#red's player is also a good friend of mine
nhaneh · 6 months
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@eriyu unfortunately not a whole lot of places I'm afraid! There's a brief summary on a portal for roleplayers on the Chaos (EU) datacentre but that's mostly it, so I'll try to add some more to that below.
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"Red", or M'irna Rahz to use her full birth name, is one of Kea's oldest and dearest fellow adventurer friends. They met pretty early on in Kea's career and ended up bonding over being "strays" who never really felt at home in more traditional Seeker society, as well as their shared appreciation for music and aetherolectric guitars.
Kea and Red tend to behave a lot like siblings, often trading various in-jokes and playful barbs with each other - Kea occasionally calls her "Marmot" after the M tribe totem, and it wouldn't surprise me if Red sometimes returns the favour an refer to Kea by "Gigantoad". It's all in good fun though, and they got each other's backs through thick and thin - both out on adventure and up on stage where they sometimes perform as the rock duo ROCCATS, combining Kea's tough, scrappy vibes with Red's much more refined and elegant aesthetics.
That elegance also carries its way into combat, with Red's favoured vocation of Red Mage making her a flashy and graceful fighter, dazzling enemies and allies alike - a stark contrast to Kea's generally more plain fierce and stubborn approach.
(also worth noting that the gpose in this post were done by Red's player and not by me!)
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solsays · 11 months
Lifers x Crane Wives
I saw someone comment on a life series TikTok or something to try and pair all of the lifers to a crane wives song, without repeating songs. so obviously I spent an hour doing it
Grian—Tongues & Teeth (self explanatory if you’ve EVER heard this song)
Scar—Steady, Steady (this whole song is about how their partner is walking out but they still want to be “wild and free” which is just SO Scar coded)
Tango—Ancient History (he keeps teaming up with Skizz and I feel like this song vibes with that, it also just feels very Tango)
Skizz—Icarus (this man always gives himself up for his teammates I swear, and he fuels them to keep going. It also says “oh brother, brother” which feels like Skizz talking to any of his teammates to me)
Impulse—Allies or Enemies (Impulse has been very iffy on a lot of his alliances throughout the seasons, especially in third life and with the amount of playing all sides that man has done this songs feels right)
Cleo—The Glacier House (this. this is literally just her leaving Fairy Fort. The song is talking to/about her from probably Lizzie’s perspective, but like the last line is 100% as if Cleo was speaking)
Bdubs—Unraveling (Bdubs relies so heavily on his teammates, and when he doesn’t have that stability *cough* Etho *cough* he just kinda doesn’t know what to do so this song fits)
Mumbo—Keep You Safe (this man is by no means an aggressive/reckless player [see: Joel or Martyn] and he feels like he’s just here for the vibes and honestly? Love that for him. This song is about fear not keeping you safe and watching your friends run high risks, which just is very accurate to how Mumbo plays this series. I also feel like he could fit Rockslide when he goes red cause he goes from standstill to “drop dead sprint” in terms of aggression)
Lizzie—Shallow River/New Colors (Lizzie is the only one I put as two because both of these songs are just so fitting. Shallow river—“wasted all for the title, wasted all for the crown” reminds me of Lizzie trying to kill Scott and ending up dying herself instead. I also feel like parts of it could be dead Lizzie talking to Joel, the only person who is really mourning her. New Colors—“don't tell me that I can't, I need this“ and “I give up my air, to breathe” also feel very accurate with how she is trying so hard and just keeps failing )
Jimmy—Canary in a Coal Mine (no further context needed, we all know Timmy)
Scott—Little Soldiers (this is very flower husbands, but also just feels like Scott looking back on the last seasons including Pearl, Jimmy, Martyn, all his reluctant exes. Also this man is the watchers’ like least favorite person ever and this gives that vibe)
Pearl—Ribs (i changed this from New Discovery because Ribs is entirely about somewhat angrily protecting and helping yourself because nobody else would, and it really strikes me as Pearl with the some things having been good (Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss) and some being bad (divorce quartet))
BigB—Not the Ghost (this man is so incredibly odd, he just constantly feels like he is being haunted by the watchers and just going about his life, he is the human personification of gaslight and we love that for him)
Martyn—The Hand That Feeds (he HATES the watchers with every ounce of his being, and with Ren gone I think this guy’s only purpose is just to spite them)
Joel—Sleeping Giants (go listen to it. That’s all there is to it, it just feels very Joel-ish, this lad is absolutely fucking mental)
Ren—Once & for All (this song feels like war and being betrayed, and Ren has been betrayed so much so it just fits. I mean come on “my blood’s forever on your hands” tell me that isn’t 100% something Ren would say)
Gem—Show Your Fangs (Girlboss moment, we love Geminislay. This woman is not someone to be underestimated and this song very clearly says that so it’s very Gem in my head. She doesn’t have enough lore yet to make it angsty but ONE DAY)
Etho—Never Love An Anchor (I can’t explain it, this song just has Etho vibes. I mean “It’s a secret I keep tucked inside my chest” just seems very him, I can’t really tell you why)
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skygoldart · 6 months
I made a series of card designs based on the canon and fanon curses from the life series!
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The Canary Curse:
Based on the tale of miners bringing a canary in a coal mine to test the air. If the bird dies, the air is unsafe. This player will die first.
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The Widow Curse:
This player is fated to final kill a close ally, friend, or partner. They make close connections that ultimately are betrayed, purposely or accidentally.
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The Red Insanity Curse
This player will go insane once reaching their final life and gain a bloodlust that reaches beyond anything in their previous lives. They become reckless and completely unhinged.
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The Enchanter Curse
This player gains an unhealthy obsession with enchanting tables to the point of life loss, endangering allies, and losing everything.
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The Coal Miner Curse
Also a reference to the canary in a coal mine. This player will die directly after the canary
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The Isolation Curse
This player will die alone away from anyone else, or to an act by their own hand.
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The Allies Blessing
Rather than a curse, this card is a blessing. Allies or players who have landed themselves in good graces with this player will come to win a season in the near future.
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The Winners Curse:
The final player of a season, the winner, will die after winning. To their own hand, or by other means.
Some curses are now broken! I still wanted to draw them despite that lol
Are there any you think I missed?
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eternalsa2z · 6 months
Savant 2 Fantasy Trophies
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(This is a continuation of a previous post called Savant. Because what's better than one secret bimbo genius? Two of them...duh!)
I tried to be happy playing fantasy with my secret silly weapon. But somehow it didn't feel right. Maybe it was my competitive side. Maybe I felt I didn't deserve a bimbo savant like Kiki. Or maybe it was some secret curiosity about exactly how she thought about things. So I asked her to help me understand what goes on inside that bimbo brain of hers.
"Like...you sure you wanna learn from a ditzy doll like me?" she asked incredulously. Eyes wide. Shining with excitement. I nodded and she squealed and hugged me. "OMG yaaaaaay! I soooo wanted a fantasy friend. A bimbo bestie who just, like, gets me...ya know?"
So soon I was being coached by an absolute cutie. Trained to look, act, and talk like her. Because as Kiki says, "Like, to be good at fantasy you gotta BE a fantasy. Duh!" It didn't really make sense. But I'll admit that when we went to a Super Bowl party dressed up in identical outfits, I felt a connection. Even if I just had a breastplate and wig on...I couldn't help but smiling just a brightly as my bestie.
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The training continued all summer. Kiki said I needed, like, a state of empty serenity. To clear my head of all my old thoughts. To just focus on picking out a cute outfit, like footballers select their cleats. Memorize how to get my makeup juuuuuust right, like a player putting on eyeblack. How to strut and sparkle and shine, just like a superstar fantasy stud. Or in my case...a superstar fantasy bimbo babe nicknamed Nally!
By the end of summer, things started to fit into place. Not just the thinkys. But, like, my body and stuff. Kiki was sooooo nice and saved some winnings from last year so I could get some lip filler, cute hair extensions, and real boobies!!! OMG we were, like, breasties now!
When draft time came and we showed up in these adorable 'lil outfits, it sooooo made sense. My costume was, like, my strategy! There was a cowboy hat cuz the Cowboys players were soooo sexy this year. Big high heels that were, like, hard to run in cuz running boys are less important to me. Oh and everything is red since, like, we watched that super good red team win the Superb Owl last year and they'll totes be hawt again!
I couldn't explain it. It was, like insti...instink...er, just felt right, ya know? Kiki was soooo supportive and even, like, finished my thoughts for me if I got too giggly or blank for too long. She's not just a great teacher...she's, like, a total awesum teammate to me. Oh and she even, like, started joking about 'Nally's Fantasy Lyfe' which turned into the cuuuutest team name for the year. NFL! Isn't Kiki is soooo clever?
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By the end of the year, like, I was sooooo happy! Kiki and Nally, like, both won all our leagues. I was sooooo proud that I was a strong, independent bimbo who just needed another bimbo to show me what to do. I'm like a sav...savvy...er, secret smartie skirt just like Kiki now! Or at least a trophy doll just like my breastie.
Oh ya! Like, speaking of breasties, I'm suuuuuper proud of my boobies too! Kiki suggested I do 'TDs for titties' so like every time a player of mine scored, like, I'd add a CC of silly-cone too my chest. As you can see, like, I did GREAT this year. So great that Kiki and I both got all dolled up to celebrate!
We were also dressed all pretty and stuff cuz we went to a special Superb Owl party. Not to watch the game, of course. I can barely focus on anything but the short commercials anyways. But since, like, it was kinda boring to win soooo much, Kiki wanted to introduce us to another fantasy group. One filled with other fantasy bimbo smarties just like us!
The competition next year will be fierce but the prizes will be enorm...humung...er, like, as big as the fake titties the winner gets! Losing also isn't so bad. Like, you get to be 'lil lesbian pet of the winner alllll summer. A lit-er-all fantasy trophy IRL. Honestly, like, Nally is trying to find a way to trade all her best players to her breastie so they can be top and bottom. Like, being a bimbo doll is the least Nally can do to thank Kiki for, like, showing her how to be a fantasy savant too!
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0cta9on · 10 months
Unlikely Duet - 1
length: 3k+ words
Genre: Fluff
NewJeans Minji x Male OC
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“Yuno Lin! Detention! NOW!”
The sight of Principal Geier’s screaming face was nothing new to me. The bright shade of red on his furious expression combined with his shiny bald head made him look like a ripe tomato. I’d chuckle at the thought if my chest didn’t hurt every time I so much as breathe.
A crowd of students and teachers had huddled around Bryce Merten’s unconscious body. The football player’s face was all bloodied and bruised, but he was breathing, for better or for worse. I grabbed my bag I had tossed on the ground and trudged my way back into the main building of the school. 
It was the end of the school day, so some students were still hovering around their lockers, getting their stuff or talking to their friends. The echoes of my footsteps reverberated throughout the hallway, alerting others of my presence. The look of fear and confusion as they see my face full of cuts and bruises is also nothing new to me. I pay them no mind as I walk the familiar route to the detention room.
I pushed open the door, its creak announcing my entrance. Instead of the usual stern expression of Ms. Rusnak’s wrinkly face, I am suddenly face to face with Minji Kim, the golden girl of Evergreen High School. She’s the student council president and ranked #1 in the entire school, basically the poster child of perfection.
“Oh my god, are you okay?” Her voice, laced with an unexpected sincerity, caught me off guard. She stood up from her desk and walked towards me, her face full of concern. I shrugged, ready for the usual judgment or disdain, and walked past her, taking a seat in the front row of desks. She sat back down at the teacher’s desk where she had been working on a pile of paperwork before my arrival and glanced at me with a worried expression, tracing my wounds with her eyes.
“What happened to you?” she asks. 
I hesitated for a moment, not used to the genuine concern in her voice. Reluctantly, I recounted the events that led to the fight, how Bryce had been tormenting a freshman for weeks, and how it ended up with him face down on the concrete.
Minji listened, her expression shifting from stern to contemplative. When I finished, she sighed, her shoulders slumping.
“Look, I get it. You just wanted to help, but you can’t be doing it like this. You could get expelled. You should have spoken to a teacher about it,” she suggested, her voice gentle yet firm.
I scoffed, bitterness seeping into my tone. “You think they would have done anything? They knew about it the entire time, but that fucker is on the football team, so they turned a blind eye to the whole thing.” I let out a deep breath, glaring at her. “He needed a good punch to the jaw. I just happened to be the one doing it.”
Minji frowned, her eyes searching mine. “I know it’s frustrating, but taking matters into your own hands isn’t the solution. You could get expelled for this, and then what? You won’t be able to help anyone.”
I avoid meeting her eyes, my gaze fixed on the scuffed surface of the desk. “I had to do it,” I muttered. “No one else would.”
She sighed, realizing the impasse between us. “Just… be careful. I’m sure your friends wouldn’t want to see you hurt,” she remarked as she turned back to continue her paperwork with a sigh.
Her words stuck in my head as I continued to stare at the desk. She was right. Of course she was right. If the teachers actually did their job and reprimanded the bullies the first time, then I would have never had to fight. Hell, I never enjoyed fighting in the first place. But I had to do it. Someone had to knock some sense into these sons of bitches and that responsibility was unfortunately bestowed upon me for whatever reason. And… Did she say “friends”? What friends? Everyone was too afraid to even look at me. Surely she knew that… right?
The minutes ticked along, our conversation lingering in the air. Eventually, a bell sounded on the PA system, signaling the end of detention. Without a word, I gather my bag and start to leave, but something stops me. I glance out the window and notice the darkness settling over the school grounds. It would be easy for me to just leave and move on with my life, but a voice inside at the back of my head was urging me to do the right thing. Despite my better judgment, I turned back around.
“I’ll walk you home,” I said, the words leaving my mouth before I have the time to process them.
She looked up at me, a look of surprise in her eyes. “O-oh, you don’t have t-”
“It’s dark outside,” I interrupted, my tone leaving no room for argument. “It’ll be too dangerous if you walk home alone.”
Minji offered a small smile, appreciating the sentiment. “Thank you for the offer, but I can manage. I don’t live that far anyways.”
“Let me walk you home then,” I insisted, my voice surprisingly unwavering. “If you don’t live far, then I’ll be out of your hair in no time. Just let me make sure you get home okay.”
She studied me for a moment, uncertainty flickering on her face. Finally, she relented with a small nod. “Fine. But just this once.”
I merely grunted in response as I held the door open for her. We walk through the dimly lit hallways and exit the main building into the cold, gray night. A heavy silence hung between us as we left the campus, greeted only by the faint glow from a couple street lights casting long shadows on the pavement.
We walked side by side, the echoes of our footsteps reverberating through the empty streets. Minji seemed lost in her thoughts, her gaze fixed on the path ahead. I maintained a distance from her, not wanting to make her uncomfortable as we approached the street that led to her house.
As we near her house, the first droplets of rain pattered onto the pavement, foreshadowing the impending downpour. 
Minji glanced up and snapped out of her trance, her expression shifting from contemplation to annoyance. “That’s just great. We’re gonna get soaked.” Without exchanging words, we quickened our pace, hoping to reach her house as soon as possible. 
Our slight jog turned into a sprint as the rain intensified. The glow of her porch lights beckoned to us like a lighthouse guiding us toward its welcoming shine. Reaching the shelter of her porch, we stood there and watched the rain get heavier and heavier, transforming the world around us into a blurry, mesmerizing dance of droplets.
