an-amateur-sappho · 3 months
Hm... that's interesting.
A lot of ideas, maybe enough to do something. I'll look into it further.
Thank you, Xander.
Hello Hatchetfield! So I'm currently taking any and all suggestions on what to write for a new play! :D
Feel free to reblog and comment any ideas you have!
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an-amateur-sappho · 3 months
Hm... but, what would drive the plot forward?
The leading cast could be a religious family but- what would make the story interesting?
Hello Hatchetfield! So I'm currently taking any and all suggestions on what to write for a new play! :D
Feel free to reblog and comment any ideas you have!
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an-amateur-sappho · 3 months
Hello Hatchetfield! So I'm currently taking any and all suggestions on what to write for a new play! :D
Feel free to reblog and comment any ideas you have!
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an-amateur-sappho · 3 months
[Alice nods, staring at her while holding the packet.]
"That's correct, however there's something special about a subject-verb agreement, and it has to do with singular and plural subjects and verbs. What do you think that is?"
Hey! Just wanted to check if the tutoring session was still on, since I just finished my grocery run and realized that y’know.
I could help you do that :)
hi alice! yeah it absolutely is! just lmk when you can be there
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an-amateur-sappho · 3 months
"Oh, but um before I forget, originally I wanted to go through a whole test and see how you'd fare, showing you what you may have done wrong but.. I think I'd rather do these packets maybe a few pages every time, making sure I explain and check thoroughly, you know?"
[She looks at Lex quickly, before looking back down at the packet. Something about speaking to her made her nervous, and especially talking about the shortened studies.]
[This meant they'd spend more time with one another. That's not a bad thing! In fact, it may do her well. But- why did she feel so nervous saying that?]
"Alright, next question. It's asking you to name the subject verb agreement in the passage. What do you think it is?"
Hey! Just wanted to check if the tutoring session was still on, since I just finished my grocery run and realized that y’know.
I could help you do that :)
hi alice! yeah it absolutely is! just lmk when you can be there
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an-amateur-sappho · 3 months
[Alice redirects her focus to the passage, reading it quietly to herself before nodding yes.]
"Yeah, that's what I'd say too. See? One question done. You did a nice job of explaining yourself, too."
Hey! Just wanted to check if the tutoring session was still on, since I just finished my grocery run and realized that y’know.
I could help you do that :)
hi alice! yeah it absolutely is! just lmk when you can be there
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an-amateur-sappho · 3 months
[She shook her head, smiling and laughing softly from her quip. But, Alice looks up, hearing Lex answer after.]
"Really? How can you tell? I'm only asking because usually- I don't know, they'd want to reference where you found your source of reasoning for these type of exams."
Hey! Just wanted to check if the tutoring session was still on, since I just finished my grocery run and realized that y’know.
I could help you do that :)
hi alice! yeah it absolutely is! just lmk when you can be there
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an-amateur-sappho · 3 months
"Oh- I see. So- it's asking to analyze the sentence and asking what we can infer about the narrator in the paragraph it references. So- what can you tell? Do they seem annoyed, happy, or maybe even sad from the text?"
[Alice internally cringed from the explanation, where she can't even get whatever the hell she was saying.]
Hey! Just wanted to check if the tutoring session was still on, since I just finished my grocery run and realized that y’know.
I could help you do that :)
hi alice! yeah it absolutely is! just lmk when you can be there
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an-amateur-sappho · 3 months
[She flips to the first page while taking out a highlighter smiling and shaking her head as she presents Lex with the first question in the packet.]
"Whatever you say, Lex. Anyways, take a look at the first question. I highlighted the main part, what it's asking for, basically."
"Can you see what we're trying to answer for?"
Hey! Just wanted to check if the tutoring session was still on, since I just finished my grocery run and realized that y’know.
I could help you do that :)
hi alice! yeah it absolutely is! just lmk when you can be there
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an-amateur-sappho · 3 months
[As Alice tries to prepare and take the first packet, she looks at Lex struggle to drink her coffee, making her laugh slightly.]
"The coffee taste ok?"
Hey! Just wanted to check if the tutoring session was still on, since I just finished my grocery run and realized that y’know.
I could help you do that :)
hi alice! yeah it absolutely is! just lmk when you can be there
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an-amateur-sappho · 3 months
hi Alice! Do you have any tips for getting out of writers block?
Hm.. look up ideas on Pinterest, read some books, um..
Break up with someone?
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an-amateur-sappho · 3 months
[Her eyes widen at the stack of papers Lex pulls out, intimidated by the work. Alice pulls another packet out, flipping through the pages and skimming through the words and questions.]
"I... me neither, Alice. Not quite yet, at least. But- let's go through this one question at a time, ok? It will make it easier to understand later."
Hey! Just wanted to check if the tutoring session was still on, since I just finished my grocery run and realized that y’know.
I could help you do that :)
hi alice! yeah it absolutely is! just lmk when you can be there
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an-amateur-sappho · 3 months
[Her eyes widen, laughing a bit.]
"Yeah, just be careful. They make their hot drinks hot."
[As Alice sips a bit of her tea, she looks at Lex, a bit nervous.]
"If I'm all that honest.. I didn't prepare anything? I was on my phone- but, I'm at your disposal if you have any problems with English and whatnot, especially if you can show me what you need help with."
Hey! Just wanted to check if the tutoring session was still on, since I just finished my grocery run and realized that y’know.
I could help you do that :)
hi alice! yeah it absolutely is! just lmk when you can be there
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an-amateur-sappho · 3 months
Aw, looks amazing, Ethan!
Leather jackets aren’t my style, but I’d love to get one.
Where’d you get it?
👍👍👍 hehe i got a new fuckin jacket
Tumblr media
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an-amateur-sappho · 3 months
[Alice nods, getting up from her seat to wait in line to order. She continued to pinch the sleeve of her sweater as she waited, trying to soothe herself from an unknown feeling.]
{Maybe I'm coming on too strong? I'm too friendly, aren't I?}
[She returns with their orders, handing the mug of hot black coffee over to Lex as Alice sets down her green tea and cookie before sitting down.]
"Here you go. So, would you like me to help now, or after you had your coffee?"
Hey! Just wanted to check if the tutoring session was still on, since I just finished my grocery run and realized that y’know.
I could help you do that :)
hi alice! yeah it absolutely is! just lmk when you can be there
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an-amateur-sappho · 3 months
[Alice blinks and stops for a bit, processing the idea of Lex getting a black coffee before work.]
"Huh. I mean, with the sheer bitterness of a cup, it would most likely keep you up. Do you want anything else? A bite?"
Hey! Just wanted to check if the tutoring session was still on, since I just finished my grocery run and realized that y’know.
I could help you do that :)
hi alice! yeah it absolutely is! just lmk when you can be there
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an-amateur-sappho · 3 months
"Okay, then. What kind of coffee do you want? You have any preferences? I usually only order tea and pastries here, so I'm not quite sure what's good and not."
Hey! Just wanted to check if the tutoring session was still on, since I just finished my grocery run and realized that y’know.
I could help you do that :)
hi alice! yeah it absolutely is! just lmk when you can be there
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