#red vs blue stamp
pretzelforte · 2 months
could you make a tex or kaikaina stamp pretty please.. as a gift for girls who stink bad
(srry if kais bg looks weird i had to improvise TwT)
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vanlegion · 4 months
Eh, I was in a weird experimental mood. Have this. Dubbed 'Who Are You?' Pretty sure I've said this but I love characters that either are not human or beyond human... because existentialism is fun to think about.
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My monitor makes this look 3-D which is awesome.
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digikaa · 1 year
this is the playlist I was watching RvB on, i still have the page loaded and untouched from before The Great Video Privateing :( i was just starting MIA
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Bracket D Round 1
Poll 14
Elias Love (@purgatoryhips) vs. Green Guy (@silver-tounges-and-golden-lies)
219. Elias Love (@purgatoryhips)
he's hot and evil and i want him carnally. also if he gets votes it'll feed him because he eats attention and human meat <3
6'1 cis man, pale and well built. curly pinkish toned blond hair, goes down to the end of his neck. green eyes, sharp teeth, beauty mark on the left side of his face, directly below his mouth. typically wears pink, white, red, and black; i usually draw him in a pink button up w/ white hearts, black skinny jeans, and heels. one heart earring on the gay ear. not seen when clothed but a reverse tramp stamp of a heart with wings. oh yeah he's also hairy because im not a coward
(ref sheet by artsydudejude)
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220. Green Guy (@silver-tounges-and-golden-lies)
He's a robot demigod. He's haunted by his evil grandfather. Trans masc for the win. Ace/Aro king. He had a cult for a bit. Founded a city. The government tried to kill him, but the planet he landed on was his evil grandfathers body so he got some evil blood that made him semi immortal. He can shift heights. Does not remember what social rules are after being almost completely alone for 190 million years. Not completely alone due to evil grandfather haunting. He likes to dissect animals as well. Just a fucked up guy. He can hear everything.
He's a fighting style archivist so he's good at fighting. Can be a little unhinged sometimes. Like dismantling/vivisecting people alive. As a treat. He also chose his own name.
Green Transformer that turns into a 2002 ford f150 and a stag-moose. He's got two tone red and blue eyes. He's got fangs. An antenna on his left audial to increase his hearing. He's got a decal on his thigh plating that is a purple toned galaxy night sky with dark trees in front. Has big doorwings and a ladder rack on his back. Has red and blue patterned lights on his chest, outside of his upper arms, inner shin, and two on each side of his stomach. He is not aligned with the cons or autobots due to not having been aware of a war until it was a year from ending.
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ask-the-achs · 11 months
*The computer kicks on*
Mufastu City Japan 10:35 PM
*Midoriya was reading his textbook as he was studying for a end of month test his teacher Eraserhead was going to spring on them. He had remembered everyday of the last 3 years of his short but well known and stressful life before he woke up in Valhalla and then after ragnarok the world's reseted and here he was reliving his life as he knew when the tests would come and what will happen where and who's who. As he read there was a very loud noise from the sky as the hero looked up he grabbed his Völundr...look alike unfortunately he couldn't get to his Valkyrie or Zerofuku but he had a feeling he'd have to fight somone.*
*in the ship a fire nation princess was smiling like a maniac she didn't know how she got here but she knew that like before she'd conquer it all. These...villains with this 'quirks' were the perfect the solders as she burned the ground below watching the worms squirm beneath her....*
*her thoughts were interrupted by something smashing something into the side of her ship as men were thrown across the foyer into the walls or off the ship entirely as a rather giant green teen was stomping over cracking his neck. He was wearing a green bodysuit boots painted red that had metal fillings and spikes on the end and what looked like a mostly black rabbit or hare mask on his face as he stamped forward.*
Deku:I take it your the boss of these nimrods?
Azula:oh. It's just a nobody. I was hoping for a hero that was worth my time. Like All Might or Endeavor.
Deku:you aren't worth All Mights time and Endeavor won't get here in time. But me?
*he chuckled.*
Deku:ill have you out for all the counts.
*she turned was this boy. Was he insisting she was nothing? Nothing? Did he know who she is!? She was born lucky! She was the ture fire lord! This boy was lucky to be born!*
*Azula turned to try and fight only for her to narrowly dodge a kick from the MUCH larger teen to which she jumped back. Fast one isn't he? He'd be perfect for her army if she could get him to*
*she got punched in the stomach as Midoriya then grabbed her by the hair and threw her into the door at the other end of the foyer makeing it bend.*
*she then shot out blue fire from her feet at the teen who got hit in the chest and he bounced back.*
Deku:hmm..seems you and Dabi have something in common.
*he then used the saltwater quirk he copied from his..future? Other life's? Son and put out the fire with the water and ice from his past life's run in with Geten. To then freeze his torso.*
Azula:And who is this Dabi?
*she used various explosions to propell herself into the air and then channeled a fire ball above her.*
Deku:a burnt whiny child. A lot like...
*Azula got confused as soon a pillar of blue fire shot from his arm and nearly hit her only to deflect it.*
Azula:I'm a firebender genius!
*She then saw he disappeared only for greenish purple fog to build up above her.*
Deku:unlike you I pay attention.
*he then yanked her through the portal made from the fog and threw her into the ground. Wait... was this the top of the ship? He can teleport? Oh she needed this boys power or his service.*
Deku:come on now. "Princess" *he said that bit with sarcasm. Show me what you've got. I'm done with you. And you've crossed lines. Now. *he took a deep breath* GET OUT OF MY HOME!
*Azula smiled and soon shot out a fire attack which was a distraction for her to shoot a lightning bolt attack which hit him square on in the back as he used his ice and a swiping moving to deflect the ice.*
Deku:RRRAAAAA....THAT...THAT *he burst out laughing.* Compared to Denki. THAT. DIDNT. FUCKING. HURT!!!
