#redemption. from what. what are you telling me av
heartfledged · 2 years
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redemption arc.  your story had a pretty rough start and you did some things you're not proud of, but you made the choice to change. i won't go through how important it is to accept responsibility and keep striving to improve or whatever because you know that already. what i think you should know is that your fuel does not need to be shame. you don’t need to stand over the bathroom sink with your blood in your hands until you can no longer make out your reflection. you will look at your face and you will see the person you used to be, but that person no longer exists. today, you are looking, and that makes all the difference.
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jiminrings · 3 years
petition for stem koo to do all the things for oc he originally said no one does (make her lunchboxes, makes her cheerful...) bc i think that’s a beautiful redemption arc
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cold senior!y/n x stem major!koo masterlist :D
jungkook's day one of his redemption agenda doesn't go that well in the end
"namjoon!!! my man. got any updates for me?"
seokjin strolls coolly on the way to his office, hair slicked back and his dress shirt definitely missing more than a few buttons
what's head admin gonna do??? dress-code him???
fire him???? PLS HE'D BE BETTER OFF!!!!
jin makes student affairs his bitch,,, not the other way around
"for the last time, i am nOt your secretary!!" namjoon stresses as he ceases his typing just to glare at him
he's the university registrar and everyone needs to go through him and at this point he's like a historical landmark from how he's made impact in less than two years
and he and seokjin graduated from the same batch!!!! they're the uncanny always pair for the subjects they shared together
it was definitely weird but functional lol cause one is uptight yet hardworking and the other's relaxed yet smart
sue them for working in the same place they swore they'd never go back to after graduation </3
"if you say-"
"some kid's been waiting for you even before i opened the office. made him sit inside but i just told him that he'd be expelled if he even tries to touch your coffee machine."
namjoon says even before jin could finish the sentence, clearly holding that in until the last minute
jin's obviously a lil annoyed because he's starting work as early as now but the way that joon laid all that out on him is a highlight for him
"thanks. knew you're a secretary for me first and a registrar second."
"no. i'm a national citizen before-"
alright alright he's not listening anymore
this bETTER be important because jin has to hold out his morning routine for whoever this kid is
"what can i possibly do for you today?" he rubs his eyes in preparation, intentionally dragging his steps because just looking at how near he is to his work computer gives him vertigo
"mr. kim!!!"
there is no way
there is no fATHOMABLE way that this has got to be happening to seokjin right now
"..... jungkook. what a pleasure."
he sits on his chair, voice gritted and monotone and he could just feel his eye twitching, his clenched fist under his deck now flipping off the kid in secret
it's a last-minute realization that he grasps that jungkook doesn't know you're his friend and it presents some really unique vantage points
like the time that seokjin recounted about a ridiculous student's filing for theft of his lunchboxes and he turned out to be your crush
or when he used his student affairs capabilities and pulled up resources left and right when jungkook broke your heart then seriously contemplated about messing up his academic record
or that time when he delivered a high and sleepy you to bed and then heard the entire conversation (if you could even call it that) between yoongi and this fucking nerd
"i need your help, mr. kim. you're the closest one to me i could ask!!" jungkook pleads desperately, the big doe eyes not really inducing an effect on him whatsoever lmao
"mhmm. i may not be the person for the job. counseling is right next door."
jin hums without even attempting to get jungkook to elaborate because for all he knows, his services aren't exactly open for people who hurt his friends >:(
(a guy once bumped shoulders with yoongi twice on the same day with aTTITUDE!!! and seokjin just dismissed the dude's concerns when a prof of his, who's a buddy of jin's, suddenly gave him an F)
seokjin IS student affairs
“no, no. you’re the only one who can help me!! you see, i-i just feel this brotherly connection with you and-“
“we talked once.”
god what did you used to see in this kid??
a crybaby aND an easily-attached personality to him? god it’s like jungkook’s just asking jin to pick on him
jungkook doesn’t seem to pick up how jin’s making it obvious he really doesn’t want to be of help if it has something to do with him
he likes interrupting and jin’s just the perfect match to interrupt him even earlier so now they just sound like one of those dubsmash snippets
“MR. KIM!!! how do you make lunchboxes? i don't know how.”
jeez where are his manners :O aren’t nerds like him supposed to worship the ground that admins walk on,,,
but what did pique his attention is the content of what jungkook just said
.... lunchboxes?
jin doesn’t want to give the kid benefit of the doubt because the last time he did that, you got hurt!!!!
if he has to hear hyeji’s name one more time, he’d really waste no time in stripping jungkook’s name from the honor roll
“remember that time i thought someone was stealing my lunchboxes?” he quizzes jin like it’s his job, clueless how he’s poking the bear even more with where he decides to go with this, “yeah. turns out no one was.”
was that not made clear the first time around!!!!!! he knows for a fact that a uni student would trade a classmate for a pack of gum but nO ONE would go for stealing a lunchbox
no one wakes up one day and decides that they’d steal a lunchbox. literally none
“but then this random girl claimed that it was hers a-and well i-...”
kook pauses to gauge jin’s reaction, clearly seeing now the one brow that’s raised at him
oh so if jungkook just asked him how to make a lunchbox, and he called h-word random,,,, then that would mean-
“i may have hurt the original giver of my lunchboxes at the process.”
.... that means he’s asking how to make a lunchbox for you
well that was a pleasant surprise
seokjin snorts briefly at that, dryly chuckling with his eyes widening to stress out his “non-threat” that’s pretty mUCH a threat
“wow. i might just give you a sanction for that.”
does he think jungkook’s a good person? lol he has to think about that for a month
was he wrong for hurting you that way? ultimately yes
but did he think at some point that jungkook’s completely heartless and wouldn’t try to redeem himself to his senior? no, not completely
but is he still on your team, regardless if the kid begs for mercy and you forgive him? yea a hundred percent :D yoongi and seokjin could never be brought out from your circle
"and you're doing this why?"
this is a no-brainer question for jungkook but the question still spooks him, feeling the chills at his neck that responding to seokjin is like a sTEPPING STONE when it comes to you
lmao if only he knew
"i uh, i just really wanna make this right. i messed up completely and it's pretty much unforgivable, but i atleast wanna try and give my best even if she doesn't forgive me, y'know?"
"mhmm. right, right."
he's still mad but he appreciates that jeon's doing the bare minimum of redeeming himself
speaking of, the poor kid looks like he's pissing himself because he may have just embarrassed himself with how long the silence stretches out
maybe,,, just maybe jin's gonna try and be a bridge this time
but like as soon as jungkook lacks for a fourth of a second, seokjin would BURN that bridge faster than a blink
"well first of all, you buy a lunchbox."
jungkook grabs a literal pocket notebook and jin pretends he didn't see that because WHO the hell does that!!!!
"of course... okay, proceed!! i'm taking notes," jungkook nods in understanding, jotting down the very important advice of not ordering from online because you can't smell the material through a screen
p.s. smelling containers before you buy them is a VITAL thing to do!! it already tells you about the quality at the first sniff
"are you buying one?"
"buying one for every day of the week. i'm thinking if i should get extras too-
"good idea. i recommend buying eight."
alright seokjin's mentioning some very specific colors and schemes and jungkook's not complaining!!!
"what meals should i make? i don't even know what she likes!! and even if i knew what, how would i make it?"
why is his heart racing
yoongi may have taught you how to do your taxes but jin taught you how to cook food that's more than four steps!!!
he taught you how to not flinch at all when you're frying and that's the equivalent of raising you to be the woman that you are now <3
look at him and yoongi being your best friends!! teaching you about taxes and being unnerved at cooking oil and busting out a smoke ring or two <3
in fact, the lunches you've cooked for jungkook are all inspired and derived by seokjin!!!
the fact that jungkook's plan isn't bad and the way everything pieces together with his insight,,,, goosebumps luv
"....hypothetically? what i think she'd like?"
jungkook eagerly nods with stars in his eyes, fingers gripping onto his pen for dear life as he tries to channel all his listening techniques into this lecture
"get a bigger notepad."
"look at you!!" yoongi gushes the moment he sees you, waiting at you from the front door
you're going back to your classes again :D
you don't look as worse as you did four days ago!! you're not as sluggish and as animated too
"please don't," you snort as yoongi doesn't seem to stop looking at you like you've saved the world, giving no fight when he insists on carrying your backpack to your first class of the day
the past four days,, yeah they were undoubtedly rough
you slept as much as you could and for the moments you weren't dejected enough to be awake, you spent it surrounding yourself with seokjin and yoongi as much as possible
that's the beauty of hanging out them!!! you're not required to have a single thought lmao
except for the time when yoongi wondered aloud how eels even live and die (or if they even do???) in the first place and that sent everyone in a spiral and you didn't think of jungkook for a single seconds
you're not intimidated to go back to regular programming or with the fact that it's nOT unlikely you'd see a glimpse of jungkook in the hall and such
but that does mean that even if you're the bigger person, you're still gonna avoid him for as long as you could
speaking of!!!! you're looking for the person now that you're eager to find
there he is :D you'd recognize that fluffy mop of permed hair anywhere
tae jumps over chairs in excitement to finally see you again after being so worried for you, engulfing you in a hug immediately
alright you see why yoongi thinks he's a golden retriever
you're clearly not a touchy-feely person but you'd let this one pass,, tae helped you (even indirectly) throughout your downtime anyways
"thank you so much for the cookies. i tried taking smaller bites just because i didn't wanna have them disappear that easy," you confess sheepishly, knowing how you had to pull the i just got my heart broken like two days ago multiple times so the two menaces would stop stealing from your stash
jungkook's excited!!!! seokjin may have given him a tip that "he felt it in his gut" that you were gonna go to class today
he came a little late because he wanted to perfect the very loaded lunchbox that's in his backpack right now
oh weird
you're not in your usual chair
bUT jungkook sees a glimpse of your hair and he's certain that you're there and his heart may be beating out of his ribcage
a baby peach lunchbox with a sticker (of what seokjin said he thought you'd like) on the middle of the lid :D
pork katsudon with furikake rice aND coffee jelly pudding on the side!!! it was definitely pressure-racking to strictly adhere to jin's recipe but god does it look worth it
jungkook's only did miniature taste tests on it and he had to stop himself from devouring the lunch that he's made specifically for you
the lunchbox itself is tied neatly with a silk wrap, adding his touch of sewing your name visibly on it aND there's a scribble taped to the lid too
god jungkook really can't wait to make it up to you
sheesh that was one of THEE longest lectures you've ever felt you had
it was actually the same amount of time it's always been but maybe you've been out of practice from just staying at your dorm for days
tae's great company but he could be a little bit chatty!!! you just nod when you feel his voice go up and he apparently gets excited by that easily
.... he apparently also has a small bladder and he told you that within the whole hour of class
"hold on. i gotta pee before next period. go without me!!!' taehyung hurriedly slings his backpack to his arm, looking ridiculous in a rush
tae's sometimes unintentionally funny because you don't even share next period anyways
you're on your way to the exit when a shiny scarf catches the corner of your eye, having to squint at it because wow does it look pretty
is that-
is that your nAME???
you pick it up before you could even rationalize it, realizing then what it was wrapping when you feel the warmth on your hands
"sorry i forgot my headband!!!"
taehyung stumbles back into the room, catching his breath to run back to his seat and fetch the headband he took from his hair to play with awhile ago
he looks shocked to see what's on your hands, flicking his gaze between you and the item but he doesn't think much of it
wOW that's a really shiny scarf!!!
"hmm yeah? what's up?"
he's about to jog back to the comfort room because he hasn't really relieved himself yet, not bearing to leave his headband in the room when anyone could snatch it up
you raise your lunchbox, a thankful gaze on your eyes that looks so close to crying which is why tae's mORE than lost now
"thanks for the lunch."
jungkook could only helplessly watch.
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cardest · 4 years
Sweden playlist
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Goodness! The Swedish Chef is deliriously pleased with this Sweden playlist. Det här är otroligt! It’s not far off 350 songs. Can we get there? I think so. (I tried to get songs by Retaliation and 10,000 years, but maybe later when someone puts up those songs on Youtube). This is epic!
