seashellsoldier · 1 year
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hollytanaka · 7 months
Lol apparently an (ex) Sledgehammer dev for COD is accusing Infinity Ward of being SJW, anti-American and ultra far left.
Sir, this is a military FPS video game. Be fucking for real.
Edit: God I wish it were those things, so they can stop putting fucking Isra*li operators in multiplayer that no one actually wants to play as.
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for the sake of one’s sanity and capacity for empathy and political cooperation you really do have to block and avoid most march in lockstep, ardently anti-anybody to the left of hillary clinton liberals online. remember that broad based political coalitions are nonnegotiable for any meaningful movement and any meaningful change and ignore these freaks
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dailymarinefish · 2 months
day 107, 10/05/24 - fish of the day is the redbait (Emmelichthys nitidus)
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workersolidarity · 10 months
The New York Times has always acted as the propaganda arm of the State Dept., Pentagon and US Defense Contractors.
The State Dept has spent the last year pushing anti-China narratives and, like clockwork, the New York Times, acting on behalf of the Neocons in the State Dept., starts redbaiting and pushing BS stories to manufacture consent for a conflict with China.
Think of the balloon escapades...
It seems the Pentagon and the State Dept are already prepared to move on from Ukraine (now that it's become obvious they're losing) so they can restock their ammunition supplies in preparation for a proxy war, self-destructive economic war and, if need be, a hot war.
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chicago-geniza · 1 year
She's so smart and so infuriatingly stupid in very specific ways and it makes me want to bash my head in with a brick lmfao. Because I love suffering and I don't have a job I am writing a long tirade about the discursive origins of "woke," redbaiting, historic precedent for conflating Black civil rights + political identity movements with anti-American activities during McCarthy era, Marcus Garvey, etc.; I doubt anybody else is going to tell her and she has 33K followers and she thinks it is a real ideology/movement when that is literally just a right-wing talking point. Agnes you have got to get out of Hyde Park lol
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chimalpahin · 2 years
Guess twitter is dying
Time to bring cuttlefish to tumblr ;)
Below - What if money laundering but for state craft technologies?
Data Point: Columnist Jack Anderson exposed Remote Viewing program in 1990s and also arranged payoff to Oliver Kisich in 1950's.
(at least if we believe Westbrook Pegler, which for all his bile, didn't seem to be given to libel)
"Remote Viewing" was exposed as money-wasting flakeology by bumbing imperial bureaucrats same way CCF was exposed as literary redbaiting.
SRI's remote viewing was as much about ESP as the Paris Review was founded to publish short stories https://t.co/ChX8CKv4R4
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theparanoid · 2 years
Redbait - Cages
(2019, full EP)
[Crust Punk, Powerviolence]
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kakodaimones · 3 days
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"...I could have been in Congress. Run in '48, redbait and sell the mouth-breathing California rabble on some cooked up fake Navy hero backstory. Fuck, I could have been President by 1960. Had to go into fucking engineering and start playing around with a bunch of doped up Pasadena satanists instead."
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“Maybe one day it might become a criminal offense to allow someone to go hungry.”
I plan to visit Spain for the first time later this year and I just ordered novels and non-fiction about Spain from my local library after I reviewed lists and links my cousin Marty, a retired Spanish teacher and traveler, sent to me. I added a few films to my list after I did a quick search of Netflix. I was a bit surprised to find “The Good Fight” there – a 1984 documentary about US citizens who went to Spain to fight for the Republic against Franco in the 1930’s prior to the US entry into WWII. I had seen it years ago and I watched it again last week to refresh my memory about Spain’s peasants and workers struggles against the Franco dictatorship. It is a film that is well worth watching if you haven’t seen it.
Before I went to college I had never even heard of the Spanish Civil War. Luckily I took a class from Dr. Robert Colodny, a veteran of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade who had almost been drummed out of the University of Pittsburgh during the McCarthy era. He managed to survive redbaiting attacks and taught history there until his retirement. He wrote a moving short memoir about his time in Spain and he taught us about the failures of US policy in preventing Hitler and Franco from defeating a democracy and installing Franco as dictator of Spain where he ruled until the 1970’s. My dad was a somewhat Archie Bunker kind of conservative. Like a lot of parents and right-wing politicians in those days he blamed my activism on those “radical professors” and I guess he was at least partially correct.