*Midoriya maybe picked up a few things from the godkillers as he soon jumped, grabbing his sword with black tendrils. Wait, how many powers did this boy have? She didn't get enough time to ask more questions as he swung his sword at high enough speed it just cut her chest piece and draw blood to which she glared at her foe and let out a loud mad laughter as she in rage yelled letting out a large blast of fire which flew through the air and hit delu covering the body only for the clouds to grow in the sky from the heat change to build storm clouds she then stopped as she fell paralyzed.*
*deku had used Stain's own Bloodcurdle to paralyze her by drinking her blood of course she still kept letting out fire blasting the ground as she laughed in sadistic glee watching Deku blast back the fire nation soliders to which gave her enough time to recover and hit deku with everything she had as his mask fell off and her soldiers used their fire to burn the city hearing the crys of those innocent souls that suffered from them all Deku yelled a ferocious roar that shot out Ice Fire water Lightning compressed air an explosive beam of light and an arry of darkness which combined blew up the ship and all surrounding air ships that had shown up to continue the invasion. All the ships landed on Dobagha Beacj as they crashed into the sand and water. Azula had genuine fear in her eyes as she soon got hit with the Shockwave of the blast she soon fell into the sand and looked at the sinking ships she groaned.*
Azula:what a shame. Those were our best ships and units.
Deku:*walking out the water. His suit being burned to nothing but shorts and his boots. His mask fell off showing his body was mangled by the blast. His arm was broken and twisted in 3 diffrent ways. His leg was scorched. His face was jacked. The blast tore off his left cheek burning away all his flesh showing his jaw and all the teeth that reached to his ear. His nose was completely gone his right eye was turned upwards and permanently blinded and his torso and back was charred with 3rd and 4th degree burns.* you heartless cretin.
Azula:Wha-what are you? Why are you not screaming?
Deku:I've. Suffered. Worse.
*Azula tried to stand up and use martial arts to put him down only for midyora to block and swing his own large fists or legs to kick or punch at her.*
Azula:*dodges a blackwhip attack* you fought well but I must kill you! You are a threat to my rule! I am the fire Lord Azula!
Deku:you are no ruler. I've met a ture King. I've seen a true lord. You are a parasite with delusions.*he then pulled the whip back. Which shot his nearly 7ft sword into her torso nearly splitting her in half and cutting her arm off.*
Azula:*screeches of pain and yelling at Deku trying and failing to burn him either her fire breath crying and screaming* I-I I AM NOT GOING TO LOSE TO YOU!
*her tears felled more and more as she was having a mental breakdown at being unable to win and realizing this is where her conquest ends at the hands of some Nobody! Some insignificant worm!*
*Deku pulled his sword out picked her up and with one simple punch Broke her neck in two snapped her jaw and end her life all in one as he then froze her body then throw it into the ocean watching it sink as he chucked as hard as he can.*
Deku:*seeing Sunblood's androids and Mai's servants retrieve the people on the ship and help everyone that was affected by this invasion.*...good...thing...youre...here...
*Deku then passed out. This young hero was going to have a very VERY long month.*
*...his mothers were going to kill him.*
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pugzman3 · 2 years
Someone on IG sent me this video. This is something I posted on back when people were noticing the new street lights turning purple, but because it was a new thing I posted and walked away from back then. But something recently has got my attention and that is someone at my gym is always putting a DVD in for her kid. I'm not sure what it is but what always grabs my attention is the sky in it is always purple. (I tried to look for it online for a screenshot but can't find it).
Now, purple, if you remember has been a color code for the nwo, the merging of red and blue (left vs right) to create one. That is something I posted on a lot a while back. The big use of the color at bidens inauguration, big churches using it, a lot of "christian musicians" using it, the news, and so on.
So think how they are always conditioning us, constantly. Look at what that heading says (and if you watch it you will hear more). But whether or not people are actually saying they like the color doesn't matter. The NEWS TELLS YOU THAT PEOPLE WANT IT, so naturally, people are going to shift into that same mindset, and either accept it or "want" it too. And their programming just moved right along.
And something else made me wonder about these lights. Remember how uv lights can illuminate a stamp that isn't visible in normal light? Think forced medical procedures and I think you know where I'm going.
To add to all of that, this guy also had this video, which you should check out because it goes right along with programming and conditioning.
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In that video, there is a video from ABC news or something. In that piece I noticed a symbol. Recognize it?
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Yup....the UN.
So that took me to their pages and came across these. I'm only including few because I knew this was going to be a big post.
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Anyways. I'm sure it's all a coincidence hahahahaha.
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gorematchala · 2 years
Playing PLA again I'm reminded of the prerelease era when we were seeing leaks of the new pokemon, particularly the regional starters, and my slow acceptance of what has become one of my favorite pokemon, Hisuian Samurott. Samurott itself being one of my least favorite. A lot of what I love about the Hisuian version is how little they changed, which served to confirm all the problems I had with the original design so I had grounds to tell gen 5 stans I told them so
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My problems with Samurott were many. Primarily that its built like a mic stand. It has 4 big chunky legs splayed out at a weird angle, and a long thin neck supporting an obnoxiously huge *thing*. Having not been in on the ground floor of gen 5 I saw the design separate from the Pokémon's name and assumed that the head thing was supposed to be a ship mast or something and that the beard was like an old timey ship captain beard. Realizing that it was meant to be a samurai I had questions like "huh?" And "what?"
It has swords hidden in its arm guards which protrude at an angle that would be impossible for its three fingered fat fuck flipper hands to reach, and it would have to fight on 3 legs because its back legs arent long or thick enough to support its gigantic upper half, but it has two swords?? It also has weird lines on its chest that I think are supposed to be muscles even though they dont look like muscles. It doesn't look powerful, or sturdy, or agile. I can't envision in my head how it would look in a fight. It's just kind of a mess.
HISUIAN Samurott shows up and says your daughter calls me daddy too. My only criticism of the this design is that the shape of its beard makes no sense, but I can overlook that because this guy is Water EVIL type. Its a ronin. It's a Bad Dude.
What they did is make the whole thing thinner overall, which does a lot on its own. They shrunk the helmet, they made the shape of the armor panels more interesting, they turned its feet backwards which makes it look more like a sea lions rear flipper feet and makes the whole Pokémon look sturdier. The horn and its swords are now wavy flamberge style blades which IS dumber, but dont forget that he is a BAD GUY. And you know he's a bad dude because there's what looks like an arrow stuck in its helmet, which I assume is a reference to a story about a samurai that I'm not familiar with.
