you kinda fail when it comes to consistency. I’m all up for redesigning items to give them fresh looks, but some of these look and feel like they’re from another species.
To put in comparison as anyone else before my ask, you can’t just put Tamagotchi level of design items with Genshin Impact level of designs. It just looks way out of place. Unless, unless there is specific events or shops, then that would make sense.
This also applies not to items, but visuals within the species. Try to train your staff to follow a specific rhythm when it comes to design. Let it be thick borders, minimum shading, sparkles, etc.
It’s a super pet peeve of mine whenever I join CS, I tend to look at the visuals and items and well, for some of the redesigns of some items in Terraliens they look out of place or lacking some sort of personality.
post related
"On the topic of art, it’s a lot of work to redraw everything. Personally, we enjoy the different stylization. We do require all of the art to be drawn in the same dimensions (1000x1000), but due to some backend issues the images are displaying at different sizes. A fix is actively being worked on."
like even 200x200 or hell even 500x500 but 1000x1000 is such an unnecessarily large file for something that is meant to be shown at various sizes (including incredibly small sizes) and has to be recognizable from afar
also the "stylization" is shit. to members, it shows a lack of consistency when none of your items even look like theyre a part of the same world. it looks sloppy and thrown together, which in retrospect i guess would be par for the course for terras anyways.
you cant take an item from elden ring and throw it into a mario game, it makes the world feel less "real" and removes players from the experience. thats the same effect you get when you have all these species items with vastly different styles, it's jarring.
this response from staff just comes off as the "WELL ITS MY STYLEE" argument when someone is told their art lacks fundamentals.
also the added image is cute, new header maybe?
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lisalafart · 18 days
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So I'm reading LK fanfiction and I suddenly have an idea for a cute drawing with Mono and Six. I think I'll draw it now. I started, and in the process I decided to add my own characters and make it as an illustration for my comic series. Then I remembered that the RK would soon appear there and decided to add him here too. Then I thought about it and made a bunch of references to other characters and here is the result. I drew everything in one night, so something floated a little. I really like the idea, but if I redraw it as a full-fledged work, it should look even better. But such a large work will take me a lot of time and I don't know whether I will do it or not:3
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tricornonthecob · 1 year
LK 102: The Sulfa Intolerable Acts
(pt1) (pt2) (pt3) (pt4)
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Why the fuck does Lt Brampton have such a vendetta against these kids.
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OMFG GET A ROOM YOU TWO also goddamn does that 14/15 year old have the proportions of a dorito.
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Ah yes, the moment the Chaos Boi opens up and shows even more how much he is a Softboi. 11 year old me did not stand a chance.
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LOL nevermind
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Ok but why is this scene going so hard. You can see the shadow where the dude's hand crosses into the light shaft. This is screaming for a redraw.
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James watch out ya girl is *catching feelings*
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I'm sorry this scene just about killed me as an 11 year old and its killing me now as a 31 year old.
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why are his fingees so elegant. Also the animators tried REALLY hard in this frame. His proportions and anatomy aren't wonky, the foreshortening looks correct, they detailed his fucking nose, his fucking pupils are pointed in the same direction and also look like they're focusing on her, the way one ear sticks out because his head is cocked a little (even when he's being sweet he's sassy,) the way his hair is asymmetrical in a way which makes sense to gravity. The expression matches the voice acting!!
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They even tried really hard in these sets of frames, too. So did the voice actor tbh.
But also OH GOD THE EMPATHY. She feels like shit for complaining about a piece of jewelry, especially to someone she's roasted before about being uncouth and uncivilized, but instead of calling her shallow like she probably expects, James instead, very gently and softly, shares that he also has a piece of jewelry he wears to remind him of lost family and shows that despite them having such different backgrounds they're really not all that different.
AND THE FUCKING HARP FLOURISH AT THE END??? How THE FUCK is this not setting everything up for the two of them to get together????
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I don't know why the way they animated James here kills me but it killed me back then, too. Maybe its the confidence? Maybe its still the rush from witnessing a soft moment between two people catching feels for each other??
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Lady Phillips I understand the situation is really tense for the Frillips Polycule but you are going to lose oxygen by constantly gasping for breath like that.
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Your honor he's tearing this ethically non-monogamous family apart!
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awww shit the Bard with 20 Charisma's about to roll with advantage
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CC is wrong, he said "I Thank Mr. Wedderburn for everything he has said against me." but OH MY GOD THE DRAMA, the guy looks like in the moment he's realized what he's done, but then the pain of whatever drama went on in their relationship clouds him over once more and he is swallowed whole by a mad thirst for revenge.