What is really moving about the film are the stories of several veterans of the Brigade – male and female, African-American and white, Christian, Jew and atheist – who risked death, loss of citizenship, and extreme hardship in Spain to step in and fight against Fascism because they identified with the working class of Spain. The US government refused to intervene or send supplies and arms to the Republican army that defended the democracy in Spain. The Abraham Lincoln Brigade was the USA’s first truly racially integrated army. Half of the American citizens in the brigade died in Spain.
Many Americans worked in the United States to support the Republicans. They petitioned the government to lift the embargo on Republican Spain to send arms to the Republic. Union workers held fundraising events, collected goods – food, clothing, ambulances – as did Harvard students and workers. Cab Calloway and Fats Waller entertained at a Dance for Spain and A. Philip Randolph, Helen Keller, John Houseman, Albert Einstein, Langston Hughes, Dorothy Parker, Paul Robeson and Lillian Hellman all spoke out against Hitler and Franco. In 1938 “Blockade,” a film starring Henry Fonda as a Spanish peasant, highlighted the struggles against Fascism. Eventually 75% of Americans who knew enough to have an opinion supported lifting the blockade, but it was never lifted – and US oil companies sold oil to the Fascists and the government allowed Germany and Italy to arm them – up until we were attacked at Pearl Harbor. Sounds familiar huh?
The American Lincoln Brigade was forced to leave Spain as the Republic fell to Franco and the forces backed by Hitler. Bill Bailey, a worker featured in the film, was – along with many of the returning volunteers- branded as a “premature anti-Fascist.” In other words, since they opposed Hitler before our government and corporations did, they were blocked from work, threatened with loss of their citizenship and faced with other reprisals. But Bill said as he left Spain, “You didn’t think in terms of defeat because the people were there cheering for us. We felt we were going to carry on in another front – even if it wasn’t in Spain.”
Despite the defeat of the Republic of Spain, the loss of so many volunteers from the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, and the failure of the United States government to defend the people who identified Hitler as a threat and worked to defeat his armies prior to our country’s entry into World War II, Bill tried to hold on to his optimism throughout his life. In his interview, he said that he keeps on fighting because “maybe one day it might become a criminal offense to allow someone to go hungry.”
And isn’t that what many of us who are engaged in our own versions of “the good fight” hope for? That one day, it will be more of a crime to deny the humanity and survival of other human beings and our planet than to rob a bank?
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newswireml · 1 year
Nicholas Goldberg: What I learned about myself at the Richard M. Nixon museum#Nicholas #Goldberg #learned #Richard #Nixon #museum
In the house where I grew up, President Nixon was a villain. My parents voted against him every opportunity they got, and we all cheered when he resigned during his second term, flying off in ignominy from the White House lawn to a life outside the public eye. That he was a criminal, a warmonger, a bigot, a vicious redbaiter, a threat to the Constitution — these were unquestionable truths. So for…
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coffeeslot · 5 years
REDBAIT : Nazi Punks Fuck Off! (Dead Kennedys)
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skvaders · 6 years
❤️: favorite character?
Ahh I can’t choose between Rayla or Ezran
🔮: favorite magic user?
Favorite way they use magic has to be callum, but I like Claudia better :]
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ghostcultmagazine · 4 years
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EP REVIEW: Wretched Empires – Bloom EP I hadn't registered so much as a whisper of St Louis trio Wretched Empires…until I learned that vocalist Tom Ballard was also the frontman for UK Sludge-Doomers Allfather.
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programmehq · 5 years
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1 year ago this weekend... @redbaitstl from the @newagerecords 30 Year post-show. #redbait (at Programme Skate & Sound) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1mRGChH0n7/?igshid=f4b6jadmjws8
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crownquill · 3 years
Im watching a crab fishing show and
There is a suprising amount of drama
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