They also removed the weird chest muscles and changed its eye shape. A recurring design element I hate in gen 5 is the anime eyes they put on everything. Terrakion, Shamin Sky, Virizion, and original Samurott all have just like anime human eyes and its weird. And I know what youre thinking but theres something different about Voltorb or Shiftry. Gurdurr has gen 1 Pokémon eyes, Terrakion has a human face stamped on a cow body. Hisuian samurott has a more angular cool eye shape, and the bright red accents contrasting with its dark blue and black is much more visually impressive than the originals ocean blue, tan, black, and orange.
Hisuian Samurott looks proud and strong and if it slapped my girls ass at the ancient japanese bar thats his girl now. And you can't fuck with a move called Ceasless Edge. Especially because at the end of the day it is just Samurott plus edge. But the result is a Pokémon I like vs one that I don't
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thorinsghivashel · 2 years
Bilbo VS Gollum's Game of Riddles.(Book Version "Extended")
Who remembers the answers?Let's see...
1. What has roots as nobody sees,
Is taller than trees,
Up, up it goes, And yet never grows?
2. Thirty white horses on a red hill,
First they champ
Then they stamp,
Then they stand still.
3. Voiceless it cries,
Wingless flutters,
Tootless bites,
Mouthless mutters.
4. An eye in a blue face
Saw an eye in a green face.
"That eye is like to this eye"
Said the first eye,"But in low place
Not in high place".
5. It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
It lies behind stars and under hills,
And empty holes it fills.
It comes first and follows after,
Ends life, kills laughter.
6. A box without hinges, key or lid,
Yet golden treasure inside is hid.
7. Alive without breath,
As cold as death,
Never thirsty, ever drinking,
All in mail never clicking.
8. No-legs lay on one-leg, two-legs sat near on three-legs, four-legs got some.
9. This thing all things devours:
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
Gnaws iron, bites steel;
Grinds hard stones to meal;
Slays king, ruins town,
And beats high mountain down.
10."What have I got in my pocket?"(You definitely know "What our Burglar got in his nassty little pocketses")😈😈😈
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laresearchette · 2 months
Friday, August 09, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
2024 SUMMER OLYMPICS (CBC) 4:00pm: Athletics (SN) 4:50am: Olympic Morning (TSN/TSN4) 5:00pm: Morning (CBC) 7:00am: Canoe Sprint (CBC) 8:00pm: Morning (CBC) 9:00pm: Women’s Diving (CBC) 10:15am: Breaking, B-Girls (CBC) 12:00pm: Track Cycling (SN) 12:00pm: Olympic Daytime (CBC) 1:00pm: Athletics (CBC) 4:00pm: Prime (CBC/SN/TSN4) 7:00pm: Olympic Primetime (CBC) 12:00am: Late Primetime (CBC) 2:00am: Men’s Marathon (Saturday)
NATIONAL BANK OPEN (SN Now) 11:00am: Women's Grandstand Coverage (SN Now) 11:00am: Men's Court Rogers Coverage (SN1) 11:00am: Men's Day Session (SN360) 12:30pm: Women's Day Session (SN360) 7:00pm: Women's Evening Session (SN1) 7:00pm: Men's Evening Session
2024 HLINKA GRETZKY CUP (TSN5) 2:00pm: 5th Place - Slovakia vs. Germany (TSN5) 5:30pm: Semifinal - Czechia vs. Sweden (TSN5) 9:30pm: Semifinal - Canada vs. U.S.
CEBL BASKETBALL (TSN3) 5:30pm: Western Conference Final - Calgary vs. Vancouver (TSN3) 8:00pm: Eastern Conference Final - Montreal vs. Niagara
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 6:30pm: A’s vs. Jays (SN Now) 10:00pm: Pirates vs. Dodgers
CFL FOOTBALL (TSN) 7:30pm: Stamps vs. Argos
DESCENDANTS: THE RISE OF RED (Disney Channel Canada) 8:00pm: Daughters of the Queen of Hearts and Cinderella travel back in time to prevent a coup in Auradon.
HEY, VIKTOR! (Crave) 9:00pm: Twenty-five long years after his time in the limelight, former child actor Cody Lightning tries to revive his fame with a self-produced sequel to "Smoke Signals."
CRIME BEAT: MOST WANTED (Global) 10:00pm: Mohamed Shire is part of an attempted murder case that questioned public safety and security in a quiet Ottawa neighbourhood; Kiarash Parzham is wanted for first degree murder in the killing of a 28-year-old man in a busy Toronto area.
COMING 2 AMERICA (Crave) 10:45pm: Needing a male heir to the throne, Prince Akeem returns to Queens, N.Y., to find his long-lost son and bring him back to Zamunda.
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celticsorcerer1 · 10 months
Aisling McKeen Vs Subconscious, my latest Scott Pilgrim fanfic
Roxanne “Roxie” Richter jolted awake with a loud gasp, her arm outstretched. “Ash, no!”
Her room was dark and silent.
Once the initial shock had faded, reality set it.
It had been a nightmare. A recurring one.
Roxie hugged her knees. “Why? Why do I keep dreaming that Ash leaves me?”
The half-ninja looked at the clock on her bedside table. It was just past midnight.
Roxie laid back and tried to go back to sleep. But the nightmare was too vivid. It clung to her memory. It seemed so real.
In it, Aisling McKeen, Roxie’s girlfriend, left, going back to her home province of Nova Scotia, but not before telling Roxie that what they had was “just a phase” or, in the more extreme variations of the recurring dream, a “test from God”.
Roxie choked back a sob as she remembered Aisling’s beautiful eyes, glowing blue as she used her Cleric magic to conjure a glowing golden portal home, staring her down, not with the warmth and love they once did, but with disdain and indifference.
“Goodbye, Roxie. Don't call. Don't visit.” Aisling’s eyes always narrowed as she delivered the line that the dream always ended on.
“It meant nothing anyway.”
Tears cascaded down Roxie’s cheeks, no matter how many times she tried to wipe them away. It was just a dream…why did it rattle her so terribly?
She turned on her side and looked at her cell phone, charging beside her alarm clock. Frowning, she unplugged it and accessed her address book. She quickly found Aisling’s number and hovered her thumb over the “Call” button.
“It’s the middle of the night. She’s asleep. I shouldn't interrupt her beauty sleep.” she thought.
Still, even if Aisling didn't pick up, her voicemail, the recorded bliss of her voice, would probably calm Roxie down.
Before she could lose her nerve, Roxie pressed the call button and put the phone to her ear.
It rang once. Twice. Three times.