Deciding it was time to leave, I shifted my weight, preparing myself to step back into the heavy downpour. But before I could move, I felt Minji’s hand gently touch my arm, stopping me in my tracks.
“Wait,” she said, her voice barely audible over the sound of the rain hitting her roof. “Stay here.”
I glanced at her, my eyes wide in confusion. “What?”
Her cheeks turn a bright shade of pink as she shakes her head. “I-I mean until the rain lets up.”
“I'll be fine. It’s just a little rain,” I say. As if on cue, the sound of thunder booms in the distance.
Before I could protest anymore, Minji opened her front door and gestured for me to come inside. “You’ll catch a cold if you go out like this. And it’s the least I can do to repay you for walking me home.” 
I glance back at the unrelenting rain one last time and sigh. “Okay. I’ll leave once the rain lets up.”
Minji smiled at me, leading the way inside. The warmth of her home enveloped me, a welcome contrast to the cold rain outside. I stood awkwardly near the entrance, the sound of the rain becoming mere background noise as Minji shuts the door behind us.
“Wait here, let me get you something dry to wear,” Minji says as she kicks off her shoes and disappears up the stairs. Curiously, I peer into her living room while I wait for her, being careful not to drip any water onto the carpet. A comfy-looking brown coach faces a large flat-screen TV, one that I’ve only seen in the electronics aisle at Walmart. Various pictures line the shelves around the TV, including family photos, a wedding photo of what could be her parents, and a graduation photo of an older boy I haven’t seen before.
The sound of Minji’s footsteps breaks me out of my thoughts. She appears in front of me with a blue sweater and black sweatpants neatly folded in her hands. “Here. It’s my older brother’s. He’s away for college right now, so I’m sure he won’t mind if you borrow them.” She hands them to me, a small smile on her face.
I took them from her, scanning her outfit. She had changed into a simple graphic T-shirt and black cotton shirts, a far cry from the usual school uniform that I see her wearing. Then, a sudden realization hit me - by some odd twist of fate, I was standing inside Minji Kim’s house. The atmosphere shifted and I brought my guard up in this unfamiliar setting.
“Thanks, Minji,” I muttered, unsure of what else to say.
“No problem, uhh…” Minji’s voice faltered as she suddenly brought her hands up to her face, the light pink hues of blush peeking through the cracks of her fingers. “Oh my god… I never asked for your name…”
I raised an eyebrow, surprised by the oversight. “Yuno. Yuno Lin.”
She uncovered her face as her embarrassment transformed into a sheepish smile. “Right, Yuno. I’m so sorry, it’s been a long day with the rain and all this work I had to do.” She walked past me, into the living room area, avoiding my gaze. “There’s a bathroom right around this corner that you can change in. I’ll make us some tea in the meantime,” she said with an apologetic look on her face. I simply nod and kick off my shoes before following her deeper into her house.
I enter the bathroom while she disappears into the kitchen, presumably to make the tea. I strip off my uniform shirt, completely drenched from the rain, and examine my upper body in the mirror. A fist-sized blob of bluish-purple and red adorned my chest like a shitty tattoo, alongside another bruise on my arm and a couple more cuts on my cheek and lips. I shrugged. Not the worst thing that’s happened to me.
I quickly remove the rest of my wet clothes and change into the clothes Minji gave me, leaving my soaked school uniform in a messy pile on the bathroom counter. The warm fabric felt foreign, but welcoming. As I stepped out of the bathroom, the comforting scent of black tea hit my nose, leading me to the kitchen where Minji was steeping two cups of the stuff.
She turns to me, a warm smile on her face. “The tea is almost ready.” I watch as she reaches into a drawer and pulls out a first aid kit.  “Let me help you with the cuts.”
I shake my head, “I’m fine.”
Minji frowns at me and gently pushes me back into a chair. Before I can protest, she’s already cleaning the cuts on my face with antiseptic, her touch surprisingly gentle. I feel an odd sensation in my chest as I steal a glance at her, her face almost uncomfortably close to mine as she focuses on her task. 
“There,” she says, finishing up with a small bandage on my cheek. “You’re good to go.”
I grunt in response, still feeling a little flustered. Minji hands me a cup of warm tea, our fingers brushing briefly. I take a sip, the warmth of the liquid heating me up from the inside.
“Thanks,” I muttered, avoiding her gaze as I stared down at the contents of the mug in my hands. 
Minji, seemingly oblivious to the hint of awkwardness that I feel, takes a seat on the kitchen counter across from me. “No problem. It’s the least I can do.”
I take another sip of tea, unsure of how to navigate this foreign scenario. I try to rack my brain, searching for something to say, but nothing comes out. Thankfully, Ms. student council president manages to save the day.
“Soo…” she starts, her eyes peering into her cup. “What do you usually do when you’re not getting into fights?”
I glanced up at her, surprised by the sudden question. “Um… I don’t know. Nap, I guess.”
Minji giggles softly, trying to lighten the mood. “Really? That’s quite… unique.” She flashes a bright smile at me.
I shrug, feeling a little embarrassed by her reaction. “What about you?” I ask after a pause. 
Minji chuckled, a smile lingering on her face. “Well, when I’m not studying or dealing with student council stuff, I like to sing.”
I look up at her, genuinely curious. “Really? I would’ve never guessed that.”
“Yeah, I haven’t really told anyone this aside from a few close friends. Sometimes I would tell my parents that I’m studying at the library, but in reality, I’m at the karaoke place with them.” She giggles to herself before her expression suddenly darkens and her gaze drops to the floor. Minji lets out a sigh before saying, “My parents would never approve. They want me to go to a good college and probably become a doctor or something.”
The room fell into a thoughtful silence, aside from the thunder and rain that continued to pour outside. I saw a side of Minji that was kept hidden behind the cheerful facade she usually wore. Despite the two of us being strangers before today, I couldn’t help but feel sympathetic towards her. I racked my mind, thinking of something to say that could offer her comfort.
“I-I’m sorry,” is all I managed to stutter out. I mentally facepalmed myself for not being able to help her more.
Minji looked up, her eyes meeting mine, and for a brief moment, I could see a deep sadness within them. She managed a small smile before looking back down at her mug. “It’s okay, Yuno. It’s just a silly hobby anyways.”
She steps off of the kitchen counter and downs the remainder of her tea before placing her mug in the sink. I watch as she peers over at the clock hanging on the wall, the arms pointing to 9:00. “It’s getting late, but…” Her gaze turns to the window above the sink, a sigh escaping her lips. “The rain isn’t letting up.”
I stand up from my chair, mentally preparing myself for the treacherous walk home. “It’s okay Minji, I ca-”
“You can spend the night here.”
My eyes grow wide in shock, staring at the back of her head as she continues to face the window. “H-huh?”
A million thoughts run through my head as her unexpected offer hangs through the air. Spending the night? At Minji’s place? It felt like I had suddenly woke up in an alternate reality and didn’t notice until now. 
Minji slowly turned to look at me, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush as she met my bewildered gaze with a sheepish smile. “Yeah… Look, it’s pouring outside and you could get sick. My parents are both gone for a business trip, so they won’t be back until this weekend.”
I hesitated, completely baffled at the situation I was faced with. No words come out as I continue to stare at Minji in shock. “I-I uhh… w-what?”
Minji briskly walks past me without another thought. “You can crash on the couch. I’ll get you some blankets.” 
I suddenly find myself alone in Minji’s kitchen. Me. In Minji’s house. Alone. With Minji. I don’t know how long I stood there in silence. I was like a deer caught in headlights, completely still despite the feeling of impending doom heading my way. My mind was running at a thousand miles a minute.
My head snaps towards the source of the sound. Minji’s head pokes out behind the wall leading to the living room. “Are you okay?”
I scratch my head, feeling a bit awkward. “Y-yeah, I’m good.” I come to my senses and walk towards the living room, where Minji placed a couple of pillows and two neatly folded blankets on the couch.
“Make yourself comfortable. Oh, I went ahead and put your uniform in the wash. It should be all nice and dry in the morning.” She says, flashing me a reassuring smile. I notice a twinge of anxiety deep within her eyes.
“T-thanks,” I reply sheepishly.
“If you need me, I’ll be upstairs in my room. Just knock.” Minji begins to walk away but stops at the foot of the stairs. “Um… Good night, Yuno.” She gives me a small smile before disappearing up the stairs.
I plop myself onto the couch and stare at the ceiling, unsure of what to make of this day. I replay the events in my head - The monotonous school day, followed by me kicking Bryce Merten’s ass. Meeting Minji in the detention room. The rain. And now I’m in Minji Kim’s house, drinking Minji Kim’s tea, and sitting on Minji Kim’s couch. What the fuck.
I lay down on the couch, the exhaustion of everything catching up to me. The plush cushions carry me gently, enveloping my body in comfort. My eyelids begin to get heavier and heavier until my vision eventually goes black. 
Minji’s POV
“Hanni!! What should I do?!” I whisper-screamed into the phone.
“Girl, you’re gonna have to explain all that again, I could barely understand you,” I hear my friend reply in a snarky tone.
I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves before I relay the events again. “Okay, so I was just doing paperwork in the detention room because Ms. Rusnak was out and all of a sudden this guy named Yuno walks in with his face all bloody because he got into a fight somehow, and then I was gonna leave after detention ended, but he offered to walk me home, which was nice I guess, but then it started raining so I invited him to wait inside until the rain calmed down because I didn’t want him to get sick, but for some reason, the rain NEVER calmed down, so now he’s sleeping on my couch.” I stop to catch my breath at the end of my rambling, waiting for Hanni’s response.
“Wait, Yuno? As in Yuno Lin? The guy who knocked out Bryce Mertens?” she asked.
“Y-yeah… I think so.” I hesitantly admitted.
“I mean, I didn’t know you were into bad boys, but whatever floats your boat,” Hanni teases.
I groan in annoyance. “Hanni now is not the time for jokes! My parents will kill me if they find out I have a boy staying over!!”
I hear Hanni chuckle at her own joke. “Relax, Minj. Your parents won’t be back for three more days, you’ll be fine.”
I collapse face first into my bed, feeling defeated. “I guess so…” My muffled voice says into the mattress. I let out a long sigh, turning onto my back and staring at the ceiling.
“Sooo, what’s he like?” Hanni asks. “I always see him alone all the time, so I assumed he was just some creepy weirdo or something.”
I pause, contemplating my answer. “He’s… different from what I thought he would be. He’s not a creepy weirdo at all. He’s quiet and a little awkward, but he means well and seems nice enough.”
Hanni’s curiosity peaks. “Oooh, mysterious bad boy with a soft heart sleeping with the student council president. Sounds like a plot to a K-drama.”
I quickly sit up, my cheeks burning red with embarrassment. “Hanni!! It’s not like that at all!!” Hanni’s laugh can be heard from the speaker of my phone. I hang up and collapse back on the bed, too tired to deal with her for tonight. I let out a sigh and tightly shut my eyes, hoping that I’d wake up and find out all of this was just some weird dream.
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schoenpepper · 1 month
Breakfast (Dove Cameron)
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Intro: Trey spends a night with you, knowing full well he'll regret it all in the morning when he's left staring at empty sheets.
Warnings: bad writing, awful grammar, not proofread i just wanna get these over with tbh, one night stands and kinda shmexy times, cussing im not a good gurlypops, reader kinda a hoe ngl
A/N: Good boy Trey yes yes yes yes
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Your smoke in my hair
Hot and dirty like the L.A. air
That face, baby, it ain't fair
But you don't know what you don't know
What you don't know, uh
"You look so cute like this, right underneath me, hm~?" When you coo so softly in that sweet voice of yours, Trey is gone. His mind blanks and his bones soften into the mattress. He focuses on everything but you; the sound of cars honking down the street by his shitty apartment, the smog clouding his window, the feeling of linen sheets crumpled in his clenched fists, the smell of cooling blueberry muffins on the countertop. It's overwritten by you, and now your beautiful face is all he sees, your scent is making everything hazy, your hands are slowly gliding down his bare chest and he wants to either hold you close or push you off. He's not left with much of a choice when you straddle his lap and trail your lips from his neck up to his ear, nibbling on the skin.
"Good boy. Stay still for me."
Fuck, your praise gets him impossibly hard, but he's too stubborn to let his voice leak. He doesn't want you to know the control you have over him. When you grind down on him so ridiculously slow, his hips buck up uncontrollably, and there's so much shame tinging his face when he hears you laugh at him. "So impatient. It's okay baby, I'll take real good care of you."
Ooh-ooh, so you wanna talk about power?
Ooh-ooh, let me show you power
Passivity has brought him to the best midpoint of life. As long as he keeps to his close-knit circle of friends and studies hard, he'll be able to get through college with normal grades, get a normal job, find a normal lover, live a normal life. He doesn't like the stress that comes with being extraordinary, no, he's seen enough of that just from Riddle alone. Trey keeps his head down because passivity is his only way to survive.
You stumbled into his Psych class one day and ruined him.
You and your sexy clothing and that tumbler you pretend is filled with coffee but reeks of alcohol. There's something about the way your eyes shine under the LED lights that makes him want it on himself. You're drunk, obviously, when you almost trip twice just trying to get to a seat, the one in front of him. He forces himself to look away from you.
You're trouble incarnate, that he could tell.
I eat boys like you for breakfast
One by one hung on my necklace
And they'll always be mine
It makes me feel alive
It doesn't come as a surprise when he finally hears about you from his friends.
"Y/N? They're like a total player, it's insane. Pretty sure they've slept with half the school. They spend one night with someone then up and leave, but they have like, raving reviews, if you know what I mean." Cater comments offhandedly one afternoon when they're crowded around a cafeteria table, off-white plastic trays in hand. Riddle nods at the statement before stabbing his fork through a chunk of meat. "Yes, they are quite infamous. They're also friends with those two troublemakers, the red and blue ones."
"Aren't you red too, nya?"
The shorter redhead huffs and glares at Chenya who had popped up out of nowhere. "I wasn't using it as a slur, it was just a description."
Chenya giggles. "That Y/N is no joke, Trey." He says as he taps on the edge of Trey's glasses. "A nice guy like you should steer clear, okay~?"
I eat boys like you for breakfast
And I know that you tried your bestest
I never said it's right
But I'm gonna keep doing it
"Is this seat taken?"
Trey looks up to see you, a charming smile on your face as your hand pats the chair next to him. "It's all yours." He replies. He leaves the conversation there because he wants nothing more to do with you. He focuses back to the professor and his notes.
"And thus, this assignment will have to be done in pairs."
"Whoever is next to you will be your partner, and remember, it's due next week."
No. No, he can't, he doesn't want to.
He turns to the person on his left, only to find them already chatting up someone else. "Guess you're stuck with me, huh?" You chuckle.
"Ah. My name is Trey Clover." He introduces himself because it's correct, because it's the polite thing to do even though he's aching to just up and leave rather than spend another moment with such a problematic soul—a person who's assertive and actively goes after what they want is not a person he matches too well with. Especially not in the context used for you.
"Y/N L/N. You're cute." He feels something in him shrivel up and die when you're talking. "I think I'll like working with you."
Trey barely restrains himself from physically cringing at your flirtatious wink.
I'm sick, yeah, I'm sick
And honestly, I'm getting high off it
Do you wanna see a magic trick?
'Cause you don't know what you don't know
But I know
You're not completely awful.