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What songs and bands have I overlooked for this? I bet there’s plenty. Sweden is just oozing with so much talent and so many great bands. Listen to the playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1-HqTl9SJKkER2dKbR2NWkE Add your songs and suggestions. Tack! SWEDEN
001 The Muppet Show - Swedish Chef goes bezerk in the kitchen 002 Grand Magus -  Fear Is The Key 003 In Flames -  Pinball Map 004 Entombed - Like This With The Devil 005 Soilwork - Figure Number Five 006 The Divine Comedy - Sweden 007 Bathory - Reaper 008 ABBA - Take a Chance On Me 009 Therion - Gothic Kabbalah 010 Moloko - Indigo 011 Katatonia - I Break 012 Opeth - The Baying Of The Hounds 013 Sabaton -  Carolus Rex 014 Europe - Scream Of Anger 015 Jean-Louis Aubert - Stockholm 016 Blues Pills -  Jupiter 017 Amon Amarth  - The Pursuit of Vikings 018 Triakel - Alla Gossar (Swedish folk music ) 019 Arcana - As the End Draws Near 020 Kenta  Guldkorn  - Stockholm 021 Tiamat - Whatever That Hurts   022 AVATARIUM - The Starless Sleep 023 Spiritual Beggars  -  Star Born 024 Dismember - Dreaming In Red 025 Lasse Berghagen - Pomperipossa 026 In Solitude - Sister 027 Sahg III - Baptism of Fire 028 Ebba Grön - Mona Tumbas Slim Club 029 Nightingale -  The Dreamreader 030 Roxette - Dressed For Success 031 Ghost - Rats 032 Yngwie J. Malmsteen – Far Beyond The Sun 033 Candlemass - Crystal Ball 034 Bathory - Under The Runes 035 Orup - Stockholm 036 Katla - Embryo 037 Pugh Rogefeldt - hog farm 038 Trees of Eternity - Gallows Bird (feat. Nick Holmes) 039 Paatos - Shame 040 THE STRANGLERS  - SWEDEN 041 Katatonia - Brave   042 Brighter Death Now - No Salvation 043 Nationalteatern - Livet är en fest 044 Meshuggah -  Bleed 045 Sir Douglas Quintet  - Meet Me In Stockholm   046 Ulf Lundell - Stockholm City 047 In Mourning - Fire & Ocean 048 Dark Tranquillity - The Science Of Noise 049 Blue Swede - Hooked On a Feeling 050 Clawfinger - The Truth 051 John Coltrane - Dear Old Stockholm 052 The Hellacopters - In The Sign Of The Octopus 053 Hypocrisy -  a coming race 054 Carola - Mig Var Du Står 055 Bloodbath - Let The Stillborn Come To Me 056 Vapnet - Stockholm sett snett uppifran 057 Mercy - Im Your Pervert Priest 058 The Spotnicks - Hava Nagila 059 Vanhelgd - Allt Hopp ar Fobi 060 Mammoth Storm - Fornjot 061 Vomitory - redemption 062 Entrails - No Cross Left Unturned 063 Virna Lindt - Attention Stockholm 064 Night - Fire Across the Sky 065 Dungen dar -  Har du vart i Stockholm 066 The Hives - Hate To Say I Told You So 067 Sabaton - Gott Mit Uns 068 Svante Thuresson Och Totta Näslund - Stockholm Sweetnin' 069 Lake of Tears -  To Blossom Blue 070 Scott Walker - The Seventh Seal 071 Garmarna - Vänner och fränder   072 Stockholms Negrer - Det förlovade landet 073 Thåström - Ballad om en gammal knarkare 074 The Haunted - Godpuppet 075 Ordo Equilibrio - The First Harvest 076 Therion -  The Dreams Of Swedenborg 077 VINTERSORG - Fjällets mäktiga mur   078 Aeon - Aeons Black 079 Arckanum - Trulmælder 080 Edge of Sanity - Enigma   081 Scar Symmetry - The Illusionist 082 Tribulation -  Melancholia 083 Witchcraft - It's Not Because Of You 084 At The Gates - At The Gates 085 Unleashed - The One Insane 086 Candlemass - ancient dreams 087 Hasse Andersson - Guld och grona skogar   088 Crucified Barbara -  Electric Sky 089 Evergrey -  The Grand Collapse 090 Lord Belial - Bleed on the Cross 091 Hedningarna - Räven 092 Dismember - Pieces (with intro) 093 Entombed  - Sinners Bleed 094 MUSE - Stockholm Syndrome 095 Bathory - Valhalla 096 Gösta Berlings Saga - The Shortcomings Of Efficiency 097 Tiamat - The Ar 098 Oz - Turn the cross upside down 099 Grand Magus - I Am The North 100 Soilwork -  Light The Torch 101 Spiritual Beggars - Fools Gold 102 Stuck In Motion - Moon 103 Cult of Luna - Receiver 104 Arcana - A Cage 105 Memento Mori - The Seeds of Hatred 106 Wolfbrigade - Barren Dreams 107 Dr Zeke - Jag Ska Aldrig Dö 108 Yngwie Malmsteen - gimme gimme gimme (your lust after midnight) 109 Arch Enemy - Pilgrim 110 Torch - Watcher Of The Night 111 Magic - Vi drar på disco 112 Refused -  Elektra 113 Grave - Into The Grave 114 Lädernunnan - Ensam I Natt 115 The Orchard Enterprises - Fear Might Harm Self 116 Suma - Swordlord 117 Kulning - Ancient Swedish herdingcall 118 Bob Hund - Ska du hanga med Na 119 Dark Funeral - As One We Shall Conquer 120 Disfear - Get it off   121 Ghost -  From The Pinnacle To The Pit 122 Morbus Chron - Chains 123 Heavy Load - Traveller 124 Therion - Tuna 1613 125 Entombed -  Left Hand Path 126 Hearse - Mountain of the Solar Eclipse 127 Monolord - The Last Leaf 128 Night Viper - The Wolverine 129 Agrimonia - A World Unseen 130 Jonathan Hultén - Nightly sun 131 Diabolical Masquerade - Blackheim's Quest To Bring Back The Stolen Autumn 132 Army Of Lovers - Crucified 133 Dissection - Where Dead Angels Lie   134 Noctum _Liberty in Death 135 Europe - Open Your Heart 136 Darkane  - Secondary Effects 137 Candlemass - Codex Gigas 138 Bathory - Enter Your Mountain 139 ABBA - Ring Ring (Bara du slog en signal) Swedish Version 140 Watain - Malfeitor 141 Louise Lemón - Devil 142 Cult Of Luna - Vague Illusions 143 Diablo Swing Orchestra -  Black Box Messiah 144 Opeth - Nectar 145 Hills - Milarepa 146 Ceremonial Oath - The Book Of Truth 147 Dark Tranquillity - Silence And the Firmament Withdrew 148 Göteborg Sound - Björn Borg 149 In Flames -  Reflect The Storm 150 MESHUGGAH - Demiurge   151 Expiremental Pop Band - Gothenburg 152 Millencolin - polar bears 153 Hedningarna - Pornopolka 154 Ratata - Ogon Av Is Liv Utan Spanning   155 OBSCURITY - Roses With Thorns 156 Nifelheim - Sodomizer 157 Soilwork - One With The Flies 158 Gardenian - Netherworld 159 Cemetary - Sundown 160 Månegarm - Hemfärd 161 Garmarna - Herr Mannelig 162 YE BANISHED PRIVATEERS - First Night Back In Port   163 VINTERSORG - Svältvinter 164 SNOWY SHAW - Nachtgeist 165 Moloken - The Titan Above Us 166 BEWITCHED - HARD AS STEEL (HOT AS HELL) 167 The Night Flight Orchestra - Green Hills Of Glumslov 168 Vanhelgd - Gravens Lovsång 169 Marduk - Christraping Black Metal 170 Garbochock - Streberbarn 171 Negative Self - Back On Track 172 Nightingale - Sleep 173 Iggy Pop - Five Foot One 174 Owe Thörnqvist - Varm korv boogie 175 Candlemass - Elephant Star 176 Tiamat - Cold Seed 177 Dismember - Shadowlands 178 Hypocrisy - Penetralia 179 Therion - Melez 180 Yngwie Malmsteen - You Dont Remember Ill Never Forget 181 Woven Hand -  Swedish Purse 182 Roxette - Joyride 183 Wolf -  Skeleton Woman 184 Europe - Seven doors hotel 185 ABBA - Me Knowing Knowing Youse   186 Opeth - Ghost Of Perdition 187 Katatonia - I Am Nothing 188 Sabaton - Uprising 189 Bathory - Total destruction 190 Cult Of Luna - Owlwood 191 Cortex - Warrior Night 192 Trettioåriga Kriget - Krigssång 193 Lee Hazlewood A House Safe for Tigers 194 Dead Sleep - Back to black 195 Greenleaf  - Tides 196 The Crimson Shadows - When I'm Going Away 197 The Night Flight Orchestra - Transmissions 198 Anekdoten - Nucleus 199 Enhet För Fri Musik - Det Finns Ett Hjärta 200 In Flames - Jotun 201 Dungen - Ta det lugnt 202 Ghost - Ritual 203 Witchery - A Paler Shade of Death 204 Landberk - Tell 205 At The Gates - Blinded By Fear   206 Anna von Hausswolff - Epitaph of Theodor 207 Uran - Mr Piggy 208 Runemagick  Remnants of the Old 209 SKÁLD - Flúga 210 Sacramentum - Far Away from the Sun 211 Dawn - Malediction Murder 212 Nifelheim - No more life 213 Craft - The Cosmic Sphere Falls 214 Solitude Aeturnus -  Waiting for the Light 215 ARCH ENEMY - War Eternal 216 Nasum - Worldcraft 217 Insision - No Belief 218 The Oath - silk road 219 Shining - Förtvivlan Min Arvedel 220 Burst - I Exterminate The I 221 Bloodbound - Stormborn 222 Puissance - Love Incinerate 223 Electric Boys - All Lips 'n Hips 224 Exgenisis - Embers 225 Don Cherry - GamlaStan - The Old Town By Night 226 Raison D'etre -  Sub Specie Aeternitatis 227 Bloodbath  - Weak aside 228 Therion -  Opus Eclipse 229 Cult of Luna - I: The Weapon 230 Marduk - The Sun Turns Black as Night 231 Ragnar Grippe - Symphonic Songs: Part 1 232 Unanimated - From a Throne Below 233 Entombed - Hollowman 234 Grande Royale - Royale 235 PAGANIZER  - Soulless Feeding Machine 236 Bathory - Woman of Dark Desires 237 Paranorm - Critical Mass 238 Refused - The Deadly Rhythm 239 Golgata - Med din kyss kom mörkret 240 Ett Dödens Maskineri – ‘Låsta dörrar 241 MÖRK GRYNING - Fältherren   242 Daughter Chaos - The space born 243 BLUES PILLS - Rhythm In The Blood 244 LUCIFER - Ghosts 245 November - Mount Everest 246 Dissection - Night's Blood 247 Tøronto - Lights Out At Bedlam 248 ICE AGE - Breaking The Ice 249 Sweven - By Virtue of a Promise 250 Ghost-  Year Zero 251 TRIBULATION - Strange Gateways Beckon 252 Drain S.T.H. - Crack the Liar´s Smile 253 Horisont - Odyssey 254 Witchcraft - Snake 255 Kirstie Sarboe - Ein Student Aus Uppsala 256 Sodomisery - Reapers Key 257 Opeth - Under The Weeping Moon 258 Olle Adolphson - Gustav Lindströms visa 259 Therion - The Wild Hunt 260 Bloodbath - Bloodicide 261 Bathory - The Golden Walls of Heaven 262 Soilwork - Follow the Hollow 263 Magnus Härenstam - Huddinge, Tullinge, Tumba 264 OBSTRUKTION - Hopeless Path 265 Amon Amarth - The Way Of Vikings 266 Anguish - When the Ancients Dare to Walk 267 Palme sköt först - Spiders 268 Totalitär - Allt Är Inom Dig 269 Vassago - Sign of Vassago 270 Larma - Elitens Eskapism 271 ENSNARED - Anti-Prophet 272 Third Storm - Forgotten Deity 273 Chronic Decay - Ecstasy In Pain 274 Transport League - Man Sized Drain 275 Nasum - mass hypnosis 276 Inevitable End - Memento 277 Candlemass - Dancing in the Temple (Of the Mad Queen Bee) 278 Gadget - Remote 279 Sayyadina - Nothing 280 Coldworker - The Contaminated Void 281 Katatonia - Teargas 282 In Flames - Dead God in Me 283 Trial - Motherless 284 Watain - Satan's Hunger 285 Bewitched - Rise Of The Antichrist 286 Shining - Jag Är Din Fiende 287 In Solitude - Witches Sabbath 288 Comecon - The House That Man Built 289 Marduk - The Black Tormentor of Satan 290 Lifelover - M/s salmonella 291 Naglfar - Enslave the Astral Fortress 292 Sacrilege - Sweet Moment of Triumph   293 Spiritual Beggars - Monster Astronauts 294 Massgrav - Det Här Är Stockholm 295 IRON LAMB - Backstabbers 296 The Hives - Tick Tick Boom 297 Candlemass - Dark Reflections 298 Megatomb - Forbidden Altar 299 Entrails - Condemned to the Grave 300 Katatonia - Gateways of Bereavement 301 Träd, Gräs och Stenar - Sanningens Silverflod (Djungelns Lag) 302 Hammerfall - Let the Hammer Fall 303 Obnoxious Youth - Mouths Sewn Shut 304 GRAND MAGUS - Wolf God 305 Dark Funeral - Unchain my soul 306 Entombed - Say it in slugs 307 Amon Amarth - Runes to My Memory 308 Ghost - Absolution 309 Hypocrisy  - Dominion 310 Edge of Sanity - Darkday 311 Orbit Culture - North Star of Nija 312 Cemetary - Caress the Damned 313 DOZER - Through The Eyes Of Heathens 314 Grave - Now and Forever 315 ARCH ENEMY - Bury Me An Angel 316 Skraeckoedlan - Universam 317 Cult of Luna - I remember 318 Doris  Svensson - Did You Give The World Some Love Today, Baby 319 Svard - A Rift in the Green 320 Evergrey - Monday Morning Apocalypse 321 Lightbringer - Lightbringer in Sweden 322 Bastard Priest - ghouls of the endless night 323 Westkust - Cotton Skies 324 Maggot Heart - sex breath 325 Abruptum - De Profundis Mors Vas Consumet 325 Raised Fist - Flow 326 Makthaverskan - Antabus 327 Eternal of Sweden - Heaven's gate 328 Wolfbrigade - Fire Untamed 329 Fyfan - Intrangd Och Instangd 330 Opeth - Svekets prins 331 Martyrdöd - Hexhammeren 332 The Haunted - Liquid Burns 333 Dismember - Override of the Overture 444 Bathory - Under the Runes 666 Dark tranquillity - A Bolt of Blazing Gold
Play the songs here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1-HqTl9SJKkER2dKbR2NWkE
Next edition of Sweden playlist will have tracks from: God Macabre, Deutsch Nepal , Retaliation, In Slaughter Natives and 10,000 Years.
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branw3lls · 4 years
putting more chain of iron thoughts here- sorry for the dump
-i don’t hate the ending at all!!!!!!! it was nutso but i feel genuinely satisfied and so excited for the next book. every plate is spinning! exactly what i want from a second book and i thought the all around pacing felt good and right. we got so much of everything!! that’s entertainment baby! 
-james wanting to tell matthew that he “is more loved and loving than anyone else i know” :’( 
-that’s my wife
-henry still fights! henry still fights!!!!!!!!! when i tell you that i screamed
-are jem and charlotte just gonna show up to james’ house and grace is gonna confess everything???? james wont be there so what does she say- sorry i’m mind controlling your nephew and also your son who almost died today? like i’m sure between jem and charlotte they’ll be rational but that’s not a great situation. she definitely thinks they will lock her up in the silent city. that girl is gonna escape out a window 
-is cordelia going to be in paris for her dad’s funeral????
-ok turns out unfortunately i care about charles’ stupid ass.... like a lot. “alastair. don’t leave.” made me SO SAD !charlie! the last time we heard matthew call him charlie was in cast long shadows when charlotte collapsed. charles being a dumb politician idiot to malcolm while literally on death’s door... is so funny. and will saying charles was super sad bc he fucked up that bad in paris. wishful thinking but maybe surviving an attack by serial killing prince of hell makes him slightly more humble. or just simmers him down? maybe i’m too hopeful and simping for his parents has made me stupid but i care about the clown!!!!!! like is there room for another redemption arc??? not really! but let him be grey! we can have other punching bags
-really really REALLY thought gabriel was dead for a second there
-still don’t know how i feel like grace/christopher. i could very much be convinced but at the same time i’d be fine without it. maybe they could just be very cute platonic lab partners who understand each other very well. TLH is so much MESSIER than TID. like no matter what happens, we cannot have a christmas party or get together 10 years down the line without some very awkward relationships. they’re all ridiculously intertwined and i don’t see how we can get to the family tree ending without there being absolutely wacko family dynamics 
-ok sorry sorry but i don’t really care about jessie. love lucie with every fiber of my being but i just.... don’t care about that dead boy. everything i like that’s cute about them is lucie. i though re-reading chain of gold and going into coi that he would click for me but it hasn’t happened. i want to care! i love to see her happy though 
-what did cordelia do with cortana before she left curzon street at the end?!!!!!! she didn’t have it with her but according to james it was gone? can these demons just let this cool girl use her cool sword in peace
-the demon pretending to be matthew to get the pithos from christopher was very random. like a weird weird little scene. why did it say the stuff about charlotte changing the locks? how does it know that much? i don’t get how demon magic works i guess? also did charlotte really change the locks bc if so i  :( 
-thomastair.......cutest shit i ever read. i also really loved the whole mortal sword “trial” scene. will being so ♡  stupid ♡ 
-charlotte saying “hi darling” to james when he came in during her and matthew’s argument really was so sweet to me. also will instinctively reaching out to protect/steady charlotte when leviathan is crashing through the institute :’)  
- i love so many of these characters so much i would watch them do literally anything 
-obv would have loved to know filomenia better. i feel like she was pretty hyped up but almost not enough for me to be that gagged that she was one of the victims. i wish she got a tarot card. ave atque vale babe
-christopher probably sleeps over at the fairchild’s all the time and that’s cute
-i need to know what secret thing the necklace that james gave to cordelia does that he didn’t get to tell her about. i bet it’s inscribed or is a little music box or some absolute corny husband shit :’) a compass? something a little magic maybe
-just thomas being thomas ♡ also thomas being a human battering ram when they went to the abandoned factory in limehouse ♡ giant prince ♡
-belial calling tatiana his dark swan.........alright! needed that laugh
dumb chain of thorns predictions
-dark! christopher. i’m less inclined to think about this one after this book but i could still very much see christopher accidentally being evil for science. on the other hand i think we’ll see fire messages work and they’ll save the day
-also super villian lucie seems very possible. she is so up in the air right now. i don’t think she’ll be Bad bad but certainly very grey. she keeps me on my toes 
-thomas balancing on top of that moving carriage like that tarot card art- where is that scene!! i know it’s ‘the chariot’ tarot so it could be symbolic but god damn if that wouldn’t be so fucking cool of tom
-i hate when the boys fight but i think all the boys are gonna fight more
-will as inquisitor?????? there a lot of little lines about will. idk i just get a feeling. i think he’d be good at it!!! despite nearly giving thomas a brain aneurysm w his questions in the trial. also he’d look great in the boots and robes. i don’t think bridgestock will make it to the end of the book. it does seem kind of lazy to have another freak ass mean ass inquisitor/ consul in tsc books but i guess it does make sense that to make it that high up politically, you often have to be an ambitious power hungry asshole (with exception to some absolute sweeties of course) and they make for a good minor villain. idk if he’s possessed or being blackmailed or just shitty but something is up. i’m politely asking for inquisitor herondale 
-alastair is walking away from thomas and he finally DOES turn around to look back this time
-i think one of these kids is taking over the institute. alastair and thomas?? i would like alastair to do something political. but don’t the herondales run the institute until like the 1980s or something. i’m not sure if i can see lucie in charge or if she’d want to, idk maybe jessie is like really good with paperwork or something but it’s probably gonna be jordelia right. i think there’s going to be some type of high up change powers and since charlotte still has 6 more years in her term i’d hope she’s not stepping down or dying (i’m not humoring that thought any further) so i feel like it’s going to be an inquisitor change or change of london institute head. if we do get a flash to the future, i really don’t see charles being the next consul 
- i feel like matthew will stop drinking in paris but when they come back to london, things won’t be going well. i don’t want it at all but i feel like it’s all going to be have to be something much more dramatic than i nice little r&r trip to france to fix anything in a solid way. i really thought chain of iron was going to end in a car accident or somehting more harrowing. also side note, cordelia saying matthew should have been the fairchild brother in paris to fix the mess at the institute also got me thinking about matthew in some type of leadership role?? its the last thing he sees himself as but he’d actually be a very good politician. who knew i was thinking this much about shadowhunter politics
-last chapter BETTER be lucie and cordelia’s parabatai ceremony. i feel like the time line matches with the story ending in january which is when the ceremony is supposed to happen. i love them!!!! it better happen!!!! very scared it won’t!!!