Then, there was a soft click, followed by a squeaky yawn. “Roxie? It’s midnight…”
Roxie frowned. “You weren't supposed to pick up, Ash. I just wanted to hear your voice.”
“Something’s wrong.” it was a statement, not a question.
Roxie sighed. “It was just a nightmare, Ash.”
“If that was true, Rox, you wouldn't have called.” Aisling stated.
Roxie playfully scoffed. “What, can Clerics see into people’s minds?”
“No, I just know my girlfriend really well,” Aisling replied. “Do you want me to come over?”
“Isn't that against your religion?” Roxie asked.
“It’s not a sin to comfort my girlfriend. I’ll be over in an instant.” Aisling hung up.
Roxie put her phone back on the bedside table. As soon as she plugged her charger back in, her room was suddenly filled with warm golden light. When the light dimmed, Aisling stood at the foot of the bed, an orb of golden light floating above her palm. She wore a red long-sleeved shirt with “Cape Breton Island” stamped across it in white and red flannel pajama pants.
Roxie couldn't help but smile. “Hey, cutie.”
“No time for flattery, Roxie,” Aisling sat at the edge of the bed and fixed Roxie with a sympathetic look. “What was your nightmare about?” she asked gently.
Roxie sighed. “You. I… I’ve been having a recurring nightmare that you… leave me, just like Ramona did. You say that what we had-”
“Have,” Aisling corrected.
Roxie looked down at her lap. “…have… was just a phase… that it…” she closed her eyes as tears burned. “…it meant nothing. Then, you go back to Cape Breton and I’m… all alone…” The tears started to cascade down her cheeks again. “I don't want to lose you, Aisling. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. I don't want to face being alone again.”
“Roxie, honey…” Aisling scooted closer and wrapped her arms around Roxie, her cheek on top of Roxie’s head. “I have no intention of leaving you. You helped me be at peace with myself. I’m not throwing that away,” she smiled warmly. “And if I ever return to Cape Breton, you’re coming with me. You’re my best friend, my soulmate, my everything.”
Roxie sniffled and lifted her head to look at Aisling. “I love you,” she whispered.
Aisling gently wiped Roxie’s tears away and kissed her forehead. “I love you too. You Rox my world.”
Roxie giggled. “Oh, come on…”
“Well, you do,” Aisling smiled. “Now, scooch over. We need to get some sleep if we want to join your friend Todd at the gym tomorrow.”
“Isn't that a sin?” Roxie asked.
“It’s only a sin if we do sinful things. I just want to keep you safe from more nightmares.” Aisling replied.
Nodding, Roxie scooted over, allowing her girlfriend to get under the covers with her. The golden orb floated above them, softly illuminating the room. Aisling caressed Roxie’s cheek as she began to softly sing.
Nothing's gonna harm you
Not while I'm around
Nothing's gonna harm you
No, sir
Not while I'm around
Demons are prowling everywhere, nowadays
I'll send them howling
I don't care, I got ways
Roxie let loose a huge yawn. “No fair… you’re using your magic to put me to sleep.”
“Shhhh…” Aisling kissed the tip of Roxie’s nose. “Sleep now, my love.”
Roxie’s eyes began to droop. “Are you gonna…stay with me?”
“Of course,” Aisling kissed Roxie’s temple. “No more nightmares for my Roxie Rose.”
Roxie finally let sleep overcome her, the feeling of Aisling’s kisses the last thing she experienced.
The next morning, Roxie awoke refreshed and more alert than she’d been in a while. As she sat up and stretched, she noticed that the other side of the bed was empty. “Huh. Well, did I really expect her to stay the night?” the half-ninja mused. Roxie got out of bed, touched her toes, then headed to the door. As she opened it and stepped into the hallway, the sensations hit her at once.
One, the delectable smell of various breakfast foods triggering both her olfactory senses and her saliva glands.
The second was soft, melodious singing that danced through her head and lifted her spirit. Roxie smiled warmly as she walked down the hall and peeked into the kitchenette. Aisling stood at the stove, frying up some bacon and singing her heart out.
Can you imagine a piece of the universe
More fit for princes and kings?
I'll trade you ten of your cities
For Marion Bridge and the pleasure it brings
Out on the Mira on soft summer nights
Bonfires blaze to the children's delight
They dance 'round the flames singing songs with their friends
I wish I was with them again
And over the ashes the stories are told
Of witches and werewolves and Oak Island gold
The stars on the river they sparkle and spin
I wish I was with them again
Roxie leaned against the kitchenette entryway with a smile. “You didn’t have to make breakfast, Ash.”
Aisling turned and smiled at her adorable girlfriend. “I know. But I figured it would be a nice surprise after the rough night you had. I made eggs, bacon, toast with jam, and tea.”
Roxie shook her head. “Even though marriage isn’t on our radar, you are 100% wife material.”
Aisling beamed. “My mom taught me well.”
When the food was ready, Aisling made two plates and put them on the living room coffee table. Roxie sat beside her and kissed her cheek. “Looks great, Hon.”
“I take pride in my cooking skills.” Aisling replied.
“What about your singing skills? Those aren’t bad either.” Roxie gently nudged her shoulder against Aisling’s.
Aisling looked away. “I mean… I’m not so… open about those. I mean, I sang choir in church growing up, but my voice always melded with the other singers. I don’t usually sing by myself unless… I’m alone.”
“Well, you sing beautifully. I’m glad I was able to hear it,” Roxie smiled warmly. “I’d love to hear it again sometime.”
“Don’t get your hopes up.” Aisling said softly.
“Aw, c’mon, honey,” Roxie gently brushed her bare toes across Aisling’s foot. “Not even a little karaoke with me?”
“Rox, come on, that’s a dirty trick…” Aisling complained.
“All’s fair in love and war.” Roxie retorted.
Aisling rolled her eyes. “What am I going to do with you?”
Roxie fixed her with big anime eyes. “Love and cherish me?”
“Fine, if I must,” Aisling teased before kissing Roxie’s cheek. “You are lucky you’re so cute.”
“I know.”
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pretzelforte · 2 months
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a few rvb stamps ^_^
pls pls pls send requests 4 rvb stamps if u want any!!!! ^_^
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hatzfella · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Actual Game Worn SF Giants TBTC Day Full Uniform..
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marcopollio · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Brandy Melville Weathered Logo with Flags Sign rare red blue accent decor home.