You're surprisingly smart, and your comments and opinions about the topic of your shared assignment hit all points dead center. He can find a way to peacefully coexist with you and be just another side character in your life, fade away in the background and be forgotten. He likes it better that way. He treats you as a decent study partner.
"Hello? Earth to Trey?"
You wave your can of cold brew in front his face. Perhaps because you'd noticed his distaste towards your favorite beer (or alcohol in general), it seems you've swapped it out for egregious amounts of coffee. It's a step in the right direction, he thinks. At least you won't be drunk in public anymore.
"Yes, sorry, where was I?"
The pen in your other hand taps on a word in the book laid out in front of him. Trey nods and pushes down the urge to push you away (or pull you closer), opting to type away in his laptop as he used the book as reference. "The library's going to close soon, we should meet up again tomorrow."
You nod and reply. "Okay, I'll see you at 10, will that work for you?"
"Sure, and..." He doesn't understand why he's doing this. "If you want, I can give you some pastries as snacks for our study session? I like to bake whenever I'm free."
You smile at him cheerfully. "I'd love that."
Ooh-ooh, so you wanna talk about power?
Ooh-ooh, let me show you power
Trey watches you snap up another macaron from the plate, and he flicks your forehead harshly. "Hands off the cookies, L/N."
"But Trey~ They look so yummy!" You pout at him very convincingly. He holds onto the last of his sanity and shakes his head, but he pops a biscuit in your mouth as consolation. You seem satisfied enough and get back to decorating the cupcakes with sparkly little heart sprinkles. After the assignment, you refused to let him play wallflower and called out to him in the halls as you passed by. He never ignores you. Eventually, greetings turned into coffee into studying together into watching movies and now he's in the kitchen of his small studio apartment baking things with you for Cater's birthday party. You're a good friend. The fact that your body count is likely in the triple digits doesn't matter when you two are just friends.
"You wanna go to mine this weekend? Some of my roommates are planning to throw a wicked party, and I want you to be there."
"I don't know, Y/N, you know parties aren't my thing."
"Oh lighten up, Clover." You laugh, picking up the piping bag to get to work on the next batch of cupcakes. "If you really don't vibe at the party we can just chill in my room. That new movie you like just came out, wanna watch it?"
He raises an eyebrow. "It's not on streaming platforms yet, is it?"
You shoot him a grin.
"Not legally, no."
I eat boys like you for breakfast
One by one hung on my necklace
And they'll always be mine
It makes me feel alive
The party is just as he expected; loud, dark, and boring as hell. He does his best to swim his way out of the sea of slick and sweaty bodies grinding against each other, promising himself mentally to take a thorough rinse in your room's shower to get back to feeling himself. Because right now, he feels like a new, unworn lost sock inside someone's pile of dirty gym clothes. He finally spots you at the edge of the crowd, like you're light at the end of the tunnel.
But you're not alone.
Some girl is all over you, practically drooling while you're nursing a cup of iced coffee.
Why does he feel awful, all of a sudden?
When your eyes find his own, you give him that signature charming smile, shrugging the scantily-clad girl off your shoulder and tackling him in a hug that made some of your coffee spill on the floor. "Trey, you made it! Oh, you look winded. Let's go to my room and get you settled."
"Excuse me?" The girl you left behind has a voice reminiscent of a fork being dragged across the surface of a balloon. You turn towards her and he catches a glimpse of an expression he'd never seen on your face before. One of cold annoyance, of freezing apathy that seemed generally unfit for someone like you, someone who's usually so bubbly and perky. "Do you have a problem?"
"My problem is that you're setting me aside for this nerd, baby, don't you miss me? What, is he your new target? You know he won't even be a good fuck."
He watches the cold anger bubble into lava-hot rage in your irises, spilling out through your lips as you glared at the lady. "First of all, I don't miss flings, darling, you're one of far too many. Second, Trey is not my target. He's my friend, you useless fucking bimbo! And third!" You look at Trey, pointing at his face. "This man is definitely a good fuck! I bet he's absolutely packing and you only wish you could get a taste of this fucking hunk!"
He blinks. Once. Twice.
He's still frozen in place when the girl runs off in tears, and you sigh as you place one hand on your hip, the other bringing the cup of coffee up to your mouth.
"Sorry Trey, past mistakes, you know how it goes. Anyway, let's go watch that movie."
I eat boys like you for breakfast
And I know that you tried your bestest
I never said it's right
But I'm gonna keep doing it
The little wallflower is wilting.
Trey thinks he might be sick. Literally? Figuratively? He doesn't know. But he's probably sick. He has to be. Golden hazel eyes flit back to you. You're sleeping so soundly atop his chest, cuddled up to him with your arms splayed out on your sides. He has his own arms wrapped loosely around you with one hand reaching up to play with your hair as your face smooshed into his chest. He wonders if you can feel his heart beat. It's a little faster than usual because he's thinking about how easy it would be to lean down and...make a mistake. It would be a mistake. You would be upset. Would you assume that he also saw you as nothing but a sex fiend if he tried to kiss you? He knows you've been making an effort to change bad habits recently, and he's been spending enough (too much) time with you that he knows you haven't had sex with anyone in a long while.
He leans his head back on the pillow.
When did this friendship start to rot and burn in his heart? When did it start to regrow and bloom into something so very not platonic? He wants to kiss you. He wants to hold you tighter. He wants to strip off all his clothes and reservations about you and find out why all the people you've slept with once upon a time keep crawling back, and he wants to have that for himself for the rest of forever.
It would destroy your friendship.
It would destroy him.
He settles for kissing the top of your head. For now, it's enough. But he knows it won't be enough for him forever.
He wants to love you.
You've been treated too roughly by the world, won't you let him take care of you? Be kind to you, the way you deserve? 
Would you let him love you?
Passivity has always brought him to the best midpoint of life. But fuck, he doesn't want to be at the midpoint. He wants you. And you, you're not in the middle, you're never there. You're out of his reach because he knows you're always moving forward, while he's always been stuck at the same place. If he throws away the ideals he's held for far too long, can he reach you?
Would you love him too?
I eat boys, I eat boys
I eat boys, I eat boys
He knows his friends disapprove of you. He can feel Riddle's stone cold glare, Chenya's dumbfounded gaze, and Cater's blank stare. "What? Are you serious, Trey?!" Cater snaps out of his daze and immediately gets to shaking Trey by the shoulders. "We told you Y/N's bad news! So you buddy up with them and then—" He lowers his voice to a hissy whisper. "—Then fall in love with them? Are you crazy?"
"This isn't like you." Riddle adds with a sigh. "You're usually more rational than this. Mature."
Yes, but there was never anything rational about love, right?
"Mya, you're really serious?!" Chenya breaks out into fits of laughter, patting Trey's shoulder. "That kinda person is really bad news for you. They'll swallow you whole and spit your bones out clean."
Trey pushes off Cater's hold on him as he finally replies to his friends. "I didn't mean to do it. It just kind of happened. And now I need advice."
"Block them."
"Ignore them."
"Avoid them."
"Advice on how to get Y/N to fall in love with me." He says, glaring at the trio.
"If you want my honest thoughts, I think Y/N is just not the kind of person made for commitment. They'll likely sleep with you for one night and then never show up again, like all the times they've done so before." Riddle takes a sip of his tea.
"Y/N isn't like that anymore."
"Oh no, Trey's down bad." Cater shakes his head. "We all assume we're the exception in the Wattpad love story and think we can fix that person. But what if that person doesn't want to be fixed?"
Chenya nods. "Or what if they can't be fixed?"
"They don't need to be fixed." Trey stands up and packs his bag. "Whatever, I should've known you guys would be no help."
"Hey, calm down!" Cater raises both hands, as if in surrender. "How about this, we will help you out, okay?"
Your smoke in my hair
Hot and dirty like the L.A. air
That face, baby, it ain't fair
But you don't know what you don't know
What you don't know
So how did he get here?
Sparkly eyeshadow and tiny rhinestones on the corner of his eyes, an emerald green low v-neck silk shirt with bubble sleeves, black slacks and a black leather belt. His finger scratches at the layered silver necklaces dripping down his clavicle and he shoots the three a questioning look. "What is this?"
"We're going to the club!" Chenya replies cheerfully.
"And how is this meant to help with my Y/N problem?"
Cater raises up his phone. "You pretend to be drunk at the club, we call them on your phone to pick you up, you can tell them your feelings when you're alone and if they reject you, you can pretend it's just drunken rambling. But if they accept your feelings, then yay!"
"Okay, but why is Riddle here?"
Riddle shrugs. "Moral support. I won't touch a drop of alcohol, though."
Thus, the plan was settled.
He's still uncomfortable with all the bodies grinding on each other, and he's forced to turn away far too many people coming onto him. His friends tell him it's because his charm was out on full swing tonight, but he still thinks they're just blinded by the spotlights and inebriated by the amount of alcohol they'd already consumed. He orders a drink at the bar to at least be tipsy when the plan is in motion.
"Hello? Trey?"
Your voice on his phone speaker echoes through the vandalized tiles of the club bathroom. Cater giggles. "Hi, this is Y/N, right? We're in the Deck of Cards club with Trey and he's like, silly drunk. Can you come pick him up please? We're calling an Uber but his apartment's in another direction and he might be kidnapped with the state he's in." Trey knows you care too much to say no.
"I'll be there in ten."
When you arrive at the club, he thinks you're as mesmerizing as the day he first saw you, even though you're only in a set of black sweats. But maybe that's just the tequila talking. "Trey, are you alright?" You cup his face and he nuzzles into your touch.
"I'll take you home, okay?"
I eat boys like you for breakfast
One by one hung on my necklace
And they'll always be mine
It makes me feel alive
You drive him back in silence. He's worried that you don't find him attractive in the getup  his friends had forced him into, but he's satisfied enough by the way you help him up the stairs to his apartment and settle down on his bed. He can hear you clinking away in the kitchen and coming back to him.
"You're gonna have a nasty hangover tomorrow." You chuckle softly while popping a pill into his mouth, followed by lifting the glass of water to his lips. He takes small sips and watches you put it away. "Why were you out clubbing tonight? That's not like you."
"I needed to get drunk."
Trey looks at you. "Because I did something stupid."
"Oh? And what's stupid enough to get a goodie little two shoes like you drunk?"
He takes your hand and tugs you closer to himself. He can hear loud, fast heartbeats, and you're too close for him to tell whether it's his or yours. "I fell in love with someone who fucks and runs." You burst out into laughter, and he's fearful that you're taking his words as a joke. The fear fades away when your hands wander down the dip of his shirt, a mischievous smirk forming on your pretty lips. "Lucky you, I guess. I'm a changed person now."
Trey finally understands Cater's words about you having raving reviews from your previous nightly escapades.
I eat boys like you for breakfast
And I know that you tried your bestest
I never said it's right
But I'm gonna keep doing it
When he wakes up the next day, he's sure you're gone. The side of the bed you'd borrowed for the night is still slightly warm, so you must've escaped just a few minutes ago. He lets out a sigh and runs a hand through his short green hair, patting around to try to find his glasses. His movements stop when he hears something sizzle in a pan. The smell of bacon reaches his nose the same time he puts his glasses on. Trey only has to sit up to see whether it's a hallucination or not.
He doesn't really want to.
When his hopes are dashed, what's left?
It's you.
In his stupid, frilly Hello Kitty apron, humming a stupid pop song under your breath as you swayed your hips and bobbed your head. You're mixing what he assumes to be pancake batter while his broken-down espresso machine is whirring on its last legs and making coffee for two. You stayed. That's strange, it's weird, it doesn't fit your player persona but fuck he's so glad you stayed. It rekindles the hope in his heart that maybe, just maybe, you saw him differently from all your other flings. You notice he's awake and bounce over to him in a bubbly manner he thinks it's too early in the morning for.
"Good morning, sunshine!" You beam at him and lean down to kiss his lips, still mixing the batter. "You woke up at the perfect time. How about you get your plates out and set the table? I'm making bacon, pancakes and eggs."
Somehow, he doesn't know how, he can see a future with you by his side. Just like this.
An 'I love you' was never said, but he can taste it in your pancakes.
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captainremmington-13 · 6 months
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊
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show!Luke Castellan x daughter of thanatos!reader
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own the image above or any of Rick Riordan’s characters/world-building.
⚠️Warnings⚠️: mentions of violence, swearing, and parental neglect
A/N: capture the flag scenes>>>
When you heard your name being called, you didn’t even have to look up to know who was speaking. You’d recognize your best friend’s voice anywhere.
“What’s up, Luke?”
The son of Hermes gave you a toothy grin and linked arms with you, leading you away from the group of miscellaneous campers. You had been participating in a rope-tying class held by the Hephaestus head counselor, but it was really only to pass the time. There were more important matters at hand. 
“Can we go over everything one more time? I want to make sure we’re on the same page.” 
It was Friday afternoon, meaning that Capture the Flag was mere hours away. This time, Hermes was paired with the Hephaestus, Apollo, and Athena cabins. The campers in the cabins of Dionysus, Demeter, Aphrodite, and Ares would be their opponents. It wasn’t the most difficult match-up they’d faced, but it wasn’t a guaranteed victory.
Luke took winning very seriously. You knew that better than anyone, because he would talk to you for hours upon hours about his plans. He always went to you for consultation, as he knew you’d never betray him by giving information to the opposing team. You were loyal to him, just as he was to you.
He also knew you were an excellent strategist as well as a formidable fighter. After seeing your ideas work flawlessly on the battlefield, he asked if you would be his co-captain. 
And of course, you accepted. Not only would it make the Hermes cabin a stronger force, it meant you had an excuse to spend more time with him. Not that you really needed one, but it couldn’t hurt.
You and Luke took a seat on a fallen tree trunk at the cusp of the woods. He quickly ran through the plan you had formulated last night. It was chalk-full of deception and diversion, which was Luke’s specialty. You had ensured that the strongest fighters would be placed in exactly the right spots, waiting to take hostages to the blue team’s “jail”. The more players the red team lost, the better. You’d also given two of the most observant and experienced fighters the job of guarding your flag. Guards must always be on alert, and you couldn’t risk them getting distracted and allowing the other team to steal the victory. 
When Luke finished talking, you cleared your throat. “I don’t believe there are any misunderstandings between us regarding the plan. I have no doubt that we will emerge victorious.” 
He gave you a small smile. “I appreciate your confidence.” 
“I have a good reason to believe we’ll win,” you said, leaning your head against his arm. “When we work together, we rarely lose.” 
You sat in silence for awhile, enjoying the peaceful moment. You loved having time alone with Luke. It was becoming rarer and rarer, especially now that he was a camp counselor. But he did everything in his power to make time for you. 
After all, you were his best friend, his most loyal ally.
Nothing, not even the gods, could tear you away from him.
“Fuck-I swear to the fucking gods, if someone stole it…gods dammit…LUKE!” 
You screamed for your best friend, who came rushing over, almost tripping over himself. 
“What? What happened?” he said breathlessly, scanning you for any sign of injury. 
“Someone took my chest plate,” you seethed. “Everyone knows what mine looks like, they must’ve stolen it to fuck with my head.”
“Hey,” Luke said, placing his hands on your shoulders. “Relax. I’ll figure out who took it and bring it back here, I promise.” 