things i want personally for me as a little treat
-another inter-generational fight scene. obviously this is a story about their kids but i’d love to have these parents have to come to the rescue or face old enemies together. a battle is fun but battling demon enemies with your giant extended family.....that’s exquisite. maybe belial gets his hands on some automatons and decides to traumatize everyone. i want gideon and gabriel and their sons absolutely tearing it up, i want anna and charlotte fighting w their whips back to back. lucie and james using their powers during the battle somehow? shadow battle! ghost soldiers! cecily and sophie unleashing hell as the most terrifying sister in law team you didn’t know you needed. matthew and will... being insane, henry and eugenia blowing demons up. why not! all hands on deck!!!!! give me every dynamic! you don’t kill one of their kids and get a way with it. 
i need to drink some water 
-ok it’s a pipe dream perhaps BUT matthew said henry and charlotte never stopped trying for another baby. which first of all... :’’’) second of all- would love to see those fairchild girls from the cp2 epilogue be real. twins even??? charlotte is 48 which isn’t out out off the realm. i think sona is around that age and i’m sure nephilim are able to have kids a little older? just imagine matthew holding a baby sister! serious charles having entertain a baby! my two angels having more kids after 30 years (!) of marriage. they’d be a little group with alexander and baby carstairs. pls ♡ indulge me for a moment
-these parents finally asking these kids what the FUCK is going on
-cecily lightwood absolutely going off. give her a sword!!! i love mom cecily but if i don’t see this girl kill something and be hot while doing it... 
-fairchilds talk it out please! the boys are never going to have a sibling relationship like the herondale kids and they don’t need to but i think they can have a better understanding of each other and certainly be kinder. i don’t know if we’ll get a scene with matthew and charlotte but i would really really reaaaaalllly love one. i want charlotte to know her boys without secrets. the dynamic of the fairchilds is a really interesting one and it feels very real. i think there can be a real lack of nuance when people discuss them. there’s not one big source of all their disfunction, its so many elements and no one is really to blame. they obviously have so much love for each other and it doesn’t have to be perfect but i just want them all to have more of an understanding and no more pain
thank u
-what is henry’s secret project with the iron sisters in 1914 and does it have something to do with things from this series? i’m sure its just a random inconsistency like a lot of codex things that we just have to live with ignoring (lol) but keeps me up at night and i know i will never get an answer
-more eugenia!! i really enjoyed her and i’m also requesting more sophie/gideon too while we’re here. i wish them happy
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jewish-privilege · 4 years
[Originally published August 09, 2019] - (...) Tisha B’Av is the day that telescopes many of the main catastrophes of Jewish history in its entirety into one day... The events ascribed to the day have to do with separation between God and Israel, both spiritual and physical; the five events connected with the ninth of Av and the 17th of Tammuz, three weeks prior, are discussed in the Mishna Taanit 4:6.
(...) For those who have trouble with understanding the holiday, this explanation by Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik, the core teacher of modern Orthodoxy even 26 years after his 1993 death, should suffice: “We observe this saddest day of the year because we cannot understand why our people continues to suffer so much tragedy.” I definitely don’t understand how 11 devoted people could be killed as Jews in America in 2018. Since Oct. 27 [2018,] the place where we celebrated the bris of a congregant’s grandson became the place of the grandfather’s death; the same man who was the mohel at that joyous occasion then served on the chevra kadisha. The whole synagogue building has lain empty, a vacant shell, ghost structure standing as a vivid reminder of what is no more: 11 Jews killed only for the crime of worshipping as Jews on the Sabbath.
No longer an abstraction, these dirges for what is lost; now they encapsulate part of my reality. The reality that we can’t use the place where we had gathered in happy times—for a Purim megillah reading, play, and meal, a Sukkot dinner, a concert of Magavet, the Yale University Jewish singing group—is now a place of death and destruction whose name and photo are known internationally. The social hall where I have attended bar and bat mitzvahs and weddings, the same hall where I danced, became the area that Zaka and the chevra kadisha performed their sacred and tragic duties, and people l knew from other contexts, like my daughter’s SAT math tutor, were now in full-body protective wear and hairnets so that the bodily fluids they were cleaning up would not transfer to their own living bodies.
..And yet, I will read this verse from Lamentations on Saturday night: “the comforter who should restore my soul is far from me, my children are desolate because the enemy has prevailed.” (1:16) I have never felt more that there are so many to comfort me, my family, my community and that evil has not prevailed though it has done great damage(...) Congregants are stepping up to learn the synagogue skills possessed by those three of our congregants no longer with us. Looking up the Hebrew birthday for a woman who never had a bat mitzvah as a girl, we found the Torah portion for her birthday was the same as one of those who were killed. She will be reading that Haftarah in 2020 as well as in years to come.
Though it is not hard to get in mood for Tisha B’Av this year, since I feel like I have been enduring that feeling since Oct. 27, I also remember that even though the Temple was destroyed so many years ago, and was an unmitigated catastrophe, the expulsion of Jews from the land created the necessity to find new forms and ways to continue the religion.
“The nature of trauma,” Bessel van der Kolk a psychiatrist and expert in post-traumatic stress, has said, “is that you have no recollection of it as a story. The nature of traumatic experience is that the brain doesn’t allow a story to be created.” (...) The inability to create a story reminds me of the passage in the Babylonian Talmud Makkot 24b that Rabbi Amy Bardack taught as part of her class on “Jewish Texts of Resilience” at our community Shavuot Tikkun. Four rabbis are walking in the destroyed Jerusalem, on Mount Scopus and then the Temple Mount. One of them, Rabbi Akiva, laughs to see foxes scurrying over the Temple Mount (in Hebrew har habayit, literally the “mountain of home”) while the others are despondent. His colleagues interrogate him—how can you laugh when this place, once an abode of fear and trembling before God, is now so profaned that animals trample it? Rabbi Akiva explains to them about that the prophecies of Uriah during the First Temple and of Zechariah during the Second Temple, that the one, “Zion shall be plowed for a field” (Micah 3:12) is dependent on the other, “there shall yet be elderly men and elderly women in the streets of Jerusalem” (Zechariah 8:4). Destruction must transpire for redemption to happen. Akiva has created a way to tell the story; his laughter and its explanation stop the trauma, for the others tell him he has comforted them.
...My own personal version of transforming tragedy into renewed vigor to have laughter and joy came two weeks ago when I had a visit from a woman I met on the sherut (shared taxi) I took two months ago when I left Jerusalem, where I had been celebrating Passover, to return to the airport en route to Pittsburgh. The sherut driver only takes cash and at the end of my trip, I had none. So I had to ask the other passengers to spot me the money for a check or Venmo (if my kids assisted that interaction). Another passenger agreed, and we chatted. She told me she, too, was from Pittsburgh originally and would be here later in the summer. We exchanged emails, and I gave her my check. I hadn’t expected to hear from her further; however, when she was visiting in July, she emailed me and we set a date to have coffee. She told me the address of her childhood house: It was literally on the same block as mine, around the corner. I heard more of her story—a man followed her father home 25 years ago and broke in to murder him. Her mother had been terminally ill and died a few weeks later, as did her grandmother. But now, she told me, every birthday, every milestone, every moment with the grandchildren she moved to Israel to be near, brings her intense joy. The tragedies she suffered magnify her need to wring every bit of joy from each occasion, her pleasure highlighted by the knowledge that horror, too, may be around the corner.
I have a heightened grasp of the holiday of destruction this year. Yet, I also have a heightened awareness: Once ceased, joy may after all be renewed and restored.
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darkestwolfx · 4 years
Escape Proof - Re-Review #39
I thought The Mechanic had been a little bit too quiet since ‘Up from the Depths’ (really it’s been five episodes without our new main villain).
Oh, and this one, really is photo heavy. I have no apologies.
Parker kicking a door in? Yes, I will accept that start to the episode!
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Another ominous location though, I see. Sherbet tagging along behind though is quite sweet.
“Mind your step Parker. Dead end, indeed!”
“Someone’s been digging.”
Someone had been... The Mechanic, by any chance? I think so.
“What is it, Sherbet? Is something down there?”
“Not something. Someone! That’s Morse Code for SOS.”
Good thing someone knows what that means! And there’s someone trapped! I‘m going to say wasn’t part of the plan, because I doubt The Mechanic really wanted IR called to the scene of his grand plan.
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Nice shot of the Island.
“We were looking through buildings once linked to The Hood when we came across this.”
That was good thinking by Lady Penelope and Parker though. See this is why you have a London Agent to do some ‘agenting’ (Gordon, ‘Ring of Fire’).
“I’m not waiting. Parker, bring the car around.”
And there we go, she’s always a step ahead of the rest.
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“Destruction on this scale could only be The Mechanic.”
“But where’s he going?”
And this was a pretty cool gear up, you have to admit.
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This is Hoarse, appropriately named, as he will talk himself hoarse. He’s a plumber as well.
“That’s why they call me Hoarse. Cause I can talk myself Hoarse, you know.”
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“Can’t complain. Got me holiday’s coming up. Have you ever been to Spain? What am I kidding, you boys have probably been everywhere...”
“This one’s a talker.”
Yeah, I’m just gonna’ leave it there.
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“We need to track where The Mechanic is going, and that means getting through this debris.”
Yes, did someone call for a removals service? Virgil is brilliant at shifting things, demolition is one of his areas of expertise as we all know. And Scott only reminded us last episode that we could leave the “heavy lifting” to Virgil.
The soundtrack for this episode was pretty on point from the off as well.
“He’s still talking.”
“Whatever keeps him occupied.”
You’ll thank him for it later, Gordon.
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“John are you still locked in on my signal?”
“Yes. And based on your current heading, I’m calculating your path now. This isn’t good. Lady Penelope, you’re heading straight for Parkmoor Scrubs Prison.”
“Parkmoor Scrubs? That’s where they’re holding The Hood. This is a prison break.”
Really? The title wasn’t giving the possibility of that away to anyone? Anyone other than lonely little me here?
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So remember in ‘City Under the Sea’, The Mechanic was searching the Creighton-Ward building for a safe containing plans for a prison, and Parker stopped him? Yeah, well unfortunately this guy is clearly too smart, because he’s managed it anyway.
“But breaking The Hood out of Parkmoor Scrubs Prison is impossible!”
Are you sure you want to say that?
“But Colonel, we know The Mechanic has already made one attempt at the designs for the place. Maybe he found something.”
You can bet that he did - he can rival Brains after all.
John’s smart thinking comes a little bit too late. If only they’d searched for that signal again after ‘Earthbreaker’.
“It’s coming from his eye.”
“If he’s had that the whole time he’s been in there-”
Which he kinda must have, just saying.
“-This escape could have been planned from the start!”
Now you’re getting it! He did warn us in ‘Legacy’ and ‘Earthbreaker’ that something worse than him could come along, and that we hadn’t seen the end of him.
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“It’s like one big, giant game of pick up sticks.”
“Except this is no game. A man’s life is at stake.”
Not having fun there, then I’m guessing.
“Orange! Don’t cut that one.”
Come on... click, click, click-
“Hoarse, what kind of pipes are near you?”
Well done, Virgil.
“I was working on a green and white striped one.”
A bit easier than pick up sticks now, ey, Gordon?
“Should I be worried? Cause I’m worried.”
I quite like the character of Hoarse. It’s a shame we don’t get to see him again. I think that would have been quite fun. Maybe he could have been a friend for Ned?
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“’e can’t ‘ave vanished hinto thin hair. Where did ‘e go?”
You’ll be sorry you asked that, Parker.
“They seem to be in a bit of a rush. I don’t think they’re going to stop for you, or us, or anyone.”
Yes, this is a prison break, remember!
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“Well, you made quite an entrance. But you are two weeks late.”
“You’re welcome.”
Yes, I agree, very ungrateful.
“International Rescue is here! Did you send out invitations?”
“They’re not a problem.”
“They are to me.”
Well that says more about you, Hood. I think this really is the first moment where we get to see that maybe The Mechanic isn’t quite as into this as The Hood. They’re actually quite at odds with each other once you put them together, and for me this little interaction definitely foreshadowed that things weren’t going to work with these two. They’re not the super villain duet that they were potentially made out to be in ‘Earthbreaker’ and I think that actually was a really well-written move, and maybe not one which would have been expected by the masses.
Villains can be tricky things to write - there’s always a fine line as to whether people find them and their actions believable or not. See, I never found these two more believable than when they were at odds with each other. I know many of us have expressed disappointment at the eventual motivation for The Hood’s villainy (in TAG anyway), but The Mechanic actually had some kind of exploration going on (even though I would have loved a little more backstory, at least his motivations made perfect sense). The Chaos Crew were another pair of Villains in TAG that I struggle with (I mean, we’re not quite there yet, so I’m not going to go into my reasons until we reach that point - which will be soon) and who didn’t really aid in The Hood’s character development as much as I think the writers thought they might.
They did a good job with The Hood in series 1 (and I know they were trying to both adapt and sustain elements from TOS with him), but I think TAG’s best villain by far is The Mechanic (and not because he was made up, nor because he has a redemption arc), or he’s at least, their best written villain. Once again, this is a conversation that could go on for a while, so I’m actually going to pull it into one big post on villains - might be a wait for it thought as I’m waiting to find a free pocket of time.
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See that! A little talking never hurt anyone.
“Green and white. My favourite colours.”
Yes I can see how that is true for Virgil. Gordon might have preferred yellow, but you can’t always get what you want.
“Gordon, step on it.”
“I stepped on a bug once, big as your hand, honest...”
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“Why are we stopping? Go out the way you came in.”
“I wouldn’t advise that.”
“I don’t want your advice. i want your absolute obedience.”
Asking a lot, isn’t it?
“I’ve done everything you’ve asked me too.”
“Your machines are impressive; your results are pathetic. The only thing you’ve ever done for me is fail.”
I wouldn’t say that’s quite true...
“Now follow my command.”