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mediadiscord · 2 years
New Comic Book Releases - 11/09/22
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If you're not familiar with where to go to find comics you can use this locator. Let's go ahead and take a look at what's out this week. A WAVE BLUE WORLDMezo Volume 2 Battle At Coban Rock TP, $19.99 ABLAZE PUBLISHINGBlitz Volume 1 GN, $12.99Breaker Omnibus Volume 4 GN, $19.99Cimmerian Volume 4 HC, $29.99Heavenly Demon Reborn Volume 1 GN, $19.99Traveling To Mars #1 (Cover A Roberto Meli), $3.99Traveling To Mars #1 (Cover B Mirka Andolfo), $3.99Traveling To Mars #1 (Cover C Zulema Lavina), $3.99Traveling To Mars #1 (Cover D Brent McKee Captain Marvel #1 Homage Variant), $3.99Traveling To Mars #1 (Cover E Blank Variant), $10.00Traveling To Mars #1 (Cover F Roberto Meli Virgin Variant), ARTraveling To Mars #1 (Cover G Mirka Andolfo Virgin Variant), ARTraveling To Mars #1 (Cover H Zulema Lavina Virgin Variant), ARTraveling To Mars #1 (Cover I Brent McKee Captain Marvel #1 Homage Virgin Variant), ARTraveling To Mars #1 (Cover J Mirka Andolfo Black & White Virgin Variant), ARVoices Of Water HC, $16.99Zombie Makeout Club Volume 1 Deathwish GN, $9.99 ABRAMSArt Of Star Wars The High Republic Volume 1 HC, $50.00 ABRAMS BOOKS FOR YOUNG READERSMarvel Super Heroes The Ultimate Pop-Up Book HC, $49.99 ABRAMS COMICARTSRonan And The Endless Sea Of Stars A Graphic Memoir HC, $24.99 AHOY COMICSBillionaire Island Cult Of Dogs #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Steve Pugh), $4.99Billionaire Island Cult Of Dogs #1 (Of 6)(Cover B Shannon Wheeler), $4.99 AIRSHIP ENTERTAINMENTGirl Genius Volume 1 Agatha Heterodyne And The Beetleburg Clank HC (New Printing), $50.00Girl Genius Volume 2 Agatha Heterodyne And The Airship City HC (New Printing), $50.00Girl Genius Volume 5 Agatha Heterodyne And The Clockwork Princess HC (New Printing), $50.00 ANTARCTIC PRESSSamurai 2.0 TP, $19.99Tomorrow Girl Vs. Kamen America Red White And Bruised #1 (One Shot), $14.99 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONSBetty And Veronica Friends Forever Christmas Party #1, $2.99World Of Betty And Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #20, $8.99 AVERY HILL PUBLISHINGSennen GN, $14.95 AWA STUDIOSDevil’s Highway Volume 2 TP, $9.99Year Zero Volume 0 #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Kaare Andrews), $3.99 BAD IDEAOrc Island #2 (Of 4)(not verified by Diamond Distribution), $7.99 BLACK CARAVANBehemoth #3, $4.99 BLACKBOX COMICSNinja Kaidan #4 (Cover A Lucas Meyer), $3.99Ninja Kaidan #4 (Cover B Renan Shody), $4.99Ninja Kaidan #4 (Cover C Renan Shody Virgin Variant), ARNinja Kaidan #4 (Cover D Lucas Meyer Virgin Variant), AR BOOM! STUDIOSFirefly Keep Flying #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Frany), $7.99Firefly Keep Flying #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Miguel Mercado), $7.99Firefly Keep Flying #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Frany Premium Variant), $8.99Firefly Keep Flying #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Miguel Mercado Virgin Variant), ARSeven Secrets Volume 3 TP, $16.99Specs #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Skylar Patridge), $3.99Specs #1 (Of 4)(Cover B David Talaski), $3.99Specs #1 (Of 4)(Cover C David Talaski Virgin Variant), ARSpecs #1 (Of 4)(Cover D Kevin Wada Virgin Variant), ARSpecs #1 (Of 4)(Cover E Skylar Patridge Virgin Variant), ARSpecs #1 (Of 4)(Cover F Chris Shehan BOOM! Guarantee Variant), AR CLOVER PRESSGolem Of Venice Beach HC, $40.00Great Gatsby #6 (Cover B Jorge Coelho Foil Stamped Variant), $4.99Tragedie Of Macbeth #1 (Of 2), $5.99 COMIC SHOP NEWSComic Shop News #1838, AR DARK HORSE COMICSBerserk Deluxe Edition Volume 12 HC, $49.99Hellboy And The B.P.R.D. The Return Of Effie Kolb And Others TP, $19.99Hellboy Weird Tales TP, $24.99Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken Volume 4 TP, $14.99Minor Threats #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Scott Hepburn), $4.99Minor Threats #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Kevin Maguire), $4.99Minor Threats #3 (Of 4)(Cover C Scott Hepburn Foil Variant), $4.99Salamandre TP, $24.99Shock Shop #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Danny Luckert & Leila Leiz), $3.99Shock Shop #3 (Of 4)(Cover B James Harren & Caitlin Yarsky), $3.99Stephen McCranie’s Space Boy Volume 14 TP, $12.99 DC COMICSAbsolute Dark Nights Metal HC, $125.00Batgirls #12 (Cover A Jorge Corona), $3.99Batgirls #12 (Cover B Audrey Mok Card Stock Variant), $4.99Batgirls #12 (Cover C Paulina Ganucheau ’90s Cover Month Card Stock Variant), $4.99Batgirls #12 (Cover D Rian Gonzales Card Stock Variant), ARBatman Incorporated #2 (Cover A John Timms), $3.99Batman Incorporated #2 (Cover B Jorge Molina Card Stock Variant), $4.99Batman Incorporated #2 (Cover C Chris Burnham ’90s Cover Month Foil Multi-Level Embossed Card Stock Variant), $4.99Batman Incorporated #2 (Cover D Ivan Tao Card Stock Variant), ARBatman Incorporated #2 (Cover E John Timms Design Card Stock Variant), $4.99Batman Urban Legends #21 (Cover A Michael Cho), $7.99Batman Urban Legends #21 (Cover B Jorge Fornes), $7.99Batman Urban Legends #21 (Cover C Edwin Galmon), $7.99Batman Vs. Robin #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Mahmud Asrar), $5.99Batman Vs. Robin #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Alex Maleev Card Stock Variant), $6.99Batman Vs. Robin #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Mateus Manhanini Card Stock Variant), $6.99Batman Vs. Robin #3 (Of 5)(Cover D Carlo Barberi ’90s Cover Month Card Stock Variant), $6.99Batman Vs. Robin #3 (Of 5)(Cover E Mario Fox Foccillo Era Card Stock Variant), ARBatman Vs. Robin #3 (Of 5)(Cover F Tony S. Daniel Card Stock Variant), ARBatman Vs. Robin #3 (Of 5)(Cover G Mario Fox Foccillo Fight Poster Batman Vs. Red Hood Card Stock Variant), ARBatman Vs. Robin #3 (Of 5)(Cover H Mario Fox Foccillo Fight Poster Batman Vs Spoiler Card Stock Variant), ARBatman Vs. Robin #3 (Of 5)(Cover I Mario Fox Foccillo Fight Poster Batman Vs Nightwing Card Stock Variant), ARBatman Vs. Robin #3 (Of 5)(Cover J Mario Fox Foccillo Fight Poster Batman Vs Robin Card Stock Variant), ARBlood Syndicate Season One #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Dexter Soy), $3.99Blood Syndicate Season One #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Jay Hero Card Stock Variant), $4.99Catwoman Volume 1 Dangerous Liaisons TP, $16.99Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #6 (Of 7)(Cover A Daniel Sampere & Alejandro Sanchez), $4.99Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #6 (Of 7)(Cover B Cully Hamner Card Stock Variant), $5.99Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #6 (Of 7)(Cover C Ariel Colon Infinite Crisis Homage Card Stock Variant), $5.99Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #6 (Of 7)(Cover D Ben Oliver Black Adam Movie Card Stock Variant), $5.99Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #6 (Of 7)(Cover E Crystal Kung Card Stock Variant), ARDark Crisis On Infinite Earths #6 (Of 7)(Cover F Rafael Sarmento Card Stock Variant), ARDark Crisis On Infinite Earths #6 (Of 7)(Cover G Daniel Sampere & Alejandro Sanchez Foil Card Stock Variant), ARDeath Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Dan Jurgens & Brett Breeding Gatefold Variant), $10.99Death Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Jim Lee & Scott Williams), $10.99Death Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Ivan Reis & Danny Miki Funeral For A Friend Variant), $10.99Death Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Dan Mora Jon Kent Variant), $10.99Death Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover E Francesco Mattina Doomsday Die-Cut Variant), $10.99Death Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover F Dan Jurgens & Brett Breeding Gatefold Premium Polybag Variant), $10.99Death Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover G Francesco Mattina Doomsday Variant), ARDeath Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover H Jim Lee & Scott Williams Black & White Variant), ARDeath Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover I Dan Jurgens & Brett Breeding Foil Variant), ARDeath Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover J Rafael Sarmento Doombreaker Variant), ARDetective Comics #38 (Facsimile Edition)(2022), $6.99Diana And Nubia Princesses Of The Amazons TP, $9.99Flash By Mark Waid Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Book Market Edition), $150.00Flash By Mark Waid Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Direct Market Edition), $150.00Flash The Fastest Man Alive #3 (Of 3)(Cover A Jason Howard), $5.99Flash The Fastest Man Alive #3 (Of 3)(Cover B Scott Kolins Card Stock Variant), $6.99Flash The Fastest Man Alive #3 (Of 3)(Cover C Jorge Corona Pencil Card Stock Variant), ARFlash The Fastest Man Alive #3 (Of 3)(Cover D Jorge Corona Foil Card Stock Variant), ARI Am Batman #15 (Cover A Christian Duce)(Dark Crisis), $3.99I Am Batman #15 (Cover B Jeff Spokes Card Stock Variant)(Dark Crisis), $4.99I Am Batman #15 (Cover C Khary Randolph ’90s Cover Month Card Stock Variant)(Dark Crisis), $4.99I Am Batman #15 (Cover D Canaan White Card Stock Variant)(Dark Crisis), ARJustice League Volume 2 United Order HC, $24.99Multiversity Teen Justice #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Robbi Rodriguez), $3.99Multiversity Teen Justice #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Stephanie Hans Card Stock Variant), $4.99Multiversity Teen Justice #6 (Of 6)(Cover C Eleonora Carlini Card Stock Variant), $4.99New Golden Age #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Mikel Janin), $4.99New Golden Age #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Gary Frank Card Stock Variant), $5.99New Golden Age #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Todd Nauck Card Stock Variant), $5.99New Golden Age #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Michael Allred Card Stock Variant), $5.99New Golden Age #1 (One Shot)(Cover E David Talaski Card Stock Variant), $5.99New Golden Age #1 (One Shot)(Cover F Dan Hipp Card Stock Variant), ARNew Golden Age #1 (One Shot)(Cover G Michael Allred Foil Card Stock Variant), ARNew Golden Age #1 (One Shot)(Cover H David Talaski Foil Card Stock Variant), ARNice House On The Lake #11 (Of 12)(Cover A Alvaro Martinez Bueno), $3.99Nice House On The Lake #11 (Of 12)(Cover B Aaron Campbell Card Stock Variant), $4.99One-Star Squadron TP, $16.99Superman #75 (Special Edition)(Cover A Dan Jurgens), $3.99Superman #75 (Special Edition)(Cover B Dan Jurgens Foil Cardstock Variant), ARSuperman Son Of Kal-El #17 (Cover A Travis Moore)(Kal-El Returns), $3.99Superman Son Of Kal-El #17 (Cover B John Giang Card Stock Variant)(Kal-El Returns), $4.99Superman Son Of Kal-El #17 (Cover C Steven Butler ’90s Cover Month Card Stock Variant)(Kal-El Returns), $4.99Superman Son Of Kal-El #17 (Cover D Jeff Dekal Card Stock Variant (Kal-El Returns), ARWildC.A.T.s #1 (Cover A Stephen Segovia), $3.99WildC.A.T.s #1 (Cover B Jim Lee Card Stock Variant), $4.99WildC.A.T.s #1 (Cover C Stanley Artgerm Lau Card Stock Variant), $4.99WildC.A.T.s #1 (Cover D Ben Oliver Card Stock Variant), $4.99WildC.A.T.s #1 (Cover E Brett Booth & Sandra Hope ’90s Cover