“It was probably Vander,” you muttered, internally shuddering as you thought about the son of Ares. “He’s just mad because I beat his ass in a race earlier today.” 
Luke’s eyes narrowed. “I bet you’re right. Stay here and put the rest of your armor on, I’ll go get your chest plate back.” 
Before you could protest, he removed his hands from your shoulders and dashed out the door, leaving you alone in the armory. 
And within minutes, Luke returned, holding your beloved piece of armor and wearing a triumphant grin. You noticed that his knuckles were slightly bruised, but didn’t need to ask why.
Luke had a habit of getting even with anyone who messed with you.
“Campers,” Chiron’s baritone voice echoed throughout the forest clearing. “I know most of you are familiar with the rules, but I must go over them to ensure none are forgotten. I want a fair and clean fight.” 
You barely refrained from rolling your eyes. The Ares cabin never fought fair, of course their opponents would stoop to their level in order to win. 
As Chiron went over the rules, you took the opportunity to size up the red team, who was standing on the other side of Zephyros Creek. 
Dionysus, Demeter, and Aphrodite weren’t the largest concern. Yes, they could fight, but they weren’t nearly as ruthless as the Ares cabin. 
You hated most of the Ares kids. Even though your father had a close relationship with their father, you couldn’t stand their obnoxious bickering and unethical warfare tactics. 
Unlike your father, you believed that death should only come fairly. 
The Ares cabin were always out for blood during Capture the Flag, no matter who they were facing. And when they didn’t win…
Well, whoever was on the opposing team would face their wrath for weeks afterwards. 
“…and finally, all weapons and powers are fair game.” 
“Hang on,” a newly arrived daughter of Ares spoke up, pointing at you. “What about her creepy death powers? And can’t she fly? Isn’t that unfair?” 
Chiron shook his head. “As long as she doesn’t kill or maim anyone, she is allowed to use all powers at her disposal.” 
The girl scowled. “Fine.” 
“If there are no other objections,” Chiron spoke once more. “Let the game begin!” 
The sound of a conch blowing followed his declaration. Luke immediately began giving orders, making sure to use every one of the twenty minutes given to organize the team before the combat began. 
You followed behind him closely, ensuring he didn’t forget any details of the plan. You preferred to to let him talk to the other campers, as he was a friendlier face. When you had tried explaining strategies in the past, people who were supposed to be listening got distracted, either due to fear or your non-assertive tone. 
After all of the campers were briefed, you and Luke turned to each other. 
“I should head to my post,” you began, tightening your forearm guard one last time. “Make sure that everyone is positioned exactly as we discussed.“ 
Luke nodded. “Of course.” He held out his hand, and you clasped it firmly. “The next time you see me, I’ll be holding the red team’s flag.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything else,” you replied, giving him a confident smile. “Good luck, and stay safe.” 
“You too,” Luke said. You expected him to leave after that, but instead, he leaned forward to give you a swift kiss on the cheek. Then, he turned on his heel and raced into the depths of the woods, leaving you feeling as if Zeus had struck you with his master bolt. 
Quickly shaking off the feeling, you gripped the hilt of your weapon, a dual-ended sword made of Celestial Bronze and Stygian Iron. 
You had a game to win.
The campers around you erupted into cheers as Luke hoisted the red team’s flag above his hair triumphantly. He had a euphoric grin on his face as he shook hands with his teammates and congratulated them on a job well done.
You watched the celebration from several feet away, sitting on the dirt ground and resting your head against a tree. It had been a long game, and you’d almost passed out from over-exerting your powers. 
Perhaps you should have run to where your front lines were compromised instead of flying. 
But it didn’t matter now. Your team won, that was the important thing. 
Luke came jogging over to you, holding a small metal water bottle. He knelt down next to you, and placed the canteen in your hands. 
“Drink this,” he instructed. “You look like you’re about to faint.”
You gave him a tired smile, and unscrewed the bottle. Taking a small sip, you immediately recognized the sweet taste of nectar. “Thanks, that helped a lot.” 
Luke took off his helmet, freeing his disheveled curls. He also looked physically tired, but the adrenaline from winning the game was clearly keeping him in an energetic state. “You did great out there today.”
“Not nearly as great as you,” you said, downing half of the bottle of nectar in one go. If it had been a normal-sized canteen, consuming half of the contents would’ve killed you. Luckily, you were smart enough to refrain from ingesting enough nectar to burst into flames. “You’ve been dubbed the best swordsman of the century for a reason.”
Luke chuckled, giving you a gentle nudge. “Careful now, don’t go inflating my ego.”
“It doesn’t need any inflating anyways,” you joke, giving him a teasing smirk. 
“Fair enough,” he agreed, and extended a hand to help you stand up. “Seriously though, I’m glad you’re on my side. Otherwise I’d be fucking terrified of crossing you.” 
You smile proudly, and grabbed his hand. He pulled you onto your feet, and slung an arm across your shoulder. 
“I’ll always be on your side, Luke. As long as you’re on mine.”
“Of course, angel. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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taglist: @orionspaperwork, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @marvelescvpe, @lovingjasontoddmakemewanttocry, @louweasleymalfoy, @stars4birdie, @stargurl-battleship
Thank you for reading! Pls let me know what you think in the comments!!! Ive absolutely been loving writing this series so far, it’s been a really nice creative outlet for me. i’m pretty busy right now and trying not to get overwhelmed w/ schoolwork, so doing this has been really relaxing and fun.
i’m also sorta going thru some…relationship problems rn, so just know that i may be a little inconsistent with posting
Let me know in the comments if you want to be added to the taglist!
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hughesmedicine · 2 months
birthday day girl 2 | q. hughes
quinn hughes x burrow reader
a/n: happy birthday girly pop, I love you so much and in a few months we’ll be meeting for the first time and seriously cannot wait for that moment🩷. I’ve seen you grown into this amazing person and I’m excited to see you grow into the person you deserve to be. Enjoy being 18 and I love you so so much, continue to make me so so proud!! Go and be the most amazing vet I’ll ever know!(and marry a football player!) @burreauxinfinity
(I’m not happy with how some of it turned out but had to do this for the bday girl🩷 yearly tradition ofc!)
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liked by _quinnhughes, joeyb_9, lahjay10_, and others.
ynburrow heres to 25 years and making that daily post🩷 thank you quinny for making this year the best year of my life. You’ve believed in me through everything and I couldn’t have asked for a better support system through my career and through yours, becoming captain was insane and I’m so so proud of you!! @/jackhughes I’ll see you tonight for shots
load more comments..
_quinnhughes happy birthday love! Can’t wait to see you tonight and snatch you back from Jamarr
lahjay10_ ay man she was my best friend first, I have rights
ynburrow sorry baby but he’s right
jackhughes 25 for 25?🤭
ynburrow YES! PREGAME AT THE LAKE HOUSE HUGHES! We’ll do the rest at the bar ofc!
joeyb_9 absolutely not, you can’t even handle 25 shots!
ynburrow bold of you to assume I’m doing 25😭 I’ll make jack split it
joeyb_9 that’s the y/n I know
trevorzegras but you’ve done 25 shots before? Literally have video proof
ynburrow TREVOR STFU joe didn’t know that shit!
trevorzegras oh god I’m dead
lahjay10_ yeah you are, good luck man.
trevorzegras thanks I’m going to need it.
maxverstappen happy birthday y/n! Your gift should be arriving in the mail soon!
yourusername omg. Somebody pinch me, is this happening?
landonorris not dreaming bestie! (But I’ll still pinch you)
ynburrow your pinches hurt stay away! You do it way too hard for a normal person☹️
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liked by ynhughes, elhughes, joeyb_9 and others.
_quinnhughes birthday dinner for my girl🩷 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY I love you so much and couldn’t ask for anything better then you. You make my day sm better and know how to keep me in check. Enjoy your big day hun and your present is at home waiting for you!
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edwards73 SIMP ON THE MAIN?? lhughes06 your brother is so down bad.
lhughes_06 that’s nothing new?
ynhughesburrowoh Ethan let’s not forget how when Quinn first brought me over you liked me😭 tripped up the steps trying to flirt with me
edwards73 this is why we have beef y/n/n
ynhughesburrow mhm “beef” he says as he’s currently tanning with me outside and ranting about girl problems
edwatds73 _quinnhughes get your girlfriend man!
_quinnhughes sorry I cant control her🤷‍♀️ enjoy your tan baby
lhughes_06 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SISTER IN LAW! permission to take you out for a few for some birthday shopping??
ynburrow YES PLEASE I need to go to the Lego store and stock up on the new f1 series they have
lhughes_06 looks like I know what I’m purchasing for you! We can build it together and also got you tickets the Vegas f1 race
lhughes_06 I am! Have a game in Vegas that week
maxvertappen1 and you’re gonna be sitting in the Red Bull garage y/n!
ynhughesburrow omg this is the best birtbday ever!!😭 you guys are the best thank you so much.
_quinnhughes and ynhughesburrow
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liked by ynhughes, lhughes_06, lahjay10_ and 62,714 others.
_quinnhughes here’s to forever with you my love! Thank you for coming into my life and making it better🩷. I’m still glad Luke dragged me to that red wings game that day or we wouldn’t have crossed paths. Can’t wait to start our own family and have one like mine. (It has to be three boys)
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ynhughesburrow I’m actually sobbing, I love you so much😭🩷 my lifeline I swear, thank you for coming into my life baby. It’s been better with you and I can’t imagine bullying my brother with anybody else🫶🏻 (and I’ll die if I don’t get a daughter q)
_quinnhughes I love you so much more, seriously thank you for everything you’ve done for me. (Fine one girl three boys)
ynhughesburrow you better learn how to get pregnant if you think I’m pushing out four kids baby
_quinnhughes don’t worry I know I can convince you
jackhughes god you guys make me sick( DIBS ON HAVING NIC STAY AT OURS DURING VACATIONS, Luke and I need our sister in law time )
lahjay10_ man why do you guys keep stealing my best friend?? Sleepovers are our thing!
ynhughesburrow I get a kick out of these comments😭😭 you guys are so entertaining
jackhughes what if I said you were invited ja’marr?
lahyjay10_ then yes we can have that sleepover then!
_quinnhughes not you guys stealing my wife, go away! I get my time with her now
elblue6 thank you for loving my son y/n! You’ve lit up his world and I couldn’t have asked for a better daughter in law😭🩷 I’m expecting grand babies soon!
_quinnhughes MOM
ynhughesburrow I’m wheezing 😭 but yes soon momma el! Have to create our own hockey family (or football considering who the uncles are)
joeyb_9 oh the kids will be interested in football! I’m babysitting them a lot!
lhughes_06 Quinn save them now. We need the Hughes hockey legacy to continue
ynhughesburrow the kids will have control over their own futures! If they want to play either or they can and if they don’t they don’t have to. But I do hope one of them joins f1👀
joeyb_9 yes ma’am!
lahjay10_ yes ma’am!
lhughes_06 understood!
landonorris if you bring him around when you do have we can convince him bestie!
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harlowtales · 1 year
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Reader is trying to figure out why all Jack’s friends and family are acting so weird.
18+ sweet/romance
“Baby go and see what’s taking Grandpa so long.” Jack asked you. He was all decked out in his Cardinals jacket and you had on his Cardinals hoodie.
“Will do Jack.” You said as you jumped down from his Jeep parked in the driveway of his Grandparents house.
You let yourself in and Grandma was just helping Grandpa put his sweatshirt over his head with a #3 on the back and his last name. “Looking good Pops!” You exclaimed. It was also so sweet to see how they looked after each other. Grandpa had some arthritis in his shoulder and his wife made sure she helped him.
“Thanks Sugar.” Grandpa said and pecked Grandma on the cheek. “Let’s roll, my Grandson is impatient”
You made sure Grandpa was safe in the front seat and took the back. Jack loved that he never had to ask you to do the little things like that.
It was a chilly fall evening and the stadium was packed in a sea of red and white. Cheers went up as Jack entered the stadium with you arm in arm with Grandpa. Jack egged it on by standing on top of a the seats, raising up his hands to the crowd, and dancing. You were shy and stayed out of the way, rolling your eyes at him, and he shot you a wink. Even Grandpa left you for a while to join in the fun. Jack’s friends were already there as they attended the tailgate party in the parking lot.
“Sup y/n” Trap Steve said taking a seat next to you and cracking open a Modelo. “Forever the party animal I see”
“Do you see him already?” You said pointing at Jack who had now climbed a wall to shake hands with fans. “Someone has to keep their head screwed on.”
“All I know is your man has to stop jacking my swag. The mullet is mine.” Trap said sarcastically
“Oh you own the rights on mullets?” You said laughing
“Yup! I should collect royalties.” He said
“From like every other hillbilly in Kentucky?” You ribbed
“He really digs you. It’s kinda sweet.” Trap said as he got up to join in on hyping up the stadium.
You looked after him a bit puzzled. “That was random” you mused. People were acting so weird lately.
The game started and Jack was screaming and jumping up and down as the Cardinals players ran onto the field. Beating top ranked Notre Dame would be a big deal. Jack finally took the seat beside you and held your hand for two seconds pecking you on the cheek before he got up to go again erupting with cheers. He looked back and saw you making sure Grandpa was ok with a drink and some snacks. He gave you a deep look of love with his big blue eyes that Grandpa caught but you didn’t see. The tension grew as the Cardinals closed the gap to pull ahead of Notre Dame. You cheered and spilled a bit of your popcorn on Grandpa.
“Oh geeze! I’m so sorry Pops!!” You said grabbing all the napkins you could find to clean up his lap. It was then that Grandpa felt moved to tell you something. He had been watching how Jack was around you the last few months and knew that look his Grandson had just given you. It was very familiar to him.
“So how’s everything going with Jack?” Grandpa asked you and threw you off guard.
“Um fine I guess. Why has he said something?” You said a bit panicked
“Nope just asking.” Grandpa said “I see the way he looks at you is all.”
“How does he look at me?” You said now even more paranoid
“Kinda like how I look at my Sugar.” Grandpa said referring to his nickname for his wife
You paused not knowing what to say and the popcorn in your mouth seemed to sit there for eternity and just melt. You couldn’t even chew. He noticed your silence and started apologizing. “I didn’t mean to upset you.” He said.
“No just um…caught me off guard.” You said patting his leg to let him know it was fine. What Grandpa did not tell you and swore not to tell you is Jack thought you were THE ONE and was waiting to see how things went as the relationship was still new. He rarely let anyone around his family let alone spend so much time around his Grandparents.
It was a good game, the tension was building right up to the end. Suddenly you heard huge cheers and Jack was loosing his mind! The Louisville Cardinals had won!!! He started running with the crowd onto the field. Grandpa wanted to follow but you advised against it and guided him to the stadium tunnel where it was safe. Finally everyone piled into the locker room for the real party before the party that night.
Your boyfriend was in the thick of the action and to be honest you had a bit of a headache. What Grandpa said, how Trap was acting…had your head swimming and your heart racing. You retreated to the back of the room and watched Jack dancing, having the time of his life with the team and the boys. You slipped out the back to get air and saw Cope having a joint alone near the team bus.
“Cope?” You said quizzically
“Sup y/n” Copelan said as he took a pull off his joint and a sip of his beer. “Just needed some air.”
“Yeah. I feel that. I needed some air too, and Grandpa doesn’t need me hovering over him all the time.” You giggled
“You’re a real one y/n. Jack’s a lucky guy.” Copelan said “The way he looks at you….I know my dude. He’s feeling you big time.”