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They're both just like "BITCH WHAT IS YOU DOING"
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"My country is America" These two are so overjoyed and relieved, but like, clearly what Benji Franx is saying can be construed so hard as Genuine Treason, so him arguing that he isn't a British Subject because the Vibes Of It All logically wouldn't hold much water in that court, so why are they relieved/overjoyed? Is Lady Phillips secretly a Whig and totally supportive of American Independence? Honestly I think she is. She wants to see the system overhauled and burnt to the ground.
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Donkey Kong Country
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This fucking madlad. The confidence of knowing how to make a getaway in a cask makes me think he's done this before.
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How are they still conscious.
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yeah girl, take command!
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"y'all bitches FUCKIN' LEFT ME HERE???"
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Lt. Brampton is so fucking smarmy.
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fuckin raycisssts
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Moses about to cry and tbh so would I
To be continued
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australet789 · 6 months
Love LK! Adam and Lute! Is there a future version of Adam without the cape buffalo mask?
If i decide to redraw the Lucifer/Adam fight, then yeah, it's possible!
And thank you!
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kitikatrina · 2 years
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“We’ll make an American out of you yet!”
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sofy-tofy · 3 years
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TV Dinnah without TV but un-tumblrized
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kjpurplepineapple · 2 years
Warriors: "I'm nowhere near ready to be a father!"
Also Warriors:
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Started out as a redraw of this cute sketch that @spacebagel54 sent me once with LK Mask and Warriors. It was so adorable I just had to draw it in my own style and then got a little carried away...
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lol-a-k · 4 months
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Redraw from a page part 9
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1xtaru · 4 years
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rm screencap redraws
lks only tucked half his shirt in which is very syobai
bonus hat boys arguing about caramels
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gentlebliss · 4 years
OK HI so im gonna send u this bc ur one of my cr mutuals but im thinking about making a mi//lk coo//kie rewrite/design and what are ur opinions on sorta making him like??? an antagonist???? not like evil or a bad guy persay but like where he had to do some fucked up shit in order to protect people he cares about??? hes very flawed in the way that his moral compass is a bit weird and he def doesn't get off easily in the end. hes fine but he has to face consequences for being a little shit regardless of his reasoning
what Ur thinking of isn't bad and I think that would be an alright step to take with his story rewrite but also I wanna say that more or less the big problem with milk is that he has imagery on his shield that offended a lot of people and was released next to an aggressive black coded character
so my suggestion would beeeeeeee... I think you should redesign him so that his shield is different if you're gonna do a redraw of him. so that way it's not offensive to anyone. and if you do that antagonist route then I think everything else should be fine in regards to milk since he won't really fall under the savior trope anymore if he's actually doing morally wrong things and then gets punished for it later 
otherwise I think that's an alright idea and I'm interested to see how it comes out :] 
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erabu-san · 8 years
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Redraw of this :D It’s not very old but.... idk. :v
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tricornonthecob · 1 year
I snuggled a pony so hard today
LK 111: Postmaster of Ceremonies Benji Franx
oooh its one of the S/J flavored episodes today
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background art appreciation moment
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That is... alot of letters. Holy shit. Surely she missed one or two days. I wonder how much mundane stuff was in between all the "By the way I'm committing treason and am on battlefields and also going a bajillion places unchaperoned with a B O Y my age."
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I wonder where the budget went for this episode.
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Translation: for the love of christ please stop going to battlefields
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There it is I've been looking for this shot so I could do a redraw, also THERE IT IS proof they turned her into a blonde. Either that or she's supposed to be powdered up in this but they usually do white or gray when they're showing powder.
also awww Sarah has the same rebellious hair swoosh.
Anyway I am HERE and RAVENOUS for Phillips content.
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This scene keeps happening, y'all sure you wanna keep sending Henri out to pick up the mail.
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The gays were having a moment, Henri
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James Hiller would 100% have a tiktok where he did shit like flip water bottles upright in increasingly implausible and precarious scenarios.
What is it about being a homo sapiens that when we get bored we try to toss things into other things. 11/10 pastime for the ages.
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Moses is the momdad who tells you to go clean your room when you mistakenly complain aloud that you're bored.
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Henri that's a felony.
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...ok fine, an almost-felony.
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hehehaha GAYAE?
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Ok but next time I have to read a fucking Captcha I'm getting James to do it.
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I mean by now its pretty obvious by their complete lack of surprise such a missive would be addressed to them that the Gazette is a front for a spy agency.
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Do you trust your sauce, James?
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James, this is why you're not the best field agent.
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He's been trying to reach her about her horse's extended warranty.
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Henri's the best agent in this outfit. Some respect is due, James!
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"Fuck off, James."
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Wow someone finally went to check in on Fort Pitt.
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James Hiller is the person who clicks the fucking link in the sus email and takes down the whole office.
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Take it from the dual-classed Artist/IT Professional. Learn to see the signs of a suspicious email and Don't Fucking Download That Attachment/Clink That Link!
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priincess--ferne · 7 years
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My first attempt at an LKS redraw….
Bonus: no filter
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