depvotee · 1 year
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Preceptor Seluvis
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girlsoviet · 4 months
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rose-colored-tarot · 2 years
Damn. A follower I’ve seen a lot in my notes turned out to be a TERF. Oh well, welcome to the block list.
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glittergelf · 2 months
I feel contempt towards makeup as a waste of time and money. It’s a feeling of advertising to the world there’s something wrong with how I look and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with how I look.
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ladychlo · 7 months
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I'll make all social media accounts recommend you t*rf content
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bring-out-the-dead · 3 months
I literally cannot ever leave twitter bc what the hell
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I guess calling radfems freaks makes me a nazi if the radfem in question is a transphobic trans woman.
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TERFs stop allying themselves with neo-nazi terrorist groups challenge. (They won’t because their ideology is inherently fascist and genocidal)
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lesorus · 5 months
comphet this, comphet that. I'm actually being forced to date a man. Y'all have nothing on me.
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butch-reidentified · 6 months
omg I made a spelling error lol I meant to type radfem not redfem lmao 😭😭😭
i knowwww but you've started something beautiful now, you can't stop it! 🥰
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mxxnkirby · 7 months
Everytime i see the term "radqueer" i feel like I've looked up the definition before. like i swear i have, i just can't ever remember it
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it-is-i-zim · 2 years
To any radfems who follows me FUCK THE HELL OFF FUCK YOU AND GO THE FUCK AWAY
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kousanosgf · 1 year
it's funny how the n- and f-words are considered bad and hateful but when feminists talk about people calling women slurs like b*tch, c*nt etc. they get shit from everyone even other feminists.
of course when men aren't seen as the one being attacked it's fine and fun and those are not actually the words that specifically used to insult the whole group of people based on there sex
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after a long slumber of termination I HAVE RETURNED ONCE AGAIN *evil laughter* WHERE THE MUTUALS AT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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man-squared · 1 year
Let trans people be upset about people (including other trans people) spreading hurtful information about transition.
You do not get a pass to say "hey, actually bottom surgery is dangerous and I'd never get it" just because you're trans. You should be concerned that you have so easily swallowed and developed your beliefs based around conservative, transphobic rhetoric (and simply put redfem rhetoric). You do not get to deny and shame other trans people their own transition because you don't want what they want or because you have allowed yourself to become so easily seduced by disinformation.
So if you're so up-in-arms about trans transition that you will easily spread disinformation based on redfem opinions, can you fucking imagine how many of your other ideas and beliefs stem directly from that and other harmful ideologies?
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deborah-the-downer · 1 year
I'm sorry if anyone ever messages me
I will not look at it
I will not respond
It is not personal
My brain does not perceive the messages tab and I could not tell you why. My messages are the celery in the back of the produce drawer, slowly turning is ooze
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