“Why does everyone say that?” You said feeling nauseous again. Why was everyone making a point of telling you what Jack thinks of you? You had only been dating 4months.
“Because we know him very well. We know The Look. Bruh is done. It’s a wrap. It’s just a matter of time really.” Copelan said and headed back in
“Why is everyone being so weird!!!?” Your thoughts raced.
Eventually you caught up with Jack inside. Grandpa needed to take his medication and get to sleep. Not according to Grandpa, but according to you. You tapped both of them on the shoulder and looked impatiently at your watch. They both looked at each other and rolled their eyes. You were right they should go. Jack dropped Grandpa off and Grandpa winked at you as he left the car. Jack wondered what was up.
“You guys got some inside shit happening now?” Jack observed
“What? No…” you said visibly uncomfortable tucking your hair behind your ear.
Jack knew when you did that it meant you were nervous but be thought it was cute you and his Grandpa had some inside situation he wasn’t privy to. He just held your hand the rest of the way to your place. Bryson Tiller softly playing in the jeep. “You like your apartment huh?” Jack said as he pulled up in front of your building. He fondly touched your face as you kissed him goodnight and this time you caught it. He thought you didn’t see it but you did. “The Sugar Look” is what you dubbed it in your mind. You felt it deeply. Jack looked away shyly his face red.
“I like it ok.” You said not wanting to call him out on anything and embarrass him.
“Yeah I guess there’s time to see what other living arrangements could look like.” He said his hand on your thigh
“Jackman” you said seriously
“Ah shit what did I do now.” He said with his hands up in mock arrest
“Whys all your friends, Grandpa, even your mom…acting so weird lately?” You asked
“Oh no reason.” He said playfully. He had told everyone he was going to ask you to move in with him. They could see he’d never been happier. “Thanks for looking after Grandpa tonight. I never have to worry with you by my side, and his side. You got my back in a major way.”
“No problem Jack, I guess I wish I still had my Grandpa or my dad.” You said trailing off
“Listen y/n, we’re all here for you ok?” Jack said and you felt so warm as he reached over and hugged you. He had an early flight and couldn’t come up and cuddle. “I’ll see you when I get back from Nashville ok?”
“Ughhh! Nashville again?” You whined
“Yeah Sugar you know I gotta finish up what I got going on out there.” He said as he pecked you on the forehead.
“What?” You said in shock by the nickname he just called you.
“What?” Jack said not noticing what he had said
“Nothing.” You said “I miss you already.” You blew him a kiss goodbye as you walked away on a cloud.
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bagopucks · 2 years
T. Zegras - Disheveled Duckling
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Trevor Zegras x Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Warning(s): Insecurities, and a tiny tiff
“Whose decision was it to make Zegras the cover of NHL 23?”
“Tried and failed to make the new face of the league Trevor Zegras.”
“What an absolute joke.”
“Too flashy. Not enough skill.”
“Good thing the Ducks hired another useless player. I was afraid they might actually make the playoffs.”
“Wonder if he has to hold onto sh** when the wind blows”
“His girlfriend need a man’s man?”
“Holy shit!” I slammed the door to the house I’d slowly grown to love. Trevor and Jamie’s.
Jamie’s head shot up from the couch, startled and frightened by both my abrupt arrival and my anger.
“You good?” I heard him chuckle. No doubt nervous. I took my shoes off, locked the door, and turned to look at my boyfriend’s best friend. Silence filled the air around us. Jamie’s nervous smile immediately disappeared.
“It’s impossible.” My shirt was dripping with water, as were my hands. “And you didn’t even come outside to help!”
“Trevor’s car is really that unclean-able?”
“It’s yours! It’s your Jamie! What are you driving through?” His cheeks turned red. Trevor was out for a hockey game, but when I informed him that my work place was trying to schedule a late night meeting, and we hadn’t known how long Jamie was going to be at the doctors office, Trevor said he’d simply take an Uber. I felt bad when Jamie came home five minutes after Trevor had left. So I decided to go out and wash their cars for them. It was a nice day anyway, a little outdoor time hadn’t hurt.
“I don’t know?” I had managed to get Trevor’s car practically spotless before I had waxed it. But Jamie’s was something else. It had tiny asphalt pieces all over. Which was usual on a car, but I couldn’t scrape them away without chipping paint, and they wouldn’t just wipe away either.
The sun had begun setting mere minutes ago. I had given up on Jamie’s car. I was tired, I’d missed more of the hockey game than I wanted to, and now I was simply angry.
“You’re lucky I have a moral compass that says I shouldn’t hit injured people.” I grumbled as I left the living room, walking through the house to find mine and Trevor’s bedroom. I needed a change of clothes. Something comfortable.
I had been getting notifications for a while on my NHL app. I had only stopped to look at a few, but from what I’d seen, the Ducks were losing. Another reason to be stressed. Another reason to worry about my boyfriend.
I met Trevor when he played for the USA hockey team. We just happened to be in the same town and in the same pastry shop the night it happened. He was trying to order a bear claw, and I had let out a rather exaggerated sigh over the fact that it was the last one. We shared it over two cups of iced coffee.
After that, we became friends and remained so for a long time. The year he got drafted into the NHL, it seemed he’d been on enough of an adrenaline rush to ask me out. I said yes. He pursued his dreams while I pursued my own. Our paths of life ran parallel, but close enough to hold hands along our walks.
I’d been around long enough to see Trevor make records in USA hockey, get drafted, play in the AHL, and eventually join the league permanently. I’d also seen the rise and fall of his mentality as those years went by as well.
I couldn’t pinpoint when it truly started, but I would certainly say when the media began pushing to make him the new face of the league. That was when Trevor began to feel the anxiety.
To everybody else, he loved it. To everybody else, he ate up every second of attention he got. He loved the videos online, the commercials, the sponsorships and free stuff. And part of that was true. Trevor did love all of those things.
But people put so much pressure on you when they expect you to be the poster child of anything. It can change people. Hell, Sidney Crosby’s first year in the NHL was spent screaming at any ref he could over a call he didn’t like. Getting misconducts and penalties he ought not to. Good men can fall long ways under immense pressure. But when the spotlight is on you, all people want is to see you fall and fail. People want to see the hero bend and bend and eventually break.
Trevor loved the attention, but he despised the hate. He didn’t like opening his sports news apps to find articles on himself, and not having the impulse control to not read them. He hated posting something on Instagram, and going back to check a comment from a friend, only to find hate surrounding it. He hated hearing people he looked up to all his life’s putting him down left and right. He hated being misunderstood, but not given the platform to express his grievances. He had no right to discuss his feelings. Nobody would listen.
Perhaps that had been what made him feel like he couldn’t come to me. What made him pull away when I could tell he was tense and disappointed. It took me forever to really understand why he would come home looking so defeated. Looking like a parent who should have expected better from their kid. It took me forever to realize how much Trevor hated himself.
I blamed it on the publicity over and over again. They built him up so much, just to tear him back down. And I knew with each loss, there was a new article. A new post. A new video. A new comment.
My hopes were whisked away when I opened the NHL app to see the score. 5-1. Not a good look for the Ducks. Then of course, upon further inspection, opening the live summary of the game, I realized Trevor had his own ten minute misconduct.
I was never happy that he fought. That he got in people’s faces and picked fights with guys who could have pinned him down to the ice in one shove. But I understood somewhat. Trevor was just trying to look out for himself. Trying in his own short tempered way to be heard in a league that would not listen to him. But we both found through time that nobody was on his side other than his team and few friends.
“Jamie!” I tossed my phone down onto the bed as I grabbed a spare shirt and a pair of shorts. I quickly changed, the lack of response leading me to assume Jamie was ignoring me. I rolled my eyes as I walked back down the hall, stopping once I was in the living area and over the couch.
Not ignoring, somehow asleep. I worried sometimes about him and his pain medication. He was responsible with it, but I still worried. I gently nudged him. Easy to wake, per usual. And he couldn’t have been out that long.
I nudged Jamie again, watching his eyes flutter open. I gestured for him to move, and he quickly cleared a space for me on the edge of the couch. I sat and took the tv remote, turning the screen on.
“Have you had the game on at all?”
“No.. it’s been.. kinda- stressing me out.” I nodded.
“Trevor got into another fight.” Jamie wasn’t surprised. But he knew as well as I did that Trevor was struggling. On his own little broken sailboat, refusing help because he didn’t want anybody else to be caught up in his storm.
“It should be over by now.” Jamie shifted and sat up, leaning against the arm rest of the couch.
I found the channel and flipped it on. Sure enough, Jamie had been correct. I crossed one of my legs over the other, eyeing up the tv in search of my boyfriend. When I couldn’t find him, I assumed they had kicked him out of the entire arena for the last ten minutes of the game. Banished to the locker room.
I used to love games that took place in the middle of the day. Trevor would come home and we’d have dinner together. Then we’d curl up in bed and whisper for hours until we fell asleep. Now, games in the middle of the day meant there was extra time to avoid aggravating Trevor.
We sat in silence until the goal horn sounded, frustrated Ducks players exiting the ice. It was a waiting game now. One Jamie and I were happy to do together, so neither had to worry about Trevor alone.
“He’ll probably be fine.” Jamie broke the silence with a statement we both knew to be false.
“He hasn’t been fine.” I knew that in my mind, but my heart broke at the first confession of the fact. Trevor had been a wreck of emotions and I hadn’t been able to fix even one of his problems.
And he hid it all so well underneath that big smile. And all those jokes.
Jamie and I returned to silence not long after, but when we caught the headlights through the window, he had been the first to get up to leave.
“You should handle this one.. right?” I gave a nod in approval to his suggestion.
“I’ve got him.”
Jamie retreated to his room after that. Always only one call away if Trevor or I ever needed him. I was supposed to be one call away for Trevor too. Why didn’t he ever dial my number?
I waited for what felt like hours for Trevor to come inside. He never did. So I decided to see what was going on. I unlocked and opened the front door, surprised by the sight of Getzlaf’s car in the driveway. I could just barely make out the silhouette of two figures, one pointing at the other in a manner that looked tense.
I leaned in the doorway, and waited patiently before I was spotted. Getzlaf gestured, and Trevor climbed out of the car. He grabbed his gear from the back, and I heard his voice shout something to his old captain before making his way up the short drive to the door. I wasn’t sure what to say, so instead I stood there, staring at Trevor as his eyes met mine. He looked like he was waiting for something.
“Can I come in?” I was surprised by Trevor’s tone. Playful and lighthearted. I looked skeptical, but I nodded and stepped aside nonetheless.
“I was thinking we could do dinner? I miss that. Maybe- we could try.. like steaks? I know Jamie just got a pack the other day.” Trevor’s always been talkative, but this time it feels off. There was a sound in his voice I didn’t know how to place.
“Trevor I can’t cook steaks.”
“Let me do it.” I stared at him as he shut the door. He hated cooking.
“Come on! It’ll be fun! Let me take care of you.” I shrugged. What’s the worst that could happen?
Trevor insisted I sit at the table while he did his thing. I was hesitant, but I allowed him space nonetheless. Trevor tried to talk about the game a bit, but the bitter laugh that occasionally fell from his lips, and the sad sound in his voice usually caused him to stop before he got into any good details. He often stopped his own comments with something like, “guess it doesn’t matter anyway.” And the repetition of the phrase made me feel like it was a media interview. Like he was repeating and repeating just to get me to go away and stop asking questions. I hadn’t asked any in the first place. That’s what he was hesitant about.
“And the misconduct?” I hoped to look disinterested. Like it didn’t bother me, so I looked down at my phone. Trevor never turned to look at me.
“It was bullshit.” I glanced up at him. His shoulders rose slightly.
“What was it on?”
“You didn’t watch?” Trevor turned to look at me, and I don’t know why, but this time he seemed upset. I had missed games of his before… but this was the first in a long time.
“I was a little busy.” I smiled at him, hopeful to keep the clean car a secret until he could see it in the morning.
“No that’s cool..” he shrugged it off and turned back to the stove. It was definitely not cool, not to him, but he wanted to move on. So we moved on.
I listened to Trevor occasionally mumble under his breath about whatever he was making, the sweet smell of cooked meat filling the kitchen along with the sound of the sizzle of two steaks on the pan. I was certain I hadn’t missed out on Trevor learning how to cook.
Once they were finished, my boyfriend beckoned me over, and I was quick to join his side. He cut a piece and I waited for it to cool off before biting the tender piece of meat off the knife he held. At first it was perfect. Then it was oddly sweet. I made a face. Trevor noticed.
“What’s wrong with it?”
My eyes searched the various items and ingredients strewn across the counter. When I noticed it, I giggled.
“Trevor,” I nodded my head toward the container I used for sugar. I never labeled it because I knew what it was, and the boys didn’t use the big box of sugar I had set aside for baking.
“That’s sugar.” His face fell for a split second. Then he started to laugh. I thought about joining him before it all just felt off. Trevor’s eyes quickly adopted a glazed over look, his smile falling into a frown as the laughter ceased and an overwhelming look of grief overcame his features.
Trevor shook his head before turning the stovetop off. I reached for him while he reached for his keys in his pocket.
“Where do you wanna eat?”
“Baby no. We’ll fix this.”
“I don’t want to. Where do you want to eat?”
“I said I don’t want to!”
We didn’t get into fights much. We didn’t like to, but I couldn’t keep disregarding his feelings for his comfort. Something had to give.
“I love you, but you’re gonna sit your ass down and talk to me Trevor.”
“Fuck this.” He shook his head, tossing his keys onto the counter and turning to walk away.
“Trevor!” I snapped and followed him. “I am so sick of seeing you so- so sad! You have to talk to me!”
“I don’t!”
“Then who are you going to talk to? Huh?” Because I knew he was horrible at opening up.
“I don’t know! Nobody fucking listens!” I followed him all the way into our room, pushing the door shut behind myself.
“I’m listening!” I was desperate. “Trevor, I’m right. Here.” He turned to look at me. His anger eased into a blank stare, and it seemed my offer brought everything crashing down at once.
We stared each other down. Both waiting for the other to give up or make some kind of move.
“I’m so tired.” Trevor’s voice quivered, his lips pulling into a frown I hated to see. His eyes fell to the floor.
“Everybody’s so…” he drew in a breath. “Too much- it’s all too much.” Trevor sat down on the side of our bed, his head fell into his hands. “They hate me.”
There was a little kid in there. Devastated. Heartbroken that his heroes wanted him gone. That kids parents didn’t deem him a good role model. That he was ruining his own track record by trying to stay afloat. Trying to survive when nobody respected him. When refs pushed him around and legends dragged his name through the mud. Trevor just wanted to live his dream. He had fun before all the publicity. He didn’t need it, but it was forced on him.
“Nobody hates you.” I slowly made my way over, raking my hands through his hair. Trevor lifted his head to look at me, his brow furrowed and his cheeks red.
“Everybody does! I don’t want to be the guy everybody hates!” Trevor raised his voice, but I couldn’t be bothered to be upset. This was only the tip of the iceberg.
“They liked me..” his voice dropped to a mere whisper. My brow furrowed as I rested my hands on his cheeks, prepared to wipe tears as they began to fall.
“Huh?” I met his volume, Trevor closed his eyes tightly, swallowing the lump in his throat.