I think the clues were finally all there with this interaction - the cybernetic eye is going and suddenly The Mechanic moves to do as The Hood says, despite the only thing they’ve done since they reunited in person be to argue? Yeah, that’s not a believable response, unless you are being controlled or have something held over you. If there was any doubt before, I don’t think there is now to the state of play between these two.
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“You had to know they’d be waiting for us.”
“Well obviously. I may be free, but we had to give them some sort of consolation prize.”
And there we have it, the big reveal, doubt eradicated.
“The Hood and The Mechanic must not get away!”
Uhh... they both got away!
“It looks like The Hood and The Mechanic both got away.”
Yep, I’ve already said that.
“So now we have two master criminals on the loose?”
Keep up, Gordon, we’ve already said that - twice in this case.
“I have a feeling it’s about to get very busy for all of us.”
“And we’ll be ready for them.”
“I’m actually speechless.”
Well, by the very fact you’ve just spoken Hoarse, you’re technically not, but okay.
“I mean look at me, I’ve got nothing. I’ve got nothing to say at all. Ask me something now, I couldn’t tell you...”
And I think that was probably a good place indeed to put the credits. Otherwise, this could have been a bumper sized episode just for stories from Hoarse - imagine that!
This was an amusing shot though. Let’s all hide behind the pink car whilst we wait to apprehend the “master criminals”.
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Also, as a little bonus, there’s plenty of behind the scenes pictures available for this episode.
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langdonwhore · 5 years
prophecized pain (michael x fem! reader)
Description: It turns out you aren’t the loyal satanist you thought you were, and Michael just so happens to be the one who brings that to light.
Note: Talk by Hozier is what inspired this honestly. This is my first Michael fanfic and I hope it’s up to par! I appreciate all forms of feedback! Let me know what you think.
Word Count: 1.7k (the rest of the chapters will be much longer!)
Warnings for this chapter include: Cussing.
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Chapter One:
You noticed him walk in almost immediately, it was a shift in the air. He looked as if the world had almost legitimately put itself upon his shoulders. He was covered in dirt, and another substance you weren't too curious to think or ask about. His hair, heart, and soul disheveled and you felt as if you shouldn't be able to tell that about a person from their mere appearance. At least not at first glance. He had lost all hope, and you could feel it.
Far too caught up in your own head, you hadn't noticed he'd made his way to the pew you were sat at, plopping down with no mercy and staring straight ahead as the dark priest belted her beliefs to Satan's loyal followers. You snapped your head forward, careful to give the man his own sorrowed privacy. You chimed into the conversation the dark priest was arguing, laughable as it was really everyone was talking, discussing and comparing their own evil actions they had performed for their Dark Lord. Chewing your lip you raised an anxious arm to spill your latest duties, and when the dark priest called upon you, you spoke cautiously. "Lately I've been focused more on stealing money from celebrities and donating it to animal shelters." Hearing a few scoffs you curled in upon yourself. You knew the majority of the people who attended the Satanic Church were murderers, it didn't bother you because you knew they had a primal cause, a destiny to fulfill, but you weren't like most Satanists. Not really.
When the service was over you made your way to the snack deck, plopping grapes and blueberries into your mouth as everyone gathered and planned their next heists. Grabbing a cup full of juice you stared off about to take a sip when you noticed the same man from earlier was staring at the table full of sandwiches. He never made a move to grab one, eyes locked onto the snacks as if they were the forbidden fruits. Setting your pride.. and anxiety aside you took a few cautious strides towards him. He was terrifying in the most unexplainable ways. You cleared your throat and he made no move to turn towards you, only taking a deep breath and tapping his leather boot against the tile. You spoke hesitantly, "You know, you may be new, but these are for everyone and I can tell you're starving." You stepped forward to stand beside him, grabbing a plate and putting a few items onto it and gesturing it towards him. He made no move to take it from you, but turned his head toward you to scan your figure.
"You don't belong here." He spoke, turning his entire body towards you. You flinched away, something about his icy tone and stance had you uneasy. "Care to explain?" you asked him, setting the plate down, just to give him your full attention. He raised an eyebrow, and you could've swore he rolled his eyes. "You, as in the girl who steals money to donate it to fucking charities, does not belong here. You aren't fit to serve my Father when what he craves is chaos. He doesn't need charity work sweetheart, He needs bloodshed and innocence sacrificed to him. Acts of horror your little mind could never conjure up. I've sat in grief for days in the forest, just for him to guide me home and.." he paused and you took that moment to breathe. Catching glimpse of the blood splattered under his sleeves and over his black clothing that was days old at least. "people like you, who are unable to proudly shed blood upon His name aren't worthy of redemption."
You were stunned to say the least. He was steaming and whatever else had him upset before he even brought himself here was fueling him on. How dare he, a strange man you'd never met before, accuse you of not fulfilling your Satanic promise. Of course he was right, you had never shed blood or sold your soul. Far too terrified to get caught by the law and far too scared to bare your neck to the beast. The thought of it sending you spiraling into shame and how dare a stranger have the audacity. How dare he. "What makes you think I haven't fulfilled my promise? Do you always intend to insult strangers, or is that today's theme?" you barked back, trying to feign control.
He really did sigh and roll his eyes this time, entirely fed up it seemed. Running a dirty hand through his golden locks he snarled, "The one bad thing you've ever done is steal the money from that racist youtuber, but then you donated all three hundred million of it to the animal rescue center. You have yet to sacrifice your soul to my Father and then question me on my anger? You can't claim to serve him when you haven't given yourself to him fully. I'm fucking starving" He spoke as he snatched the plate off the table and walked out of the building, leaving you frozen and slack jawed. Never before had you been so confused, he referred to the Dark Lord as his Father, which wasn't unusual at all. Except, there was something about the way he referred to the beast. It was unholy, unwelcoming, and unsafe. You had never met such a strange, yet dark aura. His presence still lingered no matter where you ran to, even in bed late at night or in your early morning shower. The darkness was tainted and you could almost smell it.
Exactly a week later you were back at service, hoping the not so familiar face would stay hidden in whatever shadow he originated from. A week had passed and you still had felt the nagging sensation of what felt like paranoia ever since his stern prophesation to you. You had hoped dearly he wouldn't return, you had hoped he wouldn't taint your mind any further. Fear and curiosity embezzling itself into the depths of your mind. Oddly enough, you completely doubted that was the last time you'd ever see him. In fact you had an aching feeling inside that he was near. It was an overbearing feeling in your chest that had the hairs on the back of your neck astray, and the goosebumps littering your body, rigid. With a shaky body you made your way to your usual pew, noticing a pretty unusual commotion at the front alter. Oh no.
There he was, in all his unholy glory. Wearing a black robe, and clearly he had showered this time around. You were standing now, almost unconsciously making your way to the front, to him. You were prying, way too curious to care about the unforeseen consequences that you being nosy may bring. Then you heard it, "He's the one.." and you froze in place. Time had unbeknowingly stopped, to some that statement would be rather normal, rather funny really. He was the Father's son. He was the Antichrist. You didn't need proof, the prophecy was already proven from the aching fear you had felt for him since you first laid eyes upon him. The way he had ridiculed you for not being worthy of his Father's redemption. It all made sense now.
With wide eyes you took quiet steps back to your seat, hoping no one saw, and hoping no one could sense your distress. Looking up you caught sight of him, preparing to make sacrifice of a young man and woman. He raised the dagger, chanting a loud 'Ave Satanas' along with everyone else there. It took a good nanosecond before he sliced both of their throats, sending them to an unknown realm. It was catastrophic really, the upset feeling you had in your stomach as the blood poured out of their bodies. It was even worse when you realized he had been staring at you for who knows how long. His eyes were glazed over, a pale black as they tore into the deepest depths of your soul. You knew exactly what he wanted as his lip curled up in a little smirk that made you wildly uncomfortable. He wanted, craved almost, you to bare your neck to him. Hand him your soul on a silver platter like everyone else in the building had already. Idealistically you would, considering the main idea of the church was to literally serve him but was it really worth it? No. He'd have free reign to your subconscious, you're carnal desires and deepest regrets. Something so livid about that terrified you into denial.
As he smoothly stepped off the alter, you took that as your momentary sign to vacate the situation. Walking home to avoid being subjected to you're unwanted destiny. Maybe you'd decide to submit but was it really worth it if you had to hand it to him? His very aura had darkness and power you didn't want to dabble with. Comically, you'd rather not cause trouble but you knew if the true Son had been found, the world was soon to meet it's doom. Prophecies were always fulfilled, and soon this one would be too. Why fret over anything when everything would be over soon.
Late at night in bed you were woken to harsh thumps on your door, jumping up you grabbed your sheer black robe and tied a knot in it before checking the time. 3:00AM. You sighed before getting a baseball bat and walking to the front door, "Who is it?" you asked gripping the bat in fear of an intruder. But the hairs sticking up on the back of your neck spoke numbers.
There was a dark chuckle before the door creaked open on it's own, forcing you to stumble back. You raised the bat and prepared to swing, then you saw his face. "Oh. It's you." you sighed before dropping the bat and going to sit on the couch. He was dressed in all black, a turtleneck dress shirt accompanied by dress pants and mens boots. "Who else would visit you at the Devil's hour?" He strung, ice in his tone and trouble in his smile. Raising your hands in mock humor you let out a humorless laugh speaking, "I don't even know your name, yet you randomly show up to my house? Kinda predatory if you ask me." He didn't think that was funny. Not at all.
"Well I wasn't asking.. and my name is Michael Langdon. It's a displeasure to finally meet you."
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experimentaldata · 5 years
Fictober, day 12
ALLRIGHT so I’m a DISASTER child and missed like two days but here is the dang Royai angst that has not let me rest since Friday morning hope u enjoy. A sequel to my day 9 fic, Blind!Roy post-canon au because I have feelings on this
Prompt: “What if I don’t see it?”
Fanfiction Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood/FMA:B
Rating: T for thematic material, language
Warnings: PTSD, alcohol, smoking, depression, [fictional] war, genocide
Roy tamped down his pipe and lit it with a snap of his finger. Just the, Riza walked in from collecting his mail. 
“Why the hell are you smoking that thing?” she asked.
Roy grinned and gave it an experimental puff. “Big interview at the new university campus in the eastern sector tomorrow. Hoping to look, sound, and smell the part.” 
Against her better judgement, Riza was back at his apartment for the fourth night out of five that week. It was pragmatic, really. Roy needed help organizing things, and keeping up with the paperwork from his various “consulting” assignments. Together, they had rescued his apartment from his state of “organized chaos”, as he called it, and arranged his closet and pantry so he could manage independently. As for herself, she was finding it harder and harder to go back to an empty apartment each night. She spent too long looking for eyes in the shadows. 
“Don’t know why I’m bothering though,” he said, leaning back in his chair with a satisfied expression. “To hear Falman talk, no one else with any real experience has applied.”
 Riza slapped the letters down on the table and stalked to the kitchen to pour herself a brandy.
“Be a dear and pour us one too, lieutenant?”
“You’re an ass, you know that?” she said, setting his drink down with an audible  thunk. She sat down beside him on the sofa and put her glass down on the coffee table. 
He laughed and reached for the glass. “An ass who’s about to have himself a full-time job for the first time since the Promised Day. Cheers.”
Riza scoffed and continued sorting his letters. “I’m not going to toast to this, Roy. You of all people should know that.”
“And why is that, may I ask?”
She rubbed her temples and sighed. Once, just for once, could he keep his big ego in his pants? In your experience, no, she thought. 
“I’ve made my feelings clear on this, Roy,” she said, “I shouldn’t have to explain to you why it’s offensive to hire someone from East City as a professor of Ishvalan relations.”
“And why shouldn’t they,” Roy asked with another puff at his pipe, “After all, I have experience on both sides--fought against and alongside them.”
Puff on that pipe one more time, Mustang, and I shove it up your nose, she thought.
“Besides,” he continued, “This is the first chance I’ve had in a while to get back in with the elites in Central. Who knows this could turn into something big. Some of these state university professors end up in parliament, especially ones with military experience.” 
She attacked an errant bill with her letter opener. “Do what you think is best for you, I suppose.”
“Oh it’s not just what’s best for me,” he said with an expansive wave, “I’m doing what’s best for this country. Amestris needs someone to tell the story of Ishval, and of the corruption in Central. Someone who was really there, who can speak to both sides of the conflict. If future generations don’t know about what happened, they’re liable to make the same mistakes.”
“I’m sure when they see the wounded warrior of Ishval, they’ll be properly inspired.” she muttered. 
He scowled. “It’s better than holing myself up in my apartment, drinking whiskey and not returning any calls, which seems to be your approach.”
“I just think that they should have one of their own to speak about their own conflict, considering what we did to them,” she said. “Listen, Roy, I think I’d better go home if you’re going to act like this.”
He felt for the ashtray and set his pipe down. “Listen, I can't explain it. You’ll have to trust me. I’m doing what’s best for this country.”
“What if I don’t see it?” she snapped.
“See what?”he asked. 
“I just don’t understand how this isn’t a slap in the face--we slaughtered thousands of them! Or have you been so busy feeling sorry for yourself and kissing up to parliament that you’ve forgotten the Ishvalan Civil War?”
“I’m feeling sorry for myself?” he said, flames rising in his eyes, “I’m sorry, which one of us was it that has faced what happened to them, and is trying to redeem something out of it, because it sure as hell isn’t you! Unless of course you count drinking and collecting a pension check every month.”
“I think you’re so used to being a war hero that you’ve not stopped to face reality.” she said. “We’re criminals--it should've been us that perished in that conflict.”
“At least I’m trying to help the situation,” said Roy, “which is more helpful than sitting around in retirement, wallowing in my own misery, which seems to be your strategy.”
Hot tears streamed down her face. “You know I can’t sleep, Roy. I see them, every night, all those innocent people shot to death for nothing. I remember their names, the names of the villages, what their children looked like...” She broke down and sobbed, her head in her hands.
Roy’s expression softened. “And you think that I don’t?” he asked, “I was there, too, you know.” He paused for a moment. “I suppose I just thought telling my story would be the first step towards redemption. I can’t change what I’ve done, but I can help others not to make the same mistake.” 
She wiped her eyes on her coat sleeve and stood up from the sofa. “I’m going home now I think.”
“Leaving so soon?” he said with a yawn. 
How can he be so calm, it’s infuriating, I have had enough of him, that rat bastard--
She shoved her arms into her jacked and headed for the door. “There’s a bus at 07:40 on the corner of fifth and third ave tomorrow. I suggest you take it if you want to make it to the train on time. Good night, Colonel.” 
She slammed his front door and walked down his front steps with a huff. She almost missed the last one, tears blurring her vision in the dim streetlights. She walked home in the too-quiet city to her empty apartment. Black Hayate was waiting at the door for her. She threw herself down onto her own sofa and he snuggled into the small of her back. Might as well get a head start on the nightmares tonight, she thought. He’ll be bound to miss his train in the morning.
She dozed off soon after, still wearing her coat. In her minds eye, the first gunshot rang out.
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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Novena to Saint Gabriel, the Archangel
Recited from: March 15th through March 23rd (Latin Calendar)
September 20th through September 28th (Ordinary Time)
Feast Day: March 24th (Latin Calendar)
September 29th (Ordinary Time)
The word Novena derives it name from the Latin word “novem” meaning “nine.” A novena can be either a private or public devotion in the Catholic Church to obtain special graces.
Novena to Saint Gabriel, the Archangel
“Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee”
Saint Gabriel is an archangel whose name means "the Power of God." He appeared to the prophet Daniel (Dan. 8:16; 9:21), to the priest Zachary to announce the forthcoming birth of Saint John the Baptist (Luke 1:11, 19), and to the Blessed Virgin Mary to announce the birth of Our Savior (Luke 1:26 ff.). His Feast Day is celebrated on March 24th.
Hymn of Praise to Saint Gabriel, the Archangel.
Luke i. 19: "I am Gabriel, who stand before God."