Month Foil Multi-Level Embossed Card Stock Variant), $4.99WildC.A.T.s #1 (Cover F Jeff Spokes Connecting Card Stock Variant), ARWildC.A.T.s #1 (Cover G Alan Quah Card Stock Variant), ARWildC.A.T.s #1 (Cover H Dan Hipp Card Stock Variant), ARWildC.A.T.s #1 (Cover I Jim Lee Pencil Card Stock Variant), ARWonder Girl Homecoming HC, $39.99Wonder Woman #793 (Cover A Yanick Paquette)(Kal-El Returns Tie-In), $4.99Wonder Woman #793 (Cover B Clay Mann Card Stock Variant)(Kal-El Returns Tie-In), $5.99Wonder Woman #793 (Cover C Joshua Sway Swaby Nubia 50th Anniversary Card Stock Variant)(Kal-El Returns Tie-In), $5.99Wonder Woman #793 (Cover D Jen Bartel ’90s Cover Month Card Stock Variant)(Kal-El Returns Tie-In), $5.99Wonder Woman #793 (Cover E Joe Quinones Card Stock Variant)(Kal-El Returns Tie-In), AR DENPA BOOKS – KUMACanis Dear Mr. Rain GN (Updated Edition), $14.95Pet Detective Agency GN, $14.95 DRAWN AND QUARTERLYArtist TP, $39.95 DYNAMIC FORCESAction Comics #1 (Facsimile Edition)(2022)(CGC Graded Edition), ARAmazing Spider-Man #1 (Cover A John Romita Jr.)(CGC Graded Edition), ARAmazing Spider-Man #1 (Cover J Peach Momoko)(CGC Graded Edition), AR DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENTCherish #1 (Cover L Marc Silvestri & Eric Basaldua Virgin Variant), ARGarbage Pail Kids Origins #2 (Cover A Tom Bunk), $3.99Garbage Pail Kids Origins #2 (Cover B Jeff Zapata), $3.99Garbage Pail Kids Origins #2 (Cover C Bekki Sharp), $3.99Garbage Pail Kids Origins #2 (Cover D Classic Garbage Pail Kids Trading Card Variant), $4.99Garbage Pail Kids Origins #2 (Cover E Bekki Sharp Virgin Variant), ARGarbage Pail Kids Origins #2 (Cover F Jeff Zapata Virgin Variant), ARGarbage Pail Kids Origins #2 (Cover G Tom Bunk Black & White Variant), ARGarbage Pail Kids Origins #2 (Cover H Classic Garbage Pail Kids Trading Card Virgin Variant), ARGarbage Pail Kids Origins #2 (Cover J Ken Haeser Amazing Spider-Man Gil Kane Homage Variant), ARGarbage Pail Kids Origins #2 (Cover K Ken Haeser Amazing Spider-Man Gil Kane Homage Black & White Variant), ARGarbage Pail Kids Origins #2 (Cover L Jeff Zapata Black & White Variant), ARGarbage Pail Kids Origins #2 (Cover M Ken Haeser Amazing Spider-Man Gil Kane Homage Virgin Variant), ARGarbage Pail Kids Origins #2 (Cover N Classic Garbage Pail Kids Trading Card Black & White Variant), ARLady Hel #3 (Cover A Lucio Parrillo), $3.99Lady Hel #3 (Cover B Geebo Vigonte), $3.99Lady Hel #3 (Cover C Mike Mahle), $3.99Lady Hel #3 (Cover D Daniel Maine), $3.99Lady Hel #3 (Cover E Rachel Hollon Cosplay Variant), $3.99Lady Hel #3 (Cover F Lucio Parrillo Tinted Variant), ARLady Hel #3 (Cover G Cosplay Virgin Variant), ARLady Hel #3 (Cover H Geebo Vigonte Black & White Virgin Variant), ARLady Hel #3 (Cover I Daniel Maine Virgin Variant), ARLady Hel #3 (Cover J Mike Mahle Virgin Variant), ARLady Hel #3 (Cover M Zhengis Tasbolatov), ARLady Hel #3 (Cover N Ken Haeser), ARLady Hel #3 (Cover O Lucio Parrillo Ultraviolet Variant), ARLady Hel #3 (Cover P Zhengis Tasbolatov Virgin Variant), ARLady Hel #3 (Cover Q Ken Haeser Black & White Variant), ARLady Hel #3 (Cover R Lucio Parrillo Ultraviolet Virgin Variant), ARLady Hel #3 (Cover S Ken Haeser Virgin Variant), ARLord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #1 (Cover A Gary Frank), $3.99Lord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #1 (Cover B Dan Panosian), $3.99Lord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #1 (Cover C Josh Burns), $3.99Lord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #1 (Cover D Lee Weeks), $3.99Lord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #1 (Cover E Roberto de la Torre), $3.99Lord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #1 (Cover F Blank Authentix Variant), $4.99Lord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #1 (Cover G Roberto de la Torre Black & White Variant), ARLord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #1 (Cover H Lee Weeks Black & White Variant), ARLord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #1 (Cover I Dan Panosian Black & White Variant), ARLord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #1 (Cover J Dan Panosian Virgin Variant), ARLord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #1 (Cover K Roberto de la Torre Virgin Variant), ARLord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #1 (Cover L Lee Weeks Virgin Variant), ARLord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #1 (Cover M Josh Burns Virgin Variant), ARLord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #1 (Cover Q Benito Gallego John Buscema Homage Variant), ARLord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #1 (Cover R Daniel Maine Amazing Fantasy #15 Jack Kirby Steve Ditko Homage Variant), ARLord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #1 (Cover S Benito Gallego John Buscema Homage Black & White Variant), ARLord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #1 (Cover T Daniel Maine Amazing Fantasy #15 Jack Kirby Steve Ditko Homage Black & White Variant), ARLord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #1 (Cover U Benito Gallego John Buscema Homage Virgin Variant), ARLord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #1 (Cover V Daniel Maine Amazing Fantasy #15 Jack Kirby Steve Ditko Homage Virgin Variant), ARLord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #1 (Cover W Josh Burns Black & White Variant), ARLord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #1 (Cover X Gary Frank Black & White Variant), ARLord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #1 (Cover Y Gary Frank Blood Red Variant), ARVampirella Vs Red Sonja #1 (Cover O Lucio Parrillo Virgin Variant), ARVampiverse