“They liked me.. and I ruined it.” Sure, he hadn’t been perfect, but even the aggressive egotistical asshole players had fans. This wasn’t Trevor’s doing. This was the media realizing they failed and then deciding to spin his story. To make him a villain.
“It’s all my fault.” His words were interrupted by a broken gasp, I guided his head to lean against my stomach, pushing a sigh past my lips as I tried not to get too emotional.
“Trevor, this is not your fault.” I ran one hand through his hair while the other held his head.
“I just can’t- fuck!” His voice was muffled in my shirt. “I don’t want this.” I glanced down at him again, my hands travelled to his jaw to move his head from my body.
Trevor’s eyes met my own. So sad. So lost. So broken.
“I don’t want hockey if it comes with all this shit.” He tried to bury his head back against my body, but I held his jaw tightly.
“Trevor.” I carefully moved forward, resting my legs on the bed on either side of his own. I sat on his thighs and pulled Trevor in for a tight hug. His hands gripped the sides of my shirt.
“You just have to be patient. They’re gonna test you.” I whispered against his ear as his head buried in the crook of my neck.
“They test me every day.” I sighed. I didn’t know how to help. “I mess everything up.. they don’t want me. They want somebody who can actually get shit done. They want somebody bigger and faster.. and stronger. They want what I’m not.”
I rubbed at his back with one of my hands.
“Trevor, nobody gives a shit about your weight.” I had never heard a single thing on it before. Sure, maybe his mom made a comment or two about how skinny he was, but it was more so commentary when she was trying to feed him. It never had anything to do with his job.
“Yes they do.” He was insistent. I knew this was a projection. Him trying to find a reason to blame himself for something he couldn’t help. Not everybody gained muscle easily. It wasn’t a bad thing. But to him it was. To him, it was embarrassing.
“I think you look great already. If you get too big, then you can’t lay on top of me any more.”
“That’s not the point.” My joke crash landed. It only seemed to frustrate Trevor more. “People just.. they say shit.” I rested one of my hands on Trevor’s forearm while I worked the other through his hair.
“Like what?”
“That I can’t keep up.. that I’m too scrawny. I need to ‘build up.’ But I can’t! I try and I can’t! I don’t know what’s wrong with me!” He sounded desperate. Desperate for answers I didn’t have.
“It’s genetics Trev. It’s not something you can help.” I knew he tried a million different things. Nothing ever worked. And I knew how hopeless he could get when he’d go to take a peek in the bathroom mirror, and see absolutely no progress. Trevor never had an issue with his body until people started saying things about it.
He’d always wanted to get bigger, but he was patient before. He was willing to really take his time. Now one comment could leave him in the gym for more hours on end than he ought to be in there for. One chirp left him laid down next to me in bed with a shirt on and a pair of pants, curled in on himself like it would somehow make him and his insecurities any less noticeable.
“Or maybe I just shouldn’t be playing hockey. Maybe I’m just not cut out for it.” His sadness had shifted into acceptance. Like he was ready to give up.
“They drafted you Trevor. People talked about you forever. People were elated to have you in the league.”
“Yeah. Were.“
“They still are.” I sighed. “So you have an attitude? They’ll get over it. You know how many people have said they love you? They love your personality, and your talent? You’re a new version of the game. A new type of style everybody is going to know you for.” I moved my hand from Trevor’s hair. I gently traced his jawline with my fingers, holding my breath at the sight of my disheveled duckling.
“What if it never gets better?” Trevor had thought about this more than I realized. I shook my head.
“It will. There’ll be some new hotshot they’ll idolize and attack. Some new player who takes a downward spiral that they decide to torture. This won’t be you forever.. you just have to stay strong while it happens. Okay?”
“I just wanted to play hockey..” exhaustion was evident in his tone. I allowed Trevor to rest his head on my shoulder again, his breaths were heavy from trying to hold back the tears that hadn’t fallen.
“It’ll all work itself out, Trev.” My voice lowered to a whisper. “They did the same thing to Jack.. they did the same thing to Crosby. You just have to handle it better.. that’s all. You know I love you, I just think they get under your skin too easy.”
“I know.” Trevor sighed.
“You have to remember to calm down sometimes. Nobody’s ever going to listen if all you do is yell and fight.”
“That’s what Getz said.” I had been curious, but at no point did I consider asking what Getzlaf had said to Trevor. It hadn’t been my place. But I was happy Trevor told me nonetheless. It was reassuring to know somebody else was telling him the same things.
“You need a stress ball out there or something.” I joked softly, running my hand through Trevor’s hair one last time before I rested my hands on his shoulders, pushing him back so I could see him.
Trevor mustered a sad smile at my words.
“Maybe you just need to chew on your glove like Jack.” I added, trying to go two for two. It seemed that comment earned a giggle from him.
“Or reach out and talk to him.” My tone took up a more serious sound. Trevor pursed his lips and nodded. “You guys don’t talk as much as you should. He probably gets jealous of Jamie.”
I went three for three the second I noticed Trevor’s smile widen, his eyes squinting as well when he laughed.
Silence enveloped our own little world. I tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear. Trevor seemed to finally relax.
“We’re gonna be okay,” I whispered as I gently placed my hands on his chest. Trevor picked up the cue to lay back as I propped myself up over him.
“And I love you.” I added softly, pressing a kiss to his collar. “And Jamie loves you,” Trevor smiled again. “And your mom, and your siblings, and your dad. And all of your friends all scattered about.” I climbed off of Trevor and slipped off the bed. He looked confused before sitting up to look at me, eventually standing as well.
“You don’t have to be perfect.” He stepped closer, resting his hands on my sides as my own slipped beneath his shirt to hold his hips. “Nobody needs you to become a body builder.” I continued. Trevor nodded slowly. “And nobody needs you to lose that attitude.” I wrapped my arms around his body beneath his shirt, gently scratching his back. His weakness. He loved back scratches. “Just keep being the Trevor I know and love. Just be yourself, okay? Everything comes after that.”
And everything did come after that. I didn’t want Trevor to lose himself or his confidence because of others.
After I got him settled, Trevor and I had cleaned the mess in the kitchen and I took him out for a quick dinner. We ate on some curbside, talking and laughing over nonsense. When we did get home, I had checked up on Jamie, prepared to ask if he was hungry before I found he’d been asleep. After that, I slipped back into our room and got settled in bed with him, flipping through streaming services until we found something to fall asleep to.
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pandagyaru · 1 year
This isn't 2023 or whatever you just said
Deadpool x 2009 Gender neutral reader
Early 2000s au with my favorite man with a very big uh
Personality.... yeah personality lolz
Anyways my thought process is like, what if dp goes back in time on accident and needs to find out what year it is. Like 2009 or something. But he meets the prettiest little human, aka you dollies!
P.s: Your apartment is like all rooms in one, kinda like dps in the movie, except your bathroom is private, LMAO.
P.p.s: the reader is very no descriptive. Besides the fact they wear glasses!
A swirling noise fills the dark void of your open space apartment. You sit up in bed and slide your sleeping mask up on your forehead. A purple and orange hole in the abyss that is your living room. You blink the eye crusties and boogers away as you stare at it, blinking like a frog as you get used to the strange light. A red and black clad body shoots through the portal, landing on your comforter.
"WHAT THE FUCK" You shout, crawling up to your headboard. You hurry and flick on your bedside lamp to get a good look at the dead body? You don't know if the person is dead or not, but God, you didn't wanna find out. It suddenly sits up with a gasp, its head snapping towards you. It points at you.
"YOU! WHERE AM I?" The voice is masculine, so you're assuming it's a guy. I mean, you're hoping what you're assuming is right. It may be 2009, but you'd hate to misgender this stranger in your bed.
"Uh, you're in my apartment. May I ask where the fuck you came from?" You ask, leaning over and grabbing your glasses of your nightstand, slipping them on your face.
"Right, your apartment. I came from a mansion, not mine. Like a friends mansion" He explains, looking around at all your "ancient" looking belongings. "Say is it 2023?"
"Huh? 2023? No, it's 2009. Are you okay? Did you hit your head on my bed post? Like, I understand you like spawned in my apartment, but I dont think time travel is possible. doctor who" you joke, nudging your foot at him. His head whips to you.
"2009?" He asks. You nod and pull out your iPhone 3G, turning it on and showing him the date.
"Yeah. It's also 3 am. So, if you're staying, my couch pulls out into a bed. I do have to warn you, I have work at like 9 am" You tell him, getting up incase you have to pull the couch bed out. He looks over at your couch and then back at you.
"Or we could share this cozy ass bed you got yourself here." He flirts, leaning back on your bed and trying to seem seductive. You blush.
"I'll pull out the couch" you mutter, speed walking over to the couch. You bend over to grip the metal bars under the couch cushions.
"You're supposed to remove the cushions' first sugar butt" He says, standing up and walking over to you. Your face feels hot at the petname. "Its like a sleepover! All we need is movies and snacks"
"I have work, remember?" You state, picking up and throwing the couch cushions. The bed sliding out and setting itself down on the hardwood floor. He looks over at you.
"Yeah, at 9am. When did you go to bed?" He asks. You look over at him.
"Like 8pm. I was exhausted today"
"So you've had 7 hours of sleep. If we watch one movie, you'll get like 5 more hours. You'll be fine" He says, plopping his leather clad fat ass (I just had to specify that btw) on the couch bed. You think it over. You sigh.
"Fine, but we're watching catwoman. Halle Berry is gorgeous in that movie" You say, walking over to your DVD rack. You crouch down to read all the titles of movies you have. You find the movie you want and peek over your TV stand to your DVD player. You put the movie in. "Have you ever seen this movie?" You ask, walking back over to thr couch bed. Deadpool wades (HA GET IT?) over his response. The truth is he hasn't seen it in fucking forever.
"I have, but it's been a while," He answers.
"Oh yeah how long? I watched it the other day"
"About 15 years. Give or take"
"It came out 5 years ago..."
"Right right its 2009"
"Wait so you're actually from the future? Holy shit. What's life like?" You jump up and grab his shoulders.
"Technology is definitely better then what you have in this place. I'll tell ya that for free. God your phone is God awful" He jokes, smashing his hand on your face.
"Hey, that's the latest phone! I'm cool!" You shout, grabbing his wrist, trying to pull his hand off your face. He laughs. "I know we just met. But would you be able to show me what 2023 looks like?" You ask, looking into the whites of his mask.
"Uh, i don't know if it transports more then one person. But I could try." He mutters, watching the way your eyes light up.
The night ended with you falling asleep on him halfway through the movie.
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piedpiperslists · 9 months
hiii can you recommend any jealous jungkook/oc AUs? thank you so much 💞💞
Hi. I did not expect to list about 30 fics just for this theme 😭 but tbf I also included fics that aren't necessarily focused on jealousy but some which the authors also tagged with.
* ² - two shots s - contains smut
Defense Mechanism by yoongiphoria established relationship Summary: Your love language is not words of affirmation, but that’s not going to stop Jeongguk.
Focus on Me by aquagustd s FWB, college au
Green Room by honeymoonjin s established relationship, idol au, PWP Summary: Post-concert jealous Jungkook.
Head Over Skates by mercurygguk ice hockey player!Jungkook, college au Summary: Jungkook doesn’t get jealous but here you are, bringing out new sides of him.
“I’m not jealous.” by taleasnewastime established relationship
Just Friends by jeonqkooks s FWM college au Summary: Jungkook doesn’t like it when other people look at you the way he does.
Like That by dawnagustd s college au Summary: Running into an awkward situation at a house party? Your first instinct is to hide. And because you have the worst luck, your hiding spot is already being occupied… by another awkward situation.
Ness-tled in Your Embrace by lavienjin s established relationship, PWP Summary: A drabble about one (1) jealous Jeon Jungkook.
Perilla Leaves by hyungieyoongi friends to lovers, fake dating
The Past Is Past by yukheii established relationship Summary: Where Y/N is with Jungkook but she originally had a crush on Taehyung and Jungkook finds out and feels insecure.
The Perilla Leaf Debacle by here2bbtstrash s established relationship Summary: You hate it when your boyfriend gets jealous, but you love the way he takes it out on you.
Tulip by jinfizz friends to lovers Summary: Red roses aren’t the only flower with a romantic meaning, so you don’t have to totally splurge to show your dedication. Red tulips are also considered a declaration of love, and they’re especially gorgeous in the spring.
“Wait a minute…are you jealous?” “I’m not jealous! It’s just…you’re mine!” by taeken-my-heart established relationship, college au
When he’s jealous over the perilla leafs debate by delugguk s established relationship, PWP Summary: 'Next thing you know, you're holding hands with him and end up getting married!'
You are jealous of a new staff member by bangtan-sonyeonddaeng established relationship, idol au
One Shots
A Blight on the Heart by thatlongspringnight s wc~13.3k / established marriage, historical au Summary: You married him because you wanted a new life, and even with the struggle, the fights, you’d marry him again any day. Or - Jungkook loves you from the moment he reads your first letter, and the rest is history.
Absolute by v-hope wc~4.3k / fuckboy!Jungkook, tutor!reader, FWB, college au Summary: After arguing over the status of your relationship and having a bit of a fall out, Jeongguk and you find out you don’t quite like the idea of each other being with someone else. Nevertheless, with the two of you not being precisely a couple, things might get a little too complicated.
Bewitching by taegularities s wc~10.8k / FWB, vampire au Summary: Your feelings for Jungkook differ too much from the quiet agreement between you and his free-spirited, cold soul; too dangerous to speak them aloud. But when desire and longing take the lead, how long will you, the loyal servant to her master, be able to silence what resides deep inside of you?
Ego Season by sparklingchim s wc~6.3k / hockey player!Jungkook, brother's best friend, college au Summary: POV: You make ur secret fuck buddy jealous. Number 7 by sparklingchim s wc~3k / hockey player!Jungkook, brother's best friend, college au Summary: POV: Your jealous fuck buddy pounds you in his jersey.
Heaven’s Open by btsmosphere wc~3.5k / friends to lovers, college au Summary: It’s never a good time for the heavens to open, trapping you to wait out the storm. But your own piece of heaven is stuck right there with you - maybe the rainclouds will shed some light on the cold front that has formed between you and Jungkook.
Hot Boy Bummer by jungkxook s wc~14.6k / fuckboy!Jungkook, friends to lovers, FWB Summary: When Jungkook offers you a proposition of just sex, no strings attached, how can you possibly say no? After all, what are best friends for?
Jealousy by jkeuphoriadreamland s wc~2.3k / established relationship Summary: All of this over a fucking perilla leaf!?
My Heart Is Yours by honeytae wc~3k / established relationship
Never Be Friends by jjungxkook wc~3k / friends to lovers Summary: A healthy mix of irritation and amusement leads to kissing and making out with your best friend. Everyone knows that.
Pink Sapphire by jiminrings wc~11k / arranged marriage Summary: Having Jungkook for a husband is great as far as arranged marriages could go; he’s easy to love. Your relationship’s perhaps become so easy that Jungkook doesn’t think sometimes — and that’s what makes it the easiest for you to hate him. Alternatively, you and Jungkook married each other for business, but the both of you stay for love.
Project: Star X by xenizaation s wc~6k / rockstar!Jungkook, friends to lovers
[...] So It Begins (2) by muniimyg wc~2.5k / friends to lovers, university au Summary: The one where it’s all about what Jungkook wants.
