#redemption for the fallen
may12324 · 11 months
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Astarion - Little Star
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So here's the thing: This post
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Everyone's honest reaction to that information:
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Look I know it's not exactly the "BEST" but they're the first on the list so let's just bear with me for the comedic effect, 'ight? *bow*
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akystaracer22 · 8 months
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So I kept seeing designs of Sinner!Adam around and most of them kind of reminded me a little too much of Mammon so I took my own crack at it focusing more on his human appearance.
And I’m not sorry about the results
Design notes and Adam without eyeshadow under the cut!
Design notes:
His left wing is ruined as a way to keep him in hell. Unlike most fallen angels I feel like Adam would actively try and just fly back to heaven, this stops that
The single ruined wing is also a fuck you to Adam. He can’t fly but he still has wings, even gliding would be problematic because of a lack of balance. It’d something he’d quickly grow to hate
The actual coloration of the wings is inspired by fire, since fire has an association with Rock and Roll. Furthermore this follows one of the kind of inspirations: Icarus. The boy who flew for the heavens only to burn and fall. The embers and orange on the topside reflect this as does the underside of the wings. So does the jacket.
With his eyes, I initially just did the normal yellow and black, looked at it, decided he looked too much like a homesick character, and gave him his light yellow iris as a nod to him being a fallen angel. The red fuzz around them is the sinner bit.
His horns come from his mask, but I muddied up the gold part as a way of saying “they’re real this time” the base was uh… kind of maybe inspired by Karlach horns? Don’t judge me.
His face looks incredibly similar to his winner one for a reason! He never took his mask off, even in heaven. It’s something that bugged me so I decided that’d be the main thing he hates, his face is exposed. He probably has some insecurity around his looks (losing both wives to the same man will do that to you) so he’s no longer allowed to hide behind a mask.
The rocks on his cheeks also help with this, he can’t really get a mask made for him because they get in the way, same as the horns.
The sharp teeth are a tie in to Lucifer actually! They both get to have shark teeth
He gets to keep his punk rock jacket, as a treat.
Here’s him without eyeshadow/makeup:
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the-owl-tree · 5 months
for battle cat requests - sandstorm?
gave her them sighthound pantaloons
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artificial-absinthe · 3 months
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I wanna be your dog
So messed up, I want you here
In my room, I want you near
Now we're gonna be face-to-face
And I'll lay right down in my favorite place.
Now I wanna be your dog
now I wanna be your dog
now I wanna be your dog.
Well, come on!
And now I'm ready to close my eyes
And now I'm ready to close my mind
And now I'm ready to feel your hand
And lose my heart on the burning sands.
And now I wanna be your dog.
Well, come on!
Cover by Exedra
(Original by The Stooges)
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Video lapse with song:
From my Megasound playlist.
Super resolution.
The song:
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jackshiccup · 9 months
despite knowing what was going to happen, snotlout's redemption and eventual downfall was so so heartbreaking to me. we spend the past 10 books witnessing how much he's tormented and bullied hiccup that we all feel the same anger and frustration and resentment as fishlegs does in the beginning of 11. i was, maybe, even rooting for something a little bad to happen to him so that he can feel even a fraction of the humiliation that he put hiccup through. but time and time again hiccup, with his inherent goodness and wonderful capacity to always try and see the best in people, reminds us that people need and deserve second chances. even third, fourth and fifth chances. even when hiccup was faced with the certainty that snotlout was set on betraying him from the start.
that's why it was so satisfying to get to the emotional catharsis of the swordfight. snotlout practically begging for hiccup to hate him and hiccup genuinely not having it in him to be able to. and even after that, even after he disarms hiccup and is seconds from killing him - he doesn't. and then hiccup comforts snotlout through it. he tells him words that snotlout didn't know he's been desperate to hear. he tells him he's being too hard on himself. he tells him he's a hero. he opens a door inside snotlout's life for the first time in a long time. despite everything, he offers him another choice to join the dragonmarkers. and snotlout accepts. he bows to hiccup, he calls him king, pledges his sword to his service forever, shakes his hand and chooses to bear the dragonmark.
and it's this moment we finally seeing the seeds of change planted in snotlout sprout - instigated by gobber teaching him a lesson in the amber slavelands and reminding him what the black star represents: pride, honour, bravery. all the times we see snotlout give in to vulnerability and ponder on his choices, he's always holding onto it. which makes it all the more symbolic when he hangs it around hiccup's neck during his last act of valour.
just like how the book tells us that the tides can change so fast, through hiccup, my heart was able to give snotlout another chance too. and it's because of hiccup's belief in snotlout's potential for more that makes you feel so strongly about his death. snotlout's excitement at finally being on hiccup's side, at doing what's right, at having the opportunity to actually be a hero - we can't help but feel that burst of pride, we can't help but root for him. and so we feel the loss, as hiccup did. and it's a point driven home when hiccup ends the epilogue with how he’s carried snotlout and his sacrifice with him all throughout his life. and how time has rubbed away at the black star.
that now the star doesn't look black at all. just gold.
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yumethefrostypanda · 18 days
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Arthur Morgan Red Dead Redemption 2
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quotidianish · 2 months
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Me when I only redesign characters Adam has a relation too anyway BIBLE YAOI BLAST
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arthursfuckinghat · 7 months
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sandraharissa · 8 months
I totally agree with the observation many ppl made that it's clear that in the song Alastor is just lying and manipulating for some reason and says what he says more bcos of Lucifer than Charlie but I also kinda anticipate that in some regard he's gonna be humanized/redeemed so I do think he'll form somewhat of a genuine bond at minimum with Charlie at some point in the future (maybe s2 or s3).