TP, $19.99Warlord Of Mars Attacks TP, $19.99 FAIRSQUARE COMICSBeyondtopia Legends #1 (Cover A Stephen Segovia), $12.99Beyondtopia Legends #1 (Cover B Philip Tan), $12.99Beyondtopia Legends #1 (Cover C Karen S. Darboe), $12.99 FAKKUBlack Moon Prophecy Volume 1 GN (adult), $19.95Take Me Home GN (adult), $19.95 FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKSBelow Ambition TP, $24.99Complete Peanuts Trade Paperback Box Set 1983-1986 (Volumes 17-18), $39.99Complete Peanuts Volume 18 1985-1986 TP, $22.99Sun Ra Art On Saturn The Album Cover Art Of Sun Ra’s Saturn Label HC, $75.00 FAYETTEVILLE MAFIA PRESSA World Of Demons The Villains Of Doctor Who SC, $19.99 FENOM COMICSHunter Ninja Bear Volume 1 Provenance GN, $29.99 FPGBernie Wrightson The FPG Years HC, $49.00 FLOATING WORLD COMICSNew York Ninja Super Special #1 (One Shot), $12.00 GHOST SHIPDarling In The Franxx Omnibus Volume 1 GN (2nd Printing), $19.99Might As Well Cheat I Got Transported To Another World Where I Can Live My Wildest Dreams Volume 4 GN, $13.99 GRAPHIC MUNDI – PSU PRESSQueen Of Snails A Graphic Memoir GN, $25.95 GRAPHIC UNIVERSENotes From A Sickbed GN, $14.99Wolf In Underpants Breaks Free GN, $8.99 GRAPHIXHeartstopper Yearbook HC, $21.99 GREEN RONIN PUBLISHINGTales From The Mount Blue Rose Prose Novel Anthology SC, $15.99 IDW PUBLISHINGF.A.R.M. System GN, $19.99Fever In Urbicande GN, $19.99Godzilla Monsters And Protectors All Hail The King #2 (Cover A Dan Schoening), $3.99Godzilla Monsters And Protectors All Hail The King #2 (Cover B Andrea Bell), $3.99Godzilla Monsters And Protectors All Hail The King #2 (Cover C John Yurcaba), ARGodzilla Vs The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TP, $17.99My Little Pony Classics Reimagined Little Fillies #1 (Cover A Jenna Ayoub), $3.99My Little Pony Classics Reimagined Little Fillies #1 (Cover B Agnes Garbowska), $3.99My Little Pony Classics Reimagined Little Fillies #1 (Cover C Rose Bousamra), ARStar Trek #1 (Cover E Blank Variant), $4.99Star Trek The Trill #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Hendry Prasetya), $7.99Star Trek The Trill #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Alexandra Beguez), ARTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #134 (Cover A Fero Pe), $3.99Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #134 (Cover B Kevin Eastman), $3.99Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #134 (Cover C Gavin Smith), ARTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Reborn Volume 5 Mystic Sister TP, $19.99Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Armageddon Game The Alliance #1 (Cover A Roi Mercado), $3.99Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Armageddon Game The Alliance #1 (Cover B Ariel Medel), $3.99Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Armageddon Game The Alliance #1 (Cover C Mateus Santolouco), ARTransformers Best Of Shockwave #1 (One Shot)(Cover A James Biggie), $6.99 IMAGE COMICS3keys #2 (Of 5)(Cover A David Messina), $3.993keys #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Carmine Giandomenico), $3.99Dark Ride #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Andrei Bressan), $3.99Dark Ride #2 (Cover A Andrei Bressan & Adriano Lucas), $3.99Dark Ride #2 (Cover B Werther Dell’Edera), $3.99Dark Ride #2 (Cover C Sweeney Boo), $3.99Dark Ride #2 (Cover D Agnes Garbowska & Tony Fleecs), ARDo A Powerbomb #6 (Of 7)(Cover A Daniel Warren Johnson & Mike Spicer), $3.99Do A Powerbomb #6 (Of 7)(Cover B Maria Wolf), $3.99Gideon Falls Deluxe Edition Volume 2 HC, $39.99Gospel #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Ver), $3.99It’s Lonely At The Centre Of The Earth GN, $12.99Kaya #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Wes Craig), $3.99Kaya #2 (Cover A Wes Craig), $3.99Kaya #2 (Cover B Wes Craig), $3.99Knight And The Lady Of Play #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Jonathan Luna), $3.99Lastman Volume 1 TP, $24.99Least We Can Do #3 (Cover A Iolanda Zanfardino), $3.99Least We Can Do #3 (Cover B Elisa Romboli), $3.99Love Everlasting #4 (Cover A Elsa Charretier), $3.99Love Everlasting #4 (Cover B Sean Phillips & Pip Martin), $3.99Radiant Black #19 (Cover A Marcello Costa), $3.99Radiant Black #19 (Cover B Juanan Ramirez), $3.99Radiant Black #19 (Cover C Jonathan Glapion), ARScorched Volume 1 TP, $9.99Seven Sons #6 (Of 7)(Cover A Jae Lee), $3.99Seven Sons #6 (Of 7)(Cover B Jae Lee Black & White Variant), ARSkullkickers 10th Anniversary Super Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Edwin Huang), $3.99Skybound Presents Afterschool #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Veronica Fish), $4.99Soldier Stories #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Billy Tucci), $5.99Soldier Stories #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Marc Silvestri), $5.99Spawn #335 (Cover A Marcial Toledano), $2.99Spawn #335 (Cover B Carlo Barberi), $2.99Starhenge Book One The Dragon And The Boar #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Liam Sharp), $3.99Starhenge Book One The Dragon And The Boar #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Liam Sharp), $3.99Time Before Time Volume 3 TP, $16.99Twig Volume 1 TP, $16.99Two Graves #1 (Cover A Annie Wu), $3.99Two Graves #1 ( Read the full article
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a weird one, but can i get a stamp with sarge from rvb on it with the words baby girl (preferably in glittery letters)? :)
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195 notes · View notes
correctwhoquotes · 6 years
Chris: What’s the status up here?
John: Fucked up. About to die. Pete is a nerd. The usual.
39 notes · View notes