Stay by jungkxook s wc~8k / popstar!Jungkook, groupie!reader, FWB Summary: Jungkook wasn’t always so madly in love with you but the fact that you’re sleeping with two of his band mates too makes things a tad bit complicated.
The Cockpile: Try Out by httpjeon s wc~6.6k / established relationship, pornstar au Summary: Dating a porn star wasn’t easy. Jealousy can run rampant if there’s no communication.
Two Shots/Series
Denial ² by girlygguk s actress!reader, FWB, idol au, PWP Summary: It's been a plethora of secret meetups, quickies in the bathrooms of his award shows, and 2 am 'you up?' texts during your year-long situationship with Jungkook. You both agreed in the beginning that your careers are far too hectic to commit to anything serious, but you can't shake the shitty ache in your chest every time the high wears off, or when you're crawling out of his bed in the middle of the night. Trying to exile the shitty feeling of longing that you harbor for him, you spend time with another one of your guy friends. Jungkook sees, and he's mad.
Four Seven Eight by jiminrings actress!reader, established relationship Summary: You’re secure when it comes to loving Jungkook, knowing that your husband loves you beyond words. What you aren’t so secure about is his first love — someone who isn’t you. Alternatively, Jungkook’s married to you, but he still celebrates his anniversary with his ex out of sentimentality.
You can also check the FWB list. I think most fics there have an overall feel of jealousy.
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definesanity · 1 year
SAGAU, wherein you teach UNO to Hu Tao, Kuki Shinobu and Collei:
There you were, thonking. Or, thinking, maybe. Point being, you were pondering, when you had an epiphany; Teyvat has card games (or, well, a Trading Card Game; yeah did you know that TCG stood for that? I didn't for a long while), so why not introduce one from your world?
It was simple; invite some calm individuals to play a round of Uno. Naturally, it came quickly, and so you say at the table, cards already out, as three stepped on through.
From Sumeru, Collei; albeit nervous, she nevertheless sat down, smiling and waving shortly.
From Inazuma, Kuki Shinobu; level-headed and calm, she was the ideal player for any card game, and seemed intrigued as well, if her eyebrows raised indict anything.
And, finally, from Liyue, Hu Tao; a given, really, for as soon as you said you could trick others, she basically jumped at the opportunity.
"Thanks for joining me," you started, smiling. "I'd hate to take away your time, but I thought that, maybe, this could be a learning experience."
The three nodded; Collei seemed less tense now, but still kept glancing around the table.
"Ah, but, I suppose introductions are in order? You don't need to say much; just your name will do."
Shinobu nodded back. "I'll start, then: I'm Kuki Shinobu, Deputy Head of the Arataki Gang. Pleasure to meet you both."
"Pleasures all mine, Miss Shinobu~" came the voice of Hu Tao. "Me? I'm Hu Tao, the Seventy-Seventh Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor! Also nice to meet you~"
"...Ahem," Collei cleared her throat, not for attention, but to prevent the nerves in her. "I'm, ah, Collei. T-Trainee Forest Ranger. Nicetomeetyouboth." she finished in a hurry, causing you to raise your eyebrow.
"Are you completely fine, Collei? I'm not forcing you to play," your voice was gentle, and you knew not to make her uncomfortable.
Collei shook her head, however. "A-Ah, no, I'm good. Just a little nervous, is all."
Hu Tao smiled back. "Aw~ Don't worry, Collei! We're all friends here; don't worry, I don't bite~"
Shinobu nodded. "The same with me; we're all here to have fun, right?"
Collei returned the gesture, and then looked at the cards in front of her.
"Right, the game; this is called UNO. The goal is simple; the player with no cards left wins. As for the rules..." you cleared your throat. "In front of you is seven cards; to not show them to anyone unless you play the card. The cards go up from one to nine, and are in four colours, as you can see; red, blue, yellow and green. You can only play a card that is the same colour or the same number. With me so far?"
The three nodded, though Collei's was a bit late, and so you continued, "When you reach one card, you must declare it and say, 'Uno'; if you don't, you'll be called out and be forced to draw two cards; should you not have any cards matching the colour or number, you must draw until you get the colour, number, or a Wildcard. I'll get to that in a moment.
"Next, Special Cards; the Plus-Two you may have, if placed down, makes it that the next player must pick up two cards; however, if they play a Plus-Two, it will stack, and will become the next player's problem."
"So, say if I placed a Plus-Two, followed by Hu Tao, you, and then Collei..."
"...Then, you will be made to pick up six cards, yes, heh."
Shinobu shook her head. "I guess we must be careful with that..."
"Next, the Uno Reverse, or the No U card; it reverses the order of player rotation; say, Collei used it, instead of it going to Kuki next, it would go to me, and then follow reversed order until another Reverse card is played."
"Uu..." Collei groaned, rubbing her temple. "Who designed this?! Why does it have so many rules?!"
"If it helps, you won't struggle for long; you'll pick up on it soon enough, Col." smiling, the green-haired girl shakily gave one back, with a thumbs up to follow, of which you also mirrored.
"Now, the Wildcards; the one with a circle, if played, allows the one to change the colour of the card to anything they want, regardless of previous colours."
"So if I played it after Hu Tao placed down a red..."
"...You could very well make it another colour yes, Collei~" a giggle then followed. "Or, ya know, keep it the same for me to win, hm~?"
"...And the four allows you first change the colour of the rotation, and make the next person draw four cards."
"...What if I placed a Plus Four on top?"
"Then you unleash hell, Shinobu."
"Well, if that's everything?" three nods followed. "Then, let's begin!"
This is going to be something, alright, heh.
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dragonmarquise · 2 months
I was reading through some of your tags for the post and some of them caught my eye, specifically when you were talking Abt the ref and Felix thing. Why do you get angry Abt it????/gen I'm not trying to be rude, I'm generally all around New to the fandom and I wanna know why-
Okay so!! Honestly this is a fair question to ask, because anyone particularly new to the fandom or even the game in general isn’t going to know the whole context about this situation.
Short(ish) summary (also spoilers of course!): In the postgame, Red still appears at cypher spots, even though going by the story Red and Felix are the same person, and the red cyberhead was destroyed by the end of the game. Taking it at face value, some people interpret it as Red somehow coming back as a separate person from Felix. Which is a cool AU idea imo!
Unfortunately, a decent amount of people have a heavy preference towards Red over Felix, usually either because they’re too used to Red from playing as him for most of the game, or even because they see Felix as ugly/unattractive in comparison.
So then those people tend to use that AU as a way to replace Felix, basically (in my mind at least) throwing out Felix’s character development from the game in favor of Red. When from the canon story’s perspective, they’re the same damn person anyways. And like, I just find that really rude towards him, and I say this as a person who enjoys that AU too, though evidently in a different way from what other people are doing. D:
Longer rant with more details/complaints under the cut:
There are a few different variants of this AU, just to list a few scenarios:
Red is actually a somehow revived Faux, basically using the red cyberhead to hide his identity. Why he does this can vary: him wanting to actual repent for what happened and trying to start doing so by hiding his real identity, or even just hiding himself as he plots to get revenge on Felix and the rest of BRC.
Red is a copy (either complete or partial) of Felix’s mind during the time he spent stuck in the red cyberhead. Basically that converting the red cyberhead to preserve Felix’s head didn’t remove all of the systems/internals related to a normal cyberhead’s functions. The idea being maybe the Flesh Prince had to do a rush job due to needing to keep Felix’s head preserved as quickly as possible to prevent too much rotting/memory loss. Thus some systems are still there, reading Felix’s mind and later result in Red once the red cyberhead is put back together. I will admit I did talk about this scenario in a previous post of mine!
A fun one from a friend of mine: Red still existing turns out to be because a player of the actual BRC game managed to get isekai’d into the world, with them somehow getting put into a newly revived Red as his new "AI" mind. Then having to navigate the world and maybe even befriend BRC, trying to also convince them that he’s not suspicious (especially given his knowledge of the events of the game). Also dealing with how actually moving around and doing things as a writer firsthand is WAY different from just doing it in a video game, lol
Another one from a different friend: Red is “revived” by the Flesh Prince as a new lacky. Though it’s not “Red” from the game, he just found Faux’s old body and then put a completely new cyberhead on it with a basic AI, declaring it his new minion. Shenanigans ensue, probably. :P
But the one that a decent amount of people seem to prefer: Red being the one to experience most if not all of the game, connecting with the rest of BRC and becoming friends. Felix recovering his memories is still a thing here, and him basically taking the reigns once the endgame starts to defeat Faux for good. But then after that it’s revealed Felix still doesn’t have much of a friendship with the others, because it turned out that was all Red, as a separate mind/AI/etc. from Felix. So then in this version of the AU, Red is part of BRC because of the connections he made, while Felix leaves and goes back to being a solo writer because his only connection to BRC was them helping him recover his memories. It’s using Red as a complete replacement for Felix, even though canonically they’re the same person anyways.
And like… ultimately people will do whatever they want with AUs and stuff like this, I can’t force people to stop what they’re doing or agree with the criticisms I have here. And I will admit, I used to like the last point in a “WHOA that’d be a pretty cool twist!!” way, but then later thinking on it more, and realizing… no, actually, this feels like a shitty thing to do to the narrative, especially to poor Felix.
His whole thing is like!! He was friends but also rivals with DJ Cyber and Faux, until eventually going solo for All City, and even admitting he prefers to work alone. We don’t get details on why he feels that way, but we can imagine a ton of ideas for it: he has more of an ego than he lets on? He didn’t want DJ Cyber or Faux to get hurt during the path to All City, so he decides to just go for it by himself? He still genuinely thinks of them as his friends, but overall he’s generally a more aloof loner kind of person and that’s why he went solo? There’s a bunch of options!
Regardless of his reasons, he went solo for All City. He had a one night graffiti session with Faux afterwards, maybe to just check on him and catch up. But otherwise to me it implies there weren’t going to be too many more sessions like these in the future, be it with Faux or anyone else.
And then, Faux kills him. Faux’s own motivations for that are also another fascinating potential for cool fics/AUs/etc. But that’s maybe for another post. :P
Anyways! Felix is dead, but manages to get preserved and eventually revived as Red. Early on in the game, I believe right at the beginning of Chapter 2, Red decides to go up against DJ Cyber in order to find out about his own forgotten roots. And he actually starts to go off by himself, until Tryce stops him! Then Tryce tells him they’re doing this together as a crew, and the way I see it, Red is probably going, “Wait, you… want to still help me? Even if it means fighting against a guy like DJ Cyber? Really??”
Because! Again, my own interpretation, Red doesn’t have all his memories back, but I think Felix’s personality is still there, just subconsciously, y’know? “I gotta do this on my own, can’t rely on anyone else, don’t want others to get hurt because of me” etc. So this is imo one of the first big steps in Felix’s character development that I feel is going on throughout the game: learning that it’s okay to have your friends help you, and to help them out in return, sticking together until the very end and even beyond that!
I mean, just saying, Tryce and Bel join in with Vinyl and DJ Cyber to keep Mech!Faux open for a final attack during his boss fight. That’s some serious friendship right there, willing to put yourself on the line for a friend!!
So then, to basically say, “No, most/all of that was actually just Red, and Red and Felix are separate people so Felix doesn’t need to stick around with BRC anymore” is like…
Okay, pardon my language here, but it’s effectively throwing out Felix’s whole character arc, and frankly it’s fucking insulting towards him!! Guy has the power of badass friendship and hella illegal graffiti on his side, and some people wanna rip that away from him?! Come the fuck on!!
And to emphasize, I used to like this idea as like, an amazing didn’t-see-it-coming twist. But then thinking on it more, it just really isn’t fair to Felix! At all! Especially since I really do think he has an interesting character arc, going from insisting on doing things solo, to gaining new friends and going All City a second time with, in his words, “a whole crew of the best homies around”.
Literally, he says that at the hideout in the postgame! I’m kinda paraphrasing based on memories, but that’s actually what he says more or less.
Also, a lot of people in the fandom seem to really enjoy this AU specifically as a way to replace Felix with Red in their minds/headcanons/stories. Some of them just ended up very attached to Red because of playing as him for most of the game anyways. Which, y’know, that’s reasonable at least! But then for others, they latch onto this AU because of having a genuine dislike (and in some cases, outright hatred) towards Felix.
From my observations and experiences, if it’s not because they got too attached to Red, it’s mostly rooted in people not finding Felix “attractive”. That’s it, possibly the most selfish fucking reason a person could have for wanting to forcefully throw out a character’s development, like what the hell man.
imo it also reeks of a problem that some other fandoms tend to have: dissing more masculine men in the cast, in favor of the more feminine/twink men. Some people may debate on whether Red/Faux would count as a twink, especially with how the term has been watered down recently (fun fact, it was meant to be mainly used in an LGBT+ context, so specifically for LGBT+ men who fit the appearance!!). But, I hope people reading this get the idea of what I’m trying to point out here. :/
Another thing about how people are trying to use Red to replace Felix: they treat this AU like it’s canon, or that they think it should be canon. Even though it’s not, that’s the point of calling it an AU!! Like I mentioned way earlier, I’m not going to stop anyone from going into this sort of AU, even if I personally have criticism for it if it’s handled in a certain way. But what I’m not going to let slide is people trying to force an AU to be considered canon and the way it should be.
The point of an AU is to have fun with possibilities, not try to reject and replace the original canon completely!! D:
Anyways, this is uh. Pretty long as is. So I want to wrap up with at least what I personally like about the potential for a “Red comes back as a separate person” AU. Which is evidently very different from what most people enjoy about that kind of AU.
I mentioned this in my old post I linked to earlier in this post, but basically: Red is not used as a replacement for Felix, but he exists alongside him and the rest of BRC. They could even become like brothers to one another. Red being the “younger” brother who is (quite literally) new to life and wants to go out there and explore and experience all the good stuff, even in a chaotic way. And then Felix being the “older” brother, still being chill like he was before, yet also more responsible and cautious because of what he went through, thus wanting to make sure Red is safe and sort of be his mentor through these things. Felix maybe even feels like he's the main reason Red is here at all, so then he feels responsible with guiding Red and making sure he turns out alright, y'know?
… At least, that’s more or less what I would want to aim for. Them coexisting and even getting more character development for the both of them! I would take more about the specifics of how this would all work. But I do have fan fics and other stuff I want to do someday to share those ideas more. Thus I will stop here for today, hopefully I will be able to get around to those fan fics and stuff in the future! Maybe.
So yeah, that about wraps up my thoughts on this topic? I probably came off as too hostile at some points, sorry about that. It’s just, I think this particular version of the AU is especially frustrating when it’s coming from people who are clearly only using it to replace the “ugly” Felix with the more “attractive” Red. Sometimes it’s subtle, other times it’s more obvious, but either way it’s just damn annoying for me at this point. :(
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starsanova · 1 year
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★ who were they written by ─ headcanon
summary ─ what if formula one drivers were written by real people? who would have created them? let's find out.
★ burn marks ─ series masterlist
summary ─ when playing with fire, you are bound to get burned, lucky for jae-eun she was born to breath it, and she is bound to leave a mark.
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★ famous s/o ─ headcanon
summary ─ charles is famous, but what if he had a s/o who was equally as famous (if not more) how would that play out?