Hail Gabriel, hail; a thousand hails For thine whose music still prevails To charm the list'ning ear; Angelic word, sent forth to tell How He the Eternal Word should dwell Amid His creatures here.
Heaven's voice of sweetness, uttered low, Thy words like strains of music grow Upon the stilly night; Clear echoes from the mind of God, That steal through Mary's blest abode In pulses of delight.
O voice, dear voice, the ages hear That hail of thine still ling'ring near, An unexhausted song; And still thou com'st with balmy wing, And still thou sweetly seem'st to sing, Thine Ave to prolong.
Take up in Heaven for us thy part, And singing to the Sacred Heart Thy strains of rapture raise; And tune with endless Ave still The voices of the Blest, and fill The ear of God with praise.
The whole human race is indebted to Thee, O Gabriel! and, on this day, we would fain pay thee the honour and gratitude we owe thee. Thou wast moved to holy compassion when seeing the miseries of the world; for all flesh had corrupted its way, and the forgetfulness of God increased with each new generation of men. Then did the Most High commission thee to bring to the world the good tidings of its Salvation. How beautiful thy steps, O Prince of the heavenly court, as thou camest down to this our humble sphere! How tender and fraternal is thy love of man, whose nature, though so inferior to thine own, was to be raised, by the mystery of the Incarnation, to union with God Himself! With what respectful awe didst thou not approach the Virgin, who surpassed all the Angels in holiness!
Blessed Messenger of our Redemption! whom God selects as his Minister when He would show His power, we beseech thee, offer the homage of our gratitude to Him that thus sent thee. Help us to pay the immense debt we owe to the Father, Who so loved the world, as to give it his Only Begotten Son (St. John, iii. 16.); to the Son, Who emptied himself, taking the form of a servant; and to the Holy Ghost, who rested on the Flower that sprang up out of the root of Jesse (Is. xi. 1).
'Twas thou, O Gabriel! that taughtest us the salutation wherewith we should greet Mary full of grace. Thou wast the first to pronounce these sublime words, which thou broughtest from heaven. The children of the Church are now, day and night, repeating these words of thine; pray for us that we may say them in such a manner, as that our Blessed Mother may find them worthy of her acceptance.
Angel of Strength, Friend of Mankind! relent not in thy ministry of aiding us. We are surrounded by terrible enemies; our weakness makes them bold: come to our assistance, get us courage. Pray for us during these days of conversion and penance. Obtain for us the knowledge of all we owe to God in consequence of that ineffable mystery of the Incarnation, of which thou wast the first witness. We have forgotten our duties to the Man-God, and we have offended Him: enlighten us, that so, henceforth, we may be faithful to His teachings and examples. Raise up our thoughts to the happy abode where thou dwellest; assist us to merit the places left vacant by the fallen Angels, for God has reserved them for his elect among men.
Pray, O Gabriel, for the Church Militant, and defend her against the attacks of hell. The times are evil; the spirits of malice are let loose, nor can we make stand against them, unless with God's help. It is by His Holy Angels that he give victory to His Spouse. Be thou, O Strength of God!
Foremost in the ranks. Drive heresy back, keep schism down, foil the false wisdom of men, frustrate the policy of the world, arouse the well-minded from apathy; that thus, the Christ Whom thou didst announce, may reign over the earth He has redeemed, and that we may sing together with Thee and the whole angelic choir:
Glory be to God! Peace to men!
Novena Prayer to the Archangel Gabriel
O Blessed Archangel Gabriel, we beseech thee, do thou intercede for us at the throne of divine mercy in our present necessities, that, as thou didst announce to Mary the mystery of the Incarnation so through thy prayers and Patronage in heaven we may obtain the benefits of the same, and sing the praise of God forever in the land of the living
(Mention your request here).
Beloved Gabriel, Glorious Messenger of the Court of Heaven and most excellent Saint and Archangel, first minister of God, interpreter for Daniel the Prophet, instructor of Zachary the Priest, annunciator to our Holy Mother Mary, bringer of the word of truth: Please favor my devotions and help me to love and serve you, and, through you, to love and serve the Lord.
O Gabriel Archangel, grant me what I most earnestly desire and humbly ask for with this prayer, for the honor, glory, and fulfillment of my soul.
(Mention your request here)
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Novena Pamphlet to Saint Gabriel, the Archangel
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onceuponamirror · 7 years
Are you doing metas? Could you do one on Veronica this season, why do you think she could be on board with something like literal slavery? I just don’t get her this season.
disclaimer, oh my god this got way out of hand
for starts, i think we should at least be asking ourselves the extent of which the riverdale writers are tackling the scope of the prison industrial complex. i would love it to be complex and honest—because honestly i can’t think of an example of a show that has actually approached the topic—and i’m sure that, if nothing, networks like the cw, that cater mainly to teen audiences, are aware of the growing interest in politics a lot of teenagers currently have. (see: nationwide marches yesterday)
currently, it seems that the show is framing the prison arc more as a the people vs. the board of conformity issue, as that’s been the central beat that keeps popping up in regards to the southside. 
this is kind of a broad-brush approach to a much more nuanced discussion—of classism and racism—and the kind that riverdale keeps shooting itself in the foot over, as it desperately wants to be seen as progressively political and topically current but also have no real sense of time, and thus nearly all of it feels anachronistic, not to mention potentially irresponsible in terms of the simplification of the topics and/or who it’s framed around (see: the AV club discussing archie bringing a gun to school, or jughead as the central figure of a profiling arc)
like, in 2.15, i already had read up on the prison industrial complex, so that reveal had actual resonance with me, but i saw a lot of confusion floating around tumblr, particularly in the audience that isn’t american—time in the episode that was spent focusing on jughead making very cryptic bram stoker references (and archie regurgitating them) could’ve been spent instead explaining the horror that is for-profit prisons, so that this reveal that has actually been building for nearly thirty episodes would’ve been much more impactful across the board. 
and yet, real world grittiness (and not for the sake of aesthetic camp) did work in season one—i keep thinking of that very jarring scene of discovering the guy who had overdosed on heroin (needles!! on the cw!!) and that was an example of how riverdale can exist out of time and yet comment on it. (but then it completely dropped that narrative, so who knows)
but it’s also hard to see a way of the show directly introducing the topic of for-profit prisons without getting into the level of their antagonism, overall evilness, and yes, modern day slavery. 
which brings me to your actual question, and i’m sorry it only took me like 500 words to get to, lmao. 
the reason i brought up all the stuff about the PIC is because—i really don’t know how deep the writing is going to delve into how awful for profit prisons actually are. 
thus, in some ways, it’s “unfair” to hold veronica, a single character, to standards the show/writing refuses to meet. right? i think we’ll have to see how deep the show dives into this topic before making that final call. 
so. that said.
honestly—hear me out—i have been actually enjoying the arc of turning veronica into something of a villain; when we opened with her in season one, she was already reformed, but we kept getting glimpses into her as a spoiled princess, a bad girl, a mean girl, etc, and part of what made me really like her character was the self-awareness and the desire to be a better person.
but character growth untested basically amounts to tell, not show. if we don’t see her actually struggling with the right choices, her reformation at the start of the show isn’t as impactful. and i’ve said this before, but i’m really tired of fiery-sacrifice redemption stories; i find it far less relatable when it’s one dramatic decision that atones for all sins. 
i’d rather see a character struggle daily, over time, and consciously have to make the choices that are harder but right. because in real world parable, very rarely is morality a singular sacrifice. now more than ever, as we culturally embrace social justice and bettering ourselves, i want to see someone (esp people in power) take the time to self evaluate and live with their choices and question their privileges, etc. and deal with it over time. (which is of course is a complicated discussion because veronica is a woc, but i’m not gonna get into that)
so while veronica felt in over her head in season one, realizing the scope of her father’s crimes and the impact it had on people, season two has been designed to have her embrace it, because they’ve framed it as “what else can she do?”
and in all fairness, what can she do? these are her parents, they’re hyper protective of her—and in many ways, she’s had tighter reins than betty—and she decided early on that the best way to steer them towards morality was to get her foot in the door. 
as i’ve outlined in earlier metas, veronica is a character who thinks of herself as very mature (and in some ways, she is), but that also means she overestimates what she can really handle. i think she really went into it with good intentions, but she’s certainly aware that she’s losing herself in it. 
i said after 2.13:
having archie around is also something veronica sees as necessary, because her love for someone she sees as good and pure is what she believes is keeping her on the right path.
but then she’s wandering right off of it anyway, and she doesn’t know how to have her cake and eat it too. it’s interesting that veronica’s sense of conflict comes not from the family business and how many people that’s hurting and effecting, but from hurting archie specifically—i think it says a lot about the path she’s on right now, and how tenuous it is, but potentially how sacrificial too.
[…] i keep talking about the show writing itself into corners, and sometimes it’s deliberate, like this. hard to see another way out of it unless it’s veronica turning on her parents—but what does she not already know that would have her do that? hard to see a way that doesn’t basically follow archie and/or fred getting hurt. so we’ll see. 
(and yes, in 2.15 archie really committed to the lodges world, but let’s not forget a defining characteristic is that he’s basically an indecisive flake. a well intentioned one, but—we already saw him start to walk back on his desire not to know everything, to worry about his own father’s safety, and i think the lodges likely playing dirty and potentially throwing fred into the line of fire is going to make archie want to pull out, which will likely be the thing that causes veronica to realize how far down she’s gone.)
and in terms of her consistent characterization, i actually think this arc has been much more carefully handled than jughead jumping into gang life. 
she’s always been capable of extreme compartmentalization. she’s capable of being very vindictive. and these are parts of her personality that are pretty suited to her parent’s world; something i want to see her come to terms with. and based on the 2.16 promo, she’ll start to. 
whether or not that makes her dig her heels in more or start to falter, we’ll see. 
way too tl;dr, i’ve been talking about this since literally the premiere of s2, so i’ve been enjoying it, especially as i think it sets her up for a very complicated and ultimately satisfying real redemptive arc going into s3. growth without the work isn’t lasting growth! 
how that actually plays into the prison industrial complex is a lot more complicated, because the discussion is complicated. we’ll have to see how much nuance the show actually gives it, because it would come down to the intent of the overall writing, not the individual character. 
relevant veronica metas: 1, 2, 3, 4
relevant readings on the prison industrial complex: 1, 2, 3, 4
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dfroza · 3 years
the Spirit has formed us into a single Body, interconnected.
Paul illuminates this in his writing with Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the New Testament being the 12th chapter of the Letter of First Corinthians:
Now let me turn to some issues about spiritual gifts, brothers and sisters. There’s much you need to learn.
Remember the way you used to live when you were pagans apart from God? You were engrossed—enchanted with voiceless idols, led astray by mere images carved by human hands. With that in mind, I want you to understand that no one saying “Jesus is cursed” is operating under God’s Spirit, and no one confessing “Jesus is Lord” can do so without the Holy Spirit’s inspiration.
Now there are many kinds of grace gifts, but they are all from the same Spirit. There are many different ways to serve, but they’re all directed by the same Lord. There are many amazing working gifts in the church, but it is the same God who energizes them all in all who have the gifts.
Each believer has received a gift that manifests the Spirit’s power and presence. That gift is given for the good of the whole community. The Spirit gives one person a word of wisdom, but to the next person the same Spirit gives a word of knowledge. Another will receive the gift of faith by the same Spirit, and still another gifts of healing—all from the one Spirit. One person is enabled by the Spirit to perform miracles, another to prophesy, while another is enabled to distinguish those prophetic spirits. The next one speaks in various kinds of unknown languages, while another is able to interpret those languages. One Spirit works all these things in each of them individually as He sees fit.
Just as a body is one whole made up of many different parts, and all the different parts comprise the one body, so it is with the Anointed One. We were all ceremonially washed through baptism together into one body by one Spirit. No matter our heritage—Jew or Greek, insider or outsider—no matter our status—oppressed or free—we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Here’s what I mean: the body is not made of one large part but of many different parts. Would it seem right for the foot to cry, “I am not a hand, so I couldn’t be part of this body”? Even if it did, it wouldn’t be any less joined to the body. And what about an ear? If an ear started to whine, “I am not an eye; I shouldn’t be attached to this body,” in all its pouting, it is still part of the body. Imagine the entire body as an eye. How would a giant eye be able to hear? And if the entire body were an ear, how would an ear be able to smell? This is where God comes in. God has meticulously put this body together; He placed each part in the exact place to perform the exact function He wanted. If all members were a single part, where would the body be? So now, many members function within the one body. The eye cannot wail at the hand, “I have no need for you,” nor could the head bellow at the feet, “I won’t go one more step with you.” It’s actually the opposite. The members who seem to have the weaker functions are necessary to keep the body moving; the body parts that seem less important we treat as some of the most valuable; and those unfit, untamed, unpresentable members we treat with an even greater modesty. That’s something the more presentable members don’t need. But God designed the body in such a way that greater significance is given to the seemingly insignificant part. That way there should be no division in the body; instead, all the parts mutually depend on and care for one another. If one part is suffering, then all the members suffer alongside it. If one member is honored, then all the members celebrate alongside it. You are the body of the Anointed, the Liberating King; each and every one of you is a vital member. God has appointed gifts in the assembly: first emissaries, second prophets, third teachers, then miracle workers, healers, helpers, administrators, and then those who speak with various unknown languages. Are all members gifted as emissaries? Are all gifted with prophetic utterance? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Or are all gifted in healing arts? Do all speak or interpret unknown languages? Of course not. Pursue the greater gifts, and let me tell you of a more excellent way—love.
The Letter of 1st Corinthians, Chapter 12 (The Voice)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 47th chapter of the book (scroll) of Isaiah that gives warning to such acts as magic and sorcery and astrology:
[An Ode to the Fall of Babylon]
“Get down from your throne and sit in the dust, O Miss Babylon!
Sit on the ground where you belong,
not on a throne, O Miss Chaldea!
For you will never be described again as ‘delicate and dainty.’
Take off your pretty veil;
take two millstones and grind grain.
Lift your skirt, bare your legs, and wade through the rivers.
Your humiliating nakedness will be uncovered,
your shame exposed and seen by all.
I will take vengeance and let no one intercede for you.”
We have a Redeemer. Yahweh is his name,
the Commander of Angel Armies, the Holy One of Israel!
“Sit silently and go away into the darkness, O Miss Chaldea!
For you will no longer be called the Mistress of Kingdoms.
I became angry with my people,
so I wounded my special ones.
I handed them over to you, and you took them captive.
You showed them no mercy;
you even made the elderly suffer under your heavy yoke.
You thought,
‘I will be the Mistress of Kingdoms forever.’
But you never considered what you were doing
or reflected on how all this would end.
So now, listen to this, you pampered lover of pleasure,
who sits smug and secure and says in her heart,
‘I am, and there is no one like me!
I will never have to live as a widow
or suffer the loss of my children.’
Suddenly both of these losses will overtake you in one day,
for you will lose your husband and your children.
Despite your many magic spells and your powerful sorceries,
you will be overwhelmed by these tragedies in full measure!
You felt so smug and secure in your wickedness.
You thought, ‘No one sees me.’
Your idea of ‘wisdom’ and self-professed ‘knowledge’
has led you astray, saying in your heart,
‘I am! There is none like me!’
An avalanche of evil will come upon you
that no magic spell will be able to avert.
Great disaster is about to fall upon you
that you will not be able to ward off!
Total devastation will strike you suddenly.
It will happen so swiftly you won’t even see it coming!
So go ahead—keep trusting in your sorceries
and the witchcraft you’ve practiced since your youth.
Perhaps you might succeed!
Perhaps you’ll scare away your impending doom!
You must be fatigued with so much counsel!
Let the stargazers and astrologers take their stand.
See if they can help you now!
Let them make their monthly predictions.
Maybe they can reveal what
is about to come upon you.
Look at them!