Cos Charlie believed everything Alastor was saying and already in this episode we met Mimzy with the whole "wow I didn't know Alastor had friends" and "he's a kitten", in the next we'll meet Rosie and it looks like Alastor takes Charlie to her to show her that ppl support her and will help her defend the hotel, so it's kinda funny how before the song Alastor doesn't do any real bonding with Charlie so to the audience it's clear it's all bs but he might do it in the very next ep that comes out.
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It's also possible Vaggie is not anymore in the picture (big maybe), which could make Charlie more reliant on Alastor for the first time for real emotional support. And this is all happening very soon after he claimed they have this special bond and she's like his daughter so why wouldn't she turn to him.
Now don't get me wrong I totally expect Alastor to do some truly fucked up shit first but if the hotel ever is to prove that truly anyone can be redeemed then what better example is there than Alastor bettering himself (probs not becoming an angel tho cos we know it's not his style).
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You know what slaps? Every fucking time?
When the villain becomes the hero and the hero becomes the villain.
And not in that bullshit “oh, the good guys were really the bad guys the whole time uwu”. I mean when a real villain, a dark and cruel monster genuinely sees the error of their ways and strives to be better in tandem with a real and true hero sliding down the path of hate and evil and then, one day, they look at each other and realize they’ve swapped places.
Like, it’s the symmetry. The monster becoming human and the human becoming a monster. The villain starting to see clearly, understanding that even if there’s no forgiveness for them they have to rise above what they were and try to be better. Meanwhile the hero deludes themself further and further, isolating and growing bitter with every step until they finally snap and become the very thing they fought against.
It doesn’t get any better than that.
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chiconisroc · 3 months
Chapter 6 is up for "Just Want To Rock" Adam redemption fanfiction from hazbin hotel
What if Adam fell, but instead of being angry and miserable, he’s just having a great time in his existence in a world with no rules? Especially when he’s powerful?
Meanwhile, Charlie is doing all she can to find a way to take him back to Heaven. Because, in her mind, there is no way anyone would prefer Hell over Heaven, right?
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vertigoartgore · 1 month
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Star Wars Galaxy 2 "Darth Vader Unmasked" Trading Card Art (1993) by Sylvain Despretz.
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magpie-trove · 14 days
Something so so deeply radically wonderfully creatively redemptive in thank you Aimee though
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artificial-absinthe · 6 months
cybernetic/robotic interfacing
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This: pleasure (Soundwave and Megatron interfacing) "You deserve other than treason"
Megatron has never known solace, fulfillment or any sort of pleasure different from that of violence or murder. Soundwave assist .
Full image under the cut
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Read in Ao3
This is my first purely er°tic writing, where I introduce how I conceive interfacing. I'm using the se x ual interfacing tag for approximation only, as I'm not adopting the widely spread and assimilated fan made conception of valve and spike penetration, too similar to organic intercourse. I wanted to explore the idea of an intimacy that is not derived from human ways. No valve nor spike here. My vision is purely robotic and cybernetic, and inherently se x less, involving chords, ports and networks solely, but also meaning a sensorial stimulation, and even, a more intimate engagement.
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Into the lighthouse (9246 words) by ARTificial_Absinthe Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Transformers - All Media Types, Transformers: Prime Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Megatron/Soundwave (Transformers), Megatron/Orion Pax (past and implied) Characters: Megatron (Transformers), Soundwave (Transformers)
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Series: Part 2 of The ever-dying sun
Summary: Megatron has spent all of his life in darkness, in every possible way. Now, no longer a miner, no longer a gladiator, no longer ignorant nor cautious, he claims new life and a new world of his own as he claimed a new name, and he shall get it. Loss and new casted shadows inevitably came with it, but there's a constant he can always rely on, a shaft of purple light. Soundwave is always willing to aid Megatron. He led him out of ignorance, he'll help him to raise from the low, and there's still one more thing he can help with, one more thing that he can still teach to his Lord. Or, "Soundwave introduces Megatron to interface pleasures." Takes place after the High Council audience that plunged the world into war.
Super resolution of the art available at patreon
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bonefall · 1 year
It would be funny if people channeled aither Appledusk or Frecklewish for protection against Mapleshade SPECIFICALLY. They protect cats that are haunted by her for no other reason then petty spite.
I lean towards Frecklewish on a more general level because she is spiteful in the dark forest
With Apple I got the idea that it is a sort of unspoken dark secret in river clan since that's where his bloodline is. It just exists as an old ghost story that is told "If you are ever haunted by a ghostly Calico Cat, go to the old apple tree and say a damned man's name three times." And everyone just thinks it as a weird folk story.
Anyways, main point is that ghost curse horror movie Mapleshade is a really good idea
Frecklewish would RELISH the chance the beat the snot out of Mapleshade. Mostly the thing that would stand in the way is that Frecklewish shares no relation to the Applekin and even has a bit of a grudge of her own, but she is totally the sort of person who would put that aside for the chance to beat Maple's face in.
Appledusk could probably be channeled easily, just find a crabapple tree and strip its bark at sunset, but BB!Apple is kind of a pushover. He has a lot of regrets about his life, and hopes for atonement so that he may one day join StarClan. He may have mixed feelings on granting requests.
I'd say that he's good for undoing Maple's curses, but not going to town with her.
Frecklewish is DEFINITELY hard to get ahold of for some reason. You probably need something that adders produce... but if you call for her, she's there immediately.
Not to mention, though, the StarClan cats who are open for invocation. Maybe I should give Stormpaw's Demon a bit of a theme of "information loss" between generations as a result of neglect... Duskwater taught Rainflower how to cope with her curse, but Rainflower did not pass on the information to her own children, and they have to "re-discover" the wisdom that she should have given them.
Will make for a pretty awesome moment when one of them is able to get the attention of Petalstar.
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