★ = purple ─ social media au
summary ─ the shocking reveal of Y/N L/N's and charles leclerc's relationship saw all f1 drivers enter what fans call the 'great conversation' as the chelsea star turns all drivers into part-time footballers and marries one in the process.
★ red + blue ─ social media au
summary ─ after the champions league final, red and blue finally unite after chelsea's star player Y/N L/N reveals that she is in a relationship with scuderia ferrari's golden boy charles leclerc.
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★ I only date cowboys ─ social media au
summary ─ after his departure from mclaren the aussie honey badger spends some time soul-searching with his hot cowgirl girlfriend and laughs as his former team struggle while he and Red Bull spend a lovely weekend down at the ranch, preparing a surprise.
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★ be mine officially? ─ blurb
summary ─ romance was never lando's speciality, but he will try and make any important moment special just like today
★ dating ln4 ─ headcanon
summary ─ what would it be like to date everyone's fav papaya boy? let's find out
★ the stages of pregnancy ─ headcanon
summary ─ lando loves children, but how would he fair with children of his own? let's find out
★ shut up karen! ─ social media au
summary ─ lando norris and Y/N L/N are on a top-secret date at one of their favourite restaurants, and a wild karen appears out of nowhere and starts causing chaos. and the video of Y/N going off on the woman reveals the couple. Iconic shit.
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★ flash of anger ─ blurb
summary ─ lewis is a jealous man. it was common knowledge. just like how the grass is green, and the sky is blue. it is also common knowledge that angry sex is the best type of sex.
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★ small wedding ─ headcanon
summary ─ max's life was full of glitz and glam, but what if he wanted his special day to be private? here's how it would go
★ defender from day one ─ social media au
summary ─ Y/N hamilton and max verstappen always have due to their similar age, but no one ever thought much of it and wrote them off as friends. but with tensions flying high between max and lewis their friendship is put under scrutiny, and there big secret is exposed.
★ happier than ever ─ social media au
summary ─ after breaking up with charles leclerc six months ago, singer and songwriter Y/N L/N is back and happier than ever after teasing a new album and hard launching a new boo. Her ex's rival max verstappen, safe to say karma is a bitch.
★ manifestation boo ─ social media au
summary ─ it turns out max verstappen is indeed a spiritual person, especially when it comes to the manifestation of his current relationship with former disney star Y/N L/N. as he spared no expense from crystal to candle, yes, they do work apparently.
★ project menace ─ social media au
summary ─ everyone and their dad hates max's father, so you can imagine how happy people were when he finds a new family in the alonso's. as the dutch driver starts dating the daughter of fellow driver fernando alonso, and cause chaos in the process.
★ sea & sand ─ social media au
summary ─ max is good at driving. that is clear. too bad his skills in surfboarding are limiting , as his girlfriend Y/N L/N shows in a series of Instagram posts and tweets before dropping a bombshell in true chaotic aussie fashion.
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★ photo desire ─ social media au
summary ─ the witch hunt continues as the internet close in on the identity of Y/N L/N muse, as the fans are now convinced it is none other than pierre gasly. with a soft launch and a ring on their fingers, they truly prove to be better than romeo and juliet.
★ photo feelings ─ social media au
summary ─ famous photographer and intent sensation Y/N L/N's new series "my feeling for you" has everyone talking about who could her secret muse could be. with everyone from harry styles to lewis hamilton being mentioned. That last guess wasn't too far off.
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★ story of you & me ─ social media au
summary ─ the wait is finally over Y/N vettel's long-awaited movie adaptation of her book 'two souls one whole' is set to be released in two months. showing the beautiful love story of two lost souls that met at a bar in spa in 2007.
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★ arabian nights ─ social media au
summary ─ yuki is finally in his adventurous era, as he takes a seemly spontaneous trip to the arabian desert and, in the process, is linked with an arabian heiress. Only to announce their engagement by the end of the week. leaving the intent struggling to keep up.
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★ none
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★ none
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© STARSANOVA, 2023. all rights reserved. do not steal, repost, translate and/or claim these work as your own.
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applejuicefruit · 2 years
This might sound weird but can i request Olivier Giroud x teen reader, like where they are neighbours and reader’s parents are like drunk and drugged people so he takes care of her? In a fatherly way❤️❤️
I really love your blog! You writings are my favorites❤️❤️
Okay so you’re telling me there are NONE writings about Olivier Giroud on this app?
Thank you so much for requesting this! This one actually feels very personal to me.
I hope you like this💓
(Let’s pretends Oli doesn’t have kids and a wife in this story okay🤭)
also tw : domestic abuse, drug and alcohol mention, violence , oliver being the father i actually need since mine went out to buy milk and never came back ☹️
kylian mbappe is in this one too! kinda of kylian x friend reader where they both have a crush on each other 🤭
just look at the way he’s comforting kylian 😭😭😭😭😭
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You grew up in a pretty messed up family.
You’re parents were caring and nice when you were a kid but once you grew up they stopped caring about you. The only reason they didn’t divorce was because they had to decided who would take care of you and since no one wanted to do it they remained married. Also because if they divorced your rich uncles wouldn’t gave them any more money. You called them for help so many times and the only thing they did was giving them money.
What a shitty family.
You can’t recall when everything started to going down you just remembered being alone all of sudden.
You lived in a fancy complex in the middle of Milan. It was a very expensive building, the one who has a gym and a pool inside of it. If it wasn’t for your uncles you all would be living under a bridge now.
Your parents acted normal in public but inside your house everything was crazy. They would constantly fight and throw things at each other. They would scream and hit each other and that made you feel so unsafe.
You tried to escape once and saying that they didn’t even realised you were gone hurt you.
You were 18 so legally you could have left, problem you had no job or degree.
One night the constantly screaming made you feel sick and you decided to sit on the stairs of your complex hoping they would stop.
It was cold and you were only wearing a t-shirt and a pair of jeans but you were so scared of going back inside that you preferred staying cold.
You waited for two hours, sitting there all alone but they wouldn’t stop. You started crying and fidgeting with your hands, your anxiety rising when you heard someone coming out of the elevator.
You pretended you didn’t hear anything so your neighbour wouldn’t ask you.
You knew exactly who he was.
Olivier Giroud, the famous football player. He played for Milan and for the Equipe de France. He won the world cup once. He’s also champion of Italy now.
He was a nice person. Always greeting you when he saw you, asking you if you were good. He was like an angel sent to heart. Everyone loved him for his caring and gentle soul.
In fact he was going home when he saw you sitting on the stairs, shivering from the cold.
“Y/n? Are you okay?” he asked with a concerned voice
“Yes” you said with a shaky voice and in that moment you cursed yourself because you didn’t want to look so weak
“Are you sure?”
“What are you doing outside here? It’s cold,
plus it’s past midnight, you should be sleeping…”
“I’m fine”
“Have you eaten?” he asked and when he mentioned food your stomach rumbled
You were starving.
“Do you want to come inside and eat something?” he asked hoping you would say yes
“I don’t want to bother”
“It’s fine really”
In that moment you turned around to look at him and when he saw your face his heart broke a little. Your eyes red and puffy from crying.
You stood up and followed him inside his home.
His apartment completely different from yours.
It was clean and nice decorated. It felt like home.
“You can sit on the couch if you want to, I’ll get you something to eat” he said while you sat
He came back a few moments later with a very good looking sandwich and you couldn’t help to smile at his kind gesture.
You thanked him and started eating.
Once you’ve finished he gave you something to drink and set everything in the sink.
“Now can you tell me what were you doing outside?” he asked you again
“I didn’t want to stay at home”
“Your parents?” he asked and you looked at him with an interrogative face “I hear them fight sometimes” he said
“Yup, that’s my life”
“Have you called someone?”
“I’ve called so many people and no one would do anything”
“I’m sorry, truly, if you want you can use my guest bedroom and stay here tonight” he said
“I can’t accept, you already did a lot for me”
“I insist, I can’t let you go back knowing they might hurt you”
You thought about it and accepted his offer.
Just for one night.
He showed you the way and the moment you touched the bed you drifted off to sleep.
He woke you up around 8 am
“I’m sorry to wake you up but I have to go to practice, you can stay here a bit more if you want to” he said truthfully
“No it’s fine I’ve got school in one hour…”
“Okay, well, if you need anything just give a call” he gave you his phone number and you thanked him.
After that night days passed and everyday he would make sure you were okay. He texted you and asked if you needed anything. Truth was you wanted to spend the rest of your days in his apartment, away from your parents but you couldn’t take advantage of his kindness like this.
This month things got worse.
Your dad started drinking again because things were going bad at work, your mum started using again and you were on the verge of a crisis.
“Y/n!” your dad called you from the living room.
You were in your bedroom doing your homework so you decided to ignore him.
It was almost 10 pm so he would have probably fell asleep very soon. Your mom was out, probably with some druggies.
“Y/n!” your dad called you again.
You decide to go out and see what he wanted.
When he saw you he smiled a bit.
“Honey can you get me a beer?” he asked.
Was he serious?
“No” you replied back
“Excuse me?”
“I said no. I was doing my homework and you interrupted me. Plus you’re already drunk you don’t need another beer!” you said almost leaving when you saw the bottle of his empty beer crashing straight into the wall in front of you.
“Where do you think you’re going whore! Come back and pay me some respect! I’m your father” he said standing up from the couch.
You started to being scared.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to…” you apologised hoping he would calm down.
You were so wrong.
He come towards you with an inhuman speed and slapped you right in face. The impact was so hard you fell to the floor. He never raised his hands to you.
“Dad I said i’m sorry please…”
“What a whore, always begging just like whores do” he said sitting on top of you “I bet you like when I hit you” he said punching your nose making it hard to breathe.
You tried to free yourself and somehow, due to the fact that he was drunk he lost his balance and fell.
In that moment you ran out of your apartment and ran through the corridor trying to find Olivier’s apartment.
“Olivier…” you almost shouted knowing on this door. You really hoped he was home you didn’t have no where to go “Olivier please please open the door” you knocked a bit louder, your eyes full of tears, your face red and you knows bleeding “please please Olivier”
That’s until you saw him opening the door with a very concerned face
When you saw him you hugged him so tight you were scared to leave him.
He was shocked, he didn’t know what was going on so he simply hugged you.
You cried into his shirt but he didn’t mind
He waited a few minutes before you calmed down.
“Sweetie can you look at me?” the moment you looked at him he saw your bleeding nose and your red cheek “What happened? Who did this to you?” he asked in a more serious tone
“My-my father…he was - he was drunk he didn’t mean to”
“I’m calling the police”
“No please no, don’t”
“I know it’s a bit messed up but they’re the only family I have, please…”
The moment you said this you saw your dad coming straight into Oli’s apartment.
Olivier saw it and he put you behind him in a protective way.
“Leave before I call the police”
“Why? What has done this whore for you? Is she good in bed? The only reason a football player would stay with her I guess”
“I won’t say it again, leave before I call the police”
“Nah, the bitch is coming home with me and she’s going to learn some good manners”
“Not a chance” Olivier said protecting you “now leave my apartment before I call the police”
Your dad left without not even looking at you.
The moment he left you started crying harder and shaking. You were so scared.
“Hey hey it’s fine. You’re okay he’s gone okay? He won’t hurt you ever again I promise you, I swear on my life” he said hugging you.
You simply nodded too tired to even reply.
He medicated your nose and let you sleep in his guest bedroom.
The morning after you woke up with a lot of noise coming from your apartment.
“Olivier?” you called him going into his living room
“Stay here” he simply said
“What’s going on?”
“The police is here…I know I said I wouldn’t call them but…” he didn’t even finish the sentence that you hugged him
“Thank you” you said
He smiled and hugged you back.
From that day on you continued living with him, his guest bedroom became your own bedroom. He helped you with homework and did everything a father should do for his own kids even if you weren’t his. He would bring you his matches and you would cheer for him. Who knew you liked football this much?
Until the moment of the world cup came
You couldn’t go with him in Qatar mostly because of school so you had to stay home alone for a month. You weren’t sure how to react, after your past you hated being alone.
“So…” he said coming through the door and sitting on the sofa watching tv with you “how would you feel coming in Qatar with me?” he asked you
“I-I…you know I would love to but I have school”
“I already talked with your school. Your grades are high and you’re the best of the class…they agreed to let you do online classes for a month, in case you wanted to come”
You were speechless. You said yes without even thinking.
When you got in Qatar you went straight into your room and fell asleep on the huge comfortable bed. The next day Olivier introduced you to the rest of the team, everyone knew your past but they decided to not say anything to make you uncomfortable. They all made you feel safe.
You took a liking in Kylian.
He was the first one to approach you.
He introduced himself and you started talking.
“So how’s my belle today?” he asked when he saw you coming out of your bedroom
“I’m good thank you! How are you?”
“Fine, ready to our first match against Australia” he said knowing it was going to be a great match “in fact…I wanted to ask you if you could wear this” he said giving you his jersey “you know, as a good luck”
“Of course but don’t tell Olivier” you said making you both laugh.
Olivier tho saw everything from a distance and couldn’t be happier that you were making friends. Even if he knew he would have to talk with Kylian.
“Okay…well I better go now, I have practice” he said awkwardly
“Oh yes, sure…I’ll see you tonight”
“Yes…well, bye” he said waving to you.
At the stadium you were in the VIP section, feeling protected with a lot of security. The game went good! France won 4-1 against Australia. Rabiot scored first, Giroud scored twice and Kylian scored too. You couldn’t be happier. You knew they were celebrating in the changing room so you simply texted Olivier you were coming back to the hotel.
Once arrived you changed into your pajamas and laid Kylian’s jersey on your bed.
A few hours later a gentle knock woke you up from your sleep. When you opened you saw a very happy and excited Kylian.
“Did I wake you?” he said apologising
“No” you lied
“Sure…” he said not believing you but smiling “the jersey brought me good luck”
You couldn’t help but blush.
“You’re just good at playing football Kylian, I didn’t do anything”
“You were there, for Olivier, for me, and for the team…and that meant a lot” he said truthfully looking into your eyes. You didn’t know how to feel. You’ve never had a boyfriend, you’ve never had a real crush so you didn’t know how to act. He kinda sensed it your discomfort so he just smiled trying to ease it a bit.
You got lost into his eyes.
“I’ve spoken with Olivier” he said out of nothing “he really cares about you…that’s why he threatened me”
“He did what?” you almost shouted
“He said I have to treat you good and if I dared to hurt you he would kill me” he said now laughing and you couldn’t help to laugh too “but we’re good friends so I would never hurt you…”
Ouch that hurt.
Just friends?
He saw your expression change and he wanted to say a bit more.
“Unless…you don’t want us to be just friends?” he teased a bit and you were completely out of words.
Of course you wanted to be more than friends!
He looked straight into your eyes and saw the way you were looking at his lips so the made first step and gently put his hands on your face and kissed you. Very gently. His lips like feathers on yours. You wrapped your arms around his body and put him closer to you.
You kissed for a while before you separated to catch breathe.
“I want this” he said truthfully “I want to be more than friends”
“I don’t know how to act Kylian…I’ve never dated”
“We’ll take things slow, I won’t pressure you into doing anything you don’t want to but please, just give me a chance”
You didn’t even replied back instead you kissed him.
He smiled into the kiss.
If someone told you a couple of months ago that this was going to be your life you wouldn’t believed it but now this was really your life and you couldn’t be more grateful.
To that angel named Olivier who changed your life in the best way.
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