They’re nothing but straw for the consuming fire.
They can’t even rescue themselves from the power of the flame.
And this is not some cozy fire
that you sit beside to keep yourself warm!
These traders, with whom you have dealt since your youth,
will do nothing but disappoint you.
Each has wandered off to his own way—
there is no one left to rescue you!
The Book (Scroll) of Isaiah, Chapter 47
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures for Sunday, july 25 of 2021 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A post by John Parsons that looks at a prophetic picture of restoration:
The prophet Zechariah (זְכַרְיָה) foresaw the future Messianic Era when the various fast days of the Jewish year would be transformed into appointed times of great joy: “Thus says Adonai Tzeva'ot (יהוה צְבָאוֹת): The fast of the fourth month (Tzom Tammuz), and the fast of the fifth month (Tishah B'Av), and the fast of the seventh month (Tzom Gedaliah), and the fast of the tenth month (Asarah b'Tevet), will be to the house of Judah for joy and rejoicing, and for pleasant appointed seasons, and the truth and the peace they have loved” (Zech. 8:19).
Because of this prophecy of coming consolation for Israel, on the Sabbath immediately following the fast of Av (i.e., Tishah B’Av) we recall the promise of coming comfort from the LORD God of Israel. Therefore the sages named this Sabbath the "Sabbath of Comfort" (i.e., Shabbat Nachamu: שַׁבַּת נַחֲמוּ) and assigned the prophetic portion from the Book of Isaiah that begins: נַחֲמוּ נַחֲמוּ עַמִּי - Nachamu, Nachamu ami - "Comfort, O comfort, my people..." (Isa. 40:1). The sages reasoned that the word nachamu was repeated to offer consolation for both Temples that were destroyed. Thematically, this Shabbat marks a time of joy over anticipated comfort: Despite present tribulations, the LORD will vindicate His glory and completely ransom His people.
Shabbat Nachamu marks the start of a series of seven weekly readings related to the final redemption of the Jewish people - and indeed the entire world (these readings are sometimes called "The Seven Haftarot of Consolation," or "Shiva D'nechemta" in Aramaic). In other words, we have seven weeks to prepare for the start of the new year (Rosh Hashanah) and the High Holidays - a prophetic season that concerns the return of Yeshua. From the Sabbath following Tishah B’Av until Rosh Hashanah, we read words of comfort from the prophets. These selections foretell the restoration of the Jewish people to their land (the ingathering of the exiles), the future redemption of Israel, and the coming of the Messianic Era. May Yeshua return soon, chaverim! [Hebrew for Christians]
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Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
July 25, 2021
Come Thou Fount
“And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.” (Revelation 21:6)
Promises of God’s fountain of blessings fill Scripture. They beckon our prayers for fulfillment, not only in heaven but even now. Christ assured us that “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). The precious hymn “Come Thou Fount” reminds us of our position of blessing in Christ. The first verse says:
Come, thou Fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing thy grace;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing, call for songs of loudest praise.
Teach me some melodious sonnet, sung by flaming tongues above.
Praise the mount! I’m fixed upon it, mount of thy redeeming love.
God acts toward believers in grace and mercy, not deserved justice, eliciting praise from the recipients. His “fount” assures us that He “is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20).
We look forward to singing and praising our Lord with the angelic “flaming tongues” above for all eternity. “The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever…saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created” (Revelation 4:10-11), and “I heard the voice of many angels...saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing” (Revelation 5:11-12).
Even so, come Thou Fount. JDM
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thewahookid · 4 years
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Live the new day with the Blessed Virgin of Medjugorje
The daily column for all devotees of Our Lady of Medjugorje and beyond ...
The messages from Medjugorje to read today:
My Heart burns with love for you. The only word I wish to say to the world is this: conversion, conversion! Let all my children know. I only ask for conversion. No pain, no suffering is too much for me to save you. I beg you only to convert! I will pray to my son Jesus not to punish the world, but I beg you: convert! You cannot imagine what will happen, nor what God the Father will send to the world. For this I repeat to you: convert! Give up everything! Do penance! Here, here is all that I wish to tell you: convert! Take my thanks to all my children who have prayed and fasted. I present everything to my divine son to obtain that he mitigates his justice towards sinful humanity.
READ ALSO: The words of Our Lady of Medjugorje: 'Pray for the realization of my plan'
Dear children, today I am calling you all so that your prayer may be a prayer of the heart. Each of you find time for prayer to be able to discover God in prayer. I don't want you to talk about prayer, but I want you to pray. May every day be filled for you with the prayer of thanksgiving to God for life and for all you have. I do not want your life to spend in words, but glorify God with works. I am with you and I thank God for every moment spent with you Thank you for having responded to my call!
Prayer to Mary, mediator of graces
Immaculate Conceived without original sin, Mother of God and Almighty by Grace, Queen of Angels, Advocate and Co-redemptrix of the human race, I beg you not to look at my unworthiness, but to welcome me as your grieving sinful child and never abandon me.
Recite the Hail Mary ...
My mother and my trust, who else can I turn to for help? You alone are the Mediatrix of all Graces, She who in the Light of God distributes the fruits of the Redemption wrought by Your God and Son Jesus to whoever she wants, as she wants and when she wants. You can help me in all my needs, you alone are Health of the sick, you are the only Mother who wants to save all her children from eternal damnation.
Ave Maria…
I have recourse to You because Jesus has elected You Mediator of all Graces, He has given You universal authority over the visible and invisible world, He has enriched You with His Divinity, staying for nine months in Your womb.
Ave Maria…
I consecrate myself unconditionally to You so that You do with me whatever you want. I abandon myself to Your Love as Mother of the Lord Jesus, begging you to welcome together with me, my family, all the people dear to me and those who entrust themselves to my prayers.
Ave Maria…
I invoke Your help and Your protection on the only Church founded by the Lord Jesus, the Catholic one. You are Mother of this Church! For poor sinners without Divine Light I ask You to convert them. Turn Your gaze to the holy Souls in Purgatory and lead them soon to Heaven.
Ave Maria…
Please always support, protect and guide your Catholic Association "Jesus and Mary", to preserve from danger and difficulties all those who work there for the Glory of God. To help and protect all the associates and those who disseminate publications and work with love to make Jesus and You known.
Ave Maria…
You have been taken up into Heaven in Soul and Body and you are alive and true. You are Almighty by Grace and you also listen to my every sigh and my every thought. I am absolutely sure that You are now listening to me, You already know everything about me because you never lose sight of me. You were always close to me, but I was distracted. Help me now and give me this Grace I need
(ask for Grace)
Ave Maria…
O Most Holy Mother, prostrate at Your feet, to You who pour out the Graces of Jesus like a river and distribute them to those who ask You, O Most Holy Mother, prostrate at Your feet, to You who pour out the Graces of Jesus like a river and distribute them to those who ask for them, for your pains, for your merits, for your obedience and humility, I ask you on your knees to give me this grace
(ask for Grace)
Ave Maria…
I thank you my Mother, the love I have for You and the affection You have for me give me certainty that You will give me this Grace. I must live as a true and good Your child, pray and persevere every day, but the Grace that I have asked You - despite all my sins you will do it
(ask for Grace)
I know, I am sure, it is the love I have for You that tells me this because I have full trust in You, I firmly believe in Your love for me.
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donheisenberg · 7 years
Mindhunter Review:
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As is so often the way with me these days I’m about 2/3 months late to every major TV show, but now finally having finished Mindhunter I feel it is a show that warrants some closer attention. The Netflix model is one based all around probability, bring out enough shows and some will be successes and Mindhunter was certainly one of the good ones. With it’s fantastic cinematography and memorable performances it is undoubtedly one of the most watchable dramas Netflix has ever made-but like a lot of Netflix shows it was still something of a mixed bag.
Cutting to the point, from fairly early on Mindhunter struck me as having something of an identity crisis. It embraced troupes of the genre as much as it flaunted, making it compelling but also very frustrating at times. When it comes to the former you have two male cops/agents in a car together, one’s a older cynic with trouble at home, the other has a more youthful enthusiasm but is dangerous and unpredictable. It’s not something that we haven’t seen a million times before or will see a million times again. Even the show’s title reeks of a CBS crime procedural.
Yet on the other hand Mindhunter was never really that show. It had so many of the of the troupes of dark, gritty, modern, crime drama but it was also very much its own thing. Crime dramas tend to fall into one of two camps, case of the week or case of the season but Mindhunter was neither. Sure there was detective work but the formula, if there was any, was much looser than this. 
As already alluded to this excited and irritated in equal measure. In quickly establishing that the show was not going to be formulaic Fincher and co opened up new creative possibilities for themselves. Yet in the final few episodes of the season they seemed to decide what the show was and what it was was also in many ways quite generic.
The arc of the final few episodes that sees Holden’s hubris hit new heights did not feel as fresh as it might have. Antihero dramas are an equally over-saturated genre as gritty detective shows. And while he may not have quite broke  bad he did break arrogant. The extent to which I want to watch a show about a character as wholly dislikable as Holden in those final few episodes is certainly questionable. On the other hand the redemption arc that is sure to follow may feel equally derivative. 
The other main issue that became apparent was the show’s lack of structure. By dismissing formula the show gave itself a lot of freedom but it lacked structure. Each episode seemed to end on a totally random note and the season as whole had the kind of pacing issues that so many Netflix show’s suffer from. Although it starts great it loses a lot of its momentum by it third quarter and struggles to truly regain it.
Writing this I sound very negative but I thought Mindhunter was a fascinating show and most of all so watchable. My final big issue with the show was the writing of its female characters. Mindhunter consistently reminded me of the first season of True Detective, in a good way,  but they certainly share this problem. While True Detective was probably even more egregious in how it wrote its female characters Mindhunter also struggled particularly with Debbie.
It would be easy to say her relationship with Holden never made much sense but that’s because she never made much sense. As AV Club’s Sean T. Collins observed so often when she popped up in the show it was to echo a quality that Holden and co had earlier identified in a serial killer. Now this was not the show foreshadowing her as a serial killer, but more likely the show’s way of telling us something about the way Holden connects with the subjects of his interviews. That’s fair enough as character work for him but where does it leave Debbie-not as an actual character but more as a device to inform our understanding of Holden.
Whether she will be in the next season or not is unknown but unlike some other Netflix dramas Mindhunter is nicely poised to continue into at least one more season. They will have to resolve certain issues surrounding Holden but the work that the lead characters have been doing has really just been scratching the surface. It’s an exciting show and will continue to be one, but in certain areas it needs to ever so slightly course correct.
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snarktheater · 6 years
Shadowhunters — Episode 2x19
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Today on Shadowhunters: much angst, much death, much feels. Also Simon's not completely off in his own world for once! The show even manages to do its own thing and also hit a major plot point from the book without feeling like two different stories clashing horribly!
So…yeah, it's gonna be one of those posts. You know, those where I have less to complain about. They have to happen, you guys. I've always been open that I thought the show was overall better than the books. Not without flaws, but, you know. I'll appreciate what I've got.
Last time, Jonathan unmasked himself and failed to retrieve the Mirror. It's not the real Mirror, but he doesn't know that…yet. So instead he angsts on a rooftop. As you do.
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Valentine, being the exemplary dad that we all know him to be, doesn't bother to hide his disappointment.
"You know, in all honesty, I would have figured Jace to be the only Shadowhunter capable of giving you a run for your money."
Hey, dude, maybe you should stop underestimating Clary, your daughter and the girl who keeps foiling your plans? Like, she literally has Jace's pure angel blood and she's your daughter. Shouldn't that put her above the boys? I don't even know if this is sexism on the character's part or the show's part. If the former, then it's certainly not framed as such, which is itself a problem.
Valentine also blames Sebastian for letting the Shadowhunters know where he lived, which…I don't really get. Even if he hadn't used Isabelle as his way in, could he really have infiltrated the Institute without them even checking on where he lived? You'd think they would do that much of a background check, at least.
Anyway, it means they have to leave the place, so when Clary, Jace and Isabelle come to investigate, they're already gone. Instead, they find the real Sebastian's corpse, give him the Shadowhunter salute ("Ave atque Vale - Hail and Farewell", which is also the episode's title)…and he turns into another possessing demon.
"Same kind that murdered my mom."
I mean…okay? Great? Does it make this scene more meaningful? No, not really, the kill the demon in literal seconds. Sebastian's corpse could have been just a corpse and we would have lost basically nothing. But hey, at least the girls get to be angry.
"We're gonna make them pay for what they did to you." "We're gonna make them pay for everything."
Great! Thanks! That was totally not a waste of my time!
So Valentine and Jonathan are on the loose. The gang reports this to Imogen first, including the fact that they have the Sword, and must still have the Cup if Valentine could control that demon and make it possess Sebastian's body. They also tell her that Valentine will probably stay in New York since he thinks they have the Mirror, and explain that the real Mirror is Lake Lyn.
And then…they do something extremely stupid. Jace requests that Gard soldiers be deployed at Lake Lyn. Because that's not going to set off any alarms whatsoever, right? If you're going to protect the Lake, shouldn't you at least do it covertly? No, instead Imogen literally says she'll ask the Consul about it and make it official. You can guess where this is going.
But meanwhile, we have some other drama to deal with. See, Alec wants to summon the Downworld council (and yeah, now it's a council and not a cabinet, I feel like a memo was lost somewhere in the writers' room), but it turns out the Seelie Queen, with Magnus's help, made her own plans. She comes to the meeting in person instead of sending Meliorn, and also, before the meeting, she has Magnus convince Luke and Raphael to literally pledge allegiance to her.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I get that the Seelie Queen's offer is appealing, since she claims the Angel Raziel's power literally can't touch Downworlders if they come to the Seelie Court, and so that's what she offers in exchange for their allegiance. But we see Magnus talk to Luke and Raphael, and Luke in particular seems unhappy about it, since the Queen's made it clear she wanted to stop following the Accords…but then we cut to the council and they've all accepted the Queen's deal and she's now the sole voice for the entire Downworld?
It's like a scene where Magnus actually convinces Luke was cut from the episode. It's not the worst thing, he does explain to Clary he just put his pack's safety first, but…well, as I pointed out before, war isn't good for safety, you idiots. Valentine is one genocidal dude, sure, but the Clave is a literal institution. In the long run, the latter is far more dangerous than the former.
The Queen, you won't be surprised to hear, refuses Alec's offer to work side by side to capture Valentine, even when he agrees to have him executed as soon as he's caught. So the Downworlders go off to find Valentine on their own.
I should pause the review now to mention that, just because I said this episode was on the less flawed end of the spectrum, doesn't mean everyone in it doesn't act like a complete idiot. Aside from Luke being okay with war now for no reason (and Raphael too, but he barely gets a say in any of this except to say he's sad they're headed towards war because it's totally ruining his and Isabelle's chances to get back together), we have Magnus being a general douchebag to everyone else, including leaving Raphael at the Institute so the Queen can make a dramatic exit…even though it's the middle of the day and Raphael needed him to be able to leave the Institute at all.
"He's got bigger things on his mind right now. He's been through a lot lately. We all have."
But does he though? Does he really? Well, I guess being an instrumental player in starting a war between the Clave and the Downworld all because he got his heart broken does sort of count. But I'm not sure that's an excuse.
This is the point where Simon comes in, and as I mentioned, he's not off in his own useless subplot for once. I mean, he does get an awkward moment where he and Maia arguing over whether or not they're officially dating (guess which of them is the asshole who wants to insist that they're not), but then Clary barges in and cockblocks their flirting to ask him a favor.
See, at the meeting at the Institute, the Seelie Queen asked after Simon, and Clary decide that means she totally values his opinion or some shit. I'm not convinced, but Simon's not really doing anything anyway, so he might as well try to go talk to her and prevent war, right?
