#redacted asmr drama
tommytomatoe · 3 months
i don’t understand erik’s intention behind treasure and porter having this serious conversation about wanting to get to know each other on a deeper level than just sex, and then having their very next audio be them getting handsy on a ferris wheel. like…
in porter’s latest video we definitely see parts of him opening up to treasure and them having little moments like when he says, “i can see you,” or him being overall more playful than we’ve seen him be in previous audios. it’s sweet but it all feels like it’s just building up to the sexual content later in the video. i get it, its “hot boi summer” and erik’s been doing this on his channel for a while now, but why not pick a different couple to showcase? why them? let’s flesh out treasure’s character more or have porter face some consequences of his past, literally anything but having porter bite them on a ferris wheel would’ve been good. sometimes i wish erik would tone it down with the sexy stuff. there’s other ways to write intimacy then just sex. 
i think it would’ve been more impactful for the story if the video would’ve ended with them just talking. maybe porter tells treasure about magic and the rest of the supernatural world, they freak out a bit, but he promises to protect them. or treasure opens up about feeling lonely around their friends and that’s something porter knows all too well, to be surrounded by others and not feel seen. there were so many routes erik could’ve taken but all were brushed over because horny, sex, blah blah blah
TLDR; don't let sex overshadow good storytelling
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go-away-pls-now · 1 year
Dear redacted fandom
I have little to no idea what's going on in the community but from what little I have seen I must ask you to pleas get your shit together.
People should be able to have fun in the community without worry of harassment or threats yes but people should also be able to have issues with his content and community and have the same rights.
As long as the person with the issue is being respectful they have every right to express dislike or concern on a topic in the fandom. And agree with the oppion or not you have no right to mass report them and shun them. You gotta have respectful and adult conversations and not be a dick.
Now to clear it up I know it's not all of you so this isn't aimed at all of you it's just the ones making issues,
and on a last note if anyone is willing to fill me in more on the drama I'd love to hear since TikTok and other sites have given my very little.
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asmrrpaddict · 2 months
I just realized what I need! I need Darlin’ or Lovely saving/protecting Sam or Vincent! The boys save them a number of times. I want to see the other way around.
Also Cutie reading someone’s mind and hearing they’re about to hurt Geordi and they take the hit instead.
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free-boundsoul · 3 months
I kinda want Kody to make an appearance during the Damn fam's roadtrip, see Freelancer and Dear hanging out together and immediately get jealous that they're with a different water elemental
"Oh I see you finally completed your little elemental collection, Raincloud."
And Dear just looks Kody up and down and says "If you were the first candidate, no wonder they waited."
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(blood below the cut)
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Lurched like a stray to the arms that were open
No shortage of sordid; no protest from me
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xanyiaz · 26 days
i'm never beating the furry allegations at this point in time bc hear me out-
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peraltuki · 9 months
Today makes a year since I joined the redacted fandom but it feels like abnormally more time has passed......
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tommytomatoe · 3 months
unpopular opinion but bright eyes is the cutest name out of all the redacted listeners
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brewinghorror · 2 years
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t4llhum4n · 11 months
More EA stuff because I'm starting to notice a trend
Am I the only one low-key siding with Porter a bit? Don't get me wrong, I know Vincent's turning wasn't his choice and he didn't have to be grateful for it by any means, but had Porter known the context, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have been so cruel. That "I.. didn't know," sounded genuine, like if he had, then he wouldn't have tried to beat the shit out of him for his insult. Was it stupid of him to make assumptions? Yeah. Was it even more stupid to get violent over rumor? Oh, hell yeah. Can Vincent really blame him for making those assumptions when he had nothing proving him otherwise (besides Sam saying a vague, "don't meddle in things you don't understand")? I mean, not really.
Neither party is right in my eyes -- let me make that clear. I'm just seeing an overwhelming amount of people on Vincent's side saying Porter was the one in the wrong. The way I see it, they were both in the wrong and kinda still are.
Anyway, what the fuck was up with Porter's sabbatical? Bro really said, "yo William didn't kick me out lmao but I'm not elaborating." Like sir. Please do. Please elaborate.
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belovedbow · 2 years
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imperium but freelancer and vindemiator remain on the run and the two have to come to learn to trust each other and more???
vindemiator wouldn’t get to feed much so he’d be tired a lot of the time and freelancer would keep a look out for any hunters while he rests
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free-boundsoul · 10 months
I'm not saying I had a rough night at work
But if Eric gives us Caelum tonight/tomorrow I'd probably cry (in a good way)
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and merguy
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soup-scope · 2 years
if erik ever decides to go back to the fred and bright eyes storyline i’m gonna be such a brighteyes dick rider
the second someone insults their character i’m emailing their school and their mothers
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vind3miat0r · 9 months
random hc 6: Avior acted as steward to Warden
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tommytomatoe · 3 months
early david's the type of dude to get super jealous seeing angel talking to another guy just to find out its their brother or some shit
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