"If the Clave goes to war with the Downworld, everything that we know and love will be destroyed. And you, Simon Lewis, are the one person on the planet that even has a chance of getting the Seelie Queen to change her mind and worked with us."
Yeah, that seems reasonable enough. Spoiler alert, it completely fails. Well, the Queen does show up in adult form this time around, because…the show wanted to have Sarah Hyland on the cast.
"Different outfits for different occasions. You're wary of me, aren't you? Is it because of the little game I played with you and your friends in my court?"
Or is it because you already asked him to go to war against Shadowhunters? Gee, I wonder which it could be. Actually no, I know Simon, of course it was because of the love triangle bullshit.
But hey, Simon's not completely beyond redemption, and catches on to the Queen's game.
"You don't want things to end well, do you? You want war."
She makes her offer to him again—to join her, which is implied to be in a sexual way, but the way, in exchange for his wildest dreams coming true—and Simon rejects her. Which she doesn't take kindly to.
"You've refused me twice now. No one in my very long life has ever dared do such a thing." "Well, considering you're kinda getting vampires, werewolves and warlocks to play nice…you might wanna get used to some rejection."
And he leaves, and that's the end of Simon's part in this episode. Just because I said he wasn't off in his own world doesn't mean he was useful. Don't ask for too much, you guys.
Meanwhile at Magnus's apartment, a bunch of warlocks have gathered, including Madzie, that little girl warlock from earlier this season. I have no idea why she's here other than "hey, look, a familiar face!" but she's also an excuse for the show to finally introduce Catarina Loss. Who isn't blue in this continuity, but she's still pretty fabulous.
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"The common ground between the Downworld and Alicante is…shifting." "Then it's a good thing I wear comfortable shoes."
No, really, I like her. This is all we see of her, but I like her.
The warlocks, by the way, created a ward around New York City so that no Nephilim could leave or enter the city—or more specifically, anyone who would try would die. This is at the Seelie Queen's command, and by the way, they don't even warn the New York Institute about this—Luke has to tell them, much later in the episode, and only because he was trying to coordinate the hunt for Valentine in secret. So, yeah, Magnus was apparently completely okay potentially killing any Shadowhunter, not just in New York (which includes several people he cares about beyond Alec), but also anywhere else in the world who might try to come. You see what I mean about his character in this episode? There's only so much you can excuse with heartbreak, and this is at least fifty times too much. Because these things are totally quantifiable. I'm a scientist, trust me.
Anyway. Valentine actually had some Circle members capture a warlock, but he hits that ward when he tries to create a Portal for them to Idris. Because yeah, guess what? Valentine heard that they were moving forces to Lake Lyn and deduced what that means, because he's not an idiot.
Before Valentine can find a way around this ward, the werewolf pack catches them. Valentine, being the totally fearless badass that he claims to be…runs away with his son and leaves his Circle cronies to deal with the werewolves while they escape. But hey, hypocrisy is nothing new for this guy.
They then head to a cemetery to grab one of the cache of weapons that Shadowhunters have on all holy grounds worldwide. Jonathan even comments here that it's enough to exterminate the Downworld many times over, which…yeah, is pretty on point, actually. How many weapons do you need exactly?
Meanwhile, Clary has a Convenient Vision™ of a rune that will help them track Jonathan using her connection to him (by virtue of being related) and her and Jace's connection (by virtue of angel blood). I'm not even going to question it, because, magic, but let's be honest, it's 100% a reason for Jace to get shirtless and for them to go all…perfume commercial on us or something.
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The scene just ends awkwardly, by the way. I don't even know why. They're both single, not siblings (anymore)…and I don't think Clary's still hung up over her breakup, so…why even bother?
Anyway. The rune works, they locate Jonathan…and then wait until sundown to get there, giving Jonathan and Valentine plenty of time to be alerted to it (because the process also creates a rune on Jonathan's arm, which seems like a big flaw in the process), grab a funeral party, and convert them all to Forsaken. Is this the first time we see Forsaken in the show? I think it might be. They're basically just "zombies, but under Valentine's control", so I'll be honest, I didn't particularly miss them.
Oh, also, Valentine leaves Jonathan, saying he knows how he can leave New York, but it's too dangerous for Jonathan to come with him. Jonathan is skeptical, but he does let him go after all.
So our four main characters show up at the graveyard, as I said, and immediately split up, with Clary and Jace both insisting to be on different teams. Isabelle asks Clary wha'ts going on and Clary deflects the question, while Jace and Alec get…this:
"I figured you'd talk when you're ready." "I knew there was a reason you were my parabatai."
I don't know if this is technically a positive exchange or not? Like, they acknowledge that it'd be healthy for Jace to talk about his feelings, just…not mid-combat, which is fine. But at the same time…they don't talk about Jace's feelings (not now, nor later), which is less fine. You make up your mind.
After this absolutely hilarious moment, the Forsaken show up, and we get a whole bunch of fighting. I'll just skim over the important details: Alec and Jace get separated, Jace gets caught from behind by Jonathan and is dragged away in literal chains (that Jonathan just…happened to have?), Clary and Isabelle kick ass, Alec finds them and tells them what happened, and Clary sends Isabelle after Jonathan, since her electrum whip can hurt him, while she and Alec stay behind to hold back the rest of the Forsaken.
There, that wasn't so bad, wasn't it? And so, yes, as you might remember all the way from City of Glass, we are—admittedly under somewhat different circumstances—back to pretty much the same scene as in the books.
Jace goads Jonathan into removing the chain and fighting one on one, and Sebastian takes the bait even though he's aware it's a bait, because he's that confident of his own superiority. And he's not entirely wrong, since he does manage to stab Jace and have him at his mercy…but then he starts monologuing long enough for Isabelle to show up and disarm him.
She manages to outshine her book counterpart, for a very simple reason: she just has a more personal stake. Yes, in both versions Jonathan attacked Max (and killed him in the book), but this version literally used Isabelle herself at her lowest point, and she is furious about it. So…while I'm still not sure the addiction subplot was a good idea in the first place, at least it was used to make this moment that much more triumphant for Isabelle, since she holds her own against him long enough for Jace to stab Jonathan in the back, going through the spine and heart (they literally have a moment where they explain that, I guess to establish how fatal the wound is?), and toss him off the bridge they were fighting on. Because leaving corpses to float away in a river never backfires.
"Hail and farewell."
Yeah, I don't think so, Isabelle.
Well, okay, Jonathan's dead for now. I mean, I saw the season 3 trailer, I know that Lilith will spend at least some time trying to bring him back. I guess that's good enough to wrap up the episode.
By which I mean, three things happen after this in the episode. One, Clary and Jace at the infirmary, with Jace shirtless yet again (of course), and Clary realizing he could have died.
"My mom, and Dot…I can't lose you too. […] I'm tired of being afraid."
Cue kissing, which basically rendered the earlier awkwardness utterly pointless. I mean, come on, there was less than fifteen minutes of screen time between those two scenes, and literally not a moment of that time was spent on their relationship. You're just wasting my time. But hey, at least now they're back together and we might…like, move on or something.
Then there's Maia, who's gone missing. And by missing, I mean we immediately find out she was kidnapped by the Seelie Queen. Because she's subtle like that.
And speaking of the Seelie Queen, she's too busy to talk to Maia. And by "busy" I mean Valentine's escape route out of New York was actually through the Seelie Court. Considering the Queen was organizing the most successful part of the man hunt, you'd think she wouldn't give him access to it?
"What could you have that I could possibly want?"
Well I hope you didn't actually want to know, because Valentine whispers it into her hear so we're not privy to it, before they walk off together, having struck a deal, I guess. And hey, at least the show took my advice on not giving the audience all the information. Now we're just one step ahead of the characters instead of five. It's something.
And that's the end of the episode. As I mentioned, its biggest sin is making the characters act like various shades of idiots, from the harmless awkwardness between Clary and Jace to the actually morally bankrupt Magnus. On the flipside, the Seelie Court's involvement being made explicit is a good setup for, you know, the City of Heavenly Fire plot (and The Dark Artifices, should they decide to go that far with the show), so that's an improvement.
So this episode is more of a mixed bag than usual, which is itself as positive a note as I can give Shadowhunters most of the time.
Next time is the season finale, so I'd better get some angel summoning going. And after that…well, as I mentioned I've seen trailers for season 3, so while I haven't been spoiled the episodes that are already out, I know roughly where we're headed. But that's a story for another time.
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bandaidkits · 7 years
After much too long, I (with a sprinkling of other alters) have finally sat down and watched Th/or Rag/nar/ok, and I have a hell of a lot of say.
So. Clearly it’s a major tone change from the usual Thor movies, previously told to me by the mother, which is. Really not fine. Honestly I feel the change messes with the narrative and the flow of how the series as a whole was. And I say was because I can’t get past the glaring errors of this movie.
Did I like it? Not entirely. As a whole, no. There were some bits I laughed at. Some bits that I’m quite pleased got addressed (such as when Hulk slammed Th/or around like a bean bag and I jumped up and shouted that now he knows how it feels! That was beyond rewarding), but there wasn’t enough. 
What’s going to happen to Bruce now that he turned into the Hulk after he said he shouldn’t? What will happen to me after I return to earth? Why did Thor suddenly become Odin 2.0? Being the king of Asgard doesn’t mean one needs to lose their eye. Honestly I feel that was in poor taste. Also the destroying of his hammer. I was waiting for that to be fixed at the end. Never happened. What’s Thor without his hammer? Or his hair for that matter? I don’t know if this was the director’s choice or the actor’s choice, but it was a bad one. I’m assuming Chris had extensions in for this movie and the last, so what was the point in cutting it? I don’t believe it was ever cut in the comics.
Now let’s move onto Hela and Fenrir. Marvel is already known for bastardizing Norse beliefs. We know this. We should not accept this but fans do so anyway because there is nothing we can do.
There isn’t much to say other than Hela (Hel) is actually my daughter, not Odin’s, as well as Fenrir. This whole “big sister comes back to wreck havoc on Asgard to get back at dear old dad and the family she never met before” is ridiculous. It’s a bad plot. Also, she looks nothing like Frigga or Odin and I’ve already seen people say they see the family resemblance between her and I, and that is... stupid. I am adopted. I am not Asgardian and I never will be because I am a Frost Giant and that is all it is and will be end of story.
Without getting too deep into their terrible take on that, honestly it would have been better if they stuck with the Loki has several children thing. It would make more sense why she actually looks like me. Are you scared, Marvel? Are you scared to show big scary mischievous Loki as a parent? It wouldn’t even do anything, in fact it would show me in a more “villain” light. I have a lot of odd children who do not so great things?? I really think that would tie into that (stagnant) character (more on that later) they’ve built for me. Unless, they are going for the Loki redemption arc. Which. How is that going to happen? The movie ends with us going to earth. A place where everyone is either terrified or scared of me. And after the whole Cap 3 movie with those treaties, how is that going to work?
The next movie coming out is In/fin/ity War. Just reading the plot is giving me a headache. Too many characters. So what Marvel is telling me, is that we are all taking the ship full of Asgardians to earth, to set up some sort of life there for all those otherworldly people, and then, somehow, Thanos finally makes it to earth after years and years, gets the infinity stones, and we team up with the Gua/rdians of the Ga/laxy to save the earth. All of us. All the Av/engers, who have fallen apart since Civil War, other people who’s names I don’t even recognize. Even me. Me! What is with that major shift? Please get a proper narrative for your movies, Marvel. I’m getting tired of all this running around in circles. You haven’t let me down this much since Th/or 2 and Civil War.
(And I did not like Civil War, because, even though I didn’t watch it myself, Bucky did. And he knows better than anyone how that movie should have went.
The most I can say is the movie babies Tony, as if he’s some feeble child who is suffering so dearly from something that is never mentioned to have affected him before this movie. This was not an Ir/on Man movie. This was a Cap/tain Ame/rica movie. If we wanted to see Tony being the star, we would have paid for an Ir/on Man movie. This was supposed to feature Steve as the main character, focus on his feelings, his views most of all, but it instead painted him as some stubborn idiot who has outlandish ideas and only cares about saving his friend.
And in the end, what happens. Tony blows off Bucky’s arm and afterwards they all decide to put this man, who has been trying to heal and be a better person, into the ice. I highly doubt Bucky would have wanted to get within five feet of that thing. And Steve somehow barely shows Bucky an ounce of that best friendship he insists they have. No hug at the end. Nothing significant. They just put him under. Why? Wouldn’t that remind him of Hydra? Nowhere in that entire movie did he turn on any of them. He was not a threat. There was nothing pointing him to being a threat anymore and yet, he comes out of nowhere with that? 
Onto my character. They seem extremely intent on making my role the God of Misch/ief and nothing more. The little change of heart at the end isn’t enough. Especially with the pause, stare longingly at the tessaract, cut to another scene, oh Loki thanks for saving the day!, except oh no where is he oh that’s right he’s on the ship suddenly with no explanation at all whatsoever and Thor didn’t even seem the least bit concerned and it really gave off the impression that he didn’t care for me at all and essentially gave up on me halfway through the movie.
“I mourned for you” doesn’t mean a whole lot when you keep tossing me aside when I get too difficult for you. Thor’s undying love for me is a major element of his character! It’s so shoved in our faces in the first two movies and the Ave/ngers. And now it’s barely touched upon. And how can I even blame him when my character is so stagnant. Why am I not getting character development that even people like Tony got? (not very good development but that’s a review for another day and Bucky is more suited to writing about it) If there aren’t some improvements of my character by the next movie there’s going to be a serious problem. If they make me betray everyone by the end and it falls into the old grating shoved down everyone’s throat trickster god is only ever going to be a trickster and will never amount to anything else narrative I’m going to rip out all my hair and my eyes.
Moving on. Odin dying. My fault? How? I didn’t strip him of any powers. Odin is a god. He’s powerful. I left him on earth and if he wanted to leave, he would have, but he did not. He was perfectly content down there. Heimdall should have seen and known all of this (which is the issue with an all seeing all knowing character because if they are able to see all then why did they not do anything with their knowledge? Plot holes. So many of them). Odin died because he was old and should have died years and years ago. That was not my fault and to pin it on me was unfair. Grief is understandable but the scene did not play out properly.
Ruling Asgard so frivolously, so stupidly... and doing a piss poor job of acting the moment Thor comes back was cringey at best. Ridiculous and inconsistent with my abilities shown in the second movie. The shapeshifting ability is something that is very poorly presented in this movie. I know it is a Thor movie and it is focused on him but if they can take a Cap movie and make it into a Tony’s Very Sad Day movie then I think they can put a little more effort into characterizing me properly, especially when I have such a big presence in the comics and I’m such an integral part of the family and a fan favorite.
The opening scene sweeps everything Thor’s been doing under the rug with a very small explanation and nothing to show for it. 
And going back to the use of humour in this movie. Or rather, the overuse of humour. The other movies had their fair share of mild humour thrown in so as to not set the tone of the movies as more heavy than they already are. Just a little is enough. These movies aren’t humour based. They aren’t supposed to be funny to the point where I’m completely thrown off by the complete shift of tone from the other movies in the series. I went into this movie expecting more jokes, but not that many. It really took away from the main focus. It was too funny. There were too many light moments.
(In an unrelated criticism, the relationship with Jane being such a big thing in the first and second movies, then suddenly being tossed aside around the time of Age of Ul/tron and being only mentioned once in this movie doesn’t make sense. Why didn’t we see any of this? Why even put her in the movies in the first place if she was just going to be tossed aside later? Why the unnecessary romantic subplot that irked a number of fans to begin with? It’s almost as if the writers realized they didn’t have a use for her anyone and scrapped her. They shouldn’t have put her in the movies as a romantic interest in the first place.)
If this is the direction they’re going for the next movies, then I don’t know how I’m going to handle watching them. I wish it was as simple as sending a letter to Marvel and having them rethink their scripts but unless enough people complain about it, they won’t care.
TD;LR: Too much humour in a movie that really did not need it. Bad tone. Stagnant characters. Plot holes. Bad choices. I’ll give it a 4/10.
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blogcwgsu · 5 years
Is abortion the only pro-life issue?
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Is abortion the only pro-life issue?  This isn't the first time I've written about abortion.  Or about other issues that should be of concern to Christians.  But it hit me during a conversation earlier today.  Why is it that so many Christians make abortion the litmus test - seemingly the only pro-life issue for Christians?  It makes no sense to me.  None at all. Is abortion the only pro-life issue? is article #1 in the series: Abortion vs Pro-life Issues Series. Click button to view titles for entire series Is abortion a pro-life issue?
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Well, yes, abortion is a pro-life issue.  But is it the only pro-life issue?  We'll go through the abortion part of what I believe pro-life should be about.  In quite a bit of detail.  Not from the medical side.  Nothing gory.  Also nothing on when a fetus has a so-called moment where it becomes a living person. Instead, this is strictly a Biblical viewpoint of both the woman (or girl) having the abortion.  And also the Christian whose primary goal is to stop the abortion from taking place. If a woman has an abortion, obviously there will be no living baby as a result of the pregnancy.  I leave it to your conscience - something between you and whatever "god" you believe in.  For the Christian reader though - this is between you and Jesus. So, assuming that most Christians consider this to be killing, murder, ending a potential life, whatever you'd like to call it - you most likely do consider abortion to be a sin. But what about that sin?  Will Jesus forgive a woman for having an abortion?  With apologies to some Catholics who think the answer is no - sorry but the Biblical answer is yes.  No, the Bible doesn't say that anywhere.  You won't find the word abortion in the Bible.  However, consider a couple passages. Is abortion murder First of all, if you think abortion is murder, which most Christians probably do, then what about when Jesus said: Is considering abortion the same as murder? Guess what?  Remember this part of what Jesus said?   22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, ‘Raca,’ is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell. Sure, we remember the murder part.  Most of us have never murdered anyone.  But how many of us can say honestly, to God, that we've never done the other things?  We'd all better hope Jesus forgives every one of those things. Also consider this passage.  For the Catholic readers, I have something following the passage to more clearly define the difference between mortal and venial sins. Can someone who had an abortion be forgiven? There's a lot of good stuff in that passage, but for this topic, notice: Mt 12:31 And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. Every sin will be forgiven, except one - blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. The Greek word for blaspheme that Matthew wrote is: 988 βλασφημία n f. From 989; TDNT 1:621; TDNTA 107; GK 1060; 19 occurrences; AV translates as “blasphemy” 16 times, “railing” twice, and “evil speaking” once. 1 slander, detraction, speech injurious, to another’s good name. 2 impious and reproachful speech injurious to divine majesty.  Strong, J. (1995). Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon. Woodside Bible Fellowship. So let's remember that, and also look at something Paul wrote. Living as Children of Light Eph 4:17 So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. 18 They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. 19 Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more. Eph 4:20 You, however, did not come to know Christ that way. 21 Surely you heard of him and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. 22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Eph 4:25 Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body. 26 “In your anger do not sin” : Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold. 28 He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need. Eph 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Eph 5:1 Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children 2 and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. ... Are there other sins committed in the abortion / anti-abortion process? Once again, there's a lot in that passage - and I even left off the last portion since it wasn't needed for context.  However, notice this paragraph: Eph 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Paul wrote:  do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God.  In his book The Forgotten God, Francis Chan views this as refusing the promptings of the Holy Spirit too many times.  Not like there's an absolute number, but when it gets to the point where the routine normal thing to do is saying no to God.  I really like the book - and I agree that saying no too often would grieve the Holy Spirit. Keep in mind that we are to be disciples of Jesus, followers.  And that the Holy Spirit, as Paul also writes, is the mind of Christ.  Therefore, continuously saying no to the Holy Spirit amounts to essentially refusing to follow Jesus. That leads to a conclusion about the relationship between the two passages we just looked at - one by Jesus and one by Paul.  But let's look at the Greek word that we read as "grieve". 3076 λυπέω v. From 3077; TDNT 4:313; TDNTA 540; GK 3382; 26 occurrences; AV translates as “be sorrowful” six times, “grieve” six times, “make sorry” six times, “be sorry” three times, “sorrow” three times, “cause grief” once, and “be in heaviness” once. 1 to make sorrowful. 2 to affect with sadness, cause grief, to throw into sorrow. 3 to grieve, offend. 4 to make one uneasy, cause him a scruple.  Strong, J. (1995). Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon. Woodside Bible Fellowship. So - if we compare the two passages, and the two Greek words (not necessarily the current meaning of the English words) - it seems reasonable that grieve the Holy Spirit is at least part of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. Frequently saying "no!" to Jesus seems to fit under evil speaking.  Seems like it to me, anyway. Next, for the Catholic readers.  You may think that mortal sins are not forgiven.  The excerpt below is from the second edition of The Catechism of the Catholic Church. IV. THE GRAVITY OF SIN: MORTAL AND VENIAL SIN 1854 Sins are rightly evaluated according to their gravity. The distinction between mortal and venial sin, already evident in Scripture, became part of the tradition of the Church. It is corroborated by human experience. 1855 Mortal sin destroys charity in the heart of man by a grave violation of God's law; it turns man away from God, who is his ultimate end and his beatitude, by preferring an inferior good to him. Venial sin allows charity to subsist, even though it offends and wounds it. 1856 Mortal sin, by attacking the vital principle within us - that is, charity - necessitates a new initiative of God's mercy and a conversion of heart which is normally accomplished within the setting of the sacrament of reconciliation: When the will sets itself upon something that is of its nature incompatible with the charity that orients man toward his ultimate end, then the sin is mortal by its very object . . . whether it contradicts the love of God, such as blasphemy or perjury, or the love of neighbor, such as homicide or adultery. . . . But when the sinner's will is set upon something that of its nature involves a disorder, but is not opposed to the love of God and neighbor, such as thoughtless chatter or immoderate laughter and the like, such sins are venial.  1857 For a sin to be mortal, three conditions must together be met: "Mortal sin is sin whose object is grave matter and which is also committed with full knowledge and deliberate consent."  1858 Grave matter is specified by the Ten Commandments, corresponding to the answer of Jesus to the rich young man: "Do not kill, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor your father and your mother." The gravity of sins is more or less great: murder is graver than theft. One must also take into account who is wronged: violence against parents is in itself graver than violence against a stranger. 1859 Mortal sin requires full knowledge and complete consent. It presupposes knowledge of the sinful character of the act, of its opposition to God's law. It also implies a consent sufficiently deliberate to be a personal choice. Feigned ignorance and hardness of heart do not diminish, but rather increase, the voluntary character of a sin. 1860 Unintentional ignorance can diminish or even remove the imputability of a grave offense. But no one is deemed to be ignorant of the principles of the moral law, which are written in the conscience of every man. The promptings of feelings and passions can also diminish the voluntary and free character of the offense, as can external pressures or pathological disorders. Sin committed through malice, by deliberate choice of evil, is the gravest. 1861 Mortal sin is a radical possibility of human freedom, as is love itself. It results in the loss of charity and the privation of sanctifying grace, that is, of the state of grace. If it is not redeemed by repentance and God's forgiveness, it causes exclusion from Christ's kingdom and the eternal death of hell, for our freedom has the power to make choices for ever, with no turning back. However, although we can judge that an act is in itself a grave offense, we must entrust judgment of persons to the justice and mercy of God. 1862 One commits venial sin when, in a less serious matter, he does not observe the standard prescribed by the moral law, or when he disobeys the moral law in a grave matter, but without full knowledge or without complete consent. 1863 Venial sin weakens charity; it manifests a disordered affection for created goods; it impedes the soul's progress in the exercise of the virtues and the practice of the moral good; it merits temporal punishment. Deliberate and unrepented venial sin disposes us little by little to commit mortal sin. However venial sin does not break the covenant with God. With God's grace it is humanly reparable. "Venial sin does not deprive the sinner of sanctifying grace, friendship with God, charity, and consequently eternal happiness."  While he is in the flesh, man cannot help but have at least some light sins. But do not despise these sins which we call "light": if you take them for light when you weigh them, tremble when you count them. A number of light objects makes a great mass; a number of drops fills a river; a number of grains makes a heap. What then is our hope? Above all, confession. 1864 "Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven." There are no limits to the mercy of God, but anyone who deliberately refuses to accept his mercy by repenting, rejects the forgiveness of his sins and the salvation offered by the Holy Spirit. Such hardness of heart can lead to final impenitence and eternal loss. Now, having said all that, notice #1864, at the end of it all. 1864 "Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven." There are no limits to the mercy of God, but anyone who deliberately refuses to accept his mercy by repenting, rejects the forgiveness of his sins and the salvation offered by the Holy Spirit. Such hardness of heart can lead to final impenitence and eternal loss. What is the real unforgivable sin in Catholicism? The Catholic Catechism uses the same verse as I did, from the passage we looked at, titled Murder in the NIV.  The very same one.  And if you read the intent of the Catechism, rather than getting stuck on what we might think it says, the result is exactly what I pointed out earlier. There is one - repeat one - unforgivable sin.  The mortal sins talked about in the Catholic church are the ones that lead us to a point of saying "no!" to the Holy Spirit.  Saying "no!" to Jesus.  It's not any one, two, or any other absolute limiting number of "mortal" sins that's unforgivable.  Rather, the unforgivable thing is when we start saying "no!" to the Holy Spirit without even a second thought. Finally. I also want to point out what the Catechism says about venial sins. Deliberate and unrepented venial sin disposes us little by little to commit mortal sin. However venial sin does not break the covenant with God. With God's grace it is humanly reparable. "Venial sin does not deprive the sinner of sanctifying grace, friendship with God, charity, and consequently eternal happiness."  Venial sin, in and of itself, isn't something that will separate us from God.  However, they can have the effect of leading us to think they're pretty much nothing to worry about.  We just commit them, time after time after time ...  Next thing you know, we're on to bigger and worse things.  Then we end up saying "no!" more and more often.  Sound familiar?  It's about the condition of our hearts, not about the actual sin.  Why isn't it about the sin?  Simple, it's because every sin is forgivable, except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.  Period.   What about the deadly sins? I have to say, this has been a good refresher for me.  Having left the Catholic Church many, many years ago, it's hard to remember all the gory details of something I no longer follow.   Anyway, here's the thing on those so-called deadly sins, from Christianity.com. The seven deadly sins, as identified by Pope Gregory 1 in the late sixth century, are considered categories of sin: pride, envy, wrath, gluttony, lust, sloth, and greed. Many think the deadly seven are recorded in the Bible. Surprisingly, even though each of the seven is a sin, this list is not contained in Scripture. The history of the sin categorization began in the year 400. Evargius Ponticus a fourth century monk, described eight evils to resist. Two centuries later Pope Gregory 1, refined the inventory to seven. Almost every sin can be placed in one of these seven categories. Isaiah 14:13-14 tells us pride and selfishness are related to each of the seven and are viewed as the root causes of all sin. The Christianity site also addresses the question of whether these "deadly" sins can be forgiven. Yes, God can forgive all sins. No sin is greater or more deadly than another (Romans 6:23). There are some sins that bear more earthly consequences than others. For instance, murder has larger consequences than sinful anger. No matter the sin, the eternal consequences are the same— a separation from a holy God. But no sin too big or too bad that God cannot forgive (1 John 1:9). Rather than make you look them up, here are the referenced verses, with the entire passage for context. Slaves to Righteousness Ro 6:15 What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means! 16 Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness? 17 But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted. 18 You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness. Ro 6:19 I put this in human terms because you are weak in your natural selves. Just as you used to offer the parts of your body in slavery to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer them in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness. 20 When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness. 21 What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? Those things result in death! 22 But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. 23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Again, the specific verse is the last one: 23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. The wages of sin is death.  Ultimately, my question is going to be about who is / are the sinner(s) in this whole abortion process - whether one actually happens or not. What's the difference between actually having an abortion versus considering one? In that light, let's also not forget what Jesus said about thinking something evil versus actually doing it. So adultery isn't really any different from looking at a woman the wrong way.  In that light, is having an abortion any different from seriously considering having one?  You may think, what's the big deal?  Surely the woman who actually had an abortion is worse than the one who didn't.  However, Jesus says that's not true.  Both have the same impact.  If anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart then it only seems reasonable that anyone who seriously considers having an abortion has already had an abortion in their heart. And if that's the case, what has been accomplished by preventing the abortion?  Some Christians might feel better about themselves for having prevented one, but isn't the "heart" of the problem long before the abortion actually takes place?  Hold that thought as we continue.   Here's the other passage referenced in the excerpt about the deadly sins.  The full passage is even longer, but I've kept enough of it go give context to what John is saying.  Remember - the quoted verse is 1Jn 1:9. Walking in the Light 1Jn 1:5 This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. 6 If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. 1Jn 1:8 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives. 1Jn 2:1 My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. 2 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. 1Jn 2:3 We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands. 4 The man who says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 5 But if anyone obeys his word, God’s love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: 6 Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did. 1Jn 2:7 Dear friends, I am not writing you a new command but an old one, which you have had since the beginning. This old command is the message you have heard. 8 Yet I am writing you a new command; its truth is seen in him and you, because the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining. 1Jn 2:9 Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness. 10 Whoever loves his brother lives in the light, and there is nothing in him to make him stumble. 11 But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness; he does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded him. ...  Are there unconfessed sins in the abortion / anti-abortion process? In light of what we've seen, and of what's coming next, pay attention to that verse: 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. My question will be - who has sinned in the process of having an abortion?  And just as importantly, in the ways that Christians often act in the process of trying to prevent an abortion?  And while we're at it - after the abortion?  Or even after an abortion doesn't take place?  Food for thought.  Some of those will be addressed later in this series. I said at the very beginning that we'd look at two things in here.   ... this is strictly a Biblical viewpoint of both the woman (or girl) having the abortion.  And also the Christian whose primary goal is to stop the abortion from taking place. So after all this, what about the Christian whose primary goal is to stop the abortion?  If that's you, I have a question for you.  By now, you know I consider abortion to be a sin.  You also know that I believe the Bible says even considering having an abortion is a sin.  And that the penalties for either one - considering an abortion and actually having one - are the same?  I wrote a little about that in If you stop abortion – so what?  I'll be going into greater detail later in this series.  Just want to get my viewpoint up front right away.  Before I ask that question.  Because the question is - do you think there's any sin involved in preventing an abortion and then walking away?  Depending on the statistics you read, it seems that about half of the pregnancies are done by unwed mothers.  About 3/4ths of the total number of abortions are for poor people.  Based on the numbers, many of those unwed mothers are, therefore, also poor. Conclusion - Is abortion the only pro-life issue? Now, consider something Jesus said. I don't want you to get lost in the weeds here, but there's something about when Jesus said  that you may not be aware of.  It's not obvious in the English translation.   You probably think it only says not to prevent the little children from coming to Jesus.  In the Greek, it actually says we should help them.  If we think about that for a moment - it actually makes more sense that we should help them. Of course, where it gets really messy is when we consider who is the "child".  Of course, in my discussion - it's not the fetus / baby.  It's the mother.  The mother who wants to follow Jesus - but is in a place where she doesn't know what to do.  She's not married.  She's too poor to support a baby.  And she can't work two or three part-time low paying jobs and still take care of her baby.  She doesn't know what to do.  She doesn't really want to have an abortion.  But doesn't know what else to do, because the Christians are screaming at her to not have the abortion.  But then if she has the baby, she also knows those many of those same Christians have, under the name of their political party, made it pretty much impossible for her to support the child.  And, few of them will offer any kind of help. Tell me.  Who all sinned in that scenario? We'll get into the answers to that question in the next part of this series on abortion. Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay   Read the full article
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